Woman Struck By LIGHTING; Spent 2 WEEKS in HEAVEN! Shown is a EARTH HOLOGRAM (NDE) with Elizabeth Krohn

In today’s episode, we welcome Elizabeth Krohn, a remarkable woman whose life changed forever after being struck by lightning and having a profound near-death experience (NDE). The conversation takes us deep into the heart of her spiritual journey, as she shares her story of skepticism, transformation, and the wisdom gained from the other side. Before the incident, she was a devoted mother and wife, living a life that felt stable and complete, unaware of the metaphysical awakening that awaited her.

Elizabeth describes the vivid and extraordinary experience that unfolded after the lightning strike, when she found herself in a beautiful garden, surrounded by colors and sights not of this world. She speaks of encountering a loving presence that she believes was God, and how her perspective on life, death, and spirituality was forever changed. “We come to this life to grow our souls,” Elizabeth Krohn says, explaining how she now sees life as a temporary place where we fulfill certain spiritual goals before returning to our true home.

Before her NDE, Elizabeth was a skeptic, one who would have laughed at the idea of life after death. Her experience on the other side shattered all previous beliefs, as she shares, “I thought when you die, that’s it. But I was so wrong. What I saw, what I felt—it was more real than anything in this world.” In the garden, Elizabeth sat with a being she identifies as God, and they spoke without words, in a way that allowed her to receive information instantly.


  1. Life is a spiritual school: We come into this world with goals for our soul’s growth, and our experiences are meant to guide us toward fulfilling them. Elizabeth learned that her path was far from complete and returned with the knowledge that we all have a purpose to achieve while we are here.
  2. Time is not linear: During her NDE, Elizabeth witnessed how time operates differently beyond this life. She experienced two weeks of conversations in what felt like a blink of an eye in the physical world, reinforcing the notion that time is an earthly construct.
  3. Consciousness continues after death: Elizabeth’s story reminds us that our consciousness does not end when we die. Her powerful message is that we return to a place of love and light, a place where we are welcomed home by the divine.

In her return to this life, Elizabeth struggled with the weight of her newfound knowledge. She began experiencing vivid, precognitive dreams—sometimes terrifying ones that predicted real-world events, such as plane crashes and natural disasters. This ability shook her, yet also reinforced the understanding that she had glimpsed a larger reality. As she says, “I know now that we are all connected, and time weaves our experiences together in ways we can’t fully comprehend from this side.”

As we close this episode, Elizabeth shares a comforting thought for anyone who fears death or is facing the loss of a loved one: “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Where we go after this life is home, and it’s more beautiful and loving than we can imagine.”

Please enjoy my conversation with Elizabeth Krohn.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 509

Elizabeth Krohn 0:00
I can say that being where I was, in that garden that was home, this is not, this is this is a very temporary place that we come to advance our souls. We come to achieve certain goals, as far as growth of our soul, then we get to go home, and that is home. And I say we get to go home. I mean, I don't want to die. I'm not saying I want to die, but I'm not the least bit concerned about where I'm going when I die. I've seen it, and it's really good. It's really, really good.

Alex Ferrari 0:42
I like to welcome to the show Elizabeth Krohn, how you doing Elizabeth?

Elizabeth Krohn 0:55
I'm doing great. How are you Alex?

Alex Ferrari 0:57
I am doing fantastic. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I mean, I've had a lot of NDE's on the show. I've spoken to probably over 100 at this point in my my podcasting career. But yours is interesting, to say the least.

Elizabeth Krohn 1:16
You know, they're all interesting.

Alex Ferrari 1:16
They're all every every one of them. Whenever you die, go to the other side and come back. Yes, it's interesting. Yeah, but it's really hard. I gotta say. I talk about it so casually, because, again, I've spoken to so many like So how'd you die? Oh, okay, you died. So you forget like you died and came back to life and visited the other side how you died, and your experience on the other side is pretty special in the way that it's not typical. So before we get into your NDE, what was your life like before you had this near death experience?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:53
Well, I could start by saying that I was about as big as skeptic as anyone could possibly be. I mean, I was the type of person that would have laughed at this. If someone had told me this happened to them, I would have said, You're crazy. You need help. I didn't believe any you know. I thought, when you die, that's it lights out. It's over, game over, and

Alex Ferrari 2:22
Atheist, so you were atheist, I guess, essentially or not?

Elizabeth Krohn 2:25
No, no I mean, I'm Jewish by birth, but, but I've never been very observant. It just didn't appeal to me. And ever since my nd, which has now been about 35 years, ever since my nd, I can say, honestly, it pushed me further away from any organized religion. I don't I have a hard time with all organized religions. I mean, that's not to say I'm not spiritual. I'm incredibly spiritual, just no particular doctrine.

Alex Ferrari 3:03
Fair enough. So, so before your near death experience, you're living your life. Are things going well up into your good like, are you on a happy path at this point?

Elizabeth Krohn 3:12
Oh, I was doing great. I thought I was I. I was 28 years old when this happened, and and I was married, and I had two young children, and my husband's career was really taking off. I had finished college and had gone to law school, but I was not working at the time. I because I had a four year old and a two year old, and I was staying home with them, and things were going great. My husband and I had been married at that point for eight years, so things were moving right along. And then God decided, hey, let's shake this up a little bit.

