America’s TOP Psychic: The OTHER SIDE SPEAKS! Alex Gets SHOCKING LIVE Reading! with Matt Fraser

On today’s episode, we welcome Matt Fraser, a psychic medium with a unique connection to the spirit world. This conversation flows between profound insights and practical wisdom, exploring the mysteries of life after death, our connection to loved ones beyond the veil, and the unseen forces guiding us. Matt Fraser‘s warmth and humor breathe life into topics that often feel heavy, leaving listeners with a sense of comfort and empowerment.

As a psychic medium, Matt Fraser‘s journey began when he was a child, sensing and hearing messages from the departed. He explains that “your journey is just for you,” and that we all have a unique path in life. What struck me most about this conversation was his reminder that we’re not alone; we have guides, angels, and departed loved ones constantly offering their support.

One of the most important takeaways is the power of the life review, a process Matt describes as seeing every aspect of your life upon crossing over—your joys, regrets, achievements, and the people you’ve touched. This perspective forces you to examine what truly matters. Matt emphasizes that even the smallest act, like a smile, can ripple through someone’s life in unexpected and meaningful ways.

Interestingly, Matt speaks to the idea that “you don’t have to wait till you’re dead” to live your purpose. He challenges the fear of change and encourages people to start now by embracing their talents and following their intuition. This sense of urgency is underpinned by his own life experiences and the messages he’s received from the other side.


  1. Your soul knows your path – We all have a unique life purpose that evolves over time, and it’s up to us to align with it by listening to our inner guidance and the signs from the universe.
  2. Life reviews bring clarity – Every life, no matter how seemingly small or mundane, leaves a powerful impact. The life review helps us understand our contributions and missed opportunities.
  3. Forgiveness is essential for peace – Whether it’s with others or yourself, holding onto past pain only weighs down your spirit. Forgive to free yourself and move forward.

In this conversation, Matt Fraser also touches on the often overlooked power of free will. Despite the guidance from spirit, we still have the choice to either accept or reject the opportunities placed before us. “We also have free will to screw it up,” he jokes, reminding us that life is a delicate balance of following our spiritual path while also owning our decisions.

Ultimately, this episode offers an invitation: don’t wait until it’s too late to live your truth. Matt Fraser encourages all of us to act now, to listen to that inner voice, and to embrace the guidance from our loved ones on the other side. He offers a message of hope, reminding us that we are loved and supported in ways we can’t always see.

Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Fraser.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 502

Matt Fraser 0:00
Don't compare the signs, because it's a special conversation with you. And I see this happen a lot where, you know, people don't know what to look for, so they like, Oh, should we look for dragonflies? Should be looking for butterflies? Do this?

Alex Ferrari 0:10
Wow, that's, that's absolutely insane, man. I mean, nobody in the world knows about that.

Matt Fraser 0:18
When I was a little kid, and the souls would come to me if I ever saw dingling in the middle of the night, if I ever saw like an old man with dingling hanging out, I think I would not be able to do the medium right now, everyone goes through life. Review, whether you're evil or whether you're good. The only difference is, is that when you get through that life, review, if you're truly evil, you don't care.

Alex Ferrari 0:49
I like to welcome back to the show, returning champion, Matt Frazer, how you doing Matt?

Matt Fraser 0:53
Good. It's great to be here with you.

Alex Ferrari 0:55
Thank you so much for coming back on the show, brother. You know, every time you and I get together, the internet seems to like it. Definitely the tribe, the next level. Soul tribe, absolutely adores you and loves when we when we have these amazing conversations. So I appreciate you coming back anytime. You're always welcome. You're always welcome to come back. It's amazing talking to you. Amazing talking to you. Now we're going to talk a little bit about your new book. Don't wait till you're dead. Great title. Great title.

Matt Fraser 1:21
A lot of people are afraid to pick up this book, Alex, when they hear about, don't wait till you're dead in the life review and making changes, you would not believe the people that say to me, Matt, I'm afraid to read it. I'm afraid to, you know, make those changes. I'm afraid to kind of delve in. And I think that when you feel that way, that means that you kind of have to.

Alex Ferrari 1:39
Well, it's, it's very much like, you know, we know that we shouldn't be drinking, we know we shouldn't be eating that pizza at midnight. We know we shouldn't be doing certain things. But it's much easier to kind of, oh, I don't want to even think about that. I don't even want to, you know, you should be doing investigations in certain things. You should be taking better care of yourself. You should be reaching out to that person. But there's a pain attached to that. So to think of like, oh God, if I read this, then that, then I have no excuse. I have no excuse. Did not change my life, or at least make some, make some sort of changes. But if I just don't read the book, I have my my head in the sand, very ostrich like,

Matt Fraser 2:17
Well, you know what the thing is, is that the reason why I wanted to write it right? Is because you have a life purpose, and actually your life purpose changes over time. And I think that that's where people you know lose sight of is that we go through really rough moments in our life. We go through challenges, we go through setbacks, we go through obstacles, right? But the thing is, is that you are meant to live your own success story, and at the same time Heaven is trying to help you. You have angels, you have spirit guides, you have loved ones that know what you're supposed to do. They know your life purpose. They know how to get you from point A to point B. But it's all about listening, following that guidance, and really trying to align with them to discover your life purpose yourself. Because when you align, doors open right when you're going down the wrong path, doors close and you're the perfect example of the example of this Alex with the show, right is that you started from nowhere. You came from nowhere, meaning that, you know, this podcast just came out on the internet, and all of a sudden, boom, you're doing gangbusters, right? People are finding you. People love you. People like, actually, just yesterday, someone wrote to me on Tiktok, and they're like, Matt, I love you on Alex's show. So the thing is, is that what's so amazing is that Matt, and you must think about this all the time, Alex, like, I wish that I would have done this a little bit earlier. I wish I would have discovered this a little bit earlier, right?

Alex Ferrari 3:31
Matt, who, who, I mean seriously, who would have thought that this would have made sense a filmmaker who's never had any public facing interest into spirituality, not even in my work as a filmmaker. It's not like I was making spiritual movies or anything. You know, I was making action films because that's what I grew up with. So I wanted to make action films and comedies and things like that, but it made no sense. Now, could I opened it to three years earlier? Maybe I don't think it would have grown as fast, because the world wasn't kind of ready, yeah, for those shows. Because these kinds of shows, you know, you've been in the game long enough that these kinds of shows were not gaining a lot of traction, where nowadays, it's a lot easier for a show like this to maybe get off the ground, but to have, I mean, we're we just hit 900,000 subs in less than three years. That's amazing. That's an insane feat. I'm like, in still a little bit in awe of it, but literally, within three, a little bit under three years, we've done that kind of, those kind of numbers that's just in the US. Let's not even talk about the foreign languages and other things that we have as well. So it's insane, but yeah, into to your point about finding your path. I was told my path by My Spirit guide, living, my living spirit guide, who told me how to go down this road. And it was insane to me, and I'm assuming there was many times in your life that someone said something. Or something came through and like, you got to do this. You're like, become a baker. What like? Or something, something like, out of left field, you know, go to astronaut school. What? It's your purpose? What? How do you deal with that? How, when you get these kind of messages from the other side, when you get these messages could be from your parents, could be from friends, the other side uses multiple tools to get the message through Correct. What do people do with this information?

Matt Fraser 5:28
Well, first of all, the thing is, is trusting that information, right? The hard part is, as humans, is that we're trained to look at the reasons why something won't work and the reason why things will fail, for example, that when you go towards your path of towards your journey. There's 99 reasons why you might fail, and there's one reason why you're going to make it to success, right heaven doesn't listen to the 99 reasons why they listen to that one reason that you're going to be successful, that you're going to be that you're going to make it, that it's your time right now, and that you need to go towards this. And what I want people to know is that when you align with those spirit guides, with your angels, with your loved ones, you embark on a path that's just for you. Your journey is just for you. So don't look at anybody else. Don't look to see what other people did, how other people failed, whether the people's journey is you have your own journey. You have your own recipe. And what's so beautiful is that heaven already knows about this. So really, when you get that inner feeling to go towards something, to trust something, to feel something right, you need to trust in that. For example, it happened with me, right. Happened with me, where I always felt people on a different level. I grew up sensing and feeling the departed. And when I made the voices stop and I could always feel people's pain, feel people's emotions, I always felt like because of that, I had to be in the health care fields. That's what made sense to me with my mind. What I really didn't realize is that heaven had a completely different plan for me, and that was helping people on the emotional level, by overcoming grief, by overcoming sadness, by putting them back in touch with their loved ones. So I was lost for a while. I was lost within my life. I was going down a career path that my mind was telling me, this is what you're meant to do, but I wasn't listening to my soul, and it wasn't until I went to see a medium myself that I received a message that changed my life, and that was, this is a path for you, and that's what I want to share with people, is that it's a path for you not to be not everybody believed in that path. Not everybody believed, you know, in me going in and starting mediumship. But here I am, four books later, a television show, uh, international tour, and I'm living proof of it, just like you are, Alex. And the truth is, is that it didn't, it's not because I was lucky, right? I trusted in Heaven's plan. And now that I know this, I want to share this with everybody. I want everybody who watches you and I to trust in their own plan, whatever it may be, because you're born with certain talents, gifts and abilities that you're meant to share with the world. They're God given gifts.

