In today’s episode, we dive deep into a story that transcends the ordinary. Matt Kahn, a spiritual teacher and author known for his gentle guidance and profound wisdom, takes us on a journey through his unique experiences as a channeler. From childhood encounters with spontaneous wisdom to mystical out-of-body experiences, Matt’s life has been anything but conventional. As we unravel his story, we discover the remarkable ways he came to terms with channeling, hearing voices, and receiving guidance from higher realms.

Matt shares that his channeling began at the tender age of eight. Imagine an eight-year-old boy casually speaking profound truths that leave adults around him astonished. “There’s a part of me standing next to me, telling me what to say, but I only know what I’m saying as I say it,” he recalls. What started as a trickle of wisdom soon grew into an ocean of understanding, as he realized he wasn’t alone in his spiritual insights. He was, in his words, “a microphone for something greater.”

Throughout his journey, Matt Kahn experienced what many would call miraculous events. He had a vivid out-of-body experience at the age of 10, where he found himself in a heavenly garden filled with radiant colors and unconditional love. There, he encountered a being dressed in a white robe, who emanated light and love in a way he had never felt before. That experience left an indelible mark on his soul, showing him that spirituality was real, even if he couldn’t explain it at the time.

Channeling became an integral part of Matt’s life, though he never sought to make it his identity. He simply flowed with what he was receiving, using his gifts to help others. “I’m here to love all parts of me and whatever parts from my past hadn’t been loved by anyone else,” he explains. This message of self-love became central to his work, helping others heal through embracing their own shadows and wounds.

One of the most beautiful aspects of Matt’s journey is his humble relationship with his guides. He didn’t seek out fame or titles. In fact, he downplays the sensationalism of being a channeler, saying, “Channeling is just one of my abilities. I’m an empath, an intuitive, but these are just one of many things that I have been given to do the work that I do.” His wisdom flows effortlessly, whether discussing his spiritual journey or cracking a joke about the quirks of life.

In our conversation, Matt Kahn touches on the importance of living with integrity. He speaks about how his guides, including Ascended Masters like Melchizedek and Jesus, guided him to focus on love and heart-centeredness, not just esoteric experiences. He reminds us that spiritual growth is not about accumulating mystical achievements but about how we live our lives. The greatest wisdom he imparts is simple yet profound: “Whatever arises, love that.”


  1. Self-Love is Essential: Matt’s message is clear—true healing and awakening begin with loving all parts of ourselves, especially the parts that feel unloved or unworthy.
  2. Trust the Process: Even when we can’t make sense of it, life is always guiding us toward our highest good. Matt’s story is a testament to trusting in the unknown and allowing spiritual guidance to flow.
  3. Spirituality is Grounded in Humanity: We don’t need to chase after spiritual experiences. The real magic happens when we integrate spirituality into our daily lives, embracing the ordinary with as much reverence as the extraordinary.

In this conversation, we witness the remarkable balance between the mystical and the practical, the divine and the human. Matt Kahn offers us not only his wisdom but also a reminder that we are all capable of connecting to something greater than ourselves. His journey inspires us to explore our own inner depths and to trust that, whatever path we walk, it’s leading us home.

Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Kahn.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 497

Matt Kahn 0:00
Couple days later, I'm walking down the street and I hear in my mind whatever arises love that I didn't know what it meant. I'm here to love all parts of me and whatever parts from my past hadn't been loved by anyone else. These are just one of many things that I have been given to do the work that I do.

Alex Ferrari 0:30
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Matt Kahn. How you doing brother?

Matt Kahn 0:34
Thank you. It's an honor to be here. What an incredible setup you have.

Alex Ferrari 0:38
Thank you so much, my friend. I appreciate that. It's been a long time coming, man, long time coming.

Matt Kahn 0:43
And I just wanted to start out by by saying, because, you know, I've known you for a little bit, and I just wanted to congratulate you on on this incredible success. And whenever I get to tune in and watch you and all these wonderful guests, it's such a beautiful level of connection. And I just, I love everything you're doing, and so the chance to come back and spend time with you.

Alex Ferrari 1:04
Now I wanted to talk to you about something that came to my attention the other day.

Matt Kahn 1:09
What's that? I didn't do it.

Alex Ferrari 1:14
I was sitting talking to Joy and Joy said, Well, you know, I met this guy named Matt, and I'm like, what? And I lost my mind. I lost my mind. I was like, oh my goodness, all this stuff, yeah? But then she's like, well, you know, he's a channel. And I'm like, I'm sorry, what? Matt's a channel? Yeah? I'm like, I've never heard him speak about it. I've never heard him say anything. Yeah, he doesn't talk about it a lot, but he's been channeling this entire time. Yeah? So I'd love to talk to you a bit about Sure, your journey as a channel, because a lot of I mean, I mean, I've spoken to every, almost every major channel on the planet. I know a lot of good friends who are channels. And joy is a channel as well. Yeah, she's a trans channel. Yeah, she actually, or embody channel. Forgot the terminology, but she, she, she gets into trances, if you will, a bit, but you don't right. So can you explain to people, first of all, what kind of channeling you do, and when did this start in your life? Sure. How did you deal with it? Did you how did you deal with the voices in your head? Did you think they were nuts, like all this stuff

Matt Kahn 2:20
Started when I was eight years old. So I was eight years old, and I had these moments where, as a precocious eight year eight year old, I would say things that my parents would point out. An eight year old shouldn't know. Where did you get that? What made you say that? And I remember, I was with my parents and their friends, and I said something out of the blue, and it was some sort of spontaneous wisdom, and I don't remember what I said, and they all kind of gasped and looked at me, and they asked me, like, on the spot, like, where did you get that? And I've had these moments when I was young where it felt like a different part of me would speak through me, like, like, in the same way, where people, like, in a funny context, like, you know, people have that moment where something just gets blurted out of their mouth. Sometimes it's not always a positive thing, but oh my god. I didn't have a chance to, like,

Alex Ferrari 3:19
Get those back in there.

Matt Kahn 3:22
But I would do that. But instead of it being putting my foot in my mouth, it would actually be like a different version of myself would just speak through me like a microphone. So at eight years old, I said something wise, my parents, their friends. Where did you hear that? And I just looked at them, and something said through me. It's like whispering into my own selves here, and I was eight, what? And so it was, and what I was trying to describe was like, there's a part of me standing next to me telling me what to say, but I only know what I'm saying as I say it,

Alex Ferrari 3:58
But you didn't see them. You just heard, did you?

Matt Kahn 4:00
I felt him

Alex Ferrari 4:01
So you didn't hear it.

