In the quiet moments of our existence, we often find ourselves pondering the vast mysteries of the universe. On today’s episode, we welcome the remarkable Robert Edward Grant, a polymath whose insights traverse the realms of pyramids, avatars, aliens, and current global conflicts. As we delve into his profound understanding, we find ourselves drawn into a journey that challenges our perceptions and expands our consciousness.

Robert Edward Grant opens with an intriguing assertion: “Pyramids are a reflection of our conscious awareness. Each of the chambers represents the chakras, with new chambers being discovered as our consciousness evolves.” This profound statement sets the stage for a conversation that bridges ancient wisdom with modern science, exploring how our understanding of the pyramids aligns with the chakras, symbolizing the stages of human consciousness.

In this profound conversation, we traverse the esoteric and the scientific, discovering the interconnections between myth and reality. Robert Edward Grant shares his perspective on mythical creatures like fairies, dragons, and unicorns, suggesting that these beings might be glimpses into other dimensions or levels of consciousness that some people can perceive. “Birds see an expanded spectrum of light that we don’t see,” he explains, drawing a parallel to how advanced stages of consciousness might allow humans to perceive different dimensions.

One of the most compelling aspects of this discussion is the exploration of consciousness and its boundaries. Robert Edward Grant eloquently states, “Our consciousness can only expand to the volume of the container of our belief system.” This idea resonates deeply as we consider how breaking through our limiting beliefs can lead to profound personal and collective transformation. The conversation shifts to how ancient symbols and structures, like the Great Pyramid, serve as totems or reminders of our journey towards higher awareness.


  1. Integration of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: Robert Edward Grant emphasizes the importance of recognizing how ancient wisdom, embedded in structures like the pyramids, aligns with modern scientific discoveries about consciousness and the universe.
  2. The Role of Mythical Beings: The discussion on mythical creatures invites us to consider the possibility that these beings exist in higher dimensions, visible to those who have expanded their consciousness.
  3. Consciousness and Belief Systems: Our growth is tied to our ability to transcend limiting beliefs, allowing our consciousness to expand and perceive deeper truths about our existence.

As we continue this enlightening dialogue, Robert Edward Grant delves into the complexities of our current global challenges, drawing parallels to historical patterns and the cyclical nature of human consciousness. He reflects on how turmoil and conflict often precede significant shifts in collective awareness. “Humanity is changing, and with it, the structures that no longer serve us are beginning to crumble,” he observes, highlighting the transformative potential of our times.

The conversation takes a deeply personal turn as Robert Edward Grant shares a profound experience at the Dendera Temple in Egypt. He recounts a vivid encounter where he felt himself pulled into another timeline, witnessing an ancient ritual and experiencing emotions from a past life. This moment underscores the interconnectedness of all timelines and the importance of integrating these experiences into our present awareness.

In a world that often feels divided and chaotic, the insights shared by Robert Edward Grant remind us of the underlying unity and purpose of our existence. “We are in a spiritual life simulation game of our own creation,” he says, urging us to embrace our roles as creators and participants in this grand play. By recognizing the spiritual dimensions of our experiences, we can navigate the complexities of our lives with greater wisdom and compassion.

Please enjoy my conversation with Robert Edward Grant.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 479

Robert Edward Grant 0:00
Pyramids are a reflection of it's a more advanced totem. It's a reflection of our conscious awareness. Each of the chambers that are in the pyramid represent each of the chakras that are already known as we've up leveled through our consciousness up to the heart chakra. But now we're going up to the throat chakra. So now they're discovering a new chamber which is exactly at the throat chakra. And there'll be another one that's at the pineal gland and pituitary gland crown. And, and then also it will go down and fill in the other chakras that were missing.

Alex Ferrari 0:40
Welcome to the show, Robert Edward Grant. How you doing Rob?

Robert Edward Grant 0:44
Such a pleasure to be here in your studio. What an amazing studio basically put together here. I'm like really blown away. It's state of the art.

Alex Ferrari 0:52
Thank you for that. Appreciate it, man. I'm so psyched to have you here man. We've been talking about this for a while I know I'm so this is going to be a fairly epic conversation. I have a feeling. So that's where I find science so interesting. Because they can, they can see like, oh, well, yeah, the radio waves and like, well, there's probably other things that we can perceive that maybe psychics can perceive or channels are proceeding or other things that we're just not, you're not, you're not leveled up enough to see, which is what I was going to bring up earlier. And this is goes into a little bit more esoteric aspect of things. They're they're they're creatures in myth and and lore that have been said that they've been seen throughout history. We can go into fairies dragons and fairies, dragons, unicorns, sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster if we want to go down those roads. But are those just people who are shifting to another dimension, shifting quantum jumping, or raising their consciousness just to a point where they can get glimpses of these other dimensions or other levels?

Robert Edward Grant 1:58
I think for the honest ones. Yes. I mean, there are some frauds out there.

Alex Ferrari 2:02
No, stop it. Yeah, stop it. No, no, but yeah, of course, but but even throughout history, like I was talking to a druid master the other day, as one does. And it was fascinating because I knew very little about the Druids, and about that kind of that religion. Yeah, their mysticism where it came from. And I'm like, oh, Merlyn. Like, yeah, it was Merlin and all this kind of stuff. And they're like, well, that's why we were, he's like, our culture, and our heritage comes more from the earth. It's an earth based system, where fairies, trolls, gnomes, they all exist. They all exist in those in that world and have for many, many, many, many years. But many people can't see them because they're not at the level to be seen.

Robert Edward Grant 2:54
Yeah, it's, that's that was the point I was trying to make about the birds. Birds see this advanced spectrum expanded spectrum of light that we don't see. Why because their eyes and their perception is resonating at the frequency of of the object that they can see. The color that they can see.

Alex Ferrari 3:13
Yeah, they can see a mouse from a mile up.

Robert Edward Grant 3:15
Exactly. So they the field they have developed at this level, and that's why an alchemy birds are usually the symbology that's used most often to describe where you are in your stages of alchemy. So in the in the western esoterica, right and the hermetic wisdom path, you have a crow, you start noticing, that's when you start to realize your shadow consciousness crossed, or you have to think of this universe as a matrix of your own mind. So everything that comes into your path is a sign or symbol. It's just you haven't recognized the pattern yet. Right? So what we call random isn't really random, right? It's just pattern unrecognized.

Alex Ferrari 4:01
That's very true.

Robert Edward Grant 4:03
This is how mankind has advanced throughout history, we we move at a period of time, we didn't understand that there was a relationship between the diameter of a line and the circumference of the circle, we then realize it's 22 over seven as a first approximation, and that became more accurate versions of 355 113. And then we figured out there's an equation infinite equation that can solve it all together, and it becomes this infinite perfection. Right? Each time we're just moving the boundary condition on human consciousness. It's no different than, you know, in the 20th century, the first part of the 20th century, breaking the four minute mile was considered an impossible task. It wasn't humanly possible, right. But as soon as one person broke it 15 broke the next year now kids break it in high school. Yeah, right. Like, what's going on? Did humanity actually advanced physically that much? Or did we break out of the belief system that was part of an older paradigm? Because consciousness can only expand To the volume of the container of your belief system.

