The ancient mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza have long fascinated and perplexed scholars, historians, and enthusiasts alike. Today, we are joined by Christopher Dunn, a pioneering researcher and author who has devoted decades to unraveling the secrets of this monumental structure. His insights challenge conventional theories and open new avenues of understanding about the technological prowess of ancient civilizations.
Christopher’s journey into the enigmatic world of the pyramids began with a serendipitous purchase of a book titled “Secrets of the Great Pyramid” by Peter Tompkins in 1977. This book, combined with his involvement in philosophical discussions and a lifelong fascination with Egypt, sparked a curiosity that led him down a rabbit hole of exploration and discovery. As he delved deeper, he questioned the mainstream notion that the Great Pyramid was merely a tomb, suggesting instead that it might have served a more profound, functional purpose.
One of the most compelling aspects of Christopher’s research is his theory that the Great Pyramid was an ancient power plant designed to harness the Earth’s energy. He draws on the work of NASA physicist Freedom Froy, who discovered that igneous rock under stress emits positive charge carriers that could potentially be harnessed as a source of energy. “The Earth, when under stress, turns into a battery,” Christopher explains, positing that the pyramids were constructed to attract and radiate this energy wirelessly.
- Interconnectedness of Energy and Spirit: The concept that the Earth itself can generate energy highlights the profound interconnectedness of our planet and the cosmos. This interconnectedness reflects a spiritual truth about the unity of all existence, reminding us that we are part of a larger, dynamic system.
- Ancient Wisdom and Modern Technology: Christopher’s insights suggest that ancient civilizations possessed advanced knowledge and technologies that we are only beginning to rediscover. This realization calls us to reevaluate our understanding of history and the potential of human ingenuity.
- Harmony with Nature: The idea that the Great Pyramid functioned as a power plant utilizing natural earth energies encourages us to seek sustainable and harmonious ways to generate energy. It invites a deeper respect for the Earth and a commitment to aligning our technological advancements with natural principles.
Christopher’s meticulous study of the pyramid’s architecture and engineering reveals an astonishing level of precision that aligns with celestial bodies and geophysical properties. He points out that the pyramid’s alignment to True North within three minutes of a degree and its near-perfect level base are feats that challenge the capabilities of modern engineering. These observations suggest that the builders of the Great Pyramid possessed an extraordinary understanding of geometry, astronomy, and earth sciences.
His research also extends to the acoustical properties of the pyramid, where he discovered that the interior chambers and passageways resonate at specific frequencies, notably F-sharp, which corresponds to the vibrational frequency of the Earth itself. This acoustic harmony implies a sophisticated knowledge of sound and vibration, which Christopher believes was integral to the pyramid’s function as an energy generator.
Christopher Dunn’s groundbreaking work does not stop at the Great Pyramid. He explores similar phenomena in other ancient structures worldwide, suggesting a global network of energy harnessing sites. His hypothesis connects the technological achievements of ancient Egypt with the revolutionary ideas of Nikola Tesla, who envisioned the wireless transmission of energy. This connection between past and future technologies underscores the timeless pursuit of harnessing natural forces for the benefit of humanity.
In conclusion, Christopher Dunn’s exploration of the Great Pyramid challenges us to expand our understanding of ancient civilizations and their technological capabilities. His theories, supported by rigorous research and a deep respect for the mysteries of the past, offer a transformative perspective on our history and potential future.
Please enjoy my conversation with Christopher Dunn.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 438
Christopher Dunn 0:00
There is a NASA physicist, his name was Freedom Froy. So what he had concluded and proven and within his lab at experiments was the igneous rock, when it is put under stress, it emits these positive whole charge carriers that shoot up to the surface. So you've got a, he said that, that the Earth, the lithosphere, when it's put under stress turns into a battery. So we actually have a potential battery under our feet. So the the purpose for the pyramids, in my opinion was to actually attract the electrons from that battery and radiate them out wirelessly.
Alex Ferrari 0:59
I'd like to welcome to the show, Christopher Dunn How you doing Chris?
Christopher Dunn 1:03
I'm doing fine Alex, how are you?
Alex Ferrari 1:05
I'm doing great, my friend. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I am so excited to talk to you about your about your work your book, Giza: The Tesla Connection, and your work that you've done over the over a few years now. You've been doing this a couple years. Just a few. So my first question is what drew you what's the initial thing that drew you into your curiosity about the Great Pyramid and and the work that you've been doing?
Christopher Dunn 1:34
Well, I think the what started it all was buying a rather expensive book at the time, it was about $20. But it was secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins. And I saw it in the bookstore in 1977, made the purchase took it home started reading it. Well, you know, I was involved with a group that at that time, that we were discussing philosophy, you know, world philosophies, different religions, and, and ideologies. But the, as usual, you know, in a group like that, people would talk about Egypt and the pyramids, because that seems to, you know, be where it all hit all kinds of points, too. And so that's why I bought the book because of my interest in Egypt and also interest in the pyramids. Having said that, I should add that also my I've had a fascination for Egypt for a long time, my brother in law is Egyptian and, and so you know, just having that connection, and also a passion for learning at the time. kind of drew me in. And that was like the rabbit hole that struck me and cat was kept me there for over 40 years.
Alex Ferrari 3:00
Now, what was the moment that you are doing all your research and your fascination going down the rabbit hole, as they say, oh, of Egypt, Egyptology and the great pyramids and the mysteries of all of it. At what point What was the thing that said, Wait a minute, is the Great Pyramid, not a tomb?
