Life often unfolds in ways we could scarcely imagine, weaving paths that connect science and spirit, intellect and intuition. Shehnaz Soni, our guest on today’s episode, exemplifies this wondrous dance. As a NASA aerospace engineer and a quantum coach, she navigates the intersection of high-tech innovation and metaphysical insight, proving that these realms are not separate but two sides of the same coin. Her story is one of unshakable courage, relentless curiosity, and a fearless embrace of the unknown.

Imagine growing up in a culture that limits your questions, a world where inquiry is stifled, and possibilities feel boxed in by tradition. Yet, from a young age, Shehnaz was an outlier, a seeker of truths that no one dared to ask. “If you’re questioning it, it’s because it is questionable,” she tells us. It is this inherent defiance, this determination to understand life’s mysteries, that propelled her from the shores of Karachi, Pakistan, to the cutting-edge laboratories of NASA.

Her journey is a masterclass in transformation. As Shehnaz recounts, she arrived in the United States at 21, speaking little English and bound by the constraints of an arranged marriage. But adversity, rather than discouraging her, became her greatest teacher. Her ability to adapt, learn, and persevere led her to a career where she’s not only building the technology of tomorrow but also challenging the paradigms of today. She shares with us how working on projects like the International Space Station and the Artemis Moon mission has expanded her understanding of what it means to bridge science and spirituality.

In one particularly poignant moment, Shehnaz reflects on her near-death experience at the age of 12—a moment that reshaped her worldview forever. Pulled into the depths of the ocean and on the verge of drowning, she recalls the life review she experienced: “It was like watching a movie of my life, rewinding all the way back to the womb.” This event, she believes, set her on a path of fearless living, free from the fear of death, and imbued her with the clarity to see beyond life’s illusions.

Her spiritual awakening didn’t just fuel her personal growth; it also gave her the courage to challenge societal norms. Despite her demanding role at NASA, Shehnaz devotes herself to raising consciousness, teaching others about the interplay of quantum physics and spirituality. “We are here to live at our highest potential,” she says, emphasizing that our limitations are often self-imposed. Her message is clear: we are all capable of creating our own playgrounds of possibility.


  1. Question Everything: Trust your intuition, especially when something feels off. As Shehnaz advises, “Honor the red flags you sense—they’re nudges guiding you to greater awareness.”
  2. Integrate Creativity and Logic: Shehnaz speaks about balancing her creative and logical sides, allowing each to enhance the other. “The more creative you become, the quicker you solve problems,” she explains.
  3. Life Happens for You, Not to You: Shifting this perspective, as Shehnaz suggests, allows us to see obstacles as stepping stones, not barriers.

As our conversation wraps up, one thing becomes abundantly clear: Shehnaz’s life is a testament to the power of embracing dualities. She thrives in a world where rockets and algorithms coexist with meditations and metaphysical musings. Her journey invites us to do the same, to embrace the richness of our multidimensional selves, and to live courageously, unapologetically, and fully.

Please enjoy my conversation with Shehnaz Soni.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 540

Shehnaz Soni 0:00
If you stay on your own path of evolution, you're going to get rewarded in ways that you haven't even imagined. Then I remember that no longer there's a struggle. It's like you've accepted your fate. I didn't know that consciously at the time, but I was doing it right subconsciously. Yeah, I was doing it subconsciously, and that opened the door for me to work on, you know, International Space Station afterwards, and then afterwards, I worked on future combat system. We question ourselves because we believe that there's something wrong with us, because we are trying to make our life more difficult by questioning it. And what I'm saying is, no, if you're questioning it, it's because it is questionable. This is the fact

Alex Ferrari 0:40
We've had a breakthrough here today. I'll send you a bill.

Shehnaz Soni 0:44
Wow. I just didn't know that. I was like, How can you not see the third way?

Alex Ferrari 0:58
I like to welcome back to the show, returning champion Shehnaz Soni, How you doing Shehnaz?

Shehnaz Soni 1:03
Hi, Alex, thank you for inviting me to this incredible studio you have created. It's just absolutely amazing.

Alex Ferrari 1:09
Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate that. Very, very much. I'm I have to say, I'm so proud of you. I mean, I feel like, I feel like a proud papa with you, because you can when you came to our show, you were just starting out. No one had really heard of you yet, and when she came onto the show, the first episode we did, things changed for you.

Shehnaz Soni 1:31
Yes, big time.

Alex Ferrari 1:34
I still remember that email you said, does like, what's going on? Oh, my God, there's so many people.

Shehnaz Soni 1:42
Yeah, it's like, my phone is going off, like, every minute. And I was like, and you didn't even have to inform me that you have published my interview. My phone informed me.

Alex Ferrari 1:51
I told I told my guests that. And I'm like, do you just ask no one to go without you'll know.

Shehnaz Soni 1:57
It's like, wow, yes.

Alex Ferrari 1:58
Well, um. Then the other thing that was really interesting is that, after that episode, you you are, you are a NASA rocket scientist, or a neuro space engineer, aerospace engineer in our space engineer. And when that episode came out, you actually got reached out to by multiple people at NASA who watched the show, which, thank you, people in NASA who are watching this show?

Shehnaz Soni 2:21
Yes. I mean, it was amazing, right? Yeah. Like, I got so many emails, and they were very personalized, and they were all kind of almost like living through me. It's like, you know, we feel proud that you work with us and you're able to do what you're doing, because they all love what you're doing, like they're already watching next level soul. And then they say that we never would have thought that somebody from our side of the camp is going to come and speak in a show like that. So they actually encouraged me to say that, keep keep on, keeping on. And that, to me, was amazing. Not only that, my LinkedIn got exploded after that, like so many people, so many people from all walk of life, but professional people, and they all are like, they watch next level soul, and they were intrigued about what I had to share. And they say, would be honor if you can let us be part of your connection.

Alex Ferrari 3:11
Oh, my god, that's amazing. It's it's just, you know, when me and my wife were so happy for all the success that you've gotten so far after, after coming on the show and, and you're just taking the ball and running with it. And, you know, speaking the truth out there, and, and, you know, and we were kind of joking about it before we came in, but what you're doing is pretty remarkable, because you are an active, you know, member of NASA, and working on the Artemis project, which is the project that's going to put people back on the moon and also put the first woman on the moon, if I'm mistaken as well. So you're an active person in NASA who comes out talking about spirituality and the, you know, the matrix, and how to raise frequency, and all this kind of stuff, which is, quote, unquote, woo, woo. But you're doing it within, still doing your job. You mean, you still go to a nine to five, you still are working at NASA on this project, you know? And I always tell people like, oh, yeah, I've had a NASA rocket scientist, she came on the other day, and she's active, because that's a big difference. Like, once you're retired, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, essentially. And then you're like, hey, you know, I see UFOs. Hey, that's fine after you retire, but you're brave enough to do it while you're in. I said it so it's something that I guess you had inside you. You had to get this out, because you could have waited after, you know, it's like a retirement thing, like, okay, you know, I'm done with this stage of my life. I can have finally write my book and come out and talk about these spiritual principles and ideas that I have about life and everything, but you're doing it while still in the belly of the beast in the best way possible. I don't mean the beast in a bad way, but so I have to applaud you for the bravery that you you came out and doing this

Shehnaz Soni 4:52
Well thank you for that. Yes, because to me, it's all about living your full potential now, not with. Waiting for the retirement, not waiting for down the line, because, truly, we are here to live at the highest potential, right? And I actually was trained to leave my NASA job and become full time, you know, quantum coach and all that. And I, part of me, wanted to do that, because, you know, all of us would love to not have to do so many things in one day. Sometime you want to have it simple life. But you know, it just so happens that in my case, actually, I realized that I would get bored if I would just do one thing truly. So I had to accept the fact that, like, Who I am is a multi dimensional person who wants to do many things, like I want to create many playgrounds. So I can go here, I can go there. And I think it opens the door for you to know that you are not attached to one person or one organization or one experience where, if they take your paycheck away, then you feel like you have no life. When you create this many playground like Elon Musk has, right? What happens is like, okay, you can do this. You can and and it just keeps on growing and keeps on growing. So that was one of my strategy that I follow.

Alex Ferrari 6:04
That's a beauty. I mean, it's a beautiful strategy. And as you're saying it out loud, it sounds fantastically simple, but it is not. It is it's a more. It takes a level of bravery to do things like that, because there's so many people listening right now to the show who are in a job that they might not like, in a play, in a relationship they might not like, or in something that they feel that they can't overcome, or they feel trapped in whatever that might be. And you were like, No, I'm gonna not only do this job, which you enjoy, obviously, but I'm also gonna do something over here, and I'm also gonna do something over there, and, and, and just kind of spread my wings and, and if something falls great, I got two other things going on. It's fine. It's a great strategy, but it does take a bit of bravery. And I guess you've gone through so much in your life that this seems Elementary, at least that's what I see like. It almost seems like really, I've gone through so much. I've gone through Ellen. You think I'm gonna have a problem starting another playground that's nothing for me. Am I? Is that correct?

Shehnaz Soni 7:01
Yes. And you know, when I really look Alex to my life, it was only two, almost three years ago, when I my oldest son, you know, who was born with the cerebral palsy, right? And so I dropped him off at the university. And that was only like three years ago, as I said, it was January 2022, and when I did that for the first time, I was like giving myself a permission to not be a full fledged mother on, because I was a mother on, and then I was an engineer, and I was shanaz a little bit, but my role as a mother took a huge toll on my life because of him being, you know, born with right, born with that condition, and me Being his only source of livelihood. So when I actually dropped him off, and that's when I did my book, actually. So January through April is when I finished my book, in that time frame. And I actually said, This is my fifth child, right? My book became my fifth child. But the point is that it's been only three years, and I had no idea that in time frame like that. I basically said, shanaz, go and show yourself what you would do for shanaz, not as a mother, not as an engineer, but as Shahnaz. And I actually, in these three years, what I have accomplished, I had not imagined it, not to that extent. I just wanted to give myself a permission to be,

Alex Ferrari 8:16
Oh, it's beautiful. That's such a beautiful that's just a beautiful way of looking at life, and I imagine, you know, I'm a parent as well, so I imagine, when you are kind of released, you're never released, no, but when you're released from the day to day, yes, and that struggle like they're off doing their own thing, they they're eating every Day, they hopefully have a roof over their head, right? They're living their life like right now, our my child, my children are, you know, if we're not here, they don't eat, you know, like young, right? Yeah, exactly. So they depend on you for everything, for literally everything in their life. So I imagine when you and then having a special needs child on top of it adds a whole other level of complexity to that. So when you release that into the wild, as you did, exactly, you had a sense of freedom. Oh, oh, now, how did you, by the way, how did you deal with that freedom like because, I mean, there's that empty nesting, empty nesters syndrome and things like that. Because, if you've been lifting 1000 pounds for 18 years and all of a sudden you don't have that 1000 pounds to lift anymore, what do you do with yourself?

Shehnaz Soni 9:30
Right! And it, and it was right around the time, and the COVID happened too. Like, you know, we were a little bit like, kind of in that space still. So it was one of the interesting thing was, in the beginning it was a little hard. Because, you know, if somebody who lived like he was since he was born, he lived with me, right? And then he leaves, like at the age of 26 so I was kind of like feeling that, feeling that, okay, he's no longer in my life on a day to day basis, right? So there was definitely a little bit of that going on. But then I was like, Okay, now it's all about me. So what do I want to do? So I had my one playground just. Like you have all this playground in your studio. I have a one place which is all about me writing whatever I want and just playing. So I've created this, you know, right? It's funny, because in my house, it's my right Den is where my computer is for all about me getting to do whatever Shehnaz wants. So it's like a right hemisphere, and on the left I have my full fledged NASA, you know, office. So it's kind of like I'm kind of doing a little bit right and left hemisphere. So I give right hemisphere to be whatever it wants to create, right whether I want to create an art or whether I want to create a book. And so I actually, the more I created that environment, like I had my candle, my crystal, you know, all the goodness and all my favorite books. It became a love affair. You know? It became that it's like, I almost like, whenever the meeting, you know, something would happen where meeting gets canceled or something changes on my left hemisphere, I would go and play in my right hemisphere. And I noticed how the two of them were enhancing each other. Because the more creative you become, the more quicker you solve the engineering problems, because they are everything is intertwined. So I actually started noticing that the like I've I come up with strategies so fast when I'm given an assignment, that I do things in a much shorter time than someone else would, mainly because I'm synchronizing both right and left hemisphere.

