In today’s episode, we dive into the mystical realms of time and consciousness with the esteemed spiritual author and teacher, Joseph Selbie. Known for his profound understanding of ancient wisdom and its relevance to our modern world, Joseph guides us through the intriguing concept of the Yugas—vast cycles of time that shape human civilization and consciousness.
Joseph begins by explaining the Yugas as described in the ancient Vedic texts. These cycles span 24,000 years and are divided into four distinct ages: Satya Yuga (the age of truth and enlightenment), Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga (the age of darkness and materialism). He reveals that we are currently in the ascending phase of Dwapara Yuga, an age characterized by the recognition that energy underlies all matter.
The Yugas provide a framework for understanding the rise and fall of civilizations and the evolution of human consciousness. Joseph emphasizes that these cycles are not linear but cyclical, suggesting that humanity has experienced high levels of spiritual and technological advancement in the distant past, which have been forgotten or lost over time.
Joseph Selbie shares fascinating insights into how ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt and India, possessed advanced knowledge of subtle energies and spiritual practices. For instance, he explains how the Great Pyramid of Giza, built with astounding precision, serves as a testament to the sophisticated understanding of energy and architecture in ancient times. He recounts his own experience inside the pyramid, feeling its pulsing energy and meditating in the King’s Chamber, underscoring the idea that these structures were more than mere tombs—they were tools for spiritual transformation.
- Cycles of Consciousness: The Yugas illustrate the cyclical nature of human development, reminding us that periods of darkness and materialism are temporary phases within a larger context of spiritual evolution. This perspective encourages patience and hope, knowing that humanity is on an upward trajectory toward greater enlightenment.
- Inner and Outer Energy: Our current age, Dwapara Yuga, is marked by an increasing awareness of both external and internal energies. While we exploit physical energy through technology, there is a growing recognition of the importance of subtle energy practices, such as meditation and holistic healing, which were prevalent in ancient civilizations.
- Role of Advanced Souls: Joseph explains that souls incarnate in various ages to learn specific lessons and to help uplift the consciousness of humanity. Those of us living in this transitional period have a unique opportunity to contribute to the awakening of higher awareness, fostering spiritual growth and compassion in a world undergoing rapid change.
Joseph’s insights offer a broader context for the tumultuous times we live in. He likens our era to the end of the previous descending Dwapara Yuga, a time of significant upheaval but also of tremendous potential for new ideas and spiritual growth. He encourages us to view the current challenges as opportunities for personal and collective transformation.
In conclusion, the wisdom of the Yugas provides a comforting reminder that the chaos and conflict we witness today are part of a larger cosmic cycle. As we navigate these times, embracing the principles of subtle energy and spiritual practice can help us align with the ascending arc of consciousness. Joseph Selbie’s teachings inspire us to serve others, cultivate inner peace, and trust in the unfolding journey of human evolution.
Please enjoy my conversation with Joseph Selbie.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 084
Joseph Selbie 0:00
So, you and I and billions of other people have incarnated in a ascending Dwapara Yuga, which is relatively low in the arc of development that eventually leads to the highest expression of man in Satya Yuga.
Alex Ferrari 0:31
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I like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Joseph Selbie. How are you Joseph?
Joseph Selbie 1:07
Doing great, thanks!
Alex Ferrari 1:09
Thank you for coming back on the show when we had our last conversation. I had such a good time talking to you that I also knew that you wrote another book called The Hugo's, and this goes into a lot of a lot of teachings that I've read over the years, from uswa and from Paramount and so Yogananda and in all of that, I really wanted to bring you back on the show to talk about your book and about what the yoga czar and so on. So, before we get into it, I think people really need to understand who you just want and if I'm I'm hopefully I'm pronouncing it properly. You just want and Paramahansa Yogananda are who are these the sages of the past?
Joseph Selbie 1:51
Well, they're not too far in the distant past. Parramatta, Yogananda was the first Indian teacher to come in and live in the West Vivekananda came before him did a tour, I don't know how long but maybe a year or two, and then returned to India, and left, you know, a very significant work behind him. But Yogananda actually lived in America from approximately 1920, to his death in 1952. With the absence of like, one year or so traveling, so, in many ways, Yogananda was the, the Father of Yoga and meditation in the West, because his whole approach to it, his purpose of being here, was not, as he put it, to Indianized Americans, but to spiritualize them. And so, he used a lot of Western terminology to describe the teachings and he used a lot of science, which is one of the things that I find really useful, and something that people really are drawn to, is a description of spiritual truth using science as a as a foundation as a as a means of explanation. So his teacher was three of cash flow, which is he lived in India didn't ever did come. I never left his native India. But he was a very, very strong influence on Yogananda, his approach in America, and it was he wrote the book called The Holy science, which is a extremely, extremely deep discourse on the nature of man and the nature of God and how we find God. Very, very condensed, but at the very beginning of that book, just a handful of pages really, he talks about the yugas and it's so it's from that sort of seminal bit of information that he imparted that the book I wrote with my co author David Steinmetz, really was was born.
