In the radiant conversation of today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Dain Heer, a dynamic executive coach and speaker whose transformative insights into consciousness, self-awareness, and personal empowerment offer a beacon of hope and inspiration. Dr. Heer’s journey is a testament to the power of embracing one’s true self and the profound impact of living with authenticity and purpose.
Dr. Heer begins by addressing the fundamental nature of reality and consciousness. He explains how our perceptions and beliefs shape our experiences, emphasizing that our point of view creates our reality. “It is what it is, and your point of view creates your reality around it,” he states, highlighting the power of mindset. This perspective encourages us to take responsibility for our experiences and to recognize that we have the power to change our reality by changing our thoughts and beliefs.
Dr. Dain Heer shares the story of the 100th Monkey Effect, a phenomenon illustrating how a critical mass of individuals adopting a new behavior or idea can lead to widespread change across an entire population. This concept underscores the interconnectedness of consciousness and the potential for collective transformation. By raising our individual consciousness and embracing higher vibrational states, we contribute to a tipping point that can elevate the collective human experience.
- Conscious Creation of Reality: Dr. Heer emphasizes that our reality is a reflection of our beliefs and perceptions. By shifting our mindset and embracing positive, empowering thoughts, we can transform our experiences and manifest a more fulfilling life.
- Interconnectedness and Collective Consciousness: The 100th Monkey Effect illustrates the power of collective consciousness. As we elevate our individual awareness, we contribute to a broader shift in human consciousness, promoting global transformation.
- The Role of Choice and Empowerment: Dr. Heer encourages us to embrace our power of choice. By recognizing that we are not victims of our circumstances but active creators of our reality, we can make empowered decisions that align with our true desires and values.
A significant part of Dr. Dain Heer’s work involves Access Consciousness, a set of tools and techniques designed to facilitate more consciousness and awareness. Access Consciousness promotes living in a state where everything exists, and nothing is judged. This approach helps individuals unlock their potential and achieve greater freedom and happiness. One of the core concepts of Access Consciousness is the Clearing Statement, a tool that helps people release limitations and change any aspect of their life. Dr. Heer explains, “The Clearing Statement is like a magic wand that allows you to clear away the energetic charge holding you back.”
Dr. Heer also delves into the concept of judgment and its limiting effects on our consciousness. He explains that judgment, whether directed at ourselves or others, creates barriers to awareness and growth. Instead, he advocates for adopting an attitude of “interesting point of view,” which allows us to acknowledge our thoughts and feelings without attaching to them or making them real. This practice helps dissolve the polarities of positive and negative judgments, fostering a state of freedom and openness.
In a discussion about self-awareness, Dr. Heer highlights the importance of recognizing and releasing inherited beliefs and patterns. He explains how many of our thoughts and behaviors are influenced by the energetic environments we grew up in, often reflecting the unresolved issues of our parents and ancestors. By becoming aware of these patterns and consciously choosing to let them go, we can break free from limiting stories and create a new narrative for our lives.
One of the key messages Dr. Heer imparts is the importance of living with authenticity and embracing our unique gifts. He stresses that true greatness lies not in conforming to external standards but in fully expressing our individuality and pursuing what brings us joy and fulfillment. This approach requires courage and a willingness to be different, but it ultimately leads to a more meaningful and vibrant life.
Dr. Dain Heer’s teachings also touch on the significance of forgiveness and self-compassion. He encourages us to release the need for self-judgment and to forgive ourselves for past mistakes. By doing so, we free up energy that can be directed towards positive creation and personal growth.
In conclusion, Dr. Dain Heer’s profound insights into consciousness, self-awareness, and personal empowerment offer valuable tools for transforming our lives. His message encourages us to embrace our true selves, live authentically, and contribute to the collective elevation of human consciousness.
Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Dain Heer.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 199
Dr. Dain Heer 0:00
And this is where we've also got to get over trying to blame anyone for what's going on. We just need to acknowledge without blame, like, hey, how often did your parents encourage you to find out what was true for you?
Alex Ferrari 0:11
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Dr. Dain Heer. How you doin Dain?
Dr. Dain Heer 0:32
Great. How about you, Alex?
Alex Ferrari 0:33
I'm good brother. How's your How's your new year going so far?
Dr. Dain Heer 0:36
Oh, man, what a year? I think, you know, I think everything before 2023 was just warm up. That's my point of view.
Alex Ferrari 0:45
I hope so. Man, I hope so it's gonna be, it's gonna be a really interesting year to say the least, let's
Dr. Dain Heer 0:50
Agree. But here's the thing. See, it is what it is, in your point of view creates your reality around it. So, you know, it's like what happens happens, you can be grateful for it, or you can be resentful of it. And it's your choice. You know, your it's your life and your choice. So I figure everything is a warm up for the greatest year so far. And if I'm wrong, well, then that's not the first time nor will be the last.
Alex Ferrari 1:15
It's always better to have a good outlook on things than it is to have a negative outlook. That's why I've always looked at because you do def definitely bring bring the energy that you put out into the universe. There's just absolutely no question. So for people who want to know more about your your origin story, and things like that, I will direct them towards our first interview that I did. While ago last and last year. So long ago last year, that we did that that interview, and I'll put that in the show notes. But I want to just jump right in. I saw something online, I want you to tell the audience about this was just a great, great opening here. What is the 100th Monkey effect?
Dr. Dain Heer 1:54
The 100 Monkey, it's a phenomenon that occurred, they were studying these monkeys on these islands that and the islands were not connected by any landmass, which I guess is why we called them an island now that I think about Whooo! science science for the win. And what happened was, they were running out of food. So they started dropping food from helicopters, and the crates would break. And they would eat the food. But one monkey was like, hey, this sucks, I hate dirt in here, I'm gonna go wash it. So he started washing it. Once 100 monkeys on that island started washing their food, the monkeys on all the islands they were studying washed them the same day. And so it's a phenomenon of consciousness where, or I guess I will have I'll call it a phenomenon of consciousness. But it's a phenomenon where when you change the vibration of something to a higher level that's greater for everybody. It reaches a tipping point. And it's really about the tipping point. I mean, we all know what a tipping point is. So it reaches a tipping point at which it becomes available to everybody.
Alex Ferrari 3:02
Wow, that's a pretty profound experiment. What did what did science have to say about that?Did they have explanations?
