In today’s enlightening episode, we welcome Jonathan Goldman, a pioneer in the field of sound healing. Jonathan’s journey into the world of sound began in the late 1970s, playing rock and roll in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. An epiphany struck him as he observed the negative atmosphere his music contributed to in a club. This realization led him to explore the potential of sound not just to create moods but to heal.
Jonathan shares, “The power of the music has to do not only with the frequencies and the sounds but also the energy that is encoded in it. Music and Sound is a carrier of our consciousness.”
Throughout our conversation, Jonathan delves into the profound connection between sound, frequency, and healing. He introduces us to the concept that everything in the universe is vibration, a notion shared by ancient mystics and modern quantum physicists alike. This understanding forms the foundation of sound healing, which Jonathan has spent decades mastering.
Jonathan recounts his early days of sound healing, highlighting the importance of intention. “Frequency plus intent equals healing,” he explains. This principle, he discovered, is essential in creating the desired therapeutic effects through sound. He emphasizes that the intention behind the sound is just as critical as the sound itself, a belief reinforced by his extensive research and practice.
One of the most intriguing aspects of our discussion is Jonathan’s explanation of psychoacoustics and vibroacoustics. While psychoacoustics involves sound affecting the brain and nervous system through the ears, vibroacoustics entails sound penetrating the body at a cellular level, affecting everything from molecules to DNA. This dual approach to sound therapy illustrates the extensive reach of sound’s healing potential.
We also explore the role of silence in sound healing. “Silence is golden,” Jonathan asserts, describing it as the yin to sound’s yang. In silence, true shifts and changes occur, allowing the body and mind to integrate and resonate with the healing frequencies.
- Everything is Vibration: The fundamental principle of sound healing is that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. By understanding and working with these vibrations, we can influence our physical and spiritual well-being.
- Frequency Plus Intent Equals Healing: The intention behind the sound is as important as the sound itself. When used consciously, sound can be a powerful tool for healing.
- Silence is Golden: Silence plays a crucial role in sound healing, allowing the body and mind to fully integrate and resonate with the healing frequencies.
Jonathan’s passion for sound extends beyond individual healing to planetary healing. He speaks about using sound with large groups to change global consciousness, a mission he pursues through initiatives like World Sound Healing Day. “We can make a difference,” he declares, emphasizing the power of collective intention and compassion.
In our conversation, Jonathan Goldman reminds us of the ancient wisdom embedded in sound, urging us to harness this knowledge for healing ourselves and the planet. His insights into the therapeutic power of the hum, a simple yet profound practice, provide a tangible tool for anyone seeking to reduce stress and enhance well-being.
Please enjoy my conversation with Jonathan Goldman.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 384
Jonathan S. Goldman 0:00
The power of the music has to do not only with the frequencies and the sounds, but also the energy that is encoded in it. Music and Sound is a carrier of our consciousness. So when I first began, like doing this work of sound healing, and I'd be talking to people made want me to tell that, you know, boy, rock and roll was the devil's music. And I put down my Stratocaster for about three years because I didn't want to contribute to that. And then I realized that the intention of the person was equally valid. And just as I said, The Beatles and in the end, the love you take is equal to love you make what more profound, powerful and consciously encoded sound. So I think that a lot of it has to do with the consciousness that is encoded on the sound.
Alex Ferrari 0:59
I'd like to welcome to the show, Jonathan Goldman. How you doing Jonathan?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:02
Alex, I am great. How are you?
Alex Ferrari 1:05
I'm doing great, my friend, thank you so much for coming on the show I am, I am truly been looking forward to this conversation because I've never had anybody on the show, talking about sound and frequency, from not only a spiritual point of view, but also a scientific point of view, and a soul point of view. And we're we're all going to go through that. And it's something it's very, very in a healing point of view as well. It's a fascinating subject that I really have never gotten into before on the show. So I'm really looking forward to our conversation.
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:37
Great so much to talk about. So whatever resonates with you.
Alex Ferrari 1:44
So first question, what how did you begin this your study into sound and frequency from a spiritual and a scientific point of view?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:55
Well, I have a story, Alex, if that's okay with you, and I am now a it is the late 1970s. I have graduated Boston University film school and I am playing in a rock and roll band. I am playing in rock and roll band on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, it is a summer, I come back from a break, I strap on my Stratocaster and I begin playing and all of a sudden I look out in the club. And I realized that the ambience of the club was one of negativity and violence. Now I realized that the alcohol the different toxic instead, people are imbibing. We're helping create this atmosphere of negativity and violence. But I also really got the music that I was creating at the time was helping induce this. And I had a thought am I do I was in my late 20s At the time, and I've been playing actually professionally since I was about for about 15 years. And to have thought, Gee, I wonder if music can be used to make people feel good. Now, I've never had that thought and the close to 15 years I've been playing. And within about a week, that thought shifted and changed to I wonder if sound can be used to heal. So it was like almost like the light of God struck me that night when I was on stage. And since then doors just began to open and everything just changed I trust for the better.
Alex Ferrari 3:32
So how do how do how does sound specifically influence our spirit and our soul first? And how does it influence the healing of a body?
