Vatican LIED & SUPPRESSED Truth About JESUS’ Journey Through EGYPT, INDIA, and TIBET! with John Davis

In this luminous exploration of spiritual truths, we welcome John Davis, a returning guest who unearths the profound mysteries of Jesus’ life and teachings, while threading them through the looms of history, mythology, and personal experience. A gifted speaker with an extraordinary depth of spiritual insight, John Davis invites us to see beyond the veils of doctrine and into the divine fabric that connects us all.

What if the story of Jesus extended far beyond the pages of traditional scripture? According to John, the journey of Jesus encompasses travels to Egypt, India, and Tibet, where he studied the mysteries of other cultures and ascended into a deep state of divine awareness. These explorations are not mere legend—they resonate as a hidden thread connecting the wisdom of various traditions. “God is too big and beautiful to be encompassed in one religion,” John asserts, challenging us to expand our understanding of divinity.

John’s insights are richly layered, often derived from personal past-life regressions and experiences of spiritual remembrance. He speaks of intimate visions, like witnessing a laughing Jesus alongside Mary Magdalene—a striking departure from the solemn depictions we often see. John’s recounting feels alive, not as historical conjecture, but as a vivid remembrance of a soul deeply attuned to the divine story.

This conversation delves into some of humanity’s most provocative questions: Was Jesus married? Did he have children? And what really happened after the crucifixion? John’s personal memories suggest a narrative far more intricate and affirming than conventional dogma. For instance, the possibility that Jesus traveled to India after the resurrection—a journey of peace and fulfillment—adds a poetic conclusion to his earthly mission.


  1. Reincarnation as Spiritual Truth: John discusses Jesus’ acknowledgment of reincarnation, such as referring to Elijah’s return as John the Baptist. This revelation bridges spiritual traditions and opens the door to a broader understanding of life’s cyclical journey.
  2. The Power of Divine Connection: “Greater works than I have done, you will do,” Jesus’ empowering words echo throughout John’s insights, reminding us of our innate ability to tap into divine energy.
  3. God Is Beyond Labels: John urges us to look beyond the confines of religion to experience God as a boundless, universal consciousness. “We’re all on a personal journey, and God is too vast to fit within any single doctrine.”

The conversation takes a turn toward the pragmatic yet mystical, as John shares an astounding story about how a Hindu guru manifested a guitar from San Francisco to India—a testament to the non-locality of divine power. Through such anecdotes, John paints a picture of a reality where faith, intention, and spiritual mastery dissolve the boundaries of the material world.

As the dialogue unfolds, it becomes clear that Jesus’ journey—whether through Egypt’s pyramids, India’s sacred rivers, or Tibet’s monasteries—was more than a physical odyssey. It was a quest to embrace the divine unity inherent in all traditions and to illuminate humanity’s potential for love and transformation.

John’s reflections invite us to shed the weight of inherited dogmas and walk with courage into the vast, interconnected mystery of existence. With each shared memory and insight, he reminds us that the true message of Jesus is not about separation, but unity. “Ye are gods,” as Jesus once said, urging us to awaken to our own divinity.

Please enjoy my conversation with John Davis.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 535

Alex Ferrari 0:00
But what I heard was that Jesus, when he was preaching, he would talk about this junkyard, or this place where the garbage would go.

John Davis 0:08
With hell once Dante wrote his Inferno, the the medieval order started making it their their belief, their truth. So many people will think they're reincarnated into this life because they have to fulfill something from a past life, or something in a future life. Or I think that people get too trapped into one religion, and God is too big and beautiful to be encompassed in one religion. One of my memories was after the crucifixion, seeing it again.

Alex Ferrari 0:46
I like to welcome John to the app to our to Next Level Soul TV. Thank you so so much for for doing this, this exclusive little Q&A with me, my friend. Thank you so much for coming out. You are a returning champion. So thank you, sir.

John Davis 1:01
Well, yeah, if Alex calls, I come, it's just what I do. I actually am so grateful to be back here, Alex. I love hanging out with you. I think you and I have such a great, lively conversations that really kind of awaken people's to their own, to their own divinity within.

Alex Ferrari 1:17
Yes, absolutely, my friend, absolutely. And you know, these, these, these, this conversation is going to be a little bit more loose than we normally have. Though we have fairly loose conversations.

John Davis 1:29
Absolutely we do, yes.

Alex Ferrari 1:30
Fairly loose conversations. But this is kind of a little behind the scenes of, you know, just us, kind of just shooting the the stuff as they say, and answering some Q and A questions from the audience. So my first question to you is from the audience. This is an audience question, and sometimes I'll throw a couple of mine, because I'm gonna ask some questions. And this one's about Jesus. Was Jesus Christ ever married?

John Davis 1:58
He absolutely was married. In fact, one of my past life progressions. He kept referring to his wife as ishti, which is the ancient Hebrew and and Aramaic, or both for wife, it was absolutely Mary Magdalene. And I'm actually in the process right now painting a picture of the two of them together laughing. So you finally have a laughing Jesus picture.

Alex Ferrari 2:22
What? What do you mean? Because he always looks so dour in all listen, that's as far as Jesus pictures are concerned. That is as happy as I see him, generally speaking. So you know, at least he's not in pain, at least

John Davis 2:39
That painting I painted that three months after my regression. So this was like straight from memory, and about two months later, I was at a holistic Festival, and a woman walks by, and she stops, and she sees the painting. She says, whoever, whoever painted that saw him on the cross. Wow, she says. She says it's in the eyes whoever's painted that saw him on the cross, and I was and she had no idea it was me. And then I was standing there, and then my past life from memory, was looking up at him on a crock So, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 3:09
Wow! So he wasn't now, did he ever have any kids?

John Davis 3:15
That's the question that I get very frequently. And I during the time that in my regression, he did not have children, and after the crucifixion, he came Mary Magdalene came back to Galilee with John, and so did Joshua's mother came back with him to Galilee, basically to get him away from Jerusalem so they'd be safe. And then she was not pregnant at the time, and eventually her family came from Magdala and took her back to their home play hometown. But I personally don't have any memories past that. But in India, there's a there's a tradition that he came back to India afterwards, after the crucifixion, and raised his children there. And I personally like to think that that's the truth, because I like to think the man got a happy ending,

Alex Ferrari 4:05
Very Shawshank Redemption. He's on the beach somewhere.

John Davis 4:09
As long as Morgan Freeman is there. Everything is perfect.

Alex Ferrari 4:14
Morgan was obviously narrating the entire episode that was going on,

John Davis 4:18
And he went back to India,

Alex Ferrari 4:21
Where there were penguins for some reason. Sorry, that was a throwback to March of the Penguins. I'm sorry.