Alex Ferrari 8:00
Now I'm going to play devil's advocate here, Matt, because a lot of people are gonna hear this and say, hey, well, if we're predestined to be doing something in this life, what about free will? How does this all work? How about if I don't want to do what Heaven wants me to do? Maybe I want to be an NBA basketball player, and I'm only four two, but it doesn't matter. It might be my dream to do that. And I don't want to open up a spiritual podcast, or I don't want to open up, you know, a bakery or something along those lines. You know, what do you have to say to that?

Matt Fraser 8:31
Well, guess what? You don't have to do it, but you don't know what you're missing, right? You don't have to do it. That's the best thing about free will. You don't want to do it, you don't have to do it. And it's so funny when it comes to free will, because people get like, really, like, first of all, first of all, you have choices. Your Spirit Guide Is there not to make decisions for you. You're not a puppet on a string. That was weird. Hold on one second. Let me turn my studio light just blue, so you're not a puppet on a string, right? There's no one controlling you. Your spirit guide is meant to be there to put opportunities in front of you, right? So we are our own worst enemy. I see this happen all the time. Happens a lot with love, because our mind gets in the way of what our soul wants. So for example, you might see meet this person, and you might be saying, oh my god, I gotta date this person. They're so hot, they're so sexy, I want to be in the bedroom with them, so on and so forth. And your mind creates this fantasy where your where your soul is telling you, hey, but is this person going to be your next husband or your next wife? Is this person going to be able to give you a family? Is this person going to be able to support you? Is this person going to be able to make you happy? Is this person going to be able to love you, right? That's the difference. Is that, you know, our mind competes with our soul all the time, so this happens to me during readings all the time, because I could tell you, listen, your your, you know, guides are telling me that you're gonna go and marry Martha, right? And you and her are gonna have this, this beautiful relationship, and you're gonna, you're gonna get married to her, and she's just your soul mate.

Alex Ferrari 10:00
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Matt Fraser 10:56
And you might be like, Okay, perfect. Go and get married. And then next thing you know, you cheat on her and she dumps your ass, and then you're like, what happened? What happened? This was my destiny. I was supposed to marry her. She was my soulmate. Well, you can still screw it up. You have free will, right? Is that we also have to be conscious of the choices that we're making and the direction that we're going within our lives, and we have to make sure that we're making good choices and best choices for ourselves in all areas of our life. So that's really what it is, is that you have free will. You have free will to do whatever it is that you want. You also have free will to screw it up. So you have to really make sure that when you're when you're going down your pathway of life, you're helping yourself for the future. What is your future self gonna thank you for?

Alex Ferrari 11:39
And so it is true that we always, I don't know how many times I had, I don't know about you, but how many times in my life I was like, Oh, this is the one. Oh, she's going to be the one, or, Oh, this is the relationship. And when it falls apart, you just like, but I wanted it so badly. But I wanted, like, it's not a Connect, it's and then when I did finally find the one for me, it felt so differently. It felt effortlessly. It just, it was just like, where have you been?

Matt Fraser 12:06
You know what it is your soul knows. And you know, our parents know this so well, like moms just have that intuition. And, you know, it's actually funny, because I was just talking to my wife, and her mother is a baby nurse, and we know we were talking about, you know, just we got down the rabbit hole about, you know, children being born and all that stuff, which we're always talking about. And it's crazy to think that, like, some of my son's cells are within my wife, right? It's like when the the mother still carries the cells of of her children. So what's so beautiful is that I believe that that's one of the reasons why moms have such a strong intuition, intuitive connection with their children, not just for that reason, it's a spiritual connection, but also because there's cells that live inside of them, and moms are always the best at knowing right when something's good for you, when something's bad for you. They can always tell. They can always tell, even when we can't. So the thing is, is this is that, you know? I remember when I first was dating, my mom used to tell me, you don't know what love is. You haven't I'm like, Bob and I love this process. She's like, you don't know. My mom told me that you're gonna know it two times. You're gonna know it when you meet your soulmate, and my mom told me you're gonna know true love when you have your first child. And boy, was she right. I remember that when I first met my wife, it was like a love that I've never felt before, and then when my son was first born, it unlocked a piece of my heart that I've never felt. I've never felt a love like this in all my life. And suddenly you just get it, you understand it, and you know when you start to understand those different energetic bonds and the the different ways that we love, we also understand, you know, our the different relationships that we have within our life, and more importantly, we it's also a discovery for ourself as well. We learn more about ourselves during it.

Alex Ferrari 13:52
Now you what can what have souls from the other side taught you about the importance of daily choices in our life?

Matt Fraser 14:00
Well, they've taught me a lot of things. Is that if we make the wrong choice, it's not the ends of the world. We can learn from it. What the souls have told me is that there are certain gifts and things here in this world that have our name written on it. So for example, if you make a bad choice, and you go through hell and you go through certain obstacles, right, there's a way that you can pick yourself up might be harder the second time around, but it doesn't mean that that goal or that dream or whatever is that you want to do is completely gone forever. And that's one of the things that I see all the time, is that people make mistakes and they think that they can't rebound from it, they can't come back from it. But that's what life is all about. What life is all about reinventing yourself, growth, learning to pick yourself up, and the people that you meet along the way, the connections that you make, the memories that you make, all of that. It's the most incredible thing.

Alex Ferrari 14:49
Now, I've spoken to a lot of near death experiencers who have gone to the other side and come and come back, and one of those big things that many do, not all, but many go through, at least in a near death. Experience. I think if you're going to the other side, we're all going to go through this, which is a life review. Can you explain, first of all, what a life review is to people who aren't familiar with it? And secondly, how can we use that information that we might get from others that have gone through it, how that can affect our daily choices in life?

Matt Fraser 15:19
Absolutely so the life review is a journey that all souls go through. So we first set out where we're, where we're actually our soul is created in heaven before we're born here in this world. So God creates our soul. Our soul is created in heaven. Then we meet before we're born. We meet our spirit guide. We meet our guardian angel. Meet our loved ones. On the other side, we're born here in this world. We go through this amazing journey within life, and then at the end of our life, we go through a life review. And a life review is really important, because a life review is when all of a sudden, all moments from our life come back to us from that moment our soul was created in heaven. We see that to the moment that we were born here in this world, to the people that we've met, to the love that we experience, so the relationships that we've had, to the good things that we did in life, the way we've helped other people, the way that we change other people's lives, to the bad things that we did right to hurting other people, changing other people's lives in a negative way. And then at the end of our life, we see what we were supposed to do, the milestones that we hit, the milestones that we didn't hit, what our life purpose truly was. And by the way of multiple life purposes as you get older, and then we also see the meaning of our life and how our spirit guides, our guardian angels and our loved ones have helped us. So the reason why this is important is that, and this is a very controversial subject, is that souls do have regret. And I know that there's people that like to think like, oh, we go to heaven. And no, there's no regret. It's all good, it's all it's all fine. And yes, when we're in heaven, we're at peace. Our soul is at Peace in heaven. We're not worried about what we did in high school or college or whatever it is, but when souls first go to the other side, they do have regret, and we have to go and to work through that regret. For example, when souls look back on their life. Review, it's the most emotional thing that they've ever gone through within life. And when souls go through that life review, they see all moments of their life, and there's moments that they're proud of, the moments that they're not proud of. But it's important for example, and this is how you get into heaven, right? There was this man that I was connecting with, and his his family didn't think that he was going to make it to the other side. They didn't think that he was ever in heaven. And when I ever brought him through during a reading, I think that they almost passed out on the ground. They were like so in disbelief, it was him, because he was an alcoholic here in this world. He had left the family at a you know, when his children were just young. He went down this, this pathway of alcoholism. He stole everything from them. When he left, he took the money. He literally. He took the money. He took everything that he possibly could. He went down this road of self destruction, you know, found another family. You know, disowned his family that was living. It was a horrible, horrible thing. And guess what? He left this world without ever saying sorry to his kids, without his kids ever knowing his love. They all just saw him as a really bad man, until he went to the other side, his soul changed, because his soul saw all the things that he did. He saw how he wasn't there for his kids, the moments that his, that his children, you know, grew up and didn't get support from him because of the actions and decisions that he made within life. And for once, he was truly remorseful and truly sorry, and that's why his soul was able to be in heaven and go to the other side. And I see that all the time in all different areas within life, for example, another one is souls that have passed from suicide, right? I'll tell you that souls that have passed from suicide come through and tell me they wish that they would have stayed here in this world. They wish that they would have been. They would have just stuck around for another month, another another two months, another year, another three years. Because if they just knew what was waiting around the corner, that they that their life would have gotten better. And you know, this is actually interesting. I was just on CBS News with Gayle King, and I was talking to her backstage, and when I was talking to her, we're talking about the book and whatnot. And she had said to me, Matt, you know what's interesting? She says, you talk about the in the book about suicide and taking your life. And I said, Yes. And she says, I've interviewed so many people who had a near death experience where they tried to take their life, and thank God they were unsuccessful. And she said, out of every one of those interviews that she had, the people who were living told her, the moment that they went to go and follow through with the act, they immediately regretted it, immediately, the minute that they did it. And you know, this is some of the ways that our loved ones try to save us. And when we go through these, through these moments, right? We regret something, but what happens on the other side? We don't take that regret with us. We make amends, we let it go, and then that's where we actually go and take on divine jobs on the other side. So we do work in heaven. It's not it's not to pay the bills or to pay the car loan, but in heaven, we watch over people that are going to go down the same path that you. We were going to in a good way or a bad way. For example, if you're a doctor, maybe you walk. Maybe your job in heaven is watching over someone who's in med school and who's going to take the same steps that you were right and move forward further in their career. Maybe it's that. It's just the opposite, and you pass and you had an addiction here in this world, and you want to be someone's guide and stop from from someone, from going down that same road, right? This is what heaven has explained to me, of what we do with our life. We still continue to live our life purpose in the afterlife.