Alex Ferrari 3:59
So so what were you do? So, because I hear a lot of times that nde's happened to to people a lot of times, because they're off path, they they've gone off, they've strayed off the path. It seems like you were on a path that you were happy with. Was it your in hindsight? Was it the path that you needed to be on?

Elizabeth Krohn 4:20
Uh, obviously not I. One of the things I learned during my nde was that we come back into these lives with certain goals in mind. I don't want to say you like sign a contract before you come back, but you have outlined what it is you want to accomplish, and I was nowhere near Earth. Had so in that sense, no, I was not on the right path. I was on a path and I was happy and going about my life. And. If, if nothing had happened, I would imagine I'd still be on that same path, because there would be nothing that would cause me to change,

Alex Ferrari 5:09
Right. So in other words, yeah, you were not, you were not in like you hadn't gone yet, at least in your life, weren't miserable and going to the wrong path. You were just on a path that you chose and you were happy, go lucky, like my life was going well, yeah, and all, and then all of a sudden, as I like to call it, the sledgehammer comes, because there, there might have been a couple of taps that you didn't listen to, a couple of whispers You didn't listen to, and then comes the sledgehammer. So can you tell everybody what happened the day you died?

Elizabeth Krohn 5:39
Yes, it was quite the sledgehammer. So it was the first anniversary of the death of my grandfather in the Jewish faith. On the anniversary each year the anniversary of the death of a loved one, they will read their name at services in synagogue. So I decided I was going to go to hear my grandfather's name read. My entire family was going to be there, my parents and my sisters and my husband was actually out of town on a business trip. And so I decided to take my two little boys and go to services. And so I got myself and the boys all cleaned up and dressed up. And in fact, we we looked so good, I took a picture of the three of us right before we left the house. And when I look at that photo now, I see a totally different person. I mean, there was a look in my eyes that does not exist in me. Now, it's so strange, and people that I'm very close to have said the same thing, like, you don't even look like yourself. Anyway, I got the boys in the car. We drove to the synagogue, and it was a sunny day. I mean, it had been a sunny day, and we turned into the parking lot, suddenly there was this, I mean, black rain cloud, and it felt like it was right up for my car. And rain just started coming down in sheets. I mean, it was torrential, this rainstorm. And I parked the car, we sat there for a minute and a couple of minutes. And I thought, you know, if we sit here, we're going to miss his name being read, which is the whole reason we're here. And you know, I didn't like going to services anyway, so let's just go in and get it over with. And so I told my four year old to get out of the car and run to the door to the awning and wait there for us. And he did, and I watched him, and he got there, and then I climbed over the seat of the car to get my two year old out of his car seat, and I got him out, and I grabbed my umbrella, big mistake, and opened the car door and we stepped out into this horrible storm, and I realized I couldn't carry my two year old. I couldn't carry him and handle the umbrella and handle my purse, and it was just a lot, and I figured I was going to put him down and hold his hand and hold the umbrella with my I was holding his hand with my right hand. I had the shaft of the umbrella like all the way up the umbrella, and had it down real close to my head, so my wedding ring was touching the metal shaft of the umbrella. And we started walking, and, you know, being two, he didn't have real long legs, so we were taking short steps, and suddenly, there, there was lightning and thunder. And I glanced at my hand holding the umbrella, and I thought, Oh, well, this is stupid. I shouldn't be carrying an umbrella. There's lightning and before and and I was like telling myself, just let go. Just let go. You'll get wet. That's not the end of the world. Just let go. And before I could let go of the umbrella, and this is, this was told to me later by someone that witnessed it. There was a large bolt of lightning with this tiny, tiny little tine coming off. And it was that tiny little tine that touched the tip, the metal tip of the umbrella. And that didn't knock me out it, I mean, it hurt, but it didn't knock me out and but what it did do was it like paralyzed my arm. I couldn't move my arm. I couldn't open my hand. My hand was now frozen around the shaft of the umbrella, and then a larger bolt hit the top of the umbrella and and that. That did it? That was the sledgehammer. And

Alex Ferrari 10:04
How about your boy? How about your boy? What happened to your boy?

Elizabeth Krohn 10:08
Well, he started screaming. I didn't realize what had happened,

Alex Ferrari 10:14
But it didn't touch him. It didn't touch him?

Elizabeth Krohn 10:16
No, it did not touch him. It did burst his eardrums, and Anna burst my eardrums, but he was he was in a lot of pain, and he had let go of my hand, I guess, and had clamped both of his hands over his ears, and was screaming, and Jeremy, my four year old had witnessed the whole thing, and Kate started running back out toward us. And I was thinking, What is he doing? I told him to stay by the door, and he got to us, and he grabbed his brother's hand and started pulling him toward the building. And I thought, well, that's weird. They were both screaming at that point, and so I followed them to the building, and we got inside the lobby, and services had already begun, and there was a man walking through the lobby, I guess he had come from the restroom or something, and it was someone that knew us, and we knew him, and he came over to us to see why the boys were screaming. I mean, they were just screaming. And he came over and he was talking to the boys. I thought, This is so strange. Why is he ignoring me? I mean, I'm here. Why is he talking to them?

