NEW EVIDENCE: New HIDDEN Pyramids DISCOVERED By Google! Changes the HUMAN TIMELINE! with Gregg Braden

In the vast interplay of cosmic forces, our existence dances to rhythms both seen and unseen. On today’s episode, we welcome back the intrepid explorer of ancient mysteries and modern science, Gregg Braden. With a unique blend of geological expertise and spiritual insight, Gregg guides us through the profound connections between Earth’s cycles and our spiritual evolution.

Gregg begins by shedding light on the enigmatic land of Antarctica. Beneath its icy veneer, satellites have revealed structures that defy the conventional timeline of human civilization. “Nature does not work in 90-degree angles,” Gregg reminds us, pointing to the complex, architecturally precise structures emerging from the melting ice. This discovery challenges the mainstream narrative that civilization began merely 5,500 years ago in Mesopotamia. Instead, it hints at an advanced civilization predating the last Ice Age, inviting us to reconsider our understanding of history and human potential.

The conversation deepens as Gregg explores the dynamic relationship between the Earth’s inner and outer cores, the mantle, and the crust. He explains that approximately every 13,000 years, a shift in the Earth’s core triggers significant geological and climatic changes. “About every 13,000 years, there’s a shift in the core that creates turbulence in the mantle,” he says, noting that these shifts can lead to increased volcanic activity and rapid climate changes. This cyclical nature of Earth’s dynamics has been a driving force behind the rise and fall of civilizations throughout history.

As we ponder the implications of these natural rhythms, Gregg bridges these ancient cycles with modern spirituality. He suggests that understanding these cycles can offer us a profound sense of resilience. “Spirituality is deeply linked to human resilience,” he states. This resilience is not just physical but spans emotional, psychological, and spiritual domains. Embracing this holistic resilience equips us to thrive amidst the extremes and uncertainties of our time.

Gregg’s insights on resilience are particularly poignant in the context of our current global challenges. He advocates for localized living—emphasizing the importance of community, localized sources of food and energy, and the resilience that comes from self-sufficiency. “Localized living means localized sources of food, localized sources of water, localized finance, localized income, and localized energy,” he asserts. This approach not only fosters resilience but also nurtures a deeper connection to our environment and each other.

The dialogue also touches on the intriguing concept of spiritual evolution in the face of these geological and climatic cycles. Gregg posits that our spirituality is intertwined with our adaptability and resilience. “We are more than the greatest challenge that we will ever face,” he affirms, highlighting that our innate capabilities are designed to help us thrive even in times of great upheaval.


  1. Interconnectedness of Science and Spirituality: Understanding the Earth’s natural cycles deepens our spiritual resilience, showing us that physical and spiritual realms are interconnected.
  2. Holistic Resilience: True resilience encompasses physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. Cultivating all these aspects enables us to thrive in the face of adversity.
  3. Localized Living: Embracing localized living fosters self-sufficiency and strengthens community bonds, offering a sustainable path forward in an ever-changing world.

In this profound conversation, Gregg Braden illuminates the intricate dance between the Earth’s cycles and our spiritual journey. His insights challenge us to rethink our history, embrace our resilience, and forge deeper connections with ourselves, each other, and the Earth.

Please enjoy my conversation with Gregg Braden.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 329

Gregg Braden 0:00
The bottom line is that there's a relationship between the core of our planet. Our core is made of an inner solid core and an outer Molten Core, a relationship between the inner and the outer core, the mantle, which is where the magma comes from. And the crust, which is where we live. This is not a static relationship. It's a very dynamic relationship. And about every 13,000 years, there's a shift in the core that creates a turbulence in the mantle. So the liquid molten material in the mantle is compressed, and it actually seeps into the crust in weak places that we call plate boundaries and where the crust is very thin. And if you're on the earth at that time, what it looks like is an increase in volcanic activity super volcanoes.

Alex Ferrari 1:05
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion Gregg Braden. How you doing Gregg?

Gregg Braden 1:10
Alex, it is so good to see you today. Once again, I'm coming to you from our studio, just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico, some people think it looks like the command deck or the mothership. It does, maybe but I'm just gonna call it our Santa Fe studio to keep me out of trouble here. So I'm excited to be with you. This is completely unscripted. We don't know where we're gonna go. And we always know it's a good conversation. So thank you for your trust and for inviting me back.