John Davis 4:28
Oh, absolutely. Oh, my God, I can't there's a history with me and my son, but that movie

Alex Ferrari 4:37
But what's really interesting about what you said there is because I've also heard from multiple sources that Jesus did die on the cross, did get resurrected, but he he didn't. He came back, not just as a ghost for three days, but he came back, came back and just and left and went to and went to, went to India. Is what I heard. And I heard somewhere.

John Davis 4:59
One of my

Alex Ferrari 5:01
Go ahead.

John Davis 5:02
Okay, one of my memories was after the crucifixion, seeing him again. I actually there's it was the first, was the first memory I had, which actually came before my regression. I fell on my face and in front of him, and I look up at him. He's laughing at me, because I fell on my face. And that was after the crucifixion back in Galilee. And that's actually the last memory I have of him is, is on that beach in Galilee after the crucifixion. So I know he came back. I just don't know what to get after that, because I have no other memories of that afterwards.

Alex Ferrari 5:32
Wow. Well, so, so what I heard from a filmmaker who wrote a whole, did a whole movie on Jesus in India, is that he came back after the resurrection, went towards it went toward India. Halfway through, Mary died, and she's buried. This is, this is, this is not only there's there. He actually went with a camera and snuck in and took videos of this. It's in this little, I don't know if it's a country or a territory that is always being fought over by India and Pakistan. So some years, Pakistan controls it. Sometime India controls it. So when he was there, I think Pakistan was controlling it. And there's police all around, and there was this burial area where there's like buildings and other things, and a big antenna, but they don't touch this thing, this area, like they it's kind of like they built around it. And the lore of the day is that's where Mary is buried. They buried her along the path back to India. So, and he actually snuck in, filmed it, which he's not supposed to do. He almost, I mean, he barely got out with skin, but he's, there's film of it. So those are, those are the kind of stories I heard about India and Jesus afterwards. But even more so, the time period between year 13 and year 30, 30, I think it is when he came back on the donkey. As they say, that time. What do you know of that time? Did he go to Egypt, to the mystery schools? Did he go to Tibet? Did he go to India?

John Davis 7:06
You're talking from the time he was a child, till he came back

Alex Ferrari 7:09
13, 13 to 30 yes.

John Davis 7:11
Okay, so this is where I am. Also kind of lost, because my past life regression was the day that John met him, right? And I truly believe he was coming back from India at the time. So I don't, I don't have memories of time when he was in India, because John wouldn't have had those memories, right? But so for me, I don't have that. But I believe that he was studying elsewhere, and I believe he was coming back from somewhere with with a knowledge that we didn't necessarily have. There we were in our area, we were all, you know, Jews, and we were all following the Hebrew Bible. You know, the Torah, you know, we call it the Hebrew Bible. Now, the Torah,

Alex Ferrari 7:55
The Old Testament, the Old Testament ish,

John Davis 7:59
Old Testament ish, Old Testament, not light, but heavy,

Alex Ferrari 8:04
Very heavy, very heavy

John Davis 8:07
And so I believe, I absolutely 100% believe he was in India. And I believe that, and I actually, I believe that's a huge part of the resurrection story, because you can go to India and you can talk to gurus over there, who will talk about, like coming to a river and projecting their consciousness to the other side, manifesting their body and keep walking. And I had a friend of mine who was a years ago, was a professional I have weird friends because I did Renaissance festivals. He was a professional sword swallower. And okay, and but he had, he was a practicing Hindu behind the stage. He had a whole temple to his guru, and he all the stuff. And he swears that he took a friend of his to India to meet his guru. And the guy was just not interested in spirituality at all. Was bored the whole time he was there. And halfway through the trip, the guru walks up to him. Says, why? What's going on? He says, I wish I had my guitar, at least I could play. He was just kind of annoyed about being there and go to says, Where's your guitar? He says, it's in San Francisco. And my friend swears to God. About an hour and a half later, he handed him his guitar. He says he literally went to San Francisco, got a guitar and brought it back. And now I look at this, I look at this world from the oneness, from the non duality perspective. I think that we're all in an illusion of belief, and I think that we can project ourselves into it from wherever we are. We know scientifically that when someone dies, there's anywhere between a hunt, I'm sorry, 10 times to 1000 times the radiation emits from the body at the moment of death. Now you look at the Shroud of Turin, whether you believe it's real or not. What creates a what creates a negative on fabric, a bright light?

So, if, if he was able to create that sort of bright light and change his body into into energy form and come back. You know, is it possible? Sure, it is. Have I done it? Not yet.

Alex Ferrari 11:06
It's like everyone says, you know, everyone wants to go to heaven, but just not right now, right?

John Davis 11:12
Well, there's a lot, there's a lot I talk to that want to go to heaven right now.

Alex Ferrari 11:15
Yeah, exactly. But most people generally don't want to. Most people don't correct so very one thing I discovered in my research about I was talking to an archeologist researcher, and we were going deep into the Bible and the concept of hell. And I go, Where did hell come from? Because I know Dante. Dante really did a number on all of us when he wrote those books, because Dante's book is essentially, what is hell. I mean, if you look at anywhere that is the pitchforks and the eternal that's all Dante that has nothing to do with anything nine levels and all that, all that, all that liquefier, all that stuff is Dante, yeah, but I found out that in the Torah there is no hell.

John Davis 12:05
Hell is Sheol, where the place where the dead people go, but it's not torment, it's not torture, right?

Alex Ferrari 12:13
They just kind of like it, from what I understood, like, if you're good, you go to heaven. If you're if you're not so good, you just kind of, you kind of go away. You just get mad. You kind of just like you disappear, you dissipate into this place, and that's the end of it. It's not, yeah, yeah, exactly. But what I heard was, and maybe you have some insight on this, is that where the Bible, the the the Council of Nicea, got the idea for hell to incorporate it, obviously, for control factor of, you know, if you don't do this, you have to, you know, you get some sort of consequence to control the population, right? But from what I but what I heard was that Jesus, when he was preaching, he would talk about this junkyard, or this place where the garbage would go, and it was always on fire. And he goes, he would say, in his, in his, in his, uh, in his lectures, if you will, or in his in sermons, he would say that your greed would live there forever, or your it was, he was using it as an analogy, not as a physical place. And it was literally, oh, look, the garbage jump is on fire all the time. You got to get yourself right, because if not, you're that part of you is going to live in that thing forever. They took that and created this concept of hell in the in the New Testament. Is it new or in the Bible as it is now? What do you know about that Sir?

