Robert Edward Grant: NEW EVIDENCE! Mysterious Inscriptions & Encodings INSIDE the Pyramids!

On today’s episode, we welcome Robert Edward Grant, a polymath whose expansive work bridges the worlds of science, mathematics, and spirituality. Robert’s unique perspective and deep knowledge bring a fresh understanding of ancient civilizations and their profound influence on modern thought.

Robert begins by exploring the concept of polymaths, explaining that it refers to someone with broad knowledge across multiple fields. This idea is not confined to just mathematics but encompasses all forms of learning. Reflecting on his journey, Robert shares how his early curiosity and diverse interests in music, art, and travel shaped his path. “I realized that my perceived weaknesses were actually my greatest strengths,” he muses, highlighting the transformative power of embracing one’s unique perspective.

Our conversation shifts to the study of ancient civilizations and their impact on Robert’s spiritual beliefs. He explains that examining history provides insights into the future, noting that history doesn’t repeat but rhymes. This understanding allows him to see the wisdom left behind by ancient cultures and how it can guide us today. “We see the universe not as it is, but as we are,” Robert asserts, emphasizing the importance of empathy and perspective in our spiritual evolution.

Robert delves into the mystical aspects of the pyramids, suggesting that their purpose extends beyond being mere tombs. He believes they were designed for spiritual ascension, a theory supported by the mathematical and geometric precision embedded in their construction. “The pyramids are a gigantic musical clock, illustrating the nature of time and our spiritual journey,” he explains. This perspective transforms our understanding of these ancient structures, seeing them as tools for expanding consciousness rather than mere architectural feats.

Discussing the interconnectedness of ancient sites worldwide, Robert reveals astonishing similarities in their dimensions and alignments. The pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, and China all exhibit relationships to the Orion constellation, suggesting a shared knowledge and purpose. This discovery challenges conventional historical narratives and points to a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and geometry that transcends cultures and epochs.

One of the most intriguing parts of our conversation is Robert’s description of his experiences inside the Great Pyramid. He recounts the resonant frequencies that fill the chamber, creating a vibrational experience that feels almost otherworldly. “It’s the most amazing experience you’ll ever have,” he says, comparing it to a profound spiritual awakening. This firsthand account underscores the pyramids’ potential as spiritual tools designed to elevate human consciousness.


  1. Embrace Your Unique Perspective: Recognize that your perceived weaknesses can be your greatest strengths. Embracing your unique perspective can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth.
  2. Historical Wisdom for Future Guidance: Understanding the patterns and wisdom of ancient civilizations can provide valuable insights into our future. History, while not repeating, offers rhymes that guide us.
  3. Interconnectedness of Knowledge: The similarities in ancient structures worldwide suggest a shared, sophisticated understanding of mathematics and spirituality. This interconnectedness highlights the universal quest for knowledge and spiritual ascension.

In conclusion, Robert Edward Grant’s insights invite us to view the world through a lens of connection, empathy, and spiritual curiosity. His exploration of ancient wisdom and its relevance to our modern journey offers a roadmap for those seeking deeper understanding and enlightenment.

Please enjoy my conversation with Robert Edward Grant.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 256

Robert Edward Grant 0:00
We are going through this cycle of remembrance. And what we're finding in the pyramid complex is the same thing that Harry Sheldon, and the people in this television show foundation we're trying to leave behind so that future civilizations could come out of the ashes more quickly.

Alex Ferrari 0:17
I'd like to welcome to the show, Robert Edward Grant.

Robert Edward Grant 0:31
Hi great to be here with you.

Alex Ferrari 0:33
Thank you so much for coming on the show my friend. I'm excited to talk to you. I've been watching your shows on Gaia forever. And, you know, you know, my audience knows, like, geek out about this kind of stuff. So I think we're gonna have a really interesting scientific spirituality, ancient civilizations kind of conversation. So my first question to you, my friend is I've heard this term polymath thrown around a lot. Can you explain to the audience what a polymath is?

Robert Edward Grant 0:58
Polymath actually the word polymath just means many learnings. Most people think that the math part refers to mathematics. And to a certain extent it does. But actually all the way up until the time of Aristotle, the word mathematics simply meant all learning. It didn't mean the study of quantity, or the science of quantity. It was more narrowly described by Aristotle, as the science of quantity, let in Plato's day, which is prior to Aristotle, right? Even though they knew each other, he was kind of the older mentor of Aristotle. And from Socrates and Pythagoras, all the way back through antiquity, mathematics was just the actual process of learning because math is the language of all learning.

Alex Ferrari 1:43
So what inspired you to begin your work and so many different fields?

Robert Edward Grant 1:48
You know, I was always just curious, I didn't want to be pigeonholed into one category. You know, when I was in high school, I was a musician. I also loved art, I had very broad interests, I love to travel, I've been lucky in my life, I've been over 140 countries, I've lived in nine different countries that I learned eight different languages in my lifetime. And the reason I learned those languages, because I wanted to learn the cultures of the places I lived in. And I thought the best way to learn the culture is to actually learn their language. And so what I started to do was just look at the world very differently all the time, I looked at it always through a lens. And I thought that lens was similar to how other people looked at the world. But actually, I learned throughout my life, that the way I saw the world was very different than how everyone else saw it. And early on, I started thinking, well, maybe that's a bad thing, maybe the way I see things differently is not necessarily a good thing. Because maybe I see things that other people think that they cannot see themselves. And then it sort of impugns in a way, my own integrity as to whether or not I was experiencing what other people were experiencing. And what I realized throughout time was actually that that weakness that I perceived early on was actually my greatest strength. And I think those things that often we believe our great weaknesses, have the opportunity to become our greatest strengths when we realize why they're there and what the purpose is, for us to have those strengths and characteristics. It's our uniqueness that makes us very, very divine. And I think that's the thing that the universe wants the most is our uniqueness, and us to find that authenticity. So for me, finding that uniqueness, and experiencing it was through music and equal parts of mathematics and geometry and an ancient history and Wisdom Teachings as well as esoterica and mysticism. I also found it through the study of the sciences, the natural sciences, which includes physics and chemistry and biology, etc. So, all of these things, you start to realize that there's a common thread that interlaces and weaves throughout all of it, like, you know, it's this this common golden thread that is woven into this tapestry of experience. And that common golden thread is this notion of mathematics as the underlying language of all of it. And even emotional states can be described mathematically. So when you start realizing that, then you start thinking, Wait a minute, there is actually probably a larger purpose that I have not yet at this point in my life perceived. But I feel like I'm on the precipice of starting to understand and comprehend

Alex Ferrari 4:22
So you I mean, we're going to talk a little bit about ancient civilizations one of the many things that you could have a conversation about an ancient cultures, how have they How was your study of those ancient civilizations, lost history, cultures, influenced your own spiritual beliefs moving moving through it?

Robert Edward Grant 4:38
You know, it's had a massive impact, because I think the best indicator of the future is probably to look to history. History doesn't tend to repeat itself necessarily, but it certainly rhymes. And that's a way that I kind of think about this, you know, history doesn't repeat, but it has this rhyming characteristic. So maybe You were just in a big rap song? I don't know. But the thing is, is that I think that there is great wisdom. And I think part of it was because as a child, I remember when I was 15 years old as a young man, I thought my parents were not very intelligent. And by the time I turned 22 years old, like Mark Twain said, I was astounded at how much my parents had learned in the last seven years. That's amazing. And so when you think about it in those terms, you know, as a kid, I used to think everything was black and white. And how could this be such a difficult thing? Why not just like, kill all the people or have capital punishment on all the people that do bad things write or murder or whatever. And then you start realizing as time goes on that what you thought was black, and white becomes more about a study of the grays, and the gradations of the grays that they actually are. And that that is actually the formation of wisdom, starting to realize that not everything is black and white. Because what it requires is for us to understand empathy, and being able to see things from different perspectives, because we don't see the universe as it actually is, we see it as we are. So that means that everybody has their own unique viewpoint on how they see and perceive the world. And for us, we get so stuck into this notion of there has to be an objective truth, there has to be an objective truth, well, maybe the only real objective truth would be the sum of all possible subjective perspectives of that truth. This is why we have, you know, a crime. And at the scene of the crime, there might be 30 eyewitnesses. And then you have in the court 30 different reports of what happened, that are very differing between themselves, they're all very, very different. How can it be this way? Well, it's because the truth is more like a prism, with many, many facets. And what the universe is doing is it's experiencing, it's experiencing itself through our eyes, and adding more and more facets, to expand its own wisdom and knowledge as well. So each one of us is literally providing an opportunity for the universe to observe itself through our eyes. And that's an expansion of perspective. And that's why I love geometry so much, it's because geometry helped expand my perspectives.

Alex Ferrari 7:20
It is that spiritual teaching of just opening your awareness, essentially, and the wider it gets, the more you see things clearly.

Robert Edward Grant 7:27
That's exactly right. Being able to expand your awareness is what allows us to have empathy. You know, when you're kind of the far end of narcissistic thought, and narcissism within society is probably at its peak, right. But that's also the doorway to a new emergence of spirituality and spiritual growth. Because once we get to that stage of narcissism, we think that everything in the world should be as we see it, we think that the things that we are passionate about, and the things that we don't like in the world, and that we're trying to stamp out, are actually things that everyone should want to stamp out and be rid of. And that's why we have canceled culture. Because the things that don't jive with that narrative, then we don't know what to do with. And that is the epitome of narcissism, and narcissistic behavior, to just stamp it out and say that it doesn't exist, because it's only the narcissist that cannot see that he has all of those things, or she has all of those things. The person who judges someone else negatively, is actually suffering from the thing, they judge in another person, and they just can't see it. Because they don't have 360 degree vision on themselves. They're only seeing the one truth that they want to project to the world, not what they actually are doing within that world. And so as we expand our perspectives, we start realizing, Wait a minute, maybe the way I've been seeing the world is only one perspective.

