MIND-BLOWN! What Happens IMMEDIATELY After You DIE! It’s NOT What You THINK! (NDE) with Anthony Peake

On today’s episode, we welcome the enigmatic Anthony Peake, a prolific author and researcher known for his explorations into the mysteries of consciousness, reality, and life after death. Anthony’s unique blend of science and esoteric philosophy offers a profound understanding of the human experience, blending cutting-edge quantum physics with ancient mystical traditions.

Anthony begins our conversation by challenging us to imagine life as a computer simulation, a third-person RPG game that contains all possible outcomes of every decision we could ever make. This notion, while seemingly far-fetched, finds resonance in both modern science and ancient philosophy. “Imagine that your life is like a computer simulation of your life,” he says, inviting us to consider the profound implications of such a perspective. This idea, rooted in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, suggests that all possible realities exist simultaneously, waiting for us to navigate through them.

Throughout our discussion, Anthony shares his lifelong fascination with esoteric phenomena, a passion that began in his childhood. He recalls, “Even as a 9 or 10-year-old, I became fascinated by out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, these kinds of things.” This early curiosity led him to study the sociology of religion and belief, eventually culminating in his work on consciousness and reality. Anthony’s research delves into the neurological and chemical processes that underlie extraordinary experiences, linking them to common phenomena like déjà vu and migraines.

One of the most compelling aspects of Anthony’s work is his exploration of the chemicals released in the brain during near-death experiences. He explains, “At the point of death, there’s something called the glutamate flood, which causes a massive release of glutamate across the brain.” This flood triggers altered states of consciousness, leading to the vivid, life-altering experiences reported by those who have come close to death. Anthony also discusses the role of endogenous DMT, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound, in these experiences, suggesting that it may facilitate our journey to a different, more real dimension of existence.

In our conversation, Anthony connects his scientific findings with ancient mystical traditions. He highlights how various cultures have long described our current reality as an illusion, a concept that resonates with modern scientific theories of a simulated universe. “This is the illusion, this is the hallucination,” he asserts, drawing parallels between the mystical idea of Maya in Hinduism and the latest scientific understandings of reality. His work bridges the gap between science and spirituality, showing how both disciplines are converging on the same profound truths about our existence.


  1. Life as a Simulation: Anthony’s concept of life as a computer simulation invites us to reconsider our understanding of reality, suggesting that all possible outcomes of our decisions exist simultaneously.
  2. Chemical Gateways to Other Realities: The discussion on glutamate and DMT highlights how altered states of consciousness, facilitated by natural brain chemicals, can provide glimpses into different dimensions of existence.
  3. The Illusion of Reality: By connecting modern science with ancient mysticism, Anthony reinforces the idea that our perceived reality is an illusion, a concept that has been recognized by spiritual traditions for millennia.

Anthony’s insights offer a fascinating and deeply thought-provoking exploration of consciousness, reality, and the afterlife. His ability to weave together scientific research and mystical philosophy provides a unique perspective that challenges us to think beyond the physical world and consider the profound interconnectedness of all things. Through his work, we are encouraged to explore the deeper truths of our existence and embrace the mysteries that lie beyond our everyday perceptions.

Please enjoy my conversation with Anthony Peake.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 172

Anthony Peake 0:00
Now imagine that your life is like your there's a computer simulation of your life. An RPG game, third person RPG game that contains all the outcomes of every decision you can possibly make in your life.

Alex Ferrari 0:24
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I like to welcome to the show Anthony Peake. How you doing Anthony?

Anthony Peake 1:01
I'm doing well. Very well Alex, great to be chatting to you.

Alex Ferrari 1:04
Thank you so much for coming on the show my friend. I'm excited to talk to you because your your research is fascinating to me. And well, first of all, my very first question is how did you get into this? This line of research? Like what made you go, hey, you know, life and death? Let's prove it. Life after Death? Let's prove it.

