BRACE YOURSELF: Channel REVEALS MAJOR Shifts HAPPENING to HUMANITY in 2024-2030! with Eluña

On today’s episode, we welcome Eluña, a profound channeler who guides us through the transformative shifts humanity is currently navigating. As we sat down to explore the vastness of the universe and the mysteries of our collective consciousness, Eluña brought forth deep insights that resonate on a spiritual level, challenging us to see beyond the illusions of our current reality.

The shift, as Eluña explains, is not an abrupt change but a gradual process. We are collectively moving towards a significant transformation in our consciousness, with major shifts predicted around 2030. This evolution is not just a matter of time; it’s a choice we make as a collective. “The shift is gradual. The shift is a process. And those who choose to see that humanity is indeed on a path, this is when the shift can happen,” Eluña shared. These words echo the profound truth that our destiny is not predetermined but crafted by our collective awareness and choices.

As we delved into the intricacies of past lives, Eluña offered a fascinating perspective. Unlike the linear perception of time we often hold, Eluña views lives as parallel experiences, all occurring simultaneously. This understanding challenges our conventional views, inviting us to see life as a fractal, constantly folding in on itself. This realization opens up a new way of understanding our past, present, and future, not as distinct segments but as interconnected experiences that shape who we are.

One of the most striking aspects of our conversation was the exploration of Eluña’s past lives, particularly during the times of Lemuria and Atlantis. These ancient civilizations, often shrouded in mystery, were described by Eluña as societies with different focuses—Lemuria on healing and spiritual growth, and Atlantis on technological advancement. The downfall of Atlantis, as she recounts, was rooted in their shift towards a more forceful, will-driven approach, which ultimately led to their demise. This serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of balancing spiritual wisdom with technological power.


  • Understanding the Gradual Shift: The transformation of humanity’s consciousness is a gradual process, not a sudden event. It requires a collective choice to embrace change and evolution.
  • Parallel Lives Perspective: Our past, present, and future lives are happening simultaneously, interconnected like a fractal, offering a new way to perceive our spiritual journey.
  • Balance Between Spiritual and Technological Growth: The story of Atlantis serves as a reminder of the dangers of prioritizing technological advancement over spiritual wisdom.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of our current world, Eluña’s insights remind us that the path forward is one of collective choice and spiritual evolution. We are at a crossroads where our decisions will shape not only our future but the future of humanity as a whole. It’s a time to reflect, to choose the higher path, and to embrace the transformative power that lies within each of us.

Please enjoy my conversation with Eluña.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 480

Eluña 0:00
The shift is gradual. The shift is a process. And those who choose to see that humanity is indeed on a path, this is when the shift can happen. We see that it is near 2030, major shifts will occur within the consciousness of humanity, but it is ultimately a collective choice.

Alex Ferrari 0:20
I like to welcome to the show Eluña. How are you doing Eluña?

Eluña 0:33
Very well. Thank you so much for having me.

Alex Ferrari 0:35
Thank you so much for coming, coming all the way down to next level soul studios to do this conversation. So I appreciate you.

Eluña 0:42
You're welcome. Yeah, it's fun to be here.

Alex Ferrari 0:45
So first question is, you're a channeler. I always like to ask, what was your life like before the insanity of channeling came into your life?

Eluña 0:54
That is a very good question. Um, you know, it really was. It was just more subtle. I would say I had a life that was very quiet. I spent a lot of time alone, and even when, even when I was working kind of a more regular job than I am now, I spent a lot of time trying to connect with my guides and feeling them and knowing they were there, but not really knowing what to do with that. And I was a teacher of children. I was a Montessori teacher, so I taught children for six years, and during that time, I knew that what I was really doing was having the opportunity to heal my inner child, and so I really just fully embraced that. That's really what my guides explained to me in the ways that I could understand them at the time, not not auditory like they do now, but they explained to me that it was my time to heal things that I had been through and experiences that I hadn't gotten to fully reconcile, that really all had to be healed during that time. Because if it hadn't, then there are more distortions that can come out when you are a channeler. Because if you if, if my experience and my understanding has been that if there's still an unhealed part of you inside, then when you are trying to work with someone, you're going to see that. You're going to project it, because that's a human thing to do. And then you're going to see that in the other person, when that's not necessarily the accurate thing to see in them, it's really you are seeing part of yourself and not actually what the other person has going on. So my, my life before channeling was a series of undoings, and I would say, a series of slow awakenings, of softenings, so that I could become as clear as possible as I am now. And I, you know, I'm still a human, so I still have distortions and and I really, I try to work through them every single day. But that was, that was a big part of my life.

Alex Ferrari 2:44
Have you been able to tap into your older your older past lives, and and before we get into your past lives. I always like asking this question. The concept of past life, future life, current life there is, doesn't exist for my understanding.

Eluña 2:59
Yeah, I actually say parallel lives.

Alex Ferrari 3:00
Correct! So from what I understand, it's like plates packed or records tapped on, on top of each other, and you can kind of just go in and out.

Eluña 3:08
I love that visual.

Alex Ferrari 3:09
Yeah, in and out of lives, because we think of it as a linear line, like, Yeah, I'm not. You don't have to go all the way back to Rome, go all the way back to Atlantis, or something along those lines, where it's like this, and that's why you can kind of jump back and forth. Can you explain to people how all of our lives is happening at the exact same time?

Eluña 3:30
Oh, sure, I love this question. It might not make a lot of sense. I actually have, I've gotten, I've had the privilege and the gift of actually seeing this. So it might not make a lot of sense to others who have not seen it or don't quite understand, but it's a fractal that's really, that's really the answer. So all of life, all of experience, is folding in on itself constantly, and it's all turning in and I was actually just having a conversation about this yesterday. It is so incredible to me, and my heart is just filled with it sings. It sings with this truth, the creator is so intelligent that it can be have a it is a fractal experience, as far as we know, because it's far beyond human comprehension. But it is a fractal experience constantly turning in on itself that is so intelligent that it can turn its attention and consciousness into the most microscopic awareness and be here right now, having this conversation, while, in an actuality, this conversation has already happened. It's already done, but yet it's also going to go on forever, because the universe and the creator are fractal, so it's constantly turning in. That is the way that I see it, because that's the from a quantum physics perspective, that is the truth. That is actually what's happening. In terms of a slightly easier way to maybe understand it is like what you mentioned, or another another way is if each reality is a box, then you can just move between the boxes. You can like a like a cubicle, you can jump from cubicle to cubicle and see the different experiences that are happening all at the same time. And it's all you. And it's because your soul is not bound in time, and it is not bound by space, just as the creator is not it's a your soul is a reflection of the Creator. So it is not bound in time and space, and so it's able to have multiple experiences all at once, because it does not see from only this one microscopic perspective. It sees from as many perspectives as your soul is able to see from which, I don't know the answer to how many that is, but,

Alex Ferrari 5:34
But wouldn't it need to still have some sort of linear movement, in the sense that if Atlantis you learned a lesson, and in Rome you forgot that lesson and made the mistake again, and in Victorian times, you learned a lesson. There's an evolution there.

Eluña 5:52
There is and the way that I described that it is spherical, and that's not a real word, but it's a spiral that moves up. It's a spherical evolution. It is not a linear evolution. And the other thing that is different that we must remember is that while we are talking about our soul having multiple perspectives all at once, we also have to remember that that soul is infinite, because there are infinite universes and infinite dimensions in which that soul is perceiving all of those different things at once. So it is far beyond our ability to comprehend that.

Alex Ferrari 6:22
It's like a really insane Chris Nolan movie.

Eluña 6:27
That's your understanding. Yes!

Alex Ferrari 6:29
It's a completely insane it's like if interstellar meets

Eluña 6:38
Meets inception, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 6:40
And it calls in on itself. Then you dabble Bane on top of it. I mean, it's crazy.

Eluña 6:46
That is a perfect understanding.

Alex Ferrari 6:49
It's not easy. I always like asking that question, because it's not an easy thing to understand. Yeah, no. But from, again, from my perspective of speaking to people on the other on the other side, or people who talk to the other side, the concept of a soul. I always, I always joke that Jesus is the hardest working man to show business, because he shows up to all these ndS that come in. They're always in these near death experiences, and it's either Buddha or Jesus. Jesus always seems to show up. He's around. He's always around. And I'm like, Man, this guy's just working hard, like he's got to run over here and run over there. And the concept is that, I mean, that's the way we think about it, like, right, right. Like, oh, but John's done, but I gotta deal with you. Oh, God got his schedule. Like, no, he's early. Like, like, Jesus is stressed out. Oh, what's today? How many off 50 100 souls today? How am I gonna get to them all today? I got prayers coming in. World going to hell. I mean, I can't, oh, God. And that's only in this,

Eluña 7:51
That's only this,

Alex Ferrari 7:53
1000s and millions of other timelines I got to deal with. So I can imagine he's stressed out. Jesus gonna die of a heart attack. But anyway, but anyway. But the reason that concept idea is that they can be on the other side. Your soul can be in multiple places at the same time. So from my understanding, when a medium is talking to, let's say, grandma, the grandma you knew in this life, well, that version of that soul can show up as a fractal and still talk to like that person and remember and have a memories and all that stuff and have a session with you, but that soul's already somewhere else, like in our head, we're like, what's grandma doing? She's just like, waiting around all day. Is she chilling? She's playing bingo, like, what is yeah, like, what's happening during the day. That's the way, that's the only way we can think about it. But if you think about it as a fractal, I love that word fractal. Way that the soul is a million different places. It's, it might be already incarnated, right?