Matt Kahn 4:02
Um, later in life, I started to have that ability.

Alex Ferrari 4:07
But at first it was just like, straight through, something's coming through. There's not even a processing of it, no processing process it after it's out.

Matt Kahn 4:14
Not even an urgency of I have to let this out. It just spoke through me, interesting. It just it just spoke right through me.

Alex Ferrari 4:21
So, when? So at this point, at Yeah, and this is you and I are similar vintage, yeah. So, back so, back then, yeah, not a lot of info. No shows like this were around, none. Occasionally in the occult books section, you would find, you know, an Esther Hick book or a Seth book, right? So what kind of did you feel weird about it? Did you feel comfortable with it? Because at eight you're figuring out Cocoa Puffs, you know, in Saturday morning cartoons, yeah, as you're moving through adolescence, teenagers, how did you deal with it? How did you feel about this?

Matt Kahn 4:58
Well, it also was. Around the same time, I had an out of body experience. I went to heaven, okay? At what year, eight or 10, okay. And so I found myself in this beautiful garden.

Alex Ferrari 5:10
And did this dream like, or were you, how did it when? How did you have the out of body experience?

Matt Kahn 5:13
Well, I thought I was having a dream, okay? And I was in the most amazing garden. Now, we were up in the 80s, so in the 80s, it was like, you know, don't talk to strangers. Obviously, don't get into it. Look rough. The Crown dog, right? Adam Walsh case. And so when I was a kid, I was very afraid of being kidnapped and separated from my parents. Terrified, right here, right? If I was running that street, I saw a van I'm running,

Alex Ferrari 5:34
You know what? I my kids till today, like that looks like an 80s van that looks like it's almost gonna take me

Matt Kahn 5:39
To this day, if I'm in traffic next to a van,

Alex Ferrari 5:43
Oh, from like an eight, like an 80s Astro van, or like the 18 van, but without the cool 18 stuff.

Matt Kahn 5:50
So I'm getting me out of here.

Alex Ferrari 5:54
You know, it's weird if I park next in one I won't park next. You never park because I saw silence of lambs too. Never help me move this couch in no

Matt Kahn 6:04
But Matt, what about your guides? And my guides told me, do not park next door Exactly, exactly we have chariots, not vans. So I was in this dream, and I remember saying to myself, I don't know where I am, but I feel safe. And it was the most incredible love I'd ever felt my entire life, the colors of this garden, it was as if the colors were emitting this vibration of love. And I don't know how to explain that, but in the experience, the colors are so bright and outrageous, it's just this feeling of ecstasy and love. And it was a love that I felt that was far beyond anything I knew for my parents, and I'm walking through this garden of waist high flowers, and I can feel myself moving through this field of flowers. And then I started notice, as I'm feeling my body move through it, I'm also levitating above myself, watching myself. Now, I don't know how I'm having two different experiences, but the love was so intense. I did i You didn't need an explanation, sure, sure. But I go, wow, that's interesting. And in front of me, hovering above the flowers, was this being in a white robe, shoulder length, dark hair and a beard. I didn't know who he was. I was raised Jewish. And he motioned me towards him, and I froze, and then I started moving towards him, and as I got about as close I am to you, it was just pure white light shining out of his eyes now into my eight year old or 10 year old mind, I thought of like those old scary movies where people would flip their Ghostbusters, right? And I had that thought, and as soon as I had that thought, I kind of broke the state, and I fell through the garden, through the sky and back into my body, and it was only when I landed back in my body did I know that I left it because I didn't even know what it would be to leave your body, because I know nothing about spirituality. And I'm back in my body, I'm shaking, I'm sweating and I'm freezing cold at the same time. And then the corner of my eye and my my bedroom of my parents house, I see the same figure in this kind of chalky white etheric, I would now say, etheric energy. Motioned me towards him, and I looked, and he disappeared. I told my parents about this experience. Now my now, my parents are both very spiritual, so that was interesting. And my dad told me about nearly the same experience he had 30 years before me in boot camp. And I didn't know what that meant. I just knew there was a connection. There's a reason I'm sharing this. My parents were very spiritual people. I was raised Jewish. Being raised Jewish, for me, was not a particularly deep spiritual experience. And my parents would always suggest, oh, try reading this book. Or we like this book, and

Alex Ferrari 8:39
It didn't resonate.

Matt Kahn 8:39
Well, they brought me this big spiritual book called The Arancha, which is this huge spiritual, heady book, and they handed me this book, and I flipped it open. And the only thing that I would do, I wouldn't read the book, because, as a to this day, as a channel, I have a few rules about it, but I don't read books. I write them right, right? And I could talk about a process, but what I did was I put my hand over the book, and I just felt the energy. And as I would feel the energy, I would start to learn things. And so from like, 10 years old, I started spontaneously doing things like this. And after the out of body experience, I'd walk down the street with my friends, and I could see angels next to me, but I in my peripheral vision, and I didn't even know what an angel was. What do they look like? They look like beings in robes with wings. I mean, exactly whatever you would think an angel look, right? And I would, and I would have the sense of these are angels with very large wings. And I would say to my friend who's walking with me, oh, there's angels next to me. What's an angel? And I couldn't answer because

Alex Ferrari 9:42
You knew you had ever heard of a concept of an angel?

Matt Kahn 9:44

Alex Ferrari 9:45
Well, in Judaism is there aren't angels.

Matt Kahn 9:47
Well, there's guardian angels. Maybe I'd heard of the term guardian angel, but I just said there are angels around me and my friends, like, what's what are they here for? And I said, Oh, I don't know yet. They haven't told me that, but I just know they're there. So I would have these moments where. I would know things, and the things that I would know would be so irrefutably true. It was more true what I would be told intuitively than the sky being blue, sure, and throughout my life, what's so interesting? So my parents were open to spirituality. They were hippies in the 70s, they had done different spiritual courses so they could talk a little jargon. They weren't really well practiced in their life, but they could kind of point me in directions. And it wasn't like I was raised in a family where this was weird, but for me, spirituality was always the subject that lit my soul on fire, like when people like, if a kid would watch Michael Jordan go, I'm gonna practice and be like him. Sure. That was how it was when I discovered spirituality.

Alex Ferrari 10:52
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening more and more every day. Mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us, that is why I'm inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond. A six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul. Experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration, join us and step into the extraordinary.

