Ascended Master BABAJI Channeled LIVE: His PROFOUND Message to Humanity! with Anjie Hipple

In the vast expanse of cosmic understanding, our guest today, Anjie Hipple, brings a profound message that resonates with the very core of our existence. As we dive into the intricate dance of spirituality and consciousness, Anjie opens up about her journey, her connection with the angelic collective known as Judah, and the divine wisdom she channels. This conversation isn’t just an exchange of words; it’s a symphony of celestial insights, aiming to elevate our understanding and illuminate our paths.

The essence of Anjie’s message begins with the concept of the melting pot, not just of cultures but of cosmic inheritances. She beautifully articulates, “The whole entire earth is a melting pot of so many beautiful cosmic inheritances. Masters have understood this for eons.” This perspective invites us to see ourselves as part of a grand, interconnected universe where every soul is a wave in the infinite ocean of existence. The idea that we are not merely individuals but integral parts of a larger, divine whole is both humbling and empowering.

Anjie’s journey into channeling began as an unexpected and transformative experience. She describes it as “bizarre, strange, and yet profoundly enlightening.” Her connection with Judah, a collective of 350,000 angelic souls, serves as a testament to the boundless support available to us from the unseen realms. Judah’s primary mission is to assist in our awakening and enlightenment, providing guidance and vibrational support to those ready to transcend their current states of being.

One of the most striking elements of our conversation was Anjie’s explanation of the soul trap. She explains, “A soul trap is more about being soul stuck, primarily not forgiving the self. Guilt is the main fuel for the soul trap, it fuels the soul to continue on in a needless cycle.” This insight sheds light on the importance of self-forgiveness and the release of guilt to break free from the cycles of reincarnation and suffering. It’s a powerful reminder that liberation begins within.


  1. Self-Forgiveness as Liberation: To free oneself from the soul trap, self-forgiveness is crucial. Guilt binds the soul in repetitive cycles, and releasing it opens the path to true freedom.
  2. Communion with Higher Consciousness: By connecting with our heart space and asking our inner being to locate our guardian angel’s consciousness, we can merge with higher consciousness and receive divine guidance. This practice can be extended to connect with ascended masters and other enlightened beings.
  3. Universal Oneness: Embracing the idea that we are all part of a universal family, with diverse cosmic inheritances, encourages unity and harmony. This oneness is the heartbeat of our existence, inspired by the Divine Creator.

As our conversation deepened, Anjie Hipple shared the profound joy and energy she feels when channeling. She likens it to being a “live wire plugged into 220 volts.” This energy not only heals her physical ailments but also enhances her spiritual connection, making her a vessel for Judah’s wisdom. The process of channeling, as Anjie describes, is accessible to anyone willing to connect with their heart and seek communion with higher consciousness.

One of the most enlightening moments was when Anjie, through Judah, addressed the origins of humanity. She stated, “Humanity was seeded from so many places—angels, interstellar races all over this galaxy, and even beyond. The whole earth is a grand experiment of putting different perspectives and ways of being together in community.” This revelation broadens our understanding of our place in the cosmos and the rich diversity of our spiritual heritage.

In conclusion, our time with Anjie Hipple has been nothing short of transformative. Her insights into the nature of our souls, the importance of self-forgiveness, and the vast support from higher realms offer a roadmap for our spiritual journeys. As we embrace these teachings, may we find the courage to forgive ourselves, connect deeply with our higher consciousness, and recognize the divine oneness that binds us all.

Please enjoy my conversation with Anjie Hipple.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 483

Anjie Hipple 0:00
The United States has called itself a melting pot. Well, we can say the whole entire earth is a melting pot of so many beautiful cosmic inheritances. Masters have understood this for eons. Yes, you can be anywhere, at any time, anywhere at any time, simply by bringing your focus to that. And infinite creator beings. So these lifetimes are like waves crashing upon the shore. And then waves being withdrawn back again into the ocean. But in truth, you are simply just the ocean.

Alex Ferrari 0:57
Thank you so much for coming. I'd love to welcome to the show Anjie Hipple. How you doing Anjie?

Anjie Hipple 1:02
I'm doing so great, Alex, thank you for having me.

Alex Ferrari 1:06
Thank you so much for coming all the way here to next level soul studios.

Anjie Hipple 1:11
Beautiful. It's so beautiful. I'm, I'm just celebrating you put a lot of work into it.

Alex Ferrari 1:17
It's taken me a minute. Yeah, I did everything. Myself and myself alone. No, no, we were blessed with some amazing, amazing people who came and helped us and it just kind of very quickly this happened in about three months. Believe it or not, it was a very quick amazing, it was a quick turnaround. I've since we got it to where we're sitting today was a three month process. And it was wonderful. But I wanted to start doing more in person stuff

Anjie Hipple 1:49

Alex Ferrari 1:49
And bringing guests because there's an energy on Zoom. And that's wonderful. And I'll continue to do that because not everyone can fly in I talk to people around the world. But for those who can't I think it's just a little different energy. You know, I've actually been in the room with one other channel so you're my second channel person that will be channeling in the room with me thing. I know Paul Paul, I went I saw Paul once Paul Selig and saw him Channel Live. So you'll be the first the second you'll be the first in this room to chat.

Anjie Hipple 2:18
Okay, well, we're gonna christen the place majorly great.