John Davis 13:33
So in the ancient times, the word that became hell was Gehenna or Hades. That's it. Hades. Here's the Greek version, Gehenna. Now, what's interesting about Gehenna was the Valley of Gehenna was an area where an old Jewish warlord took a bunch of children and killed them, and killed them in very torturous ways. And then later on, the valley of Gehenna became the trash dump on the outskirts of Jerusalem. And so it became this torturous place that now has fire burning all the time. And then they'd say, you know, if you're bad, you're gonna go burn again, right? You know, those sort of ideas, right? So we're gonna trash you, you know? So it really is, yeah, from the history of the time. It really comes from Gehenna and from Hades, and Hades being the Greek version, right? Gotta remember our earliest texts of the Bible were written in Greek, not Aramaic, not Hebrew. They're written in Greek. They were the first books. Matthew, Mark and Luke all come from about 100 years after the crucifixion. And the earliest text we have is from Paul, who never met Joshua in life, and his first letter comes from about 50 years after the crucifixion. So all of the texts for reading are all from oral tradition and hearsay that somebody wrote down, and then they, most of them, wrote them down with a personal agenda. And when you got this No, can you imagine? You imagine?

Alex Ferrari 14:58
It's never, never throughout his. History has hearsay being written down hundreds of years later ever fail us.

John Davis 15:09
You look at the well, you look at the Old Testament. You know this, this army wiped out that army. So God must been with him, right? You know, it's like, you know they say it's the by the written by the victors, by the you know, the history is written by the victors. So the thing is, is that with hell, once Dante wrote his Inferno, the the medieval order started making it their, their belief, their truth, and it became, it became very much a control feature, right, especially in the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church used to use hell as a means of gaining power, not only over the people, but but financially. You gotta remember the the first bank, the first banking system, came from the Templar Knights. You know, they were the ones who were you can give me your money here in Jerusalem, and you can go to my Templar Knight friend in England, and he you can withdraw your money from him, so, you know. So they had this all, all the financial stuff was coming out of medieval Europe, which is also fascinating, because medieval Europe started creating all these stories, like Mary Magdalene came to France and all these other stories to make themselves part of the story.

Alex Ferrari 16:17
Yeah, because, I mean, they wrote themselves into the movie, if you will, right?

John Davis 16:21
Exactly. And it's the same thing with with hell. You know, the original stories were this, meh, this Sheol, right? And then as time went on, promoting more fear becomes very popular. It's like the rapture. You know, the rapture is not biblical, but in 1830 when that, when that was written by Minister Darby, all the all the Evangelicals were like, wow, that's a great fear based thing to use. Let's use that. And they started putting out all of these Left Behind series and all these things. But it's, it's that agenda idea again, and it's the same thing with health promoting Hell is a real great way to keep people in line. And in medieval Europe, the last rites that the Catholic mass rights. Last rights was designed specifically to get the person to leave their wealth to the church at the end of their life.

Alex Ferrari 17:14
Well, isn't it? This is something I heard again, because when I was at the Vatican, it was the first time I ever came to the conclusion that, like Roman Catholic Church, oh my god, the Romans did this. I never put two, two together in my entire life. Never really connected the Romans with the Roman Catholic Church. Why? I have no idea. But a lot apparently, after I said that in an episode, a lot of comments said, Oh my God, that I didn't think of that either. It's I understand that basically the fall of Rome, and all the wealth that Rome had that just rolled right into the Vatican, that just rolled into the Roman Catholic Church. Is that a fair statement?

John Davis 17:51
It's a very fair statement. It's actually a really interesting statement, because if you go to the Gnostic text, they say to to Joshua, who do we go to when you're gone, and they say, he says, James, my brother, James. He does not say Peter, but Peter was the apostle who went to Rome. And so for Rome to become the seat of Christianity, Peter had to be the first pope. And so Peter became the important one. Then you go back and dive into other Gnostic texts, and you start finding something really interesting, because you start to see because you start to see Peter just being infused in other stories, not having a real parts of the story, but Peter is kind of like and Peter was there with him behind the rock, doing that thing, and they started infusing Peter into the story so that Peter would have a place in importance in the story. And so there's a lot of propaganda about pushing Peter to the forefront. And it's like, you know that, you know, the Catholic Church is fascinating because it comes down to Constantine, right? And Constantine's mother was the one who who said where all the sites were. She literally went around and said, the search of the Holy Sepulcher versus has happened, you know, 300 years after the fact, and she, she, she's the one who said Mount Sinai. Is Mount Sinai. She's the one who did all this stuff, but what? And she also is one of the first saints. Saint Helena of Constantinople, is from his mother. But the thing that's interesting about Constantine, to me is that his his conversion happened, supposedly by seeing a giant flaming cross in the sky and the letter px all over the place, and so he had this, and supposedly his army saw it, and all this stuff. Well, when you dive into the history of that story, it's really interesting. There's three accountings of Constantine's vision. The first accounting comes at the oldest accounting, Constantine, on his way to Rome to defeat this other general, stopped at the Temple of Apollo, and Apollo appeared to him and told him that Constantine was Apollo on Earth, didn't even have anything to do with God or Jesus, right? Of course. Second one says that on the way marching to Rome, Constantine camped out, and while he was sleeping, he had a dream, and he saw the letter px. So he had px written on all his soldiers shields, right, saying that would be the thing that would make them win. 30 years later, some guy writes this book about the history of Christianity to this point, and suddenly his entire army sees a flaming cross in the sky, and px and everybody dropped on their knees, and God was with them. And that was the big conversion of Constantine. So Constantine, and you know, I've seen writings and articles saying that Constantine didn't get baptized till his until his deathbed, right? So he basically wanted to live the life of a pagan and then go to a Christian hell, you know, toga, toga, toga, then go. So he was having this a grand old life. He was just doing it for the power and the glory, you know, he saw the way the things were moving, and he said, It's time to shift everything over to Christianity.

Alex Ferrari 21:02
He was a politician essentially,

John Davis 21:03
He was a politician.

