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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 523
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Marie, I think this is the conversation that the world needs to hear right now.
Marie Manuchehri 0:03
As if humanity doesn't pay attention to what's really happening, you've got to stay in alignment, because that's what's going to help everyone evolve. But I do think there will be people who will be surprised that some of our freedoms will be taken away.
Alex Ferrari 0:17
We put our vote in, but that's essentially all we could do.
Marie Manuchehri 0:19
Right! The strongest law in the universe is free will. Everyone has free will. The psychic has to be neutral, right? And we don't know, because, right, we don't know what
Alex Ferrari 0:30
You're psychic. So you should.
Marie Manuchehri 0:31
I am psychic. It's complicated. It was a moving target. I think lots of people have different feelings.
Alex Ferrari 0:48
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Marie Manuchehri. How you doing Marie?
Marie Manuchehri 0:53
I am lovely. Alex, so lovely to be here.
Alex Ferrari 0:55
Thank you so much.
Marie Manuchehri 0:56
I love your studio. It's beautiful. The energy is incredible. I just feel and it's lovely to meet your wife. Yeah, feel like I'm part of the family.
Alex Ferrari 1:05
You are, you are, no, I appreciate you coming every time we have a conversations. Always been enlightening, to say the least. Our first episode did very, very well years ago, almost at a million now, yeah, that's that's crazy, back in the day, when the show wasn't even as big as it is now, and it's I just love it. So I'm so glad that you're able to come down. Thank you so. So as of this recording, we just had a heck of a election here in the US, and I think that the very first thing I want to ask you is about the energetic aftermath of what we're going through. Let's just dive right in, because there seems to be a lot of anxiety on one side, joy in another. I mean, it all depends on the side of the fence that you're on right, but there's a lot I just want to get your like temperature of humanity as we're moving into this next, this next four years, under this new leadership in the US, and I say, and I speak about the us like we're the center of the world, but as they say with the US coughs, the world gets a or sneezes, the world gets a flu, because we kind of do ripple. We do we ripple a lot around the world. But by the way, elections happened everywhere, around the world, everywhere, and it's been a heck of a change for a year of change, right? Politically and energetically, this is, I felt like, this is one of the one of the most interesting years of the 20s. And the 20s have been quite interesting, to say the least, right? So what is the energetic aftermath in your in your view?
Marie Manuchehri 2:42
Well, I loved your description about, you know, some people are nervous and scared and some people are happy, so that's kind of the human consciousness. But I look at the energy of what's really going on, right? And it's actually extremely profound, which I'm even kind of surprised about my experience with it. You know, I think most people know what side of the divide. I'm not quiet about my viewpoints or and you know, how I was raised, or anything of that nature. And the next day, when I awoken and I already knew that what the results were going to be the night before, I was extremely calm and very at peace. My energy was actually very, very high, and I didn't really think about it in terms of the results at all. I had this experience once before where I had traveled to visit a friend and I was going to a place I really didn't want to go. I've been there many times. I didn't want to go. I let this person talk me into hanging out with them. And so I'm annoyed, you know, that I was too nice in my nicey, nice pattern and and I'm like, not happy, and I wake up and I'm in total bliss. And later that day, my friend who this, this may seem unrelated, but this young man was, you know, wanted to date her, and she wouldn't date him, and he and we were all going to meet together for the first time. She goes. I want you to meet him, because I don't think he's the right guy for me. I'm like, Okay, so he's going skiing. We're not skiers, so we half hiked up this mountain, and we're, you know, having fondue together. And I now know why it was in complete bliss, because he was her partner, and he goes to the restroom and and she goes. So what do you think? You know? And I'm like, I think you should marry him. She goes, what? I ended up marrying them a few years later. So, so when I woke up the day after, you know, the election, I'm like, wow, is somebody else getting married? Like, what's going on? I'm in this extraordinary, incredible bliss all day long, which would not be my norm. It certainly wasn't my norm. The last time our future president, you know, was a line, yeah, and then,
Alex Ferrari 4:58
Well, that was a shock to everybody. Was it? Shock. Many people shocked this.
Marie Manuchehri 5:02
It was, it's not what I thought was going to happen
Alex Ferrari 5:05
When it happened in 2016 you know, everyone thought the world was going to come to an end, right? It didn't. So I think, and then now it's happening, and everyone's going to think the world's coming,
Marie Manuchehri 5:17
And we don't know, right? We don't know. I am psychic, but I even thought the other person was going to win the election, right? So
Alex Ferrari 5:26
Can I stop a second from a psychics point of view? And there's been a lot of people who've commented, because on the show, we've had a lot of psychics and channelers come in and do predictions. And, you know, I try to keep it as broad as possible, but a lot of them said, No, I think this person's going to win, or that person's gonna win. My understanding of how psychic abilities work is that you're kind of grabbing on to the potential energy that's happening. But something like this was so shifting at the very like, towards the end, like, it literally could have gone either. It really could have gone either way, though, looking at it now, like he won by four and a half million. He got the popular vote. I mean, it was, it was pretty, it was pretty, right? Shocking, but the energy for a while, though, was kind of like it could have gone anyway. So when you look at a prediction like that, right? You're just move. You're trying to grab onto a moving target, and you're doing the best estimation, right?
Marie Manuchehri 6:21
But as psychics, we're supposed to be able to predict the moving target, you know, right?
Alex Ferrari 6:25
But this was a really intense moving target.
Marie Manuchehri 6:28
Well, here's what I think,
Alex Ferrari 6:29
Tell me,
Marie Manuchehri 6:29
Yeah, and this is something I work on in my practice. Luckily, I love disease, so I'm very neutral. The psychic has to be neutral. You can't read accurately if you've got some sweat in the game. And I worked before I asked the universe who's going to be the next President of the United States. And I asked even before our current president decided not to run, and I was told, the person who lost, right? And all of this doesn't matter, by the way. Interesting enough. You know, none of this really matters, which is fascinating and interesting and so and I was so surprised, because she wasn't even running, and I'm like, what? So I thought I had done an accurate read, because I spent two months loving our future president, because I needed to get neutral. And neutrality comes when you can unconditionally love a situation,
Alex Ferrari 7:21
Because you're going to be biased if you personally want one candidate or another right to win, so it could skew your own so that's another reason why some of these psychics and channels,
Marie Manuchehri 7:32
There is a possibility. This doesn't mean this is going to happen, but there's a possibility, maybe Kamala will have to be sworn in before our next president moves into office, we don't know if there could be a health situation or something of that nature, which could, if that's true, which I don't know. It was just something that came to me recently that'd be interesting. And then I thought, well, that could have made it even more complicated. You know,
Alex Ferrari 7:57
This is a complicated situation.
Marie Manuchehri 7:59
It's complicated. So to to your perception. Yeah, it's complicated. It was a moving target. I think lots of people have different feelings, you know, about how the country should be run. And, yeah, well, because
Alex Ferrari 8:13
I wanted, I wanted, you're the first psychic I've had on the show since the since the elections and and we have heard some people like commenting like, oh, this person got it wrong, or this person got it right, or, blah, blah, blah. And I wanted to clarify people, because psychics, and again, correct me if I'm wrong. But from my experience throughout the years, psychics do the best they can based on the kind of energy or what they can kind of see, but that is a move is a completely moving target, because you're like, hey, you're gonna move to New York and start that job on Wall Street. That's where the energy is heading towards. But something could derail me as the person you're reading, and go, Oh, but I really want to be an astronaut. I just I saw Apollo 13, and I gotta go and and you just skew off, and all of a sudden, like, Ah, she didn't know what she was talking about. So it's kind of like a best case.
Marie Manuchehri 9:04
It is really good. Psychic should be have an accuracy. Mine's in the high 80s, so you want to be really, really accurate. So I did predict, even publicly, you know, she's gonna win, you know. So when I did the podcast the day after that, I apologized, you know, and I hope I said, I hopefully your cortisol levels have been low over these last few months because you thought something else was going to happen if you were, you know, on the side of a woman, you know, to be in office. But I also took responsibility for not reading accurately, because I'm sure there's, I think you're very kind, and it's very lovely, but if this is our profession, then I think
Alex Ferrari 9:46
You should probably be bad, a little bit better average,
Marie Manuchehri 9:48
I think so. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 9:51
And I'm trying, and I'm trying to be kind about it, because it was such a large prediction that literally, was a 50-50, and there's a. It's not like, is Bobby gonna move to New York? That's a small group of people focusing on that kind of, that energy, the family, maybe him, something like that. But this is the world. The world was looking at this event true, and it wasn't flux. There was a there was moments that it could have gone either way, but to so I'd like to hear my next question to you is, though, with this path going the way it's going to go, and it could have gone in either way, what does that mean for Humanity's consciousness shift? What are we going to be going through dark night of the soul? Yes, what? Where do you see this going on a on a macro level, then we'll go down a micro but macro.
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Marie Manuchehri 11:40
Such a great question. I may not answer your question always exactly the way you ask me. Go for it, right? Because my, my, you know, into intuition, is just in a certain space, but it is my intention go for it to always answer exactly what you ask me. So and you know this because you talk to people all over the world, people are craving the expansion of their soul, craving it. They're craving fulfillment. They're craving joy. They are annoyed, and they are very upset and frustrated that their multi sensory abilities are not expanding. And in order for humanity to continue on the escalation of evolution, which we are more so than anybody realizes. People have to have a multi sensory awakening like like you've had, where it has led you in a completely different part of your life that you never expected. But when you do that, your life becomes wonderful and amazing. There's already people on the planet like yourself and me and other people that you know, we already live in a different reality. We have a very different experience than the majority of the human population. Our lives are happier. They're more fulfilling. Things work out well for us. Even if weird stuff happens in our life, there is this really interesting resolution that occurs for us. It's because we're in a different vibration. We're in a completely different frequency. And there are millions of Americans who want to be and people around the world, of course, too, who want to be in a different vibration and frequency, but for whatever reason, they aren't allowing themselves to let go of probably a profound, very old wound, you know, a very, very old wound that they're protecting. They're unconscious of it, that they don't know that it's there. And they're protecting it, they're creating their life so that it's this protected shell of some safety. And when someone does experience a dark night of the soul, which I'm sure you have, I have, it's very personal. Oh, yeah, wow. It's, it's, it's very scary. No, it's very primal and, and when it happens, what you don't know at the time, because you think everything's going to do, we swear on your podcast, we try not. Okay, all right, so, so you know it's going down the you know what?
Alex Ferrari 14:03
It's going down the toilet, yeah,
Marie Manuchehri 14:04
It's going down the toilet and, and it's, it's an awful feeling. It truly is. It's, it's very depressing. You're it's very dark. You don't know how to talk to other people about it. Nobody understands what you're going through. It's very isolating in a lot of ways. At the same time there is, there is this? What's happening? It's very energetic. It's a cellular, energetic perception, a very old part of our perceived, perception, is dissipating significantly. And we can't force this thing to happen, by the way, you can't force it, and you can't control it. You cannot control, no, and you don't know when it's going to happen either. You have to kind of let go, and you do, and it's terrifying. It's terrifying. Yeah, it's very terrifying. When I had mine, I locked myself in, you know, the the moment of at the beginning of it, in a closet and off my bedroom, because my kids were little, and I. Wailed and sobbed for hours. I'm surprised nobody came to find me. You know, nobody knocked on the door. I think the universe protects us in these moments, because the universe knows that you're moving closer to your god consciousness. You're moving closer to your magnificence. And humans want this. They want this, but they're afraid to let go of the illusion, whatever that is, it's different for everyone. So there's this major cellular activity going on where there's old lysis is occurring. You know, this dissolving, and we begin to start to align to our higher self. Even in that moment, you can feel an alignment. Because even in the deep sobs, I was very hopeful, there was a hopefulness. So there's this weird separation that occurs, that people are already feeling separate. They just don't know that they are. And when you start to have the dark night of the soul, you begin to actually feel the universe, and you start to feel loved and appreciated once you it could take months to get through it, or years it could. And I also think that at some point, and I see what I mean. Like, I don't think I'm answering your example.
