On today’s episode, we welcome Mariko Frederick, a spiritual teacher and healer who shares the extraordinary experience of crossing the threshold between life and death, and what she learned from it. Her story unfolds as one of transformation and awakening, beginning with a life that seemed to check all the boxes of success: a thriving career in Chinese medicine, a close-knit friend group, and a newly married life filled with promise. But as Mariko recounts, life’s script dramatically shifted when she experienced a near-death encounter that would change everything.

Mariko’s near-death experience began unexpectedly after visiting a practitioner who was not licensed, leading to a life-threatening injury. What followed was a profound journey beyond the veil of this world. As Mariko lay feeling her life force slip away, she was met with a decision. “I think I’ll just let it fall,” she recalls, referring to the weight on her chest that felt like iron. In that moment, she died. But rather than death, she was greeted by a presence—a radiant light, warmer than the sun, a light that seemed so familiar, as if it had always been there.

Floating above her body, she witnessed her husband in the kitchen, brewing a medicinal tea, unaware of the spiritual shift that was taking place. Mariko describes feeling a deep love for him, knowing he would be okay even if she were no longer by his side. In that space beyond, she also experienced a life review, seeing not only her life as it was but as it could have been had she fully lived out her soul’s purpose. The review began with a moment from childhood, where she hurt another child intentionally. “I learned we are never to hurt someone on purpose,” she shares, and that realization has stayed with her.

In her life review, Mariko was guided through moments where she was “soul-aligned” versus when she was “ego-aligned.” These moments, she explains, were not about judgment but about understanding the energy we emit when we live in harmony with our true nature versus when we act out of fear or insecurity. Her guides, benevolent beings of pure love, supported her through this process, showering her with love so intense it would have overwhelmed a human body. The message she took from this experience was clear: it was not her time to die; she had more work to do on Earth.

The depth of Mariko’s spiritual awakening came with an understanding of her true nature. In that moment of realization, she felt herself dissolve into the oneness of all existence. “I was never Mariko. I was never a rock climber. I was never anything I thought I was,” she says. “I am love, I am joy, I am peace. This is who I am.” The simplicity and clarity of this truth resonated with her, not as an intellectual understanding but as a felt experience of universal connection.

After being told by her guides that she had to return to help people, Mariko came back into her body with a new sense of purpose. Her path forward was not to follow conventional routes of medicine but to honor the guidance she received. Her story is one of a soul remembering its divine mission and living in alignment with that truth. Mariko’s journey is not just about surviving death; it’s about living life in a state of conscious awareness and service.


  1. Soul Alignment vs. Ego Alignment: Mariko’s experience teaches us to live in harmony with our soul’s purpose, recognizing when our actions come from fear or insecurity, and choosing love instead.
  2. The Power of a Life Review: Whether during life or after, a life review offers insight into our choices, helping us see the impact we have on others and how we can better align with our higher self.
  3. We Are Infinite Beings: The realization that “I am love, I am peace, I am joy” reminds us that our true essence transcends the roles and identities we hold in this lifetime.

In this profound conversation, Mariko Frederick takes us on a journey through death and beyond, offering a reminder that there is no end—only a continuation of the soul’s eternal existence. She invites us to consider how we are living and whether we are in alignment with our deepest truth.

Please enjoy my conversation with Mariko Frederick.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE030