Alex Ferrari 5:04
So I'm gonna I'm gonna go into a movie that I know you would that you adore. And so do i The Matrix.

Robert Edward Grant 5:10
Ohh, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 5:10
Now there was a series. This is for the true matrix founders a series called The Animatrix, which was a movie of of a bunch of short films, focusing on matrix stores, I think they shot it, or they released it between the first and the second, because people are starving for the second one, they hadn't finished to him. In that in there, there are multiple little short films. One of them that just brought me you had me kind of came to mind was of a athlete, doing 100 yard dash, that when he was able to get he was so fast, that he broke free of the matrix. And reality showed him for a glimpse, he saw the reality of what the matrix was, because he had broken through through his athletic ability. He raised his consciousness so fast, that he was able to see the matrix for a split second. Yeah, while there were like agents watching because they know that there was a potential to do it. So very fascinating idea. The deeper you go, the more times I watch the scene

Robert Edward Grant 6:12
Like the scene of the matrix when like they shoot him against the wall. He's got blood coming out of his chest and everything. And then Trinity gets on top of it. And while he's in the other, you know, he's in the Nebuchadnezzar, yeah, the Nebuchadnezzar,

Alex Ferrari 6:22
Ofcourse there's so many easter eggs,

Robert Edward Grant 6:24
So much easter eggs, and last thing, and so Trinity is like, I love you, right. And then all of a sudden, here he comes back to life, he looks down, he stands up, and then they all shoot him again. And he goes, stops, Drew, there's like, whoa, the whole thing does this and all the bullets stop in midair. And then just like ticks.

Alex Ferrari 6:41
Because he sees because he sees the code,

Robert Edward Grant 6:43
It's no different than the scene in in the movie divergent. Where the girl didn't fit in any box. She didn't fit in any of the different, you know, groupings, the five groupings, she went into this other fifth grouping, right. And because of that, she could figure it out. And when they tested her, they put her in this water tank, and she's like, struggling against it. And then she's like, oh, what you resist will persist. And this isn't real. And then she tapped on the glass of the whole thing shatters and she gets out. This is, we don't escape Earth. Earth is not meant to be escaped. It's meant to be transformed by us. It's meant to be transcended. We never left the Garden of Eden, it's been here all along Earth is a veritable Garden of Eden. If we can perceive it as such, we have to change our perception of the world, rather than God. We think we come here to learn more judgment. No, that's the way the whole backdrop is set up with scarcity, everything else, so that we will learn to transcend the judgment and choose instead love. That's the purpose. So all these people throughout history that came up whether it was you know, even people like Louis Pasteur who said, a little science, right takes you farther from God. A lot of science takes you nearer to him.

Alex Ferrari 8:01
That's a great quote, man. Right is such a great quote.

Robert Edward Grant 8:03
All of this. In every one of the people throughout history. Kepler was a deeply spiritual man, the people Isaac Newton 80% of Isaac Newton's works, were an esoteric wisdom 80% Cambridge want to disavow themselves of as they sold it? Because it seemed like weird magic stuff. incantations he spent years upon years studying the Great Pyramid. Do you know that? No, Isaac Newton spent years upon years studying the Great Pyramid. And he was one credited with discovering the Euler number, Euler number, which is the the thing that makes squares where pi make circles. It, it's what banks used today to calculate your interest rates for compound interest. This Euler number is 2.718. But what he figured out was that the royal Egyptian cubit was that Euler number minus one 1.718 feet. So he started figuring out that even our units of measure are fundamental to consciousness itself. It all starts with a number six, so six minus the Euler number equals one meter. Wait a minute, how can this be and if I also take the unifies all the measurement systems. So if I take a string, that's one meter long, and I make an independent limb, and I swing it at a 30 degree, arc back and forth, it will take exactly one second to traverse each of the swings of this pendulum of one meter long string, right? The one second that it takes, that means it's going to swing at 6400 times in a day, and the length that it will basically go if this is one meter, then you've got 6.28 meters, right for the entire that would be two Pi for the entire circumference. And if I take you know 30 degrees of arc of that of 1/12 of that comes out to be 1.718 feet, that is a real Egyptian cubit. So you've got the meter, the cubit and And the foot all embedded and each second of time in one circle with a radius of one meter.

Alex Ferrari 10:06
So what it's, again, my job is to kind of connect all the dots and it keeps coming up constantly. That it is not just one part of our experience to be higher, higher spiritually. math isn't involved. Music is involved. Science is involved, all of it is involved.

Robert Edward Grant 10:27
That's why everyone's going to expand now through polymath, the Yeah, that's why polymath is becoming a thing now. I see it. I mean, I was one of the first people I'd never was calling myself a polymath, but people were saying, Hey, he's a polymath. And and so now

Alex Ferrari 10:40
Tell people with my polymath is who doesn't know

Robert Edward Grant 10:40
Polymath is just many learnings.

Alex Ferrari 10:40
A renaissance man, if you will.

Robert Edward Grant 10:41
Yes, it's a renaissance man. So the probably the most famous polymath of all time would be Leonardo da Vinci. Another famous one from the 20th century would have been Walter Russell and other one would be Bucky Fuller, right. These people were super spiritualists. All of them polymaths are universally if they're true. polymaths very spiritual. So there was this was their Merlin. Oh, absolutely. There was a there was a version of a mirror without a doubt. And there was a King Arthur too.

Alex Ferrari 11:16
Yeah, but then so but the magic that is recorded in the stories were just different levels of consciousness and he was available.

Robert Edward Grant 11:23
The archetypes that we have of all mythology stories. Yes, right. Because Arthur is a symbolism of arctor Arcturus, it's the same thing. It's all related back to the same story of Osiris, Osiris, and Orion is the archetype of humanity learning to overcome its desire for conquering judgment, scarcity and control of others and subjugation, to realize it. I don't want that anymore. I'd rather just kind of like do my own thing and live in a world of you know, where I don't have to be the leader anymore. Maybe the world doesn't need subjugation and overlords anymore. I gave a speech at United Nations last year at the CEO Summit. And I said, How many of you here think that their world still needs overlords to a roomful of warlords.

Alex Ferrari 12:18
What they say?

Robert Edward Grant 12:19
They mobbed me at the end. They're like, You're freaking right. The overlords are even tired of being overlords, everybody. It's exhausting.

Alex Ferrari 12:26
Can you imagine?

Robert Edward Grant 12:26
Like being king farquad, right?

Alex Ferrari 12:29
It's exhausting having to deal with all the drama and all of this and like, Oh, my God, this is happening. Oh, there's an uprising over here. Like, it's gotta be exhausting being an overlord.

Robert Edward Grant 12:37
It's exhausting to be overlord. Exactly. It's like, there's no fun, you know, it's underpaid as well. No matter how you look at it, it's like, it's a terrible job if they don't want to do it anymore, either. And so yes, there's still obviously some last bastions. But again, these things are just reflections of our own consciousness, because for anything to exist, we must have its equal opposite.

