ICU Nurse DISCOVERS Ancient CELTIC Mysticism to Help LOST SOULS Cross-Over to HEAVEN! with Judy Hilyard

Life is a journey woven with profound experiences and encounters, and today’s conversation brings us face to face with the remarkable Judy Hilyard. With a background in critical care nursing, Judy’s life has been a testament to the intersection of medical science and spiritual insight. Her work as a practitioner of the Celtic practice of Anam Cara—specifically, as an Anam Aira—offers a unique perspective on the process of dying and the transition to the other side.

Judy Hilyard’s journey began in the medical field, where she spent 47 years in critical care nursing, dealing with both the miraculous and the tragic. Over time, her experiences in the intensive care unit sparked a deeper spiritual curiosity. She recounts a transformative moment after attending a talk by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, which led to an uncanny ability to sense whether a patient would survive a cardiac arrest. This newfound intuition opened her to the possibility that there was much more beyond the physical realm.

Her spiritual path took a significant turn when she discovered the Celtic practice of Anam Cara, meaning “soul friend,” and later the role of Anam Aira, “care of the soul.” This ancient practice involves not only helping individuals prepare for death but also escorting their souls to the other side at the moment of death. Judy’s commitment to this path was solidified when she learned about the Monroe Institute and their work with out-of-body experiences and the exploration of the afterlife.

At the Monroe Institute, Judy trained in various programs that taught her to navigate different levels of awareness beyond the physical plane. Using Hemi-Sync technology, which aids in achieving deep meditative states, she learned to travel to Focus 27, a waystation in the afterlife. This training equipped her with the skills needed to assist souls in their transition.

Judy’s first experience as an Anam Aira involved helping her friend’s sister, who was struggling with the fear of death. Through her meditative practice, Judy connected with the dying woman, provided comfort, and escorted her soul to the other side, where she was met by loved ones in a beautiful, peaceful reunion. This experience affirmed Judy’s role as an Anam Aira and highlighted the importance of addressing spiritual pain to facilitate a peaceful death.


  1. Embrace the Spiritual Journey: Judy’s story underscores the importance of being open to spiritual growth and transformation. Her journey from nursing to spiritual practice shows that profound insights can come from merging different aspects of our lives.
  2. The Power of Presence: Judy’s ability to sense whether patients would survive and her practice of accompanying souls during their transition highlight the importance of being present and attuned to the needs of others, both physically and spiritually.
  3. Healing Beyond the Physical: The Anam Cara practice demonstrates that true healing encompasses more than just the physical body. Addressing spiritual pains related to relationships, forgiveness, hope, and meaning can lead to a peaceful and graceful transition.

Judy’s work with Anam Cara and Anam Aira provides comfort and reassurance to those facing the end of life. Her ability to guide souls to the other side, ensuring they are met with love and peace, offers a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of life and death.

Please enjoy my conversation with Judy Hilyard.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 351

Judy Hilyard 0:00
So when I'm moving over with someone I'm having that experience with, I'm with them and they're with me. And we're moving over to focus 27 To the park and focus 27 And when we get there, there's always always an incredible amount of people waiting for it's a reunion of loved ones and it could be loved ones from this lifetime or loved ones from other lifetimes or combination usually, it's combination.

Alex Ferrari 0:39
I'd like to welcome to the show, Judy Hilyard how you doing Judy?

Judy Hilyard 0:43
Good thank you!

Alex Ferrari 0:44
Thank you so much for coming on the show you. You were we're going to talk about today I have not spoken about on the show before, which is really rare nowadays, as I've done so many episodes, but there's always something new to learn. And your your story is pretty remarkable. So before we get into the work you're doing now, can you tell the audience a little bit about your past or your start in the medical field that you worked in?

Judy Hilyard 1:09
Graduated from nursing school back in 1966, started working in the hospital where I graduated from, and that following year, that hospital opened an intensive care unit. At that point, it was only the second intensive care unit in the state of Connecticut. Wow. And I just fell in love with that, and was in critical care intensive care, critical care. My whole life I retired in 2012. Having worked there worked in critical care for 47 years.

Alex Ferrari 1:51
So being in that environment for so many years. How did you deal with the extreme highs of the miraculous things you saw and the lows of the sadness that you saw? How did you deal with it, not only mentally and psychologically, but spiritually.

Judy Hilyard 2:10
I would say initially, I wasn't necessarily connected spiritually. Okay. That came that came later. But psychologically, physically, it was just, it was a brand new specialty, it was, and it was a way of at that point in time of being able to take care of people and save people that hadn't been able to be saved before. So in a way that those early years were quite heavy. You know, we had a lot of deaths, yes. But we had a lot of saves. And, and I I mean, I loved critical care nursing. I love nursing in general, but I loved critical care nursing. And it really it really stimulated my my interest in my brain and kept me kept it just kept me engaged.

Alex Ferrari 3:15
Well, let me ask you this, you kind of hinted at this that you the spiritual came later. Did you ever see something in the ICU? That made you question your beliefs, your spiritual beliefs if you had any at the time, and there it started making you go, wait a minute, there's there might be something else going on here?

