Woman DIES During Surgery; Meets Her SOUL GROUP & Sees ALL HER PAST LIVES! NDE with Wendy Rose Williams

In the midst of our everyday lives, there are moments that catapult us into a realm beyond our comprehension, moments where time halts, and we find ourselves standing on the precipice of existence. On today’s episode, we welcome Wendy Rose Williams, a remarkable soul whose journey through such an experience is nothing short of transformative.

Wendy begins her story in August 1997, a time when her life seemed to be on a relatively ordinary path. She was working from home, 10 weeks pregnant, and doing her best to manage the routine tasks of life. But on this day, something felt terribly off. An inexplicable, searing pain took over her body, so intense that she instinctively called out to God for help. In what she describes as a moment between worlds, a powerful male voice urged her to act quickly, insisting she call for help or risk “going home.” The bathroom she found herself in became illuminated with a light brighter than anything she had ever seen, and it was filled with angels whose presence would guide her through the most harrowing moments of her life.

As Wendy recounts, these beings of light provided her with the strength to reach for the phone and contact her husband, setting off a chain of events that would eventually bring her to the hospital. Despite the medical team’s best efforts, the situation became increasingly dire. By the third day, Wendy was “officially bleeding out,” as the doctors put it. She recalls how her body grew weaker, her focus diminishing with each passing moment. But it was during these darkest hours that she experienced a profound shift—one that took her far beyond the confines of her physical body.

In a surreal twist, Wendy describes leaving her body and looking back at herself with a detached sense of curiosity. “Wow, she is whiter than a ghost. She’s really in bad shape,” she thought, only to realize that the ‘she’ she was referring to was, in fact, her own physical form. As her soul soared above the hospital, seeing the Earth receding below her, Wendy was enveloped by an overwhelming sense of peace and light. At the pinnacle of this otherworldly journey, she encountered a welcoming committee of angels, led by none other than Archangel Michael, who offered her a choice: to stay in this serene, ethereal home or to return to her earthly life, knowing it would be fraught with challenges.

The message Wendy Rose Williams received from Archangel Michael was both comforting and daunting. She was assured that if she chose to return, she would survive the impending surgery, her baby would be born healthy, but her life would be “very difficult, likely for many years” because she was not on her life path. This revelation left her bewildered and introspective, yet determined. The image of her young daughter, Tara, appeared vividly in her mind, and with that vision, Wendy made her choice: “Put me back in, coach. I’m ready to play,” she declared, resolved to face whatever hardships awaited her.


  • The Light of Angels: Wendy’s experience reminds us that in our most challenging moments, we are never truly alone. There is always guidance and support from higher realms, even if we are not consciously aware of it.
  • Life Path Awareness: The importance of aligning with our true life path cannot be overstated. Wendy’s experience is a powerful reminder that while the road may be tough, staying true to our spiritual purpose brings ultimate fulfillment.
  • Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Wendy’s journey back to life underscores the strength of the human spirit. Her resolve to return to her family, despite the promise of future difficulties, is a testament to the courage that lies within us all.

In this profound conversation, we are gifted with the wisdom that life, in all its complexity and difficulty, is a journey worth embracing. Wendy Rose Williams emerged from her near-death experience not only with a renewed sense of purpose but also with a deeper understanding of the divine connection that binds us all. Her story is a beacon of hope and resilience, reminding us to stay the course, no matter how daunting it may seem.

Please enjoy my conversation with Wendy Rose Williams.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE019

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Wendy Rose Williams 0:08
So it was August of 1997 and I was working at home, and I'm the only one home, no car, and something just did not feel right, Alex. So I'm like trying to work, but I'd like Go lay down and go, like, running into the bathroom, like, am I going to be sick? I just I didn't feel right. I was 10 weeks pregnant at the time. I'd had just one OBGYN visit, and they felt everything looked great, but I kept having this strange, vivid, recurring dream. So I run in the bathroom again, and at that point, just this searing pain in my abdomen. I literally looked down because I thought someone stuck a knife in me. What is going on at that point of this searing pain, it felt like maybe an organ had burst. I didn't know what had happened. I did call out for help. I did call out to God. So when I come to it's only because there's this insistent male voice, and he keeps saying,

Male Voice 1:10
Wendy! Wendy! You've got to call for help now. You've got to wake up!

