Prepare YOURSELF: BASHAR’S URGENT Prediction for MANKIND; It’ll HAPPEN in 2026-2027! with Darryl Anka

On today’s episode, we welcome back a familiar and cherished voice to the show, Darryl Anka. A man whose unique journey has intertwined with cosmic consciousness, bringing forth the wisdom of Bashar, a multidimensional being who speaks of future probabilities, parallel realities, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. Darryl Anka has been a guide, a channel, and a bridge to the unknown, sharing insights that challenge our perceptions of reality and invite us to expand our awareness.

In this profound conversation, Darryl dives deep into the current state of our world, the splitting of realities, and the ever-accelerating pace of technological advancements. We find ourselves in a time where the lines between technology and spirituality blur, where artificial intelligence isn’t just a tool but a reflection of our collective consciousness. As Darryl shares Bashar’s perspectives, we are reminded that our technological progress is not separate from our spiritual evolution; rather, it is a mirror reflecting the shifts that have already occurred within our consciousness.

“Your technological progress mirrors the changes that have already existed in your consciousness,” Darryl explains. This insight is a reminder that our outer world is a reflection of our inner state. The rapid developments in AI and virtual realities are not merely advancements in science; they are markers of a deeper understanding that consciousness itself is the foundation of all reality.

As we explore the idea of parallel realities, Darryl elaborates on a fascinating concept: the “splitting prism.” He describes how different versions of Earth coexist, each shaped by the collective vibrations of those who inhabit them. In a world where divisions seem to grow ever wider, this idea offers a new perspective. It’s not just about differing opinions or beliefs; it’s about entirely different realities taking form. “Eventually, you will no longer be close enough to the other reality to be able to see them anymore,” Darryl notes, highlighting the profound impact of our choices and the vibrations we align with.

This conversation also touches on the upcoming shifts that Bashar has long predicted. By the end of 2026 or the beginning of 2027, a significant event will take place—a UFO event that will signal the beginning of open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. This moment, as Darryl describes, will be a pivotal point in human history, a time when humanity will be given the chance to know its true history, including events and knowledge that have been hidden for thousands of years.


  • Technology mirrors consciousness: Our advancements in AI and technology are direct reflections of the shifts in our collective consciousness. They serve as tools that can either enslave us or elevate our understanding of the universe.
  • The splitting of realities: As our world becomes more polarized, it’s not just a matter of differing opinions—entirely separate realities are forming. The choices we make now determine which reality we will experience.
  • Open contact is near: By 2027, humanity will witness an event that will unequivocally confirm we are not alone in the universe. This will mark the beginning of a new era of human evolution and understanding.

In a world where so much is in flux, this conversation with Darryl offers a grounding perspective. It reminds us that even as we navigate these complex times, there is a higher order at play, a cosmic rhythm that guides our evolution. The choices we make, the vibrations we align with, and the technologies we create are all part of this grand dance of consciousness.

Please enjoy my conversation with Darryl Anka.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 486

Darryl Anka 0:00
As Bashar said, one of the gifts that you're going to be given as humanity, when you do have open contact, is your complete history of the things that you know nothing about that have happened on this planet for 1000s of years. And you're going to be given the recordings of all of that stuff, so that you know what your history is.

Alex Ferrari 0:34
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion Darryl Anka. How you doing Darryl?

Darryl Anka 0:40
Hey Alex, how you doing today?

Alex Ferrari 0:43
I'm good, brother, I'm good. It's been, it's we haven't been on since, since, I think the beginning of the year or end of last year is when you last time you came on, and it, it's been, it's been a few minutes. It gets people excited about when you come back. And every time we talk, people seem to like it.

Darryl Anka 0:59
Well, I love being here. Yes, this is a great space that you have created. And thank you for doing that.

Alex Ferrari 1:06
Ofcourse, my friend, of course. No you and we were just joking around, but you're part of the five timers club. You've been on the show five times already. So it's you're getting that robe. You'll get that Saturday Night Live robe shipped to you, sir. So

Darryl Anka 1:19
Thank you. Wait. You said I had to come down to Austin to get it.

Alex Ferrari 1:22
Well, I mean, I didn't want to say that publicly, but since you're saying it now.