Judy Hilyard 3:36
Yeah, I actually that at that point, I was I was working in an intensive care unit or coronary care unit. I was the head nurse and coronary care unit in a hospital in Pasadena, California at that point, um, big hospital, well known hospital. And at one point, Elisabeth Kubler Ross had fairly early recently had come out with her book. And she was going to be she talked, went, she did a presentation at one of the universities in the LA area. And that that weekend, I went to hear her I went both Saturday and Sunday. And when I came back from there, we used to have lots of cardiac arrests. I mean, at that point in time, that was in the early 70s. We didn't have the medications that exists now that the equipment that exists now. So fairly frequently, people had cardiac arrests. You know, when we would call a code and you know, do everything and sometimes we would get them back and sometimes we wouldn't. But after that weekend, And the amazing thing that happened is, you know, I, I go running in I, you know, maybe I was the one defibrillator, or giving medication or doing CPR, or whatever I was doing at that particular time. But from that time on for years, I would know, at some point, if we were going to get that patient back in, if I knew we weren't, then I would just, you know, I wouldn't be doing what I was doing. But I would look up at the ceiling. And I would say, you know, thank you, thank you for your life. And then I would just go on. And I never said anything to anybody. But I was never wrong. There were hundreds and hundreds of people that that happened to me that, you know, if I if if I had the sense that they were not coming back, I would just do this little thank you, and continue on, and we wouldn't get the person that. So it was kind of an amazing experience.

Alex Ferrari 6:06
So is that what started you kind of down the spiritual path that you are at today?

Judy Hilyard 6:11
That was one part of it. I mean, I progressed over time, I had grown up a fundamentalist, fundamentalist evangelical church. And, and knew from an early age that I was different. I was gay. And then in that kind of church, oh, gay, gay was gay was worse than being a murderer. It was like the worst. Yeah. So you know, I didn't I just hid that from even from myself. And it wasn't until in my 20s I had moved from I was at that early in my early life. I lived in Connecticut. And I moved to California which was a more open environment.

Alex Ferrari 7:09
Yeah, in the 70s. Yeah, a little bit. California a little bit more open back then. Than Connecticut by far. Now, one of the reasons we brought you on the show is because you are a practitioner of a in please forgive me. I'm gonna I'm new to this. So I'm going to do the best I can. A Celtic practice of working with the dying called Anam Cara. Did I pronounce it correct?

Judy Hilyard 7:36
Anam Cara

Alex Ferrari 7:37
Anam, Anam ,Anam Cara. Okay, yeah. So Anam Cara. What is this Celtic practice and, and how did you discover it?

Judy Hilyard 7:48
Well, it was towards the end of my career I, I retired in 19, in 2012. And a couple of years, a few years before that I was working in. I was living in Ashland, here in Ashland, Oregon, which is a small town in southern southwestern Oregon. And I heard about a program that was gonna be brought to the region by a guy named Richard Gross, who had center in a town about 100 miles from here. And the his center was called the sacred art of living center. And he he brought this program to the Rogue Valley for, for nurses and health care people. And, and the focus of that program was helping people at the end of life, who were struggling and, and hanging on, to help them let go and get ready to die. And he had identified what he called spiritual pain it was if people hadn't kind of done their work, at the end of life. They tended to hang on and he called those spiritual pains. And he identified that there were four spiritual pains that tended to go across all cultures. And those the spiritual pains were issues around relationships, forgiveness, hope and meaning. And if you could help people deal with those at the end of life, then they could have a peaceful death. And at the time, I was working in as a very small hospital for bed ICU as a staff nurse and I was struggling with how we were dealing with women. There were patients that we had in the hospital in the ICU, that were very unlikely to survive. And then there were patients that were very likely to survive. And we were doing the same thing to both groups. You know, we put them on a ventilator, sedate them, tie their hands down, and, and treat them. And they were unaware, you know, they were comatose. And I was thinking, particularly on those patients who were not going to make it, I started thinking about, I wonder if we are preventing their peaceful crossover when they die? Because we're interrupting stuff. We're, we're trying to keep them alive. And I didn't know the answer to that, and it was bothering me. So when I heard about this program, I thought, maybe I can learn something here. So that I took that program. And by the end of the two years, I don't know that I totally knew the answer to that. But Richard Gross was then going to present another two year program called the nm Cara apprenticeship. And the undercar apprenticeship was, is focused on a Celtic way of dealing with death and dying, that it started, it was it was present in the Celtic lands in Europe between like the sixth century in the 12th century, I would say it's a precursor to hospice care. And, and I thought, you know, I was really interested in that, I really thought, Maybe this will be the answer to my question. So I signed up for it. And the, all of the hospitals in the region had had helped support it. So all of the nurses in the different hospitals could go for less than a what would have cost us. But the first day of that, the first hour of the first day of that two year program. Richard Gross was talking about the nm car apprenticeship, you know, in the history of it, tradition of it. And I had heard him talk about it in the previous to your program. And I remember sitting there thinking, well, this is, you know, I like hearing this, it's interesting, but I'm not gonna learn anything new this hour. But I was so wrong. Because he said, like three, three sentences that just knocked my socks off, and just took me in a whole different direction. He said, you know, in the Celtic times, there were some anim cars that had a special ability, they could not only help someone get ready for dying, prepare them for dying. There were some unknown cars that could walk with someone through dying, escort them to the other side of the veil, at their moment of death. And they were called on an IRA. So Anam Cara, that Celtic words on a car means soul friend or soul companion. Ira means care of the soul. And when he said those words, I felt like I'd been hit with bolt of lightning, you know, set up in my chair, and I said, I need to know how to do that. I had no idea why I thought that. And I had no idea how I was going to learn to do that, because it was something that has been practicing, you know, the Celtic time back in the Middle Ages. So it took me a few years to figure out how I was going to do that. But from that moment on, I knew that I needed to know how to do that.

