CHANNELED: St Germain Adamus REVEALS the 2024 ELECTIONS & The Coming FUTURE WARS! with Geoffrey Hoppe

In the stillness of today’s episode, we are blessed with the profound insights of Geoffrey Hoppe. Known for his remarkable ability to channel Saint Germain, known as Adamus, Geoffrey brings a wealth of wisdom that touches upon the most intricate facets of our spiritual journeys. His journey from the mundane to the mystical, accompanied by his deep connection with higher consciousness, offers a beacon of hope and enlightenment for those navigating the tumultuous waters of modern existence.

Geoffrey’s journey began in a rather unconventional manner. Before embracing his role as a channeler, he lived a typical life, immersed in the corporate world. However, a series of profound personal experiences led him to the spiritual path he walks today. Geoffrey recounts how these experiences awakened him to the deeper truths of existence, ultimately guiding him to his role as a channel for Adamus. “The process of channeling Adamus is both deeply intimate and profoundly expansive,” he shares, emphasizing the importance of preparation and alignment in his work.

One of the most compelling aspects of our conversation was the exploration of the Akashic Records and their significance in our lives. Geoffrey explains that these records are an energetic library, holding the imprints of every soul’s journey through time. Accessing these records provides profound insights into our past, present, and potential futures, helping us understand our life’s purpose and the lessons we are here to learn. As Geoffrey Hoppe states, “It’s like downloading the wisdom of the ages, helping us navigate our spiritual journeys with greater clarity and purpose.”


  1. Embrace Your Energy Sovereignty: Understanding that all the energy we need is within us can profoundly transform our lives. Recognizing our energy independence allows us to manifest abundance and joy without relying on external sources.
  2. Release the Illusion of Suffering: Suffering is a deeply ingrained belief in human consciousness, yet it is entirely unnecessary. Embracing humor and joy as paths to wisdom can significantly alter our spiritual growth.
  3. Honor Your Role in Collective Awakening: Each individual’s journey contributes to the collective consciousness. By embracing our spiritual paths, we illuminate potentials for others, fostering a global shift towards higher awareness.

Geoffrey’s insights into the nature of spiritual growth were particularly enlightening. He emphasized the importance of moving beyond traditional notions of enlightenment, which often involve intense suffering and struggle. Instead, he advocates for a more fluid and joyful approach, aligning with our true nature and allowing our spiritual evolution to unfold naturally. “Realization is a natural process,” he notes, encouraging us to trust in our innate wisdom and the unfolding of our spiritual paths.

The conversation also touched upon the current state of the world and the pivotal role of consciousness in shaping our future. Geoffrey expressed concern about the division and potential for civil unrest, particularly in the context of the upcoming elections. He highlighted the importance of maintaining balance and shining our light amidst the chaos, offering a perspective of hope and transformation. “Your role is to be here, to stay here on the planet in this biology and shine your light,” he advises, emphasizing the power of presence and consciousness in creating positive change.

In conclusion, Geoffrey Hoppe’s teachings remind us of the profound simplicity of spiritual truth. By embracing our energy sovereignty, releasing the illusion of suffering, and honoring our role in the collective awakening, we can navigate our spiritual journeys with grace and ease. His connection with Adamus provides a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities we face, encouraging us to trust in the natural process of realization and the transformative power of consciousness.

Please enjoy my conversation with Geoffrey Hoppe.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 406

Geoffrey Hoppe
Old power games, old ways of doing things, old ways of fighting. So what's on stage with the elections is old. And the concern here is that in this country, America is so divided right now that no matter who wins this upcoming election, whether it's a Democrat or Republican, that there is going to be a very the potential for very, very disruptive civil violence in the country.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The election will probably be very, very close because that that chasm between the duality between the two is is almost so evenly balanced.

Alex Ferrari
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion Geoffrey Hoppe. How are you two, Geoffrey?

Geoffrey Hoppe
I'm doing great. Good to be back on the show. Good to be in connection with you here.

Alex Ferrari
Yes, my friend. Thank you so much for coming back. It's been a while since you and Adams have have come on the show. Your episodes, just first episode did extremely well. And then when Adams came back, people really loved Adams in the messages that he was putting out in this conversation. So it's been a while. So I wanted to bring you guys back to the think tank questions.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And, you know, it doesn't hurt my feelings that people want to hear Adams I mean, that he's I have to admit, he did a little bit more flamboyant than I am. He is a character.

Alex Ferrari
He is a character for people who don't know who Adams is. Can you kind of give a brief a brief explanation of who he is and the the entity that you are generally called? Adams.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Yeah, it's actually Saint Germain, which I know many, many people are familiar with. Saint Germain's been around for quite a while. He was channel by Guy Ballad, also known as Godfrey King back in the you know like 100 years ago or or so and I had had some connection with Saint Germain early on while I was channeling Tobias Tobias who would bring guests in and he would bring Saint Germain once in a while very, very different to channel that Saint Germain versus Tobias.

Geoffrey Hoppe
But and then at some point Tobias left and handed things over to Saint Germain. And at that point he said, I'm going to go by the name of Adams or Artemus, either one. Saint Germain to differentiate the work he'd done in the past, like with the I Am discourses and some of the other material, a lot of people around the World Channel Saint Germain, and he wanted to make this very specific for the work.

Geoffrey Hoppe
He was doing, particularly with the Crimson Circle, not to get it confused with everything else. So. So he goes by Adams or Adams Saint Germain and as your character, he says it's he he's kind of a composite of Saint Germain, of course, and the Crimson Circle and our group, the people who call themselves Shaumbra. So he's kind of a composite.

Geoffrey Hoppe
He's he's very provocative, entertaining, sometimes really pisses people off because he'll say, just call it straight, you know? And he's gotten kicked out of Sedona for the words he's had to say. But, you know, underneath he's incredibly wise, brilliant. And his job is, as he states, is very specific. It's not to cast a broad net, but to work with the people who have gone through their awakening and now are on their way to mastery or embodied realization.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And that's his focus and none of the other peripheral things. And, you know, it's a hard path. It's a really tough path filled with distractions, which he calls Maciel, filled with a lot of tough stuff, a lot of releasing and but anyway, that's his role and that's why he goes by Adams Saint Germain. Or if you're in Europe, you'd say Uttermost Saint-Germain.