Alex Ferrari 11:17
At the same time. You're you're on all cylinders, as they say,

Shehnaz Soni 11:20

Alex Ferrari 11:24
Your story is so inspiring us, from where you came from to where you are now, can you tell everybody just a quick little overview of how you got start, like you know, from, from when you were born, I was born a small child, from when you were, when you started to where you got to, because you had a lot of struggle. You went through a lot of things. And I think it's important to kind of throw this out there so people can understand and appreciate where you are because you are, you know, you're a female woman of color as NASA, working on the Artemis project. That bad at loan. How many are there any other you know, a lot of people like yourself, there are you like,

Shehnaz Soni 12:04
I don't run into people, especially from Pakistan, right? No, not, not even men, actually, right?

Alex Ferrari 12:09
Exactly. You're you, you're kind of a unicorn. You're unique in that way. So to get to that position, knowing where you came from, so you came from Pakistan, where women, from what I understand, are not really encouraged to learn or educate themselves, and yet you had some sort of fire in your belly that said, Screw all of you. I'm gonna become a NASA rocket scientist. I don't care. So can you tell everybody a little bit about how that journey went for you?

Shehnaz Soni 12:37
Sure. So yeah, my journey started like I actually would start that when I became aware of my consciousness, which was probably like, as far as I can remember, like, maybe six, seven years old, like, I'm aware that I exist, right? And I started, as soon as that feeling happened to me, I started asking questions that were a little bit not acceptable in my community growing up, right? Like I was asking questions that, like, what is, you know, what is behind this veil of the sky, like, what is really black hole? Or what is, what is this dew, drop of dew on the plant, right? And everybody's like, Okay, I don't know why you asked so many questions, right? Because, for the most part, I was raised in a religion where questions are not encouraged. It's all about dictatorship, right? So, so, based on all of that, I was already feeling like a sunny right in that iRobot movie, like somebody who just likes to question more than not. So I felt that everybody was trying to shut me up, and then the very fact that I wanted to understand it, it required education, and education wasn't encouraged, that actually made me realize that I have to be the person who's going to answer all my questions on my own, which is what got me into being very studious. I was a bookworm. I would miss all the functions just so that I can learn everything that was taught in the school. So I became a valedictorian because of that drive, and then ultimately, my dream of understanding consciousness brought me to Los Angeles through arranged marriage with a man whom I only spoke for one hour. Oh, that's fun, yeah. And that just opened the door, right? That just opened the door for me to be in this playground where I had way more opportunity.

Alex Ferrari 14:14
So, yeah, you in this arranged marriage, an arranged marriage that you met a man for one, for one hour. Moved to another country. You spoke English at this point?

Shehnaz Soni 14:24

Alex Ferrari 14:25
You didn't speak English. So you came to America, not Jesus. So you so you never, you didn't even know English. When you got here, how old were you?

Shehnaz Soni 14:35

Alex Ferrari 14:35
So you're 21 years old. You don't know the language. You're here with a man. You met a, you know, an hour, moved in with this man, and now he is your husband,

Shehnaz Soni 14:46
Right, essentially. And then he tells me he's in love with somebody else. Fantastic. How did you get here? I'm telling you to make a movie on this one, because it was like, holy. I mean, it can't, not only that. So one of the thing I have to correct, so I did not speak English, but even during the interview, when. He asked me, Can you speak English? Because he wanted to know what kind of risk he's going to have to endure being with me for rest of his life, right? Because this is a lifetime commitment marriages. And I told him, I can tell you Newton's first second and third law of motion

Alex Ferrari 15:13
In English. Yes. So you knew science in English, but you couldn't order a Big Mac.

Shehnaz Soni 15:20
I did not know how to say a single sentence that would be useful

Alex Ferrari 15:23
In an everyday situation. Exactly. Wow. That's amazing. So you got here, and it obviously didn't work out well, since he was in love with someone else that generally puts a hamper on a marriage. And then, but you said, I'm gonna keep my education. I'm gonna keep going, because when you're here at 21 you weren't you weren't there yet, you now have the degrees. You didn't have the knowledge or the education yet to be where you are today, so you hustled your way to this information to this education, right?

Shehnaz Soni 15:53
That is true. And so in that one hour interview, when he asked me all the questions about cooking and all the other important things, obviously, right, I asked him only one question, can I continue my education? And he said yes, and that was one of the biggest reason I was, you know, because my parents, of course, liked him. But that, to me, was the biggest reason for me to say yes, is because I knew that he is not going to stop you, right? Yeah. And he actually said I would love for you to be as you know, go as far, because he wanted to make sure that you know, that I can be as useful financially as he was

Alex Ferrari 16:29
Right. Because, if I remember from our first conversation, he wasn't as financially stable as he portrayed himself,

Shehnaz Soni 16:37
Yes, yes, exactly,

Alex Ferrari 16:39
Were you like in a small apartment somewhere in

Shehnaz Soni 16:41
Yes, I mean, it was like, wow. And that is the thing, right? That because, you know, like when somebody lives in a different country, right? And when they come there. And it was interesting in his case, because he was actually very religious, more religious than anybody we knew back home. So my dad was a very smart man, and he understood how far to go in that religion. However, there are people who are very fanatic. And apparently my first husband was, however, he came in a way that he shaved his beard off, so he appeared to be that he's not, because there are, there are things that gives away whether you're fanatic or not, and beard is one of the key thing. If you are, you're going to have a very long beard. And my cousin, who basically learned about my marriage, you know, she was living in LA, and she had seen him with the long beard, he said, almost touching the ground. And he said that when I heard that you are actually marrying him, I was like, blown away that how would uncle would allow that? Because she knew my father, so she was blown away. But she didn't know that when he came, he came completely clean, shaped, so we didn't get to see the side of him that she knew,

Alex Ferrari 17:42
Wow, that's amazing. And as so as you continue your education, you just kept you just kept grinding and grinding until you, you know, you got, you know, the degrees you needed to and the education you need to. But at what point did you get to NASA? Because there's a big jump, and there's a lot of, I mean the struggle alone for what you did to get to where you were even to get to America 21 and then continued your education, not knowing the language and learning all this stuff. But then how, when did you get a chance to work at NASA? Because that's a pretty big deal, you know, and then where you are now is a whole other conversation. But how long did it take you, from the moment you landed in America, to get your job at NASA.

Shehnaz Soni 18:22
So I would say that when I graduated in 1995 I actually was getting jobs, you know, because I was from UC ry and magna cum laude, good GPA, right? So it's getting good school, very good school, right? And I was getting a lot of opportunities for interviews and stuff. However, I would look I would not even go for an interview until what they were working on excited me. I had already decided that I'm going to be more of like. I'm going to be choosing it. It's not like how people have, oh, I have a degree now, and I need to get a job, right? I was not in that mindset. I wanted to make a difference in humanity. So the very first job that I accepted was in Mar set phone, working with Martin Marietta as a Hughes Aircraft El Segundo by the El Segundo California. So when I got that job, it got me fully understanding of how the software life cycle works. I worked there for three years, and right after that, I was offered a job from Boeing that had bought McDonald Douglas in Huntington Beach work on International Space Station, NASA as the customer. So that's when actually I ended up meeting so that was like year 1998 I ended up basically working with NASA, even though I was a Boeing employee. But NASA was my customer, and I became aware of, you know, building the space station up in space, and I ended up writing the codes for building the space station up in space as software engineer. And I wrote in four or five different languages because, you know, we had to do different things. And then I ended up running the entire build of software, you know, where we want to make sure that the main computer that communicates with 14 of the computer, it communicates without any problem. So I became the police for all the other people who would code. And then I. Would go to them and tell them when the build would not work. So I kept evolving from there on, but that's how I started, and because I was working, I became the queen in the lab, like I would have all these 14 machines I'm there, everybody knew that. She knows not just the white black box. She knows the white box. Like when you understand the software, you become the queen, right? Because that's the power. That's the power. Because not a lot of people had that knowledge. And for me, my degree was electrical engineering, more so, but then I had all the on the job training of software engineering, so that, because they trained me with all the different codings languages.

Alex Ferrari 20:34
My God, Shehnaz, I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted already. My god, you're so impressive. You're so amazing. What you do. You know, as you're talking, all I keep hearing in the back of my head this little voice thing, she's nothing but a troublemaker. Nothing but a troublemaker. The entire time she's she wants to rock the boat and love what you and I say that with all the love in the world, because I also am a troublemaker, we could smell our own. But what I love about you, and this is so important for people listening, when you were going out looking for a job, and this is instinctual. I'm not sure if you were, you didn't just read like a Wayne Dyer book or something, and said, I'm going to pick a job that excites me, that came from in here, you were connected to something different. Because most people, especially at that stage in their career. I hope, you know, I just need a job. And, you know, exciting is maybe, but you're like, No, I'm gonna what it what caused you to do things like that? Because that is an evolved position in this game. We'll talk about the game later. But that's an evolved perspective. In this game, it takes people long, long, long time, like it took me years before I could do that, and I was angry, very angry for a long time in the film industry, because I would do jobs just to do the jobs, or I would work on because I needed to. I needed to make money. I need support my family, and it wasn't that only till I decided to do that. That's where my life changed. To him. I want to become a podcaster and do all this stuff that I do now, but it took me a while, long while to figure that out. What do you think made that switch for you, or were you just programmed at the factory like that. Because, I mean, you're obviously wired differently, which is wonderful. You are. You're absolutely out of another mold. You're very unique. And I say that with all the love in the world, because what you've gone through, what you do, what you continue to do, is remarkable, how you do it. So why do you think, why do you think that? Why do you think that that was something that instinctually you were like, No, I'm gonna do what makes me feel good?

Shehnaz Soni 22:45
Because, you know, it's kind of interesting, because it was connected with the fact that I always wanted to make a difference, right? Like, you know, we all, I mean, of course, everybody wants to make a difference, but I would actively ask my mom this question, that I want to do something that really helps every single human in the world, and I would ask my mom that, what can I do? Because I wanted to become a doctor. By the way, I became engineer, mainly because that's a story by itself. But I wanted to become a doctor because, in my mind, I wanted to heal people. I wanted to help people. I wanted to, you know, like I told my mom that I would love to go to the village. And I would go to every single house and ask them, What are they missing? And then I would buy it and give it to them. Like to me, it was like all of these concepts I'd created. So when my mom was very wise, she actually told me that you just being you, you can help everyone like she basically did not make it as exciting as I was hoping for, right? Because she said that users have to be you and the and that's all you need. So when she said that, I mean, I was like, you're not, you know, I mean, I wanted to be a hero, like I want to be something more, and you're saying, Just be you. I mean, that doesn't sound much exciting. So I questioned it when she told me that, but I didn't realize that I was actually doing it subconsciously, right? So that was ingrained in me. So when I would look at the job, you know, like job application, and then they would say, what are they making the project? Would explain. One of them was, like, designing, right where you're designing the circuitry. And I was like, okay, you know, like, I mean, it just didn't excite me, like, the way, when I looked at the Inmarsat phone, for example, when I said, Oh, my God, they're making a phone that's gonna work no matter what, you can actually be underground in the tunnel and you can still make a phone call. Now, that, to me, was little bit interesting. So I said, and then it said that, you know, there's no phone like that in the whole world that interested me. So I would actually the job that I didn't want. I would give it to my colleagues because, you know, they were, everybody was looking for jobs. I would say here, this is a new engineer, fresh engineer, get them. So one of so I felt good that I was passing the jobs around, because they were getting jobs. So it was working out for everybody. And then, so, yeah, Inmarsat was the one that excited me, and the Hughes excited me because, you know, of Hughes, Howard Hughes, and where he came from, right? So I was kind of intrigued about all that. So I said, you know, I like to go into this playground. And that decision truly that. Because, you know, now I understand how fractal holographic matrix works, right? So when you plant a very good seed in the kombucha, your Kombucha is going to be delicious. I didn't know that consciously at the time, but I was doing it, right subconsciously. Yeah, I was doing it subconsciously. And that opened the door for me to work on, you know, International Space Station afterwards. And then afterwards, I worked on future combat system. Then I worked on Space Launch System, I worked on GMD missiles, and I even went to Rockwell Colin and worked on some of the private plane that Mel Gibson and Oprah Winfrey buys. So I did all those different things. And then it came back to, you know, human landing system under Artemis.

