The concept of “ascended masters” is a belief held by some spiritual groups and individuals. According to this belief, ascended masters are spiritually advanced beings who have achieved a high level of enlightenment and can transcend the physical plane of existence. It is believed that these beings can assist those on the earthly plane with their spiritual growth and development.
Ascended masters include historical figures who have reached a high level of spiritual attainments, such as Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, and Krishna. They include more recent individuals who have achieved enlightenment, such as Paramahansa Yogananda, Saint Germain, and Mother Mary.
They are thought to be able to communicate with and assist those on the earth plane, often through mediums or channelers. Some people believe that ascended masters have the ability to perform miracles or manifest physical objects or events. Ascended masters are able to take on physical form when necessary but are usually thought to exist in a non-physical state.
It is possible for individuals to become ascended masters themselves through spiritual practices such as meditation, service to others, and personal transformation.
Roles of Ascended Masters
According to the belief in ascended masters, these beings play a number of roles in the spiritual development of individuals and the world. Some of the roles that are attributed to ascended masters include:
- Teachers and guides: It is believed that ascended masters can offer guidance and teachings to those seeking spiritual development, often through the use of mediums or channelers.
- Healers: Ascended masters have the ability to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.
- Protectors: It is believed by some that ascended masters can provide protection and support to those who are facing challenges or difficulties in their lives.
- Facilitators of personal transformation: Ascended masters help individuals overcome personal challenges and positively transform their lives.
- Helpers of global transformation: Ascended masters work towards bringing about positive change in the world through their influence and guidance.
Self-Mastery and Ascended Masters
Self-mastery is the process of developing mastery or control over one’s own thoughts, emotions, and actions. According to the belief in ascended masters, these beings can assist individuals with the process of self-mastery through their guidance and teachings. Ascended masters can offer insight and understanding into the nature of the self and the ego and can help individuals to let go of negative thoughts and behaviors that may be holding them back.
Ascended masters can help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and connect with a higher power or spiritual source, leading to a greater sense of self-mastery. Now before we continue, you need to understand three basic concepts; Karma, Reincarnation, and Ascension.
What is Karma?
In Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern religions, karma is the concept of cause and effect, in which the actions of an individual (cause) have a corresponding impact on their future experiences (effect). According to the belief in karma, good actions lead to positive experiences in the future, while negative actions lead to negative experiences. This belief is often described as the “law of cause and effect.”
In the belief in karma, it is believed that the effects of a person’s actions may not always be experienced in this current lifetime but may carry over into future lifetimes. This belief is often tied to the concept of reincarnation, in which the soul is believed to be reborn into a new body after death.
The concept of karma is often used to explain the circumstances and events that people experience in their lives. These experiences result from the past actions and choices a person has made. The belief in karma is often seen as a way to encourage people to be more mindful of their actions, as they believe that their actions have consequences for their future experiences.
It is possible to change the course of one’s karma through good actions, spiritual practices, and personal transformation. The belief in karma is often tied to the idea of personal responsibility and accountability. It is believed that individuals are responsible for their own actions and the consequences that they experience as a result.
Others believe it is possible to transfer or “pay off” negative karma through good actions or the assistance of spiritual beings or practices.
What is Reincarnation?
Reincarnation is the belief that a person’s soul, or consciousness, is reborn into a new body after death. This belief is held by some spiritual groups and individuals, particularly in Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. According to the belief in reincarnation, the soul is thought to undergo a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, with each rebirth happening in a new physical body.
The specific beliefs about reincarnation can vary among different spiritual traditions and individuals. Some believe that the soul is reborn into a new physical body on the earth plane, while others believe that it can be reborn into a non-physical plane of existence. Some believe that the soul is reborn into a new body in order to continue its spiritual evolution and growth, while others see it as a way to resolve unfinished business or to pay off karmic debts from past lives.
According to some belief systems, the soul is thought to exist before and after physical death and is believed to be reborn into a new physical body or form. The specific process of reincarnation is thought to vary among different belief systems. The soul chooses its next incarnation, while others believe it is predetermined by a higher power or by the individual’s karma.