Alex Ferrari 8:53
And that's why I do the show to open up people's perspectives on things that they might have never been exposed to like these kinds of conversations

Robert Edward Grant 8:59
Well, and it starts to become an epiphany for people because they start realizing what a coincidence, the things that I don't like about myself, or the things that I judge everybody else. Very so we attract everything we judge until we no longer judge everything we attract. And then you start realizing that this world is not a world of materialism. It's a world of mentalism. And this world of mentalism is directly tied to our experience and perception within of it. You know, we were just talking about What the Bleep Do We Know? Right? And I was with with Joe Dispenza, last week when he came to Southern California. And so I got to meet him and talk to him briefly in the in the VIP room just before he went out on the stage. And it's so fascinating, because I remember when I first saw What the Bleep Do We Know I think it was probably 2009 When I saw it and it had a profound impact on me because I started realizing that the way I was observing the world around me was actually impacting what I was observing. Interesting. So there's a part of what the Bleep Do We Know, which you might remember, which has the double slit phenomenon embedded within it by the double slit phenomenon is a is an experiment that shows that that particles, what we think of as particles, and materiality can actually operate as waves of potentiality. And they can jump back and forth between waves, or particles. Now we have this in number theory as well, you could take a number like seven, and in its particle form, it would just be seven. It's a discrete value. But if you take one over seven, it's point 142857. And those six digits repeat infinitely like a wave 142857 142857. It's a sine cosine distribution, right? So even numbers themselves have this property of being both infinite and discrete. It's simply a function of a mirror of one over x. So with this, it means that when we observe something, if we can abstain from judging it immediately, it can still remain in this realm of potentiality. It could be a lot of things. I'll give you an example. Let's bring this down to something practical. Okay. What's the worst thing that ever happened to you, Alex?

Alex Ferrari 11:30
I almost made a $20 million movie with a mobster.

Robert Edward Grant 11:33
Okay, so you almost made a $20 million movie with a mobster. Well, I guess you could have said hey, but it's gonna be about the mafia. Right? Who knows? Right? I mean, you got it. You got a PhD and potentially making a movie. But the way you said that? Oh, yeah, I almost made a $20 million movie with a mobster. Now now, why did you say almost?

Alex Ferrari 11:59
Because I didn't finish it. It never happened.

Robert Edward Grant 12:02
Okay, so now it's just a journey. Ah, so now as you look back on that, yeah. Do you consider that really a bad thing, or potentially, one of the best things that ever happened to you?

Alex Ferrari 12:15
Oh, it absolutely is the best thing that ever happened to me. But also at the same time. The worst thing, one of the worst things that ever happened to me, but is the catalyst for what I do every day, trying to help people. Because of the because of what I went through. And having my life threatened and destroying my dreams and being close to my dream and destroy my job. It's a whole thing. So yeah, it is the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me. So it could live both at the exact same time.

Robert Edward Grant 12:42
So this is fascinating. Because when it was happening in time, how many years ago was this for you?

Alex Ferrari 12:50
Oh, almost 20.

Robert Edward Grant 12:51
So you are probably like crapping your pants every day, right? Because, like, you don't want to, like, get in bed with the mob. Because if it doesn't work out for you, you might end up with a horse head in your bed. Right? It's like one of those type deals. Okay, sure. And I'm sure you got scared. And you probably had a lot of fear at that time. Right? Is that fair? But now you look back on it. And you're like, wow, that defined in large part what I've since become, that it really had a huge impact on who you are, and what you do today and how you spend your time. So now you probably look back on that experience and say, Wow, I'm so glad I did that. Or I had that experience, because I learned so much from it. Now. I can tell you right now, I don't even remember the names of the teachers in my high schools and junior high, who did not push me and did not challenge me and did not give me a hard time. Right? I only remember the ones who pushed me, the ones who believed in me more than I believed in myself, and who actually put me through hell at the time. But now I look back on those teachers not even being able to remember the other names of the other teachers who were easy on me. And I remember those that had the huge impact on my life and say, I'm so grateful that I had that teacher because I learned this from that particular teacher. And in the end, while he was really tough on me, I learned the most. So I just had this experience on Friday, last week where Cal State Fullerton honored me with this lifetime achievement recognition in leadership and entrepreneurship. And then I remember, I was trying to think about what I was going to talk about for this speech, right? Because I've given like, you know, university commencement speeches and that stuff I did at Chapman University 10 years ago as well. And I took that as an opportunity to speak about all my failures. And and so probably midway through my talk 10 years ago, when I gave that speech at Chapman, everyone was probably thinking why they get this guy, you know, this is depressing. He just told all about his failures. I mean, what a loser Sir, right? And then I cut the speech and I said, Look, at this point, you're probably wondering what the heck, why did the university choose this clown to give this speech? And I said, Well, the good news is, if all else fails as an undergraduate class, right, that would just graduating, if all else fails, you can always go back to MBA school. Right? So, so basically, everyone laughed. And I said, the reason I'm telling you about all my failures, is because every one of those failures led to my greatest successes. And I am just as grateful for the failures and the challenges as I am for the successes in many ways more so. So I gave a similar speech this Friday, this last Friday, because I was, you know, obviously there to thank family and friends. And you know, all the people that helped get me there. And if I've gotten anywhere, like Isaac Newton says, has been standing on the shoulders of giants and all that, by the way, most people don't know that when Newton said that he was actually cutting down one of his colleagues who's only like four feet seven. And he was kind of an asshole. People didn't really know that they'll think, Oh, what a humble statement. It's all about perspective, right? It's all about perspective. So I looked at it. And I said, my life has been a series of wonderful successes, and even more wonderful failures. And the failures have defined me and set me on a path that I could never ever regret them having occurred. In fact, Isn't life this way, in general, you know, I'm a musician. In music, we have these these tones and these intervals of music, right. So a major third is the most beautiful sound in music. It's just a beautiful sound, right? But if I were to take that and find its inverse, so that's an ascending interval. If I took its descending interval, the descending version of it becomes a minor six. And when you ask people what they feel when they hear you're, you're in film, right, and movies, you know, you can use music to entrain certain sympathetic resonances of frequency of emotional states, you bring in Darth Vader, you're going to do a diminished fifth, an augmented fourth Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, Dawn. And you can train yourself to feel a certain way. You know, a horror movie is going to have this low frequency vibe sound that can agitate people in the background. Well, we can train emotion.

Alex Ferrari 17:39
Robert, you there. Oh, sorry. You lost you there. Go ahead. See, you're saying? Are you there?

Robert Edward Grant 17:44
I'm here.

Alex Ferrari 17:46
Oh, there you go. Okay. Yeah. So yeah, you say you can train them,

Robert Edward Grant 17:49
You can train them motion with mathematical perfection, it is through mathematical intervals, that those chords and those intervals are accomplished. So the major third is a five over for interval and just tuning Pythagoras and tuning. But its inverse, right is going to be eight over five. And what's fascinating about this is that five over four would be the height, versus one half the base of a pyramid. And eight over five is the full base versus the height of a pyramid. And this pyramid I'm talking about is mencari pyramid on the Giza Plateau. This is the third pyramid on the Giza Plateau. So it has the mathematical ratios of the major third, and the minor sixth embedded perfectly in its proportions. Yes, it does. Now, what does that mean? And why would they do that? Well, you have to understand that the other pyramids are also giving all 13 of the musical intervals in their proportions. Now, you've probably not heard this before.

Alex Ferrari 19:02
I have from watching.

Robert Edward Grant 19:05
So what does this mean? It means that on the one hand, when we look at mencari pyramid, we feel this feeling of love. It's a beautiful pyramid. It's really beautiful. And yet at the same time, there's something dark about that pyramid. There's a dark and hidden aspect to that pyramid. And if we look at it, just from a different perspective, it becomes heartbreak and tragedy. So people say when they listen to a major third, that data, right, we listen to that. And we think oh, that's so beautiful that it goes. And then we've got now a perfect fifth in addition to the major third. And we're sitting here saying, Wow, that sounds awesome. It feels like love and stability. Now we take their inverses and we've got heartbreak and tragedy. So maybe the pyramid builders builders are telling Do something about the nature of life and experience that in the experience of love is the seed of heartbreak. And the only difference is a function of time. Because the notes are actually the same for a major third, that would be a C note to an E note. And then to do a descending form of that it would be a high C note back down to the E note, the same notes made in different order is a time function difference.

Alex Ferrari 20:33
So this brings us a beautiful, beautiful entry into our conversation about the pyramids. Let's talk about some is the pyramids because I've seen some of the work that you've done in the decoding of the pyramids and it's absolutely fascinating. First question, who built the pyramids, in your opinion from your research?