Alex Ferrari 2:24
We're so interesting. It's so fascinating.

Anjie Hipple 2:26
Oh channeling was a totally of Esther for me. I mean, it's bizarre. It's so weird and just so strange. Yeah, it's, it is a death knell really.

Alex Ferrari 2:38
Can you can you imagine what Seth was like?

Anjie Hipple 2:40
Oh my gosh,

Alex Ferrari 2:41
It was a 60s. Yes. Or 60s. Around that time, right. She was she was she was channeling said I forgot her name. But, Jane, yes. Yeah. She was channeling Seth. And I mean, Edgar Casey. Oh, yeah. I mean, he was a sleeping prophet. So he they would it was kind of more somewhat more acceptable, I guess, at that point. But he was channeling and if people don't understand what the Akashic records were, he would go into the Akashic records. Yes. And be able to see everything.

Anjie Hipple 3:05
Oh, and he did lots of other things, too. Like he saw fairies and communicated with Archangels. And yeah,

Alex Ferrari 3:13
He did all sorts of things. Yeah. But back then. I mean,

Anjie Hipple 3:16
It's very odd. He's the odd man out for sure. There's no question.

Alex Ferrari 3:19
So imagine Seth. And then of course, Abraham and, and Theo, Sheila. And there's, Darryl with Bashar. But I can imagine Seth I mean, that was like, literally demon time. Oh, yeah. I mean, she, how she was

Anjie Hipple 3:38
Drink beer at the same time. That really

Alex Ferrari 3:47
I always find it I talked to people sometimes about this thing. Because when Jesus showed up, or when Buddha showed up, or when any of these avatars that we talk about, who are on the wall here, Baba Ji, you'll get down to any of them. They came to the world at a time where their frequency and vibration was so much higher, or became so much higher than the people around them, that it must have been so difficult for them to even deal with the energies around them. They're there to raise all of us up. But that's a heavy lift. And I just go back like guys, and if Jesus showed up today, for the first time, Jesus shows up today and starts doing what he did back then it would probably be much more accepted.

Anjie Hipple 4:38

Alex Ferrari 4:38
I don't think you'd be crucified. Maybe in Twitter, on Twitter,

Anjie Hipple 4:43
It would be on TikTok and a YouTube sensation.

Alex Ferrari 4:45
Absolutely. You know, maybe Twitter would have destroyed him or crucify them. But other than that, maybe you've been canceled, right? Because he was a troublemaker. He wasn't he was a troublemaker. But I was just like, Matt, how difficult is it to talk Talk about these concepts that you and I are talking about now. In those times where there was so much illiteracy, so much lack of intelligence of knowledge of anything that you have to go, Look, there's a dump around the corner as a fire all the time. And they turn that into hell.

Anjie Hipple 5:20
Well, let me tell you another Jews been on lately. When you think about the bad Jesus was the he was the good Jewish boy gone rogue. Right? Do you have all this conditioning back then, you know, Jewish boys were taught for 12 years, they had to memorize the first five books of the Torah, but by the age of 12, and then, you know, we think that he had this other mystical Easter training from 13 to 30. But he was obviously a troublemaker and a Jewish boy long rogue from the beginning. And so the soapbox Judah has been on is this. You know, when Jesus was crucified, it took two entities to crucify him, it took the religious leaders of the day in cahoots in collusion with the political leaders of the day. And it took both of those entities to take his life. And so do soapboxes. Hello, enlightened people, conscious people listen up, be careful. Don't get in a collusion with political parties don't get in a collusion, a collaboration with the religious and political, the religious, and the political to gather our classifiers that are say crucified, the enlightened one, then light, the two enlightened wisdom, the truth and like leadership that we have in the world, we have so much of it, we have such a wealth of it, you bring it every week on this program. The religious and the political will always want to crucify that. And together if they unite that power together is dangerous.

Alex Ferrari 7:08
Well, it's also I think, those two, those two entities are the one of the old systems that do not serve humanity anymore. They did for a while. There's no question without religion in the early, you know, that 100 200 years 300 People were killing each other left and right. There was a lot of crazy going on. And they needed something to kind of corral the corral them and control them, because they were just out of control. And I get that. But we're not there anymore. The old system, not serving humanity anymore. And they're starting to crumble, but yet still have lots of power. But that power will be shaken. It's just going to have to transition and change. I mean, look, you know, we're not we're no longer in when I went to Europe, I guess it's all the food there was so different. There's no preservatives, there's no corn syrup. There's no, you know, GMO, there's none of that. And that because they as a, as a collective said, No, we're done with that. We're done with that. We haven't learned that lesson here yet. Right. But there's going to be a point when we demand it. We started demanding organic food, we just started demanding certain things. Yeah, just a lot of garbage out there. So fast food and things like that. But we started demanding different things. And we started voting with our dollars. Exactly. And that's, that's the best vote you can make is with you.

Anjie Hipple 8:35
Absolutely. I agree. 100%. That's how Judah, you know, the last time we were together, Judah said, the way that you change the economic system is by voting with your dollar being an enlightened person and then making enlightened choices with your funds. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 8:50
So we've been speaking about Judah, for so long that we've been talking for about, let's, let's see, if you can, let's bring Judah I have a whole bunch of questions. And it's gonna be I think it'd be a lot of fun. So, tell everybody who has not seen you do what you do. What are you doing? Because it's not a demon. The devil is not showing up on the pitch fork not today. Another day. So can you explain to them what you're doing and who's coming through?