Alex Ferrari 14:11
And when you said it was practice during the Celtic times in the Middle Ages, during the Middle Ages, it wasn't the most open minded time.

Judy Hilyard 14:20
In the Celtic and the Celtic communities, it was

Alex Ferrari 14:23
Yes, exactly. That's what I'm saying. So. So it's fascinating that this was kept alive during this is a spiritual, essentially a spiritual practice. During those really dark times, that information was not available, really. There was no movement in humanity, really, it was at a snail's pace. So that this was kept handing out apprentice, master to apprentice master to apprentice over over the centuries is pretty remarkable. So oh, so go ahead

Judy Hilyard 14:54
One of the Richard groves and his his wife, and John O'Donohue who had created that program? I don't know if you know who John O'Donohue is?

Alex Ferrari 15:05
I don't know.

Judy Hilyard 15:06
You, you need to read his stuff. Well, one of the books one of the books that he wrote was called Anam Cara. But he, he died actually during my, the first year of my Anam Cara apprenticeship. So I'd actually never met him. But he was a he was an Irish fellow who had been a Catholic priests for the good part of his life and then eventually left a priesthood. He was a poet, an author. A philosopher, he was an amazing guy. I don't know if you've heard of David White. Have you heard of David White?

Alex Ferrari 15:55
The name sounds familiar. Same sounds Yeah.

Judy Hilyard 15:57
He, he's similar. And the two of them were good friends. Okay. David White is is David White was from England, but he's, he also has Irish connection. Anyway, so.

Alex Ferrari 16:15
Okay, so let me ask you this, then. Because when I was doing research on this, I was, there was two parts to it, which is you've now explained the kind of physical part on this side of the veil, which is helping them deal with these four pains, one of these four pins or all four pains, right, almost kind of like a, a kind of spiritual social worker, in many ways, kind of working things out therapist, kind of working things out with them, so they can have a peaceful transition. And then this other part is the more metaphysical side more, you know, spiritual side, if you will. Can you explain your process of doing the Anam Aira process? Thank you, Judy, so much for your patience with my pronunciation.

Judy Hilyard 17:09
No problem my web, I, you know, when I created my website years ago, I called it the Anam Cara companion and I realized over the years that that's a complicated word,

Alex Ferrari 17:22
It is not the best on the marketing branding, I have to say. So can you explain to the audience what is the process of, you know, helping a soul from their deathbed, to the other side, and what you do to get into that space? And what happens on the other side?