Robert Edward Grant 20:53
In my opinion, it would be what we would call Metatron or Thoth. Now if you go into ancient Egyptian history, who built the pyramids, it was both who built the pyramids and who was the architect. So Thoth is a man who has had many, many different names, but he was also an Egyptian god. And as an Egyptian god, he was, you know, he was the god of wisdom. He looks like an ibis, he's got this beak, kind of thing coming off. He's got symbols, different animals represent him as well. Another one of his symbologies is a baboon, right from blank Babylon baboon, Bobby is is baboon. And, and so Thoth was this God of Wisdom, who was also a magician and an alchemist. He was the person who was said to have been the God of all weights and measurements. So we created all measurement systems in Egyptian history. So even how we look at time. You know, the sexagesimal mathematical system would have been created by Thoth, though, is another way of saying thought, which is kind of deep. But there was a name of an Egyptian architect that the Egyptians credit even Dynastic Period believers, right, that they're the ones who built the Great Pyramid, and the other two pyramids on the plateau. They believe that the fellow that did it was a guy by the name of him or Herm, Herm Aon. So the one of the other names for Thoth is Hermes Trismegistus. Another name is Metatron, the angelic form of Hermes, another name is what he was before he became a God, which was Enoch, a man. So all of these things we now see, there's evidence that we've just discovered that basically points to Metatron cube being the foundational basis of the architecture of the entire Giza plateau.

Alex Ferrari 22:54
And can you explain what the Metatron Cube is.

Robert Edward Grant 22:56
So Metatron is cube looks like. A, it's a very important form. And the form looks like a merkabah. Right? If you know what a Merkava is, or a Star of David, it's basically two triangles that are interlocking right intersecting each other. And they represent, you know, masculine and feminine balance. And an ancient sense it also represented, because it's more about energetic balance, it represents the left and right brain merging into one. Right, so the seat of creativity, imagination, and all of the, the irrational aspects of our mind sits in our right brain if we're right handed, and our left brain is the center of analytical thought, right. And that's more of the rational thought process, the straight line versus the curve. So where we find that balance between form and function, that that balance between masculine and feminine, that balance between functionality and beauty, right, and being able to really have a beautiful design is that incredible balance that we find in between. And I think that's exactly what you would point everything back to Hermes, Trismegistus, or Metatron, or Enoch, they all represent achieving this higher balance and wisdom between the left and right brains of the of the mind. And then that leads you into a new form of consciousness that I like to refer to as heart brain coherence

Alex Ferrari 24:28
Connecting the physical with spiritual or consciousness?

Robert Edward Grant 24:31
Yes, it's both but it's also recognizing that the world has been kind of imbalanced for the last couple of 1000 years towards the brain, and more about logos and less about intuition and less about the heart and the emotional aspects. We haven't valued them as much as I think, you know, historically, we have and just as I was giving the comparison of my parents becoming very wise over only seven years, right It wasn't that my parents changed, it was me that changed. I changed and what I valued, I changed and how I saw them. And my experience with the world helped me to see things differently in a more expansive way. I believe that studying ancient wisdom is exactly that for us, as a people, as a culture as a species, because now we can look back, and maybe they learned a few things about how not to become imbalanced, right throughout time. And maybe they've tried to leave some of these things for us so that we can learn these things at the proper time. And part of it might just be related to the calendar of how we experience the world through time.

Alex Ferrari 25:40
Yeah, because it's all depending on the cycle, everything kind of happens. Yeah, it cycles, exactly everything kind of gets released, that information gets released at a certain time, it's amazing how in the last 150 years that we've been able to do, what we've been able to do technologically, but for the past, you know, four or 5000 years, we couldn't even come close, technologically, quote, unquote, to what we've been able to do in the last 100 150. Why all of a sudden, did all this information get turned on? Why all of a sudden, do we have access to all of this, and exponentially growing at a speed that if we kept going at this pace, I don't even like Elon Musk said, like, another 100 years of this, another 500 years of this, we're gonna be able to create a, an environment or simulation. That is you can't even tell what's real and what's not,

Robert Edward Grant 26:27
I believe, that's exactly what we're in.

Alex Ferrari 26:29
So yeah, and then, before we get into simulation theory, because that's a deep hole, we're gonna get into later going back to thoth to thoth, I've heard different theories that thoth was Atlantean. If you believe in the in the Atlantean, myth, quote, unquote, myth, some people believe it's their real, Plato obviously believed it that he was a priest, that was one of the one of the priests that escaped, and went over to Egypt, there was a handful of them that went over to different areas of the world, like in Messam, Mesoamerica, India, all these kinds of places where we start to see this knowledge pop on all of a sudden, and if you and I would go to a place where you than me, would go to a place that had native people who have never seen any technology whatsoever, and you try to rebuild society, based on the knowledge in your mind, you would be considered a God, based on the knowledge you will be considered a mystic, though you would just understand it at a different level than everybody else. Is that a fair statement?

Robert Edward Grant 27:35
I think it is. And you know, it's funny, because it's always been, it's always been so that throughout history, you know, what we call spirituality is just the science we didn't understand yet. You know, I mean, or magic, right? If, if I'd had one of these 100 years ago, even though Tesla was already talking about the advent of these coming, right, it would have looked like magic to anybody else, a car would have a car exactly like that. So so this notion that we are, you know, engaging in spirituality that is that is not scientific? Well, maybe it's just the science we don't understand yet. And, and I think that is the case, I think we're still not even really understanding what the notion of time actually is, how time cycles on itself. And I don't even think we have basic understanding around what the speed of light actually is. Or even what the vacuum is, we consider the vacuum of space being entirely empty. But I can tell you, it's not empty at all. In fact, it's often referred to as a plenum, which means it's full. Right? It's full of something. And what I would call it would be the luminiferous ether, just like Tesla would refer to it. That what we think is nothing is there is there's always something there. So and then it starts to make you really go down this other rabbit hole of Wait, is darkness really the absence of light? Or is it just its opposite condition?

Alex Ferrari 29:11
Absolutely, absolutely. know, I've been hearing, seeing it when I started dabbling in quantum physics, meaning that just trying to understand it, the theory that there is that space is actually something there's something between the planets, because how else can gravity in black holes exist in the way that they do? And, and you start seeing some of these simulations in you know, showing and trying to explain these ideas. And it makes all the sense in the world because people, physicists are saying that the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. In theory, correct. Is that

Robert Edward Grant 29:46
Yeah, I mean, it's at least expanding at approximately the speed of light. Right? And that's what people all have a hard time wrapping their brains around because why is first of all, why? What is this dark thing that's expanding? That's creating everything to be pushing away from each other. And then that kind of goes to inflation theory, right in, in physics. And I believe it's like a big breathing exercise like a giant inhalation and then exhalation, and it just going through cycles. And the cycles are here for us to learn in a game that I would refer to as a category called a spiritual life simulation. And the spiritual life simulation, we're here to learn through opposites through experiencing the opposite. So we learn concepts. So let's say you choose on a menu, I want to learn unconditional love. That means that you will continue to be confronted with conditional love your entire life, and you will judge it harshly until you no longer judge conditional love so much. And then you finally learned the concept of what it means to experience unconditional love. It's through experiencing the opposite, you cannot learn what is pleasure without experiencing also pain. Right. And it's not that the that the heart breaks, when you have difficulty and trauma and challenge. The ego breaks, the heart only expands. So through all of this, we increase our capacity to learn and to love through tearing our muscles of our spiritual bodies. Right? It's like, you know, you go to a gym, if there's no pain, there's no gain. Same concept, right? If you're in a spiritual life simulation, you're not going to choose a simple life, because you're not going to learn very much. You know, when I was an undergraduate in college, I was like, you know, I don't really need to study that much. I got good grades anyway. So I wasn't going to really get deep into it, I could kind of do the bare minimum. But when I went to grad school, I was like, You know what, I'm only fooling myself. With a little bit more wisdom, I realized, I should study this because I'm the one who's losing if I cheat myself of it. Right. And so I studied everything. I wanted to really learn it inside out backwards and forwards. It was a new concept for me in the concept of going to school, and what it meant to be a student. But through the difficulty through the challenge, I learned more, I got more value from it. And I think that's what we choose here when we come here to this existence, to learn through opposites. To learn love to learn forgiveness, and to remember who we are. These are the things that I would say, are the reasons why we're here in this spiritual life simulation game.

Alex Ferrari 32:34
Yeah, and I everything you just said has been reinforced by spiritual and ancient texts, and ancient wisdoms that I've been exposed to even spiritual masters who have come on the show, say the exact same thing, in just a different little bit different wording, but it's all very makes all the sense of the world. Now we were talking about the Thoth for what are the Emerald Tablets?

Robert Edward Grant 32:58
So the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. And I like to refer to this as the Dory all translation, which was a channeled text that came in the early 20th century. And this is a record of the story of both. It's a story of both I've, I've read it more than 200 times. And every time I read it, or listen to it on audio tapes, I get something entirely new from it. So it has some quality to it that is transcendent. And it tells a story of both as an Atlantean and how his people and his civilization was basically at the end, it was beyond their apex. And they knew they were going into a period of darkness. And so basically, he left us the these Emerald Tablets in order to find them and raise our consciousness when the world was ready for that consciousness to raise. And it tells a story also, and he talks about it in the Emerald Tablets as having been associated with the pyramid. Right. And the Great Pyramid is the pyramid of Earth, lifeforce. And that pyramid he claims in Emerald Tablets to have been built by him. He says, build AI, the Great Pyramid. And he says it several places, build an AI, the Great Pyramid. And then he challenges the reader to lay on the sarcophagus, and the mysteries will be revealed to you. So I took that to heart. And I went to Egypt and I laid the sarcophagus I've spent 13 nights in the Great Pyramid now. Wow. And it has been some of the most transcendent experiences of my entire life.

Alex Ferrari 34:41
What happens? What happens to you?

Robert Edward Grant 34:43
Well, first of all, you realize that the Great Pyramid is like a musical instrument.