Dr. Dain Heer 3:08
Science had no explanation. You know, it's like, and here's the thing about, you know, the work I do is called Access Consciousness. And what we're exploring is what consciousness actually is. But what are the tools that it gives you? How does it allow you to live your life? How does it allow you to create your life? How does it allow you to change the things we don't like to change, you know, or you individually would like to change? And so, consciousness, we have a definition of consciousness where everything exists, and nothing is judged. And so what I would say is their level of consciousness raised in other words, and and it's an interesting thing, because people ask me all the time about consciousness, obviously, because of the work that I do, you know, they'll say, what is it to you? And I'll give them that definition where everything exists, and nothing is judged. They're like, Okay, give me an example. And like, well, a lot of the new technologies that are coming out are because of a rise in consciousness. So whereas before we were polluting, doing all these things in a particular way, and we just did it because we were unaware unconscious of it. We first step as we become aware of it, next step is okay, what can we do to change it? And that's an elevation and consciousness. In other words, somebody's light bulb went off, as they were looking at what can we do to change this? And they come up with a new technology. And, and the funny part is, we tend to give such credence to technology and new technology as though technology will save us. Technology without consciousness is useless. Technology without consciousness is is it watch Terminator, you get the idea? You know, I mean, when I was trying to make a joke that wasn't very funny, I guess Terminator and joke there probably aren't very many good Terminator jokes now that I think about it. But that's the idea is there consciousness race. and consciousness knows no boundaries, there is no distance and no time that it requires, it just is.
Alex Ferrari 5:07
Do you think that's what's happened to us in general, because from the early 1900s, to where we are today, consciousness has definitely risen. And there's things that we take for granted. Now, that was heresy 100 years ago.
Dr. Dain Heer 5:23
Absolutely. And that is, and so consciousness would also be synonymous with awareness. Anytime you're willing to truly be aware of what's going on not not your judgement of what it is, or your point of view about what it is, because that's where we also get really stuck. Because there are a lot of people who are going around saying, I'm woke, I'm sorry, if you have to say you're woke, you ain't woke, okay? Go back to sleep, wake up, and, you know, wake up later. Because the thing about it is, awareness is, has increased dynamically in a lot of areas. But concurrent with that there's been a lot more of this is right, and this is wrong. And the difficulty is you can have judgment or you can have consciousness. And so what happens is judgment. So, judgment, anytime you make a judgment or a decision, come up with any fixed point of view about something, nothing that doesn't match that judgment, or that decision can come into your awareness until you're willing to change it. So if you decide, for example, life is hard. There's a lot of people who've decided that, especially in the last couple years, well, what does that create that creates, they're like being hard. There's a lot of people, a lot of people like, one of the things I love about Access Consciousness is, we have 10s of 1000s, hundreds of 1000s of people who are who have done, you know, well, I guess over a million at this point, who've done one of the beginning classes, but also who are connected to the work at some level. And the people that were regularly using the tools sailed through the entire pandemic. And, and not that they didn't have downs, but they recognized it for what it was, and were able to get out of it and change it. And so for the most part, they had a lot of lightness over the last few years. And what is that? Is that me creating it? Not at all. It's them. It's it's, it's looking from a place of awareness, rather than aligning and agreeing with the trauma and drama, or resisting and reacting to the trauma and drama. Because if we align and agree, we're making it real. So if somebody says, Hey, you're a jerk, and you go, Oh, my God, I am a jerk. Well, you've just aligned and agreed, you've made that a reality. And what usually happens right after that is somebody will say you're a jerk. And only because you align and agree and make it real, then you go, No, I'm not. And you then go into resistance and reaction. So alignment and agreement is the positive polarity, making it real and true. Resistance and reaction is the negative polarity. And you get those two together, and it locks it in place as a reality, that is not changeable. Well, there's a space of freedom, which is where every point of view, every thought, every feeling every yuck stuck, or what the fuck is, is just an interesting point of view, where you go, hey, you know, and you can use it, it's a great tool to use. And I wish everybody out there were just embrace it, which is, you know, you can get some upset that you've got, and just get the energy of it right now something that's still in your world has been there for a little while, hasn't gone anywhere. And every time you think about it, you kind of get stuck, just get that energy and go, interesting point of view, I have this point of view. And it usually changes even if a little bit. And then again, to whatever's left. Interesting point of view, I have this point of view. And again, interesting point of view, I have this point of view. And as it changes, interesting point of view, I have this point of view, interesting point of view, I have this point of view, interesting point of view, I have this point of view. And what usually happens is between three and eight times of doing it, you don't have the point of view anymore. See, what we don't realize is we stick ourselves with our points of view. And the other challenge is that 99% of the points of view we have are things we bought from other people, because they were their reality. We're so aware of it energetically that we think it's somehow our reality. And also that our job if we really care about our loved people, is to align and agree with them on their points of view. And this is not serving anybody but it's what everybody does to such a degree that probably a lot of people when I said that just blanked out. Because if I'm saying something and it sounds like Greek translated into Russian by a Japanese guy who's never spoken English, that's when it's something you do so dynamically that I will address it and you go you know, because cuz it's so underlying the basis of reality.
Alex Ferrari 10:03
Well, then why? What can we do though, when someone so that example, you said you're a jerk, right? And that whole and there was only the positive than negative. But what if when someone says something like I read, I read my comments, and stay in touch with everybody that in my community on Next Level Soul, so I hear all my comments and I'm gonna say 90 95% are wonderful and positive and energetic for everybody listen for everybody that's in the community. And then there's a few 5% or so that are negative, or they say something negative. And when they say something, you know, I just that I don't agree with about myself, because I've heard it 1000 times from different points of views, but I'm like, No, but I, but I've had a million people say it's the opposite of it. Yeah, I, I just disagree, I just don't, don't do the negative or negative polarity you said, or the positive polarity, I just let it wash off my back. It doesn't even it doesn't even stick to me in any way, shape, or form. Because I know who I am, at a certain point, you could tell me that I'm a duck. And that could be your point of view that I'm a duck and identify as a duck, I should identify as a duck, I'm like, but I'm not a duck. So it's, it's ludicrous for me to even have that conversation in my head. So how can we avoid even just being in the negative or the positive of that kind of conversation?
Dr. Dain Heer 11:29
That's actually the whole point of the conversation, you're already doing it. And it's for the places where you're not doing that. Because if, if you're doing exactly what you were talking about, you don't get stuck. You don't get stuck by anything really, which is what I'm trying to get people to the awareness and the possibility of and actually give them a tool that will help them get there if they use it. And, and which is interesting point of view, I have this point of view, when you get when you go from the resistance and reaction stuck thing we were talking about. And you go interesting point of view, you're making a choice to undo the polarize point of view. And so exactly what you're doing is exactly how you want to handle it, you're a duct. No, I know myself, No, I'm not thank you. And it doesn't, it doesn't have any influence in your world, other than an acknowledgement of wow, that person's got an interesting point of view, you know, and you can you, you don't have to try to justify it, you don't have to try to prove it's not true, you don't have to try to come up with a reason for why they did it, you just stops there. Because a lot of people are spending a lot of energy, trying to reason and justify the things that people do, or that they do that they don't understand, which has the effect of keeping them from choice. And in the case of doing something they're doing on their own, it has the case of having them go into a lot of blame shame or guilt and guilt a lot. Because they don't understand what or why they chose. And there is a place if it's something for you, if it's your thing, if you're choosing something, there is definitely a space to look at. Okay, what what got me here. And when you get there, what you do is you want to do the whole basis of it, and it will never stick you again. But when it comes to somebody else, don't try to justify their choices acknowledge that's a choice they're making. Okay!