Alex Ferrari 14:49
I love this
Marie Manuchehri 15:26
Okay, that even when I was having my experience, that I've heard other people say this too, I didn't even know what the dark night of the soul was. I'd never heard of the phrase, but I started to hear about it. I read it in a book. Someone asked me a question about it, and so I started to recognize that whatever was happening to me was good for me, and it probably took five years before my whole life changed. So it didn't change instantaneously. Little by little, it started to change. But when you're having a cellular upgrade of your subatomic particles and moving into a higher frequency and higher vibration your outside world has to match your internal frequency, and that's what's going to be happening to humanity.
Alex Ferrari 16:55
So in other words, you can't be part of a criminal organization and be enlightened, generally speaking, it'd be a different I'm using that as an example, kind of like the people around you, the environment around you, wouldn't match that energetic level of a yogi, right? Or a walking master, true? Would it just wouldn't connect. Kind of like magnetism, like those, those forces just repel, literally, each other. Does that make sense?
Marie Manuchehri 17:25
Yes, completely. And that's why people who are who've gone through a dark night of the soul, they change their life, you know? They change their friends. Go ahead people around, right? They change their friends. They may change their personal relationships. They change their job. And they can't stop the process, and at the same time, it's exciting, because they start to see the world differently. They they have a very different they have an energetic view now. They have a vibrational consciousness, and that's what people want. All the people who watch your beautiful podcast, who are really beautiful people, by the way, oh, thank you amazing people. Thank you.
Alex Ferrari 17:59
They are pretty amazing.
Marie Manuchehri 18:00
Thank you for attracting them, and this is what they want.
Alex Ferrari 18:03
So when you say that humanity is going to be going through this, do you mean because that's because I've my dark night of the soul. I had multiple ones. The one for this show was, was light. I was there was a moment of scariness, of like, you know, I launched a show because Connie, my my spirit guide living, she's been on the show multiple times, told me to do the show, and I didn't even understand what, why to do. It made no sense. Still makes no sense, in my opinion. But then I pulled back because it was tear I was, I was scared of losing my old world. And then I finally, I literally had that moment where I just kind of just took the leap and just said, Hey, I'm I'm gonna go. And I had a conversation with God and said, Hey, I hope that you will take care of me and my family, but I will do what you're asking, and I will blindly go into the dark and just go for it. And that's what I've done. That was a small Night of The Dark Night of the dark night of the soul. I had another one when I was 27 after making a movie for the mob. Almost make a movie for the mob. But that's another story for another shot podcast.
Marie Manuchehri 19:07
Great story.
Alex Ferrari 19:09
But those were, those were those. Those are very personal. So when you say a dark night of the soul, how can a collective right kind of go if there? I mean, it's going to be obviously broad strokes. And we've been talking about this even, I think in our former conversations, you know what's coming is not going to be particularly fun for everybody, but it's a necessity for us to move forward.
Marie Manuchehri 19:32
It is right because a lot of people, you and I have always been interested in spirituality, and we've read books about it, and we've learned how to meditate, and so we allowed ourselves to move in it with not maybe such an intense global pressure. So there's a pressure cooking that happens before you kind of explode or move into a different frequency and vibration of consciousness. And so mostly. What's going to happen, and we don't know exactly what's going to happen, because the last time we had a political situation that we will have in the future, we were also distracted by a pandemic, you know. So a lot of things, things changed, significant things changed, but we also had a leadership that was very disorganized and people weren't staying in their departments. You know, there was a lot of it was very crazy. It's not going to be that crazy now, because they're organized. Now it's going to be a lot more organized. So one of the things that could so people are going to be shocked by the situations that occur, like one thing that could happen. And again, I don't want to say I know this for sure, mass deportation could occur, right? Where? What would it be like if your neighbors have you've known for years, right? And maybe their children were born here, but perhaps the parents weren't, and maybe they're not here legally. We have millions of people in our country that have been here
Alex Ferrari 20:58
Around the world, and any, any major right? You know, first world country,
Marie Manuchehri 21:02
Right! And so their parents could be picked up, which does happen anyway. This does happen, but it doesn't happen that often, um, where,
Alex Ferrari 21:12
And by the way, and I want to just clarify something, um, that just doesn't happen under a Republican,
Marie Manuchehri 21:16
No, I'm saying it happens already. I mean, it already happened.
Alex Ferrari 21:20
It happened. I mean, we have, there was a former president who, shall remain nameless, who was the porter in chief the yet he was very popular in the US and fan or not fan, but it's, it's happened all the time.
Marie Manuchehri 21:33
It's not like, but we're talking about massive right. So, yes, my daughter went to school with a young man, a young boy, she they were in junior high, whose parents were taken in the middle of the night. So those are the type of things that are that could be one of the things that happens, because we don't know for sure what's going to happen. Of course, there could be a major change nationally in terms of women's health, right? And so money, money could definitely change. There's many things that are going to change. There are going to shock people like they didn't think that could happen.
Alex Ferrari 22:07
Well, then, doesn't that go with the theme of what's been happening to all of our institutions for the last 150 50 years, I would say in 150 years. So like when the scandals broke in the Catholic Church? Oh, right. No one would, no one would ever thought that would be possible. You know, I mean,
Marie Manuchehri 22:26
I say what you're saying.
Alex Ferrari 22:28
Well, most people thought of that as an infallible, at least from the Catholic, as a recovering Catholic. I thought it was infallible to movement, oh my God, in Hollywood and in the entertainment, yeah, that was, that was just like, Oh, my God. So there's things they like, how and then, and now, what's going on with Diddy, right? That whole thing, right? And the enablers in that scenario, no one would have thought that that was even possible, more things like that. So there's a ton of that stuff coming, right? You know, I think the Diddy thing is going to be an exp,
Marie Manuchehri 22:57
I agree. Right! And they know it. They already know. They know everything. Yeah, it's going to be shocking. It's going to be incredibly shocking. You've left the country. Are now living right? But that's not going to save them. Save them. So it's going to feel very personal when someone starts to have a dark night of the soul, which really means a collapse of how they thought their life was right. So they had, they thought, this is how my life is. This is how the world works. This is how my family organizes and connects and and we're fine. So there's going to be a major collapse in that for more people than ever.
Alex Ferrari 23:34
But that is what we need as a General, General saying here that we, as a person, need that kind of structure. We need to make everything fit in a box and make things this is our programming. This is how we see the world, right? That's based on the programming that we got as a true as you know, first seven years. So religious, non religious, good, bad, all those things were programmed into us, and then that changes the view of our world. That's why we have so many conflicts around the world, because everyone's programming is different, and it conflicts with everyone else's, until you can elevate beyond the programming and just go, can we just start with human right? Can we just start I don't care what color you are related, you are worse. I was, I was listening to a yogi on our streaming platform, on a movie called The hare krishna movie, and he was saying that all the murders that happened during there was a revolution in India. I didn't even know about this revolution that it was, it was the Indian versus Pakistan, and all of the death that happened, Muslim, Hindu, all that. And he goes, when they were all dead, no one could recognize who was a Hindu and who was a Muslim. Which that's beautiful, is beautiful and profound and yet horrific at the same time. Right? So it was just such a poor. It was just such a perfect idea, because we get caught up with this like, Oh, you're on the left, so you're on the right, or you're this color, or you're that color. It's ridiculous.
Marie Manuchehri 25:09
Well, and you know, for the first time ever, I realized that none of it matters, like none of it. I mean, if I had never voted in the past, my mother would have killed me, you know, right now, I'm like, I don't know if I'm gonna vote next time. I'm like, not because I'm not, because I'm an irresponsible person or whatever. I'm not thinking about humanity. But it's really not about that. It's, it's about something bigger, and humanity has asked for this.
Alex Ferrari 25:34
So let's go into that. Let's, let's unpack that. Okay, yes, humanity, what do you mean? How dare you? I know, how dare you, Marie, say that we have asked for what has happened to us and what is going to
Marie Manuchehri 25:45
I know, and I'm sorry to say it honestly, my humanness is sorry to say that my awareness is celebrating, right, celebrating just like when, when someone has a dark night of the soul, which is something people really need to start Recognizing that is going to be happening after it's over with, because when you're in it, it's not fun, it's uncomfortable. You don't know what's going to happen. It's scary as heck, very and and then when it's over with, you don't care how you got there. You don't care one single but like, You're wonderful. You know about people not seeing themselves as separate as others, right? You don't care. You're grateful. You're incredibly, incredibly grateful. So to help us through this process, it is important for people to start paying attention to their energy, their subatomic particles. People have to really start paying attention to vibration and frequency. It's critical. It's fundamental. It is fundamental. It's actually will, which keeps people safe, if you will, and keeps people healthy, and keeps people in alignment, so that if, if someone needs to move out of their house or move out of their neighborhood, or something of that nature, because, again, we don't know what's going to happen, they will know where to go. They'll know the safe house to go to, the right people to connect with, the right hospital to go to, or whatever needs to happen, you will be shown in frequency where to go, like when after wailing in the closet, I end up working for a hospital where the the CEO had people like Gary zukov and Wayne Dyer speak publicly in huge auditoriums that was hosted by the hospital, and anyone could go. It was amazing. So I changed my frequency. My vibration was, you know, held at the collective consciousness that I was moving towards. And that's what will happen, and unless difficult, things will happen to people who will pay attention to their frequency and their vibration and start to follow it.
Alex Ferrari 26:32
It was very interesting that ahead of my kids went to go play a sport, and in that sport, they've been learning that sport and growing at it and so on and there. But the league that they were in was for beginners, essentially. So everyone was kind of the same thing, though you could tell that them and a few of their friends were at a little bit higher level athletically and skill set. But then we took them to another league who is much more serious, much more intense. And when we saw the tryouts for it, we walked in, my wife and I looked, we're like, oh, these guys are no joke.
Marie Manuchehri 28:31
They're not playing around,
Alex Ferrari 28:32
Not playing around. And the caliber of of people that were there trying out were it was like, Oh, it was like, night and day. And all of a sudden, my kids go in, and we're like, Who are these? They were just bam, bam, bam, bam. They were just hitting things. And it was like, they their level. Just jumped because they were and they were capable of it, but they weren't being tested, they weren't being pushed, they weren't around others at that same level that now they have to rise to the occasion, and that's why I always tell people you don't want to be the smartest person in the room. You never want to be the smartest person in the room, because that means you're not growing right? You always want to have someone else there who you can learn from and grow from each other. And it was, it's exactly the example that what we're what we're talking about now that if you want to raise your frequency, you need to be surrounded by media, by people, by your home, your environment, your city, wherever you're at, has to be at the level that you want to eventually be at. Does that make sense?
Marie Manuchehri 29:38
It needs to feed you, right? Because if your energy is depleted, if your vibration is low, all the things that we don't want in life exist in low vibration. All the things we want in life exist in high vibration. And frequency is holding the vibration. So we're either holding the vibration at a low frequency, which is the experiences we don't want to have, or. A lot of fear, tremendous amount of fear, or we're holding our vibration as much as we can, even through challenging times at a high frequency, so that we attract solutions that are desirable.
