There is a timeless allure in the convergence of science and spirituality, a tantalizing dance between the known and the unknown. On today’s episode, we welcome Jeff Carreira, a thought leader whose journey navigates these very realms. Jeff’s exploration began with a traditional scientific background, yet it evolved into a profound quest for understanding the spiritual dimensions of our existence.
Raised Catholic, Jeff’s early aspirations leaned towards priesthood. However, a skeptical grandfather’s remark led him to physics, seeking answers in the physical universe. Yet, his scientific pursuits only deepened his existential questions. “I felt if I understood physics, I would understand everything there was to know,” he recalls. This journey, however, led him to the edge of physics where scientific assumptions blurred, and a new quest for understanding emerged.
Jeff’s epiphany came through Thomas Kuhn’s work, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” which reveals the cyclical nature of scientific paradigms. This realization pushed him towards psychology, meditation, and spiritual philosophy. His exploration into the connection between quantum physics and spirituality began to bridge the gap between his scientific leanings and spiritual passions.
Quantum physics, with its intricate theories and paradoxes, offers a profound lens through which to examine reality. Jeff likens human experience to shadows on a cave wall, a reference to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Our perceptions are mere reflections of a deeper, more complex reality. “We assume that those shadows, that the experience we’re having, are real in some material way,” Jeff states. This analogy underscores the limitations of our perceptions and the potential depth of the realities we do not yet understand.
One of the most fascinating aspects Jeff discusses is quantum entanglement, where two particles remain connected regardless of the distance separating them. This phenomenon challenges the very fabric of time and space, hinting at a deeper, interconnected reality. “If that happened in a gym, we’d be freaking out,” Jeff quips, illustrating the profound implications of such quantum phenomena.
These scientific discoveries echo spiritual insights that have existed for millennia. Eastern philosophies, for instance, emphasize looking inward for truth. Jeff notes that our materialistic worldview, which dominates contemporary thought, is but one lens through which to view reality. Quantum physics offers an opportunity to question and expand beyond these limitations, encouraging us to explore the spiritual dimensions of our existence.
Jeff’s journey is also deeply personal. His practice of meditation has revealed inner truths that transcend physical reality. “When you go inside, you start to see the truth about who you really are,” he explains. This inward exploration aligns with the teachings of great spiritual masters like Jesus and Buddha, who emphasized the importance of inner wisdom over external knowledge.
- Interconnected Reality: Quantum physics suggests that all particles are interconnected, reflecting a deeper spiritual truth about our connection to the universe.
- Inner Wisdom: True understanding comes from looking within, aligning with ancient spiritual teachings that prioritize inner exploration over external validation.
- Questioning Reality: Both science and spirituality encourage questioning our assumptions about reality, opening the door to deeper understanding and enlightenment.
In this profound conversation, Jeff Carreira invites us to reconsider our perceptions of reality, blending the insights of quantum physics with timeless spiritual wisdom. His journey reminds us that the quest for truth is ever-evolving, challenging us to remain open and curious about the mysteries of existence.
Please enjoy my conversation with Jeff Carreira.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 292
Jeff Carreira 0:00
How do you no matter exists, all you really have is experience. And, and so the the experience that we have as human beings is like the shadows on the cave wall. And we assume that those shadows that the experience we're having, that it's real in some material way we believe in in the worldview that says, When I touch this table I'm touching something.
Alex Ferrari 0:35
I like to welcome to the show, Jeff Carreira. How you doing Jeff.
Jeff Carreira 0:38
Very good. Nice to see you, Alex.
Alex Ferrari 0:40
Pleasure to be a pleasure, man, friend, thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited to talk to you about one of our favorite subjects of the audience that that I love talking about is quantum physics. And its connection to spirituality and kind of going into that deep, deep rabbit hole that is ever changing. By the way, it's it's a rabbit hole that constantly is changing. Unlike a lot of ancient wisdom that kind of just stays ancient and wisdom and wise, quantum physics is still trying to figure things out and connecting it to spiritualities is always interesting. So my first question is what caused you what sparked your interest in doing research in regards to the connection between quantum physics and spirituality?
Jeff Carreira 1:23
Well, this is a long standing interest of mine in the sense that when I was very young, I was raised Catholic. And my first interest was in being a priest.
Alex Ferrari 1:39
You me both brother. Priest, a priest came in and my first grade class, and I went home and I go, Mom, I'm gonna be a priest. And my mom's like, Oh, God.
Jeff Carreira 1:52
I was very young. And I told my grandfather, I wanted to be a priest. And he said, great idea. Good racket, you see that Lincoln, they drive. And I just thought, Okay, I don't want to be a priest. That was the end of that desire. And I went through a progression, you know, I went through the rest of my childhood becoming more and more disillusioned with religion. And so in my, in high school, I declared myself an atheist. And I studied physics as an undergraduate because I felt if I understood physics, since we lived in a physical universe, I would understand everything there was to know. And, as it turned out, I came to a place where I realized that there's, there's, there's basically an edge to physics in which scientists are making it up. And I read, I read Thomas Kuhns book, the structures of Scientific Revolutions, which basically talks about how we think the history of science is the history of increasing knowledge about reality. When in fact, it's it's a very interesting history in which worldviews emerge. And they exist for a while, and then they collapse. And then a completely new world view emerges. And there's very little that connects one to the next. It's not really a progression of knowledge about reality. It's really a shifting philosophy about what is real. And that's when I started getting into psychology, and then meditation, philosophy, spiritual philosophy, and, and so I've always been, in some ways, wanting to rectify my scientific leanings, with my spiritual passions.
Alex Ferrari 3:57
It's always very interesting, because science and scientists a lot of times and speak with such authority that they know everything. But there, it goes to an edge, all science goes to an edge, when you start getting going bigger and bigger and bigger to the point where like, well, the Big Bang, great, what was before the Big Bang, what caused the Big Bang? I don't know. We can't go there or gravity. Quantify gravity for me. And they're like, Well, we know how it works. But why does it work? You know, that these these basic ideas like this, they only could go so far. But yet the ego tells them it's like a very egotistic way of looking at like, I know this for a fact. Well, I mean, it's constantly changing. And we're kind of constantly growing. I mean, there was a time there, the whole Galileo effect that they wouldn't even look through the telescope. They just wouldn't even look like Listen, we can't go down there, but we'll buy them for the for the war. But we
Jeff Carreira 5:08
Got it! No, definitely. And, you know, I went down big rabbit hole in terms of the Big Bang theory at one point. And you say essentially, it's a pretty bad theory, meaning, it doesn't explain much. And it requires a lot of mathematical fudging, to make it work. You know, every time we figure out that the universe is bigger than we thought it was, or has more matter in it than we thought it was. We need to, we need to explain. We need to, we need to add an element that helps make the mathematical trajectory of the Big Bang workout. So it's not a great theory. It just happens to be really the only one we have. But in fact, it's not. It's not, in my opinion, really, significantly more explanatory than saying God invented it, or, you know, God started the universe. I mean, it's just just you replace God with a big bang. And nobody knows what that is. Because before the Big Bang, there was no time and there was no space. So how does it How does an explosion happen in no time and no space? You know, nobody really knows. So it's just as mysterious as saying, God, whatever that is invented that created the universe.