Alex Ferrari 13:42
Now, one of the more dangerous things I think that we do to ourselves is lie to ourselves. Why do we do that? And how can we uncover those lies, because I think everybody on the planet I want to one or another lie to themselves, about something meaningful in their life, something frivolous of in their life. But those little ones turn into big ones, and then turns into stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves that are lies, but then rule our lives. It's a very dangerous, dangerous, dangerous thing that we do to ourselves, how can we identify it? And how can we root it out and get rid of them?
Dr. Dain Heer 14:19
Well, we need to recognize that we were taught to lie to ourselves. We were taught not by people who it. And this is where we've also got to get over trying to blame anyone for what's going on. We just need to acknowledge without blame, like hey, how often did your parents encourage you to find out what was true for you? And how often do they encourage you to do what you're supposed to? And how often when you did something that you wanted to do that they didn't want you to do or that seemed to create more work for them or whatever, did they come down on you to try to get you to stop or let you know you're wrong. So the reason I would say we lie to ourselves all the time number one we've been trained to. And we've grown up around people who have dynamically lied to themselves themselves, who also lied to us. And it wasn't even like they cognitively went, I'm gonna go lie to my child now. You know, it wasn't that it was that they did not have a willingness to have a level of self awareness. To know what was true for them different than the majority are different than their family, different than all the subs, sub segments of population they were interacting with. So we saw our parents do it. We've seen everyone we've ever know, do it. And I think if if there were one thing that if we could change, it would change the face of the planet, I think that would be the one. But what that would be is more consciousness with self. So because if we could if, if you look at it, if instead of trying the other reason why we one of the other reasons, this is a big topic, actually, yeah. But one of the other reasons we lie to ourselves is because we don't want the judgment of ourselves, we believe we would have to do if we were honest with ourselves. But if we're actually honest with ourselves, then there's no judgment required. Because we can acknowledge, hey, I chose this. Not trying to prove Oh, I didn't choose it. It just happened. Or I chose this because of something outside of me that made this happen. No, I chose this. If you chose it, you chose it. You know if it if it came out of your mouth, you chose it? Or if you did it, you chose it. And we've never been given the freedom to acknowledge without judgment. Well, at least most of us, okay, there are a few families out there that actually did that. And it's amazing. Because most of those people are so well adjusted. It's like, wow, it was so cool. And but almost non existent. So we were never given the freedom to acknowledge without judgment. And so my overarching point of view is that given that we live in a world, that values judgment over awareness, given that we live in a world that values being right over being free, given that we live in a world that values image, and what other people think about us, and this grows every day in most people's worlds, they value image and what other people think more than they do, how they are and how they feel about themselves. I think those are three of the biggest things that create the space where we lie to ourselves all the time. And what what we seem to be gravitating toward more and more is validation from outside sources. And so will lie to us about whatever. And then as long as somebody outside of us goes, Hey, that was awesome. You're like, oh, okay, it's fine. But also, let me let me the one last thing I need to address and I know we want to go into how to change it. But the one last thing I want to address is the biggest thing we lie to ourselves are the biggest way in which we lie to ourselves. Biggest thing we lie to ourselves about is our greatness.
Alex Ferrari 18:09
Especially in the West, especially number one, and by the way, we're number one in confidence. 28th in math, so that's those are actual stats, by the way. Number one in confidence in the world, us kids. Number one confiidence 28 in math just throwing that out there. Wow. 32nd in science, if I'm not mistaken.
Dr. Dain Heer 18:32
Wow. Yeah. There you go. Pretty much, you know. And that's, that is exactly it. It's like we're, we are not taught, we are not even taught what true greatness is. Most people don't have a clue. People think true greatness is being a multimillionaire or being on TV or being a sports star, or a music star of some kind. But if you watch, most of those people being interviewed aren't very present. A lot of them are not very present. Let me not say most, let me say a lot of them are not very present. And then when you find one that is you're surprised and you're engaged, you know, it's like, wow, this is great.
Alex Ferrari 19:12
So let me just jump in here for a second because I've had the opportunity to interview many of these, these celebrities, and high performers and things like that in the world. And it's fascinating that you're right, many of them. You know, they're not used to real questions. They're not used to they're just used to this kind of like, you know, social media style questions is like, you know, what underwear do you wear and you know, Oh, who's your favorite this or that, like, these kinds of very superficial questions. But when you ask real questions, sometimes they don't know how to handle it. Yeah, other times. It is. It is the door that they've been waiting for someone to knock on. And they just bought I mean, I didn't you know, without dropping names. I did it with a call applauded multi million seller in the music space, and then a big giant movie star and another one. And they just, they just started to, I mean, unleashed this therapy session. And at the end, both of them said, Do I owe you money for a therapy session. Because it was so profound and you're listening to him, you've never heard them speak this way before. And people love those conversations. But you're right. I've because I've been around Hollywood for so long. And I've met and worked with a lot of these people. It is not what it's shown on television. You know, I mean, Will Smith was a perfect example of that. A man has some deep seated stuff going on in his life to do what he did at the Oscars. And he was arguably one of the biggest movie stars in the world. So it's not all what it's cracked up to be just like social media is not what it is. It's not a lie. It's an exaggeration. If you and I take the most perfect moments of our life, take pictures of it, put a filter on it, and go live in life hashtag livin life. That's, that's not real. That's when maybe one moment of it. But then that's maybe let's say, that's a minute. And there's 24 hours in that in that day, I promise you not every minute of that day was like that. So people have to understand and me ask you, though, is that one of the reasons why we're so fragile? When someone challenges our beliefs or challenges? What we think of ourselves, even our lives of ourselves, or just as anything negative to us, we many of us, especially of a certain generation, don't have the, the the armor, if you will, to handle that, or at least the knowledge of themselves to just kind of just go that's ridiculous. Because if someone says you're a duck, am I a duck? I have no, I have no identity of myself, other than what other people tell me I am. So when someone says I'm a duck, maybe I'm a duck. Maybe I'm a duck. Is that one of the reasons why, you know, again, and I say certain generation, I think younger generations are having much more issues with that then you and i generation. Yeah, we were just raised in a different time. But do you? Do you agree with
Dr. Dain Heer 22:15
No, I think I think that's a huge part of it. And the here's the other thing, and I want to I want to present something that I hope it'll make sense to people, which is that the thing we will fight hardest for and will be most intensely resistant to or that will most intensely defend is the point of view about us or something else that we buy? That's not ours.
Alex Ferrari 22:45
Agreed, Agreed yes!