Alex Ferrari 34:49
To the vibration as

Robert Edward Grant 34:50
Soon as you go in, there's a thing called the anti chamber go past the great step, which is the final step under the apex of the Great Pyramid. And then you go through this little corridor That's a crowded space, that's about 39 inches high. It's about one meter high. And as you walk through there, there's two little anti chambers, there's a very small anti chamber. And then there's a larger anti chamber. So the anti chamber that's really small, it's only wide enough that my shoulders will fit inside of it. So you stand there, and I can fit probably with about one inch clearance on both sides. And if you find the right resonance frequency in there, which is 117 hertz, right, which the Great Pyramid is 11 over seven, that's the base to the height. So 117, and 11.7 squared is 137. And that's the number of times the sarcophagus will fit inside the king's chamber. And that's a very important mathematical constant, which is called alpha. And that math constant, is the separation between light and darkness called the electron coupling constant. Even the famous physicist himself, Richard Feynman, refers to it as the most mysterious number that we have. Because it's the threshold of where light will emit, or be absorbed from an electron. So it's literally separation of light from darkness now, so if you stay, if you go in through this little crawlspace, it's only 39 inches high, about seven or eight feet into it, you can stand up, and you find this resonance frequency of 117. Hertz was just like, um, you're here just like that, get a feeling you feel it, because then the whole chamber you're standing in there goes, Ah, it's like this resonance goes, it shakes the hell out of you. And you go, Whoa, what is this, it's almost like that little chambers where you seed yourself, it's like a saging. It's like a vibrational clearing the cleanse you before you go into the king's chamber. Right. So what I do is I'll have people come in to that, I'll be standing there, I'll tap them on the back when they start crawling by me, because it's only about four feet wide this way also, and I say stand up, and then they stand up. They're like, Oh, I can stand up in here. And then I do that to them, you know, they're like, and then and then they go into the next ante chamber, and there's less residents in there. And then once you've done that, then you go into the king's chamber. And then when you lay in the sarcophagus, you can resonate at the same frequency, that same humming sound. I'm just like that. You don't have to do more. You don't have to do it louder. And once you do if you're laying in the sarcophagus, just as if you're standing up in the ante chamber, you feel the entire pyramids force, come on, like an engine, who starts going, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, like super loud, like super loud. You've got to experience it, you have to experience it. You got this look on your face. Like what? So? How you do and I'm dying to go, man? Yeah, no, it's it. It's the most amazing experience you'll ever have. I can tell you that. And a lot of people have had incredible experiences in there.

Alex Ferrari 38:08
Is it is it? I mean, can it be equivalent equivalent of a psychedelic experience? Sometimes, depending on why you're sleeping there at night?

Robert Edward Grant 38:15
Well, first of all, I've never slept in the pier, I spent 13 nights in there, I think I've done it more than anyone I know. But I've never slept. So I don't sleep inside there. I'm awake, because we're discovering stuff. And all the mysteries are hidden all over the walls, like literally all over the walls and the mathematics of the architecture. So if you're interested in this, there's a new film that we just made, called Giza, the holy grail of geometry. And it's on YouTube right now. And we just launched it about a week or so ago. But But basically, it tells the geometric relationship we found Metatron cube that then defines the entire Giza plateau. And that all three pyramids are built off of the same design that we think was done at the exact same time. The story of, you know, Khufu and mencari. And calf raise. So Khufu is the grandfather than the son was Caffrey. And then the grandchild was was mencari. And they all had different size pyramids. And everyone thinks that it was because, you know, somehow mencari had less money. He likes like somehow frittered away the the fortune of the family, it just doesn't really fly, right. All three pyramids were built together. They're based on the Orion belt, you know, within Orion constellation. And the orientation, both in an aerial view dimension, as well as looking at it from the ground is all tied to this Metatron cube relationship. So this is the first solid evidence that we have and it's unequivocal mathematically. That's the beautiful part about it. It's the first solid evidence we have that Metatron or Thoth or Enoch or Hermes Trismegistus had a hand in building the pyramid On a centralized plan, and the entire Giza plateau is based on that plan, which then up ends a lot of the narrative that we have, because there's no way that it would have been built then over more than 100 years, right? They would have been built with the same plan in mind at the same time.

Alex Ferrari 40:20
Faster than much faster. Well, let me ask you this. In your opinion, how old do you think this

Robert Edward Grant 40:28
I believe the pyramids are 13,000 years old?

Alex Ferrari 40:32
Which which goes towards the end of the Younger Dryas? The Younger Dryas that's basically the Younger Dryas happens, and then the pyramids are built. Because that's the other thing about this, the whole narrative that mainstream archaeology talks about, and science talks about is that, you know, 6000 years and you know, we've been getting better. But it seems like the Great Pyramids were at the top of the pyramid, if you will. And then the construction got worse. And worse, as time went on, as opposed to getting better and better, as we've been able to see from a log cabin, to skyscrapers, we've gone up in technology and sophistication where the pyramids degraded over time, like they were losing the information on how

Robert Edward Grant 41:18
Well and that's not the only place we've seen that phenomenon. We see that in Ollantaytambo, which is in Peru, right, we see it in Machu Picchu, you can find where there are more ancient sites, embedded within sites that were then, you know, transited or you know, they're interlopers that came or settled there. And then they improved upon it. And they always use smaller stones, much smaller stones, right, because they couldn't lift because they couldn't lift those gigantic stones. And the same thing is true with the pyramid, there are nine pyramids that are built with large stones in all of Egypt, right, nine pyramids, the rest of them all have small stones. And we believe, from a academic perspective, that the oldest pyramid was the Joseph complex, which is in Saqqara the step pyramid. But that pyramid is not even symmetrical. It doesn't have at least uses like mud bricks. And it's much easier to construct that. And yet, there's way more evidence that the pyramids with with much larger scale stones are much older, much much older, I believe the first was actually the Bent Pyramid. And that shaped like an A when you look at it from the sky. So the letter A is a symbol that's been around for a really, really long time. And it represents the Taurus constellation as well. And a means olive or first olive means the number one alpha is number one.

Alex Ferrari 42:49
Well, let me ask you this, this is something else that's a phenomenon how is it that cultures on different continents across the world who never had contact with each other quote, unquote, have pyramids everywhere from the missile America to India, I found out Japan recently, I just discovered that they had buried there all over the place. How is that possible? If they're all around the same time period or close to it? similar constructions a little bit different here and there. But the concept of these pyramids, these monoliths are around the world. How could that even be?

Robert Edward Grant 43:23
Because our understanding of the history is entirely wrong?

Alex Ferrari 43:27
Fair enough. So what's your understanding of history?

Robert Edward Grant 43:30
That so I believe there was a pre civilization before we have recorded history? And evidence of that is showing up all over the world? You know, I'm not the only one who says this. There are many people that have said it before me and there'll be many yet still say it. And, you know, Graham Hancock's done a lot of work on this. There's a nice television series that he has on on Netflix, which is about this called, you know, there's a show on Gaia as well called ancient civilizations. And then there's the one that he has, which is ancient apocalypse. And I believe that, you know, there is clearly evidence. And I'll just give you some examples of some of that evidence. So we have no reason to believe that the people that lived in Mesoamerica and Mexico had any relationship with Egypt. Right? And yet, I'll just throw out a few numbers to you. So the base of the pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, a Teotihuacan, which is actually take Hootie hoo icon, which is one of the many names of both to Hootie as well names both. So the base of that pyramid is 756 feet. The base of the Great Pyramid in Giza is 756 feet. The base of the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico, next to the Pyramid of the Sun is 480 One feet, the height of the Great Pyramid is 481 feet. The height of the pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is 216 feet. And the height of mencari pyramid, the third smallest pyramid on the Giza Plateau is 216 feet. Now, that's a lot of coincidence. It tells me that there was some knowledge of this harmonic relationship in geometry, because geometry is really just the music we experience with our eyes. That we understand at some point in our history, this relationship of music, geometry, and mathematics, all converging to lead to our life experiences. And these convergences in our life experiences are there for us to have realizations to uplevel our consciousness. So how could it be that all three of the pyramids on the Giza Plateau, have some relationship to the pyramids? In Mexico and Teotihuacan? Oh, but wait, that's not it. And they're both exactly oriented around the Belt of Orion. What about the pyramids in China? They're also oriented around the Belt of Orion. So how could it possibly be that they were not connected? Obviously, they must have been. You know, I used to believe in coincidences. I don't believe in coincidences anymore. I think what it's showing us is that the entire universe and everything we're experiencing, is not what we thought it was.

Alex Ferrari 46:47
Fascinating. Well, let me ask you this, because, you know, these, we're talking about these pyramids, and we're talking about ancient civilizations. What was the purpose of these pyramids? Because, you know, there the story has been that the Great Pyramid is a tomb, but we've yet never seen any good glyphs. Are there any

Robert Edward Grant 47:07
There's plenty of glyphs. There's plenty. That's why we discovered them. And that's what the subject of my television show on guy is. Right, Codex. Okay, so the walls are literally covered with petroglyphs. But they have been ignored. They're etched petroglyphs, they're covered with them. And people have not seen them because they've been ignored. Now part of it was also that the petroglyphs have been scrubbed off in some way, shape or form, but many are still there and can be seen. And that's the subject of my television show on Gaia.

Alex Ferrari 47:44
What's the difference with that and hieroglyphs?