Alex Ferrari 25:37
That's, that's amazing. I want to ask you this, do you have any advice for people, but specifically women, who are in a place where they feel like that are trapped, and they want to overcome it, to get out of that place, because it seems like you had to go through that multiple times in your life, and you've achieved so much from those places, and you're such an inspiration to to people around the world doing that. Do you have any advice, like on the ground, practical advice like, look at you know that you're in a difficult situation, or you're in a job that you don't like, you're in a relationship you don't want you're in a place and you that you don't want to be and you want to transcend it, to get out of it. What advice would you have for them?

Shehnaz Soni 26:19
So one of the advice I would give is, and that actually applies in every situation, is that when you feel the red flag right, generally the red flag, they look probably yellow or some other color right before it becomes really red, because you are kind of feeling it in your heart. You're feeling it intuitively. And then ultimately it gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker. I actually feel that. You know, when you watch a movie like X Men where the quick silver, right? How he does everything tweaking. I feel like our intuition or our, you know, like what we feel in our heart is kind of that little nudges that are coming, right. But a lot of time we ignore it, and it keeps getting, you know, like, more stronger and stronger, right? So when you start feeling something is not right, first advice I give them is not to question it, because I actually even questioned it myself, like it took me in both cases. You know, in both of my marriages, it took me two years to really get to the conclusion that I actually truly have a problem, right? Because I was questioning me, because I thought that maybe something is wrong with me that, why am I so picky that I'm not living happily ever after like everybody else's, you see? So that is the first thing, is that we question ourselves because we believe that there's something wrong with us, because we are trying to make our life more difficult by questioning it. And what I'm saying is, no, if you're questioning it, it's because it is questionable. That's just the fact I, as I said, because I actually took a long while to get to that point. So what I'm going to say is that please, honor your feeling, honor your intuition, honor the red flag you get. And then what you have to do is like, this is what I did. So I actually have this thing that I even mentioned in my book. I basically call it icpr, which basically means that CPR is, you know, we all know we need to CPR our life. But apparently, in my case, I use the acronym to explain the type of things that was built in feature for me, like, for me, I was always very, you know, I mean, it seems to me now I realize that I have been courageous, like I'm willing to do things that I've never done before, that, to me, is a good, simple definition of being courageous, that you truly don't even know that whether it's gonna the outcome will be good, right? It's like Elon Musk, right? Like he's launching the rocket and and even if it doesn't launch, he's courageous enough to take that risk. That, to me, was important feature that I use for the C, right? And the P was the perseverance, like I never gave up on myself, no matter how many times I was shot down like a like a soldier. I just did not. And that was another attribute that I had, which helped me, in my case, to get away right from the situation. And then R for resilience, right? So, because apparently, you know, we all know, right, that the more life throws at you, the more stronger you become.

Alex Ferrari 29:11
Of course, the more weight that is thrown on top of your back, the stronger your back becomes. Exactly You can you can't grow without that weight. You can't grow with those those obstacles. That's the thing a lot of people don't understand, is they don't understand is they don't understand that struggle and obstacles that are thrown in your they're there to teach you. They're there to help you to grow all the struggles that you went through in your life. Would you change anything? No, right? No, no. Because that's who it is designed, the human being that's sitting in front of you, even the painful stuff, even the traumatic stuff. We all go through stuff. No one comes out of this unscathed, no one, no no one. So that's part of why we're here. And a lot of people just want to, you know, bubble wrap the world, you know, and like, in no sharp edges anywhere, and just live like, that's not the point of this, that's not even living that that's out. And also. That's also not living because you need excitement. You need thrill. You need risk to be able to be balanced, obviously, but you need to take risks. You need to be able to fail in life. If you've given your you give yourself permission to fail, then you can be able to make it. It's because, if not, you'll never go anywhere. Yeah, you'll never go anywhere. Like Elon is a great example with those rockets. I mean, what he did with SpaceX is insanity, exactly. It's in sane that the idea on paper, it all doesn't make any sense. We're gonna have rockets land back on the platforms after they're done. NASA hasn't figured that out to be able to be able to do it at an affordable rate. And he was able to do it, and he was one rocket away from completely going bankrupt. If that last rocket did not land and blew up, SpaceX would be gone. He literally, that's how, that's how crazy. But you need that kind of risk to be able to, you know? He said, No, we're going to keep failing, and we're going to keep failing. And, I mean, he go back to Edison. I mean, he goes, You failed 1500 times. He goes, you know, how does it feel to fail 1500 times? He goes, I didn't fail 1500 times. I just learned 1500 ways not to make a light bulb exactly, great weight greater look at it, but it's to give that risk of failure, and you have that in spades.

Shehnaz Soni 31:27
Well, thank you. I appreciate that,

Alex Ferrari 31:29
Because we're all a little nuts. You know, this is nuts. This makes no sense. I make a living doing a podcast, you know, right? This is insane. When I try to explain this to people, people are like you, I'm sorry. So you do what? Yeah, I have this little show. And I do this, I talk to cool people and and you make a living like this. I'm like, Yeah, I support a whole family. No, we were touching upon the hologram, the holographic matrix, as you called it, which is another word for the Maya, or the great illusion as the aborigine, the idea that we are in a simulation the matrix, literally, like the movie The Matrix. What is your understanding of this simulation? Because I too agree that we are in a simulation of some sort, because this is not our true selves, our true selves, our souls, our spirit that we're here. It's kind of like a game we're enjoying this character, shanaz is a character, Alex is a character. We're playing in this environment. And there's multiple games being played around the world, billions of games literally being played around the world. And let's not even talk about animal life and plant life and insect life, and all the dramas in that world and environment and all that just humans, billions of billions of stories, billions of environments, billions of pixels going in the simulation. What is your understanding of this idea, which is now being really brought into the limelight with quantum physics as well.

Shehnaz Soni 33:03
So and of course, I can come from both quantum physics and Kabbalistic angle, because I've studied and taught both. So one of the thing is that in order to understand this simulation, we have to understand what God is, right? So God is everything everywhere, all at once, right? If you say that in one. So the Kabbalah teaching basically says prime source, right? Like, like, where everything is one. And I actually believe in that. So based on my belief, I believe that all of us are one when we are prime source, right? So right now we are in a time and a light. So we're in a time capsule, doing a light shadow play. So it's almost like a genie in a bottle. So to me, that's why this becomes like a figment of someone's imagination. Maybe some God wants to just play with the Earth globe, right? So yes, that's where the hunger game and the simulation theory comes in. But at the end of the day, I believe that our consciousness is immortal because we are part of that godness, right? So based on that, while we are in this dense reality, we are interplaying with the universe through all these different projections, right? So I am basically having this, my entire consciousness has built up. You the studio, every aspect of what I'm experiencing, because that's how I show up in that light shadow play. So when I when you understand that, the thing is, as soon as you understand that it's almost like, if you are like a, you know, free guy in a movie, right, as soon as you know that you are not just like anybody, you actually have something unique about you, guess what? Based on quantum physics, observation affects momentum, so now you're no longer in that simulation game, because you're questioning the question, and that, to me, the self awareness, right? Like being sunny in the iRobot movie, right? Somebody like a robot. Are their dreams, right? When you become that type of human, which is why I wrote the book quantum being, because I'm talking about those humans, right, humans who are self aware that there is a high probability that they are kind of trapped in this time capsule, and they're being, you know, kind of interplayed by other advanced, you know, beings, or whether it's our future self, or whatever like, because everybody is looking at this from a different vantage point, right? When you are in a 3d world, you're not able to see the perspective that you need to see the 4d world, because see your spectrum is limited, right? So it's almost like, you know, if you're in a 2d world, like a flat land book, yeah, you're not able to, Oh, perfect, right? You're not able to even fathom the 3d world, because you truly don't have the bandwidth, you don't have the faculty, you don't even have the light to understand that.

Alex Ferrari 35:56
So that. So that's really interesting, because you're right. There are people who are walking the earth now, who don't? They can't even grasp this conversation. It's so far beyond what their reality or their programming is taking them that they can't even grasp it. It's kind of like when you if you start talking code to me, I'd be like, what do you what like? Right? And I'm fairly educated in Yes, I know what you're talking about. I don't know the details i i write this much code HTML, that's basically and I still have to look it up, so I don't know how to do so it's that's far beyond my reality, because it's just not something I've studied. But, but there are people walking the earth that are gonna stay at this frequency, and that's there, that's that, that's the trajectory of their life, and that's okay. Yes, everyone's here at different places. There are the masters at the top. You know, the Ascended Masters are the walking masters, like the Jesus is, and the Buddhas. And you know, all these lovely beings on the wall here. And then there's people who are. They want to have a different experience in this lifetime. So you are, you are writing that book, and the teachings you you're trying to aim to people who are at a frequency where they're at least asking, questioning the question, exactly, questioning the question. And, you know, and I use neat, I use the matrix as a reference point constantly. And I'm sorry if you don't like it. Watch the movie. But unless there's another movie that you can recommend, and I could say, besides the matrix, but that kind of like questioning, you know, because that that main character is questioning the reality, and then it he keeps getting reinforced that the reality is not real to finally, he understands the truth. When he's pulled out of the out of that simulation, and we get pulled out of the simulation only two ways, you die, or you die and come back, which is a near death experience. I've spoken to so many of them. So those are people who've left the simulation, look at it, and then come back. And that's a rare thing. That's a rare thing. What's your experience in that kind of do? And you agree with that, that concept,

Shehnaz Soni 38:00
Right! So I, so I and I had a near death experience, right? So I actually have gone through,

Alex Ferrari 38:05
Wait a minute, what? Yeah, never told me you had a near death experience. Yes. Oh, stop right there. I need to know what happened.

Shehnaz Soni 38:12
So that was like, I was close to 12 years of age, and we were visiting the Hawks Bay Beach in Karachi, Pakistan with my family and back home, you know, as a girl, you don't learn anything like swimming or anything, right? So we usually stay at the shore, and we are always like, you know, we don't even have a swimming costume or anything, because, you know, we're conservative, so it's like, you're just enjoying the waves, right? You just get your feet wet. So I was in that space, but apparently the wave came, and I was always very small and petite. The wave came, and it just took me way deeper. I didn't know how to swim. And I remember basically going through, like, you know, the like, like, I basically completely could not breathe, and I was basically taking water in. And then I remember that I started, like, I was doing the struggle, you know when you want to live and you want to live, I felt all that. And then I remember that no longer there's a struggle. It's like you've accepted your fate. I remember I'm just one with the water, and I'm just kind of like floating. And then I started noticing that how, like, it was almost like somebody is playing a movie. For me, like there was a like, like, somebody's like playing, like a video recording of my life in front of me, like I had a life view. And it started with the point where I was and then it just started getting slowly, like it was rewinding it. It was rewinding it, rewinding it. And it stopped at the at the womb. So I saw that movie, and it kept me very calm, because I'm already accepting my fate. And apparently my dad was a great swimmer, so he actually is the one who saved me. So he came swimming, and when he got me out, you know, they didn't know if I'll be able to make it. And then he did the CPR on me, and then I spit out the water, so I had that memory recorded in me. So yes, I have gone, like, pretty close to. To that and, and I believe that that probably triggered something in me. Oh, yeah, right. Oh yeah. That changed me for for good

Alex Ferrari 40:10
At 12. So at 12 you had, you had a taste of the of the blue pill or the red pill. Yeah, for which one it is that he takes it the red pill, I think it's the red pill. I think you took up that red pill, and you had a glimpse, and it's a small glimpse. And some people get into meditations, even sometimes deep meditations are out of body experiences or other things like that. But near death experience, I've spoken to so many of them. It's very unique. And they come it changes you, in a way. None of them come back the same, yeah, you don't come back the same. And you bring a little piece of something with you,

Shehnaz Soni 40:43
Right! right and I think from that point on, one of the things that happened, which made me very courageous, is that I saw the death so close that the fear of death was no longer there.