Alex Ferrari 20:29
And when you say heaven, this is, this is, in regards to this life, there are multiple reincarnations of lives coming back and forth, correct?

Matt Fraser 20:37
Yeah, I'm talking about the life right now. You have one life to live right now. This is your life that you're living right at this moment. So at this moment in life, what are you going to make the most of this life here, right? And that's, that's you don't have to wait. That's why I spoke put the title. You don't have to wait till you're dead, right? You don't have to wait till you pass on so you enter another life, or whatever it may be to change like you can do this now, if you had anything that you're regretful over, if you have decisions that in life that you wish you could go back and change, you know there's a reason why you went through that, and there's a way to turn it around. That's what heaven tells me.

Alex Ferrari 21:11
There's, this is a problem that a lot of people have with this concept of when people go to the other side, because the the, at least the Catholic tradition of the hell. And there are other other religions around the world that have this idea of hell and punishment for myth deeds in this world, to my understanding, there is no hell. There's no devil. The other side, we use the word heaven for lack of a better word, but the other side is all love. You know, you and I are both fathers. There's nothing our children could ever do that we would have damned them to everlasting hell of in torture with someone poking you with a, you know, with a pitchfork and things like that, like in Dante for God's sakes so, so with the idea of hell, it makes a lot of it. It makes people feel more comfortable about people who do quote, unquote, bad or evil things in this world. So someone like Genghis Khan, who massacred 10% of the human population as one of the, arguably one of the worst human beings ever to walk the face of this earth. What does, what does someone what do you have to say to someone like, what happens to Genghis when he got to the other side?

Matt Fraser 22:29
Well, you know, the thing is, is this, I've learned this from the spirit worlds, right? Is that there's a higher vibration, there's a lower vibration. So there are souls that don't transition over. And I think that that's where hell came from. I think that, you know, because here on Earth, we always have to refer to something as a physical place, right? Like, that's just how our minds kind of go. So we think of heaven, right? We think of heaven even though it's an energy space as an actual place, right? We think of hell as the place you go to when you don't go to heaven, right? It just makes sense, if you don't go to Heaven.

Alex Ferrari 22:56
Purgatory, and don't forget, Purgatory, there's that middle ground.

Matt Fraser 23:00
Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's, it's all basically the same thing, and that is that souls that are genuinely evil do not transition onto the other side. So that being said, let's just look at this in depth, right? Someone who killed mass, millions of people or 1000s of people, right? That's an evil person, your neighbor down the street, who yells at your kids, and, you know, yells at you for bringing your garbage out or not bringing the or parking in front of the house, whatever it is. That's not an evil person. That's a tragedy. Old, you know, obsty person, nasty person, right? Not pleasant person. But that's not a truly evil person. An evil person is somebody who purposely kills people, hurt people did unthinkable, unthinkable, unthinkable acts. So those are souls that don't transition on. Those are souls that don't transition to the other side, and those are souls that are stuck here on Earth, and that's where hauntings occur. So if you've ever wondered, like, how is a place haunted? Well, it's because those souls don't transition on. So you know, there's a difference between a haunting and a spirit visitation. A spirit visitation is when you're home and you know you sense and feel a soul. That's what you could be the own old owner of the house. It could be a soul that died in the nearby area. That soul is an earthbound it's just that you're sensing and feeling that soul. But haunted hauntings happen and and hauntings happen when an evil soul or a trapped soul tries to do bad here on Earth. Now, these are the souls that don't like to be around people like me and you. These are the souls that like to be in places where no one else is. That's the reason why you hear hauntings in abandoned hospitals, abandoned buildings, abandoned houses, a certain corner of the woods where nobody goes right? That is we are those these evil entities like to hide, because evil likes to be by itself. And a lot of people think that evil spirits go, you know, to like, like, for example, an abandoned prison would be haunted because it housed evil people when, you know when those people were alive, so the souls would go there in the afterlife. Well, it's actually not that. It's just because anything that's a. And where nobody else is is where evil souls go. And I can actually tell you that, you know, sometimes the energy of those places, like an abandoned hospital where bad things happens, or abandoned insane asylum or abandoned prison, you know, does attract those negative souls to go in and live there. That makes sense.

Alex Ferrari 25:16
No, it does make sense. But the one thing I'm having a problem with is that those souls who I understand that might stay here for a while, there has to be a path to redemption. There has to be a path to learning and evolving these souls. Because, you know, if you make a mistake in anything we do and again again. I will use Genghis as a as a perfect example. He made 10 million mistakes, or 20 million, however many million of people he he butchered in his lifetime. But I have to believe that at a certain point that that soul is it was a spark of God, was a piece of light of God, a fractal, if you will, and it's gone off the path. But there has to be a place of redemption. They should have a life review. So they feel all the pain. They truly understand all of that. Does that make sense?

Matt Fraser 26:03
Well, they do go through a life review. Just because does not mean that you go through a life review. You do. Everyone goes through a life review whether you're evil or whether you're good. The only difference is, is that when you get through that life review, if you're truly evil, you don't care. You don't feel that pain. That's the reason why you don't transition out. Most, most,

Alex Ferrari 26:22
Even on the other side, even on the other side?

Matt Fraser 26:25
Yes. Now listen, most people like, for example, narcissists, right? Narcissists, people who did terrible things here in this world, who just, who just own their children, so on and so forth. You know, 99.9% of those people will go to the other side and go, Oh my god, I can't believe that I did this. Oh my god. I wish I could have told my my son, this, this and this. Oh my God, I wish I would have done this. I wish I would have done that. If you're a truly evil person to the point where evil changes your soul, right? Those are the souls that can't transition. Can't transition on these evil souls that did terrible things will go through their life review and say I did nothing wrong. I don't care that I killed those people. I would do it again. And I'm going to tell you something that same thing happens with people in prison. I was watching on television not too long ago, okay, something on Netflix, like the deadliest prisons, or whatever the hell it was, and I had to shut it off because they were like, interviewing these evil people, right? And like, some people were like, Oh, yeah. Like, I feel bad. Blah, blah, blah. And then they were like, this, there's this one guy that was on there, and he was like, I don't care. I would go and do it again. Like I would, I would kill this person. I have no problem with killing people. I'll kill this out, you know, I could kill you right now and not even care. And I'm like, I was like, mortified, mortified. And, you know, that's one of the things that I see now. Like, I says, if it was something where, you know, you did something and you were truly, truly, truly sorry about it. And like, like I said, not everybody's evil, right? And sometimes mistakes happen. For example, there was this one, one reading that I did, where this, you know, Mother had lost her son, and he was driving, he was driving, uh, his sister to school was, you know, smoking weed, not really paying attention, and, or I don't know if he was smoking weed in the car before. I can't remember. But anyway, long story short, and who knows if that was even part of it. But anyways, he ended up being, he ended up being in an accident. And that accident killed this little sister. And, you know, but that was an accident on evil, right? Yes, not evil. It was an accident, right? And what was so sad is that he went through this terrible, terrible pain here in this world. So the other so, next thing you know, Pat ended up passing of suicide and quit and live with what he did. And at the end of that, when I went to go and do this reading, I saw him, felt that there was a God presence there that helped him to the other side. God was there. I felt that because he already did his suffering here on earth. You know, there was that, you know. And even when he went through his life, review, you know, he had already gone through his life. Review, when he was living, he lived that hurt and pain every single day. So the thing is, is this, is that at the end of the day, at the end of the day, we make mistakes, right? But if you're if you do horrible, terrible things that truly turn your soul evil, there's only one person that can, that can turn it back, I believe, and that's God. And you have to want it, you have to let it, and you have to truly be sorry for what you did right, and want to change. You have to want to change and not be evil.