Anthony Peake 1:21
I guess because it's the biggest question of all, isn't it? You know, you know, ever since I was a kid, I was always used to think what the hell is the point of all this? You know, why am I here? What's the whole point of it. And even as a 910 year old, I became fascinated by esoteric phenomena, I became quite fascinated by out of body experiences near death experiences, these kinds of things. And I had the opportunity of buying a Part A UK part work or man, myth and magic. This was in the late 1960s. That was probably early and probably even earlier than that, I think. And the part where it really made me very interested in extraordinary human experiences. So when I had the opportunity to go to university, I decided that I would focus my attentions on the sociology of religion, the sociology of belief, and also that the sociology of ideas. And also I focusing also on religious movements, and in particularly historical ones during this 15/16 century, so I was quite interested in that as well. But I then carried on, you know, did post grad at the London School of Economics and went into business, as a as a business manager. But all through my life, I'd always wanted to write books on extraordinary experiences. And I became heavily involved in the UFO phenomenon, abductions, everything else. But it was way back in 1999, I had the opportunity. I done a business contract out in Poland, and I earn sufficient money to take a year out to write a book and my wife was very understanding. She said, Well, if you want to do it, just do it. Take the year out, take a sabbatical and just write the book. So really, literally started on the first day writing the book. And I was sitting there, and I thought, What the hell am I gonna write about, you know, you're a writer, and you got this blank piece of paper in front of you with a blank screen. And what happened was, I suddenly started sensing, I was going to come down with a migraine attack, and my fingers started going numb, it happens to me a lot, take my fingers starting on my lip start to go numb. And then I had the most extraordinary deja vu sensation that I'd sat in front of that computer screen, the blank computer screen thinking about writing a book. And I thought, That's it, I'll write a book about deja vu. Because that is such a common phenomenon. I've had it all my life, it's associated with my classic migraine. So I started after I came out of the aura state, because I never get a headache, I don't get the headache, I just get this kind of feeling of disassociation. And I started researching it. And I was amazed to discover the massive links between neurologically between near death experiences, and deja vu, and migraine. They're all linked to they're all to do with the same neuro chemicals in the brain. And I then discovered, much to my astonishment, that also linked to this is is something called temporal lobe epilepsy, which is a particularly powerful form of epilepsy where people go into altered states of consciousness, they have their own effective DMT trips. And all of these both migraine, classic migraine, temporal lobe epilepsy, they're all linked by one thing. And that's linked to the fact that they all have aura states. And most of the aura states involve deja vu sensations. And that's how it started. And we'll get into the material in the book. But what really was extraordinary was that, and I'll tell you a very quick story about this. Because I was still doing business contracts. I get phone calls from people occasionally from management consultants wanting me to work for other companies. And I got this phone call one afternoon from this lady who was working for an agency and she said, Hi, Tony, how are you doing? And I said, I'm doing fine. And she said, I've got a business contract for you if you're interested. And I said, Well, I've decided to take a year out to write a book. So I'm not really interested in doing this. And she said, Well, what do you want when you're writing about? And I said, Well, I'm writing about altered states of consciousness. And I'm particularly interested in temporal lobe epilepsy. And she went really quiet. And she said, Oh, okay, can we meet up so I met her for coffee. We have a local airport here at Gatwick Airport, and I met her for coffee at the airport, or a hotel near the airport. And she sat me down and she said, the reason I'm we need to speak to you was that I was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy about three, three or four months ago. And she said the things you were saying were resonating with me. And she told me how she first came across temporal lobe epilepsy. And this is extraordinary. She said, she was sitting at a business meeting with with a with another lady. And the lady was about to pour a cup of tea. And as she did, so, my associate, I call her, Margaret, that's not a really she felt a snap over her ear. And she said, she looked at her friend and stopped moving. And she goes, What the hell is going on here. And then she could hear this low humming sound around it. And then she looked closer. And she said that her friend was actually moving really slowly. And she told me that and she actually said, and it's quite fun. She said, I felt that I was there for days, months, years, watching this tea, come out the teapot, fall out the teapot hit the surface, and plunk and come down. And then she said, after what seemed like a lifetime, I felt another click of my ear and the lady went back and just looked at me. And she'd been away for about she'd gone blank for around about two seconds. And that's what's called a petit mal absence in neurological terminology. And the person in that they go into this altered state of consciousness where time dilates. And this was an eye turn mountainous. And I said to her, do you get deja vu sensations? And she said, Oh, I get the most extraordinary deja vu sensations. I know what's going to happen for the next minute. And they subsequently met somebody else who also had a tumor on his pineal gland. And he said the same thing. I asked him and I said, if you know what's going to happen next, why didn't you say something? And he said, think about it. He said, If I turn around and say you're about to say something to me, and I bought in and go, I've just had a deja vu sensation, I know what you're going to say, you'll say something different. So he said, I changed the future. And, sorry, I'm getting over a cold. And it made me realize that there's something curious taking place in the brain during these seizures. And I then subsequently found out that very similar chemicals are released when people have near death experiences. And that's how I had my whole idea for the book. And they says they say the rest is history. Because I wrote the book, I didn't have a publishing deal. And then I sent the book off to a publishers in London. And quite by chance, and again, I'm fascinated by luck and synchronicity, I call it Synchron dippity. The idea that you get coincidences that are helpful, what happened was that the the managing at the chief executive of the publishing company was flying out to New York for a meeting, and on his desk reload of manuscripts that have been sent in and mine was one of them. And he just picked mine up at random. And he flew to New York, and he read it in the flight. And when he landed at JFK, the first thing he said was, he phoned back, we've got to get this book. We need to get this book from the sky. And the book was published in 2006, which was this one here. And that's now sold, what? 60,000 copies worldwide, it's into every, every major European language and a lot of minor ones. So it's done phenomenally well. And what it does is it presents a model of life after death that's based on science, not based on anything other than a description of people when they have near death experiences. What does it mean? And I then go into the neurology, the quantum physics. I mean, real quantum physics, I don't mean New Age, quantum physics, I mean, the real deal. I make it my business to really understand Schrodinger equations and such like so. So it's scientifically based. So everything in my books is based on science. So when you read my books, everything is cross referenced to academic papers. I very much work upon the principle that a guy called Marcelo truy, who was an Italian skeptic said, extraordinary claims need demand extraordinary proofs. And I work on that objective, that if I say something in my books, that seems strange. I get my reader the opportunity to go and read it up themselves and go to the papers and read it up. So that's basically ate how I got into it.

Alex Ferrari 10:01
Wow, it's fascinating. I'm also fascinated by the pretty much everything you are fascinated by. So I love, you know, I love the esoteric aspects of, you know, ancient teachings and the book of that, you know, The Tibetan Book of the Dead and, and, you know, in the Hinduism and Jainism and going deep into the ancient texts of the Vedas and things like that, where you start hearing a lot about these kinds of concepts, which are a little bit more nebulous, and there's not a lot of proof per se. But then this how science and I've had multiple neuroscientists, on quantum physicists on talking about how the science is starting to catch up to the spirituality. And they're trying to they're starting to intersect, whether now it's getting to a point where you can't like your work. He can't really argue anymore about certain things.