Anjie Hipple 9:22
Yeah. So I had the great privilege to be of service with a group of angels called Judah, their collective of 350,000 angelic souls that together are an oversoul family. And they are my home. I'm one of one of them, one of the souls of that collective, and they just are beautiful, delightful, praise filled and boya, joyful kind of noisy, loud beings. There, they can operate in all realms of time and space, different dimensions, but what they're really passionate about matters most to them as helping assisting people on their awakening and enlightenment journey. And they have the vibrational quality and the level of consciousness and take people all the way to enlightenment. And they're they're my very dear friends I'm very thankful for them

Alex Ferrari 10:16
And you get energized or depleted as you channel

Anjie Hipple 10:19
I get super energized I brain through a lot of just I feel like a live wire like plugged into to 20 just totally amped up now it can affect my body because there's so much more juice coming through my nervous system. And I kind of accommodate that but but now it's a delight to have them and sometimes when they first came through the very first time they heal, we have a two year long COVID stamp that I've had. But even today I have a little cold or something and they come through it'll usually clear that out

Alex Ferrari 10:58
If you bottle that that'd be fantastic All right. So let's let's get Okay. All right, fire away. What is the essence of a soul trap from a spiritual perspective?

Anjie Hipple 11:17
Did you say a soul trap?

Alex Ferrari 11:18

Anjie Hipple 11:24
Well, hello, dear Alex, and to all of you and we we are very happy to be here. And we have been anticipating this time with much excitement. Yes. Now what about a soul trap? Mm hmm. A soul trap we would say is more about being soul stuck. Yes. Hmm. Being stuck in your own perceptions and perspectives. Mm hmm. Stuck in Hmm. belief systems, about what life is how life is. And primarily we would say a soul trap is not forgiving the self. A soul trap is when the soul has held against itself. Some things are things a thing or things, some instances experiences some pattern behaviors that have perhaps followed that soul from one life to the next into the next into the next. And so the soul trap occurs because the soul is not been able to see its way clear to forgive itself of its perceived wrongs. And so it continues on guilt is the main fuel for the soul trap, it fuels the soul to continue on in a needless cycle.

Alex Ferrari 12:53
Now, how can we channel our guardian angels in that more efficient way? Or how can we in general?

Anjie Hipple 13:00
Yes, well, this vessel can teach you very easily. It's very simple, very simple. You simply connect with your heart, your heart chakra, you by just putting your attention there your focus there or sometimes just putting your hand there will help. And in your inner being you say to your consciousness, speak to your consciousness. whatever term you use, apply for your own consciousness, be it your superconscious, your Higher Self, your inner being, and you speak to your inner being and you say please find and locate the consciousness of my angels. Now when this vessel works with persons, she generally helps them to make the very first connection with their guardian angel. Mm hmm. And so they simply touch their heart. They say please locate the consciousness of my guardian angel. And so understand that every person obviously has their own personal consciousness. It is the sentience that animates the body that makes them a living being it is full of divinity and lifeforce energy and that consciousness can join with any Consciousness in the Universe. Just as this personal consciousness of that you call Angie Hipple is now connected, merged in with our consciousness is yes. And so anyone can do this. You allow your consciousness to to search you may feel a searching mechanism in you and then you will feel the Connect in. Now what does this connect and feel like when your guardian angels consciousness merges in with your consciousness? It can feel like a slight shift in the end energy in the room it could feel like a lift, a lightness coming into your emotions, a sense of joy or peace coming over you it can sit feel like energy running through your body it can feel like it can sound like a slight shift in the sound in the room similar to being in an aeroplane. Yes. And so when you feel that slight, ever so slight shift, know that your angel is there, their consciousness is now merged with your consciousness this is very much like two clouds in the sky. If you are one cloud and your angel is the other, if two clouds bumping into one another, they merge and become one cloud. So for that moment in time, when you are communing with your angel, you become one, your consciousness is one with theirs. This is all that channeling is channeling is just a term that has many different meanings to many people. But simply what it is, is this it is communing with other consciousnesses you can commune with the consciousness of your wife as you sit together having dinner or with your arms around each other on the sofa in the evening. This is a communing a coming together of consciousness, your consciousness merging with hers. This happens all the time and physical intimacy. This is why people are so enamored with the sexual act on your planet because there can be not always but there can be a beautiful merging of consciousnesses Yes, to coming together as one. And this is lovely. And so this is what happens is happening right now you were witnessing it. It was a communion between our consciousness and the consciousness of this soul working together as one being completely in Unity. Anyone can do this. Now let's say for instance, that you wanted to perhaps have a conversation with Yogananda or with the Buddha, you would simply sit and steal yourself, allow your mind to melt, touch your heart or drop into your heart space, just as you would imagine meditation but slightly different from the typical meditation of a no mind meditation in this instance, you would instead say to your inner being please locate the consciousness of Yogananda. And very momentarily, perhaps instantaneously. If you practice for a little while, you will feel a shift. You will feel as if someone else has come in the room, you will feel perhaps as if someone else has come into your being and then simply you trust you trust that whatever thoughts come into your mind during that moment in time are not your own thoughts. They are the thoughts of your beautiful and beloved Yogananda. And if you have the impetus to write these thoughts down or record them, you will find they don't sound quite like you. They sound like your master Yogananda. Now, everyone will have the ego mind say to them, you're making this up. So go ahead and factor that into the equation and proceed anyway. So who cares if it is your mind? Yes.