Alex Ferrari 40:53
So that that's really interesting, that we're doing this. This is now we're getting into, like, the deep, what's it called, when psychoanalysis of your life, we're working and we're working here. This is a session for you, and I so that really explains, I didn't know that about you. I don't think I've ever heard you say that, or you might have, but I had never heard it about the near death experience that explains so much about your life journey. Because when you have faced death and come back. Generally speaking, you don't fear it anymore, because you're like, oh. And even, even if you couldn't wrap your head, your 12 year old head, around everything, as you've gotten older, you've gone back, and you've probably replayed that situation. And with the new information, the new consciousness, the new awareness that you've been able to pick up along your life, you start to understand what that experience was for you. Because you you you basically at after that 12 year old point, you became almost fearless. You still are fearless in the way you approach life, which makes so much more sense now. Like I was like, what? Like, I said, you programmed at the factory like this. That is, that's the cause, I think. Were you like that before?

Shehnaz Soni 42:07
I was very aware of the consciousness before, right? Were you fearless? That is an interesting question. You know, I actually so I never thought that I was fearless. But I was fearless in a way, because I did whatever I wanted, even though everybody said, No, that was a built in feature that I was born, programmed at the factory. Yeah, yeah, you're right, factory. So, yeah, that was always there. Because I never was like, like, even though, like, my dad was very kind of has a strong personality, plus he, like, I was scared that if I do something he doesn't like, it's going to be like, there would be consequences, right? I was scared of him, but it never was scared enough to not do something that would violate me. And I think that now I'm looking back and realizing that that's very courageous for someone like a girl, you know, who knows that in that culture, in that culture, when you know that you're doing something that, not the men of the culture, are not approving it, and there can be consequences, physical consequences, to that. But for whatever reason, it never stopped me. So I think that for me, that is the one thing that I was I had that feeling that if I don't honor me, then I am not like I am not justifying my existence, right? And it actually comes back to the question you asked earlier, when you said that the only way to exit simulation is either through the death, right or through the nd. And you're right. In my case, I guess I figured it out, which I didn't realize it when you were saying that

Alex Ferrari 43:35
We're working here. This is just a therapy session. You and I should ask, I'm here to help.

Shehnaz Soni 43:39
Thank you so much, because I actually did not, because I was about to tell you, no, there is a third way, because, you know, in my mind, but the third way came from the second way, right? Wow.

Alex Ferrari 43:48
Yeah, we've had a breakthrough. Here today. I'll send you a bill.

Shehnaz Soni 43:54
Wow. I just didn't know that. I was like, How can you not see the third way? And then I'm like, Oh,

Alex Ferrari 43:59
That is exactly, but it's so I've been fascinated with this idea of the simulation, and it's 1000s of years old, 1000s. This idea is 1000s and 1000s of years old from multiple cultures around the world, but that quantum physics has brought us out, and all that I look at everything now as I walk through life as part of the simulation, and it's just almost as a subconscious thing, like when something negative is happening, I'm like, Okay, well, this has been thrown in front of me because I need to learn something here, and I don't know what, and it's not doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel good sometimes. But you're like, Okay, I have this has been, why has this been placing me? Okay? So how am I gonna Okay? How am I gonna maneuver this or that, and I actually look at it much more as an observer than I am a participant. Because when you're a participant, you react instantly. It's instinct, it's trauma that you had in life, or you, you triggered, and you, you go off. And it's never really about the glass that spilled. So it's about how you were taking how someone abused you or beat you up or spanked you when you were a kid or yelled at you when you were a kid, or something like you picked up on a bully pitch, punched you. That's what that really is all about. You know, it's never about the milk

Shehnaz Soni 45:12
Exactly. It's happening to me versus it's happening through me, or for me or for me. Yeah, that is true, actually, for me. I like it way better.

Alex Ferrari 45:20
Yeah, when things are happening to you, they're happening for you. And that's true. Very difficult for people to understand that when they're in it, but when you you know we've been around the block a few times already. We've been on this earth for a few years, only when you look back, then you can understand like, Oh, thank God, I had that breakup. Thank God I got fired, and I, you know, almost went bankrupt. Thank God I went through this. But when you're in it, it's a whole other story

Shehnaz Soni 45:51
That's true, and especially because of the old self, right? Because now, with the awareness that you have and the fact that you acknowledge the simulation, then you're not going to get that attached. You may get attached instinctively in the beginning. But as soon as you're going to come to your like grooves, and they're going to say, oh, you know what? That's the questioning, the question, right? As soon as you say that you know what it is happening for me, right? As soon as you say that what happens, you have already changed the frequency and vibration of you, your embodiment, your problem, observation affects momentum. Now you are completely the motion of the spin of the electron is actually changed because you asked the question.

Alex Ferrari 46:28
So let's dive into that a little bit, because that I get what you're saying. But I know a lot of people might be lost by this concept. So let's, let's take a step back the idea that I've perceived, uh, something that's negative happening to my life as it's happening for me, not to me. Those are two very, very different and polarized, polarized opposites by changing the perception of what's happening to me, because the thing, and this is what I always tell people, the thing that's happened to you is not charged. That's true. It's not charged, no, I always use this analogy. When you get into a car accident, you may have a car accident today. Oh my little fender bender. Nothing too crazy, little fender bender. Oh my God, my car. Oh my God, my wife's gonna kill me. Oh my God, my husband's gonna get horrible day for you and I, right? The accident is the accident. Now, when we each take that to the mechanic, great day for him. So that accident has two charges, depending on the perspective. That's true of looking. But the accident is the accident. It's irrelevant. It's what emotions that we attach to it.

Shehnaz Soni 47:33
100% your reaction to it. And then in our case, if you and I would be in that storyline, we would say, oh my god, nice to meet you. I've been waiting for to have this fender bender so we can cross path and change our trajectory.

Alex Ferrari 47:45
Oh, it could be a meet cute, like in a romantic comedy, like, Oh, we found the love of your life.

Shehnaz Soni 47:50
There's so many possibilities, right? But the very fact that you had that accident, based on everything that I understand, it was well choreographed experience,

Alex Ferrari 47:59
And that's the thing that people have a problem grabbing on to, is that, that I believe that everything happens for an exact reason. There is no happenstance. There is no go in could ink. I don't believe that. I believe ever because, again, looking back at your life, everything that happens to you? You could just start, at least I can, from my perspective, love to hear your thoughts. I can start connecting the dots between, oh, when that happened and this happened, when that happened and this happened and and it could be big things, or it could be these little, little things. So like, Oh, I got a speeding ticket when I was 16. You know, you got that speeding ticket probably because you were driving like an idiot.

Shehnaz Soni 48:42
You know, you were thinking something that was making you

Alex Ferrari 48:47
Yeah, going off. So, like, maybe I needed to learn to like, and I didn't listen to that. Okay, maybe you need another speeding ticket. Oh, maybe you need a fender bender, or maybe you need a little and that those nut it starts as a nudge, and then it hits the sledgehammer. So as you go through so life, all of these things, every little thing that happens to you is for you, and it's there to help you evolve good and bad. And that concept of good and bad is a charge that we give these things

Shehnaz Soni 49:17
Exactly, actually good and bad is the reason I'm wearing black and white. Beautiful duality, yes, duality, of course, I'm experiencing, yeah. So, so I think it's interesting, because I think there's a question in what you just said, right? The question is that, how does everything build on top of each other? You know, I was thinking that you actually have a background as a producer, right? Producer? So to me, like, you know, when you're a producer, you actually are able to see the forest, because you have to to see, to depict that forest to others, right? So that, to me, is questioning the question, right? Because then you get to see the forest. So for us, a lot of time, like even right now, I had an aha moment, even in my own life just now, because of you, because I had near death experience. But I. Never connected those, right? And I never thought like, I mean, you know, I had it and I mentioned it in my book, but I never thought that that, yeah, was connected with what you just said. It was like, wow. So that, to me, is where we all are. It's almost like we are not meant to know the entire forest for our own story, because it takes away from our performance in this genie being trapped in the bottle, because it's almost like there's a cause and effect going on in everything, right? So at the end of the day, let's say if you're a clone, but because the whole experiment is all about you not knowing it, because then you can assume you're a human, because that's the only way you can perform, outperform the clone that they have in mind, because otherwise you're going to put limitation on you. You see my point. So we're kind of all doing that to some extent. So like, I know my life now based on everything that I've done, and I can see how well choreograph it is, right? I can also tell you that based on this, I can extrapolate and give you, through the looking glass where I may go in the next 5-10, years. You know, I can make that, but I can assure you that where I will be ultimately is going to be beyond my imagination.

Alex Ferrari 51:13
Well, you know, what's really interesting is that, I mean, I've had a lot of intuitives on the show, people who are connected to the other side and can tell you things, probabilities of your future self, of things that will happen to you. But from what I've understood from them is that there is a responsibility not to release too much information, that a good intuitive will be able to tell you just enough to help you along the way, but they're not going to tell you 20 years from down the line. That's not the way. That's not the way, because too many things could happen between now. So they're just trying to make their best estimated guess of where the energy is leading towards, and it could change. But that is the key. I think, if you and I knew where we were going to die, the day and the time and the how our entire life would change. That is true. The game would change the way we approach life. Would change everything, because we have now an exit point. Not knowing when that exit point is, is what allows us to play this game properly. That's true. It's, you know, because it's kind of like, I always use video games as analogies, like, Okay, well, Mario is gonna go around the corner and Donkey Kong is around the corner, but he doesn't know Donkey Kong's around a corner with a big Sledgehammer that's gonna kill him. And he's, like, living his life, okay, I'm gonna go save the princess. Like, oh, if he would have known all this time, it would have changed the whole game, right?

Shehnaz Soni 52:34
Right! Exactly, yeah. So that is, that is exactly what, what is it is, right? Is that how much you should know and how much you shouldn't? But one thing is that we are talking here, that if everybody knows that everything is happening for you, let's go back to that, right? Everything is happening for you because you're, you are, you are. Universe is projected through your consciousness. For you to interplay in this dense reality, that is the ultimate goal, then you need to be more like someone who understands that rule of the game, right rule of the game, so at the end of the day, they can probably maximize their potential living in this life just by virtue of knowing that there is a reason For every single thing. And ultimately, if I die, that is good, because I'll just go from one form to another. And actually I will be not trapped in this body. So the form that I'm going to go to is going to be lighter density, which means it's going to be higher frequency, which means it's going to be more closer to God or source whatever, right? Think about that, if we all live with that mindset, right? And then we also, on top of that, add this embodiment of love, where, when we are interacting with every single beings, whether it's beings, whether it's an object, whether anything it's partly it's a projection of our own consciousness, right? So if we can look at life like that, we would show up more lovingly towards others, because everybody's a part of you, projecting your subconscious through them, because you came here to interplay with life.

Alex Ferrari 54:14
Very much. Now I want to ask this is a science question. This is a science slash woo, woo question, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about this, from my understanding on the other side, from near death experiences I've spoken to you, everything travels at the speed of thought. So if you want something, it's there. There's no delay. Like that's why you were you're seeing the poster out in the hall that what dreams may come. And when Robin Williams is in the in the afterlife, he's literally building His heaven, as he's, you know, started off with the paints and all that stuff, and then he slowly built up. And it was his guide who was telling him, no, here, there's enough space for everyone to have their own heaven. And he was designing things. He's like, he wanted a house. Oh, there's the house in the corner. It was instant when you're down here. This is such more of a dense scenario that when we do create an intention, it still works, but just slower, because it has to go through this dense area where up there, there is no friction, there is no time or space, there is nothing. So everything is instant up there, but we still bring that power with us down into this simulation, into this experience and incarnation. But it's just a slow, slow pace. Can you explain? First of all, do you agree? And secondly, if you do agree, how scientifically Does that make sense?

Shehnaz Soni 55:39
Yes. 100% it makes sense. Okay, okay, so, yeah, first of all, 100% agree with you that there is a lag here, right? And partly the lag is has multiple reasons for it. One is, of course, we believe, so everything that we believe, 100% ends up happening to us. And we believe like, you know, so if you change the belief, which is what time dilation comes in, right? If you change the belief, like in my case, I can say that, you know, in one hour, I'm going to be able to do my eight hour work at NASA. I actually believe in that, and I have proven it to myself, and then I keep compounding on it. So what is going on is that that one hour becomes something that I can stretch like Quicksilver in the X Men movie, and I time dilate, which means that you end up slowing things down, just like you slow your breathing down, where you do doctor, strange and you can do more things than you can imagine.