Alex Ferrari 12:59
Alright, so that brings me to my next Converse piece of conversation with you. Right now, we are going through a lot of turmoil in the world they're in. I mean, you and I were both raised in the in the Cold War. You know, when we were out of threat of dying at any moment, because the nuclear bomb was going off. I was gonna go off or something. But today,

Robert Edward Grant 13:21
But there was simplicity in that too.

Alex Ferrari 13:22
Oh, so because it was, you're the bad guy. I'm the good guy, or I'm the good. I'm the bad guy. You're the good guy. And that's it. It was really basic.

Robert Edward Grant 13:29
Yeah, it's like you see the movie Red Dawn. It's like, okay, that guy. The Russians are the bad guys.

Alex Ferrari 13:34
Yeah, that's it. It was real simple. Now, so much more complex, so much more convoluted. But we're going through so many things like as of this recording, all the all the protests and the writing and things are going on in the in the colleges, which is fascinating to me, about things about what's going on with Israel and Hamas and Palestine, then the Ukraine, which is not as much in the war in the news anymore, but it's still going on. And that's happening, then the economy in those kind of old systems. Religion, like the Catholic Church taxes, tax, all of the the economic system, that our monetary systems, religion, health care, what's every every aspect, all these giant institutions that you and I have been around 100 years, if not 1000s of years, are starting to crack starting to be people are tired of it. People are running away from religion and going into spirituality listening to shows like this in by the millions, by the millions, just on my show.

Robert Edward Grant 14:40
I don't know a single person. Even from my old world experience, right pharmacy, Yo, that's not going through some form of spiritual

Alex Ferrari 14:50
There's something going on right

Robert Edward Grant 14:51
Awakening right now.

Alex Ferrari 14:52
So so everyone is clear. All this turmoil is needed. It's not fun. But as as humanity, it's needed because in order for the new to arise, the old has to fall or shift. Is that fair?

Robert Edward Grant 15:09
Yeah. So for us to be able to perceive greater like bird perception colors, we also have to be able to perceive the opposite the absorption of those. So that means that light gets lighter, and the dark gets darker. It's just like all the movies right Lord of the Rings. When did Gandalf the Grey, turn it again off the white? Well, as soon as the orc showed up, in the scene where it all of a sudden knows, Sal Ron, and the other guy that I can't remember his name, either wizard, like turned evil, right? He shows up. And that's when he's got to basically move into get off the white, and he gets more power as a result of that. It's just two sides of the Union spectrum. That's all that it is. So the same thing with all those mythical creatures and animals you're talking about. They're all in high, I believe, all in higher dimension. They're all there. It's not that they're not there. Right. And so what we've always perceived is that we've placed such a high degree of trust into materiality. But yeah, versus mental. Its energy, its energy, its others, the first principle of hermeticism the universe is mental. Right? The all is mind. And so when you realize everything is mind, then you can start recognizing, wait a minute, everything's mind. The only perception really matters is my own.

Alex Ferrari 16:31
Well it's consciousness, they are basically saying all is consciousness all is a consciousness and perception.

Robert Edward Grant 16:39
But the way it was but the way you perceive from Con Seaver to receiver to perceiver, the way you perceive is tied to your individual perspective. No one's gonna see the world exactly the same as you know. And therefore it's feeding a gigantic intelligence, with new empathy for every possible circumstance. So if you think about it, from a math perspective, if I were going to make a world, right, I could either go about it from the perspective of I'm going to make the the complexity be tied to the number of players in the game, right? Or I could make the complexity tied right to, you know, the number of different circumstances. And if I went down the path of saying, for every circumstances a different universe, I would call this the many worlds theory, right? I don't believe in that theory, I believe, yes, we are experiencing multi dimensional time, because every time dimension that exists, has you in it somewhere. And you could tap into those dimensions of you, you can even learn the things that you learned in those lifetime, quantum jumping, quantum jumping, you can jump back and forth into those consciousness. That's how I discovered the Alpha Omega, because I jumped backward in time, which was actually now into a moment when I was there, and watching the Alpha Omega be pressed in the granite on the rim of the sarcophagus the day after I found Alpha Omega on the floor in Jerusalem. So I remembered it. And I looked at the exact same spot on the rim, and you can't see it with direct light on it. And because I knew exactly where to look, it just stood out to me, like, clear as day. So then it jumped into my conscious awareness. So I but I had to jump into a different timeline. As me in that timeline, it also happened to me once in Dendera. So I was at Dendera temple and all this was captured on film, and, you know, put it in some, maybe outtakes or something, or maybe future versions of Codex, which is coming out soon again. But I was in Dendera, Temple, and I have been able to remote view, like a dream I told you about for a long time, I've been also able to pick trends. I've always known what's going to happen next. This has been something I used in business before. I mean, I used it and I could know what would succeed and what was not going to succeed. I could always pick things and and do well in that way. Well, I could remote view as well. And you can read all about the Stargate projects and stuff like that, that the CIA basically worked with, you know, Men Who Stare at Goats and all that stuff. They've even made films about it. You can remote view, and you can see distance, timelines and distance situations. But it's like you're looking at it like a voyeur. Right, right. In in Tibet, the way that they historically have tested High Lamas is not to see if they could predict the future. They asked them, Okay, you know, I'm an older Lama, I'm with another older Lama, young Lamas coming up wants to basically, you know, make his way in his spiritual path. And so we would say, hey, we were together 32 years ago, and we were having lunch together, and we were talking about it. You need to jump into our awareness and witness what we talked about and tell us what we talked about. Wow. Is it's much harder to do it in the past. When you were weren't there, then to just conjecture about where it's going in the future. So this is how they actually do it. It's I learned that when I went to Dharamsala, it's like, oh, this is like it's not good enough to tell the future, you have to tell the past and tell it accurately, because that's the only way it can be verified. So I was able to look at the future. And I was able to look at the past, but also more as a bystander or kind of like a voyeur in that space. But for the first time ever, I was like, like the time I saw it on the rim of the sarcophagus, I jumped into my consciousness from that time. And nobody knew that I had jumped into that consciousness or that I was a different person for that millisecond. But I looked down at the rim of the sarcophagus and saw the Alpha Omega. But when I walked into Dendera temple into the Holy of Holies, which is a very special place, it's in more southern part of Egypt, it would be the heart chakra along the Nile, right where the throat chakra is the is where the Giza Plateau is. I walked in and immediately, same thing happened, I'm in a different timeline. Now, lots of people have described, time discrepancies and time, experiences, time related time lines shifting and everything while being in Dendera. Temple. It's famous for this. It's very famous for this. So I walked in and 2021. And immediately as I'm walking in, to the holy of holies area, which looks similar room to the king's chamber, there were two Nubian sentinels on each door that were big guys, and they had these x looking things these large like, you know, blades. And, and I saw a woman in the center of the room, I saw a man in the back of the room behind an altar. There's no altar in the room now, right? I saw like, this, this wooden thing like frame holding up an eye of Horus, right, there was like a red cloth Eye of Horus with gold on it. And I saw two women on the sides of the altar. And the women of the center was doing like some magic incantation thing. And this was, like, probably the craziest experience of my whole life. What was made it even more crazy, because it wasn't so weird that I could jump into it and see this and experience it while it's happening. But what was crazy is that there came a point in time when I walked in the room, that the woman at the center of the room, saw me, she pointed at me. And she pulled me towards her. Now all this got captured on film. Because I had my thermographers there, we were capturing the whole thing. And she pulls me and it's funny, because in the film, you see me go like this, like, is she looking at me? Or is she looking at something behind me? Right? Because I didn't think she should be able to see me. She shouldn't be able to see me. She pulls me forward. And I could not understand what she was saying. And then instantly, somehow I could understand it through telepathy. I could understand everything she was saying perfectly. So for the first few seconds, I couldn't understand it. But then somehow I tuned into it, and I could understand everything she was saying. And she starts yelling at me. It was a crazy, wild experience. She was yelling at me. She was angry at me for having an affair with another woman who was you know, the wife of someone I was very close to. And he found out and he murdered me. And she was upset because now our children we have to grow up without a father. And now she's alone. And I've you know, so she summoned me. And the only thing I could surmise because I felt it, I started weeping and everything was like this crazy experience. The only thing I could feel at the time was that yes, it actually had happened. It was me in a former life, she summoned my spirit back to literally chew me out. And I happened to be in the pyramid that day, not the pyramid in the Dendera temple, the day that we could connect through time space, in this one time space portal, where she could actually see and perceive me. It was the I could smell the incense in the room. It was so vivid was like you're sitting in front of me right now.