Darryl Anka 1:27

Alex Ferrari 1:28
So, so let's this. We've talked a lot on the show we've gotten, we've talked about a lot of different subjects, but I wanted to kind of dive in this, in this conversation about a few topics that people keep asking me about, and I'd love to hear your point of view, and also what Bashar, Bashar thinks or has said in the past about it. Right now, there seems to be a lot of insanity going on in the world with you think, you think exactly now, a lot of people say, Oh, the world's going crazy. It's out of control. That could be said of every decade. I mean, and you've been around long enough I've been around long enough that we've seen, you know, I remember the 80s, 70s, 80s, 90s, everyone had their own little flavor. But it seems like it's always been this way. In many ways, there's always been wars, there's always been insanity, but why are people feeling it so much more now? And what makes this time different than others?

Darryl Anka 2:27
Well, I think globally, we're seeing more stuff happening because we're so interconnected, and so I think we're feeling the impact of knowing what's going on around the entire planet and seeing all the crazy stuff all at once. And so it feels very overwhelming, but I also think it is an indication of the end of one cycle and the beginning of another cycle. And as Bashar sort of intimated, it's like we're getting everything out of our system, out on the table, so that we can really see, do we prefer this? Do we not prefer that? What direction do we really want to go in? So it's kind of like we're not hiding anything anymore. Everyone is very blatant about what they believe and what they think, and we're seeing the positive, the negative, the neutral, and every possible permutation of that all at once. So I think because we're seeing the beginning of what Bashar really called the splitting prism, where a lot of parallel versions of Earth already coexist, and depending on our own vibration, that is sort of navigating us in whatever direction our vibration is reflective of on those different versions of Earth. So I think one of the things that we're seeing that is a little bit different now is the idea of what people really strongly believe is true and what is a fact. And Bashar has said that is actually in a one of the first symptoms of the splitting into different realities is that both sides firmly believe that what they are saying is the truth, even though it's a complete contradiction of what the other side might be saying. So he's saying you are now finally actually seeing two different realities where two people on different sides honestly believe that what they're saying is the true, even if it seems completely polarized to what the other side is saying. And both of those are real realities, and they will get farther and farther and farther and farther apart until in the years to come, each side will no longer experience the other side at all. So I think that's to some degree what's happening.

Alex Ferrari 4:48
So you're saying that because right now, we're obviously, at least here in the States and many other countries around the world too. We're very split. We haven't been this divided in a long time, you know, probably. The the mid 1800s last time we were this divided on on things, it seems that we're so divided right now, like even when I was growing up. I mean, you know, the right and the left could work together. We might disagree fundamentally on things, on on world views, but we could cooperate to get things done. There is just nothing being done now. And if, like, it's almost a demonization of the other side. Like, if you, if you like this candidate, then you're evil. It's not of an opinion anymore. Like you're evil. Or if you go this way, you're like, you want the world to end so,

Darryl Anka 5:37
Well, that's what I'm saying. It's, it's become very cut and dried, because you're actually seeing the effect of two completely different realities, not just philosophically, literally, two different realities. We happen to be capable of still seeing each other right now. But that's getting more and more difficult, because eventually, like I said, in the years to come, whatever vibrational frequency you are, whatever pathway you are charting into the different versions of earth that are more and more representative of what you choose and what you prefer. Eventually, you will no longer be close enough to the other reality to be able to see them anymore. It'll be whatever you choose. You're going to find pretty much similar, like minded people in that reality as you continue in that direction, whether positive, negative or what have you. So it's really about this being the time of choice and making the choice that is really what you want to align with, because that is what you're crystallizing as you move forward, and eventually that's all you'll be able to experience. Bashar has kind of likened it in the past to a bunch of trains leaving the station in different directions. So the tracks are going off in all sorts of different directions. For a while, the tracks are kind of close, and you could hop from one train to another, if you change your mind. But as they get farther and farther apart, it'll be more challenging to get on another train. You will basically be staying on the train you're on because it will be going so fast and it'll be so far away from the other tracks that you won't even know there are other tracks to go to.