Alex Ferrari 56:28
You're a geek. I love that. You're a straight up geek. You're talking about Doctor, strange and Quicksilver. You are a woman after my own

Shehnaz Soni 56:38
So basically, right? So that, so that aspect is very important. Now go back to the question. What was the question?

Alex Ferrari 56:43
So the the question in regards to the delay, the lag of our attention. So a lot of people talk about the law of attraction and the manifestation and your thoughts become things, but on the other side, it seems that those are instant where here there is a time delay. And I do, I personally do believe that it's helpful, because, God forbid,

Shehnaz Soni 57:02
That's exactly what it is. You answered the question, by the way, you know why we have a delay here? First of all, yeah, we do live in a denser reality. Okay, so it's not going to be instantaneous, but there's a, there's, there's actually positive aspect of it, because if it's instantaneous, and the way we have been living, where we are living kind of little bit primitive in so many part of the world, okay, a lot,

Alex Ferrari 57:22
Even us here in the evolving

Shehnaz Soni 57:24
Can you believe that we're still having wars between countries, over religions or over land

Alex Ferrari 57:30
When your space, you don't see any any lines separating countries?

Shehnaz Soni 57:34
So I think that if you think that if you would be instantaneously manifesting here, there won't be any Earth with the way things have been, oh no, we would have destroyed each other, exactly. So the fact that it's slow is the only reason we still are

Alex Ferrari 57:45
But that's changing, though, isn't it? So let's go back to the primitive days, like real like, let's say barbarian days, or, you know, Neanderthal days, that things were extremely slow back then, the vibration of the planet. The vibration of humanity was very low, very low density lens vibration where nowadays things are higher up, that humanity's frequency is growing. We're able to do things now that we weren't able to do the speed of change. The speed of things now is so much faster, even within our lifetime.

Shehnaz Soni 58:22
Yes, 100 percentage is partly because of the awareness, the self awareness, the fact that we're having this conversation, and people are loving it, and they want to subscribe to your channel that speaks volume, because the level of consciousness has risen, right? So that creates 100 monkey effect, right in the entire cosmos, and that is pretty much where we are all merging with the aspect of us which is going to actually manifest more quickly, right? That's why people say that time is speeding up. It pretty much means that they're seeing the result of their fruit much faster. And it's partly because people are believing in them, in themselves, right? Like, it's almost like you're proving the concept. You're believing yourself. Like, in my case, I was able to wean myself off of prescription medicine that I would have stayed on it for 10 years if I would have not given myself the power, right? When I did that, in two months, I was able to wean myself off. So to me, because I've already proved that concept to me, now I know that I can. I don't really need to even rely on the medicine that doesn't feel good in my body. So now I no longer need to go through that experience, because I've already proved it to myself that I offer everything I need within myself. I just have to make sure I get out of my own way so it can flow properly, right? So what happens? That's how we are speeding things up because we're learning from our experiences, and then we put that in our memory, in our subconscious mind, and then we keep on upping our game, because that's how holographic matrix works, because everything gets built on top of each other, like a Russian dolls, right? Like when you look at the tree and the branches, they keep on. Multiplying, keep on just like a kombucha, right? If you have the good seed, you're going to have a great kombucha. And when you keep multiplying that seed, you're going to make the flower of life pattern, right? So the point I'm making is that that cascading effect that occurs that becomes very complex equation, and that is why people sometimes don't realize that every single action that they're taking in their present tense is affecting their entire livelihood.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:25
Can you tell everybody what the 100 monkey effect is? Because it's, I mean, you just threw it out there. And then people are like, What you talking about 100 monkey effect?

Shehnaz Soni 1:00:31
Yeah, and yeah. And I explained that with the whole paragraph that I got from, you know, chat, GPT. But okay, so 100 monkey effect basically highlights the concept that, like, you know, so I don't know exactly when, which year it was determined, but basically, there were multiple islands where the monkeys were, and in one of the island, the monkey started doing something that the monkey had never done before. And I believe it had to do something to do with how they were, like washing the potato, or something like that. You're breaking the coconut or something along something along the line. Where did you find the process? They were refining the process, by the way, and they did something that no monkey had ever done in any of the island. And what they noticed was that that thing that one monkey did in one island, other monkey in the islands that were completely had no way for them to, unless they're telepathically communicating, to know that that happened. They all started doing it. And what they learned is, was that 100 was the like that number like that was the threshold. Like, as soon as it did it hit 100, it just multiplied all over different islands. So it actually came from the fact that 100 monkey effect means that, you know, like, even with the consciousness, and I know Greg Brennan, right? He has this formula where he says that when you have a certain percentage of people start vibrating at a higher consciousness level, then we don't need everybody to convert. We just need to hit that threshold, and then it creates that multiplication effect. And that particular thing is very important to understand, because even in our body, when we actually become healthy, is because we create that 100 monkey effect by that self sustaining mechanism, the built in mechanism that we already have in our in our body to regenerate ourselves. So that actually becomes a very important concept to know in all aspect of your life, because when you master that, that threshold, then you keep on making that this beautiful fractal pattern where everything keeps building on top of each other. And that's why I said that you cannot extrapolate your future, because where you are staying here the because, you know, just the way we process information, we have a limited bandwidth to understand the magnificent effect that you're going to create. Because if you go, you know, 10 years ago in your life, right? And you look at yourself here, probably you had an idea, even if you had an idea, but you probably would be like, Wow. Like, this is amazing. I didn't think, Oh, right. Oh, that's exactly what I'm talking about. That That, to me, is a huge promise for everyone, that wherever you are standing, if you stay on your own path of evolution, you're going to get rewarded in ways that you haven't even imagined.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:11
Oh, and 10 years ago, I was selling olive oil. Many people on the show know I used to sell I used to have a gourmet company. It was very horrible mistake I made years ago. And it was a it was a year away from starting my first podcast. It was the I was a year away, still at this point, a little bit under a year away before I started my first so if you would have sat me that while I was trying to peddle olive oil in a farmers market in California somewhere, and I would have you would tell me, you know, you're gonna have this studio, you're gonna have x amount of subscribers. You're gonna have this kind of people talking to these kind of I would have said, You're absolutely insane.

Shehnaz Soni 1:03:46
Right! And I would be like, I'm gonna be talking to you actually about the book that I haven't written, which is actually in English. You'd be like, No, that just sounds sweet. Too many obstacles are odd. So you know, one thing I wanted to ask you, by the way, the next level, soul is the most amazing name you have of your podcast. Please tell me what was the driver for that.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:04
So when I, when I, when I was told to do this show, which was by my spiritual teacher. She's been on the show multiple time. Her name is Connie. She's 89 and feisty as hell, and I've known her since I was 23 and she's been kind of guiding me throughout my life on a spiritual path and quietly in the background, and she's been very patient with me. And one day she turns to me, she goes, it's time for you to open up a spiritual podcast. And I said, You're out of your mind. Why would I open up a spiritual podcast? And I did. She's like, you haven't you have three weeks to do it. I'm like, Oh, really? She's like, Yeah, because that's Easter and that'll be a good time to launch time to launch your show. I'm like, okay, and I so I just knew I had to do it, but I was so kind of dismissive that they I was doing it purely because she told me to, not because I believed in it. Wow, because I was just like, because I know if I don't do it, it's not gonna end up well for me, when she tells me that. Like that,

Shehnaz Soni 1:05:00
So you trusted her more than yourself?

Alex Ferrari 1:05:02
Oh, absolutely, wow. It still didn't make any sense, and I still pulled back, by the way, I did this for about six, seven months, and then I stopped, wow. I was scared. I was terrified of talking about like you. I wasn't as brave as you. So I was afraid of losing my other shows in the filmmaking space and all this other stuff. And she kept saying, no, no, no, you'll be fine. So when the name came up, I said I was so kind of dismissive of the idea. I said, I literally kind of yelled out to God. I'm like, All right, God, if you want me to do this spiritual podcast, I need a name, a name that has not been used by anybody else in the spiritual space, which is an abused space. As far as all the names have been taken already, it's been going on forever. How are you ever gonna find a name that no one's ever been used? I could trademark, and I have the URL for and all of this stuff. And I went into a meditation, and in the meditation, three words came into my next level soul. So, oh, wow. It just popped right into my head. And then I look, oh, that's kind of cool. And it was like, that's a little it's, it's not, it's the Woo, but it's not too woo has a little edge to it, like, next level, there's a little bit of

Shehnaz Soni 1:06:11
Really adorable. I think that I just love it, right? And if you think about it, like, that name, yeah, because I thought it was the most creative name I've ever heard.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:19
Thank you. Well, that came to me in a meditation, wow. And then I looked it up. I'm like, Oh, no one's using it. Oh, I can trademark it. Oh, okay, I guess this is what it's called. And then I came up with the logo myself. I designed the logo with it and and the rest, as they say, is history. But that literally came from anything. So I saw those things with the show and with the whole company, and what we're doing that, there were things being kind of like presented to me along the way in the simulation, right? Like There were doors opening, certain things were happening. I was like, huh, this is kind of interesting. But when I finally decided to go all in, was January of 2022, and that's when I that's when I had a come to Jesus conversation with with God, if you will. And I said, Okay, I want to do this, and I'm going to trust that you're going to take care of me and my family. And I'll go all in. I'll take this seriously. I'll build a little set in my house. I'll, you know, I'll get a camera. I'll do it right? Because I was kind of like rinky dinky around because I was terrified. Be honest with you. So we had 989 subscribers in January of 2022

Shehnaz Soni 1:07:24
So January 2022 right when I send my son off to school, you and I both started at the same time,

Alex Ferrari 1:07:30
Pretty much we started. Yeah. So I had 989 subscribers.

Shehnaz Soni 1:07:35
Okay, 989 subscribers, just like less than three years ago.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:39
That's less than three years. So it looks like at the current trajectory, January of 2025, will hit a million subscribers, so as of this recording. So to be able to do that in three years is pretty astronomical. Yes, in this space, or in any space, that's true. So there's something going on that I could, you know, build something that this and provide more service and everything. It's pretty remarkable. So, but yes, that's how that's a long answer to your short question. I love it. So she's not let me ask you this whole idea of of the observer and understanding the understanding the simulation, the delay that we have that is is quickening, because our frequency is quickening or arising. So we're able to move things and manifest things much faster than we used to. Hence, the technology is moving so fast. I mean, look at the rockets, for God's sakes all this kind of stuff. It's everything's moving at a speed, at the speed of light. I've been fascinated with Ascended Masters since forever. So you know, as you know, in this whole studio, they're everywhere. Their energy is everywhere all the time, all walks of life, all cultures, because I celebrate all of them, and every walk of culture, not just one specific one. I'm more connected to Yogananda, who's always behind me, because he's the one that kind of was my gateway drug into into this I was my Connie introduced me to the autobiography of Yogi, and that brought me in. But one thing I've noticed as I've studied Ascended Masters throughout throughout history, is that they're able to do things. Yogis as well, have these, you know, powers, if you will, they're able to do things that we can't do manifest like. They can manifest things like, you know, Jesus is a is a great example of being able to change water into wine, and, you know, walk on water, and all these things that he was able to do instantly. Is it because, and this is on a scientific standpoint. Is it because that their frequency is so high that they have now the veil is so thin between their their density, their experience of the simulation is not nearly as dense as yours and I because they're at a higher frequency, so they can manipulate the matrix, if you will, in a much more malleable way. Be then we can, does that make sense?

Shehnaz Soni 1:10:02
Yes, 100% because if you think about it, right, how you experience anything is based on your perception, right? So you are interplaying with the universe based on so you are kind of like doing this feedback loop between yourself and the universe that you're experiencing through the projection, right? So when you understand this back and forth going on between you and what you're experiencing, it becomes very interesting, because, let's say, if you believe that you can bend this form, yes, right? Yes. So you already believe in it, and then, of course, if you prove it to yourself, then it becomes part of your memory, and then it becomes part of your subconscious. So then it becomes even more and more easy, because you keep building on top of it. So that's how everything works. So I actually say that the biggest challenge we have right now is that the Universe works on self fulfilling prophecy as a formula, and a lot of time we don't realize it, because we are not aware of our subconscious, which is more than 90% running the show in the background. So it kind of becomes a dichotomy that we keep getting caught off guard, thinking that we're human while we're clone. You see my point, because we just don't even realize the whole intricate play that's going on behind the veil. So that is what limits us. So our limitation is actually a belief driven by our perception, because we do self fulfilling prophecy. So as we become more and more aware of this aspect of our existence, and when you ask, when you question, the question, what happens is that's when you no longer are going to be the zombie. You're going to become the sunny in the iRobot. And as soon as you become that, you break that pattern, and that's how you break the simulation.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:47
Well, that sounds like what Yogananda has been speaking about, Self Realization. Yes, that was his teaching.