Alex Ferrari
Sounds good. Thank.

Geoffrey Hoppe
He gives me a hard time for the way I pronounces in English his name. And I'm a Saint Germain. And he said, Don't out of my songs, young man.

Alex Ferrari
It sounds better in Europe. I have to.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Say, it does.

Alex Ferrari
So can you explain to people what your process is for channeling Adams?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Sure. When I'm ready, like, and not just one. He and I are just chitchatting, but I'm ready for a to do a channel. I can feel him. Usually about an hour before I start, he kind of moves in and I just feel his energy and I would describe it as kind of a warmth and a thickness, a nice thickness, you know, I just like a nice warm soup coming in.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And I know now he is working with me ahead of the channel, getting my energy set up. Then when I'm finally ready to channel, my wife, Linda does about a minute or two of breathing that allows me to really connect with him and will, you know, I can feel him. He literally comes into my body and will sit and chitchat.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You know, it's kind of funny because Linda's doing the breathing. I'm getting prepared. And sometimes, you know, he's just like, Hey, how's the weather there? And I'm like, That's great. How's it up there? You know? And we'll just he gets to be very relaxed. They'll joke around a little bit and and that's that moment where he's literally downloading everything that's going to be in that channel ahead of time.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So then my job as a channeler is to kind of unravel it, put it to words with him. You know, inside of me at that point. But and then and then projecting an energy. So much of what I do is not about the voice, about my words, but it's an energy projection. And so that's kind of the process Once we're rolling, you know, within a couple minutes, you know, we're our gears are meshing and it's off and running.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And then I see myself almost as kind of standing behind myself, watching it like almost like not out of body, but I'm just watching it from a different perspective. And it's amazing to watch him work the particularly. He does a lot of interaction with the audience, like one on one. And it's amazing to to watch that. And for me personally, when he's doing that, my eyes are open during the channels I'm not seeing like I regularly do.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's almost like seeing the past lives of people and the overlays and their aspects. So it's like if you point about ten movie projectors at a screen at one time and I'm kind of seeing all that, what I have to do is really absolutely maintain a sense of focus because it's so easy to get distracted by, you know, all the other stuff going on.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And Adams is very insistent that I channel properly. I use the right timing, the right gestures, the everything, the right tonality. So it's not just the words coming out, but he wants the full act of consciousness.

Alex Ferrari
Sounds good. Sounds good. Well, before we get into having a drama, show up, you sent me this little book called the 21 Shaumbra realizations, right? Yeah. And can you explain to people a little bit about this powerful little booklet? Because it is as I was reading it, I was just like, Wow, these are really profound, powerful ideas that I know came from Adam, as if I'm not mistaken.

Alex Ferrari

Geoffrey Hoppe
Yes. Yes.

Alex Ferrari
So can you explain how this was created?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Sure. It was a homework assignment from Adam. You know, he said what we needed to do was take the teachings over the past 20 years, including those from Tobias and Distilled them down. There was a little bit of a daunting task because our library is incredibly extensive. So how do you take the main tenets, the core concepts? And we work together with the staff.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Everybody submitted their ideas and their thoughts and we had a list with, I don't know what it was, hundreds of different tenets. Then we whittled that down to about 50. And then Adam was like, no, no, no, no. That's way too many. You have to learn how to be, how to distill. So we finally got it down to 21.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Then we had to write the text or the copy for it, and we had this kind of long, almost academic, almost esoteric endowments like, No, no, no, no, no. It has to be easy language, easy to read. So anybody, you know could pick it up and get another half from it. So it literally took about a year to write it and distill it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And that was the challenge. Going through that process, I learned a lot about distilling how what do you throw out That's, you know, really you don't want to I mean, they're they're all it's all good. But you have to get in there and distill. And it was an excellent process to go through, you know, find it. Even in my own life, I'm having to distill, okay, I don't need this anymore.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I don't need that and just, you know, get to the core. And I felt very, very happy with what we came out with. We we did a great job with not only the the text and but the graphics as well. So this is a type of thing you could leave on a park bench somewhere or in a cafe and somebody picks it up and they're not real difficult.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I got my copy here.

Alex Ferrari
Yes. So it's a it's almost a just a booklet, but it's the the each one is laid out so beautifully and it's so profound, each one that you could it's almost outreaching like kind of.

Geoffrey Hoppe

Alex Ferrari
Yeah. It's like almost, almost haikus. Yeah.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Very simple truths like consciousness must be present for anything to occur. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of simple. And then here there's only, what, four sentences? So it's not you don't. You don't have to think long and hard about it. And everything is very, very simple. The one that's gotten the most reaction from the readers and this has only been out for a short period of time, but is number 13 suffering is for fools and clergy.

Alex Ferrari
I love that one was actually one that was actually quite nice.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Yeah, that's the one that raises eyebrows. But in it's free of charge on our Crimson Circle website on YouTube, we turn it into a beautiful video with music and I did the narration on it. If you want to order it from Amazon, I it's like $8 for the for the booklet. So we did it more to first of all.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So we saw Crimson Circle people could really get things into focus. And then if you hand it to somebody, you know, who doesn't understand the work, family member or friend or spouse and you know, if they say so, you know, what's this stuff you're doing? It's like you're right here and it's it's so simple and powerful and it really easy to understand.

Alex Ferrari
Fantastic, fantastic. So let's let's dive into these realizations and a few other questions I might have for Adam. And so when you are ready, you Englander are ready. I'd love to have Adam come out.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I need time. You're ready. I'll bring Linda up to do some breathing. I'll go through my thing. And I have to say we're going to put Linda on the camera, if that's okay. I, I, I get self-conscious when I go into channel. I twitch and, you know, move around a little bit. So the camera is going to be on her out.

Geoffrey Hoppe
But I'm sitting here right next to her. And so, Linda, come on up and welcome, dear Linda. Gretchen, You know Alex. Alex knows you. Yes. Okay. Do a little breathing, and then when it is ready, he's going to jump in.

