IT HAS BEGUN! Ancient Texts REVEAL That THIS Is The FINAL Battle for Humanity’s Soul! with Mike Dooley

On today’s episode, we welcome Mike Dooley back to the show, a man whose insights into spiritual awakening and manifesting have resonated deeply with millions across the globe. Mike is the author of “The Great Awakening,” a book centered on humanity’s path toward a higher consciousness through channeling wisdom from six spiritual guides. He returns to the podcast with fresh ideas about what it means to live through this pivotal moment in human history, where awakening is no longer just a prophecy—it’s happening right now.

The conversation begins with a deep dive into the essence of destiny. Mike stresses that “nothing is set in stone.” We often feel as though the future is rigid, but the reality is far more flexible. Humanity is walking through an awakening that has been predicted for centuries, but it’s not happening by accident. He likens this time to the “apocalypse” as it was once understood—not as an end, but as a reset, a moment of deconstruction to make way for something more luminous and loving. “The apocalypse,” Mike says, “isn’t the end, it’s a beginning.”

Throughout the episode, Mike Dooley brings his usual lighthearted yet profound perspective, reminding us that spiritual awakening isn’t about fighting darkness. Rather, it’s about embracing truth, seeing through the illusions, and stepping into our roles as co-creators of this evolving reality. The journey, as he describes it, is akin to shedding old fears, judgments, and limitations. We are moving towards a future where ignorance will no longer dominate, and we will witness a “golden age” built on love and light. This perspective feels like a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of current events.

Mike also talks about the pivotal role that channeling has played in his own awakening. He admits that at one point, the idea of extraterrestrials and ascended beings speaking through humans was difficult for him to fully accept. But as his path unfolded, he learned that the messages delivered from these otherworldly guides are ultimately about humanity’s evolution. “Don’t get lost in the messenger,” he advises. “Listen to the message.” Whether it’s Bashar, Pleiadian beings, or ancient masters like Jesus and Buddha, the core teaching remains the same: we are here to realize our divinity, to love, and to rise together.


  1. We Are Co-Creators – One of the most empowering messages Mike shares is that we are all creating our own reality, even when it feels like life is happening to us. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions shape the world we experience. “Your thoughts become things,” he emphasizes.
  2. Follow Joy, Not Logic – Many of us get stuck in overthinking, trying to logically map out every step of our lives. Mike reminds us to trust the inner compass of joy. “We’ve been taught not to trust our feelings, but those feelings are our most direct connection to higher guidance.”
  3. Everything Has Meaning – Every small detail of life, from a bird flying by to a random interaction, is a clue from the universe. Mike urges us to stay present and recognize that nothing happens by accident. Each moment is a piece of the divine puzzle unfolding.

As the conversation wraps up, Mike leaves us with a beautiful reflection: the universe is not something separate from us. We are part of it, and it is part of us. This interconnectedness means that as we shift our consciousness, we help the world shift too. It’s not always easy, but we don’t have to rush the process. “Love will take you all the way,” he says, a sentiment that speaks directly to the heart.

Please enjoy my conversation with Mike Dooley.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 507

Mike Dooley 0:00
Nothing is destined. There's nothing set in stone. But yet there are such clear likelihoods and probabilities that this great awakening that we're now living through has been prophesized for millennia. This is in large part what Nostradamus was talking about, the book of Revelation, more recently, the Age of Aquarius. I mean, on and on and on the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 for the beginning of a new one. Most people kind of just kind of glanced over the beginning of a new one. It was like the end of times. And that's exactly what's happened with these prophesized messages from millennia gone by, they've been hijacked and misunderstood and misinterpreted. We are literally living through the Armageddon. The apocalypse has begun yet to most people. You know that means the end of time.

Alex Ferrari 0:58
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion Mike Dooley, how you doing Mike?

Mike Dooley 1:13
Hey Alex, great to be with you again. Thanks for the opportunity.

Alex Ferrari 1:17
Oh, thank you so much for coming back, my friend. You're you're one of my favorite people in the world. I love the work that you're doing in the world, and I'm, in my small way, trying to shine a light on on people like yourself and the work that you're doing in the world. So thank you for for coming back to the show.

Mike Dooley 1:30
You are humble, brother. You are doing great things, moving mountains, and we're all honored to support you. So thanks.

Alex Ferrari 1:39
Appreciate it. Well, we're here to talk a little bit about your new book, The Great Awakening, with six channels. All have all of almost all of them have been on the show. Only one hasn't, or actually, two hasn't in this one, yes, but, but these. This is a book of channeled wisdom with Sarah Landon and Daryl Anka and many and Michael and Matt Khan, this is pretty profound book, and we wanted to come and talk a little bit about what you found in your journeys talking to channels. As I am one of those people as well who get to talk to at least almost 100 channels. At this point, I've become the place to talk to channels. But before we go down that before, before that we go down that road, I wanted to ask you about humanity's Great Awakening, which is the title of the book, and the future. Where do you envision humanity's awakening and evolving in this year to come, the rest of this year, which has been a term, a little bit of a walkie, want to say the least. And we still have got plenty of time for more wonkiness, especially on an election year. But for this year, where do you where do you see it? And then also and beyond, for the next, the rest of this decade.