Alex Ferrari 1:36
Oh, of course, my friend. Our last two conversations are been very popular, specifically, our last one broke over 4.6 million views. So people seem to like when you and I have conversations, sir. So that's why you were invited back consistently. And I'm looking forward to this conversation. So my first question to you this time, so I wanted to just dabble we've dabbled a little bit about it before Antarctica and what is being found in Antarctica, we talked about that there are finding pyramid shape, something's there really don't know what's going on in your in your guestimation? Or in your view, what do you think could have been there? In that because Antarctica has not always been an ice block, or it was flourished green and things? So what do you think happened to Antarctica? What like, was it a pole shift? Why is it frozen now? And what could have been there?

Gregg Braden 2:33
Well, those are three questions. Three, three big questions. Antarctica is one of the the last remaining continental mysteries in our world today. And it's fascinating, because the truth is, we really don't know as the general public and open peer reviewed literature, they're not talking about it very much. What we do know, Alex is that with the oncoming of climate change, as the ice has begun to melt, the satellites have begun to reveal structures, complex architectural structures poking up through the ice, and these aren't primitive, you know, huts, and you know, hunting villages. These are our massive complex structures, when, as an amateur archaeologist when I was in university, I didn't follow through with an archeological degree, I became a geologist. But the archaeology was certainly part of that. And one of the first things I learned as I was going on the digs in college, was that nature does not work in 90 degree angles. So you'll never you'll never see a river going one way and then do a 90 degree turn and you'll never see wind erode in a 90 degree turn fluvial. And water is fluvial erosion and Aeolian is is wind erosion. That won't happen. And the reason I say that is because when we're looking at the satellite images from Antarctica, what we see are these massive structures of, of square rooms, square buildings, all 90 degree angles, they are not a fluke of nature. And the reason this is a problem is because the Ice Age peaked about 20,000 years ago. And this implies one of two things, either the structures were built in the ice during the Ice Age, which is pretty unlikely you don't see people doing a lot of there are the structures existed before the ice was there. And the question is, we're taught it civilization began about 5000 to 5500 years ago in the Tigris Euphrates Valley, Mesopotamia, Samaria and all of that. So the question is, who is building these complex structures now Antarctica over 20,000 years ago, and we don't know the answer as a scientist, I have to say we don't there's a lot of speculation not my personal ideas. But we don't know the answer. One of the reasons it's so exciting, Alex is because it is presumed that these structures are very intact. They have not been pillaged, like a lot of archaeological sites have been, you know, in Egypt and you know, other places in Africa and South America. And geologically, it appears that this ice occurred relatively quickly. So whoever this advanced technological civilization is, and whatever it is, that they base their civilization upon the presumption is, it is still there, it is still intact. And if we were to recover it, that we could learn a lot, and it could benefit all of us now. That's, that's the official. I mean, that's, you know, where I'm coming from officially, my sense is that these sites have already been excavated, they've already been recovered, and they're simply not sharing it, because it dovetails into what we call disclosure. Disclosure is the ongoing process of revealing our relationship with intelligence that is from beyond this world. And for some people, you know, that boils down to UFOs. In the Western civilization, when we talk to our indigenous ancestors, I have to tell you, Alex, every indigenous tradition I have ever been with everyone down to a tee, allow for a deep, a sacred and an ancient relationship between us here on Earth and a greater cosmic family. And it's an ongoing relationship, and they allow for it in their culture. They don't separate it out as a strange thing. That's when I met with some of these indigenous groups, though. I mean, they'll be talking about the harvest, you know, the grains that they're harvesting, and then next sentence, they'll say, oh, yeah, and my grandmother was sick, we took her down by the water and the space family came and healed her last night and, and then we were able to, and then it's just like part of a conversation. It's not like some weird, strange, hush hush kind of thing. So I think Antarctica is controversial, because in the 1950s, it was militarized. And there was a treaty that we would not militarize it, and there's also a treaty that we would not militarize space, and we would not militarize the lunar surface. And, you know, I'm sure you've had guests on, I've talked about how we, we breached those treaties in the ways that we have. So what we know is after World War Two, that there were German bases, there were American bases, China has a military base there. And technically, it's for research. So they won't say they're militarized. But there's a lot of military activity, you know that that's happening there. So when we look at an article, we have to say, what what happened there, you know, what, what would have caused the ice to occur, if there was no ice in the past, and what's causing the ice to melt. Now, none of this