Alex Ferrari 11:42
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Elizabeth Krohn 12:38
And my next thought was, where's my umbrella? I knew I had had an umbrella, and I didn't see it anywhere in the lobby, and I'm thinking, What is going on here? And I looked out the door in the lobby, there had a narrow glass window, and I looked out the window and I saw my umbrella, and it was like on fire or smoking, and it was just the metal skeleton of an umbrella, and smoke was coming off it. And I my gaze kind of shifted to the right, and about 20 feet away from the umbrella, I saw myself in the parking lot from the lobby of the building, and I could not wrap my head around what was going on. It was too strange. And I noticed that my feet out there in the parking lot, that the soles of my shoes were gone, and my feet were like sticking out the bottom of my shoes, and I got really upset because they were brand new shoes, they were expensive. And I thought, Oh, my God, what? What is happening? So I looked down at my feet there in the lobby, and my shoes were fine. They were perfect. I wasn't even wet. I mean, everything was great. The only problem was I was hovering about six inches off the floor.

Alex Ferrari 14:06
That's generally a problem. That's generally a problem, I'm going to say.

Elizabeth Krohn 14:12
It was. And at this point the the man that had been talking to the boys had run into services that were going on, and from the back of the room, he said, We need a doctor. And this being, you know, a Jewish synagogue, and about half a block from the Texas Medical Center, about 40 men got up toward the back of the room, and so I figured, and I saw that I it's like somehow I had seen that happen. I decided, okay, the boys are going to be fine, because my parents are here, and they'll take care of them. I need to go do. Outside and see what's going on out there. And as soon as I thought it, I was out there, over my body, looking down at myself, and I'm willing myself to get up. You know, just get up. You're ruining your clothes. What are you doing? You know, get up. And then it just dawned on me, well, I can't get up. I'm dead. I'm dead. And my next thought was, You're so stupid. You wasted 28 years. You didn't learn anything, because here you are, dead yet conscious. You're aware of it. And you know, this is the type of thing that you wouldn't have believed before. So here's the lesson. A light appeared to my right and kind of above me, and this this light, it felt like it was alive, like it was a living thing, and it wanted me to follow it. And so I thought, okay, I mean, I got nothing to lose here. I'll follow it. So I did, and this light led me to a place that I called the garden. The garden was not like any garden here on Earth. The colors were very different, like they're not colors that exist here. It they must be from another spectrum, or, I don't know, but they don't exist here. The there were flowers and and a stream and a bench, and it was a very ornate bench. It looked like it had been hand carved out of some Glossy wood. I I don't know. It was very ornate. And then a voice told me to sit down on the bench. The voice was my grandfather, who had died a year earlier, and you know, when your dead grandfather tells you to sit down, you sit so I sat down on the bench. He sat down next to me, and he told me that he was just going to we were going to have a conversation, and that he was just going to put the information into my head. I wouldn't hear his voice anymore. I think it was his. I don't think it was my grandfather. I do believe it was God talking to me. I believe that he was using my grandfather's voice so I wouldn't be terrified. I never did turn and look at him. I was afraid to look at him, which is strange. I mean, I know he was sitting right next to me, yet I never turned and looked and so we proceeded, I have to say also, before we started talking, before we started our conversation, I had a once I was in this garden, I had this overwhelming feeling of unconditional love that was so it was overpowering, it was and when I Say unconditional, I mean, I thought I knew what unconditional love was. I mean, I I had children, I love them unconditionally. But this was whole different level. This was something completely different. I there just aren't words to describe the depth of it and the the breadth of it, the whole thing, it was overwhelming in a good way. And so my my companion, who I believe, was God, and I sat on that bench for two weeks, and we had a conversation for two weeks and

Alex Ferrari 19:26
And how did you and how did you know it was because the time, how did you know two weeks had gone.