Mike Dooley 2:51
You know exactly what's going to play out is hard to pin down. I mean, nothing is destined. There's nothing set in stone. But yet there are such clear likelihoods and probabilities that this great awakening that we're now living through has been prophesized for millennia. This is in large part what Nostradamus was talking about, the book of Revelation, more recently, the Age of Aquarius, I mean, on and on and on the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 for the beginning of a new one. Most people kind of just kind of glanced over the beginning of a new one. It was like the end of times. And that's exactly what's happened with these prophesized messages from millennia gone by. They've been hijacked and misunderstood and misinterpreted. We are literally living through the Armageddon. The apocalypse has begun yet to most people, you know that means the end of times you know that complete reset GOD is coming, gonna sift through the people like separating them like wheat from the chaff. Oh, the people are separated like wheat from the chaff right now through their own choices, choices that were foreseeable by ancient prophecy makers who could tune in to this evolution and leap of consciousness into higher vibrations, greater light, more love than we have ever experienced on the entire planet since it began its role and and what it meant, the the apocalypse, that's the deconstruction, the the the rebuilding, the new construction, the start over, because with Armageddon, otherwise known as the final battle, well, it is the final battle we have been wrestling. Of fear and darkness since we showed up here, and that was par for the course. This is the biggest plunge that a spiritual being can make. This is the razor's edge of reality creation. And so we got our little egos on, and we've been judging ourselves and others with our physical senses alone, looking like, thinking that life is happening to us and that we're mere bystanders. Uh, just like, you know, if I wasn't here, it wouldn't really matter. Everything would keep going. Now that's that's not how it's working. You are a creator, and this is your world that you're experiencing. And then there's this overlay with millions and then ultimately, billions of other co creators, as we're all working our way through chaos, darkness, if you will, as a metaphor for ignorance, moving into the light, a metaphor for truth, Finding out who we really are on the cusp of this dawn before which will be a golden age right around the corner. I'm going to get exactly to your point here. But this final battle, Alex, is between ignorance and truth, and it was foreseen that we would eventually given our divine lineage and supernatural abilities finally get out of our own way and move into the truth of our power and see the beauty that's everywhere. Ignorance is on its last legs. There's not going to be any more wars driven by fear. There's no room for fear when you understand we're all brothers and sisters, when you understand that we're each a unique spark of God Almighty, if you will. And so you know the original sin, the forbidden fruit, the tree of knowledge that all spoke to us, fumbling around, not realizing that we were simultaneously creating that which we were experiencing. Fast forward a few 1000 years. We got the secret by Rhonda, Byrne and and others saying, Hey, you're powerful. What you choose to focus on makes all the difference. And there's the naysayers and the resistance. The people being separated like wheat from the chaff are those who are okay with, you know, full disclosure, transparency. Let's talk about these issues that affects humanity, whether it's racism or privilege. Let's move through it. And then there's the others that are like, I had no way buck. This is not the way it works. Survival of the fittest. I'm going to I'm going to stand my ground here. I got a I got a cult or a Magnum. You know, Don't tread on me. That resistance, Alex, is what's bubbling up right now. And finally, answering your question, hopefully that was not too much context, what's bubbling up right now is this, you know, the light is breaking through, and then there's this pullback, and then there's this joyful leap forward, and then there's like, No way, Jose. And just as when an individual goes through tumult chaos, they're being torn in different directions. You know, bear more of their soul. No, keep it private. Step out more in the world. Be confident. No, I'm not ready. I'm not worried. When we have inner turmoil and it really bubbles over. We we get sick, we physically catch a cold, we get cancer, we get you know, the list of maladies is endless, and this is reflective of that inner angst, and the same is true of the body of humanity right now, pulling here, going there, yes, no, it's right, it's wrong. What would Jesus do? This was covid. This was covid where we all needed to clamp down a little bit, get grounded, rearrange our priorities, maybe get closer to family and friends and then start going back out. Covid was the beginning of a great healing. And I know I'm speaking to the choir for you, Alex, I'd like to think I am and to your audience, but, but that angst is still not fully cleared. And so what are we going to see in the days, weeks and months ahead? You know, drawing from Bashar, who I've really loved seeing on your show. You know, maintain a positive perspective, which does. And honor the the profundity of what he's seeing and sharing with us, because it sounds like I have a positive attitude. It's way more than that. You know, follow your highest excitement, do all that you can about it, and that is good advice for everyone today. And whatever shows up, you know, a disappointment, a setback, chaos in the polling stations, who knows what may follow? Understand that in some way, it is playing to a greater good, because those involved in that chaos are learning what they most need to learn in ways that are most effective for them. And if we can stand back and choose to see the light and focus in on the love the council told me. I said, you know, years ago, could just a couple of years ago, at the beginning of the Great Awakenings book assembly, I said, you know, there's just so much bad and ugly happening in the world like never before. And they said, Well, we happen to notice otherwise, there's actually more love, more community, more cooperation, more support of one another than ever before. And so taking Bashar words, if we move with expectations of greatness, expectations of grandeur, expectations of light and love, carrying us into further truths. I really do believe. And he would say, we will choose to experience manifestations in parallel existences which will become the main existence for those who choose such where, hey, we're going to make it, we're going to make it through this, and it's going to be, it's going to be beautiful, and it's already beautiful, and there's already so much love. And so I think it's up to each of us how much chaos and helter skelter we're going to see in the days, weeks and months ahead, that's how powerful we are.

Alex Ferrari 12:05
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening more and more every day. Mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us. That is why inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond a six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul. Experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration. Join us and step into the extraordinary.

Beautiful answer, sir, beautiful answer. Now, what role do you think that the Ascended Masters, Earth's Ascended Masters, are going to play in this great human awakening?

Mike Dooley 13:15
Exciting question, and that's but the book includes references too. There are Ascended Masters and and I know again, that your audience is is ripe for this. They're already there. But I mean, really, when we get it into our heads that we are being helped constantly and throughout recorded history, I mean Jesus and ascended master, Buddha, Babaji and and so many others, they have been here all the time, calmly, patiently, lovingly, kind of carrying us when we couldn't carry ourselves, reminding us to turn the other cheek, reminding us that we have the ability to move mountains, reminding us that we were made in The likeness of God using the language they had at the time. They weren't saying source energy or all that is. And I don't think there's anything wrong with using the word God. I don't mean it in a religious way, but, but it means so many different things to so many different people. They're here now. They're whispering, if you will, metaphorically, and one of the best ways they reach us is through the channeled work of folks like Sarah Landon, Darryl Anka, Daniel Scranton, Matt Kahn and so many others. Folks are tuning in to their supernatural abilities that have always been there. Even this conversation is channel, and I know that you channel, Alex, I hear you get on a riff, and we're allowing it to come forth. And so they're here in great numbers. They're here with angels and other higher realm beings. And one of the things that is just so. Trippy and mind boggling and absolutely exciting is that the wisdom we most need right now is coming from what, for me, would have been a very unlikely place, where I was in thought a couple of short years ago. And that is I mean, even saying this now extraterrestrials, they're among us. They are. They are Bashar, Sarah Landon, not Sarah Landon. She channels the council.