Alex Ferrari 18:33
Judah let me ask you. Why have you chosen to come now? At this time in human history to be chat generally? Because it seems like there's so many people channeling now, where 20 30 years ago, there wasn't this many. Why have you chosen specifically to come through now?

Anjie Hipple 18:52
We love this question. We love this question. And one of the things the vessel said to us on a regular basis in the beginning and still occasionally she will say, due to why me why now because there are plenty of people doing this and they're highly effective at what they're doing. So we will tell you what our agenda is. Yes, our agenda is to vastly accelerate the trajectory towards enlightenment. For in the circles such as those beautiful souls listening many, many many have come to an unconscious belief to which they adhere that enlightenment is only for the super special only for the cave dweller in the Himalayas, only for the multimillion bookseller ha that that packs out concert halls for enlightened teaching. This is not the way we want it to be. This is not the way the creator wants it to be. This is not what the Elohim wish for this season. Time of Earth's history and humanity. We want the massive masses to be awakened. And we want myriads of people to come into an enlightened state. We recently gave this vessel a dream in which she saw a grove of trees, hundreds of trees. And in each tree there was hanging a cocoon, a large cocoon, golden, golden, gleaming, brilliant, brilliant, golden, gleaming cocoons, light emanating from the inside out. And within them, she saw a person in each one, a person in each one, these are the bodhisattvas these are the ones who will be transformed through hearing our voice, even some now as they are hearing our voice, they they are saying yes, Judah, I am one of those I am one of those in the cocoon, I am a bodhisattva I am one of those who has purposed in my soul to become an enlightened being in this lifetime. And and I hear you I hear your call, and I am awakening to that call. And so we are here to make sure that these ones who purposed to do this in their soul in their pre birth experience, that they make it all the way all the way to enlightenment. We are guardians over these beautiful cocoons filled with golden light, we have our eye on these, we are watching over them. They are receiving all the information assistance and support they need through teaching such as the ones you offer here, through our messages and also through their own angels and guides. And they are protected. And this will be there will be a massive resurrection of sleeping souls into this fully self realized state in this generation and the generation to come.

Alex Ferrari 22:07
Can you give us a little inclination of what humanity's origins are from a cosmic standpoint?

Anjie Hipple 22:19
Yes, of course. Humanity was seeded from so many places seeded from angels seeded from interstellar races all over this galaxy. And even beyond. That the heritage and inheritance is so vast, the United States has called itself a melting pot. Well, we can say the whole entire earth is a melting pot of so many beautiful cosmic inheritances.

Alex Ferrari 22:57
If you're enjoying this conversation, I invite you to go deeper down the rabbit hole with me on next level soul TV. It's packed with exclusive content like live special guests Q and A's daily podcast commercial free access to the entire next level soul catalogue early access to episodes before the air and special meditations you won't find anywhere else. We will be adding new exclusive content every month. Plus you can connect with me during my monthly live streams. Just go to and join our soulful community today. I'll see you on the inside.

Anjie Hipple 23:33
And so it is very experimental. In this way. It has been a grand grand grand experiment, yes, of putting so many different perspectives and ways of being together in community. And so what we wish for you all is to see yourselves not just see yourselves but experience yourself and operate as a human family as one human family with myriads of differences, but yet one heartbeat, one heartbeat, one heartbeat inspired by the Divine Creator.

Alex Ferrari 24:15
Is there a spiritual significance to the concept of angels singing?

Anjie Hipple 24:21
Yes, certainly. Music is the language of the cosmos. It is the language. It is the universal language of love and communication. And you see we are full, full of sound and song and melody and rejoicing and so much rejoicing and joy and we love to sing. Angels want to sing and sing over you because this because our Father Mother God creates Cree Ader, God's sings over you sings over you. If you want to know what makes God sing, we will tell you it is you. It is you. God loves you so so very much just like a mother or father sings over a little infant in the cradle so naturally, even the father and mother that thinks that they can't sing a note yet they will. They will sing over the little one, will they not? Yes. Because they delight in this little one. They delight in its innocence and its purpose and its potential and its beauty in the fact that it is a reflection of their own being. So God sings over you, in the same way that a father mother sings over their child. And so we also do the same you our little brothers and sisters, we are constantly rejoicing over you see, we never fret about anything at all. We're never concerned about you, whatever path you are taking. We know where you are headed. We know you are evolving back into your beauty, your divinity, we know it, we know it. And so we rejoice. We have utter faith and trust in your journey, and in your place in this universe.

Alex Ferrari 26:23
Can you give me can you tell me the difference between enlightenment and spiritual awakening?

