The Law of Attraction & Quantum Physics: Power of 5th Dimension Manifestation with Dr. John Demartini

In the tapestry of our lives, moments of revelation can emerge from the most profound conversations. On today’s episode, we welcome the extraordinary Dr. John Demartini, a renowned human behavior specialist, philosopher, and author. As we journey through the intricacies of the mind, Dr. Demartini enlightens us on the essence of the law of attraction, manifestation, and the deep-seated values that shape our reality.

Dr. John Demartini begins by demystifying the often sensationalized concept of the law of attraction. He eloquently explains that while the term might have been popularized through media like “The Secret,” its true power lies in understanding human values and priorities. According to him, every individual operates from a unique hierarchy of values, which dictates their perceptions, decisions, and actions. He states, “Our perception, decisions, and actions are reflections of how our values are set up.” This profound insight lays the foundation for a deeper exploration of how alignment with our highest values can unlock the door to synchronicity and manifestation.

As we delve deeper, Dr. Demartini emphasizes the importance of congruence in achieving true fulfillment. He describes how the brain’s executive center, when aligned with our highest values, enables us to see opportunities that others might overlook. This alignment, he explains, brings about a state of heightened awareness and mindfulness, where the magic of the law of attraction becomes evident. “When you pursue what’s highest on your value, your executive function governs the amygdala, maximizing your potential for synchronicity and attraction,” he asserts. This perspective shifts the focus from a mystical interpretation of the law of attraction to a grounded, neurological understanding.

In a captivating discussion about the power of visualization, Dr. Demartini draws on examples from the world of sports, where athletes like Michael Jordan and Bruce Lee have harnessed the power of their mind’s eye to achieve unparalleled success. He explains that visualization engages the brain’s visual centers, making imagined scenarios as real as actual experiences. This mental rehearsal, combined with a deep alignment to one’s highest values, creates a powerful tool for manifestation. “The brain does not distinguish between external reality and internal visualization when deeply aligned with our values,” he notes, underscoring the potency of mental imagery.


  1. Align with Your Highest Values: The first step to unlocking the power of the law of attraction is to identify and align with your highest values. When your actions are congruent with what you value most, you activate your brain’s executive functions, paving the way for synchronicity and manifestation.
  2. Embrace Both Sides of Life: True objectives encompass both pleasure and pain, support and challenge. Embracing these dualities allows you to pursue meaningful goals with resilience and adaptability, rather than chasing unrealistic, one-sided fantasies.
  3. Harness the Power of Visualization: Visualization is not just about imagining success; it’s about engaging your brain’s visual centers in alignment with your highest values. This practice can enhance your ability to manifest your deepest desires by making imagined scenarios neurologically real.

In his philosophical reflections, Dr. Demartini also touches upon the concept of enlightenment and the hidden order within the universe. He posits that by asking quality questions that equilibrate the mind, we can unveil the synchronicities and hidden order in apparent chaos. This pursuit of understanding and embracing the dualities of life leads to a state of enlightenment, where we see beyond the surface to the deeper interconnectedness of all things.

In concluding this enlightening conversation, Dr. Demartini leaves us with a powerful message: “Give yourself permission to shine. Don’t compare yourself to others; instead, align your actions with your highest values and live by design, not duty.” His words resonate as a call to live authentically and to recognize the magnificence within ourselves, far beyond any external validations or fantasies.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. John Demartini.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 238

Dr. John Demartini 0:00
It's it's a feeling of it's impossible for you not to fulfill, it's already done. There's no time in the future it needs to be done. It's already there. You extract out space and time in mind and become present with the image, not imagination, which is future, but the image of your pursuit.

Alex Ferrari 0:16
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Dr. John Demartini. How you doing Dr. John?

Dr. John Demartini 0:31
I'm too great!

Alex Ferrari 0:32
Thank you so much for coming back on the show. I had such a wonderful time talking to you. You were one of my earlier conversations, and the show has definitely grown since the last conversation. But you definitely made a mark. Because when when your team called me back, and you wanna have John back on the show, I'm like, absolutely. So thank you so much for coming back.

Dr. John Demartini 0:53
No, thank you. You're the one helping me help other people. So that's, that's my dream. So thank you.

Alex Ferrari 0:58
So today, we really wanted to get into a conversation about the law of attraction about manifestation. Because in all of the conversations I've had on the show, I've never sat down and really dug deep into this concept. It's been, you know, sensationalized. There's a lot of misunderstandings out there a lot of myths, a lot of misinformation out there about the law of attraction about manifestation. And who else better to talk about it than one of the one of the amazing teachers who started the idea really in the zeitgeist with that movie, that little movie you got you were involved in all those years ago called The Secret which kind of planted the seed in in the in the zeitgeist of humanity about the law of attraction. So my first question to you is, what really is this thing called the law of attraction?