Alex Ferrari 21:04
He's a politician. Essentially, you said something interesting about the Knights Templar, who is something that I'm starting to get into a little bit more. I'm digging a little bit more into that I find them. I mean, I've known about them and the Freemasons and those kind of people, but the Knights Templar specifically are really fascinated in connection with the Grail legend and also with the arc legend, and what they've done in that cross that they wore, I forgot the name of that cross, but the cross they wore that the x, but it's, it looks like a cross, the red one, yeah, that they wore on their shields and they wore on themselves. And which actually the Maltese cross, yeah, which, which actually comes from the Anunnaki and Sumerian text. So it's, you know, you start going deeper into that stuff. But what do you know about the connection from the Knights Templar and what they were really doing with, I mean, if you, if you go down to Dan Brown Road, which, you know, with Mary Magdalene and all that stuff. But they, it seems like they've been hiding, or at least protecting information and knowledge for a long time, at least, that's what it sounds like. I'd love to hear you,

John Davis 22:14
Yeah, that's what. I don't have a lot of information. It's interesting. You asked me about this question because I recently did my ancestry, and I come from the rose line. My family goes back to Rose Castle in Scotland, and so I actually have temper Templar lineage in my family, which I'm not a Templar or never, and I'm not amazing either, but I just find it interesting that I trace back to that. When I look at the Templars, I find them. I find them as an amazing order that was getting too powerful. Personally, it's just like any other Christian or any other religious belief. And what happened was, you know, Friday the 13th is because of the Templars, right?

Alex Ferrari 22:50
Oh, it's because they killed a bunch of people, yeah.

John Davis 22:53
What happened was that the King of France owed the Templars a lot of money, and the king said, well, let's just wipe them all out so I don't have to pay them. And he chose the 13th of Friday the 13th. And that's why we still have the tradition of Friday the 13th being a unlucky day or whatever, because they literally went through and wiped them all out, which is why they all were fleeing and hiding this TV show I like to watch called Oak Island. The Curse of Oak Island. How would you watch that at all? They're finding all kinds of real up in Nova Scotia. They're finding this. This island has had this mystery going on for years, and the Templar Knights supposedly were there. They're finding all this Templar stuff in Nova Scotia. And it's there's this, this pit where all this stuff has been buried for years, and nobody's been trying to get to it for 200 years, including a lot of high ranking Masons have been trying to get to it, including Franklin Roosevelt, he tried to get to it too. It's called the curse of Oak Island television show on Discovery. But it's it's fascinating. The story's been going on forever, but as far as the Templars are concerned, you know, they were a militant order that was based in that very highly Christian thing, you know. And you said, Dan Brown. Dan Brown's interesting. He comes from the blood. His whole book idea comes from the blood and the Grail, which is a book it was written a long time ago. But that book was written from a guy who was trying to prove that he was the ancestor of Jeshua, and so he and his buddy had created these documents that look like ancient documents, and actually put them in libraries in France. Well, it was, it was very quickly debunked, because they went to their friend's house and found his friend making the documents right. So it was a total fraud case. He was literally trying to prove that they came to France so that he could be the descendant of Jesus, you know, so, and then they wrote the book from there. So it's all this misinformation that's out there that that's really kind of a it's kind of sad because, you know, people tell these stories and all these frauds happen. But the story of Joshua. Is much more beautiful and much more simple. And everyone likes to say, you know, the Messiah, and he was a man who found this divinity and was showing us ours and, and that was the best part of the whole thing. Is that's a great it's a much better story than some, than lights of the skies. You know?

Alex Ferrari 25:17
I'd agree with you 100% I mean, again, I've said this before, but like, I went when I was sitting around and looking at the Vatican, I'm like, this has nothing to do with Jesus. This is nothing to do with Jesus. This is all about power and greed and pompous. Oh, she's the walls are literally paved with gold. I mean, you sit there, it's an you sat in awe. It was the embarrassment of riches going into that museum you're just in. There's like, How many things did they steal? For God's sakes, there's so many artifacts that they still from around the world. And let's not even talk about what's in the vaults of the Vatican. Can you imagine the context

John Davis 25:59
And their atrocities are not that old, because during World War Two.

Alex Ferrari 26:03
A couple a couple of years ago, apparently, isn't it? A couple years ago, did the church do a couple things?

John Davis 26:09
Well, even during World War Two, the pope supported Hitler. Well, of course, so did several of the Cardinals. Right? It's like, and they're a little bit behind the times. You know, in 1986 was a great year. Ferris Bueller's Day Off came off. Obviously Big Trouble in Little China came out. It was also

Alex Ferrari 26:28
No war games,

John Davis 26:30
No, no. It was Okay, yeah, but that's also the year that the Catholic Church forgave Galileo for the earth not being flat. I think that little behind the times.

Alex Ferrari 26:45
I mean, they the damage that that organization has done is mind boggling, the amount it's mind boggling. And yeah, they do good. Of course they do. They help the poor and stuff like that, but it's overall like when I was in when I you want to talk about behind the times, my wife couldn't walk into certain churches without covering her shoulders. They were handing out paper shawls, paper Paper shawls. So when you walk in, the shoulders weren't it was 110 by the way, and in the middle of June or July, when we went and she couldn't walk in, oh, and also, she had shorts on. She had to cover up the legs and put make this kind of like paper dress to walk in. And I'm like, how this is so barbaric. I can't believe this is still a thing.

John Davis 27:40
It's very St. Paul. It's very St. Paul. St. Paul, who never met Jesus in life, you know? And I say, Well, you see me, we interchange Jesus and Joshua. It's when I'm thinking religion. I think Jesus, when I think Joshua, I think the guy I knew, right? So I said, you'll hear me interchange it like that. He was, he was a Pharisee, and you read his stuff, and everything he wrote was Pharisaical teachings, you know, the subjugation of women. Women weren't allowed to pray in the same building, all, you know, all kinds of things. But he also believed that the Second Coming was having it in his lifetime, and that he thought everybody should be celibate, and so, I mean, so he had this just, he's little off, little off, a little messed up, messed up,

Alex Ferrari 28:32
As the kids say, a little intense. Yeah, it's, it's fascinating. The more I dig into Joshua and his teachings, and find out about the Gnostics and the Rosicrucians

John Davis 28:48

Alex Ferrari 28:50
Rosicrucians I just kind of discovered who they were. Going into my research, like what is happening here and and going down these different roads of alternative, uh, history, which is not made up history, just different points of view

John Davis 29:09
In a large part of it made up history, yeah, a large part of it, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 29:14
Well, history in general is made up in a lot of a lot of it is made up, um, without question. But also going into areas where there the people that you listen to about Joshua had no had no bone to pick, had no dog in the fight India. For for instance, you start going down the down those roads and Jesus, or just what is renowned in India, like he's up there with the greatest Yogis of all time. And they thought, Oh, he's a great yogi,

John Davis 29:47
And in Islam as well.

