LEGENDARY Channel REVEALS URGENT Message About MANKIND’S Next Stage of EVOLUTION! with Sheila Gillette

The whispers of the universe often come to us in the most unassuming ways, and on today’s episode, we are honored to welcome Sheila Gillette, a profound channeler and spiritual teacher who has been a vessel for divine wisdom for over five decades. Sheila’s journey began after a near-death experience in 1969, when she encountered a collective of 12 Archangels known as Theo. Since then, she has dedicated her life to sharing their transformative messages with the world.

In this enlightening conversation, Sheila Gillette guides us through the intricate dance of spiritual evolution. The central theme is clear: humanity stands on the brink of a profound shift, one that calls us to embrace our divine essence and to co-create a new way of being. “We are not victims of life,” Sheila reminds us, “but creators of it.” Her words carry the resonance of Theo’s timeless wisdom, encouraging us to shed old beliefs and step into the fullness of our soul’s magnificence.

Through Theo’s teachings, Sheila has introduced the Soul Integration Process, a practice that helps individuals reconnect with the fragmented aspects of their soul. This process, she explains, allows us to release limiting beliefs—those whispers of unworthiness that echo through generations—and step into our true power. It’s not about fixing what is broken but transforming what no longer serves us. “When you love yourselves enough,” Theo says, “everything changes.”

The conversation also delves into the cosmic scale of transformation. Sheila shares that humanity’s current turbulence is part of a larger birthing process. While the world seems to be in chaos, beneath the surface, something extraordinary is emerging. Theo describes this shift as moving from a third-dimensional reality of separation and fear into a fifth-dimensional awareness of unity, love, and collaboration. It’s a call to each of us to become what Theo terms “way-showers,” individuals who light the path for a more harmonious and enlightened existence.


  1. Embrace Your Inner Power: Sheila and Theo emphasize that true transformation begins within. By releasing the false narratives we’ve inherited, we reclaim our authority as creators of our lives.
  2. See Challenges as Gifts: Life’s struggles are not punishments but opportunities for growth. When we shift our perspective from “Why me?” to “What can I learn from this?”, we unlock new possibilities for transformation.
  3. Be Present in the Now: As Theo explains, “If you’re too far into the past or the future, you miss the gifts of this moment.” Living fully in the present allows us to savor life’s richness and connect with our higher selves.

The beauty of Sheila’s message is its simplicity: everything we need is already within us. This spiritual evolution is not something we must wait for—it is something we live, moment by moment, through every choice we make and every belief we transform. Humanity’s greatest challenge, Theo reminds us, is learning to love ourselves fully. From that foundation, all else becomes possible.

As our conversation with Sheila Gillette unfolded, it became clear that the future of humanity lies in our hands. We are the architects of this great shift, and our collective efforts will shape a world where love and unity prevail.

Please enjoy my conversation with Sheila Gillette.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 550

Sheila Gillette 0:00
As we said, the last 200 years, last 100 years, how life has changed for humanity on this planet, you have your technology that dramatically changed human existence. People get upset about this technology. You're the user, if you're too far into the past or even thinking about the future, you're not focused on this present moment.

Alex Ferrari 0:28
Arguably the most important relationship that we have is to be with ourselves first.

Sheila Gillette 0:34
I had the gift of commitment I made to God. When you do that, you just push through.

Alex Ferrari 0:52
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Sheila Gillette, how you doing Sheila?

Sheila Gillette 0:57
I'm doing great Alex, it's good to be here with you.

Alex Ferrari 1:00
Thank you so much for coming down to next level. Soul studios. We've been talking about this for a while now, and I'm so glad you finally got here and to meet you in person. Meet your lovely husband, Marcus, as well. It's been it's amazing. So thank you again for making the trip.

Sheila Gillette 1:16
Oh, thanks for the invitation. It's really fun to be with you in person. Yes, we've done zoom, but this is better.

Alex Ferrari 1:25
Yes, it is, and I'm looking forward to meeting Theo in person later in our conversation. That's good. Yeah, it's gonna be fun. I still my favorite story, and I'll say it again, because I if they haven't heard would you, and I think it was our second or first conversation years ago. You've been on the show, I don't know, four times, five times at this point, and there was an internet issue, and it was in the middle of channeling, and Theo was there. And I'm like, are you there? Are you there? He was like, Yes. Like, it was just such a beautiful, organic moment, authentic moment, yeah, when I log back in, I go, so Theo, not so much with the tech support?

I remember that. I think that was the first time, and we were having solar put on the house, right? And they, you know,

Knocked something out.

Sheila Gillette 2:19
Yeah, they knocked out the internet. It was crazy.

Alex Ferrari 2:23
And he was like, hello, hello. It was just such a beautiful, authentic moment. I love telling that story, so they are all powerful on the other side, but not with the tech support. Now we know.

Sheila Gillette 2:38
Well, you know when years ago, when I lived in Santa Fe in my office, I had my office where I met with clients, and then we had an operational office where the computers were and they did accounting, and then I had a reception area, well, we had a fellow in that was getting an accounting system up, and Theo had, whenever they would come in, they'd mess with the electrical because the energy was so high, and it wiped out his entire system that he was installing. He thought he did it, but I'd had that experience several times that the computers would just go down. Now this was in the 80s. So, you know, things have has changed hugely.

Alex Ferrari 3:33
So for everybody who doesn't know what you do, can you give a quick Reader's Digest version of what you do and how long you've been doing it?

Sheila Gillette 3:40
Yeah, I Well, Theo's always come in on the left side. But in the beginning I was laying down like Edgar Casey, and this was in 1969, 1970 actually.

Alex Ferrari 3:55
So everybody was really into channeling. It was very accepting. Nobody questioned you whatsoever.

Sheila Gillette 4:00
No, this isn't something. I went into social situations and said, Guess what I can do?

Alex Ferrari 4:05
You didn't have the t shirt. Hi I channel Theo, no?

Sheila Gillette 4:09
But it I started then and started working with people. I said, how are they going to find me? We're sending them, they said. And so I was laying down. And then I was working in New York with clients, and I got bronchitis, so laying down and coughing. So my assistant said, Thea, what can we do for Sheila? And they said, tell her to sit up. I was like, Who knew you could do that? Right? So then I was sitting up, eyes closed for years, I did sessions like that groups, and then Marcus and I were were traveling to do a seminar in Ashe Asheville,

Alex Ferrari 4:57

Sheila Gillette 4:57
And they opened my eyes. And then two weeks later, we were in St Louis at a retreat center, and they stood me up, but Marcus was like, What's going on here? And I at and then I was standing so still, and they were speaking that my feet went to sleep, and I told Marcus afterwards, I said, I'm not going to be able to do this. This has been an evolution of them really rubbing up my cells and taking over my entire body, because before it was just my upper body, my my throat, and the Able to be able to speak. And then they just started moving me around in a room, walking and but so there has been an evolution. Now. I've been doing this since 1970

Alex Ferrari 5:58
So that's if my math is correct, 55 years? Wow, wow.

Sheila Gillette 6:04

Alex Ferrari 6:05
I wasn't even born yet. Just barely, just barely wasn't born. Yes, barely just, I was 74 so, yeah, that's,

Sheila Gillette 6:15
Well, this all happened to me after my near death experience in 69 which was the birth of my youngest daughter,

Alex Ferrari 6:21
Right. Rich, we've spoken about that. Yeah, it's pretty amazing. So who is Theo for people who don't know?

Sheila Gillette 6:28
Theo is our 12 Archangels that are collectively known by Theo. When they first came in, they said, We will be known as Theo. We will not identify collectively. And they never have. They've never said who the group is. I have my suspicions. But Michael, Gabriel, yeah, John, a couple of them, but they say there's 24 Archangels total, and that they are 12 of the 24 but that sometimes the others pop in and out when they're when they want to wow, or when it's their subject that somebody's asking about.

Alex Ferrari 7:10
What's what I find fascinating about Theo is his energy when he comes into the room is very arc. And I hate I mean, again, my perspective is very unique. It is a very Archangel energy. I've had Archangel Michael show up. I've had arc Gabriel and Metatron show up. Their energy when they come in through a channel, is the energy that I feel with Theo which is this very authoritative yet loving energy, like not so much with the cracking of the jokes, but occasionally they'll throw a zinger in.

Sheila Gillette 7:45
Yeah, it's real subtle. I've always thought they were really funny. People are so serious, you know, when you talk to arc angels, but they told us not long ago that they're working on their humor. So this year they're getting funny.

Alex Ferrari 8:01
Well, I mean, Robin Williams is on the other side. I think they could talk to him a little bit. You know, there's a couple funny people over there. So Sheila, we'll bring in Theo in a little while. But I wanted to ask you, my first question to you is, I think a lot of people watching have a problem, or they have an issue with finding their purpose. Think people who are lost in life, I was at one point. I think everybody finds themselves at one point or another in their life feeling a little bit like at sea without guiding or an engine or something to guide them along the way, you're kind of just floating around lost. What advice do you have for people who are kind of lost? They have no they have not found their purpose yet. What would you advice about finding their purpose, or how do you even deal with the place they're at right now?

Sheila Gillette 8:01
Well, what Theo says our purpose is life itself, that we got to be in these bodies. What we're what people are looking for is passion, how to express their life, energy in a direction that is significant. We all come here wanting to be significant as little kids, we know we're great, you know, until somebody tells us we're not, we're like, what? But the thing is, is when we get lost, it's because we're afraid to step out on that one thing we may have, and we've known as a kid, oftentimes we'll know, and then, you know, we get off track because we go to school and we're told you should do this to make money, and, you know, go to college, or a parent wants you to follow in their steps. And however occurs. So Theo has given us a process. Process called the soul integration process, which allows us to have that inward self discovery of what is our passion, because we know under the I don't know is the knowing, but we're afraid to say, I can do this, because maybe we've been told we can't, or or life situations and circumstances have knocked us down, and we create a belief that we're not good enough, we're not worthy of that accomplishment. So it's a process of self revelation that happens to find that purpose. It's not external. It's internal.