Matt Kahn 11:49
I went to my friend's house, told him about this experience, had out of body, and they had a picture of Jesus, Jesus on the wall. And I go, that's the guy I met. And they go, Matt, you didn't meet Jesus. And I didn't know what the big deal was, but, but, but I knew that's why I met and so I went on this journey. And then, like, at 13, after I was bar mitzvahed, I was given a journal, and like a, like a cross pen, some really nice pen, and a journal to write in. And I did. And I and my my godmother gave me this as like a gift, and I didn't know what to do, and so I would just sit, I would listen. So, okay, one of my biggest inspirations that actually activated my ability to channel, like not just say things spontaneously, but to start to do automatic writing, was Michael Jackson. Okay, so I would listen to Michael Jackson, and it just things would come out. And I would write about,

Alex Ferrari 12:46
Well, I mean, he was pretty connected, yeah, what the music that he did hit billions of people around the world, and,

Matt Kahn 12:51
I mean, incredible. And the free agency, right? He inside all God's children, human nature, right? And then I, and then I started writing quotes. And for some reason, when I started channeling quotes, I would number them, and after everyone I would sign them. I don't know, you know, early on, you have your process. I don't know what I'm doing.

Alex Ferrari 13:12
You sign them.

Matt Kahn 13:12
I have to sign my course.

Alex Ferrari 13:14
You're practicing your autograph. I understand.

Matt Kahn 13:15
What an ego

Alex Ferrari 13:18
I did this. Thank you.

Matt Kahn 13:19
Thank you. And I stopped numbering my quotes after the 4,000th one I channeled. And this was when I was 16 years old, so I'd already channeled like 4000 quotes by like 16 or 17.

Alex Ferrari 13:33
But you don't know the term channel.

Matt Kahn 13:34
I don't know. I just hurt like, I think I was watching a show on Edgar Cayce, I heard the word channel, and I went, well, that's clearly what I'm doing. Obviously I'm not sleeping, but, yeah, but, and it was a conscious state, and what I would realize was a lot of people have very vivid dreams. My dream state felt like when my eyes were open, so Edgar Cayce would go to sleep and or get a trance and bring this information in. I intuitively felt like I do that when my eyes are open. So my whole life, I haven't had, like, a lot of super vivid dreams. In fact, as I went through my awakening process, one of the hardest things has been to sleep, because for me, the waking state is where my access to everything really exists. So I'm, I'm just writing these quotes. Like, I think the first quote I channeled was in tested times, true character prevails. I'm like, 13. You're mean, like, I'm just channeling these words and showing my parents like, well, that's

Alex Ferrari 14:39
Listening to the cure.

Matt Kahn 14:42
The Cure would have been a very different Emo, very emo Boys Don't Cry, do or do or do. Listen to Michael Jackson. I'm and then the other part of it is spirituality. Where I find my home. Spirituality is where I find sanity. The world I live in doesn't feel like it's real. I feel like I'm in some weird movie, but spirituality feels real. And the other place that felt real was on stage as a performer. I'm in a singing, dancing group, I'm acting, and for me, it was just performing from the audience. Was just a really exhilaration. So the irony is, fast forwards, like when I'm 17, I'm in the singing and dancing group, and we get this audition to be a part of this big show, and we and and we're all dancers, and it turns out we're not going to do much dancing, but we were, I was a part of the Super Bowl halftime show with Michael Jackson.

Alex Ferrari 15:44
No, you weren't.

Matt Kahn 15:45
I got to perform with the my idol and we and what song heal the world, so my whole life.

Alex Ferrari 15:57
What year was this? 92? 91?

Matt Kahn 15:57
Bills and the Cowboys. It was at the Rose Bowl. Yeah, he did heal, though. And I was a part of the kids choir with, like, I mean, 1000s or hundreds of kids. I met him in rehearsal by accident. We were in rehearsal, he was there, and then they say, Cut, and all these kids swarm him, and he backed up and kind of into me, turned around, and this is the guy, the being that inspired me. And I, like, shook his hand, and I'm like, you're you know you're the greatest. And I remember thinking to myself, if he's in a different country, people blocks away, or passed out in the street, I'm right here, needing this. And it was, it was so surreal. So he inspired me to start channeling, which I didn't or that was what I would listen to while I was channeling, and then I performed in the Super Bowl show with him and and not knowing that the Heal the World song would be a foreshadowing of what my life's career path and contribution would be, but, but all this time, I never really knew the term channel. I just knew and I would describe it that way because it felt like I'm wisdom is channeling through me and it and it never, for the most time, it was never. Sometimes I would hear it, and I would need five minutes before I can get down to write it down. So I kind of hold it in my brain a little bit. I go hold that one, and I'd write it down when I was about my early 20s, is when my guide started talking to me.

Alex Ferrari 17:27
So, okay, yeah, so stop there for a second. Yeah, please. So your guides are starting to talk to you, yeah. Gotta clear you and I are both fairly grounded. I know we're from the 80s. We're Gen X. This is, this is, you know, we're at a different we're here. We're here. So that's why I love talking to someone of my vintage, yeah, who are going is going through this? Because I walked, I we walked over the same bodies battlefield as we went through life. So when you, when your guides start talking to you, yeah, you're hearing now, now I'm here. Now you're here. You're not seeing.

Matt Kahn 18:03
I'm seeing and hearing and feeling at the same time now.

Alex Ferrari 18:07
So you do see them?

Matt Kahn 18:08
Yeah. I see him here.

Alex Ferrari 18:10
In your third eye? Yeah, of course, you see him inside. Yeah. You don't like, Bob?

Matt Kahn 18:14
Every once in a while I can see an outline of a being

Alex Ferrari 18:17
Something, but it, but it's mostly all in here. 100% got it. So you this starts. So now you've you've been prepped since eight.

Matt Kahn 18:24
Yeah, you've been prepped since I don't know that I've been prepped?

Alex Ferrari 18:27
No, no, of course not. No, you're just having fun listening to Michael Jackson signing quotes, signing your own quotes, because one day this gonna be worth a lot of money, I don't know, maybe going through all this stuff. So you're actually being prepped and honed, yeah, for this next stage, yeah. When your guides come in, yeah, and they start talking to you, and you start hearing voices, yeah. Now, when you first heard a voice, yeah, in your head, yeah. Did you think you were going nuts, or, yeah, or did you go, Oh, this is the next because you had been prepped so long, because I spoke in a channel. So we're just like, sitting one day, and they're like, hello, man, this is your guide. And you're just like, what is happening? And they it's a process. Takes years to kind of grasp it. You've been kind of a very slow burn, totally, to get to this point. So when this happens? Yeah, what happened?