Eluña 8:54
And you know, it's interesting that you bring that up because part of, part, as I mentioned, with with mediumship abilities, part of, actually, that was normal for me as a child, and that's part of actually how I got into this. Before I started channeling for people, I was doing mediumship things, and part of my understanding is that, I think that what's going on is that sometimes when people are tuning into as a medium, when they're tuning into that energy, they are actually tuning into exactly what you said. It's the memory, it's the energetic residue that is left over from that person that you're able to tune into. Because, of course, energy doesn't go anywhere. It just transforms. So if that energy has not had a chance to transform, whether that's because, if it's my grandmother, maybe I'm carrying some of the energy from my grandmother because there's something that I have left undone with her, or that I didn't get a chance to say whatever it might be. Then if I go see a medium, they're going to tune into that energy that actually is really just me. It's actually my energy of my grandmother that I'm carrying. But because it's it's my memory, because it's actually an energetic residue from my grandmother, the medium is able to share all kinds of things of like, oh and your grandmother used to use. This handkerchief all the time, and now you have it and blah, blah, blah, all of that stuff is still real. It's just being looked at from a temporal landscape.

Alex Ferrari 10:08
Well, how about and I get that with grandma, because grandma has a handful of people who remember grandma, yes, but when you're talking about Robin Williams, Genghis Khan, Alexander, the great Cleopatra, these people who are throughout history known. They can't, kind of just fade. That's true as much. So Robin is a big one. Robin Williams, I mean, I've had I so many interactions. I knew I met Robin once when he was alive. What amazing, beautiful, amazing, amazing soul. Yeah, and, and I know a lot of people who knew him, but like, Robin shows up all the time in other people's and the ease, because he was just such a beloved, yeah, he was such a beloved soul on this planet, yeah, you know,

Eluña 10:52
So see, and that's, that's part of the way that I look at it, is those, all of those beings that you mentioned, that are well known, they remain and forever will in the collective memory of humanity. If there is a being who has truly made some kind of impact, or is just in the collective memory,

Alex Ferrari 11:07

Eluña 11:08
Right, they're going to stay around looking into the Akashic records of those beings. Is different, because you're actually looking at whatever it is that you're able to see. If you're an Akashic Channeler, you're you're looking at their entire life, period their life track, at least in this lifetime, possibly even into their other past lives, like previous to Robin Williams, being Robin Williams, who was he? What did he do? You're able to see that that's different than someone, than the energy coming through in an n, d, e, or in even a mediumship experience, it's it's different. And I don't, I'm not saying that's always the case, but I do know that that's partially what's going on.

Alex Ferrari 11:43
So going back to your past lives, what past lives do you have you been given access to? And you know, how far back do you go?

Eluña 11:52
That's a lovely question. So I actually can see any, any past life that I want. I don't do that when I, when I very first started looking into into the records, I can see everything. And I realized, Okay, wait, this is, this is so much information that I don't actually know what's helpful here, like I'm seeing this past life, but is that actually necessary? That's what started guiding me to working with the Akashic guides very specifically, and then also the person's higher self. So that has shifted my use of the Akashic records. And I do the same for myself. I don't just go nosing around, even though it's my my information. There are things that are not meant to be remembered. There's a reason why the earth is set up in a way where you come in and you don't remember anything like that's not how it has to be. That's not how I think it's going to stay. But there are certain things that simply don't need to be remembered. So I don't go poking around, but I have seen pretty the, pretty much the majority of my past human lives. I actually haven't had that many compared to some people. I haven't had too many human lives. And I've gone back into times in Lemuria and chem previous to ancient Egypt. Those are two very major live lifetimes that I've had here on Earth. And then, of course, beyond that, before I came to Earth. I've seen almost all of those as well.

Alex Ferrari 13:01
So Lemuria, can you talk a little bit about your past life? Any any stories in Lemuria? Yeah, because Lemuria is one of those, those, those. I mean, Atlantis gets all the press. It does. I mean, I don't know why. Plato. It was Plato. It was Plato. We had great marketing. Great marketing on the Atlanta. You built it up a lot. He built that thing up a lot, carried along the marketing campaign behind the land is pretty

Eluña 13:25

Alex Ferrari 13:26
That's why Titanic will continue to be talked about. There's been many other sinkings, more casualties, but the marketing the story, and then, of course, Leo and Kate, but anyway, Jack and Jack and Rose. But anyway, we could go on forever, as they do. Sorry, please don't pass that up. It was there, but Atlantis gets all the press, but Lemuria, from my understanding, was around at the same time, kind of like the US and Europe are around at the same time, two very different, you know, or China and Europe and the US two very different cultures going on two different paths, in a sense, yeah, what was your experience of Lumeria and what they had to offer? The like, what? What happened during that time period versus if you had any memory of Atlantis at all?

Eluña 14:23
Yeah, that's a great question. So in Lemuria, I my, my own lifetime, was actually very interesting. There it's, it's somewhat what I mentioned earlier about having coming in with, with a wide amount of, I guess, spiritual abilities. I don't really know what other words call them, psychic abilities, that which was very normal in Lemuria, for beings to come in with their their third eyes wide open, they're they're able to tune into healing. That's really what Lemuria was known for, because, right from the get go, basically, yeah, because the the culture of that time, and the way that those beings lived, when, when humans, when souls, came into and had. But those bodies, they were almost immediately able to go into what we would consider to be the fifth dimension. That does not mean that they left their physical body. It means that they are accessing their multi dimensional self. So they have their third dimensional body, but they're able to be in the fifth dimension, which allows them to see things differently, perceive things differently, and access different energies. So that is, that was part of my experience, again, normal in Lemuria for the most part. And so I was a healer, and I did various things there, and what was taking place in Atlantis, because the lifetime that I had was during this, this shift that happened in Atlantis. And Atlantis was already going going through a lot of shifts. They were moving very rapidly. The Lemurian culture, they got to a place where they were very content. So they were evolving in a five dimensional space, but not a three dimensional space. That's one of the main distinctions between Lemuria and Atlantis that I have seen. Atlantis was able to evolve highly in a third dimensional space and somewhat accessing the fifth dimensional space as well. But that's why a lot of people talk about how Atlantis was about technology while Lemuria was about healing. That's a very common distinction, and it's again, 5d, 3d, so when Atlantis had this kind of compulsion come up in them, which I have seen part of the story of that and how that took root in the culture. It very much shows just the collective nature of humanity. This idea came in Atlantis, where they said, Okay, so we've been doing this whole being in rhythm with the earth thing. But what happens if we decide to go into a space where we use more of our willpower, where we use more force to move ahead, to move into a different space of evolution. What? What can we accomplish there? What happens then, when that question was asked and then that those paths were gone down in a very, I'll say, aggressive way, that's when things shifted in Atlantis, and a different, a different energy kind of took hold in in the mind body of those people that, of course, affected Lemuria. It came back to Lemuria because now they're experiencing a different level of energy. They are so tuned into the earth that they pretty in more or less knew, in some capacity, energetically, that things were shifting over there, and things were happening when Atlantis kind of came and I'll say, tried to infiltrate Lemuria in the ways that they did, after a very long story with me trying to change things in Atlantis, there's kind of this story of like an underground, kind of message trying to happen between myself and other people in Lemuria and Atlantis that that is what I was doing. Is I was trying to shift things and just influence things, but from Lemuria, rather than going to Atlantis itself, that didn't work. And the Atlantean people, some of them, came to infiltrate Lemuria. And when that took place, the Lemurian people previously had not really experienced any level of major fear or trauma, as we mentioned earlier. So this is essentially the first major trauma that almost anyone in Lemuria is facing that did something to their bodies. And the way that I can word it and understand it is that it grounded them so they were not able to access the fifth dimension as easily. They became much more in their three dimensional bodies, exactly because they were bound by fear. Fear traps us in this body because the body says, I need attention. There's something major going on. You need to take care of us and save us and keep us safe. So of course, fear grounds you. Fear is what keeps you dense and locked in so that that took place and I was not able to get beyond that. In that lifetime, that the fear was too much for me as as a being in that in that story that I was playing out, which I was a man actually, in that lifetime, in that story, I couldn't get over it. I could not get beyond it. And it really did consume me. It. It took a lot and so that lifetime and things that I went through there that essentially set up my again. My understanding is that it kind of set up the rest of the lives that I've had here on earth as a human, beyond those, beyond those kind of special times of humanity, the golden ages and all of that of Chem and Atlantis. After that, the rest of my lives have kind of been set up because of that lifetime, including this one, actually.

Alex Ferrari 19:25
So you're familiar with the yugas, right? Okay, so the concept of the yugas by Yukteswar right there, who came out with the book The Holy science for everybody listening, is 24,000 year cycle of enlightenment. We start here, then we go into the dark ages, which is down here, and then we come back in that's the cycle, and that humanity goes through these 24,000 year cycles. When Atlantis was starting to go dark, let's say was just they were, they were going, they were going to full Bane. So. And bring that back around. They were starting to go full Bane. They that was towards the we were starting to leave the high enlightenment, because Atlantis, to my understanding, was a more spiritually advanced civilization than we are. Oh yes, certainly, yeah, by far, right, exactly. But then they started getting into the technology, into the third dimension, really heavily, and they started to lose the connection, where, you guys in Lemuria were very much connected, but then got ranked back down,

Eluña 20:31
Right. And that's exactly what's interesting, that I would say the people in Lemuria, they were living outside of that cycle. The cycle exists because that's the cycle that humanity agrees to collectively to keep going around. And the Lemurian people were not living in that cycle. They were living mostly on the outside of it. But when you only have what I don't know, 13% of the population of the world, living in one way, it's not enough to change the collective and the Atlantean Empire as it was an empire, had a lot, a lot more influence than the Lemurian people, so that that it affected us, and there's no blame there. It's also part of the evolution that we're supposed to go through as a species. So this is just where we are.