Judy Hilyard 17:39
So how I do it, because, you know, when I heard about this, this was something that was not generally practiced is not generally practiced nowadays. And I, I couldn't fit initially, I couldn't figure out how I was going to learn how to do this escort somebody across the veil at their moment of death. I hadn't been across the veil. However, back in 1985, I, accidentally what is one of those things where you're in a bookstore and a book falls on your foot? Oh, yeah, that happened. And the book that fell on my foot was his book by Robert Monroe called far journeys. And Bob Monroe was back in the 50s. And 60s, he was a businessman in New York City. And in 1958, through the 60s, he started having what he later termed out of body experiences. You know, the first time it happened, the first many times it happened, he would be asleep, and all of a sudden, he would wake up at two or three o'clock in the morning, in his his consciousness would be on the ceiling or outside the outside the window or under the bed or whatever. And you know, if he was up, up on the ceiling, he could look down the first time that happened. He wrote about that. It looked down, and he could see his wife, and the southern man in the bed, and he got really upset, Who's this man in bed with my wife, and he could recognize his wife, but he didn't recognize himself. Tell me why he, he, he thought that he was dying or that he had cancer or that he was going crazy. So for about a year, he went to doctors and psychiatrists, and nobody could find anything wrong with them. So he just started playing with it. So before he go to bed at night, he'd say, he'd say to himself, well, I want to wake up in Paris or London or wherever and a two or three o'clock in the morning, that's where his consciousness would be. So he did that for years. And then at one point, as he'd be bopping around out there, he he met a guide nonphysical guide, who said, you know, would you like some other experiences? And Bob said, yeah, it would. So that guide took him to the other side of the veil. So, it Bob's first book journeys out of the body was about that first part of just kind of be bopping around locally, right now around the Earth. Far journeys was about the his initial experience, going to the other side of the veil, and what he learned. And so I saw an 85, I discovered that book, and I read and reread and reread and reread that book. And then in 1992, I think some somewhere around there. He came out with his third book was called the ultimate journey. And in the meantime, he had created the Monroe Institute, in back in Virginia. And it was a place where he taught people how to go to the other side of the veil, and where to go, and what the experiences were on the kind of different levels of awareness on the other side. So from 1985, on, I was hooked. I just I, I wanted to know what that was about? Sure. So when I'm thinking about how am I going to be Anam Aira, I thought there seemed to be like two parts to the process. One is I would need to know when somebody was going to die, not get ready to die, but when are they ready to leave their body so that I could be there. But the bigger issue is, so if I'm going to take them across the veil, where do I go? And how do I get there? And how do I get back? You know, and I knew that the Monroe Institute taught that. So when did I start in 2000, at the end of 2012, and 2013, I went back to the Monroe Institute and I took three different programs, each one a week long, where you each week, you would have multiple, multiple experiences of going to the other side, and knowing how to negotiate your way around, knowing where you were experiencing the different levels of awareness that he had described. So I, in that month and a half or so I immersed myself in that. And when I came back here to to Ashland. At that point, I had just retired from from nursing. And I, and a lot of my friends wanted to know, well, you know, what was my experience? So I have small groups of people, and I would tell them what my experiences were. And then people started saying, Well, can you go find out how my husband is doing or how my father is doing or you know, whatever. So within a couple of months, I was going over to the other side, finding people and connecting him with them and talking to them and and how I do that Bob Monroe had created back in the 70s, he had created a sound technology called Hemi synchronization. So you're listening to two different sounds, and it creates a third sound in your brain. So that's what we learned to use at the Monroe Institute to travel to the other side. So So after I got home, I would just put on Hemi sync CD, sit down, get into a meditative state, say the person's name, and I would immediately be with them. And then I would ask them whatever questions that their loved one wanted to know. And then I I would write it down as it was happening,

Alex Ferrari 24:32
Judy. I don't mean to interrupt. I have to ask you this. Yeah. Yeah. When you when you went over for the first time. What was that like for the very first time you went over to the other side? Did you just go like, how do you just process it? What is it the first like?

Judy Hilyard 24:54
It was, I mean, it was wonderful. It was amazing. And the first time I went over I was at the Monroe Institute. Whew. And the first time I went over, my father had died a few months before that. And when I got over there, he was there. And, you know, he was in, he was 86, I think when he died. And he looked to be 35 years old, very fit. And we had this amazing conversation, and we had a healing conversation. It was back in. When I was 25 years old, he had that, that's kind of a long story. So I don't want to get into it. But he had said something very painful to me. Sure, that that hurt me. And and for four decades after that, you know, every time I thought of him, or what he said, I would swear

Alex Ferrari 26:04
As you do, as you do, when you think about your parents, sometimes I trusted, I'm sure they, they swore a lot on our behalf.

Judy Hilyard 26:15
But they were good Christians, they probably did. I don't know that. But so that first time I the first time to Monroe was to when I went over there, my first experience over there on the other side, my dad was there. And it was such a healing, loving, an incredible experience for me.

Alex Ferrari 26:38
Let me ask you this, on a practical level, this Hemi technology, which is not too complicated, what is happening in the brain, from your perspective, or from your understanding, that is kind of disconnecting you or allowing you to leave, or allowing your consciousness to go somewhere else? What is happening in the brain? Because you said there was one side on one side and others on the other side, a third sound in the middle. And that seems like almost seems like a disrupter that allows you to open the door or something along those lines. That's the way I see it.

Judy Hilyard 27:13
What it does is it puts you into a deep meditative state without working at it.

Alex Ferrari 27:19
Really? Does it change the Brainwave? Does it for alpha? And Gamma, it does all of that. How long does it take you to get take you?

Judy Hilyard 27:29
Couple of minutes. Well, over time, you know, I used to, I still do, I still put the Hemi sync on and put my headset on and do that. But there was one day a few years ago, I knew that it was somebody I had to go find on the other side, but I needed to go do some grocery shopping. So I'm in the car driving to the grocery store, then all of a sudden, he's there. You know, when he's he's starting to have a conversation with me. And I thought, I'm just gonna pause this. So I just paused it went and did my grocery shopping came back, sit down with the Hemi sync thing on, got my my notepad and started it up. And it was like it started right where he had stopped it or where I'd paused it. So what I realized is I don't I don't need that anymore. But I just do it just cause

Alex Ferrari 28:31
It's it's it's a safety blanket. Anyways, so so everything you've been saying so far is more along the lines of you going to the other sides having conversation coming back with information. Can you walk us through the process of helping someone who is dying and getting ready to cross over what that process is, which I see it seems to be a bit different than just jumping over having a conversation coming back.