Jonathan S. Goldman 3:45
Alex, if I can get into a little bit of my pedantic teaching mode and talk about the fact that I'd like to share with you and your listeners ultimately, the four pillars of sound healing. And the first one simply is that everything is vibration. And our ancient mystics and our modern quantum physicists are in agreement with this everything is in a state of vibration. And indeed, just to begin, sound travels as a wave. And this wave is measured in what they call cycles per second or hertz scientifically, we hear from around 20 of these cycles a second to about 20,000. But are funny friends in the ocean can hear upwards of 200,000 cycles a second the dolphins can make and receive sounds upwards of 20 200,000 that would be 20 times or would that be 20 times 20 Doesn't much matter. 10 times more than our highest level of hearing. So just because we can't hear something doesn't mean that there isn't a sound being created. Now, the concept of sound is the fact that everything is in a steady state of vibration, from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom to planets in distant galaxies moving around their sons. They are in a state of vibration. And therefore conceptually, they're creating a sound whether or not we can perceive and hear that sound is another story. But bottom line is that everything is in a state of vibration from our body to the different parts of our body. In fact, our body is a little bit like an orchestra that is playing the symphony of the self. When we are in the state of health, we say we're Sound Health. And indeed, you know, there's an overall harmonic or resonant harmonic that was created when we're in a state of health. But what happens if the second violin player loses their sheet music, they can begin to play out of harmony, they're playing the wrong notes, pretty soon the entire string section is off. Pretty soon, the entire orchestra sounds very funky. And this is akin to a part of our body that is vibrating at its natural ease in harmony is vibrating out of its ease, we say it is deceased. So the very simple idea of using sound as a modality to heal is simply to give this string player back their sheet music to somehow create the correct resonant frequency, and encode it back into our body. Now, there are two different ways that we experienced sound. One is called psycho acoustics. And that's where the sound goes into your ear goes into your brain affects your nervous system, your heart rate, your respiration, your brainwaves. We're talking now, that's one way of the sound going to your body, we listen to music, that's another way. So listening is very powerful way. But there's another way that I want to bring to everyone's attention, which is called vibro. acoustics. And that's where sound goes into our body on a cellular level, going into our body and affecting us on a cellular level going down to our molecules, and literally affecting our DNA and all that stuff, which is a very, very powerful, if you like way that sound can heal. And incidentally, I just want to scientifically basis on my New York Times, article back from February 8 1988, a lot of eighths and that number, that's the reason I, I remember, it was like sound shaped into dazzling tool can make or break or rearrange molecular structure. And then the last tag was and levitate objects. Now that we're talking about ultrasound, which is the sound of way above our level of hearing that audible sound has the same ability to pit.
Alex Ferrari 8:00
So with that being said, that opens up a whole can of worms of things that we could talk about. So let's so I mean, for many years, they've been talking about sound as a potential way that they move large objects around like the pyramids and building the pyramids and things like that. This is not kind of woowoo stuff, there is a scientific basis to sound levitating objects. I mean, I've seen seen videos, it's it's scientifically proven, it can't be done at the level that the pyramids were being built as a whole other conversation, what kind of frequencies what kind of vibrations needed to be used.
Jonathan S. Goldman 8:41
That's a whole different discussion. And I just want to suggest, ultimately, finally, that if I knew the secret of how to do this, I probably wouldn't share it. Because I don't know if we have the evolutionary consciousness to be able to deal with a power that has, you know, with a technological aspect that that is that advanced, but it's a pretty interesting topic. Getting back to how to use sound for healing and all that stuff. There are lots of different things. I got a tuning fork here here as an example, just to show you. This is an example of psycho acoustics. I hear it here. And it sounds like this. Kind of it can be cool. I mean, I hear but this is an example of vibro acoustics. The sound going into my body and they feel very different in they have very different effects. So sound is an amazing phenomena. So the first Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 9:47
Well, let me ask you before you continue, let me ask you this. You were talking about the originating idea of when you walked into that club, and you saw the energy that was a little negative. There's a reason why it Let's go into music for a second musics such a powerful thing for it is I think the human humanity wouldn't be able to live without story and without music of some sort. What's good music and bad music is really up to the, to the listening ear in many ways. But But with that said, though, a band like The Beatles, who have rung true wrong, I mean, one of the biggest bands of all time, has music that just crosses generations, completely generations, my kids love the Beatles, you know, and, you know, my parents love The Beatles, and I love the Beatles. And it's in that music is it has a very specific energy to it. And then you listen to some, let's say, and please, for anyone listening, it's just an example. Thrash Metal, you know, you know, German death metal, okay, a little different vibe, a little different energy, and it truly does affect the body. And if you're sitting between listening to a love song from The Beatles, or German thrash metal, it is visceral. What happens to your body? So can you explain to people what is going on?