Dr. John Demartini 1:47
I think it's a term that has been coined by Rhonda Byrne and some predecessors that I think was a popular term. I don't know if there's a universal law called the law of attraction other than a magnetic attraction between opposite poles of magnetism. But, and we'd like to develop it as it kind of was implied in the movie. And in order to do that, I probably have to develop a few things. If you don't mind. Please go ahead. And some may overlap a bit what we said previously, but not a lot in about 1978. That fall, I was interested in why people do what they say why people don't buy or walk, people walk and talk and why are people living our lives. And I was trying to make a discernment between the distinctions between people who said they're gonna do something and do it and people said they're not gonna they're gonna do it, not do it. And it boiled down to drive and human values. And at the time, I started studying axiology, which is a study of value and worth and people. And much of what I read and there is not a vast amount of literature, you could read it someone one individual could read it all was geared towards morals and ethics and then a little bit towards economics. And I was more than unsatisfied with what I saw out there. And I had to go deeper and make more observations. I found that every human being regardless of age, gender, or culture, gender, spectrum or culture, moment by moment, is living with a set of priorities, a set of values, things they perceive to be more to least important, most to least important, more than most to lessor lesser importance and that those set of values or priorities is impacting their sensory perceptions, their decision making process and the frontal cortex and frontal cortex and their actions motor actions, particularly a motor, upper controlled motor actions. So our perception decisions and actions human behavior is a reflection or an expression of how our values are set up. I also found out that whatever is highest on the list of values, we would classify as intrinsic values. We spontaneously are inspired from within the require no external motivation to get us to do it. Like a boy who loves video games doesn't need to be motivated with reward if he does it punishment if he doesn't get video games done. He may need that for some loan, his values, maybe homework, but whatever is lower on the values the lower it goes on the value list, the more extrinsically It is the extrinsic the values are and it requires a reward to do it or punishment to Don't you need an extrinsic force to get you to act. But it's not just motor actions. It's also sensory perceptions, you spontaneously sense with, see that the pulvinar nuclei in the thalamus is a gatekeeper and filter and all the sensory information from the spinal senses, coming through the spinal cord, and even into the brainstem, from the special senses all go through the the relay center the thalamus and filter it out according to what you value. So a mother whose highest value is her children, she's 35, and she has three children under the age of five. If she walks in a mall, she will spot with a selected biased attention, children's clothes, children's energy education, children's entertainment, children's health care, she will filter out things that are for her children, and overlook things that aren't, she won't be seeing business materials. Her husband who may be an entrepreneur, now she could be an entrepreneur, if it is and that's her highest value, she will filter that. But if her highest value is children, and his high value his business, he will spot suits computers, what companies are the busiest in the mall by stocking, he'll be thinking in terms of a totally different reality, or they'll both see completely different worlds. They literally filter the reality according to what they value most. Now, because of that selective biased attention, confirmation bias, and false positives in the direction of what we value most and false negatives that we overlook things that are there. In things that are lower on our values, we automatically filter our reality, according to our value system. So are not only is our priority of actions determined by him, but our sensory perceptions are determined by him. Now, when you set a goal, an intention to do something or an attention to learn something when it's congruent and aligned with your highest value. Because of that, you will spot things in your environment that most people overlook if unless they're living congruently. And they will take actions on it. And they'll make decisions rapidly because they've got plenty of information and they'll spontaneously act. So that's why you spontaneously act on the things that are high on your values. And your epistemological knowledge is maximum in that area. You're totally illogical purposes Max in that area and your ontological identity is maximal in that area. So you perceive yourself if your highest value is my case, teaching as a teacher, as a mother, as a mother, as an entrepreneur, your identity revolves around your specialized knowledge is accentuating that area and you feel your teleological purpose is that area. So one of the most significant things of the secret that was left out of the secret, it was mentioned in my interview, but it was not included, is don't waste your time on anything that's not highest on your value. Because you will filter out sensory awareness. You will not take actions you'll procrastinate hesitate and frustrated, you'll need external motivation to act. So the probability of you achieving the magic of this secret the law of attraction is really the degree of congruence that you have with what is truly most important to you and pursue what's authentic, because your ontological identity revolves around that. That's the most authentic you. When the Delphic Oracle said, Know thyself, be thyself, love thyself, they're saying identify what you value most and pursue it and give yourself permission to go after that. But at anytime you're doing something lower on your values, you're centered awareness filters that out, you don't see opportunity. You don't make decisions quick. And you don't take actions without an external motivator. So you can't can possibly compete with somebody who's congruent who's living by highest values, as somebody who's not. So when people say, well, the secret didn't work. For me, what it meant is that they were pursuing goals that were not congruent with what they valued most. And expecting a magical thing to happen. Because anytime you do that, the unfulfillment that occurs puts you in the amygdala and makes you want now one sided experiences. To avoid pain, seek pleasure, and real objectives have pleasure and pain in it. And you're not going to have a relationship with pleasure and pain, you're not going to have a goal without pleasures and pains, eases and difficulties. So you're most capable of embracing the synchronicities of these pairs of opposites of support and challenge peace and more positive, negative, etc. When you pursue what's really highest on your value. So the first principle of the Law of Attraction is that you maximize the opportunities, the decisions and the actions, the synchronicities in fact, what's interesting is when you're functioning from a lower value, your blood glucose and oxygen goes into the amygdala and you To actually subjectively bias interpretations to survive, and you have to go and seek it, or have to avoid it. And so you're extrinsic ly affected by reward and punishment, play and Predator. But if you're setting goals that are aligned with the highest values of blood glucose and oxygen goes into the executive center, where you actually embrace dramatically, you embrace the pleasures and pains equally, and you pursue a true objective, which is balanced and neutral and non impartial. And it is there where you actually achieve the greatest achievement. So getting into the highest value waking up the executive function, governing the amygdala is impulses and instincts, which are the distractions which keep you from being present focused and diligent towards the pursuit of a purpose. And something you know, authentic, you're not going to be able to take advantage of the synchronicities that occur. And when you're in your amygdala, you activate the autonomic nervous system, the parasympathetic for the prey that sympathetic for the predator, and you infatuate or resent or your impulse towards or your instinct away. And whenever you do that, you're not maximizing governance, and you're automatically disinterest disengaging with what is there, you're, you're living in a subjective distortion. In that moment, you automatically are shutting down your visual accessing to the visual occipital area, you're shutting down strategic planning, you're shutting down, spontaneous action, you're shutting down self governance, and then you get distracted, and you have immediate gratification, and you can't stay focused on a long term aim to build incremental momentum to achieve something great. So the first thing is purely a grounded brain function of pursuing goals that are truly meaningful, that are truly high in priority and high value. That's the first principle of it. When that occurs, the autonomics come into synchronicity, the heart rate variability maximizes, you get a gamma wave in the brain, because the alpha waves from the parasympathetic, I mean, the delta waves and parasympathetic and the beta waves from the sympathetic arc joined together in an eight cycle per second, alpha theta state, which causes gamma synchronous in the brain, the brain now fires off integrated Gestalt, which is maximum brain function, maximum awareness, maximum mindfulness. And this is called synchronicity in the brain, and you have synchronicity and function. So the synthesis and integration of the conscious and unconscious awareness at that moment is where we have maximum law of attraction. And now we're attracted our to our innermost dominant thought, and we see the opportunities that are bounding around us that we can't normally see, to take advantage of it. And we think that because we're pursuing it, it's coming to us. But in reality, it's just there the whole time we were waiting for us to be fully aware. Well, that's the first round of neurology approach to it.