Alex Ferrari 4:18
Now, what are the unis?
Joseph Selbie 4:21
Well the you guys are a system of understanding that the past and the present that is cyclical. So, the history that is most accepted today is is Darwinian and basically that mankind existed in you know, progressively worse circumstances if you if you look back into the past, you know, from like troglodytes to barely upright, hominids, etc, and finally, arrived at the state we No today, were the you guys say that in the past, there were actually higher ages, there were times when mankind was more developed both mentally and in terms of the civilization that that he built. So this is very different than the, the linear approach to history that is common today. And so cash wire talked about it being a 24,000 year cycle. So a period of time that during which mankind devolved from a high state of consciousness, in stages, known as you guys are ages, and then reached a low point and then began to come back up in the cycle to where we are now. And eventually we'll once again reach very high stage. So the last high point was 11,500 BC. And the last low point was 500. AD, not that too far in our past. And the next high point will be 12,500 ad. And so that's the cycle 24,000 years waxes and wanes, and has done so many times, not just once. That each cycle is preceded by another preceded by another in these 24,000 year cycles. And then each cycle is broken into four ages. So I'll explain them very briefly, but just considered a specific type of consciousness that existed on Earth. So the highest age is Satya Yuga, then a descending age after that, which is still very high, in which mankind as a whole have mental telepathy and the ability to use their minds to create things directly. And then the Dwapara Yuga, which is descending from that, and into Kali Yuga, the lowest age, which is a very material age, and then we turn and go up again, from that bottom at 500. Ad through a the continuance of Kali Yuga, very low age, and then into Dwapara Yuga, which is where we are now.
Alex Ferrari 7:35
So let me ask you, then these 24,000 year cycles. So if 11,000 years ago, 11 11,500 years ago, we were at a higher state than we are now. What was it before that? Like, did we? So 15,000 years ago? Were we at a low stage? Or was it just another, we were finishing off another cycle, and finishing off another cycle and finish it? So was there ever a beginning point is what I'm saying.
Joseph Selbie 8:08
I had a bit in terms of the sort of great body of teachings that are Vedic and sort of priceless, timeless contribution demands knowledge that is known as as the Vedic teachings, they would say that the beginning of it was the beginning of the day of brahma. So we're talking many, many millions of years, perhaps billions of years before now, but within that time, this cycle has just kept running. Now, it's in that context, it's important to say that the 24,000 year cycle is unique to the earth, that it is not necessarily a cycle that governs all aspects of the universe, that in different places in the universe, they could be having different cycles themselves, that may be in a harmonic with ours, but they may be completely opposite. Thus, also suggesting that there are civilizations there are people, there advanced species all over the universe, who might be experiencing a similar kind of thing.
Alex Ferrari 9:25
So what is what is the spiritual context of the cycles for humanity in general, why start at a higher place and then evolve? Just to go back to that same higher place? What is the purpose of its spiritual spiritually speaking?
Joseph Selbie 9:41
Well, I think it's helpful to understand the whole cycle to just come right out and say that reincarnation is considered to be a common theory with this larger cycle. So it's not so much that as mankind itself evolves, it's that souls come in at different times, needing different lessons and themselves at varying levels of development. So some souls need a place to come if you will, when there's a very high level of consciousness on Earth, so they would be attracted. And born into Satya Yuga, you would think everyone would be attracted, and born in the highest age, but our varying levels of development draw us to different ages in that cycle in which we can grow. So you and I, and billions of other people have incarnated in a ascending Dwapara Yuga, which is relatively low in the arc of development, that eventually leads to the highest expression of man in Satya Yuga. But for us, it's still very important, it's not that we, you know, we've been sent to a prison island to serve our sentence, draw para yoga, any of the yoga is can be a time in which anyone for whom that is the right place, can grow enormously. So one of the hallmarks of 12 hour yoga, is that it's what's called the the energy age. So the energy age as Shri accessoire described it was that mankind as a whole would understand that energy underlies matter, that it's a more subtle reality. And that, in fact, mankind as a whole would have, you know, he was writing this from the, in the 1890s, early 1990s. And he said that mankind as a whole would realize not only that energy underlies matter, but that matter is itself energy. And this indeed happened in 1905, with Einstein's paper, the special theory of relativity, from which we get the the famous equation E equals MC squared, which is essentially a very elegantly brief mathematic way of saying the same thing that matter is energy. So, this awareness is just coming on, we're in the very beginning of this ascending Dwapara Yuga, it began in 1700 ad, really began in earnest, if you will, you're gonna have to use or speakers were used the term that Dwapara proper, began in 1900 ad, and will last for another 2000 or more years, while we continue to grow in this knowledge of energy. Now, as a civilization, right now, we're exploiting that knowledge of energy, right? We have nuclear energy, we have solar energy, the world is run on electricity, something that has happened in the last 150 years. Phenomenal transformation. If you're anything like I am, when the electricity goes out, I can't do anything. I have to go outside and garden, right, I can't do any of the work that I do to, you know, earn a living and, and to write my books. And that's true, I think of nearly everybody in the world today. So our civilization has has exploited energy, but it's not done exploiting energy, I think there will be more and more subtle sources of energy discovered to be exploited. And hopefully the ones in the future won't be so damaging to the environment as the ones that are in use today with the burning of fossil fuels primarily.