Dr. Dain Heer 22:49
So when you have, so if we look at the, let's say, the younger generations, there's more of a propensity to, to buy all kinds of things that because I've got way more interaction with way more people and way more people's insanity. And, and, and then everybody can see who how many liked it. And so Oh, if they liked it, I better like it. So they gravitate toward that also. But when we buy a point of view, that's not ours, we will fight to the death to defend it. And so here we have a bunch of people who are somewhat fragile in that it in exactly as you were saying, there's there's not the sense of self, other than the image that's portrayed to others, who were then trying to find a way to make a better image. So others will like them more thinking. I mean, you could understand that, you know, that that feels better than having people not like you. But option C has never really been chosen get to know you. And most people aren't brought up that way. We weren't really brought up that way either.
Alex Ferrari 23:59
No, God, it's a miracle. Were alive, sir. Let's just put it this way.
Dr. Dain Heer 24:04
Yeah, true story.
Alex Ferrari 24:06
We survive physically, mentally, spiritually, in our generation. It's a miracle.
Dr. Dain Heer 24:12
True story. So given that, you know, there are many things to defend because most of what these kids or young people and old this is not just young people, okay. But most of what some, or shall we say so much of what they think is them is something that they've taken from the outside to try to be to be liked by others. And so they will defend it dynamically. You know, it's like, like, if you ever had that situation where you were a kid in school, and your friend decided they didn't like somebody, and you didn't really have much of a point of view about them necessarily, or maybe even like them, but because your friend doesn't like him or like, we don't like them. Okay, cool. And then a week or two weeks later, As kids do your friend, you see them talking or whatever they're like, oh, no, I liked them again. Yeah, and you're sitting there going, but I hate them, you know, and you're sitting there stuck with this pile of crap, because it wasn't your dislike of the person in the first place. You took it on from your friend, duplicate it, whatever you're like, This is who I'm okay. Um, if they don't like you, I don't like them. And then you see them and your friends over it. And now you're holding it, not knowing what to do, because nobody ever gave you the tool.
Alex Ferrari 25:32
But isn't that the reason we do that is because we really just don't have an identity of who we are. And this is, by the way, everything I'm saying I still deal with it, I'm sure you still deal with it at certain levels. Being a human being here, in this reality, we're going to deal with this. But But I think we get a little bit better as we get older. So like when I first released my very first movie, and it got a lot, I mean, just tons and tons of accolades. And I was flown all around the world, and a ton of film festivals, and with the Hollywood and all that kind of stuff, right? I would check the comments, and 99 out of 100 Oh my god, this is the greatest thing ever. Oh, my God. And then there's the ones like, Oh, you're this is overrated. This guy has no ideas, no talent, he's a hack. And I would focus in on that one. And then I would defend myself. I would go in and defend myself against this, who God knows who we are from anywhere in the world. And then I would do that constantly. Anytime I saw a negative and I would attack. And in looking back at that experience, you're going Why did I do that? Because things like that happened to me now. I mean, since then, I've released other movies and other things, I do this podcast, and things. You know, if I started to attack everybody that had a negative opinion of me, I'm gonna be pretty busy. We are
Dr. Dain Heer 26:57
He's still leaving, he still comments, negative comments.
Alex Ferrari 27:00
Yeah, he's attacking other people now. But it's but at a certain point, that's because I'm much more comfortable with who I am. At a deeper level, that that doesn't affect me. So if a friend like perfect example, with the kid analogy you use if a friend of mine said we don't like them because of that, that that I'll be like, Dude, I hate that. I'm sorry, that happened to you. You know, and, you know, if I had to interact with them, maybe I'll look at them and analyze them a little bit more, but I'm not going to automatically hate them. Because you said so. You know, I'll make my decision for myself, if I want to, you know, and at this age I just wouldn't interact with because they're just like, Nah, I'm done. I'm too old for this crap. And I just, you know, I would try to not even interact with but does that make sense?
Dr. Dain Heer 27:46
Oh, totally. That's exactly it. But that's where that's where if people would function from their, their lives work differently, we'd also have a different world. So I'm, you know, we're, it's exactly that if people would, if, you know, I wish we were, we were granted the gift of being brought up with people who function from awareness, kindness, caring, gratitude, but we weren't, we we, like you said, it's a miracle. We're alive. And so but here's the beautiful part about that is, most people resent some part of their childhood. I know, I used to a lot, I experienced a lot of abuse. And my friends resented it, you know, and bla bla bla bla bla. But here I am today, able to do things I never would have been able to do able to have conversations able to help other people heal. And so was it really a wrongness? Would I be in this position? If I didn't experience all of that? Who knows? But not in this way? Because here I am. So. So if you, I know exactly what you're saying is exactly that somebody says. And the reason I brought up about when we were like that as little kids is because that idea of we will defend to the death a point of view that is not ours, but a point of view that actually is ours. In the presence of new information. We're like, oh, okay, that's better. Thank you. It's when we buy that we have to make this point of view, right? Or make somebody else's point of view wrong. That's what sticks us. So we don't have the freedom to be present and go, Oh, yeah, that's lighter. Because we all inherently know, that was true for us makes us lighter, and alive makes us happier. And we would just follow that.
Alex Ferrari 29:45
Life would be better,
Dr. Dain Heer 29:47
Much lighter. The more choices you make for lightness, the lighter your life gets.
Alex Ferrari 29:52
Well, I'll tell you this, the one common denominator I see and I'll use the comments I get on the show. The negative comments that I've gotten on this show have been political, or religious. Two of the biggest things that we buy into
Dr. Dain Heer 30:11
Well two of the biggest polarizing factors, two of the biggest places where people believe they need to defend their point, right, in order to have their point of view, because if they got over defending their point of view, they'd realize that 99% of those points of view are things that they bought from other people, they didn't actually come upon them themselves, and they're not willing to have their whole house of cards fall down.
Alex Ferrari 30:35
So that's why again, I was, and I've said this on the show multiple times, I was raised Catholic, and what I know, I'm still recovering. And not that there's anything wrong with it, it's good for certain people, it wasn't for me, but that was put upon me, I was born into that, into that family who had those beliefs. And then I kind of went away from that found my own spirituality, studying other forms of religion and philosophies and, and spiritualities, in general, and when anyone tries to, to impress upon my me their opinion of religion or spirituality, I don't, I don't have a tendency to, or need to defend myself, or to defend my beliefs, because those are beliefs that I came across, and I went and found myself. But if you say anything negative about a holy book, or a prophet in a certain religion, or anything that even skews from the dogma, they get all bent out of shape. And it's fascinating to see that that thing and same thing goes with the political aspects of things. You know, if you go one way or the other, you know, how were you? Did you get brought up in, you know, a right wing or left wing household and textured reason you have these beliefs? Or did you listen to both sides? Do you? Are you more independent? Like, how do you? Why do you need to defend yourself more? So even in the political standpoint, I'm like, I have my beliefs. And that's fine. And you have your beliefs. And that's fine. You know, moving from California to Texas, you realize that pretty quickly, which we both did, both. We both did, right? So California has a very distinct vibe. And Texas has a very distinct vibe. But being exposed to both, I understand the benefits, and the pluses and minuses of both, because no one's perfect. It's not perfect. Neither side is perfect. And working together, we can find some sort of common balance. And I learned that by moving to a state that was completely opposite for the most part. I'm in Austin. So it's, you know, Austin,
Dr. Dain Heer 32:46
You're you're like in the Los Angeles, Texas Dude
Alex Ferrari 32:52
No, no, listen, listen, listen, there's still you know, I still I did go out outside of Austin a few times. I'm like, Oh, okay. I understand now.