Alex Ferrari 12:58
So is there is there a frequency that's attached to, to these thoughts?

Dr. John Demartini 13:03
You could put a frequency on it. I like to think of the brain as a scaled function. But I don't put it on a, just a, I have to put that into a context. The speed in which you see both sides of an event determines the frequency that you're on. So if you're infatuated with somebody and blinded to the downside, and you have the positive pole of the wave, and you're blind to the downside, and then it takes a day, a week, a month, a year or five years later before you see the downside, you're pretty dense. That's, that's a long wavelength. That's a dense Fokker that's Meet the Fockers. Okay, got it. If you're highly resentful to somebody and you're blind to the upsides you're conscious of the downsides, unconsciously upsides and blind to the upsides and ignorant of the upside, you have ignorance, and you're not seeing both sides. So the inside the terrible is the terrific and inside the terrific is the terrible and that the two actually can't see each other into a completely neutral state. But our subjective bias for our Megillah make some polarized and creates an emotional reaction. And everyone knows emotional reactions or feedback mechanisms to let us know we're not seeing the whole emotions or feedback mechanisms that create epigenetic alterations and physiology and psychology. To let us know we're not seeing the whole because we're not we're attracted or repelled. We're undergoing motion towards or away instead of being poised and present purposeful, and patient and productive and prioritize where we actually have love for something. And so pursuing something you love is different than having an emotional impulse or an instinct to seek or avoid it, where it's externally running it because whatever you infatuated or is in occupying space and time your mind and runs you and it's basically noise in the brain instead of the signal from the soul. You might say, you're getting noise, it's blocking the signal. So, it it's it You're in this polarized state, you have a long wavelength, lower frequency. When you see both sides, and you have a impartial state, and you're in an objective, masterful state, when you're living by your highest value, you see both sides synchronously. Wilhelm Wundt, who is the father of experimental psychology in 1896, wrote that there are simultaneous simultaneous contrast in sequential contrast. And simultaneous contrast is when you see both sides simultaneously, and you have pure mindfulness, you're not unconscious apart. And sequential contrast is when you see one side, and then later you see the other side. He said, sequential contrast is survival. simultaneous contrast is tribal. So when you have simultaneous country of the synthesis of the pairs of opposites, the synchronicity of their existence in a mindful state, where you now are fully aware, taking advantage of your sensory decision and motor actions, and maximizing your potential. So that's the high frequency. And each thing that you're focusing on, if it's the highest frequency, and it is the most objective, and it is the most congruent, and it's the most authentic pursuit, you master synchronicity and synthesis in the brain, and you actually have the law of attraction, instantaneously, there's no time. Anytime you add space and time to the soul, you might say to the real, authentic you, you have the existential world where you now have the limits of time and space. And that's where most people function in the limits of time and space instead of being present, and actually seeing it and it's then a feeling of it's impossible for it not to happen. It's already in motion. When Phelps who got 22 Medals right in swimming, when he would see it in his mind's eye and be present with it and was purely an objective and it was highest on his value to master swimming. He was able to manifest a law of attraction, nonstop one after another and get 22 gold medals.

Alex Ferrari 16:59
Yeah, at a level that nobody else has ever done. Without without question

Dr. John Demartini 17:02
No one else has done. Absolutely. Well, you might have martial artists like Bruce Lee in his in his or Michael Jordan in their fields

Alex Ferrari 17:10
In their field. But now but not specifically. He does. Yeah.

Dr. John Demartini 17:13
Not in that area. But your innermost dominant thought becomes your animals tangible reality in the moment, you have synchronicity and authenticity in the frontal cortex of the brain.