Elizabeth Krohn 19:33
So okay, well, one of the things I learned there was that time is not linear. Time is far from linear. There was, I don't want to say it was a calendar, but it was kind of like a calendar, because it was keeping track of time. And people ask me a lot, well, why did you need to keep track of time, if it isn't even linear, what difference did it make? I. And I believe that I have to remember it in linear terms, or I can't decipher it. I can't it's the only tool I have to be able to recall the conversation in any kind of logical way. Makes sense. So, so this calendar was actually three orbs in the sky. I don't know if they were planets or or what they were, but there were three of them, and I knew I just understood the way they were moving in relation to each other was marking the passage of time, and I just understood how it worked and how much time was passing. And it was, you know, I say it's a download. It was like all of this information was just instantaneously downloaded. Suddenly. I understood physics, physics really. I mean, we're talking I have an undergrad degree in business and went to law school. That is not physics. That is about as far as you can get from physics. But I understood physics and which I don't now. I mean, now I have a very hard time with it, but while I was there, everything was all of the answers were there. All I had to do was think a question and I had the answer. And so we had this extensive conversation for two weeks. A lot of it was about my family and just personal stuff about me, my husband, our kids, my parents, just stuff that would be mundane to anyone else. And but one of the things I was told, I was told that I could stay there if I chose to, and if I chose to stay, I would follow this path. There was like a path through the garden, and it led to a mountain range that was off to the right. That light that I had followed to the garden had moved behind the mountain range, so the mountains were backlit by this light. And I was told, if I decided to stay, I would go beyond the mountains and and that's permanent, until you decide to come back into a different life. And if I decided to go back into this life, that was fine, too. And he said he was going to help me make the decision by giving me information about certain things about my life if I chose to come back. For example, he told me that it would be physically very painful, because I had burns from the lightning all over me, especially the bottom of my feet, and also that would be very difficult, from a pain standpoint, to get back into my body, because when I left my body, my soul had expanded to and it was much larger than my body at that point. So he said he was going to have to squeeze me very tight and to get me back into my body. And he told me things about my marriage that I would end up getting divorced if I decided to come back. And you know, you don't argue with God, okay, not, not advisable. But I didn't understand why he was saying that. Because we had been married for eight years. At that point, we were happy. I mean, I just, I didn't see this happening, and I said, No, no, I don't, I don't think that would happen. And he said that that would happen. And he said, Because, look, you, if you go back, you're not going to be the same person you were when you left. And I said, Well, if, if there's going to be a divorce, possibly. I need to be the one to raise my kids. I don't want him raising the kids, so I guess I better go back and and finish that job. He said, Well, it's not just two kids. You're going to have a third one, and that one will be a girl, and she's already selected you to be her mother again. If anyone had told me that reincarnation was a thing and you pick your parents and you make all these decisions before you even come into this life, I would have said you're full. Love it no way that is not true, and yet it is true. And so that that was a tough lesson for me, but I figured, you know, if, if someone has already decided they want me to be their mother, then I'm going to go back. I want to meet this person I you know, who would pick me to be their mother. And at the end of a couple of weeks, he said, Okay!

Alex Ferrari 25:29
So, so before we go back, you there's two weeks. What did you guys discuss during those two weeks? What knowledge? What information was talked about that you can remember?

Elizabeth Krohn 25:40
I remember all of it like it happened a minute ago. I mean, every detail it has never, never faded. Most of it was family related. A lot of it was about religion and versus spirituality. I was having a hard time understanding the difference because I had never thought about it. 28 years. I never it wasn't anything I ever questioned. I don't know. I just wasn't interested in that and hadn't thought about it. So we talked about that a lot.

Alex Ferrari 26:17
What did he say about the difference between religion and spirituality?

Elizabeth Krohn 26:20
Religion is man made, and this, this is, in my words, this is my interpretation, religion is man made. It's a human construct, I guess, and spirituality is a belief in something greater than yourself, and it's not man made. It's an individual choice. You know, one of the problems I have with organized religion, many of the religions, and I don't know enough about I've never studied religion, so I don't know enough about it, but it seems to me that many of the religions say, do it our way, and you'll go to heaven, you know, do it this way, and it's going to get you to heaven. And I'm thinking, No, I went to heaven. That's where I was, and I didn't do it that way, and I sat and talked to God. And so, no, it was very confirming and comforting to me to know that even though I was not a religious person, I still got to go to heaven. And so it must have been something other than religion that got me there. And it was, I mean, I was a good person. I was a good person. I Well, I am a good person. So there, there was a lot of conversation about that. And he, he told me two things. And I'm telling you, Alex, people always say to me, okay, that's where you lost me. This is where people say no. He told me who was going to be in the upcoming Super Bowl, and he told me who was going to be elected president. Now this happened in September, so there was a presidential election in November of 88 and this was September of 88 and then there was going to be a Super Bowl in January or February. And I said, Why are you telling me this? I don't care. I didn't care about the election. I really didn't, and I certainly didn't care about the Super Bowl. I mean, at that point in my life, I had never even watched a Super Bowl. I didn't care. And he said, Yeah, I'm telling you, because when these two events happen, it's going to trigger in you memory of this conversation this it will help bring all of this back. You're, you know, you're gonna realize, Oh yeah, he said George Bush was going to be president. And look at that, he's the president. So that that was interesting. And and people are like, what the Super Bowl in heaven? No, no, and certainly not politics. But it wasn't the fact that it was the Super Bowl or politics. It was just two events that humanity was going to know about that I would see on the news. Anyway, I decided I'm coming back. And he said, Okay, I'm going to now squeeze you very tight and get you back into your body. I said, okay, and he was right. It was very painful. It felt like all of my bones were breaking. Thing. I mean, it felt like I was being crushed, and then I opened my eyes and I was lying in the parking lot in the rain, so I knew I had been somewhere for two weeks. Yet here, it couldn't have been two minutes here, and people were just coming out to help me at that point. So anyway, I spent the next several months recovering from the burns, mostly on my feet, so I had a hard time walking, and so I spent a lot of time in bed and sleeping, and I started having these dreams, and they were different than my normal dreams, because normally, when I would have a dream, I couldn't remember the dream. When I woke up, I had no idea what it was. It was like sand through my fingers. It was gone. But these dreams, I was remembering details. I would tell my husband about the dream, and he is like, well, that's weird. Then I started calling them nightmares, because it was never good. It was always something tragic. And this was like 1989 early 89 and it just plane crashes and earthquakes and things like that, and and I had specifics like the plane crashes, I would have a flight number and the number of people on the plane, or the name of the airline, just bizarre details. And then a day and a half later, it would be on the news. It would happen. It was usually within a few days that I would have this nightmare. And then there it is happening and being reported on the news. I only told my husband about it, and I told my mom, and he was very freaked out by all of it. When we would see the news reports, he was like, oh my god, no. And my mom, though, was fascinated by it. At at one point in Okay, so that was 89 and then in 1990 I did have my third child, a daughter, and I was continuing to have these nightmares, and we did end up getting divorced, he had a really hard time handling these precognitive nightmares, and so did I. He could get away from it. I couldn't. I mean, if I could have left myself, I would, but I would have, but I couldn't leave and he could. So he did. He moved out 1997 after a particularly descriptive nightmare, and that was that.