Alex Ferrari 29:17
So and there, so there is a road to redemption, because through my understanding of karma, that person, that soul, has a lot of karma that he or she has to work through in order to evolve. So it makes more sense to me that, yeah, they might stay evil, or they might be that, but when they do come back, if they do come back, because you don't have to reincarnate. You can stay haunting. You can stay on Earth as a lost soul. You can just chillax on the other side to my understanding. But when they come back, they have some stuff that they have to deal with, but they will. They, as a soul with free will, have to want to redeem themselves, want to want to kind of go down that. Path of redemption, correct?

Matt Fraser 30:01
I had someone in my family. My grandmother's brother was in the mob. Terrible man, never killed anybody, but did everything else that you could possibly, possibly imagine. Okay? And I will tell you that he came to me and said exactly what, what, you know, we're talking about was that he there was a path to redemption for him, and he was working through past karma to, you know, get to a better place, to where he needed to be. But like I said, this was not was, did he do terrible things? He was on the, I would say, borderline evil, right? But the things that he did here in this world, but you know, there was a path of redemption for him, and he must have recognized that when he went and he wanted you and he wanted it, right? And, you know, sometimes, like, I believe that this happened. I'm just thinking off the top of my head, I was actually funny. I was just thinking about this last night. I this last night where, like, there's some people, there's some people that I believe right, might be caught up in certain you know, for example, I had a client of mine. I actually, I mean, I've been doing this 15 years. I had a lot of clients and a lot of different backgrounds. I had one client of mine that was actually in a gang. And they were in a gang, they did terrible things in this in this gang, and they were trying to get out. And no matter where they went, this gang would still find them. This gang would try to pull them back into, you know, the evil jobs and the evil deeds, so on and so forth. But this person, still, to this day, is on the run from this gang, you know, trying to get away from this gang trying to get away. And they they did terrible things, but they were sucked into that light, you know, while they were here. So the thing is, is that you you know, there's some people who may have wanted to change here in this world, and maybe they couldn't, or felt that they couldn't, but in the afterlife, they can. But the souls that are really, truly evil, there's only one person that can, that can help them through, and that's God.

Alex Ferrari 31:39
What are some of the most common regrets that souls have when they get to,

Matt Fraser 31:43
Oh, my God, this. This so many. But I think the number one regret that people have, like the number one regret that I hear from the souls, is not believing in themselves and giving into limiting self beliefs. So for example, you know when souls get to the other side and they realize, if I just, if I just did, you know, use my talent, skills and abilities, and I didn't, and I didn't worry about what this one was saying, what that one was saying. If I didn't have the anxiety, the fear, the worry, if I didn't, if I didn't bring myself down, I could have brought myself up. And that's the one thing that people show me when they pass on, is that they realize when they go through the life review, it's not all bad. They realize their talent, skills and abilities, and why God gave them these gifts, what they were supposed to do with these gifts. And they also see during that life review how their life would have been different if they leaned into those gifts like there's so many people that I talk to every single day that are talented, singers, songwriters, writers, writers, mediums, you name it, healers, right? And they're too afraid. They're too afraid to get up there on stage, they're too afraid to sing, they're too afraid to use their gift. And that's what the souls share with me from the other side, is, oh my god, if I spent less time worrying if I did this, this, that, or the other thing, it would have been completely different. And that's one of the things that I see all the time,

Alex Ferrari 33:01
What is a what is a way people can connect to their purpose in this life before it's too late?

Matt Fraser 33:08
So the best thing is, is that your life purpose is something that is connected only to you, and there's something that you do, that you're good at, that nobody else can do. And you know, to answer the question of what your life purpose is, it's really answering the question of what comes naturally to you. Have you always been a natural problem solver? Have you always been really good with numbers? Have you naturally been able to sing and carry a tune without any lesson? Have you been naturally good at working on your questions? What is it that you have naturally aligned with, right? And if you can another. Another way to look at this is, if you could do a job, if you could do a job and or if you could do a hobby and make money from it, what would it be? That's really the key question, because a lot of people say, Oh, I wish I wasn't, you know, I didn't have to work as a plumber. I wish I could do this instead. Well, what is that this? What is it? If I could tell you that you could make money, you know, living your living your hobby, or living what you truly love to do, what would it be? And if you can answer that question, you're close to figuring out what your life purpose was. For example, for me, being a medium, this set it out as a hobby, right? Helping people. I loved helping people. I worked a full time job. I worked for, I worked as an EMT. I worked for the World Trade Center in Boston. And the minute I would get out of out of work, I would go and I would read people and read people and read people and read people and do readings and parties and all these things. And I'm saying to myself, like I used to say to myself, imagine if this could be my job. Like, imagine if I could just do this all day long, because I love it. I love what I do. I love doing this work. And I didn't realize that it could be, right? And that's why I want to teach people here in this world that when I discovered that this could actually be my job and I could do this, oh my god, I every day like I was just having this conversation, you know, two days ago, where somebody said, What's your hobby? Like, my job, my work? And they're like, well, it's work for you, isn't it? Like, No, it's my life. I love this. I live this. I breathe this. You. Know, and I genuinely love what I do. So the thing is, is that, what is it that you like to do? How can you use that to help others, right? How can you use that to enhance the world? That's how we start to figure out what our life purpose is, and our life purpose changes over time.

Alex Ferrari 35:14
And I'll tell you, in 20 odd years of being an editor and being in the film industry, I probably can count on one hand how many projects I was happy doing. It was something was very good at, but it wasn't what I'm supposed to be doing. And there was someone was telling me all along that this is a skill you'll need, but it's not something that is your life purpose. But here, every day I've been happy, every day, I love talking to people like you and sharing and helping people, it is something I fell right into. And I was just like,

Matt Fraser 35:47
But Alex, you see how it's on a parallel, though, and this is what's really cool with looking at life backwards, right? Is that like you were an editor, filmmaker, okay, now you're and you were kind of lost, right? That wasn't what you really wanted to do. You weren't really sure what to do. Now you're doing this podcast that you love, that you're having so happiness. You were already on the track. You were just on the wrong track. You were still on the train, just on a completely different track, right? So it goes hand in hand. Same thing with me, like because I felt people on a different level, because I wanted to help people heal, I thought it had to happen on the physical level, which is why I became an EMT. It's the reason why I worked at the World Trade Center in Boston. It's the reason why I wanted to help people with their physical wounds. Little did I know that, you know, what I really was meant to do is help people on with their emotional wounds. So it was the same thing, but different. Well, how many people are watching us right now and are doing the same thing, but different. What is a skill or talent that you know you use that's a part of you, but you're just not happy and like what you said, you know, what can if you could have your dream life? What could it be? And I think that people start to put not that. I think I know, I see it all the time. People start to put limits on themselves, and they start to put limits on what they think is going to happen. And they stop believing in the dream themselves.

Alex Ferrari 37:03
Now, what is the biggest misconception, or some of the biggest misconceptions, about the life after death?

Matt Fraser 37:08
Oh, my God, there's so many misconceptions about I'll tell you the funny one, right? It's like, funny how like sometimes people I don't know. What happens with people I really don't. Alex, this is a story that like, I just can't I can't get over. I can't get over. So it's on Facebook Live, because I do, you know, Facebook Lives, and I talk to everybody, and we have, like, conversations. And somebody asked me on Facebook Live, oh, what are the souls on the other side look like? So I'm like, Oh, it depends on who I'm talking to. Like, you know, when I'm talking to your father, if he was, like, plainly dressed here in this world, like, I might just see him in a T shirt and jeans. If your mom was somebody who, like, always used to get dressed up here in this world, like, I'll see her with makeup on, so on and so forth. And somebody wrote in, and they go, Matt, stop lying to these people. Like, there are I'm a medium. They're like, and nobody wears clothes in heaven, everyone's naked. Well, I almost fell off my chair. I was like, Are you freaking kidding me? I'm like, listen, thank God, thank God, when I was a little kid, and the souls would come to me. If I ever saw dingling in the middle of the night, if I ever saw like an old man with ding a ling hanging out, I think I would. I would not be able to just be a medium right now. Okay, if I saw like an old woman coming in with her titties out in the downstairs, I don't think I would ever like

Alex Ferrari 38:17
Very like the shining. Literally, there's a scene like that in The Shining, The Shining, the Stanley Kubrick film with Jack Nicholson,

Matt Fraser 38:26
There's a scene where someone's naked.