Alex Ferrari 21:13
Right. So, and then you guys kind of got yanked back down.

Eluña 21:15
We did. We got pulled back into the cycle.

Alex Ferrari 21:18
Come on, guys, come on. It's fun over here. Let's go.

Eluña 21:21
We're in the dark.

Alex Ferrari 21:22
We're in the dark. It's great. Have you seen that? But so so we were so then during this, this dark and darkening time is when we started to leave the Age of Enlightenment. And that could have been 1000s of years from the peak of everyone is as close to source as possible, yeah, this 12,000 this 12,000 year ago, the Younger Dryas, because I know you're a lost civilization, you know, a fan as well as I am. So the Younger Dryas, when there was an event that, you know, created the great floods and and, you know, all the great flood myth that we hear and kind of destroyed humanity in a certain way, reset us. We kind of got thrown back into this, literally, almost to the stone.

Eluña 22:08
Washed it clean, washed it quite literally,

Alex Ferrari 22:11
Quite literally. Where were we from? My understanding where we were in the cycle was, I mean, we were pretty far down, if it's maybe like four o'clock, on the on the on the on the face, because, I mean, the dark ages is, that's the bottom, that's six o'clock when nothing happened for hundreds of years. I mean, it's just dark. Then we the Renaissance came and we started to come back out, and we are now on the upward swing. And we could see that, I mean, from our technology from that conversation we're having now in a public forum without being burned to the stake or hung or shot at this point again, at least in this culture, many other cultures around the world, there are other cultures, other places, just like Lemuria, who live outside of the rest of the consciousness of humanity. So where were we in that cycle at the 12,000 year, when the Younger Dryas happened and Lemuria was wiped out, Atlantis was wiped out, and a handful of, from my understanding, was only Atlanteans. I'm not sure if it was some Lemurians who went off to different areas of the world and kind of try to rebuild, yeah, right, humanity, like in obviously in Chem obviously, in Mesoamerica and in other areas around the world.

Eluña 23:23
Yeah, they did. So my what I have seen is that the Lemurian people, the majority of them, left this kind of Western the west coast of the near the United States, and also, actually partially land that's not there right now. They left and they went south. So some of them went to went basically to various Polynesian islands. It's the easiest way to say it. They went to different places the earth also looked very different at that time. So it like now they're small islands, and they weren't quite that way before. There were already indigenous people living in those areas, just just like how there were indigenous people living all over the world that were not in Atlantis and also were not in Lemuria. So just like how we have, I guess, cultures in South America that that are untouched, right, that don't know about other people exactly, just like that, that was the same thing. There were people all over the place that were not necessarily in either one of those cultures. So the Lemurian people. They they joined another culture. Essentially, they kind of like took over. And there are certain concepts that we can see that are parallel, from Lemuria to like the cultures in the Aboriginal spaces they they're the stories that they would tell. They know that it's from the Lemurian people they talk about that the the Lemurians accessing more of the five dimensional consciousness and kind of interacting in that space that is really likened to the dream space, that is a huge concept in the Aboriginal culture is that dreaming is actually where life happens. That's like more important than waking life because of the things that you're able to access so that can easily be seen in. Influence there and then with Atlantis, of course, it's, it's really everywhere you you can see a lot of it everywhere, but the the beings. What I am curious about exploring more, because I've only gotten a hint of this. There are beings from Atlantis that, even though that whole shift happened, and even though there was, we'll say darkness again, just for ease. Even though that was all taking place, they actually still believed in what they were doing. They still believed that that was the right thing to do, that it didn't matter that that the flood had come. It didn't matter that things had started to shift in a way that clearly did not look good. They still held by what they believed to be the right thing. And and some of those have also started cultures. There are cultures that exist now, like the Roman Empire I do have, I from what I understand, and I really have not been able to look into it. So it's a very small understanding, but that that is really an offshoot of Atlantean beings who are not really concerned about holding things in a way that is balanced, that is that is similar to what we would consider to be spiritual beliefs.

Alex Ferrari 26:05
Well, I mean, the Roman Empire came a long time after.

Eluña 26:08
It did, and the the the ancestry of that, the re the way that that started, of what it means to build an empire that's, that's an Atlantean, that's an Atlantean trait, exactly, or idea. And then other beings, like you mentioned, from Atlantis, they went to they went to Egypt, and again, there were other people already living there, just like there were around the world. And they did something similar to Lemuria, where they brought the the information and the beliefs or the teachings that they felt would be helpful to that space. And that's what they started. They basically tried to start a new culture and teach new things. And Chem was quite successful in the way that they did that.

Alex Ferrari 26:46
Is that, is that Thoth?

Eluña 26:48
Yes as, again, from the stories and from what I understand, yes, he was, he is one of the beings. He's like the most talked about of

Alex Ferrari 26:55
Good marketing again.

Eluña 26:56
Yes, again very good marketers.

Alex Ferrari 26:58
Very good PR person, Emerald Yeah, the Emerald Tablets. It's a good marketing piece with that, yeah. I mean, you look at, I mean, you look at the Aztecs and the Olmecs and the Mayans and those kind of cultures. There's aspects, especially like the Aztecs, even the Inca their empires, they were full blown empires, true? Yeah, they were full blown empires down there. So there's, there's tents of this empire, building Rome, one of the greatest empires. I think what was, it wasn't the Mongols even bigger?

Eluña 27:32
Even bigger. That's true. And I think there's a difference between between which I know that this is true in in some of those cultures that you mentioned. There's it in Mesoamerica. But there's a difference between building an empire and conquering other people for the sake of power. That's, that's a, well,

Alex Ferrari 27:48
That's a Roman thing.

Eluña 27:49
That's a Mongol that's, that's exactly what I mean. That's a Roman and a Mongol thing. That's like a later empire, because that is the energy of will and force, and that is, in a nutshell, kind of the downfall of Atlantis was moving into that energy, rather than being an in a rhythmic balance with the Earth, with with humanity, with where humanity was at. That's what they chose.

Alex Ferrari 28:12
And there's there's empires right now, I would call them empires, but countries going on right now in the world to have that energy. And the only reason that they don't do anything is because there's a bigger, a bigger dog on the block. Yeah, that's keeping them at bay. But if that dog wasn't there, right? Who knows? I mean, there's many countries in the world that would absolutely just start taking over countries. Yeah, again, back in the day, this old energy.

Eluña 28:40
Exactly. I was just gonna say, I mean, when you're told the story, that that's how you come off as powerful, that that's how you get what you want, that that's how you show your people that you're that you mean something, that you're worthy of, something. People perpetuate that story, even though it's completely distorted.

Alex Ferrari 28:55
That's such a such an old idea and such an old energy. Yeah, where it's obvious that cooperation, connecting resources, working as a, as a, as a world or a global community, is so much more beneficial.

Eluña 29:12
Yes, it is, it is, it is, and it's as outdated as the biological belief that things have evolved because of competition, it is as outdated. Yes, right, right. Like to make that claim is it really does make me roll my eyes, because if you just go to even the basic function of a cell, cells started to come together, which this is, you know, who knows what actually was going on and how cells formed all of that. But if we just look at the basic function of a cell, cells form and come together to specialize in something. So one cells are floating off on their own. There's nothing on this planet, right? There's water, and the cells are floating. And finally, two cells get together and they say, You know what? Actually, if we work together and you just do. This one thing and I do this other thing, then maybe we can see how it goes. That same idea and that same story was told again and again until billions of cells are together, and one group says, I'm just gonna focus on moving the body. Another group says I'm just gonna focus on vision, and another group says I'm just gonna focus on digesting food. That is collaboration. That's not competition. So to say that evolution has taken place because of competition, to me, is also a very outdated and medieval idea. It's collaborative.

Alex Ferrari 30:30
Right! And then what is cancer? It's when cells the distortion, the distortion of that, yeah, because I think as a species, we're pre wired to cooperate. That's the only way we survive. It's the only exact because we're not strong, yeah, in the, in the, in the sense of, I mean, we are a weak mammal.

Eluña 30:49
It's true. We have nothing going for us. Physically. There's very little.

Alex Ferrari 30:52
Very, I don't care, the most jacked up dude you got, yeah, put them against the weakest Silverback, yeah, and that's the end of the day, the weakest, like the one that all the other Silverbacks picked up the runt. Yeah, the runt of the litter will destroy any of them, and he's a vegetarian out there, and he's a nice note, but so we're not really kind of built for to be honest with you. And this, might go down a another road, but we're not really built well for this planet.

Eluña 31:27
I mean, it's a very interesting point.

Alex Ferrari 31:29
I mean, we stand in the sun too long we burn.

Eluña 31:32
Yeah, to a crisp.

Alex Ferrari 31:33
Animals don't do that. There's not one animal goes, oh, I need that 45 I need that 50. SPF, that's not a thing. No, the only thing we got going for us is our brains one and then our cooperation. Well, yeah, there's that. But the combination of our hands with thumb really is the big the big boys, the thumb, the brain and the ability to cooperate our Hearts is the only thing that keeps us has gotten us anywhere, yeah, because we'll be destroyed by a pack of wolves, all that guy, all these, there's, there's not. We're such a weak species.

Eluña 32:10
We are. And, you know, it's interesting, because, again, I really like to look at as many levels as I can. So on a biological level, the human body is an animal, right? This is the animal part of us as a being, this. This has the instincts of No, that's mine. This has the instincts of No, I need that and the taking. So it is only through our heart, accessing a part that's higher than our lower self that we're able to say, Okay, actually we there's, there's enough here. We can share. I'll actually give you a little bit. I don't, I don't need all of that. So there's a lot of apples on there. There's a lot of apples. I don't need the whole tree to myself. And I think that that's part of our evolution as a species. The lower base part of ourselves are what is being called on and what is being poked at repeatedly. That is making people act in a way that is animalistic, that is still based in competition, that is still based out of fear, people who are, I would say, trapped in in the ideas of religion, where they they're only allowed to believe in one thing, and they're only allowed to believe in one person and one story and one narrative that's being bound in fear, that's a base instinct that's from the body. And the same is true with competition. If that's where you're operating from, you have not risen to a higher place where you are able to collaborate, use your hands to give rather than take.