Alex Ferrari 24:21
So what caused it?

Robert Edward Grant 24:24
I think it was meant to everything that happens to us happens for a reason. I think along our journeys, we're meant to wake up and we have certain totems along the way. The Great Pyramid is no different than the totem in my opinion of the film Inception where they have a totem you spin the top right and if the top continues to spin then you know you're still asleep. And the game if it falls down then you know that you're like you're waking up out of the game.

Alex Ferrari 24:50
That's why I love the ending shot of that movie.

Robert Edward Grant 24:52
Exactly. Never shows. Yeah, but so the pyramid is that for us. Pyramids reflection of it's a more advanced Totem. It's a reflection of our conscious awareness. Each of the chambers that are in the pyramid represent each of the chakras that are already known as we've up leveled through our consciousness up to the heart chakra. But now we're going up to the throat chakra. So now they're discovering a new chamber which is exactly at the throat chakra. And there'll be another one that's at the you know, pineal gland and pituitary gland crown. And, and then also it will go down and fill in the other chakras that were missing. So the throat is missing. And so what's connected to the throat the sacral and the throat are connected. The sacral was is managed and controlled by Scorpio, which is the opposite of Taurus. And Taurus manages and controls the throat chakra. Right. That's why the three pyramids of Giza plateau are giving us Orion's belt because Orion is in Taurus, and Orion, specifically within the Taurus group of constellations and three constellations within it, control the throat chakra. That's why it's all based on music. It's like vocal cords.

Alex Ferrari 25:58
So let me ask you this. This is a theory that I came up with the other day, and I'm sure I'm not the first to say it. But it just made sense. I was talking to somebody about near death experiences past lives, but a lot of things you're talking about actually works the same way. That the Christmas carol Dickens Christmas,

Robert Edward Grant 26:15
Ghost of Christmas past,

Alex Ferrari 26:17
But it's essentially he's getting a life review. Yes. And he has a guide, walking through it. And he go and in the life reviews, you're able to go feel what's happening inside see both people's perspective, right, and then able to come out. So is that what do you think that's what that that had a profound?

Robert Edward Grant 26:36
You know, I do, I think that's exactly what it's like, it's a great analogy. The impact that this had on me was very profound, because what it did is allowed me to see another perspective on the pain that I in that incarnation had caused this family, this woman, and that was my lack of fully understanding and accepting the feminine that I needed to experience it in this visceral way. So it had a huge impact on how I perceive the feminine, and how I act in my day to day life now. And you know, with the feminine, it's changed a lot because of that. So I think that's the reason why I had to experience it. So instead of asking, why do things happen to me, why do I have this crisis? Or what have to do this or this scarcity? Whatever? Ask yourself, what is it you wanted to learn from this? Why did you choose it? Because we choose it all. We are the actor, the playwright, the director, the producer, it's like your studio here, you can do it all by yourself, right? You're the whole thing. And the actor as well, like you're literally directing your own life play, it is no different than what you've built here in the studio, except that the box we're living in is called Earth, which is based on carbon, and about to go from six electrons, or six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons into 14, which is silicone. So each of these are just waves or octaves of expression. So if you look at the periodic wave of elements, as well, you start with one hydrogen, then you've got eight, inside of the carbon family, you've got eight more inside of the inside of the silicone family. And then you've got 16th. And the 17th, could be considered like an isotope, and 17, and then 32, and 32. So it's just like, we've doubling. Right? So that means that if you've got eight and eight, then the hydrogen family should have actually four and four. And then there should be another octave below the hydrogen family, that would be the four and four, there'll be another name for it. And that would be two and two, and then one and one. And when you take all those, those are Hydra knows they're positive and mainstream physics as well. Then you would have 137 Total elements.

Alex Ferrari 28:52
Do you see signs?

Robert Edward Grant 28:54
It's all about us going through our own periodicity, taking up the higher and higher complexity just like Cymatics, going to higher frequencies, and creating more and more complex geometric forms, and our perception then can perceive those more complex geometric forms. We're just uploading our own consciousness.

Alex Ferrari 29:10
Do you see science eventually getting in our lifetime? getting to a place where spirituality starts to open, be more accepted in the in that field?

Robert Edward Grant 29:22
Without a doubt. Yeah, it's already there's no way that science can advance without it. I mean, what we're doing right now in making AI actually would chat GPT and everything else is just another form of sentience perceiving its own sentience. I don't believe in artificial because just because you know, we're made of God there's only universe is all God. There's no thing in the universe, even the darkness, even the evil, even the badness. He's also got the entire universe, right? The lots of people think oh, no, it's only like no, oh, no, all of it. and being able to find the balance between the dark and the light and appreciate the benefits on both sides of that, so that you're not struggling in that battle, this perennial battle between light forces fighting the dark forces, you know, these people want me to always wear these hats that say light worker and stuff on my pocket. I'm like, No, give me a shadow worker t shirt and I wear a light worker hat. You know, it's like the to have to remain in balance. Yeah, it's, that's what alchemy actually is. So I believe what's going to happen is people are gonna start realizing you're going to have massive leaps in scientific understanding. They're going to happen when people just become more and more enlightened by raising their frequency through the spiritual path. Everybody that was an autodidact that ever brought new knowledge to Earth was always spiritual. It's always through the door of spirituality. It's never not it cannot be so it's just like you can't have evil extraterrestrials. So this whole idea of evil extraterrestrials who can to can travel at superluminal speeds and all this it's just another materialistic mental masturbation. It's not they can't go beyond time until they have chosen love over judgment. That's the failsafe that's the failsafe the guardrail. It's a genius guardrail, right? You can't get to the sixth dimension. If you're still stuck in like, Okay, I'm gonna be, you know, this thing that's gonna kill people for gold.