Alex Ferrari 17:23
So basically, it does everyone, even those other two examples, you said Michael Jordan, or Kobe Bryant, or a Bruce Lee, their highest priority was their art form, which was either martial arts, basketball, or swimming. So when they went into, let's say, pre visualization, in their mind's eye, creating the shot, going out and winning the game, going out and achieving what they wanted, it was because of the alignment and the, the power of frequency of the alignment of their, of their greatest, most important thing to them, that align them. So in other words, if I, if basketball is fifth on my list, and family money, a million other things, partying, other things are above it. I'm not going to be able to manifest the success in that field, that other people like Kobe Bryant, who was legendarily obsessive, and Michael Jordan, who was legendary said all of these were legendary steps obsesses about what they were doing, that is what supercharges, if you will, the law of attraction or manifestation.

Dr. John Demartini 18:36
But I would like to add one thing instead of using obsessive because that's an amygdala response. Inspired. Fair enough, in part, because obsessive would mean the external world is controlling you, and you can't control it. Inspired is this is a, this is when the human will matches what is and you now have no conflict between what is and what you're intending. So, when you're in the amygdala, and you're infatuated with somebody, let's say you're minimizing yourself to them, and injecting the values and trying to live like them, and you now have an obsession. When you are resenting somebody, you're exaggerating yourself, and you have an obsession to fix them or change them. But when you're in the center, and you love what you're doing, and you don't need to fix it, it's it's a feeling of it's impossible for you not to fulfill, it's already done. There's no time in the future. It needs to be done. It's already there. You extract out space and time in mind and become present with the image, not imagination, which is future, but the image of your pursuit.

Alex Ferrari 19:42
Well, let me ask you is does quantum physics have an explanation for manifestation? And what it's discovered?

Dr. John Demartini 19:50
I don't want to use quantum physics as so much of an explanation as more of a wonderful metaphor correlation. Fair enough, because it has this metaphysical correlation. So let me give that example. In 1947, Paul Dirac published a fantastic book on particle nanoparticle. Here's on the principles of quantum mechanics. I read this book when I was 18, with the help of a lot of dictionaries. And in there, I was awakened to something that that impacted my life vastly since he's the one that came up with the idea from Einstein's equation, and also from shoulders equation that there has to be an anti particle for every particle. So he's the one that created that idea. And this is basically because of complex mathematics and square roots of negative ones. And there's a lot of reasons for that. And, and I could go into that for a long distance. But because of that, he said that if you take a particle nanoparticle, and they were to collide, like an A particle collider at Geneva, and join, they would burst gamma light, gamma photons. So if the positron which is a positive electron, and electron and negative charge electron, were joined together that make a couple of gamma particles of light, high energy light. When I saw that, I thought, well, that's interesting. And if you took light photon gamma photons and put them in a bubble chamber, they would spin in opposite spirals. Angular momentum is in reveal bubbles in the chamber revealing particle antiparticle. And I thought Einstein's equations said energy is equal to mc squared. That means you can take energy in the form of photons and turn it into particle nanoparticles and has a positive negative charge in front of it. So that's where Dirac got the idea. Well, if you can take those positive and negative charges and make light when I was 18, in my naivety, I thought wonder what would happen if you took positive and negative emotions? Could you make enlightenment?

Alex Ferrari 21:57
That's interesting.