Alex Ferrari 15:33
There's many channelers who channel extraterrestrial beings.

Mike Dooley 15:36
Yes, yeah. Lisa Royal Holt channels Sasha Pleiadian, who lives in a spaceship most of the time right now over Mount Fuji Bashar lives on a spaceship right now over Bell Rock. But they know that they're multi dimensional beings and they're in many other places at the same time, but but so exciting is what they've shared. I had the privilege of co authoring a book about five years ago with Tracy Farquhar from deep space with love and she channeled Frank, a collective from brohoshka, another planet, not from the higher realms, if you will, although higher vibrations. But Frank hails from Planet brohoshka in this physical universe, but just far removed from our planet. And I said to Frank, I asked the book was a Q and A, and I said, you know, Frank, what do you guys look like, and what is your life like on Planet brohoshka? And his answer was, or their answer was, we are and our life is unimaginably different than yours, which is kind of like I was almost I mean, are they like dolphins or whales or octopi or or elephants, or are they like, you know, insect beings. It's like, almost creepy. But they added this while we are unimaginably different than you I mean, that's, that's a whole lot of space, unimaginably different than us. Our spiritual journeys and the evolution of our consciousness is virtually identical to yours, and they were reaching out because their civilization went through this expected learning curve that ours is now going through, but 1000 years ago. And it turns out Sasha and the others, these ETs that are now speaking to us, their civilizations, have gone through this exact awakening from the darkness into the light, from fear, into their power and into love. And they're like, Oh my gosh. We know what a slippery slope that is. Oh my gosh, we we have Tales and Stories galore of our emergence into the light, and we want to be beside you, offering help. Should you so ask so that you might negotiate and navigate this slope with a little bit of our wisdom, knowing that they can't just show up and land, not yet without, you know, cracking our psych and facilitating pandemonium. Although in the near future, they all say that this is inevitable, but right now, they have said we can help you to the degree that you ask for help, we can give you information to help you make decisions that you choose, perhaps modeled on the successful decisions we've made. And Frank said that when they went through their slippery slope, there was a lot of resistance. There were, there were folks that just abandoned civilization and were never heard from again on their planet, while those who stayed witnessed a a revival in the arts and in commerce and in cooperation and how the society was put together far beyond their wildest imaginings, where everything bloomed, everything turned to gold. There was not a single hungry belly, because there was this transparency, because there was this camaraderie, because fear was on its last leg and it was kicked out the door and they open themselves up to celestial help and higher realm help, which is exactly what's happening right now.

Alex Ferrari 19:49
Mike, so I have to say, because a lot of people listening, when the second you say the word et, they kind of blank out. And I get it. I completely get it, because then our tinfoil hats have to come on. So do. Generally speaking, you know, I've had Bashar on, you know, Bashar was on, Darryl was on the other day talking about our first contacts going to happen in 2026 2025 2026 there might be a, you know, a first contact of some sort. I bring this up because, you know, you and I even you said, you like, I, you know, I, you even were kind of like, I don't even know if I should say this, because I can't believe I'm saying this myself about ETs. The reason I'm bringing this up is, anytime someone questions this idea even channels, even channeling, and your whole book is about channels, don't get lost in the messenger. And that's I always say, don't get lost in the messenger. What are they saying? What are the words? What is the feeling, the intention, coming through and ignore I don't care if it's an insect. ET, like you were mentioning, I never, none of these are, by the way, but you know, you know if it's an alien or if it's a predator who's very enlightened predator out there from, you know, what are they saying so? And I wanted to kind of just say that for people listening so they don't get lost in what you're saying. And the message is coming through these beings, you know, regardless of what the origin is, it really is. Anytime Daryls on the show, we refer to him as Bashar, we all know that he's talking about an alien, but generally speaking, I don't want people to get caught up in that, because they'll get hooked onto that and like, oh, well, this is all like, you know, do you agree with what I'm saying, especially, even so everything