Matt Kahn 19:18
Well, I'll tell you the tell you the backstory. So I was guided to go into, or I felt an inspiration to go into a spiritual bookstore, and they had these pictures of the Ascended Masters on the walls. So I said, Oh, who that are the Ascended Masters? I said, Who's the guy in the center? He looked like ganoff The wizard as I don't know who he is, but that's my guy. They said, well, that's Melchizedek. And I said, Well, that's my guide. And they said, Oh, and you know, so take our psychic development course, of course, and right side. And two weeks into the course, they said, Could you teach it? What do you mean? I'm here to learn and like. And then they said, like, Can you do a reading? And what's a reading? Like, I think I'm reading poetry or something, and I sat down with someone, and I'm sitting looking at someone, and for a second, I go, this is crazy. And then all of a sudden, something comes through, and I do a reading. Don't even know what a reading is, but then in my at that time, I'm living with my parents. How old 20 some? I can't remember the exact year about 20s. What had happened was I had I was healing from a back injury. I was a personal trainer. I used to be a bodybuilder and personal trainer, that's right, yeah. And I was gonna compete in body all of my people who know my work, which is by the very humbling when you're on stage in front of hundreds of people and you say, I used to be a bodybuilder, you're joking.

Alex Ferrari 20:42
You're funny. Oh,

Matt Kahn 20:46
I'm gonna go

Alex Ferrari 20:47
Journal inside it.

Matt Kahn 20:50
Inside it, right? Listen to Michael Jackson, Michael go old school. So I, I was living at my parents house because I had a back injury and I was in so much pain, yeah, and things are starting to kind of open up. Go to the store. Oh, Melchizedek is my guide. I don't know Melchizedek is and I'm in my I'm in my bedroom of my of my parents house where I was living, and I hear melchizedek's voice, although, and I just hear a voice say, you're not who you think you are. And literally, what I said was, Who the f are you? That's what I said. Who are you? Out Loud, out loud, Who the f are you? And he goes on, and I introduce myself. I am Melchizedek, one with the Galactic Council. And this being I'm talking to, thankfully had the same loving feeling from the garden experience when I left my body, and that's how I knew, if it wasn't for the love and people that know my work know that my work has always been about love. It's because there has never been a moment with my guides where the wisdom has not been super high level and always loving, always loving. And so it was the love I felt from them that allowed me to trust and listen. And there was always a part of me in the beginning, and at least for the first 10 years of my career, even though it is for 18 years where I always held a parallel. And I said, this is either happening or I am insane, and I totally held that because it allowed me to go there. So I'd say, Okay, well, who am I speaking with? This is Melchizedek. Oh, and who smells so Melchizedek, for what I understand, because I don't do a lot of research, I guess may have been Jesus's teacher, but is a very, just a very high level Ascended Master. He's one of the teachers that taught Jesus, yeah, one of the teachers. And I don't know, again, I haven't done a lot of research on Melchizedek. I just know the being that I work with. And so he looks like Gandalf the wizard. He speaks like, I guess, Gandalf the wizard would speak very old, worldly. But what's cool is, like, he'll say these words that I've never heard before. Then I look him up, but I'm like, that was the right usage. That's an actual word, like superlative my son, ubiquitous, or by tomorrow's time. And I would like tomorrow. And so I would beat Melchizedek, and then, and then I would say to Melchizedek, I said, he said, You're going to meet other beings. And I said they have to be accompanied by you. They and every single being I met I gave a specific color and image to. And every time I met them, they had to all come with this combination. So I knew that I was talking to because I was afraid of being fooled. I was I love spirituality so much. I was afraid my mind was making it up. I was afraid I was fooling myself. And if I was going to help people and be given trust and work with people in their most delicate moments of uncertainty, I needed to know that I was really doing this and what I was doing was so mesmerizing for me, I couldn't wrap my mind around it. It's so otherworldly. So I went through a mixture of experiences, I would say a little reluctant, but not reluctant enough. But every time I would talk to them, I'd ask some questions, and one of the ways I really opened up my channel is I kept asking questions. I wanted to see if they were going to get impatient. One if they if they were gonna have the same answers, I wanted to see what would happen. And it was always loving, always patient, the answers. Never feared. I'd ask the same questions, they got the same answers. They'd say things, things would happen. I mean, it was like very like clockwork. I'd meet Melchizedek, then I went and I, you know, then I met Jesus, and then it was Mother Mary, then it was Archangel Michael, Kuan, Yin Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, and I started to meet all these beings. Archangel. Gabriel, Archangel Sandoval, all these beings, they had all these different purposes. I at one point, I had like, 30 different guides I'd met. But then, over time, Melchizedek was the main guide, and they would bring different energies from these different beings. But Melchizedek has always been the main that I've worked with, and it was the Galactic Council, and I was, you know, and okay, so stop you there first, yeah, please.

Alex Ferrari 25:28
So when you bring in the Galactic Council, yeah, it sounds Yeah, fantastic. Sounds fantastic. Are you a Jedi, like, like. And I joke about it, because a lot of people say or hear these things, and it just this, you could dismiss it so quickly. Yeah, it's been something that I've been weary about bringing people in with that, that kind of terminology, right? I've heard it and I understand it and I get it right, but it's something that kind of could turn somebody off totally. When you see, when you hear, when you heard Galactic Council, that's right. Now, you've met Jesus, you've walked in the guard, and you've all this stuff, but now you're bringing ETS into the scenario, yeah? How did you process that? Because, again, like, you're like, Who the f are you? You're that guy. Yeah, you're not. Like, thank you. Thank you. I've been signing my name waiting for you. Yeah, no, no, no, none of that stuff. Like, so what did you say when that came into your world?

Matt Kahn 26:23
You know, whenever I met with the Galactic Council, I met with Ascended Masters. I had never met an ET right? So I didn't know about ETs. I just knew of the gray aliens. And I was a kid, I was afraid abducted or something, even though, if I was abducted, it's probably like, it's me, Steve, we're cousins, right? Like we're going, we're going to the barbecue. So Bob, is that you? Bob is that you? You've grown but when I met with the Ascended Masters and Archangels, I I was I was told briefly, so these are the beings that oversee the evolution of Earth. Now what's interesting is that I remember saying to my guides, this is always like, what we're talking about is what I thought I was going to learn in school, like when I was in school, in public school, I told myself at a very early age, you only need to know this to get through the system. And I felt like everything I was being taught was some sort of weird mishmash of like, I don't know if any of this is what as how things really happened. It just felt really strange. And so when I started working with the Galactic Council, I remember the feeling of, okay, the feeling of the garden is there. It's always loving. It's never ego. I feel like the highest version of myself when I'm with them. And this is what I always wanted to be learning. And so there was just such a deep, nearly intangible connection with them. And then I had this experience that I think will kind of pull it on perspective. So at this point, I'm getting used to working with them. I'm talking, I talk very sarcastically, and they are just always in their very loving place. And I remember Melchizedek said, we want to show you something. And so I had the impulse to close my eyes and go into a meditation. And as soon as I did, I was kind of blasted out into a different location, like an astral projection. I walked up the stairs of what looked like the Lincoln Memorial. These pillars white, and in the entrance was this light table, this table that was illuminated. And standing around in front of it were all the guides that I had been working with, and they were all standing there, and I had this funny feeling of walking up, like, Hey, what up? What up?