Jonathan S. Goldman 11:18
Right, so this is beautiful. And this brings me to the second pillar of sound healing. And that is intent is powerful. So I'm gonna get back to this question. But first go here, okay. And this was back in the 1980s. Actually, in the mid 1980s, I was so enamored with this whole concept that I began really collecting all this data and research and how sound can be used for healing. And I was involved in a master's degree program from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And I'm working on my master's thesis, and I have a pile of papers is when we still had papers about yellow high, there were different systems of using sound for healing. And I said, Oh, great. I'm gonna be the first person who's really going to correlate all this stuff, because honestly, I come from a family doctor, his father, brother, grandfather, all medical doctors, and so I had a pretty good at the time, well develop left brain. And I thought, Okay, I'm gonna put this all together. And I began basically putting the information together, and I'm staring in front of a computer screen. And the computer use the DOS operating system, a dark screen with an IR bettors, and it's waiting for me to enter input a material, but I'm looking at it's like, spiritual master. A would be using a particular set of mantras for the chakras and a spiritual master B would be using a completely different set of mantras. Dr. X would be using a particular set of frequencies for an organ Doctor, why are you using a completely different set of frequencies for the same organ. And there was no reason that they were not reporting to me the truth because this is at a time way before anybody was interested. And they were just sort of telling you their work. And I'm sitting there rocking my chair, my head, my hand going, how can this be it doesn't line up nobody's in agreement. This inner voice says to me, it is not only the frequency of the sound that creates its effect. It is also the intention of the person making and receiving the sound and I wrote down these words, frequency plus intent equals healing, frequency plus intent equals healing. And these add these Amber gold letters of flashing back and forth and that was back in the mid 80s. And it is truer now than it is. Then. Bless it be there a lot of people such as Bruce Lipton, Dr. Bruce Lipton, his Biology of Belief, or Dr. Joe Dispenza, you are the placebo Massaro Emoto did these wonderful experiments using experiment you know, with water molecules and different intentionality and different sounds and come with different intentionality. So I'd like to suggest that the power of the music has to do not only with the frequencies and the sounds, but also the energy that is encoded in it. Music and Sound is a carrier of our consciousness. So when I first began, like, doing this work of sound healing, and I'd be talking to people, they'd want me to tell them, you know, boy, rock and roll was the devil's music. And I put down my Stratocaster for about three years because I didn't want to contribute to that. And then I realized that the intention of the person was equally valid. And just as I said, The Beatles and at the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make, what more profound power carefully and consciously encoded sound. So I think that a lot of it has to do with the consciousness that is encoded on the sound. And you know, with a killed die, rock and roll, which I had been pretty familiar with, that pervades a certain consciousness. And I'm also going to suggest that any music, depending upon the time, the place and the need of the individual can be therapeutic. So if you're 15 years old, your your metabolic system is in a way different place than somebody who's, you know, my age or perhaps your age, we, you know, we resonate to different things. So we have to honor that. I want to share with you the words of a dear teacher of mine, she is no longer on the physical plane, but really an angelic being. But the name is Sara Benson, who basically told me years ago, the true sound of healing is love. And I can only validate that more and more. And I do not think, by the way that love is a frequency. That's a whole different things. I think low Love is like encoded, it's a consciousness that can be encoded upon any sound.
Alex Ferrari 16:21
That's really interesting, because I love the I love the idea of the intention because you know, these conversations that I have, you know, in on the show, there is a very clear intention, with the show and with what I do. And it seems to resonate with people around the world. Because of that, and it's grown. And that makes a lot of sense where, you know, in music, even in film, I come from the film industry as well, if you didn't know, I've been in the film industry for 30 years or so. And when there is a film that has the intention of the makers to do something bigger, it it resonates in a different way when if it's obviously done for money, obviously done just and that's what a lot of stuff the Hollywood's pumping out these days is done strictly for money. And but if the filmmakers intention is behind it, it changes the whole energy of it. And then this now goes into another thing that's that's just sound but intention in the writing. So there's books that that continue to resonate 1000s and 1000s of years into the future because the the read the intention was so powerful that you could still pick up that book today and it resonates the same day it was written. Well, is that fair?
Jonathan S. Goldman 17:38
I noticed our friend Yogananda in the background. Just listen listening to Autobiography of a Yogi. Have you ever listened to the audible of that?
Alex Ferrari 17:48
Ben Kingsley. Yes. Oh, my God. That's amazing.
Jonathan S. Goldman 17:52
Produced by George Harrison. Right?
Alex Ferrari 17:54
Yeah, I mean, what else do you need? I mean, it's such an amazing, such an amazing audiobook.
Jonathan S. Goldman 18:01
And you're talking about the, you know, ancient books, they all basically all the ancient texts on the planet, basically deal with sound as the original creative form, in the beginning was the Word. And the Lord said, Let there be light sound preceding light, which we call subtle luminescence. But that's a whole nother story. On all these different traditions, I could sit here for a half hour talking to you about journeying through the planet in the different traditions and how in the Hindu tradition, they say not a Brahmin, the world is sound and the Egyptian tradition, the God thought with, visualize an object, speak its name and bring it into being. And that actually is a sub corollary that I created along with frequency plus intent equals healing is vocalization making the sound plus visualization equals manifestation. Think about that for a second vocalization visualization. And I thought I was so clever when I came up with this. And then I realized that all the magical and spiritual traditions on the planet basically employed this formula, they simply didn't phrase it, I may have been the first person to phrase it that way. But you know, people would, you know, even for example, as certain Tibetan conquerors in the background, and I'm, you know, akin to a lot of the different traditions and a very dear friend of mine is chant master, one of the great chant Masters on the planet. And we talk and you know, he's done teaching, we talked about the fact that you can take a mantra, you can chant the mantra, and it's great. But if you can code the mantra, with the consciousness, the energy that the mantra is supposed to have, it's so much better.
Alex Ferrari 19:48
The that one of the things I've come to understand more recently, honestly is the frequency is fundamental. Frequency is fundamental. It is truly the basis of everything in quantum physics is now even starting to realize that we're all vibration. We're all frequencies, would you agree?
Jonathan S. Goldman 20:12
I think I agree. But I want to basically just get to the third one, the third one, which is that we are all unique vibratory beings. This one is huge. And I usually start off a workshop or whatnot by asking how many people are allergic to penicillin. And, because if you perceive that everything in the universe is in vibration, and penicillin is a vibration, or a series of vibrations, different frequencies. And usually anywhere from 10 to 20%, of an audience will raise their hand and say, Okay, so for 80% of you, penicillin is going to be a healing frequency healing modality, which for 20% is going to be toxic. And I think this is an really great metaphor for almost everything in the universe, perhaps water and air are the two things that we, you know, might need for everyone. But every everything else, people are allergic to different things, they resonate to different things, including different frequencies. So that to make the assumption that this frequency is going to work for everybody, it doesn't matter if you can hear it or not, doesn't matter. Because for a certain amount of people, it's not going to be resonant and work for them. So what we're saying in terms of the fact that everything is frequency, yes, that is true. But does everyone respond to the frequency the same way? Hmm.