Dr. Dain Heer 32:59
Oh, yeah. Actually, you're more like in the Denver of Texas. Fair enough. Fair, that more like that.
Alex Ferrari 33:05
Yeah, exactly. But the point is that you but you get these other different points of views, to well, the world. And I don't, when anyone comes up with me anything, anything political, I just, that's fine. If you believe that I have, I have family members that can't even have a conversation with because there's so far, in one way or the other, that I can't talk about politics, which is never something you want to talk about, in general, or, or religion or anything like that. And that's why a show like mine, when I start bringing up these concepts. It's really interesting to see how people react to ideas of reincarnation, of spirituality of finding your inner self that you are, you are the God within you, you have the answers within you. You don't need a middle man or middle woman to find God or, or any of these kinds of cops, then then you really get on to the talking about channels and mediums and psychics and other aspects of, of this whole gambit that we that we talked about. It's really fascinating to see how they react to it. A lot of them
Dr. Dain Heer 34:13
Well, I would like to go back to the political conversation, because I had a very similar transformation when I came to Texas. And I didn't think I had fixed points of view one way or the other, but apparently I did. And as I recognize that, I It's like I, as I started embracing the value, and I could see where people were coming from on each side like yep, you know, where it's like, you know, one person there was a there's this great guy, his name is Trevor Hendee. And he was doing things in Australia. You You know, vaccine and not vaccine and whatever. And, and so he was he's like, No, I don't want my family and I to be vaccinated, and he had this person who just attacked him online, who said, how can you You're killing the rest of us, et cetera, et cetera. And I loved his response. He said, from what you're saying, I can tell how very much you care about your family, about people. That's actually where I'm coming from, to we just have two different ways of going about it. And so, and I was like, to this brilliant, there's there's no resistance and reaction, there's no fight. And I, I would so love, you know, there's Did you know about the third political party that they created It's called Forward
Alex Ferrari 35:49
The third political party here and in the US has been a myth for so long. I mean, I remember Ross Perot, Sir.
Dr. Dain Heer 35:59
Yeah, exactly. Well, this one, it's called forward, and they're their motto is not left, not right, but forward together. And so I'm like, Cool. Well, so this, this whole idea of, so one of the things that you have brought up over and over and so of AI is people not actually knowing themselves, right. And so they're threatened, and they're threatened about the points of view that they have bought that they decided would give them either solace, or comfort or rightness. And when you're threatening somebody, solace, comfort or rightness, they're gonna be really defensive, unless they're willing to take a moment to actually see what's true for them. And that's scary.
Alex Ferrari 36:49
That's a scary thing to to, to wait a minute to look yourself to look yourself in the mirror, to look yourself in the mirror and really ask difficult questions, which is, what you and Gary talk about all the time is asking those right questions. That's a scary proposition for the ego. For the ego.
Dr. Dain Heer 37:07
For the ego. True story. It's terrifying is what it is. It's terrifying. But if I can get terrifying, yeah, exactly. It's equally as exciting as it is terrifying for the person that actually desires to get to know themselves to such a degree that then wrecked. They, they can actually have the life they desire.
Alex Ferrari 37:28
I agree with you 100%. But for people to get to that point, they have to be able to be willing to take the step to take the leap of faith, that it's going to be okay. It's I mean, I've had that. I've had that conversation so many times with myself about different aspects of my life. Because it's not just one conversation, it is multiple conversations throughout your life about different aspects of your life, whether it be love or money, it could be your career, it could be your body, it could be your mind, it could be a million different belief systems that you've built up, that you need to figure out, are they benefiting you? Are they helping you move forward in life? In a happy content way? Are you being kind to other people with this, this ideology that you have in your mind and your brain?
Dr. Dain Heer 38:14
Yeah. Well, and also, are you being kind to yourself? Are you being that kind of a world? Exactly. Because we never look at we don't realize that when, if I'm buying a point of view from somebody that's not mine, and then I'm defending it and spreading it around the world? How do I feel I'm not really being kind to myself,
Alex Ferrari 38:34
Let somebody asked, Why do we do that? Why do we buy in on what someone else tells us? I get it if it's in the first seven years of your life, because that's when the programming happens. So I get all that
Dr. Dain Heer 38:48
I got to stop me on that. That the programming never fucking stops.
Alex Ferrari 38:52
It never stops, but it's pretty intense during this very desert this for seven years. But yeah, the programming never stops, obviously. But in those first seven years, you told me the sky is purple, and that's purple up there. I'd be like, Oh, no, anything. Sure. It's purple until someone comes along. Your parents were wrong. The sky isn't purple. It is blue and for anybody listening and you leave a comment like well the sky is purple sometimes Shut up you know what I mean? I've heard that before I said the sky is blue or purple. And they're like well you know sometimes in the sun the sunlight when when the sun set I'm like, Shut the hell up. You know what I mean? What we'll talk about why do we why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we Why do we have the need to buy in on say something political say something religious say something? Like just being a vegan or vegetarian versus meeting immediate or that's divisive as L as well. You know, those, like these are different things like, Oh, you read books. I don't read books. I only watch television. I only watch news. Like there's so many things that we look for to be divisive. About but yet we believe these things, why do we have the urgency or the need to believe these things and then fight to the death for them.
Dr. Dain Heer 40:09
Well, two things. So there's, there's two elements to it, there's the underlying element that nobody wants to acknowledge, which is that we are very aware, energetically, we're very aware of other people were and we have this idea in access 98% of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are things that you're picking up from other people all the time. And so in 98%, of your fixed points of view, are also basically swimming in the air around you. And so there's this non cognitive element to it, which is the energetic element, which is where it starts, then why do we do it, the cognitive element, or the more cognitive element, I should say, is because we want to fit in, because we're not willing to be different. And even the people that are willing to be different in one area different and creativity, will then believe that there is a solace in having connection to a like minded group of people, whatever that is. And so, some of the, it's interesting, because you'll find some people who are very creative in one way and very different than avant garde, and then in the rest of their life, they're so friggin normal as to be extremely boring. And you're like, Wait, I thought, what, what, and, and come to find out that the reason they've created that is, so they are not so different. People don't want to get locked up in a loony bin for being different from the time we were young, if we didn't have a similar point of view, most of us were made wrong by teachers, parents, friends, peer groups, etc. And we would rather fit in the know what's true for us. There was one study I was watching this was so long ago, and I was watching it on TV. Back before we had flat screen TVs, this is how long ago this thing was. And they had done this study, and they were showing the video of it. And they had something like eight people in a row. And there was only one every the seven people were part of the study, there's only one person who wasn't. And so what they did was they had them, like do add two plus two. Okay, what is your answer? And first they would give the answer was four. And this person that was part of the study would answer for? Well, then what they did was what's three plus three? And this person said seven, and everybody said seven? And when this person got when it got to them, the person went seven. Why? Because that's how we're wired. And if you look at it. What is the word anthropologically?