Dr. John Demartini 21:59
So that was my thought at 18. So I went out on a pursuit to create a methodology for that. Successfully, I've got it today. Now, there's a there's a gentleman, when I read that, I also happen to read another book by by Leibniz, the German philosopher who was involved with the calculus at same time Newton was doing the calculus and whiteness. In his first chapter, the first part of his discourse on metaphysics text, said that there was a perfection in the university hidden order in the universe that few people ever got to know. But those that did, their lives are changed forever. And when I read that I got a tyranny. I'm sure you've read books, and you get a tear. And you just go, you know, there's something here. And I said, I want to know what this perfection is, I want to know what this order is. So I started studying thermodynamics, and probabilistic stochastic systems and all kinds of things to go and try to figure out what this order is. And there was a gentleman that Claude Shannon, and two of the guys who got a Nobel Prize, that information theory, and I found out that the term disorder, the tendency is for go to order to disorder, which was entropy, and the tendency to go from disorder to order which was negative entropy, or neg entropy, which was life versus death. That it was going from fully understanding the order full information to missing information, he called entropy missing information disorder was missing information. So Boltzmann and his work on thermodynamics said that the probabilistic theories of of these probabilities of random movements may not be the complete story, there may be missing information that led to minut hidden variables theory and quantum theory. So when I when I went to start studying this, I said, What's the missing information? How do we access it? And then I realized that the quality of our lives based on the quality questions we're asked if we ask questions that are wise, that equilibrate the mind, and allow us to see the synchronicity and synthesis of complementary opposites, we can access and discovery hidden order in the apparent chaos in the so called disorder. And emotions are called emotional disorders. Because if you're attracted to something repelled, it's actually running you. But enlightenment is not a disorder. It's recognizing the implicit order, the hidden order is moment described. And so I went on a pursuit of asking questions to make the unconscious conscious so you can be fully conscious. That's what our intuition is constantly doing our our intuition is a negative feedback system striving for homeostatic authenticity. That's attempting to make the unconscious conscious so we can be fully conscious, but the impulses and instincts of the amygdala is trying to separate them and create an unconscious conscious split. So we're trying to divide the individuals and named the inevitable is and label the labels and split the unsplit doubles and separate in separate bowls with the amygdala and And we're integrating them in the forebrain. It's the integrative center and coordinate a Scientific American September October edition last year, they talked about the seat of the self, the integrated center was this medial prefrontal cortex of the brain, where it integrates the information, we have the greatest number of inter neurons that integrate information and the greater the sample size of inter neurons, the greater the mean distribution, therefore, the more poised and present you are. So we literally have the capacity to ask questions to the mind and awaken unconscious information to make us fully conscious of the pairs of opposites that are synchronous and simultaneous, and wake up an enlightened state. And that is something that we're capable of doing. But the brain automatically does that if we pursue the highest value. And the highest value is called the telos by Aristotle, and he knew this in his time, he knew that the to maximize human potential is to pursue the tell us the end in mind, just like we have telomeres the end of the genes we have tele Cephalon that meet into the brain telomeres until till teleology. teleology was a study of meaning and purpose, it was the most meaningful and purposeful and most spontaneously inspiring thing we can be doing. So if we prioritize our life on filler day with that one thing that highest priority, and keep to our primary objective, our chief aim, if you will, or napoleon hill called it, we automatically maximize objectivity, which is neutrality, where we have the most resilience, adaptability, and we maximize the law of attraction and the secret. And if we don't, and we allow ourselves to get distracted by lower party things, from injected values of all the people we compare ourselves to, we automatically get into the amygdala, and we automatically polarize ourselves, and disempower ourselves a house that's divided, we now go from lighten mint into positive and negative emotional charges where those things are running us. And that's called noise in the brain. It's literally called static. It shows up as facilitation and inhibition into the brain that shows up neurotransmitters in the form of glutamate and GABA frequencies. And there's a modulator in the center, which intuition awakens, in acetyl aspartate, which is an modulator that integrates those tubes and synchronizes them, our neuro chemistry, our psychology, our physics have such correlations, it's mind blowing. But you don't want to say that it's a quantum state, necessarily, because we can't prove it yet. But we do know that neural associations in the brain, and their anti memories of associations can be entangled simultaneous in the brain. That's the closest correlates we've got right now. And in some of their sub cellular components, there seem to be quantum physics there. But we definitely have correlations with quantum physics, in that perspective, and even from scientists can use that term sometimes.

Alex Ferrari 27:47
So it's kind of what you just do, what you just said was is similar to quantum entanglement, the two things

Dr. John Demartini 27:53
It's like quantum entanglement, the memory. In fact, if you look in neuron magazine, March 17, 2016, there is a fantastic article on the potential for Neuro entanglement in the brain, in the sense of memory and anti memory, or conscious and unconscious content. Now I've been doing and studying that contrasts since 1978. Nine, I wrote a book on perceptual illusions and how they caused the illness back then. And and I was very fascinated by the contrast, because we don't sense about contrast, it's called the law of contrast, imagine this, you take a cold beaker of water, that's 40 degrees, and you take another beaker of water that's 140 degrees, and you put it another beaker in the middle of it that 72. If you take your hand and put it into cold water and hold it there from it, it's quantitatively 40 degrees. You stick it in the quantitative 72 degrees, and you will swear that it's hotter than it is subjectively, because of the law of contrast, if you didn't have something to compare it to you get a 72 reading in your hand. But because you compare it to something you perceive as colder, you now make it warmer. And if you take and stick in 140 degrees, because of law of contrast, you stick it in that temperature water, it now seems colder, so you get subjected by us the moment you compare, in contrast, and all of our senses are contrast, all the phenomenological world of the senses or contrast, we can't proceed without a contrast. If we're in a completely white room, we can't see completely black room you can see say you put contrast you can see same thing for binaural fusions in the in the ears, you can't hear unless you have contrast all the senses to point discrimination contrast on the senses. So without that contrast, if we had simultaneous contrast, we would have an that enlightened state, and then we would maximize the law of attraction because we would not separate in time and space. The moment we separate things in space and time and judge something subjectively with a bias. We lost the law of attraction, we do moot diminished its power. The Law of Attraction is simultaneous when we actually present

Alex Ferrari 29:59
So what Is it so what are the mistakes that people make that that stop them from manifesting things in their own life?

Dr. John Demartini 30:08
They're pursuing things that are truly most important. Which forces them to go into the amygdala which then forces them into polarize fantasies a pleasure without a pain, happy without me a sad and nice for that Amin it kind without a cruel and why is it not happening and why am I a victim and they become more victimized because the other side that comes with it. Now it feels more painful, because they contrast a law of contrast. So if you're not looking for a fantasy, you don't feel life is a nightmare. But depression is a comparison of your current reality to a fantasy to your ticket to an unrealistic expectation. But if you set an objective, which is balanced, and you know both sides are there, when you get married to somebody, you're going to have both sides nisreen crying, cruel. See, the real objective is bracing both sides simultaneously, not pursuing a one side. So people that are living in the amygdala want to avoid pain and seek pleasure which is not possible. It's like trying to divide a magnet. And the Buddha says the desire for that which is unobtainable and the desire to avoid that which is known avoidable as a source of human suffering. So people suffer because they're pursuing a one sided state with their amygdala. They're not setting up a high priority action. That's an objective. It's not congruent. They're subordinating, because they're comparing themselves to other people to go, I want to be like them, and they're envying somebody else. They're trying to imitate somebody else. They're trying to be second to being Elvis, instead of first being themselves. And then they end up polarizing your brain and disempowering himself because they're divided. And anytime you're infatuate, resent, you have disowned parts, and you disempower your life. And that's what the secret doesn't work. And that's why people say, well, the secret didn't work for me, because they pursued a fantasy that wasn't congruent with their highest values. And they expected an outcome with immediate gratification, which the amygdala does, instead of a long term vision of pursuing something with meaning.