Alex Ferrari 10:45
So why do you believe that people are so afraid of going out there? Is it that primal thing of being kicked out of the tribe, and then if you're kicked out of the the community or the group, then you die, essentially, because you'll be left out there for the while then survival? Yeah. So is that the thing,

Sheila Gillette 11:00
Oh, absolutely, fear of abandonment, shame are the two leading causes of holding people back because they adopt beliefs about themselves that are untrue. Out of those situations, circumstances and conditions that are challenging, and some of them are pretty severe, as I'm sure you've heard, and I've heard as well, but those things are just our history. They don't need to define us, and that history won't change, but our perception of it can. We can change those beliefs, because they've made us the person we are today. Have given us many gifts and blessings and strengths. Our soul draws to us perfectly, those opportunities of that kind of growth, but we have to be willing to do the inner work and be willing to change the belief system. Some people just want to stay stuck in the the victimized story that they carry. Because even if it's negative attention, it's attention, you know, and it makes one feel seen, because we all want to be seen and heard. But who would you be without it?

Alex Ferrari 12:30
The thing that I find interesting that you just said is that you can change your relationship with your past. Yes, because the event is irrelevant, it's gonna what it is it. Is it? You know, if something negative happened to you, something positive happened to you, whatever that was that helped you become who you are. It, it is something that you have a relationship with. So if you had a very negative situation, a traumatic situation, that might have happened to you in a pick your pick your pick your poison, if you will, right. How you look at that, some people will look at a traumatic event going, my whole life has been over because of this thing and that this person did to me, or what that situation did to me, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, or that same trauma with somebody else, will go, I'm so thankful for that thing that happened to me was very painful, but I grew and I did this, that shift in perception changes a person's life.

Sheila Gillette 13:27
Yep, as Theo would say, it changes the trajectory of your life forever, if you can make those changes, and that's why they work with the sole integrational process that they brought forward five decades ago. I've been a student of that in my life, as many of our clients have, and it truly does change you to go in the direction of what we call purpose or passion and knowing we are the one to do that, you know, they'll tell us, you know, it would be a really boring world to live in if we had one piece of music, or if we had one book to read or one Painting to look at, or sculpture or whatever it is that we're is our genius, as many might say, because each of us bring our own particular energy into that passionate expression of our Creativity, and even if somebody's done something similarly, you know not everybody will get whatever it is from that that you may intend, because they're not on that same frequency, but if you did it passionately in your voice, then those people who wouldn't be receiving. It from another would so it's important that we all express that in whatever we're doing, and every and Theo said, we're all channels. We're all channeling that creative energy individually, and we're like from a big orchestra with lots of instruments, and each of us is an instrument and have notes to play in the in the in the composition of the music. It wouldn't be the same without it,

Alex Ferrari 15:37
But, but the false belief is that we are not the music. We are not the instrument, that we don't have the capability of even doing that, that we need to give our power to someone else to tell us what to do or or to tell us how to go or follow this dream or do that job or this thing that. But I found that throughout my life, you know, working in the entertainment industry, when I've met people artists at a very high level, they are fear, almost fearless. They all have issues, some more than others, but they were, they were brave enough to take the step, to put themselves out there, to to express themselves, whether it be writers, whether it be directors, whether it be you know, painters, whether it be musicians, they took that they were brave enough, and that's when the explosion in their careers happened, and so on and so forth. And then I've also met people who do the same thing and don't have explosions in their career, and that's okay, but they're happy. I've met some of the happiest people I've met are musicians that play at pubs on the weekend. You know? And they're just like, I'm just, I'm happy to just be able to play and get paid to play, you know, those kind of, yeah, we all think the big fame and all that stuff is really important. But I'm here to tell you, it's not what's all cracked up to be.

Sheila Gillette 16:54
Well, I know that to be true. But anybody you know, I know in my own career, you know it. It looks one way on the outside.

Alex Ferrari 17:03
Oh yeah, Instagram, the Instagram, if you will,

Sheila Gillette 17:05
Yeah. But to get to this point, there were challenges, I'm sure, like you brought up initially, when I began doing this work, people, we didn't talk about this openly. No, no where people are interested, but they never talked about it to anybody, because they could have lost their jobs, reputation, ostracized from their communities, thrown out of places. I mean, just there's still a little bit of that. There's still plenty of areas.

Alex Ferrari 17:38
There's definitely here in the States, there's still a couple areas, you know, but it's not where it was 50 years ago.

Sheila Gillette 17:43
Oh my gosh, no.

Alex Ferrari 17:45
This couldn't have happened.

Sheila Gillette 17:46
No, this couldn't have happened. No way. When I came out with my first book, The Fifth Dimension channels to new reality, I I was on several interview shows where there was huge pushback in judgment about what I did

Alex Ferrari 18:06
Actually in the interview. Oh yeah. People like, yeah, aggressive, yeah, combative interview.

Sheila Gillette 18:11
Yeah, wasn't fun.

Alex Ferrari 18:14
So you're a charlatan, really, yeah, yeah, exactly that kind of stuff. It's yeah, it's fascinating. I I've always told people, I'm like, Look, I know a lot of channelers. I know a lot of psychic mediums. There's easier hustles in the world. Yeah, there's a lot easier hustles in the world. I mean, a lot easier, you know, it's one thing to be a psychic at a, at a at a carnival or, you know, or traveling circus or something like that. That's a little bit you could be a little bit more incognito, but you're out there. You've got websites, you've got books, you're you're putting yourself out there for ridicule, for for these kind of attacks, and you've been doing this for 50 some years now. Yeah. I mean, I can only imagine the armor that you've been able to build up where you could just it doesn't even bother does it bother you still?

Sheila Gillette 19:02
Well, not, not now, but it did, of course, of course. Yeah, and I was concerned about my children being judged, you know, especially when it got so public,

Alex Ferrari 19:17
Especially when they're growing up too. Yeah, those young years are rough. They're adult. They can deal with it a bit better. Yeah, high school, middle school, yeah,

Sheila Gillette 19:24
But I have a funny story when, when my my older two children are were in high school, and we lived in a small town in Colorado, and the kids would bring their friends in and out, and I had an office at home, and a woman that I met son went to school with my son, and they were pretty good friends, and he'd been in our house and and so she had made an appointment, a private session appointment, with me, and she was telling her family at dinner. She. Was gonna come have a session with Theo, and kid, her son said, Oh, I know Theo. She said, What? Because you've been over, he'd been at the house. And, you know, they just asked questions, accepted it, you know?

Alex Ferrari 19:26
Well, when their kids, they're just like, okay, cool. Is that that's the way the world works, fine.

Sheila Gillette 20:26
And my youngest daughter, when she was little, thought everybody's mother was a child. She got in school and they weren't right. But on the flip side, when they got into college, and because I worked with so many scientists and stuff, they come home with questions, and I'd say, well, let's call Dr so and so, because I had worked with them, and so they got some pretty good grades on papers they wrote.

Alex Ferrari 20:53
I have, I have a similar, have a similar Rolodex, if you will, of people that I can call scientists. Yeah, you know that I have on the phone like, Hey, do you need to talk about somebody in NASA? Hold on. Somebody in NASA? Hold on. What's your question? It's helpful. So they like that part of it that's pretty fascinating. One thing you said earlier about finding your purpose and just want to dig into it just a little bit deeper when you say that finding your purpose, finding your mission, if you will, in life, is within how can people access that? How can we cut through all the programming that we have gotten since we were born, from society, from our religions, from our community, from the world, from our country and so on, that has kind of built a personality that we have in our belief systems are based upon our programming. That's why I find it so fascinating when people get so revved up about their belief system. They're like, I'm the only way this is the only thing that could be what it is. And I'm like, but there's a billion other people who don't believe that, literally, you know. And I'm like, So are they all damned? Are they all poor, bad luck of the draw, like that kind of stuff. So how, how can people cut through all of that within themselves to really find what they're looking for, their mission in life?

Sheila Gillette 22:15
The things they're interested in and passionate about? What do you what do you read? What do you listen to? What gets you lit up on the inside? Those are the things you look at.

Alex Ferrari 22:30
But Sheila, you can't make a living being a podcaster, you can't make a living being a musician, you can't be make a living as a writer, for God's sakes, GPT is writing now forever. Everybody why? No one can make a living doing that. These are the stories that we tell ourselves

Sheila Gillette 22:49
Well and and we don't tell ourselves who we're told correct, and then we agree with it,

Alex Ferrari 22:55
And then we reinforce it again and again. I mean, I was watching a documentary series the other day on Walt Disney. My God, the stuff that Walt did. He was insane, insane. And we're gonna make cartoons. We're gonna make sound cartoons. We're gonna before anybody else, we're gonna open up this theme park. What's a theme park? Well, you will figure it out, like, you know, all this kind of stuff. And it just kept, kept pushing the thing, pushing and pushing, and all of these great businessmen and and people who are pioneers in their spaces, they all challenged what the community, what the world, said about what could be possible.