Alex Ferrari 33:33
But if I believe in my God, and you believe in your God, but my God's the only god that's ego, yes, and fear, and if we are the chosen people, it's the way I sleep at night. That's I can't sleep at night if I'm not the chosen person. That's the story I was told by that old dude in the corner, yeah? And he told me that, since you don't believe in the same thing, I might have to kill you, because you're a threat to our belief system, right? Exactly, such a barbaric, medival idea.

Eluña 34:04
That's and that's where it gets more complex, because we have the animalistic body with with its animalistic needs and its instincts, saying, No, we have to take this. No, we have to go there. And then we have the mind, when the mind is rooted in the body, when the mind is rooted in the instincts and in those base, lower parts of ourself. We say, I have to take that. And that story is much larger than just the apple on the tree. That story becomes, no, I have to take that, and it's someone's land, because that person doesn't believe in the God that I believe in. So it gets far more complex when the layers of our mind get thrown on to the animal parts of our body, which, again, is why coming to the heart is the simplest thing to do. Your heart is going to tell you if it feels good or not. There are no stories in the heart. There's only truth. That's what lies in there.

Alex Ferrari 34:49
Can you talk a little bit about the the programming that we all go through, that that those first seven years as a Jesuits said you. Me, give me a child for seven years, and I'll show you the man. When I heard that for the first time, I was like, Oh, my God, he's he was absolutely right those first seven years, is who you become. And you know, I was, I'm a recovering Catholic. So I'm still guilty about I feel guilty about it, but so I joke the Catholics, they've had a rough go of it lately, but, but when I was raised in Catholic school, you know, my parents weren't particularly religious, but it was a Latino background. You know, South America is mostly Catholic, yep, essentially. And I would, I went back, and I would read my notebooks of, like, what they were teaching in first grade. And I was like, Mike, pure propaganda, like, it's like, there is no it's 100% bias. It's like, it's all about this. And it was like, you know, and then the stories, let's talk about hell. And that's a whole other conversation. But this program, and I saw the programming, but it didn't make sense to me as I continued to get older, it just that narrative didn't make sense, the belief in Jesus and His teachings, I started to go down that road without the dogma, and then the idea of a higher power. So I'm very grateful for that introduction, that there was like, hey, there's something bigger than yourself. Hey, there's a God. He's an angry God. He's very jealous, too spiteful, jealous. I'm like, which also, as I got older, I'm like, Man, this guy's insecure. But I mean, you know, there you go. It didn't make a lot of sense. And I go, and there's, there's like, 2 billion other people on the planet at the time, two or 3 billion other people at the time, when I was a kid, and I was like, and they don't believe this, are they all going to hell? This doesn't make, like, a lot of sense here, if God loves all of us. And, like, you know, like, Listen, you know, it didn't make any sense. So I had to break out of my own programming, and there's still programming I'm dealing with, of course, which is called baggage, which is called trauma, which is whatever, but that programming is so powerful and people don't really understand that, because, like, if you were born into a Muslim family, you'd be Muslim. If you were born and into an aborigine family, you'd be like, there's the SARS and there's dream time, and that's, that's the programming you would have gotten. Can you talk a little bit about, from your perspective, the higher self and the lower perspective of programming, and how impactful it literally is on every human being in the world?

Eluña 37:35
Yeah, that's a beautiful question. You know, I would say also just to comment on on your own experience, the ability to say, Huh, that doesn't really sit right with me. That doesn't really make sense. That is from my understanding that's accessing the higher mind that's choosing to see things from a higher perspective, when you are pooling on the strings of the lower base self that keeps the mind shut. If, if we were to imagine the mind having a roof that like a kite. All of the strings are pulled down and kept tight, and there's no way to get out of it. There's nothing above it. When you are calling on the lower base self, when you're using fear to control and manipulate a person, when you tell them that if you do this thing, it's going to impact all of these, these other people, that's that's using, actually, the gift of the heart to to make a point, to say, to be afraid, to say, Oh, well, if you make this choice, then you're actually going to condemn these million or 10,000 other people. That was a story that my mother was told with her programming. And when, when that happens, a human is is six, is five. They don't have any idea what else is out there. They're, they're, they are looking to the person that is with them, or the the people, the adults that are with them, and saying, You are how I'm going to function in the world. You are. What's giving me love. All I know is love. And if you're telling me that that's what love is, or that this is what I must do in order to align to love, then I'm going to believe you that's again, that's really true manipulation of the heart, and it's keeping the mind closed. And what a perfect and genius way to keep people stuck doing the same thing and stay on the wheel and never question it. Control. It's the ultimate plan for control.

Alex Ferrari 39:19
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Eluña 39:55
Because if you say yeah, the the creator that you believe. One actually is out to get you, unless you do these things. What a better way to keep someone in line that I mean, that is the ultimate form of control and to completely give away their sovereignty, to completely give away their power by saying, Yeah, so it's okay for us over here, but those people that believe this thing, that do that thing, that eat this food, that whatever it is, they're the ones who are going to go to hell. So you don't ever want to be like them. You don't ever want to be friends with them. And when you see them, you need to let them know that that's what's going to happen. You need to convert them. You do that's God's way, that that is the ultimate control, because then they are saying you're living beyond yourself. You are being a creator. You are acting on the part of God, if you do these things that that is the ultimate form of control. I mean, and it's quite sad, because it's, it's all of the gifts of being a human. But they're being taken advantage of. They're they're calling on the love of a child when they're six, they're calling on the trust that that child has. They're calling on the power that is the creator inside, and then saying, this is the way that you're allowed to use that. This is what that has to look like, and this is what that absolutely cannot look like. It's taking away all of the power.

Alex Ferrari 41:18
And you said hell, which is one of my favorite subjects, I love hell. I think I love hell. You can quote me. This is fantastic, because I was, I was told about hell when I was in first grade. Can you imagine, I'm a six year old going hell? I came home crying. Yeah, I came home. Can you imagine, like, if you don't do this, if you eat meat on Friday, you know, wow, that's when I didn't understand. Like, so if I kill somebody and I eat meat, equal, even as a kid, I'm going something like Sesame Street, something here, you know, that kind of thing, because it just didn't make any sense to me. So the whole concept of hell, which people are still, I mean, very, very, very, very, very much into it. It's interesting. And again, let's going back to a PR firm and a marketing firm, the great P the greatest PR agent for hell is Dante. Yes, that is hell that we know is Dante's. It's not the Bible's hell which, by the way, I don't know if you knew or not. I'm sure you do that the Old Testament. No, hell, huh? I did not the Torah. No, hell, interesting. No, hell, from my understanding, when a soul dies, done, there was you either go to heaven or yada yada yada kind of thing. And hell was brought into the New Testament, from from again. And please quote me if I'm wrong that Jesus, it was taken from a story of Jesus. Jesus apparently created hell, or brought this myth in which

Eluña 42:53
That sounds like the act of a loving being.

Alex Ferrari 42:55
Obviously, because if you know Jesus, I'm gonna scare the hell out of everybody. He was talking at some sort of lecture and our sermon, and he's like, if you guys don't get your act together, there's this lake down this down the street where they throw all their garbage in and burn and you're gonna go into this place. I forgot the name of that lake, but this is, this is historical, and they took that story in the Council of Nicea when they were putting the Bible together and editing things out, and said, Hell, great. Then a couple 100, I don't know when Dante showed up and when Dante showed up, a long time. Oh, yeah. So I was because Dante wonderful writer, yes, very but the whole concept of the of the hells and all and other levels of hell, and the poking and the

Eluña 43:41
You know, I find that so interesting, because he was not actually writing about hell. He was writing about his experience on Earth. That is quite a metaphor, because really what he was saying is that his life had become a living hell, and all of the people that are in that story are characters from his life that were basically giving him a hard time. So that is very interesting.

Alex Ferrari 44:04
And they brought that story. They're like, Oh, we like that. Let's take that, wow, and they put it in the myth. And now that's the concept of hell. I mean, of course, there's Lucifer, the devil, and all of that fallen angels and all that kind of stuff. And then the Book of Enoch, and we can get into all that, but it's a fascinating idea, because I love going into the historical facts of especially my religion that I came from to kind of this kind of debunk a lot of the programming that people are stuck to. And if they don't want to believe what I'm saying, you go look it up yourself. When I heard about the Council of Nicaea, my mind blew up. I was like, what? There was a group of them that just got together and wrote the Bible and, like, edited out things like, Okay, what stories are we keeping? Guys? Yeah, and it was, and it was created by Constantine, the Roman emperor, because the Christians were getting out of hand, and we need to take control of the situation. And before that, with. Real Christians to the lions, and then afterwards, like, all right, well, everyone, we're Christian. Now, if you're not Christian, we could throw into the lions, because they needed control. And they built this whole Bible up around that, and they edited things out and like, oh, reincarnation, we can't have that. That's not gonna work for what we're trying to do.

Eluña 45:14
Uh huh. We need them to believe that this is their one and only life, right? And we need that life to look this certain way and for them to behave this certain way. And it's very interesting, actually, that that they chose to do what you mentioned about Christians, because really it's like 1984 No, no, we were never at war with Euro Asia. That was actually always our ally. That's what we always it's the same, gosh, exactly. Just writing the story to suit you, that's all it is, it's,

Alex Ferrari 45:40
It's, it's, it's pretty fascinating. And I did not realize when I got I got a chance last year to go to the Vatican. Oh, yeah, and I'm still taking a shower from that experience. You'll be scrubbing I'll be scrubbing that off for a while. No, no, it is.