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Mariko Frederick 0:08
I was 29 when it happened. So before that, I had a full time, you know, pretty successful practice in Chinese medicine. I was an avid rock climber. I was fit. I had a friend group. I was like, everything was good. I was newly married, and everything was really good. I feel like I had reached, like the pinnacle of what we were supposed to have in life, and then I died. So my mom's from Japan, so I think her family was Shinto, and then I've been to a lot of Buddhist funerals and things like that growing up. And then my dad grew up Catholic, and then Christian, but both of them had some experiences in the church that weren't really positive, and so we didn't grow up with religion, not strong. I think I got to go to Sunday school a little bit. But I I kind of joke that I wonder if that was just like babysitting for them, because I don't think they were going to church. So I kind of the story, I don't want to get it triggers people. But what happened was I went to somebody practicing alternative medicine who should have been licensed, and was practicing basically as like a licensed alternative doctor. And later I found out that she was not licensed, had never been to school, and was ordering it through somebody else's doctorate license, her equipment she was using on me so she injured me to the point of having a near death experience. I was I found out later the fifth person she had injured. One person was in intensive care. She had already, already gone up against the Attorney General of that state, and that is basically what happened so but yes, I guess it was a wake up call, because there was, I mean, I was on track, and then there was a missing piece. So that's how it happened. I kind of wish, because I think it would be it almost it would have made more sense to me. I actually didn't. I got sicker and sicker and sicker, but it wasn't something that I could pinpoint and say, Oh, this is happening. I just felt off. I felt very off, very weird. And it was actually like the next day that I had the near death experience, and I was just like, something's wrong. I don't know if you've ever had anything go wrong in your body. I mean, anything like I've had my appendix out right, and you just know something's wrong inside of me, and it was like that. But since I've had both experiences of appendectomy and that, it was like, times 1000 like, Something's very wrong. But I couldn't put my finger. I wasn't like, nothing hurt in one place, right? And I had worked in a neurotrauma intensive care so I'm kind of like, you know, nurses and doctors, we make the worst patients, in a way, because we're, like, assessing, and like, Oh no, I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine. And so I went to lie down, and that's when it happened. It was like all of the life force just drained out of my body. So I was lying there feeling this like crushing weight on my chest. It felt like iron, like an iron weight was on my chest. And I felt like breathing was so hard, right? It was pushing this weight up and letting it fall, and pushing it back up and letting it fall. And eventually I just thought, I think I'll let it fall. And when I did, that is when I died. And in the same moment, I recognized that I wasn't gonna die, because there was no death. But I remember feeling my, you know, before that moment, my blood felt like it was made of lead. Everything was so heavy, and breathing was so difficult. And I just thought, you know, breathing is really hard. Like, why am I doing this? Because it was, like, all of a sudden, this epiphany that I don't have to do this. This is I don't have to do this. And it didn't feel again, like I was dying. It didn't feel like the scary or sad thing. And so I did take my last breath, and that's when I'm, you know, I was feeling that the life force drain out of my body, like, like you would drain a pool. And then I saw this. It was like it was almost always there, with this light, like 1000 sun shining at my forehead. It was so familiar and so warm, like it had always been there. And I just remember feeling like, wow, breathing is really overrated. It's funny. We think we have to do it. And I just felt like, oh, wow, this is so much better, right? And still having this idea that I guess I'm dying, but I'm also not. So it wasn't it was so familiar. This process felt very familiar to me. And so after that, I guess I was floating above my body, because I remember watching my husband in the kitchen. He was actually brewing like a medicinal tea, because we didn't we knew I didn't feel well. We weren't sure what, so I'd asked him for something Chinese medicine wise, like put those herbs together. Maybe I'll feel better, you know, I mean, I'm like, you're not. I didn't believe I was dying. I just thought I didn't feel well. I didn't know what was happening. So I watched him, and I remember saying goodbye and feeling so much love for him and just knowing that he would be okay, and he would remarry, and everything would be okay, and it might not be the same as what we have, but he would