Hey, which is funny that I still had my kind of personality. And they said, we want to, you know, my son, we wanted to show you something. Take it down. My son, ground yourself. My son, visualize tree roots. And so they said, We want to show you something. And so they they reached under their faces like they were mad, like oh God, and they pulled up their faces like masks, and underneath all of them was me, and I gasped. But this was what was so perfect to my personality. I gasped, and there was silence, and I looked at all of them and I said, I don't get it. And they said, We are not only what you are becoming, we are what you have already become. We are agents of the future who have stepped back in time to visit ourselves in spiritual childhood. That's what I was told, beautiful now in that moment. Moment so succinctly, mind gone, but in my heart, there was a sense of so I'm channeling beings of different vibrational densities. Each one is an archetypal expression of my totality. So there's now no separation between I'm working with the Galactic Council, and they are also mirroring what is awakening within me. And it was at that point when I start so channeling has always been a verb of how I do what I do, but I I've never, I never when I started to see other people channel, and I love and respect it, you know, all these different beautiful channels, for some reason, I never wanted that to get in the way or limit. Because when I started teaching this work, it was after I had some really like what I described you as one of my first awakenings then I went through many realizations or awakenings of self realization that were so incredibly like I literally had the experience of hearing an explosion. I thought there was a gunshot in my neighborhood, and it was in my head, and I then felt my entire life's history ooze out of my ears, like and my ego just dissolved. Of course, the ego is reborn in a different way, but I've had these huge moments of Self Realization, and when I came into the spirituality, I thought that's what I was going to teach. And I didn't want the esoteric nature of my journey to limit because whenever I was in in front of an audience that was really, really into the esoteric it was like talking to a Star Wars fan who was too much a fan of the franchise to get the deeper metaphor right. And so I didn't want to limit because what I was really transmitting was the energy of awakening, then I would be around people that were really into awakening, but it was so dry and they thought even intuitive or psychic ability was a mental delusion. So I had this very interest. And then I also noticed that a lot of people who wanted to awaken, either they thought they awakened prematurely or they just wanted to get out of the pain of their life, and were trying to bypass their experience, I realized that what prevents the awakening from really sticking was a certain level of heart coherence or a certain level of emotional maturity that comes from our healing journey. And I remember talking to my Melchizedek about this, and I said, you know, I'm coming out hot with this awakening stuff, but the people that are really into awakening don't have the emotional healing for it to stick. And then the people that are who will listen to my esoteric stories like I'm telling you, in this audience are so into that that we'll have these big conversations, but the bigger thing will be missed, like, people will want to ask me, What's it like talking to an Ascended Master? What's it like being on a light ship? What's I've been beamed up on light ships? What's it like being in different dimensions, and we miss the invitation that this is all about the awakening of consciousness inside all of us. And so I talked to Melchizedek, and he says, My son, a sign will come, right? He would talk like this every day, okay, a sign will come, okay, whatever. And a couple days later, I'm walking down the street, and I hear in my mind, whatever arises love that. And I didn't know what it meant. And so I thought, well, let's take it literally. So I'm walking down the street, I see some person, and I silently say, then I love you, oh, and I love you. And I think, whatever gets my attention, I'm just going to send love to. And that felt very nice. And then something triggered me later that day, and I realized, oh, this thing was created in my life to trigger the very emotion that showed me what wound or what feeling or version of myself was next in line to be loved, that I'm here to love all parts of Me and whatever parts from my past hadn't been loved by anyone else were waiting in line for a course correction, and my external reality was only created to show me what part of me was next to be loved. Oh, whatever rises love that. And that became what the ascended masters were giving me to share with the world. And it was then became my mission, to help the world be more heart centered. Help the world learn how powerful it is to be heart centered. Help the world learn what it means to be an empath, because it's that emotional nourishment that creates the family. Foundation for these bigger awakenings to occur. So I came into this field ready to speak about awakening, and I weave it through my my teachings, but I was asked by my guides, Hey, what the world really needs is really the emotional sustenance of self love, right? And so that became my mission for the last 18 years to help people love what arises, to learn how to love themselves, to not use spirituality as a distraction from self love, and to not use self love as a distraction from inspired, mature choices. And I think along the way, I didn't use the word channeling a lot, so I think a lot of people just didn't put me in the category, because I'm not trans channeling correct. But when I speak, people feel the energy, and what they're feeling is the same feeling of heaven that's never left me since I was eight years old, and so I'm transmitting the vibration of heaven. I'm transmitting an energy that heals, awakens and transforms. So when my words are spoken and I I don't even really choose my words, I just they, they always flow out of me, even when I'm being funny, I'm not choosing them. And it's the same way, like Robin Williams, for example, or Jim Carrey, they are channels, no if you if you know what channeling as you go, they're obviously channeling. It's just not like I said before we started this broadcast. They have some funny guides. They have there, but I'll tell you, guides can be extremely funny, of course. You know, our egos are funny, but guides are very funny. So I sat off camera, you know, we talked about channeling, and I said, if I was a world class chef and I had the ability to smell and that helped me make incredible food, I wouldn't be known as a sniffer chef, right? Channeling is just one of my abilities. I'm an empath. I'm an intuitive. But these are just one of many things that I've been given to do the work that I do. I I've always identified with being a spiritual teacher and a healer. I think of myself as an artist, because I think what we do is a work of art. This is creating, creating. I'm a creator, but I've always been a channel, and I I think for me, the reason why it wasn't such an obvious thing was because the conversations I got in about my very esoteric upbringing and my experiences, even like when I was beamed up on a light ship and I met Kanye and face to face, like I had This, I've had these experiences that are and people hear that, and I love sharing that. But sometimes the conversation gets away from the essence, which is, how can we take this story that I've lived? And for every viewer watching this, you know, if they walk away and go, Wow, that Matt con is, is an amazing being that's not the success of them walking away feeling touched by spirit and being more in tune with their essence, more in tune with their intuition, and being more awake and expanded and healed them before this moment. That's that's literally my focus and so and when I first came out and we put my videos on YouTube, I didn't want it to be listened to me because of these experiences I've had. I got you. You don't say