Anthony Peake 10:50
Absolutely. You can't. And this is the interesting thing when I do lectures and talks about talking in America, Australia, various other places. My argument is always that you look at the science, you look at the quantum physics. And you look at the work of people like I give an example Max Tegmark, who's Princeton University, I think, and Tegmark has what he calls the quantum suicide experiment where he uses quantum physics to prove prove immortality. And the interesting thing is he uses exactly the same information I use for my model. And indeed, in my latest book, which is my 12, which is this one, which came out January last year. In this one knows, in some of this year, sorry. In this one, I use Tegmark arguments, because he uses Everett's many worlds interpretation, which of course you will be aware of, then he applies that to the observer effect, the idea that we collapse the potentiality of the wave function into a point particle in one location or another from a statistical wave to a point particle existing in time and space. And if you look at the quantum physics and what the quantum physics is actually telling us, rather than being doctrinaire about it, the evidence is there. It's in plain sight. You know, and everybody, when they come across my work for the first time, I do a lot of these interviews, and I always find it extraordinary that people interviewing, they'll suddenly go, Oh, my God, I see where you're coming from here. And suddenly, it all makes sense. And over my 12 books, you know, I've developed the idea I wouldn't, but I've written a book with Ervin Laszlo. Oh, yeah. And I mean, Irving, for instance, he contacted me and said, he wanted to write a book with me on my ideas. And he invited me down to do a talk with him down in Italy a few years ago, which was astonishing, amazing experience. But we all and we've got to apply, as you rightly said, we've also got to discuss the mystical tradition. We've also got to discuss like you mentioned, the Book of the Dead, the Bardo. And the Bardo state, is exactly what I described. I described that at the point of death, we go into this timeless place, and we live our lives again. And we live our lives again, not not we don't reincarnate. You're reborn as Alex Ferrari, with the same parents. But you have the opportunity to change that life just like Connors does in the movie Groundhog Day, as of course, in Groundhog Day, every day is different to him.

Alex Ferrari 13:31
So what I find fascinating about your work is that you're now getting to be able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that there is life after death. Can you explain, which I found fascinating about something you said earlier? What is the chemical that is released in the brain? When there's a near death experience? I've heard and spoken to all the leading experts in near death, Raymond Moody, all those all those people have never heard anyone talk about the chemical makeup of what happens to you. So can you talk a bit about that?

Anthony Peake 14:03
This is so important. People tend to when you read books on near death experiences, what you get is a series of anecdotes, right? The good explanations, you get, it happened to me, which is fascinating, and it's interesting, but we need to understand the neurological correlates of what's taking place here. Now. In my initial model, I argued the facilitator was a neurotransmitter called glutamate. And glutamate is the major neurotransmitter of the mammalian brain. Now, it is known that at the point of death, there's something called the glutamate flood, which is literally is a massive release of glutamate across the brain, which causes something called excitotoxicity. Which means the brain starts to to excrete other chemicals to protect itself. And I believe initial I initially believed it was the release of these chemicals that brought about the altered state of consciousness and the hallucinations and raised commas. They're involved near death experience such as you know, feeling your outside of your body because I've written a book on out of body experience as well. So it's a similarity there. The feeling that time is dilating, and what's called a para note, the panoramic life review. These are all the moody traits, you know, as you've interviewed Ray, so you will know about the moody traits. But as I developed and I started writing more and more books, now we're speaking to more and more scientists, more and more neurologist and more and more researchers, I came to the conclusion, it could be glutamate, but it also could be endogenous Dimethyltryptamine. Okay, DMT. And I argue that, in my latest book, I argue that what takes place at the point of death is that the pineal gland starts excreting, and dogness DMT, internally generated DMT. And what it does is it synthesizes from melatonin, which is the reason the pineal gland, what it does is, it sits just above the optic chiasm. So, the, the, the, the the nerve, the eyes, when it goes into the brain, the optic nerve goes down, and it crosses and directly above it is the thing called the pineal gland. And the pineal gland is light sensitive, and it exists. Initially, they believed to realize that when the pineal gland realizes it's going dark, because it realizes there's less activity in the the optic nerve, it starts generating melatonin, which makes us go to sleep. But there's there's more research to be suggested. Now, when it does something more than that. It also starts releasing, releasing what we call or what the researchers I worked with called meta Tonin, which is internally generated DMT. Now, if this is the case, we've then got an interesting area because this means that the hallucinations that people have when they have near death experiences are not dissimilar, in many ways to the hallucinations brought about by DMT trips. Now, again, I'm working with a number of researchers in Imperial College in London, who are doing research into DMT. They're actually taking DMT, intravenously under controlled conditions. And what they're doing when they do that they have out of body experiences, they experience entities, the entities seem to know they're coming, the entities seem to remember them from last time in one of my associates, he told me that he took the DMT under control conditions, found himself in what's called the DMT cage, which is a kind of a location, space time. And he said this, this alien entity came over to him and podded prodded him on his shoulder and said, You shouldn't be doing this this way, this is wrong. And he said, he then came back into his body. And two weeks later, he had the DMT. Again, he was in exactly the same place. And exactly the same alien came over and said to him again, I told you last time, this is not how you should do it. So they're starting to believe that whichever space we go into when we're in DMT trips, it's real. It's more real than this reality. This is the illusion, this is the hallucination. And then we get to the point, you know, well, what do we mean when we say hallucinations? You know, effectively, everything we perceive isn't hallucination created by the brain, the brain presents information to us from the senses. So it's a chemical thing. But it's more than that. It's more complex than that. And when we're in these these altered states of consciousness, we can perceive the different elements of reality, different. I hate to use the term dimensions, because I know enough about physics and the mathematical physics and topology to know that when we talk about dimensions, it's slightly more complex than that. But we do seem to go into an alternate state, where we can perceive a broader level of reality, and I call in one of my books, I have this idea that depending upon on neurological status, how much of reality we can perceive. And I call it the Huxley and spectrum. After all to succeed, I wrote a book called opening the doors of perception four years ago, which discusses this. And remember I mentioned about people who have temporal lobe epilepsy, people who have migraine, schizophrenia, who have quiet schizophrenia, people who have autism, all these people, their perceptual field is wider than ours. And they perceive the kind of reality behind the reality the reality that is part of the place you go when you have a near death experience. Now, again, Rick Strassman, who you will probably know about the guy that did the definitive research on DMT at the University of New Mexico, in the 1990s. Rick actually argues that DMT is our reality modulator. It's DMT that creates the external illusion that we live within. Now again, in my new book, cheating the ferryman. I not only argue that But I do the science that this is a simulation. And I do the science of how the simulation works. So unlike a lot of other writers, every area, I believe I can explain every single weird experience that anybody can have from poltergeists to ghosts, to telekinesis to telepathy to out of body experiences to near death experiences. My model explains it was completely and utterly starting clotting point of science.