Robert Edward Grant 47:45
Petroglyphs would be like ancient, you know, drawings or writing's on the walls like cave paintings, stuff like that. But these are etched petroglyphs hieroglyphs would be what we would see as language we don't see language on the walls. We're not seeing right hieroglyphics that tell us this is the story that's being told that we can use a Rosetta Stone to to try to decipher what it is or means. But what we are seeing is we see depictions of a tree of knowledge of good and evil. There are dragons. There's even DNA on the north chamber wall, like literally DNA with nucleotide pairs and everything etched into the wall. And we see a cow and a bowl that represent the apex and Hathor as well as on the south walls a water scene. And behind the the King's Chamber sarcophagus on the west wall. We have, we have a face of what looks like an alien head. It's very clear, and an Eye of Ra in the center, as well as more DNA on those walls. We've seen as well in the mencari pyramid on our last trip there, we discovered a Garden of Eden seen, like literally a Garden of Eden scene with Tree of Life of knowledge of good and evil canopied over a river with snakes all over the walls, like serpents.

Alex Ferrari 49:08
So but these are different than what you find in tombs.

Robert Edward Grant 49:12
Yeah, these are completely different, not tombs.

Alex Ferrari 49:15
Yeah, so what were they there? That's my question, what were all of these, but what was the purpose of it?

Robert Edward Grant 49:19
I believe the purpose of the pyramids is spiritual ascension. Interesting, totally as a spiritual ascension device. Have you seen this television show? It's on apple plus, and it's called foundation.

Alex Ferrari 49:34
I have no I've heard of it. But

Robert Edward Grant 49:36
It's a story by Isaac Asimov. And tells the story of a civilization far away in some galaxy. That was like 12,000 years ago, right? And they were going into a new phase of their calendar, which is cyclical, which was going to go into a phase of darkness. And so they had a famous mathematician, his name was Harry Sheldon. In the book. It's fictional. But Art imitates life, as we often know. And so he predicts using his astrological and mathematical methods that their civilization is going to get wiped out. totally wiped out. So what he does is he gets everyone to agree that they need to take and put all the information into this shape, a cube octahedron. So they compress all the data of their civilization into this shape. But they have to do it in a way that people who find it will be able to decipher it, so that they can climb out of the ashes, and get more quickly back into a higher civilization form. After they've been long dead for 1000s of years. I believe that's what the pyramid complex is that it's left us information embedded within its mathematics. It's left us information that we now know, it's unequivocal. It's tied to musical interval, which is basically the full spectrum of light and the full spectrum of sound. So defining our experience, that even emotions themselves are based on our interpretation and interpolation of experience of sound and light. And that through the process, as we uncover these things, we increase an our perspectives, expanding our perspective and consciousness. And we remember who we are through the process. And then we can go to the next level of what our hero's journey is. So I believe the pyramids as a complex is actually there, to raise consciousness. That's the purpose of it. Just like Harry Sheldon left in his cube octahedral structure, the same thing was done, I believe, with the pyramid complex.

Alex Ferrari 51:51
And it's very, you know, because right now we have every bit of knowledge that we can almost every bit of knowledge that exists at our fingertips, basically, with the internet, quote, unquote, there's a lot that isn't, but generally speaking, but tomorrow, if everything goes away, there's no USB connector for the future. We have a problem with this and film in the film industry, we're trying to archive and save the mystery. Because everyone's like, Oh, DVDs or, or hard drives yet. That's great. But in 1000, year, 500 years from now, 100 years from now, will they be able to plug that into whatever's available? You know, right now, film, old school film light through celluloid is still the best way to archive cinema much better than hard drives, because 100 years ago, but light through cellular, you got an image and sound. And same thing here. But that's similar to the concept of this knowledge that you're trying to protect. And it makes all the sense in the world, because you would have to do it in a way that when someone like yourself or someone else sees it and goes, well, wait a minute, what are these dimensions? What is this connected to, and it's all there, but you have to decipher it essentially,

Robert Edward Grant 53:07
I believe that the pyramid complex is a gigantic musical clock. That illustrates for us the nature of time. And time is the encryption that keeps us from going into the higher dimension, the fifth dimension, because we have axes, right, so you have one line, and then you have you have x and y axis that's gives you two dimensions, we measure that an area, we measure a line based on its length, then you pop out a Z axis. So you've got x, y, and then a Z axis coming across. That gives you depth perception, right. And so with depth, then, then now we measure that with volume. So the first dimension measured as a line segment length, the second dimension volume, the next second dimension is based on area, x times y. And then you've got a third dimension, which gives us volume. So then the fourth dimension would basically be now rotation motion on that Z axis, right and x axis and y axis. And that rotation and motion that we have is what we call the fourth dimension of time. Time becomes the encryption for the next dimension. You have to break through the nature of time. What I believe the great pyramid complex is is a giant clock. It's a clock that tells us the 24,000 year precession of Equinox. And I'm purposely not saying 25,000 years or 25,009 20 Because there's a long cycle and a short cycle aspect of this. The long cycle is 25,009 20 years, so half of the cycle would be half of that. So 12,960 And then the short end of the cycle is only 10,800 which can comes out to be 21,600 for the full cycle. So you've got the average of those two is 24,000. As we get closer to our SR Star Series A, we start to go through the slingshot type thing, right? We speed up as we come around. And that's based on gravitational pull. It's, it's basically mass time dilation effects that come into this. So we are 8.6 light years from our sister star, Sirius, A and B. And we are going through this cycle of remembrance. Right. And what we're finding what I believe we're finding in the pyramid complex is the same thing that Harry Sheldon, and the people in this television show foundation we're trying to leave behind, so that future civilizations could come out of the ashes more quickly.

Alex Ferrari 55:50
And what you're saying about this 24,000 year cycle is basically what the ancient sage sugar yoke, the schwa said about the US, essentially, right, which is something that the Vedic texts we've been talking about as well. And they arguably could be 10,000 years old as well, because even even the, the scholars of the Vedic texts, they say it's four or 5000, but many of them say they're much, much older than that

Robert Edward Grant 56:17
It's all based on 20. For everything, even our time system, and even music itself, is based on a quarter tone, chromatic scale, not semitone, but quarter tone chromatic scale. So I just, I've just been working on this, and I just posted something on Instagram about it last night. Everything is based on 20 fornece, literally 20 fornece. And it goes all the way up to 24. And this is also the prime number pattern, I discovered a relationship of prime numbers, that all prime numbers after the number three, so five, 7 11 13 17 19 23, and so on, when you square them, they will always be a multiple of 24 plus one without exception infinitely. And I published a paper on this, when he fornece is the way the universe operates. Why because this same structure of the cube octahedron has 24 edges, flatten this down, it becomes a mod 24 spiral. So the point is that I think that the pyramids were built by the oath, it's part of the simulation. And it's the part of the simulation that's intended to wake us up. It's instead of like having this smack wake up, right? It's like when you buy those alarms in the morning that actually opened the curtains of your house slowly. Sure. So you've got the sunlight coming on you. So you're, you're not getting it in this abrupt way. You're waking up slowly to it, as you uncover it. Each piece it's so brilliantly designed. It's beyond this world, and that I'm 1,000% sure of now. So when we look at it from that perspective, it really starts to change your paradigm and your thought process, because it's not only the great pyramids that do this. It's also the Teotihuacan the cheat Sinisa, Mohenjo Daro, I could go through all the different sacred sites around the world, they're all telling us the same thing. And they're telling us the story of mankind's cycling through the Duat, the world of duality, which is the story of Osiris, killed by his brother, cut into 14 parts, that we're here to learn through experiencing the opposites that were here to learn non judgment. We're not here to learn more judgment. We're here to learn how to transcend judgment. We've got a construct around us, that's all about judgment. We didn't want it to be easy. So now, you start to think Wait, if you were a mountain climber, would you have come to a world where you'd want to have? Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be a mountain climber. I want to climb the hill behind my house. No, you're gonna want to climb El Capitan, or you're gonna want to climb, you know, Everest, or you know, Kilimanjaro, something significant. And then if you don't make it, then you're gonna be like, Oh, I gotta go back. I gotta get to the next level. In this game. This is driving me nuts. I want to go back again. It changes the context of everything. Because the things that you chose to learn are going to be different from what everyone else chooses to learn. It changes the context of life experience in general, because you realize that all the things that you had judged in other people, why would someone want to be born into this life in suffering? Well, why did you choose the suffering that you chose? The end of all suffering is when you realize that it's not suffering at all. It's just your choice and what you thought was, Destiny was just the freewill of your higher self that you chose a All of it

Alex Ferrari 1:00:04
Robert, let me ask you this, since we're talking about the plateau, what about that other little thing on the plateau, the little little line thing that sits on the side of the Sphinx, this, this Sphinx How old is the Sphinx who built the Sphinx is older than the pyramids.