Alex Ferrari 43:03
It's primal. It's almost primal.
Dr. Dain Heer 43:05
Yeah, it is primal. And we're wired that way. And the idea is, we're wired that way for survival. And that creates, it does, it creates survival, but it kills thrival. And we're at a place where survival is pretty much guaranteed on most parts. And I know I'm gonna get shit for that too, because blah, blah. But we're operating in a totally different, totally different world. Then when that was necessary,
Alex Ferrari 43:34
We're not tribes right now going out there hunting. There are in the world. Yes, everyone listening? Yes, there are people out in the world war tribes in our own thing, and that is their reality. But the majority of the world, a lot of the world doesn't do that.
Dr. Dain Heer 43:49
And so we develop these strategies at a at a time. I love it. We're talking about tribes, and you see my background, and all kinds of people walking through. That's the filming dynamic situation, the Murphy's Law of filming, if you turn on the camera, somebody will walk into front, obviously. Yeah, obviously. But so it was developed at a time where it was appropriate for survival. Hey, get with the program, we all need to be somewhat together here. We need to have similar points of view. Okay, cool. We're way beyond that now. But we haven't had the awareness of it existing. Because we're not, we're not. We've never been educated about the energetics of interacting and the energetics of how we function.
Alex Ferrari 44:35
Well, it seems to me that this is just another area of society of humanity, that we need to release the old that old techniques, old ideas, old things that aren't serving us to transition to the new things that will serve us as we continue to evolve. Hence why we still have so many old systems in plays from the 18th and 1900s. From the Industrial Revolution, that makes no sense. In today's world, it makes no sense to do it. But yet we're holding on to it for money and greed and other other words, and also just because there's not enough energy to move forward towards another way of doing things, as opposed to, as opposed to look, look right now you and I are having this conversation on Zoom. This was, this was kind of it was before with Skype, this was kind of like on the outskirts and people like, oh, no, I really need to meet with you in person, you know, I really need it now people are like, No, I'm not going to leave my house to go an hour and traffic two hours and traffic to go have a meeting for 30 minutes, and then get back in my car and drive another hour and a half, this is La talk, by the way, you know, of traffic, you know, or I could just have 10 meetings between now and then in the same for worse or something like that. Because it was it was a change in the way we look at things. But we were forced to do that by, by what happened with the pandemic that we were all shocked at home, and like we have to make this work. So we were forced into this new way of doing things, which I think we would have gotten here eventually. But it would have taken a hell of a lot longer if it wasn't for something like that to happen. So I think that's the same thing that's happening with this idea that we're this, this almost agreeing wanting to be a part of the group is a survival instinct, which by the way, it is in in that in the scenario that we were before, if you had if you have a tribe of 10 people and one goes, I don't like Spears one goes, I don't eat me. What do you mean, we don't eat meat, there's no farms, like you can't have these different ideas at that point, because the whole tribe, the group will die. So you all need to be on the same page. If not, when the hordes come across the mountain, if you guys aren't on the same page, you're gonna die. So I understand all of that. But we're at a place now and in time, that we don't need those ideas anymore. And you have to be to be feel strong enough within yourself, to just know who you are and what's right for you. And it's and from when you and I were kids, to where we are now. Can you imagine having this conversation in 90. That's what it was in the thing. It wasn't a thing. But those conversations are happening. So I do believe that we're moving in that direction, just slow as hell.
Dr. Dain Heer 47:21
And yes, in many ways, as a, as a people living on the planet, as inhabitants of this beautiful planet, we're lucky enough to call home. Yes, I would agree. And yet one of the one of the beautiful things that I see is I see people who are moving really friggin fast. That too, and it's it's as though everybody else is walking backwards. And cool. Because one of the things I know, you know, we started off with the 100 Monkey is my sense is there a lot of us seekers in the world that desire a kinder, greater, gentler, more inclusive world that actually allows for the greatness of all these points of view. And my sense is the way it's going to happen is far more like 100 Monkey phenomenon, not that it's going to occur one day. But my sense is we're already seeing elements of certain points of view shifting, that are just becoming what is because so many people are desiring and choosing something different. And they're going on the exploration, they're going on the journey, they have the courage to explore what else is possible. And what else is possible that I've never considered. And how do we get there?
Alex Ferrari 48:45
Well, it's, I mean, from the point of the time when there was no such thing as organic food, first of all, there was only organic food, then there was no organic food. And then now we're back to organic food, because of the pesticides and the chemicals and all the other stuff that of the processing and all the other things. But that was because people wanted it. Because people like no way. We were eating chemicals, we didn't know that no one told us that we want these organic foods and now organic foods is it's the norm now at people, you know, the old, the old, the old way of doing things is still there. But there's a new option. But that was only because the marketplace demanded it. And when there was a demand for it, there was no way we could make money. Okay, well then let's all move in that direction. It always ends up being that isn't it? If there's if there's money to be made, it moves everything forward a lot faster.
Dr. Dain Heer 49:35
Yeah, absolutely. And I would say that demand for organic food is actually more consciousness, of course awareness. Right? Yeah. And then you have it seems to need to be financially profitable to move forward fast enough, you know, and okay, so we live in that world cool. So everybody listening if you want to change the world, get rich I think just saying,
Alex Ferrari 50:03
Oh, no, we all had money. We could just, well, look, we always vote with our dollars. It's always the way it is. Yeah, absolutely. Especially in the West.
Dr. Dain Heer 50:10
Yeah, absolutely. In the West.
Alex Ferrari 50:14
Now, a lot of the things that we've been talking about is about knowing ourselves, understanding the truth of who we are. The so many of us have either done it at a moment in our lives, or is consistently doing playing the victim. And that victim mentality, that Whoa, is no good. The world is happening to me, not for me, but to me. And everything's me, like, I'm a victim, I'm a victim, and then you love to bring in other people into your victimhood. I've had relatives in my family who have tried to do that. And at a certain point, it worked. But then, at a certain point, I just like, that's no, no, no, that's not that's not going to happen anymore. So what can we do to get out if you if you are in a victim mentality right now listening, and you want to be released from it, you want to be released from being the victim, and change your point of view on life? How do we do that?