Alex Ferrari 38:41
No, no, no, I got you. I got you 100% Yeah, it's you don't want to get you don't want to get the stuff in the way. Right? I struggle with that myself, because a lot of times I'm like, How do I position this? How do I right? Because my goal is not to preach to the to the converted, right? That's very easy, right? Right? It's about finding people who curious about something, curious about something else, and it opens up rabbit holes that they go down, yeah, as well. And I'm just to clarify this, none of the things happened on any sort of drugs, mushrooms, toed skin, nothing like that. Okay, I have to ask. I have to ask, of course, no, because I've had people who've had these. I've had people who've had so much LSD that it should have killed the horse, and yet. And they went out. They go out to this wonderful and very spiritual experience. They go to the edge of the universe. They meet an alien, and they go, What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here. Get out of here. And he goes. 10 years later, they take another trip. I told you not You're not ready that kind of stuff. So I say that joking, half joking, but half not, because people, a lot of times, use psychedelics to go to these places.

Matt Kahn 39:50
Ofcourse. And what's interesting is, you know, I even had, and I have no disrespect for psychedelics, but I. Like, but I think that it needs to be used in a very mindful, prescriptive way. So like when people come to my events, or they watch videos, they they feel an energy, right? They go through this experience. They go through an experience that is like a psychedelic trip. Like even in my waking state, you know, I see the vibrational particles of energy that make up solid form. If I look at the ground, I can see like waves of energy that make up the ground like but these, these are levels of reality that have been awakened within me, and I still have the ability, thankfully, to function. But I remember I was going to be invited to just to do a retreat in this retreat center where they also did medicine ceremonies and and they said, Yeah, you know, after people are done with your event, they can come and just do some Ayahuasca or whatever. And I said to them, and I said, But you know, it felt irresponsible for me, for while people are integrating the energy I'm transmitting to then wander into an Ayahuasca circle, do that, and then they're integrating them, then they wander back the next morning. And so, too much. And so I think that for me, it's always been about being so responsible, not only for my audience and the experiences I'm guiding, but but for me, having the experiences I've had sober has made me respectful of the plant medicine, absolutely. But for me, there's not an interest, like people always say, but aren't you just kind of curious what would happen. And I know that if I was called ceremonially in my heart, like, if that was something I needed to connect with, I would follow that. But if I don't have that, like I I think one of the most amazing things about this, this experience, for me, is is it has absolved me of this hunger or curiosity for more, for the sake of more, right? There's a code of mindfulness in the universe, and there's something to be said about making the most with what you have, instead of always thinking more is going to be the answer.

Alex Ferrari 42:18
Yeah. And, I mean, I've been a person who's never drank or smoked. I tried drinking, I guess my body rejected. It was just not something I was built to do. Yeah, and many people like, are you interested, if you like, you know, trying a gummy, you know, or doing this, I'm like, I you know, it doesn't really, it doesn't. It messes with my nervous system. Yeah, it's just not what I'm supposed to do. And I've had experiences as well, spiritual experiences that that I didn't need. I got high on my own supply, like you do, yeah, if we get high on our own supply in that sense, where you don't need it. Now there are people, you know, I spoke to a vet the other day, yeah, it completely helped him cure himself, a PSD, PTSD, of course, because it brought up all the it, there is a purpose for it, and it's not for everyone that's right, just like this conversation, not for everyone, right? Of course, if you are ready for a conversation like this, it'll be in front of you, yes, and if you're watching this, to troll us. God bless. Thank you. And by the way, and that's some of the most entertainment I have is reading the comments. Oh, the best, shocking best. So much fun.

Matt Kahn 43:27
By the way. You know, it's funny. So my parents both were hippie origin. They both had medical marijuana licenses for their ailments. And when I lived with my parents before all a lot of this happened. I would sit with my parents. I'd smoke with my parents. I'd get high. I lived in that kind of family, which is very different, very different. And then I would give Dharma talks, and they would say, Matthew, now we can finally understand what you're saying. Because I'm high. And I remember being high and going, Oh, this is actually how I feel naturally, but in a different way.

Alex Ferrari 44:08
It's different. It's different. It's extremely different. I spoke to a yogi once, yeah. And I said, What do you think of psychedelics? And he's like, Well, and he gave a beautiful and again, it's not for everybody, but he goes taking a psychedelic is like taking a sledgehammer to it to a wall to make a window where meditation, yeah, is putting in the window, sure, organically, sure. Because one way is going to be a little slower, right? The other way is a rocket ship, right? And not everyone's ready for that rocket.

Matt Kahn 44:43
Well and you know, it's like a beautiful it's like a meal at a buffet. You can eat as much as you want, but you're gonna have to digest it. And the amount of time it takes to digest an experience, like some people will come to my events, and they'll have to digest that. And then what happens is that sometimes. Digestive experience is confused for more trauma, and they need something else, they think, to heal that ailment. They don't realize it would be like, for example, if someone was in surgery and was recovering post op and they said, I'm in so much pain. I need, I think I need another surgery to get rid of this. And the nurse says, No, Mr. Smith, what you're feeling is the pain of the surgery you just went through. We don't need to reopen you up. And so I think a lot of times people are doing is they think they're supposed to be they're supposed to feel a certain way, and it's like, what can I do? How many things can I double down on? I'm gonna meditate for five hours a day. I'm going to chant this. I'm going to do this plant medicine and and we've, we've taken our western culture of more and better, and we've applied it as something that requires mindfulness, like it's one thing when you would wander into the woods and come up upon a plant that you were meant to ingest, and you had your experience at right. But with with things so available, and not every shaman is going to, you know, sometimes shaman will succumb to the desires of someone paying them versus being true to true, right? And that's true in every field. So I think it's just we're really at a part in history, or point in history where the question is, can I be aware of what I actually need, and might it be true that what I need is far less than what I think I need? Or can I learn to make the most of what I already have instead of just, you know, like when we were kids, I don't play with my toys, but I need the new Transformers, and then I'm not going to play with that, right? And the same thing. So there is no doubt that plant medicine can help with PTSD and really deep levels of healing. And I've seen it happen, and I there would be no reason for me to for me to say otherwise, it's all about application, and it's all about, is this actually what you need? And I think we're at a point in the spiritual journey where we're all ready for a more mature dive, which is, you know, there's some, you know, a lot of people will say high level spirituality is like when I can make objects levitate, when I can meet Ascended Masters. High level spirituality is when you're attracted to what you need, not seduced by what you think you want, and when you get to that place. And again, that's why I will talk about my experiences. But I, you know, I lead with them, right? Because it's not like, Hey, watch Mads video because of blah, blah, blah, hey, he, he talks to Jesus all the time. I wanted to be no one special, and I wanted, if I meant to do this work, people will resonate with what is moving through me, and that's what happened. And I've met people who have had really big spiritual experiences. I've met people who have said to have big spiritual experiences. But what's important to me is the current state of embodiment.