The soul carries over knowledge and experiences from its past lives into its new incarnation, while others believe that the soul begins each new life with a clean slate. The belief in reincarnation is often seen as a way to explain the existence of different abilities, talents, and characteristics that people possess. These traits are carried over from past lives and result from the soul’s experiences and actions in those lives.
The belief in reincarnation is often tied to the concept of personal growth and spiritual evolution. Some believe the soul is reborn to continue its journey toward enlightenment and higher consciousness.
What is Ascension?
Ascension is a belief held by some spiritual groups and individuals that involves spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness. According to this belief, the process of ascension involves the transformation of the individual’s consciousness and the shedding of lower vibrational energies, which allows the individual to connect with and operate at a higher frequency.
The specific beliefs about the ascension process can vary among different spiritual traditions and individuals. Ascension involves integrating the physical body with the soul and attaining a state of unity with the divine. Others believe that it involves the expansion of consciousness beyond the physical plane and the attainment of a higher level of spiritual understanding.
The ascension process involves raising the individual’s vibration or frequency, which allows them to connect with and access higher dimensions or planes of existence.
Some believe that the process of ascension involves the release of lower vibrational energies, such as fear, negativity, and attachment, which can hold an individual back from achieving higher states of consciousness.
The belief in ascension is often tied to personal transformation and the soul’s evolution. The process of ascension allows the individual to tap into their full potential and to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Some believe that the ascension process can be aided by spiritual practices such as meditation, service to others, and personal growth work. Ascension is often seen as a way to explain the existence of different states or levels of consciousness and the potential for individuals to reach higher states of understanding and awareness.
List of Ascended Masters
Babaji – The Deathless Avatar
Babaji is a spiritual title given to an avatar or divine incarnation in the teachings of Kriya Yoga. According to these teachings, Babaji is an ascended master who is believed to have achieved a state of consciousness beyond physical existence and is able to exist in a deathless state. Babaji is considered an embodiment of the divine and is revered as a spiritual teacher and guide.
According to the teachings of Kriya Yoga, Babaji is believed to have first appeared in modern times in the Himalayan region of India in the 19th century. He is thought to have initiated Lahiri Mahasaya, a spiritual teacher, and guru, into the practice of Kriya Yoga, a form of meditation and spiritual discipline believed to lead to self-realization and liberation.
According to the teachings of Kriya Yoga, Babaji is considered an eternal, deathless being who has attained a spiritual realization beyond the cycle of birth and death. Babaji is believed to be an embodiment of divine love and compassion and can assist individuals on their own spiritual path.
It is believed that Babaji is able to manifest in physical form when necessary but is usually thought to exist in a non-physical state. Babaji is often revered as a spiritual teacher and guide and is thought to be able to impart teachings and guidance to those who are seeking spiritual growth.
Kriya Yoga’s teachings attribute many miracles and spiritual phenomena to Babaji, including the ability to manifest physical objects, heal physical ailments, and transcend the limitations of time and space.
Buddha was an ancient spiritual teacher who is revered as the founder of Buddhism. He is also known as Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni Buddha. According to Buddhist tradition, Buddha was born in what is now modern-day Nepal as a prince but later renounced his royal life in search of spiritual enlightenment. After many years of spiritual practice and study, Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment and become a teacher, sharing his insights with others.
Buddha’s teachings, known as the Dharma, are centered on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths are that suffering exists, that suffering arises from craving and attachment, that suffering can be overcome, and that the path to the end of suffering is the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is a set of principles for ethical and mental development that includes right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.
Buddhism has grown to become one of the world’s largest and most influential religions, with millions of followers worldwide. Buddha is revered as a teacher and a source of spiritual inspiration for Buddhists.
In the Buddhist tradition, Buddha attained enlightenment at the age of 35 after sitting in meditation under a tree, an event known as the “Great Enlightenment.” Buddha is known for emphasizing the importance of personal spiritual practice and cultivating mindfulness and compassion.
Buddha’s teachings are based on the idea that suffering is caused by ignorance, craving, and attachment and that it is possible to overcome suffering through the cultivation of wisdom and the relinquishment of these negative states of mind. Buddha taught that the path to spiritual liberation involves the development of ethical conduct, mental discipline, and meditative concentration.