Alex Ferrari 20:29
So okay, so, I mean, this is so fascinating to me. Alright, so you're basically saying, we were talking about simulation theory. And that the we're talking about many things, but one thing you talk about simulation theory is in that this is illusion, and that we create this illusion with our minds, which is what Hindus have been saying, My Maya for like 5000 years at this point. So that's, again, when the old and the new are coming together. And in multiple cultures, even in the American Indian culture and Native American cultures, aborigine cultures, all of them. This is the great dream, the illusion, this is a concept that's been in our zeitgeist, this concept for long time, but now we're just catching up with the science, which is, again, the matrix, I use the matrix but you know, we're basically that was the first time it's the matrix. Yeah. And well, you're, you're able to see beyond what is normally perceived. And there is this. And then I've talked to expert experts about the flow, being in the flow, where all of the things that you're talking about happen, time slows down, everything becomes clearer, you're able to perceive things that you wouldn't normally perceive when you fall into the flow, athletically or creatively, or in science or wherever, when you're focused. There's these altered states, and it all goes back down to altered states is fascinating. It sounds to me from what you're talking about, is that you've now been able to explain not only the altered states of near death experience, which you believe now, based on the science, that the person does go somewhere else, it's not a delusion, it's not a dream state. It is. No, we're in the dream state, we're actually going to the real state, if you will, is that makes that we're waking up from this to go to where we're at. So

Anthony Peake 22:23
Absolutely. And it's so important that we, I spend a lot of time discussing when we use the term hallucination what we actually mean. And if you turn around and look read the books on the science of hallucinations, what you'll find is that scientists and neurologists have no idea what an hallucination is not at all. I mean, the world famous psychiatrist Oliver Sacks, the last boat book he wrote, was hallucinations. And in my, in his book, as in my book, I'm fascinated by things such as Charles Bonnet syndrome, where people who are losing their sight start seeing people in three dimensions out in three dimensional space, including my own mother. And in fact, on my own podcast, I've interviewed two or three people that have Charles Bonnet syndrome. And it's extraordinary. It's absolutely extraordinary, you know, they see little people, you know, again, elves, you know, again, one of the areas I'm fascinated in, you know, what is, what is the role of aliens, what, what a greys really, this kind of thing. And again, the hypothesis says that the greys are actually denizens of this liminal space that's between this reality and the next reality. And again, I go down to the belief systems of things like Gnosticism. You know, the Gnostics believe that there's a reality behind this reality called the Pleroma. And we exist in something called the ken OMA, which is a created world created by what they call the Demiurge held off. And we're trapped within it. Of course, this is the central thesis of the matrix movies, you know. But what is even more important is now without doing the science, so we know that there's a massive area of research being done at the moment on the holographic universe, and the idea that everything we exist is within is a holographic simulation. But again, I do the science of this, and I quote, for instance, I have an extensive section quoting and looking at the last paper that Stephen Hawking wrote about black holes. It's to do with black holes, it's to do with information is to do with how black holes process information. We are in an information field. This is this is a data field that we're that we're within. I also argue that we also have our programming within ourselves within our DNA, DNA itself, the codons of DNA, the four letters of DNA are part of the encoding. And I sometimes feel that it's like I've got all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, and all I need to do is to get a group of really good thinkers together, spend a weekend and thrash this all out and make real sense of it because you It does make sense. Now if and if it is a simulation, we've then got to come down to well, who creates the simulation? You know, is the simulation been designed in some way? If it has, it's what, for what purpose? And it all then becomes very interesting because I argue that what is because one of the areas of my theory we haven't discussed yet, is there's so much about I can talk for hours. But there's the idea that we are all dual personalities. We're all we're all two creatures. I call it the eidl on the daemon. Now imagine that your life is like your, there's a computer simulation of your life. An RPG game, third person RPG game that contains all the outcomes of every decision you can possibly make in your life. You get bored, and you're an on screen Sprite. So what you do is I know in my generation, I used to play Tomb Raider. So imagine Tomb Raider, you start Tomb Raider up, there's Laura Croft. She's born for the first time, she has no history, no pass, she doesn't remember what she is. She just knows she's existing in this environment. She runs down a corridor goes into rooms, big monster, and it kills her. She goes back to the start of the game. She's dead. But she comes back to the start of the game. And there's a new version of her a new sprite created and a new game. I call the on screen sprite the eidl on. This is again from Gnosticism. This is a nautical term, the eidl on is the facsimile person. However, what's now happened is there's a game player who was witnessed the first in the wish gets killed by the monster, and it suddenly is aware of itself and realizes that it can guide its in game, Avatar. And that's the daemon. And what the daemon does is it plays the game of your life. And it tests and allows you to follow every path you can possibly follow in your life in order to explore so the daemon is that being inside of you, and I guarantee you've had it no guarantee a lot of your listeners have had it. You know, when you get that sensation, you meet somebody and you go, not too sure about you. There's some thing here that's not right. That's your Damon. It's your Damon going last time this person was a problem. Now, depending upon how far you are along my hooks, the spectrum is how effective your daemon can communicate. I have an associated mind for instance, Myron dial, who's a California artist, his daemon manifested when he was four years old has been with him all his life. She's She's called Karen and she's lived Damien's Marins life before and guides him. I also wrote a book on the American science fiction writer Philip K Dick, specifically because Philip K Dick had so many experiences that are that I can explain through my hypothesis, including predicting me which is really weird. This is the this is this will blow your mind. Do you know Philip K Dick.

Alex Ferrari 28:05
Yeah, of course.