Alex Ferrari 31:54
Fantastic answer, sir, because it's so it's absolutely so true. Because when you go, I want to win the lottery, or I want to date this movie star, their fantasies, their fantasies, and if they're not aligned with what you're trying to do, and also see the positive and negative of it, because And doesn't that happen with with relationships, like you were saying, you look at a beautiful woman, and you're like, Oh, my God, it's all you see is the positive. But it takes you a year, two years, five years, 10 years, a lifetime sometimes to figure out that there's something else that came with that patent.

Dr. John Demartini 32:28
I, when I go on a date, when I go on a date, I already have a list of all my there's 4628 traits I found in the dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary, half of them are positive or negative, I went ahead and listed them. And I said, here's the positives, the negatives, if you expect anything, but all of those, you have a delusion. Call me when you're ready to face all of those, because that's who I am.

Alex Ferrari 32:53
That's, that's amazing. So,

Dr. John Demartini 32:56
By the way, you need to have you need to have a mouth and an anus. No, no, you need to be you need to have a mouth. And anus if you don't have an industry full of crap. You need both sides. You need to be an ass. And you need to be a good kisser.

Alex Ferrari 33:08
Yeah. Very true, my friend. Very true. So I wanted to go back to something we were talking about earlier with the with Bruce Lee, and Michael Jordan, Kobe and Phelps. What is it about visualization that is so powerful in the mind, when it's associated with manifestation, a lot of us are basically more of the concept of manifestation. Because athletes do this. I mean, I've heard this studies where the basketball coach will sit down with half the team, thinking about making the basket and the other team actually practicing for the same time. And the people who thought about it, get it in more than the people that physically practiced. What is the science behind that? What is going on there? Or the mysticism behind that?

Dr. John Demartini 33:51
Well, I don't think we need to even have mysticism on it. We can add that for fun. But let's imagine that you're going out and you're a single guy or a married guy acting single. And you're looking for, you know, a girl for the night or something. And you go to a party and there's 1000 people there. Would you agree that you can scan that entire room and go desirable and desirable, desirable and desirable, desirable, whoo, a very desirable, undesirable, and real people out with visual very quickly, oh, people in a matter of minutes. Now, if you had to use your auditory function had to listen to every one of them, would that be insufficient? No. No, if you had to smell every one of them, and get close enough to smell him, would that be even less efficient?

Alex Ferrari 34:41
Yes, they wouldn't not be efficient at all.

Dr. John Demartini 34:43
If you had to taste him how fish would that be?

Alex Ferrari 34:47
More interesting, possibly but not efficient

Dr. John Demartini 34:51
And if you touch them, see I did a research point now this is a joke, but I did this so called research project, where I went out and I blinded myself I put your My son, I put a nose thing on there. And all I could do is lick and touch. And I went into 1000 room to try to find a girlfriend for the night, you are going to be put in jail or killed or kicked very carefully if you try that approach exactly now, but you can see farther you can hear you can hear from you can smell, you can smell fine, you can taste you can taste fine, you can touch, to smell and taste go together. So the most efficient in the brain is visual because to survive, there's a thing called camouflage and prey and Predator. And you'll be able to be able to see past the camouflage and identify with Peridot Alia in the fusiform complex in the cortex, be able to turn what is that a prey or predator and assigned agents misty and paradisio facial understanding recognition. And then you've got to have false positives and negatives in order to make sure you get the adrenaline running fast enough to catch the prey or avoid the predator. So we are designed to use visual systems to accomplish things. And when you go up and look up, if I just look at your attitude, just sit up straight for a second, you'll have some fun with this illustrate and take your your head and keep it straight towards the camera. But now take your eyes and look down to the right down to the right now to the right with your eye, not your head, keep your head straight, but yet straight. Eyes down right 45 degrees really stretching and try to smile. Try to smile. It's fake, just to completely completely now try to frown, a frown and it feels more real. It does. Why is that? Okay? Now now look up to the left, look up to the left 45 degrees look up to the left not had and now try to frown. Fake but smile feels more natural. Why is that your your brain is automatically set up. Where if you looking up, it's visual. If you're looking down it's kinesthetic, and feeling is not as effective as sight in achieving things. Now, the forebrain when you're pursuing what's highest on your value, the forebrain has connections to V five V six associated cortex in the visual occipital cord center, occipital that center. From the amygdala, we don't have that connection. So in the biblical statement said those with a vision flourish, and those without a vision perish. They're describing executive functions medial prefrontal cortex for the sea to the south, the authentic you can see, and it uses the associative areas to strategically plan most effectively to make decisions where the amygdala can't see. It's got blind sight. And it feels it goes into emotions. So we now are caught. And we're now either seeking or avoiding. So our brain is automatically set up for visual system. For maximum visual that one of one picture's worth 1000 words, it's more efficient. 1000 words are better than a bunch of smells. But we have this smell is for great for survival. But vision is great for thrive on. And those are the vision of the people and so the visionaries are always the leaders. When I was speaking years ago, in 1983, I was asked to come and speak at a conference there's about five or 6000 people. And I walked around the convention center, I noticed there were breakout rooms. And there were mechanics and technicians and little breakout rooms or 50 or 60 people. There were management groups in 200 to 400 people. And the main audience was the visionaries, the inspiring visionaries. And I saw I want to play there. I want to be an inspired visionary. I want to delegate management and I want to delegate technology. Now, anytime you do what inspires you most, that is the vision that you hold in your mind. And delegate the management of administration and delegate technologies to others, you excel and automatically lead the field. But if you sit there and have to be doing the day to day work on the technology, or manage people with administration, you're going to not go as far as you can visually visual systems are far more powerful. They're visionaries, other leaders will make engineers booked the time trap describes this in very much detail.