Alex Ferrari 21:48
That's very, that's very, very true. Because, again, some people will resonate with that German thrash metal. Because at the moment that I had, I had, you know, it's funny, it's so funny, I had a friend of mine years ago, who just loved German thrash metal, like just, she just loved, he played it all the time. He had it in his headphones. He was, and he was the sweetest, nicest person. But it really worked. It really benefited him. At a time when he was pretty angry. It was he was a very angry guy had a lot of things going on in his life at the time. And it was something that was really, really soothing for him. For me, it was like nails on a chalkboard, you know, it was just completely not resonating with me in the least. And I think that's the thing that people listening is like, you It's so, so profound, what you just said, is that not everything is going to work for everybody. So this conversation will not resonate with other people with everybody. It won't. Some of them were like, these guys are nuts. They're talking about sound like it's something and other people were like going to go. This is a profound piece of information.
Jonathan S. Goldman 23:03
Well, even as we're speaking right now, there is a major conference by the NIH in Washington, DC that is going on now. We're dealing with music as medicine. Right now, as we're speaking, you know, I was just watching it before. And it's interesting, I've been involved in this for a really long time. So, but it's interesting to see that it's once again manifesting. But you know, one of the things I have to tell you a thrash metal story, which is that I walked into a record store probably around 10 years ago. And I pride myself in being able to like resonate with everything. And I walked in and there's a stuff going on. And after about five minutes, I was either gonna throw myself through the window, or I escaped through the front door. But I first said, What is this? The guy told me the name of the album, he said, you know, would you want to buy it? I said, yeah. So I took it home. And I basically listened to it so that I could get what it was. That was number one. Creating such difficulty. And the group is called pig destroyer. Of the four instruments, one of them was somebody who was encoded with noise. So it's purposely done to create this type of thing. You know, everything because our if you like, nervous system attunes to the different sounds so to them what's going depending upon our metabolism and stuff up. Listen, I create music, for deep relaxation for deep meditation. It's used all over the planet, therapeutically. People want to go to sleep, people want to chill out people want X, Y and Z listen to my music. And one of the first times that I went into a gym and I got on some sort of, you know, treadmill and I put my music on and what happened was that my A neural muscular system and just began to encode with it. And I fell off the treadmill, I then proceeded to put on the opening bars of jumping Jack Flash, which worked really well for the situation. So depending upon the situation, Alex had the experience where once again, I was teaching them in Boulder at the time I was living up a place of there was about a mile further up a mountain. And I would have to go through this windy road that was one of the 10 most dangerous roads on the planet, and it was snowing heavily. So there's a way out, I'm freaking out, I tried to put some of my music for relaxation, but it started to chill me out. And I didn't let that psych. You know, it was cold out. But I basically lowered the window and put on some really loud, fast music to keep me awake. And that to me was therapeutic at the time. So depending upon the time, and the place and the need of the individual.
Alex Ferrari 26:05
There's no question. I mean, if you're in the gym, and I have the tiger shows up for a certain generation, it you you're Rocky, and you're in there with Apollo and you're like, I got it, I got it just Jazz's you up in that time, you might not want that right before you go to bed. But you might want it at the gym.
Jonathan S. Goldman 26:23
And we're talking about films before. And I want to acknowledge that I think some of the greatest purveyors of the wisdom of how to use sound and music to affect the emotional field, the emotional body are filmmakers. In fact, there was a book written in the 1980s by a guy named Robert Sigley and Sigleo, who's a medical doctor, and he was writing basically about the power of music and about the fact that these guys really I mean, John Williams is brilliant, in terms of using a couple of notes on a car coming together said,
Alex Ferrari 27:09
Well, I mean, just don't even look that far. I mean, even Hitchcock was a master of it. And if you look at psycho I mean, you can't listen to the psycho theme. Look, you went right away you went with the knife, you automatically went with the knife in the in the motion of the stabbing. That's how perfectly brilliant that piece of music was with that sequence. It is married for ever you watch that thing once, you will never disconnect it, and you can't and it's the violins the way they did it in mixture with the visuals.
Jonathan S. Goldman 27:39
I believe Bernard Herrmann yes or no. And also, as you probably know, the knife actually never penetrates the flesh never
Alex Ferrari 27:47
Never see it. We never see a touching the skin. It's amazing that sequel. Yeah, well, we could have a whole hour of just at this full movie, there's a documentary just analyzing that scene, right?
Jonathan S. Goldman 27:58
I happen to be at this moment in time and space, reading a book that was given to me for my birthday, which was a couple of days ago, on Hitchcock. So it's so interesting, you should bring it up. But so many things are interrelated at this particular point in time and space, that it's hard to have a conversation that doesn't relate to something that's going on our life.
Alex Ferrari 28:15
Yeah, without question. So what's the fourth pillar?
Jonathan S. Goldman 28:18
Oh, the fourth pillar, this is the big one, because there's so many people in the sound, and music and whatnot, that don't get it. And it's so simple silence is golden. Silence is the Yin, to the yang of sound. And if you'd like it is in the silence that the true shifts and changes occur. And we built in our modern day will listen to music someone and they will listen to another type of music and not giving the original sound and you the frequency, whatever you want to call it, the consciousness, the energetic form the field, the time to encode assimilated our cells to it. And it's so very, very important thing about this out. The word silence is an anagram for the word listen, he is your right. And there are actually, Alex. There are different traditions, particularly in the Hindu tradition called Shabda yoga where people do an inner listening. And through inner listening, they traveled the higher planes of consciousness. So silence is really, really important and a lot of people become so enamored with music because it's a real feel good buzz type thing, whether they're making their own sound or listening to it, that they don't give themselves the time to encode and resonate with the feel that's been created.