Alex Ferrari 14:22
So So these ages are essentially a rotating classroom for so Exactly. So it's just constantly like, Okay, this semester, these classes are open, if you guys want to take you want to sign up, they're here. If not, they're going to take it's going to be a little while before we get back to these classes. So if you want to sign up for these and they're open for a while they're available Yeah, and before the seats are filled, and but then we were talking about 1000s of yours, these classes are open, but these are the moments that are open for certain kinds of growth levels and a souls progression. I completely understand that because if you You were born in 1700 Very different than being born and 2220 2022. It's a completely different experience. And also depending on where you were born in the world, and if you're male or female, and what color's your skin and there's so many other different variables about that. So then, okay, so these are the these are the four ages. Souls are coming in and out can a soul I guess, I guess that's the I'm gonna answer my own question. If a soul is born in an unenlightened age, like we are right now, we're in a low fat, not the lowest but a low place in this cycle. Can I transcend and become an enlightened being? And the answer is yes. Because Yogananda did it. Jesus Christ did it. Buddha did it and so many other spiritual masters. Is that a fair statement?
Joseph Selbie 15:55
Yeah, yeah. And I think the the opportunity that the current age, we're in ascending goalpara, the energy age for us is that the energy that people are beginning to understand and appreciate is not just outward physical energy, but inner energy. So I my my theory about underlying theory about our various incarnations in the in the classrooms, is that not only are the classrooms available to us, but the bodies we take on are a little bit more refined. So the bodies that we could have taken on in the lowest age, Kali Yuga, would have allowed only a very basic sensory awareness. But the bodies we're taking on in Dwapara, Yuga, allow us to directly perceive subtle energy. And it's very interesting to look back in time, to the previous descending to acquire yoga, and see what the spiritual practices were of those times.
Alex Ferrari 17:22
And what were those times again, yeas wise.
Joseph Selbie 17:24
Years wise that would have been prior to 700 BC, going back as early as 3100 BC.
Alex Ferrari 17:31
So during the Egyptian times and the Roman Well, there have been Empire a little later on in time. But yeah,
Joseph Selbie 17:36
Roman Empire later, so and the Greeks hadn't really gotten going yet. So it's the Egyptians, but it's also Vedic India, it's also the China from which we get what is sort of oddly referred to as traditional Chinese medicine. If we look at those times, what we see is that they had a very advanced knowledge of subtle energy. They didn't have such an advanced knowledge of outward energy, like nuclear energy and electricity, although there are hints that they knew about those things, in their writings, but mainly what they used were very various techniques for exploiting subtle energy such as healing, meditation, even accomplishing the tasks of their lives, if you look at the Egyptian teachings, for as one example, you'll find that they're they're often considered to be just magic. And therefore, they don't work. Therefore, they're just ignorant people in the past who thought magic existed, were in fact, what magic is is the ability to affect things at a distance in a subtle way, that is will transform them and that the heart of that is is lifeforce, the heart of that is knowing that lifeforce can be can transform matter can can mutate matter. There's a hieroglyphic sort of like a story almost in one of the Egyptian temples showing a boat with a boatman and an oar, and a noble, sitting in the center of the boat, and then standing behind them is a magician. And the magician is casting spells. On the Well Mr. Poe Write that they're following a herd of cattle that are swimming. And the magician is casting spells on the crocodiles so that they will stay at the bottom of the river and not come up and eat the cattle. So this was like a value add from the from word boat owner to the owner of keeping his cattle safe while they went across the Nile. So, these kinds of abilities, these kinds of powers were commonplace, not only in ancient Egypt, but also in India and ancient China.
Alex Ferrari 20:37
So and also the Americas, too, with the Mayans and the Aztecs and the Incas. I mean, we're talking, they were around how many years ago as well, they'll all next.