Wendy Rose Williams 1:15
You've got to call for help now, or you're going to go home. I knew exactly what he meant. I knew he meant I was going to die. So I opened my eyes, and I'm disoriented, because this is all happening pretty fast, obviously unprecedented, and I'm laying on my side, so I look up in the bathroom and Alex it there was more light than I have ever seen. It was gorgeous, and I could see these four or five really large figures. I mean, the whole bathroom is just crowded, and I'm looking going, what's going on? My bathroom is filled with angels, and they're floating a couple feet or a couple inches off the ground, and that's part of how I knew they were angels, because I could sense that there'd be like wings dragging on the ground, otherwise so much light coming off from them. It's like they're in robes. I can't really see features, but I know one's male by that voice, and my reply to him was, I understand, but I can't walk. And what I can't get to the phone, you know, it's, it's 1997 we don't, we don't have the cell phones, you know, glued to our hand or glued in our back pocket. And he says something very important. He says, You just have to be willing to try. So I managed to get up on my hands and knees, and that took up everything I had. And by the time I did that, it was like being gently flown to the bedroom right next, right next to the bathroom, and I'm trying to get the landline off the nightstand. And then I did have one second I'm putting it to my ear. And I did have one second of who do I call? He just said, Call for help. I never thought to call 911 if there'd ever been a moment, that was it. But I had just, you know, I'm I'm like, young and healthy. I'm 36 years old. I've never called 911 so I called my husband, and I knew he worked five minutes away from home, and I thought, if I get him on the phone right away, perfect. If not, I'll have to figure something else out. So miracles continue, because I do get them right away. I've never reached them at work before, and I give them a lot of credit, because all I said was, I need you to drive me to the hospital now. Can you drive me to the hospital immediately? And all he said was on my way, and I heard him slam the phone down. So I call the OB office at that point, tell them what's happening. And I told them that I'm answering their questions. I'm like, No, I'm not bleeding, but my abdomen is distending like crazy. It's just getting bigger and bigger. I don't understand what's going on. And they said, that's great. Get here as fast as you can. That's perfect. Your husband's going to get you here faster than 911, at this point. Don't walk when you get here. Don't park the car, just pull right up to the entrance. We're going to meet you with a wheelchair. Fortunately for me, the OBGYN office is located at the hospital, so I get whisked curbside up to up to their office and straight into an ultrasound room, and they try and do an ultrasound, but they can't see anything. And he turns to me at that point and says, Wendy, we've got to admit you up into the hospital right now because you've got a massive bleed going on, and that's why your abdomen is distending like this, and that's why we can't see anything on the screen that is all blood loss. You've got a massive blood loss going. That's what all that black is. It's your blood they run and get a stretcher and take me and admit me straight into the GYN unit at the hospital, and I noticed too that they put me right next to the nurse's station, which I appreciated. But I worked in healthcare for 30 years. I also know that means we're concerned. We don't know what's going on, so I'm lying in the hospital bed with instructions, you know, you can't get up even to go to the bathroom. We just need to get this bleeding to stop. What concerned me the most was didn't really care. I just wanted to be out of pain. I could not take any more pain and fear and worry, and that is so not my personality. I have never given up on anything in my life. That's just not me. But it was really hard because of the amount of blood loss. It was really hard to stay conscious. It was really hard to focus and answer medical personnel questions. And on day three, my physician says to me, Wendy, you're officially bleeding out. We cannot. We can't transfuse blood quickly enough, because you lose it faster than we can transfuse it. And this is probably not a surprise to you, but that we can tell by your hematocrit level, and it's it's dangerously low. You're done. You're done. So we have to do surgery at this point. Will you please sign this form? So I said yes, and I signed the form, and we plan the surgery for the next morning with two OB GYN, and it's going to be at seven o'clock, so I'm trying to relax after dinner that night. I'm alone in my hospital room, and I'm trying to visualize the best possible outcome. The minute I do that, I pop right out of my body, I leave my body. And I remember looking back over my left shoulder and going, Oh, wow, look at her. Her, she's a mess. And I also thought, wow, she is whiter than a ghost. She's really in bad shape. And then I was like, wait a minute, why am I referring to myself in the third person? But oh my gosh, I am back in soul form. I feel fantastic. I don't hurt anymore. I'm not scared, I'm not worried, I'm not traumatized. All I can see is the light above me, and it is compelling. It's coming down through the ceiling of the hospital room. So I pop out of the top of the hospital, and I'm now getting, like, the Google Earth version, and it's like receding behind me, because I'm going faster and faster further away from the Earth, and I can see it all below me. And then I kind of like, ran out of gas, and I'm like, Oh, please don't make me walk through that long tunnel, and I didn't know very much at all about indie