Christopher Dunn 3:20
Well, that seemed to be that seemed to be a central theme in Tompkins book, because even though he introduced a lot of researchers, who historically had been to Egypt and done research, and were actually questioning the, the tomb theory, and trying to come to terms with that, but at the same time, suggesting may be that the Pyramid was built for other purposes. So just the question mark, on top of the Great Pyramid was like, there was no answer no definitive answers to the question at the time. And, and so for me being been involved in manufacturing and, and being very familiar with machines, there's an aspect to his book that resonated with me, and that was the precision with which the Great Pyramid was built. And so it was kind of like a natural for me to begin to identify with a lot of the features of the Great Pyramid. And ultimately, the light bulb went off above my head, you know? And so I was like, ah, but basically, I would say that foundationally it was the consideration of how cultures come together and engage in very, very large projects, because I think I don't think anybody could deny that the building the Great Pyramid is a huge, huge task and huge project and, and so it's kind of like what, what drives what mode motivates people to build something like that, you know, I think on the, on the side of academia, the motivation is kind of hinged on the whims of a particular leader. And certainly if we look into history, we can see where there have been powerful leaders who have commissioned tremendous structures. And so, you know, that seems to be a reason that is satisfactory to a lot of people. To me. It was actually the design of the pyramid, the interior spaces, the shafts, the chambers, and the passageways inside the Great Pyramid resemble more machined, and they did a place where people would actually go into for any activities or non activities, like B being a tomb or something like that, and then examining the what Egyptologist are arguing with a reason for some of these features. It didn't, they didn't seem to add up to me, and I know a lot of other people. And I think even now, there are so many, there are so many questions about the Great Pyramid and the term theory that a lot of people are just abandoning and get, particularly the Egyptians. Because, you know, in the years that I had spent studying and writing and talking about it, I targeted the Egyptian engineers to take a look at their artifacts in in a similar way that I was. And then they were actually coming up with the, with the same conclusion that the destruct lease structures, whether you're talking about pyramids, temples, the statuary, obelisks, things of that nature. They were the result of advanced civilization, that the tools that it would take to actually replicate them do not exist in the archaeological record. And they are more they were more advanced than what we give them credit for.
Alex Ferrari 7:25
Let me ask you about the tomb theory. That's not even an Egyptian theory to my understanding, it was wasn't a one of the original British explorers, that this I guess that kind of came up with that idea. Am I wrong on that? Or is it or where did it come from?
Christopher Dunn 7:41
Yeah, I think that, I mean, it's kind of murky, in a way. I think the Egyptians have their own history. But and, and certainly, their understanding of the culture that build the pyramids and other structures in Egypt, seems to suggest that they are far older than what what Western scholars have said they were. So you have a situation where Western Egyptologists and scholars have gone into Egypt and, and written the history of Egypt, that fits within the timeline, and the construct that already existed in the Western world, where the, you know, the Greeks were the first really advanced civilization, then the Romans, and then the Europeans and, you know, technology is kind of diffused throughout the planet. The English, you know, the Industrial Revolution, and then the the Americans developing the technology even further, and then it just spreads around this Pacific Rim. I mean, that seems to have been the path of the, of the spread of technology throughout the planet. But, but the Egyptians essentially, were seen as not as advanced as the Greeks, yet they, the Greeks learned a lot from the Egyptians and the structures with you examine them from a manufacturing perspective, the structures in Egypt have the hallmark of the use of advanced methods, even advanced machines to cut shapes, very precise shapes, contours, precision surfaces in igneous rock like granite, and so my my research focused on not just the Great Pyramid, but also evidence of machining. And identifying certain artifacts that would could not have been made by hand, they had to have had some mechanical intervention, in order to replicate them,
Alex Ferrari 10:25
The the precision of the Great Pyramid, and not only the precision of the construction of it, but the alignment astrologically is so precise, that a primitive or a quote unquote, lesser civilization than us shouldn't have never been able to do anything like that, let alone. I mean, if we tried to do something like that today, with all our computers and, and sophistication, it would be nearly impossible to do something like that, regardless of the font, the cost of it, the cost is astronomical, you couldn't do something like that with the cost. But let's say we had all the money in the world. Do you think humans today could achieve not only the structure on the outside of the grip pyramid, but the, the precise nature of the rooms inside and then also align them perfectly astronomy to the stars.
Christopher Dunn 11:27
Yes I mean, the remarkable Well, the remarkable thing about the Great Pyramid is, is its relationship to the earth and to into the universe. And in effect, because you have a, you have a structure that was is on the 2929 degree parallel plus, and then it's, it's aligned within three minutes of a degree of TrueNorth. It covers 30 acres, and the base of the pyramid was level within seven eighths of an inch of 13 acres. And so if you, if you compare that to what our current standards are, in terms of foundations, for building in around 1978 79, I consulted with a with a civil engineer, where I was living about the the the code for laying foundations and he told me that the code is 20 thousandths of an inch per foot. So 20 thousandths of an inch point oh two Oh inch is about the thickness of a thumb now. And and so per foot, if you extrapolate that across the 13 acres, today, a building that size, it could be off about 15 inches and still be in, in spec. And hey, you have one friend and 1000s of years ago, that has maintained a precision of seven eighths of an inch, which is remarkable. I mean, it's just absolutely remarkable. But that's not all, you have a structure that had casing stones on it that were measured to be within 10 thousandths of an inch. That's half the thickness of the thumbnail. So all of these features of the pyramid inside and out speak of very, very high order of precision. And it's very reasonable to conclude that I had it looks like a machine, it had the precision of a machine, only on the scale of acres. So I concluded that it had to have been a machine. The question then was, what kind of machine what did it do? You know, when you talk about culture, and when you talk about how you may relate to a certain culture, we may speak different languages. And we may have different beliefs in terms of you know, the existence of the soul or spirit, or what happens to you after you die. But there's one thing that every every engineer has in common is just pure engineering. So it's kind of like whether you are doing engineering in England and America or Australia or wherever in the world, Egypt. When you speak to a fellow engineer, you're talking the same language. And, and so you know, it's kind of like, well, if we want to identify if we want to connect with the ancient Egyptians or the culture that we In the Great Pyramid, the best way to do that would be to communicate or to recognize their engineering excellence. And, and, and then when you compare their engineering excellence with our own, I am not saying a lot. I'm not saying that what everything that they did we cannot do today. I've never, I've never said that there's a lot of people that do. But usually people who say that really don't know what modern engineers are capable of doing, which is, you know, they, they do a pretty good job and take on some enormous tasks. So, when he kept when he comes to communicating and information, you can you communicate that through your work through what you do, not necessarily what you say, because what you say can be misinterpreted, there's, there's very, there's very little room for misinterpreted a misinterpretation of a perfect, perfectly flat surface that has been measured to within 210 thousandths of an inch or a thousandths of an inch, whatever the tolerance is, there is no room for misinterpretation, if you're just looking at what it is, and what stayed in his end, and he's caught it's unambiguous in a way. And he's kind of like, you know, you can debate an idea, you can debate, you know, different philosophies and, and different events that occurred in history. But when it comes to, you know, the engineering, there's very little debate on it, man is just like, Okay, what is it? Measure it? Okay, here, I measured it, this is what I got, while I want to measure it. Okay, so somebody else might have these, you know, and that's what that's what's been going on lately in terms of the the ancient Egyptian artifacts is that I've identified some artifacts, and, and other people are going in and measuring it, and then, you know, other people go behind them and take their measures and record but they will they go, it's, it's quite a quite an exciting period really for, for a revelation in terms of the our ancient history. And it's a lot different than the story that we've been told.