Buddha is revered as a model of spiritual attainment and is seen as an example of what is possible for those who follow the path of spiritual practice. Buddha’s teachings have inspired the development of various schools and traditions within Buddhism, which have evolved and adapted over time.
Buddha is often depicted in art and iconography as a serene and enlightened being, often shown seated in a meditation posture with a peaceful expression on his face.
Jesus Christ
Jesus was a Jewish man who was born in Bethlehem and raised in the town of Nazareth in Galilee, which was then part of the Roman Empire. He was a religious leader and teacher who preached and healed the sick, and Christians revere him as the Son of God. Jesus’ teachings and actions were recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, and he is considered to be a central figure in the history of Christianity.
According to the New Testament, Jesus was a highly influential figure who attracted a large following during his lifetime. He preached about love, forgiveness, and the importance of living a moral and righteous life. He also performed many miraculous acts, such as healing the sick and casting out demons, which were seen as signs of his divine power.
In addition to his teachings and miraculous acts, Jesus is also remembered for his death and resurrection. Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death by the Roman authorities for claiming to be the Son of God. He was crucified on a cross and buried, but he rose from the dead three days later and appeared to his followers. This event, known as the resurrection, is a central belief of Christianity and is seen as proof of Jesus’ divine nature.
Jesus was an ascended master, a term used in some spiritual traditions to refer to a being who has reached a high level of enlightenment and can help others on their spiritual journey. There is no consensus among Christians about whether Jesus was an ascended master or not.
Some people believe that Jesus was fully human and fully divine, while others see him as a divine being who took on human form. Still, others believe that Jesus was a highly evolved spiritual being who came to Earth to teach and help humanity. Ultimately, the question of whether Jesus was an ascended master is a matter of personal belief and interpretation.
Jesus is considered by many to be one of the most important figures in human history, and his teachings have had a profound impact on millions of people around the world.
Bhagavan Krishna
Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism and is revered as a supreme deity in some Hindu traditions. Krishna is considered to be the eighth avatar, or incarnation, of the god Vishnu and is often depicted as a playful and mischievous god who is also wise and compassionate.
According to Hindu mythology, Krishna was born in ancient India in the kingdom of Mathura. He is known for his many divine acts and his role in the Mahabharata, an epic Hindu poem that tells the story of a great war between two branches of a royal family. Krishna is revered as a divine strategist who aided the Pandavas, the good kings in the war, and is also known for his role in the Bhagavad Gita, a famous Hindu scripture that is revered as a source of spiritual wisdom.
Krishna is often depicted in Hindu art and iconography as a handsome, blue-skinned god, often shown playing the flute or engaged in other playful activities. He is revered by Hindus as a source of inspiration and guidance and is often invoked in times of need or difficulty.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda was a spiritual teacher and guru who is best known for bringing the teachings of Kriya Yoga to the West. He was born in India in 1893 and spent much of his life traveling and teaching in the United States and Europe. Yogananda is considered to be one of the preeminent spiritual figures of the 20th century and is revered as a spiritual teacher and guide by his followers.
Yogananda is known for his emphasis on practicing Kriya Yoga to achieve self-realization and union with the divine. He is the author of the spiritual classic “Autobiography of a Yogi,” which has been translated into numerous languages and inspired millions of people worldwide.
“Autobiography of a Yogi” is a spiritual classic written by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual teacher, and guru who is best known for bringing the teachings of Kriya Yoga to the West. The book was first published in 1946 and has been translated into numerous languages. It is considered one of the most influential spiritual books of the 20th century and has inspired millions of people worldwide.
The book is a personal narrative that tells the story of Yogananda’s life and spiritual journey. It is a detailed account of his encounters with spiritual teachers and his experiences with various spiritual practices, including Kriya Yoga. The book also includes accounts of Yogananda’s meetings with notable spiritual figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore, as well as accounts of miraculous events and spiritual phenomena that he witnessed or experienced.
The classic is often described as a deeply inspiring and transformative work that offers insights into the nature of consciousness and the potential for personal spiritual growth. It is considered to be a valuable resource for those interested in spiritual practices and the pursuit of self-realization.