Alex Ferrari 33:09
So let me ask you. Let me go back and ask you a few questions. So when you were on the other side, you didn't have a life review, you didn't meet any of your relatives. No pets were hanging out for you, that wasn't your experience. It was the the light, not even a tunnel, a light. Sit down on the bench, talk to God for two weeks, make the decision to come back. Essentially,

Elizabeth Krohn 33:31
Yeah, I didn't see any of my pets because I hadn't had any pets at that point. But I did see animals there. I did see animals.

Alex Ferrari 33:41
Did you see other beings? Did you see other beings in the distance?

Elizabeth Krohn 33:44
I did in the distance and and one of the things that I knew was that we were all in heaven, but that that heaven looked different for each of us. We were all in the same place, but it was unique to each person, which was really kind of cool. But, yeah, I did see other people. Everybody looked gorgeous, healthy, young,

Alex Ferrari 34:15
It was, but it was in human form. Essentially. It wasn't just like lights, light beings or something.

Elizabeth Krohn 34:21
It was sort of human form. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they were very far in the distance. Everyone was paired up. There was someone with everyone, and I asked about that. I said, Why is everyone paired up? I'm sitting here by myself. And he said, You're not by yourself. I'm here. So everyone had a spiritual guide, guide that I believe was God. I mean

Alex Ferrari 34:55
Fractals of God, if you will.

Elizabeth Krohn 34:56
Yes, yes. One of. The things we talked about while I was there was, everyone is part of the same. We're all one. You know, I have a hard time describing it, even though I completely understood it while I was there. I do feel it being here. I never felt it before my nd, but I do feel connected to other humans, to all humans, and we are, we're all connected. We're all humanity.

Alex Ferrari 35:32
Is there any other less, is there any other lessons, or any other information that you think could be of service to people listening, that you got from the from the other side?

Elizabeth Krohn 35:41
You know, there was a lot. There was a lot. I didn't ask. The only information I was given were answers to my questions. So I didn't ask. I wish now that I had, now that I'm older and hopefully a little wiser, I didn't ask about, you know, how will humanity end? Will humanity in? When will humanity and how will it happen? I didn't ask any of that. And maybe it's best that I not know

Alex Ferrari 36:17
About the same you don't want to, you don't want to carry that weight with you,

Elizabeth Krohn 36:21
And maybe that's why I didn't ask. I mean, why? Yeah, no.

Alex Ferrari 36:28
So one thing that's very interesting is these precognitive nightmares, if you will, or dreams that were of a negative of a negative, because they weren't torturing you in the sense, but they were giving you glimpses into very unpleasant situations that were going to happen. So it wasn't like a nightmare, like at something chasing you, or something like that. They were scenes from other things that were horrific in nature. Why do you think from from your understanding of the other side? Why do you think you were shown this? What was the reasoning for this.

Elizabeth Krohn 37:03
I believe that I was having these nightmares. There's a lesson in there. The lesson being about time, the nonlinear nature of time, and how you can have an event happen, like a plane crash, say that happened before and will happen again, and is happening at some point. You know, the way I see space time is as kind of a matrix or a tapestry. It's it's a tapestry, and you can go to any point on that every point in that tapestry is an event, and it's just a matter of getting to that you know, to that point in the tapestry, to where you can witness that event. And you can go back to that event more than once, if you know how to travel the tapestry or the matrix, which I don't, and I was, and still am, slipping through and landing at these different events. It's really hard to understand how something positive could have come from that. I mean, it was terrible, and it still is terrible when I have these and not every time I have a nightmare. Does it happen? It does not happen every time. And I have a theory on that also,

Alex Ferrari 38:36
As do I, as do I,

Elizabeth Krohn 38:38
Okay, what is your theory?

Alex Ferrari 38:40
My theory is that those events that you're seeing are not in this reality. They're in parallel realities. According to quantum physics, that would there, and also, according to a lot of mystics and yogis I've spoken to as well, that there is, there are infinite versions of us, every major, every major decision that we make, not if we eat, you know, chocolate today or not, but every major decision spawns off a new timeline, and that your your ability is since you're not honed, if you will, you're not controlling it, you're slipping into other timelines. So that's why certain things like, oh, that plane crash didn't happen. But sometimes you're like, Oh, the plane crash did happen. That's my my theory. I don't know if that makes sense to you.

Elizabeth Krohn 39:25
Yeah, it does. I mean, I've also thought that it also has to do with free will, and so maybe that plane crash was supposed to happen, but maybe that mechanic was walking by and saw a loose screw and tightened it, and then the crash didn't happen. I, you know, I don't know. I don't know why. I don't know why some of them do happen after I have these numbers,

Alex Ferrari 39:52
But it's still, but it still doesn't. I'm still trying to figure out why. Look, what is the purpose for your evolution in this life? Time were given these kind of ideas, or is it just this grand long game of like, of like, a better understanding of the universe, essentially, by getting these?