Mike Dooley 21:32
That's so that's so important, Alex and well said, and I probably should have prefaced it myself, because it's just so often unexpected, but I've got a little litmus test that I developed a long time ago, being a teacher of what I call truth. And I do believe truth is absolute. There's a lot of ways to it. It's always benign and empowering. But if an idea brand new to me, whether it's you know, something that ETS exist, or something an ET supposedly sad or channeled essence. If this idea either speaks of life's beauty or speaks of our power and leaves no one behind, I think we're dealing with an absolute if it speaks of life's beauty or it speaks of our power. And it applies to everyone, whether they go to church, whether they bow in curtsy, whether they are vegetarian or a carnivore. It applies to everyone, and no one is excluded. I feel like that's when I start feeling buoyant, like if I'm exposed to a new idea. I think when millions were exposed, billions were exposed to the secret, the law of attraction in 2006 2007 when people are exposed to the truth, you know, useful truth like that, not hypothetical. Maybe this like you are powerful, and you're powerful come your power comes from your choice and what you think about you're ultimately going to bring about people like light up. They're like I knew it. I knew deep down, I knew I was powerful. I wasn't forsaken. I've not been judged. I've done the best I can, and I can rewrite my life from this point forward, going forward, and while ETS may be kind of esoteric, you know, I joke in one of my books about, you know, the question of whether or not we are the only intelligent life in the entire physical multi universe. You know, that question really begs the intelligence of the person asking. It's like there are a minimum of 10 sextillion stars, not counting planets, which are much bigger number. And on this planet, depending on how you define species, there's a minimum of either 40 to 100 million different species on one planet and and of the most extraordinary life forms you know, whether it's whales or microorganisms and hot lava pits or, you know, caterpillars turning into freaking butterflies like mind boggling the mind that's capable of doing that for us on planet Earth, whatever you want to call it, there is some kind of intelligence quite evident. Would not have stopped here, would there's there's this vastness of space before you even get to the multi universe, and so to think that there might be millions or even billions of other planets, is actually a likelihood that that that exists in our physical cosmos. And then the question is, well, do you think that we are the smartest and the most evolved of the millions of other planetary creatures? It's like you. That would not make any sense as a logic or or deduced reason. Maybe theoretically, at best, we're in the middle. I've heard from some channeled works that were actually in the lower third, and that kind of makes sense, when, when? When? Most people, I think I can say most people still think God's an angry white man who put us here to be tested judged in sentence like that does not make sense. That doesn't How could this symphony of magnificence be run by a petty little child? It's not. And so if there's more intelligent beings, and we have evidence of them visiting with spacecraft provided by the Navy, no less. And this exciting book called imminent that's just recently come out, we've got evidence everywhere of ancient ruins that are mysterious, maybe not built by aliens. I think we could have done it ourself, using higher principles than we're now aware of, just as it would be infinitely likely that there's more intelligent life in the cosmos capable of visiting us, I I've speculated in my deep space with love book, wouldn't you think that those civilizations would also be more advanced spiritually speaking, or call it metaphysically oriented, where they're aware of the power and influence of thought combined with emotion fortified with action in the direction of a desired transformation, they'd probably be, you know, some of them might be millions of years more advanced than us, and so they visited Frank was one such example, through, through, kind of, what's it called? There's a word for remote viewing kind of thing, yeah, or, you know, just picking up our brainwaves and spaces known science tells us it's an illusion, that space is not what we think it is. I mean, it's all happening here and now. So Rocha and every other infinite possibility is right here and now. So, so these beings, the advanced ones, have been through exactly what planet Earth is now going through, what was prophesized 1000s of years ago for us by earthlings, and they're here to lend a hand. They see us literally as their brothers and sisters, spiritual brothers and sisters. Doesn't matter what you look like. Frank went on to say that they're learning patience, they're learning love, they're learning empathy, they're learning creativity. This is the journey of consciousness in the illusions of time, space and matter, and that's what every being, every sentient being, is doing in these sacred jungles of time and space, for the joy of it, for the fun of it. And so to go back to your point about, you know, the caveat about, you know, can we talk about ETs without, you know, people zoning out. It's like, listen to the message. Is it supportive? Is it about love? Is it about working together? Is it about us? It's not. They're not here to steal our golden and petroleum. They're not here. They got things going on pretty dang good, if they can, you know, travel through wormholes in a couple of seconds flat and traverse an entire multi universe. They know a few tricks, but I just got back from safari in Africa, and the rule is, you know, leave it as you found it. Do not, do not change a single thing in the perfection of this ecosystem, you know. And if you feel sorry for that cute little warthog about to be devoured by the charging lion. Back off, let it be. And that's their their standing instructions. If there are galactic laws, I'm sure they're not laws. I'm sure they're like guidelines. Love lines like, Look, you don't go to another planet and turn upside down the apple cart and say, Oh, you dummies. Don't you know you're spiritual. Hey, let us land on the White House front lawn and show you how things really work. That if that was done out of order, it could well precipitate the end of our civilization through absolute sheer panic, because suddenly none of the old school stuff, none of the doctrines, no religion, fits in. It all breaks down, and so they've got to be so careful not to undo the good work of. The Ascended Masters who helped us get this far and on the cusp of our awakening, which is truly imminent.

Alex Ferrari 30:08
Now Mike, what, what are the biggest challenges you see and from the book as well, from these six channels, what are the biggest challenges they foresee for Humanity's journey towards a Christ consciousness or a rising in frequency.

Mike Dooley 30:24
The number one thing I think we could distill it down to, is our addiction to logical thought. That is like the number one thing you know, of course, there's going to be pockets of resistance and pockets of fear, and all of us here now have the ability to rise above and see the light, but for us to actually embody our highest potential means working with that other operating system that's actually Located in our solar plexus, working from this operating system so that we are led with infinite, infallible guidance. 24/7, so, but, but we want to check off boxes and double down on the hatches and make sure this is right. And did we go over there and we are thinking so addictively that we have not created the simple space to hear what our heart has been telling us from day one as to this might serve you a little more you could dabble over here. Doesn't have to make sense just yet. That is the biggest challenge we have. But let me not blow it out of proportion. I mean, that's something we can all learn to do. We can all learn right away, and some folks are really good at it already, to be moved by joy, to be led by love, to tune into does this feel right? Does this decision for the business investment or for child rearing or family considerations? Does this feel right? We've been taught here too far like, don't trust your feelings. If anything you do, don't trust your feelings. Those are just feelings, you know, you're too sentimental, which was actually, you know, not, not the best advice, but we had to go through exactly what we went through, including the trials and pain and suffering brought about by the logical mind, to understand that there's got to be a better way, and the more we kind of tune in, tune in with our higher self. I know I mean directionally. It's like there's no such thing as direction in space anyway. But you know, our higher self feel our heart, less logic, more living in the present, more trust and surrender. Know that you are provided for. Like Sarah Landon says, Through the council, you know, follow the light, open and allow follow the light. There is a light shining all the time. I think I'll go here. I think I'll have a snack. I think I'll call somebody, you know, these have profound meaning, and when we can really learn how to discern what our inner guidance, our higher operating system is telling us, we will always be in the right place at the right time, our needs will be met before we even formulate, like, Okay, I know what I want to visualize and manifest next. You know, that's the old, the old way of living deliberately, kind of force it through your vision board and, you know, and I use all that stuff, and, you know, there's a transition involved, but what, what most comes to mind through the operating system that we're going to start using from, I think it's called perfect manifestation, according to the council, is just this surrender in the moment where we allow what we most Need to learn, to show up as a lesson to what we most need to play with, to show up as a best friend or an idea to go somewhere. I mean, everything is brought to us all the time, and if we simply set our internal compass to joy and service, which becomes synonymous once all of your cups start overflowing. I mean, my greatest joy now is my charity foundation, gifts from the universe and going out and helping you know either addicts or orphans or Recently, because of my trip to Africa, the rhino um. It's like, oh, man, I I don't believe in selfless service. I believe in self full service, which helps me reconcile some of the repulsion I used to have from the the church. That would be like, you know, put the needs of others before your own. It's like, look, God wanted to be me. There's stuff to be mined here, there. There's a journey and an adventure to be had here, and I can't do that if I'm just, you know, putting the needs of others before my own. I still end up doing that, but I frame it as selffully Serving by following my compass, living my joy, and going where I think the most fun will be had, taking into account family and friends and a business model and all those things. This is, this is where we're going learning how to use this higher operating system so we can gently set aside the over reliance on logic and thought.