Robert Edward Grant 1:00:19
So I believe that the Sphinx, you know, it's hard to say, we don't know, I was just with Robert Schoch, a few weeks ago, at this conference in San Diego, and we were on a panel together. And, you know, he's the one who dated the Sphinx to being more than 5000 years old, which is what the dynastic story would push us to like a 4500 year old sphinx story that that would have been built by Cafe. Cafe was a builder of the second pyramid, they believe. But actually, what we've now found and what he presented there is his best belief on it based on the erosion of the Sphinx is that it's approximately 13,000 years old.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:02
Back to the same, so it was built around the same time in your theory, you're

Robert Edward Grant 1:01:07
So what that would mean is that that would have been the end of the last golden cycle, right? So if the total calendar on one side of it is 13,000 years, or 12,000, you know, basically 25,920 divided by 2 12 ,960. So 13,000 years, then the other side is 10,800. Right? Then, for us to go back into that next cycle, again, would be about 10,800 years from now. So it's literally on the backside of the cycle. If the cycle is total ellipse here, like this, it's exactly where we are right now looking back at us. Right Age of Aquarius. So the timeline that the Sphinx would have been placed, there would have been Leo, which would have been its opposite would have been Aquarius, which was water, so of course, it's destroyed by water. Right. And so it's exactly the opposite on the cycle, you start looking at these cycles, and you can point to major things in our history. Right, the Torian age, right, you can go through each of these periods throughout our history, Taurus is a period of great learning and expansion. And that would have been, you know, call it 4000 years before Christ, something in that timeframe, right, the Sumerian period, etc, then you could kind of keep going on that and you realize, okay, during the time of Isaiah, that would have been the period of Aries, lots of wars and conquering during that time. You know, obviously, we're talking about Hellenistic wars, even during that period of time. And he talks about the coming of Jesus as being the Lamb of God. And the story of Moses, also during this period of Aries was, let's put lambs blood on the door, everything was about the lamb, the lamb and protection of the Lamb. But then, when Jesus comes, everything switches to fish, I shall make you fishermen of men. And the opposite symbols, in that astrology will also be the shadow consequence for society to what was the opposite symbol of the Piscean age? The opposite symbol of Pisces was what? Do you know? It's Virgo? Don't the Virgin? So what do you think we've been worshipping for the last 2000 years? This whole notion of virginity, the Virgin Mary, right all these symbologies we have of Immaculate birth at cetera because this is all tied to this notion of of this purity, and this puritanical way of thinking about the world. Now we're going into Aquarius, so what's our opposite now? It's Leo again. So why do you think gold is now becoming a major part of how we look at society, right? Gold was very unpopular as a color, as a as a jewelry and everything only like 3040 years ago, it was not popular when I was a kid. Now it's very popular. People all want gold, right? Because it's all part of this collective consciousness, the cyclicality of it all. And the same time, you know, Aries the opposite of Aries was Libra. So during this period of time of great conquering the Roman conquest and everything else, during this period, the Etruscans you also had incredible learning that came with Libra. That's a characteristic of learning, justice, governance, right? The balance of the scales. Were basically on a big clock. And that clock is a Zodiac clock. And that zodiacal clock, is the experiences that we're living through changing the backdrops. It's like It's like changing the backdrop on a stage for a filmmaker, you know exactly what I mean.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:55
Mm hmm. Well, let me ask you this though. So now, the time I'm wanting to human timelines and seems to be continuously being pushed back. Because apparently 30,000 years ago, we were hunter gatherers. So this makes no sense and the normal narrative that we've been taught for, you know, hundreds of years at this point. So go back to the tip a, just, you know, kind of is a big, monolithic kind of a site that's come out that's been aged, dated to around 30,000 years as well. But there's other things that are starting to pop out, and please correct me, maybe you'll know better than I do that I've been pushing the timeline back. 20,000 30,000. So maybe they're other cycles back another 26,000 years, and, and so on, are there anything else that keeps pushing the human story back?

Robert Edward Grant 1:05:40
Oh, I think we're gonna keep finding that this has been going on for a long, long, long, long, long time that we've been going through the cycles over and over and over again. It's on repeat.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:56
But we keep are we gradually ascending, it seems to be

Robert Edward Grant 1:06:00
I think we come here so that we can experience it's like, like I said, it's a spiritual life simulation. There have been many different peoples that have come through here through time, that have gone through this action of expanding beyond the duality world, expanding beyond the Duat. When Osiris was killed, he was basically sent to the Duat, the world of duality, which was often described as the underworld or hell. But actually, this place can be either heaven or hell, it just depends on how we decide to perceive it. And it's like a lot of people ask me all the time, like, Well, Robert, are you saying that we're in like a giant escape room we need to escape out of here. And I'm like, Yeah, except that part of the game is such that the only way you'll ever be able to leave it is to transcend it. And the only way you'll ever be able to transcend it is by learning to fall in love with it, just as it is.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:01
From the mystics that I've spoken to, and spiritual masters, all of them even near death, experiencers. And channels, I've spoken to all say the same thing, that what is happening now currently, as we're speaking, there is an awakening happening, there is a an understanding, we are going towards, out of the darkness going into the light a little bit. And that's why all this stuff is going crazy around the world, because you got to bring it up in order for it to heal. But that I've asked this many times I go is this the first time that this has happened, and across the board, from every different kind of person around the world, they all say, This has never happened in human history. We've gone through cycles many times as the yoga is said, but our spiritual consciousness has not gotten to this level ever. And that's why people are so souls are so excited to come down during this time period. Would you agree with that?

Robert Edward Grant 1:07:55
You know, I don't know, I don't know the answer to that question. So I'm not going to try to, you know, of course, no one has to believe what I'm saying. Like, you'll find this stuff out on your own. But what I would say is this, I believe that we've been going through many cycles, I don't think this is exactly like all the other cycles, just as I believe that your fingerprint, your retina, your iris is uniquely yours. You know, your eyes have perspective. Because then you start asking the question, why is the universe doing this? Why create this elaborate game. And what I believe is that the way that the universe itself expands Source consciousness expands by the integration of more and more unique, subjective perspectives. That that feeds an Akashic Record of data. They give it like a blockchain. There's a blockchain that expands the universe. And that goes back to the expansion at the speed of light. Because really, the speed of light I don't believe is truly the speed of light, per se. But I believe it's probably more appropriate is it's actually the speed of our perception. So for us to integrate new knowledge, it is occurring at that speed of light, the integration of new knowledge and that's true at the universal scale as well. That's why the universe seems to be expanding at approximately the speed of light. It's expanding at the speed of light, but then we start asking the question, well, what is does light really travel? And I would say to you, no, it does not. And you're probably like going, Robert, what the heck are you talking about? Of course, we know the light travels. Now. Let me ask you a question. You've been to football games, right? Yes. And you go to a stadium. And have you been there when there's been a wave? Yeah, okay. So what do you do when there's a wave? The wave comes around, which is an energy energy perturbation that goes around The stadium and then you stand up and then sit down, right? So you have two modes you have on excitation, which is up and off excitation, which is off. Okay, did you actually travel around the stadium? No, neither do photons. Neither do water molecules, when there's a huge earthquake in Japan or Fukushima, the water that ends up on the shores of California is not the water that came from Japan, there's only two modes for the water molecules in the ocean, it's on excitation off excitation. So when we believe this is true for all wave phenomenon, I don't care. There's no evidence that shows that photons actually travel, what's happening is is an on excitation and an off excitation inside an etheric field. Which is like an LED screen in a holograph. So there's an on position, an off position, the energy flows through it. So what we believe to be material is not material at all. It's actually all mental. So as I move my hand around like this, each time I'm going through another cubic field of ether, right, it's recreating itself, as I'm moving it around. In theory, I should put my hand right through it. Right. But there's something more to this particular construct that makes us believe that you can't put your hand right through it. And this actually is very consistent with what all the yogi's have been saying. Your if you read my mind, yeah, right. And faith can move mountains.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:54
Right. And you can be at two places at the same time, you can levitate, these are yogic powers, because they are at a different consciousness.

Robert Edward Grant 1:12:01
Exactly. So the whole point of this place is a training ground for us to have the realization that we had those powers all along. And if you're going to create a simulation game, and let's say you're omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. The only game that would ever make any sense would be a limitation of your powers. Where you get to gain them back over time. And have realization through the whole process of it. So this is, I believe, what the path of spirituality, geometry, mathematics, when you start getting deep into this, you start realizing that everything is connected, and that you chose at all everything you chose at all. So that you can fall in love with this experience. And realize, once you fall in love with it, then you no longer need to suffer. Because even the sad things and the difficulties that happened to you, you even fall in love with that. And when you truly embrace that, and realize that it's all happening, not to me, but for and through me. Then you no longer have to suffer. Because it's the resistance that we keep applying that creates the persistence of our experience.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:19
Robert, these are some deep, deep ideas and deep thoughts. So hopefully the audience is the seeds are taking are germinating in people's minds because it's very, very powerful stuff. If you can just get past the ego get past the, the the perception

Robert Edward Grant 1:13:35
Yeah, well, we all get programmed a great programming, we fool ourselves really well. It's fabulous. What a great frickin world. Look what's happened during during COVID. Right? Everyone started waking up. It's a mass awakening right now because it's time for it to happen. And everything is happening so rapidly now because there's so many bizarre caricatures that just don't make sense anymore.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:01
Right, exactly the concept of like working for 40 hours or 40 years in a factory somewhere and then retire at 65 with a with a watch. A living a miserable life for 40 years. That was what our parents and grandparents did. But our generation, our generation, and definitely my kids generation, they look at that, like, are you insane?

Robert Edward Grant 1:14:20
Oh, I know. One of my favorite movies is office space. From 1999. Right, where they're like in this cubicle, and they're gonna steal this money from the bank, and they're going to do one fraction of everyone and then they screw it up. But they're like, Oh, we're gonna get caught. And, and so they're like, What are we going to do, man? What are we going to do? We're all screwed. We're in such trouble. And they've got one guy who's like for the Middle East, the short little guy that's for the Middle East. And he says, he says, Do you want that one? The one guy from Silicon Valley, the main character says, Do you want to spend the rest of your life in a cubicle in this nine to five job really, in this horrible existence? And the guy's like, I can only dream of such job security such a great movie. Yeah, it. It's like, let's be real here, guys. There's more to life than this. And we're, we're being woken up to this game.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:17
Yeah, well, let me ask you this. Going back to Egypt for a second. I've heard of this concept called the mystery schools in Egypt in India and Tibet. I've because I've been studying where Jesus was between age 12. And 13

Robert Edward Grant 1:15:32
He went to Tibet, he studied Jainism he studied Buddhism he studied,

Alex Ferrari 1:15:37
Right, the whole yada yada yada part of the Bible. Yeah. Yada, yada, yada. I always like where's that been? So the mystery schools, I heard that he went to the mystery schools in Egypt, I've heard you speak of the Mystery Schools. Can you explain to people what the mystery schools were in?