Alex Ferrari
Okay. Sounds good. Thank you.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Okay, so with that, let's get comfortable and take that deep, unconscious breath. That breath of life. Let the energies flow feeling into you. Breathe, opening to all the potentials. Take that quick deep breath, Feel you into the soul of you. Breathe and feel Adam's because he is here with him and he invites us always to just breathe them in.

Geoffrey Hoppe
He's here, breathe and flow a lot. I feel. Take that breath of life very breath for you. Feel it. The spirit of you. Here. Breathe with presence. Breathe with presence. It's that deep conscious birth at breath of life. You can feel it. You could be it just pre flow.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I am that I am Adam's of sovereign domain. So I'd like to be back here on your show. Dear Alex, thank you for the invitation from both me and Jeffrey.

Alex Ferrari
Thank you so much for coming back, my friend. So one of the first questions I have for you is about your about this book that they've put together of your teachings, the 21 Shambhala realizations. How can this guide individuals in their journey from awakening to enlightenment?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Good question. But before we start, if you don't mind, just a few comments. We were literally and Jeffrey, I call him Khadra, but for the viewers, Jeffrey is double checking me, fact checking me on what I'm about to say. But it's all there. It's all very real and true. So the other night at the Ascended Masters Club, and there is such a thing, I mean, because every every ascended being has come by way of Earth.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So they have that common thing there. There aren't any non Earth beings here In order to ascend, you literally have to go by way of Earth. And we do have a club because we can share our stories, we can share jokes, and we can share what it was like in our many, many lifetimes on Earth. And it's not like we're hanging there all the time, but we do love getting together and we're getting together.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It seems more often now than than before, about 12,000 of us at this time because of things being so intense on the planet right now. So we're watching more carefully. But I have to say, we were literally talking about your show the other day at the Ascended Masters Club. So you have the honor of being the subject of discussion.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The reason why this came up was that, again, there has been no time on the planet like it is right now. Nothing even compares in terms of the speed at which things are going, the level of consciousness which is coming into the planet and the changes that are taking place. I know some of your listeners may think that things go a little too slow, but they're going very, very fast right now.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It takes programs like yours that as you're finding out, you're not going worldwide, but it takes programs like yours, communications like what you're putting forth to help keep everything in balance. The balance is very, very delicate right now on the planet in terms of it could go this way or that way. It could go towards the the a whole new era for the planet and literally a new human species.

Geoffrey Hoppe
That's not necessarily all biological. So it needs the consciousness foundation of what you're doing. You bring guests on the show, you you're a communicator, you let that light spread out to everyone. You're you're not espousing any particular like theology or any particular or political influence. You're opening the doors. And that's truly what what a consciousness worker does. So when I told them I was hoping to be on your show soon, that and that it wasn't just Khadra.

Geoffrey Hoppe
We had a great discussion about that, that type of work and the importance of it. The one thing I want to mention to you personally is just with the energies you're dealing with, it's so much more than just sitting at your office and chatting with somebody. You're right in the middle of an energy vortex. It so important that you have to take care of yourself as you're finding out.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And when you don't, you hit the wall. But just realize that you're your conduit for consciousness and let it come in and then clear it out. So with that, the question was.

Alex Ferrari
The question was, first of all, thank you so much for those kind words and I appreciate it. How do the 21 some sombra and please forgive my pronunciation problems. Shaumbra realizations guide individuals in their journey from awakening to enlightenment.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The journey from awakening to enlightenment is fraught with all sorts of hazards potholes in the road, barriers, delusions, illusions, just about everything you could imagine. It's one of the toughest things a human will ever do because you're literally going from one level of consciousness, one level of lifestyle into a whole nother, you know, we could talk for hours about it, but you're making a huge transition.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's like it's like driving an old car down the highway at a high speed and repairing the car or actually rejuvenating it into a brand new vehicle, let's say going from a gas powered to an electric powered brand new on the fly while you're driving. And that's what it's like going going into this, especially in this time that you're in.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The book is designed to be very, very simple isms. We initially called them tenets because it can get so complex going into your realization of first of all, is generally approached with a human point of view when you when you're at that beginning point right after awakening and there's the illusion or delusion that you're going to walk on water, that you're going to manifest gold in your hand and you know the human things, that you're going to become a superhuman.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You quickly find out that you're not there. There is no such thing as a superhuman, nor do you ever want that it is impossible to perfect the human state, which is a good thing because you're so much more than a human. We use the the old and very true analogy of the caterpillar. And the caterpillar is now going into its awakening, into its realization.

Geoffrey Hoppe
But the caterpillar thinks it's just going to be a more brilliant shade of green. And how more legs and be a little bit faster and smarter than the other caterpillars. And suddenly it's in a cocoon, it's trapped, and it turns to mush and it thinks it's not only dying but truly going out of existence. And it's in that surrender, in the cocoon, in the releasing that it emerges as the butterfly and soars.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So it's pretty much the same thing. It's very difficult. I think the most important statement here is that you cannot study your way into realization, and many have tried how many books, how many courses, how many excruciating nights trying to think your way through it. How many prayers have you have you said begging for some sort of resolution?