Alex Ferrari 35:58
Now let's, let's shift gears over to manifestation a little bit. And what we're going to be doing in this new, awakened place that we're coming to. How can people use angelic teams, if you will, to manifest their dreams in a more aligned way? Yeah, we're going down some rabbit holes. Yeah.

Mike Dooley 36:19
Yeah. I like it Well, I mean, even though I'm not of any religious persuasion, I did have some exposure to the Bible and there, and there's so much beauty there. Like I'm sure in virtually all the holy books, there's so much beauty there. They began with the with noble intentions, I have no doubt before some lunatics tried to hijack it and gain power, but whenever two or more are gathered, in my name to rewrite that, whenever two or more are gathered in aspiration and in hope and in The beauty of exercising their power in a love filled world, the the additional power that one person would ordinarily have, which is enough to do it, but that power, it goes up exponentially, and now that we can talk about, not only ETS, but even with a greater understanding the angelic realm and the other elementals and sentient beings that have gone unseen in this world, if We align with more than just ourselves, friends, housemates, partners, in business or in play, suddenly there's this like crystallization upon what it is we'd most like to achieve as we define it together. That's part and parcel of this. When you want to manifest with others. What is the desired end result? Not like, how are we going to get, you know, to a place of good and plenty? Like, define good and plenty. Define joy and prosperity. Define the transformation you'd like to see before your very eyes, personally, with your physique, losing weight, rejuvenating, or, you know, raising the vibration of school children in your community when more than one gets clear on the destination the end result, instantaneously divine, Infinite Intelligence, capable of putting 6 10, sextillion stars in the sky. Knows the shortest, quickest, happiest way and immediately being that it is connected to every living, breathing, sentient creature within the scope of this arena, being transformed those in alignment are drawn closer. Those out of alignment are gently given their own arenas to suddenly through heretofore serendipities and so called. Oh, what a coincidence. I can't believe that I was just thinking this and it showed up. Or sometimes these circumstances shift through accidents, hopefully a happy accident. Sometimes it's the worst seeming thing that could happen, but in hindsight, you found your power. In hindsight, you you rewrote the rest of your life. It's like that's how the thoughts that we entertain of desired end results which exist once they're dwelled upon and thought about and felt, that's how they merge with the circumstances and players of our lives today, through serendipities, coincidences and so called accidents. There ain't no such thing as a serendipity, coincident and accident. These are deliberate. Orchestrations by Divine Mind, moving the thinker to a physically altered experience stage platform that will mirror what they were thinking about at the outset. And the way that this can work with angels in this new higher order is that that already, as we move into truth, it is known what we most want, most desires are simply stepping stones to how I'm going to be happier, how I'm going to find peace, how I'm going to live in joy, where I will find more love, the happiness, the joy, the peace and the love they were known. This is the default setting. This is what's being pressed to us every single day through shifting circumstances, but when we can get clear on it, using our higher connection to all of the infinite possibilities out there, and simply defining it as just euphoria and bliss and camaraderie, high fives and knuckle to knuckle, fist bumps and warm bear hugs. That's what I want. Universe is like. I know I've been on it, but now that you've gotten clarity and you've got this towering team at your beck and call, prepared to be astounded, it's like manifesting on steroids is going to be the norm because we're falling into alignment with truth. We've only ever wanted more joy. We've only ever wanted more love, but we thought it would come about when this person introduced me to that person, and I got to go on this trip and met over there. We we try to micromanage our manifestations, and we've done it with some success, but really, it only limits an otherwise unlimited universe. Who already knows the shortest, quickest way it's still, if I just can add this, it's still incumbent upon every single one of us to continue dancing life's dance, and I mean physically, get out in the world, press the flesh, shake hands, be available, ask for help, go to the trade show, make the cold calls. But do these things with a glad heart? Do these things knowing that every step you take, the universe takes 10,000 more on your behalf. You know the universe being my metaphor for the infinite magic that swirls around us all the time. That's intelligent.

Alex Ferrari 42:34
Beautifully said, sir. Now with this experience of working with these channels, what was the most what's the most surprising insight you received from these channels in these sessions,