Alex Ferrari 29:49
Yes, exactly, exactly. So my my question to you, and I don't know if we've ever had spoken about this, but I always consider Joshua a yogi. He. Is a grand Yogi in the sense of what he was doing. Because the more of these stories you hear about the miracles he performed, I'm like, well, they all sound very yogic in nature, you know, again, walking across water, manifestation of, you know, turning water into wine, all this kind of stuff. This is high end, enlightened yogi, Ascended Master. 101, what is your understanding of his abilities and why he used, I mean, I can imagine, look, if he did some, if someone showed up today and did what, what Joshua did back then, same stuff. First of all, everyone would think it's visual effects. It's obviously foolery. It doesn't make any sense, because we have a little bit more educated eye. But it would be very difficult to prove even in person, because there's so many magicians doing crazy stuff. But back then, it literally must have been you're a god because you're, oh, absolutely, you are an absolute God. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, because humanity's consciousness was so low when Joshua showed up, which is job to try to lift everybody up. What are your what is your take? About the yogic hours, specifically, and him being a yogi,

John Davis 31:18
It's a very interesting thing. I think he's, I think he did a lot of studies in India. But I also think eventually, every, every ascended avatar that's been out there, Buddha, Krishna, all of them, I think eventually what happens is, they, they, you know, they surpass their their methodology, their technique, right? Yes. And what would Joshua kept saying was greater works than I've done. You will do it's your faith that heals you. You can ask a mountain to move, it'll move. Nothing's impossible for you. Whatever you ask in God's name, is granted if you have faith. Kept saying all these very empowering things, and I want to share a story with I was my first big, real spiritual, quote, unquote, light show experience was defined to me as a Kundalini rising. I may have told this in one of the interviews I did where I was lying in a tent, freezing my butt off, and I started

Alex Ferrari 32:10
I do a lot of interviews I don't remember.

John Davis 32:12
Oh, sure. I'm sure expect you to know. I try to remember all of them, but I just don't want to repeat for your audience, Alex, I know you kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding, I'm kidding I'm kidding.

Alex Ferrari 32:22
Please, please, please, tell the story real quick. Yeah!

John Davis 32:24
So I was, I was in a tent in New Orleans, freezing my butt off. Had a medieval affair, and the week before I went, I saw this thing on 60 minutes and said that these Buddhist monks went into a freezer and they put wet towels on them, and they heated their bodies up in the freezer. When they came out, they were 98.6 and the towels were 120 in the towels for 120 right? And so I'm lying in this tent freezing. I was not in the spirituality hardly at all. I had already become an agnostic at that point. And I'm like, Well, if they can do it, so can I. And I started focusing on my feet and getting warm. And my feet got warm. And I slowly started saying, Okay, I'm bringing it up my shins and bring it up to my knees. And I slowly brought this heat up my body. I could feel it happening. It was amazing. Came all the way my chest. It wouldn't go any higher. And then I'm like, oh, trying to try to force it together, right? And I hear this thought come into my head that says, relax into it. And I exhale, and boom, I went full out into this pure white expanse, feeling one with everything, feeling pure love, energy, no fear, no anxiety, just a full connection to everything. Was it was incredible. So next day, I'm talking to the guy that I do a comedy show with it back then, and I was trying. I said, you know, I've never had anything like this happen before. You know? I explained to him what happened. He says, Oh, my God, you had a Kundalini rising. He's, I've been trying to have one of those for years now. Here's the here's the difference. For years he had been practicing, TM trying to use the technique to have a Kundalini rising for me, I just said, I am warming my body up. I was present moment. I was fearless, and I was not using any technique at all. And I think that Joshua, Buddha, Krishna, I think all of them surpassed the word mastery is a fascinating thing because it's a misnomer, because of the fact that mastery implies that you've learned everything in one discipline, and you're the best at it, right? But all disciplines expand and grow, and so unless you become a full master, and then you start to experiment and improvise and start doing more stuff, then you're no longer the master, because somebody's going to come up and learn everything you know, and then they're going to experiment and they're going to add more to the to the to the technique, right? What I found for me personally, I don't know if you're a numbers guy, Alex is 4:44, right now.

I what I think all of the big avatars do is they you. Is they come to a place of doing all this study, learning all this stuff, but then they strip it all away and just come back to their oneness, their non duality, and realizing that their beliefs are creative. You know what you think you become, you create your world. As a man, thinketh, so is he, and I think that they actually surpass it. But yeah, did they learn it? Sure. Do I think he learned it in India, absolutely do. I think he probably went to high levels, absolutely do. I think he eventually got to the point where he said, Look, it's much simpler than it has to be. You don't have to go through all of this stuff to get there.

Alex Ferrari 35:30
And that's what the yogis all say. I mean, at a certain point, at a certain point, they transcend the technique, they transcend what they've been taught. It is the starting point, kind of like even great martial artists at a certain point, it's just like, Mr. Miyagi says, Don't think, right, just be and you start to wax on, wax off without even thinking.

John Davis 35:57
You go blind. I'm sorry. Sorry. I had to go there mom's cafe.

Alex Ferrari 36:04
Grew it up there, and you're just gonna knock it out anyway. So I lost my train of thought. What was I saying? Oh, yes, being we're talking deep spiritual concepts here, sir. I'm sorry. No. So when you transcend the technique. You just be. You go beyond it, because you go to the pure connection of it. You do need. It's kind of like you, unless you're a savant. You need to read to learn about things, right? But at a certain point, reading books is you're reading other people's perception and bias about the topic that you're learning about. But when you transcend that, life is experiential correct, so you're you're reading those people's opinions of it and how things are. But when you go past that and start to tap into the universal knowledge that you find within your meditations, within your own ability, like you said, I am then that information is unwaverable. You can't, you can't you can argue the Bible or any religious text to the day you die, you could argue it, you could point, poke holes in it, but when you understand it at a at a universal level, it's you can't move. No one told Yeshua, what? What is this God thing? What are you talking about? I could do what you do. You're a god. I'm a shepherd. What are you talking about?

John Davis 37:42
And you know his response was, Ye are gods.

Alex Ferrari 37:47
Turn the Bible right? Which? Which, by the way, is heresy. Which is heresy by the church that apparently he founded, which he did not? It's it is such the deeper you go down that road, as far as looking into these religious texts, these stories, you start to see the contradictions you start

John Davis 38:09
You want to see the most, the most fascinating channel on YouTube right now, in my opinion, is

Alex Ferrari 38:13
Besides mine, of course, besides

John Davis 38:14
Besides yours. Of course, obviously shows father closely by mine, followed closely my mind. Dan McClellan. Dan McClellan, I love watching Dan McClellan. You know who that is? I don't Dan is a more is a Bible scholar, and he's, interestingly enough, he's a Mormon. You would love to have him on your show. Very intelligent man. But his whole channel is about debunking Bible myth. And he speaks ancient Aramaic. He speaks ancient Hebrew. He speaks,

Alex Ferrari 38:45
I've seen him. I've seen flash by my feeder.