Alex Ferrari 6:33
And the thing is that, with the Big Bang, you can actually see there is things that they can study now, which is remnants of the Big Bang with telescopes, so they can see what happened. Why it happened, is the question how it happened, is the question, but they'd like something happened, and we can prove that something happened. And we can prove, you know, it's like, kind of like, I know, this cake taste. Well, it tastes good. I love this cake. It's delicious. And I know there was eggs in this or that, but who created the materials to make the eggs to make you just keep going down? Down? You're just like, I don't know.
Jeff Carreira 7:12
And the further down that rabbit hole you go, the more you realize that, you know, as Thomas Kuhn wrote about in the structures of Scientific Revolutions it's very questionable that we know anything at all. You know, not not, of course, we do know things. But we know things in relationship to a background of understanding. And we don't know. So there's a there's a great word, and I always miss mispronounce it, but I think it's called Verasimalatude something like that, anyway, basically means the truth that the the truthiness of a statement. And the idea is, if we don't know what reality is, how do we know which theory is closer to it than any other theory? You know, if, if you don't know where you're going, how do you know if you're getting any closer? What What? What allows you to say this is true versus that is true, if you don't know what's underneath it all. It's like, you know, the Kuhn has some fantastic examples of scientific theories that were, they were true in the time that they were true, until they, you know, couldn't prove something or something else was discovered. And then suddenly, it wasn't true anymore. And, and then everything changed. And everybody changed how they're thinking about it, gravity was a force. And then gravity became the effect of the bending of space time. But for for a long time, it was a force and it looked like a force and everybody thought it was a force. And people would speak about it as if it was a force with complete certainty. Until it wasn't anymore. And it took decades to accept that because people thought Einstein was off his rocker and didn't really make sense. So, you know, what I like to say is literally, every single scientific theory that has ever been held as rock solid, true, has been proven false, except the ones we believe a rock solid true today. What's the chances that 500 years from now those are all going to stand up?
Alex Ferrari 9:39
I mean, I hope that the Earth does go around the sun. So that is a rock solid truth. I mean, we I hope,
Jeff Carreira 9:45
Alex Ferrari 9:46
I hope now,
Jeff Carreira 9:47
We'll figure that out a few 100 years ago, but yeah,
Alex Ferrari 9:50
Right. And it took how many how many decades if not hundreds of years for it to be accepted? as well. So yeah, there are some scientific truths that we do hold To understand today, but the reality of those truths are being questioned now by quantum physics, which, which is now throwing things up, it's up ending materialism, which is what all science is based on is if I'm not wrong, it's based on materialism, that we live in a materialistic world, and everything is solid, and this and that. But now we discovered that everything isn't solid, everything is energy. And if you keep going down, there's actually no space between the electrons and the protons inside. So if there's no space, and what's holding it together, and then the concept of consciousness comes up, and the conscious of thought there's just it just opens up, as Einstein called the quantum physics is the spooky, it's spooky, right? Something along those lines. Spooky spooky science? Yes. Because I don't want to talk about that. They they ignore it? And is it a true that when even when it think it's the early 1900s? If I'm not mistaken, we kind of physics started to really come up on its own. It's basically just been almost shunned for over 100 years, to the point where there hasn't been a lot of major advances in quantum physics. Am I wrong?
Jeff Carreira 11:09
Quantum physics. I mean, it's, I think it's still explored as far as I know, you know, I mean, look, when I was an undergraduate, the big thing was, like superstring theory. And that was a big thing. And that's what people were getting into. And that's been that's more or less gone by the wayside. You know, I mean, I don't know that. That means it's untrue. But it I've once heard it described as the theory that explains everything, right? But it explains it's essentially saying that, a theory that explains everything explains nothing. Because no matter what you can always, you know, you can always massage that theory to explain it. Which means a theory needs to have some things it doesn't explain in order to be, you know, sort of rock solid. So String Theory went went by the wayside, there's still some proponents of it. But it's not like a major deal.
Alex Ferrari 12:11
Well, let me ask you this. There's a concept in quantum physics that is fascinating to me. And it really, really throws materialism completely out the window. But just quantum entanglement, when you discuss quantum entanglement and how it relates to spirituality.
Jeff Carreira 12:29
Sure, well, you know, quantum entanglement is, you know, and I'm not a physicist, but you know, my understanding of quantum entanglement essentially means that if you have two particles, that and then you separate them, no matter how far you separate them, they are connected, which means if one has a spin in one direction, the other one will have a spin in the other direction. And if you change the spin of this one, this one will change. So I like to say that's like, if you were in a gymnasium, and you had a basketball, you had two basketballs that were touching, and then you walked to people took them to opposite sides of the gym, you put them on the ground, and you pick this one up and bounced it, and that one bounced, you know, and I use this in the book, I think, but what I like to say is, if that happened in a gym, if we had two basketballs on opposite sides of the gym, and we bounce this one, and that one bounced, at the same exact time, we'd be freaking out. We'd be saying, Oh, my God, this changes everything. We need to we need to just massively step back and rethink everything about that we've ever thought about anything. But this has been happening at the quantum level for 100 years. And it's not really causing, you know, I think among scientists, it causes a stirrer and among some people who are interested, but I think the the world of quantum physics is so far removed from the everyday experience of reality, that it just doesn't figure as prominent, where as I said, if if two basketballs were moving in offices out of the gym, you know, everybody in that gym would be freaking out and probably, you know, radically starting to rethink their worldview.
Alex Ferrari 14:25
Right and in, so how does that play into the concept of spirituality in the sense that spirituality, everything and when that that word is so loaded and has so much it's such a wide, you know, brush to paint this conversation but spirituality as the afterlife, multiple realms, different realities, the power of thought, consciousness, the observer, all of these things, it kind of shows us a kind of a small little window into that this quantum entanglement, because it's showing us that we are connected at a much deeper level than we truly understand. Because you and I are separated by arguably hundreds, if not 1000s of miles, if at this point where you are in the world and where I am in the world right now. But yet we are connected at a different level that you and I understand on a spiritual sense. Doesn't entanglement kind of give you a window into that?