is happening in a vacuum. And that's what makes it so interesting. So I'm going to, I'm going to approach this from a very high level as a geologist, I recently did a presentation on ancient civilizations. And all the speakers were identifying the rise and fall, the civilizations is driven by some mysterious energetic force that is very poorly understood. We know the civilizations appeared, and they disappeared, because we're finding them and we're able to date them. The question is what was driving that? It appears that at least a portion of what's driving this is coming from underneath our feet. Alex, it is a geophysical process on scales that we don't typically think about. The bottom line is that there's a relationship between the core of our planet, our core is made of an inner solid core and an outer Molten Core, a relationship between the inner and the outer core, the mantle, which is where the magnet comes from, and the crest, which is where we live. This is not a static relationship. It's a very dynamic relationship. And about every 13,000 years, there's a shift in the core that creates a turbulence in the mantle. So the liquid molten material in the mantle is compressed, and it actually seeps into the crust, in weak places that we call plate boundaries, and where the crust is very thin. And if you're on the earth at that time, what it looks like is an increase in volcanic activity, super volcanoes, earthquakes, and all of that triggers a change in the climate. And that is what we're looking at and Antarctica. So every 13,000 yours, there's a, we can go into more detail. And then this is a high level, there's a shift in the in the core of the Earth, the inner core oscillates back and forth, and creates ripples in the outer core. That's what makes the magnetic fields of the planet. And those magnetic fields shield us from solar radiation, solar, wind, cosmic radiation, we know that. And when these shifts happen in the core, it weakens that magnetic field. And there are a lot of implications around that. So 13,000 years ago, this is what was happening, creating what we call the Younger Dryas, we were coming out of the ice age. And we began warming to come out of the Ice Age, and all of a sudden, there was a tremendous drop in the temperature very, very quickly. And, and then that temperature rose again very quickly. And it's that drop that created the, the ice that we're seeing, and, you know, Siberia, frozen, I mean, mammoths frozen in the middle of, of a mouthful of food, the food is still in their mouths frozen in the middle of a step, these things happen happen quickly. So there's a shift in the dynamic of the core of the planet, triggering a seepage of the magma in the mantle. They're called mantle plumes that actually move up into the crust. At week places, the volcanic activity and now we know there are super volcanoes that occur about every 12 to 13,000 years, what those volcanoes do is they, they thrust tremendous amounts of sulfur dioxide in a really short period of time into the atmosphere, reflecting the light of the sun, dropping the temperature of the earth. And that's what creates the cooling, the rapid cooling, that's why it doesn't have doesn't take, you know, hundreds and hundreds of years for this to happen, it can happen. Some scientists now are saying it happens, you know, within a matter of days, that this this can happen. So this is what it looks like triggered the Younger Dryas. Now there is another theory that was triggered by a comment. And this is where it gets really interesting. There is a comment that occurred during that time at the beginning of the Younger Dryas, we know it was a comet, not an asteroid. And now the meteor because a comet when it hit the atmosphere, it fragments an asteroid or Meteor, or meteorite, tends to stay more intact, and create, you know, the kind of craters like we see in the Gulf of Mexico or something like that. So from the Arctic Circle, all the way down to South Africa, we find fragments of this comet. And we know it's a comet. For that reason. Also, the ratios of the minerals that have things that come from extraterrestrial origin from outer space are different than the ratios of the minerals on the earth. So the platinum that we find in these deposits, we know is extraterrestrial in origin. It's not earth, earth originated platinum. So we know that that comment happened. And it contributed to what we call the Younger Dryas, however it is, that appears to be a one time event. The cyclic nature of what's happening in the core is just that it's a cyclic nature, you go back another 12 to 13,000 years, you see another supervolcano about 25,000 years ago. And the same thing, you see the same thing with with the temperatures, then you go back another 12 to 13,000 years, you can do this all the way back to 72,000 years BP before present. So there is a dynamic process under our feet. It is a natural rhythm that has triggered the rise and fall of civilizations. And the reason this is so interesting, from a perspective of ancient civilizations, is it appears we have had many advanced civilizations in the past that succumb to the forces of this cyclic process. And if we know where and how to look, because the sea levels rise and our Earth, sediment overlays these things, if we know where to look under the sea level, and if we know where to look, with earth penetrating radar, and this is exactly what's happening, we're beginning to see these interestingly, the civilizations that are happening during these times tend to go underground. And this may explained why Gobekli Teppei was buried all of a sudden, or some of the subterranean communities that we're finding now in in the Middle East and Turkey, places like that.