Sheila Gillette 23:33
Then we all believe. I remember Henry Ford story where, where he went to the engineers and he wanted an eight cylinder engine. And they said, Oh, you can't do that, Lama, for whatever. And he said, Oh, yes, we can. I've seen it. I've seen it. And they No, no. And he and he's he, they said, you can't. And he said, Yes, I've seen it. They said, Well, you don't know because you're not an engineer. And he said, Good, because I'd be thinking like you. That's what innovative people do. And keep pushing. You know, I had the the gift of a commitment I made to God, when you do that, you just push through. Because there were times that that were challenging, that I could have just said, thrown up my hands and going, I'm done with this. But I didn't, you know, I think it for a moment, and then I got okay.

Alex Ferrari 24:38
Did you ever get close in those early days? Because I imagine those early years must have been very different.

Sheila Gillette 24:42
I'm going to say yes and no, because I may have been there at a moment of burnout and being tired and feeling the judgment of others and just going, this is, you know, I'm not liking this. Yeah. Why am I doing this, right? Yeah, but then I get a phone call from somebody. It's like the angels were going, you call now, get on her up. She was a little back, yeah. And I would get a phone call where somebody was sharing with me what Theo had told them had changed their lives so significantly that I hang up the phone and I'm like, oh, okay, okay. And we were going again, you know, because to have that kind of impact with somebody, and I know you feel this, it's just an amazing experience to know you've touched somebody's life in such a way.

Alex Ferrari 25:48
There were so many times I wanted to quit, not this, not this, but filmmaking. I've been to filmmaking for 30 years, and it's arguably one of the most difficult professions to get into, as far as to be a working, successful, not super famous, not super rich, just making a living in the in the industry is as bad as the music industry, or a writer, you know, or a painter or something like that, it's extremely difficult. And there's multiple times that I just I wanted to do. I said, I can't. I can't anymore. I can, especially in my 20s and 30s, if it just kept running against these walls, which is, brings me to my next question. By the way, the answer for me was, what else are you gonna do? Dude, I just kept saying that. Like, anytime I would run into that, I'm like, All right, let's quit. Where are we going?

Sheila Gillette 26:40
And I got some of that too, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 26:40
Like, where are we gonna go? What are you gonna Starbucks? Are you gonna work there? Are you? Like, are you gonna new and do a new career? Like, where are you gonna go? What else can you do? This is what you were kind of constructed at the factory to do, yeah, yeah. Now, with that said, I was lucky because I discovered my passion pretty early on. I worked at a video store back in the day, and that really reign that kind of ignited my passion for movies. When I got out of high school, I'm like, What am I going to do? I'm I guess I'm going to be a filmmaker. And I went down that road. So I was early. I had a really clear idea of what I wanted to do, but throughout my 30 years, and it's documented in my first book, and I went through so many trials and tribulations in the industry, getting really close to the edge, like in the room with the big movie stars and the big producers and everything, always would drop. It would just get there and just drop. And it was the most frustrating thing I would have rather, like, in many ways, I'm like, I would rather have never had that opportunity. I would honestly, at that point, at that time, I would think, I don't want to be in the room with the big movie stars or the big producers promising me that they're gonna get this movie made again and again and again. And I would yell out to God, I'm like, why would you give me this passion, this love, what you were saying, to find and not give me the opportunities to be successful by it. And then on top of it, to add salt to the wound, I would help other filmmakers finish their movies, because I had the skill set and the talent and the experience to do so. And I would walk in, I would save their movies because they had no idea what they were doing. I'm like, they gave them 3 million bucks. Why couldn't I gotten 3 million bucks to make money? To make my movie like so it was just constant, beginning for 30 years, and when I finally got to when I finally started podcasting, I discovered, oh and now more than ever, with next level soul TV and everything, I go, Oh, I needed to be outside of the system. I couldn't have been allowed in it, because I would have never left. It would have been too intoxicating. I needed to learn how to do everything outside the system, because we're going to build a new system outside of what's existing now. So I'm like, Okay, that's a hell of a long play there. God, but okay. But my question to you is, how can you tell somebody who is on the path of things that they're excited about, but yet I'm not making any headway in it. It's so frustrating. What do you say to someone like, what would you have told me if I would have came to you as a in the 90s? I go Theo, I can't get to this. This projects. I've again and again. There seems to be walls up there, but yet you keep the universe keeps opening up doors. I feel like they're just abusing me for no reason. Why? What would you say to what would you say to that version of me?

Sheila Gillette 29:31
That version of of you, Theo, would have told you to keep going, and maybe given you some direction and where to go because of Mike, I would have shared my experience with you as an example of keeping going. You know, the doors aren't always going to open, but we're always tested to our commitment. You know. It's a It's kind of like, Are you sure? Are you really sure? And it's Theo says to us now, which I love this, and I adopt it in my life, and have over the years, that there's a gravity pull, just like our gravity here on Earth, to pull us back from that achievement to the familiar. Well, what if, you know, if I offend all the people around me, and what you know, the whole abandonment thing comes in, and if, if you go beyond, well, you know, people just judge you and all that, so that gravity pulled back to the familiar. Maybe you're tired of it, you don't want it. You want to go further, but it just keeps pulling you back. So we have to have enough fuel in our will, in our desire, like I say, I hold on to the commitment I made to God and that intensive care, really I did. It's like, do you go against this? No, but that's the rocket fuel to push you beyond that gravity.

Alex Ferrari 31:19
But you had that opportunity. You had that option. I didn't at the time, so I didn't have that, that North Star, which, like, I made a commitment to God, so I have to keep going. I didn't have anything to hold on to. I was pretty much out there without a paddle floating around. So I felt so lost, but yet being driven to keep going, because it was an obsession that was your soul going, come on, yeah, that was the only thing, yeah. It was like, keep it going. Keep it going. And I completely understand the whole concept of, are you sure? Are you, do you think you're worthy of this? Can you really? Are you really? Do you really want this? I get that. But 25 years,

Sheila Gillette 31:57
I had about 40, so

Alex Ferrari 31:59
Really? So it's 40.

Sheila Gillette 32:00
Well, you know, if you see, if you think about, really, actually, the 80s, it's, you know, it's when my first book came out, and things started moving in that direction. But the other thing too, and you may relate to this, I had to be willing to be famous, and

Alex Ferrari 32:19
It's not fun,

Sheila Gillette 32:22
Well, and to have my name out there, like I said, I was very protective of my family, yep, and so I would bump up against those stores as well, or those people who would who do you think you are? Gift from God? What you know, and all that kind of stuff, where, you know, it was just like bumping up against

Alex Ferrari 32:50
But it wasn't supposed to be easy,

Sheila Gillette 32:51
That wall. But when I realized where my inner blockages were, doors started flying open. How did you identify those blockages? Did the integrated process at Theo taught me about getting in touch with those parts of those they call them the fragmented parts of our soul that held beliefs that I didn't deserve. It is that shadow work? Would that be kind of, it's similar to shadow work. It's, it's similar to to the shadow work, or inner child work. It's similar to Soul Retrieval work, but it goes beyond that into the multi dimensionality of who we are, into our it's soul work,

Alex Ferrari 33:33
Which is what we're supposed to be doing. Yeah, like I've said before, we spent the first seven years being programmed in the rest of our life, trying to deprogram what we learned in those

Sheila Gillette 33:41
Well, not just this lifetime, right?

Alex Ferrari 33:44
That's something interesting that you bring that up. I wanted to ask you about ancestral karma. It's something that I've discovered recently, probably within the last year or so, about ancestral karma, which I didn't really I understand karma, at least to my understanding what karma is, I get that, but ancestral karma was something really interesting to me that we carry. You know, if we've been alcoholics, in my law, in my family for generations, my great grandfather was an alcohol. My grandfather, my father, it's up to me to break that, to break that, that thing. Let's say I'm like, You know what? I'm not gonna I'm gonna break this, heal that for my for my line, and make sure it doesn't move forward. It could be violence, it could be 1000 different ancestral things that happened to us. Can you talk a little bit about what you understand, or what Theo has spoken about, ancestral karma? And I

Sheila Gillette 34:37
Well, it really goes along with the soul integration that I'm talking about, because we get in touch with that. And as we heal, as we transform, I don't like heal that we don't need to heal that we need to transform it. And when. Transform those beliefs that we have carried forward. It transforms everything that came before, not the events, not the circumstances, but that consciousness is evolving to a higher state of being, a more aware state from the third dimension. Now we're in the fifth. The fifth is greater clarity, becoming, becoming the souls were meant to be, as Theo calls them, the magnificent souls, that we are having a human experience and that we're breaking that mold all of us when we do the integrational process. So that's an ancestral clearing, just like physical you know, they're they're now saying that, you know, we have these hereditary things in our genetics. Well, we change those too. When we do the integrational process, we can change our DNA. We don't have to be subject to that either.

Alex Ferrari 36:07
Is that epigenetics?

Sheila Gillette 36:10
And so this is a time that, you know, we talk about Revelation. Well, that's the revealing of who we truly are in the fifth dimension. If we went into the physics of it, we're changing the timeline out of this old third dimensional reality where clocks and calendars and all of that came to fruition, but it doesn't define us in time. We're changing that into a new vector of time, which is greater clarity and different consciousness, different vibrational frequencies. So that, being said, we have to change our minds. It's a must, and that's what you're talking about, that. That's why all of these terminologies have come out now, ancestral karma, karma, or psychology, or patterning, or whatever, however we want to speak about it. So we have come here in these bodies to participate in that. Theo calls us the way showers. You and I are Wayshowers of a new way of being that's changing our world. Absolutely So, and it's to be changed. It has to, even though it looks like it's not changing at all,

Alex Ferrari 37:44
Well, it's gonna get a little it's gonna get a little wonky.