Yogananda founded the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), a spiritual organization that is dedicated to the dissemination of his teachings and the practice of Kriya Yoga. The SRF has centers and affiliated groups worldwide and is active in promoting yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices.
Yogananda is known for his ability to convey spiritual concepts in a clear and accessible manner and for his ability to connect with people from diverse cultural and spiritual backgrounds. His teachings are centered on the idea that the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is the attainment of self-realization and union with the divine. He taught that this could be achieved through the practice of Kriya Yoga, which involves the control and purification of the mind and emotions, and the cultivation of a state of inner stillness and concentration.
Yogananda emphasized the importance of living a balanced and harmonious life, taught that practicing yoga and meditation could help individuals cultivate inner peace and well-being, the importance of personal spiritual practices, and taught that the path to spiritual enlightenment is a personal journey that requires discipline and commitment.
Yogananda’s teachings have inspired the development of various spiritual organizations and communities dedicated to practicing yoga and spiritual growth.
Lahiri Mahasaya
Lahiri Mahasaya was a spiritual teacher and guru revered for Kriya Yoga’s teachings. According to these teachings, Lahiri Mahasaya was initiated into the practice of Kriya Yoga by an ascended master named Babaji, who appeared to him in the Himalayan region of India in the 19th century. Lahiri Mahasaya is considered to be one of the primary representatives of the Kriya Yoga tradition and is revered as a spiritual teacher and guide by his followers.
Lahiri Mahasaya is known for his emphasis on practicing Kriya Yoga to achieve self-realization and liberation. He is said to have taught that Kriya Yoga is a direct and efficient method for attaining spiritual growth and enlightenment and that individuals of any background or faith can practice it.
Lahiri Mahasaya is considered a great spiritual teacher and revered by his followers for his insights into the nature of reality and the path to spiritual enlightenment. According to the teachings of Kriya Yoga, Lahiri Mahasaya was a householder, meaning that he had a family and a secular profession but was also deeply devoted to spiritual practices.
He was known for emphasizing the inner discipline of Kriya Yoga as a means of achieving self-realization and liberation. He taught that this discipline involves controlling and purifying the mind and emotions and cultivating a state of inner stillness and concentration.
Some believe that Lahiri Mahasaya had the ability to perform miracles and other spiritual phenomena, including the ability to manifest physical objects and heal physical ailments. Lahiri Mahasaya is considered to be a “Siddha,” or fully realized being, in the teachings of Kriya Yoga and is revered as a model of spiritual attainment.
Swami Sri Yukteswar
Swami Sri Yukteswar was an Indian spiritual teacher and guru who lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries. He was a member of the Kriya Yoga tradition, which emphasizes the use of spiritual techniques, including meditation and pranayama, to achieve self-realization and spiritual liberation.
Sri Yukteswar was a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya, a well-known guru in the Kriya Yoga tradition, and was recognized as a spiritual leader in his own right. He was known for his wisdom and spiritual insights, and many people sought him out for guidance on the spiritual path.
Sri Yukteswar’s teachings were influential in the spread of the Kriya Yoga tradition, and his book “The Holy Science” is considered a classic of spiritual literature. The book is a comparative study of the scriptures of Hinduism and Christianity, and it seeks to show that the underlying teachings of both traditions are fundamentally the same.
In “The Holy Science,” Sri Yukteswar argues that all religions are ultimately seeking to lead people to the same ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment or realization and that the differences between the various religious traditions are simply due to the fact that they are presented in different cultural and historical contexts.
The book has been widely read and is considered a classic of spiritual literature. It is admired for its insights into the nature of spirituality and the ways in which different religions can be understood as part of a common spiritual journey. He is revered by many as a great spiritual teacher and is remembered for his wisdom, compassion, and commitment to spiritual growth.
Anandamayi Ma
Anandamayi Ma, also known as Anandamayi Maa, was an Indian spiritual teacher and guru who lived in the 20th century. She is revered by many as a spiritual master and is remembered for her wisdom, compassion, and spiritual insights.
Anandamayi Ma was born in 1896 in what is now Bangladesh, and from an early age, she was known for her deep spiritual understanding and her ability to enter into states of meditation and spiritual absorption. As she grew older, she became a well-known spiritual figure and attracted a large following of devotees.