Alex Ferrari 48:21
And you know, the thing is that I get asked a lot by by people who, you know, find out what I do. Yeah. And they go, so do you do you believe that these channels? It's just like, I mean, it seems pretty weird. Yeah. Emily seems like, God. I'm like, You know what? This is my take on the whole thing. And I go, this is my take on all of them. And the funny thing is, I mean, I knew darylanka As a filmmaker for years before I even knew he channeled. That's interesting, fascinating, isn't the way the world works right? Then, years later, I have this show, yeah. So I've known people who are channels at a human level before I ever knew that they channeled So, knowing, knowing the way the world works, channel is a tough gig, man, yeah. Like you know that there's easier ways to hustle people than channeling right, and it's very difficult to do right if to fake. So I always go, Look, believe it. Don't believe it. Don't let the channeling part persuades you right? What are they saying?

Matt Kahn 49:24
What are they saying?

Alex Ferrari 49:25
What is the message? Is it helping you? Is it helping you in your journey? Then take it, if it's not, discard it and move on, exactly. And I say that about everything we talk about on the show, of course, does it resonate with you? Is it helping you?

Matt Kahn 49:40
Well, even if we take an example of like, going to see a psychic reader, right, correct? So if you go to a psychic reader, and let's say you go and they tell you information that you resonate with, oh, my god, that was true for my father, blah, blah, blah, you walk away having a good experience with a psychic reader, because. Is you yourself are in tune or intuitive enough to confirm that it was real and true information. If you go to a psychic reader, and let's say that they say things that just doesn't feel right, just feels off, how do you know it's off? Because you walk away more in tune with yourself. So whether it's a good or a bad reading, the whole purpose is that you walk away more in tune with yourself. So if a site, if a channel, says something that resonates and it feels good in your body, you're now walking away more connected and in tune with yourself, which means your healing is accelerating and your awakening is deepening. And that's the service.

Alex Ferrari 50:35
You know. What's funny is that I have a unique perspective on life, because I speak to people like you all the time. I've spoken to channels. I've spoken to some of the best psychics in the world, mediums. I talk to them all the time, probably more than a normal human being does, right? They don't generally have maybe one or two, but they don't talk to hundreds like I do, right? So, you know, I always get little you know, sometimes after the recording is off, they'll go, Alex, have to tell you something. My guides are bugging me to have to tell you. And so I'm like, oh, cool, you know, and they'll tell me something. And I mean, everybody who's been on my show, to be honest with you, I can feel when they're right or not, and they've been pretty much on on point, because I don't I'm not asking about anything, and they're saying stuff that have not been mentioned on the show, yeah, things like that. But then, like before, I used to go to psychics, like, you know, to carnival before any of this stuff, because I was always curious about it. And they'll go, you have a brother, no, I don't you have a sister. Nope, no, sisters. You have someone with the name s, t, u and that. And that, I mean, you're like, Oh, dude, seriously. Like, this is such a hustle. Why are you doing this? You could feel it. You could feel the difference the cold reading, right? A cold yeah, the cold reading, like, but then I've had cold readings with a guest who are professional psychics, yeah? And they'll just go, Yeah, this happened to you when you were this age. This happened to them, right? Your wife, it's like this, your son, your daughter, your daughters are like this, yeah, your mom did this and this and this. And is this happening to you right now? You know, I'm like, what is happening, right? You just, you can feel it because, and I'm also very conscious about what I say on the show, of course. So if this is, if there's information out there, they'll go, oh, this or that. No, no, they they nail it. And a lot of times I'm gonna meet I've had mediums who tell me, your Grandma's here, or your this relative is here. And I'm like, Okay, let's play this. I wanna see what goes yeah, and they'll just start rattling off, right, what they look like, who they are, their personalities

Matt Kahn 52:37

Alex Ferrari 52:37
Nobody knows this. I know nobody knows this. Amazing. So there's for someone who's a very practical Sure. I'm a pretty grounded, practical guy, you know, and I call a spade a spade, right? Just like I'm like, so Galactic Federation, let's talk, you know, that kind of stuff. I want to point these things out, because, I promise you, if I'm pointing it out, someone's thinking about it, who's watching this 100% so I want to put it out in there. I'm like, No, let's talk about this. Yeah, because a lot of times I see people interview people like yourself or channels, and they don't ask the obvious question, like, do you think you were crazy when you heard a voice

Matt Kahn 53:09

Alex Ferrari 53:10
Wouldn't that be the first question you would ask?

Matt Kahn 53:12
That be the first thing. Like, Jesus. How did you feel about.

Alex Ferrari 53:15
When you saw Jesus in the garden? Did you think you were losing your mind or and then, yeah, I point these out because it's something that I want people to understand, sure, because that's the first thing that pops in their head.

Matt Kahn 53:25
Well let's also be human beings. Let's because that's what because we are. And let's, let's not pretend that spiritual is some sort of fantasized Elite version of being human that, like the whole purpose is to realize the totality of your being and to personify it in your human beingness. And so, you know that's really important, like when I meet so, you know, when I'm out in public, I get recognized a lot, which is very humbling, and I love that. And a lot of times when people will meet me, they'll say, Can I say something to you? I'm sure, whatever they go, I didn't expect you to be so normal, because

Alex Ferrari 54:09
I was floating a second ago.

Matt Kahn 54:11
Well, if you better a second ago. That was water I made into a wine. It was,

Alex Ferrari 54:17
It was, it was a nice Chardonnay.