Alex Ferrari 17:34
Now, you so you're saying that today is today's technology, and today in today's engineers, it is capable of creating something similar to the Great Pyramids correct?
Christopher Dunn 17:44
Yes, I would say I would say so. You know, I mean, there are features in the Great Pyramid that we were not aware of, we don't know, because of obviously, you'd have to take the whole thing apart in order to, to, to find out exactly, everything. And so there's a big question mark, in my mind, in terms of the weight of some of the blocks on the inside, from the outside, you can see that they're within the range that we will be able to move, but what are they on the what but are they in the call masonry? How large are those I mean, they are they 50 times 200 times 300? When you look at the the ancient cultures, they were they were moving some extremely large and heavy blocks of stone.
Alex Ferrari 18:42
So, let me see, let me ask you this though, if there was a 300 ton pillar inside Yeah. Right. Can we move 300 ton at one time?
Christopher Dunn 18:54
I would, you know, I am not the expert on on cranes and lifting and rigging and stuff like that, but I would have to get somebody who is an expert at it. But I know that there are cranes that are out there the left, you know, 1000s of times. So fellow left anything like that?
Alex Ferrari 19:17
No, of course of course. So then, my the thing and I agree with you I'm not I don't disagree with what you're saying. But the thing is that it would take almost all of our might, all of our engineers all of our technology to even attempt to recreate something like that and even then there's still mysteries on certain things that we just truly don't know inside unless you take the whole thing apart. So if we're if we're saying that in this in this in this not argument, but in this conversation, how the hell did they do it without all of the stuff that we're talking? Yeah, cranes and technology and computer modeling and, and all of this stuff? Yes, sure. We could do it but these guys would do it, there was none of that, then. So that's the big, billion dollar question how they build it, Chris?
Christopher Dunn 20:08
Yes, you know, the thing is, is that we generally, I'm not allowed to consider, although even imagine what they could have had that is outside what is visible in the archaeological record. So in other words, you know, when it comes to explaining how the pyramids were built, generally, I would say academic scholars are limited. And in what they can imagine in terms of how they were built, how they were cut, and how in that shape, they were shaped. So with those limitations, and even, you know, independent researchers, like myself, will, they will prefer that we that I limit myself to the advice of archaeologist and Egyptologist when it comes to, you know, coming up with my ideas. And, you know, that is like, that's putting constraints on somebody. And, you know, it's, well, number one, it doesn't work in and the manufacturing field, if you want, if you want progress in society, you have to take the, the barriers down, right? In order in order for progress to occur, if you've got somebody who has a different idea, in, in manufacturing, generally, they're allowed to test it. Or they can argue that idea and be allowed to test it, man, that's how that's how progress is, has been made over the last well, forever, really, I mean, particularly over the last 100 years or so, you know, you go back to the Industrial Revolution and how manufacturing took place, then, and then you look at it today is like night and day. So, you know, the premises is absolutely amazing. You know, without it, you won't have cell phones when they exist, you know, headphone, you're aware.
Alex Ferrari 22:20
Yeah, exactly. But Chris, let me ask you this. This is something I've talked to with other archaeologists is that when they look to the past, they only look through the lens of the technology that we have currently, they can't comprehend of a different kind of technology that we haven't developed. I mean, it's not, not all technology is going to go down one, one timeline, one pathway. There's multiple ways that that new technology of how to move stone or carved stone or melt stone and reform it or using sound in one way, shape or form, all that stuff. They can't comprehend it, because it's not within their toolbox of reference, is that the problem with archaeology as a general statement, like looking back, they just can't, you know, figure out if it's not in the archaeological record, like you said, We'll hell in 10,000 years, most of everything around me is going to be gone. All of this. All of the only thing that we left will be stone, and some Styrofoam.