Alex Ferrari 14:49
But those are by the way, just to stop your second when you say underground dwellings. People are thinking oh, it's just like bunker or something like that. Oh, the the I forgot the name of it. The But the area in Turkey, it holds 20 to 30,000 people

Gregg Braden 15:07
And and, and food and animals and water

Alex Ferrari 15:11
And air and everything with ventilations.

Gregg Braden 15:14
Yeah, multistory, ventilation, all of that. So they why would they go through the put the energy into building those places underground unless they there was a need for that don't think they would do it, just as you know.

Alex Ferrari 15:30
But they wouldn't. And they will also wouldn't do it. If it was just a comment. A comment happens quickly,

Gregg Braden 15:35
Here's, here's, here's the thing, it suggests that they were aware at least some of these civilizations were aware of the 13,000 year cycle, and they weren't waiting around for it to happen to begin to prepare for it. Now, I just want to just say this right off the bat, as a geologist, where are we right now this is the value of looking at the past, where are we in, in those cycles, they occur every 12 to 13,000 years, the last one was 13,000 years ago, we are seeing the precursors of the same things that we're seeing that we've seen in the past, we're seeing the oceans warm, releasing gases into the atmosphere, we're seeing an uptick in magnitude six and greater volcanoes. We're seeing those things. Here's where my optimism is, I think for the first time, we have the knowledge, we have the wisdom, we have the technology to recognize what's happened in the past. And if we have the wisdom to embrace what that information is saying to us that that we can survive and thrive not just survive, but thrive. This gives us an evolutionary edge that our ancestors may not have had, if they didn't have just the right combination of the knowledge and the wisdom, the indigenous wisdom of the cycles, the cosmology, and the technology. And we do have the technology, Alex, I mean, we could do things, simply burying and hardening our power grids with a leave relief, a lot, a lot of the suffering from any of the extremes, the climate extremes that we're seeing, because they are so vulnerable. So when we when we have high winds, and we have ice on the power lines, and in the New England states every winter, when we

Alex Ferrari 17:27
Texas, are you kidding? I live in Texas,

Gregg Braden 17:29
Okay? We're even being froze. Exactly, exactly. We're volcanic activity, things like that. It doesn't stop what's happening. But it helps us to be better prepared, if we have heat and light and cooling and we can you know, cool our food and we have our medical supplies and everything we don't have the same impact is when people are just cut off from civilization and lose everything. I mean, that's just one simple thing. If we recognize the beginnings of a super volcano, and this is what was happening during the Younger Dryas, this was a super volcano. It's called the Flegrei. And fields volcano. It is in Italy. And there are 24 separate craters that are recognized right now inside the caldera. And it's not the first time that it has erupted. And there are other super volcanoes as well, we have the technology to out gas, some of those to relieve that gas, so in the magma, so it doesn't cause the damage. I don't think you can stop a volcano. But you can certainly I think modify how it's going to, to impact the world and impact life, we need common sense, we need to stop building on floodplains, stop building 3030 storey buildings 10 feet from the edge of the ocean, assuming the ocean is static, that the ocean levels are never going to change. We need more than anything. We need localized living community and localized living, not the centralized living that were being pushed into, through the policies that are now being proposed. Localized living means localized sources of food, localized sources of water, localized finance, localized income, and localized energy. So you don't have massive supply supply chains that are so fragile, and so vulnerable to disruption. It doesn't stop what's happening, necessarily, but when we live locally as our ancestors did, it gives us the ability to take care of ourselves and the stronger we are as families and communities, then we are strong to help those that may need that help. And that may not have been as fortunate as we are if if we're centralized. And those supply chains break or the centralized source of our drinking water becomes contaminated or centralized power system, you know is compromised for whatever reason, you know, where does that leave us so So I'm just saying, I'm saying this because I don't want people to be afraid of a natural rhythm and the natural cycle. But I think we owe it to ourselves, to embrace the truth, the deep truth, that we live in a dynamic world of cycles, not a static world, where everything is as it is, and and it will always be as it is right now that it just doesn't make sense to even think about that.