Elizabeth Krohn 40:11
Yeah, I think I'm pretty I'm pretty dense, and it takes a lot to get through here. And I think that that's kind of what it is. It's like just constant reinforcement. I look at at my core, I'm still that same skeptic. I'm still, you know, even though this happened, yeah, it's like, how can this be. Even though I know that it is this is what it is, I still kind of question it. Sometimes

Alex Ferrari 40:51
It's fascinating. It's fascinating, Elizabeth, because I've spoken to others, other near death experiencers who are very similar in your fashion, because they didn't believe when they went in to the other side, I went to the other side when they come back. Come back, they struggle with it still, even though they know, even though they have experience, it's still this kind of like, you have these moments of weakness, like, Did that really happen? Was this just a dream? Right? Then you go, No, there's so much proof,

Elizabeth Krohn 41:19
So much proof and confirmation, and these nightmares are a form of confirmation for me. I mean, the the biggest confirmation I've had was my mom. She she passed away two years ago, and she was in hospice. She was in a hospice facility, not hospice at home when she died, and she had been in there for nine days, and she had not eaten and had not had anything to drink in nine days, and they had called us and said, You should Come up here. It's almost the end. So my dad and my two sisters and I had gone over to the hospice, and we were standing around her bed, the four of us, her breathing was very irregular and shallow, and suddenly she opened her eyes and she sat up, and this is after no food, no water, I mean, to have the strength to even open your eyes, much less sit up. She sat up, and it was like someone sucked all the air out of the room. I mean, the four of us just were stunned. It was a little frightening. And nobody said anything. And she was staring at us. And so I said, Hi, mom. And she said, Hi. And I said, Where have you been? And I had motioned for my sister to turn on her video on her phone, so we did get all of this on video. I said, Where have you been? And she said, Well, you know where I've been. You were there, and that's confirmation. That's, you know, she she had been somewhere, and she spent the next hour. She said that she wanted to talk to each of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, and tell them what she loved about them. And she spent the next hour on FaceTime and spoke to every one of them. There were a lot of grandchildren and great grandchildren, and she was able to talk to each of them. And then she said, I'm tired and I need to go. And my dad was pretty upset, and you know, we were all crying, and he was saying, Don't go. Don't go. And I said, Mom, if you need to go, it's okay. So she's looking at us, and I thought, Oh, my God, she wants us to leave the room, I don't know. And so she said, Okay, well, bye. And like, this is awkward. And so we kissed her. She laid down, and we kissed her, and we left the room and she died, and that, yeah, but I mean, it was very confirming to me that that she said that, you know where I was, you were there. I was You're right. And there was another thing that happened that kind of about my mom, about a month after she died, it was Election Day here in Houston, local elections. And so I decided I was going to go vote. And so I I went. It was early voting, is what it was, and it was at a community college. So I went, and I parked the car. There, and I'm walking toward the building, and there were people all over the parking lot in matching T shirts that said poll volunteer. And this woman in one of those T shirts said to me, are you here to vote? And I said yes. And she said, Okay, you need to go in the door on the left, that's where the voting is. I said, thank you. And I continue walking, and this woman starts walking with me, and it was kind of annoying, because she was like, making small talk. And I mean, my mom just died. I don't want to make small talk. Just leave me alone. And she said, so it's a beautiful day to come out and do your civic duty and vote. And so it was like, finally I got to the building and went inside, and okay, it was a long line. I was in there for over an hour, and when I came back out, that woman was standing there, and she starts walking toward my car with me, and she said, Well, you did it. You voted, yeah, I did. And she said, Where's the other woman? I said, what other woman? She said, the lady you came with. I said, I came by myself. She said, No. She said, No, the older woman. I said, What are you talking about? I came by myself. I'm leaving by myself. Goodbye. And she said, No, you walked in with an older woman. She's wearing a blue and green blouse with big decorative buttons. Okay, that is what my mom is buried in. That's what she's wearing. I said, I have to go. I have to go. And I practically ran to my car, got in the car, called my sisters and said, I think mom went with me to vote today. I didn't see her, but someone there saw her, and it really was jarring to have this, this stranger telling me, describing her to me, yeah, and anyway that Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 47:13
So, so let me, let me ask you, Elizabeth, when you came back, you told your husband and you told your mom, how Long before you kind of came out of the closet, the Near Death Experience closets, if you will, it started talking about this on a public level,

Elizabeth Krohn 47:30
30 years, 30 years

Alex Ferrari 47:32
You, you held on to it for 30 years?

Elizabeth Krohn 47:35
Yeah, I had to, I had to. I felt like I had to, because society was not where we are now, okay. I mean, even five years ago, it's a much better place now, in that sense than it was. I felt that I would have been ostracized. I would have been my children would have been the children of that crazy woman. I just didn't feel I could do it until Okay, so in 2013 This happened in 1988 and I had spent many years trying to talk to different rabbis about this, how'd that go? Not well. It did not go well.