Joseph Selbie 20:49
America may have been in that descending Dwapara Yuga. But what we think of the magical age of the Incas and the Mayans, they were really in Kali Yuga. They were the they were the people who sacrificed people by cutting their hearts out and offering them to the gods. So that they weren't as
Alex Ferrari 21:08
They weren't as advanced, let's say. But their technology, their math, the Mayan calendar, the science, the building of the of Judah Nizza, and, you know, all of those different, you know, amazing pyramids. so fast, I always found that fascinating that how genetic could be built, and the great pyramids can be built. And those two cultures never met, quote, unquote, never met. How is it that the technology is similar? The concepts, the ideas, all of that stuff is so similar in so many ways. Yeah, different flavors, obviously, culturally. But the concepts were there. I mean, the math that they were able to get the Mayan calendar was so accurate. How did they figure out the math back back then, with twigs and stones? Like, it makes no logical sense. Let another name and get we'll get to the pyramid in a minute, the great pyramids in a minute. But how is that even possible? And I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Joseph Selbie 22:16
Well, I think that the principles of mathematics actually survived Well, in the process of ages sliding into the lowest Age of Kali Yuga. And many mathematical principles. made it all the way into the Roman times. So math may be one of those practical tools that, you know, were useful. And therefore they kept being an essential reinvented in every new civilization on earth, because they saw it, but the subtlety of the mathematics was not as high. You know, they're not talking about calculus in that we are enjoying now in our higher ascending, drop our yoga, how the pyramids are actually happening in two different civilizations 2000 years apart, I don't have a ready answer, answer for other than that. And I'll admit, this is a bit of a bit of a duck to your question. But forms are useful. And people can any civilization can quickly figure out that pyramid shape is a useful form, a useful form for building. But the pyramids as they were built in Mexico and in Central America, were nowhere near as sophisticated as the pyramids built at the very beginning of descending papar yuga.
Alex Ferrari 24:00
But with that said, I mean, I've been to Chichen Itza. And it's, it's pretty impressive. I get to understand it's not nearly as exact and precise as the great pyramids, which is even more impressive that was done so many 1000 years ago, or the Sphinx, so those kinds of built near those kinds of building projects. But like, what if you sit and clap, and you hear the sound go up and down at the bottom of the base? Right? If you paid me a trillion dollars today, we wouldn't even know how to begin to that. So it was so accurate. And then the certain times of year, the way the sun hit it, it's pretty advanced for its time without question, but not as advanced as the Great Pyramid I understand. But it was still beyond what they should have been doing. And quote unquote, in theory.
Joseph Selbie 24:50
Yeah. And I think that a general comment that can be made about any of the Hugo's any of the ages is that There can be people who exceed the general norm of their age. So we dementia and those examples, we may have seen people who rose to a great height beyond what Kali Yuga wouldn't ordinarily produce,
Alex Ferrari 25:19
Right, like Da Vinci or you know, or any of those, you know, Galileo or these they you know, they wanted to be burned at the stake because he's like, no, no, we, we don't revolve around the sun doesn't revolve around us we revolve. thing simple as that. But there's always those, those people in every age, there's always the outliers, the ones that are in all honestly pushing us forward, they are that pushing, pulling us, at least attempting to pull pull us forward. And it's always I've said this on the show a few times. It's fascinating to me. And I think we said it in in our conversation last time, how science is starting to catch up to these concepts that had been talked about 1000s of years ago, in the Vedic traditions, and China and Egypt, these these ideas that are starting to come like energy is underneath everything. And now with the microscopes that we have, we can zoom in to an atom. And then when we get all the way down, and there's nothing there, literally like it, there's nothing there. There's no solid element. So that's how far we go. So then if that's the case, then we're all built of energy. And then if we're all built of energy, then who's running the show? How are we moving? There's so many different AI, it starts opening up, but science is starting to catch up to a lot of these ideas that that have been addressed 1000s of years ago, where even with youth, this was what he wrote in the late 1800s. And then finally, you know, Einstein, you know, a couple a decade or two later, figured it out and proved it scientifically. So I find it fascinating that over the year over over history, there are certain concepts that stay with us that like you were saying the Chinese had, almost I mean, the the, the way that they're able to understand the energy in the body, the meridians, the the, you know, with the acupuncture and energy flows, they had maps of energy flows to 3000 years ago, and I had us I had a neuroscientist on the other day, who was telling me that they actually went through the body with a detector to see where energy or electricity flows the easiest, huh? Like where there's an opening. And it matched up with these these map Meridian maps,
Joseph Selbie 27:53
Right from 2000 years ago. Right!