Sheila Gillette 37:46
Well, like Theo says, birthing can be a little messy, right? We're birthing a new way of being,

Alex Ferrari 37:52
Yeah. I mean, yeah. Well, and I forgot where I heard this must have been in an interview that we was doing. But if you were an alien and you showed up and you never seen anything about Earth, and you get taken to a hospital and you are watching a birth happen, the amount of pain and yelling and screaming and all the things that would happen with a natural birth, they think, oh my god, they're killing this. They're killing this, this, this person, this being, is being killed, if they can see what was going on. But underneath it, life was being born. And that's kind of a great analogy for what's happening in our world right now. It is because looking at it like the whole place is burning, literally, and yelling, screaming and yelling and burning and wars and all this kind of stuff. But underneath it, something new is being born and it's coming out. But you need all of that to be able to bring that into this.

Sheila Gillette 38:55
And a lot of it is coming to fruition, and we don't even hear about it exactly. Lot of really, really good stuff is going on.

Alex Ferrari 39:02
So tell me, give us some good news.

Sheila Gillette 39:04
Well, there's, there's good news on the planet, you know, new, new information in the health arena. You know, out of something devastating as COVID, has come out, a tremendous amount of new, new medical models, new way of research, new way of testing, all kinds of things that are going to bless us. It's like out of this space industry of look how we live today, if we hadn't had the space industry,

Alex Ferrari 39:35
No velcro

Sheila Gillette 39:37
Or a lot of others.

Alex Ferrari 39:38
I'm using that as an example. But yeah, I mean, no Tang, no Tang. Yeah, you remember Tang, right?

Sheila Gillette 39:49
Used to make a great, yeah, great spicy tea with tang and instant tea.

Alex Ferrari 39:54
But no, you're absolutely right. There is a lot of a lot of good things happening. But again, if you're looking at me. Mainstream media, news and stuff like that. It's, it's horrible, like, perfect example is what's happening in LA with the fires was devastating. It tore me up, because I knew a lot of people there, and you have a lot of friends there still as well. And looking at the news, I just kind of kept, like, the world coming to an end. And don't get me wrong, there was a time that it, it literally looked like Armageddon. I mean, at night with the wind, there was a hurricane, a fire, and it was pretty intense. But as the days went on, I kept noticing that they wouldn't let up on that. They kept replaying those images again and replaying it again. And I was looking at I was like, and my and my wife had a trip planned at that time to go to visit family. And I'm like, I think we need to cancel this. I mean, I mean, I don't even know if the air quality is good, anything like that. And when she got there, she's like, this, nothing. You wouldn't if no one would have told you that the Palisades had been burned down in Malibu had been burned down, you wouldn't even know in the valley, really, it just there wasn't, there wasn't a a lot of like, where she was, at least, because LA such a huge, the largest city in the country. It's so big on its footprint that a whole section of it literally could have been burned down, and a whole other section would have known about it, but they were focusing so much on the negative and the negative and the negative that I was like, Oh, look what they did there. I mean, I get it, I understand it, but there was a lot of good happening there too, as well, and a lot of places that weren't affected and things that were positive. So it was just a really interesting that was, like, a recent example of that.

Sheila Gillette 41:43
But isn't that true that that's what's been going on for years, and that's how people have continued to be upset, oh yeah, and depressed, and all of the psychological things that are going on with people right now, because that's what sells that, that continual negative, negative, negative and devastation, and oh, we're all gonna die. And, you know, and it, it's sad, you know, we should know about these things. But look, since we've had the internet, we've been at the front door catastrophe, yep, since then,

Alex Ferrari 42:31
Since 96

Sheila Gillette 42:32
And and it's, it's good on one hand, because we know what's going on the world, and we can help in the world. But then we know all the other negative stuff too, and it's built on like repeatedly shown. So we need to step away and hold our own counsel on the inner and not Marcus and I have done that. I mean, we got kind of obsessed with everything that was going on in the news, and we just said, No, we we can't just keep taking this in, and we need not to be reactive in that way. And that's what integration to to. How am I going to respond rather than react? But that that emotional negativity feeds on itself,

Alex Ferrari 43:34
Yeah. And of course, if you're on social media, that algorithm is going to create a an echo chamber of just same thing, same thing, same thing, to the point where it's sometimes your, your you believe something that's absolutely untrue.

Sheila Gillette 43:46
Well, that's where all the conspiracies and all the untruths have gotten power.

Alex Ferrari 43:54
Oh, absolutely. I mean, there's so many of them that's that are. I mean, it's, it's insane, the some of the theories and some of the conspiracies out there. And the thing that doesn't help the situation is a lot of things that were conspiracy theories back in in the 80s and 90s, we all figured after they released document, like, Oh no, it was really happening. They're like, you see, you see, the government was doing that and was doing that. So that just feeds into it more and more and more into more distrust. Do you see? I mean, there's so much distrust right now in institutions, in things that like, if you say the word NASA, we've been growing NASA is a pretty non offensive, you know, word. They haven't they're not controversial. Their job is to send people to the moon and back, or some people are spaces and people now are like, Oh, they're from NASA. They're probably part of a good government conspiracy or something. I'm like, it doesn't make any sense. And then you start. But all these institutions are being questioned in ways that institutions as as I was growing up. Fortunately, as you were growing up, I've never been questioned the Vatican, for God's sakes, you know, or you know, or the pharmaceutical companies or health or the financial industry, or all these things are being questioned now.

Sheila Gillette 45:12
Well, I think some of it is good, yeah, you know, a watchful eye, critical thinking. I mean, what happened to critical thinking? Is this really true? I mean, some of this stuff that gets oxygen, it's like, really, really, you know, it's like, well, I said it on TV, you know, they said it on Facebook, so it must be real, yeah, or tick tock, or any of these platforms and it's being used. That's why we we have to have critical thinking.

Alex Ferrari 45:51
Well, common sense is not so common. Yeah, common sense not so common anymore. You know things that I you know, my generation grew up with, your generation grew up with. There's just common sense. Like, you don't do that, you don't say that, you don't, you know, in now it's like, every there's nothing that's not on the table for a discussion anymore. Is the earth round? Could be flat? Like, really, like, really, by the way, we'll get comments about that if I said that out loud, you know, because you're like, oh, it's, of course, it's a flat earth, don't you understand? I'm like, but there's, I mean, really, like, it's just so much of that now it's fact, it, there's no no. There's a reason why you feel like the world is coming apart at the seams right now. I wanted to ask you, and I'll ask Theo later, but you know, this year has started off with a bang. Literally. I mean, we're only three weeks into January, and my God, it has been intense. So far I from my understanding, and I think you've spoken about this before, that these next five years, 10 years, are going to be a bit rocky, and I've been, I've been saying this on the show, and I cover it a bunch on the show, because I don't do it for the sake of fear, but I want people to understand that, like it's okay, The things are going on around you as part of the birthing process, and not to be afraid of it. And I'm bringing it out, out the light on it, because it needs to be a light needs to be shined on it, if not. Fear runs rampant throughout this whole thing. So I'm constantly asking these questions about that. So I'd love to hear what you think, what you think this year is going to be like, because so many people are terrified already.

Sheila Gillette 47:44
Oh, I'm really positive, fantastic. You know, Theo's been talking about this for five decades, this time that we're in about the shifting consciousness, and it's coming from inside of us. It's not enough. It's not no, it's an inside out, not an outside in. And when we realize that we have we have some authority here, we're the authors of this. We're creative. We're creators. We can create the life we want to live. And when people let others block them from being who they should be. Theo says that's the only sin there is blocking someone's spiritual growth. And everything's spiritual. Everything Is Everything we do is because we're spiritual beings, having this human experience. I'm not saying religious, I'm saying spiritual, agreed, and so there's authority in that, the the ability to use that significant, individualistic being that we are here to be significant, however that's addressed like the the musician that plays on the weekend at the local restaurant, being happy doing that, not needing to have a huge record contract or beyond television, But they're content in bringing their their beautiful soul essence to what they're doing, and that's what we all need to do.

Alex Ferrari 49:27
But I mean, I think what's happening right now is that the technology of the internet and the technology of technology in general, has given the power of everybody to have their own TV show, to have their own books published, to have their own music played, where before, there was gatekeepers for all of that, and now they're not, to the point where, you know, our show gets better ratings than a lot of shows on cable you know, which is insane to me, you know, or things like that, or you hear some of the bigger. Podcast who get 10 or 11 million people, that blows away anything on television. You know what? I mean? It's, it's pretty remarkable, and we all have the power to do that now, so we all can express ourselves. It doesn't we all don't have to be the big rock star, you know. But can you make a living doing what you love, you have to be rich about when you make a living doing it, you know, and even if it takes you a while to to make a living with it. I mean, I don't know about you, but when I started podcasting, first of all, not the place to go get rich, that's for sure. 10 years ago, I thought it was lead and, you know, I just kept grinding. And little by little, took a while to get going, but I just kept grinding, like, Okay, I could start making a little bit of money. I could start, I think I might be able to do this full time. Okay, great. I could let go of that other job that I was not happy about, and it kept going. And now it's turned into what it's turned into, but it wasn't overnight, and that's what people have to understand.

Sheila Gillette 50:57
Well, nothing is, I mean, you know, there have been people like in the tech industry, certainly, the innovations that have done that have created, invented something,

Alex Ferrari 51:11
Yeah, but how long did it take them to get to that point?