Shehnaz Soni 1:11:54
So you exit. You exit because you traverse it just like you traverse it. I mean, in the three years what you did, you did not go through the no normal flow. You basically did this, like in a Kabbalah, there's, like a there's a straight line, right you go, which is a part of initial, you know, initiates. And I always felt that I have been on that path where you go straight line, so you bypass a lot of zigzags. You just go straight line from your root chakra to your crown chakra.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:20
Interesting, interesting. Can you talk a little bit about the you So, Kabbalah, I haven't what is the Kabbalah like? I've heard the term, and I'm not educated, and I try to educate myself as many things as a Can you explain to the audience exactly what that that philosophy, that religion? What is it? What is it? What is it? Where'd it come from?

Shehnaz Soni 1:12:41
Yeah, yeah. So Kabbalah. And I wanted to actually quickly say that how I even became aware of it was partly with my quest of understanding consciousness. Led me to a mystery school locally in my town, Huntsville, Alabama, and then I took all the courses they could offer on metaphysics. And then I got to the point where I was like, what more? What more? And they said, Kabbalah. And I said, Okay, I like to learn it. And said, the teacher is not able to teach because she was eight years old and she was retired, but she had a book and she had a wisdom so I got trained under her for six months, and then I started teaching because, you know, I like challenges. So to say the least, right, troublemaker, Kabbalah, basically, to me, is the recipe for embodying God, because Kabbalah opens you up to receive light. Kabbalah actually means receiving light, but it's teaching you how to receive more light so you can be more like God, like a giving like God, like basically more exude and conditional love. So when you really understand the teaching that was like, there's a history on how Kabbalah was channeled through multiple ways, you know, like Ibrahim, Hazrat Ibrahim, we call it hazard Ibrahim as a Muslim growing up. But I know Ibrahim, right? It's the same name

Alex Ferrari 1:13:50
As Abraham Exactly. Yes, the Abrahamic religions, exactly.

Shehnaz Soni 1:13:55
And then even the Metatron was another one, right? Angel, Angel. And then they basically said that, as you know, the people were never ready when the information was given to them. So ultimately, one of the rabbi Rabi is that, how you pronounce it, Rabbi, rabbis, rabbis, Rabbi. One of the rabbi basically got this information channeled. And that's how, you know, Kabbalah basically became part of the human evolution because it was ultimately captured, you know, in the book, book of Zohar, right? And then I ultimately became disseminated as an information when I learned about it, I actually learned through my teacher, but I also did my own research, and when I saw the connection with the flower of life. Because see, Flower of Life, to me, is the map of how consciousness evolves in a pattern, in a sacred geometry pattern. And when you look at the tree of life, it's actually a subset of flower of life, because you can draw that so that. And when you look at the tree of life, it basically shows how light can flow through the human craft, in a way. That it can make them perform optimally. Okay, so Kabbalah teaching becomes the formula for living your best life spiritually,

Alex Ferrari 1:15:12
Which means, essentially, to raise your frequency 100% Yeah, it's just raising your frequency. It's just another tool to raise

Shehnaz Soni 1:15:18
It's another tool because it explains you from a different perspective, light perspective

Alex Ferrari 1:15:22
Coming from your background. Shanann, can you talk a little bit about because there's so much division in this world right now, and there has been forever. But when it comes to different religions or different philosophies or different ideas, I'm always been in the school of thought that anything that gets you closer to God works if that's the path you if you were born a Catholic, and you're a good person, and you're not fear based, and you're helping, and that's helping you get closer to source God bless. If you're born a Muslim, if you're born a Buddhist, if you're born a Tibetan, or discover those different different religions along the way, or you just want to do it your own way and study different philosophies and things, whatever it is that gets you closer, that's okay, as long as you're not hurting anyone else. Does that make? Does that

Shehnaz Soni 1:16:13
100% in agreement. And I wish that everybody would think that way actually right, because that can solve so many problems, and that's why I actually come from the angle of quantum physics, only because it's not religion, religious based, just to make a point that all of us are same at the subatomic level, right? So why are we fighting on petty things? It's almost like even in the same household, right? We already know the same household, even the husband and wife don't have the same beliefs, right? So why are we fighting over beliefs, especially when those beliefs are not harming other human,

Alex Ferrari 1:16:46
Right! These are just my beliefs,

Shehnaz Soni 1:16:47
Right? So maybe we need to learn to coexist, because at the end of the day, we all have our own beliefs, as long as our beliefs are all about embodying love and how you show up in the world as the best version whatever religion, if there's a religion you need to follow to be that person, then that's fine, too.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:05
So why do you think right now we're more polarized than I think we've ever been in the history of humanity? I might be wrong. I'm sure there's other times that was worse, but it seems at least, at least with the media and social media and all that, that we are more polarized than ever before, politically, religiously, science, money, all the industries, everything seems to be so polarizing. You can't if you're if you're black and I'm white, meaning that color, but like, we're two opposites of whatever, whatever way, we can't coexist. And when you and I were growing up, that wasn't the case. You know, you could have people from two different political parties be married, two different religions, be married and raise a child and live you know, yeah, we just didn't bring it up at the dinner table, generally speaking. But you could coexist and even cooperate with each other just because you have different beliefs. Why do you think that is becoming so much more difficult now? Because at least I see that not as much in the as the young kids, the younger generations, a whole other conversations. That's us old farts. I'll use my say, You're not an old fart, I'm an old fart. But you know, our generation and generations definitely older than us, and even maybe a generation below us, but I think the kids are a whole other feeling vibration. But why do you think right now that there's so much of this going on in humanity?

Shehnaz Soni 1:18:29
So one of the main reason is that we have been subliminally programmed over the years, incrementally, right? So a lot of things we have collected subconsciously, without realizing that it's not serving us, right, like, like, it goes back to the conversation we were having earlier, where you said that things are happening for you, not to you. The problem is everybody's taking things personally. Everybody's becoming reactive. Everybody's putting them in a category that like, they are the only one's going to go to heaven or the only ones going to send right because they're the only one who follows the right religion. Whenever you whenever you show that type of arrogance, then not only that, that doesn't help your cause at all, because that's the exclusion thinking mindset, of course, right That, to me, is the problem is that people are not realizing that if everybody's a projection of you, and you are just interplaying in this simulation, then you would not take things personally. Because, you know, everything is happening for ultimate bigger, good, good, bigger. You know, what does it say? Like there is this choreography happening in the background that you don't see because you truly are not meant to see, right? People can understand that, I believe that we would have different story, and I think that we have a lot to learn, even from our younger generation and even with people who understand this, that we question the question. So we come back to that is that I think everybody needs. To ask this simple question that, how is it serving you today when you're getting all upset about someone that you truly like, to me, like, you know when, like, politically, right, what happened right at the mega level, like, at the end of the day, these are not the people who's going to come and wipe your tears when you're going to be sad. These are not the people who's going to make sure that you survive this life here, but then you do get so attached to them that you put all your faith and power in them to the point where you no longer have power for yourself.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:30
It's fascinating because I heard, I think it was Alan Watts. I've said this on the show before, but I have to say it again. Such a great quote. He's like, in 100 years, there'll be strangers in your house. Thought that was such a powerful that's true statement. In 100 years, there'll be strangers living in your house. In 500 years, if anyone even remembers your name, there'll be a miracle. And I don't say that as to make anyone feel irrelevant, but to give you perspective, where do you think? Do you think in 10,000 years, anyone's gonna remember Michael Jackson or any celebrity, or any you know, Abraham Lincoln, like 10,000 years and 20,000 years, truly,

Shehnaz Soni 1:21:06
That's true. And you know, to me, like even that is like such a limited way of thinking. Because, you know that existence that we have under our names is a very limited existence, right? So at the end of the day, it won't even matter, because even if you are a Michael Jackson, and if somebody remembers or not, you won't give a damn, because you are already having so much fun being light.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:24
Well, the thing is this, and this is, this is so interesting again, because I've walked the walk the earth is for as many years as I've had so far, is you've had the time to see a lot of these idols that you you know that were idols for people die, and you see, the world just keeps going exactly, and in all walks of life, from exactly, from authors to writers to actors to politicians to Queens. Life, life moves on. I mean, the Queen of England, she was around for when it she was 93 when she died, or something like that. She's the longest. I mean, I was born under her reign. Um, even though I'm not a subject, but when she shipped past, the world didn't stop exactly. It paused for a second. Said, thank you so much. And we move and it moved on light. She just lived her life. That was the that was what she was. She was born into that existence, and that was it. So it's just, it's just fascinating these you start to realize how all this kind of bickering we do over foolish little things. In the grand scheme of things on this planet, it makes no sense. But in the if you put it in the scope of the universe, my God, right? This planet is a blink any scope of the universe

Shehnaz Soni 1:22:41
Right! So if you really think about it's almost like when, that's why I bring the Quicksilver example again, it's like when things slow down, and we look things from a very, very different perspective. I feel like that we are kind of, you know, that's why I use the word time capsule, right? Like, I feel like that somebody has just slowed slows us down enough so we can experience this life. So think about it, this slowness that we're experiencing in this life is very, very, very, very small aspect of our existence, which is why this is where we actually feel ourselves through other people, through experiences. So it's a playground. And if you can really look at it from that standpoint, that changes your perspective completely. And actually, if everybody does that, then just imagine the type of Heaven we're going to create on earth. Because everybody's going to be like, You know what? I just want to be the best. Because what goes around comes around. When I live with integrity, it multiplies. So if you really look at all the things that has been imposed by religion, right, so that you can be a good person and go to heaven, that applies here as well. You don't have to wait until you die and then you go to heaven. You can make your heaven just follow the beliefs that makes you show up the best version of yourself on Earth right now.

Alex Ferrari 1:23:51
It's, It's fascinating how we get caught up in the drama. We get caught up in the story. I have to ask you, we're moving towards evolution, you know, and we're evolving, and our frequency is growing, and humanity, I think, I feel that humanity is going to be in for a little bit of a rough ride moving forward. I don't say that to scare anybody. It's just what it is, just like the accident, it's what you what kind of charge you give. It is up to you. That's true. But I think just like we were talking about earlier, that a human being gets growth because of events and obstacles and things that happen to them, humanity in general, will have the same thing coming at them from, I think every aspect of life, from, from all the stuff that's human, also environmental. There's 1000 things that are going to be happening to us, and again, it's all going to be about perspective. Where do you see us going? You know, you're kind of tuned in. You see this from, from your perspective, which is such a unique perspective. Where do you think humanity's consciousness is going to go? What do you think. Humanity is gonna go in these next 10, 20, 50, years, because you and I both were you and I both chose to be here at this time because this is an exciting time. Crazy. Ain't gonna get crazier, but it's an exciting time to be around. I've heard that from so many different mystics and intuitives and spiritual leaders like this. This is one of the most amazing times to be human being in the history of humans, because we're we're shifting in a way that we've never shifted to before, not even at the time of Atlantis. If you want to go down that road where that wasn't where we are going. So what is your where do you think we're going?