Judy Hilyard 28:59
I'll tell you about the first time that happened. I was living here in Ashland and I a friend of mine had a twin sister who lived in Southern California. They were both 85 years old. And my friend here was no good Baptist woman. But her twin sister had lived a very different life very independent, very non religious. And she was so I'd gotten a call from from my friends saying, you know that her sister was dying and she was very restless. She was at home and she was at her home and in Southern California and she had around the clock caregivers and she was just a restless and fighting and she wanted to know if there was anything out I could do to help her. And I thought, yeah, I think I can, but I'm not, I'm not sure how to do that, but I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna try. So I did the same thing I just put on the headset get into meditative state, and called her name. And I'm immediately with her in Southern California in her room. And I can see her body restless moving around, and, and I can see her soul somewhat out of her body. And I introduced myself and said that, you know, her sister had asked me to come check on her and see if there was anything I could do to help. And she said, No, you know, get out of here. Wow. So I thought, Well, I'm just gonna hang out for a while and see if she changes her mind. So I just kind of, you know, hung out. And in a few minutes, she said, alright, you can come back tomorrow. I said, Okay, I'll come back tomorrow. So the next day, you know, I get into my meditative state, and call her name in Ghana there. And then she's like, right in my face. She's She says, like, what took you so long? Which is very different from the day before.

Alex Ferrari 31:24
She, she seems like a lovely lady.

Judy Hilyard 31:31
But what she said was that she was afraid to die and that she, she, in her words, had been an anchor for her whole life. Then she and both of them both her sister, and then she had grown up kind of Baptist Church, and she felt like she would go, she was gonna go to hell. So I said, Well, you know, there is no hell on the other side. And I said, You're not an angry, you're a loving soul. And you're just kind of lost right now. You know, and we had this conversation back and forth. She was kind of grumpy at first. And she kind of settled down. And I, and so I said, I said, just listen to me. Just listen to what I have to say to you. And I told her who she really was, who she was as a soul that she was this loving being as a soul. And when I'm over on the other side, I, I frequently don't know what I'm supposed to do or say, I get guidance. And, you know, when I when I was saying to her, please listen to me, just listen to what I have to say to you. You know, and she said, Well, maybe I will. And I was thinking to myself, well, I have no idea what I'm gonna say to her. But it just came out about you know, that she was this loving being and and that she was getting ready to die. So

Alex Ferrari 33:17
Are you in the room still? Are you on the other side? Because it's like you're not on the other side. Are you like, one foot in one foot out?

Judy Hilyard 33:25
And one foot in one foot out. I'm with her in in her room. And I'm connected to the other side.

Alex Ferrari 33:34
Got it! Got it!

Judy Hilyard 33:37
So as I'm talking to her, and telling her who she really is, and how, what a lovely and loving soul she really is. She's quiet, she just settles down and she's quiet. And what what I experienced is this incredible sense of peace and love. And you know what, I'm sitting here in this cottage currently in and I could feel it here. It was like it was like the contours of the room or changed who's like nothing was the way it seems to be at the moment you know? And, and then I see her I see her and me go across to the other side. And she's met by loved ones but I you know, at that moment, I didn't I had never done the nm Iris stuff before. So I didn't know that that's what I was doing. I actually didn't know it and Hold the next day. But so I have this amazing experience of her and me in this state of bliss, and love and incredible. And it was like, the there was just this beautiful light. And then eventually it fades. And I'm back here. So I'm in the state of bliss for a few hours. And then I called her sister and said, You know, I've connected in with your sister and, and I'll write it up, and I'll take it over to you and I at that point, I didn't. I didn't have an explanation for what what had happened. And she said, Well, you know, I got a call from the caregivers later in the afternoon, and they said that she died around 330 that afternoon. And I was with her in this in this experience from about one to about 140. So I thought, well, maybe I've helped her in some way. So the next day, I go over and meet with Kathy and gave her the write up today that I did. And she said, you know, she didn't die at 330. That was when the hospice nurse came and pronounced her. Um, and you know, the official pronouncement is the date and time that somebody's died, and it goes on your birth certificate. But she actually died at 1:20. And one, one o'clock, the caregivers had said she calmed down and she just relaxed. And I'd started working with her at one o'clock. And I was with her from one, one o'clock to about 140. So that that experience of that bliss evitable experience was that period of time. So that was when I thought I realized I had become an Anam Aira. I had escorted her across the veil at the moment of death.

Alex Ferrari 37:21
So amazing, Judy, let me ask you, okay, so, because it sounds, it sounds somewhat similar to the beginning of a near death experience, as I've had so many have spoken to so many of them. So nothing sounds out of the ordinary for me, what's interesting is you're, you're almost like, in the river sticks. You don't charge for that. You don't charge the coins? It's kind of like, you're the boat man, if you will. Exactly. Bringing people over to the other side. What is your? I mean, is your conversation when you're guiding them over? Is there like when when you when the relative see like, Who is this? Like? I don't know who this lady is? Why is she with our with our girl? So what was that? Is it just a silent? Is your communication at all between you and and in the patient? I'll use the word patient, the person that you're guiding over, is your communications once you're over there, or is it kind of like you just walked them over and you just sit back? And it's kind of like you set up a reunion? What's that process?