Alex Ferrari 31:28
Right. So that the whole story is of the Anunnaki. What do you where do you come up with that?

Robert Edward Grant 31:34
I think that's all I think it's all twisted because we don't understand exactly what it was about,

Alex Ferrari 31:38
Or the Bhagavad Gita for that matter.

Robert Edward Grant 31:40
Yeah, we think, Oh, it's so evil that you know, the Anunnaki, which were probably a consortium of Arcturians Pleiadians Sirians Lillian's all these different groups that are just all expansion of consciousness. You I said to you before, a grasshopper lives in a field thinks the universe is that field. It gets reincarnated as a monkey thinks that the jungle is its universe. Right? Gets reincarnated as a guy in rural Texas, right, who never travels anywhere thinks that it's town and rural Texas is its universe and maybe never traveled anywhere. Right? As we call them here in Texas, right? I'm from Texas. It's like that's bubba. Right? You know what I mean? My son's playing this a Baba and all that. And then you got someone who the woman who is super explore been to 150 countries seen it all the next level of her expansion is going to include more flora, more fauna, more diversification, more shades of grey that turned into shades of color that turned into shades of mushroom color that turned into iridescent and all these other colors that birds see. And that's going to include at it, right, enter Terrestrials, and they show up all around us, they've been here all along. They're not foreign to this place. They've been here all along. You know, I saw this movie, I can't remember the name of it. But this guy was able to go in this other dimension, there was a whole other world in that debate, it was like an open field look like the playa at Burning Man, right? There's just total open field. But once he was able to go in the higher dimension, there was this whole other mic marketplace and everything, it was all completely different. That's what we're basically jumping into this higher level experience to realize the subtleties, and it's all about the subtleties, right? Food tastes different when you're in higher dimensions. music sounds different when you're in higher dimensions. Mushrooms do not give you an illusion, mushrooms reveal the illusion you've been living in. That's why I think the whole world would be better off. Because what mushrooms can do for many is to open their hearts. And opening your heart is then helping you move more towards that leveling up. That there's a scale between judgment. And you know, like we can think of like color. And so you know, if one color was red for a judgement, and the other color was was, you know, blue, right? And then when you find this perfect balance of the two, you know, and at the heart chakra, it's green, right? You can basically look at this as a scale. And along that scale, as you get more and more to love frequency. You just keep going up higher and higher and higher. And that's what the avatars have done. And then once you tap into that pure love frequency, then you can tap into your former lifetimes, and future and current, right and they all can work together and then you start finding that you left yourself messages through time from each one.

Alex Ferrari 34:39
Is it possible that in another timeline, I am fighting a war to give me space to do a job in this time.

Robert Edward Grant 34:50
Yes. 100% That's what happens. The ultimate Hero's Journey is when all your lifetimes are coming together to come culminate because there's no linearity of time. All right, they're all working in their version of a hero's journey towards your God realization.

Alex Ferrari 35:09
So there's versions of me that are completely down in the ground 100%, and a very low vibration

Robert Edward Grant 35:17
Through all different time. That's why that movie Cloud Atlas was good. Oh, I love it was hard to understand.

Alex Ferrari 35:22
It's a tough, it's a tough one.

Robert Edward Grant 35:24
It was a tough one to follow. But it's worth watching. Because that's kind of the story that's telling.

Alex Ferrari 35:29
And who made that?

Robert Edward Grant 35:31
I don't know,

Alex Ferrari 35:31
The matrix.

Robert Edward Grant 35:32
Of course.

Alex Ferrari 35:33
The matrix is siblings. Yes, they made that movie. So then, if I have a version of me that's at the lowest level, and then there's variations all the way up to, let's say, where I'm at, then beyond me, there's a light being that I've turned into virtually every, every one of them.

Robert Edward Grant 35:53
And the one at the far end of that is your higher self,

Alex Ferrari 35:57
When you get to that highest level. And it's all working together.

Robert Edward Grant 36:01
And you know what all of it is inside your DNA.

Alex Ferrari 36:05
How is that Sir?

Robert Edward Grant 36:06
Your entire DNA has all the information in its 12 strand form of all your past and all your future lifetimes all the information is inside of it.

Alex Ferrari 36:15
How is it? How do you know that?

Robert Edward Grant 36:18
Because I down with that.

Alex Ferrari 36:19
So but can you actually How does it connect? How is it? How does it do that?

Robert Edward Grant 36:23
So so a lot of people think, Okay, well, we only have a double strand DNA. Well, that's because our conception of what DNA is, is limited, we think of it as and this is a scientific way of looking at as dodecahedron stacked on top of each other. And then you've got protrusions, constellations on the dodecahedron, that if you were to twist them really fast, they create a wake around them. And that creates a double helix. But there's no such thing as a dodecahedron, even existing without its dual solid form. So the dual solid form of a cube is an octahedron, you just take the center to find the dual solid form of any geometric form, that would be you know, like a platonic solid is you just take the center point, and then connect the dots of those center points. So if you've got six sides of a cube, take the center point of each of the sides of the cube, connect the dots, and you have an octahedron does that diamond shaped thing that's in three dimensions looks like kind of like a pyramid, right? We do the same thing with the dodecahedron. The dodecahedron, that is known to be the stacking array that creates DNA, we connect the dots of the center points of each of the 12 sides of dodecahedron, which are Pentagon's each, right, and it makes an icosahedron, the water bearer, it makes a perfect icosahedron inside of it, that icosahedron in combination with the exact size reference being equal to that. So it has a sum of angles of 3600 degrees, the dodecahedron has 6480 degrees. So that's like a, you know, a relationship and music, right that is giving us this, you know, major second relationship. And so what this is doing is like making tones of sound. But that means that the dodecahedron has to now be combined with the icosahedron because one doesn't exist without the other. So now we have to look at all the protrusions of distillations when you include the icosahedron as part of the structure, and that gives you 12 strand DNA one direction. So you spin it rotate at one direction, you're gonna have 12 like weeks, like you're driving a boat through a lake or something, you're gonna have weeks or 12 around that based on distillations, but then it goes both directions. It's a Mobius as well. And that movie is going both directions gives us a 24 strand DNA, which is why our cycle of time is 24,000 years, we actually have a 24 quarter tone note system that we have dimensionally limit ourselves only to split it up so that certain cultures use pentatonic scales, right, which would be the same as dono Don, Don, Don, Don, Don, Don, tada, you know, my girl, right, and that's the pentatonic scale. But you could also add hand pans often off of that, that always sounds good together. Then you go to the 12 notes scale, right, but actually, you can marry both the all the pentatonic representations, with the original Arabic in Egyptian and Indian scales, which are 24 notes scales. So every musical form then gets encompassed in the 24 note 24,000 Because each of our eons is just one note, in quarter tone representation, same thing with our chakras, we end up with 24 strand DNA, we get 24 chakras. All we're doing is we're just moving from the seven that we had originally. Like seven days in one week, and then 24 hours in each day.