Alex Ferrari 30:15
But the thing that's I love what you just said, is hold, holding holding frequencies, because even if you're here, you might have a moment of happiness that pops you up. You gotta have a day. You have a, you know, date or something, and you got there, but that the whole date is the key, because then you go right back down and you're like, Oh, God, that day was great. Oh, I wish I could. Why isn't your day every day like that? Why can't you do that all the time. You know, if you're not living in lack, you're not living in fear, you're not living in in those kind of negative, negative frequencies, because you're just continuously attracting that. And I know it sounds woo, woo. I'll be honest with you. I mean, as I talk out loud, sometimes I'm like, this is some secret law of attraction BS kind of crap that I'm listening to here and but yet, the more I experience it myself, I kind of I'm getting it right. And you know, the the trajectory of this show and this company and what we've been doing in this three half years,
Marie Manuchehri 31:16
Wow, three people, you're here to help the masses, right? And you know that, you know that that's your job. You and your family have agreed to allow us to follow you so that we can be inspired and let people have more moments of connecting to that higher vibration, so that they can create the frequency. But I know what you're talking about, because one of the things I teach all of my clients and all of my students, is you have to find out what brings you personal joy that is a high vibration. And I know when I tell them initially, they're probably rolling their eyes, or, you know, whatever, you're happy. You have a good life, whatever. Well, it's because I work at it. I work at maintaining my vibration every single day. By the way, it's not easy, right?
Alex Ferrari 32:09
It's not it's better than where I was.
Marie Manuchehri 32:12
I would agree. Your vibrations, really
Alex Ferrari 32:16
My children are not around, but even in moments where you know, as a human being, someone cut you off. Where before, if you were to get angry, I would hold on to that anger for the day. It would ruin my day. Where now the recovery, if I get even angry at something like that, it recover. The recovery times very quick for me. It moves much quicker, like you go for oh, I'm you pop back up, as opposed as the opposite. Oh, I feel good. I'm back down here, so I'm living up here, and I occasionally dip down, but I pop up right, really quickly, because I guess where I'm at doesn't make sense down here.
Marie Manuchehri 32:53
Well, because it doesn't feel good, right? And it doesn't make sense, you're not going to get what you need. And you know it now, like on this level, you know, not here, right here, the mind is never going to understand spirituality and consciousness and awareness, and that's part of the problem with humanity. Humanity is waiting for their logical mind to go, oh, well, that makes sense. That will never, ever happen. The logical mind is here to help humans make sure I got the right tea as we sat down, that I have a glass of water. It's on a coaster. I actually people don't know what I have a blanket on my lap, because I'm in Texas and there's air conditioning. I live in the northwest, my fireplace would be on right now, right? It's different, right? So that's what the logical minds for, and we need it, because we have to make hundreds of decisions every single day, what clothing to wear, what food to eat.
Alex Ferrari 33:38
But that's that's part of this programming, of the of the code of this simulation that we're in, right? That's the rules.
Marie Manuchehri 33:46
That is the rules. But humanity has gotten very confused. They think that they can't believe in something or allow themselves to have the experiences that we want them to have, until their logical mind is in agreement. And that will never happen in my practice, when I'm giving or when I'm teaching, when I'm giving solutions, or this would be the best thing for you. To my mind, used to argue with everything that would come out of my mouth, especially in meditation, everything. And now that rarely happens. Now there's just more of a channeling flow of consciousness, but I know that if my mind is disagreeing with it, it's absolutely the right decision, number one, and and number two, my mind needs to be quiet. That's what the mind needs. Unless we're doing something logical, our minds need to be quiet so that we can align to a different aspect of ourselves, the higher vibration of our true magnificence, our God consciousness, that's we are wanting to do in a physical reality.
Alex Ferrari 34:47
Exactly. It's, it's the the frequency that that we're I think it's experiment. You have to experience it because it doesn't make logical sense. This makes no sense whatsoever. Ever the show me as the host on paper, makes no sense. There's no logic behind any of this, any of it, but yet, the experience of it makes sense. And that's why my mind has kind of just said, Okay, it's given up as far as this is concerned, because it's grabbing on to things that it can hold on to, like, Okay, we have a studio now, okay, we have so many subscribers now, okay, we have this kind of revenue coming in. Okay, great. We can do this kind of thing, and it's holding on to the lot the only things it could hold on to, right? And it allows it to go without much fuss, because the machine is working for it to make sense, right? Because, if not, this is insane. Everything we're talking we're talking about vibes and frequency, man, they makes no sense on a logical standpoint, but on a feeling standpoint, that's where, that's where people are getting lost. If you, if you meet somebody, you go take a shower after I talk to that person, I'm sure many women have walked into a bar and the guy afterwards like, oh God, because they could feel the energy of what that guy was thinking about before they tried to pick him up. Right? We've all felt it. We've all had gut experiences. Yes, that is what should be leading us, but that's scary, because I can't hold on to it, right?
Marie Manuchehri 36:28
And as you finite that you don't even have to wait till it feels yucky, you just go, Oh, I'm not supposed to be over, oh, I'm supposed to be across the street. Oh, okay, you know, that's how you find the perfect next home, the great new job, the wonderful new friends, your vibration just gets fine tuned at such a fast it's very fast. You know, high frequency energy is very, very quick. It's light, but it's very, very fast, almost phonetic, in a way, of its speed. But there is. It's feels softer and calmer and more relaxed. It's it's beautiful.
Alex Ferrari 37:01
Can I tell you? Can I tell you what happened to me one day here in the studio, we've had many channelers come in and and we have entities being channeled in the studio all the time. So the energy when you walked in, you felt, oh, it felt great. You feel there's something going on in the room right now. And I had a, I guess her name is Genevieve. She She channeled the Buddha. And I had never had Bucha on the show.
Marie Manuchehri 37:27
But that day, are you sure? But I've never, I'm thinking, you
Alex Ferrari 37:32
Have been somewhere, but I had never had
Marie Manuchehri 37:36
A more consciousness of it,
Alex Ferrari 37:38
The Buddhist, the Bucha consciousness had never come in. Now that day, I was really deathly ill. If you go back to that episode, I was, like, about to go under for seven days. Like, after that interview, I was in bed for seven days. Wow. So I was barely holding on. I was kind of, like, asking, asking the channel question, like, just keep talking. Yes, I can't. Like I was, I was really in bad shape. And then Bucha shows up, and all of a sudden, the energy that you just spoke about, this kinetic yet calm energy, filled the room. I've never felt that before, amazing. And it like it was like, but peaceful and calm. It was like the counter. It was like, it made no sense, right? Because if it's energetic, it's coffee, coffee, coffee, caffeine, caffeine, caffeine. But it wasn't it was like meditation. It was the weirdest feeling. And you could literally see me in the interview go, and I sat and had this beautiful conversation with Bucha, and the second he left, I was like, in this exact chair I'm sitting in. But that energy, I know what you're talking about, because of that experience, because it's that high level of energy that came into the room, is exactly that phonetic calm, right? That's why you see these, these masters, the spiritual masters, the yogis, the teachers that they are calm. They're calm. They're calm, but energetic at the same time, all of them, right? All of them. You look at old videos or films of Yogananda, he had power, but he was always calm when he spoke. They're not nervous, they're not weak, they're not fearful. That energy doesn't exist in their right, in their field, right, right?
Marie Manuchehri 39:23
Yeah, it's, it's incredible, and that's what allows people to continue to thrive in their life, regardless of what's happened or what's happening. So there's a population of people we haven't quite talked about yet, and that population of the people, of those people are the people who really care about everything and care about everyone and empaths, right? Don't want anyone to suffer, you know, of course, don't want anything terrible to happen. And of course, none of us want that, you know, we but it distracts them from their own growth and evolution of consciousness. They are so worried about everything that's happening. And. We think weird things are going to be happening that is going to even allow the impact to Empath to be even more concerned, more worries,
Alex Ferrari 40:08
Yeah, economic threat, right? All kinds of everything, right?
Marie Manuchehri 40:11
All kinds of things are going to change. And again, we don't know exactly how it's going to change or when. That's very true,
Alex Ferrari 40:17
But you are psychic, go ahead.
Marie Manuchehri 40:18
So empathic people, in their compassion and their generosity, are going to have to stop waiting for everything to be okay in order for them to evolve, because that's what they do. They put their own evolutionary process on hold, on the back burner. Well, wait till all the animals are safe. Well, wait till all the kids are okay. We're going to wait till the women have the right health care. We're going to wait till everyone is safe in the entire world. Well, that's a long, you know, another swear word, wait. You know, that's a long, long wait. And even though, from a logical perspective, that doesn't seem like a healthy conversation, of course, we want empathy. People to care about others and and I'm actually not saying to get rid of it. Impasse. Can never stop caring, ever. But pardon balance. They have to move into balance. They have to care about themselves as well and their own consciousness and their own vibration and their own frequency, so that when they look out at the world, they don't trip over something and lower their vibration and get stuck and a frequency that doesn't give them the fulfillment and the joy that they want. Here's a weird example my guides gave me recently, when I was a nurse we would have, and I worked in a hospital we had, and I opened up in a hospital to my psychic ability I had that, you know, coming out of the closet, yes, a few years before, and we had patients in the hospital, like, let's say someone has serious cardiac disease, you know, or maybe they're a diabetic, and they're in the hospital for months, sometimes getting well because they're really sick, and every disciplinarian is coming in. They're educating them, you know, diet. PT, OT, you know, they're on medication. We're doing everything. We finally get them to a place where they're healthy, then go home. We've given them all the instructions. We've spent hours and hours and hours at their bedside happily, lovingly, joyfully. And this patient goes home, and then a few months later, you're walking down the hall, and that patient is back in the hospital. And I remember the first time it happened, I thought, oh, maybe they fractured a hip or they needed a knee replacement. I go in the room, I'm like, Oh, Mr. Johnson, I'm I'm so sorry, you're back here. What happened? They're back in from the very same thing, because they did not take care of themselves. They continue to eat food. That was said you can't eat high fat food, your cardiac
Alex Ferrari 42:35
Food had low vibration.
Marie Manuchehri 42:38
Vibration. Well, that's true. I mean, right frequency, which is something that will positively change on Earth. Which is interesting, very interesting. We will have a change in a positive way, where food will have to be healthy. You can't have processed food and have people thrive and live. You can't eat it all the time. You can't be your
Alex Ferrari 42:57
Before you continue. One thing that I see that is positive in this, this new change that's happening is that there is a potential for the food system in the US improve. Improve. Because when I was in Europe and or in Canada, the same product has five ingredients, and when you come here, there's 40, right? And most of them is color dye, number seven, and all sorts of things you can't read, but yet it's the same food, yep, same brand, yep, and it's so why are we getting screwed as Americans?
Marie Manuchehri 43:28
Because we're allowing it to happen, and it's driven by greed, GMOs, corn syrup, all that kind of now, you and I don't eat that food, and I never have. My mother was a strict organic we had to buy our food sometimes in the basements of weird churches, you know. And like, hippie, yeah, my mother and my father were hippies, for sure, for sure. So, you know, I go into this hospital room and I find out that this patient, we had a term, and it doesn't sound very nice, but we call these patients frequent flyers because, you know, and it wasn't meant to be disrespectful at all, but it was something like so that the staff could protect themselves, because a lot of people who work in healthcare are very empathetic. They care deeply. They want people to be well. They want to do the best they can, even if someone can't heal, they want to have them have the best time on Earth and have the best resolution and all of those things. So what happens once you realize that you have a patient that's going to keep coming in the revolving door, and they're not going to do anything to help their health, they're not going to follow any recommendation, they're not going to change their diet, they're not going to exercise, they're going to eat more sugar, and they're diabetic, you have to either, if you stay empathetic about it, you're just going to be so upset and so shocked and and try everything again under the kitchen sink to help this person who probably needs therapy, who will refute refuses to go see a therapist because they have obviously a lot of self worth is lacking significantly. But you change if you're willing to, or you still take care of. Them, but you don't allow yourself to be wounded or severely shaken up by their choices. And this is what empathic people have to do. They have to honor the choices that people are making. Still love people unconditionally and cherish them, and if they landed on your doorstep, open them up, give them a blanket and some food, of course, but not allow what happens when people make choices for their own lives to take the empath out of the game and on the sidelines for eternity. That has to stop.