Robert Edward Grant 1:15:52
Yeah. So actually, even before Jesus, you know, between he was from the time he was 12 years old until he was 30. We have no record of him really in the Bible. Right, right. But right after he was born, the Holy Family as they're often referenced, right, so Mary, Joseph, and Jesus left and went to Egypt, because they had to escape Herod's execution order on all firstborn male children, right? Males, right. And so the place that he went was in a place, there's actually records of where they went and everything and they they got on a boat to go down to southern Egypt, or what's called the Upper Nile from a place called ma D. And ma de means calendar. And, and there's an interesting tie into the DaVinci story on that because the VINCI we found that, that a lot of his paintings, were actually encrypting this information. Yeah, I was going to ask you about that next. So ma D is a reference also to a place that he said he was in, in his letter that he wrote to the Sultan of Cairo, when he was working for the Sultan of Cairo. And what we found was that first of all, very recently, Da Vinci's mother has been found out to have been Circassian, who has, you know, it's kind of like Circassians would be like our minions close to Armenia. She was supposed to have been a slave that gained her freedom, right. And she, she was the, the, the mother of Leonardo, and his father was a famous notary. Right. piatra was his name. And they they, you know, lived in Vinci. But Pietro is a pretty famous notary kind of lawyer type person in in forenza, which is Florence. Now, what's interesting about this, is that the kingdom that was in control of Egypt and Syria during the Vinci's time was actually circadian. The mom Luke Sultan's were Circassians. Okay. So there was a connection between Leonardo's mother and where she was from, and also the mom Luke Sultan, Kate Bay. And this Sultan is who hired Da Vinci as well as more than 100 Other scholars from Europe at the time because he was rebuilding Cairo. And he wanted Cairo to be this thriving metropolis metropolitan area that had all these Tuscan in Tuscany style buildings. And he brought in the top scholars and architects and Jim patricians and mathematicians from all over Europe, and one of them was Leonardo. Leonardo encrypted all of this and his letter to the Sultan K Bay, actually was sent to the debit Dar, or the lieutenant debit dar of the Sultan himself. And he tells the whole story of how he worked for the Sultan, and where he was going. But he encrypted the whole thing talking about Mount Taurus, which is actually a reference to the Great Pyramid which is one of the original names of the Great Pyramid and Ross Tao, which is Taurus backwards, his the original name of the Giza Plateau. He said that he lived in the city that was a bustling, thriving city, on a night on the banks of a river that he claimed was the Euphrates, but actually, it's the Nile River, the two most famous rivers in the world at that time, looking exactly from the east, towards the Great Pyramid or the bull mountain. Now, this reference was supposed to be in a town called kalindra. There's never been a town on the Euphrates, in Armenia or in Turkey called kalindra. kalindra is a reference to Cali dragon. The dragon draw is from Draco's, the constellation of the Dragon Collie is this destruction, right? And will often reference that we have that you would recognize because I see Yogananda over your shoulder and all the yogi's that you basically studied, you know that we talked about Kali Yuga. We talked about, right, exactly. So it's a reference to time kalindra. So kalindra is in this town happens to be called calendar, which there's a new town in old Cairo called calendar and the main chapel that's the cop The chapel which is supposed to be the place where Jesus and his family lived in MA D, in calendar, when he was there, both as a child and when he went back right before, he had his triumphal return in Jerusalem, right before he was crucified, right when he was riding the donkey, and he came back and there were palm fronds and everything there to greet him into the city. Well, this place ma D, in the center of it is a huge Coptic chapel, which is one of the first Christian chapels. And it is called the cathedral to St. George, of the dragons. I will say St. George of the dragon. Again, Cullen draw, so DaVinci encrypted at all. So ma D is the place and Jesus also went to the pyramid, he spent the night in the pyramid as well. And he went there with the apostles right before he returned to Jerusalem. This whole story is well documented and well recorded. And DaVinci is trying to tell the story of this last supper painting is actually a map of the king's chamber. It's a map of the king's chamber when you look into the detail of it, and we've done it. So check out Codex, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. He's actually mapped the whole thing out the position of Jesus, Alpha and Omega with Mary Magdalene is exactly where the Alpha Omega was discovered on the rim of the sarcophagus in the king's chamber, in the same spot, above him, and above the window behind him in the Last Supper is something that looks like a pediment. And that pediments the shape of an Eye of Ra, there's an Eye of Ra in the exact same spot on the King's Chamber wall. And there's a bull and cow on the right wall, or the north wall of the king's chamber as well, exactly where there's one encrypting the tapestry in The Last Supper as well. So this is telling us something a lot more. It's a lot deeper, right? Jesus went to Tibet, I went to meet Dalai Lama, in 2019. And he told me that he had all the records of Jesus visit to Tibet, and they called him ASA. Asa was the name that they use for describing a Palestinian man who came about 2000 years ago to Tibet, and learned to be a Buddhist monk among other things. And he was a high Lama. So this is exactly the story Dalai Lama tells of the story of Jesus. And there's a, there's a great book about the last years of Jesus living in in India that you can find access to as well. And that would have been between the time he was 12 years old until the time he was 30 years old. But what was Jesus teaching, he was teaching something very an anathema, radically different to what the Old Testament prescribed to us. The Old Testament was a was a book, I'm a jealous God. It was a book of eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, hate your enemy, right? kill your enemy, in fact, to your enemy, consecrate what he has to me. And you'll be rewarded for that. Right? It's kind of like the shepherd who has a flock, and then says, Oh, my flock is damaged now, because there's too much sunlight on my side of the hill, the guy over there, he's got greener pastures, and he worships a different God, I need to kill him and consecrate his land to my god. That was the concept of the Old Testament. And so what happened was Jesus comes along and says, no, no, no, no, no, no, hold on a minute. No, no, no. There are only two great commandments. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might mind and strength and love thy neighbor as thyself. How many times should you forgive someone who's wronged you? Seven times? 70. Right. So you don't, there's no limit to how many times I mean, that was basically a way of saying seven times 30. That's 490. That's a lot of times. It's a lot of times you're gonna forgive somebody. And then, secondly, he said, Judge not lest you judge yourself with the same judgment you cast on others. That's the experience we're living. So he was taking us to a higher transcendent way of looking at the world. He didn't say, only he wasn't trying to say he's God. He was trying to say all of us are the entire universe is God. God is not some inanimate object within he's a creator of it all and is all of it. There's nothing in the universe that's not God, including the darkness, including the things that we perceive as evil and bad. We have this concept that God is only good. That's like saying the universe is only good. No, there's balance in the universe. The light needs the darkness as much as the darkness needs the light. When I go to buy a diamond, first thing I do is I asked to put that beautiful diamond in front of a black velvet cloth that absorbs all the light because it makes the diamond shine more brightly. The diamond And, and light needs the darkness. It's the contrast that makes it beautiful.

Alex Ferrari 1:25:08
So all of these so all of these schools and thoughts in India and Tibet and in Egypt was what brought basically I've been saying this and it's been said many times before me, they basically they Jesus was a great yogi. He was a great year. And that's what India calls it. Yeah, no doubt. He did things that were. And he was, and he did yogic things. In that, you know, when you start looking back at these Vedic texts, talking about yogic powers, he was displaying many of those things, because he has transcended his consciousness to a place where, where he could do these things. And he was just basically trying to love it, to levitate or not levitate, but to elevate humanity. And he succeeded in many ways. But his teachings, of course, have been slightly bastardized.

Robert Edward Grant 1:25:56
Yeah. Because because then everyone all of a sudden started putting it in the frameworks of their own comfort. Right, because we don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are. And because when we look at the world around us, we think that the things that are ethical happened to be the things from our vantage points. And I don't even like to call him the vantage point, I call it our points of advantage. The things that benefit us are the things that we choose as our only ethical choices for society. What a surprise.