Alex Ferrari 29:52
So this I've seen this. This is kind of a new what's the word? A new thing that I've been seeing a whole lot of the sessions of sound bathing.
Jonathan S. Goldman 30:04
Sound Bath is hilarious. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 30:06
It is sound baths, which sound as woowoo. And as insane as anything I've ever heard in this space, but there is something behind it, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Jonathan S. Goldman 30:19
Bottom line is that most of the sound baths, most of them are often done with crystal bowls. They're the new. I love crystal balls, I've had them for years. I personally prefer using the voice. And we can talk a little bit about that later, because I have a technique that everybody can use and feel the you know, powerful vibrations of it. But the with the sound baths. Ultimately, what's happening is that most of the sounds are helping induce a state of relaxation, state of stress response where they reduce the stress. And when that happens, for a lot of people who are so stressed out who is so tense, they go into a deep state of release. And when you release, you can have powerful healing going on. So it's real simply because you're going into a state of relaxation. It's that simple. And that important, because Alex, I think you'll probably agree that people are probably more stressed out now than they've ever been. And if music, you know, one of the hilarious things is I know this fella, but I was watching this thing, and that's the Music and Medicine thing. And this doctor was reporting, that listening to relaxing music is as effective in hospitals as Valium. That's huge.
Alex Ferrari 31:48
It is extremely huge. Because it's looking anyone in the things we're talking about, I think everyone has experience with in one way, shape, or form. We've all listened to music. So I mean, the music that I listened to as a teenager. And so it's so profound, again, what you said is like, at the moment of where you were resonating at that time, certain music resonated with you as well, because it's that it was at, at the same level. So things I used to listen to, in in high school, are not arguably the exact same things I listen to now. And the same thing goes for movies. Same thing goes for books, same thing that like you've just changed your frequency, if you will, and the things that you are attracted to and resonate with. Just change as you get older, hopefully, if you're evolving in one way, shape, or form. I know some of the most interesting 50 year olds I know have not changed since high school. You know what I mean? But it is such a profound thing that, that when you're listening to, I go back sometimes and I listen to music I listened to when I was in high school, like, Oh, I haven't heard that song forever. And I'll turn it on. And I'm like, Yeah, this doesn't work anymore. For me. And it's in sometimes I'll go watch a movie that I like that I thought was the greatest film of all time. And then I watch it and I go, Oh, this is horrible. This is just I mean, I all I see is plot problems and acting problems. But when I was a kid, it was like, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life. So now just for my own personal sake, I don't go back and watch older movies, if I have any indication that they have not aged well, because in my mind, they're perfect. But if I watch them, I'll get ruined it.
Jonathan S. Goldman 33:29
Listen, I'm gonna tell you that one of my favorite movies as a kid was the original Black and White King Kong. And that movie still works for me as an example. There's, you know, I still love the Beatles, for example. They aged really well, there are things I'm gonna I'm gonna suggest to you that you may find also that there are things from your past your age really well. And oftentimes, I'm surprised I have a son who's 35. And, you know, we talk about movies, and, you know, and music and whatnot, we talk about aging well, or not aging well. And it's so interesting. And that it again, depends upon the individual too
Alex Ferrari 34:13
Yeah, I mean, you look, you go back and you watch a Kubrick film, when you're 18 You'll see it differently than you'll see it when you're 40 Just because of life experience, and that's what good art does as a general statement, I think music is that way as well. That said, I mean, Beatles I could have had an appreciation for when I was in my in my teens because the Beatles weren't the Beatles when I was 18. That wasn't the hot new band. But for my parents generation, they were the band. But when I did listen to them, they resonated with me, but they don't resonate nearly as much as they resonate now with me when I listened to them. Because because it's a different you know, once you know that my understanding of where they were coming from watching so many documentaries of their process 97% of their songs We're about love, you know, like this this stuff is it means something. So it's really interesting to see how it has changed as time goes on. And again, this is just a larger example of resonating with things at a frequency level
Jonathan S. Goldman 35:17
And talking about our evolution. How are we evolving, and I will also acknowledge that I'm oftentimes deep into exploring the books and music and films that I enjoyed as a kid to see how they held out because sometimes, there is, if you like, if you can see it through the eyes of the child, like, you know, I mean, Godzilla was so silly with his guy and a floppy, you know, monster suit or whatnot. But if I can sometimes, almost time travel back to when I was a child, and get into that step into the clothes of the little Johnny watching, you know, the black and white TV with Godzilla got wow, that's cool. Or I can watch now the brand new Godzilla type thing that's called mana Lego monarch legacy that's got great special effects. Also good. I, it's really hard for me to find a movie, or a piece of music that I can find some merit with. It's so easy to put down music, but the fact that somebody created something, what a blessing to them. I mean, it may not resonate deeply with me. Right, exactly.
Alex Ferrari 36:32
And that's the thing is like, you'll go back and you'll watch certain things or you listen to certain things, and it doesn't resonate, they might you might see understand, I mean, look, I can watch Star Wars right now I can watch the all the Indiana Jones, the original Indiana Jones is right now and you're back that you're a child again, you are right back there, those films have those abilities to do that. And those and the music that those films, I mean, you take the music out of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, it's not a movie, you just you know, imagine if you just throw some stock music on there, it doesn't have the power that this that the films have now. So it's, again, the power of of sound is so important.
Jonathan S. Goldman 37:09
I'm going to basically share something I found out about a month ago, I was floored, I didn't know this, I'm going to share this with you. I don't know why it's just popping into my consciousness, there is a phenomenon called Music. musical anhedonia, I had never heard about it, I was listening to an audible and some what it is, are people who don't get music, it just doesn't process. And it strikes between five and 10% of our population of the world. I didn't know that I was floored. So when I cuz I just been sitting there going, oh, boy, music is the great gift of the Divine that McCall allows everyone to you know, create that sweet spot in our soul. Not true for 10% of the people. It doesn't work. How crazy is that? But then again, we are all unique vibratory beings. And for those people, I'd say go smell a rose or something.