Jeff Carreira 15:30
Sure. You know, what entanglement shows? Is that what we have always thought, and what our common sense tells us are the limits of time and space, aren't the limits of time and space that we're in are limited by time and space. And the way that we thought we were it just like, it would be just like if I don't know, turn my light switch on over here, and your room went dark. That would be like, Okay, that's weird. That shouldn't happen. So So Thomas Kuhn in his book said that there's three ways that paradigm shift. One is that we run into a problem that we just cannot solve for love of money, no matter what. Right? And eventually, we have to give up on our fundamental assumptions. The second is, someone has some kind of mystical, almost mystical realization, like Einstein did about relativity, you know, there wasn't really any experiment, he hadn't really seen anything, he just thought about it. And the third one is when things that shouldn't be possible, happen. And, and so you see something impossible, you think, okay, then it clearly it's possible. So if to particle particles on opposite sides of the galaxy, can show that kind of entangled connection, that shouldn't be possible, because it shouldn't take some fine out of my, even if they are somehow communicating, it should take some amount of time to get there. And it's not. You know, so the two big the two very popular quantum physics examples, one is quantum entanglement. The other is the, the photoelectric effect, which essentially says, if you have two slits, and you shine light through it, as long as you have two slits open, then you'll get a wave field on the other side, because as the light goes through it, it bends and they interfere with the light from this slit and misled interfere, and it creates a pattern. Because one, of course, you don't get that pattern anymore, right, because all the lights going through one side, it's not interacting with any other light, it just hits the wall. So okay, that's normal. So then what they do is they, they, they just emit one little photon of light at a time, which means that photon can only be going through one slit, it's like a bullet. And there's no other photons happening. Now, when you have two slits, and you shine just one photon through, and you do one and another, then another, and another, and another and another through the same slit, you end up with this pattern. That should be happening because the light is going through both slits at once and interfering. But it's happening, even though all the lights going through one slit. Right? And if you close the other slit, then you don't get the pattern. Right. So you get that you only get the pattern when both lists are open, but then it gets even weirder. Because if you put a detector on one slit, and then you definitively know that the electron went through that slit, it doesn't make the pattern anymore. It's like it knows, you know, it's right. As long as there's some reasonable doubt, it'll make the pattern. But as soon as you're certain of which slit it that it only went through one slit. It only reveals itself as having gone through one slit. So that's really weird. Yes, it is.
Alex Ferrari 19:25
Yeah. Yeah, facet. It's fascinating because, well, that opens up the whole idea of consciousness and the observer, which is been debated and thought about for millennia of what is consciousness who is watching. Inside of our brain, there's a voice. There's a voice to talking to us constantly the ego, we call it the ego, but yet there's something observing that what is that? Who is that is that the soul? Is that the higher self? Is that? What is that? So it's again, the observer watching determines a lot of what's happening. And that's what this this experiment really is saying is that if you're observing it, you're influencing sit with your observation. Right? If you're not, it does its own thing. That's, that's funky man.
Jeff Carreira 20:25
Absolutely, you know, this, this is, this should be big news.
Alex Ferrari 20:29
This shouldn't be front page news, but we need to know why the Kardashians are doing. And we're going back real quick to entanglement with there should be no, you know, between two particles in two different sides of the universe, there should be some sort of time delay, even the speed of light or something between that communication. But from my, my rudimentary research and just talking to near death, experiencers they talk about instant communication, instantly being at another place with their thoughts instantly being somewhere else, that they can communicate telepathically, but it almost is instant in what they know. And an immense amount of a download of, of all universal knowledge. Like, instantly when they're on the other side. Not all, but some get that and they just go oh, that's what quantum physics is. The kind of thing, they don't bring it back often. But this instantaneous information, and then you start start getting into the Akashic records. And then that whole, like, how could you even process everything that's ever happened anywhere in the universe, and then have complete total access to it instantly when you access it. Like, it's beyond the comprehension of our time and space, because there's a hard drive and need to go get the information that brings it back or, or a librarian that goes on its tear, pulls out a book brings it down. So this is what these these these are, again, I keep using the word windows, because there seems to be windows into what reality truly is, or what is beyond this time and space reality. But it's starting to kind of creep into our physical space. Does that make any sense?
Jeff Carreira 22:24
Yeah. You know, I, when I wrote the book, the spiritual implications of quantum physics, the pain thing, you know, because I'm also not the kind of person I don't feel like we can draw too many conclusions. On quantum physics is, it's a very new science, it's very, very hard to observe, you know, it, the experimental results. This is what's amazing about some of these things like the photoelectric effect, I mean, that was discovered over 100 years ago. Kids do that in high school, you know, I mean, that's a very repeatable experiment. This is not, you know, but it's so it challenges our us our fundamental conception of reality at such a deep level, you know, and then so you have on the one hand, people who just ignore it, just say, Okay, it's too weird. We just can't deal with it. And now that you have people who just x, you know, they they extend that experimental data to reality in ways that are completely unjustifiable, right? You can't just say, because of this axe, that's, that's a there's, there's a huge leap from the quantum level, to the macro level that we live on, it's very hard to. But what I what I do want to make the point of is, quantum physics is a well established enough that we can reasonably doubt the validity of our current conceptions of time and space, like it's, it's actually most reasonable to assume they're wrong. Well, and even though they appear to be right at the level that we're interacting with them and the laws of Newtonian laws of physics weren't great for things about our size. We now know that they're not the truth about reality. That they just don't they don't work at the quantum level. And that means they don't work in terms of which means we have to we have to be willing to question our entire as you've been saying, materialistic, you know, three dimensions of space in linear time. view of reality, not in terms of science as a useful art, you know, I mean, because that's working great. For a lot of things, you know, nobody wants to get to jettison science. You know, nobody wants to go back to a time before we understood everything we understand today. But in terms of an ontological understanding of the nature of reality, you know that when you want to ask big questions about who you are, and what does it mean to be and what's the purpose of life? You we need to be willing to extend that exploration beyond the materialistic world of time and space. It's not just about what is it? So that means that when you ask the question, What am i You can't just limit it to this the thing that exists inside this body? Right? You have to you have to look at it in terms of the consciousness, that's asking the question, what is that? Because that consciousness, at least according to the photoelectric effect, actually has an effect. Just it's observation, it doesn't have an effect, because it controls the body and the body has an effect. It has an effect just by looking. And what does that mean, about who you are? And about what's possible for you? And your reason for being?
Alex Ferrari 26:17
Yeah, I mean, cuz right now, from my understanding of the quantum what the quantum realm is that we're all made up of the same stuff, protons, electrons, everything's made up, basically, have you know, that same stuff? But the question is, what is organizing that stuff into Jeff, into me into this table into this microphone? What is the organizing factor that puts us in these little packages? Because arguably, we're just atoms and protons and electrons scattered throughout the universe, but for whatever reason, we're, we're being organized in this in this way. That's what quantum quantum physics essentially tells us. The question that they can't answer, though, is, what is the organizing factor of all of this spirit in spirit, I've heard that this is a illusion that we all agree upon. Hence, it has been created in that sense, this now we're getting into a little bit deeper on the spiritual side and the science side. But we are we are in an illusion that we have created. And we all agree upon this illusion. And that's why we're here. What do you think of that? idea?