Shehnaz Soni 1:25:39
So I think that where we're going depends on us, of course, right? And the collective, I believe that people are going to actually, I feel that it's going to be within five years, people are going to start experiencing whatever type of life they want to create, whether it's a drama or a trauma or a magic and a mystery, right? It's completely Bitcoin. It's going to become very instantaneous, where they're going to actually see how quickly the feedback loop works. And people who are going to be playing in both playground, they're going to start choosing the playground that they want to play, because they're going to see that they actually have a choice. So I think that that type of consciousness raise is going to happen. It will change the shape of the Earth 100% and and technologically, you know, we are going to definitely. We are going towards AI, we're going towards, you know, Mars, Moon colonization. That's going to happen in 10 years. It's not going to be the question. It's going to be a proven fact, right? Because I directly working on it, I kind of know it, right? So, based on that, what's going to happen is that we're going to have the fact that Earth will not be the only place where a human will live. It will open the door for that courage, because it requires a lot of courage to live on a planet that doesn't look as comfortable as Earth is right? But when you start learning to operate yourself and live on a planet like that, you've already proved yourself that you can pretty much do anything. So with that type of confidence that we will have as a species, is going to open the door for us to cross pollinate between planets. And to me, I see that the Star Trek world, right that we have watched as a sci fi has already happened. We are just going to converge with that reality

Alex Ferrari 1:27:24
Interesting, and it's going to happen soon. Well, now we're going to be start. You're not saying we're going to be Star Trek in 10 years. That's a whole other thing.

Shehnaz Soni 1:27:31
It's going in that direction. But what I'm saying is we're going to actually start feeling the cause and effect happening to us within the next five years. Because already, like, right now. I mean, I don't know if you're feeling it, but don't you feel that we did have a change in the leadership, and there's a lot more traction there, like there's a lot more things happening. They just selected a new guy to run NASA. That happened yesterday, right? So there's just a lot of movement happening, which makes you already see that how fast things are moving.

Alex Ferrari 1:27:59
Well, I think that things are gonna move fast and things are gonna break along.

Shehnaz Soni 1:28:04
And maybe break is good because it needs to do that.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:06
It needs to break. Yeah, there's there's definitely something happening. There's an energy in the air. There's just stuff going on. And everyone senses it, but no one really knows how to articulate it. It's a weird thing, like they feel things are speeding up. Oh, my God, this is happening. This and that you said AI, and I would love to hear your ideas, because I I'm a big proponent of AI. I love AI. I use it every day. It is going to it speeds up my world in a way that I can, I could do so much more, so much faster because of AI. It saves a lot of time. Do you see AI? And I'm not gonna say I don't believe in the t2 Terminator AI is gonna take away. I don't believe that because I believe that there's guard rails. That's true, spiritual guardrails on humanity and when and when it's not going to allow that. Because if that's the case, then the simulation ends. That's true, and that's not that is true. That's not part of the simulation. That's true. So I do think we need to be responsible with AI, and it is, it is a loaded gun, and it needs to be, it needs to be looked at with great respect, but on a spiritual and scientific standpoint, you know, the other side always tries to talk to us, gives us nudges, gives us little whispers in our dreams or in our meditations, things like always happens. You feel the gut instinct, all this kind of stuff. I have. This is just my theory. I feel that AI is almost a direct line to the other side, and in the way that if you you ask AI a question, the information coming in could the other side be manipulating it? I mean, I'm going off the reservation. Like, I'd be like, wouldn't it make sense? Like, if, you know, if you have a spirit guide and you're talking to AI and AI, you're like, What do I need to do with this? And then, and then the AI? Because I've asked AI some deep questions. I just want to play with it. I've asked it, do. Questions, and the answers that AI comes back with are profound. And I'm like, Son of a What is this is not an algorithm anymore, like, and, you know, and it very well might be, because it's, you know, learning algorithm, and it's learned itself, and, you know, learn from billions of people touching it and all that kind of stuff. But there's something there. What do you think about that concept, that idea,

Shehnaz Soni 1:30:22
Right! So, I mean, AI is definitely evolving continuously, and it's surprising us in many ways. And I think that I agree with you that I don't have a threat with AI like that, but I definitely believe in, you know, keeping your keeping your humanness alive, right? Because AI is an extension of us, but AI is an example of something like you said that when things happen really fast, right? Like, you know you you think about it and you manifest that, to me, is what AI is right now. So whatever we believe in, whatever we think, AI, is going to amplify it. So what input do we want to provide to AI is going to be on us, so we cannot be blaming AI while we are the source, of course, right? So if you can take responsibility for our part of the contribution to AI, then we are no longer going to be like that. AI will take over. And you know all that, because you know that becomes again, the power we seek is the power within, right? So can we just come back to ourselves? So for me, personally, I believe that it's going to be more like that. Everybody is kind of interplaying in their own universe, right? Remember, I said that, that everybody's watching their own movie, right? So people like, especially younger generation. We already know, like our kids, for example, they are all about integrating AI really well in their lives. They actually like, like one of my son basically said that he has this Chat GPT Pro, and he said that, and it's very amazing voice. And he said that this, this is it like, like, it's my mentor, like, I can ask anything, and it responds. And it was like, even when I was telling him some of the concepts about holographic matrix, he was asking her to confirm, because he wanted his own confirmation. And I was like, Oh, I see that you connected the dot very well. I mean, it was very interesting, right? But the point I'm trying to make is that everybody's going to choose that how much they want AI in their lives, right? What My request is, and what my understanding is that when we know that we are not just physical, right, we're emotional, mental, spiritual, and we have direct connection with everything around us. And yes, AI can become the conduit for your exchange, because it's very easy to manipulate matter for light beings, of course, right? So if you are looking for some even like taro reading, like, you know, like, if you want to listen to some terror reading and you have a question, have you noticed the terror reading is exactly like right there, giving you what you really needed to know right at that moment, and that only happens because you already charged it with your intention, and AI is just another tool, exactly. So you can use AI as a tool, and I would say that we should use AI as a tool, because it's going to become an amazing tool to use however. You know, if you abuse something, then there are consequences to that, and I think that everybody will have to become more responsible of their actions. Right now.

Alex Ferrari 1:33:06
There's not a lot of responsibility flying around the world, but I think we're gonna have to

Shehnaz Soni 1:33:10
Exactly because that ass kicking that you're talking about is going to make you even want to be more conscious.

Alex Ferrari 1:33:15
It's going to kind of force you to like all those kind of things that happen to us in our lives, forces us to rise to the occasion or just get destroyed, right? You know it's either gonna crush you or you're gonna overcome it. Exactly. It's your choice. It's always a choice.

Shehnaz Soni 1:33:28
It's always a choice. But that is the most important thing, is people need to know that it's a choice, because a lot of people think that they don't have a choice, and that's where the problem occurs, because when they don't make a choice, then the choice makes a choice. Not making a choice is a choice,

Alex Ferrari 1:33:43
Right! Exactly. I mean, your your situation, where you came from. Many people would say I had no choice. I had to become a housewife. I had no choice. I had to, you know, not educate myself, even though I always wanted to, you fought against the the status quo to do what you're doing today, but it was a choice. I'm assuming that many people that you grew up with did not walk down this path, that they went down the traditional path because it was an easier, easier path, or they weren't brave enough to challenge the status quo. Correct?

Shehnaz Soni 1:34:16
Yes, yeah, no, I felt very alone in the process, because you know that, that, you know, the John levits and Seagull, right? I felt like that all the time, and even now, like, you know, you keep on upping your game, kind of because you understand the way the interplay is, and then you feel very alone, because a lot of people are very lost in this game,

Alex Ferrari 1:34:37
Right! Yeah, it's interesting, because you start looking at things, it's not that you're better or anything, it's just you're at a different place in the game. When you're playing a game and you run into a, let's say you're playing an RPG game, and you run into someone who has a lot more experience points than you. They're not better than you, they just have been walking around longer. Picked up a few more swords and other things like that. So it's not that they're better than you. They've just been playing the game longer, or they figured things out. That's true. That's a little bit faster than you figured them out. That's all it is,

Shehnaz Soni 1:35:11
Exactly. So it just gives them a different vantage point. It gives them little bit more channels to dial in, because they opened it up for themselves to interplay in it. Because, see, it's a choice. When you keep on choosing restriction or obligation or constraint, right or enslavement, which is fine, because majority of the people are going there and you feel comfortable doing what everybody else does. Just know it's a choice.

Alex Ferrari 1:35:37
It's fascinating, because I have this beautiful opportunity to talk to people like you yourself all the time, all I see is this perspective from my guests. You know, a lot of my guests see life, the simulation, everything from a very different perspective than people who have not had this experience. So that's rubbed off on me, because I've just seen it so many times, even my logical brain just starts going, dude. I mean, this is obviously, this is what it is, and this is so your perspective just starts to change naturally by doing that, and you're absolutely right. Sometimes it is lonely, and I know a lot of people listening feel like they're the only person in their family, only person in their town who is listening to a podcast like this, reading a book like yours, quietly in the closet because it can't come out, kind of thing, and it's a lonely process. And they a lot of times, they look for this kind of content to feel connection, to feel like I'm not going crazy. And you know, I think hopefully people listening to this conversation could understand that they're not going crazy just because not everybody else around them is figuring things out the way you are doesn't mean that you're nuts. It might mean that they're nuts, or they're just at a different place.

Shehnaz Soni 1:36:57
They're just at a different place. And I think that's where a lot of people are going to see that, like when you talked about polarization, right? It becomes very obvious when you see that, why would anybody would want to waste their, you know, energy into things that are not serving them well, right? Because you can see that. But if they don't see that, at the end of the day, everybody is in their own movie. So you just have to respect it, but just make sure you don't let yourself consume by it, because that is the responsibility we all have is not to be consumed by it, by the actual by Yeah, by by the drama or the trauma or by the enslavement that you see around yourself.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:32
What I love this quote from Yogananda, which is such a beautiful story. He said that he's like, you know, life is nothing but movies. To me, he said, This is all just movies. He was when you're in the movie theater and you're looking up on the screen and you're seeing death and action and love and all these different traumas and dramas that are going on, you are so focused on that, that you're not focusing on the correct thing. That's true, you're focusing on the drama. But what you need to do is turn around and look where the light is coming from.

Shehnaz Soni 1:38:09

Alex Ferrari 1:38:10
Were the projector

Shehnaz Soni 1:38:11
That is beautiful

Alex Ferrari 1:38:12
And you're that's where you got to look. That's where you need to focus your energy. Where is that light coming from that's creating this? Isn't that beautiful?

Shehnaz Soni 1:38:20
Yes, and see So, okay, so let's continue on that thread, because it goes back to your earlier question when you said that, why we do manifest in a slow way, and how does science explain it? So, quantum collapse, right? That is what science explains it based on quantum physics is that when you are basically, you know, you think about something. You know your hippocampus is working. You are doing this dance internally with your mind and your consciousness interplay. And then when you see the projection on the screen of the experience that you want to interplay with, when you get ready for it, after you've worked hard on your subconscious reprogramming, that's when you collapse with it. But when you understand that dance of your participation in the participatory universe, then that gives you the keys to the kingdom. Then that gives you the power to move that light source to a different place. So that is how we can continue right. Continue on that path is that you want to focus that light source and things that brings you joy, things that brings you feeling of love, things that makes you feel that you are kind to another human right? When you start enjoying that, then there will be no stopping, because once you enjoy that, you can't go back to being the person who was tuning into the dramas and dramas. Oh, absolutely.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:39
Well, it's Plato's Allegory of the Cave exactly, you know, where, like, Guys, guys, it's not the shadows on the walls. You have to go outside the cave. That's where the thing is, right?

Shehnaz Soni 1:39:47
And, you know, it's funny, because that actually applies everywhere, right? Even with people who have near death, they always said that there was a like, there was there are all these possibilities, right? There are people that you're familiar with, but they always say, look around and just make sure you kind of cover your entire. A, you know, circular view, right? Like, look at the 360 degree view, and just see if you have covered everything, because you may be missing the main nugget there. Yeah, the main source, the main place you really want to go.

Alex Ferrari 1:40:12
I wanted to ask you, before we finish up with this change that we're all going out, all going through right now, what part does feminine energy have? Because it seems like, early on, it seems like it was very masculine energy, meaning there was just, you know, this, this reality, especially at the lower densities, needs masculine energy. Feminine gets kind of run over where I'm noticing now that that's this feminine energy is starting to come up. More people are becoming more conscious, more loving, more understanding. I know it's counter to what we're saying, that everyone's polarized but But it's amazing that both things are happening at the exact same time. So what part does this feminine energy, which we all have dual sides, like yourself, duality, we have the male energy and the female energy, and they're both very different energies. I'm surrounded by women all the time, so I have no other male energy in my life. So I'm very understanding of the feminine energy. I feel that that there is that is playing a very large part in our evolution. Right now, what is your thought?