Anandamayi Ma is remembered for her teachings on the unity of all existence and the importance of surrendering the ego to the divine. She is also known for her emphasis on love and compassion as the foundation of spiritual practice. Anandamayi Ma’s teachings continue to inspire and guide many people on the spiritual path.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was an Indian spiritual teacher and guru known for developing and promoting the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. He was born in India in 1917 and became interested in spiritual matters from a young age. He studied various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, and eventually developed the TM technique as a way of helping people to achieve inner peace and spiritual growth.
He became widely known in the 1960s when he began teaching TM to people in the United States and Europe. He attracted a large following of students, including many celebrities, and established a network of TM centers worldwide. He became particularly well-known because of his association with the counterculture movement of that time. The Beatles were a British rock band that was active during the same period and was one of the most popular and influential bands in history. They became interested in the Maharishi and his teachings in the late 1960s and spent some time studying with him in India.
The TM technique involves the use of a mantra, or sacred word or phrase, as a focus for the mind during meditation. The practice of TM is said to help practitioners achieve a state of deep relaxation and inner calm, and it is believed to have a number of physical and mental health benefits.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is remembered as an influential and influential spiritual teacher who helped to bring the practice of meditation to a wider audience. His teachings continue to be followed by many people today.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi was an Italian Catholic friar, deacon, and preacher who is revered as a saint by the Catholic Church. He is known for his love of poverty, devotion to the poor and sick, and strong belief in all people’s inherent goodness.
Francis was born in the 12th century and lived a lavish and carefree lifestyle as a young man. However, he had a profound spiritual awakening and dedicated the rest of his life to helping the poor and spreading the message of Christ.
He founded the Order of Friars Minor, also known as the Franciscans, and is known for his care for animals and the environment. Francis is known for his strong devotion to God and his simple, humble way of life, and he is considered a model of holiness and charity.
Moses is a central figure in the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to the Bible, Moses was an Israelite prophet and lawgiver who lived in ancient Egypt. He is best known for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.
In the biblical account, Moses was born to Hebrew parents who hid him in a basket to protect him from the Pharaoh’s orders to kill all male Hebrew children. He was discovered and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, and he eventually became a leader among the Israelites. After witnessing an injustice, Moses killed an Egyptian and fled to the desert, where he lived as a shepherd for 40 years.
God then appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and commanded him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses obeyed and, with the help of his brother Aaron, led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea. God then gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, which are considered the foundation of Jewish law and are still followed by Jews and Christians today. Moses is also considered a prophet in Islam, and his story is told in the Quran.
Moses is considered to be an ascended master and is revered as a powerful and wise spiritual teacher. It is believed that he can offer guidance and help to those who seek it and that he is a source of inspiration and wisdom for those on the spiritual path.
Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi was an Indian spiritual teacher and guru who was born in 1879 in Tamil Nadu, India. He is considered to be one of the most revered and influential spiritual figures in modern India.
Maharshi was known for his teachings on self-inquiry, which involve turning inward and focusing on the question “Who am I?” in order to attain spiritual enlightenment. He believed that the ultimate goal of spiritual practice was to realize the true nature of the self, which he described as pure consciousness.
Maharshi was also known for his emphasis on the importance of being in the present moment and for his compassionate and non-judgmental approach to spiritual guidance. He taught that the path to spiritual realization was open to people of all backgrounds and that the true nature of the self was the same in all people.
Maharshi’s teachings continue to be influential and have inspired many people worldwide to seek spiritual enlightenment through self-inquiry.
Saint Germain
Saint Germain, also known as the Comte de Saint Germain, was a mysterious figure who was active in Europe in the 18th century. He was known for his intelligence, charm, and musical ability and was rumored to have had many extraordinary powers and abilities.
There are many legends and stories surrounding Saint Germain, and his true identity and background are a matter of much speculation. Some people believe that he was a member of the European aristocracy, while others believe that he was a spiritual adept or a divine being.
Saint Germain was known to have traveled extensively and to have had a wide circle of influential acquaintances, including members of the European nobility, scientists, and intellectuals. He was also rumored to be able to transmute base metals into gold and have the power of eternal youth.