Geoffrey Hoppe
You simply can't. It reminds me of a lifetime that I had a long time ago as a as a Jewish rabbi. And I remember walking into a room with with many other rabbis, and I was startled. It hit me in that moment. They were all hunched over. And this was thousands of years ago, all hunched over, studying these texts and studying and studying.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And I realized some of them were were in their fifties and sixties, and they had been studying for all their lifetime. And as their fathers and their grandfathers had studied the Talmud and some of the Torah and some of the other books, and I thought, to what end? How long does this go on? What real personal truths are in those books?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Good information, of course. But when you go down that rabbit hole of studying, you'll never get there. It takes actually letting all of it go, releasing all of it in a total macabre crimson circle. People. Even at some point you release all of this, you walk away from Crimson Circle and Kaldor is aghast at what I'm saying. But you walk away and you walk away.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And at some point you might come back. Now, is the teacher not the student? The most important thing to that one can derive from this simple little book of is that realization is a natural process. Enlightenment, whatever you want to call it, is a natural process. You came to Earth as an angelic being. You descended into biology. That's quite an experience.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Then you kind of went around the circle a lifetime after lifetime. And, you know, finally to the point where you're at the bottom of the circle and maybe after 800, 900 lifetimes and you're like, I'm so lost. I'm sort so stuck. And now you start your your ascent out of the patterns of lifetimes, out of karma, out of that merry go round.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You do it because it's something inside you says no more. I'm done with this. At this point. It's absurd to realize then that all this is natural. You will evolve through that cycle of lifetimes. You will evolve through your own karma. You will come to a conscious realization of the sovereign being that you are. You'll have the beauty of all of your human experiences and lifetimes, but without the crap, without you to a certain point and all the old memories, the ones that even haunt you as a human bad lifetime's bad experiences suddenly are transformed, termed into wisdom without all the little details, without all the aches and pains and the heartaches and the killings

Geoffrey Hoppe
and everything else, it's all transmuted into wisdom. There is a natural, I will call it a gravity, an expansion of gravity causing you to go from your succession of human lives now into realization. The less the human side tampers with it and thinks it has to control it or study it or get caught up in the cliches, the easier it is that you get there one way or the other.

Geoffrey Hoppe
But Tobias, one of my ascended master friends, said at one point to somebody who asked the question, What can I do? What's the best thing I should do? I should get the hell out of your way. You're going through a natural process. And yes, at times I realize you want to you want to have all these little tools and trinkets and little mottoes and sayings, and you want to do rituals.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Let it all go and trust in your own spirit. Too simple as that. Simple but tough. So to me, that's the main tenet, is you're going through a natural process and letting it let it happen. You really cannot make mistakes unless you think you have to interfere.

Alex Ferrari
No, there was the other day I started having these thoughts about where we are now as a species, conscious consciously and how fast things are moving. Yes. And how serious we take everything that's happening around us in our life as we should, because the game that we're playing, the rules are that we should take things seriously. If we don't take things seriously, there's no real point to the game.

Alex Ferrari
Just the game just goes Morandi. But I remember thinking back to if we just focus at this point right now, we go back 300 years, 500 years, all the worries and the craziness and the consciousness that was so low during the Dark Ages.

Geoffrey Hoppe

Alex Ferrari
We look at it now going almost like it was a movie, like it didn't even that couldn't have happened. They couldn't have been, you know, the Spanish Inquisition. Did that really happen? Did the Crusades really happen? And then I forward myself 300 years into the future and how they must look at us the same way we are looking in the past.

Alex Ferrari
How, how, how can you kind of express, in your words, the not to take this thing so seriously? Because if you look at it from a much more wide angle lens and you look at it just the way I laid it out, you start thinking to yourself, well, that yeah, because even if you look at yourself 100 years ago, you look at them like, look at those poor, those poor schmucks that are they were doing this or that, they were doing this or that.

Alex Ferrari
And now you look and but I promise you, in 100 years or 200 years or 500 years, they're going to be looking less like they were savages.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And there's almost there's almost no way to even put it on a linear scale like that. You know, if you look at I'm going to call it the progression of consciousness that's taking place on the planet, and you go back, let's say 2000 years ago to the time of Yeshua and you take it to now was very, very flatlined for a long time, not much happening.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You can look at just the inventions of of man in that time period. It was a big deal when the first sewing machine was developed. I mean that was a big deal or the steam engine. Those were my new mental inventions. That didn't occur till with the 1700s. Then things started to amp up and amp up. And now we have not just a hockey stick type of of growth, but we go off the charts literally by about 2050.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's some called singularity. I call it the whole new world, the new creation. It's you. All of your past lives and your future lives are essentially all occurring right now. There's really not, you know, time is the time is the biggest illusion of all. But basically what happens is that they're all kind of occurring, but it's very hard to tap into a lifetime, even 100 years from now, because it's not on this level anymore.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's gone off the charts. It's somewhere else. And from your perspective, yes, you look back from that point and you can't even believe the level of changes that would have occurred in such a short period of time. Back to your point. Humans do take it a little too seriously. They they get really caught up in their own stuff.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You know, they were tight, really tight underwear at times. And I guess it's because they find themselves alone or not, not because of other people, but alone within themselves are not connected to what I call the master self. Now, the master, in my definition and is the culmination of all the lifetimes, future and past brought together in a being the master that is just filled with wisdom, doesn't care about all the details, doesn't care what your name was in a past lifetime, or how many bad things you did or anything like that.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Everything's been distilled to wisdom and that's the master. It's not the soul as many people would describe it. It's the personification of human lifetimes brought together in wisdom that is pretty easy to tap into. That's when you discover you're really not alone. You don't need to go out searching for your soul or your I am this or anything like that, because this facet of you understands the human journey from beginning to end.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And that mastery is not something that you as a human can create or try to make up in your mind. It's already there. It's already right right here. It's about allowing that and letting it in and being real quiet. When you allow and and then, yes, you have to have a sense of humor. my dear, dear friend coming to me.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Last thing is, the master of humor and knows how to bring even the hardest, most challenging situation down to a good laugh. And at so important to you. There's got to be a sense of humor. I mean, look at what you created. You've got to be able to laugh at it, joke, you know. And it takes us back now to this this book, like 21 realizations.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You distill everything. It's so easy to get caught in all the stuff. And if you follow the news, that's even more stuff. And everything that's happening, what's happening to you and you get caught up in, you know, the the esoteric part and it's all mental, it's all garbage. It's really just all noise. It's like static. If you just allow that master self to be present with you and it is you and distill everything, stop thinking through everything, go for the essence.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It makes life so much easier, a lot, lot easier.

Alex Ferrari
Now, how do the concepts of victimhood and healing as outlined in the realizations transform personal suffering into mastery?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Yeah. So one of the first things is to realize that there's really no victim and no abuser. I mean, there are, but they're games that we play and there's a setup in being a victim. And and that part of that set up is the concept of suffering on the planet. I'm absolutely opposed to suffering. It's a needless thing that humans picked up along the way and the churches and others reinforced it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
There's no there's no need for suffering, but it's so ingrained in the human consciousness. I have to suffer my way to to realization, to God. That is simply not true. Is suffering some believes, brings more depth to lessons, which I do not believe. But, you know, just feeling that the energies for a moment. Are you better off attaining wisdom through suffering or through humor?