Alex Ferrari 1:26:31
You're right, you're absolutely right. Robert, I wanted to talk to you about something that has been coming up recently. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, Antarctica. And are there pyramids that they found under the ice? Because now that the ice is melting? What do you think happened on this continent? Because, you know, I don't know how many 1000s of years ago, it was flourishing, it was not under ice based on just general geology. So what do you think, is there? And are we finding, what do you think we are finding? And what will we find? As far as ancient civilizations there,

Robert Edward Grant 1:27:05
I believe that in this construct, every 13,000 years, there's a cyclic change. Right, and that cyclic change is accompanied with some calamity. Right. And it could be that it's tied to the phenomenon of pole shifting. And that pole shifting has the characteristic of if it's a dramatic pole shift, it's entirely within the realm of feasibility, that you would have a separation as the Earth is traveling, right and spinning on its axis, right, it's traveling 1000 miles per hour, 1000 miles per hour, imagine if all of a sudden, the earth came to a grinding halt in its spin, you're gonna have a separation of the plates, right, that they will literally float. And then, of course, that's gonna cause a massive shift as well, in how water gets displaced. Because the planet is covered, you know, 70% of the planet is water, approximately. So now you're traveling 1000 miles an hour, and you come to a grinding halt, you're gonna have a major displacement in that giant bathtub. Right. And what's also going to happen is that you're going to have some shifting of the continents, we tend to think of everything being the slow drifts. I don't think it's necessarily always slow drifts, because that's been our paradigm. It could be that that's entirely a rearrangement of what we know as continents. That happens when we have these massive pole shifts. Right, and the pole shifts are well documented, people know, we've known scientifically that they exist, and they exist at the halfway points, approximately of our precession of Equinox, that 24,000 year cycle, or 13,000 years for us in this long end of the cycle. So I believe that Antarctica was at one time, just as we've seen on the maps, we were in, you know, Junior High in high school of Pangea, and all these like super continents that existed then broke apart. There's others that believed that there was an inflation theory around it that all the continents were attached to each other. And then, as the Earth grew and expanded in its diameter, that all of a sudden they got further farther and farther apart, just like the universe is expanding with dark matter, dark energy, basically expanding within it as well. So what's going on with the Antarctica? Do I believe that there are pyramids likely in Antarctica? Yes, I do. I don't know that what we're looking at in the photographs are but I would not be surprised. That under you know, all of the, you know, many many meters right have a They have frozen ice, that we will end up finding something there for sure. I fully believe that the no doubt about that in my mind. So some people believe that maybe what we call Antarctica was actually Atlantis at one time. Or maybe mu. Right, one of the other ancient civilizations, which would have had Lemurians on it, Atlantis was just the end of the cycle. But Atlantis was built by Lemurians. And those were the people really have what we would call the Pacific Islands, right. So going from, you know, that triangle that's formed from Hawaii to Easter Island to New Zealand, right? There's a large triangle there. And that would have been the remnants of you know, what also might have been a sunken continent, that would have been related to Lemuria and mu. And that's what people like Rudolf Steiner posit, right. But the end of that cycle would have built before their calamities would have ended up with Atlantis. Atlantis was, was not what I would say at the peak of civilization, they were sort of falling back from their peak, they were dropping in their consciousness. And they had to figure out ways to maintain their level of consciousness as their world was starting to shift. Imagine people literally becoming dumber and dumber, right as time went by, because they no longer had access to their intuition. No longer had access to anything except for that which was a material form, from an age and time period where they had access free access to these things in society. And therefore we're able to make incredible sites like Giza plateau, like to Hootie hoo icon, like Angkor Wat, Mohenjo Daro, all these places around the world, that we just can't add up as to how they got there. So perfectly. And I think now the human story is about to be expanded pretty dramatically. So that's where I believe and I can't say much more about Antarctica. You know, I can't really go further into it, because we we need more evidence before we can really understand more about it at this stage. But is it within the realm of conceivability? Without a doubt it is.

Alex Ferrari 1:32:12
And but as you were saying that, you know, towards the end of Atlantis, that the that the people were getting dumber many people listening right now would argue that we are getting dumber now. But I would see the opposite of that. Because I see the the the ascension of people, I see the curiosity and people. But yes, there are a lot that are still stuck in the material world. And that duality in that contrast, world, what would you say to people who think that we are actually not going up, but we're actually going down? We're in a declining

Robert Edward Grant 1:32:42
We're doing both. The reason I say that is because every action must have an equal opposite reaction. Yeah, so for some people who are expanding into the fifth dimension, one over five is too, so some people are going to go into the flat dimension. Like literally, there is a an expansion of consciousness happening concomitant to a contraction of it. You cannot have it in the other way. Look at any movie, all right, Lord of the Rings. As soon as there's this battle for you know, the the ring of sour on the Ring of Power, the orc show up. But just as the orc show up, if the exact same time Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf, the white. And magic returns to the land in a more powerful way than it ever has before. You could say that it's like expression of light. You know, if you've been in a psychedelic journey, you know that colors look different. You see colors that you didn't actually see before. Because they've got kind of this golden iridescent quality to it, which is like neon gold, and really cool and pretty and all that. But they're not colors that were in your standard coloring box when you were in kindergarten. But in order for us to have the increased magic, manifestation, this transcendence in the land, darkness has to get darker. For the light to express, just the diamond expresses more brightly in front of a black velvet cloth. There has to be this increase in non duality and a, you know, a increase at the same time in polarity. So the backdrop of the world right now some people are expanding, without a doubt, some people are really expanding in an unprecedented way. But we have to be thankful to the people that are in the third dimension anchoring it because they're making it possible for us to go into this higher level of experience. Because if we didn't have them, we wouldn't

Alex Ferrari 1:34:52
Will we be able to eventually bring the rest of humanity with us. And that sense in this awakening?

Robert Edward Grant 1:34:58
You know what I believe is that This goes into the question of, is everybody here to ascend? Yeah. And this is where you got a lot of people throughout history talking about in the Bible references that as well, this 144,000, right, and numbers like that you kind of go How could only be 144,000? These are deep, deep questions that frankly, I don't know the answers to. But I don't believe that every single person in this lifetime will choose to ascend.

Alex Ferrari 1:35:32
Now, Robert, I'm gonna ask you a few questions, I asked all my guests, because I can keep talking to you for a few hours. And you definitely got to come back on the show, because there's so much more we could talk about, but I'm gonna ask you a few questions. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Robert Edward Grant 1:35:46
Living a life, understanding who you are, and realizing what you came here to learn. And once you start learning, what you came here to learn, and remember who you are, then everything shifts for you. Because you start realizing the universe is happening for you, not to you, it's happening for and through you. And that every experience you've had is something you chose because you wanted to learn a concept or a precept. So the most challenging things turn into the most beautiful realizations. Living a fulfilling life is being at ease and at one meant with that. Being able to realize that, no matter what happens to you, you can surrender and you're taken care of. And that means you, you know, it changes everything, the context of everything shifts, when you take on this new meaning. It's not about I have to fight someone, I have to have a villain to battle, I have to be the hero because you know, every single villain that ever existed always believed they were the hero.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:01
Yep, yep, yep, no question.

Robert Edward Grant 1:37:02
It's letting yourself transcend that belief system and construct and realize that there's more to the objective truth that really is just, you've been only seeing one facet of it. And seeking instead to see more and more facets of it. And to learn more. And through this context, you also figure out that the more I learned the lesson, I actually know, how do you define God? I think I said it earlier, I think God is the entire universe. There's nothing in this universe. That's not God, all of it is divine. There's no such thing as coincidences, I don't believe in coincidences. The only times I could believe in coincidences, when I couldn't zoom out my perspective enough to see the pattern, I believe the entire universe is pattern. I don't believe in entropy, I make a random number generator. And I don't believe in true randomness. Because I realized that every time I looked for a pattern, I found a pattern, without exception. And if I set my mind to it, I could basically uncover all patterns, what we consider entropy really should just be considered our ignorance. It's the zone of I don't know what I don't know. It doesn't mean there's no pattern, it just means I haven't identified that pattern yet. So the entire universe, is a balance of what we would consider what we understand and what can construct in our minds and understand why it's there and the purpose of it. And then it's also bounded by all kinds of other stuff that we just simply don't know. And the things we don't know, since we don't like to say we don't know it, we call it entropic or random. No, it's just a boundary of where our knowledge ends, and our ignorance begins. And when we start to realize that entropy is really just the end of our knowledge and the beginning of our ignorance, then it changes our context and everything to because we, for mankind realize what pie was, he didn't know there was a relationship between the diameter and a circle. But as soon as we realized the relationship between the diameter and a circle, then that led to a lot of other discoveries across the board, right? Where we could now push that boundary condition of where knowledge ends and ignorance begins further and further out. And that's happening at the speed of light.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:25
If you had if you can go back in time and talk to your younger self, what advice would you give him?

Robert Edward Grant 1:39:31
Enjoy the ride.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:35
It's one hell of a ride.

Robert Edward Grant 1:39:37
And you know, I look at it best he said, mankind only suffers because he takes too seriously what the gods made for fun.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:45
That's such a great time. That's great, quote. Great, great quote. And finally, what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Robert Edward Grant 1:39:55
To remember who you are, why you came here? and learn how to love and how to be loved.

Alex Ferrari 1:40:05
Beautiful answer and my friend, where can people find out more about you, and the amazing work that you're doing in the world?

Robert Edward Grant 1:40:11
You could find me at my website, I also have a YouTube channel, Robert Edward Grant. I'm on Instagram, Robert Edward Grant with the blue tech. And I'm on pretty much every social platform. I have a television show called on Gaia called Code x, which has done extremely well, shockingly. So. And I have several books. My latest book is a book called polymath right here. And I have another book called Philo math, which goes into number theory and geometry, but you don't need to be a number theory expert to understand it. And it's been the number one selling book on Amazon, in in mathematics in number theory for the last two years now.

Alex Ferrari 1:40:58
That's amazing, Robert, and do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Robert Edward Grant 1:41:02
Just love and be loved and relax. Don't take the journey too seriously, have fun with it. I think that's the biggest thing. I don't think the world's a difficult place because people hate each other. I think it can be a difficult place because we hate ourselves. But it is through the process of learning to accept and love ourselves that we will learn to accept and love the world around us. And then your entire experience and world around you will totally transform. And this is what it means to be the change you want to see in the world.

Alex Ferrari 1:41:33
Robert, on that note, thank you so much for coming on the show. It has been such a pleasure and honor talking to you. We will have to do a part two. It's part three and part four. So I appreciate you my friend. Thank you.

Robert Edward Grant 1:41:46
Thank you Alex. Have a good one!

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