Dr. Dain Heer 51:12
Well, given your parameters where you said, the person actually desires to release it, which is, which is a rarity, but yeah, okay, this is a dynamic rarity. And let me tell you why because people who play the victim are victimizing others, and getting control over them, by perpetrating the story of how they were victimized. So for the one out of 100,000 out there that actually desires to get over this. Here's, here's what you want to do is you want to look at whatever your victim story is. And you want to ask, what is the gift that victim is giving? No, well, what is the gift that victim is giving me but something more along the lines of what have I decided I can only get by being a victim that I actually could create in some other way. And, you know, I wish we had time to go into Access Consciousness clearing statement and all the other things because we have a way of after you ask a question like that you do this POC and POD thing, which undoes what doesn't allow you to actually get to that awareness a lot faster. You know, since we were talking about speed, it's one of the fastest things I've ever found. But if you ask a question like that, that will that will be one thing. But then there's another question, which is, Who am I being? And what am I avoiding by being a victim? And what am I defending who? Or what am I defending for against by being a victim? And if I were truly being me, what would I choose? And what could I choose?
Alex Ferrari 53:05
Well, the other thing that we could talk about being a victim is that, well, we just the way I just presented, it was like someone who's a victim, and it just uses it constantly, all the time to manipulate people and we chose those people. But the micro victim that's just coined the term, the mind, your mind, the micro victim, meaning that we tell ourselves little a victim stories, yes, about certain areas of our life, we might be perfectly aligned and perfect in our relationship with our, our spouse, but professionally, there's a victim story there, why you can't move forward or vice versa, you're great in your job, or you're great in your career, but you you can't have a good relationship because of a victim of something that happened to you someone broke your heart or cheated on your some whatever those stories are. Those are even a little bit more dangerous because they're so they're so quiet underneath this, the lid on under the surface, that you're not even aware of that it's and I challenge people listening right now, to ask yourself, Do I tell myself stories in certain areas of my life, that create a victim mentality about it, like oh, I never I can never make money. Because this this, this or this? I can never find love because of this, this, this and this. And it can be multiple micro victim stories or multiple micro victim stories are just one. But these are the questions you should ask. Do you agree?
Dr. Dain Heer 54:34
Oh, absolutely. And then two other questions for that which would be with the micro victim I love those micro victims. It's an MMV player game that's it's called Planet Earth The multiple micro victim multi massive multi roleplayer game or whatever. Anyway, two other questions that will help when you're ready to change because we got to recognize that there's such a such a thing and victim, you know, oh, which seems to let us off the hook, except we're the ones that keep putting ourselves on the hook face first when we do victim. But if you want to a couple other questions can be, what power Am I avoiding? Or what potency or power Am I avoiding with this micro victim story? And what choice Am I avoiding or refusing? Because what we do is when we're anywhere we do victim, we give up our power and we give up our choice.
Alex Ferrari 55:40
Well, and the victim story is, is that I mean, I guess the victim story and negative stories we tell ourselves are just stories that we believe systems that we have about ourselves. Why? What can we do to release those kinds of negative stories that we tell ourselves about whatever avenue life that we're in, because the stories are very damaging, and they could haunt us for our entire life?
Dr. Dain Heer 56:06
Yeah, and here's the thing, we need to recognize that if we're continuously telling ourselves a story, we're never being present, we're always stuck in the past. And so we're stuck where that story occurred. Now, we have some specific ways of undoing if we take that to the furthest extreme. It creates PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. And we have some ways of undoing that very quickly with access. But it's way beyond the scope of what we can do today. But it only takes about an hour and a half to start that dynamically changing. Because the what the story creates, it creates like a mobius strip. And we're stuck on that Mobius strip, we never get away from it. And it like follows us day to day to day to day to day. And we're usually the perpetrators of it. And we didn't necessarily those start out as the perpetrators of it. What will usually have a story around is where some trauma or abuse or meanness occurred, something we didn't understand why it happened. And we're continuously playing it in our head to try to find the glitch in the matrix that created it. So how do you let it go? Number one, you want to ask, Is this my story? Because one of the other things that we do, because we're so aware, because we can energetically pick up on how our everybody around us, especially mom and dad work because we're around them the most. What happens is we will take on the story of mom, for example, and we'll, we'll fit it to our life. We'll take on the story of dad, and then we'll craft it so it seems like ours but a majority of it was his we just tweaked a few things to make it fit perfectly. And then Mom We tweaked a few things to make it fit perfectly. So the first place to start is whose stories are these are these even my stories.
Alex Ferrari 58:11
And they weren't their stories either. By the way they were their grandma, exactly. Grandparents story, your great grandparents story Yeah, just tweaked and adjusted, and just, you know, tightened up a little bit maybe softened or hard. And depending on the scenarios,
Dr. Dain Heer 58:24
Yeah. And so if we can that and the reason I keep bringing that up this awareness that we have, where we buy something as ours is because it's very similar to you know, you walk into a store, and you're like, Oh, I'm going to pick up some dog food. Cool. Now you put the dog food in the bag, and now, it's not your dog food, you don't even have a dog, you didn't have dog food before you walked into the store. And now you're carrying 20 pounds of dog food throughout the rest of your life. Until you go Oh, not I don't have a dog, not my dog. Don't need it. Boom, done. You know, and this is what I see people doing emotionally and energetically. Which is why. And the question you want to ask is, Who does this belong to? And if it lightens up at all, it's not yours. We have a free app Access Consciousness. Who does this belong to? Because if you'll do this for three days, if you ask Who does this belong to? Every thought feeling and emotion and judgment and yuck stuck energy every time the story comes up whatever it is anything that takes you from Hey, I'm cool to even a little bit. Yes, Who does this belong to and it lightens up and you get back to that lightness? It wasn't yours. All you got to do is return it to sender with consciousness attached or POC and POD or undo when you bought it as yours and return it to sender because if you do that and if you'll do that for three days at the end of three days, you walk around like you're in a walking talking meditation, because what you finally done is you broken the machine that makes you believe that all this stuff is yours. You know, and I say that to some people, they go, Well, you're not taking responsibility. I'm like, I can't take responsibility for the dog food. It's not my dog food, I didn't create the dog food, I just went in and bought it. You know, I can just let it down by the side of the road, or return it to whoever it came from. And it's so funny, because I've had this conversation for 1520 years being interviewed. And still is what most people do is it just kind of goes who am I? People? I'm trying to give you a tool here. That literally helped cure me of suicidal thoughts and depression 22 years ago. And I've been talking to the wind for 22 years because it is, for me, it's plain as day. It's like kangaroo balls. It's like you can't miss it. Okay, by the way, if you don't know what kangaroo balls look like, I highly suggest not googling it. Don't do that. Okay. I can't wait for the comments. I'm so glad I don't have to read your comments. Okay. They say all the nasty shit about me just go dad, Dad's fine with that. No problem.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:12
What's the one thing that you were saying in regards to these stories and this dog food that we carry around with ourselves? Which is great analogy, by the way, is it's something that so many, especially I think of our generation as well, if we were raised at a certain level financially, is poor people mentality. Yeah, that poor people mentality that that life is difficult, that you have to work extremely hard for your money that, you know, you have to have a nine to five job. God forbid, if you go off and do your own thing. You can't do that, like this, this need that you like you can't spend too much we can. This poor people mentality that keeps you locked into a certain financial bracket. Whereas people born into rich families understand how just instinctively how to make money, because they're just around it. They're just through osmosis, which is how we learn those first seven years, as they say, you learn by watching, you know, you're not taking classes at two or one way.