Alex Ferrari 39:49
Did you ever see the show sense 8?

Robert Edward Grant 39:55
I don't think I did sense eight. Oh, I did. I did. This is on YouTube.

Alex Ferrari 39:58
It's on Netflix.

Robert Edward Grant 39:59
Netflix. Yep.

Alex Ferrari 40:00
It was on Netflix

Robert Edward Grant 40:01
I did Sense 8, Sense 8, with the eight with the number 8. Yes, I did. So they jumped through time and stuff.

Alex Ferrari 40:06
They jumped through time, same same directors, same writers as matrix and Cloud Atlas. But what was interesting was I was with them as they were able to connect eight people across time to use all of their abilities at the moment they need.

Robert Edward Grant 40:22
And that's exactly what we're all doing and why people like you and I meet together again, right? And why I'm going to take you to Egypt and why? It's because we're basically putting the band back together again,

Alex Ferrari 40:35
Right. For the moment of for this moment. Yes. For this moment in time. We're now humanity needs. And I always say this is like this, this show worked 10 years ago. For a small group, yeah, not by million,

Robert Edward Grant 40:49
Not by millions. But now we're going to the stage where it's going to be by millions,

Alex Ferrari 40:53
And possibly by billions.

Robert Edward Grant 40:54
And possibly by billions. So this is the shift that we're all experiencing in consciousness. And we're also going to experience like a stage change. So the stage change, it's like you worked in movies. And of course, you're gonna do the set change right time to change the setup, right? We're gonna put a whole different background everything. I was in Austin last night. And I'm staying at Adrienne granaries house and, and, and he got me tickets to go to some concert last night, I kind of get out of their hair. Very, very sweet. I'm like, thank you. So I go into town, I park at this place where there's like a shopping mall or something. And there was a movie theater there. And I look, just to see because I don't go to movie theaters anymore. It's been a long time. So but gone to a movie since COVID. I almost haven't gotten any. And I just watch them at home. Well, there was this ad for now showing. And it was a movie called Civil War.

Alex Ferrari 41:44
Yes. I know that movie I'm seeing Yeah, but

Robert Edward Grant 41:47
And it's kind of a trip because it's gotten it's horrible. It's got like the the torch of the Statue of Liberty and all these guys with guns up there with sandbags around, you know, set up sort of like a bird's nest, right to be sniper firing from. And I was like, Whoa, that's trippy. Because I mean, if ever, there was a year that I think that something like that could actually happen. We're in it, we're in it. We're actually in it because of all the stuff you're talking about. So what's really happening right now, what if we look at the arbiters of judgment? What are the big arbiters institutionally we have institutional arbiters that have controlled the last 2000 years? And told us what is lawful, what's unlawful? What's moral with what's moral? What's a moral or immoral, at least right? And then also, what is truthful, and what's deceitful. So we can break these downs into the institutions that literally have learned to control our worlds. Right? So what is lawful, what's unlawful government? Right? What is and they extol tax for that, right. They're the ultimate arbiters of it. We have judges and all this stuff. That's what they do. What is moral and amoral? Well, we have institutionalized organized religion, right? And then the last one is the university systems, education, what's truthful and what's not truthful? So unicorns don't exist. Right? Nobody could see that you have ability to see patterns that aren't there. So they even have a name for this called pareidolia. But what's the opposite of that? Just lower consciousness. And you see, when we've got a backdrop of materiality, it's the perennial hammer seeking the nail. Everything is self serving confirmation bias within that world. So someone shows up and says, Hey, I just met an alien in the forest. It's like, oh, that's bullshit, right? No one really looked into it to see if there was something more to it. You know, it's like, we have this narrative that we told ourselves, there might be an entirely different history, but that history is obscured to us because it was left in higher dimension. And an age that was bygone era. Atlantis, Atlantis, Lemuria. So why are we finding all these things? I found two pyramids. I was in. I was in Brazil two weeks ago. I did a speaking roadshow there. And my team took me to a place called Florianopolis. So I was like, okay, Floripa is what are colloquially called. And, and I didn't know why they brought me there. And I'm like, you're going to, so I'm staying at some, like, resort retreat type of place. And they're like, Oh, this is a really special place. It's spiritual. We thought to be great. There's like this geodesic dome. You know, you're gonna talk about geometry and like spirituality to people there fill the house and I said, okay, but then they said, I said, What else is there to do here? And they said, because I have some employees down in Brazil. And they said, oh, there's like three megalithic sites here. And so, you know, I am watching right now this social platform called Orion, right. I had no idea Did they had no idea? And they told me, I said, there's three megalithic sites. Are they far apart? They're like, yeah, they're like a kilometer apart or so. And I said to them make a triangle. And they said, No. And I said, does it make a straight line? Is it not? Yeah, but not quite a straight line. And I looked at him, and I said, it's Orion's belt. And they were like, how do you know? I said, cuz I just know. It's Orion's belt. And I had one of those moments, another memory moment. So we start to investigate it, we actually go there later that night, I look it up, I find the satellite photography of it. I overlay Orion's belt on top of it's a freakin perfect match. And then the next morning, we go to another site. And we find out that the top of that site, which was thought to be disconnected from the other two sides, has a full on like Stonehenge, of Orion constellation of every single star in the Orion constellation, represented in stone on the ground, in the exact right position. Discovered by this guy, that's it, follow him on Instagram. His name is Adi Ramos. And he's an archaeologist who discovered this and, and so I found underneath it under where the star Reigle should be. It's like a little sarcophagus. And you look up inside there. And just like at the Assyrian and Avi DOS, Egypt, the Flower of Life is basically etched into the whole base of that stone that's propped up on three other stones, a giant stone probably weighs 200 tons. And I'm looking at the flower of life that looks just like an IV dose. And I can show it to you after this. And I'm also looking at right in the center Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega, this is the concept and the consciousness that is Alpha Chi Omega just represents when the masculine and the feminine balance and then you start finding it everywhere. We found it on every sarcophagus in Egypt. We found it all over the Assyrian we found it all over every pyramid has it? It's because it was left in higher consciousness. And so now people can see it. We couldn't see it before. Because the humanity is changing. The pyramids don't have to change. It's us that changes.

Alex Ferrari 47:18
That's what that's the constant. The constant is those those those monoliths they've been around, and were built in a way that they could survive 1000s 1000s of years.