Judy Hilyard 38:33
It's amazing. It's amazing. When I was at the Monroe Institute, we learned to go to this place that Bob Monroe had called Focus 27. It's one of the levels of awareness on the other side. It's one of the broader, bigger, incredible,

Alex Ferrari 38:54
Higher vibrations. Yeah,

Judy Hilyard 38:56
Yes, yes, yes. Yes. And it's a waystation it's I'll get into that in a minute. But because I want to answer your question. So when I'm moving over with someone I'm having that experience with, I'm with them and they're with me, and we're moving over to focus 27 To the park and focus 27 And when we get there there's always always an incredible amount of people waiting for it's a reunion of loved ones and it could be loved ones from this lifetime or loved ones from other lifetimes or combination usually it's combination and there's the beauty is just it's a park that we will understand that was like a park but it's it's it's like no Park you've ever seen on Earth. Even the most amazing park you've ever seen. It's pales according compared to that there Just use, there's music, there's sensation, there's sounders, and just beauty and just in love and openness and freedom and joy, and it's just incredible.

Alex Ferrari 40:18
So is there any communication? Are you talking or communicating with them at all during this process?

Judy Hilyard 40:22
Sometimes, but more is it's more an experiential. At that point. We're just we're both experiencing. And, and usually, I mean, the person that I'm taking over, as soon as we get over there, they recognize the beings that are there that know them. So then there's the start of a happy, joyful reunion. And I'm just, it's like being at a party and you're just part of it. You're just part of

Alex Ferrari 40:54
Got it got to become the third wheel, if you will. It's in some ways, this waystation again, everything you've said, I've heard, but not the way you've put it together, that I've heard about the park, I heard about this line that you can't cross. I'm not sure if you've seen that line where you there's a place where you can't go any farther. Because

Judy Hilyard 41:18
I've never at this point, I've never come across someplace, I've never that I can't go.

Alex Ferrari 41:23
Got it. So you're still within the weight, you're still within the area that you can freely come in and out of it.

Judy Hilyard 41:29
Well, and I've been way beyond the park, way beyond focus 27 since then. Pardon?

Alex Ferrari 41:39
Where is that?

Judy Hilyard 41:41
Just levels, different levels of awareness on the other side?

Alex Ferrari 41:46
Well, let me ask you this, then what are the awarenesses that you've visited on the other side? And in what capacity have you visited them?

Judy Hilyard 41:54
Well, I'll give you another example. And in bomberos, book he talked about when he was over there hanging out, he would periodically go to this area, beyond focus 27. What he saw was an aperture, a huge aperture. But it was all the aperture was closed. And there were people that he knew that were hanging out in front of the aperture. And his sense was in their sense was that this if and when when the aperture opened, they were going to be able to transition through it into another dimension beyond. And one of the things that they had said to Bob Monroe is, you can't go through there because you're still in the body.

Alex Ferrari 42:51
That's the line. That was the line.

Judy Hilyard 42:53
Yeah. However, however, years later, I was at what used to have afterlife conferences throughout the United States. And I was at one of those afterlife conferences. So I was at this afterlife conference and I was sitting in, you know, a big auditorium. And one of the one of the gals that would come almost every year was a woman who, who did Native American drumming, and would drum us into a meditative state. So as I was sitting there, and I thought, Okay, I'm gonna see what this is like. So I thought, I wonder what I want what am I what do I want to experience that I haven't experienced before? On the other side, and I thought, I've never seen the aperture I want to see the aperture. So she so Linda's drumming and and I'm getting into my meditative state. And then I'm right in front of the aperture. And but there's nobody there. And the aperture is open.

Alex Ferrari 44:09
Security is left securities on lunch, is what you're saying.

Judy Hilyard 44:14
And what comes into my mind is Well, Bob Monroe said that he had been told that you can't go through the aperture if you're still in a body. And then I thought, well, that's just a thought. And then what came next is yes, that's just a thought. So I said, Okay, I'm gonna go through the aperture.

Alex Ferrari 44:37
Wow, you're you're ballsy, Judy. You're ballsy. I like that.

Judy Hilyard 44:42
So I went through, I didn't I didn't go far through I and I could see the opening of the aperture behind me and I thought, Well, I'm just gonna stay close. But I wanted to see because I thought, what's on the other side, because I've never seen God Huh, exactly. So maybe Gods on the other side, this god what was in the aperture? It was this incredible it's hard to describe, it's almost impossible to describe those different environment, then, on this side of the aperture, more love more, more of everything more of just openness of love of joy of, then I experienced before and I thought that you experienced the most. So I'm just hanging out there and just having this experience, I mean, it was just and the environment was sort of the color was sort of pinkish. And I could see, like, way beyond there was it kind of went on for eternity. Infinity. And then, at one point, I heard Linda drumming us back. And I can't come back into my body. And I thought, Wow.