Dr. Dain Heer 1:02:12
No, I want to I just need to make this point because you're saying exactly what I'm talking about. But we don't learn by watching. We learn by being immersed in the energy. Correct. That is how we learn. It's not by watching it is by watching. But that is so secondary to perceiving it all around you all the time.
Alex Ferrari 1:02:32
Well, yeah, if you're if you're living in a mansion, and you see you know, dignitaries and movie stars and business tycoons walking in all the time when you're a kid that is just your reality. And you will pick up on things on dinner table talk and that all this kind of stuff that you will pick up along the way is it is an energetic thing, no question. But same thing happens when
Dr. Dain Heer 1:02:54
It's not see it's not just living in a mansion, and seeing the dignitary dignitaries etc. It is the energetic basis, especially of your parents and the others around you. And this is the part and I realize I'm being an asshole right now. But hey, not the first time probably not the last, okay. And the reason is because this is the part that if people get it will allow them to have a reference point for getting over the blame game. And But recognizing it's kind of like if you if you grew up swimming and carrot soup. And after 25 years of swimming and carrot soup, you get pulled out, you look like a carrot, you smell like a carrot. You taste like a carrot, you're still not a carrot. It's what you've been swimming in is the soup of your parents realities, and everybody else's, but your parents being the biggest. And so like you said, the poor person mentality. It's like I don't know about you, but I had that growing up. Dude, man living in the ghetto when our toilet broke. And it took us a month before we could get somebody there to fix it. And that was just the
Alex Ferrari 1:04:03
Buckets and buckets of water to flush the toilet.
Dr. Dain Heer 1:04:06
Buckets of actually a bucket and then you go empty that bucket out. We didn't use buckets of water. We weren't that smart. We did it in the backyard. Okay. So poor and stupid. Okay, fine. Fine. dangerous combination, sir. Exactly. No, it's actually plugged. That's why it was two plugs. And but so I grew up with that story also. And why because of the people I grew up around. Yeah. Well, what I did is similar to you is like, I am going to have something different. How do I get there? And I have had so many victims stories that I've told myself and told other people and told anybody who would listen forever, until I realized every time I told one, I felt like I put a little dagger in my own heart. And I'm like, wow. And my whole thing was, I couldn't get out of the box of of my upbringing. When I was continuing to tell the Story to myself or other people. And so that idea, it's the energetics we grew up around that are so pervasive, because we're so aware. And if we would recognize it, we could use the awareness on our behalf instead of just picking up crap from everybody and not knowing what to do with it.
Alex Ferrari 1:05:19
Yeah, I mean, you can see, it's, you know, I'm not sure if you have children or not, but I have kids. And, you know, as we're raising my pet, my wife and I are raising our kids, we see the difference of how they look at the world and how we looked at the world. And we have that conversation constantly. Like these guys don't understand. They they don't, they didn't have a grandpa that used the paper towel, then dried it, and had a stack of dried paper towels, and you reuse them because you didn't want to have to buy a new roll of paper towels. There's, you know, Oh, yeah. Oh, do go, you know, those. And then the grandma, who took all of the condiments from the restaurant, including the silverware, just in case, including including the butter, and then forget about the butter, and then it melted her purse. And then that comes out. I mean, our kids have no understanding. We tell them the story. They're like, what would they say cat grass. And the best thing is to tell like a five or 10 year old how a rotary phone works. That is hilarious. Or how a video store worked. Oh
Dr. Dain Heer 1:06:30
Actually be by the phone to use it, you know? And then wireless phones came I was like, oh my kids remember the bathroom. This is great.
Alex Ferrari 1:06:42
The best is when you got that 100 foot cord. So you will go around the house. That's privacy. Privacy Exactly. Like how you would just like trip over a quarter. Oh, God, Sam's at a closet again. Talking to her boyfriend is like 500 yards of cord. I could keep talking to you for hours, bro. This has been a fascinating conversation. I really do hope it helps some people listening. We've talked we've covered a bunch of different things that hopefully, even if one or two of these kernels or seeds germinates in somebody's mind it hopefully will help them in their life moving forward, because a lot of these things you and I had to learn the hard way.
Dr. Dain Heer 1:07:25
True story. The hard way. That and there is Yeah. I pardon me, I'm having an especially tough time speaking English today. So I apologize. Like literally in some weird way I do not understand. But I want to exactly that. It's like, there are many things available to make it a lot easier now. And also, if you're just joining this journey of discovering you, then you started at a really good time you are not too late. Just come on.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:04
It's never too late. I have Yeah, I have people listening who are in their 60s 70s and 80s starting the journey. So it's never never too late. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests. What is your definition of living a good life?
Dr. Dain Heer 1:08:19
Well, looking in the mirror, liking the person looking back at you, but also having this childlike sense of wonder and joy, and having people in your life that don't judge you that truly care for you that are willing to call bullshit when you're doing bullshit, but won't ever judge you for it?
Alex Ferrari 1:08:43
What is your definition of God?
Dr. Dain Heer 1:08:45
I would never deign to try to define God.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:50
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Dr. Dain Heer 1:08:53
To have way more fun than you're supposed to.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:57
And where can people find out more about you? And the work you're doing?
Dr. Dain Heer 1:09:00 Or you can go on YouTube, I've got, I don't know, 1000 videos or something and all kinds of languages. And all of that is just designed to give you some tools, but pay forward the gift that this amazing journey has been.
Alex Ferrari 1:09:22
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Dr. Dain Heer 1:09:24
Yeah, what if you truly being you, with a sense of the gift Have you but the sense that you are not wrong? And with a sense that the difference you are is actually a gift, or the change and the possibility this world requires.
Alex Ferrari 1:09:45
Dain thank you so much for coming on the show my friend I appreciate the work that you're doing and and helping trying to help as many people as possible and help awaken this planet that is long overdue, in my opinion. So I appreciate you my friend.
Dr. Dain Heer 1:09:56
Thanks so much, Alex.
Alex Ferrari 1:09:59
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