Anthony Peake 28:08
Okay. He wrote a book called Martian time slip. Was it Martian time slip? And my you know, I'm tired at the moment. I think it was Martian time slip. And in in the novel, counter clock world, counter clock world, encounter clock world. He has a character that comes up with a new theory about life after death, and does lots of ideas about these kinds of things. Now, we could call that person anything in the world could mean he called him anarch peak. That is so wild. And when I wrote the book on Philip K, Dick, I said, just imagine if Philip K Dick could see his own future, an old alternative future and he'd seen a bookcase. And he'd seen my book on him. And he just see my name on it. You know? Do I necessarily believe that? I'm not necessarily sure, but it is. It's fun. It's fun to think about what goes on.

Alex Ferrari 29:04
Sorry, let me stop you for a second because you said something really interesting. The day man is called Damon Yeah, damn it. Okay, so the Damon sounds to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds to me that it could be interpreted as a soul, some consciousness, something that's driving something that is aware of itself. Yes. And is and so on the mystical standpoint, it could be a soul it could be consciousness. And then what I found really smiled when you said it because it was so profound but it just went right by really quickly and I want to stop and go back to it. You said the more times it's lived, the better it can navigate this avatar or damn on. You know, not that there are the the

Anthony Peake 29:49
Edalon the edolon.

Alex Ferrari 29:52
The body. So the needleon is the body. The damon is the soul. Let's just see for lack of a better word to say yes. And the more that it plays is the better it can work it, which goes completely with what Hindus have been talking about. In regards to Ascended Masters, because Ascended Masters have lived multiple lives and have now transcended to the place where they can start playing the game. And they go, Oh, I understand what the truth is, I can now leave, I can go and, and go to the next level

Anthony Peake 30:29
Or choose to come back and be be a boat by the Safra in writing Exactly. Buddhism,

Alex Ferrari 30:36
Right or Yeah, and again, with certain ambassadors, many of them choose to stay and help behind the scenes, like the you know, because if I've said this to somebody near death experiences and like Jesus is a busy guy, he's all he's all in. He's working constantly.

Anthony Peake 30:53
Well, funnily enough to jump in the the the analogy of the movie Groundhog Day really worked very effectively, because I argued that Connors lives that life and I interviewed Danny Rubin, who was the guy that wrote the original script. And he said, he theorized that he would have about 6000 7000 lives. I know, you remember, at the end of the movie, after he's lived the life many times the day many times, he's running around the town trying to save people. He's under the tree to catch the kid. He's become he's become a bodhisattva. He's become a self aware Bodhisattva, who's trying to help people. And again, I wrote a book on the British playwright called JB Priestley. And Priestley wrote a play in the 1930s called I have been here before. And that's exactly the central principle one of the characters is going back into his lives, to stop a couple making a terrible error. Very clever. And this makes sense to me. Because although you know, I feel that the idea of reincarnation is very bleak, beguiling, I don't understand how it can be iterative, how you can grow. If you don't remember your past lives, there has to be a part of you that remembers your past lives to help you grow. within Hinduism, within reincarnation, there isn't that model, right. And so there has to be the universal use. And on top of that, I argue in in my new book, I'm expanding this, I'm quite interested in the concept of pantheism. The idea that we're all one singular consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, correctly now the Bill Hicks thing. And what I argue is that there is the eidl on which is the end game that lives one life and then dies, which is you and I are at the moment when we're acting normally and everything else, then there is the daemon that lives your life many, many times, then there is what I call the Uber daemon, which is the equivalent of the youngin oversell for the youngin collective unconscious. And that's that the whole the whole memories of the whole of humanity. And that's where reincarnation takes up, that's where past lives become. It's because you're tuned, you're going past your daemon into the Uber daemon and you'll be remembering the past lives of the Uber Damon, which means that suddenly you can remember being Henry the eighth or living in Victorian times, then I come to the conclusion that and above that is something I call the Go demand. And the Go demand is effectively the collective consciousness of everything. Now, again, this goes back doesn't it to mystical traditions, because of course, trying to find the daemon is what mystical traditions have been trying to do all the time. You're trying to find your own yourself, your your soul yourself, yeah, the higher self. And then argue that if you look at some of the religious traditions, when you go down to basics, it's something called the perennial philosophy. Aldous Huxley came up with this idea that all religions have a perennial philosophy at the at its in its mystical core. All religions have the same ideas because if you look at teachings of Sufism, you look at teachings of the Gnostics, you look at the teachings of the Vedanta, all the major religions, they all have the same concept that God is everything. And that for instance, in Judaism, you have a concept called the or Ain Soph, which is the consciousness of everything. And within. Within Vedanta, you have the concept of Brahman. And we're all that we're all dreams of Brahman. So again, the theory, although it's based in science, every single religious tradition, every single mystical tradition, and the amount of mystical groups that have invited me to speak because they've said, you know, you're doing the science of what we believe for years, and they get quite astonished. And I'll give one, you've done it. You've already done it, and I get I get very excited when that happens. And I also get quite frustrated because I really do believe I've put it all together and it sounds vain. I'm not vain. I'm an enthusiast. I'm like you. I just love ideas. And for me, this may be just hypothetical. I know do I genuinely believe that? I don't know. But by God it works, you know is explained to so many things.

Alex Ferrari 35:07
Well, and you said something a few seconds ago to that? How can we continue to learn if we don't remember our past lives? Well, Laura Croft doesn't remember.

Anthony Peake 35:19
He did spot on. You've got it.

Alex Ferrari 35:21
But the player but the player does.

Anthony Peake 35:23

Alex Ferrari 35:24
And and that's, that's for people I'm trying to I'm trying to bring it down to earth for people that might not might get lost in our conversation is that Laura Croft is who we are. We don't remember that the monsters around the corner, but my God, the player does. And when we start walking down that hall, I might want to go into that, and there's something that will stop me. And I'll get upset. But I want to go in that door. And something is something is saying no, no, no, this is not good for you, you need to go and it pushes you in another direction. And only after years, you know of living life do you go back and you go Oh, my God, 45 people died by that monster, if I would have gone into that score, I would have died. Who is watching out for me who is you know, and for 45. Other souls that was that was the moment that they needed to learn, there's a monster in that room. But for for me and for you, we we learned that lesson. And we're moving on. So again, this is the evolution of the soul, the higher the higher, the higher self is in trying to obtain becoming an Ascended Master and to quit to have the opportunity to quit the game, when you've now beaten the game, and you can go off and that you can go off and leave to another, another game another level of an of a higher level that we don't know about. Or we can stick around. And we could be in the room where all the other players are, and go, Okay, here's how you can help here, here and give tips along the way.