Jeff Carreira 27:37
You know, personally, and you know, when you get to a place where you can't really offer any evidence, of course, yeah. But my experience resonates best, with a view of reality in which I don't, I don't actually believe that reality is created from electrons and protons and particles. You know, I don't I'm philosophically I'm closer to being an idealist. And idealism has its own problems, which we don't need to get into. But fundamentally, I, I, you know, if I look at my own experience, I look, I was a scientist, I was an engineer for a long time, I worked with scanning electron microscopes that could literally see molecules in in materials, you only see them as kind of little bumps. But you know, it's very interesting. See, molecules, this is kind of like when you were saying, you look at the big bang, and you could see something. What does it mean to see what is it like a scanning electron microscope? What does that even mean? You're you're sort of, you know, you're, you're scanning something with an energetic Ray. And then there's some kind of scatter coming off. And then you're interpreting that, that means you're seeing something. Who knows? If you're seeing, you know, a lot of what you're seeing is just energy, right? Isn't that there's no actual matter there. But anyway, if I look at my actual experience, I was just thinking about this this morning, actually, I was I was writing a piece and I was and I was asking people what proof do you actually have that matter exists? If you really think about it, you know, and you can say, well, I can touch this and I can feel it. But all you know, is that you, you have the experience of moving your hand you have the experience of of bumping into something solid and you have the experience of some tactile sensation. There's actually no matter in that equation. It's all experience. And, and I don't know if you've ever had lucid dreams, you know, that was a that was a big part of my journey, you know, and I was, I was I was an engineer at the time. I used to be able to, with some regularity, wake up in my dreams. And I would do things like that. I remember being in a castle of all places, and I was sitting on the wind on the stone windowsill, and I was running my finger across the rock ledge, and there was water in it. And I was going, Wow, this feels exactly like a real castle wood. But I know I'm in a dream. You know, and I thought this is really this is really trippy, because I know this castle doesn't exist. I know. It's all in my head. And so when I was not in the dream, and then I started looking at something, I thought, well, if I if I was dreaming, it would feel exactly like this. And this is the question that this is the question that Descartes asked in his meditations, you know, he was just he decided he needed to, like, jettison all assumed knowledge and sit on his bed and question everything. And one of his questions was, how do I know this isn't a dream? It because if this was a dream, it would be exactly like this, you know, how do I know? And that's, I think reality is more like a dream than a physical place. And let and let's face it, the idea that, that we live in some kind of universe of three dimensions of space. It doesn't totally add up, because where does it go? You know, it's just infinite. You know, this was a problem. Even even those guys, you know, the, in the Middle Ages, they knew this was a problem. They were like, you know, Newton and Descartes, and they were like, three dimensional space. Does that really make sense? We just leave forever. I can't remember who did it. But eventually, they decided to ask the Pope. Because, of course, the pope had had the direct line to all knowledge. So. And the Pope said, this is maybe getting the story slightly wrong. But it's more or less this, the Pope said, Oh, yeah. three dimensions of space are infinite. And the reason that's possible is because God is infinite, and God can do anything. And that's what God did.
Alex Ferrari 32:17
That makes it very logical.
Jeff Carreira 32:19
Okay, yeah. So they went, Okay, let's run with that. Because we've got this whole science to develop, and we need, we need this Cartesian background to base it on. So let's just run the Pope said, He gave us his blessing. Everybody's gonna let us go. Let's go with it. And I think Descartes at some point, came up with some theory about the pituitary gland because nobody knew what that did. Oh, no, that was where this is. Another thing is, there's just so many things that we don't understand. How can my mind move my hand? At what point does my thought of moving my hand actually touch some skin and make the skin move? And this was a problem for Descartes. Eventually, he just said, oh, yeah, it happens in the pituitary gland. How do you know that? Well, because we have that gland. It looks like it's important. We don't know what it does. It must do that. You know, this is like, and we've been running with this kind of Cartesian Newtonian worldview for hundreds of years. And quantum physics is giving us a chance to really question as you said, at the very beginning of this call, our materialistic assumption about the foundations of reality.
Alex Ferrari 33:34
Yeah, absolutely. And I love your I love what you said there about touching and like, what proof actually is there that we have material, there's something physical. And then I just go back into a video game. And in the video game, the character Mario is running to save a princess. And as he's running, he runs into a block. It's solid. He stops, he jumps over it. There's a turtle, he lands on the physical turtle, the turtle bounces, and so on. All of that is ramming. There is no Mario, there is no block. And when they run into each other, it is a set of programs in the code. That is a rule that when that Mario character hits that block, it's a solid thing that he has to overcome. Now, we're going deep down the rabbit hole here for a second because everything I just said everything I just said, really starts to make your head hurt. Because we then arguably, which is something that the Vedas said 6000 years ago, the aborigine have been saying it for time. 1000s of years that this is a dream. This is an illusion that this is not the great illusion, Maya, that this isn't reality. And then you start getting into simulation theory, where now there's like, Well, wait a minute. Arguably, the math makes sense that this could be a simulation, not as we know it. But as something far beyond what we can even comprehend. And even musk. Elon Musk said 500 years from now, if technology kept going at the rate that it's going, we'll be able to create a simulation that is absolutely indistinguishable from reality. There's just no question. And that's 500 years, hence, you get 10,000 years. 1000 years, we're a blip in time. Exactly. So it starts to make your head hurt, man.
Jeff Carreira 35:53
No, it does in a good way. Yeah, I want to extend your video game reference for a second. Because so here I am, I'm in my room. And I look around, I have visual evidence that this room exists, you're in your room, you look around, you have visual evidence that your room exists, we assume that all the space between here in Philadelphia and there in Austin exists. But you know, I think reality is much more like a video game where only what you need is rendered as you need it, because it takes up too much memory. Like the whole landscape of a video game, you just you just render a little bit of it as you move. It's like the holodeck you know, in Star Trek, where you every, wherever your eyes turn, it's there, like it renders what you need, and everything disappears when you're not looking. Because Why hold all that extra information, if you're not needing it, you can add what I do on retreat, because you know, so. So this is where the whole quantum physics thing gets a little wonky, right? Or, or any of these ideas can get a little wonky. So if I'm, for instance, saying reality is rendered as we look at it, I don't know. How do I know I don't know, this is kind of like, just the same problem with if you don't know what reality is, how do you know if you're closer to it. But what I like to do when I do things, like lead retreats is I like to give people these kinds of thought experiments, and I say, Okay, imagine that reality is being rendered, as you experience it, and, and nothing beyond what you experience actually exists. And go through an afternoon, really holding yourself to that view of reality. And if you do, you will realize it could be true. You know, and what I tell people is, you don't have to prove that something's true, you just need to prove that it could be true, because as soon as you prove that something alternative can be true, it's simultaneously proves that what you currently believe could be false. And, and what you, what you realize is if we, if we lived in a culture, for instance, that believed that reality was constantly being rendered as you encountered it. And we were told that from the time we were kids, our scientists were saying that, and that's what you read about in books, and everybody was reinforcing it, that's what you would experience, you wouldn't have the experience that the room over there existed right now, you'd have the experience that it emerged in front of you, as you walked into it, your literal sort of physiology, your nervous system would experience reality in this more emergent way, rather than as a static background that's always there. And then you'd have to run two experiments, you'd have like one culture that developed that way and one culture that develop in this more static model, and then you look at them and go, Okay, what's the difference is, how does this one manifest is which one works better? You know, and who knows, you know, we probably can't do that. But I love to creatively find these kinds of experiments to, to work with, you know, for myself and with people. I'll give you another example. When I look at something like there's a, I have a statue over here, when I look at that statue. I'll have thoughts about it. It's about what it looks like. Or, you know, it happens to be a Guan Yin statue. Thoughts about Guanyin I've thought about China, I've thought about Buddhism. I've thought about that particular statute where I purchased it and why it's here. And I assume that I'm having those thoughts. So similarly, I will suggest to people for this afternoon. Assume when you look at something and you have thoughts about it, that those thoughts are coming from the thing you're looking at, then it's communicating to you rather than you You're thinking about it, and go through the whole afternoon, looking at things and letting them speak to you. And, and again, you, you realize, Well, if that's the way I had been raised to think, if that was the culture I lived in, that's how I would experience reality, I would experience that everything is alive, and everything is communicating with me all the time. But because we live in a culture that sees ourselves as the only living the only truly conscious thing, I mean, we're beginning to extend that a little bit into the animal world. And some people even into the plant world slightly, but generally, for a long time, we've considered ourselves to be unique. And that we are unique thinking things, as opposed to most other things which don't think. But this turns it around. And suddenly, you see, well, everything's thinking everything's communicating all the time, the whole world is alive. And, again, you'd have to run that experiment in a culture or a society for long enough to see, how does that society manifest? Do they end up with a different science, the same science and better science or worse science? Do they have the same political problems? I know, these are the things that are this is, to me, the big spiritual implication of quantum physics is a gives us reason to question everything about how we fundamentally think, not to jump into some new conclusion is probably not supported by the evidence, but to open our minds. Because I think the most important thing that we need in the world is wide open minds.
