The Council’s Prediction for THIS YEAR: Mankind’s NEXT Stage of EVOLUTION is HAPPENING with Sara Landon

Sara Landon is a globally celebrated transformational leader, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. She has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of teachers, wayshowers, channels, coaches, and guides who are contributing to raising the consciousness and vibration on the planet at this time. Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara shines a light on … Read more

The Council’s Mind-Blowing CHANNELED 5th DIMENSION MANIFESTATION Method with Sara Landon

Sara Landon is a remarkable spiritual leader, intuitive coach, and transformational speaker who has dedicated her life to awakening souls and inspiring personal growth. With her profound connection to the spiritual realm and her unwavering commitment to helping others, Sara has become a beacon of light for those seeking clarity, healing, and transformation. Born and raised … Read more