Alex Ferrari 45:36
Well, that's the thing that, and I love that you're saying this, because I think it's every time someone comes on the show, whatever needs to be said is said through the other side is going to come through on one of the other two sides that these, these are messages that need to be put out into the world. And being an empath myself, I found balance surrounded by women my entire life. Maybe I was just beaten down so much over my life that I'm just empathic, naturally, because of all the women I've been around most of my life, but the the balance of and I've seen many people in my family who were, and they would just were empathic and and they threw everything on their shoulders, like, oh, the world, oh, the rainforest are burning, right? Let me put it over here. Oh, the foods only put it over here. People are starving over here. Oh, there's a war going, and they just put all of it on. And how can they move? How can they evolve? But the key is that they need to understand, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is, if you want to change the planet, you need to change yourself exactly. That's the best. And in all honesty, it's one of the only major things you have control over. True, because I can't change you. I can try to change you. I can dancing and dance. I could put up a presentation on why you should change but that's, that's you're trying to you're trying to reach someone from the logical mind, which, it doesn't make sense. But when you reach them from this, this heart place, this vibration or frequency place, there's no defense against that. When people meet highly evolved, high frequency people, you are you, they won't even understand why they feel the way they do around right? And there's no defense against it, because the logical mind is like the guard is left. Does this all make sense?
Marie Manuchehri 47:21
Completely 100% and I think one of the biggest confusions too, is that the heart chakra is supposed to be neutral. You know, its highest vibration is a universal love. And universal love loves everything exactly the way it is, everything exactly the way it is.
Alex Ferrari 47:38
But let me ask you, Marie, I'm gonna be the devil advocate here, even though I know there's no devil,
Marie Manuchehri 47:43
I agree with you
Alex Ferrari 47:46
Why would there be a creator? And this is a question that for since I was a child, why is there a God that allows all this bad stuff to happen, and bad things happen to good people, and the lion ate the gazelle, and the when the gazelle was just trying to eat his little greens. Why does this line have to come and eat it, all of this stuff? How can that be a just world? And it just triggered me when you said neutral in the heart. So I'd love to hear your thoughts of why, to answer the question, Why can a God, a source this all loving, all powerful thing that's created all of us allow all of this chaos and war and hurt and all this stuff, not just on a human level, but you know, the you know, how many ants are killed today by exterminators or water or, you know, or natural disasters that happen? You know? How can a you know, right now, there's forest fires going on in California. There is there's wars going on. Hurricanes have been ravaging right the world. How can they allow that? How can he allow, or he or she allow it?
Marie Manuchehri 48:53
Well, there's multiple. I have several answers for you. We have time, thank goodness. So one of it is, this God isn't a thing. Everything is God. Your god. I'm God. Every being on the planet is God. And what has happened is that we had a disillusionment of our consciousness. So when we're looking at things that are occurring in the world, and earth is a very unique, you know, vibrational area, right? There aren't that many physical realities and all of the cosmos. There's many more non physical realities where you can't kill anything. You know, you can't kill ants. You know, it's like, right? It doesn't, because energy can't be destroyed or destroyed, right? So, so it, you know, nobody kills anyone, right? But in a physical reality like this, what we're all learning to do is to believe that we're God. We're all part of the experience. And then the other aspect is this is not a permanent reality. Even glaciers don't want to stay here forever. Nothing is permanent, right? Nothing is permanent. So in a physical reality, the way you move from one dimension to the next is that the. Body, or the glacier or something has to die. It has to not be in existence. The physical form has to die, like the glacier has to melt, right? So for the water to go back into this right? So in this physical reality, when the Gazelle is being eaten by the line, is because the gazelle wants to leave this dimension and go to a different frequency. That's what it wants, because this is temporary, and it's not permanent. We all want to go to a different frequency or a vibration at some point. We all wanted to come here. We all knew what Earth was like. We were not confused about it. We knew that we would have a body. We knew that wars would exist here. We knew what the educational system was like. We knew everything before we came here. We're extremely conscious before we pass through the veil and come to the earth realm. So we're waking up in these experiences to recognize that we are part of creation. We are part of God. And seeing the beauty within ourselves allows us to see the beauty even in the energy leaving a being, you know, leaving a human being, I've said at the bedside of many people,
Alex Ferrari 51:04
So I was gonna say, like, that sounds great for the gazelle, but when grandpa John leaves, yeah, it's painful, you know. So what do you say to people who are, I'm not yelling at, I'm sure screen right now, or yelling at the at their iPad, that they're listening this, this thing on right now, because that sounds very philosophical, Marie, yeah, and very beautiful and very, very esoteric, right? But when Uncle Bob or Uncle John is gone, right? I feel that, and you're telling me that when, and I'm gonna, oh,
Marie Manuchehri 51:36
I know.
Alex Ferrari 51:37
I'm gonna go down. I'm gonna go down. I'm gonna go down a hard road here, yeah, because I love you. So you mean to tell me when I lost a family member or a friend in a tragic accident or war, bombs are coming off that those people were asking to leave, that is the yes people are going to be on the other side listening to this, asking that deep question. So tell me
Marie Manuchehri 51:59
So it's coming to earth or leaving Earth is a soul's decision. It's a big decision. Yes, you know it takes about because time doesn't exist, but about four years where you're on the other side, which I call the fifth dimension, sitting around the round table with God and archangels and your spirit guides that you've picked right spirit Council, and you're making determinations about when you're going to come to come to earth, your gender, if you choose to have a gender, because that sometimes doesn't exactly happen when a baby's born, right? And what time you're going to come because you can come in the future. You can come in the past, right? Time doesn't exist. So we even choose how we want to leave our bodies, because we know that something happened has to happen to our body before we leave.
Alex Ferrari 52:41
So this is a soul blueprint, a soul plan.
Marie Manuchehri 52:44
It's a plan.
Alex Ferrari 52:45
Yeah! This is either word I use, Soul blueprint or soul
Marie Manuchehri 52:48
I see blueprints and Akashic records. There's millions of them
Alex Ferrari 52:52
What you're saying is that when we're on the other side, yeah? And I think this is pretty established, that's right, when on the show, especially specifically when you're on their side, you're like, I want to incarnate, and I'm going to be, my name is going to be Marie. I'm going to go with this family. They're going to be hippies. It's going to be insane. I'm going to do it was, by the way, raw milk church. I'll probably get sick. Maybe I don't know. I want to go down this road, and then around this age, I'm going to start developing psychic abilities and hopefully, and then you're going to come out publicly. It's going to be very difficult to go through this.
Marie Manuchehri 53:28
It wasn't difficult for me, by the way, yeah, then
Alex Ferrari 53:33
You're going to meet this guy, Alex, and be on his show. So all of this stuff is laid out in a plan.
Marie Manuchehri 53:39
It's really not that detailed, right? Like, because the strongest law in the universe is free will. Everyone has free will. Even when you incarnate. You have five exit routes you can choose when you want to leave Earth. You may have one of those exits where you say, I hope it's when I'm 89 or some souls won't want to stay for a few days. You know? I hope it's when I'm a few hours, a few hours, right or not come out of the womb, right? You know, not alive anyway. So, so you pick one, you go, I hope it's this one. This is the plan. You know, this is the blueprint. But we all have free will, and we get to change our mind. So sometimes when we come to earth, we go, okay, well, I've had enough, and I've already decided how I wanted to die, and we, and we, we get excited about choosing the other death, right on the other side. We get very excited, like, Well, I haven't been shot in a while, ooh, maybe a car accident, because so part of the decision making is, do you want to go quick? Do you want to go slow? And I'm not kidding when I say this. As a psychic, I feel like I have near death experiences all the time, because I'm on the other side all the time communicating with souls and spirits. That's what also makes me very happy and extremely fulfilled. So there could be because of a past life experience where you died quickly and your family freaked out and it was really hard for them, you might go, Okay, I'll linger this time, you know,
Alex Ferrari 54:58
Give them a moment to process.
Marie Manuchehri 54:59
Yes, I'm gonna get cancer. It's gonna be difficult to treat, but I'm gonna linger for a while, so that by the time I leave my body there is so much some relief for them. They're like, Okay, we didn't want them to go, but, oh, you know, he was suffering. So, right? So we have that going on that is 1,000% correct, and coming into a physical reality and leaving a physical reality is a sacred, sacred experience, sacred experience. I don't know if I told you this story before. It's very related, so I can't remember, but maybe it's okay if I say it again. When I was a nurse again and before I knew I was intuitive. One of my patients was very ill and was in a coma, who was actually dying, was on hospice care. Was a woman in her 80s. Her son was visiting her. He was staying in her apartment because I was working in a facility connected to a retirement center, and she moaned all the time, and he was very upset about it, and he assumed she was in pain, and we thought logically, she probably wasn't, because her vital signs were normal. She was getting some morphine and but we didn't know for sure, and it was like day six, and she was holding on. And I walked past her room, and I thought she had passed away, and I was a little upset, because I like to be with people when they're leaving, so I walked quickly into her room, sit at her bed, and I put the stethoscope pads in my ears and leaned over to auscultate her heart, and she woke up. She woke up, she kissed me, she hugged me, she told me she loved me. She said she was having so much fun. She was with her husband and her brother and her sister, and then she kissed me again and went back to sleep. She never woke up again. So this was part of the awakenings that I started before, you see. So we don't know exactly what people are experiencing at the time of their death, even if they are conscious, we don't know exactly.
Alex Ferrari 56:56
I actually had a conversation with a intuitive the other day about this, about people who are have dementia and have and have Alzheimer's, right? And that, I'm like, it's such a horrible disease from our point of view. She's like, Yeah, I never, I'd never feel that, because they are not there anymore. They're not that's and they go, do you ever wonder sometimes why people with those diseases last free? Oh, I know why. For years. Tell me. Tell me why.
Marie Manuchehri 57:21
Well, lots of reasons, really. But dementia, you know, because I look at energy and all of that dementia, which is a brain disease, is from people who've been in a significant denial and in a major part of their life. That's what creates brain diseases, whether it's a tumor or epilepsy or things of that nature. So maybe someone worked in a company for 40 years, and they hated it, and they went every day, you know. And so it changes the vibration and the frequency of their brain matter, and can lead to disease. But some people, the same people, don't always do inner work, you know. They don't always do their inner work. So while they're still in physical form where and yet most of their energy is on the other side. They're having this back and forth. In fact, sometimes when I read for family members, I'll go, is your grandpa dead? Or do they have Alzheimer's? Because I see the energy that they're mostly on the other side, right? And so they're doing their inner work at that time. You know, they're actually working things out, right? Because and, and you don't have to do your inner work while you're in your body. Some people will wait until they get on the other side and then during their life review and they'll keep the life review tapes available to them. I know the universe always explains things to me as if it's human, because I love Earth so much and I love humanity so much. So they will go over these and then do the inner work while they're on the other side, which is kind of a cool gig. You know, it's probably easier, but the belief is, if you can do it here, it's deeply effective, profoundly, like if you can do it here, you change everything, yeah, you know, in profound, profound ways.