Alex Ferrari 38:27
There's literally a scene of an old lady in a bathroom coming naked and grabs him. He starts off as a beautiful woman, but as and he's hugging her, but the second he turns She's an old lady with scars. And it was, it was that, look, you're terrified, you haven't seen the movie.

Matt Fraser 38:44
Listen, this is probably where people get it from. This is why we can't watch movies. Okay, we can't watch these shows, because then people get these things in their mind, and then next thing, you know, everybody thinks everyone's naked in the afterlife. Like, I was like, I was like, mortified. I was like, and I had to, like, think about this. And I'm like, listen, thank God, I've seen that.

Alex Ferrari 39:01
Well, it makes no sense. It makes no sense. You can't be naked in the in the other side, because the other side you're not. This is, this is one of many avatars that we can, that we can incorporate it. I don't, I don't want to get into the whole, you know, there's a look. There's 1000 billion universes out there, around, uh, you know, or galaxies, besides ours, we are very small one. There's many inhabitable planets that we know, billions, literally of inhabitable planets. It would be insane, literally insane, to think that there's no life in the universe. So, from So, from what I understand, I'd love to hear your thoughts that this is not the only planet we can come and play in and learn it. There are other ones at different levels of evolution, some much more spiritual. I think we're pretty close to the low end of density from my understanding. And please correct me if I'm wrong. And there's multiple and there are multiple kinds of beings that we can be on around the world. This is, this is what I hear from. The other side from all the conversations I had, which makes absolute sense to me. What do you think?

Matt Fraser 40:05
Oh, absolutely, absolutely. And, you know, I think that it's also about, while you're here, learn as much about this life as possible. What you know, one of the things that I've heard, and then I learn all the time from spirit, which I absolutely love, is that when we get to the other side, there is something called universal knowledge. So that is that everything that you're thinking, seeing, learning, experiencing here on earth, when you get to the other side, we share that information. It's just like AI, what we're seeing right now in the world of AI, everything, all of the hundreds of years that we put into textbooks that has made its way online, it made its way into Google online, on the internet, right? All the books, everything is now incorporated in AI. AI is a collective knowledge base of everything that's on the internet, right? So you can type something into AI very quickly and get an answer. You can type in, you know, how many, how many gallons of water do I need for such and such a swimming pool? And the answer automatically comes. You can ask it, you know, how are, how are cancer cells formed? How has this happened? How does that happen? And the AI will come in seconds and give you that information. Well, where does that information come from? Ultimately, it came from us. It just didn't appear from the internet. Through our own experiences, through our own learning, through our own research, through everything that we've done, we filled this internet, we filled books, we filled all of these, all of these. You know, if databases and sources to better the world, right, we can find answers to questions. We have timetables and mathematics and all of these things. But once we get to the other side, we share that information, so everybody in the spirit world has access to one source. So, for example, there is no school in heaven, where you learn. You know, what happens in the in the what happened with the pilgrims, or what happened with Columbus, you know, you know that information you have access to it in the spirit world. And that's why the souls are so wise when they go to the other side, even if they were not wise here in this world.

Alex Ferrari 41:55
Would that be? Would that be the Akashic records as well, like a kind of universal computer, if you will?

Matt Fraser 42:01
Definitely, definitely. You know, what's really cool is this, is that when it comes to the other side, in the afterlife, our loved ones in spirit, because they have access to this, to this information, they're able to give us really good advice, even if they weren't able to give us really good advice from this, from the spirit, excuse me, from the physical world. In spirit, your loved ones are able to see things through a different lens, and that's the reason why your loved ones, in spirit, you know, are able to guide you much better now than sometimes even did within life.

Alex Ferrari 42:29
Now, Matt, we talked about this before we started that. You know, one of the biggest things that people ask me is like, you should get a reading by Matt on air. We'd love to have you do a reading, you know, have Matthew view your reading. And, you know, as you know, I talk to everybody, psychics, channels, mediums, all that kind of stuff. And I generally never ask, because I just don't. But in the in the spirit of what the audience would like, Could you, would you mind giving me a reading on the business on, you know, if somebody wants to come through anything like that, would be, I think it'd be a little bit fun for the audience to kind of absolutely so the first you give a live reading,

Matt Fraser 43:10
What's really cool, and what's really amazing, Alex, is that you're, you're one of the lucky ones, because when I'm connecting with you, you don't have a lot of people who had passed within your life that you were super close to. So, for example, like, I know that you still have your parents, still here in the physical world. And when I'm connecting, I have your grandparents here, especially your grandfather, very, very strong around you, very connected. He's like, been one of your main guides, like, on the other side, since his departure here in this world. And what's really beautiful is that your your grandmother and your grandfather have really been the ones who've been watching over you from the afterlife I'm seeing when I'm connecting, you know, something really beautiful. So first of all, hold on. Just taking a second to, like, listen to it the same the moment I'm connected. Your grandfather was in the military here in the physical,

Alex Ferrari 43:52
Uh, which, which? It depends on which grandfather.

Matt Fraser 43:55
I believe it was on your dad's side was. Do you know if your dad's side was in the military?

Alex Ferrari 43:58
I don't know if my dad, my dad's side was in the military. He very might well have been. I just don't know. I know my mom's side. Grandfather was not

Matt Fraser 44:07
Okay. Find them from your dad's side, because I also have that here. And first of all, hold on, I want to see if I can share one soul. And what I'm doing right now is I'm closing my ass, and I'm asking the soul like, Who does he really want to hear from? Who does he really need to hear from right now? And the moment that I'm connecting, I have your grandmother here. So is that the one that you felt closest to?

Alex Ferrari 44:24
Yeah, I had two grandmothers, but I have a feeling I know which grandmother it is.

Matt Fraser 44:29
It's on your mom's side.

Alex Ferrari 44:31
That's the one

Matt Fraser 44:32
I know. Because when I'm connecting, you gotta remember, when you first connect to a medium, everybody comes rushing to the front of the line. So there's all these souls that are here, right? Meaning that there's people that you knew, people that you weren't really close to, but knew, right? And then when I was connecting, just ask, Okay, everyone, step aside. Show me the one person really wants to hear from her like really is connected to, and it's your mom's mom. She is the one that's here, and I gotta tell her, tell you her fondest memories of you were back when you were Childs, back when you were younger, here in this world, because she get tells me that you gave her another. A reason to live here in the physical world. She shows me that, I don't know if that your mom and your dad just look busy lives, but she tells me many times she would take care of you and like, be there with you. And she says to me that those moments of when you were younger were what really meant everything to her here in this world. She actually tells me when I'm connecting with her. She just showed me recipes, like, there's still recipes your family kept of hers or still has. She's showing me, is that true? Yeah, because she's bringing that up when I'm connecting and she's also telling me, she goes, Matt, this was my thing. She goes, I just love taking care of my family. And when I'm speaking to her, I gotta tell you, this was a woman who had suffered before her passing here in the physical world, because the moment I'm connecting with her, she's making me feel all of this pain within my body, but you know, what's so beautiful is that she did not show it. Your grandmother was the type of person where, even though she was having issues within her body, she tried her hardest to live every day, to do her own thing, to still cook and clean and be independent by herself. She says, Matt, I didn't want my family to have to worry about me. She tells me, very true, very she's also telling me what I'm connecting there was also a child that didn't make it here in this world as well. Do you know if that she lost a child, if there was a miscarriage?

Alex Ferrari 46:10
Wow, yes. I just discovered that recently, my mother told me that that there was a holy cow, Matt, that's crazy.

Matt Fraser 46:22
She just said to me, she just showed me this little baby in spirit, and she said to me, you have to let him know that I have this soul here. I have to know that this soul is here.

Alex Ferrari 46:29
That would have been my, would have been an uncle of mine.

Matt Fraser 46:31
She shows me stuff, but in her child, yeah?

Alex Ferrari 46:34
So it would have been my mom's brother.

Matt Fraser 46:35
Yeah! Because when I'm connecting, do you know that your grandmother just said to me, I didn't talk about this soul, but my soul always searched for him. And she says to me when I'm connecting that this was something that always, that always remained in her mind. And your grandmother just showed me something beautiful. She showed me what her transition was like to the afterlife. And your grandma shows me that when she died and she left this world, she saw that baby there, and when she saw that baby immediately. She knew that heaven was real. She says at that moment, she was like, couldn't believe it. Well, like, all I could see was that soul.

Alex Ferrari 47:07
Wow, that's, that's absolutely insane. Matt, I mean, nobody in the world knows about that. It was, it was, yeah, it was, she had, she had a there was an issue with that baby before my

Matt Fraser 47:22
She tells me. She tells me there was an issue with the I'm going to tell you everything because she because this, this is a really important message. She tells me there was an issue with that baby actually forming and developing here in this world. And when I'm connecting, I kept hearing there was an issue with this child's organs. That's what I'm hearing. And you know what's really weird, she also just said to me that that she almost wasn't able to get pregnant, or there was an issue with pregnancy with her afterwards. So really it was amazing that your mom was actually born, because i She just showed me and told me my ear, that doctors had told her that there was no way like that she was going to be able to have another child or get pregnant again. Like it could have put her at risk in the baby at risk. And thank God that didn't happen.