Alex Ferrari 41:42
I couldn't agree with you more, my friend. I mean, one thing that I want to kind of dive in there too, a little bit, is that when, when we are, when we are, you said something really interesting that when you're, if you have this belief, from the moment you were born, that that life has been rendered out, as you believe that was your belief system. Isn't that really remarkable that we all are just walking around with that programming in our head, whatever we were born into, is our view of life. And that if you were born in a certain kind of religion, like you and I were both born in Catholicism, but both you and I said, it's just that doesn't make a lot of sense to us. So we started to go off in our own direction to explore, we were curious, we didn't buy into the programming, not that there's anything wrong with that programming for other people. Everyone's got their path. But if you think about that for a second, that means that a lot of the biases, anger, frustration, resentments, that you might have in life, are based on programming that you got when you were a kid, when you were a child, and if it's just programming in your head, that you can reprogram yourself, because I went to Catholic school with priests and nuns in the whole ball of wax. That's pretty hardcore programming. And then I looked back at some of my first grade notebooks, and I was just like, holy, this is completely brainwashing like I was being gaslit. As I'm like reading like this, I was because you know, nothing else as a child, you are, you know, nothing of the world. So whatever someone tells you, of people of authority, you believe, again, doesn't make it bad or good depends on what the programming is. But if we can, then that means we can reprogram ourselves, to think differently, to open our minds. And to be curious about things like quantum physics is doing for not only science, but really, if people really dig into it, to open our minds to all sorts of possibilities.
Jeff Carreira 43:49
Right! Absolutely. And you know, you, you mentioned that you and I both have moved, I've left the faith. And I actually have come to really appreciate the Catholic faith, my son absolutely agreed. I'm probably more into it today than I was.
Alex Ferrari 44:10
But I talk more about Jesus now than I ever did.
Jeff Carreira 44:14
Exactly, because I see it from a different perspective. Absolutely. The reason part of the reason you and I were able to make that shift is because we actually live in a modern culture. Right? Yes, we lived in the Middle Ages, you there was no shift to make because there was no alternative.
Alex Ferrari 44:33
Ideas were this and that's it.
Jeff Carreira 44:35
There literally was nothing else to see, you know, there's nothing else to see there's really no there's no chance only with the advent of modernism. Few 100 years ago did people start now there were no atheists. You know, if it wasn't real, it wasn't even like then they may not have been practicing for one reason or another. You know, I have no idea but but it was actually the worldview that we live in, or that people lived in. So, so we don't live in that. So there's a few things I like to say about that. One is there's a personal conditioning that we encountered in our lifetime. But that conditioning, that programming to use your language, it exists in the culture around us, we're constantly being reprogrammed over and over again. So, so I like to use this example, imagine you went outside one day, and you saw an alien sitting in the top of a tree. And you were like, holy shit, there's an alien on top of that tree. And then, you know, there were a lot of people it was maybe it was a top of a building, and it was a busy New York, it was like Times Square, you know, and you grab, somebody said, Holy shit, look at that. And then they looked up and said, I don't see anything. What are you talking about? You'd be like, Huh, you ask them, they asked the next person look at that. And then they said, I don't see anything. And then you ask a few people, now you've created a little bit of a scene, and people are stuck on what's wrong with this guy? You know, and I asked people, How long would it be? Before you started to doubt what you were seeing? And even more interesting, how long would it be before you stop seeing it all together? Right. And that's the kind of that's the way that we're constantly being programmed by the opinions of people around us. So you and I were raised Catholic in a very secular, very modern culture. So yes, we inevitably, our Catholic cultural background, you know, we came into contact with a modernist background. And, you know, we made the leap. To me, I went whole hog into the modernist scientific paradigm, I studied physics, I was an engineer. And at some point, I thought, Oh, this is just another worldview. And this one is the one that's dominant right now. So this is the one where, you know, if I say, Oh, I don't believe in Catholicism, nobody goes really why, you know, people I of course, you don't.
Alex Ferrari 47:04
But 100 years ago,
Jeff Carreira 47:06
But 100 years ago, we do different there. But if I tell people I don't believe in matter, they're like, Huh, why is matter isn't any more proven than God was? It's just what we all believe in. And you no matter. The materialistic viewpoint, is so pervasive in our society. It's not just that modernists believe in it, or scientific people believe in it. Catholics believe in it, you know, everybody believes in it. And that, that isn't that materialist worldview wasn't the original worldview of Catholicism, right?
Alex Ferrari 47:46
Catholicism changed so much.
Jeff Carreira 47:49
Enormously. Right! It's modernized, because in Catholicism, we were all children of God, you know. And people did meant that it wasn't just poetic. They didn't mean we were born of God, but they, you know, they they talked about, we're all thoughts in the mind of God, that kind of thing. And it was a very different worldview. So how do you this is this is my question philosophically? How do we liberate ourselves from worldviews? How do we be open minded enough and free enough not to be trapped by any worldview? Now, we can move through them, we can use them for what they're valuable for, but without, without getting adhered to them? So that we're always available and ready for a shift.