Alex Ferrari 20:29
So Greg, let me ask you, with all this, talk about the cycles, the Younger Dryas ancient civilizations that were very advanced that might have come down and gone, and come come and gone, these cycles are, what does that? In your opinion? What is it? How do you connect spirituality, and our evolution as spiritual beings, through all of this, you know, I always call it, you know, I'm not the first to call this a game, you know, a kind of simulation of video game in the sense. And the play, the field keeps getting changed. And it's getting more and more changed recently, as Mario is trying to save the princess. So what do you think we all where's this all lead to as far as our spiritual evolution,

Gregg Braden 21:14
The definition of spirituality is probably a little bit different than what most people accept is spirituality, the definition of spirituality, it's all about relationships, it's about our relationship to ourselves, our relationship to other people, our relationship to the Earth, our relationship to the past, to the future, our relationship to God. All of these come into play when we are faced, as individuals and as a family, as communities, societies, nations as a planet, when we're faced with tremendous amounts of change, it pushes us to the very edge of who we believe we are Alex, and we have to reach deep inside and discover what it is that's true for us, and what's real for us it, it forces us to identify the values that we cherish, so that we can allow those values to serve us and support us. In resilience. Spirituality is deeply linked to human resilience. And when we talk about resilience, I mean, we're opening up the door to a lot of conversations here. Resilience, when I was a kid back in the 1950s, in rural Missouri, resilience meant if you're having a bad day, suck it up and get over it. That was your resilience. Absolutely, you absolutely identify with that. Now. Now there's a new definition. It's called adaptive resilience that's being passed, pioneered at the Stockholm resilience Institute. And they identified domains of resilience. So there is a physiological domain, obviously, our bodies have to be fit, so that we can bear the brunt of whatever stress is coming to us. And that's always true, but it's true. Now more than ever, Alex, I mean, I think one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves is be the best version of ourselves, get fit, get healthy, stop doing the things that destroy life in our bodies, and destroy our children's bodies, to stop doing those things. And, you know, there, that's a whole podcast unto itself, we can talk about specific principles. That's only one aspect of resilience that's physiological, then there is mental resilience. There's emotional resilience, there is psychological resilience, and there is spiritual resilience. And all of those domains are necessary for us to thrive in the time of extremes. And that spiritual aspect of that tells us that we are more, we are more than the greatest challenge that we will ever face. And that we are made for times just like this, we are literally wired to thrive in times of extremes. And this is what's so unique about the human body, that our young people aren't being taught that we were being taught that we are a flawed species that human humaneness is a flaw in of itself, and that we need something outside of us, to protect us and to help us and that's something is technology. So young people think they they've got to have computer chips in their brain or they've got to have sensors under their skin or chemicals in their blood to to compete. And this is this is the thinking now I think that really limits us when it comes to where we are right now. So when we talk about resilience, and spirituality, there's a direct link between spirituality resilience, all the domains of resilience, and where we are in the world today. it because again, we're not this conversation isn't happening in a vacuum, we're living in a time of extremes doesn't mean only bad things are happening, or even good things for that matter. But it does mean big things. Big things are happening that we've never seen in this generation. And, and we have everything that we need to thrive through those big things successfully. If we look to ourselves and awaken the deep truth of the potential within each of us, if we buy into the lie that we are powerless victims of a world that we have no control over it, then we become vulnerable, we become frightened. And, and we give our power away, we become vulnerable to other people's ideas of and their agendas of what the world should look like, and what our life should look like. So all these things are in the mix right now. And this is why I think it's important, we can learn from the Younger Dryas, and they go back 13,000 years, and the same thing happened before. Another 12,000 years, same thing happened before. We are not divorced from the rhythms of the past, and we are not separate from the cycles of change. We tend to think that oh, yeah, all that was way back then. And we're modern people now. And none of that has anything really to do with us where we're at now. And as a geologist, this is where I maybe have a little bit of an advantage, because geologists or scientist are conditioned to think in in terms of big cycles of time. Whereas, you know, maybe social scientist and, you know, other other sciences look a little bit more limited periods of time. I'm also a systems thinker, I like to look at the big picture, to see what's driving the processes in my life and society, politics, religion, and, and then from that big picture, zero win on the Nano moment of our lives, to see what our options are, what our choices are. So, so all these you can't separate them. They're all part of the big picture. And by understanding what happened in the past, and recognizing the dynamic forces that have driven this change in the past, number one, and there's a lot of pushback on this, not all scientists are on board with what I'm saying to you. Although the evidence, this is peer reviewed science, the evidence is out there. With the evidence, there's tech papers just showed in March of this year, that the oscillations in the core of our planet have slowed and possibly stopped. And that doesn't mean we're gonna have a pole reversal. But that means there's a shift that's going on. Tech journals are showing that the glaciers in Greenland are warming from underneath that the mantle is warming the ocean. It's not coming from the atmosphere down. This is peer reviewed science. And, and so as we embrace that, number one, then number two, we say okay, you know, that stuffs happening? Okay, that just happened that just happened in the younger dries. Where are we today in the cycles? And how can we work together? As a community as a global community? Do we love ourselves enough to embrace the truth and be honest with ourselves about what our history shows, so that we can thrive in this rare and precious and exceptional moment in history? So I think that's kind of brings it all together?