Alex Ferrari 48:29
Let me add really quick, really quickly, in the Jewish faith, what do they look upon, as far as near death experiences? It is a phenomenon. Has that ever been addressed wholeheartedly across the Jewish faith in any way, shape or form?

Elizabeth Krohn 48:42
I have no idea. I really have no idea. I am, I am in the Reform Jewish sector, which is like Judaism light,

Alex Ferrari 48:55
Not Orthodox, not Orthodox, not orthodox.

Elizabeth Krohn 48:59
And although, although my my son, whose hand I was holding when I was struck by lightning, he grew up to become an orthodox rabbi,

Alex Ferrari 49:09

Elizabeth Krohn 49:10

Alex Ferrari 49:11
And what is what is he? What does he think about all of this?

Elizabeth Krohn 49:14
I mean, we butt heads about religion all the time, and people ask him and ask me, Do you think that he became so religious because of what happened, because he was holding your hand? And he says, No, absolutely not. And I say, yes, absolutely so who knows? I don't know he was not raised that way, but that's what it is. So anyway, I had spent years trying to find a clergy person to listen to me, because I felt like I had had this religious experience, even though it's not religious, It's spiritual. But. But it involved God, and I needed to talk to someone about it. And the rabbis, no, no, it was like, basically, pat me on the head. They're there, you'll be fine, goodbye. And then they would try to forget I ever came in and met with them, you know? And so in 2013 there was an article in the Houston Chronicle, this is back when we got real newspapers, and it was about a book that had been published by an Episcopalian minister. It was called the Christian near death experience. And I thought, okay, so I contacted the publisher. They gave me his email address. He was here in Houston. I emailed him, and I said, I think I had a near death experience in 1988 I'm Jewish. I The rabbis won't talk to me. Would you talk to me? He called me within 10 minutes of receiving the email. He called me and he said, you're Jewish. I said, Yes. He said, can I take you to lunch? I said, Sure. The next day, I met him for lunch. We were there for four hours, and the first thing he said to me, when I walked in the restaurant, he came over to me, introduced himself, and he said, Did you see Jesus? I said, No. He said, Oh, then I don't think you had a near death experience.

Alex Ferrari 51:27
Oh, my God.

Elizabeth Krohn 51:30
Really, really, I'm pretty sure I did. Oh, my God. So we learned a lot from each other. Okay? I mean, clearly I had a near death experience, and he ended up writing a second book on the Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist near death experiences.

Alex Ferrari 51:54
Thank you. I'm glad. It's amazing that even something like this, they're like, no, no, it has to be dogmatic, right, in one way, shape or form exactly,

Elizabeth Krohn 52:06
Exactly. I mean, we became very good friends, and he he passed away a few years ago. But anyway, that was 2013 in 2015 he called me and he said, and I mean, we kept in touch constantly, but he called me and he said, Listen, are you ready to go public with this? Nd, and I said, Yeah, why not? I mean, my kids are grown, they're all married and have kids of their own. Sure I don't have anything to lose, right? And he said, Great, there's going to be this event in the Texas Medical Center. It's continuing education, credit for nurses and doctors, and it's the topic is near death experiences. And he said, I'm going to be speaking. We're going to have a professor from Rice University who studies in de speaking. And then you I said, Sure, I'll do it. So I went to this event, and that's where I met Jeff cripple, who was my co author on my first book. And I was the first speaker at this event, and I told my story of my NDE, and I sat back down. The three of us were on a stage. I sat back down, and Jeff leaned over to me, and he said, We should write a book. And I said, I don't know how to write a book. And he said, I do. And I said, I don't have a publisher. He said, I do. I said, okay, okay, and what's your name? I mean, we had never met each other, and so we did end up working together. And the book came out in 2018 and so that's when I basically went public with it. So it was,

Alex Ferrari 53:59
And how did, and how did, and how did your, how did the people around you and your family and

Elizabeth Krohn 54:04
Well, you know, Jeff sent me the first time, the first time we sat down to work on the book. And the way we did it was, I went to his office at Rice. He was actually the head of the department of religion. Went to his office twice a week, and we would sit and talk and record it and then have a transcript of what we had said, and that's how the book got written. At our first meeting, he said, Do you have any concerns about doing this? And I said, Yes. I said, I'm scared. He said, What are you scared of? I said, I'm scared I'm going to lose all my friends. And he said, Oh yeah, you are okay. Well, thanks. He said, You will, but you're going to have this whole new set of friends who are much more alive. Aligned with your way of thinking. Now, you know those friends don't fit you anymore, which was true, and I did lose most of my friends. I mean, there's a couple of people that I still talk to, but it was amazing how fast they dropped.

Alex Ferrari 55:19
Listen, I listen. I haven't had a near death experience, but this show is pretty close in the sense of a social scenario, especially coming from where I come from, in Hollywood, it's looked upon very differently out there, though they're still fascinated, and they're still also fascinated by the numbers of the show and what we're doing. They're like, they're like, how, what's going on? What? How's that happening? How is that going on? I have to ask you, Elizabeth, because I like asking this. Of all near death experiencers, are you afraid of dying anymore, and if you've got okay? So they so that answer that pretty quickly. What advice do you have for someone watching right now who is either going through the process of dying themselves, or watching a loved one who's dying or someone who has just passed.