Alex Ferrari 27:55
How did they have such an understanding about that? So that's, I think, leftover from the higher evolution or the higher civilization. And these are the kinds of things that kind of trickle in, because if tomorrow, let's say for, for in, I'm not stretching here, but let's say tomorrow, the world ends tomorrow, you know, bombs go off. And there's a handful of us flying around. Let's say I survive, you survive, and you're over in, let's say, in Europe, I'm over here. And everybody else around us really wasn't as educated. And as generation goes by the knowledge that's left in our heads, whatever we're able to save. That's the knowledge that gets passed on, we take for granted that knowledge gets passed on. Knowledge is lost, most knowledge is lost over time, because time is just brutal.
Joseph Selbie 28:43
Yeah, well, I'm the ability to appreciate things, as you say, science is just starting to catch up with certain spiritual teachings that have been around for 1000s of years. But I think also in your example, if we knew nothing about Ancient China or ancient Egypt, or ancient India, none of their teachings survived. We would be reinventing them in this age, because they have a similar level of consciousness. So an example of that is chiropractic. So chiropractic is really a, you know, an experiential discipline. People figured out that by adjusting the spine, adjusting the body in different ways that the person became healthier and that they began to understand that they were manipulating the flow of life force in the body. Well, that's what acupuncture does, does it in a different technique, but the same mechanism, the same truth was discussed. heard and then harnessed with PAC are with chiropractic. So we're seeing the same needs that come when you understand and feel and experience subtle energy. You need techniques. So meditation was also developed in that descending Dwapara yuga. And the techniques that we're using today echo the techniques that were used in descending Dwapara Yuga. So because we have the same consciousness, we're drawn to the same practices and drawn to using the same kind of techniques to, you know, enhance our lives to experience more and more of the lifeforce that's flowing in our being.
Alex Ferrari 30:55
Now, are there other cultures around the world that have versions of the Hugo's, in their, in their teachings?
Joseph Selbie 31:03
Yes, almost all of them. So the one that we're most familiar with in the West is the Greek Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and dark age, our Iron Age fits me. So this has the same basic idea it was conceived of, or maybe not conceived as wrong term, it coalesced in Kali Yuga. This putted these particular names, but the ideas were that in the past, there had been a golden age. And then it had descended into a silver age and descended into a Bronze Age. And finally, they were the unhappy inhabitants of the Iron Age. You also see this in Nordic cycle. You see this in Polynesian cycles, you see this Native American Indian cycles. There's a fascinating, parallel myth that exists in both India and in the Native American lore in America, that there was a buffalo in the Vedic story, who in the highest age, stood on all four legs. But then in that age below it Treta Yuga, it only stood on three legs. So the knowledge was becoming shakier. The ability for man to achieve what he can achieve was lacking a leg lacking a pillar of knowledge. And then in Dwapara, you get stood only on two legs. And finally, in Satya Yuga, this poor bull stood only on one leg. But the amazing thing is that there is a myth of the white buffalo among the Lakota Sioux, that in a higher age, stood on four legs, and then in a descending age from that stood on three legs and two legs and one leg, as the other myth describes it, so in the mythic lore of pretty much all civilizations, there is this memory, that in the distant past, there was a higher age.
Alex Ferrari 33:32
That's so fascinating. You know, the, we've spoke about the Great Pyramids before. You know, that's one of the great mysteries of our time is the great pyramids, how they were able to build with such amazing precision. I forgot I was reading this doctor who, who's been studying DaVinci and how he's been able to incorporate a lot of what the Vinci did into, like, the pyramids and how mathematically he's a mathematician, and how he's been able, like, the distance between, you know, in the last supper, painting or in DaVinci is man, the VINCI and man, Petrucci and man, yeah, majority man. Like if you lay it over the pyramids, and it's just fascinating to listen to and watch, but the math is there, how they were so absolutely precise to a millimeter. Like if you and me go out into the backyard and just try to build a pyramid, right here out of bricks, just out of bricks, you'd be grabbing bricks, and moving them around. The chances of us getting to the top in a perfect way is very difficult. I mean, I don't even know if we could with today's technology, build the Great Pyramid it in the way that they were built with the size. And let's not even start talking about the size of the How were they able to move all that stuff on. And that's a whole other conversation in regards to theories about how they were moved. But regardless of how they moved them, how they were able to place everything so perfectly, and then also connecting it to astrological, like where the stars are aligning at. It's, I can't even understand it.