Mike Dooley 42:46
Oh my gosh, there was, like, so many surprises, some of which we've touched on. Like, could you really be on the spaceship and then, like, what's that? Even matter? The message is so powerful. But one of the most surprising things, Alex is that the path before us. Who told me? Sasha told me this. I said, is awakening and self realization? Enlightenment is that the goal is that, is that actually everyone's unstated goal. And she's like, No Mike, she said, enlightenment is the path you're all on the path. You can't be removed from the path. It cannot not happen. So the goal, if you will, is just to be here and then everything is going to take care of itself. Hey, we made it these many 1000s of years from blood and daggers and wars unending, to having this kind of a conversation, we've done pretty good. That's that's why they could, these prophecy makers could kind of tune in well, probably be about 2000 years, given the rate that they're going right now. And so. So the thing that surprised me the most, because I, I'm like old school, manifesting, overdo it, work too hard, force it, make it happen. You know, I've learned a lot since then, but, but like the council said from Sarah Landon, love will take you all the way. You don't have to go do anything. And I would ask about meditation. You know, I spend some time every day for the last five years, meditating, and I wonder if I, I'm doing it right, am I? I'm not a very I don't want to come up with labels. I don't know if I'm a very good meditator, you know, because I just kind of sit there and get frustrated, but like, the council's like, love will take you all the way. Joy will take you all the way. And so I've been most surprised by by the unanimity. I mean, even Bashar is like, follow your highest excitement. Bashar doesn't say you must meditate every single day and do it well. Yeah, you know, you must. They all end up reminding us that we can't get it wrong. We can get out of our own way. We can, you know, become less addicted to thought. We can definitely prepare the stage. And there's a lot in the book about exactly what to do to kind of get out of our own way. But the biggest surprise was, you know, live your bliss, follow your heart. That's like the number one thing people can do to accelerate their own ascension into greater light, into greater truth and even if I may say, you know, the last 24 years, I've really, kind of found myself emerging from the dark night of my soul and went really from fear to Fortune, metaphorically in so many regards. And there is more joy in my life than ever before. And some of it I may I brought it about through hard work. It could have come quicker and easier if I didn't do the hard work, some of it I didn't do wisely. But nevertheless, you know, our natural evolution is to get to this place. And what I have found is that the further I've gone and come along, the more broadly I define myself, Alex, like I I see my a little bit of me and everyone you know at first, it's your family. Is my kid, it's my community. But but it's very quickly kind of overtaken me to the point where it's like, you know. And now I teach there's really only you and more you. That's the way it is, you know. And I know that that kind of boggles the mind a little bit. Well, then how come there's an Alex? Alex is just more me and I'm just more Alex. I mean, we're all reincarnational Brothers and sisters, the same light of the Divine is shining through these different lenses. We're just different lenses, and we're pretending to be I'm Mike Dooley, but the point I'm getting at is through love and through joy and through my cups overflowing right now, like, gosh, you know, I feel so privileged and so blessed and so fortunate. And I mean, all the things I ever wanted, you know, have come to pass. It's like, How can I help more people? How can I reach more people? You know, my regrets. 10 years ago, I saw a lady standing in line at Busch Gardens, and I was like, buy her a ticket. Buy her and her son a ticket, and I was so nervous. It's like, I I didn't, and I so regret that. And recently, I've seen a homeless family, and it's like, god damn it. When are you going to stop your flipping car and go and put them in the back seat and get this taken care of? You know, it's like, that's like, the thing that excites me the most. And I'm not saying I don't do stuff. I in fact, I do a lot, by my standards, way more than I've ever done before. And we've we're helping charity, water and other great organizations, but, but of the most surprising things, going back to your question and expounding further on, my answer is like, I want to help people know the joy that I know and and as I see more people, and I see myself in them, and I feel what I think they're going through, I really feel like that's pulling me higher. This is what the council was saying. You know, love will take you all the way there. Joy, this is joy for me, will take me all the way there. And if I can help in any way, monetarily, emotionally, as an example, this is, like, the coolest thing. And almost as I'm speaking to you, it's like, that's what's been raising my vibe, and that's how easy it is. And you know, it might be hard to break an addiction. I think you know, I know about smoking, and I know others know about other addictions, and by the way, I quit smoking 20 years ago. But it's the same thing with logic. It's so in it's so in us, we're going to do it in this lifetime, in the months and and certainly couple of years ahead, life on Earth won't even resemble this because of the love and the light that's there. And we will automatically through following our heart and letting love take us the distance, we will all ascend, and then we'll be meditators and clairvoyance and channels and all that good stuff, whatever excites you, but love will take you all the way

Alex Ferrari 49:50
I'm sure that's a Beatle lyric at one point or another. I'm sure it's there somewhere. Now, one problem with with manifestation. Or the law of attraction, for a lot of people, is maintaining the faith when things are not going at this speed that they would want, because you want to, like, oh, you know, the secret was wonderful, and I think it did a lot of good. It opened the door. But there was, there's things in the secret that I still remember, like, you know, you want to bike tomorrow, the bike shows up. That's not kind of the way it works. You know, it was, but it did introduce them to the idea, which I did give them great credit for. So a lot of people, because of that, that little, those little ideas, got a misinterpret, misunderstanding of what law of attraction is and manifestation is. So how can people maintain their faith if things are not happening at the time frame that they would like.

Mike Dooley 50:46
Well, what I've come to know is that as long as I'm doing all I can with what I've got from where I'm at which which does not necessarily mean work overtime or go crazy and stress out, but like, are you making the cold call? Did you circulate the resume? Have you started the business? Have you? Have you taken those first steps? Once you know that that's happening, it's working out in the right time, it's it's going to serve you and I, coming from 24 years ago, when all hell had broken loose in my life, nothing was working, no career momentum. On the cusp of turning 40 years old, I assessed my sucky options, and I advised that just manifesting students today, like if you already knew the yellow brick road and where it was, you wouldn't be listening to this conversation I would tell people in those classes. So you know, you're probably where I was, dark night of the soul. Hopefully your listeners are far beyond that. But look, if your options today all seem to kind of look lackluster, assess them which are the least sucky, and give yourself a deadline. I suggest 36 hours and start going down those paths. And for me, I'll tell you, it was like that. Did nothing to further my dreams. Nothing was working. And back then I did smoke cigarettes, and I would go to my mom's house trying to quit bum off her cigarettes and be like, you know, where's the flipping universe? Where's the damn magic? Like nothing is giving it's not working. I hate my life. And even in spite of the negativity and the bad mouthing, things were changing. Remember I said, you take one step, the universe takes 10,000 you don't get to see those 10,000 you take two. It's taken 20,000 you take 10. You still see nothing. It doesn't look like it's working. And I my my lament was constantly like it's not working. It's taking forever. It's take I must be self sabotaging. Maybe I have invisible, limiting beliefs, but because I kept reminding myself of where I was headed, friends and laughter, wealth and abundance, creative, fulfilling work, and because I kept showing up those, those unpopular emails sent out by Mike Dooley, Monday morning motivators. I mean, I'd get a few hits one week and then negative subscribership the next week, because I stayed at it, the universe was weaving its way into my life. There was a slow but completely invisible metamorphosis. I woke up one day, I would say it was, it was beyond a year into this, but I was so busy for the most, part time went along pretty well, and being busy buoyed me with optimism, even though I felt like I was meeting with back to back failures. I am not exaggerating. I was still in the game. I woke up one day, maybe month 15, and I was like, Well, I've got to book my trip to London. I've got to polish off that manuscript. That's the audio program that now I'm going to send to Simon and Schuster. I've got, I've got a team that's working to facilitate the online experience. It's like I'm living the life of my dreams. And I was like, No way. It's like a day ago, I would have told you everything was falling apart. And now today, I realized that there's been this metamorphosis. The first thing I thought was like, God dang it. That happens so fast, even though every day, week and month, even for the first year and a half leading up to that, I would have told you it's not working. And if it is, it's going too slow. I must be self sabotaging. So is simply a matter of hanging in there, and that can best be done by really drilling down to truth. You are a divine, spiritual gladiator of love and joy. You are sacred and holy and born worthy. Your Thoughts become things. There are no other mitigating factors. Your words can give you wings if you but speak them. And when you kind of drill down to truth, and you keep going back to that, it wards off self loathing. It. Wards off those beasts that kind of tell you your self sabotaging you build up such a invisible momentum on your behalf that literally, I have found that I still had the wherewithal to indulge in pity parties. Self Pity parties and negativity, bemoaning My life before my my best friend at the time, my mother, rest in peace and I still prevailed despite that negativity with just, you know, five minutes a day of creative visualization. You know, wherever you can knock on doors, turn over stones, ask for help. Continuing Education, make some cold calls. You will become totally unstoppable, fortified with some Bashar or some Sasha or the council or next level soul, keep immersing yourself in the truths of being that you are an eternal love machine here to thrive. That's the only reason you would have come and that will tide you over to when all of a sudden it's just like, one check box after another check box after like, Tahiti again, really, I'm gonna go to Tahiti five times. I was like, it's like, it's like a fairy tale, and that awaits all of us, no matter where you've been, no matter where you are today, where you are is not who you are. You are infinitely more and so be rooted in truth. Keep dancing life's dance. Learn to enjoy the dance, the strangers you meet along the way. I remember telling myself, and this all, I'll wrap it up with this. I remember telling myself, I recorded this audio program that later became a book infinite possibilities, and I wrote that during the darkest night of my soul, I remember thinking, if people knew where my life was right now, living your dreams. They wouldn't give me any attention. They wouldn't buy this book. But I remember thinking Alex, like when I tried to build my credibility in the first couple of chapters. You know, I manifested a job at Pricewaterhouse. I manifested a round trip tour and went to Hong Kong. Same pictures on my vision board. I remember thinking, Mike, your stories are old. They're really all like, like, like, given where my life was. I just liquidated a business. My girlfriend ran off with some other dude. I had no I had limited savings, worried about losing my home. I remember thinking and let anybody going through a hard time right now think this to themselves. It's okay, Mike, you're living your greatest story right now. And and I would scoff, like, yeah, you know, I That would be nice. And I was filled with self doubt. I was like, Yeah, all right, well, okay, I'm living my greatest story. And dang it if that didn't turn out to be true, I I have told my story to so many audiences because it's so shows how the more you do, you increase exponentially the universe's ability to reach you. And while at first it looks like you've just flung a bunch of paint splats on the wall. One day, you look up, and it's this magnificent masterpiece, and you wonder, what role did I play in my mortal, fumbling, self doubting baby steps to be, to be worthy of so much, and it happened so quick, even when it seemed like it wasn't working and not happening.