John Davis 38:48
He is he is brilliant because he never lets his Mormonism and his scholarly work cross. It's always about the scholarly work. And to hear him say, Genesis one, Genesis two, we know they're from two separate texts, and we know they're in the wrong order, right? So, so he's like, he literally goes, this is what all the scholars believe. And he the the modern evangelists, who are evangelists who are saying, you know that you know it's a sin to be a homosexual. And quote these Bible path passages. He says, that's not what it says at all. And he goes, and he breaks it down from not only the the semantic version of the words and the antimonies of the words, but he also breaks it down to the social structure of the time. And so it's, I mean, it's he has, he has verified more stuff of my beliefs than probably anybody else on YouTube, just because of the fact that he's bringing me actual data that's so clear and fascinating,

Alex Ferrari 39:52
That's, that's, that's amazing. It really is. The concept of reincarnation was excellent. Made from the Bible. Though it was there originally, from what I understand it,

John Davis 40:06
Because it was still there in little ways. You just have to look for it

Alex Ferrari 40:09
Between the lines. You got to look for it between the lines. But that concept of reincarnation, which has been around and is believed by, I would imagine, the majority of the planet believe in

John Davis 40:23
A lot of, a lot of the spiritual traditions, yeah, absolutely, even, even ancient Judaism has, yeah, has reincarnation,

Alex Ferrari 40:31
Yeah, ancient. And then also, I think if you go back into the Sumerians and Babylonians, and they have concepts of reincarnation as well. What is your take on Jesus's point of view on reincarnation and suffering and why we have to suffer, and all of that stuff.

John Davis 40:49
I love that. I love that question. I love I love that question. First of all, I pull a Bible quote out. Joshua says to the disciples, Who do they say that I am? The disciples say some say you're Elijah, or some other prophet returned. He says, No, I tell you, he has come already and you have shunned him, referring to John the Baptist. So he literally is saying that Elijah, the prophets can return and be somebody else. He's literally saying that that Elijah returned and was John the Baptist. So that is a direct correlation of of reincarnation, about, I believe he, I believe he taught it. The thing about reincarnation, for me, personally, is, is, you know, I was never a believer when I was a Catholic heresy, right? 19 psychics come and tell me that I was had this past life, and I'm like, no, no, no. I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to be. I don't want to go to hell. I don't want I don't want to be the guy who thinks he's Napoleon either. You know, so, you know, because there's a big stigma to the guy who says he's the apostle reincarnated. But after my regression, there was no way I could, I could deny that I had those memories. They're so visceral. Have you ever heard my regression? It's just, it's gut wrenching. You hear me screaming at the foot of the cross. It's, it's crazy. But I've met multiple people who think they're John I've met multiple Peters. I've met multiple Pauls. I met over 30 ladies who think they're Mary Magdalene. Oh, I mean, yeah, I mean

Alex Ferrari 42:18

John Davis 42:19
To me it would be, it would be completely hypocritical to me to say they're wrong, right, that they're that they're lying, or something. How could I say that? It's not possible for me to say that. So I don't think we fully understand what reincarnation is. I think that that maybe we're all just tapping into the oneness of God, and we're tapping into these various memories of these, oneness of God, in the oneness of God and or maybe there is a singular reincarnation like that. But I think there is something, because you wouldn't have found it in so many spiritual traditions if there wasn't something. There some proof of it. Yeah, that's my take on it,

Alex Ferrari 42:58
Yeah. And I always said, Well, that makes a lot more sense than you got one life, and that's it, yeah. Oh, you were born. You were born a dude, a Caucasian descent in America. Man, you won the lottery. Brother, yeah. I mean, you won the I won the lottery. Amen. Amen. I am a Cuban man, a Latino man, born in America, and I could have easily been born in Cuba, if it wasn't for that little Fidel dude, you know. So I

John Davis 43:29
Not the bigger one,

Alex Ferrari 43:30
Not the bigger one, but, but I was so I also won the lottery. So I'm like, Okay, well, then those the people who were born in Kenya who can't eat or die after a week or two, is that, that that's it, that's the one and done. Like, you know, or I would I died at birth, or two days after I was born, or, you know, there's so many, or I have a disease for my entire life, or I have a disabled disability for my entire life. Or I'm blind, I'm like, is this that's it? That doesn't seem it just didn't make any sense to me. Doesn't seem fair to me either, right? It doesn't seem fair. And you could say, oh, it's just, you know, it's the way the cards, the way the cookie crumbles, you know, I think this is all so divinely perfect, everything

John Davis 44:21
Well, and that's what, that's what Einstein said, he says, he said, When he got down to the bottom of all of the studies of atoms and everything, he says it was too organized, not there, for to be some other consciousness, greater consciousness involved. He believed in the God of Spinoza, which is a greater consciousness, as opposed to a white guy with a beard on a cloud, right? So he believed in a greater consciousness. And when you look at it, it is, it is divinely organized. When you know there's so many things that can happen. But it's also, when you look at all the all the ancient texts, you know what you think you become, he creates your world. There's also the correlation, not only of reincarnation and all those things, but there's also this correlation. Of free will. We all, we all have ability in this life to, you know, so many people will think they're reincarnated into this life because they have to fulfill something from a past life or something in a future life or and I think, I think probably we, on the other side, we probably choose a potential life to play with. And we come down here, we have complete free will to use it as we want. And I think that that's kind of although, you know, some things in my life have happened have been really weird. You want to hear a really weird reincarnation story. So in the Bible, there's this in the book of John, towards the end, it's Peter points at John it says, What of him? And Joshua says, if, if I'm he says, I'm talking of you. If I want him to stay until I come, what's that to you? I'm talking to you. And in the book, it says, from that point on, they thought John would never die, right? And now I'm reading this going on. Well, I, well, I definitely was born, so I obviously died, right? And then I started thinking about the reincarnational cycle, and I started thinking, Well, what if, what if, for some reason, the consciousness of John, John never stayed on the other side, and just was like, would pass, it instantly reincarnate, right? So I started looking at this, and I'm like, Okay, is there all this proof, and I don't know, whatever it's, kind of blew it off. Then I started thinking about writing a book about my life, and I started, and I started researching a title. The title was, I John. I comment John. Found out there's a book in 1980 something about it was the interpretation of the book of John. Then I found this vintage book. Oh, I John, if you can see that, right? Yeah, I start reading this book. It's about a guy who lives in lived in New Jersey, right across the bay from where I grew up. His name was John. He remembered the past life as John, the beloved apostle. He eventually moved to Ohio, and he died just before I was born. Now I lived in Ohio, in Delaware, right across from New Jersey. I'm now sitting in Ohio, and he was also in the entertainment industry, as was I, so that it's really kind of interesting, right? So I'm looking at them. So is that proof of this? I have no clue, but I just find it really interesting. Edgar Casey in 1938 said John the Beloved would again be named John. So my question is, is, has John been reincarnating as someone named John? Over and over again. Am I just one aspect of that, John? I asked my mom one time why she named me, John. She says, I have no idea. She had no clue why she named me. John, yeah, yeah. So, yes, go ahead, go ahead.