Alex Ferrari 28:34
Absolutely. That's very, very well said, Great. You know, what's interesting is when you sit extremes in this generation, you know, I'm, I'm a little bit younger than you. So I didn't I didn't hang out in the 50s. But I hung out in the 70s and 80s. And the time from when I was a child, to where we are now the amount of extreme change, extreme change from night in to be to be fair, from the 1900s to the 1950s. There was an extreme change, but it's not as massive of an individual change, because like, yes, technology was growing. But the amount of information we have is extreme. What's happening right now weather wise, is extreme. What's happening politically is extreme. What's happening with money, and governments is there's so much shifting going on that to become resilient to that is very, very important.

Gregg Braden 29:37
Well, it is, you know, and it's not just our imagination. I mean, I was talking about I was a geologist, for a company at that time was called Phillips Petroleum back in the 1970s. During I was a problem solver during the first energy crisis when oil oil from the Middle East was cut off. And America was rationing tin. gallons of gasoline per week is what we were allotted. And I'll tell you what the muscle cars that we had, during that time 1969 Pontiac GTO with a 400 cubic inch engine, and beautiful hand, it was a beautiful machine, but 10 gallons of gasoline wasn't gonna last about a week,

Alex Ferrari 30:21
About a mile, you got a mile.

Gregg Braden 30:23
Because I was driving back and forth to school, I had a job and a copper mill in the factory, you know, and it wasn't gonna do it. So I was a problem solver during that time. And we knew, I mean, the scientists knew at that time that we were in climate change, and they raise the flag. But the thing is, nobody was listening. The scientists didn't have a platform like you and I do today. So it was published in the tech journals, it was no secret. And the unfortunate thing is that the true pieces of the information had been incorporated into false assumptions and projections and then hijacked and politicized, to incite our, our nation and other nations into making choices that benefit a handful of people, and really caused a lot of suffering for a lot of other people. And, you know, my whole question is, how can we solve the problems if we're not honest about the problems and we are in it, we are in this chain. So so what I was saying was, during that time, we knew that we were living a convergence of cycles, a rare convergence. Climate is only one of those cycles, we're living a convergence of economic cycles, and the economists that are watching this, they know Kondratieff cycles, they know exactly what those can draw the of cycles are and the rhythms of those cycles. We're also living, the convergence of a cycle of human conflict. And this is fascinating. When I spoke at the UN, they were not aware of his cycle, they said, doesn't conflict just happen spontaneously, and certainly it can. But if you look at human conflict, it follows a precise sinus rhythm. And the peaks and the troughs of those waves are where the great wars of our past started. It's where they have ended, and they coincide with magnetic cycles from our sun, which influence magnetic fields of the Earth, which mag influence magnetic fields of the human heart and the human brain. And here's what that means. Bottom line, the stronger the magnetic fields, the more peaceful we are, the more we're willing to cooperate to solve our problems, the weaker the fields, the more aggressive we are, the less cooperative we are, and we happen to be just coming off of the trough of one of the weakest magnetic cycles. So it doesn't mean we must have conflict, it means we are vulnerable, we're susceptible. But listen, this, Alex, it's also the greatest opportunity for peace. Because when we are in these, these very delicate places on the cycles, if we recognize where we are, if we say yeah, you know, we're at this vulnerable place in the cycle. Let's become really good listeners. Let's listen to other people's ideas. And let's offer the olive branch of benefit of a doubt. When that happens. And this isn't just between nations, this is between people, this is happening under the roof of every household of every family everywhere in the world. It's also happening within ourselves, our own inner conflict, all of this is linked. sociologically, it's all linked to these these fields. So the point is that all of these are converging, conflict, economy, climate, they're all converging right now. And that is why this is a time of extremes. It's a rare and precious moment in the history of our civilization, when there's an openness for new ideas. This is when innovation is so powerful, one person can have an idea and the openness to accept that idea can can change the planet. Now, I just want to say that I am going to talk to our young May I look in the camera and talk to our young people, please. I have I've spoken with so many young