Alex Ferrari 48:42
Well, I have I have an answer that I believe is the answer to that question is, everything you're talking about is outside of us. But the truth lies within, which is what the Eastern philosophies and and thoughts and ideas have been saying forever, which when you meditate, which I know you're a heavy, you're a meditator, as well as I am, you start to go inward for information. And when you it's hard for people who don't understand that to get but there's certain ideas and knowings that come from looking within for the answers, which is the opposite of what this society says it's everything's outside of us. You have to go read 1000 books, you got to go do this and get to go do that. But the East tells us in those philosophy, yogic philosophy specifically as you go inward, and as you go deeper inward, information becomes apparent. knowledge and truth becomes apparent. That's what the great yogi say, that's what the great masters have said. Jesus said it Buddha said, these are not not Alexander's. This is something that it's been stated. So if you are constantly looking externally for the answers, you're gonna get out As in different answers. Every time you read someone's book, no offense, you wrote a book, I wrote a book. It is our perspective, our worldview on what we wrote. So I know a lot of Yogi's are like, I don't read books anymore, anything I find is experiential, or it's internal to my own experience. So do you, do you find that a fat a satisfying answer?
Jeff Carreira 50:23
Yeah, it satisfies it's, this is one of those answers where it's, it's true and tricky.
Alex Ferrari 50:30
Yes. So yes, very tricky.
Jeff Carreira 50:33
Absolutely. Because what the, the truth you find inside is not the kind of, it's not even the sort of the same domain of truth that you find on the outside, right? It doesn't translate that well, to the outside. It's the translation is very tricky, and most often goes wrong. But yes, when because because when you go inside you, you start to see the truth about who you really are, and about the nature of reality. Not the nature of this reality, the one outside, right, but the deeper reality that because what what I find, when I look inside is, you know, I am the awareness that is aware. And that reality is a manifestation of that awareness. And I am that, you know, that's, that's what, you know, what does that mean? You know, that doesn't translate well, usually to the outside world, you know, roaming around saying I am that. That doesn't really work. It's not exactly what it is not an accurate representation of what you feel inside, when you just land in that place where, okay, so one thing I don't I don't know, we I know we're running out of time, but I gotta say, Okay. Have you read the book Flatland? I've not. I've never again, it's a very short book, half of it sort of irrelevant, but the parts that are good or good. And this, this relates to the everything we've been talking about. So flatland is is a story written in like the 1890s by a school teacher. And it's it's about people who live in a world called Flatland. It's a two dimensional universe, their circles their squares. But because there are two dimensional universe, they can only see lines, right? Because anything above the flat world or below the flat world doesn't exist to them. They don't. They don't have that dimensionality. They just have the flatland dimensionality. And then a sphere from a higher dimension crosses through Can you believe someone was writing this? And like at night?
Alex Ferrari 52:49
Are you kidding me? This is fascinating. Already.
Jeff Carreira 52:52
People are so smart. You know, just because we don't
Alex Ferrari 52:55
School teacher, a school teacher in 1890s wrote this, right!
Jeff Carreira 52:59
So so the sphere comes. So from the point of view of this person in light and Flatland. For it begins, he just hears this voice coming from nowhere. And he's like, Where the hell is this voice coming from? And they say, where are you in? The voice is saying, I'm right here. And he's saying, What do you mean, right here? I'm right below you. What's below? What does that mean? And, and then he says, Well, hold on. And then and then this fear crosses through the plane of, of the flatland. But of course, all the flatland person sees is as a line that just appears out of nowhere. And, and the end, he says, Oh, my God, where did you come from? And he said, Well, I just, I just came from right there, right next to you. And but and the story goes on, to give you 1000 different ways to experience what one more dimension is like. And, and lots of theorists at that time. Were writing about the fourth dimension. And if there is something like the fourth dimension, which I believe there is, you could imagine a couple of things. For instance, if I was in a fourth dimension, so that is a dimension that exists outside of these three. And I had two hands, and I poked one finger up over here and one finger up over here. Those two fingers would appear simultaneously in three dimensions. Right? And if I could move one, like, I could move one one way and move the other one the same. And you think it was magic, because those two things shouldn't be able to communicate through three dimensions that quickly, but from my point of view, it's completely normal. Because I'm connected to the whole thing. And this is how I think just think our thinking needs to expand to include the fact that we live in a this is where I agree with at least in principle superstring theory, we we live in a reality that includes more dimensions than the normal ones that we, that we perceive. And the way higher dimensionality works is, whatever dimensionality you're in, so let's say it's a cube, right? A cube is bounded by two dimensional squares. Right. So there's, there's the six squares, you put them together, and you get a cube cube is a three dimensional space is bounded by two dimensional squares. So the two dimensional squares are the edge of a third dimension, they don't exist in that dimension, but they they bounded, which means our three dimensional world is the edge of the fourth dimension. So somewhere in a direction we can't possibly imagine, we are the edge of a whole other dimension of being. And we have no idea how that intersects with these three. And there's a lot of great thinking around, you know, there is a, he's not alive anymore. He was a I don't remember his name, but he was a scholar of Religious Studies. And he believed, because in the fourth dimension, you know, you would have access to all time in three dimensions at once. So he believes that all of the history of spirituality and religions on earth is actually an encounter with a higher dimensional being that's been passing through our three dimensions,
Alex Ferrari 56:46
The sphere,
Jeff Carreira 56:47
Right, like, like the sphere, it just, and we experienced that as happening across time. But of course, from the point of view of the higher dimensional being, it's all happening at once.
Alex Ferrari 56:58
It's really interesting, because, again, from my, my research in near death experiences, that is a concept that has been said multiple times, that everything happens at once that there is no time on the other side, which is hard for our materialistic minds to kind of grasp, that everything happens all at once, which then opens up the conversation because I always wondered psychics, how do they know the future I've had experiences with with psychics and mediums that they know things and things happen. I'm like, since I was a kid, I'm like, How is that possible? You know, it's not just broad strokes, like you're gonna meet a mysterious stranger kind of stuff. Very specific, provable, evidential kind of predictions. So then when I started, when I started doing this show, I started really getting deep into it. It was like, I asked from spiritual masters to endears to channels. If everything's happening all at once, then is there free will? And they go, yes. It's that there is probability of what will happen. You and I are having this conversation is the probability of you bursting into flames out of nowhere, or me turning into a, you know, a balloon? Probably not gonna happen. But is it possible? Maybe there's a probability in some universe that that could happen, right? But so, but there's probability on the direction where everything is going, but where it goes, it kind of wiggles. There's a wiggling of that freewill. And sometimes it goes, makes a left turn, or makes a right turn, and you're just it's off track. And that happens a lot of times. But and then that's where I came up with the idea. I think I did at least I haven't heard from anybody else, that we're God's algorithm that we are because algorithms are programmed to do one thing, but then they start to kind of go in the direction that they want to kind of go in, but there's a probable way that the algorithm is going to react to its environment, correct?
Jeff Carreira 59:15
Yes, yes.
Alex Ferrari 59:16
So it's, it's really interesting. So are we all just sitting in Plato's cave, essentially.