Despite the many legends and stories surrounding him, Saint Germain remains a mysterious and enigmatic figure, and his true identity and purpose continue to be the subject of much debate and speculation.
Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism who is revered as a being who has dedicated himself to helping others achieve enlightenment. The name Avalokitesvara means “the lord who looks down,” and the bodhisattva is often depicted as looking down from on high with compassion on all sentient beings.
In many traditions, Avalokitesvara is seen as a representation of the compassion of all buddhas and is revered as a protector and guide for those who seek enlightenment. The bodhisattva is also seen as a manifestation of the compassion of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, and is revered as a symbol of the Buddha’s vow to help all beings attain liberation.
Avalokitesvara is often depicted in artwork and literature as a male figure, but in some traditions, the bodhisattva is also depicted as female. In Tibetan Buddhism, for example, Avalokitesvara is often depicted as the female deity Tara. In Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, he’s depicted as the male deity Kuan Yin or Kanzeon. Regardless of the form in which he or she is depicted, the bodhisattva is revered as a symbol of compassion and as a guide for those seeking enlightenment.
El Morya
El Morya is a name that is used in some spiritual traditions, particularly in the Ascended Master Teachings, to refer to a spiritual entity or ascended master who is believed to have achieved a high level of spiritual enlightenment and to be able to help and guide others on the spiritual path.
According to the Ascended Master Teachings, El Morya is one of a group of spiritual beings known as the Ascended Masters, who are believed to have lived physical lives on earth and to have achieved enlightenment and mastery over the physical realm. It is believed that after their physical deaths, these masters ascended to a higher plane of existence and continued to help and guide people from that plane.
El Morya is often shown as a wise and powerful spiritual teacher and is believed to be a source of guidance and inspiration for those seeking to grow spiritually. He is also revered as a being of great spiritual power and is thought to be able to assist people in manifesting their goals and overcoming obstacles on the spiritual path.
Devi – The Universal Mother
In Hinduism, Devi is the term used to refer to the divine mother or the feminine aspect of the divine. Devi is often depicted as the ultimate creative force in the universe and is revered as the source of all life and abundance. She is also seen as the embodiment of power and strength and is associated with protecting her devotees.
Many goddesses in the Hindu pantheon are considered to be forms or aspects of Devi, including Kali, Durga, and Lakshmi. Each of these goddesses is associated with specific qualities and aspects of the divine feminine.
Devi is often depicted in Hindu art and iconography as a beautiful, radiant woman, often shown with multiple arms, each holding a symbol of her power and attributes. She is revered by Hindus as a source of inspiration, guidance, and protection and is often invoked in times of need or difficulty.
Kuthumi is one of a group of spiritual beings known as the Ascended Masters, who are believed to have lived physical lives on earth and to have achieved enlightenment and mastery over the physical realm. It is believed that after their physical deaths, these masters ascended to a higher plane of existence and continued to help and guide people from that plane.
He is often shown as a wise and compassionate spiritual teacher and is believed to be a source of guidance and inspiration for those seeking to grow spiritually. He is also revered as a being of great spiritual power and is thought to be able to assist people in manifesting their goals and overcoming obstacles on the spiritual path.
Adi Shankara
Adi Shankara was an Indian philosopher and theologian who lived in the 8th century. He is best known for his contributions to the development of the Hindu philosophical tradition known as Advaita Vedanta, which emphasizes the concept of non-dualism or the oneness of all existence.
Shankara is considered one of the greatest philosophers in the Hindu tradition, and his teachings have profoundly influenced Hindu thought and spirituality. He is known for his writings, which are considered classics of Hindu literature, and for his debates with other philosophers, in which he defended the principles of Advaita Vedanta against rival viewpoints.
Shankara traveled extensively throughout India, establishing monasteries and spreading his teachings. He is also credited with reviving the practice of Advaita Vedanta and helping to spread it throughout India. Shankara’s teachings continue to be studied and revered by many Hindus today.
There are too many Ascended Masters to name on this list, but hopefully, this will give you a better understanding of who these great souls were and are. Throughout your life’s journey, you can connect with Ascended Masters for guidance and support.