Alex Ferrari 39:32
Well, you're talking about the physical vision. I'm talking about the internal vision. Are they the same? Yeah, they're the same.

Dr. John Demartini 39:40
They're the same same areas of the brain are working. In general you have what is called interoceptive information coming out of the physiology, but you have in your vision your brain doesn't know the difference between something like in a dream you think it's real at times. Right? There's nothing out there is your brightness and nighttime you realize how much your visual internal visual is just as real as the external world. So if you see it in your mind's eye, I have a painting, I'm going to show you a painting. So this is a vision that I saw when I was 17. I didn't I got it pay. Well, I didn't paint it. But I was speaking about the vision when I was 17 and 15 years ago, and a painter was in the audience. And he painted the vision that I didn't send it to me as a gift. This is what he sent me. The vision I saw. I see it. Yeah. The vision I saw is speaking in front of a million people with an iconic building of every major city around the world behind it. It's beautiful. Now I've spoken 192 countries now. That ditch has been with me, it's been with me since 17. I also I could pull it up, it would take a minute. I also when I saw the movie on Houdini. I was inspired, he did the water torture chamber, the Chinese water torture chamber in front of the audience, he got a standing ovation and royalty was up in the upper left balcony at the Palladium in London. And when I did, I cut a picture that I took a frame out of the video made a picture out of it. But and cut and paste me in it. And I'm standing and taking over Houdini. In 2008, I was asked to speak to the plane and it was completely packed. Where the 2000 people royal two people from the royal family were in the upper left balcony. And I did a presentation for a full day there. At the end. I told the story. And I bowed exactly the way he did. And I said this was a vision it started at age 20. I'm finally here.

Alex Ferrari 41:51
Isn't that it's it's so but I have to ask you though with something as simple as is, well, not as, simple, but as complex as that vision. How is there not some sort of mysticism or mystical energies working through that?

Dr. John Demartini 42:07
I don't want to say there is because whatever we think is somehow mystical. Eventually we find out and understand how it works. So I don't want to we can we can use that term. That's perfectly fine. But I don't want to leave it at that. I've been on a pursuit of understanding the mysteries. I've been saying the mysteries all these years, 50 years, and things that we once thought were a mystery or not a mystery today. I mean, we stop and just take a look at it at the time of Aristotle. And Plato. Even though he had predecessors Pythagoras, and for lolis, and air and wrist eras darkness, they all had a heliocentric system. But Aristotle and later told me and they're in the ad period, create a geocentric system. So they had a heliocentric system back then you can read Aerostar because he had a heliocentric system. But it wasn't popular yet. Because Aristotle for 2000 years suppressed the the heliocentric system for his theological construct of the ground, the earth and the heavens. So it was kind of suppressed, but the heliocentric system was there. So the mysticism that went around the influence, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, all of those religious 5 billion people follow that still to this day are Aristotle's. But what Thomas Wright started to look at telescopes, and Galileo started seeing telescopes. And they started realizing, oh my god, there's Nebula, and there's, there's galaxies. And the Hubble telescope comes out. And they've seen we've seen ours, cosmic webs of galaxies and Super Galaxy clusters. Our paradigm has expanded vastly, and is expanding as as fast as the speed of light. And we still are learning at incredible speeds. Now we got the James Webb telescope, our cosmology and our theology have had to adapt. But what we once thought was a mystery we have some understanding of today, you know, we, they said at the time of Newton, that it would be impossible for any human being to be able to put the mathematics together between the perturbations of all the gravitational poles of all of the planets, let alone all the solar systems than the stars in the galaxy. But he figured it out. Now, we added to that with Einstein, and now we're putting with quantum gravity, and we're going to keep refining it. So what was once a mystery is now history. And I'm a firm believer that, you know, we have to be taught the illusions to we're ready for truth. So I don't want to say that it's stuck as a mystery that will never solve it. I'd rather keep pursuing and have holy curiosity and keep solving the mysteries as we go and keep at the cutting edge of as many disciplines as I can to try to solve those, because we may just discover that it wasn't a mystery after all, we solved it because they thought that was a mystery at one In time, and there's a lot of things that we've now understand that we thought were mysteries. We were at one time, human beings. At one time human beings were frightened to Thunder when they only had a thunder god. Oh, and they were frightened of lightning, and then lightning God. And then they signed

Alex Ferrari 45:18
Sun and the moon's Sun,

Dr. John Demartini 45:19
The Sun of the moon. So so whatever frightened human beings got them in the amygdala created an anthropomorphic mechanism, because that was the most comforting thing was a human form and projected anthropomorphic ideas onto their deities and or deities are extinct and there are alive today. So I don't want to, I don't want to leave it as a mysticism, I would say, it's an unsolved mystery today, that will be solved tomorrow, somewhere in the future, 1000 years, 200 years, 100 years. So I'd rather try to find the most under the greatest understanding of why these things occur. And I do believe that there we will discover probably sensory acuities that we don't know we have today, we will probably discover entanglements between people which already suspect and then all of a sudden, what was mystical is now understood. I have a feeling that that future is.