Alex Ferrari 38:09
You know, it's interesting, I want to go into the let's let's go into the spiritual side of sound for a second before we I want to go back to healing because I think it's something that people are really interested in as well. But I've spoken to so many near death experiencers. And so many of them have told me when they're on the other side, they hear the most beautiful music they've ever heard. In their living life. They just like it is just everywhere you go. And this concept of ohm, or home, as it said, the the ultimate mantra, if you will or isn't there. It's like it's it's the sound of the universe, the sound of creation. If you go into all the old old the where it came from in the from the Eastern, ancient texts, what is your what is your take on first hearing about the near death experiences, experiences and this power of own and what that actually means for the spirit.
Jonathan S. Goldman 39:04
I love it. Because Alex, you're leading me into the home. But also I also have to just I had a smile on my face because there was a time about I've been in this field for a while and in the 1990s when like Ray Moody's book, life after life goals came out and there was a soul. So there was almost seemingly a competitive thing among the people in the new age music field. My music is the music that people hear when they're on the other side. And obviously various It was hilarious. So I don't have any difficulty with that at all. But the Oh, okay. I'm going to hold up just so everyone can see this fabulous award winning book called The humming effect. It's a best seller award winning book that my wife Andy and I wrote together. The reason we wrote this together was that you I'm Alex, I've been teaching for a really long time and I'd be teaching really powerful mantra forms really powerful tones. Now I'd come back a year later and go, Hey, how many of you have been doing this as a daily practice? Like, out of 100 people, maybe one person would, and I realized that, you know, I needed to find a sound that everybody could work with. Because you know, we live I mean, thanks to things like American Idol and whatnot, in a place where people judge their voice so much that you know, my wife, Andy and I were going what sort of sound What's the sound that people are not judgmental about? We looked at each other we went, huh, the hum. Babies hum, the elderly hum, everybody homes people hum when they're happy. So we decided to try to write a book about humming. Okay, very cool. And as we delve into it, that deeper and deeper to the degree that there's a book called the Yoga Sutras by a fella by the name upon times elites. And every spiritual master has practically done their own translation of it. I remember we walked into a place called Yoga Ville, believe it or not, which was Swami Satchidananda. ashram, Swami Satchidananda is the fellow who opened up Woodstock having at least a half a million or more people chant together, I was there, it shifted and changed me and changed my life and more on global sound healing in a moment. But we were down at his ashram and I, we, we were teaching, and they showed us to the room and they had a copy of Swami Satchidananda, his translation of the Yoga Sutras and I just opened it up and sutra 1.27. And this is Goldman's paraphrase of it, the original sound of creation was proud of the humming, of product, they had to give it a name. So they called it own. So the original, if you like, so the ohm came from the home. Um, so rather than going Okay, everybody, let's sound like pronto, they would everybody ohm. And in fact, this, I'm now about to amaze you with some data on the actual power of the home. But in reality, a lot of this is peer reviewed research. A lot of the the data actually came from researching the hub. And the reason we went for this, we wrote this book we thought with the deeper we dived into the home, the more extraordinary it was, I said, nobody's gonna take this seriously, because we're tempting to do the first professionally published book, solely on the power of the home. Now I've got a lot of other books on overtone, channeling, and all this other stuff. But nobody done the hum. said, Well, we got to make the first chapter, nothing more or less than peer reviewed information, ie on the therapeutic powers of the Bahamas. So here are just a few things that occur when you hum. And we this is called Conscious humming, and I'll share this with you in a second. But you get increased oxygen in the cells, you get lowered blood pressure and heart rate. Now this is huge, the lowering of blood pressure and heart rate. If you do conscious humming, and I'm not going to keep it a secret, I'm going to share this with you in a minute, you can lower your blood pressure in about a minute by about 20 points, which for people who are stressed out is an amazing thing. You get the release of melatonin, which among other things is really great for sleep and whatnot. You get release of endorphins, those wonderful self created natural painkillers, get the release of oxytocin, which is the trust hormone. And here's the drumroll, you get increased levels of nitric oxide. Now, nitric oxide is a vaso dilators with basically loosens and widens your circulatory system. So your blood and all the nutrients are able to flow really well. That's number one. But number two, nitric oxide is also an anti viral agent. And when you hum, you get 15 times the amount of nitric oxides, what kills the critters, the lodge in your nasal cavity before they go into your body. That's pretty huge. Really, and that's peer reviewed. Yeah, it's all in the first chapter of the humming effect.