Anjie Hipple 26:28
Yes, certainly. Spiritual Awakening is when your soul looks over at your ego and says, Oh, you are not me. You are not me. And I think I've had enough of you, I'm going to determine how to silence you quiet, you relax you so I can get about the business of being what I'm here to be. This is an awakening. Enlightenment is, is the end of that process, which is the beginning of other processes, which are, there are so many more delightful things for you, my dear is beyond enlightenment, we we wish you to go to enlightenment, just so we can begin to show you all of that which is so delightful. But to answer your question, enlightenment is the point in which the ego has been fully, fully fully subjugated to the soul, and the soul leaves in command of the person. And the soul has total authority over the thoughts, feelings and actions of the person. And so in an enlightened state, the ego personality, the aspects of the personality are simply tools for expression of the love and wisdom of the soul. Yes. And so we will share a metaphor for you of this. The personality is like a glove on the hand, a glove on the hand. Yes, your soul is the hand, the ego is the glove, the arm is your or your angels and guides. And the whole is source. And so when you're fully enlightened, you can express your soul through the context of the ego and the personality. And the expression is pure. And it operates only in service to others.

Alex Ferrari 28:30
Beautiful, what is life language? And how can we use it in our spiritual practices?

Anjie Hipple 28:36
Well, there are multitudes of languages in the universe, obviously, as there are so many languages on the earth. And so these light languages are simply very, a one who connects in and communes with other beings on the other side in this unseen realm and hears their languages and communicates in these languages. Yes, just as a young child, let's say lives in a family, with two parents, maybe speaking two different languages. And the child in its own due course of time will begin to mimic the languages that it hears and speak in those languages. And so many of those who have access to higher realms, they are swimming, we will say moving operating in the quantum field. Yes, they hear these various languages and it's very natural for them in their learning process to begin to mimic those languages and speak in them. Now, why is that important? Why bother to listen? Well, it edifies the soul, it builds up the soul it expands and strengthens the souls determination to be sovereign over the physical person. And in these light languages, there are encoded enormous amounts of information from the quantum field. So for example, if if you were to say, tectonic plates that is that are two words, their tectonic plates, you might have some concept about what that means. Yes. But to have a light language in which you heard tectonic plates are the equivalent of that would to be than to suddenly have access to all the the information in the universe about tectonic plates, it would be like suddenly having a PhD and tectonic plates, you say, as a geologist. And so this language can be a means to download a lot of information, which you don't need to be concerned about. Just allow it to settle into your subconscious mind and will be of use to you when you need it.

Alex Ferrari 30:52
What are some of the primary sources of help from the unseen realms?

Anjie Hipple 30:59
Yes, we will tell you the sources of help. There are your angels and guardians created by God, yes, that are pure in their essence, and they are the Express representation of God. If an angel says it to you, and you are assured that it is the angels speaking to you, you can assure that they are a pure and accurate, clear messenger of the Divine. There are also ascended masters who are sources of help. These are those who have lived on the earth as human souls and they have reached a fully enlightened state, they may still reside on the earth or if they are ascended, then they have gone on to their next aspect of evolution. As we said, there is much beyond enlightenment. And so these ascended masters can be involved in many ways, in all realms of time and space to offer their wisdom and insight. Yes, and you can, of course, speak to them, and commune with them receive insight and information from them, just as you would angels, yes, then there are also many, many extraterrestrial races, too many to count, there are some that are more familiar to you, because they for whatever reasons have been brought into awareness of media, and writings and so on. But there are even so many more beyond those of which humanity now has awareness, they also are sources of help, they are a little further down the road from you, some of them are in their evolution and understanding and they really are cheering you on, for your success is what is best for everything in your solar system. And in the universe, then there are the Akashic records, we would say this is a common term. But basically this is just having an access to all the devout divine, ah, all the information of all of history, and all rooms of time and space in the universe are held in the quantum field. And anyone can tap into this, knowing Yes, by simply asking, asking with reverence, for truth, for understanding, a simple way to do this, this vessel does it regularly, when she's sitting with someone that she wants to assist. Her human mind has many concepts and ideas and even experiences, perhaps even a little wisdom to share with someone. But she what she prefers is to set all of that aside. And she does that by saying this. Please tell me what I don't know what is not known for this vessel for you see what you know, has brought you to where you are. And all of that is finding good but to to go where you want to be in the next stage of your evolution, you have to know something that you don't know. Yes. And so the Akashic Records, the angels, the ET's, the Ascended Masters, all of these are vast resources for you. The last one we would say, in way of service to you is your Higher Self, your higher self is so much more than what you understand it to be my dears. We are not speaking of the higher power spoken off in a 12 step meeting. We are not speaking of your loving and good qualities, your higher self is so much more powerful than that. Your higher self is the conglomeration or the merging together of every lifetime you have ever lived and will live in every realm of time and space. We are this vessels higher self when we speak through her we are bringing in all the insight of the 350,000 incarnations that this soul will have has have is having will have and So imagine the assistance you could gain from a collective of 350,000 souls who could share their insight of a life. Poorly lived or well lived. Yes.

Alex Ferrari 35:15
You spoke about Ascended Masters. There's one Ascended Master that I would love to hear your thoughts on. Can you tell the audience a little bit about Baba Ji?

Anjie Hipple 35:24
Hmm. This master was a true father. He loved each one as a child, as a father loves his own child and in the very best and magnanimous sort of way. Hmm. And he is still very, very, very active on the earth plane. There are still myriads of followers here on the earth of this Baba Ji many who call on his name, and he is resourced, completely sourced and resourced by source in order to answer every call, in fact, a master such as this Baba Ji can answer you before you've even finished the thought. Yes, and so he is communicating telepathically to anyone who calls upon him. And also he is able to distinguish those who are His true sons and daughters. And for those there is a special grace to come upon their lives to operate in his healing virtues. And we will say in his anointings. In other words, these sons and daughters will bear His qualities, His characteristics, his traits in their person in their personality, and they will operate effectively in those.