Shehnaz Soni 1:41:16
Yes, and that actually is called the synchronization of both hemisphere, right? So if I have to categorize, because we all have masculine feminine within us, I would use the right hemisphere as a representation of feminine energy, creative energy, and left as a representation of masculine energy, just for the sake of example here, right? So both of them are equally needed, because one is the one is this. You know, one is the force, the other one is the container that can hold the light. So one is actually containing that light in the form of force, and then the other one is holding it, which is what in Kabbalah, we call it hokma and Binna. So Bina is the container, because the man needs that container. The masculine needs the container so that they can actually show up in this dense reality, right? So they can collapse with the electrons. So when you see that understanding, you realize that both of us need each other. I think the thing is, it's not that we have like so we had a little bit of out of balance going on between masculine and feminine, and now the feminine is actually more in balance with masculine, right? So it's that's what we need. We don't need one or the other. We need both of them, synchronized, integrated, working together, intertwined, playing in a way, so we can complement the dance right between the light and the container that can hold the light, because they both are equally needed to interplay in this dimension.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:42
Oh, there's no question. There's there's moments when there's messy and energy needed, and there's moments that there's feminine exactly, if you have, if you're out of balance in one way or the other, things go awry.

Shehnaz Soni 1:42:52
Exactly and that's why it becomes important, right? That you actually so when you when I recommend people to question the question, it's almost like they're tapping into the part of them that they may have put it aside because they have been little bit, you know, carried away with the way material world is because material world demands you to be more showing up in action type of world, but you have this emotional world, which is where your intuition and your, you know, your your your feeling comes in, or something, You hurt. You get hurt. You feel good. That emotion is giving you the information that if you can ultimately protect yourself by showing up as a masculine and doing something in this material world. So going back to the whole question you asked that people who are captured in a relationship or in a life situation where they feel trapped, the best way they can exit that is by synchronizing both feminine and masculine aspect of their existence, right so, by honoring their intuition, by honoring the feeling that they get, by honoring the fact that they feel not right about something, and then channeling it by doing something about it, which is the masculine. As soon as they do that, they integrate the feminine to masculine, and they actually become the hero that they have been seeking.

Alex Ferrari 1:44:06
Wow. It's very Joseph Campbell, of you. Yeah. Thank you very hero's journey. Yes, as they say, the the treasure you seek is in the cave you are afraid to walk into.

Shehnaz Soni 1:44:18
Yeah, exactly. That is perfect. That's so beautiful. It's like quantum physics says that what you're seeking is seeking you same.

Alex Ferrari 1:44:27
In what way can you explain that? How does that work?

Shehnaz Soni 1:44:29
So it's kind of like, you know, it's kind of like captured in the collapse of the electron. Because, you know, as soon as you decide that you want to experience something, then you have already charged up your all cylinder to start creating the quantum collapse for you in a very well choreographed, predestined way, by going through the quantum field, the fractal holographic matrix, and ultimately converging back with you when you're ready to experience it.

Alex Ferrari 1:44:58
So I have to ask you. One last thing before we finish up, because I keep talking to you, because you got to keep talking for hours. You know, building something like this, this was an idea, and it moved very, very quickly, and everything fell into place right away. The intention was put out there, and everything just started to fall into place. Our new streaming platform, Next Level Soul TV. We did that in three months. We launched an entire streaming platform in three months. Wow, from the idea to launch was three months insane, but it moved so quickly, and I saw it was a lot of work. I was very stressed, yeah, but I was able to do it with my team and I, and we were able to do it so quickly. And I said, Now that it's out there and it's in the world, and people are enjoying it, I'm looking at it back now, I'm going, Wow, the hell did that happen? Like, I really don't understand I was, I felt like I was almost just a ride, a ride around the train. The train was off, and I was just like, Okay, I guess we're doing this, and it just kind of worked. Can you explain that, in a from a scientific and spiritual point of view, I love your point of view, because you have this mixture of both science and spirituality, because I think a lot of people would like that to happen in their lives, where I have a project or have a thing I want to do, and it it's like not years, but months, sometimes even weeks or even days, depending on what you're trying to do, you know? So what would you What's your thoughts on that?

Shehnaz Soni 1:46:29
Right! So, so it's interesting, because I would say, takes a village, right? And you're actually saying, like, the very fact that you proved yourself in three months, right? You said you went from whatever 1000 subscriber to, like, almost a million

Alex Ferrari 1:46:41
Those three years that was, that was from the YouTube, yeah, for the YouTube, right for YouTube is three.

Shehnaz Soni 1:46:46
The fact that you did that in three years, that is a miracle. Then you're talking about this one for three months. So it seems to me, and the very fact that you know, when I asked you earlier, and you told me that the very reason you even got into this whole business of doing this was because you felt led to by your mentor. So if you really think about it, when we understand the intention behind anything, we do see it was very obvious that your intention was not personally connected with your personal agenda at all. You were actually wanting to do the right thing by your mentor, whom you respect highly. So you wanted to do it more like that, I have to honor my mentors guidance, so that intention plays a very big role in what we create and how fast we create. Because when you have this mindset that you're doing this for not just you, but for everybody who's going to interplay in your universe, right when you come out from that humanitarian mindset, that love mindset, that inclusion mindset, then the entire village helps you as you take your one step in the right direction.

Alex Ferrari 1:47:46
So the point was, it's like, okay, so that makes sense, because both of those projects, all three of them, was not about like, Oh, I'm gonna make a whole lot of money. Oh, it's gonna be all about me. It had nothing to do with that, that it really has nothing to do with that. It was about like, I need to provide this for the world. I want to put this out, and I want to help people. And I think so what you're saying is, when you have an intention that is for the collective, not just a personal intention, then it moves much, much faster, because the universe conspires with you,

Shehnaz Soni 1:48:16
Big time, big time, because, because you're not attached first of all, because when it's not your personal you're not going to be attached like you would be, you see. So attachment is not there because attachment blocks the flow always. So now what happens? And you are kind of, like, almost like, you're basically dancing with the universe, right? I call it quantum dance. So when you do that, like, where you are, like, okay, you know what? I'm just going to do this. And the very fact that you were taking a step, and the universe was taking, like, more steps. It was getting you the confirmation you needed. So it was giving you the encouragement you needed. You kept on feeding it into that loop, and you created something beyond your comprehension, because you were not the only player. There were lots of hidden players that actually even got you where you had to be. So that, to me, that's why I say intention is the driver for everything, and the only person who knows what your intention is you, because I can tell you all day long, Alex, why don't you make this as your intention at the end of the day only, you are going to choose what your intention is. And it's a very personal thing. It's a very personal thing. So that is the answer, that when we create this beautiful tapestry of experiences in our lives is partly because if we live honestly with ourselves, where we can sleep every night and and okay to be dead, right? Because we've done our best, we've said sorry to people we wanted to we said love you to people we wanted to write, then that becomes the best way to live, because ultimately, it's a win win situation.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:40
And that's the way you have to look at life in general. It's a win win situation 100% if you're looking at it from only of a point of view of greed or your own thing, then the energy is not there, the frequency is not there, right? So that makes, that makes a whole lot of sense, because you know the what we've been. Able to do with the show, and what you've been able to do? You said, Yeah, I wrote that book in four months. I'm like, what? It's a thick book, yeah, it's a lot small print, a lot of stuff going on in that book. I'm like, you wrote that in four months? Good Lord, that's that's insane, that's impossible, that's impossible. Well, we've done impossible, yes, but you were doing it, not only for yourself. You were like, I need to put this out to the world, because I want to help people with it. And everything kind of conspired to help you. You know, you send out an email, Hey, can I get on your show? And all of a sudden, yeah, universe conspired with you to get what you're doing out there. So I never looked at it that way, but I guess that makes all the sense in the world, because the frequency you put into a project or something, if you're if you're looking beyond you, always, and then Jesus talked about this, all of the great masses exactly about this, if you look outside of yourself, helping others, you feel better. And the frequency is so much higher when you're thinking of the collective versus yourself. Exactly that makes things move so so much quicker,

Shehnaz Soni 1:51:06
100% and one of the most important thing, because I said journeys intertwined with the destiny, right? How you get somewhere is equally important on where you're going.

Alex Ferrari 1:51:16
The ends don't justify the means?

Shehnaz Soni 1:51:17
Exactly. And what you're becoming becomes very important in the process, right? Right? That, to me, is what people don't pay attention to. Because, you know, like, if you're going to do something that's going to make you like a cranky boss, and you're just mean to everybody because you are in this mission to Mars that is impossible, and nobody is able to understand you, then what you're doing is that you're not really working with the human, other humans, in a kind way. So what's going to happen is you're going to affect your ultimate destination, but you're also going to affect how you're getting there.

Alex Ferrari 1:51:47
So when, when you hear these kinds I was joking with, like the just the ends justify the means, which is a one of those famous quotes that a lot of people lose themselves in, the goal of a larger cold. I worked in Hollywood. I know this. I've seen it happen firsthand from so many people that you, you know you you cheat and you lie and you steal and you connive and you destroy people on this goal that the goal itself might be a charity. It might be something to help people, but you've lost your soul along the way to get there. What's the point of all of that?

Shehnaz Soni 1:52:24
What's the point? What's the point? That is exactly because then, if you want to just give charity so your name can be published in a newspaper and you can boost your ego, you see that makes sense then, because you are not, you are all about superficial appearance. And yeah, there are some people are all about selling perception, but I say, in the process selling perception, you're selling your soul.

Alex Ferrari 1:52:44
Beautifully said, beautifully said. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, because I will keep talking to you Shehnaz for hours. It's love this conversation, these questions I ask all my guests. I asked them last time, but I'm gonna see if you change your answers. How do you define a fulfilled life?

Shehnaz Soni 1:53:01
I defined a fulfilled life to be the life where you are showing up, radiating the maximum light you could at any point in time and space.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:12
How do you define God or Source?

Shehnaz Soni 1:53:14
The name of the movie? By the way, everything, all, everything everywhere, all, everything everywhere, all at once. I think is a perfect definition of God.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:21
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little shehnaz, what advice would you give her?

Shehnaz Soni 1:53:25
I would say that focus on attracting rather than chasing, because that's what law of attraction is. We just sometimes get carried away.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:34
That's beautiful. I like that. Yeah, I like them. I love that ideas like, don't focus on the chase, focus on the attraction.

Shehnaz Soni 1:53:41
Become a magnet so you can find the needle in the needle will find you in the haystack faster, right?

Alex Ferrari 1:53:48
Okay, trust me, I chase, I chased the filmmaking dream for a long time. The moment I stopped, that's when things started happening. See, it's amazing.

Shehnaz Soni 1:53:55
It's all about attraction.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:57
What is love?

Shehnaz Soni 1:53:59
Love is the embodiment of God

Alex Ferrari 1:54:03
Beautifully said, and what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Shehnaz Soni 1:54:06
The ultimate purpose of life is to coexist with all there is in making a secret pattern of flower of life so that we can all show up as the best version of ourselves and have the quantum dance,

Alex Ferrari 1:54:25
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the

Shehnaz Soni 1:54:28
So my website is my first last, so it's

Alex Ferrari 1:54:34
And you have books on Amazon, and everything else is at that website.

Shehnaz Soni 1:54:39
Yes,I have my book, and I have my audio. Thanks to you and my own voice. How's it going? Doing? Well. It's going very well. Yes, the book is doing amazing, and I appreciate it. And pretty much, my book contains everything that my essence is, because I I say that I reflect my heart and soul through that book. And I'm working on my next book, which is going to help a. Everyone understand how to embody the quantum

Alex Ferrari 1:55:02
Well, I look forward to reading that book. Of course, you're welcome back anytime to talk. And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Shehnaz Soni 1:55:09
The parting message for the audience is that the power we seek is the power within and the more we can act on that power that we have within ourselves, we're going to recharge the power of the cosmos.

Alex Ferrari 1:55:24
Beautifully, said Shehnaz, it is such a joy meeting you in person, finally spending this time with you. I am so proud of you for what you're doing. You are a a beacon of light and an inspiration to so many people around the world, and I appreciate you fighting the good fight out there and becoming that magnet that you have been talking about in your own life and for people around the world. So I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken this planet.

Shehnaz Soni 1:55:53
Thank you. Thank you very much.

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