Alex Ferrari 47:58
Now, you said something really interesting in regards to when you reincarnate, that you come down here and you have free will to do whatever you want. My understanding is the same, with a caveat, is that there is a soul plan based on the other side, like, I'm going to be born to these parents who are going to give me these kind of this kind of experience, and there's going to be mile markers along my life that have to happen. Now, how you get from these mile markers is completely up to you, but you're going to marry this person. You're going to do you're going to be in the entertainment business. You know, these are giant things that are what you signed up for. Now, how you get there, what you do when you get there, that's all up to you, but you plan these giant because there are these mile markers that go throughout your life that you go and go, Oh, okay, well, I needed to have that job at the video store. Because if I didn't have that job in the video store, I would have never had the idea to become a filmmaker in a time when that was insane, the equivalent of working Renaissance fields or working at a carnival. It literally ran away to this with the circus. So but that had to happen. If I didn't, if that wouldn't have happened, would I have jumped into the film business or just been a fan like I don't know if my grandfather wouldn't have had his house broken into and and he in an insurance claim, got a camera, and he gave me that camera, if I would have never gotten that video, because cameras weren't available, really, during my time as easily. So these are things, there's like, these are things that, but now I could have made that camera and gone, you know what? I'm gonna make porn. I could have gone down road.

John Davis 49:41
You had a choice. You had a choice at every moment,

Alex Ferrari 49:43
Every every moment. But I decided to do what I'm doing, you know, and, and I like, oh, podcasting that sounds interesting, yeah, you know, there's little things that pop along.

John Davis 49:52
So we're, I think we part company in this idea is I agree that we probably that we choose a potential life. We look at a. Life, we say, okay, I that's the one that I'm going to go down. Because we always have choice, sure, so we're on the other side. We still have choice. We're choosing which which path to go down. I just don't think it's faded or destined as these milestones are going to happen. I think that their potential when we come in. But I think we still, we always have choice.

Alex Ferrari 50:20
So I agree with you on that. And when I say that there's a mile markers, these are mile markers that you put down. And you are right. You have the choice to sway off the road that you predeter. And from what I understand, when you go off that road far enough things just keep getting you're literally going off the paved road. So you're getting onto rocks and again. So the the basically life, or the universe, starts making things so difficult that it eventually pushes you again. Free will. Oh, you want to, you want to keep doing this. This is you signed up for this. And it will start to slowly, either push you back in the way, or then this is when near death experience has happened, where someone's gone so far off that they like this guy this last they're not listening. Let's kill them. Bring them up. Okay, listen, man, you're supposed to be doing this. You signed up for this. Do you want to stay? Or do you want to go back? That kind of thing. So I agree with you. I think we're we're not too far off.

John Davis 51:23
It could totally be. It could totally be, because my the first out of body, well, not well cross crossing over. Experience I had was a really weird one, because it happened in my past life regression. When Joshua touched my chest, I crossed over in the regression. The second one I've been I haven't gotten really good at getting out of body. And then I was doing astral travel, and one night I was going, Okay, I'm gonna astral travel tonight. And I bypassed the physical plane and crossed all the way over, and I'm standing here, and this guy's standing here looking at me. He's looking at me like a like a child. I mean, it was just like this compassion for this lovely little child in front of him, and he says, You're not supposed to be here yet. And two girls come around and tickle me back into my physical body, right?

Alex Ferrari 52:08
That's amazing.

John Davis 52:11
It was, it was an amazing story. But the concept of you're not supposed to be here yet is an interesting topic, because what do you mean supposed to?

Alex Ferrari 52:20
Well, because it's not your time, you'd like you signed up for this experience. You're supposed to be in the game right now. You're in the supposed to be in the simulation. You're not done yet. The ride's not over yet. You're you have an out point, and this is not the out point. We all have an expiration date. That's part of the you know, we all have that at a certain point, and that's the one thing we can't choose. We can't choose when we, technically, when we come in, unless, I mean, if you're on the other end, but you really, while you're here, you can't really choose unless you commit suicide or something along those lines. You really can't choose when you leave. Really. I mean, it's very, it's a very interesting that is the one rule of free there is no because if you have free choice, you're like, Ah, maybe I want to live another 100 years. That's free choice, right? But

John Davis 53:14
Let me tell you. Let me tell you a story about my ex wife's grandmother.

Alex Ferrari 53:19
Fantastic. I'm in!

John Davis 53:22
Her name was Phanimei Joseph. She was from Syria, and she was 96 years old and lived alone, took care of her house every day, and she had very specific rules. Her rules were to Monday till five o'clock. It's work day so you don't turn on the television. You do your tour chores all day long. And every morning, she would get up, she would make her cup of coffee, and she would make her little Syrian bread, and she would make a list of her chores for the day. She would pull out her VCR tape, because she was still using them, and record her her one soap opera so that she could watch it at five o'clock when the work day was done right. One day, I said to her, I said, we call we called her gram. I said, Graham, what's the secret to long life? She said, If I stop, I'll die right. If I stop, I'll die right. The last year of her life, her choice became prepare the house for the kids. Who wants what? Let's make sure all the paperwork is done. And she did What, did everything she had to do. And then she moved out and died.

Alex Ferrari 54:34
She had a feeling that it was time to go.

John Davis 54:36
Yeah, my father, a year before he died, told me, I'm not going to make it the next Christmas, and he didn't.

Alex Ferrari 54:42
But that's the thing is too, like, I understand what you're saying, and you're absolutely right. You do sometimes have a choice. You know when it's coming. I don't know if that's a choice or not, but they know it's coming, and there's an instinct to it like, you know, like I'm, I'm, I gotta, I gotta get my paperwork in order. I. Got to get everything done. If there's a there's an, I know it's coming, but I'm not sure they chose. It is the question. Did Nana choose that time? Did my grandparents choose the time that they left? I shoot, my grandpa was trying to buy an apartment to rent it two weeks before it passed. If it was up to him, he'd still be here, you know.