ease, because, again, this is 97 and I'm not spiritually awake. It's not like I'm studying documentaries and podcasts and reading books on these topics like we do nowadays. But the minute I thought, please don't make me walk through that long tunnel. I won't make it this pristine escalator comes in the minute I think that, and it's gorgeous. It's just for me, all this light is coming off it, and I plop myself on the escalator. And the minute I did, it wasn't like putting my hand on the handrails, like putting my whole body over it. So the escalator takes me up. The minute we get up to the top, I'm home. I'm like, Wow, all this light, and I don't have a care in the world, and there's a big welcoming committee for me right at the top of the escalator. And they stopped me because I would have run ahead, and the same angels were there. And the moment he spoke, I'm like, well, that's Archangel Michael, he spoke to me in my bathroom. I know Zach, I know that voice, I know that energy. And so there were the five angels, and there were about another 15 Beings of Light, and everyone's like, hugging me, and they're like, You made it. And Archangel Michael says, Welcome home. We're so glad you're here. You've done nothing wrong. You are welcome to stay, but if you want to go back, you're going to need to make the decision quickly. So here's what I can tell you. And I'm like, wait a minute. I'm having my reunion here. Give me a second. And I'm like, Okay, I need to listen, because he knows better than me. And I think what he's referring to is that body in the bed's not viable for very long without without the soul in it, without the life force is absolutely gone from it. So he says, I can tell you three things, and you then need to make your decision. Number one, if you choose to go back, you will have a successful surgery tomorrow. You will fully regain your health. So I'm like, Ah, that is huge. Number two, your baby will be born. And healthy again. This is huge number three. So we all want to go back now, right? Number three is the kicker, and what he tells me is, if you choose to go back, your life will be very difficult, likely for many years, because you're not on your life path. I'm horrified, I'm chagrined, I'm embarrassed. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I want to do the right thing. What am I not doing? What should I be doing? Please tell me, what's my life path? And he just gently shook his head. I'm like, oh boy, no info there. I'm very fortunate. I've had this experience, I'm very fortunate. I've been told two huge things, and I'm just going to have to figure out the third. So Archangel Michael asked me at that time, what do you want to do? Do you want to do you want to stay home and or do you want to go back and finish out your life. The minute he asked me that all I could see was my daughter, Tara, my toddler who was about 18 or 19 months old at the time, all I could see was her face, but it wasn't normal. It was like the IMAX the 70 foot. It filled my world to see her adorable little face in her brown curly hair. I knew I was going to regain my health, and I knew I was going to have another baby that was going to be born healthy. So I immediately, I look at, I look at Michael, and I said, put me back in coach. I'm ready to play just like, just like the song, and I'm going to have to figure it out. So they gave me another huge hug, and that second hug that I got, I realized it wasn't just unconditional love, because that's what I felt the first time when I got up there and I wanted to stay. Because why would you ever want to leave that we don't feel enough of it, so we've gotta learn how to give it to ourselves, first of all, and not be so hard on ourselves. And we've got to learn how to give it more to other people in a way that they can feel it and perceive it and know, you know their love language so to speak. So I thanked everyone, and they put me back on the escalator, and I'm just looking over my shoulder and, like, waving, and everyone's like, in cheerleader mode. And they're like, you can do it. We'll be with you. We'll be helping. And I'm like, Wow, I've never felt any connection before like this. So I just went easily down the escalator. And this time, the escalator went straight into my hospital room, and I just went, plop into my body, and I'm like, Oh, dang, this thing hurts, but it's gonna get better tomorrow. I'm gonna have the surgery and everything's gonna be okay. So did have the surgery? What they found? They did they did ultrasound. They must have had some sort of imaging going on, because the surgeon was able to tell me what happened? And he said it was actually your fundus that ruptured, which is the top of the uterus, and it's an aorta, so it was pumping out blood, and they estimated I lost three quarters of my blood supply. But he also said we could see the fetus, which of course, is like less than a peanut. And he said just it was so far tucked down and like the lower left of your uterus, and we were so careful, we were sewing, we were surgically repairing at the top of your uterus. I believe the ultimate purpose of life is we're here to help God, to help the divine, learn more and progress more. We come here to experience emotions, and many of them are wonderful, and a lot of them are not very fun. And we come here to have the limits of a human body and to have that veil of amnesia that you referred to, and everyone on the other side thinks we're so incredibly brave, which we are. So we just need to give ourselves. You know that that pat on the back, that attaboy, add a girl, you know, you can do it. We're gonna figure it out. And just just keep helping one another and be kind. Just Be kind to one another, because we have no idea what they're going through. We have no idea.

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