Eluña 45:58
I've been there.

Alex Ferrari 45:59
And in the Vatican Museum is embarrassment of riches, and that's so many stolen so much stolen art. It's not even funny, but when you walk into the St Peter's Basilica, and you walk around and it's just stunning thing, it is. And, I mean, it's, I mean, you can't deny it's beautiful.

Eluña 46:16
It's a work of art.

Alex Ferrari 46:17
It's the whole damn thing. It's insane, yeah, but I was just sitting there going, this has nothing to do with Jesus, like I just got just this, nothing, nothing. Not the pointy hats, not the gold on the walls, not the rules and the dog. Has nothing to do with Jesus. And I just said, I just and I just saw it through such different eyes. Yeah, you know, you, I mean, there's a rever and I could under and I said, I said to my wife, I'm like, imagine you're a peasant working the fields exactly in Italy or somewhere, and you walk into St Peter's Basilica, and you're an uneducated person, right? Never seen anything like it. You're like, this? Obviously, was built by God, yes. There's no way this was not whatever that man on the on the up there is telling me, I'm gonna have to believe he is the chosen one. He's obviously the chosen one. Very similar to in Chichen Itza. When, when the priests were at the top of Chichen Itza, and they had, they understood science enough to know when, tomorrow, the sun will come through here, and then the lights will come and they have a what, and all of a sudden, oh, my god, the sun came because they understood basic science, and it happened throughout history.

Eluña 47:33
And that's actually the same story that we're in right now. It's the same exact story. It's just on a different level.

Alex Ferrari 47:38
Tell me,

Eluña 47:39
People's minds, people's minds are being controlled. There is programming that happens in in churches like you mentioned, but also in school. You're told this is what you need to believe, and I need you to memorize this. And this subject never comes into this subject, and this subject never touches that subject. It's all separate. Everything is a disparate point that you have to try to make connections to. Minds are controlled. The people who have more information are revered. The people who look like they are closer to God or closer to whatever someone wants to believe is God. If science is your God, if money is your God, if Hollywood is your God, if glamor is your God, whoever is closest to that is made to look like the expert and the representation, which means everything they do, that's what you should be doing. The control is embedded, because we say, oh, but that's what I want to be like. So this is who I should be, or I don't want to go to hell, and so this is how I have to behave. So the control happens now outside of religion, because it needed to start happening outside of religion. Once people were like, actually, I don't want to believe that anymore. It had to go somewhere. So it came into our schools. That is the vast majority of what people experience now. And now covid happened, and so now there are different asks. There are so much information, because technology we right. We have access to so much information and so much misinformation. Also just, I need to say that too, of course, yeah. So with all of that, access control has to come from somewhere. The next most obvious place is the media, and media, not only in terms of news, but media in terms of social media that that whole world of distraction of this is what you want and this is what you want to look like. Yes, all of that, it's all forms of control. They're just different levels of control. And as humanity becomes more complex, because despite whoever or whatever may not want to see us evolve, we are evolving. Humanity is evolving. And that means that it the control needs to become more complex, the distractions need to become even more dramatic, the things that pull your attention away, they have to look a certain way now, otherwise people are gonna be like, Nah, it's probably AI, which is good that people are saying that it's but it's far more complex than it has ever been. Still the same story. And I want people to get out of that story, to get off of that same wheel. Yeah. Don't go around it anymore. Don't live in the medieval times.

Alex Ferrari 50:03
I mean, the story of, you know, you have to go to a four year school to get a good job. You know, that worked even, Yep, yeah, that absolutely worked in the 50s and the 60s, you could not get a paying job, yep. But today, I mean, Google's bringing kids out of high school. They don't want you to go to college, yeah. They want to train you themselves.

Eluña 50:23
They want to indoctrinate you younger.

Alex Ferrari 50:25
Obviously, it's another obvious. That's another way, of course, obviously, and control you. Of course, yes, but, but generally speaking. And look again, I who say this, like, if you're a doctor, don't take an online course. You know, you know, an engineer, yeah, don't take Udemy course to build a bridge. I really rather you not. So thank you. So there are certain things that certain careers that do need that, but the vast majority of careers, like I went to film school, that's that's an absolute, That's criminal. It's criminal. Wow, interesting. It's a criminal act. And I'm saying this now, to criminal act, to charge a student to go to film school, $120,000 Wow, because you will never make that money back. It'll take you for ever. It would. It was difficult 20 years ago, when I started, was 30 years ago. It would, it was hard. Now today, impossible when the whole, the whole the whole thing is coming down, you could see what's happening those AI is taking a lot and productions, pulling back and all that kind of stuff. So it's criminal. So, you know, an art degree, I mean, a philosophy degree,

Eluña 51:34
Umm, a teaching degree. So what I have, I have a master's in Montessori education, and I that that money? Yeah, right. How long of my life would it take for me to actually pay back that master's degree, and on top of that, a training in Montessori education? It's not just

Alex Ferrari 51:49
And you haven't you had loans or not?

Eluña 51:51
Of course, too. Yeah, I still do. Yeah, right.

Alex Ferrari 51:54
You still have loans. Knows how long I'll have them exactly. I was lucky enough my education cost 18 grand. Oh, wow. And back then. So I've been able to, thank God, pay that off a while ago, but that same degree, it's like 100,000 now, yeah, criminal.

Eluña 52:09
Another form of control.

Alex Ferrari 52:11
Well, oh, that's not even get down student loans. Please don't get me started. I mean, oh yeah, you can't get rid of it ever in life. I mean, what is that? I Yeah, it's a whole other conversation. I so we've gone down many roads in this conversation so far, many, many roads. Let's get back to your channeling. What is your process? How do you actually because you trans channel so you actually go into a trance state and bring in either beings or kasha. How does it work for you?

Eluña 52:40
Yeah, that that's the one distinction. When I am when. So I can kind of choose, more or less, depending on who's coming through some sometimes being saying, no, no, I'm, I'm going, I'm going to be the one speaking, and so I don't, I can still choose to say no. But that's, that's kind of how that works. When I'm doing an Akashic reading, I am still there. It is not a trans channel. There are times when some people's Higher Self, they will want to speak through me in a specific way, and that's actually kind of new. So I'm still learning what that is really about. It comes off as more like an oracular transmission when that is taking place, but when I'm accessing the Akashic records, I'm still here. More or less. My consciousness is really far away, but it's still me. And then when I'm channeling my other beings that want to come through, then, yeah, I'm not, I'm not here. It's them,

Alex Ferrari 53:27
gotcha. And how is it and how does it feel for you? Are you there? Because I know some channels are, like, I don't remember anything. Other ones, I remember everything. Yes. Are you like, next door? Are you like, somewhere else? Are you in the back seat? Like, how does it work

Eluña 53:39
for you? So I love that. That's a great question. Um, I am next door more or less, but also kind of in the background. They it also kind of depends on who's speaking to me. That there, there are so many I my whole life, I have called myself a radio because the if I just adjust to a certain place, then I will hear different beings. So my, Pleiadian priestess sisters and my higher self, they both talk to me generally in this location, the three guides who are contemporaries of Thoth and writers of the Cabal yin and just hermetic scholars, essentially, they talk to me over here, and then other beings, depending on who I'm speaking to, talk to me over here. The Arcturian Council talks to me over here. So it really just depends, and each of their energies is also different, the the way that that they come in to me, when I'm trans, channeling them, it feels different. So I will kind of move to a different space. And I can't quite explain that, but room in the house, it is exactly that is, that's the best way to say it. It's a different room in the house that I moved to, and when I if my ego comes up and starts to talk to them while they're trying to speak through me, it can make me stutter. Sometimes it is helpful, because there it will be a word that they I don't know, didn't think of, or that. That they realize is maybe more relevant or appropriate. I'm not entirely sure how my ego actually assists them, and maybe it doesn't actually assist. Maybe that's just a story that I want to believe, but it'll try to it'll try to insert something, and either they'll use it or they won't. Sometimes it makes me stop, like I can't keep channeling. If my ego comes up because it's interfering in some capacity, and so they're trying to get me to not be interfering. It's different every time. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 55:29
Do you have any surprise guests?

Eluña 55:31
I did I have, and that's that was actually one of the beings I was mentioning. Lilith came through one time who I don't know the story of her. People have said, Isn't she a demon? And I said, I don't know, because I don't know who she is. She came through

Alex Ferrari 55:45
All demon work, yeah, this

Eluña 55:47
Is all

Alex Ferrari 55:48
This is all the devil's work, obviously, that's why I love Hell.

Eluña 55:53
Yeah. So she came through, and she told me, she said, um, so I'm going to speak through you. And this was the first time that a being had entered me more and and wanted to speak through me in a more direct way. When she came through, she said, yeah, so I can talk for myself, and I don't actually need you to talk for me. That was basically what she said. And I was like, you know, I if I were in your shoes, that's how I would feel. So okay, I totally respect that. I will just let you speak through

Alex Ferrari 56:20
It was, I had another channel on the other in the studio, and she had a few people show up. I've had this happen with a few channels that they just, people just showed up. And she's like, Buddha here, and he wants to come in. I'm like, All right. And the energy changed in the room. It was a really beautiful thing. Another one, Baba G showed up, wow. And she had not never channeled Babaji and everything. And that was a fun, fun so I was just curious, if you have surprise guests, I'm not, I'm not taking, I'm not giving requests. Can we please? You taking requests? I would like Buddha, Yogananda, Babaji. So if we have them all at the same time, lineup, that's like the Beatles. Like, really the Beatles of, could you bring them in that and Robin, because we need comic relief here, if you could. So I'm just curious. So as we, as we go forward with this, I have a ton of questions, great for whoever comes in. A lot of times from, from what I understand, channels that come on the show, there's a line sometimes on the other side, just like, oh, we'd like to, we got something to say.