Jeff Carreira 59:22
I think kind of we are.
Alex Ferrari 59:25
We're all sitting in Plato's cave for everybody who doesn't know that the famous algu Allegory of the Cave, can you tell everybody what the allegory Allegory of the Cave was, and how it kind of under really so profoundly explains our reality?
Jeff Carreira 59:39
Well, I was telling you about the book written 100 years ago, but this is 1000s of years ago.
Alex Ferrari 59:44
Yeah, yeah.
Jeff Carreira 59:45
So So everyone's sitting in a cave. There's a fire behind them. And they're all chained so they can only look forward and all they see are their own shadows on On the wall, and so they think those shadows are who they are. And they think those shadows are reality. And, and then the idea was, you know, someone was the idea was to break your chains, and turn and, and face the source of the of the light. And I like to extend that cave analogy to say not only do you want to see the fire burning behind you, you want to walk out of the cave.
Oh, yeah. What else is going on? You know. But you know, it's a, it's a brilliant metaphor for the fact that it relates to what we've been saying, you know, where I was saying earlier, how do you no matter exists, all you really have is experience. And, and so the, the experience that we have as human beings is like the shadows on the cave wall. And we assume that those shadows that the experience we're having, that it's real in some material way we believe in, in the worldview that says, When I touch this table, I'm touching something. And what we're the opportunity we have is to unshackle ourselves from those assumptions and say, okay, like you said, so the turning to see the fire in the cave is is what you described as the turning inward, to find the light of awareness within. So you see, that's what's real. That's what's creating the whole appearance of reality is that which is within me,
Alex Ferrari 1:01:33
Yeah, it's, then you start, then the hurt, the head really starts to hurt. And that now for everybody listening, I'm going to make your heads hurt even more, with this next part of this conversation. Again, speaking to these near death, experiencers, and spiritual masters that I've spoken to that everything is happening all at once. And then I brought the question up, or what about past lives? Past life, if you believe in reincarnation, and you believe that we come back and come back again and again to experience and grow as a soul and evolve. They say, well, there is no past. Because past is something that we believe in, we understand here in the third dimension, as time and space. But in the fourth dimension, there is no time and space. So all lives are happening at the same time. And then you start going, I'm sorry, what? So all of these other past lives that you've had, and all future lives that you have, are all happening at the same time, but your awareness is on this life right now. But there's things that happen in this life, where you can break karmic chains of older lifetimes by battling and confronting and overcoming those experiences. Now, where then ripples back doesn't even ripple. It just happens. The other lifetime. You see, you see where this conversation could go? It could just you just it gets it gets funky.
Jeff Carreira 1:03:10
Yeah, absolutely. And, again, it just keeps reinforcing the point that there's just so much we don't know, oh, my God, what's real so. So it starts to become more it starts to feel more and more ludicrous, to assume that you know what's real, and it feels safer to assume you don't, because the chances that we've figured it all out, already, are so slim, you know, but what it's difficult for human beings to deal with the insecurity of not knowing. And, and yet, I think if we can find a way to do that, to not be so sure we know what's real, then we can open. And when, as we open, more of what's real shows up more of what's really is available, we may never get to the end, there may there may not be an end to get to,
Alex Ferrari 1:04:10
Right there's just a constant state of evolution, or growth, or, yeah, it starts to get to this place of man, it just starts again, hurts to head to even start to contemplate these kinds of ideas. But then there's something like quantum tunneling and the ideas of parallel universes, or the multiverse as magically started to really become more popular this idea of the multiverse it's starting to hit the zeitgeist big because movies are talking about it. Comic books have been talking about the multiverses for probably 3040 years, 50 years or so. But now it's like you hear there's movie titles. There's TV shows there's books to the multi universe the idea of the multiverse that there's multiple versions of us experience. So then, so our parallel lives are this in this experience on this planet. But imagine if then you just turn, and you just ripple it out into an infinite amount of universes and ideas. What's your thoughts about that?
Jeff Carreira 1:05:22
That's awesome. I mean, I, I, besides the other things I write, I write fiction and write, we created a fictional imprint called transdimensional. Fiction, which it's point is to write books about transdimensional reality. And so in various ways, the fiction I write is always about. Usually, yeah, usually, it's about a character who has no idea what's going on, and starts encountering multi-dimensional reality, and then has to deal with it in some form or another, but I started writing that fiction, four or five years ago, I think I've written six novels or something to date. But I started writing fiction because I believed these things, but I was too afraid to say I believed it. So I thought, I'll write fiction about it. And then eventually, I'll find the courage to talk about it as as reality and and I've caught up to my fiction now. Because I'm, I'm not afraid to say that we live in a multi dimensional reality and that we are all regularly encountering higher dimensions and higher dimensional beings. It's just the we sort of filter them out of our experience. And are we explain them away in three dimensional terms?
Alex Ferrari 1:06:46
But like the alien on the building?
Jeff Carreira 1:06:48
The alien on the building. Exactly. Do you know Jeffrey Kripal?
Alex Ferrari 1:06:53
The name sounds familiar, but I don't.
Jeff Carreira 1:06:54
So Jeffrey Kripal a professor over at Rice University. So I guess not too far from you, closer to you than me, I guess. He writes a lot of amazing things about higher dimension, high dimensional realities, and UFOs. And, and really speaks to this idea about the limitations of our current worldview to accept realities beyond it. But he wrote a book called mutants and mystics. And in that book, and higher dimensions of reality apart level, what he's saying in that book is in the modern era, because there isn't any, there is no room for kind of our weird spiritual experiences, you know, that, that we can, you know, we don't live in the Middle Ages, where you would just become a monk, if you're having those experiences, you know, or that was playful. There's no place. But what what he's explores in this book, and it's a great book, is that where a lot of this stuff ended up. Jumping off, what you said earlier, is in comic books, that people were having these really powerful experiences of alternate realities and alternate possibilities. And when you have those, some people just need to express them. And so they were finding their way into Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange lash, lash vision, you know, all of them. And when I read that, I realized that when I was a kid, I love Captain Marvel. Now, in those days, this is this the Captain Marvel, I lived in the 70s when I was a kid has died at some point. But his superpower was cosmic awareness. And a big part of his journey was the spiritual path he went on because he was a great Cree warrior. Yeah, but he met some higher dimensional beings, who said, you know, you need to go beyond just warriorship you know, you need to do battle with your inner demons, and you need to discover the true power of being. And what he discovers in the end is cosmic consciousness, which in the comics means whenever he needs to know something, he can release his awareness into the cosmos, and he essentially gets that download of all this isn't that amazing? I went back and I was like, wow, I was reading this when I was like seven. And I loved it No wonder I ended up on a spiritual so now I claimed the Captain Marvel was my first spiritual teacher.