Sheila Gillette 51:13
Yeah, but they've had all of those. It's kind of like Edison had probably millions of inventions. We only heard about the ones that were successful. So it's to your point that, you know, to my work, you know, I, my husband, kept saying, you're going to be a 50 year phenom, overnight, overnight success, success and and to your point, too, you as well. I mean, you just keep on, keeping on, and every time that door shuts, or every time something happens and you feel a step back, it's feedback. Oh, maybe I'll go over here. I'll take another direction, in the same direction, but maybe another road. It's it's not you failed. It's just giving you information in which you can keep going and making it better.

Alex Ferrari 52:14
It's kind of like when you're you know, when you have a lot of success, when you're early on, it's very difficult to kind of deal with that. But as you get older and you have success, you've got so much scar tissue, you know, you have like you were saying, you're like, oh, that's feedback. We've got, you and I both have a lot of feedback on us, yeah, and it's made us so much more powerful, more strong in our lives. So we can just keep going, and now we have the experience. You're like, oh, there's a wall. I'll just go around that, or I'll dig underneath, and I'll pull a lot, or

Sheila Gillette 52:46
I can't tell you the number of people and I mentor a number of people. Have a program to mentor people that are opening up to channeling, or their psychic ability, or the healing ability and so forth, and that I can share some of my stories and and assist them, maybe to avoid some of the things, by just sharing with them how I navigated through some of those difficult areas, or how it felt even letting people know It's okay to feel disappointed. It's okay. Yeah, and so that's a beautiful thing too. You know, is assisting others coming along.

Alex Ferrari 53:31
I don't know about you, but my greatest lessons have been through my various failures, you have to fail in order to learn. You don't learn from winning.

Sheila Gillette 53:40
What's that saying? Failing forward. You

Alex Ferrari 53:42
Absolutely you if you don't fail, or don't have resistance or don't have that feedback, you really can't grow. You need, you need something pushing against you for you to come up. So a seed in the ground has to fight its way through the soil to get to the sunlight, and then it just keeps fighting when then it puts its roots in to grab as much water as it can. And, yeah, that's that struggle that is part of the process, the birthing process, as we've been talked about, is it? He's a struggle. I haven't had it, but I've seen it's I could only imagine how difficult it is to be able to birth out something like that. So people have to understand that struggle is not always a negative thing. You know, we've gone through struggle. We all have gone through struggle.

Sheila Gillette 54:29
Theo uses the analogy of the butterfly coming out of the cocoon. How difficult is that? And it looks like a huge struggle. But if we were to take that chrysalis and open it for them. They die because they need that to build the musculature to fly, but it to your part about birth looks like the person being killed, but it looks like. The butterfly is just struggling and needs help. No, it's a necessary process of birth.

Alex Ferrari 55:08
So we're going through this time is our crystal crystallization part. Forgot that the exact term you said for the butterfly to go through. We're in the cocoon right now, and we look like we're struggling. And to very we are in many areas of this world that we're having a lot of struggle, a lot of people out there struggling, but it is part of the process. I always tell people like, you know, during the Great Depression, greatest companies and fortunes were ever created down there. Same thing happened in Oh, eight same thing happened through the pandemic. You know, when there's, you know, when there's such a event that happens that changes the world, there's both sides of that coin, people who are going to thrive and people who are going to struggle. It's your choice in many ways. Yeah, deal with it.

Sheila Gillette 55:53
Struggle is optional.

Alex Ferrari 55:55
That's a t-shirt. And I love what you said in regards to this shift that we're going through in consciousness, because we've had, there's been so much talk of this, the great shift is upon us, and the world is, you know, this consciousness is rising, and the new humanity is going to be created, and all of this stuff. But I think it a lot of people are still waiting for an exterior event, you know, someone coming back, not gonna say, Who? Or, you know, the aliens landing, or a meteor that is, you know, lands and doesn't destroy us all, but something pops out of it. Or whatever that that thing is, there's an external event, some spiritual thing, or, you know, whatever Atlantis is real. Whatever it is that's going to change the world. But I love what you said, that it's this change is one at a time internally, and that's what does the shift. Because if you change, and I change, we affect everyone we touch. That's how we change the world, is by changing ourselves. I think there was a guy named Jesus, I think, spoke about something like that back in the day.

Sheila Gillette 57:02
Well, you spoke of the Second Coming. It's us, right? We are it. And that's what the fifth dimension energy is about. Is that frequency vibrational change in the environment all around us to a much more refined way of being as humans. It's no longer that third dimensional reality with all its structure, now it's broader, more expanded, and we have access to all of the multi dimensionalities that are about the earth plane. And, you know, Theo says this is one choice. Earth is one choice. There's billions of choices for a soul to have an experience, there's maybe 40 billion planets in our universe,

Alex Ferrari 58:08
Our galaxy, I think our galaxy alone. There's how many galaxies in the universe? Yeah, it's brilliant. It's endless.

Sheila Gillette 58:14
And we can't imagine, right? Unless we look at those pictures in space from space over the new telescope. You're like, Ah, okay, you can see how vast it is. It's just and it just keeps going, yeah. They even say people ask about extraterrestrials. And they said, and are they here? Yes, could you imagine you are one? It's like you could have been one. You've just chosen earth this time.

Alex Ferrari 58:45
You could have been one before in another, yeah, yeah. It's on just a lot, not even a woo, woo thing on a logical standpoint, there's a lot of space out there if we're the only ones, man, it's a waste of space, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. Big, big waste of space, if we're the only ones. You know, it's interesting. Can you talk? Can you give people some advice? Who are going through struggles right now? Who are, you know, obviously, there's been a lot of war, there's been a lot of financial struggles, there's obviously things are happening. You know, natural disasters around the world, our country and everything. It's really easy for us to sit here and go, Oh, you know, struggle is an option until your house burns down, or until a hurricane knocks it out. You know, I lived in Florida. I got hit, you know, my house was almost gone. I lost half my roof once. And, you know, I've gone through those kind of things. And then you really feel powerless, because it's nature. So what advice would you have for someone who's going through that right now, and how they can kind of transcend it?

Sheila Gillette 59:46
Well, I know when I've been in crisis in my life, and I've been in challenging times, and you know, in those times, there were moments when i i. Why is this happening to me? Why happening to me? When I realized it was happening for me, Theo said, you're going to learn from this. Because I would say, you know people, you have Archangels talking through you. Why you know, and I go, Hey, and they told me, I said, this is to be experienced, and you're going to learn these things from it, which were true. Changed my perception. I thought, okay, if my soul wants me to learn from this particular lesson, I'm going to squeeze everything I can out of this moment to get what I'm supposed to get from it, no matter how painful, no matter how painful, just step in and embrace it. Just go for it. And you know what happened got easier instead of harder. Why it was so hard? Not was my resistance to it, the struggle is just resistance. When you embrace it and say, what is the gift and blessing in this? What a What's the highest good in this? Yeah, then it starts showing up. Then it's to your to your point earlier, some of your greatest lessons, me too, my greatest shifts in my awareness came from those moments

Alex Ferrari 1:01:44
When you're in it it's so difficult when you lost that person, you had a breakup, you lost your job, get kicked out of the house, 1000 different traumas, 1000 different things when You're in it is it takes a very strong will to do what you just said when you're really in it, I get it. And even nowadays, when certain things happen, I'm like, Okay, I'm still human. It's still, you know, that reactive thing comes out, but it, I've noticed it shortens before I would like, live in that space for months now, it's hours, maybe sometimes even minutes, where it would be like, Oh, okay. What's happening for me? Okay, let's see what this is. What's the purpose of this, and even certain struggles we had, you know, personally last year, I'm like, okay, and I look back and I'm like, Okay, if I wouldn't have had that this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have gone down this path if this wouldn't have happened, if this would have kept going the way it was, I wouldn't even thought about doing anything else. But now, because of that, they said like, Oh, okay. And now, thank you for that struggle. Thank you for that, those experiences. Because without those, we wouldn't be where we are today and so on, right, right? But it's not easy when you're going in the middle, when you're in the middle of the storm. It's, it is tough,

Sheila Gillette 1:03:07
No, but it's, you know, life is happening through us, as Theo says, through us, for us, as us, and it always wants more life lived through us and for us. So if we have that perception that this is happening for me, not to me, we step out of being victimized by by life.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:31
It gives you the power again.

Sheila Gillette 1:03:34
It gives you the power again. And you know what it taught me, too, if I stayed stuck in the story of being victimized by whatever it was, I was stuck. I couldn't come up with any other ideas. So when I could step out of that box, then all kinds of creative ideas started flowing. And I'm sure you've had that experience too, where you're not just focused on that one thing, and then our minds can go to solution mode, rather than this other place where it's stuck,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:14
Not helpful, not a helpful place. Well, speaking of Theo, let's bring let's bring Theo in. I have some questions for him, and can you explain to people what your process is when you channel him?

Sheila Gillette 1:04:26
Yes, what I do is I'll close my eyes. I take a couple of deep breaths that allows me to get centered in myself. I invite them to come in. I tell them how grateful I am for their presence, and then they come on the right side of my body, take what take it over and begin to speak. And for those who haven't heard them before, it's a bit of a different tone. It's a little more masculine and has a little bit of an accent, I'm told. Mm. Yeah, it does. It does, yes, yeah. So that's how it happens. And it looks easy, but I've had, you know, over five decades of practice,

Alex Ferrari 1:05:11
And we don't have to worry about zoom going out this time.

Sheila Gillette 1:05:13
So I know that's great. It is the beginning, is it not?

Alex Ferrari 1:05:20
It is. Thank you so much for being here Theo.

Sheila Gillette 1:05:23
We are appreciative of the opportunity to serve. You may ask?

Alex Ferrari 1:05:27
Yes, I'd love to, I'd love to ask you what you believe humanity's journey is going to be like over these next decade or so, and how can, how can souls that are in this journey for the next decade, or to deal with whatever tragedies or struggles or negative things that that might seem to be going on around them, how they can transcend that to move forward in a positive way.