be okay. And then from there, I sort of went into more of the, I guess, near death experience, where I said goodbye to my family, and then I stepped behind the veil. I wasn't stepping because I wasn't in my body anymore. And so beyond the veil was where everything started to unfold and take place. And that's where I had, like my life review, and I got to see everything, everything that was important, right? All the moments of decision and interaction that mattered. And that's where my life review really started. When. Was in kindergarten, so I was four or five years old, even at that age, but I was doing it intentionally to hurt somebody, and I was teasing her about some something, and I made her cry, being mean to this little girl, and from her point of view, like I was inside her body feeling what she was feeling, and I was just being mean and teasing her about something had to do with like dog prints in the in the cement was really silly, and I told her that the dog had died, and how would you like it if you died, and people laughed at you, and I was just being really mean. And I was feeling from her standpoint, I could hear in her head, why is she doing this? Why is she being so mean to me, like she didn't understand, and she just started to Well, up and cry, and then I stopped being mean to her, because I made her cry, and I didn't want to get in trouble. So that was my first big life experience in the life review. It didn't matter how little I was. I was doing this on purpose, and we are not to ever intentionally hurt somebody. And so I learned really never to be that way. So I went through the life review and I saw again, all the pivotal moments of the way I describe it is when I was soul aligned versus when I was ego aligned, because it's not really bad or good. It's just, are you coming home, or are you going away from home, within yourself, within your soul. And so, you know, seeing a lot and just feeling gratitude, the way we could put it, is like gratitude from the universe, gratitude from God. When I was doing a good job, but so much gratitude that it would explode me, if I could feel it in this in this human body, and also my own deep regret and disappointment when I did something ego based. It wasn't from the universe. The universe was impartial. It was non judgmental, except when I was doing something good and there was just like, tremendous love, and maybe it was my love for my own soul, right? Because there is nobody else, right? We're all one. But I was experiencing duality still so feeling that love and then also feeling that deep regret when I was when I was out of alignment. But I will say in my life review, it felt very much like this benevolent being watching over me, kind of with a smirk, like, Yeah, I know, you know, but there was just so much love. There could never be. There was no duality to love. So there couldn't be judgment, because there was no opposite. And I think the whole purpose of my near death was just to remind me to get to work. So I didn't see that. I did see I got downloaded with I didn't know what it was. You know, they have this huge experience. And so after that life review of seeing everything, and I was only 29 so I hadn't lived that long, and a lot of it was just mistakes. I made. The biggest mistake, honestly, was the intentional one when I was little. That was the that was the biggest thing I came back with, because I think we can excuse ourselves. And I realized, no, we can't. No, you're not in trouble, but don't do that. So after that, they actually cleared me of something. I remember seeing this silhouette dropping through a big, round light. And I remember asking this guide, who is, what is that? And they said, it's the part of you that gets attached. And we, just like in the silence, watched it move through this tunnel of light. And then we moved on to the next phase, which was meeting these four beings. But I can't tell you what they looked like, because they weren't in form. So it was like these beings of just infinite love. But I could tell there was four of them, and they just showered me with this intense, unconditional, divine love. Again, it would have exploded a human body. We couldn't accept that much in our incarnate and I felt so connected to them. And then they did we. It was almost like we were having a meeting. And it was this very sacred moment with I could tell they were connecting to me and giving me some information that I would use later. And so we just sat in the quiet. Not gonna sit, but we were there in the quiet, the stillness. And then when that was complete, I was like, okay, whatever that is, I'll use it at a later date. I didn't know what it was, and I remember just again, it's so funny, these human limitations, the words we have, because I'll say standing I'm not standing anywhere, because I'm not in a body. But it felt like I was standing and watching out throughout the universe, and I just had this full realization of who I am, that I was never modico, I was never a rock climber, I was never anything. I thought I was, and that I was finally me, and I'm love, I'm Joy, I'm bliss,