Alex Ferrari 46:22
This is, Judy, how many? How many souls? Have you helped transition over?


Hundreds at this point. What are they?

Judy Hilyard 46:34
Oh, let me back up a minute. I'm physically I've taken seven people over at the moment of death. Okay. However, at some point during the process, one of the things that I got guidance on on the other side was one of the things that I could do for people who were struggling, is I could take them over for visit. Yeah. So, you know, I offer Do you want to go over for a visit, and see what's there and see who's there?

Alex Ferrari 47:20
At what point is it someone on their deathbed, or is this just Okay, people under death? Yeah. Is there a tariff because they're terrified of what the programming they've gotten through earth in hell and all that other stuff they might have learned along the way?

Judy Hilyard 47:32
Yeah, exactly. So I've taken so. So physically, I've escorted seven people over at the moment of death. But when I learned to do this, taking people over for a visit, then I didn't need to escort them afterwards, because then they were comfortable. And if almost always, I would say always, when I bring them back. Loved ones come with them. You know, could be a mother, a father, a grandmother, somebody that's important to them, Come with them, and stay with them until they're ready to transition. So then I don't have to do that.

Alex Ferrari 48:19
It's very similar to what happens when people listen to stories like this. And these kinds of conversations and near death experiences and shared death experiences. And when they understand that there is another side that that we go on for forever, that our loved ones are safe, our our pets are safe, our animals are safe. Have Did you by the way in any of those times, have you seen animals along along the way? Or is it only just been humans and other beings like that?

Judy Hilyard 48:46
I have. I don't normally unless less. There's a reason. But, you know, I had a loved pet dog who died some years ago now. And when she died, I was I had her in the chair next to me. No, and I was sobbing. I couldn't go. I couldn't go. But later that night, I woke up and she was still in the chair. She had died. And I thought I want to go see if I can find her. And one of the things that we learned to do at the Monroe Institute is there's an area in focus 27 Or you can create your own special place. And I had created my own special place there and all of my horses and dogs and cats and animals So I've had that I've loved when I go there, they're they're

Alex Ferrari 50:03
Very, very much like, what? What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams? Zone heaven.

Judy Hilyard 50:11
Yeah, exactly. So. So in the middle of the night I decide to go see if I can check on her. And she's, she's in my place. Yeah, when I have this, I created this beautiful log home overlooking the ocean with a sloping front yard. And she's playing in the front yard. Got it. And she's, you know, kind of doing you know what, how dogs get down on their front paws and plus what she was doing. And she was, and there was another to another person there that she was playing with. And I thought, I wonder who that is. I mean, she was so happy. And she was just this bright spirit. And this, this other person that she was playing with was a bright spirit. So I'm thinking, I wonder who she's playing with. So I focus on that other person. It was me. I was already over there playing with her before I got there.

Alex Ferrari 51:25
This would be your higher self or a portion of your soul. Because your soul can be projected into multiple places at the same time.

Judy Hilyard 51:35
Yeah, exactly.

Alex Ferrari 51:37
Just out of curiosity, this is a topic I talk to a lot with people like yourself, but with gurus and spiritual masters, this idea of everything happening all at once, because you've mentioned past lives and multiple lives. Do you have any experience since you visited so much the other side of according to the theory is that all of our lives are happening at the same time, there is no path, there is no future, there is no time. So it's kind of a construct of ours. So we're just our awareness is here, right now you and me or awareness happens to be here. But things that we do in this life can ripple back, if you will, or forward, depending on what we accomplish those we accomplish. Oh, we accomplished overcoming addiction in this life. Oh, well, we have that plan for three lifetimes down. But since he already did it this time, we can shift it. Do you have any information or insight into that idea?

Judy Hilyard 52:38
My experience on the other side is is that that, that there is no time on the other side. And an experience just came to mind now I've lost it. But But part of it like was me being over there. Playing with Sophie. Before I even me even went there. I was already there. So I probably went with her, even though it was home sobbing and thinking I couldn't go.

Alex Ferrari 53:13
That's an interesting idea. That's a very interesting idea.

Judy Hilyard 53:16

Alex Ferrari 53:20
To make people feel better about losing a loved one, or losing a beloved pet or something along those lines, because you feel so disconnected when they leave you but to know that the you literally are with them on the other side. Right, a different part of you is there. It's very comforting. Would you agree?