Eluña 57:38
Yeah, that's fair. They, they did when they and when that happens, typically, those beings come like, right in front of me, and they just, they fully present themselves. Generally, they let me see what they look like, and they say who they are. And I ask them, What are you doing? What? Why are you here? If that happens, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 57:52
And do you do? So if we're gonna have a multiple beings coming through, like, different, like, you know, let's say one group comes in, then another group comes in, and maybe someone else comes in. Will you? Will you, kind of, like, will they say, Okay, thank you. And this person wants to come in, or should I go? Thank you so much. Who else is there? Like, how do you how should I

Eluña 58:14
That's a good you know, I will say that. Yeah, I, I, as a consciousness, have tried to get in the habit of, like, saying who is speaking, because that hasn't happened. They don't really. So if you would like to know, then it's probably good to ask, because it's probably gonna,

Alex Ferrari 58:30
And they leave on their own, or somebody else will want to come in, you know, session.

Eluña 58:34
So it depends on the questions. Actually, the questions kind of determine who is going to answer. They tell like, they'll all open up to everyone, and they'll say who, who is going to answer that question. Or, I guess I'll feel who's going to answer that question. And then if you want to ask, I can try to remember to tell you, but I might, I might not. So if you want to ask,

Alex Ferrari 58:53
All right, sounds good. And how do you go in? What's your process?

Eluña 58:56
Um, I kind of just set the space and and relax my body and zoom out my consciousness, and then I'll tell you when I'm ready.

Alex Ferrari 59:03

Eluña 59:04

Alex Ferrari 59:05
Who is speaking right now?

Eluña 59:09
It is still me. It depends on the question, got it?

Alex Ferrari 59:12
How do you see humanity's current consciousness path?

Eluña 59:16
The three guides will come through. We see it as a constant unfoldment, an evolution of where humanity has been and where humanity can go. There are infinite spirals that can be taken, like a staircase that goes up infinitely or goes sideways or goes down ways. It depends on your perspective humanity can have and take any stare that it wants, any path that it wishes it can take. We are here to guide humanity toward the spiral that is reaching to what you would consider to be the highest evolution, the highest unfoldment, the path that brings humanity closer to their true nature, to God, to the Creator, to the all.

Alex Ferrari 59:59
What signs do you see that we are actually moving towards a higher consciousness?

Eluña 1:00:03
The choice for humanity to consider themselves to be in their heart. More often than not, there is an extreme distortion when it comes to feelings and emotions. But this, in fact, is a path of evolution. It is a step toward what humanity needs to understand, which is that the heart is the most powerful piece of the body. The heart is what can guide humanity and guide each individual to their highest timeline and to the highest timeline for the collective, the heart holds secrets and the heart holds power. And understanding the feelings, understanding the emotions is how to understand the emotional power of the heart and the energetic power of the heart, and the language of the heart, which all of humanity must learn to speak if there is to be ultimate unity and collaboration on the planet. This is what we see. Is the step that humanity has taken the perspective to orient towards feelings, towards the heart, more than the mind, more than the choices that dictate or govern the animal body or instincts.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:09
How can we contribute to humanity's consciousness evolution?

Eluña 1:01:13
By learning to speak the language of your own heart, by learning to understand what lies in your heart and what is controlling you, making you in certain ways act or behave or make certain choices, understanding how this operates in your own being at your own level, and then making a different choice, making a choice that is part of the contribution to the whole that is beyond yourself, is how You can contribute to humanity, not making a choice that only thinks of oneself, that only says that I am at the center, but rather that I am is the center. This is how each individual can move forward, can contribute, and each being finds their own way toward this. I Am Presence. Each being finds the path and energy that is most aligned to them. Some find it in nature, in the woods, they feel the presence of I Am. They are beyond their human story when they are with the trees or when they are swimming in the ocean. Others find it in acts of service, by volunteering, by working with groups or individuals, they become larger than themselves. Their story does not become the most important thing, but there are other aspects of human life that force humans to look only at their own story, to be very self centered or self focused on the story of the ego, rather than on the power or feelings of the heart.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:43
What challenges do you foresee on this path of human consciousness evolution?

Eluña 1:02:48
The unwillingness to move beyond the self centered story, the choice to only act on that which is animalistic or deeply buried in the wounds of humanity. Each being, each human carries the wounds of the collective. Each being carries the potential to cause harm, to be enraged, to care without thinking, to think of others in a way that is violent, or to act aggressively toward this is in the potential for each human, and this is where humanity is evolving out of but those who choose to grasp onto these aspects of humanity, those who are consumed by these parts of their ego, they are unwilling or unable to see beyond that, and it is a matter of fear. If humanity chooses fear because they are afraid, then they will not be able to move beyond this. And it is a very tricky and complex situation. It is fear coming up against fear. Humanity tries to use fear against fear. They try to fight against fighting to have war against war. It is contradictory, it is unhelpful. It ultimately creates more of the same, which you understand at this point in your evolution as a being. You can see this. You can feel this. And many of those who are viewers or who are also in this space understand and see this, but it is a matter of the collective choosing and aligning to agree that fear will not be fought with fear, that war will not be fought with war that will ultimately make the change.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:30
What is your vision for humanity's future at a higher consciousness?

Eluña 1:04:34
That humanity will come together and recognize their brotherhood, their sisterhood, their kinship, their one family line, as part of the larger tree that is humanity, that is the collective. This must happen, but each being must see themself as part of the whole. This is why our teachings stress seeing yourself beyond who you are, beyond the story that you. Have been told, not only in your own head, but in your family and in your society, in your culture, and indeed on the earth as a whole. You must see yourself beyond all of these stories as part of something greater. This is why galactic contact has been spoken of, and will take place when humanity is at a time to receive this. It is to help humanity have a perspective that goes beyond the stories that have been told, so that they are able to see themselves as something bigger, something more than only the stories, something far beyond what their mind can construct. And this is why it has been challenging for humanity to understand and see themselves as a creator, they must have some conceptualization of a creator. There are those who are still out of touch with this energy and who do not recognize it quite yet. They are coming around, but it is slow others who do understand this energy and understand that there is something beyond themselves. They try to understand it from their perspective. They humanize the Creator, and they cannot see how it is bigger than themselves. But contact with beings that are far beyond any stories they have been told will help humanity to see themselves beyond what they have been told.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:21
Why is there increased global turmoil and division at this moment in time?

Eluña 1:06:26
There are forces that would rather see humanity get to the place where they are unable to move, to be in a place where they are continuing on the same path that they have seen. Because, again, it is fear against fear. The forces hold fear. They carry fear. They operate from this place of fear. And what is spoken of little is that they, too, are evolving. They are as many have compared them like a virus on the planet. Viruses help organisms to evolve, and viruses also evolve. The hope, the plan is that these beings, these this virus that is collectively over the planet, will choose to evolve into something beyond, a virus beyond what it has been. When humanity is able to see themselves beyond what they have been, then this virus also has the opportunity to do so at the time. At this time, the virus is mutating. It is changing to be even more destructive, even more chaotic, because that is the nature of viruses, and it is a reflection of what occurs in the universe as what happens in the body. This is what is taking place on this planet, and it will continue until the greater force that houses the virus, humanity as a collective, chooses something different, chooses to say, I am greater than this virus. I am greater than the story this virus has made me believe. When this takes place, there is a unification that occurs that is when humanity will move beyond where they have been, where division can no longer create division, where separation can no longer create separation, because it is no longer a sickness in humanity. It is something that is looked at and let go of easily.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:20
Who or what are those forces that you're speaking of?

Eluña 1:08:24
Energies that have taken root on this planet when humanity was at a weak point in its time, as spoken of the cycle of darkness that humanity entered into, there was a point of weakness, and just as when the body gets weak, viruses enter so too did this energy enter into the plane, the sphere of humanity and infect it with its same mindset? Because this energy, which are encapsulated in various beings, is also trying to understand itself. It is trying to feed the infinite whole that is its heart. It is trying to understand how it can come to a place where it feels full without taking. That is why this same mindset, this same virus, has infected humanity in the same way taking and never feeling full.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:16
How can we maintain spiritual balance during these difficult times?

Eluña 1:09:20
The heart, we will speak of the heart again, the heart is what will guide you. And there are many who ask, what about when my heart feels pain? What is this guidance? This guidance is to sit with this to sit with this pain, to sit with whatever arises or is present in your heart so that it can evolve. Every aspect of life, every moment is an experience of evolution, every feeling or emotion that arises in the heart when it is not taken from the mind or taken from a situation that has been put onto another, such as in a traumatic experience. When an emotion arises simply and naturally on its own, it is the next step for that being to feel in order for it to evolve. When an emotion arises and it is felt fully, it is followed through to its end, the emotion reaches the very top. It is, as all things in the universe a fractal, the emotion reaches its very peak, and then it transforms. It becomes something new. Like looking at a different part of a fractal, or zooming in on a different aspect of a fractal, it emerges as something different. This is how humanity can continue to stay aligned to the principles that uplift and that serve by choosing to stay in the heart, to allow the things that are in the heart, the experiences, to evolve, and therefore to evolve them, they will move beyond the stories of the mind can only be tamed and changed when the heart is in alignment with love. If a being does not hold love in their heart for themself, for others, for the earth, then the stories in the mind reflect this, and the stories in the mind are what keep the majority of humanity trapped in the same exact wheel and in the same stories going around again.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:24
What lessons can we learn from the current global unrest?