Alex Ferrari 44:32
That's remarkable. So so many people want to learn a lot people are in pain right now. Radical pain, a lot of people are in physical pain. We are more stressed out than we've ever been as I think as a species. I mean, I mean, I guess when the when the Tigers were eating people left and right. I think that you may have been more stressed out but but generally speaking, a constant state of stress by either the news or what people are saying Are the pressures of living or the rat race as they say? It's causing just detrimental things to our health? Or how can people use sound for healing either general healing, I think we just touched upon the general like healing in general, but specific ailments that have been tested or used sound healing to heal,
Jonathan S. Goldman 45:24
I'm going to suggest that most of most of that stuff comes back to stress first and foremost. So rather than going into the specific ailments, which oftentimes, I mostly don't touch, simply because that gets into territory that is verboten in terms of practicing medicine without a license, but in terms of stress reduction. Okay, so listening to soothing music. And once again, there is a relationship as we're talking about between the rhythms of the music, and how our heart rate and our brainwaves go. So listen to slow music, whether it's classical, or ambient music or the type of music that I create, I use it all the time for not only just releasing stress and just chilling out, but I can also do inner traveling on there, but I want to share with you how to do conscious humming May I do that, sir, please, please. Okay, so I'm not talking first and foremost, this is a big do about humming, zippity doo da, or whatnot. If you want to consciously hum, you have to first of all, make sure sure that you're just humming on one note. I'm not because we want you know, basically when you stay on one note, that allows the if you like cellular resonance to be one frequency, which creates a lot of effect. Number two. You want to make sure that your lips are close because some people go nuts an ohm, oh, so your lips being closed. And you hum and one note at a comfortable pitch. And usually it's actual conversational voice. A lot of people are looking for their signature sound or whatnot. It's usually within your conversational voice if you're a pretty reasonable conversational voice. And I want to just ask you to play game with me for just a second Alex. I want you to hum one note and pinch your nose so that the air isn't going through. So just so I don't demonstrate and people don't think I'm faking it. You're ready.
Alex Ferrari 47:47
Sure. Yeah, that's not gonna work.
Jonathan S. Goldman 47:51
You can't hum when your nose is close. So I say okay, if you didn't know that, or there's some things about the hum. That might be news to you. Okay, so when you do conscious humming also, you want to take some nice, deep, relaxed breaths, you know, doesn't have to be but just gentle, deep breaths. Number one, keep your lips closed. Yeah, how am I one note? Your Hamada comfortable pitch. You want to hum from minimum of three to five times. Because that particularly if you're dealing with nitric oxide, nitric oxide is a gas that after about five times you need to replenish. So you need to have be in a state of silence for an equal amount of time. So those things are you willing to try this with me? Yes, good. Okay, so we're going to basically you said first thing I want you to do is just an anybody who's watching or listening to this and there are millions of people now experiencing the power of the home. It's it's not important and it's free. And everybody can do it is first check yourself out. See where are you at right now. Just check out how you're feeling. And take a couple of nice deep breaths and we'll just do three humps together just because it's not that entertaining watching people. It's great to do on your on your on so you're ready to take a nice deep breath and let's start with the first of three hums
Another deep breath
One more
Then just spend a moment, checking yourself out. Take another deep breath. And certainly seeing us in silence and meditation is not, does not make for an award winning podcast, we'll come back. But what? What are you feeling?
Alex Ferrari 50:43
A little bit more relaxed.
Jonathan S. Goldman 50:45
Can we just did that kind of in a semi spotlights on you, and we're gonna do three hums. But if you just do that by yourself, and people do it, once again, you probably get a reduction of if you had high blood pressure, your heart rate, and your blood pressure would go down dramatically. It's quite amazing. So just as just as a tool. So if people were to do that, before they're going to go into a meeting, or whatnot, of them feeling less stressed out, just doing three to five, hums will do some really dramatic effects.
Alex Ferrari 51:19
Wow. And do you as a as a practice, let's say is that something that you would say to do? Two times a day three at once before when you wake up once in the middle of the day, once at night? Or is it just a case by case basis?
Jonathan S. Goldman 51:33
I would say that my wife and I have a five minute humming practice in the morning. And we are humbled five minutes, and then we are silent for five minutes. And it can really make an incredible difference in your day. And mind you I've got tuning forks, I've got Tibetan bowls, I've got all sorts of things. I got all sorts of music, but the hum is an incredibly powerful tool to shift and change your consciousness. And for everyone to do. It's, it's so very, very important.
Alex Ferrari 52:06
If you're going to meditate, because I have a meditative have a meditation practice that I do. I've been doing now for close to seven years. Is it a good way to kind of get yourself into that state of meditation quicker if you do like four or five, hum, hums before you start to meditate.
Jonathan S. Goldman 52:27
I know a lot of people that do that there is actually a very powerful Shabd yoga technique called Bhramari pranayama. That basically, you block your years and you go. And you have like that. And it's I've had major Yogi's go, Whoa, because it's something that's not real known. It's in our book. But the the concept of doing humming as a meditation is very powerful and very, very easy. And if you start examining a lot of the traditions, you find that a lot of them do have a humming practice,
Alex Ferrari 53:04
And how would you use sound in the balancing or the lining of chakras, because that's something that a lot of people like to know.
Jonathan S. Goldman 53:12
Well, if you like my first book, and I'm just holding these up as I have these here, here we have a lovely guy with chakras. It's healing sounds, this is a special 30th anniversary edition of it. And I like to work with using vowel sounds to resonate the different chakras. And but of course, you can use monk for his they're called the big monitors of these monitors is another way of doing it. You can even do it with a hum because if it's frequency plus intent, you can simply focus your attention on the first chakra and you can hum your chakras without even changing pitch. Because here's a really interesting thought. In India, where they do the B's or mantras or you know, seven of them, actually six of them and one is silent. They're done as a monotone on one note, here in the West we've now taken into doing in order to resonate the chakras during the Doremi Faso Lotito type of phenomena but that's not necessary. It's just one way of doing it.
Alex Ferrari 54:21
So it has had had throughout the throughout the centuries, has sound been used by Yogi's to balance chakras or align chakras?
Jonathan S. Goldman 54:31
Oh of course, yes. Because I mean basically the idea of the chakra is the chakra is a spinning vortex of energy of vibration. So what easier to change the spinning vortex if it is out of balance and wobbling incorrectly, then working with the sound put an alignment
Alex Ferrari 54:50
Makes all the sense in the world. Where do you see sound? And how do you see sound playing apart in the next decade or two the evolution of sound with it In the healing modalities or spiritual modalities or stress relieving modalities?