Christopher Dunn 23:21
Yeah, I mean, I've always said when you look at the pyramids in Egypt is like, you know, just the skeleton of a civilization. But the to point on in terms of technological progress, and what we allow ourselves to even consider in terms of how the ancient Egyptians did their work, we're looking at just a small sliver of time compared to, you know, the just the Egyptian civilization was supposed to be 3000 years. And the interesting, the interesting thing is not 3000 years, they were using the same methods and tools at the end of the 3000 years that they were using at the beginning. So they had not progressed in terms of developing laterals, which is, you know, it doesn't make sense, particularly when you're looking at the brilliance of that product. And then when you actually do point, which I think is a great point, when you look into the future, can't you imagine the same kind of progress and technology and our abilities as we've had in the last 100 years because the last 100 years, it's been unbelievable progress in technology, I mean, just the invention of the transistor, you know, and while it has brought us is just not unbelievable. So you have that the, and then, you know, when I was writing Giza, the A Tesla connection, it was like I was into worlds I was in the past and hours in the future. But here I am, you know, looking, looking, looking in the past and then trying to project in the future. And to your point on, can you imagine what could be available in the future, there is one touchdown, I call it a touchdown, but is this kind of like something that should inspire everybody, and that is the function of these UAPs. Right? In the atmosphere, I mean, they display incredible feats. With speed, seemingly impervious to the gravitational field as the planet, they can drop down from 80,000 feet, sea level, and just a few seconds, and, and zoom off at 1000 miles an hour and turn on a dime. So it's kind of like, they have something that we don't have, because we cannot, we cannot match that performance. But if we, if we could, what we should be working on, is trying to control gravity. And its effect on on what we what we create, and the and the environment that we like, if we sit in a craft, the craft and ourselves should be should have its own gravitational field that is separate from and an independent of the Earth's gravitational field. So you know, it's kind of things like that, that I think should inspire people to say, wow, yeah, it is quite possible that the ancient Egyptians were using, you know, gravity defeating techniques, techniques to move 500 tons that 1200 ton blocks, you know, stone, and so and they could do it so easily that the Great Pyramid could have been built fairly quickly. Personally, I, I mean, I think I saw an interview with Elon Musk, and he said, that antigravity would not be a reality in his lifetime, I would, I would want him to change his mind about that and say, dammit, I'm gonna, I'm gonna prove it, and build it. So, you know, because the situation now Alex, if you look at the politics, were hell bent on going all electric, but we don't have the capacity, we don't have the power plants to. I mean, if we would, if we would go all electric by 2035. We can't build power plants fast enough to power all those vehicles. So you have a situation where, you know, it's a, it may sound like a, you know, reasonable goal in terms of the climate. But let the political issue I don't want to really get into, but given that, just the means of delivering electricity to these vehicles. And we seem to be kind of, in this mindset, that in order for electricity to be delivered to the motors of electric vehicle, you need a very large battery, you know, high capacity battery. And so, you know, that's one mindset, I think, the better one would be to actually deliver electricity to them wirelessly. So if you have a vehicle, electric vehicle is receiving power from stations wirelessly, it doesn't have a huge battery on board. That will be and then, you know, you take that and you're able to control gravity, then the vehicle will not need as much power to move. So maybe maybe that's in a future in 100 years, 50 years, 100 years. I don't know. But you know, that's all it takes. It'd be one breakthrough.
Alex Ferrari 29:33
Well, let me ask you this, because that's that's a very interesting question, because you were talking about the 20th parallel well, there's not only just one pyramid in that parallel, there is a lot of pyramids around the world happens to be around that area, which is in all Indonesia, Japan, China, and obviously the middle America area as well. So the theory is and this is in a lot of people before would think of this theory As tinfoil hat theory, people wearing tinfoil hats like, Oh, this is This is insanity, that there was a power kind of grid on the planet. And somehow this magically worked, even though there's no real proof of anyone talking to each other. But yet these pyramids keep popping up all over the place. And yet they're all around the same area. So there's that kind of mysterious aspect to it. Your, your hypothesis? Or your theory? Is that in please correct me if I'm wrong, is that the Great Pyramid was a power station? And that there? Is that a generated electricity? Can you dive that in a little bit deeper? And then also, how is it connected to Tesla, not the car, the person? Have to make that distinction nowadays?
Christopher Dunn 30:44
No, no, no, that's, oh, that's, that's fine. Well, my first book was the Giza Power Plant. And in that book, I kind of laid out the mechanics of the Great Pyramid and, and provided reasons for the different features on the inside, how they functioned, and things like that. But on a broader scale. I was just dealing with the Great Pyramid, but on a broader scale, you've gotten a lot of pyramids, I mean, there was over 120, in Egypt alone, and as a result of not in China, so there are pyramids all over the world. And so the question then becomes, why are they all doing the same thing? And I think fundamentally, they were, it's just the Great Pyramid, they put in a little extra sauce, you know, and souped it up a little bit, but, but it's kind of like, the energy for these pyramids, is underneath our feet. That is, that is the key point to think about. And, and there, there is a NASA physicist, his name was freedom and Freud. And he had been researching earthquake glides, and is his objective was to hopefully provide the underlying physics for why earthquake lights appeared, or how they appeared before an earthquake. So what he had concluded and proven and within his lab eight experiments was the igneous rock, when it is put under stress, it emits these positive hold charge carriers that shoot up to the surface. So you've got a and he said that, that the Earth, the lithosphere, when it's put under stress, turns into a battery. So we actually have a potential battery under our feet. So the the purpose for the pyramids, in my opinion, was to actually attract the electrons from that battery, and radiate them out mindlessly. And that's where you have to have to have Tesla's Nikola Tesla's technologies. The one one of his Technologies was the earthquake machine was a mechanical oscillator, that if you attached it to a bell, he would drive vibrations into a structure, the structure, the in this case is the earth, and then the pyramid itself above the other. The other technology that he described was the wireless distribution of electricity through he built this Wardenclyffe Tower, they call it Wardenclyffe Tower, but it was supposed to radiate electricity into the atmosphere, and then you would have a device that was remote there was delivered wirelessly to this device and you will be able to connect with the with the with the atmosphere and draw electricity into that device. So there is that aspect of Tesla. But I think it's Freud's work and what he has shown and proven through lab experiments. That is probably the most important discovery of the century. Base just needs to receive more attention. Now, of course, I've met I've met Freud a couple of times. Lovely, lovely, old man. Very, very smart guy. thing frontier is he had no no interest in the pyramids, he wasn't trying to prove anything about the pyramids, right? And then they came along. And suddenly he's his eyes start getting wide or Well, I'm talking about a you may have, you may have discovered the physics behind solving the world's energy crisis, one of the things that we have we have done is we have used the same kind of technology for power generation for the last over 100 years, so you go back to the steam age, right. And basically, we're burning coal, boiling water, and motivating mechanical devices with steam. And now we have these turbines, you know, power plants, basically, you burn, you boil, Steam, you blow these turbine blades, and then you draw off electrons from the generators. So, that's kind of technique is has been used, not just with coal, but gas, and also nuclear. And so, you know, I made the comment, in my book that while we have made quantum leaps in advancement on how electrons function within a device, the basic technology to deliver the electrons to that device has stayed the same for over 100 years. And, and then the other, the other point I made, which kind of surprised me, when I did when I, when I figured it out, in 2021, they had mind enough coal in the United States for the power plants to build a pyramid, that's 76 times the size of the Great Pyramid. So that is a huge pyramid. That's all I'll call, Chris.