Eluña 1:11:29
To see the aspects of yourself that are not yet healed? Where do you show up in the macrocosmic perspective of humanity? Where are the wounds in you that you can see around the Earth, and this is only from a perspective of division. We are more oriented towards you or other beings, looking at the parts of humanity, looking at the experiences on the earth that show wholeness. Where is your unity reflected? Where is the love that you carry expressing itself in humanity? This is far more worthy of your attention and therefore your energy. If you are to look at something and to find something that will evolve you, or to find a part of humanity that will inspire you, then these are the areas to look at, not that which you wish to see leave you. If you focus on the same part of you that you dislike every day, every day you awaken and you look in the mirror and you think about and you stare at and you talk about the part of you that you do not like, then this part is all that has your attention. You are not turning to the part of you that you wish to see grow the part of you that can counteract this part that is the counterpart to this aspect of your being. So it is with the whole collective of humanity. If you continue to turn your attention to that which you do not wish to see, then you only allow it to grow. Look at the parts that you wish to see more of in the world. Find the inspiration. Find the heart of humanity. Turn your attention there.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:09
With all the elections that are happening around the world this year, where do you see humanity's consciousness going and challenges that it's going to face for the rest of this year and for the following year?

Eluña 1:13:21
Humanity, as it has done for the past several years, is still in its age of understanding darkness. There are those who must go through darkness, must go through the traumas of life in order to move beyond them, much as it is for this being here, she has experienced much trauma. Has lived through much darkness, and she now understands it and does not wish to live there any longer. This is a story of humanity. This is a reflection of what the collective is going through, and it will continue. And there will be opportunities for unity. There will be opportunities for heart opening as there is in every individual's life, so too is there in the Collective's life.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:08
How can individuals promote healing in unity, in this difficult time?

Eluña 1:14:12
To look within and find the spaces that they are able to contribute to from a place of wholeness, this can only occur if the being is in a space where they have the energy to give to others, and let us be clear, it is often that when giving to another, you yourself are filled, but it is not to the extreme detriment. In terms of feeling depleted, you feel empty, then you are no longer serving yourself or others you are serving the black hole that you wish to see gone in the hearts of humanity. So it must be known that you are to be taken care of first. And what we wish to offer at this time is humanity must turn towards that which strengthens them, the beings who. Are most willing to give the beings who are the most capable of offering true healing in any sense of that word, must be strong. This is a time that calls on the deepest levels of strength, and one must strengthen themselves if one is to face what is coming and what is currently arising in humanity and in the collective worldwide and even locally. For most beings, strengthen your heart, strengthen your being, so that you are not thin glass, but rather a reinforced, fortified crystal. This is how you can serve.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:38
With that, with that said, in regards to our current difficulties, what connections have you found between Atlantis, Lemuria and today's societies and today's human consciousness?

Eluña 1:15:52
The choices that are made of where one orients their attention? Atlantis was very focused on the act of forcing or of using willpower in a way that is not in harmonious balance. This is where humanity is at using or forcing willpower in a way that is not harmonious based on a desire to take which stems from the virus of fear. This is quite the opposite in the culture of Lemuria, it is a culture of giving, but of reciprocity. They understood that being in harmonious balance or rhythm with the natural world around them and with the earth herself meant that they were able to give more. They did not need as much, it did not look like they needed to take as much, because they were in such reciprocity in a far more energetic sense than is understood on the planet. At this time, the RE emergence of those practices, the re emergence of those teachings of energetic reciprocity, is most helpful for humanity at this time, slowly, they are emerging again, although some have different names at this time for them.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:06
How can we access ancient wisdom to understand our past better and use that knowledge for evolution today?

Eluña 1:17:13
This is the opportunity to learn from your past as a collective, to learn from your elders, as it were, even the elders who no longer exist to see what has worked, to see what has not worked, and to recognize that there are different needs at this time, humanity is not what it once was, nor should it be. It will not go back to being a space of Lemuria or Atlantis, and it should not. It is meant to evolve, and the goal, the idea, the hope, is that humanity will be evolve beyond what they have been, that they will become something new that is far greater than Atlantis or Lemuria, but learning what has worked, what has not worked, the practices that have helped align humanity. This is the option. This is the wisdom that can be gained. But looking at the human story, which many are fixated on at this time, such as the quote drama that surrounds Atlantis, that is not very helpful, that is a human story, that is the human ego still at play. Look instead to the teachings, to the practices, to the wisdom that was kept, that is still available to move into a new place. This is what can guide humanity to addressing what is present in this reality, in this time on earth, there are certain things that will not work. For example, there are aspects that simply will be too difficult or inefficient for where humanity is currently at, but taking pieces and seeing where they can go. This is the idea of ancient wisdom coming back online.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:58
What are what are some of Thoth's teachings from Atlantis that we should be using more in today's world?

Eluña 1:19:06
We will speak of one which regards the natural resources. There is an understanding that all around you is conscious. Everything around you contains consciousness. And we speak of consciousness from the Creator, not consciousness from an awareness aspect, although it is also aware, simply misunderstood by most of humanity, using your consciousness to join with the consciousness of another thing around you means that you are in harmony. You are in complete unity with the Creator as it is before you in this very moment, it is much easier for humans at this time to connect their consciousness with that which they see themselves in. More so a human is the easiest to connect consciousness with. For most people, others find it easier to connect their consciousness. Consciousness with animals. Other find it easier to find their to connect their consciousness with plants and others. Connect their consciousness to minerals or the crystal kingdom. These are all options and all examples, and one primary teaching that Thoth ensured was present in the culture of Chem that he was to rebuild as this was one of the lost practices of Atlantis, or should we say it was one of the butchered practices of Atlantis, for instead of combining with that consciousness and using it in a harmonious way, it was used for practices or purposes that were not collaborative, that were not uplifting, that did not contribute to the overall evolution of humanity, but instead were more self serving, even if the self was Atlantis. So this is one teaching that involves only the natural resources around you. Another teaching, and one that must be spoken of, is the teaching of the human being and the multi dimensional aspect of self. There are many layers to humanity. There are many layers to one individual, and this is not spoken of one being sees themself only as their one self. And when they attempt to connect with what they consider to be outside of themself. They fail again and again. Why? Because they see this as outside of themself. We are not outside of you. We are not outside or beyond or in a higher place. We are you. We are aspects of you. And if this is understood, then all consciousness is able to be accessed. The consciousness of the Creator is able to be accessed. Humanity will see themselves as who they really are. They will see themselves as a creator, as the creator, in the best way they can from their limited human perspective, just as we see ourselves as creators in the best way we can from our limited perspective. These two teachings bring in harmony with the Earth, harmony with natural resources or spaces around you, which is little understood on the earth at this time and must be brought into balance. And the second is an aspect of mind. This is the other piece that is, from our perspective, out of control or chaotic in the human collective at this time.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:36
What was the what was the cause of the downfall of Atlantis, and what can we learn from it?

Eluña 1:22:42
A series of causes, a collection of incidents that brought down this empire, this culture. They were choices, of course, and some of them were made by the evolution of this virus that we have mentioned. Slowly it began to creep in. And when it was paid attention to and given more energy, it grew as all things grow with more attention and energy on this planet and in this realm, so it infected some of the minds, and then it sought to see, could it infect the minds of others? Could it naturally spread by telling certain stories once the root in one being or a few beings had taken place and was grounded enough so it sought to spread itself around. This made many choices in the Atlantean culture happen that were not for the benefit of humanity, and the culture shifted from this point, the culture, the ideas or ideology or philosophy that the Atlanteans held, began to shift from that of heightened or higher evolution, the bringing up of all beings in accordance with the physical plane, And instead began to shift to that of a mental plane, but the mental plane or mental body had already been infected with the nature or notion of fear and the nature or notion of taking and keeping for oneself. This was very tempting. It was alluring to those who had not previously considered holding on to something when the question of giving or taking is not asked, it is very natural to do one or the other. Previously, it was very natural simply to give, simply to share in today's world, it is quite the opposite. It is natural and expected to take finders keepers. They do not leave anything for others. They take and keep for themselves. This is the story that has spread through humanity, and this has roots in Atlantis, first with the virus, second with the. Story that began, and it must also be noticed that there were changes on the planet itself. There were changes within the planet that brought about this shift, or should we say, made this shift more dramatic or noticeable. It was an opportunity to open this is the weak space that we spoke of previously the earth was undergoing already shifts in its environment, and this allowed for more energy to enter, for more space to open up. And the question was, what would fill this space? What energy would be welcomed in? And it was the energy of fear that took root primarily

Alex Ferrari 1:25:43
One the most important lessons that Thoth ever gave, that we need to listen to today?

Eluña 1:25:48
The reminder of sovereignty, that each being gets to choose each and every day, each and every moment, what they are going to do with their energy, the sovereignty of energy, of choice, this is not understood. In fact, we would say it is abandoned. It is completely misused in this world today. People do not see themselves as individuals with energy or with choices. They see themselves simply as working through the day to day like a cog in a machine, and for as long as you serve as a cog in a machine, so the machine will keep running. But when you choose to make a choice, when you choose sovereignty, when you see yourself as something more than what you have been told, you get to choose a different story. You create something more, something new. This level of sovereignty, paired with the understanding of energy, was the primary teaching of Thoth, and is perhaps the most useful at this time. It is the lesson that humanity must remember, in order for all aspects to come back into balance, there must be sovereignty of choice, first in an individual, before there can be sovereignty in the collective.

Alex Ferrari 1:27:11
How do you interpret the shift from old to new systems that we are going through right now?