Alex Ferrari 36:45
And is it true that he's still walking the earth to this day? Because he chooses to?

Anjie Hipple 36:51
Yes, absolutely.

Alex Ferrari 36:54
So for people not understanding he's supposedly 2500 years or older, and has the body of a 25 year old and is walking around. And Elena is right now doing God's work, essentially?

Anjie Hipple 37:05
Yes, that is correct.

Alex Ferrari 37:08
Such a beautiful idea, and beautiful concept to hold on to.

Anjie Hipple 37:13
And we hear this vessel saying, Are you sure about that? Judah? She has no natural knowledge of that. But we would say that's an absolute Yes.

Alex Ferrari 37:23
Are there any specific messages Archangel Michael has for humanity?

Anjie Hipple 37:27
We will, we will pass it over to Michael, then. I'm the Archangel Michael. And I am pleased to be invited to this time of sharing and this is what I would have to say to you, dear ones listening, hold your chin up, hold your head up, stand up straight. Your sons and daughters of the Most High you are imbued with authority. All keys to everything you want access to in the heaven and the earth have been given on to you. Pick up your keys, hold them in your hand, don't lay them down. Don't put them in a drawer, do not give them to anyone else. Hold them, keep them in your possession and make use of them. These are obviously medical metaphorical keys that I am speaking of here, but they are very real in the ether. Open what you want to open, close what you want to close. I am giving unto you in agreement with Father, Mother God this authority, think carefully. What do you want to open and then open it. And then steward what is through that door. Be good stewards of what has been given into your care of what you want, what you want, you will have so think carefully about what you want for you must steward what you are given and what you want. Now close the door as well with the keys, be the master of your keys. If something is happening, you do not want you must close the door to it and lock the door if you do not want that. All authority in all realms of time and space given unto you. However most we'll choose not to operate in all of those realms because it is daunting as you would say. So you choose choose what realms you want to operate in and then take dominion, not dominating, but standing up holding your head up. Yes, and taking Dominion as the inheritor as the firstborn, which you are and we will answer any other questions you have for us.

Alex Ferrari 40:06
Yes. You spoke about Baba Ji. I'd love to know if Baba Ji has any messages for us.

Anjie Hipple 40:15
Let's see hello, hello my dear son. Well done well done drawing me into this space and time well done. No, dear. My joy is just to be here with you nothing to say yes to speaking with you. Well done, well done, well done, my son, well done, well done, I am well pleased. I am well pleased. I delight in you, my dear.

Alex Ferrari 40:57
What can we do to help our evolution spiritually as as humanity?

Anjie Hipple 41:02
You must meditate more. And stop being so distracted. Too many distractions, too many worthless. I will tell you dear ones, when you crossover, you will be disappointed. My where you gave your attention to so many things. have so little importance. And simply bring yourselves into this bliss and goodness, meditate more.

Alex Ferrari 41:42
Why? Why have you chosen to stay in the earth plane?

Anjie Hipple 41:46
I love it here. This is my home. Why would I be anywhere else. I've invested my heart here. I've invested myself. My soul is invested in this earth and I love the beauty of the earth. The beauty of the Earth is ravaging to me.

Alex Ferrari 42:09
Are we are we going through a great spiritual shift right now?

Anjie Hipple 42:13
Oh, yes, yes, certainly, and you are a part of it. And everyone listening is a part of it. And this is like a cold being spread to so many. Mm hmm. The common the common man.

Alex Ferrari 42:31
Can you can you explain to me the concept of quantum jumping in the context of our spiritual growth?

Anjie Hipple 42:38
Well, you young ones, have all these phrases about all these things. But masters have understood this for eons. Yes, you can be anywhere, at any time, anywhere at any time, simply by bringing your focus to that. And infinite creator beings coming into meditation and in meditation is entering the wonders of imagination, and in the wonders of imagination, creating the earth in any way that you see fit. But coming into mastery is to surrender into the all that is and simply welcoming everything of life as it is being exactly what it is for exactly the purpose it is intended. All of it is in perfection. And so mastery is simply entering meditation and feeling the joy of the perfection of all that is.

Alex Ferrari 43:44
And from your point of view biology, can you explain to people the concept of all of our lives happening at the same time, and that there is no past no future? All lines are happening at the same time? And there are many multiple parallel lifetimes happening at the same time. Can you explain it in a way that our little brains can understand?

Anjie Hipple 44:06
Well, I will say it this way. If you were a drop in the ocean, you can be a part of a wave crashing on the shore, or wave being pulled back from the shore back into the waters. Yes. And you could experience yourself as this wave coming in, or this wave going out. But as you go deeper and deeper into your essence, you simply find yourself so deeply in the bottom that you can't be a part of a wave anymore. So these lifetimes are like waves crashing upon the shore, and then waves being withdrawn back again into the ocean. But in truth you are simply just the ocean So it is the way of humanity to see itself as a part rather than the hole. And so some of these things will be difficult for you to understand until you experience them. And when you experience them, then you will simply melt into the hole.

Alex Ferrari 45:20
And is there a way to speak to one of your great students Yogananda?

Anjie Hipple 45:26
Yes, please go ahead.