Alex Ferrari 48:04
It didn't obviously, or else we wouldn't be having this conversation, right? Maybe on the other side, but not at this. That is, that is remarkable. Um, yeah, that's, that's very true. I did not know any of that stuff. I know my mom's going to be watching this episode, so she's mom. You're probably crying right now.

Matt Fraser 48:24
I gotta ask you, did your family also have a garden? All I keep seeing is visions of gardens when I'm here as well.

Alex Ferrari 48:29
Yes, there was, No, I wouldn't call it a garden, but there was foliage outside where we used to live.

Matt Fraser 48:36
No, no, it's not Foley's. I feel like I keep seeing these visions of like tomato plants. No one had tomato plants or had the I was too young. I didn't have anything fine talk. Because I'm also seeing that when I'm connecting with your grandmother,

Alex Ferrari 48:45
Ohh no, no, no, that might be in Cuba that I have no idea about. Okay, okay, that very well might be in Cuba because I wasn't I wasn't born in Cuba, so that very well might be in Cuba, absolutely. And that makes sense.

Matt Fraser 48:57
Know that one things I have to tell you is this, when I'm connecting with your grandmother, she just said to me, You have no idea how much I love you. And your grandma says to me, what was so beautiful is about how she was able to watch you grow older and to grow up, and about how she felt so connected to you and so attached to you here in this world, and even now, when I'm connecting with your grandmother, she was like your second mom here in this world,

Alex Ferrari 49:20
Absolutely, yeah, absolutely, I'm a Gen X kid, so you know, my mom had to go out and work, and I was at home with grandma after school and things like that. Absolutely, grandpa and grandpa and grandma, absolutely,

Matt Fraser 49:33
She shows me. She shows me. So know that it's her way of showing me that since the time of her watching over you from when you were little all the way up until, you know now she's been watching over you from the afterlife, and she literally is, like, that number one person that's there, like, if you ever want to know, like, what soul is actually 100% behind you, it's her.

Alex Ferrari 49:50
That's this, I know I've heard this before. You are very, very accurate Matt.

Matt Fraser 49:55
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hold on. Was there also dogs that you all had as well? Because. I'm connecting. I'm also seeing like, this little dog that's here, that's also with her on the other side.

Alex Ferrari 50:06
Oh, there was, there's because there was a dog who I had a very, can't believe you Matt. There was a dog I had when I since I was 18, who had who I loved to death, and he was with me for 12 years, 12 years, and there wasn't a very well, I'll see what you think. What do you what does he What does he have to say?

Matt Fraser 50:29
But wait, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. All I know is that joy. Stay with your grandma. Like, show me she's got all the pets that are there. And then there's also, show me, like, at the end, did you not want to put this dog down? Was it there was like, an issue with, like the dog pissing. I keep saying like a peeing issue with this dog

Alex Ferrari 50:43
Wasn't a peeing Yeah.

Matt Fraser 50:45
What you mean it wasn't a pee an issue. I see this dog piss all over heaven when I'm connected.

Alex Ferrari 50:49
He was paralyzed. He was paralyzed from the waist down, so he had

Matt Fraser 50:53
That's why, hello, pay attention. So you said to carry the dog and make it and let it go.

Alex Ferrari 50:59
Oh, no. He either diapers or he would have to go outside. Yeah.

Matt Fraser 51:03
That would mean, why? Because your grandmother's telling me this, and when I'm connecting with her, she was showing me like that, there was an issue like you. So the dog was paralyzed. So you actually had to go and, like, lift up the dog and bring the dog to pee, or put diapers on and all these things. No, that would be why.

Alex Ferrari 51:17
When I was in my 20s, yeah, I did all that. I love my dog. Yeah, wow, Matt, I can't believe that's coming through. Yeah, it was, it was, that's remarkable. Yeah, he was, he, he, he was, he was, it's, it's actually really funny. The moment he met my wife, about 30 days I brought him, I brought I met, I introduced them while we were dating, and the next day he left. The next day he's like, I'm out of here. He's finally got someone else to take care of, you know, to kind of work with him and guide him and help him. It was very, very sad, but it was probably overdue. Let's just say that.

Matt Fraser 51:57
But you know what? This is, what happens our animals do? Hang on. I just did another reading with this, with somebody actually a very, very famous person, and they had that same situation where they had these two dogs that they absolutely loved, that they absolutely cared about. One dog had passed and the other one, you know, they that the Dog Saw how, you know, his parents were just so upset and so destroyed over that first dog dying that he hung on way beyond his years, right until they had their first child, and immediately, like, right before that child was born, like the week before that soul was born, he left, as if to say, like, you know, don't worry about me. Don't worry about my health. You know, you're going to be sad, you're going to be upset, I'm going to die, but you have this to look forward to now. And it was, it was a death that was that they were easily able to get over, No, we never get over a death, but we're easily able to move on from because they had this new, beautiful baby that they were, you know, welcoming into this world. So what's so beautiful is that, you know, just like our loved ones can hang on until they get to say, say goodbye to a certain person or see a certain person, so do our pets,

Alex Ferrari 52:59
Yeah and that's exactly what happened. I had my a beautiful new relationship with my wife at that point, just starting out to help me deal with the grief of losing, of losing my of my my best friend at the time, without question. I loved my dog. Wow. Who else? Who else is there Matt? I'm sure you have a

Matt Fraser 53:17
Both sets of grandparents here. You have like, like aunts and uncles that are here that I'm seeing on the other side as well. Like, you've got a lot of people that are here that are connected to you, but these aren't like people that you were like, the closest person that you that was to was your grandmother, then your grandfather, so on and so forth, right? So, like, what happens is, is that the souls that were the closest to us here in this world are the closest to us in the afterlife. So like, even when I'm here, I'm even picking up on people from your wife's side of the family as well. Because what's beautiful is, is that when you marry your significant other, you don't just marry them, you marry the dead relatives too. So like, even, like, they can come through. And how many times do I'll do a reading, and I'll be like, oh, so and so is here. And they'll be like, oh, like, um, you know? How did you know? How did you know that? Or how or that's, that's what my husband but the truth is, is that, because you're so connected to your wife, right, her family is also here as well, and intermixed with yours, they know each other in heaven.

Alex Ferrari 54:13
I had an aunt that passed a few years, a handful of years ago. Is she around? If she have anything to say. She knows who she is.

Matt Fraser 54:23
We don't hope she knows who she is.

Alex Ferrari 54:25
No, she knows who I'm talking about. I have other aunts on the other side, but this aunt knows what I'm talking about.

Matt Fraser 54:30
Yes, yes, thank you. But, like, it says, The one person that's the closest to you is your grandmother, like, that's the soul that has the message so all your love. Like, when I see the other side of all your loved ones, like, I'm here for him, I'm here for him. Absolutely. Like, there's a ton of people that are here for you, right? But the thing is, is that when, like, there's usually what, like, the souls that come through, the souls that have the messages, right, that want to have something to say.

Alex Ferrari 54:52
Alright, so does, does my grandfather have anything else to say?

Matt Fraser 54:54
No, it's really a grandmother that's that's here, that's number one.

Alex Ferrari 54:58
Is, anybody else have anything else to say? To any other messages?

Matt Fraser 55:01
No, you know, that's, I think that's the biggest misconception. Is that when you're here, right, sometimes you might connect with the medium. And it depends on where the what message is there for you. One one day you might connect with me and your grandmother's here. Another day you might cut you might come through and both your aunts are here, you know, another day you might come and no one's here. Same thing with me as a medium like I hear from my loved ones all the time, but not every day. I don't hear from my grandfather every day or my grandmother every day. You know, we're certain loved ones. It's only when they have a message for me or something that's going on within my life, or, you know, just to kind of tap in and say hi if I'm feeling like I'm missing them or feeling like there's a rough moment. Because the thing is, is that our loved ones want us to live our life here and now, not so much worried about them. So that's the reason why they send us signs. And a lot of people read too deeply into the signs, like they'll get a sign like a dragonfly or a butterfly repeating number, they're like, oh, what's my dad trying to tell me? What's my mom trying to tell me? And really, what they're trying to tell you is that they're here, that they're with you, and that they're enjoying life with you. And what signs and what these readings are meant to show you is that your loved ones are at peace. And if they're at peace in the afterlife, then you can be at peace here in this world.