Sheila Gillette 1:05:58
So No, on the planet Earth, there's always natural things that do happen that will continue, which you'll be made aware of instantaneously, as has been recent, and that continues, but to hold the thought that that is a natural event, which will span new ways of being on the planet where these events happen, new buildings of structures that are resistant to events such as fire, hurricane, tornado, and to be aware, to be prepared for such a thing to occur, and know if it is in an area of where you live, there was a learning to be experienced if you were there, but oftentimes it could happen there in your own vacation. It's not meant for you. So each individual recognizing the gifts and blessings, and we know that's difficult in those times, but the gifts and blessings that one receives from such an event, however, there are many changes in the world today that we've been speaking about for many years, that is the transformation of consciousness that is now changing your world in the sense of human species living On this planet as one body. You might say, not delineated from country to state, but as one. What we mean by this, it is a global community, a common unity of species, and there comes a consciousness with that oneness to be of assistance to each other and creative together. And so the ones feeling separate now will see that connectivity, not only technologically, but energetically, which is a gift you'll have in that knowing that there's not separateness between you, the structures of how one does life is changing as well. There's a global economic structure, there's global business structure, there's been control by certain individuals of these things, but the people will make the changes within that as well. There will not be that hierarchy as has been in the past, because of this new dimensional awareness and the ability of each to be utilizing their own brilliance and mastery and genius in their lives to bring about a better world, collectively, collaboratively with each other,

Alex Ferrari 1:09:47
Is that what we're going to be doing moving forward is the the hierarchies that you were talking about have been in place for centuries, sometimes 1000s of years even, but the. Seem to be breaking down. Yes, and we are, are starting to empower ourselves more and more, but it is a struggle breaking through that paradigm, that belief systems that we've been programmed with. But it's be the it's yelling so much from inside of our soul that people are now can't ignore it. They just can't ignore it. Is that what you're seeing?

Sheila Gillette 1:10:22
Yes, and that's why we brought forward the integrative process that individuals can break through those generational patternings that have been passed along for 1000s of years. They don't work anymore. And those that are here now and coming upon this planet embodied, are the change makers of that in consciousness, the new way shores of a way to be in human existence, collaborative, because you are a collaborative species, not competitive, truly, if the competition may be in enjoyment, but to have things done, the collaborations are more exhilarating, because each person has an element that brings to fruition the desired outcome, that one person can't do it all by themselves.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:33
Are the old systems and these people that you're speaking of that have held the reins of power for so long generational power, they seem to be fighting to hold on to power more and more. Yes. Is that going to continue

Sheila Gillette 1:11:50
The fight? For a bit of time. Yes, but it's becoming less and less because the general populace is learning how to become more powerful in those realms of what has given power to the others. Money. Can you elaborate on that? Please? Money has no power in and of itself. It's what the mind gives it the individual gives it. Yes, it's just an exchange for goods and services, and that the way that exchange is happening is changing dramatically now, isn't it, because of your technology. And so when one is well, vast with technology and has the ability to be creative. All can have what is called wealth. And in the integrative process that we discussed and understanding psychologically, emotionally and physically, that one is worthy of it,

Alex Ferrari 1:12:59
I wanted to ask you a question about, since we are on the topic of money, there seems to be this almost instinctual revenance for gold, the actual metal, unlike any of the other metals or anything else, no matter where you are in the world, it has value. Is that something on a spiritual standpoint, is that something on a DNA standpoint that we all I mean, you can go anywhere on the planet and you have a piece of gold. It's not thrown away. It's not discarded. It is valued up to this just moment. And it's been throughout known history that gold has had that kind of power. What is the origin of that understanding of because it's a metal like anything else, has some problems, a mineral, a mineral, yeah, exactly. So it's a mineral that like a rock, or, you know, other men, there's many other minerals on the periodic table. So why gold is so instinctual, like that?

Sheila Gillette 1:13:59
It's the color, isn't it? Okay? It's shiny, sure, and people resonate to that. But gold, all of the minerals are part of you, right? Your body would not function without gold in it, so there's a feeling to it. People have a feeling about it. It's vibration, but it's also your physicality. Is attracted to the gold,

Alex Ferrari 1:14:35
That's why and the other precious metals as well. But gold has a very special place. Yes, I've always wanted to ask you this. I think you're the person or the group to ask, what is the purpose of angels in the universe?

Sheila Gillette 1:14:50
Well, overseers us, particularly the Archangelic beings, are, let us say, super values. Victory over that angelic legions of which there's billions of angels, but here's teachers, mentors, guides, protectors, when allowed in an agreement to the souls embodied,

Alex Ferrari 1:15:16
Can you explain to the audience who and what the Ascended Masters are and what their purpose is for humanity,

Sheila Gillette 1:15:24
Ascended masters, or master beings, having been human, that have done their work and recognized the unique essence, the magnificence of their souls and the capabilities of that and have been teachers, mentors in shifting consciousness with love

Alex Ferrari 1:15:51
And and what is their purpose for us? What are they doing for us behind the scenes,

Sheila Gillette 1:15:56
They're assisting this new way of consciousness to come to fruition as teachers, they were teaching it early, but continue to teach and assist.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:10
Are there any walking masters now who are alive, incarnated,

Sheila Gillette 1:16:14
There are

Alex Ferrari 1:16:16
Doing the work as well. So let me ask you, what is the nature of consciousness, and how does it relate to the Divine?

Sheila Gillette 1:16:26
It's connected to divinity. Consciousness is how one works in the world, in this human body, it has to do with the mind, but it also has to do with one's values. It has to do with spirit, has to do with the soul and what is important.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:54
How do you view the concept of free will and its relationship to destiny or soul blueprint or soul plan that we have.

Sheila Gillette 1:17:03
One could say they're one and the same, because the soul does have an idea of what it wants to do and be to incarnate into a physical structure. And so one could say that blueprint that the soul has to achieve in a lifetime could be what you could call destiny.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:36
Well, let me ask you, you know, when you started to work with Sheila over five decades ago, the concept of channeling was still pretty underground. You know, there was, you know, editor Casey, obviously, and the Seth materials and a few others, but it was not very well known. Why is there so many people now coming out as channelers and channeling information in a very public way where it was very taboo before and also just not as many that we knew of at least,

Sheila Gillette 1:18:12
That's true. That's the evolution of consciousness we're speaking about. Because each and every one of you is a channel. Can you explain different ways? You are a channel in the sense of your creative energy. Are you not your soul's path as all are. Musicians are channels of the music. Composers are channels of the notes, writers are channels of the word. Artists, painters are channels of the brush to bring forth image. So each, in their own way, channels their soul's energy for the life they are living.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:57
But Theo, let me ask you, though, if I've always wanted to know this as an artist myself and doing things, are we just vessels for the other side to bring in information, bring in art, bring in knowledge, or is it being filtered through us? Or are we part of the process in actually creating something new? I've always wondered how you mix those two.

Sheila Gillette 1:19:20
It's all of the same.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:22
Can you explain?

Sheila Gillette 1:19:23
For each and every one of you, is an individual frequency vibration that is a constant in this life itself, that is a creative force. So it's in concert, let's say, with all others that are grasping possibilities or visions of what can be and bringing that forth.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:51
Let me ask you, Theo, I've heard of this concept that there is no past, there is no future, that all our lives are happening at the same. Time, can you explain that to us in a way that our little brains can understand

Sheila Gillette 1:20:06
We cannot, we can try, okay, but it's just a multi dimensional verse. There's 12 dimensions about the earth within that there are things that are happening on a soul level, that are in concert with everything else, with all those dimensions. And so that's the concept of everything happening at once, which it is, we cannot explain it to you, because it's energy. It's energy and frequencies, which all things are, and so in the fifth dimension of living in that in your physicality. Now, those veils between those multi dimensions are much thinner now, where there is a greater ability to know the past, present and future.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:01
So. So what is, can you explain to me what the Mandela Effect is? It seems to be kind of going like going to different timelines and seeing different outcomes and things like that. Can you explain that a little bit?

Sheila Gillette 1:21:15
We can explain it like a prophetic dream. Okay, when one has lucid dreaming or prophetic dreams, one is seeing the future. Yes, that's the blending through that we're speaking about. But then one becomes aware that they are the creator of that future and can change the outcome by knowing how they will react when the circumstance occurs. Do you see so prophetic dreams allows you a glimpse into one outcome that can be changed by a choice by you, if you so doing, not just to be an observer of something you observed before, but being actively involved in the outcome. For an example, if you didn't like what you were being shown, how would you react to it? You could react differently in the event that changes the outcome.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:21
So our Can you explain to me timelines? Because there's been a lot of talks about timelines, a lot of talks about the multiverse. It has become part of the Zeitgeist when it was something very, very closeted back in the day, timelines seem to my understanding of it, and please tell me if I'm right or wrong. Is every decision we make, major decision we make, spawns off a new timeline. So there's another version of this conversation happening right now, and there might be endless amounts of versions of this conversation happening, and they're all playing out their way. So my soul is not just experiencing this incarnation. It's experiencing endless or countless other lifetimes in this this character of Alex and your character of Sheila is playing out all possibilities within this character's realm. Does that make any sense? Or am I completely off?

Sheila Gillette 1:23:21
It does make sense, yes.

Alex Ferrari 1:23:24
So it is something that that. So that's true. And as far as timelines are concerned, is that a better or can you explain it better than I can?