Alex Ferrari 57:56
So, so that. So the the the idea that I've had is that when you're making that so blueprint is like a road map on a on a highway, and there are off ramps that you've chosen, like, hey, if I want to get off at 22 I'll get off at 22 if I want. And that's where near death experience has happened. A lot of times they happen at these exit points where they stop and go, all right, you want to go back, or are we out? You know, is that? And that's where you kind of gave off. Now, from my understanding is you're right, it's not laid out as detailed as I was laying it all out, but there are big mile markers that have to be hit in this life.
Marie Manuchehri 59:39
Well, you know, what you reminded me of is because I didn't know I was going to be a psychic. You know, I a lot of my mom's friends thought they were psychic, and I think they were wackadoos, and I don't think that I today, I can tell you they were not very psychic. So I didn't want to all
Alex Ferrari 59:53
Because they were all hippies, yeah,
Marie Manuchehri 59:54
So my mom would drag us to channelers. I'm like, I don't, and I think I. Is right, actually, way back then, like, I don't think they were really channeling. So I didn't want to be intuitive at all, you know, I wanted to be normal. You know, that's why I became a nurse, married an engineer, you know, all of those things. But so when I opened up, my guides told me they weren't sure what I was going to do. And so for a period of time, because I made the decision independently, that I wanted to work in this field, which I love more than anything. Sometimes I had an additional 27 guides had to come and be with me for a period of time, because my guides, you know, apparently I tried this before I go to Earth, I be intuitive, and I didn't do it. So I for so sometimes that happens where your guide group has to change permanently or temporarily. In my case, it was temporarily. For about five years I had all these other guides helping me to make sure well, to help me understand right and to gain the consciousness that I needed, because my other guides lovely as they are and as spiritual as they are, didn't, weren't really prepared for all the bandwidth of information that I needed to be able to intuitively and psychically experience.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:11
Isn't it fascinating, this whole system, the system of the soul, in coming down here and doing all that, that we are part of the job. Part of the rules are that we forget, we forget everything, when then we start to feel and we and we, then we start to feel certain things, and we feel this, or feel like, I'm gonna be a musician, or I'm gonna be in finance. I'm like, I feel that it's a feeling. It's not logical. When you choose your career path logically, that's generally not right, a fund that this is not logic at all, at all. Being a filmmaker is absolutely necessary. It's one step away from running away for the circus. I mean, it really is. I mean, maybe being, oh,
Marie Manuchehri 1:01:53
I didn't know that.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:54
I mean, oh God, being a filmmaker is like running away with the circus, like, especially coming from, maybe, if you lived in LA, it wasn't, but it where I came from, it was essentially like you're running away with the circuit. It made no sense. I've been doing that most of my life, following my gut. Logically, though, when you pick things like that in your life, it usually doesn't go as well. No, it does not. If you go with your feeling more than that, it works out better. What do you say right now to all of those people who are absolutely terrified, are the empaths that are so worried about the future, about all the all the causes and issues and things that are that are the potential of what's gonna come the fear. I mean, I saw all of this in 2016 Oh, wow. You remember? No, no, no, I didn't see all this. I saw, I saw that in myself, right? Yeah, of course, everybody sure, when 2016 happened, we like the world is going to come to an end, right? I'm not gonna say it wasn't a rocky ride, yeah,
Marie Manuchehri 1:02:54
But it didn't.
Alex Ferrari 1:02:55
And then when 2020 happened, the world was literally coming,
Marie Manuchehri 1:03:00
And it didn't, yeah, didn't.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:02
So that's also gives me solace, gives me peace, right? Then go, You know what? I think we're gonna be fine. Yeah, I'm not saying it's not gonna be rocky. I agree with you. It's but it's going we're going to get out of this. And everyone I've talked to, and if you believe in the show and you believe in what we do, we're going to be okay. It's not going to be fun. No, it will be okay,
Marie Manuchehri 1:03:23
And it might get better faster if people start to pay attention to their energy and start to pay attention to what they're feeling, not the fear. So fear is an illusion, right? It's mind made, and that's what keeps you know the the earth realm, and its low frequency and low vibration is people are falling the fear and then making poor decisions. So I think people need to be prepared, like I'm definitely going to, even though I'm not gonna have any children soon, I'm definitely gonna have Plan B in my house for anyone who needs it, right? So I might have make sure that I have extra food in my house, extra water, toilet paper, obviously, toilet paper, right? That's what we had to do before, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:04:01
Get up a date. Get up a day. It's so much nicer, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:04:05
Very inexpensive. Have a little bit of cash in my house, that would be great. I'll check that out. I think Costco even sells gold bars or something like that, right? So I think you have to get prepared a little bit. I'm not saying go crazy. Don't need a bomb shelter, at least, I hope not. You know all of those things, but I think you have to be a little prepared in some way. And then you need to work on your vibration. You need to work on your frequency. And you need to be honest with yourself, if you are doing things that don't make you happy, you do need to reevaluate it.
Alex Ferrari 1:04:37
It's funny one of our mutual friends, Deborah, oh yeah. Silverman, yes, she was on the show the other day. She was very worried about a lot of what was going to happen. And she was really worried about and I actually said something to her, I love to hear what you think of it. I go, I go, you're worried about bad things happening, like catastrophic things happening in the world. And she's like, Yeah, and it was kind. Of worrying her. And I go, Well, you need to trust the process, right? Trust that, if you trust in source or God, understand that there is a plan for all of this. And if you, if you have a little bit of trust, let me ask you, how long have we had the nuclear bomb? Oh, we've had the bomb since World War Two. Long time there's only been two dropped the first two never. Since we went through the Cold War, right? We the people were on the button, right? We've gotten close a bunch of times, but yet it never happens, not at a catastrophic ending of species event. So if it hasn't happened, it's probably a reason for that, because, trust me, between World War Two and now there's been many time, many Cray crays, right as the kids say, many Cray crays out there were who were close to the button, and yet, haven't done it yet. So have some trust that it's gonna work out.
Marie Manuchehri 1:05:56
And we don't just have humanity here. We have beings of light. We have aliens, we have archangels, we have Bucha Christ. We have so many beings that are very attracted to and interested in the process of Earth, because we're unique. We're the reality show of the universe. I think that's a great way to look at I think one of the reasons why we haven't had a nuclear problem, like a war, we've had accidents, unfortunately, but we haven't had a war, is because I do think the multi sensory world knows that nuclear energy, in terms of weapons, are very destructive, not just to this physical planet, but to the energies it goes out for long, you know, pathways. I'm sure you understand the science better than I do, but it's very catastrophic in that way, and and so I believe that humanity has been well guided, if you will, these,
Alex Ferrari 1:06:48
These beings on this wall right here. I believe that are watching all of us. They are, and this is, and there are many Ascended Masters in one group of beings who are watching over humanity. They are guardrails up to protect us from ourselves, right? Absolutely, they've childproof this. They've childproof humanity. I do truly believe that, because, you know, our consciousness has risen to a certain level where we can, and I know it's hard to explain this, be held responsible with the kind of power that we truly have. We have that we've had the power to destroy ourselves for decades. Yeah, decades.
Marie Manuchehri 1:07:26
And we're not the only country that has that
Alex Ferrari 1:07:30
Humanity, right? You know, humanity in general has had the power to destroy itself, and yet it has not right. So we have to believe that our consciousness has written so there isn't to a point where that that's off the table, because it's an end game. And I think even the crazies, of the crazies understand that that's the end game. That's why Alexander the Great didn't have machine guns, right? Because they couldn't have handled right back. And we barely can handle it ourselves, you know, true, because, you know, we're barely holding on, right? Imagine we would have just destroyed if Genghis Khan would have had just a minute, 10% of our military,
Marie Manuchehri 1:08:09
Probably everyone would have been killed,
Alex Ferrari 1:08:10
Because he was killing the entire, I mean, he killed 10% of the planet. That's huge. You know what I mean, at the time, he killed a 10% of the population and then seeded the rest, apparently, because he is genetic for everywhere, but, but that's why that didn't connect, because frequency wise, it didn't match. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on this that I always tell people, I go, you know, I have, I have a scientific proof of how consciousness works and how frequency works, and I'll explain it to you. Every piece of technology that we have currently today
Marie Manuchehri 1:08:45
Had a lot in this room. There's a lot,
Alex Ferrari 1:08:48
There's a lot of stuff going on in this room, but everything that we have has always been here. True. There wasn't a meteor with a magic power source that runs all of our technology. Everything's already been created. It's all here. The raw materials for every piece of technology that we have and will have in the future is here already. What has changed our ability to access the knowledge to create, hence, the consciousness level has risen, allowing us access to more of the universal knowledge base, the Akashic based, Akashic field to then create these things. And it's sped up so much these last 150 years have been a just gone like a rocket. We've done more in the last 10 years than we did in the last 50. The last 50 did more than last 500 right? And so on. Exceed. It's expedential. What will happen the next five years will dwarf the last 50,
Marie Manuchehri 1:09:44
And that's probably why there's going to be some sort of restriction. You know, we've had freedoms that maybe we didn't recognize were unique or special normal, right, and so some of those freedoms are going to be taken away. Way, what capacity, we don't know to how long, but I do think the next five years are critical. That's why I thought it was very interesting you, you talked about five years, the next five years are going to be critical in terms of the consciousness of humanity, and it will have a positive effect. It will have a positive effect.
Alex Ferrari 1:10:19
But like any good growth period in your life? Yeah, it's going to be a bit rough.
Marie Manuchehri 1:10:25
It might be a closet moment of deep wailing
Alex Ferrari 1:10:29
And only looking back. You know, you and I have gone. We've walked this planet a little bit. We've been around a bit and looking back on our lives, those moments that were so painful and so terrible at the moment are who made us who we are today. I you know, do I want to go back there? No, I've already experienced
Marie Manuchehri 1:10:49
You can't. I can't I'm done. You can't go back.
Alex Ferrari 1:10:52
But when you're in it, and I know a lot of people listening right now are in it, and it doesn't have to just be because of age. People could be in it in their 90s. Sure, it doesn't matter. It's all relative, depending on your journey. But when you're in it, if you can appreciate, I know it's so difficult, but you can appreciate what's happening to you and why it's happening, then that might change the perception of what is happening. You know, I was, I had issues when I was a kid. I had, you know, I was either bullied or I had meant physical issues or health issues when I was a child. And you look back and like, oh, and when you're a kid, you kind of roll with the punches a lot more. You don't beat yourself up as much. But as you get older, you look back and you go, Oh, okay, that's what did I learn from that? And maybe some of it was karmic, who knows, right? Some of it was like, I just had to go through that in this life. But I just want people listening
Marie Manuchehri 1:11:44
Well, I think you had those experiences early, as did I to help prepare you for your conscious growth, because you have to get that out. You have to get it out of the way. And it allows you to come to more of those dark, Night of the Soul moments, you know, so that you because you can have smaller ones, you can have multiple ones. It's not just one, typically, absolutely, right? So, yeah, all of those are necessary to help you to come to a place where you individualize. And that's what we need humans to do. They need to individuate. They cannot be like everyone else. They have to find their true source of consciousness, their true source of identity. They have to feel their frequency and their vibration and allow their magnificence to come through, because, as you said earlier, that's what allows great change, right? Great change and allows for positivity to be fed into the world, especially empaths. Empaths have this incredible, beautiful violet flame that rises up in them, especially when they're happy, you know. So when they're happy, this flame, you know, this light worker flame, moves in their body, and when they have the flame activated, they send out beautiful, positive energy that also feeds them. It's not just a one way street. It's a mutual exchange of incredible high frequency and consciousness and awareness and healing, incredible healing. But it comes from their joy, not from their sorrow. Of, I can't believe that happened, or, Oh, I hope this never happens. You can't run the flame. You can't be the light worker if you aren't experiencing happiness.