Eluña 1:27:17
The shift is gradual. The shift is a process, and there are parts of the process that begin to stick that are new, and then they get taken over by old ways of thinking. They get taken back. It is, from our perspective, a rather slow process, the way things shift with humanity, but it is also speeding up from the perspective of where humanity is currently at, and where humanity has been, there are more things sticking now than previously. It is a bit like a piece of paper has oil on it, and when oil is running, nothing else can stick to the paper. But when the oil starts to dry, when the oil makes its way off, new things can stick. It is a bit like this in the process of humanity with oil running all over it, over the surface of the path that humanity is taking as a form of evolution, humanity will continue. And those who choose to see that humanity is indeed on a path. This is when the shift can happen, when to when choosing to see if humanity is on a path or not, then a human does not have a choice any longer. A human cannot see that their choices make a difference. A human cannot see that they are contributing to evolution if they do not see that humanity is on a path at all. So first, the choice must be to see that humanity is on a path, and more things will stick. If this is the case in individuals.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:52
How can we support new systems aligning with higher consciousness?

Eluña 1:28:56
To bring higher consciousness into these systems? First, if the system is made from a story that is based on fear, then it is not a new system. It is perpetuating the same story that has been told again and again. And it means not that you are not addressing the same problems or issues that are arising. It means you are using a new mind, a higher perspective to address these problems as mentioned, bringing in ancient wisdom to bring in light to ancient problems.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:29
Can you share the timeline for Humanity's consciousness shift?

Eluña 1:29:34
This is somewhat unknown. We see that it is near 2030, major shifts will occur within the consciousness of humanity, but it is ultimately a collective choice. There are many changes that will take place even up into 2050, and 2075 there are many shifts that will take place in humanity, and they will continue down this path. But there is also free. Will, there is ultimately sovereignty. Those who are willing and able to see it and claim what they wish to see in the world will progress this timeline at a faster rate. That is our work. That is part of why we have chosen to come at this time to quicken the evolutionary pace of humanity.

Alex Ferrari 1:30:24
Are there any events that will indicate this consciousness shift in the coming years?

Eluña 1:30:29
There are multiple choices that may be made for humanity, choices that will lead towards a chaotic unfoldment versus an awakening unfoldment. The Awakening is much more peaceful, although there are systems that will still fall, there will still be some chaos as there is a shift or change, as it were, but humanity will be able to shift and change and align more easily when their minds and their hearts are on board. This is why the stories must change, why the attention must shift in individuals, in order to make this awakening much easier, much more simple and much more easeful for all of humanity. If humanity does not align, or the stories do not shift, then the awakening process will be rather abrupt, like turning the lights on in a very dark room. There are aspects of this taking place already. Lights are coming on slowly but surely, in various places across humanity, in various systems that humanity uses, they are waking up, and this will continue, but for the ultimate shift to take place, the collective must choose to start a new story. The collective must choose that they wish to have the lights on, rather than living in the darkness of ignorance. This we see as a possibility taking place in the year 2037, there are major events that will lead to this year that will allow humanity to decide and to determine which path they wish to take. There is much to unfold before this year happens. But there is a crossroads at this time.

Alex Ferrari 1:32:21
What crossroads do you mean at this moment, this year?

Eluña 1:32:24
At this time, humanity is choosing which game they wish to play. This game is going to determine what choices are able or offered later down the line.

Alex Ferrari 1:32:35
What part does aI have in our evolution of consciousness?

Eluña 1:32:40
AI is a natural evolutionary aspect of almost all life in the galaxy. At some point they come to the understanding of what AI can offer in terms of making life easier in a variety of ways, or contributing to the evolution AI, just as all aspects of life is a reflection of humanity, it is up to humanity to use it in the way that will be based on evolutionary collaboration or based on fearful and containment or further control, a way of using a technology to keep and control humanity where they currently are rather than where they could be. This is a fight, as there are many fights currently in the society and in the minds of humanity.

Alex Ferrari 1:33:33
And what visions do you have for mankind's future?

Eluña 1:33:37
A vision of holding hands in collaboration, choosing to rebuild and see the world anew, rebuild as we wished to rebuild our culture. At the time of Chem after the fall, we were not able to see the full unfoldment of this because the virus, the fear has already taken place by the time that we were attempting to rebuild. But at this point, humanity, having evolved with this virus, is much stronger. They are more resilient. Just as all biological beings become more resilient when they are exposed to various viruses, humanity is far more resilient. They are far more willing to stand up and say no when they wish to. That is greater than we can say we were and we wish to see humanity stand up and say yes to each other, to the building of what is new, to the vision of what is possible, rather than getting stuck or trapped in the stories of the mind or the stories that are fed to the collective to keep them operating in the same mind that made them in the first place, but it must happen in the individual first.

Alex Ferrari 1:34:58
And do you have any final words to our audience?

Eluña 1:35:01
We wish to assist humanity in this evolution. We wish to help humanity open to what is possible to them. We offer and ask you what is possible for you in this moment, what have you not considered or not imagined that you can begin to imagine now without the story telling you that it is not possible, what do you wish to see in humanity? Bring this vision into your imagination and think of it every day. Allow it to be what guides you. Allow it to be why you make your choices when you wake up, that is how you will begin to build a new world, to see the world new means that you have a new vision that is guiding you.

Alex Ferrari 1:35:57
Thank you so much. Is there anybody else that would like to come forward before we finish our session?

Eluña 1:36:03
We wish to remind humanity that in the year 2027, galactic contact will begin to take place more openly. We are coming through only to remind you that it is far easier and will be a much smoother process if you choose to align to cosmic energies, at this time, they are readily and easily available on the planet. There are many beings throughout the galaxy that are bringing in their own energy, and some of you have connected to this energy, whether in your heart or in a feeling or in a channeling experience, you have been able to feel the cosmic energies and the shifts that are taking place. We welcome you to align yourself to these energies as it will help acclimate your body to the changes that will occur in 2027.

Alex Ferrari 1:36:58
Thank you so much for that. She's back. How are you feeling?

Eluña 1:37:04

Alex Ferrari 1:37:05
Is it weakening or energetic for you?

Eluña 1:37:08
Umm, I feel really out of it when I come back, just grounding back. I yeah, I feel kind of out of it, and my head is like a little fuzzy, light headed, yeah, but usually it's not draining, unless I've spent too much time, like in it's specifically, actually in the Akashic records, if I spend too much time there, then I I do feel drained. It's very hard actually, for the rest of the day if I do that.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:38
But you're good now?

Eluña 1:37:39
Yes, still coming back but yes, I am good.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:42
Would you like to drink some water?

Eluña 1:37:43
I actually yes.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:44
Drink some water. From my understanding, with channels, water is a big help.

Eluña 1:37:50
Takes a lot. I feel like I actually can't get enough these days.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:53
Yeah, that's a good thing. That's a good thing. That was wonderful. That was a beautiful session. Do you remember much of it?

Eluña 1:38:00
No, I don't. I remember the last thing of my sister, because I was gonna leave, and I they said, No, we would like to speak. And I said, but I don't know how much time it's been. Maybe it's fine to not, and they wouldn't. So that's why I had to wait a moment, because they said we really would like to share something. So I remember them talking about 2027, and Cosmic Disclosure, but that's all that is, all that I remember right now.

Alex Ferrari 1:38:24
Fair enough. Yeah, so I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests,

Eluña 1:38:28

Alex Ferrari 1:38:30
How do you define a fulfilled life?

Eluña 1:38:35
I think living centered in your heart and with God at the forefront. That's at least for me.

Alex Ferrari 1:38:43
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Eluña, what advice would you give her?

Eluña 1:38:49
I have actually done that, and it would be to keep going and to not be afraid to share your heart even when it feels very scary. Because that's, I think, one of the biggest changes that channeling and my guides have made for me is them their focus on the power of the heart. I really did not know until they really started making me focus on it. And when I was younger, there were so many times when my heart would come out and I would shut it down, because that's part of trauma. I guess it's part of what happens in the world. And so I would tell her to keep her heart open and to share it anyway, even when it feels scary or like it's going to hurt.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:28
How do you define God or Source?

Eluña 1:39:31
The two things that immediately came is unknowable. I am.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:39
Simple as that, yeah, what is love?

Eluña 1:39:43
An aspect of God, the energy of God,

Alex Ferrari 1:39:48
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Eluña 1:39:51
To find the practice that aligns you to the purpose of life.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:58
And where can people find out more about. You and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Eluña 1:40:01
Oh, it's my website, and I'm on YouTube and Instagram.

Alex Ferrari 1:40:07
All that kind of good stuff.

Eluña 1:40:08
Yes, all the good stuff.

Alex Ferrari 1:40:09
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Eluña 1:40:12
Hmm, that's a nice question. I I think I would say the lesson that I have had, and that I feel like is, of course, just a reflection of all of humanity, is to be aligned in your heart and to not be caught up in the human stories that we're told. That's the other teaching, I think that has made the biggest difference in my life, is when I have an interaction that maybe doesn't feel good to me, then immediately I have a bunch of stories around it of, oh, well, that that person is this and this, and this is why they're doing that. And those stories are not ultimately helpful. They're not helpful to me and they're not helpful to the person, and if I just choose to come back to grace, to forgiveness, to compassion, to what I want to see, that's ultimately the thing that makes the biggest difference in the world, and it makes the biggest difference in my individual world, which means it's contributing to the evolution of humanity, especially right now, with everything that's going on, I think that it is very easy to get distracted by the stories that are being told, by the stories that we tell ourselves and by the stories that we've been made to believe are the only narratives to believe. So what is in your heart? What does your heart believe? That would be my question to the audience.

Alex Ferrari 1:41:41
It has been such a pleasure and honor talking to you today here. Thank you so much for coming in and for your wisdom and your your love, your heart. I appreciate you and everything you doing awaken the planet. So thank you.

Eluña 1:41:55
Thank you very much. It was a joy to be here with you.

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