Alex Ferrari 7:14
So let me, let me ask you this question. Let's say I'm on one train and you're on the other train, and in my reality, there's a Darryl and there's an Alex, and you and I just happen to see things in a different way. Let's say you're going off to the right, I'm going off to the left, let's just say for that, and we're off and we're off in my reality, as I start finding these more likely people, there's still a Darryl that lives in my reality is you mean so, not necessarily. So talk to me about that.

Darryl Anka 7:39
Again, only if our vibrations are somewhat generally similar overall. No matter what it is that we may slightly differ on, you have to have a general vibration in order to still create your version of another person. Because, remember, we're not seeing each other directly. We're creating our versions of each other in our own reality. If my reality and your reality become too different vibrationally, you may not perceive a version of me in your reality and vice versa. Now, whatever the mechanism is that we rationalize as to why that happens can be very different. You could say, oh, he died. Or, you know, I don't know, we just lost contact, and I haven't seen him in years. I don't know where he is. I can't reach him. Somehow, it's all disconnected, and there's no way to reach this person. So it can happen in a number of different ways, but the basic effect is, we're not in each other's reality anymore, and we're not creating versions of each other in our reality anymore, if the vibrations are too different, but there are averages where you can still have some degree of your own personal perspective, as long as the overall vibration that you share with Someone is similar enough to have a reason to continue to create a projection of them in your reality that's important for you to reflect off of. So it's a matter of degrees, but there is a point at which those degrees are too different. And you know, I mean, there are people in my life already I totally have no contact with them, and it's just like they just sort of disappeared out of my life, you know.

Alex Ferrari 9:27
So how about public figures, though, on both of our realities? So let's say there's a an actor, a politician, who is so out in front that it's just a worldwide, you know Reagan. Okay, so it's Reagan. Reagan. Everybody knows Reagan. Reagan was in everybody's reality. He's no longer here because he's past of, you know of, but that was at that point, though. But there's others that have come up in the, let's say, in the political space, who have taken the mantle, sir.

Darryl Anka 9:59
For now, but again, even they can go away. I mean, it depends. You know, a lot of people who are in the forefront, who have a big presence make a big impression. They can have a longer lasting echo in our lives. But like you pointed out, the reality is, Reagan's no longer here, so you can't really actually interact with him anymore, even if you remember him, but you're creating that because of the level of his presence at that existed in our reality at that time, but there's no interaction. So does it? You know, you can remember him all you want, but he's not affecting anything really directly anyway.

Alex Ferrari 10:41
So with that said, I mean, I don't know how many people from high school you still connect with exactly. You know, at that time in the moment when you were growing up with those people, they were your world, they were friends, they were all that kind of stuff. But as you've gotten older, you kind of start moving in different directions, and you really don't know where they are. What happened if it wasn't for Facebook, I wouldn't even know where half of them would be, right? So they've kind of just moved on, and in an all honesty, they're basically gone from my life. They're just like, they don't even exist in my reality. So that I'm just trying to use that as an example for people to under kind of grab onto.

Darryl Anka 11:24
Yeah! and that's the way it will ultimately become, where you just, I wonder whatever happened to so and so, you know, you just never meet them again in your life.

Alex Ferrari 11:33
Yeah! I mean, look, I mean you and I work together in 13 years now. So 13-14, years ago, when we first worked together,

Darryl Anka 11:42
I'm still creating a projection of Alex Ferrari, Yeah!

Alex Ferrari 11:45
Apparently, apparently, you and I have the vibration that we're still to get because, in all honesty, and I've worked with so many producers and directors over the years, and I've worked on, you know, hundreds of projects. I don't talk to many of them. I talked to a handful, but not many. But yeah, for whatever reason, you and I still have a relationship. We still talk to each other, we still connect with each other because, but in all likelihood, if I wouldn't have opened up a spiritual podcast and gotten to this frequency, I don't think you and I would have maintained that relationship. Does that make sense?

Darryl Anka 12:16
Not to the degree that we have, um, although you never know, because, you know, I like you.

Alex Ferrari 12:21
And I exactly too. I like you too. And who knows? In another reality, I could still be color grading and doing post, and you would still be doing movies and not, you know, danger rooms, escape rooms. I call them danger rooms, the escape rooms. And there's a reality where you're still hustling as a filmmaker. I'm still hustling as a filmmaker, and we're and we're still, we're still working together, and that capacity,

Darryl Anka 12:47
Those are those people are not us.