Alex Ferrari 58:43
I'll tell you, and I'll tell you the story of really quickly to to piggyback on what you said is the story of the show. I mean, January of 2022 I had 989 subscribers, and, and I went fast and, for me, I was just like, You know what? And that's when I started taking seriously, by the way, I didn't start taking the show seriously till January of 2022 I launched in April 2021 and kind of mirandered around a little bit because I was scared. I was terrified to put myself out in this woo, woo space. And when I started to go down this road, just said, You know what, I'm just going to just going to show up. I'm going to just grind, because I can grind, and I'm just going to do one episode a week. Oh, no. Two episodes a week, no, no. Three episodes a week, no, no, no. You know, four episodes a week. And I just was like, You know what? I'm just going to learn and build up my catalog and do everything I can as fast as possible, without any attachment to outcome. First time in my life I'd ever done something like that. And then July of that year, I had one video take off, and I was like, Huh, that's interesting. So I went from like, 500 views an episode to 2000 views an episode. I was like, Oh, that's a substantial jump. And then October 19th, and our friend Sarah Landon's episode popped off. Now it's not me and Sarah had many conversations about this. It just happened to be that Sarah's episode was the one that launched it. I'll always remember her episode was the one that just took us off, because it was bigger than anything she'd ever done either. So it was like this. It's not like she was a giant movie star and came down and dabbled some the dust on it. It was this beautiful combination that exploded, and then the next video exploded, the next video exploded. And we went in October, and I will go into the full detail, but in October, we had 75,000 views on YouTube in the first 19 days of the month. At the end of the month, we had 1.2 million, and that's how fast it go. But all that time, I'm using this to illustrate what you're saying, yeah, just, just doing the work I showed up. The universe was doing its thing. It was doing its thing in the background, and really, and you know what? I'm sure it was probably going. Let's see how serious this guy really is. Let's see if he's ready to do the work that needs to be done. And they within, they threw the gauntlet down. I was like, and I just just kept grinding. And then I just kept doing it again and again. And it just grew, grew grew to now that we've been downloaded 180 million times, or something like that around the world in multiple, which is it's insane and such, and it is and no, but it's I, by the way, I know I'm not the driver of this. I'm just along for the ride. That's the way I always look at this, because I really had, this is the thing that is interesting. Mike, from the day before October, on October 18, the day before I launched Sarah's episode, I had done nothing different in a year and change. I didn't do a magical touch. I didn't do a new thing. It was the exact same amount of work on October 19. It was the same work, and that same thing happened up until today, really, that I just kept doing what I knew to do. I'm a little bit more sophisticated now. I know a little bit more about the algorithm. I understand thumbnails, I understand a few other things a little bit differently, but nothing but I understand. It wasn't me. It was me doing the work. It was a collaboration between us that's great, the collaboration between me and the universe, because the universe because the universe can't do it without me, and I can't do it without it,

Mike Dooley 1:02:24
Exactly right! And you are one in the same, and that's where we're, that's awakening, that's awakening. And when you live it like that, and I think so many of us, maybe we needed to kind of experience exactly the kind of upward spiral you did. And you can only have an upward spiral if you go back down. Yes, you go back down. Oh, it's over. It's curtains. It can't happen. It's like, look, everything's playing to our your greater good. And the upward spirals are far more common than the downward spirals. And we all get there eventually. Your story is so spot on, Alex, you left room for the magic, and you did your part, and then Infinite Intelligence has delivered you this far. And on behalf of the millions who love your work, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Alex.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:16
Oh, I appreciate that. And vice versa to you too, sir. You've been doing. You've been carrying the you've been carrying the bag for quite some time now, trying to get this message out into the universe as well. And it's it. That's why I love your work, and I love with what you're doing in the world, and why I want to, in my small way, shine a light on on all of that. What everything you're doing? Mike, I have to ask you, out of everything that happened during these sessions is there, is there a over, over, kind of overview of one idea that you felt that was like, Oh, I keep hearing this again and again, that can help people deal with what's happening in the world today, to deal with their own rise in awakening and rise in frequency and dealing with the this kind of, kind of messed up soup that we're in right now, this bubbling up all over the place,