people recently who tell me they do not want to bring children into the world because of the way the world is right now. I I sat next to an Air Force to that on a flight and had this conversation and he said he and his wife would never bring children into the world. And he told me why. And I said, you know, I understand that I hear what you're saying. I said but they're Have you ever thought about this? And I said, what I just said to you just now I said we're living this rare moment of extremes. I said, this is a time when one life could have the insights and the innovation to turn everything around and to bring be Unity in peace and prosperity in this world. I said, Why would you deny a soul the opportunity of coming into this world right now? The plane landed, I saw him in baggage briefly. And he was dashing off. I said, Man, where are you going? He said, Are you kidding? He said, after that conversation, I'm gonna go home and make a baby. Want to say, I want to say this to young people, this isn't the end of the world, it's the end of a way of living, we have stretched a way of living to the point of unsustainability. It's like a big rubber band, Something's gotta give. And when it gives, it's the beginning of what comes next. And that's why we need you and we need those babies. We need new ideas and innovation. And now more than anytime there's a receptivity to that, because we have the technology, through the internet. And through all the ways that we communicate, to share the ideas we didn't, the scientists of the 70s didn't have those outlets to share their ideas. They were limited. In America, it was three major television stations it was was ABC, CBS, and NBC and NBC. Yeah, if you didn't see it there, it didn't happen. And now, so fortunately, that's no longer the case. So I know it can look dark to some people because of the algorithms, and what the information they bring to us. But there's so much good news, so many new innovations, so much new technology, and to live a single lifetime. Alex, where we bridge, that world of the past that works so well. It got us to where we have to say at work that we're here, it got us here to bless that and let it go because it no longer fits, and then to embrace the new world that's emerging. And the beauty is that new worlds not here yet. So we're creating it, we're choosing it. And that's why we need we need the young people we need young minds and young hearts, to to influence those, those templates for whatever that new world is going to be. So let's all go make babies. By the way, we don't have too many people on the planet, what the new studies are showing you in statistics are showing that we are at a at a crisis point of infertility, birth rates have fallen off the cliff. And we're now we need 2.1 Babies per woman just to maintain the population level we have now. And we've dropped below that 2.1 We're going to peak out in 2050, and about 10 billion people. And then after that, if something doesn't change, we're in a steep steep decline. So it's not that far away. Not that far away.

Alex Ferrari 37:44
Great. As always, we could talk for at least another six hours. But I appreciate you so much coming on the show again. And this has been a fascinating conversation as always is where can people find out more about you? And the amazing work you're doing in the world, sir?

Gregg Braden 37:59
Or Thank you Alex. Well, my my website, that two Gs means that I am a Gregg another Gregory one G is short for Gregory and my mom's wanted me to be a Gregg so. So And everything you need to know about where I'm going to be. And what I'm gonna be doing is right there, that one stop shop.

Alex Ferrari 38:24
And Gregg, do you have any parting messages for the audience about this, this, all this all this amazing conversation that we've talked about,

Gregg Braden 38:31
You know, Alex, and to our community, our global community, and I consider you community I consider you my family. These are big conversations, they're big ideas, I think it's important to talk about them. And I also think it's important to bear in mind, ultimately, it all comes down to us. We are learning about ourselves in the presence of new technologies and new ways of thinking. And it's inviting all of us to come to terms with a deep truth of who we are and what it means to be human in this world. And perhaps for the very first time to explore the deepest potentials of that humaneness. So I think it's important just to, to bear that in mind, Alex as a context, to keep everything kind of in, in perspective, because some of these topics, it's so easy to go down the rabbit hole and just, you know, get lost and so much of what's happening here, it's it really comes down to us.

Alex Ferrari 39:26
My friend, my brother, I appreciate you and and the work you're doing and the champion that you are to get these these ideas out there in the world. So I appreciate you my friend. Thank you again.

Gregg Braden 39:37
Thank you.

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