Jonathan S. Goldman 55:06
Well, I mean, one of them is simply, you know, learning to listen to different types of music. And they are a friend of a friend, another friend of mine who's just sent me a thing, we're at Warner Brothers, the Warner catalog has now made a music medicine catalog for their their touch things. So this can be very popular. But I would just also suggest that there's so much music around on Spotify and whatnot, you can find anything, so you don't have to go to you know, a particular record company pitching their therapeutic things, that's one just using music for relaxation. And the other one is doing something like the hum and doing tones for because the hum is the most powerful vibro acoustic sound that we can do incidentally, talking about vibro, acoustic, you know, affecting the cellular structure as we sort of demonstrated, as soon as you know, when you blocked your nose, you couldn't hum so therefore the entire resonance of the hum is contained within here, but you can send it with intentionality to any part of your body or your brain.
Alex Ferrari 56:11
Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions. I asked all my guests, Jonathan,
Jonathan S. Goldman 56:14
One last one, can I do one last one?
Alex Ferrari 56:17
Please, please!
Jonathan S. Goldman 56:18
Alright, my big real interest these days, Alex is in using intentionally sound with large groups of people in order to change planetary consciousness. Can we deal with this subject? Yes, please. Okay, you are probably aware of the work of HeartMath. Who was? Yeah, HeartMath. Basically, when your heart and your brain, your brain and your heart, which both put out an electromagnetic field, when they are in a state of synchronization, or a state of coherence, it's called the electromagnetic field that we is created through that synchronization is amplified many times it's 50, to 500, to some Eaton perceive of 5000 times greater. And then when you add the element of sound, to this field that has been created through basically heart brain coherence, which is usually done through breath, and through being in a state of gratitude, then the field becomes even greater, which is one of the reasons why the different prayers on our planet are vocalize a whisper chanted, spoken or Sung is because sound amplifies the power of prayer and helps us focus it. There's something out of Princeton, New Jersey, originally called the global consciousness project. And basically what they did was they had random number generators, computers that would generate either zeros or ones kind of like flipping a coin. And they would find that when events have large, compassion occurred, group meditations or whatnot, the numbers became less random, and they could literally graph this. And so they found that the somehow the field of the planet is affected by our compassion, not excitement, that's different. The Super Bowl is different than events of compassion, kindness, and whatnot. And so we, for example, do an event every year called World sound healing day, where we have 10s of 1000s of people throughout the planet sound together and they can go to our website for that, which is World sound healing, which happens on Valentine's Day, so that people can send a like Sonic Valentine to the guy and matrix. This has been, if you like, collaborated through different scientific data to show that something is going on. I mean, I want people to realize we can make a difference, we have a choice. So once again, planetary healing I think is so will be happening more and more because we've got to do something. And the only way I think we can do it is through what I call compassionate understanding. We got to somehow have people may be doing stuff we don't agree with but boy, if we try to wipe them out, I think we're we're not in a good place if we can somehow shift the consciousness. So we realize that as I am you as your you as you are me and we are all together, we are one the concept that the ancients have always talked about this concept of non duality of Advaita. Oneness is so mandatory for the continuation of our species on the planet. So if we can help manifest that, through intense analyzed global sound occurrences, I think we're on the right step.
Alex Ferrari 59:54
That was beautiful. Jonathan, thank you so much for sharing that with us. Now, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:00:02
I can tell you what means for me. And for me, it simply means being able to be in a state of contentment and appreciation. And doing the best I can to help myself and my neighbor and all people that I know, be in a state of balance in coherence. This is why I've been working for over 40 years trying to bring sound as a healing modality to the public. So for me that is fulfilling.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:35
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Jonathan, what advice would you give him?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:00:39
I tell him that it was was all going to be okay. And in fact, I have done that. And I think it's a wonderful thing to do. Because I think a lot of us, some of us, it leads to bad childhoods that perhaps were a problematic, and we just never thought we were gonna see it through. I mean, Alex, I can't tell you that. When I was even, you know, playing in that rock and roll band, I would have never thought that I'd be in this particular place. I just recently celebrated my birthday, and I did a trip through time. And I celebrate my life. And I wish I could go back to Little Johnny and say, hey, it's gonna be fine. And everything is love.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:23
How do you define God or source energy?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:01:27
Love. I mean, I think everything is consciousness, I think consciousness is, from my perspective, God and source. And the more we evolve in our consciousness, the more we can resonate with higher aspects of being, it's a gift and a lot of the key, that whole thing is compassion. Compassion is never when necessary for the survival of our species. But it is also the great gift that keeps on giving. Because the more you make people feel better, the more you will feel better. It's a secret that everyone needs to understand compassion. Dalai Lama knows that.
Alex Ferrari 1:02:10
Yes, yes, he does. What is your definition of love?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:02:16
Love is conscious alignment with the divine,
Alex Ferrari 1:02:21
Beautiful answer, beautiful answer. And finally, what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:02:28
To discover who you are, to allow other people to be who they are, and yet to be kind, loving, and work together and share together and learn together and be as one so IE, love.
Alex Ferrari 1:02:43
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work that you're doing?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:02:45
Major website,, It's got all sorts of great things on it, free downloads, lots of information, all sorts of great tools for transformation, etc. And if people want to go find me on YouTube, just go to Jonathan Goldman official, and they're also a couple of 100 different videos about that.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:10
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:03:11
We heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal the planet. We can make a difference. And we have a choice.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:22
Jonathan, it has been a pleasure and honor speaking to you today, my friend, thank you so much for coming on the show, sharing this lovely information with everybody. And hopefully it will help heal the planet. So I appreciate you my friend.
Jonathan S. Goldman 1:03:35
Alex, keep lots of love and light through sound and your life. Thank you my friend, blessings!
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