Joseph Selbie 35:32
Yeah, well, I think that is that is the gauge. You know, the remarkable marker, that is the Great Pyramid of what they knew at that time. And in the cycle of the Hugo's, the Great Pyramid was built in Dwapara, Yuga, yes, but just after it, tried to UGA ended. So it was not long, after a very high age ended. And so the memory of certain things could have been passed down. Now, there's no pyramids that I know, that were built and tried to yoga, but the knowledge of the precision that went into building the pyramid could have come from that. But it is remarkably precise, one of my favorite points is that the base of the pyramid covers 13 and a half acres. So huge, massive, massive amount of space that it's covered. But if you measure the baseline, going around all four sides of the pyramid, they don't deviate more than five eighths of an inch. From level from perfectly matching level on all four sides of the pyramid. And there are, you know, sort of endless numbers of these examples. When you get into the passageways inside the pyramid. There are walls that run for, like 50 feet or more, that are perfectly flat, like perfectly, like perfectly flat. You know, you put a today's measure of flatness against it, and there's no light, there's no deviation from the flatness of even very modern tools. There's also evidence that they used high speed, circular kind of tools to to dress stone. There are holes drilled in enormous blocks. Yeah, think about that. If you all you have are hammers and chisels, how do you create a like a three or four inch diameter hole that runs perfectly straight through a block of granite. So they must have had high speed tools. There's another pyramid. I think it's the Sokar pyramid, but I could have it wrong. But underneath it are these passages. And at the endpoint of many of the passages, there are the sarcophagi and they call them sarcophagi because they don't know what else to call them. But they're enormous. They're far bigger than what you would ever bury someone in. So they're just these big stone boxes that have lids. Many of them have lids, I should say. But if you go in, if you have the opportunity to jump inside one of these, which you don't, unless you have special permission, and you get in there with a square, you'll find that the bottom and the sides are exactly square. And if you go over to the corner, have you ever tried whether you know wood carving, oh, or chipping something to try to get a corner, perfectly square, you'll almost always end up with some kind of rounded area in the corner. These don't have any rounded corner. They are perfectly square all the way to the other wall.
Alex Ferrari 39:31
And then and then you start talking about the Sphinx, which many said now they're starting to date it older than the pearls. Yeah, far older than the pyramids like it had been around for. I mean, because just to be able to carve that back then, according to the type of tools that they supposedly had. It hurts the brain hurts the brain.
Joseph Selbie 39:55
Yeah, so they definitely had tools. They had knowledge that It was, you know, far in advance of what generally is attributed to them. Remember that the Great Pyramid was built three or 400 years after archaeologists think the Stone Age and yeah,
Alex Ferrari 40:19
Yeah doesn't make sense. It just doesn't make logical sense. Regardless if you want to believe or don't want to believe, just look at it logically, scientifically. Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense. You know? I mean, that's ridiculous. Are you familiar with the Coral Castle?
Joseph Selbie 40:38
Yes. Yeah, not my new the but generally familiar.
Alex Ferrari 40:42
So for people who are don't know what the Coral Castle is, I'm from South Florida. So I've been to the Coral Castle, many times, actually. And there was this little man in the 50s. I think it was 50s, who built this complex of buildings out of coral, that and coral, coral rock that is specific down in the south Florida area, that in each piece weighed four, five tons. He did it all by himself. He did it at night. And he built everything in secret. Now, nobody understands how he did it. When they people asked him what he was doing that he said, how he was doing some of this stuff. He's like, Oh, I figured out how they built the pyramids. I understand the technology behind how they built the pyramids. And that's because he was able to move tons and tons of coral rock and also manipulate it, carve it right. By himself. There was nobody else involved. So again, how was it built? is the big question. And a lot of people have always talked about the coral Kai, have you had a chance to go to the Coral Castle ever?
Joseph Selbie 42:00
Yeah, I've just seen pictures. But the pictures are pretty stunning.
Alex Ferrari 42:03
It's impressive. I've been in those I've been in. And by the way, every hurricane does nothing. Even move them in the safest place in South Florida be as a Coral Castle, if you're in a hurricane, the door I mean, it just it just doesn't move. It is just so built so solidly. It's it's a pretty remarkable thing. And there are little stories like that you start hearing little stories like that, throughout history, but that was one that I just had a personal experience with that I always found it fascinating.