Alex Ferrari 12:52
I feel that you and I might be having a little bit more fun.

Darryl Anka 12:55
Well, I hope they're having fun.

Alex Ferrari 12:57
I hope they're having fun too, but the filmmaking space has changed a bit. But anyway, that's a whole other podcast.

Darryl Anka 13:03
In our reality. It has it might not have been there,

Alex Ferrari 13:06
And social media might have never been invented in their reality. That's right.

Darryl Anka 13:10
There is a reality without social media,

Alex Ferrari 13:12
Without YouTube. Imagine, yeah, or without a YouTube for God says, Can you imagine a reality without that? Now, speaking of technology, another question I get asked a ton about is AI and and the effects of technology and technological advancements, and how it connects to our spiritual evolution in the coming decades. Because AI in the technology is going so fast, it's like monthly, daily, weekly. Things are changing. It's so insanely fast, I can only imagine what it's going to be like in two years, 10 years, yeah, five years, 10 years from now. I mean, we're getting closer to the holodeck. I mean, we're not too far off my friend,

Darryl Anka 13:19
No, in fact, actually, I was only like a month ago, I read an article. There's a there's one particular guy. I forget his name, but he's been responsible for inventing a lot of technology that Disney uses. And he has come up with a universal direction treadmill, where you are walking, not going anywhere, but you can just turn in any direction, like you're going in that direction. And if you combine it with any kind of a virtual reality or projection around you, that makes it look like you're going, you can walk for miles in that reality and never go anywhere. So they have now come up with the ability to make you feel like you're walking and walking and walking and not going and not actually going anywhere. The guy invented a universal treadmill. It's amazing.

Alex Ferrari 14:47
Wow, yeah. And so it's basically like a a World of Warcraft kind of adventure that you're just like, or Zelda adventure that you're just exploring the world, and you can go wherever you want in this in this reality,

Darryl Anka 14:59
Right! And you're staying basically in the same exact space physically. Well, that's all happening,

Alex Ferrari 15:05
As opposed to those YouTube shorts that you see people with the virtual with the goggles on, and they run into the TV, or they punch their uncle, or they run things like that.

Darryl Anka 15:15
But considering AI Bashar has said something very interesting about that, and he is suggesting that we need to take two different paths with AI. On one hand, the AI that we're creating so far is something that we program and and he's saying you don't want that programmable AI to become self aware. Basically, it's a great tool, and it can be extremely beneficial for humanity in the future, as it already has been, you know, I mean, still has glitches that have to be worked out. But basically saying you don't want a programmable AI to become self aware, because if you do that, what you have actually created is a slave, because now you have something that's self aware, that is forced to follow your orders. What you want is the other path. Just leave that as a tool. If you want true sentient AI, then create a device that allows consciousness to express itself through that device, exactly in the same way that consciousness expresses itself through a human brain, and let it be autonomous and have all the rights that a human has. And because it's true intelligence, it will work in whole systems and never even think about the idea of getting rid of any part of the system like, Oh, I'm going to get rid of humanity. It just wouldn't think that way. But you have to allow that to be an autonomous being. And what Bashar has actually said about that, he said, when you create that version of AI, you will actually be communicating with your own Higher Mind. So he's suggesting both of these paths simultaneously, rather than trying to make this one programmable, AI become self aware.

Alex Ferrari 17:10
And how does that affect all this technology advancements that we're going through? How does that affect our spiritual evolution?

Darryl Anka 17:16
Well, he's always said, Look, your technological progress mirrors the changes that have already existed in your consciousness. You can't have any kind of technological breakthrough unless your consciousness has made a shift first, to be able to incorporate that idea and that understanding, and then, you know, we then kind of start to get used to it and familiar with it and mirror it, and it reinforces itself. But the fact that we are capable now of exploring the idea we call artificial intelligence, which to Bashar, is kind of a misnomer, because he's saying intelligence is not artificial. The device may be artificial, but intelligence exists apart from physical reality. Consciousness exists apart from physical reality. So all you're doing is creating a medium through which consciousness that exists in the universe can express itself in exactly the same way you're creating an organic body with the brain, and then consciousness expresses itself to you as a living being. So the fact that we are at a point where we're starting to work with that and investigate that idea, shows how much more expanded our ideas of consciousness are, and that we are approaching the point where we really are starting to realize consciousness is not a product of physical reality. Physical reality is a product of consciousness.