Geoffrey Hoppe
I would choose humor. Suffering shows up in the lifetime, says the is the decay of the human body. It shouldn't be this way. When you're ready to leave the planet, you should be able to just walk out suffering shows up in the wars on the planet, the financial or the abundance inequity. And it's very it's very sad thing that people still buy into suffering, that it's a necessity.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It simply is not. And it doesn't really actually get you better wisdom in the end. It doesn't get you a better place in the Ascended Masters Club or anything like that. It would be my biggest charge of all is end human suffering. There's no need and the illusion that you have to suffer, it's simply does not have to be.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And I'm hoping that the this generation, not specifically your ages, but this generation of people on Earth realize that they can help put an end to the suffering just by being conscious humans on the planet shining their light. And perhaps, perhaps we can get over all this issue suffering. It's needless.

Alex Ferrari
Yeah, because you could choose. You could choose to learn lessons without suffering, without history.

Geoffrey Hoppe
But many believe that you have to have that, that they have to inflict, you know, some sort of pain on themselves or on others. And I want to address your point to one more level. The other thing is the question always comes up, why are these things happening in my life? Are bad things happening? And generally people feel they're are being inflicted from the outside.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The reality is that if there's things if there are things happening in your life, whether it's physical, emotional, anything else, it's because you're still learning something from it. You're still deriving. Now, the first time I said that, I was nearly booed off stage. People want to believe that. No, these are outside influences making their life miserable. No, it's because you're still getting something from it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
If there's a if there is an abundance issue which is common with those on the spiritual path, you're still getting something. And take a look at it. What are you receiving from that? Are you ready to let go of it? Oftentimes the abundance tissue ties in with the old suffering belief that in order to be spiritual, you have to be broke.

Geoffrey Hoppe
That is simply not true. That something that the church started and and it's simply not true. But yet they hang on to it. They think that it has to continue and it doesn't. So it says it's taking personal responsibility. If there's something in your life, no matter what it is, and it just is persistent, it won't go away because you're still getting something.

Alex Ferrari
And when I when I left, I laughed when you said that is because I find it ironic that the church would say that because church is one of the richest organizations on the planet.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Absolutely. And they have a right to be. I have no problem with that. But then it should it should involve everybody else. And, you know, back in the days of the growth of the church, by the way, the original church that wasn't even under the name of the church at that point, but it was the Gnostics that came after the time of the Shoah.

Geoffrey Hoppe
They had a great understanding of what I called the way of the way, which is brought all the way from some of the Atlantean times, the true spiritual nature. But of course humans corrupted it and used it for power, used it for manipulation. And yes, they came up with these lines about you. You can't get to heaven if you have money.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Money is going to corrupt you. No money is wonderful. Money is just energy. How could your own energy corrupt you?

Alex Ferrari
And that brings me to my next question about energy. How does the principle that energy is constantly serving us influence our interactions and decisions?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Yeah. So energy, all the energy that that you have, Alex, is yours doesn't belong to anybody else, not intermingled with anybody else's. And this is, again, a little bit of a controversial subject, but I contend that it's your energy. You're not going out into some unified energy field and trying to get your little, you know, trying to get your your morsels of energy.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So it's yours. It's inherent in energy is a derivative of consciousness. Consciousness is pure. It's nothing but awareness. It does not contain energy. It does not age, it does not it the I am isn't even aware of other I am other beings. So this consciousness is always there. It's always the awareness. It basically created something called energy and the energy is all yours.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Energy eventually turns to light when it is activated by the desires of the longings, the needs of the human on earth. And it still always does energy is never will, never oppose you, and it will never work against you. It will never try to teach you lessons. It is simply energy. If you believe your, you know, a low life human, your energy doesn't care.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It will support you in that and it will create the reality landscape of you being a low life. And you go along with that. It won't try to change it. It won't try to divert it. If you believe in your own love and your own goodness, your energy will suddenly change and serve you in that way. So it's this constant flow, but it's based on really what you what you want, what you're choosing, not not what you're thinking or the energy doesn't respond very well to thought, but into your heart.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Once you realize this and you're no longer afraid of it, because that's one of the big stumbling points. People are afraid this by energy. What if I what if I do something bad with it? What if I blow up the planet? Well, what if I harm? What if I become some sort of lush, you know, hedonistic lush? So they actually avoid it and they pretend it's not theirs, and then they go about their daily routine of just trying to just get enough energy.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Once you realize, this is yours and it's in abundance, you'll never run out. It's a little bit daunting, a little frightening, actually, but suddenly you realize I am the creator. This energy is here to serve me. Let's do it. And life changes, literally changes.

Alex Ferrari
Well, it's a lot easier to give your power away to someone else than it is to be responsible for your own power.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Absolutely. Absolutely. And, you know, it's it is easier and it's lazy. It's truly lazy and it's despicable on top of that. But yet it happens every day and every day. I'm aware of people complaining what's you know, how come I don't get more how come I can't change or reflect my own life? And, you know, they're waiting for their spirit guides to do it for them.

Geoffrey Hoppe
They're waiting for some galactic command. It's all a bunch of Markell. Markell means, spiritual bullshit. It's all Markell. It's everything is right here. It's not just in culture, but everything is already within you. Yeshua tried to say that time and time again, but yet people, humans, they think they have to look outside of themselves. And it's a game.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's a game and it's a tiring game. And I hope many of you viewers are tired of enough of it now to change it and to let all that old stuff go. This is this generation on the planet right now, those who are in their enlightened realization and of those coming to it, you're going to change the planet with consciousness, but not with agenda, not because you're I'm very much opposed to being caused workers.