Joseph Selbie 42:33
Yeah, yeah, well, they clearly had higher knowledge when they built the Great Pyramids. And, and another sort of proof of the cyclical nature of the development of civilizations is that the Egyptians kept building pyramids, for centuries, after this sort of golden period of pyramid building. None of them exist today, because they were built so poorly, that they just fell apart. And one of them is just like a mound of sand, essentially, you wouldn't even know it was a pyramid. So they lost the knowledge that built the Great Pyramid. And you also see that in, you know, they eventually resorted to not even building pyramids at all, they just created underground tombs for their, for their royalty. And they were, you know, beautifully decorated in many cases, but nothing of the craftsmanship, workmanship, or grandeur of the Great Pyramid. And it's unlikely the Great Pyramid was ever even a tomb. This is the, you know, lasting thought of archaeologists that it was built to be a tomb. And that that's what started all the tomb building that became the sort of focus of Egyptian kings and royalty for centuries after, but there's no real evidence that there was ever any body scarf guy in the Great Pyramid and in fact, it has air passages. It was meant to be used by living people. And they had air passages coming in from outside in order to to allow people to have you know, breathable air this is not what you do for a money that you want to last for eternity, because air is the enemy. Right so the Great Pyramid it was really obviously built for another purpose and I think there's there's psychic evidence for this as well, but I think that it was a system all the pair Minutes and all of the buildings that surrounded the Pyramids of Giza, were a pariah, you know, people were taught and meditated and gradually built their ability to handle higher and higher levels of cosmic energy essentially, until they could get into the pyramid and get a really big transformational flow of energy into their nervous system.
Alex Ferrari 45:34
I've heard I've heard other I've heard other archaeologists talk about it or other scholars talk about that, that there is something when you walk into the pyramids, if you're able to, I think you're able to sleep there, there's a handful times you could sleep over, I think I heard someone saying, like, you have special permission, obviously.
Joseph Selbie 45:51
You have to get special permission, people do spend the night in the Great Pyramid, I had a visit to the Great Pyramid was one of my bucket list visits. And what I felt I just stood in the king's chamber, trying to ignore the, you know, the people talking and
Alex Ferrari 46:09
Also you went inside, you went inside?
Joseph Selbie 46:12
Yes, it's pretty routine that you can go inside, but they don't open up all of the various chambers. And it's pretty much you go up the Grand Gallery into the king's chamber and then back out again, and only with special permission, can you go in the Queen's Chamber, or the or the passages that lead under the Great Pyramid. So they keep it kind of tightened down. But even with just that, even being able to go just into the king's chamber, I basically meditated standing up. And what I began to feel was that the whole pyramid pulsed that it was, like one giant crystal, and that I could feel it pulsing through my body, almost like you could feel music pulsing through your body, if you stood next to a really powerful speaker. And the longer I was in there, the more powerful the pulse became. So I think, and that may, not the only thing that it does, but it was one of the things that I felt it's, you know, purpose was, was to build this energy up. And also, the Great Pyramid was covered in white limestone, when it was originally built, who would love to see it
Alex Ferrari 47:32
With some sort of some sort of top some zero golden top?
Joseph Selbie 47:35
Yes, there is a flat top on the Great Pyramid, while the other pyramids come all the way to a point. And it has been suggested that there was a solid pyramid of gold, or silver or crystal sitting on the top, there's, there's nothing to prove that one way or the other psychics tend to say that was true. But I kind of liked that the hard and fast facts myself to suggest those things to be true. But without white limestone, what is believed is that it would have been an insulator, and that it would have held energy into the pyramid. And that that stone selected for the chambers is a very high crystal and granite high, high a percentage of quartz crystals in that granite so that the whole structure would have been as you know, amazingly resonant, resonating, powerful conductor of energy.
Alex Ferrari 48:47
It is it hurts the brain to think of what technically had to go into making that because it like the USA have you and I built the pyramid in the backyard. That's not with chambers. That's not what's not with perfectly, you know, squared, you know, corners, and it passages and stuff that's just trying to build a pyramid period, let alone do everything else that's been done at that. At that site.
Joseph Selbie 49:10
It's pretty much the pyramids were built even on the enormous scale that they were built, knowing how they were going to come out. So that there was plans, you know, the first stone laid was part of a plan that included all these chambers and the precise Angular structure that is mathematically, you know, fits the Vitruvian, man, etc. That's why I say mostly why I say that. The level of sophistication of the Egyptian pyramids is so much greater than that of the Mayan.
Alex Ferrari 49:45
Sure it is. There's no question. There they are. But the ones that were the ones that I've seen in, in South America, they they're pretty impressive for the time.
Joseph Selbie 49:56
Yeah, very impressive.