Alex Ferrari 56:04
So Matt, is there anything that you could tell me from the other side in regards to this show, in regards to the mission that I'm doing here, am I doing everything right? Can I do things better? Where do you see or where does the other side see this mission, this show, what we're trying to do for the world going

Matt Fraser 56:22
So I see that what they're showing me through my visions is that the other side is really helping you. They're pushing people into this channel. They're pushing people into this show, and they're coming to you for a reason. The people that are here right now are here because they've woken up and they've discovered something in themselves, a gift, a talent, an ability, a knowing, a feeling, and this show is going to give them the information that they need to move forward in their own journey. And that's why you're here. You're like a catalyst. That's what they show me. You're a catalyst without even realizing it. You don't realize the people that you're helping. You know, there's a lot of silent viewers out there that are taking this information, that are absorbing this information, that might not leave a comment, that you know, you might not know, that just a silent subscriber, maybe they don't subscribe at all, but they still come out, come come through every week and watch, and they're here, and it's helping them within their lives. So you know what I'm seeing is, I is when I'm tapping in, I'm just seeing this beautiful network, and this this beautiful it's almost like a spider web of like energy that's that's touching all these people that you know need to feel something right now.

Alex Ferrari 57:27
That's beautiful. That's beautiful. Well, you mentioned that the your loved one sends signed what? What signs do? What signs do your loved ones on the other side send you? Is it a song that pops on the radio? Is it an image on the TV or an old movie scene or an old movie line that pops up just at the right time when you're thinking of something? Is it a butter like, what? What are these signs and how can we kind of connect with them and look after it?

Matt Fraser 57:52
So when it comes to signs, the signs are unique to your loved one, and they're different for everybody. So first thing to know about signs is Don't look at anyone else's sign. Don't look at what your sister's getting, what your brother's getting, what your best friend's getting. For signs, don't compare the signs, because it's a special conversation with you. And I see this happen a lot where, you know, people don't know what to look for. So they like, Oh, should I be looking for dragonflies? Should be looking for butterflies? Do this. Anything that reminds you of a loved one is a sign from your loved one. So sometimes a dragonfly is just a dragon's fly. Sometimes a butterfly is just a butterfly. You know, a sign is a sign when it's something that you see that reminds you of your loved one, when it repeats itself again and again and again, and when it holds something special within your life. So, for example, like a song, if you danced with your dad on your wedding day to a certain song, and all of a sudden, you know, you're thinking about him. You're missing him in the car. You get out of the car, you go shopping, and you're walking down the aisles, and that song comes on, you might feel like, like this chill, and be like, Oh my god, I was just thinking about my dad. That song came on. And then all of a sudden it might be that you get home, you're you're unpacking the car. You turn on the television and there's a commercial line with that same song, you're like, wait a minute, that's twice in one day, and the next thing you know, the next day, you might wake up for work and you might get in the car and it's on the radio. This is what I mean, is that heaven won't just send you that one sign. They will show you when we affirm that it's really there by the repetition and really hitting you over the head with it to show you that they're there and with you.

Alex Ferrari 59:20
Now on the other side, do souls ever express a desire for closure or peace with unresolved issues in this life?

Matt Fraser 59:27
So they want to, want to give us closure. That's really what it is. You know, our loved ones on the other side will come through, and there's many times that they come through to a medium to repair things that they didn't get to appear. For example, there was this man I was this man I was connecting with, and it was really sad. He had this falling out with his daughter. Actually, the video was up on my YouTube page. She had a falling out with his daughter, and they had this really tough relationship, where he disowned her, to the point where at the end of his life, he went a step further, where she wasn't mentioned in his obituary. She wasn't mentioned. Yeah, she wasn't. In his obituary, he literally had gone and taken her out of the will. He had another wife and another woman with other kids. They were rolling and she was out. And when he went to other side, he realized what a terrible mistake that he made, and unfortunately, there was nothing that he could do right. He couldn't just come back and change things around. But after he saw how much he had hurt her, and how that, how even he was hurting her, even in the afterlife, that was something that was so sad and and so tough. But I can tell you that you know, the moment that he got to the side, he tried, he tried to make a difference. He tried to change it around, and the way that he did this was by coming through and telling his daughter how truly sorry that he was and asking for her forgiveness.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:42
When you were doing my reading a little bit ago, you said that there was a crew, a crew of people or souls that came through all my relatives, and you don't see spirit guides or angels or anything like that. Or do you sometimes? Do they?

Matt Fraser 1:00:54
Sometimes, sometimes it usually, usually, if I see spirit guides or angels, now this is just me, when I see them, it's because usually you don't have family members that you were close to, that you that could come through and speak or two if you're really going down the wrong path, like angels and spirit guides usually appear when someone's No No, when someone's, like, really having a hard time. Like, maybe they're going through a really hard battle with their mental health. Maybe they're contemplating leaving this world, something like that. That's like the kind of like 911, rescue readings that I see where, like, you know, the souls will kind of come in and, you know, help to re guide that person.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:29
Now, what is the process of, you know, when you just said, okay, hold on, and everybody was there. How is that like? Do you send out a message? Is there a fax? Look at how old I am? Is there an email that gets sent out to everybody? Hey, Matt's gonna go on next level. So Oh, and Alex is gonna ask for live reading, anybody who wants to show up. This is the time. How does that whole thing work? When people come flying in, how do they know you're open for business? For me at this specific moment,

Matt Fraser 1:01:58
Well, first of all, first of all, always open for business. I'm a medium. But second of all, it's like this, like the 24 hour pharmacy, right? I'm always, I'm always open. But when it comes to when it when it comes to you, like for this reading, what happens is, is that when, when I first what you know as I'm here with you, I sense and feel souls with you. And then when you ask me if there was a message, what I'm doing, when I close my eyes, I'm asking questions, okay, who is it that he was the closest to who is it that he really wants to hear from? Who is it that, you know he can validate right now is here. And then, you know, what are some memories that you had? Who are you there with? And I'll ask, What is your name? And I'll ask the souls these questions. And then the souls determine what they respond based on, you know, what your soul needs, right? Some souls are very specific, and when they come through. Some souls have really deep messages. Some like from your grandmother, are really lightened heart belts, right? It all depends on what your soul needs at that time.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:49
So these are, like, you're walking around basically with a gang of souls with you at all times, essentially, if they're close to you. And I think it's very difficult for people to understand the like they don't have to be in one place only. You know, my aunt could be here, but she could also be living another life and another time. She could be all over the place. From my understanding, a lot, there's no path, no future. It's all happening at the exact same time, on the other side, if you will. And then this, you know, experience. So that's why Jesus is the hardest working man in show business. He's always at everyone's near death experience. How could he be? Because we're thinking physical that way. He's running over here. Oh, I'm late for for John's near death. I gotta run over there. Oh, I got a reading. Someone needs me over here. Matt's doing a reading. I gotta run over there, that kind of thing. But they're with us. Their essence is with us. And when we come into a field of someone like yourself, they're like, oh, there's a doorway. I could talk directly to them. Is that the way it works?

Matt Fraser 1:03:48
That's exactly how it works. And also remember that, you know, it's almost like, because people have a hard time explain understanding energy because of the physical world that we live in. But right now, it's just like, for example, it was the coolest thing the other day I was, I was watching, I was, there was this live feed that you could go on if you have, like, the VR glasses. And there was this person that was walking through London at the time, and you could put on the, put on the glasses, and you could be there. And literally, it was live happening right now. Like, you, like, you could turn around and you can see, and you can see the people eating and like, it was happening live in real time. I was there. I was there, but I was not there, right? I could put on these glasses and, boom, I was there in London, looking at everybody in real time, eating, drinking, whatever, even though my body was here. Well, that same thing, that same thing happens with your soul, right? The same way that it's kind of like interesting, like, right now, you can turn on the television and you can see what's going on anywhere in the world right now, at this exact moment, right? And that same thing happens with your loved ones in spirit. You know, it's no it's really no different. The only difference is, is that, you know, they don't have to physically be there. Just same way that we can flip on the TV and just see a place and see what's happening anywhere in the world. Your loved ones can do that because they're energy. They're not they're not stuck to a physical house or a car or miles

Alex Ferrari 1:05:09
Now and then if someone, let's say I walk into a session with you or with a medium, and I go, You know what? I really want to talk to Robin Williams, not because I was a fan, but because I might have met him or I knew him in passing. We worked together, but he wasn't super close to me. Is that something? And you go, hold on, Robin, are you? Are you here? And then there's Robin's Robin, come in. How does that work?