Judy Hilyard 53:44
There was a there was a time when I in one of Bob Monroe's books he had talked about connecting in with his Higher Self on the other side. And I had, you know, I had been doing this for years and it never occurred to me to think about doing that for myself. So I thought this one day I thought I want to I want to do that I want to see if I can connect in with the with my higher self my higher soul self. At the time, I had Sophie she hadn't died yet. And and I had read lots of Near Death Experience Books. And and lots of people, when they're over there, they don't want to come back. Even when, you know, it could be a mother with young children. And they don't want to come back because it's so incredible on the other side. So I thought if I connected with my higher self, maybe I won't want to come back. And I don't want my because if my soul is out of my body, my body is going to die fairly soon. Because the soul is part of what animates the body. So I thought, I don't want Sophia here with my dead body. So I asked my guides to help me, if I get over there, and I don't want to come back to help me come back. So so I get into my meditative state and have this intention of connecting with my higher self. And it was, it was, it was such an incredible experience, it was this sense of belonging, I don't know that anybody in this in this life, in a physical life can can know what that's that incredible sense of belonging is. mean, we all have snip snippets of that in our family and stuff. But this was just beyond, beyond anything that could be described. The sense of, I was home, I was home. And in this, I mean, I was just, I was just enveloped in this love and belonging. And it's, I don't know what words to use. But then at one point, I, I see myself standing there, like in a, like, in a one person receiving line. And there were hundreds, maybe 1000 people walking by me, individually. And each one would acknowledge me and, and touch me. And and, and I knew each one of them, I knew them better than I think I know myself. I knew them. They they were so familiar to me. And they male and female and and other I don't know, different. And different dress and different colored skin and no different from all kinds of different lifetimes. Over 1000 It seemed like and what I realized is they were each me from a different life.

Alex Ferrari 57:26
Wow. That's amazing.

Judy Hilyard 57:32
It was amazing.

Alex Ferrari 57:34
So you literally were connecting with all of your past lives, and future lives. And future lives technically as they're all going on in the future. And part of part of the we're so party from the Middle Ages, a part of you from the pyramids, a part of you from a space station in the future, living on Mars somewhere. All right, all of this was connected. God, what's really remarkable about your, your stories and your journeys, is that people I speak to have glimpses of this, but you freely go back and forth and experience so much of the afterlife that your knowledge base of the afterlife becomes greater and greater and greater. The more you visit it experientially. I mean you just by experiencing it, you're learning more and more, how do you deal with coming back to just this?

Judy Hilyard 58:30
Compared to that time, at that time when I was connected with my higher self, you know, and I had asked my guides to help bring me back if I didn't want to come back. And then all of a sudden I'm back and and then I realized I'm back and I started crying. I mean I was just sobbing sure that I was back it took a while to because it was you know when you're home in in a home that that no one on earth has ever experienced no matter how good home is here. It's astronomically better grader on the other side and when you come back from that it took me a while to

Alex Ferrari 59:32
To process the processes emotions in that when you're experiencing here was so much grander than these other experiences of the aperture and and other souls and being in the in the garden and that place where you were with your dog. Yeah, completely different energy, completely different level of vibration if you will. Being that close to your higher self and connecting with all of your past lives. Umm. . Judy, I'm gonna keep talking to you for another hour. Question is just fascinating. But I'm going to ask you a few questions ask all of my guests. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Judy Hilyard 1:00:14
Doing what you're meant to do? And doing it happily and joyfully I mean, what you're meant to do, you're gonna do happily and joyfully. Just, that's just it.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:25
Now, if you got a chance to go back in time and talk to little, Judy, what advice would you give her?

Judy Hilyard 1:00:30
Everything is going to be okay. It's going to be more than okay, stop worrying. Settle down, relax.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:39
How do you define God or Source?

Judy Hilyard 1:00:41
The words that I get when I'm connected on the other side. When I'm getting connection from source on the other side. The words that I get tend to be something one of the one of the combinations is all there is in caps. ALL THERE IS.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:00
Yeah. Which makes all the sense in the world. And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Judy Hilyard 1:01:06
Learning, joy, love.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:11
And where can people find out more about you in the amazing work that you're doing?

Judy Hilyard 1:01:14
Well, my website, I'll spell it.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:18
I'll put it I'll put the link in the description. Don't worry, okay.

Judy Hilyard 1:01:21
Okay. So my website is on Okay. I have a book that I that came out a couple of years ago, called Soul Companion: A Memoir. So some of the stories that I've talked about today are in here. Okay. So those are the best ways to get a hold of me on my website, there's a there's a tab where you can get a hold of me.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:51
Okay, so if somebody wants to reach out to you, do you do like sessions or things like that?

Judy Hilyard 1:01:56
Yeah. Yeah. You know, I've worked I've, when I said hundreds earlier, what I what I was thinking about is, I've worked with hundreds of people and connecting with them with loved ones on the other side, you know, many hundreds of people.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:12
Well, be careful what you wish for, because the show has a way of inundating the guests. I think so. Judy, thank you so much for coming on the show. It's been such a pleasure and honor speaking to you about your your remarkable journeys. And I really do truly hope that this conversation brings some peace to people around the world and know that there is another side. It's all good. It's all good. It's all good. And we all we finally know that all dogs do truly go to heaven. So thank you so much, my dear. I appreciate you.

Judy Hilyard 1:02:50
You're welcome. Thank you.

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