Alex Ferrari 46:16
Without Without question, my friend, I'm going to ask you a few questions asked all my guests. What is your definition of living a good life?

Dr. John Demartini 46:24
I don't use the word good life. I call it a fulfilling life. Because I don't like to put moral language onto life. Okay, because moral hypocrisy is undermine maximum fulfillment, in my opinion, you just automatically try to get rid of half of yourself with moral language. Fair enough. And it's no scientific evidence for a moral language. It's just an artificial thing coming from religions and politicians and people that are been wounded by things, contracts, and all kinds of things. So I don't, I don't like to use the word good. I just use fulfilling because we can fulfill, in our mind what we perceived as missing in our awareness. So I use the word fulfilling. So a fulfilled life is the pursuit of that which is most meaningful, most inspiring, most authentic, most highest on our values, and prioritizing our life and giving ourselves permission to live in the high priority manner and delegate lower priority things because anytime you're living by the highest part of your self worth goes up, your creativity goes up, your genius goes up, your solution orientation goes up, your brain functions at its maximum, your desire to want to contribute and solve problems, and your reflective awareness and your ability to have synchronicity all go up, the evidence is more than evident there. So I'd rather just pursue fulfillment through prioritization. And, you know, that's why I teach research, right and travel, I don't do anything else, I delegate the rest I even got a clock changer in my on my ship here, somebody that changes my clock, if you go to different time zones.

Alex Ferrari 47:56
Good. How do you define God?

Dr. John Demartini 47:58
Ooh, this is something that many people have confronted it. I like to think of it as as the the non anthropomorphic synthesis and synchronicity of all complementary opposites that are superimposed and entangled in a fully aware mind that are simultaneously able to be proceed by an individual who truly is graced in love.

Alex Ferrari 48:27
Beautiful answer, sir. And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Dr. John Demartini 48:30
Well, there is no ultimate purpose to that would encompass all people because everybody's got their own filter and their own vantage points and their own voids and everything else. So its meaning is what we give it. But because the set of values in society are set up, like antonyms, and synonyms, for every individual that has a set of values are somebody with the opposite set, which irony as you typically marry him. And the purpose of that is to find somebody you can delegate lower priority things to and they can delegate lower priority things to use, you can have fulfillment, that's a bit of a joke. But there is a law that Ristic escalation in sociology that says that anytime you try to promote a something, the equal and opposite system will come up to counterbalance it to make sure that we have both build and destroy, cooperative and competitive. So you know, support and challenge peace of we're all pairs of opposites have to be there to maximum growth and development development. So ultimately, there's a dialectic between those thesis and anti thesis those, those predicates. And as a result of that thesis synthesis, I define that as love loves the synthesis and synchronous of all compromise opposites. And that's though the divine nature, if you will. So our ultimate divine nature, our ultimate purpose in life, is the realization that we're participating in a matrix of that, and to honor all parts of ourselves and all the parts we disown, and see that whenever We've seen others is inside us where the sea or the scene in the scene are the same. And that includes everything that Schopenhauer is supposedly said to Said, we become our true self, to the degree that we make everything else ourselves. And that would be the ultimate objective to have pure reflective awareness and to see the synchronicity and synthesis of all come from the opposite simultaneously and be present, which would be that same definition of love and God, and war, self and life.

Alex Ferrari 50:26
And where we can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing?

Dr. John Demartini 50:30
The easiest way to find me is just go to Or go to Dr. Demartini or something, just type in my name. And it's going to I'm going to come up because I got a lot of, there's a lot out there. And you will you will find me. I don't think you'll have any problem if you'd like to spell my name right. Demartini or some close to it's all one word Demartini. If you're typing Demartini, you'll find me.

Alex Ferrari 50:56
And do you have any final messages for the audience?

Dr. John Demartini 50:58
Yeah, yeah. Give yourself permission to shine. And don't waste your time comparing yourself to other people. Don't people put people on pedestals or pits put them in your heart and compare your daily actions to your own highest value? The more congruent you are, the more empowered you'll be, the more inspired you'll be, the more the synchronicity has occurred, the more of the Law of Attraction is they want to call it manifests. And the more creative you are, and the more you get to create, live by design, not duty. So give yourself permission to be you. the magnificence of who you are is far greater than any fantasies you impose on yourself.

Alex Ferrari 51:36
Dr. Demartini. Thank you so much for this conversation. It was a truly a pleasure. And an honor talking to you again, my friend. Thank you and keep up the amazing work you're doing to help awaken people around the world.

Dr. John Demartini 51:47
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be with your audience and the show and for the great questions. Thank you!

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