Alex Ferrari 37:03
But let me ask you, though, even if this technology of the battery in the in the earth and, you know, looking at what the pyramids did, let's say we could get something like this up and running. Let's say you and I, you and I would go out. We like hey, you know, I think we figured this out. We build a small but we still a small little, you know, little power station. And we start proving to everybody hey, look, you could do this. Do you think the powers that be would ever allow that? It means it seems like you when you just said when you were saying what you just said? You like it really has not changed for 100 years? I'd argue even longer than that, because we've been burning fire. Yeah, yeah. For energy for forever. So it's all been just different variations of the same technology, more advanced, more this more that, but it's basically the same technology, kind of like iPhone five versus iPhone 15. Similar technologies just been a similar tech. But to do this kind of giant leap. Do you even think that would be allowed by the powers that be? Because if there's free energy? Well, hell, there's no money in that?
Christopher Dunn 38:13
Well, it's not free. I mean, you obviously know what I mean. Yeah. How about investment? Investment will be will be great. That's a thing of the powers that be that involves a lot of politics. And so you know, what is? What is the political climate for developing new sources of energy? And I would say right now, and the political climate is pretty good. He may not have been 50 years ago, but right now, the way politics is going that I think, I see are serious consideration for frontlines discovery. And his physics should be made. And something along the lines of a Manhattan Project engaged into actually prove it, because he's already done the math. He's already done the physics. He's done the lab experiments, though, the lab experiments have been replicated in a lab in Japan. So it's not like he's just a single guy. And his methods have have been checked and proved not proven to be right. And they've been proven to be correct. And so that's there. And, you know, in terms of, okay, so what kind of structure do you build? How do we, how do we prove prove this out? Well, you do it a little a little at a time, right? You know, you're not going to build a great pyramid right away. You'll start off small and basically, you know, work your way up. But that's definitely I think a Yeah, research program that that could have a lot of value.
Alex Ferrari 40:05
Now in your book, you also talk about acoustical science. Can you kind of delve into what that means and how it relates to the pyramids?
Christopher Dunn 40:12
Well, you know, when it's basically it's the pyramid, the Great Pyramid, and the interior has always been recognized as having extraordinary acoustics. There has been research on done by several people on the inside of the Great Pyramid, one of them was a musician. So musicians love the Great Pyramid, they love to get inside the Great Pyramid, right? Well, my research research associate, Robert Vawter, he's a sound engineer. And so he is he, he has studied the Great Pyramid for many, many years, too. And we've we've been in Egypt together a couple of times. So we went in 2018 2019. And he took some measurements inside the Grand Gallery, and, and he wrote a, an appendix for my book, which is a very nice appendix, essentially, what it is saying is that, within inside the Great Pyramid, that our eye, the Great Pyramid is like a huge musical instrument. With the proportions, the resonance, the way sound moves through it is quite remarkable. That is the acoustical science behind it. Now, as far as taking it to like a PhD level acoustic examination and study. The I got close to that with a PhD, physicist, and then things kind of fell apart. And it didn't go any further with him. But I think it would be a great project for me, you know, a graduate student at a university to just model the Great, the Great Pyramid interior, just to study the the acoustics on the inside at a higher level than than just anecdotal kind of information that's gathered from it.
Alex Ferrari 42:26
Now, is there a connection between the power generation theory of the Great Pyramid with the acoustical aspects of it? Is there something that is working together? Is there there hasn't been a reason for these acoustics. So what do you?
Christopher Dunn 42:43
Well, it's just that is to hit resonance. If you look at the lives of the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, and compare them to the earth, they're like an integral of the earth. And the, the free, the frequency of sound that resonates within the Great Pyramid is the same as the frequency of sound from the earth. So the F sharp is predominant. An F sharp, A is predominant inside the Great Pyramid as well as the so you do have a resonating body and I called it a coupled oscillator with the well is a couple oscillator will oscillate in frequency and time with a larger vibrating body. And as long as that large vibrating body continued to vibrate, then the oscillator will continue to draw energy from it. That and so the Great Pyramid being a couple of oscillators, drawing mechanical energy out of the earth, as well as electrical energy.
Alex Ferrari 43:52
Chris me ask you because on the show, we talk a lot about spirituality and, you know, ancient, ancient texts and things like that in regards to frequency and vibration, which has been hijacked by the New Age movements, in many ways. But the more and more I talk to different, you know, astrophysicist, quantum physicists, all you know, NASA rocket scientists, all sorts of people that I've spoken to, frequency keeps coming up. And it's almost a frequency on a spiritual standpoint, we understand at least that spiritual that frequency is fundamental to everything in life, whether that be just energies between two human beings, energies between or frequencies between places, like you walk into a place where there's been a lot of death, you feel it. You walk into a place that has a lot of life, you feel it. It's unexplainable, but you feel it. It sounds what you're explaining is that frequency has a tremendous amount to do with what the grid pyramid is all about. In general in regards to its ability to possibly power as a power plant, but just everything about it as frequency seems to be a thing, because I've been I haven't been to the Great Pyramid but I have been to Chichen Itza. And when I was in Chichen Itza, have you been, I'm assuming? No, I haven't. It's a Trojan, it's you, you stand in front of those kind of pyramids, and you feel it. And there's this little thing that, that every time I talk to an archaeologist about it, they kind of wave it away, like, Oh, it's just nice. You stand on front of the steps at a certain place, and you clap. Alright, clap, goes all the way to the top and comes and echoes all the way back down perfectly for you. And it sounds like Apparently, some sort of bird. That's alright, yeah, you've heard about that. Right. And I did it. It's absolutely fascinating. So again, my question is, is frequency really, at the core of a lot of the ideas and theories that you're talking about within the Great Pyramid?