Alex Ferrari 49:57
Very, very impressive. They're pretty they're impressive for this Time, let alone that time. I can't even imagine seeing someone tried to build either of those things today is pretty remarkable. I have to ask you, Joseph, you know, we are going through such a major shift right now in our culture in our society, as a species, there seems to be so much turmoil going on. Whether its environmental, political, economical health with the pandemic, the whole world seems to be feeling it at the same time, which is something that's not really happened, at least to my understanding in the human history that we are aware of. What do you think is going on as far as the cycles and where we're at? Because it seems like it's not it's I don't feel like it's getting better. I feel it's we're not at the darkest time yet. But yet, we're supposedly coming out into another time, according to the cycles. So what is this this period that we're in right now,
Joseph Selbie 51:01
I get asked this a lot, because, you know, many people looking around them, as you were alluding, and seeing things getting worse, you know, that? How could we possibly be advancing, however, slowly? How could we be advancing in this period, when there are so many negative things apparently happening around us. And if we look back, as we did, talking about the fact that meditation existed in descending Dwapara, and acupuncture existing in descending to apara, if you look back to particularly matching up the end of descending Dwapara, and compare that to our beginning of ascending Dwapara, we're really at the same level, if you will, if you if you looked at it as a circle, and you put a line across the bottom of the circle, those two times would be at the same
Alex Ferrari 52:09
What what was the time and what was the age, what was the time
Joseph Selbie 52:12
End of descending Dwapara, so 1000 BC to 700 BC, the last 300 years of descending Dwapara. And then if you compare those to the first 300 years of an ascending Waipara, yoga, what you see in the past is rapid breakdown of political systems. This was the time when many, many cultures that existed that are only names now, the Hittites, the Assyrians. I can't remember there's there's a dozen, literally, that existed in the area of the Near East, that are just artifacts and museums. Now, there was this huge breakdown, there was rapid change in what we would think of as, as, you know, political boundaries today. So we're in an age, we're in a time in our top our age, that shares that similar vibration. And I think what we're seeing is rapid change. And that rapid change, brings with it breakdowns, it bring it brings with a destruction of forms. But it also brings with it new ideas and new forms. So if you just look at destruction, you're going to add that up to being worth going nowhere. But if you look more subtly, at new forms that are being offered, democracy is a new form that came out even just honored 50 years ago, 200 years ago. And it's making its way forward as the dominant political system of our time. But it's messy. It's not always followed. Well, in other countries. We're lucky here. Hopefully, we continue to be lucky. Yeah. But there are books written about how people don't appreciate how good the time we're living is in is. So the life expectancy has doubled since 1900. Today, there are and it's hard to believe this, but there are a few people dying in wars, fewer people dying in wars today. Oh, well, then there were even 50 years ago. They're still wars. And so it's kind of a left handed compliment, right? That fewer people are dying in them. But it's true. And then you have advances in medicine, you have advances in more subtle energy kind of healing that's taking place, there are literally hundreds of subtle energy modalities that are practiced by people all over the world. These don't make the headlines, these things don't get noticed, unless you really want to, but so you've got an emerging awareness, of more subtle ways of living, simultaneous, with a breakdown of older ways of the world, managing its governance, side by side. And I think that's just what it is. Those various systems of governance, I think may keep breaking down and reforming and breaking down and reforming for quite some time yet. But I do believe will come out of it. I can't say when I doubt if it's in 10 years, I doubt if it's in 50 years, but it might be 100 years, and that the world will settle down. And there won't be this sort of constant conflict between nations that we see today.
Alex Ferrari 56:42
And within each and within nations. I mean, whereas more divided, we're more divided in this nation, then I'm not sure that ever before but in our lifetime,
Joseph Selbie 56:54
Yeah. Well, I like to think it's definitely not as ever before, because Civil War was a serious breakdown of the democratic process. So I think we'll get there. But I also also personally believe that I'm born, I think people like yourself are born at this time. To help make that transition, as elevating is possible, to offer teachings to offer techniques, or to offer ways to see what's happening in new ways that allow you to embrace it and grow from it, grow in IT help others in particular, this is a time when we need to serve each other, we need to love each other. And for those of us who understand it, do it. There's no time better offered to us than to, to give and care for others. Now, to get us through these these challenging times.
Alex Ferrari 58:05
Joseph, where can people find out more about you your work? And where can they pick up the book The Yugas?
Joseph Selbie 58:12
The Yugas is pretty much available everywhere. You'll find it in some bookstores, you'll certainly find it online. And if you want to learn more about it before you make a purchase, you could go to my website, And there are articles there more descriptions about the yugas that might help you. I believe I have a first chapter there in that website to get a feel for it. And as you always know, you can go to Amazon and read more about it online. It's available in paperback audiobook and Kindle. Many people like the audiobook. I think right now the audio book sort of surprises me is selling better than the paperback and the Kindle version combined. So audiobooks.
Alex Ferrari 59:09
That's my experience with my books as well. Audiobooks always sell more than the paperback in the Kindles. But Joseph, I appreciate you my friend. Thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your knowledge of the Hugo's, and hopefully that gives us a better frame to look at life and where we're at and what our purpose is during this time. So I appreciate you my friend. Thank you again.
Joseph Selbie 59:31
Thanks for having me. I really liked spending time with you. Let's do it again.
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