Anthony Peake 36:58
And then this is the this is I find this amazing that people, people get my hypothesis. So wrong cheating, the fair in the amount of times people say I don't want to live my life over and over again, it's terrible. And I just think about it for a second think that that encoded within the universe encoded within the digital information field, which is the universe, there is the outcome of every decision you can possibly make. And again, that's not a statement I'm making that that is the top down hypothesis of of Stephen Hawking and Frank Hawking and Hartle or Thomas Hertog, sorry. So it's something that that, you know, it fits in with with physics, but you've got to extrapolate this and say, Hold on a minute. If you think about it, it means that not only is it every outcome of every decision you can make, that you can experience, but the decisions, your life, and how you've lived, your life is also dependent on the decisions of your parents, and your grandparents and your great grandparents. So in which case, in the multiverse, every possible scenario that can happen, will happen to you. And again, there's a very famous British rise, a British science writer called Brian Cox. And I did an event with Brian Cox, his PhD tutor many years ago at the National Gallery in London. And he argues that and the book title actually says anything that can happen will everything that can happen will happen. So when people turn around and say, but isn't it your idea, terrible, because a child could be born with a congenital illness, be in agony for six months and die? And that will happen over and over again, for all eternity for that child? I would argue no, because that child has been born into that situation in your universe, in your perceptual field. But in that child's perceptual field, there will be a universe that that child will be born in, where they found a cure for that disease, because all diseases are genetic in basis. And that child will exist in that universe and live a normal life.

Alex Ferrari 39:00
But the thing is this, that what you just said is, it is so interesting, because we as humans are attaching a moral, moral judgment, always yes, on what's happening. So, and I use this I use this, I use this example all the time, an event happens, it is what it is, it has no negative positive. It is only the moralistic point of view that we are programmed with at birth by who we are our religion, our, our community, our parents, all of this, that puts that on so in our point of view, you shouldn't have slavery. Right as I'm speaking for you as a general that slavery is bad, it's not something that should have ever happened. Other but for years, centuries 1000s of years slavery was a okay. People who wrote my declaration of independence, who left your account Troops were slave owners. And it was completely cool with it. That was the moralistic code at that point. Now we look at it as different. So I use this example, a car accident, a fender bender, the person who gets hit and the person in the accident, horrible day, there's a negative associate, it's just an it's a car accident. But we have now attached a negative aspect to that. But when they, they, they tow the car to the mechanic. Great day, I got business. Yeah, same event, to different perspectives.

Anthony Peake 40:39
And I would argue just a button very quickly, because it's quite an important point here that I'll miss if we progress too quickly. But the other point here is as well, people turn around to me and say, you know, I'm having a terrible time of it at the moment, my life is all for this than the other. And I'll argue it's because the daemon is positioning you. The daemon needs to position you in certain ways to get you to where it wants to be. Yes, it might have to put you through all that pain and trauma. Because it knows, ultimately you're going to gain from it. And it knows because it's planning, it's like a chess game. You know, and you know, that I, you know, it's planning and it's thinking its way through. And indeed many ways the Damon might just think you know what, last time I didn't marry that person, I'll do it this time just to see what happens. Because that's what you do in computer games, don't you think? Well, Laura Croft, I want us to go down there, I know there's a monster there. But there might be something on the other side of the monster room if I can get her through. And they might try dozens of times to get through that room. And you know, dozens of eidelons will be killed. But ultimately, the Damon gets through the room. And that makes life really exciting. Because it means that, you know, I can do all the things that I've always dreamed of doing. And a version of me will do that. I won't remember it. But my Damon will. You know,

Alex Ferrari 42:01
It is it is it is a very interesting way of looking about things. It's again, no, we as humans, and correct me if I'm wrong, are programmed to want not to suffer. We don't want to suffer, we don't want pain, we want to gain pleasure and avoid pain is the general consensus of what we are built to do on us on a biological standpoint. But on a spiritual standpoint, the things that you go through I mean, I've gone through a lot of things in my life, I've written books about my my experiences, that were traumatic, that that shaped my life. But looking back, I wouldn't change it. Because I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today without going through it, I wouldn't have almost made a $20 million movie for the mafia, as a film director, when I was 26. And then go and meet the biggest movie stars in the world and do the tour of Hollywood and have big meetings and penthouses and, and the Chateau Marmont, and all that stuff at 26. While my life is being threatened on a daily basis by a bipolar gangster for a year, I wouldn't have launched my first podcast 10 years later, trying to help other filmmakers avoid the pitfalls of our other filmmaking business. Without that experience, I wouldn't have done that. And then that experience of being a podcaster for seven years, made me think about deeper questions and launched this podcast, where now I am now trying to help people along their path, not just as a filmmaker, but as a spirit as a player of the game. And to talk about these ideas to make things make a little bit more sense on the path.