Geoffrey Hoppe
There's enough cause workers on the planet. You don't need to do that anymore. Your role is to be here, to stay here on the planet in this biology and shine your light to the planet without agenda. Not about let's end wars or let's solve the environmental issues. Other people will do that. Your right now is raised up to the next level and you, Alex, and your listeners, we're here to bring in consciousness in light what that is illuminate potentials that other humans might not have seen.

Geoffrey Hoppe
We're not trying to tell them what to do. We're saying here is a greater view of all your potentials. Now what do you want to do with them now?

Alex Ferrari
How do the teachings of these ancient masters like yourselves in the realizations, relate to the current global challenges that are facing?

Geoffrey Hoppe
The global challenges are unprecedented, needless to say. And I think the biggest factor right now with everything going on is to stay here on the planet. Number one, after you, after you come to your realization, there's a very strong, very strong desire to leave. You finally come to the point where you you are, you have integrated everything within yourself.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You've let all the guilt and shame go. It's amazing how people love their guilt and shame, but you finally let that go. You are basically complete. You finished your cycles of lifetimes. It is very tempting to want to leave because why? Why stay? Why stay in this very dense, sometimes very and polluted, energetically polluted reality. So the first thing is to take a good look.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Why do you want to stay? And it's not to save the planet. You really can't, but it's to add your light to the planet. And there's a huge difference. Then if you choose to stay, then it's about being very clear with yourself. If you stay, make a contract with yourself or whatever. If you stay, you're going to do it in abundance, in joy, in love, and specifically love.

Geoffrey Hoppe
2.0, which I just finished talking about in love and in ease, not suffering. There's no sense in staying here if you're not going to be abundant and you know, if you're not, you're going to be a bad role model for others. By the way, in abundance flows. It it really does show it's about staying here at this time.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The the consciousness beings that that are staying on the planet. They're not the ones out beating drums and giving big speeches and soliciting followers. They're doing a very quietly. They tend to live relatively quiet lives and they shine their light simply by going to the coffee shop, sitting on a park bench, enjoying their day. This light that they bring in now provides a higher level of potentials for humanity to choose from.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Because right now you're at kind of a pinnacle point. The old biology or biological being is going out of style. I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with more of a biology that's robotic or implants or A.I. or anything like that. It's I'm not taking a stance. One or the other, but it is coming. You recently had an epic event happen on the planet that, unbeknownst to most, your first neural implant, your first computer chip in the mind.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Most people thought, Well, that's cute, that's nice. It's huge because that's just the beginning. You have other things happening on the planet right now, basically an evolution into the new human species. What that will look like is it's all going to be electronic. I don't know if it's going to be a combination of biological and augmented. It really doesn't matter at this point.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And I know some of your viewers are going to take great exceptions with this. They think that you have to be a biological being. But I'll remind each and every one of you, you're of consciousness. This biological vessel that you're in, is it It's foreign. You know, you embody it in to it, but it's not really you. Just any more than a robotic being would be you.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The question is, is the embodiment of consciousness, whether it's into this biology, whether it's into artificial intelligence or into your light body, which is not physical for the most part, but it's about the embodiment of consciousness on the planet right now. That's that's huge. That's the issue. And not to get trapped into thinking you have to be a biological being, you, you know, you don't need to be birthed.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You know, you've got caught in that trap of incarnations in the biological birthing, but you really don't need to be. You can you can literally embody your consciousness in a tree, maybe for a day or a year, whatever, and then hop over to something else. It's about understanding now what consciousness is and the fact that consciousness does not arise from matter.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Consciousness can create matter and I can go on and on, is telling me to let go of the question.

Alex Ferrari
Very cool. How might the concept of energy serving us reshape our understanding of the economic systems and money in the future?

Geoffrey Hoppe
There's a common belief right now that there are a limited amount of energy or supplies or money, whatever you want, and we're all going to fight over a limited amount of land, a limited amount of air and everything, limited amount of sunshine. It's simply not true. How I you know, maybe to the observer, maybe to your eyes, you look out and say, well, you know, but there's only so much to go around in the world.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Some are so many crops. None of that is true unless you believe it. There are you are self sufficient when it comes to your own abundance in terms of whether it's money, whether it's food, whether it's opportunity. It's all right there. And I implore you to please start tapping into that. Stop it. Get off this old belief that there's a limited about on the planet to go around and you all have to fight over it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
That's one of the reasons for wars. If everybody realized their energy independent, there wouldn't be any wars, there wouldn't be any energy feeding off of other people, manipulation of others, the enslavement of others. The the our place against others. Why would you need that if you are totally energy independent and you are if the game changer an answer to the question.

Alex Ferrari
Perfectly put.

Geoffrey Hoppe
But it's going to be a while before we get there. We have people that still believe that they all have the wild drinking from the same well, and you have to grab and fight for your fair share. There's people who talk about how they're these unified fields that we all have to share together. It's simply not true. Simply not true.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Sovereignty is the realization that it's all within and. Humans have been programed the opposite. You can transcend that programing in and by the use of reverse gravity. You know, you have gravitational forces that bring everything in, including thoughts, not just matter cooling thoughts. There is the reverse side of that. Your quantum physicists call it dark matter. It's not dark and it doesn't matter.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I call it a rotation, which means that you now use the expansion on nature of gravity to open up and realize some of these things.

Alex Ferrari
Now, what insights can the realizations offer regarding the future of war and conflict resolution in our planet?

Geoffrey Hoppe
I'm going to make a statement. Cold War is not going to like in some of your readers, our viewers, I can like. But humans are invested in their wars. Humans like their wars, unfortunately, because they get to flex their muscles, they get to play power games. They get to take from others. It's a it's an old, old concept.

Geoffrey Hoppe
By the way, wars go back even before Earth was even around. Wars occurred in the angelic realms, not with missiles and bombs and guns, but the battles, the original battles in the angelic realms were about thinking that you had the answer. You knew how to get back home here. We all were angelic beings outside of what we would call home, or the is this.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And it were floating around out there in a manner of speaking. And it's like, how do I get back home? How do I get home? And it's like I bump into you and it's like, I bet he knows. So I'm going to take him over. I'm going to grab his energy, even though I really can't. And I and I'm going to use you to get back home, which caused the original angelic battles they went on for a long, long time, almost to the point of collapse.