Matt Kahn 54:19
It was a Pinot, whatever that is, no no, that is we and I'll tell you what happened with me. So I remember when I first started teaching, and I was really like, Okay, I'm doing this. I'm channeling Ascended Masters. And I didn't have, like, a spiritual ego that, like, hurt people like, what? But, but in myself, I started to notice, oh, I think I have a spiritual ego, like when I first started doing this work. And the way I started to recognize this was I was under the impression, in the very early stages, that if we weren't having a spirit. Spiritual conversation, it wasn't deep. And then I realized, Oh, I'm really into spirituality. I found the thing in life. I'm really talented that, and I need to stay in my wheelhouse to feel worthy in the presence of another person, and if I'm not dumpster diving into my emotional process in the presence of someone else, or if I'm not having a conversation about chakras and stuff, sure, this must just be superficial, and I actually had to check myself. And what I realized was was how often that I would use my abilities to pitch myself because I didn't feel worthy just being who I was. And I went through this really incredible after all these awakenings, I went through this integration phase where it felt like the universe was. How did they How did I describe it? It felt like they were. It was scrubbing the stench of spirituality out of me and helping me really tuck it in so that if I'm around someone who's energetically attuned, they can feel and they can sense, but if you but if, if you don't have that sense yet, I'm just going to be the most polite, maybe funny guy, and I'll say insightful things if it needs to be. But I challenged myself when it because I would fly a lot, you know, going to events, and I would challenge myself, okay, if I meant to talk about what I do for a living, then God will dress up as a person who will ask me about it. And I challenge myself to be the human being that I kind of forgot I was, hell yeah, and I had to bring it all back and integrate it. And I think, because I know because my teachings have always been an inner mingling of wisdom and love, it helped me integrate back the human beingness that I momentarily lost sight of, and it helped me always be aware of humility as one of the most powerful forces in existence, and it's through the humility and the love and that is woven into the wisdom I channel that that helps make the most profound healing breakthroughs for people that I serve, and it allows me as a person like I've been around intuitives who say, Matt, I just got to deliver this message, and I can respect that, but that's a stage I grew out of. I am intuitive all the time for what the universe is telling me about my experience. I won't be intuitive about you, unless we are consenting, that's where we're working.

Alex Ferrari 57:44
So, so the lottery tickets next week can we discuss?

Matt Kahn 57:47
Yeah, we Alex, also I'm getting, I'm getting the initials of a relative somewhere between a and z. Do you know anyone who has initials

Alex Ferrari 57:56
Age between 5 to 85 and it could be a man or woman.

Matt Kahn 58:01
Yes, and I'm getting that they live somewhere 80 80,

Alex Ferrari 58:08
They've lived at a point 80 after, after Christ,

Matt Kahn 58:12
That's right, which I think you might remember.

Alex Ferrari 58:18
But brother, is there anything else you'd like to say to the audience? Any parting messages you'd like?

Matt Kahn 58:23
Oh, my God, God, this has been so fun.

Alex Ferrari 58:26
It's, I mean, we could talk for another four hours. I'm sure.

Matt Kahn 58:30
Well, you know, we're at a point in history where a lot of the old paradigm is falling apart. Yes, where watching the deconstruction of ego structures, corporate egos, political egos, collective egos, religious egos, and in ourselves. And I think that the most important thing to remember is, yes, we're healing, yes, we're awakening, yes, the world is ascending, but we're not leaving our humanity behind. We're not trading up. We're not trading in an ego and trading up for a spiritual ego. We are learning to become living vessels of spirit, and we're learning to be an open window through which the light of spirit can enter this world. And it's the love we offer ourselves that becomes the love we're willing to offer another, and we're at a point of history where love is not about reward and punishment. Love equally is necessary to heal victims and predators. Everyone has to be transformed for these cycles to break, and how you treat yourself in private is the greatest likelihood of how you'll treat others in public. So as an example, if you are someone who's really hardcore into meditation, which is totally fine, that will usually create an opportunity to be a little bit distant, socially awkward, avoidant or aloof, because how you meditate in private becomes. How you engage the world publicly, if you love yourself privately, if you accept yourself and love yourself. I don't like how this feels, but this part's here to be loved. How you practice treating yourself privately will become how you engage the world publicly, and it will create the versions of people that you attract. And so if that's how the universe works, then if we want to really heal, really awaken and really help this world ascend into the heaven and earth, it already is in a quantum reality. What we are all deciding right now is not whether this happens, it's what timeline we take and how direct are we going to get there, and what speeds up the fabric of time. The fourth dimension is, when I'm alone, can I and will I learn how to authentically love myself, and will I then celebrate the love that I find in myself, and Will I pass that along as gifts to others, as my contribution for the world I'm helping to ascend when we get to that point, an interview like what we're doing right now, if someone walks away from this interview feeling more connected to themselves, feeling more excited about loving themselves, and feeling a deeper connection to something that they've always known was there but they couldn't put their finger on, then we have succeeded, and that's That's why people who know that I channel okay, but whatever, all I care about is that when I leave this planet, I'm leaving it far more loving and heart centered than when I arrived here and at this point in my career and my journey, the only thing that matters to me and my wife, of course, our marriage, our newborn puppy, all these beautiful things, but what matters to us is our connection and walk with spirit. And that's the work that we're offering to the world. Is now is the time to reconnect with spirit. Now is the time to remember that not AI but consciousness is the most reliable technology, and instead of relying on our devices, let's remember who we are as multi dimensional beings. Again, AI as a purpose, but we're really at a point in time where this is where humanity remembers who it is, and it begins by each person watching this, walking away with more of a felt sense of who they are. And that's the greatest intention I have for everything that I do, is that it's not about who someone thinks I am. It's my ability to help them have a clear understanding of who they are.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:13
Couldn't have put it better myself, sir. Oh, where can, where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Matt Kahn 1:03:18
Well, well, thank you. By the way my website's mattkahn.org, mattkahn.org if you sign up for the free newsletter we send out, we also send you a link to our free documentary that was created. It's it's a documentary that you literally experience healing while you watch it. And I think actually the URL for that is mattkahn.org/love and it's a free documentary that we created as a gift for the world. And you know, you can check out all the upcoming events that I'm doing, my wife and I are doing together and and really, you know, this is just, it's time for the world to reconnect as one, and whether we're spiritual beings, not spiritual beings, however we identify ourselves to be, we're all included. We all have a vital role in this ascension, and we literally need the light and the power of every individual to help this world evolve. And so it's incredible when, when you know the spiritual community used to be these like little fringe groups, but the most intentional spiritual community is Earth, because we're all spirit, and so it's a beautiful thing to start even just watching the beginning stages of this intentional community remember itself.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:44
And if I can end on this, sir, yeah, can we make hashtag sniff chef,

Matt Kahn 1:04:50
Sniff chef, yes, yeah, I'm one of those sniffer chefs. That's how I feel when I say channel. I'm one of those channels. I'm one of those channels.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:59
Sniff channel.

Matt Kahn 1:05:00
Yeah, #sniffchannel, it's a thing.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:04
Let's make it a thing, everybody.

Matt Kahn 1:05:06
It's a thing now,

Alex Ferrari 1:05:07
Brother, uh, you're like a brother from another mother. Appreciate you so much for coming, man. Appreciate you.

Matt Kahn 1:05:12
Much love.

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