Alex Ferrari 1:13:13
Well, when there's people that you've met in life who are bubbly or happy all the time and you're not feeling that way. There's a lot of times that you not you personally, but just in general, that people try to bring them down, like, why they're so happy? Let's just try to knock them off a peg or two. When you have someone who's really in understanding who there are in their frequency, it really, there's not really anything that anyone can do right? Like, you can't talk to a yogi who's in, who's a walking master, and go, I think you're getting a little heavy there. Man, they'll give you the lay off the curry in the pond. Okay, it just wouldn't affect them. They'd be they'd laugh. They think it would be hilarious. Actually, I was telling I was saying something the other day on the show, which I thought it was hilarious, and I think it's still so funny. You've never heard a story of Jesus going, or Yogananda, or any of these Ascended Masters going, Oh, I ate too much wine and bread last night. I'm retaining water. You never saw Jesus go, oh, I look horrible today. Oh god. I usually have that ripped abs, but I don't, because that's the images I always saw. He's in great shape, you know, it's so he must have been keto. You never,
Marie Manuchehri 1:14:32
I don't think there was a lot of food during that time period.
Alex Ferrari 1:14:35
You never heard Yogananda like too much curry last feel horrible. You don't hear those things from them, because they are aligned at a level, at a frequency. It's like throwing a pebble at a rocket Gibraltar, like they just it makes no difference to them, and that's where you have to be, right? Because there will be other energies and there will be other people, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:14:57
Always, there will always be something that could throw you. You off the track always. And so you have to strengthen that energy so that you can easily, like how you feel today, easily come back to that center, your beautiful Violet Flame of you know, light working energy, even if you never work in the mystical realm, it doesn't matter. You know, Mike can be expanded as a barista in a coffee shop, and everyone walks. And I love coffee shops. I always tell people, if, for some reason my job dried up tomorrow, I would definitely go be a barista so I can just say hi, have a happy day. What can I get you? So much joy, yeah. Just bring so much joy to the world. Yeah, so, so anything could, like, how you said, you know, something on the road would trigger you. I noticed one of my I have a cat, Finny. He's adorable. He's orange, but he's a whiner, you know? And I over the last few months because I would just like, oh, Finn stop whining. I'm opening the food right now, and he's overweight, and then he's not underfed. And I lately, I've been catching myself like, why am I letting this adorable orange kitty cat.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:03
Don't get me started with a cat
Marie Manuchehri 1:16:05
Who's 16 years old now, right? Like, yeah, and he looks spray, you know, he looks beautiful. And I'm like, why am I letting his meows affecting me? So I'm even refining my energy at something that's really mundane, you know, it makes nothing, right? It really, in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing, but it is a practice where I'm refining my vibration. That's why he's there, true, he's helping me.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:31
He's there to teach you. And that's all of our animals are, right? I have an a hole. I love one of those. I love and adore
Marie Manuchehri 1:16:40
What's his name?
Alex Ferrari 1:16:41
His name is Nico. Oh, he's, he's, he's, he's my wife's cat. I'm second in the command. And then he and the girls are, they're different, but he is. He's an absolute, a hole. Wow. And he teaches me lessons all the time, but he sends so much love. Oh, he's so adorable, and all this stuff. But I completely get you with the cats. They're like, they're just teaching you. They are. They're teaching you.
Marie Manuchehri 1:17:05
So we don't have to wait till a major catastrophic or potential problem happens. We have everyday moments where you can practice how to shift your vibration and your frequency, which your mind will tell you you're changing. You're ignoring something and you're choosing to look at something else however you want to experience it, or describe it as perfectly fine. It doesn't matter. But you have opportunities constantly. What we are seeing happening on a global level, whatever, however it occurs, it is a massive opportunity, which I think the human race will actually accept and excel from I do believe it will happen, but that's what's coming into our view. It's an opportunity that's really all it is.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:46
So then, why in God's green heaven would you want to incarnate during this time? That's a lot of people listening are probably asking that question. Well, if I make my choices on the other side, why didn't I come in as someone who's like, rich and lives in the south of France and
Marie Manuchehri 1:18:05
But you could have that
Alex Ferrari 1:18:08
I'm just playing, okay, no devil, all of this. Why would I do that? And then, instead of incar and maybe I would have incarnated at a different time. It sounds like there's going to be a lot of peace in about 50 to 100 years, let's say, and everyone's going to be really cool, and it's going to be a cool place to why can't I come here? Why am I here in 2024?
Marie Manuchehri 1:18:28
Because there's something within you, a misperception that you had about your destiny and your divinity, where you didn't believe that you are an irreplaceable part of God, of creation, of source. Like Atlantis is a perfect example of, you know, Atlantis fell, you know, people forget about that. You know, it fell. It went into ego, you know, and that's why it dissipated and and and left the Earth's atmosphere. Humans before had God like abilities, even, you know, like Hercules and other mythologies that we have are true stories that occurred, and so something within our belief system isn't aligned with our truth. And we've tried in other non physical realities to change our perception, but there isn't as much. So sorry, I'm trying there. We aren't as motivated when you're in a non physical reality, good.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:20
Life is good,
Marie Manuchehri 1:19:21
Right! Like, you could go, I really want to work on my self worth, you know, like I could be, I could be amazing, but I'm not really working on it. I somehow don't believe in myself.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:29
I'll give you an analogy, okay, it's kind of like when we're sitting down watching Netflix, and you're like, I really need to go work out. I mean, I'm gonna go to the gym tomorrow, but there's a new Yellowstone just started. I kind of got to finish watching that new season. It's the same thing. You're like, you know, you have to do it, but I feel so comfortable, and I really don't, you're not motivated,
Marie Manuchehri 1:19:52
Right! You don't need food, you don't need housing, you don't need to procreate. You can go have fun. You could go paint the sky of whatever we. Reality you've created any color you want. So this is the souls gym. Yes, that's a great way to describe it. This is the souls gym, and that's why it's popular and well loved and watched over and cared for, because we go to creation, our higher selves, our soul, to God, whatever words you want to use. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to eradicate this miscon misperception I have about my myself, because it's really about ourselves. That's really what we're learning to do, is to change our view and align to the authenticity of ourselves. And we literally say, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. And it's funny, because people think they know what it is, you know, they think, Well, you know, I know what God's going to do. They're going to do this, and then I'm gonna grow well, no, it will never be what you think it will be. It will come out of left field. It will shock you. Yeah, right. It'll shock you beyond anything you could possibly imagine. And that's and because you're in a physical reality, you can't just go off and paint the heavens the way you want it to be.
Alex Ferrari 1:21:00
So it's kind of like, be careful what you wish for, almost, almost. Because once you're here, you're here, right? And you're like, No, no, you're in the game now,
Marie Manuchehri 1:21:09
Right! You're in the game.
Alex Ferrari 1:21:10
You're You're Mario, and you got to save the princess. Sorry, you came right out.
Marie Manuchehri 1:21:13
So some people who have already done, let's say, some aspect of evolution, that maybe it was their body, something happened to their body, and the universe knew that that's what was going to wake them up. Where that doesn't wake me up. If something happens to my body, I get excited. Like, Ooh, is this right? I get excited. I can't wait to learn new things. If I I'll go get there whatever I need. I'm excited about it.
Alex Ferrari 1:21:36
Is it interesting that I kind of look at things like that now, like, in general, like my life in general, I'm like, when something that's not on my plan happens, I like, oh, well, that's interesting. Wonder what, let's see where this goes. I kind of, I don't, I don't walk into fear. I don't walk into it with fear. And it's not been, by the way, peaches and rainbows, right? Even with this, it has not been peaches and rain. Course, over these last three it hasn't just been like, party is, it's the 20s again, 1920s like, so wasn't always that way. But now I look at things like, oh, that didn't exactly go the way I wanted it to go. Well, what? I wonder why? You know, and then sometimes when I didn't, it didn't happen the way I wanted to happen. It actually happens in a much better way, five months down the line, right? I didn't see it. I'm like, Oh, so that's what that is, right? Oh, that's what that meant. Oh, that's what I had to do. Okay, so I have a much more trust in where things are going without fear, which is very unlike me. I'm a director, right? By nature, so I need to control. I've let go of that control to a certain extent. I still show up and I do the work, but I don't attach myself to outcome. I hope for outcomes I might want, but I also understand that my hopes and dreams a lot of times, may not be what's best for me, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:22:56
And because you are able to stand in the present moment and believe in the nothingness, you attract the best outcome. So what has happened, and let's just say, we'll look at the United States, is that people believe it's outside problems, it's it's the border, it's women's rights, it's the economy, right? Which is, you know, crazy. They think it's an external aspect that is creating the problems in their life and creating the shortcomings that they're having and not allowing them to thrive outside of themselves, right? But it is not it is within them, and that's what is fundamentally going to change in larger numbers than we've seen in a shorter period of time than we've seen. That's what's going to happen.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:41
I'll pack that a little bit well. Can you go down the rabbit hole a little bit on that? Because that's something that needs that people listening need to hear. I want you to kind of rephrase that, or we go into it in another way, because it's I understand what you're trying to say, but it's such an important message that I think people listening need to understand it.
Marie Manuchehri 1:24:02
So, so again, we don't know what's going to happen, but we know change is coming, and it's outside, and it's outside of us, and we have no control. We have no control, right? The election we put our vote in, but that's essentially all we could do, right? Really, right, really, right. So, so all of that has happened, and it's going to even more different. It's going to change even more. And so people are not they're going to go, Well, that's what I asked for, and it happened. What I wanted happened, but I'm not any happier. I don't feel any better. My family's not happier. I don't have any more money, right? Because money is also an energy. It's a vibration. So in order to attract wealth in one's life, which is the word I like better than m, the M word I think
Alex Ferrari 1:24:43
Money is just, it's just, yeah,
Marie Manuchehri 1:24:45
It's a frequency, right? So, so what allows people to attract the wealth that gives them the financial freedom, so that they can do whatever they want is really how they relate to the vibration of money. So here's what I teach, just so, so that you know. So, so you can't think about money and actually shift its vibration. Most people can't. You have to think of something different. So I teach all my students and my clients, and if I do personal readings, I can pinpoint what for them to focus on. So you actually have to find out what brings you personal again, back to that word, high vibrational joy. It could be the sound of frogs, right? It could be fresh air on your face today or yesterday, when I landed in Austin, walking into the airport and listening to live music,
Alex Ferrari 1:25:31
I know it was amazing. We have a pretty awesome
Marie Manuchehri 1:25:35
I do. My energy just went it's a pretty awesome airport, I have to say. So maybe it's music for someone. And so as you are about to grab your wallet and take out your card or cash, you have to think about the thing that makes you happy, that's that's you changing your relationship to the vibration of wealth. If you are like, Oh, I wonder what my bills are, what my balance is in my in my bank account right now, or what the taxes are going to be next year, you're in low frequency. You're in low vibration, and as you connect to your wallet in that moment, as you grab your card out of your wallet, or if you open financial mail, or you're putting your online password onto your banking, if you're in that vibration, you're not attracting the high frequency of wealth. You have to think of something that brings you personal joy. For me, all I have to think about is subatomic particles, and you have to do this for the rest of your life. You have to as you engage in anything but certainly, we're talking about wealth, because that apparently was part of the reason why we're having the experiences that we're having. It won't matter who's in office. It won't matter what the interest rates are in the world. It won't matter how much money is in the stock market. None of that really matters. It's about your vibration as you're relating to the frequency of wealth.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:51
Beautifully said, Oh, thank you, beautiful. I mean when you, when you if you are, and you want to use this analogy, when you want a partner in life, and you're like, I need this. I need her in my life. Yeah? Me, yeah. I think you've been there. I've been there. I have no question yes. And it never worked out well. No, never worked out well at the moment, I just let go, and I said, I just said, Hey, you know, I think it's time for me to love somebody and for someone to love me, yeah, and, but I'm good myself, yeah, that's when they showed up, right? That's when they showed up. So same thing goes with money, right? If you just everything that I wanted, I needed, I need to hoard it. And, yeah, right, that energy is so low vibration that and so low frequency that it will just continue to just fall right out of your hands, right when you understand it's so difficult. I know what I'm saying. Sounds so Woo, woo, but it's so difficult when you're in it that right, like, I got no money. I mean, I bring on the brink of bankruptcy. Oh, interesting. Oh, I literally was days away. Oh, I didn't know that I was in days away when I was in my 20s to to sign the paperwork.