Sheila Gillette 1:23:30
Yes. But then we would ask, what changes in what way, just knowing that that's a possibility. Does it change what you do? No, but it, but it allows for a curiosity, if you would, a curiosity about it that can keep the mind focused on that and known about the now of what the experience is. It's another way for some to avoid the present.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:13
It's a trap, almost, if you will. It can become a trap because you focus so much on that that you're not living in the now, correct? Can you talk a little bit about the power of living in the now?

Sheila Gillette 1:24:26
It's awareness. If you're too far into the past or even thinking about the future, you're not focused on this present moment and gaining all that can be gained from it. For an example, how many meals have you eaten that you've never tasted?

Alex Ferrari 1:24:48
Too many to count.

Sheila Gillette 1:24:50
That's a very simple example, but it's true that there are many ways of distracting ones. Uh, awareness away from life, and often when it's uncomfortable.

Alex Ferrari 1:25:10
It seems like our current systems are built in distraction. All of our social media is a distraction. Entertainment is a distraction. There's 1000 things that are vying for our attention, but what you're saying is we need to focus on the now and be conscious of the moment that you're in. Yeah, enjoy it. Yes, where do you what you we've been speaking a little bit about the shift in consciousness and the struggles that, that you know, the birthing process of that that it will be a little bit bumpy, a little bit traumatic for humanity. As a general statement, as we move forward, how many years do we have to look forward to? How long is this birthing process going to take, give or take? Is it 10 years? Is it 20 years? Is it 100 years?

Sheila Gillette 1:25:57
It may take a moment for some it may take the rest of their lifetime,

Alex Ferrari 1:26:03
But that's on an individual standpoint. I'm talking about as a collective,

Sheila Gillette 1:26:06
As a collective, the changes are coming now, within the next 10 years specifically, but five

Alex Ferrari 1:26:16
So the rest of this decade, essentially, yes, and that's going to be the I've heard that before that at that at the 2030 stage, something else will start. It's not going to be over completely, but we, within the next 100 years will be a completely different species.

Sheila Gillette 1:26:33
And look what has happened in the last 100 years.

Alex Ferrari 1:26:36
My God, it's

Sheila Gillette 1:26:38
Or 200 dramatically,

Alex Ferrari 1:26:43
Why are things feeling so sped up? Now it's insane how fast time is going.

Sheila Gillette 1:26:50
That's because there's no time. And it's, it's a feeling, actually, and that you're ready for these changes. Note, as we said, the last 200 years, last 100 years, how life has changed for humanity. On this planet, you have your technology that dramatically changed human existence, and still is changing and will continue. Those innovations are daily now, because those coming on the planet now are ready to be those change agents. They have the minds and capacity to envision and create and bring forth what is to be next,

Alex Ferrari 1:27:41
What is humanity's greatest challenge moving forward in this shift in consciousness?

Sheila Gillette 1:27:46
Loving themselves,

Alex Ferrari 1:27:49
That simple

Sheila Gillette 1:27:51
Sounds simple, hard to do, because it's letting go of beliefs about you that are simply untrue, that had been carried along for centuries.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:04
It seems like it's a propagate. It's been this kind of lie has been propagated to us again and again and again generationally. Because when you have a child, a child love its loves itself until it tell it's been told not to love itself or that there's something wrong with it, and then that continues to grow into into adulthood, and we have to find our way back to that child like place is that, correct?

Sheila Gillette 1:28:30
Yes and so often, there's been much judgment about how a child expresses itself on The planet, and so there have been labels given children to define who they are, we would say that's inappropriate. It's the judgments you're talking about, and most of those come in wanting to control behaviors that are uncomfortable for adults.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:03
Is there a reason why there seems to be such an uptick, at least a feeling of uptick with children with special needs, children on the spectrum coming into this, into this? Well, there seems to be, it used to be one out of, you know, 1000s. And now it's one out of, I think, out of 48 or 100 or something like that, that have special needs or on the spectrum. And then, generally, from what I've seen, some of the most loving souls on the planet.

Sheila Gillette 1:29:36
Some are very high functioning, high intelligence. Most are and so this has been for some time, these souls coming forward to birth this new world. But there has been this. Identification and labeling that has occurred, and it's just a shift of awareness. And the ability within them and their sensitivity to the environment is very great because of their mind functionality, their ability to function at a higher frequency.

Alex Ferrari 1:30:25
What what part? What role will AI play in our spiritual evolution as we continue to move forward, since it's becoming so prevalent in our society,

Sheila Gillette 1:30:35
It's a useful tool. Just like the internet has been a useful tool. Does it have some negativity to it. Of course, everything has Yes, so it's a matter of using it in its proper way, and it's only as good as what you give it.

Alex Ferrari 1:30:50
With that said, so many people are fearful of the negative aspects of AI or of technology in general. I Am to the I am in the school of thought that we have guard rails on humanity, and we have, we have people like or groups of archangels and other beings who are watching over us and will not allow us to go too far off the reservation where we will destroy each other. Or this experiment. Is that correct? That is correct. So is that form of solace that people can take that there is someone watching over us

Sheila Gillette 1:31:25
That and don't give your power away.

Alex Ferrari 1:31:30
Please elaborate?

Sheila Gillette 1:31:32
Technology is here as a service, all of it AI, your computer, your tablet, your phone. People get upset about this technology. You're the user. Yes, and discernment is important. Yes, again, it's an inside out job, not an outside in you have the power to turn it on and off and to use it in the ways you use it. It's not You're not being told how to use it, are you?

Alex Ferrari 1:32:13
I, my example has always been that we've had the capability of destroying this planet and everything on it since World War Two, yes, and yet we haven't, though we came close a bunch of times. That tells me that someone, something, some group, something, is watching over us, because to be honest with you, we should have blown ourselves up so many times over the years, but something's always stopped it. So that's what gives me, gives me peace, knowing that there's some guardrails for humanity.

Sheila Gillette 1:32:45
There is, and by the people, by the people of the world, your species, there's ones that have created this possibility. Yes, they're the ones that will not allow it to happen. And what we're saying now the political structures will change dramatically in this time, and it's by the people you're seeing this unrest or upheaval throughout the world politically, not just in the country where you live, and though it seems negative at this time, it's not. It's the birthing process, and the people will demand the structures, and that will give you solace as well.

Alex Ferrari 1:33:38
Theo, do you have any final messages for humanity?

Sheila Gillette 1:33:43
Yes, when you love yourselves enough, everything changes. We are complete for this moment. Thank you. God's love unto you. Thank you. Good day!

Alex Ferrari 1:34:04
And she's back. How are you doing?

Sheila Gillette 1:34:06
I'm good. How do you feel good? I feel good. You feel good? Yeah, it's just

Alex Ferrari 1:34:10
Energetic. It energizes you, right? Doesn't

Sheila Gillette 1:34:13
It does like at the end of the day, if I've been doing a lot of work, teaching and working with individuals, I'm tired like anybody else at the end of the day, physically, just as a generalist, but I asked Theo to give me and balance my energy every time I invite them to come into my body, and they do.

Alex Ferrari 1:34:31
They keep you going. Yeah? They keep you going. That was a beautiful session. Oh, God, I love Theo. Yeah, you don't remember much, right?

Sheila Gillette 1:34:38
If we talk about it, it's kind of like jaws.

Alex Ferrari 1:34:41
It's dream life, yeah, trying to remember a dream. Yeah, that's what I've heard. No, that was a beautiful conversation. We went on a bunch of different good places, and they brought up some stuff, and it was, it's just, I love Theo. I've always loved Theo since we met the first time. I love their energy and I love the. Messages that they're putting in now. But before we go, I wanted to talk about your book, The Art of relationship, discovering the magic of unconditional love that you've written with your with your amazing husband. Marcus, yes, what can you talk a little bit about what this is and how important it is right now?

Sheila Gillette 1:35:19
Few years ago, we asked Theo, what's the most important thing we can do now? And they said relationships, because everything is relationship based, and the art of relationship is, yes, about primary love, but it's about every other relationship in our lifetime. But most importantly, right in the beginning, it's about the soul integration process, about how how to love ourselves and how to get to that point of releasing the old belief systems that have limited us. And the art of relationship is a book, but it's it's a tremendous program that we've created and will be launching here in the in a few months, to the general public, we have to put a small group of people to be able to make it its best self. And it's a book, it's an audio book, it's video, it's meditations. I don't know if you're familiar with Barry Goldstein,

Alex Ferrari 1:36:29
He sounds familiar.

Sheila Gillette 1:36:31
We collaborated. Theo and Barry collaborated on 12 meditations that go along with the With each chapter of the books that can be used independently as well, but it's a huge program that we'll have on our website and that we'll launch, and you'll know more about it, but the art of relationship touches everything in Our lives, as I said, and gives us really useful tools in for our relationships, with our family, with our people we work with, with ourselves, predominantly primary partners and we eat. The last chapter is called The End of Life. How to work with leaving this incarnation and what, what's that like as we leave our families?

Alex Ferrari 1:37:28
Can you give us a tool that's in the book about how to better have a relationship with ourselves, which I think is probably the most, arguably the most important relationship that we have, is to be with ourselves first. Because a lot, I mean, I've said this before, if, if we had people in our lives who treated us the way we treat ourselves, we would run 1000 miles away, because we're the worst.