Matt Fraser 1:05:31
You can request a soul. Absolutely you can request a soul. Actually, me and my mom are doing something really exciting on Halloween. We're going to be doing like a psychic seance, and we're going to be trying to request souls that we're going to be trying to request, you know, celebrities that have passed away, like, you know, Michael Jackson and some others, to see if we can kind of get answers. Will it work? I'm not sure, right? But I'm thinking that while we have everybody there, because there's a lot of psychics and mediums who follow me, obviously, that if we're all there and we do the seance together, that these souls, you know, might appear, might have something to say. So, you know, every day I'm learning about my gift, every day I'm learning new ways to communicate, new ways to talk, new ways to, you know, receive messages from them. And they were also learning a lot about us. They're also learning how to get through to us as well. But you know, always remember this one thing, remember that souls come through when there is a specific need for you. So for example, you know, there was this one man that I was connecting with, oh my god, I felt so bad for him. So he was at a he was at a show. And I don't mean any disrespect when I say this to other mediums that are on there, but you know, obviously I'm real. I gotta tell you, you know, what I what I feel. There was this man that came to my show and, oh my God, I'll never forget this. And he was like, Matt. He's like, you know, do you ever do like celebrity reading? So I'm thinking, like, yeah, I've read for Jenny McCarthy down at world, right? And he said, no, no. Like, celebrity readings of people who had died. So I'm like, Oh, what do you mean? So he's like, Oh, every week. He's like, I paid the psychic. He's like, and I have this whole notebook. They show me, like, this notebook. And he's like, people like, thought I was gonna be, like, genuinely interested in this. He's like, of all these celebrities that I've contacted, he's like, I've talked to Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra. He's like every week I pay and like these celebrities come through, and I'll say to myself, listen, there's no freaking way. Because the thing is, is that? Like, yes, okay, we can contact the dead. We can talk contact souls. But souls come through for a reason, right? They come through to help you. Maybe they didn't get to signify. Maybe there's something they have to warn you about, something gonna say, entertainment, not entertainment, right? Like Joan Rivers isn't gonna come through, right and start doing jokes on the other side now.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:21
Darling, darling. I like to perform for you today,

Matt Fraser 1:07:24
Right, right now, there has. Now, let me tell you the one time I did do a reading, and Joan Rivers came through, but the person knew her, they worked with her. And, you know, obviously there was that connection that was there. But, you know, like, I can't just sit in my bed at night and be like, Marilyn, how you doing up there? You know, can, can, you know, how was it? What was it really like, you know, living life, you know there has to be a connection to you. You know there has to be some type of a connection to you and to your loved ones.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:49
Now, what do you believe is the ultimate lesson that we're meant to learn here, before we cross over?

Matt Fraser 1:07:54
So I believe the ultimate lesson that we're supposed to learn is our life purpose, right? That we are meant to do so much more than we think, and we are doing much more than we think, that you might think that you're not making an impact in this world because you're not doing something big. How many people come to me and they say to me, Matt, I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something big, but I'm not sure what. Well, you are, you are, and you might not even realize it, like, for example, Alex, one day when you go through your life, review may not be for many years. You're gonna see just how big this show was. You're gonna see how you went. And I know you see it today with people, but you're really gonna see it, like I said, because there's silent followers, silent subscribers, it's numbers. Yeah, right. Who know? Well, no, this fans on here, like, like, die hard fans that love you.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:37
No, there's no question, but there's but when you see these millions of millions of downloads. You know, it's hard for me to even wrap my head. They're like, Oh yeah, it's a million people. We had a million, like, our first episode is near a million views. And you like, and you get kind of desensitized to it. As a person like a YouTuber or someone looking on YouTube, or something like that, you're like, Oh yeah, it's a million. That's a really great episode. 10 million people. That thing touched, and then God knows how many people around their circle which touched by the experience of that episode, just by them knowing about or hearing about it or growing it could have rippled to 10s of millions of people, and that's just one episode. So it's actually, I'd rather not think that way, because then it's harder to do the work. Yeah, it's kind of like when you step out on stage, you're like, I don't want to know there's 100,000 people in the audience. I want everything. I want everything to be dark and let me do me.

Matt Fraser 1:09:29
So the thing is, is that when you go through your life review, you're gonna say, like, Oh my God. I didn't even know this person existed, but they found you. They saw this channel, and you inspired them to do X, Y and Z. So you, everybody who's watching this channel right now is doing that you have been a catalyst to someone, and you don't even realize that you did it. You've helped someone in some way. You don't even realize it. You know, it could be as simple. Let's just talk about as simple as you smiling at someone and maybe that smile that you gave them, they were having a really bad day. Maybe they were really they were really having a tough. Time that smile that you gave them, you know, gave them a little bit of hope, gave them a little bit of something, you don't realize that, we don't realize that until we're at the end of our life. And that's what's so amazing, is that right now, it's really living the best life that you possibly can do it, you know, living, living a, excuse me, living our life. That's, I can't say this last part. It's all about living a life that's meant for you, living a life that's meant for others, and finding your life purpose in between.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:30
Now, with all the experience you have in the afterlife, how has it shaped your understanding of love, loss and forgiveness?

Matt Fraser 1:10:37
Oh, my God, it's do it while you're alive. Do it while you're alive, live. Listen, we go through love while we're alive, loss while we're live, but we the hardest part is, is that forgiveness, forgiveness is the hardest thing. So many people think that they are helping themselves by holding on to past pain, past hurt, past trauma, right? By not forgiving. You're not You're hurting yourself. You're holding on to someone else's evil, negative energy. Let go of it. Forgive, forgive, forgive. I can't tell you. I mean, I as a medium. I feel it deep in my soul when I am upset with somebody or mad at someone, someone who has done me wrong, I have to forgive them, because, if not, I feel their energy with me and you know, and at the same time, I feel like I'm carrying something that's not me. I'm carrying hurt and pain that's unnecessary. So listen, people have done bad things with them, bad things to me within life, right? But the thing is, is that I've always found room in my heart to forgive, always, because you have to.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:32
Now, Matt, where can people find your new book?

Matt Fraser 1:11:35
So you can find my new book. Don't wait till you're dead. This is it just came out. It's the newest book. You can find it anywhere that you buy books, on Amazon, Books a Million Barnes and Noble audible, anywhere that you buy books. And what I want people to know is that the ends of the book, you get to do your own life review, and I take you through the steps of really reviewing and looking into your life.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:57
Oh, that's why nobody that's why people are having problems trying to read it. They're like, No, no, I don't. I don't want to. I don't want to dig into that, that, that can of worms.

Matt Fraser 1:12:06
Well, you know, what's so funny is that my publicist did it, and she was like, in tears. She was like, that was the most emotional experience that, you know. When I first came out with this book, I didn't really tell her much about it, and I said, you know, why don't, why don't you just go and read it? And she was like, Wow. She's like, she just felt so a weight lifted. She's like, I didn't realize how much I was carrying on to I didn't realize, you know, what my true potential is. And that's what I'm hoping this book does for people. I'm hoping that it opens you up to knowing that you're not alone. You have a team of angels, loved ones and spirit guides that are with you every day, watching all of you every day, and that want the best for you and want success for you.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:37
Now, Matt, I'm gonna ask you those questions I ask all my guests. You've answered them before, but I'd like to hear if you've have any changes in your answers.

Matt Fraser 1:12:45
I always have changes. Go ahead.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:47
What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Matt Fraser 1:12:49
Living a fulfilled life is living the best version of yourself, and, more importantly, doing as much on Earth as possible while you're still alive.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:56
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Matt, what advice would you give him?

Matt Fraser 1:13:00
Don't be afraid. Listen to what the souls are telling you. And more importantly, you're going to use this one day when you get older.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:08
How do you define God or Source?

Matt Fraser 1:13:10
God is everything, angels, spirit, guides. I mean, I think is God as the umbrella that encompasses everything, everyone, you know, all paths lead to God. That's way to put it,

Alex Ferrari 1:13:21
What is love?

Matt Fraser 1:13:22
Love is the ultimate bonds between us, between our pets, between our family, between our friends, between our spouse and those that we've lost on the other side. And what is the ultimate purpose of life? The ultimate purpose is of life. It's discovering your true talents, skills and abilities, and putting them to useful you're still alive,

Alex Ferrari 1:13:41
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Matt Fraser 1:13:45
So you don't have to be dead to find me. You can go to my website, that's the best place you'll find videos, classes, tour dates. I have. I just announced my new tour dates for the end of the year, and ways that you can get a reading with me.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:58
And do you have any parting messages for the audience Matt?

Matt Fraser 1:14:01
Yes, discover your gift. Discover your talents. It's never too late. You're never too old. What's so beautiful is that heaven has a plan for you, and when you align with it, doors start to open.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:12
Matt, I thank you so much for coming back on the show. You're always welcome back anytime, and thank you for that reading. It was, it was quite emotional to say the least. And I mean, I could just tell everybody watching it was pretty dead accurate on things that nobody, I mean, literally nobody else on the planet knows. So it was pretty remarkable. Matt, thank you for not only being on the show, but for helping awaken the planet, my friend so thank you.

Matt Fraser 1:14:40
Thank you. Thank you, Alex, for the work that you're doing.

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