Alex Ferrari 1:09:42
I mean, I mean, you go in if you go into don't get me geek, I'll start geeking out with you, man. But, but I could I could start geeking out there's a Yoda behind me. You'll understand. But you start. You start getting into even the concepts of the Marvel Universe, and I won't go too far in this guy's up Please don't, don't stop watching. But in the Marvel Universe, there's there's our reality. And then there's something called the watcher. Yeah. And the watcher watches and doesn't interfere, he just watches what's happening, he's always kind of in the background. And there are some storylines where he does eventually have to kind of step in to certain things because it's going to change the fabric of all the multiverse and stuff. But that concept that there is something higher than you watching all of this, watching us watching the the events unfold, however, they might, in a negative quote unquote, or a positive, quote, unquote, there is this watcher, this idea of something bigger watching, and there's something bigger than it is, I think there is something big, there are higher dimensional beings, then the watcher, as well. So it's, it just really starts to it's really interesting, though, you know, I come from Hollywood, and I come from storytelling, and how stories in movies and in books and comic books, these ideas are filtered there first, even without HG Wells, mean, the idea that HG Wells dropped in time machine, revolutionary and spawned an entire generation of people interested in science, or achieving think about a concept of a time machine. And back in reality, just, it all starts in fiction. It really does spawn and fix. I think it comes through fiction first, because it's more palatable that way. Right? And then it grows from there. But do you agree that throughout our existence as human as humans, in this reality, that ideas are presented at the time that they need to be presented, when the when, basically, when when the student is ready, the teacher will appear? Jesus brought in some ideas that still rippled to this day, when he showed up Buddha showed up and brought ideas because before them there was the incentives didn't exist in the way that they presented them. They're at the energy that they presented them. And then fast forward to where we are now where we're talking about quantum physics and spirituality and an open forum, where before you and I would have been killed?
Jeff Carreira 1:12:31
Well, that's the good. The good news about the modern era is that generally, at least in most places, you don't get killed
Alex Ferrari 1:12:42
Generally, that's a big generally, by the way, Jeff? Yeah, it's
Jeff Carreira 1:12:44
It's generally I mean, more so than in the past.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:47
Right now, we just get flamed on Twitter.
Jeff Carreira 1:12:50
Yeah, exactly. There's, there are repercussions for sure. But we get to live generally, generally. Mistake, right. But yeah, I agree. And I think it's the another reason I started writing fiction was because I thought, oh, it might be a better medium for expressing certain things. And there's an American philosopher named Richard Rorty, who I was very fond of. He's no longer alive, but he died about a decade ago. But he was an academic philosopher, his whole life at Princeton, a lot of time at Princeton anyway, and very prominent American philosopher. But at some point, he started to talk about, and I got very inspired, this is a big part of my inspiration for he started talking about how he felt that literature was actually a better vehicle for new ideas than philosophy. And, and part of his reasoning for that was, he said, because the ideas are happening within a story, which has characters in which you can not only convey the intellectual content of the idea, but you actually are able to demonstrate the emotional quality of it, as well. It's, it's a much better vehicle for communicating. And when I read that, I thought, that's interesting. I want to try I want to explore that. I want to explore how I can convey the ideas that I love, in fiction in ways that might be easier for people to absorb than in a nonfiction, you know, explanation of it.
Alex Ferrari 1:14:30
Well, how many, how many generations have been affected by Star Wars, and the spiritual concepts that were laid in there? Absolutely. How many scientists were created after they watched the matrix? Because of the philosophical and spiritual and quantum physics ideas that were laid in that amazing story in that amazing first film that it brought To to, to the zeitgeist to humanity in a way that a an academic paper couldn't like the concept of like we're in the matrix, it's not part of our lexicon. It's part of our speak, like, Oh, hey, there's a glitch in the Matrix. We're in the matrix. This isn't the simulation theory. That's also Maya. That's also the great dream, the illusion, but brought in I mean, sure, there's some cool kung fu. And it is a really great action story. And it is ideas started to make people think about this stuff, in a weird way. Now, on a lesser level, but still all these movies about the multiverse, like the Marvel films, and other things like that, their quantum level, and all this kind of stuff. There's seeds of these ideas and concepts that try to have a conversation about quantum physics with a kid, you really can't do that. But you want let them watch Ant Man and the Wasp Quantum. It, obviously it's not quantum physics. And it begins the conversation to them to delve in deeper to these ideas and concepts. It's a very, stories are the most powerful medium. He's absolutely right. Stories have always been an awful medium to get ideas across.
Jeff Carreira 1:16:20
Absolutely, I completely agree. And again, it's tricky because stories can can accurately or helpfully helpfully convey ideas, and they can distort ideas is all kinds of possibilities. But I am in complete agreement that the story is a very powerful medium for communication.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:43
Now, Jeff, I could talk to you, it seems like I'm gonna have to bring it back, because we're going to talk for hours about this thing to do against, I'm going to ask you a few questions, I asked all of my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Jeff Carreira 1:16:59
A fulfilled life to me, is a life where I am sharing what I love the most
Alex Ferrari 1:17:09
Beautiful answer. Now, the piggy back on HG Wells, imagine you could get into a time machine and go back in time to speak to your younger self, what advice would you give them?
Jeff Carreira 1:17:20
I would, um, the advice I would give him would be, don't worry too much. It's all gonna work out?
Alex Ferrari 1:17:26
Well, as the most common answer to that question, is that true? It is one of the most common very different flavors, but all the same concepts like it's gonna be fine. Because you were worried about everything, we worried about getting an F on that test, we're worried about that girl who didn't want to go out with us. We're worried about it, like, worried constantly. And now you look back up, it's gonna be fine.
Jeff Carreira 1:17:51
Exactly. You can't predict what's going to happen anyway. So don't even bother worrying about
Alex Ferrari 1:17:55
Exactly. How do you define God?
Jeff Carreira 1:17:59
I define God as the the potential for all that is the potential for all that is, and all that all that can be.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:11
And finally, what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Jeff Carreira 1:18:14
To become as complete an expression of that unique potential of God that you are.
Alex Ferrari 1:18:26
Beautifully stated, sir, now, where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?
Jeff Carreira 1:18:32
It's very easy. You just go to my website, which is
Alex Ferrari 1:18:36
And I'll make sure to put that in the in the show notes, my friend, and do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Jeff Carreira 1:18:41
You know, I just, I do what I do. And I've been writing and teaching for 30 years now. And I just do it because I love it. And I want more than anything else. For people to love their life and love what they do. Because I feel like that's how you become an expression of the divine. By loving your life, loving yourself loving the people that you come in contact with just passionately loving your time here. We have in this incarnation, we have a little amount of time, and I just want to support people who love it.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:20
Jeff, it has been a pleasure and an honor speaking to you today it is made my head hurts. I'm sure everyone listening is head is hurting a little bit. But this is one of these conversations that there are a lot of seeds that just got thrown up on onto the dirt. And they will start two weeks from now you'll start thinking about this conversation. I know I will. So I appreciate you and what you're doing in the world, my friend, thank you again.
Jeff Carreira 1:19:43
Thank you very much, Alex. Thank you!
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