Alex Ferrari 45:30
Yogananda what have you thought of humanity since you've left this earth plane, on a spiritual evolution stay?

Anjie Hipple 45:40
Well, there have been many messes made. But as children do, they make messes. And it is for the father, or the mother to wash their hands before dinner. And there's nothing that's happened that can't be rectified. And I am still pleased with the progress overall, including the messes made.

Alex Ferrari 46:12
What is the most important lesson humanity needs to learn right now?

Anjie Hipple 46:18
Be centered in your own pain. Find your light within, know yourself in meditation. In meditation, you discover who you are. And if you meditate long enough, you become the soul, and what is not the soul drops away? And then you are true to the self.

Alex Ferrari 46:47
What are the barriers to spiritual enlightenment, and how can they be overcome?

Anjie Hipple 46:55
The barriers to enlightenment are misunderstandings and misconceptions of watch of which, my dear You are part of rectifying. Yes. And so never underestimate the power of an insight, and insight and a truth to set free and other and to bring them into an enlightened state. And so all that is needed for enlightenment is light to be shared on the path for the next few steps. And then when those few steps have been made light again, to show the way for the next few steps. And so never underestimate again, the power of an insight, a truth and understanding to one who is in the dark. Continue then bringing insight and understanding because freedom is the goal.

Alex Ferrari 47:50
Can you tell me what was the most difficult part of your own journey while gaining enlightenment in your lifetime?

Anjie Hipple 47:58
Finding atmospheres, places and environments that could align with what I knew to be true, what I knew to be my purpose and my message and my calling, finding those persons, places, communities and organizations that could fully align so that I could move forward unimpeded.

Alex Ferrari 48:28
Thank you for being here, Yogananda being here. Judah I have one more question for you?

Anjie Hipple 48:34
Yes, please.

Alex Ferrari 48:37
What is the what is the parting message you have for humanity right now.

Anjie Hipple 48:44
Everything is well keep trusting. keep trusting in the divine plan. When you can't see when you don't know when you're under difficult energies in your inner being call out for our assistance. And there we will be. As we spoke earlier of these different forms of assistance, it matters not which one you reach out to. The assistance is vast, vast, vast, and unlimited. And you will feel a shift and know that whatever difficult thing you are going through is unlocking for you. The next level of consciousness, the next level of freedom. Rest in the love, rest in the love forgive yourself. Of all things regret nothing feel guilty about nothing. Do nothing out of obligation, fear or guilt. align with your inner being align with the truth and the life that you have in this very moment. Take one see angles step forward. And then information will be given to you for the next. You can't mess it up. You can't mess it up. We support you in every conceivable way. You will be supported all the way through your journey

Alex Ferrari 50:28
That was so beautiful, thank you so much. How much you remember, by the way?

Anjie Hipple 50:32
Bits and pieces I feel kinda really great and kind of really happy.

Alex Ferrari 50:40
So you're you you are aware that brought in some other people besides Judah?

Anjie Hipple 50:43
I did. You did that to me, you really put me on the spot, what would have happened if I couldn't come inside and pay for myself somewhere in the background?

Alex Ferrari 50:57
Look, I wasn't planning on it. It was just something that came up. It was it's you know, what's funny about it is that you don't have 100 questions here that I always use as I go in and out. But we've had basically mostly an open conversation with a couple questions here and there, especially when we're channeling. I have noticed that direct questions work better than a conversation with the Ascended Masters, generally speaking. So as we're talking, he said, ascended masters knows, like, I brought Archangel Michael in. Yeah. And then he said, Archangel Michael said something like that, you know? It's just something inside of me. He's like, hey, why don't you call Baba Ji and see what happens. I swear to God, I wasn't planning it. I was not planning it. And evolve Jesus, right? Baba Ji is right there. I know you'd have it. Or you're going I know you have. So I was like, well, let's see if Muhammad Ji shows up. And we have editing. If it didn't show up. Don't worry. So I brought and then Baba Ji came in. And you know, it's very difficult for people that are not here to feel this. Okay. Yeah. So, you know, our interactions have been through zoom, and through zoom, there's a certain level of energy that you feel, but it's very different when you're in the room is very different than your room. So watching you and people always ask me, Is this channel anything real or not? Thinking of this? I always say look, what are they saying? Does it work for you? If it doesn't move on? If it does cool, I don't care if you believe it or not. Right? So watching you do what you do, again, as a director of films, for you to act, and come off the top of your head. The stuff that was coming out of your mouth is insane. For an hour, we have almost an hour of just channeling

Anjie Hipple 52:42
I wish I could explain what it feels like literally to feel the shift it feel their different personality and what that's what I was gonna say. Their energies are completely different. Like Baba Ji was like so fatherly and kind of

Alex Ferrari 52:57
Almost mischievous, mischievous like when because when you were talking when Judah comes in Judah as a very specific very energy Archangel Michael came in and I started this to set up a little bit because he's like he's got this very powerful authority authority, Florentina wave speaking man, his energy is like that, but not in a in a difficult way but more in a loving way. But it's just this year. Yeah, very strong. And then Baba Ji came in. It was just like this energy or something. It was very yo. Yeah, it's very, very Yoda like he's like, I don't have anything to say. I'm just I'm just so pleased that you brought me in

Anjie Hipple 53:46
In the back of my mind I said wait a minute.