Elizabeth Krohn 56:10
You know, I go and volunteer at hospice because this is so comforting. It is so comforting to know that just because your body dies, you're not gone, right? You're not gone. Consciousness survives dead. I know that it happened to me. I can say that being where I was in that garden that was home, this is not, this is this is a very temporary place that we come to advance our souls. We come to achieve certain goals, as far as growth of our soul. And then we get to go home. And that is home. And I say, we get to go home. I mean, I don't want to die. I'm not saying I want to die, but I'm not the least bit concerned about where I'm going when I die. I've seen it and it it's really good. It's really, really good. I can't I know that some people have bad experiences, hellish type things, but I don't know anything about that. I don't know there's nothing to be afraid of. I I'm afraid of pain. I don't want to have a long, drawn out, painful death. Lightning was pretty quick. You know, that's as it is. Yeah, it is. But as far as dying per se, no no fear and

Alex Ferrari 57:57
Yeah, that's yeah. Well, let me ask you. I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, um, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Elizabeth Krohn 58:07
I'm doing it. I'm doing it right now, being able to achieve goals that you set for yourself before you came into this life. And I know I'm doing that now. Yeah, I just needed a nudge.

Alex Ferrari 58:22
That was a hell of a nudge. Um, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Elizabeth, what advice would you give her? Let go of the umbrella!

Elizabeth Krohn 58:38
Don't use umbrellas. No, seriously, I would. I had something very bad happen to me, not the NDE when I was six years old, I was I was raped. And so if I could go back and talk to myself, I would say, stay away from that person. It was a babysitter that we had so or tell your parents. I never told them until I was an adult, so maybe something about that. But also when, when you meet Jeff cripple, that's supposed to happen. That's so it's okay. That is supposed to happen. You know? It's funny. I had, it was the night before the deadline that we had to have the manuscript into the publisher, and we had submitted it that night, I went to bed and I had a dream that I was standing on a street corner. It was the corner of Lincoln and fifth. I saw the street signs, and there was a red brick building across the street, and it had a big M on it, and I was standing there talking to Jeff cripple and some of. Man that I didn't know, but his name, his name was corny, and I thought that's weird. So when I woke up, I don't know, five o'clock, no, it was one o'clock in the morning. I woke up and I sent Jeff an email. He's grateful I didn't call him, but I did send him an email, and I said, Hey, I had this dream, and I want to know if maybe you have the same dream. And he woke up at about five and saw the email and responded to it and said, No, I didn't. He said, But let me tell you about that dream. He said, the corner of Lincoln and fifth is a street corner in Hebron, Nebraska, where I grew up, Jeff, and across the street is the Majestic Theater. This big M on a red brick building. It is a red brick building. And corny was my grandfather. His name was his name was Cornelius, and everyone called him corny and Okay, so Jeff forwarded my email to a friend of his named Eric Wargo. Do you know Eric Wargo? Eric Wargo wrote a book called time loops, and has a theory on time and and how it works. And Eric wrote back and said, Here's the thing, Jeff. He said, I think you and Elizabeth probably planned this before. You know, this was a planned event that, and you know, maybe it was, and this is me. Eric didn't say this, but I'm saying, you know, there we are, you know, in heaven. And and Jeff is like, well, maybe we should go back and write a book on near death experiences. And I'm like, I call not getting struck my lightning. I'll be the researcher you get struck. But no, that's not the way it worked. But anyway, Eric thinks that we had this agreement to come back and and do this. So

Alex Ferrari 1:02:10
Which, which makes, which makes all the sense in the world to me,

Elizabeth Krohn 1:02:13
And that is the advice I would give my younger self.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:16
Fair enough.

Elizabeth Krohn 1:02:17
Long winded answer, yes.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:20
How do you define God or Source?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:02:26
How do I define God or source? The the God is the pinnacle, the apex, the the spirit that runs through all of us. He's the unifier. The unifier he he's what brings it all together, all of humanity and beyond humanity.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:48
What is love?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:02:51
What I felt in the garden? Yes, I love people here, but that is that's a whole different thing.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:02
That's and what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:03:06
It's a school. It's lessons. The ultimate purpose is to advance the knowledge that our souls possess so that we can move forward and move up and become spirit guides, maybe and maybe not, have to come back here. I mean, this is not fun being here. This is hard. We all deserve an award for agreeing to come do this. It's painful, but I think you reach a certain point, you don't have to do this anymore.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:44
Okay! And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing to awaken the planet?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:03:50
My website, elizabethkrohn.com.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:54
And you can pick up your books there as well?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:03:57
Yes, or on Amazon, but yeah, it's all on the website.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:02
I will put, I will put that link in the show notes. And do you have any party messages for the audience?

Elizabeth Krohn 1:04:07
Just, I always would love for people to leave with the knowledge there's nothing to fear death. There's nothing to fear from death, and that where you go is home. Home is a good place. It's a good place, and it's a loving place, and that's what I would love for people to leave here with.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:34
Elizabeth, it has been a pleasure going down the rabbit hole with you in your your amazing story and journey. I appreciate you and everything you're doing to help awaken this planet. So thank you again for coming on the show.

Elizabeth Krohn 1:04:46
Thank you. Thank you so much.

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