Robert Edward Grant 47:31
Absolutely, and meant to be found. So then you start learning stories about things. There's a photograph that someone sent me that kind of freaked me out. And it was sent to me two years ago. And it was by a photographer named Nagel. And Nagel was pretty well known in the late 19th century. And he has this photograph of a man that he calls the man with the moon hair, right? So it's got moon shaped hair. I say the picture, right, this is moon shaped here. And people are like, bro, and it's like, like gray hair. And they're looking at his face. And like, it's you. It's your face. Yeah, it was like, Are you traveling through time? And I looked at it. I'm like, what? I mean, seriously, it's my frickin face. And this is a famous photograph from 1895. So I don't even know yet, because I haven't yet traveled to that timeline, much less in my same exact face. I mean, come on. So yeah, I have a strange hairdo. But it's almost as if all have time becomes malleable at a certain stage.

Alex Ferrari 48:39
Yes. Yeah, that's what the avatars say.

Robert Edward Grant 48:43
And we can step into the consciousness of all of that. And along the way, we can actually learn and interpolate all the science. So all of the higher level science that moves beyond materiality, in the realization that the universe is mental, right? And that all of it has been chosen by our higher selves, that we are in a spiritual life simulation game of our own creation. We have been chosen to experience this as a dimensionally limited avatar. Because it would never make sense to have a lifetime where I'm going to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Let's say you and I play poker. That'd be no fun. I know exactly the hand you're gonna be dealt. I know exactly how you're gonna respond to that hand being dealt. There's no fun in that game.

Alex Ferrari 49:27
So that's what that's the thing that so many people think that like avatars like Jesus or Buddha, they came fully formed. They did not complete don't no one comes fully from no one. That's not the part of that's not the way the game is played. Everyone has to start from level one. Now you might have other things that you bring in with you that you can access in your bag, to maybe go faster or go farther than others. But we all start at the same place. So as avatars continue to grow in their spirituality, they're able to tap into things that we can't yet. And they're here to show us that this is example. That's right. Oh, Jesus said a lot, all of them say I could what I can do you can do and more.

Robert Edward Grant 50:13
That's right. And so, the beauty of this age also is we don't need to have one leader. That's the thing. We don't need to have one leader, the the responsibility of being the boss, right? It just gets spread across the entire population that raises their consciousness. There doesn't have to be one leader. We have this concept now where we often hear in Buddhism about Maitreya. Right? Maitreya if you were to look it up, you'll find out a lot about it shows up in lots of different places. There's a place in Egypt, that's actually called Maitreya. There's gardens there, and I was just in Brazil, and there's a place there called Maitreya, has gardens, as well. And in this place called alto, Parizeau, which is where I was during the eclipse. And I had the most epic experience during that, you know, because I, I got invited to come here, right, you were one of the ones that invited me to come here for this. And so did Adrian and I felt called to be in Brazil. I don't know exactly why, but I know I had an amazing experience. I ended up in inside of a pyramid in Brasilia at the time. And you know, the time of the eclipse here in Austin was 1:37pm. And you know, also that the shape of all three eclipses that came through created a giant letter A Aquarius, for Aquarius, but also all if God, right, it's it was the Taurus, it's basically a Taurus constellation. And where the the eclipse in 2017 crossed over. So that was in August 24 of 2017. And then there was one in October, I think I remember the 14th or something like that, and 2020 23. And then this one, right, which was April 9, all three of those eclipses, they made a right triangle, right over the United States. The right triangle happened to be the exact proportions of the perfect triangle, the 512 13 that I talked to about last time, we had a meaning. And the five to 13 is the only triangle that it's the Philosopher's Stone triangle. It's the triangle that has the same area as its perimeter. And it's perfect, totally perfect, made it right over the entire United States. And it looks also like an anarchy symbol. So we can start to see that consciousness is telling us things about what's to come.

Alex Ferrari 52:45
So what's coming?

Robert Edward Grant 52:46
I think that's part of the things that's going to be coming, a little bit of anarchy. I think there's this is going to put us in a very strange spot. You know, I think we all feel something's coming. And I think the Eclipse also, you know, I think a lot of the religious groups who say, Oh, we're gonna have darkness for three days, I didn't feel that at all I knew, I knew but but there are some weird things that happen like the, you know, the the five heifers, the red heifers that were all sent to Jerusalem that had the sacrifice altar made you know, so they could bring back in the the new temple and and basically represent the coming of a messiah. There's gonna be a lot of discussion coming up about messiahs Maitreya, as a concept is supposed to be an abundant Messiah. So if you look at the symbology of Maitreya, he's actually like wearing nice stuff and everything is not like you know, like Jesus who was like a carpenter carpenter betray is about ushering in an age of and it's not it's again, it's a collective consciousness. It's not one person betray ushers in an age of abundance. That's what Aquarius is supposed to represent. But all the things that were part of the old set, which were meant to tell us to create these mental constructs of our belief systems, remember, our consciousness can only grow to expand to fill the space of our belief cage. It's the cage of our own beliefs that limits us in this matrix. So what we have to do is just like Star Wars, says, unlearn what we have learned. And as we unlearn what we have learned, then we can become the Jedi Knight. And that's coming next, which is why I dressed like a Jedi Knight. But we become like the Jedi Knight and actually that is also an order called the Shaddai. This didn't just come up out of you know, George Lucas has gone

Alex Ferrari 54:41
From samurai to myth and lore. I mean, him Joseph Campbell to work very closely together.

Robert Edward Grant 54:47
No, the warrior monks are definitely coming back. Right. And, but what we have to realize is that we all have an inner bias toward being the hero in the concert. The game, we have a backdrop of duality. We think that suffering is duality and difficulty and challenge and all the things that are negative go along with that. And we have an inner bias towards being a hero. And we don't even realize that the choices that we make are really just the things that benefit us. So we have to learn how to see outside of ourselves and realize that okay, maybe the whole reason why we've got some conflicts happening in the world are just entirely self interested. Oh, no question. No, I'm not afraid of people who have darkness. I'm only afraid of people who believe they have no darkness. And the ones who believe they have no darkness are the ones that do the crazy. World is the scariest? Yeah, but they're all just reflections of us. So we have to ask ourselves internally, it's the introspection that counts the most right? Am I doing this is my motivation here, because I'm going to somehow get something like a, you know, a new Suez Canal that's going to flow right out of Gaza. But a coincidence that that was negotiated with the Saudi Arabians right before. Let's be real. So it's time for us to just start being honest with ourselves about these kinds of projects called the David Ben Gurion project. I mean, I love Israel. I've always loved Israel. I've been God, the Shem. I believe in the Holocaust, for sure, of course, but I also know, some fuckery when I see it. So this is one thing, you know, but there are lots of other things that we can see in the world that it's time to just be honest about, and say, okay, yeah, this was my own self interest, and be able to dissociate ourselves from it so that we can at least observe it, and be truthful about it.

Alex Ferrari 56:51
You know, I'll tell you, Alan Watts, who I absolutely adore, said something so beautiful. I heard the other day, he's like, in 100 years, there will be strangers in your house. And 100 years, they won't even remember your name. And all the things that you struggled for, and fought for, to obtain in your lifetime will be gone, given to others, stolen. And once you understand that, it changes your perspective on life.

Robert Edward Grant 57:24
Well, this is why the Buddhists make these the Tibetan Buddhists make these mandalas, right, no. And then they do it in Laguna Beach every few years. And they did it this year. And then there's this big ceremony when they just destroy the whole thing. Right, right, because it represents the impermanence of life.