Sheila Gillette 1:37:54
Yes, you're absolutely right. And it sounds redundant, but the soul integration process that Theos brought to us and has taught us how to get in touch with those fragmented aspects of our soul that are acting on those beliefs that have been created inside of us that are not untrue, all the limiting beliefs, all the not enoughnesses, the unworthy part of ourselves, where it began, and how to love those little parts of ourself forward to the present. Because it's not our adult part of ourselves that's reactive emotionally to life. It's part of these. Theo calls them the little orphans, part of these fragmented aspects that are reactive to any situation and circumstance, from the belief that is held of ones not being lovable, worthy, pretty, handsome, the not enoughnesses not worthy. And when that occurs, the adult loves this part of self forward to the present and where it's different, as we spoke of before, to the psychological models of inner child work and so forth. Is it goes into our multi dimensionality, some of the things we've carried forward from other times and experiences that have influence as well.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:32
If there was one thing that you can one piece of one tool, one piece of advice that you can give somebody right now to have a better relationship with themselves. What would it be?

Sheila Gillette 1:39:42

Alex Ferrari 1:39:43
What does that mean exactly?

Sheila Gillette 1:39:44
That's a sole integration. It's having, being aware where those beliefs began, changing your perception.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:53
So doing the work of going like the inner work. I have a bad relationship with money because I was told throughout my life I'm not. Me, but as a general statement that money is very difficult. Money is the root of all evil, and because of these belief systems in my head, I've had struggles with money my entire life. Is that something that you tell

Sheila Gillette 1:40:12
Absolutely and you have to that's a big one. That's a huge one. Lack, a feeling of lack and not being worthy of it, and some of it's a reverse snobbery. People with money are bad and people without are good. You know, they've been taught in certain areas that it's the root of all evil, you know, all of those old ways of controlling people and that, you know, it's, it's, where did those beliefs come from? And are they true? Are they your own? Where did they come from? And that's where you transmute it,

Alex Ferrari 1:40:52
Isn't it? I wonder that who was the group that said Money is the root of all evil? I have to believe that they probably had some money. They did the institutions. You know, the institution. Vatican's doing okay, but like, you know, everyone's the root of all evil. Ignore the golden walls that we have and give us all a boy and give us all your money. We can, actually, it was at the 11th century, like you struggling. We can, you pay us. We'll get you into heaven. There was a pope that did that. I can't believe that. Yeah, yeah, these kind of so you start looking into the

Sheila Gillette 1:41:25
But look at all those kind of hierarchical structures. Oh yeah. Do that very same. Oh yeah, not just religion, all of them. Look at insurance, for instance,

Alex Ferrari 1:41:37
Insurance, pharmaceuticals, health, education, money,

Sheila Gillette 1:41:41
And there's some things that we do need in a structured way to live comfortably, of course, but it's our choice. You know, we need to be the one in charge, and we've given our power away for centuries.

Alex Ferrari 1:41:59
But I think that's changing. Has changed for quite some time now, the power,

Sheila Gillette 1:42:03
That's why we're seeing all this upheaval, and that's why the insistence on keeping the people down, keeping the people ignorant, ignorant, but also divided.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:18
Well, of course, we're more polarized now than we've ever been before. I mean, well, I'm not sure ever before, but we definitely in my lifetime, in my lifetime as well. I mean, I mean, you can go back to the Civil War, but that was a divided time as well. But I think now it's like you can't even have a conversation with it, like there was that,

Sheila Gillette 1:42:37
And that's been a psychological manipulation,

Alex Ferrari 1:42:41
Isn't it interesting, at the at Jimmy Carter's funeral, that Trump and Obama were next to each other and they were laughing and sharing a joke or something like that. And that image, that video, went around the world, and people were up in arms on both sides, like, how dare you talk to that bird? How can they be having a good time. And this is like, like, it was fascinating to see that. I was like, these are two human beings who might have different ideology ideologies. But when has someone said that we can't think different things and still coexist.

Sheila Gillette 1:43:19
That's the division we're talking about the people are going, they shouldn't talk to each other, because we've been divided like that. We should be able to talk to each other and have differences of opinion. That's how we grow. That's how we've always grown. And and to to say one's greater than the other, it's not, it's not they're just different to your point. And we need a little more of that. Quite frankly,

Alex Ferrari 1:43:47
It means, like, I could argue, like, you know, I'm not a suit person, that jacket is the wrong way. Hoodies are the only way to go. That's it. If you don't wear a hoodie, you're obviously the devil. I know it's that's how I'm making a point. So ridiculous. It's so ridiculous these belief systems that we create for ourselves, these structures that we create for ourselves, yeah, that you know you start looking only when you start to pull back from it and start like to disconnect from the media, disconnect from things that are not positive or not helping you along the way, yeah, you start to look at things differently.

Sheila Gillette 1:44:25
Well, isn't that the critical thinking we're talking about? Of you know, is this true? Is it true for me? I mean, you know, somebody has their own truth also, and we should celebrate that, because we are individuals, but we're more alike than we are not, and we and we all want the same thing out of life. We want to have an abundant life. We want to have love. We you know, we want to have joy. We want to do something that's significant and productive and has impact. All of us want that a life well lived, as Theo would say,

Alex Ferrari 1:45:04
But there's been so much demonization, yeah, of the other, you know, this lie that we're not all connected. Let's just get out of the spiritual stuff for a second. We're on this planet, you know, hurtling through the universe in this beautiful, this little pearl of a plant that we have. Yeah, we're all on the same ship, you know? And, like, it's like, if it literally, if we were all in a giant boat and arguing about what sides better? And you can't get into my cabin, because my cabin is much better than your cabin over there. And here's the line. And you know, if you look from space, there is no country lines.

Sheila Gillette 1:45:42
That's what Theo says. There's no There's no borders. But they also said, Didn't the pandemic prove or not separate?

Alex Ferrari 1:45:50
I mean, it shut the entire planet down.

Sheila Gillette 1:45:53
It did, and affected the entire species,

Alex Ferrari 1:45:57
And not only our species. It affected every species. When I saw dolphins in Venice, in Venice, Italy, coming back because there were no boats, there was no pollution, there was no

Sheila Gillette 1:46:09
I know

Alex Ferrari 1:46:10
It was so quick too.

Sheila Gillette 1:46:11
Exactly. Look how quickly the the planet cleaned up.

Alex Ferrari 1:46:16
Oh, I mean, I mean, it was like within a few weeks, I know of non human, or very minimal human movement.

Sheila Gillette 1:46:23
It was pretty fascinating, but it you know, like they will say that the virus didn't discriminate. It had one host it, and it was the human body, and it didn't care what color your skin was, what languages spoke, you know, so that's the oneness. They said. Didn't you learn anything from that?

Alex Ferrari 1:46:50
But then we went back to our pattern, our separateness, our separateness and our patterns is there's so much demonization of the other side, on political standpoints, on racial standpoints, on countries and all this kind of stuff,

Sheila Gillette 1:47:04
And it's all based in fear that's been propagated, right?

Alex Ferrari 1:47:09
You know, it's always about fear, you know. But if we look at history, if you do some critical thinking, look at history, some of these wars that happened, I mean World War Two, the demonization of what happened there and right now and now, what's happening around again, again, these ancient, ancient, karmic things that are happening in the Middle East and and the Ukraine and all these other places around the world. It's fascinating to watch. I Sheila, hope. I have hope. I do truly.

Sheila Gillette 1:47:41
I do too. I'm optimistic.

Alex Ferrari 1:47:43
I have hope that we're changing. I think these kind of conversations getting out there, being seen by the amount of people that are seeing them, I think, has a ripple effect around the world.

Sheila Gillette 1:47:54
Well and Alex, what you're doing is great service, bringing the these messages out, out to the world. But look how many people are interested down people. People want it as well, and they just want to know how, how can I do this? And so hopefully we'll bring the how so that that all can work within the structure of the new world we're birthing

Alex Ferrari 1:48:24
Now Sheila, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests. You've answered some of these before, so let's see what the answers are this time. Okay? What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Sheila Gillette 1:48:33
Having all the pillars of life percolating perfectly meaning good health. Passionate about the work I do, my vocation, money, money, time, freedom, yes, just all of those. My spirituality is a very strong pillar in my life and my family, you know, and my relationships. So all of that working in harmony and balance is a life well lived to me.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:08
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Sheila, what advice would you give her?

Sheila Gillette 1:49:12
Can you believe where we are today?

Alex Ferrari 1:49:15
Well, she wouldn't know that. You'd have to tell her about what's going on.

Sheila Gillette 1:49:18
Well, no, she's been living it with me.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:23
Fair enough. Fair enough. How do you define God or source?

Sheila Gillette 1:49:28
Oh, gosh, love, pure love.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:32
What is love?

Sheila Gillette 1:49:33
It's not a feeling. It's a state of being,

Alex Ferrari 1:49:37
A frequency, if you will?

Sheila Gillette 1:49:39
Probably best data, frequency, vibration, but it's also peace. We can put words of peace, joy, being comfortable in our own skin,

Alex Ferrari 1:49:51
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Sheila Gillette 1:49:53

Alex Ferrari 1:49:54
And where can we find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world, and pick up a copy of The Art Of Relationship.

Sheila Gillette 1:50:02
At our website. It's called asktheo.com and if people put in their their email address, they'll get a guided meditation between Theo and as a gift for just signing up to our mailing list. But we have lots of mentoring programs. We have three books, Art Of Relationship, but Soul truth in the fifth dimension, and lots and lots of opportunities to work with Theo.

Alex Ferrari 1:50:40
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Sheila Gillette 1:50:43
Just, I'm glad you're listening and know that we're all here to make the changes necessary to have a life well lived each and every one of us.

Alex Ferrari 1:50:53
Sheila, it has been such a pleasure and honor having you in the studio and having Theo in the studio, and I appreciate you and everything you're doing to help awaken this planet. So thank you so much.

Sheila Gillette 1:51:02
Thank you, Alex. Great to be here.

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