Mike Dooley 1:04:11
There is something that's been a confluence of what all the channels have said and the lessons I've been learning. Because, I mean, I swear, like every day, I feel like I'm learning something new and actually incorporating it. And it's this, it's, it's the recognition that literally, everything that shows up in any given day has order, purpose and meaning, whereas here to four, it's like, you know, you kind of navigate your dot your days, and there's, there's this breakthrough, and there's this challenge, and there's this obstacle and this leg up and and you kind of are feeling like, well, I'll go for a walk. Yeah, I'll go run. Yeah. Let me. Let me make something in. Kitchen, and something shows up in the kitchen or during the walk or at the store, those things that show up in the kitchen on the walk or at the store, or the things that show up, you know, in your lounge recliner when you're reading a book, every single little thing that shows up is like a clue. It's like a hint, every stubbed toe, you know, every erratic heartbeat, every sniffle or cough, every hysterical laughter, every child you cross paths with, something's going on, and boy, when I've started to realize that, I mean really, I mean everything, like a bird swoops down near me, or I hear a crow or a raven three houses away, and it's monotone calling. It's like, listen, listen, you know, and all of it draws me more into the present, but not just in the present. As a bystander, you know, we are streaming manifestors. We just, you know, like streaming videos, streaming music, streaming Netflix, or whatever. You know, it's just streaming all the we're streaming right now where I'm streaming you, I'm streaming my own experience, 24/7, and simultaneously navigating what I'm streaming and here to for before the Great Awakening, we should say, you know, we just kind of felt like, like, what's the old adage? You know, life is what you make it. You know, it's 90 10% what you do, 90% how you take it, or something like, something awful, like that. It's like we're, coming to our senses and realizing that just like the nighttime dreams we indisputably spin ourselves, every cricket, every stubbed toe, every you know, fall from the Eiffel Tower or whatever is going on in your dreams, you choreographed it, every bit of it, even The gravity and the moonlight. You put that there, and that's what I think we're all coming to find. Will inevitably find that it's like, it's not just what's out there and how you take it. It's realizing that as you're experiencing it, you're streaming it, and if you don't like what's showing up, change the focus here, change the channel. Give it some time. Might take five minutes. Might take five months, but give it some time if you remain true to the new picture, the new vision, just because of the momentum of your entire life and 60,000 thoughts a day, and 8 billion co creators, because we agreed to play in the soup of time, space and matter, we don't have spontaneous manifestations, but you are nevertheless creating it at all. And everything that does show up has meaning, is a metaphor, is a wink, is a symbol. And so be there in the present. Be there now in the present. And the more you're in the present, the more you're you are presented with the wonder and the all and the miracles that encase us and that make every second possible. And so that's kind of a kind of hard to put in a nutshell, but the confluence of these lessons and my own awakening is the meaning in every every everything that shows up, every single moment of the day. It's all by design, and it's all playing to a greater good, my greater good. Just start unwrapping some of those presents a little earlier, Mike, and be gobsmacked by the Wonder.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:48
Now, Mike, I'm going to ask you, if you fire, fire, fireline, what is the fireline questions like questions that are rapid fire, thank you. Rapid fire. Rapid fire. Rapid fire questions I'm going to ask you, sir, I ask all my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Mike Dooley 1:09:07
The pursuit of joy, the pursuit the pursuit the adventure motion.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:12
Okay, if you had a chance to go back, if you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Mikey, what advice would you give him?

Mike Dooley 1:09:19
I talk to little Mikey all the time. I'm like, you go, little Mike you got it. I know you're scared. I know that there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I know you can't find that tunnel, but you got it. Just hang tight, tight. It's going to be so beautiful you can't even imagine what I see here today.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:39
How do you define God or Source?

Mike Dooley 1:09:42
Everywhere, always at once. Really, for a brain, I don't think we can do anything but wonder at the majesty of it all. But it is everywhere, always at once, including you, dear brother, including me.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:57
What is love?

Mike Dooley 1:09:59
Love is the glue that holds it all together. You know, life is not the universe is not judgmental, but that doesn't mean it's neutral. It's non judgmental. You can manifest whatever you want. You won't be judged. But that doesn't mean it's neutral. It loves you. This, we wouldn't be here. Neal Donald Walsh said in his book, awaken the species. You all think you're working you all think you have businesses. You're just helping one another. You're just helping one another. It's like, God, that was so beautiful. I thought he's that's love. There really isn't anything you know. We can dissect it and talk about it from so many angles and ETs, and this is, and that's, it's like, I gotta remind myself not to get too far removed from love. You know, it's just, it's the beauty, it's the glue, it's the purpose, it's, it's what's next,.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:56
What is the ultimate purpose of life?

Mike Dooley 1:11:00
To live it.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:02
And where can people find out more about you, the amazing work you're doing. And pick up this new book, The Great Awakening?

Mike Dooley 1:11:09
The Great Awakening is the new book with six featured channels. Well, it's available for pre sale at Amazon. It drops October one, which is like imminent and anything else somebody might like to know about my work at notes from the universe. They've always been free, and all kinds of stuff happening every month of the year. Tut, t u t,

Alex Ferrari 1:11:38
And do you have any parting messages for the audience Mike?

Mike Dooley 1:11:42
Ah, sounds so cheesy to say, you know, I love you. We're in this together. Love you. Alex, it's also beautiful, like Ram Dass said, We're all just walking each other home.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:54
Mike, it has been a pleasure and honor having you on the show again, as always, sir, the next time you will have to come down to Austin, we have to do this in studio. I'm sure we can just sit and talk for hours in person. So I appreciate you and everything you're doing for the universe and for the universe and helping awaken humanity, my friend. So thank you.

Mike Dooley 1:12:14
Thank you, Alex, and thank you to your wonderful audience. Much love. See ya. See you soon!

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