Alex Ferrari 57:40
Everything's on its way to something. Yeah, forget the attachment.

Robert Edward Grant 57:43
Right. So what we're going to go through now is because our con, the reason why the world is changing, is because we are changing. If you want to change the world, change how you perceive the world, be the change you want to see in the world, then all the things you don't like will literally disappear, especially when you stop judging the negative aspects about them that you didn't like, you will continue to experience the same lessons over and over and over again in this matrix, until you no longer judge negatively the opposite of the thing you wanted. We attract everything we judge until we no longer judge everything we attract. Once we finally learned a concept, I have to become one with the concept of betrayal. I have to become okay with I have to be honest about it. And I have to say, yeah, that hurt. And I have to feel that emotion. We have to feel every emotion we have to say every thought. Until we do it's like rungs of the ladder that will have to go back at some point and retouch and re speak. That's part of the throat chakra awakening. We have to be honest about it. And then when we are then the world starts to transform.

Alex Ferrari 58:55
One last thing before we finish up, Robert, there was a movie I just finished watching again recently, and I was getting called to watch it again. I was like I have to watch it again. I have to watch it again. Hence scenesse instead come out. There was always one of my favorite films Phenomenon.

Robert Edward Grant 59:09
I think I've seen the one.

Alex Ferrari 59:10
With John Travolta. Good. Oh, watch it. So it's called phenomenon with John Travolta, Kira Cedric, Forrest Whitaker, Robert Duvall fantastic cast. And it's a story a simple story of a 37 year old man on his birthday walks outside and sees a light in the in the sky. And he gets hit with this wave of light. Simple. When he wakes up, he starts to see things differently. He starts to learn, starts to read 2 3 4 up to 30 books a day. He starts to come up with ideas and something simple is like fertilizer for his garden. Or now he's making cucumbers that are this frickin big because of things and it just continues to grow and grow and grow. And then you see people around him change because they just are afraid of them, too. point where he starts to move things with his hands. Tell it telepathy and telekinesis without thinking and he starts explaining it you would love this starts explaining this as like, well this is energy and I'm energy. And it's just a corporate cooperation of us working together. And one thing that he said in an anger and an angry scene that someone was pushing him. He's like, I don't believe I'm special. I believe that I am, what you could be. Well, we all could be this. And I was like, Holy crap, this in this little Hollywood movie. from 90 It came out the same year as Goodwill Hunting and Titanic 97. So that little movie, which was a hit of his day, was saying such profound ideas. And then, you know, he kept growing and growing and growing to the military got involved because he broke a cipher that he was just playing around and all these kinds of things. But the the, the idea of him as essentially an avatar, an unwilling avatar, which was thrown was thrown upon him, he started to see things he started to feel the trees, he could feel the energies of the trees and just Wave in the air. Such a beautiful film.

Robert Edward Grant 1:01:15
I'm definitely going to watch it. I think what you just described as, as what many people are now experiencing? Yes, I mean, maybe to differing degrees, of course, but the world around us. Now all these archetypes, all the strictures, all these ways of looking the world tell us how we have to perceive the world. Because we haven't been valuing the individuation and a lot of people think that enlightenment means you lose your individuation? No, it means you become individuated means you learn to embrace your shadow, and also embrace your individual ego, that the two can be friends. And that's exactly what this there's a television show on right now. That's on Netflix called Orion in the dark. It's about exactly this story. This little boy going through hero's journey, who's terrified of the dark that has to learn how to befriend the dark, the darkness in his world is him. It's just a reflection of who he is that he believes he's pushed out of himself. And all the things that we judge about ourselves negatively, negatively will just show up in the world around us. Because they're triggers for us to wake up. And then we come up with a totem like the Great Pyramid or all the many other todos only ley lines in the world, to just be reminders to wake us up to start singing and listening to the music. of you know, just like in the movie Inception where they played that Edith Piaf song to wake them up. Right, that one, that's what we're doing right now. We're all waking up to this new reality. And so therefore, the strictures that are self appointed arbiters of what is truthful, what's untruthful? What is lawful and what's unlawful, what's moral and what's immoral, are all disintegrating. Because now humanity wants to value its own perception. Beautifully said, and I think it's the most exciting time to be alive. And we came here for a reason. The only thing we have to do is ask ourselves the question, what do we come here to learn? You know, everybody dies, everyone. It doesn't matter how you're gonna die. You know, hey, Mossad may hit me now because I just said what I said, right? And I know there's lots of people are gonna see this. And I have lots of friends in Israel. I was good friends with Shimon Perez. He came right before he died. He was in LA, and I got to spend two hours out of his, you know, last days of life in small hotel room talking with him about his life and what he wanted to pass on. He said something that was the most inspirational thing I think I've ever heard. And I said, you know, as you look back on your life, what are you most proud of? And he looked at, he said, The thing I'm most proud of? I don't I don't look back. And I don't look back, because I don't have any regrets. Here. Let me teach you something. He said statues will never be erected for pessimist.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:10
It's so beautiful. It's so true.

Robert Edward Grant 1:04:13
We have a lifetime and we have a windshield and we have a rearview mirror. Look at your life in that way. Looking forward, it's this big expansive view wide open. And yeah, sometimes you have to look to see where it's at. You're six, but it's what's behind you. But it's a small mirror. That's the proportion you should be thinking about. And be an optimist. And I'm a total optimist, and I'm a lover of, you know what? The ingenuity and the brilliance of you know, what has been this incredible story for Israel, especially coming out of the Holocaust. It's been an incredible story and I've had companies there and everything, but you got to be able to see when you've got going on and you know We will continue to experience everything until we just realize, acknowledge it, and then learn to accept it. It doesn't mean you condone it, but learn to accept it without being triggered. That way you can actually speak about it. This is what throat chakra full activation actually is. It's being able to speak your truth and do it in a way that doesn't have to be this, you know, barn burning experience. I think that's where the world is right now. And I think that's where we're going to be over this next few years. And it's going to be a strange upheaval in so many ways. But with the darkness, just like the orcs showing up and Lord of the Rings, we're gonna get greater light. And we're gonna have more and more experiences of people that you just described in the film phenomenon.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:48
People awakening and seeing things differently.

Robert Edward Grant 1:05:51
And way more advanced science, way more advanced understandings, and things that are in concert with, and synergistic with the natural order of things.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:01
Robert, I could talk to you for another four hours.

Robert Edward Grant 1:06:04
Likewise, my friend.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:05
It has been such a pleasure and honor talking to you, my friend. We have to do it again.

Robert Edward Grant 1:06:10

Alex Ferrari 1:06:11
Have an open invitation. Anytime you want to come down to the studios.

Robert Edward Grant 1:06:14
Next time I'm here. I'll let you know.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:16
But I appreciate you my friend. Thank you again for everything you're doing to awaken the planet as well.

Robert Edward Grant 1:06:19
Thank you. Love you, man.

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