I am peace. This is who I am. And everything I was just kind of melted away, and I realized and felt that we are all one. So I could never be modico, because we're one. So I'm having this awakening realization and just feeling the bliss of the universe. For people have asked me how long, and it was like, I don't know, 800 years. You know, it felt like I had a whole lifetime, many I mean, just lifetime here is just a blip, right? So it just felt like that's where I was experiencing infinite time as my true reality, my true identity as the infinite soul. And that's when I heard the voice say, it's not your time. You have to go back to which I responded, No, because like, go back and be who? Right? I'd been here so long, I was like, what? And then they said, you have to go back. You have to go back and help people. It's not your time. And the way I communicated was what I call through a thought wave. So it was like a wave of everything I'm trying to communicate, but in a thought. But it wasn't through words, it wasn't verbal. And I commuted that back. And then again, they. Communicated to me, it's not my time. I have to go back and help people. And they explain that everybody has a time, and you can't go before and you can't go after, and this is not your time. You have to go back and help people. And I understood at that moment, okay, I'll do it. I've got something big. I've got something more to do, whatever that is. And I remember I was like, trying to get back in my body, and I didn't know how, because how do you do that. So I was like, okay, nothing happened. And so I told them, I can't get back in my body, to which they then like I felt like I was being hurled through space. And then I was in my body. I took a breath, and there was just raking pain, and I thought, I've got to get to the hospital. And as soon as I had that, thought it was almost like I was back again with them, just a little bit, and they said, don't use Western medicine. And they let me know that if I did, it would interrupt whatever had taken place, whatever light codes I'd gotten, whatever was happening. I realized that was not the path which was hard, because I had worked in a trauma intensive care. And so, you know, my logical mind is like, you need to go to hospital. And so they sort of let me know, but on such a deep level that I really understood it, and then I came back and what I knew I was meant to do. So my support system was my husband, who was there when it happened. And it's a big message when I came back and they said, Remember who you are. I was like, really have to do that. So I stayed conscious between lifetimes. And I thought everyone did. I thought it was totally normal. I didn't know until I was nine, about 19 years old, when someone told me that people don't remember in between lifetimes. So for me, remember who you are, go back and help people. Was them calling me to start sharing my story of what happens to us in between lifetimes, because I thought I didn't know. I didn't know that people didn't remember that or not remember like they forgot. But I didn't know that everyone didn't experience one long lifetime. It's funny, because in some ways, people say, don't remember, but every time I tell my story, it's like, You do remember. There's a remembrance inside of you. So when in my last life I died, and I died probably around the age I am now. I think I was in my 40s. I had a young daughter. I was a male. My wife had died. I remember the whole process of dying. I remember lying in bed and having my friends and family. And family around and again, feeling familiar, even though I didn't want to die and I was like clinging to life, also feeling that this process was very familiar, going through my life review, and this is the one that really hits me, when they took me through that life review, they showed me what I could have done my potential. Had I lived the assignment on my soul? Had I done what they told me to do all along? This is what would have happened. You would have helped people exponentially. Your life would have been more impactful for others. And so I said, Okay, send me back. I'll do it. I understand now. I'm sorry. I'll do it. Send me back in. And they said, You can't You're dead. It's too late, and you'll never be that person again. So I live with that every day, that deep regret of wanting to live the assignment on my soul and at the same time feeling like, you know, little nervous about it. And I was like that my whole life. So I went from there. And actually I didn't go right into the higher realms, because I had this young daughter, and I felt like I didn't want to leave her. And so I sort of stayed in this in between watching her almost like I was watching a movie and and she was crying, and she was in bed all the time. And it wasn't until she started living her life and started to like feel happy again, that I realized I need to go on with my life. She's living her life, and it's time for me to go live mine. And at that point, I went into the higher realm. I went into the astral realm, which is a world made of light, and you come into a light body, and it's where you know you're using your chakras and you're telepathic. I think a lot of people would feel that this is heaven. I remember when I first got there, I couldn't move or see anything. It was just like everything around me was white. And then I realized, oh, I have to open my spiritual eye. Not that I had that thought, but it was like, oh, right, I know how to do this. And then as I opened and I remember the world around me just came alive on this it was like a planet. It's a higher realm, but it was a planet. And I remember just looking at my body and feeling like, oh, right, this is who I am. And I felt a lot taller and very young and just healthy, so healthy, like being sick was like impossible, and feeling just this radiant love and peace. And I remember looking down and just seeing the grass underneath my feet at bare feet, and just looking down and seeing this emerald green grass shooting up all around me, and recognizing that this world, like we only see half the rainbow on Earth, and there's a whole different category of color there. And again, it's so familiar. When you're experiencing it, you're like, oh, right, I knew that. I knew that, right? And just experiencing water moving through this river, but it was made of light, and everything there is made of light. And I had this entire lifetime. We're here to release all of the roles that we think we are on earth, in the astral realm. You don't want to have a role. And I don't remember the details. It was just love and joy and excitement, and from there, it almost felt like a celebration with so many of the beings in that realm, I got to go into the higher realm and incarnate in the causal realm and have a whole lifetime there. So each lifetime, we're an infinite time. So I don't know how long I was there, and that's where they did a life review with me. So from the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom to the. Kingdom. I got to see my entire all of my lifetimes, and experience all of them. The essence of me was still there even in the other lifetimes. The first thing is, so keep it simple, you guys. I think people are overthinking it. They're over pressuring themselves, like take the pressure off. The only thing you're here to do is not a doing, it's a being. The only thing that we're here for is enlightenment and self realization at the very beginning, right to realize and remember who you are, as the soul, and then move into, Oh, I am, oneness, consciousness. There is no one else. That's the only thing we're here for. That's the experience the universe is having through us, of moving away from itself to come back to itself. And then we complicate it with jobs, and we complicate it with these roles that we want to play because we want to we do want to do something. And I just said a little while ago, get up and do something. The doing comes out of your soul, right? So the doing comes from our soul. Of like, this is what I have to do. I believe in you. And feeling that my future self, believe in me, got me where I am, oneness, consciousness. It's ever expanding you and me. It's our true identity. It's the ultimate reality with no opposite. Remember who you are.

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