Geoffrey Hoppe
In all reality, all energy slowed down to the point where some sort of resolution had to had to be devised, and that's when planet Earth was created. Let's create this little planet. We'll go down there some of the injured beings from the angelic families will go there and basically pretend to get lost, trying to discover the answer to the question what is the relationship between consciousness and energy ultimately, and how can we all realize we're energetic beings?

Geoffrey Hoppe
How can when that occurs, the wars will go away by themselves? There's no need to battle. There's no need to think that somebody else has the answer. It's time for humans to start looking within themselves.

Alex Ferrari
Are there any specific signs or events that we should be attentive to in 2024 or in the near future for spiritual growth, growth of the species?

Geoffrey Hoppe
There are many, many. And the question is where to start with that, I'm going to put forth one thing that I'm pretty concerned about and carry in your United States, and it has to do with the election year that you're in. Now if you live here and perhaps some of the some of a lot of your viewers are outside of the U.S., but you have some very old dynamics and some very old candidates running right now.

Geoffrey Hoppe
In other words, you look at the energy behind it. It's very old, old power games, old ways of doing things, old ways of fighting. So what's on stage for the elections is old. And the concern here is that this country, America, is so divided right now that no matter who wins this upcoming election, whether it's a Democrat or Republican, that there is going to be a very the potential for a very, very disruptive civil violence in the country.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The election will probably be very, very close because that that chasm between the duality between the two is is almost so evenly balanced. Let's say that one party wins and by a narrow margin, and we're going to have it's going to make the last election look like child's play. There's going to be burning, destruction, violence in the cities.

Geoffrey Hoppe
There's going to be disruption of the distribution patterns across United States. And that will be far reaching. It won't just be about the U.S. will apply to other countries. I have some very grave concerns about what's going to happen on Election Day here in the U.S. Let's say, for instance, if Donald Trump is the Republican candidate and he wins, they almost guarantee that cities are going to burn that night.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's not just because of the elections. It's because of some very old pent up energies, old, old energies that have been around for a while and they're going to flare up. And that's why I say right now it's time to bring your light to the planet. Don't choose Republican or Democrat. That is, if you are, you really aren't doing the job of being a consciousness bringer on the planet right now.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You're taking sides. There are no sides, but it's about bringing light so humans can find a different way to handle the potential crisis. And instead of burning the cities, find ways to to build the new. I said a while back to a group of Shaumbra. Everything on this planet goes new. Like I said that in about 2014 or 15, everything goes new.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Technology, your financial systems, your ways of growing food, your ways of relating to your own body. Everything across the board goes new right now and that's a lot of disruption and a crude create a lot of chaos and a lot of people are going to feel very insecure and very vulnerable in this time. So that's probably my biggest concern right now.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Now, plus the plus the you know, this new generation that you're in is going to be applied to everything, whether it's really A.I. or not. People are using it, replacing the old phrase new and improved. Now with A.I., it's everywhere. A.I. is incredible. It has the potential to bring this planet into its true glory, into a place that is like no other in all of creation, into the planet of love, the planet of compassion and the planet of the creators.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So what's happening right now is tremendous. But if A.I. is misused, we all know what could happen because it's, we are in the apocalypse. But so far the bad version of the apocalypse hasn't happened. But it easily could.

Alex Ferrari
Well, it would be the equivalent of giving, you know, people in the dark ages or even at the times of Joshua. Yeshua. A machine gun. Exactly, Exactly. Or or a nuclear bomb or the concept of these kind of powers that they were not ready consciously to deal with in any way, shape or form. Yeah. Whereas in now, A.I. is our machine gun, if you will, and can be you.

Alex Ferrari
We're on that cutting edge of like it could go either way. I, I tend to believe with what you're saying, that it will lean towards the good. Yes. And like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. Hammer to kill or build. It's all relative. But I do see that. I see where we're going with that.

Alex Ferrari
And people shouldn't be. And people I don't think people should be scared. I don't know if you agree with that or not.

Geoffrey Hoppe
They should be aware.

Alex Ferrari
Not aware. That's all.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And they should be aware of which way to go, which way could go. There's enough consciousness on the planet. Now, earlier in the year we had this thing called Heaven's Cross, which was the opening between the realms and more. It's more easier to access divinity and bring in more consciousness. We've gone up by about 2% since March 22nd of 2023, and it doesn't sound like a lot, but that's a lot.

Geoffrey Hoppe
That's a big infusion of consciousness, and at some point we'll get up to about 7%. That's going to make all the difference. And I agree with you. I think the planet is going to go in the right direction, but not with a lot of screaming and noise from from others. But yes, I do it. There's enough. There are enough.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Who incarnate incarnate it back on the planet now that are bringing in that light, some would ask, well, why don't you send your masters? Just wave your hands and do it. We can't. First of all, we don't interfere. We advise, we don't interfere, but we can't do it. You have to be in that realm, the realm that's made of energy, light and gravity and ultimately matter to do anything to affect it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So we really can't. We're kind of like advisors, but I truly believe and I made this statement recently, that after going through some bumpy years up ahead, this planet will evolve into into the most beautiful place in all of creation.

Alex Ferrari
What are the biggest challenges humanity needs to face in this coming year?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Their own, their own darkness? And it's here. I don't think people are going to wake up in the morning and face it, but there is a fear of darkness. There's a fear of it's the thing that opposes light and at least people think so. Darkness isn't what the churches have made it out to be or other people. It's a beautiful game, actually, that many people are invested into.

Geoffrey Hoppe
We have to have our dark and we have to have our light. It's truly a game. There ultimately is really no darkness and no light. Tobias said it so beautifully years ago. He said, The darkness is your divinity, meaning that what you call your darkness is the place within you, or a place of actual love that's holding all the crap you don't love about yourself.

Geoffrey Hoppe
It's. It's the landfill. It's the the dump that's holding things you haven't accepted or loved about yourself. When people realize that it's not darkness, it's in terms of a bad force. It's just what they didn't love about themselves. And maybe it's time to address that darkness while the things that are held in there, all the self-loathing and, you know, all the minimizing and all the the the lack of of true grace, which then calls forth suffering, which brings on more darkness.