Anthony Peake 43:51
And you know what I'd say here, I'd say that both of our lives have had a path that has led to this moment here. And us having this conversation. And I say this when I do my talks, because it's extraordinary how you find yourself in certain locations, and you meet people, we need to talk far more, we've got so much to talk about. We really have Aleksey as I just know that, yes. But you know, the idea of how you just you meet people, I'm finding this now the amount of people that are coming into my life. And they're all coming in for a reason. And it doesn't mean that I'm delusional, it doesn't mean that I'm important or anything else. It just means that word we collectively, and I'm quoting you in this because you clicked where I do a lot of these podcasts and interviews. And it's unusual for somebody to get it absolutely get it, you know, and resonate with it. So thank you for that. Thank you. And we we have this group of people, and we're all sitting around you know, we meet up regularly and we go, okay, what are we supposed to do? What does our Damon's want us to do now? And it just means that we're going to we're going to do something and I don't know what it is. I wish I knew but our diamonds do. And you find all your time that your Damon is, is saying, okay, just bear with this, you know the times are difficult now. But there is a reason for this. And if it's if we are all collective I argue that we're all existing in our own fallow. Ron's is a term, Charles Stewart appears the American philosopher came up with the term of the fan or wrong. Because I deal a lot with philosophy in my new book, I have a whole section on the philosophy of the eternal return or the eternal recurrence, which is effectively what I'm talking about here. Sure. And Pierce was one of the people that was fascinated by this. And he argued that we all collapse, he wouldn't have used collapsing the wavefunction because it's a quantum physics term. But what he meant was that, you know, we all exist within our own created world, and our worlds overlap on other people's worlds when we interface with them. So you and I are now creating what I call an egregore Oriole reality, because in my last second to last book, The the Hidden Universe, I argue that we create the ghosts around us, we create the poltergeists, we create the entities, because there's a symbiotic relationship between us and them, you know, like you create a Tulpa a thought for, but the tulpa becomes independent of you. And again, myself and a group of associates are planning to recreate the famous Philip experiment from 1970, you know, a group of people created an entity now created a ghost, which then became independent of them. And I believe that we create we, we are co creating our realities around us. And we overlap, and it can get bigger, and the egregore gets bigger, you know, I find that when myself and my group meet, the electricity we can create metaphorically is just extraordinary.

Alex Ferrari 46:54
Well, let me ask you this, because this is very interesting. You've heard of the concept of vibration, right? Obviously, the vibrations of of people have have in the mystics terms, the higher you are in the game, if you will, you vibrate at a higher frequency. And higher frequencies attract higher frequencies, a higher frequency does not and cannot attract a lower frequency, they repel each other. As a general, it's like almost a magnet magnetism. So that's why when you saw you when you see, you know, yogi's, in India, walking the streets, they're generally not mugged. They're generally not beaten up. That is not a thing that you hear about in India. There's other crime against other people. And this is something very interesting to me, because I, again, for that year, was living in a group of people who vibrationally didn't didn't connect with me, which were gangsters. You know, retired gangsters, but gangsters, nevertheless. You know, so they, they had a gangster energy to them. And I watched and witnessed what it was like, when they interacted with people in the film industry, at a high level. And I was always fascinated, and I've only only back and going back looking at a go. You know, sometimes they mix really well. scary enough, it missed very well. Other times, you could just see that when they walked in the room. It just the person just like I can't, I can't. And we all feel that way. Sometimes you meet people, you're like, I there's something. There's something wrong here. I don't feel this. This is not right. But I'd argue as well to say that, you and I, have you gotten to this point, our lives have brought us to this point, as we're speaking right now. 10 years ago, if you would have crossed my path, it would have been waste on both parts, because I wouldn't have been anywhere near the place. I am right now to have an intelligent conversation about what you're talking about. You see what I mean? It wasn't the time. It wasn't the time. Just like when you meet a mate. I always tell my wife, I'm like, if we would have met in high school, you would have never gone out with me, because I was a mess. And our energies were not anywhere near to each other. Because it just we weren't and it just was the exact timing that had to be that we met at a certain time. That made sense. That's why we didn't meet a year earlier or two years earlier. Or five years later. It was a perfect scenario. So the vibrational aspect of things which has been talked about in the in mysticism for many, many years, across multiple cultures throughout the world is something that's interesting on a scientific standpoint to look at it Because of the, the likes of attracting likes, and and you know, when certain people like you just can't get to certain people, I've had the opportunity to meet very famous people and work with very famous people in my life, movie stars that you would know. And when I walk into a room with them, I sometimes I'll go, oh, and understand, I understand there's an energy to them, they suck the energy out of the room, everybody's attention is on them. It's a fascinating concept. It's fascinating. It's fascinating to see when you when you're talking to a movie star, a blockbuster movie star in their house, and you're speaking to them, and you go, and I feel it, I understand it, they might not be a particularly nice person, or, well, just the person, they're not better or worse. But there's that thing that they have, that is built in them to get what they have in life to be who they are in life. And there's something really fascinating, then I've met, you know, very powerful people in the film industry who are not behind the scenes, and you just go, Okay, I understand why they're able to do what they do behind the scenes is it I've been a character study for most of my life, I love watching characters and analyze things. But when you throw the mystics mysticism in it, and you throw, you know, spirituality in it, you start looking at things that are different, with a different lens, and then you throw the science lens into it. It's fascinating, because it's just absolutely fascinating. So that was my hypothesis, I feel that you and I, energetically and vibrationally are at a place where we now when we met, we go got it.

Anthony Peake 51:43
This is a question, isn't it of resonance, resonance. Thank you. That's so good. And it really isn't, I find that the the people I've got around me now that are part of my world, resonate with me. And we all get so excited about the ideas, we bounce ideas off each other like we're doing now, you know, there's so much I need to talk to you about, you know, when we need to have a zoom chat. Absolutely, absolutely. And you get that kind of buzz, and this kind of feeling of almost elation. When you have these conversations, and you get so excited. And as you say, the other people can drain you, like you're saying they're about meeting people, I once met a contract killer. And I knew there was something strange, he had dead eyes. The you know, and you know, the way there's some people you can however hard you try, you cannot find common ground with correct. Oh, you know? Absolutely. And you go, Is it me? You know, what is it here, that people just don't get it? And they're not even interested? The kind of stuff we're interested in the vast majority of people out there don't even they're not even vaguely interested.