Christopher Dunn 46:00
100%! Absolutely. It wouldn't function without it. So frequency and harmonics is central to pretty much everything. And it's not just, you know, the frequency, it's also it's, it's the blending of different frequencies to combine to actually create more power. And that's where you get into NonLinear Acoustics. But the frequencies within the Great Pyramid are really fascinating. We're just beginning to learn more about that. One of the things that you do get is, in the Grand Gallery, particularly, you have an arrangement of corbels. So the Grand Gallery is like 170-175 feet long, it's on a 26 and a half degree angle, but there's the walls step inwards as he gets higher. And in my book I, I proposed that that was you, they had actually installed resonators in in the Grand Gallery. And those resonators would draw mechanical vibrations that were passing through the pyramid and convert them to about sound, the one of the phenomena within the Grand Gallery, its relationship with the Kings chambers. And when Paul Hahn, who was a musician, he played the flute, he created a recording called inside the Great Pyramid. And he had noted that the great the king's chamber had a very, very long reverberation time. And the Grand Gallery was rather flat. And he noted, ended up in a pamphlet that he included with his LP, he issued his LP back in the late 70s. I think. And, and so the, what he noted was that the sound, he played his flues, in the Grand Gallery, the sound went out into the Grand Gallery, and there was a need echoed in the king's chamber. So it was actually being focused into the king's chamber. And so the king's chamber is, is completely is comprised of grants, right. And there are certain features of the king's chamber that suggests that it too, was in no designed to resonate a particular frequencies. And, and so frequency and harmony is central to the entire function of the pyramid, just like it would be a musical instrument, and even a human. So here's an interesting snippet. I received an email from a composer out on the West Coast Her name was Susan Alexander and, and she had read read the Giza Power Plant my first book, and and she had done research with a Dr. David Deema on the frequencies of DNA and compose music based on those frequencies. Of course, if those frequencies were extremely high, and she stepped them down into the range of human hearing, but then she composed some music based on them, and the frequencies and she told me in her email that the frequencies that were dominant, were dominant in the king's chamber. I described the King's Chamber deaf job code, and she's said those were dominance in human DNA. So it's not just frequency and harmony of the pyramids, but also the earth but but also human beings. And so that is another concept that is absolutely, really incredible if you consider if we were able to achieve it, that our engineering projects, what we engineer in the future will actually function and be in harmony with the earth and also with humans.
Alex Ferrari 50:39
It's very, very pollyannic of you, sir. But I would love that as well.
Christopher Dunn 50:43
You know? If you if you dream, it can happen. But But no, but it's true. I mean, if you are, if you're around a noisy refrigerator is jarring, you know, the frequency of the jarring on your nerves, right? Or an air conditioner, something like that. So it's like, okay, engineers, can we can you kind of tune your equipment to human DNA, you know, make it more pleasant.
Alex Ferrari 51:22
So, yes, that would be fascinating. It will speaking of frequency and this technology, Tesla. I mean, Tesla, obviously, this book is a lot about the Tesla connection. How did Tesla, if you can even find this information out? But how did Tesla connect this technology with his work? Did he visit the Great Pyramids? Did he analyzed it? Did he study them? How did he come up with these ideas that were so revolutionary, and are still really revolutionary to this day?
Christopher Dunn 51:57
Yes. And, you know, that is seems to be a recent phenomenon. That Tesla I've seen some videos that claimed the Tesla was inspired by the Great Pyramid. But I've talked to people who are, you know, Tesla scholars, or you know, that followed his work. They had all his all his writings, and I can't find anybody have any, any reference or any anything, whether it's a newspaper report or anything, where Tesla was talking about the Great Pyramid, I mean, certainly, if he had known about the Great Pyramid about what was what has been revealed over the years, he may have been inspired by it. But if he was, he didn't really talk about it that much. So I don't know, I can't confirm that story.
Alex Ferrari 52:55
But there is, obviously the connection is that he was doing similar work that connects to the theories of what the of what the Great Pyramid is correct.
Christopher Dunn 53:05
He was, he was talking about Earth energies and transmitting power through the earth. And so there is that aspect to it, while the wireless distribution of energy now as far as the Great Pyramid, and its relationship with the earth and drawing energy from the earth, there wasn't any discussion of that, before the Giza Power Plant was published. And people talked about the pyramid energy as though it was this mystical kind of, you know, woowoo kind of thing. And, but there was nothing before the Giza Power Plant that actually decide described a mechanical system that showed that these processes could have been taken could have been taking place. I'm more convinced now that they were taking place. But that's thanks to freedom of grind and his work.
Alex Ferrari 54:08
Another another billion dollar question for you, Chris, when were these pyramids built? Because it doesn't seem like it was done when were these pyramids built? It doesn't seem like it was built 3000 years ago, and the technology didn't move for three years, which makes absolutely no sense in human history. That's not the way we work. There are theories now, there are theories, not with Graham Hancock's work, and many people like that, that they talk about, that these pyramids could have been there 12,000 14,000 years ago, and that the Egyptians came across them. Because that's what that's one of the explanations of how the it seemed like the pyramids got worse as time went on, as opposed to gets better. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Christopher Dunn 54:52
You know, I I've always held the view that I can't answer when, and by whom the pyramids were built. I'm just dealing with the how and why they were built. And so I deal with those. I'm a fairly solid ground. So essentially, I can say, if you can place them 4500 years ago, that's fine. I don't care like.
Alex Ferrari 55:22
It's irrelevant to you irrelevant to your work. It's irrelevant to your work.Yeah.
Christopher Dunn 55:31
Any continent, right? It's kind of like, okay. All right. So it
Alex Ferrari 55:35
But makes it but it makes it a lot more in look if it was built 30 years ago. Oh, impressive. Built 15,000 years ago, a lot more impressive, because that opens up.
Christopher Dunn 55:46
I mean, that may be that may be a rather cowardly approach by me. I just don't want to get into that. embroiled. I have enough to deal with on the engineering and I'm futuristic. Of course, of course. No, no, but seriously, no, you're right. The if you go back to 4500 years ago, it's like, huh, yeah, no, it doesn't seem right, that they were built at that time, because they just didn't have the tools to do it. What? You know, what, what would cause the infrastructures, the infrastructure to build those pyramids in Egypt and the, the machines that is apparent, that are apparent in and being used for some of the artifacts that they created, you have to go back probably 10 to 12,000 years, you know, I mean, if they talk about the Younger Dryas impact or coronal mass ejections, and, you know, destruction of the planet, cataclysmic events, all of those would cause a advanced civilization to be reduced to rubble and no hope of rebuilding. I mean, you know, you talk about our civilization, and, and how, how we are supported with our technology wouldn't take much for us to be thrown back to medieval times. You know?