John Davis 55:23
And I think that, I think that we sometimes pass because of our beliefs about certain things. Like my mother, she was, she was very old, and she she, she had broken her back. She living in Florida alone, and she was like, she doesn't what. She did not want to move north. And it got to the point where, like, we couldn't go down there and be with her, because we all had work up here, or we couldn't leave behind. So it got to the point where we finally had said, Mom, we're gonna have to bring you north. And mom says, I don't, I don't want to go north. And mom spent the next six months prepping the house, making sure all the stuff was done, getting it all done, and she died the day, like, a week or so before she was supposed to come north. So I think that sometimes I don't think that was necessarily chosen that way, but I think that, I think that it was her belief was creating that end.

Alex Ferrari 56:15
Oh no, no question that. Yeah, I mean, there is, we're getting into some gray area here without question, because you and I, neither of you or I have the answer to this.

John Davis 56:25
Neither one of us have the answer. None of us have the answer, because we're here

Alex Ferrari 56:29
Exactly the case by case, but the case by case basis on these things. I mean, you listen to the way Yogananda died. Yogananda, Yogananda, for if you're watching this, you probably heard me say that word Yogananda or Paramahansa. Parabenza, Yogananda at one point or another. But Yogananda said to his disciple, his disciple there at the time, I'm gonna leave you tonight. And they're like, What are you talking about, guru? And I'm like, No, tonight would be the I'm leaving. And he got up on stage. He was at this event with a bunch of people. He got up on stage, said his thing, and right before he said his last word, right after he said his last word, he just dropped. And it was done. And it was supposedly a heart attack, but he was done. But what's really fascinating about him, among many things, is that he's never a lot of things were very fascinating about him. He didn't decay. His body looked as fresh as the day. He was alive and he was out of body, out of his soul. Had left his body. His body had sat there for five days for people to come, never decayed. Even when he was going into the ground, his skin was still soft to the touch. There was no rigor mortis, none of that. And that's all documented. That only happened, you know, 70 years ago, or something like that. So it's, it's, you see, these are the kind of stories you hear. You're just like, Wow. Just Just wow. I mean, John, you and I, I think we devoted our lives to try to figure out this game that we're all in. And, you know, I, I am, I do this show that I do because I really want to try to connect the puzzles pieces together from all the puzzle pieces from all walks of life, not just the one part, not just the Christian puzzle piece, or this philosophy or this thing, you know, just the same way, exactly what is one piece of that puzzle. Yogananda is another. Baba Ji is another. And you can just keep going through all

John Davis 58:35
Muhammad. Muhammad

Alex Ferrari 58:36
Is Zoroastrian Zoroastrian. He's another, like, there's so many Confucius and, I mean, we can keep going and going, but all of them had a piece of the puzzle, and they all saw the elephant from different point of view. So they all, I'm trying to perceive the entire elephant, and not just the pieces that, yeah, right, right. Yeah. That old, that old problem.

John Davis 59:01
I think, I think the only way you do that is to step back and look at it all and and I think, I think that people get too trapped into one religion, and God is too big and beautiful to be encompassed in one religion, God, universe, consciousness, yadda yadda, the bigger picture, you know, whatever you want to call it, it, I think it's all too big and beautiful to be encompassed by any one school of thought or religion. That's why I think I love I love your channel. Because what I what your channel does is you bring people on who don't necessarily agree with you or but you find truth in all of them, because we all have peace bits and pieces and parts, and you bring that truth to the audience for people to say, Well, yeah, that's the part that I agree with. I tell people on my channel all the time, I said, all I'm doing on my channel is speaking my truth. And if it rings true to you, great. Try it out. If it doesn't work, get rid of it, you know. And you know, find your own truth. My mom, this beautiful woman up behind me over here, she she said, spiritual. Is a personal journey. And I think we're all on a personal journey. And I think that I can respect anybody's journey, unless they're causing fear or harm to somebody else. That I can't respect that, because I think God is love, and I think that you're the same way, and I think that, and I love the fact that your channel does that, though, brings on so many different kinds of thought.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:20
I appreciate that because, and I try to do it with an open heart. I never have an agenda. Never judge whether I agree with it or don't I. I always find the seeds in what people say that that work. It's like, oh, that puzzle piece. And I also talk about ancient civilizations and lost history and quantum physics. You know, I had a rocket scientist on the other day, like it's these, all these perspectives and little bits of because they're all connected. And that's what people don't understand. Everything is connected quantum

John Davis 1:00:58
Have you had an analysis on yet, I have someone from noetic science that that is a fascinating science, because Edgar Mitchell started that. He was an Apollo astronaut. He had a transcendental experience coming back into the atmosphere, and spent the rest of his life trying to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and some of the stuff that they have discovered in their studies has been fascinating. So you should look into noetic science, and your audience should as well, because it really does start to show you so many correlations between us all I had, I was doing a private reading for somebody, and I had a line come out in in one of the readings, and lady said that it was a line from her dead husband's book, which I thought was fascinating too, but the line was, all empirical evidence is found in the illusion of belief. So science itself is a dogma.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:51
Oh, absolutely.

John Davis 1:01:56
What a great line. Every science has a theory that's their belief so they see it.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:01
Oh, absolutely. And then when you challenge that belief, because there's new evidence, right, or new idea? No, no, no. Galileo, the Earth is not round. Go away. 500 years later. 500 years later. All right, we're a little behind. It's pretty fascinating. John, first of all, I want to thank you for doing this extra little thing for us and for the tribe, and hopefully this conversation helps people just open their mind. They got a couple of seeds and a couple more pieces of that puzzle that we're all trying to put together in this conversation, where can people find out more about you and the work that you're doing in the world brother?

John Davis 1:02:45
Well, of course, and on YouTube, John of New and I've got over 1400 videos in the last two and a half years on that channel. So go off and enjoy that. I also have a second channel called the recovering Catholic, so you can check that one out as well. But yeah, that's the quickest way to get a hold of me. And if you want to find out about the sessions I do on my website, Jonathan, they can go there and find out more about that.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:13
My friend, you're always a pleasure to talk to my friend, and we got to get you into the studio to do it in person.

John Davis 1:03:20
Whatever you need my Alex, you are, you are, you are first on my list always.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:25
Oh, I appreciate you, my friend. Thank you for what you do and and the bravery that you do it with and putting this information out into the world. So I appreciate you.

John Davis 1:03:33
Thank you, and I appreciate you as well.

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