Geoffrey Hoppe
The bottom line is when humans start to stop being afraid of their darkness and realize that there's not an opposing force and that their darkness is not what they thought it would be was or what they thought it was, then this planet will have made huge strides. Huge strides. The dark is not bad. It's simply things that you felt in shame or guilt about within yourself.

Geoffrey Hoppe
There's not there's not a some evil forces out there. I mean, people do heinous things, but it's not like there's a Satan out there. It just isn't. So it was it was an old game. It's time for that to end. People need to face their darkness.

Alex Ferrari
And finally, what message of hope or guidance would you offer those striving for spiritual growth amidst the challenges of the modern world.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And simplify and distill, Get out of your head. Understand that while you are in this reality and you believe it's linear, you believe that you have to go through a lot of steps, including a lot of suffering, you really don't. You can get off of that any time you want. This reality that you're in that you think is time and space really isn't.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I mean, there actually is no such thing as time or space. They're interesting concepts, but they're not actual hard physics. There's really nothing ultimately more than your I am not sure awareness, your energy, which allows you then to experience that I amnesty your light, which is energy put into motion and eventually gravity, which is a force that brings everything into focus or expands it and opens it up.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So my point is, are you I'm feeding into into your viewers right now. You're just saturated with so much mental stuff and then it's confusing you. It wears you out. It gets you sick in the physical body. You have you have mental constipation right now. Let your spirit come in. Your spirit is so beautifully, elegantly simple. Let this master come in and don't hurt what to do and don't try to control it And don't try to make yourself a superhuman.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Let that master walk side by side with you each and every day, keeping things as simple as you possibly can.

Alex Ferrari
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Geoffrey Hoppe
I do. You're here at this very special time. If you're listening to this, you chose to be here. I call it the Time of Machines, based on a book I wrote in my last physical lifetime on the planet where projected myself into the future, specifically into the year 2020. And I looked around and saw everything that was going on.

Geoffrey Hoppe
I saw the proliferation of technology. I saw I saw a world divided. I saw the beauty of nature, but yet the abuse of nature. And I wrote this book called The Time of the Machines. You've chosen to be here. It's not by accident, and you chose to be here so you could bring something that ultimately would be consciousness.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Don't get distracted. Don't don't think that you have to battle for anything right now, even within yourself. You're here to be a bringer of consciousness. And at the same time, for many of you, this will be your last lifetime on the planet. Enjoy the hell out of it. Do things you've always wanted to do. Stop holding back the joy.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Be an expression of it then. And I can already hear all the mental chatter going on. But how do I do it? And I don't have any money and I wasn't educated or whatever the excuses are, shut up and allow it to happen. And it will.

Alex Ferrari
That simple I means thank you so much for coming back on the show and for your wisdom and knowledge and for everything that you and your group is trying to do to help awaken planet.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So he's a delight. And again, for the work you're doing that you're you are a beautiful conduit for even an ascended master like me to come through working with you to continue to shine that light. So your work has its challenges. I know I knew in many ways, but I ask you to take a deep breath and realize what you're really doing and how you're facilitating this amazing, amazing time on the planet.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So with that, we'll have Linda do just a very short breathing out and we'll see if Jeffrey's around to return. Thank you. Now my stay.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And with that, please, once again, taking that good deep breath to feel all the potential that is within you. Take that good deep breath feeling the difference that you can make by shining your light, your consciousness takes equity breath. So my terror Dharma shared with us. Wow. Breathe that in and don't think about it. Just feel it. Just flow that breathe and allow for you.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Feel all that you are. It's all there. We just have to breathe it in and allow it. Feel it behind. Take that good deep breath. The I am that I am, I exist. You are there. Breathe it all with it. Thanks to Adams for sharing so much.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Thank you. So I'm back. Jeff. Jeffrey. Whatever. I think I'm back. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari
How are you feeling?

Geoffrey Hoppe
You're a good. I always feel great when I when I do channel. You know, I've had situations where I've had terrible jetlag and I've got to get in front of a large audience somewhere on the other side of the world. And I just don't know how I'm going to make it through the day. But the minute I start channeling, it's like, you know, I just feel the energy, feel the love go that I love it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Once in a while, you know, when a dominant is talking about, no, don't go there, please don't say that. But you know, he's proven me on almost all the occasions. You know, he'll say something very provocative. And ultimately it's, you know, it's true.

Alex Ferrari
Yeah. Well, what did you think about what he was saying in this conversation?

Geoffrey Hoppe
He he wanted to say a lot more. He wanted to talk forever. And it's like, no, no, we we have our limits here. But he loves the planet and he knows ultimately we're going to go in the right direction. He's concerned about the bumps and bruises along the way, particularly over these next ten years or so. And he's constantly encouraging us just to stay in balance.

Geoffrey Hoppe
You know, don't overreact we're really here right now to bring consciousness. And he's said it in some recent gathering. He said this We're going to evolve through the all and this planet is just going to be what you've always envisioned, you know, a place of true of true love and of of of abundance and joy. But right now, we're dealing with old forces that are trying to hang on to old ways of power in particular.

Geoffrey Hoppe
And he said it's just it can't be anymore. All that the power and all the games have to go away.

Alex Ferrari
Well, can you tell everybody where they can find out more about you, the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Geoffrey Hoppe
Sure. Thank you are Crimson circle dot com WW w crimson like the color circle dot com And we've got an extensive library Some of almost everything in that library is free we have other very intense workshops and courses that we offer a lot of free products. It's a it's a huge website. You can find a lot on it.

Geoffrey Hoppe
So do check it out. And particularly I would encourage you to check out the 21 genre realizations because. First of all, it's free and it's so concise, it's so distilled. You know, if you don't do anything else, just check that out.

Alex Ferrari
My friend. Thank you again so much for coming on the show. I appreciate you and everything you Adamas and your group is doing to enlighten and awake in the planet. So I appreciate you, my friend.

Geoffrey Hoppe
Always appreciate on the show. You do a great job of facilitating the energies.

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