Marie Manuchehri 1:28:04
But luckily, you were 20.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:06
No, I wasn't 20. I was like, 27 Okay, and that's a whole other story. But I was, I was at the lowest part of my life
Marie Manuchehri 1:28:13
Fascinating, a dark night of the soul.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:15
Oh, it was, it was definitely a dark night of the soul. Yeah. And I had to kind of yell out to God, I'm like, You better help me now. I'm gonna sign these papers. I'm like, I'll work, but you got to give me the opportunity. Next day I got a job. It was just the way it worked. But, um, I lost my train of thought. What were we talking?
Marie Manuchehri 1:28:31
We were talking about how it's it's difficult letting go.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:34
So when you're trying to grab on to money, it'll leave you right? It's like water. Trying to grab water, you can't grab water. You just can't. But once you when you're in that energy, it's so difficult to to get out of that frequency. It is that's why calming yourself, meditating allows you to pull yourself out, even for moments, five minutes, 10 minutes at a time, it allows you to pull yourself out of that energy, right? And they hopefully, slowly starts to pull you out so to a place where you can let go and can trust the world, right? And a lot of people listening like, I've tried that and it doesn't work, they haven't tried it long enough, because, not only they haven't tried it long enough, but they're, they're, they're attaching outcome to that, and they're, it's not the way it is. You know what? When I, when I started the show, and I used to show as an example, because it's probably one of the most insane things that's ever happened to me. I really had when I started taking it seriously, had no attachment outcome, because it was an insane thing, right? You know, it was insane for me to be doing the show, right? How could I have an outcome like, I mean, a million subscribers in three years? That's where we're at. We're almost at a million subscribers. Thank you. But I use that as an example of the insanity of what is. And I let I just said, No, you know what? I'm just gonna sit down and I'm just gonna grind I'm gonna do three or four episodes a week. I'm just gonna. Just keep building and going, and I'm not even going to worry about it. And then later that year, a little bit happened. I'm like, Oh, well, that's interesting. Oh, cool. I'm just going to keep going. And then the rocket took off, but it took, it took about a year and change.
Marie Manuchehri 1:30:13
Well, I think what you are pointing out, which is critical, and which I also think is probably the the most significant thing a human being could ever learned to do is to surrender. You have to surrender. You have to let go. You have to go. I can't look at what's going to happen because I don't know what's going to happen. I know what I desire, and I've worked really hard to create this, but whatever I'm doing, it's not working. And so now I have to put faith in the universe and subatomic particles. I'm going to align to my own vibration. I'm going to try not to get depressed or sad or think the sky is falling, even if it is right, because for many people, that's what gets them into the manifesting world is really wealth, honestly and finances. That's what attracts people to, you know, all of that initially. So you have to surrender, but practice the principles why you let go.
Alex Ferrari 1:31:00
But Marie, I want you to understand where I was at, and I want people listening to understand where I was at. I had two very successful podcasts in the filmmaking and screenwriting space. I was number one in both those spaces, and I was doing well financially, Wow, crazy by any stretch in the you know, not Joe Rogan,
Marie Manuchehri 1:31:17
But you're young. We're doing great.
Alex Ferrari 1:31:19
I was not that young. I was over 40, but, but I would that was my life. That was my livelihood. I had then I'd shut down my post production house. I wasn't doing client work anymore. I It was just 100% of my revenue to support my family. Was in mixed up in this, this show, this company, these shows, these companies and and they online business I created when I went into this world. It threatened this, wow, in a very big way. If you've been in Hollywood, you're not missing anything. When you're in Hollywood, you couldn't talk about God or spirituality. It's very it's, it's, it's taboo. It's the weirdest thing in the world by the very
Marie Manuchehri 1:32:03
Because it's such a creative
Alex Ferrari 1:32:05
Oh, they all talk about quietly, but you can't publicly say I pray tonight, or I'm talking to God at night. You can't just not listen to the Oscars. You never God, but that's it. Thank God is one thing. But like, you know that's true. You never hear that now. So I was, I would this, this threatened that, and all I could see was that, wow. So when I took the leap to go all in and wave the freak flag that I've been waving ever since, yeah, it really was a jump, a jump into faith, right? Of that, and I had the conversation with God and source about it, because it's like, I'm, I trust that you're gonna take care of me and my family. It's not even about anything else. I was just like, I just want my basics. Course, you know, I'm risking what I built for seven years. At the time, it took seven years to build that up, wow. And I just took that leap in faith. Because if that, let's say, worst case scenario, I start this. I have a couple of psychics on, like you freaks on, and they say, You're welcome. I would say that, with all the love in the world, I have these freaks on the show, let's say, and I have a channeler channeling Bucha on the show, and people from that world start seeing like, Alex has lost his mind. Don't book any more guests on that show. He's gone crazy, and that whole world. Then my listeners on the other side, like this, Alex has lost his mind. It all starts to dwindle down to nothing. And this doesn't take off. This dies off. And now where am i right? I've now in my mid to late 40s, have to start from scratch again, yeah, and go back to work that I hated. That was what I was risking. I would have landed on my feet. I would have I would have worked, yeah, but it wouldn't have been ideal, but it would have been a lot of pain, a lot of suffering going through. So that was what I was risking when launching this show. So I want people to understand that it's not all peaches and cream, you're going to have to make difficult decisions and also logical decisions. I had a wife who was working, you know. So what? We weren't going to be desolate, right? By taking a risk on the show, but it would have been hard,
Marie Manuchehri 1:34:12
But it was significant, very significant. But what I find interesting about your story, and thank you for taking the risk, and thank you for letting go, and thank you for surrendering, because I know how hard it is. It's hard. What people don't understand is why they continue to do things they don't like. That is the true suffering. The true suffering is doing stuff that doesn't make you happy, and I know they don't know that, like they're not conscious enough to recognize they just know they don't feel good and and life isn't as fun, or it's hard, or they're mad at things and and so they join organizations so they can be even more mad, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:34:43
Or they keep watching media rabbit holes that just keep feeding into that anger,
Marie Manuchehri 1:34:49
Right! But their true source of dissatisfaction isn't any of these external things. It's about their alignment to their authentic self, and we're at a place on Earth. Where many, many people, people that you talk to, that I talk to, and then a bunch of people who don't even know it yet want to seriously, and they've said to God, to creation, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. That's what they have said. And so now we're moving into a place where there's more opportunity for that, for things to come to light that will help inspire their inner genius to come forward and reorganize their life so that they can be thriving and excited and delighted and lead ultimately to what we know will happen.
Alex Ferrari 1:35:36
Yeah, well, the thing is, and I'll quote Alan Watts, this the great Alan Watts. He said that in 100 years, there'll be strangers living in your house. Oh, yeah, of course, of course. You don't think about that, but it's true. In 100 years, yeah, there'll be strangers living house. If anyone remembers your name, yeah, it'll be a miracle. Yeah, they won't it. Very few people,
Marie Manuchehri 1:36:00
Most humans, don't really look at life authentically. They don't really they live in this drama, and they never even think of death like I've talked to so many people, you know, because I'm a medium as well, who've lost loved ones, and I'll get on the call, because I choose not to know anything about a person's situation. I like to go and blank. That's where my strength is. And I'm like, so your partner died, but they were sick for 10 years. You knew they were going to die, right? And they're like, yes, but I'm still in complete shock, and I'm not saying anything against the grieving process, but it's as if humanity doesn't pay attention to what's really happening, and they're stuck in this really weird illusion of things that aren't happening that are never going to happen, and now it's time for them to perhaps wake up and begin to experience the true reality of existence.
Alex Ferrari 1:36:51
But we're all stuck in this drama. This isn't saying that. So this is so fascinating to me that really, we've been here for a blink, half a blink, humanity right on this planet, on the just on the planet. Let's not even talk about the universe. Right on this planet. We've been here for a blink. And really, what do we 2000 years? Let's say, in this, in this, in this, I know of that. We know of 2000 years since the birth of Christ. Let's say, but let's say we know we've been here longer. But let's say we've been here 250,000 years. Great. The universe is four, 4.5 billion years old. Wow. We're 200 quote, unquote, right? We've been here 250,000 years for real, for realsies. We've been around for, let's say 5000 years. Real, 6000 10,000 years for realsies, let's say since the last ice age before the Younger Dryas happened and Atlantis fell and all that stuff. Sure. Oh, that's, let's say 10,000 12,000 years. That's even less than a blink. It's not, it's not even a grain of sand in the in on the planet, really. It's nothing. And yet, we're caught up about our ego, our legacy, or this. Do you think in five just 5000 years from now. Okay, so when the pyramids were, quote, unquote, built into the extra
Marie Manuchehri 1:38:06
extraterrestrial help, by the way, obviously, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:38:12
in 5000 years from this point. So it's the same distance from when the pyramids were built, well, unquote, to where we are now. So just that time period. How many people are going to remember Abraham Lincoln? No, one. Genghis Khan? No, I never speak of
Marie Manuchehri 1:38:29
Genghis Khan. I mean, you brought him up, but I've never thought about it.
Alex Ferrari 1:38:32
Jesus, right? Buddha, in 5000 years? Do you think that that that will last if we can even, let's say, hopefully, make it to 5000 but let's say 50,000 years, right? 100,000 years from now, anything that we have done, they won't exist. It doesn't. It does. It doesn't even matter. It's the equivalent of playing a video game that you play for hours and hours. I played hundreds of that, 1000s of hours when I was a kid video games, and I played games.
Marie Manuchehri 1:39:02
I've never played one video game,
Alex Ferrari 1:39:03
And that's okay, but as when I was growing up, I played a lot of old school Nintendo, and I played 1000s of hours of that just in there, and I spent so much time, and I was building this, and I was doing that, and I beat this boss. I was on that level. And all of that that I've experienced and that is gone. There's no history. It doesn't exist. It doesn't exist. But when I was there, it was everything. It was everything I needed to beat Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson, I needed to learn how to do that, and I did, but now it's gone. That's what we're going through. So I'd say all of this to show how insane we all are to do things that are not aligned with our true selves, right? Who are not aligned with what makes us happy
Marie Manuchehri 1:39:47
Now you're missing the fun. You're missing the joy it's you don't get to go to bed grateful for every second that you had in the day, even if someone stole your parking space. You go, well, that's interesting. I guess I'm not supposed to park over here, and you park across the way and you run into someone you haven't seen in 20 years. I'm like, oh, that's why that happened. That's supposed to happen all the day long and all the time. That's normal. But I do think, because I didn't think we were going to get here in my lifetime, I really didn't, I did not think you saw this while ago. Oh, you mean, like, that's a thing, yeah, right. I didn't energetic love, right? I just like humanity is, you know,
Alex Ferrari 1:40:29
We're ridiculous. We're never gonna get there, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:40:31
And I was just so grateful I get to have this job. People are nice to me. No one's throwing rocks at my house. You know, people who don't even believe in anything that I talk about have only been kind and loving to meet. Maybe I can think of one or two people who were maybe slightly rude about something, you know, maybe in the 30 years that I've been doing this. So I've just been like, I'm so lucky I get to do this thing, and I can be weird and different. And I'm like, Yeah, I just don't see humanity getting close to this. I just don't see it. But now I do.