Alex Ferrari 53:54
Good on you. You got in here. I was brought in I'm so glad to be here. And then I was like, awesome. So I was not prepared for Baba Ji. And I was like, so and I just started asking you questions. And he started answering because it was really off the cuff. It was an off the cuff. We didn't talk about Baba Ji or anything like that to channel any of that stuff. And then I'm like, well, he brought Baba Jin let's see what happens. And you're gonna have this energy so different. Yes, it's just a completely kind of graceful isn't a very elegant, elegant and graceful and the way he speaks but then from watching footage of him and studying him for as much as long as I have his energy matched like I just that it just matched. You were not prepared and I can't say this enough to everyone listening. You you are not prepared for what I was about to toss you

Anjie Hipple 54:54
No and for everybody's ever read. I've never listened to any Baba Ji's teachings I've done Oh no. And honestly, but it was years ago and now I now I'm like, I'm hooked. I want to go home and

Alex Ferrari 55:13
It was fascinating to see how his energy came up because when I was talking to him like, oh, yeah, this is this is his energy. And then I brought it back out to to Judah as as a, you know, like, an Attaboy. Thank you so much Judah. And walk us off. But it was it was such a beautiful exchange. But I can't get over Baba Ji, or anything, any of the three. That were not judo. I can't get over their energy.

Anjie Hipple 55:43
Well, one of the things Judah said to us from the beginning is that they are like the Oprah of the cosmos. And, and I'm an ENFJ, kind of like Oberon and Judah definitely has that kind of personality type. But they they've always been willing to hand over the mic to anybody.

Alex Ferrari 55:58
They didn't think I know. Yeah, and then yeah, I've been Baba, Baba Ji.

Anjie Hipple 56:05
Lately, when I work with people's helping them start channeling Judo will say, Well, we're the foster parent of the midwife. So they really love doing that. And, and just to speak to the challenge, no matter what's so beautiful is when people show up for the first time. A lot of times they can't come up with any words, they just weep. And the reason they weep is because suddenly you're able to feel for the first time in your life, this love beyond discretion. Yep. And you feel it in your person, and you realize how treasured you are. And so I tell people, a lot of times I said don't worry if you don't get any words or messages, just feel just feel the love and just enjoy being left on because you

Alex Ferrari 56:46
It's so difficult for people to understand the, the energy the feeling, because there's no words to be put into things like it's just a knowing it's just a feeling. And our language can't, can can't go past that. They're just it's just, it can't compute. It just does not

Anjie Hipple 57:09
Which is what we started our conversation with. Right? You can have a Bible or a sacred text with 10s of 1000s of words, but it just doesn't. It's not the same as feeling it in your body. Feeling love feeling energy experiencing it.

Alex Ferrari 57:24
I truly cannot get over Baba Ji. His energy was so I was not expecting that. And I'm sure you just like wired off of that. Yeah. Good on you. You got me here. All right. Very happy to be on you. It's just like, wow, I was like, holy cow. It was it was a new it was a new experience for me. So that was applied to the Himalayas. Oh my god. Yes. I was just talking to somebody. Actually, the filmmakers behind awake. And he was telling me that Baba gees cave where they filmed when they filmed was there. Now you show up? There's 50 people on line waiting to walk in. So there's something going on with Baba. There's an energy he's been behind the scenes for quite some time still is for the most part. But that's why I kind of asked about Baba Ji and to explain Baba Ji to certain people because his energy. I mean, and this is sacrilege for a lot of people listening, but he is the teacher of the masters. Wow. So he is the one who taught Yogananda.

Anjie Hipple 58:32
So curiously, I'm behind I gotta catch up.

Alex Ferrari 58:34
He, he and Jesus work hand in hand. There's a lot of I mean, all that. I mean, when you saw when you see all the deities, or the yogis in Yogananda Islamic lineage, Jesus is there. And he was doing that back in the 10s and the 20s. And that's why he was so accepted, I think to buy by the West here because the Jesus is up to you put some up there with everybody else. It was it was it was really fascinating. Oh, I mean, I could take advantage all day just like choosing between St. Germain can we bring him in?

Anjie Hipple 59:16
We got to bring in

Alex Ferrari 59:20
I challenged you. I challenged you because you just went in there and you pick them up pretty. I mean, it just they just came in.

Anjie Hipple 59:30
Well, I tell you that that desire and curiosity and anticipation is really key to bringing out the most in his channelings like this morning when I was laying in bed, getting ready to get for the day, I can feel due to like a bowl behind a gate at a rodeo rodeo like this, you know, just waiting for the gate to be and that's been my experience. The more people come, the more Listen, the more energy they bring, and the more attention and force they put into an effort they put into it. So it makes the difference.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:00
It's It's amazing. I mean, I like I said I could keep I could keep asking about bringing this person. But I think that's enough for the day. Thank you so much for coming. It's it's been such such a pleasure talking to you today. You know, being here in person, it's a new experience for me. I don't, it's just so much fun. I mean, Zoom is great and ways to get access to people that you just can't get access to. Otherwise they can all fly in. But this has been so, so beautiful and enlightening. So

Anjie Hipple 1:00:34
It's a delight. We love working with you, brother. We love working with you in the next level soul family.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:40
I appreciate you. Thank you again for showing up.

Anjie Hipple 1:00:42

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