Alex Ferrari 52:53
You know, because because, because they're to the there. And I know this, and I'm sure you went through this as well as when you are in a state of I need to survive a survival state. And a victim, a victim state, which I was for many, many years. And that life happens to me. As opposed to changing the idea of life happens for me. Yes. Which is where we are talking about as the game as the avatar like, okay, if I'm going through this. So now I've come to a point in my life, when something is happening that I am not happy with. I have to stop and go, Okay, why is this happening? Who what's the point of this? Because nothing is pointless, every single thing that happens to us in our life, there is a point to it, that that is talked about in ancient mysticism, spirituality, and now in your hypothesis as well. Everything is teaching us something. So if you stop for a second and go, Okay, I've met this person who I would never meet in a million years. And he's definitely not somebody I would want to hang out with. But he's been put on my path. Why is he putting on my path? Is he Why is he what is what is he supposed to be doing for me? And I needed to learn a lesson so that i This happened recently, I had a situation where a person came into my life short time. And I was like, this isn't just I don't know, this is not I'm not used to this. Why is this happening? And then it was it forced me into a situation which I got myself into, by the way. And when I got in there, I was like, Okay, I'm here now, how can I not only what do I need to learn here? I literally stopped and said this. I said, Why? Why is this happening? What am I here to learn? And when you ask those kinds of questions, answers do appear in your mind that they just do. You go oh, I am being tested to see if I can break free from this same thing that I've been doing throughout my life. And I haven't learned a lesson you Yeah. And in order to move over to the next level, I need to break this pattern. So I

Anthony Peake 55:04
And through and through multiple lives. Right, exactly, the stakes. Exactly. Very quickly. Do you know the novel The strange life of Ivan Ahsoka, and I've heard of that I, Lenski read it because that is very much the idea of, even though you'll have the opportunity with knowledge to live a period of your life again, you still make the same mistakes.

Alex Ferrari 55:27
Oh, absolutely. And, and so once I was able to break free from that, then I was like, I did what I needed to do, which was unpleasant. But I did it. And the moment I did it, I was like, Oh, I don't have to, I don't have to deal with this again. I'm good. And, and I've said this so many times, and I think you could back me up on this is that throughout our lives. At first, when there's a lesson to learn, especially major lesson in lives, like major things that we need to learn in this life. We get a whisper at the beginning, then we get a poke, yes, then we get a tap. until a certain point when the sledgehammer comes in. And when the sledgehammer doesn't work. That's when the car accident comes.

Anthony Peake 56:09
Yeah, it's the it's the daemon going for God's sake, listen, you idiot, right, it's more and more frustrated until it just literally to smack you in the face to make you wake up. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 56:19
And that has happened to us. So many times, it happened to me many times in my life, where I just kept making the same mistake. Like when people like I keep dating the wrong guy, or keep dating the wrong girl. They just keep on like, the last 10 People have dated, they've been horrible on like, maybe a few

Anthony Peake 56:37
Manifesting them, you know,

Alex Ferrari 56:39
Something, maybe they're being sent to you to teach you that you need to change and how you're looking at things. I always use this example my cousin, when he was younger, every time he would go to a club, he gets to fight. Every time he go to a club, the dance, he would get into a massive fist fight. And he said to me, he's like, Man, I don't know what happened. And every single time I go out, these guys just want to start fighting me. And I got to start fighting. And I go, I hate to tell you, brother, I go to the clubs all the time, not once. Not once have I've attracted or brought that into my experience. So maybe it could be you.

Anthony Peake 57:22
It's the way life is as well, when we when you get to my age, I look back on my life, you know, and I just think the things I did. And then I think but I did that then. And now I'm here. And I know why I got here.

Alex Ferrari 57:34
I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I asked all of my guests, what is your definition of a good life?

Anthony Peake 57:39
Being happy, contented and being where you want to be? Never feeling that I should be somewhere else?

Alex Ferrari 57:46
What is your definition of God?

Anthony Peake 57:50
The collective unconsciousness of all of us

Alex Ferrari 57:54
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Anthony Peake 57:58

Alex Ferrari 58:01
And where can people find out more about you and your books and the work that you're doing my friend?

Anthony Peake 58:05
Right! Okay, if you're interested in my books, you can. They're available on Amazon. They're in all formats, including audible, which I read myself, which my publisher was quite as I had to audition with my publisher to actually read my own books, because you have to have a certain kind of tonality, which is quite good. So you can get my books, you can order them from libraries, if you wish. They're all across the states. You can get them on Amazon, you can you can go into a bookshop, and some of them you'll actually get in book shops as well. My website website is Anthonypeake.com. That's Anthony with an H and P P E A K E, I'm very, very, very active on Facebook and Instagram, drive people mad because I normally post about six to seven times a day. Whenever I have an idea, and I've got to just get it

Alex Ferrari 58:53
Like a teenage girl, I love it!

Anthony Peake 58:57
That's what I am really, I'm a teenage girl trapped inside a 68 year old man's body, you know, it's terrible. And what else? Yeah, I also have my own YouTube channel. If you just search on Anthony peak and on there, I've interviewed a lot of leading edge scientists that are involved in my work as well, which will allow to get a picture of where I'm going with this. So contact me get in contact. But we you and I really need to have a chat anyway about lots of things. But whenever I do that, I always find Why the hell didn't we record this because there's so many great ideas came out. So next time we need to do it probably we need a longer time maybe? Absolutely. Absolutely. We will definitely. And my apologies to everybody for my sniffling and spluttering. I've caught I've caught something when I was down in the desert in Jordan last week. I think it was the sound. I think there was so much sand around ticking over down in Wadi Rum, you know, doing the Lawrence of Arabia stuff that I've just got, you know, complicated so my apologies about that.

Alex Ferrari 59:59
But I appreciate Did you come on the show and appreciate the work that you're doing and I can't wait to have our next conversation, my friend, so be well, and thank you again.

Anthony Peake 1:00:06
And you Alex. Absolutely wonderful conversation. Thank you!

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