Alex Ferrari 1:41:01
Now you see it, I do. There's potential.
Marie Manuchehri 1:41:03
Now, I think it's beyond potential. I think it's absolutely going to happen.
Alex Ferrari 1:41:07
So, Marie, what is 2025? Look like for us? I know a lot of people are asking. I don't need specific. I mean, I just as a broad statement, a lot of people are happy for our consciousness, right, for where we're gonna go, right? Is there anything that you could give for people who are listening like this right now, who are just like this, uh huh?
Marie Manuchehri 1:41:25
And I just got this information recently, because I thought there was gonna be a different outcome. I thought this would be more of a kumbaya, you know, kind of experience. I think it is for certain people. It is this is true. It will always be for those people who run their energy elevated, they live in a different reality, right? And there are many people on earth living in all kinds of different realities.
Alex Ferrari 1:41:46
Oh, yes, we know. We have social media,
Marie Manuchehri 1:41:48
Right! I wasn't talking about those, but you know what I mean. So I think it probably won't be as bad as everybody thinks it will be okay, that's what I think. But I do think there will be some shocking things, maybe not for the empathic crew. I don't think they will be shocked. They will be disappointed as they are right now. They will and hopefully they will listen to what you say in your podcast, what we're talking about today, that please, don't let that distract you. Please. You've got to stay in alignment, because that's what's going to help everyone evolve. But I do think there will be people who will be surprised that some of our freedoms will be taken away. That's what I think is going to, I think has been on the wall, but they didn't believe it, and they didn't think it was true, or they didn't think it mattered,
Alex Ferrari 1:42:37
But they didn't think that we were going to have a pandemic that was going to shut down the planet for three months.
Marie Manuchehri 1:42:42
Yeah, well, really, in a way, years. I mean, it took us a while to but like, literally,
Alex Ferrari 1:42:47
Physical the whole planet shut down for, I think about it was like three weeks, four weeks, like, nothing moved really.
Marie Manuchehri 1:42:52
So people who've, you know, worked in medicine, or maybe I just see things that other people don't. I was always surprised we hadn't had a pandemic where I'm like, Oh, we're so lucky. Okay, one,
Okay, we're having one.
Alex Ferrari 1:43:04
Now, saw the outbreak movie, right,
Marie Manuchehri 1:43:05
Alex Ferrari 1:43:07
Oh, it's amazing.
Marie Manuchehri 1:43:09
That's how I felt, that's how I felt, you know? So I'm just like, of course, we're gonna wear a mask, we're gonna stay home, we're gonna wash our hands, we're gonna wipe everything down with alcohol. Of course, that's what you do, yeah?
Alex Ferrari 1:43:19
So it's so there's going to be some stuff. There's going to be some stuff, and then for the rest of this decade,
Marie Manuchehri 1:43:24
Ooh. Well, if things go the way, it seems like they're going to go just even astrologically speaking, with Pluto moving into Aquarius, that's a humanitarian vibration. That's a humanitarian frequency. I just think people are going to become kinder and start to become more accepting, and hopefully what that means, because you can't be accepting of others if you are not accepting of yourself. So all the dissatisfaction and all the blame and all this has to be done, and that has to be done is really happening because people are completely disappointed and unhappy with themselves, so they have to fall in love with themselves, which is an emotional experience. It's not a thought. It's like you loving your daughters, having pieces of that with yourself, hopefully, every day, every single day. So I think people are going to start to question their belief system and the choices that they've made, but now more so I think so. I don't think they have been enough. I don't I think they've been blaming and shaming everyone else.
Alex Ferrari 1:44:27
And I'm out of shape because of McDonald's, out of shape because of in and out. It's not my fault. It's everyone else's right.
Marie Manuchehri 1:44:35
It's kind of like the frequent flyer, although, I mean no disrespect for someone who can't see that they could be healthier if they actually did eat better food, and there's a McDonald's, like, maybe it's walking distance from my house. I'm shocked. There is a line around that building all day long. I'm like, I can't even tell you the last time I had a quarter pounder I was a kid. Obviously, I don't I don't remember what they taste like.
Alex Ferrari 1:44:58
Well, I've only been one since I was a kid. It, right? Oh, god, yeah,
Marie Manuchehri 1:45:01
We never let our kids go there. Oh no, my kids so.
Alex Ferrari 1:45:05
But our McDonald's is not today's McDonald's. We actually have, actually real meat, oh, and real French fries, like now, it's a whole other right, chemical mix up and stuff, right? But we actually it was a different The food was different. Indeed, it was in the 70s, and it was, it wasn't GMO, it was none of Oh, that wasn't even a thing yet, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:45:24
Yeah. So we have a whole bunch of people who are in that place that that's normal, this is healthy. This is what I do for myself. That's a great example, by the way. So that's not very conscious. They're not listening to their body, they're not listening to their children's bodies. They're not thinking about their health long term or even the environment. So just waking up from that and go, Wow, I don't think I'm so sweet McDonald's anymore. You know, that's shocking,
Alex Ferrari 1:45:47
And McDonald's is not a sponsor of this show, and nor will it be after this conversation. Sorry, we use McDonald's as a reference point, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:45:58
I would agree. They already had a movie.
Alex Ferrari 1:46:00
It's called supersonic. Watch that if you want to get into get into that.
Marie Manuchehri 1:46:03
It was a good movie. Actually, I really like that movie. It was great. So, so that's, we're going to have these wake ups that are going to seem simple even, you know, even if it's complicated and it's not as simple, it's, everyone's going to have a wake up. And maybe something simple that wakes someone up. It's something that has always been there. It's always been a problem. It's not like the problem just, you know, appeared out of nowhere. It's all here already, but people are gonna start to wake up and question things in a way they never have before.
Alex Ferrari 1:46:33
Marie, I think this is the conversation that the world needs to hear right now. I truly, truly believe that. I think it's something that we all needed to hear. And that's what I think. This is conversation so important for people to listen to, because it is something that there's so much fear, so much anger, turmoil in people's minds around the world, not just about our elections, but about in general. Yes, this conversation, I hope, is a beacon of light for people listening to it around the world, because it's needed. So I appreciate you co creating this with you today.
Marie Manuchehri 1:47:10
Thank you. Thank you for being here and holding space for humanity.
Alex Ferrari 1:47:14
So now I'm going to ask you those questions I ask all my guest.
Marie Manuchehri 1:47:18
Oh, my God. Oh, I forget about those questions. What are they
Alex Ferrari 1:47:20
Exactly so that's why I asked them, What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Marie Manuchehri 1:47:25
And I know this word is a cliche, but feeling joy, feeling happiness, you know, to me, that is a fulfilled life. Of course, that means everything you do and experience to the best of your ability is fulfilling. It makes you happy. Like I love what I do for work. I love having a dog. I love having this big, huge fireplace in my house that I can just flip on with remote control and warm up the whole house. I love, I love diversity, right? Like so you have to figure out what inspires you. Like the gym that I go to is highly diverse. That's what gets me into the gym, because I just love all the different languages and different shades of beautiful people, and that's what makes me go to the gym. So you have to discover your own inner bliss and happiness. It's not going to look like anybody else's it's a rainbow inside of all different types of experiences, and it's not supposed to look like everybody else's rainbow. Your rainbow is different. So you got to figure it out. Try it on. Sit on it, test it out. That's what I think. Anyway,
Alex Ferrari 1:48:28
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Marie, advice would you give her?
Marie Manuchehri 1:48:32
I do often, by the way, I think that's crucial. I tell her all the time how much I love her, you know, and that she's doing a great job, and then I'm proud of her. It's like my soul needs to hear I'm proud of you. You know, like for me, that's what I need. So I say that to her all the time.
Alex Ferrari 1:48:51
How do you define God or Source?
Marie Manuchehri 1:48:54
First of all, it's everything. It's this carpet. So it's energy, and everything is made out of energy. So I think God is everything. But if I were to describe to someone who didn't, maybe didn't have a definition, I would say it's like a big ball of fire, way out in the middle of the universe. And we are all smaller balls of fire that came from this big ball of fire, and we're learning to connect to this big ball of fire and live our true, authentic self.
Alex Ferrari 1:49:19
What is love?
Marie Manuchehri 1:49:21
Well, it's very beautiful. It's highly unconditional. I'm going to tell you this one thing that I use when I'm trying to teach people self love. I have a dog, Charles. Yes, I have kids and grandkids, but, you know, I hang out a lot with Charles because he's big. I have to walk him like five miles a day. So we're out on the trails a lot, and he's intact. And he's a big dog. He's tall, and his tail goes up like this, right? So I walk behind him, because he's pulls me, basically. So I look at him, and I'm seeing his butt hole and his testicles swaying as he's walking.
Alex Ferrari 1:49:56
The visual, ladies and gentlemen, is amazing, right?
Marie Manuchehri 1:50:00
And I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. And
Alex Ferrari 1:50:04
Marie, we need to talk
Marie Manuchehri 1:50:07
So it, and I love him to pieces, you know, and he's got curly hair, so there's curly hair all over this whole image that I'm giving you. But to me, that's when you can look at something that nobody else would think is beautiful, you know, nobody else thinks is special, like or whatever, and all you are is wrapped up in the love of something very simplistic and in the present moment. Because real love is in the present moment. It's not in the future. It's not in the past, it's in the moment, like this moment, one of the things I always look around my environment, I'm very visual, and this studio is gorgeous, but the wood on this table, it's really quite beautiful. So I've looked down at it, you know, while we've been talking. So it's finding something that makes no sense in the present moment that lights you up and on fire and has you smile and giggle and be so grateful for whatever you're doing, even looking at a dog's backside,
Alex Ferrari 1:51:04
I was about to say, out of I think now we've done 530 or 40 episodes, no one has ever said that balls of a dog and his anus are the point of the answer to love. So thank you for that. I think everyone needed to hear that, and what is the ultimate purpose of this life?
Marie Manuchehri 1:51:24
I honestly, I think you have to fall in love with yourself. I You're God, so you can't really love creation or the universe, or whatever you think is, you know, goddesses, without loving yourself. So I think falling in love with oneself authentically, which, which is not ego, right? Ego has nothing to do with loving oneself or valuing oneself or appreciating oneself. Ego is only one thing. It's fear. So anytime you are fearing something, that's when we're dancing with our ego, but when we can authentically appreciate and value our God Selves. Yeah, that's what I think, beautiful answer.
Alex Ferrari 1:52:01
Now, where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing?
Marie Manuchehri 1:52:05
I can go to or, gets you the same place. I teach a lot of classes. That's really a great way to connect with me. I also have a podcast, right? And I answer people. People leave a voicemail, and so I we play the voicemail on my podcast. I talked for like a half an hour first, and then I asked answer questions from people all over the world, many of them from next level soul, really, oh yeah, a lot. They bring you up almost every podcast. And really love Alex,
Alex Ferrari 1:52:35
So beautiful. And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Marie Manuchehri 1:52:39
Just be grateful that you're here. Be grateful that you have everything you need to move forward in this next adventure that we're going to have while we embody a physical reality, and that there may be people that you might have to hold their hand or hug them or kiss them, or you might need that too, and that we can all do that for each other, hold hold light for others, and let others hold light for us, not just now, but forever, always.
Alex Ferrari 1:53:09
Marie, this has been such a joy and such a pleasure. Not only having you in studio, but this conversation, I think it's so timely for what we need to hear right now. So I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken this planet. So thank you, my dear.
Marie Manuchehri 1:53:21
You're welcome, and thank you too. So much, Alex, exactly everything you said back to you as well.
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