Alex Ferrari 57:26
I was about this, I was about to say that to like, it doesn't take you know, I live here in Austin, there's a power outages out here. And my God, if people lose their collective minds, they just have no idea what to do. You know, and I have friends of mine who are from third world country to like, that was daily work. That was we had a power outage every day, like they just get used to it. But modern, modern society, it really is one or two events away. And it's one event away, really, if our power, our power grid goes out. Everything, everything the whole world has nothing to do get moved.
Christopher Dunn 58:02
I mean, you look at the supply chain, you know, electric cars, where does your lithium come from? Right for electric cars. So yeah, I mean, we we happily go forward, designing all these marvelous new technologies. And we're not doing anything about the infrastructure to support them.
Alex Ferrari 58:25
You know, what's interesting, when you just said that came to me like, yeah, we're building all this lovely technology, we're building it on very old energy technology. Yeah, that's the problem. We have very advanced computer as advanced as we know, that we've had on this planet, but the technology to run it all, is barbaric. You're burning, burning coal, to steam water to move. I mean, this is the same thing that was going on, hundreds of years ago, you know, the steam engine, and then before that, it was literally around the around the fire with our ancestors. So there's no advancement in energy production. But there's a massive advancement in AI and computer technologies and all these other things. So we need to start focusing on building a new way to generate electricity and energy in a very, not only sustainable way, but in a way that matches the technology that we're creating, because it seems to me please correct me if I'm wrong, if the Great Pyramid actually was a power plant, and the theories that you and that NASA scientists proved that if you stress igneous igneous rock, it creates these. You're basically creating electricity from the earth. And the earth has a battery. That seems pretty stable. As it as it is, I mean, that's there's no storms gonna knock that out. There's no no one's going to trip on a wire. I mean, I mean, I still look around and I see The power lines hanging from the 60s. I mean, there's the poles are from the 50s and 60s still, they're wooden poles. And like, like, I feels pretty barbaric. So it seems pretty robust. We don't have a robust energy technology.
Christopher Dunn 1:00:15
Right, right, just the building a coal power plant, the lead time on building a coal power plant would be 10 years or more. And the costs are outrageous. Nuclear. I mean, the politics involved, you know, so it's like, you know, the real powerhouses for electricity or the, as they they'll call a nuclear power plants. Of course, you know, there is solar now, and,
Alex Ferrari 1:00:53
And wind and solar, hydro, hydro,
Christopher Dunn 1:00:56
Hydro, but they, they fulfill a small percentage of our power needs. They still call nuclear and gas gas turbine, but, you know, you have a an electron harvester right here, exactly. As an electron harvester, right.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:16
Is this ever gonna get turned back on? Is there a way? Is that a thing? Is this, or is this just a shell of what it was?
Christopher Dunn 1:01:22
Oh, that's a good question.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:25
Can it be can the pyramid be turned back on? I mean, because imagine if I thought 1000 years ago, you open up a power plant. A lot of the bolts, the bolts are fallen off that there's no way to turn it back on. Would you agree? Is there a way to turn it back on?
Christopher Dunn 1:01:40
You know, I was asked that same question by a senior Egyptian official asked me that question at a meeting of coffee. I gave him a copy of my book, the Giza Power Plant and the my current mom wasn't published. But at that time, this was in 2021. So I had coffee with him. And he is the supervisor over the scam pyramid mission team. And, and at the meeting was the it was an international law judge Hamada Anwar, who represented Egypt's legal interests in the whole scam pyramid, and they still out so Hany Hello, who's Dr. Haney Hillel is actually an engineer. And so, so we got along. And I gave him I described the Giza Power Plant to him, and and he asked me the same question you did? Well, could you repair the current pyramid and get it functioning again, I was kind of blown away by that, right? It's kind of like I this is something that I just didn't expect. I never expected I was sitting having coffee with an Egyptian official, and unmask them asking me if I could turn on the gray permit again.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:04
Times have changed, sir.
Christopher Dunn 1:03:08
Well, can you? Can you get it running again, I was like, and so, you know, I didn't want to say hell no, I mean, you know, be impossible. And but that, before that question was asked by him, that was my conclusion. Because I didn't I you know, there's too much damage on the inside the this this was my thought process, you know, there's so much that we don't know about it. And, and, you know, to just say, oh, yeah, we'll just close it up. And, and, and get get it running again, turn the key and off we go. It's much, much more involved in that. But then when I was writing my book, and I was thinking about okay, let me let me really think about that question. If you have if you you know, you've proven the science you've demonstrated what what is Caitlyn long as possible to be released from the the lithosphere and terms of electricity, electrons, and then you're going to build another great pyramid and say taxes, right? So we're gonna build a pyramid in Marfa, Texas, you know, they got all kinds of Earth lights around that area, right? And say, Okay, we're gonna build a pyramid in Texas. Well, okay, well, we have to quarry. Six, 6 million tons of limestone and granite. And the great pyramid has already got five and a half million tons of stone already in place. And and so the material resources for building a great pyramid are already there. Right, it just needs to be repaired. And it needs to be taken some somewhat taken apart to be able to understand it more fully, such as the big void. In the, above the Grand Gallery that's supposed to be, you know, something the same size as the Grand Gallery, I'm not sure. But when they found that people were asking me, Well, what do you think? What, what is this big void by the Grand Gallery? Does it fit within your theory, but I was like, Well, I'm gonna have to, I need more information. Because all we get is like a point cloud, you know, very, very scattered points. And there's, there's no geometric definition to it, which is, you know, not surprising considering the muon method that they were using. So, but then I got a call from an engineer friend of mine, Eric Wilson, and he said, I know what that big void for Oh, you 2d? Oh, please tell me. And he said, Well, your model needs to it needs a preamp, and that would serve as a preamp for the microwaves coming into the Kings chain, but I was like, okay, all right. That's, that's, uh, that'll work.
Alex Ferrari 1:06:30
Chris, I want to ask you something. I know that you've been doing this for a long time now. And you started you, you're the you're the stone that got dropped into the pond. And the ripples have been has been sent out, ever since that first book came out? Is it your hope that someone else picks up your research? And, and, and takes this down to the finish line? In the next 50 or 100 years?
Christopher Dunn 1:06:51
Oh, they already have.
Alex Ferrari 1:06:52
There's people who are already going?
Christopher Dunn 1:06:54
Yeah, they're already on it. Yes. And different areas. I mean, it's not just, it's not just on the the Great Pyramid itself, but also other areas. In terms of, for instance, the study of machined artifacts in Egypt, the Egyptians are now doing their own metrology studies of these artifacts to determine their true nature. Or to actually verify what I indicated in my books to prove me right or wrong, but they're doing it themselves. There's an engineer in in Egypt, his name is Ahmed Adley. He has a YouTube channel. And he has created many, a lot of different videos discussing the advanced machining in ancient Egypt. And he has followed my footsteps in Egypt and, you know, been into the therapy and studied the statues luxol and many other different artifacts that I point out. And actually proving, you know, saying that I was correct, correct in my observations. Now, he, he wrote the foreword for my new book. And the also in his foreword, he talked about a Egyptian physicist who had read my book and also agrees with it in terms of the function of the Great Pyramid. And there seems to be a quiet revolution going on in Egypt now, particularly young people. Who cares less about the whole the whole tune theory? They are becoming tremendously interested in plus technologies and, and the true nature of their ancestors capabilities. So thanks for that question. That was I mean, I could die tomorrow, it's gonna continue. But
Alex Ferrari 1:08:57
Now, then you said something about the Luxor, which which just triggered something in me that they're the obelisks that are in Egypt, and the obelisks that are everywhere. When I was traveling through Europe, there was an obelisk in every town, there was a novelist. There's a novelist at the Vatican there was an analysis in Milan there was an aisle in Rome, they're everywhere. And they're obviously in their Egyptian to on top of some they have Egyptian hieroglyphs, in many of them. And they're here I mean, we have a giant obelisk in Washington.
Christopher Dunn 1:09:31
Eres, Lauren Lisbon as you know, yeah, everywhere.
Alex Ferrari 1:09:36
How does where are they at this is just me throwing a theory out there I'm sure I'm not the first to say it but was it like with a relay stations if you will, but didn't have anything to do with the power aspect of the pyramid?
Christopher Dunn 1:09:49
You know I that's a that's a really good question. And for a long time i i kind of dismissed that idea that they were related stations. I'm a little more Are you open to it now? Because of the work of friand. And while it's been demonstrated in terms of the the generation and transmission of electricity through igneous rocks, so you have these standing Spears all around Egypt and you know, besides just being you know landmarks and interesting features I think maybe they also did perform another function, how that is now being played out in terms of the physics and science behind it. There is a study of the what used to be the fall anomalous get gluck's at Luxor, in terms of its capabilities in creating and transmitting sound. And this has been done by a group called the geo Cosmo group, my my friend, Robert Hall to the sound engineer, who passed away last year, unfortunately, he's working with one of the members of that group and, and preparing a paper for publication. And they've come up with some very interesting observations in their studies. I can't release anything because it has the paper hasn't been published yet. But I can say that it has been worked on. So yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot more to learn through the whole process. And certainly, oh, you know, I've always considered myself to be a pointer, you know, there's like, I've pointed this and say, Hey, we need to look a little closer at this. You guys check this out. So I'm a pointer. I go around. And I point things out, and I think, well, I did some cursory examination of this, I use simple instruments. I'm finding this this, this isn't this. It needs to be checked out. And today, we have greater technology than I had when I started this research in terms of measurements. So they're scanning going on, you know, laser scanning CT scanning, structured light scanning of ancient artifacts. And what has been revealed is, is pretty mind blowing.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:38
Chris, I can talk to you for another seven to 10 days. This is amazing. But what can you tell people where they can find out more about you your work and pick up a copy of your new book, Giza: The Tesla Connection?
Christopher Dunn 1:12:56
Yes, I mean, I have a website, it's And the book is obviously available at all brick and mortar bookstores, it if it's not on the shelf, it can be ordered through them and they are online bookstores too.
Alex Ferrari 1:13:11
And Chris do you have any parting messages for the audience in regards to lost technologies. Being curious, investigating life anything you'd like to say?
Christopher Dunn 1:13:22
Yeah, don't don't stay lost too long. No,
Alex Ferrari 1:13:28
I love that one. That's a great quote.
Christopher Dunn 1:13:31
No, I have a little story. I'd like to tell you. Right, please, please. Some point and sometime in the future. Okay. All right. And, and so this, this farmer walks into a bar in Texas, you know, it's an old dusty, old town, right? walks into a bar, the bar farmer goes up to the bar, the bartender says, Well, you haven't, I'll have a I'll have a lone star sits down. Bartender wants to make small talk. So what do you do for a living? I'm a farmer. And well, okay, great. Well, that was a hell of a storm we had last week. Did you get any damage? No, no problem. And bartender says, well, there's gonna be another one coming through next week. You bet about batten down the hatches and farmer says, not bothered. Mobile fat me. Finishes the beer, climbs off the stool. The farmer straightens his shirt and starts walking towards the door. And the bartender shouts out after what do you farm anyway? And she says electron's bumper crop this year.
Alex Ferrari 1:14:46
Well, you know what, it's it's very similar to Star Wars. The farmer that Luke is aunt and uncle were where they were their humidity farmers are the basic least they suck the water out of the air. And that was their harvest. Because they lived in a desert. Yeah, moisture, yeah, moisture, moisture, something or other. So it's not that far fetched sir. These ideas are floating in the ether. So I hope so.
Christopher Dunn 1:15:17
Yeah, I hope so too.
Alex Ferrari 1:15:19
Chris it's been such a pleasure and honor speaking to you, my friend. Thank you again so much for not only being on the show, but for all the amazing work that you've done over the years and helping shed some light to some of them of some of ancient ancient the ancient world mystery, so I appreciate you my friend.
Christopher Dunn 1:15:36
Okay, thank you very much, Alex.
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