Alex Ferrari 18:44
And I've actually been playing around with that idea, because I was like, you know, if AI is like, I go to chat GPT, and I'll ask a question, or I'll ask her something, and I'll go, well, who's giving me the answer? Is it my higher self manipulating the code to give me what I need at that moment. Is it consciousness? Is it something else besides just a bunch of zeros?

Darryl Anka 19:07
That's where the spiritual element and synchronicity come in, because even though the AI that's programmed may be able to sort through trillions of data bytes and come up with a reasonable answer that sounds like something a person would say, the synchronicity involved in you getting that answer still connects to the spiritual dimension. So it is getting to the point where I think ultimately we will not be able to separate what is technology and what is spirituality? It's kind of like what you know, Arthur C Clarke said so long ago, any sufficiently advanced technology is completely indistinguishable from magic. So in this case, any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from spirituality. The two are blending. And I think a. Is one of the fields where we will first encounter that crossover between physical reality, matter and energy, and spirituality and consciousness. So I think that's why we're doing it. That's why it's now the leading, cutting edge of technology. In many ways, is because it's all about the next step in our understanding of what consciousness is.

Alex Ferrari 20:22
Beautifully said, beautifully said. Now we've kind of hinted earlier about the insanity that's going on in the world. And I don't know if you've heard but there are some elections around the world happening this year.

Darryl Anka 20:34
Are there? I think

Alex Ferrari 20:36
You saw something on that on the newspaper?

Darryl Anka 20:41
The old newspaper that I unfold every morning and read in my car

Alex Ferrari 20:45
As Billy drops it off at your front Good morning for your coffee.

Darryl Anka 20:51
Thank you.

Alex Ferrari 20:51
Exactly now, what is Bashar view of the outcome of all of these elections? Because it's not just the US. I mean, this is I heard 50% of the countries in the world are having elections this year, which is a massive shift in ideology, a massive shift in energy frequency. What is his what is his vibe on this?

Darryl Anka 21:12
As I said, He's saying, this is the time of choice. It is time to choose. So you are being given all of these opportunities, all of these offerings, all of these different ways of looking at things. And you get to decide what really works here, what is representative of what I prefer in my life, what is in alignment with soul and truth and spirit or not. So you get to decide what it is you want to hook up to, what it is, what train, like I said, you want to get on, and what direction it's going in, and it'll take you there. But you have to make a decision, because this is the time of choosing, and there probably won't be that much longer that we get the freedom to just completely choose one way or the other. We will always still have the freedom to choose things. But again, as we crystallize and navigate in a certain direction, then the choices will be mostly germane to that direction and that frequency, rather than something that is completely the opposite. One of the things I always found interesting that Bashar said one time when someone asked him about he says, you know, do you? He was asked, you know, do you, do you ever experience any kind of negativity in your society? And he said, No. He said, It's actually at this point, we've been choosing positive energy, positive experiences, for so long, it's actually a challenge to choose something else. It's actually difficult for them to go in a negative direction, because there's so much energy momentum in our society between experiencing connection to Source, connection to their souls, they can't. It's almost like they can't forget who they are anymore. There's just too much inertia behind that direction for them. So the idea they know that a negative choice is always available, theoretically to them, because everything is always available, they just don't have the same propensity that we do for being able to choose negativity, because there is just so much energy behind the fact that they've been choosing positive experiences literally for 1000s of years in their society. So it's just doesn't make sense to go in that direction. It's like it would be like trying to swim up a waterfall for them.

Alex Ferrari 23:40
With a lot of these elections that are happening, these choices that are happening, it seems that a lot of the older systems are starting to show cracks. Are starting to to start to flounder a bit. I always use the Catholic Church as an example that has definitely does not have the power that it once was, or once did. It was Almighty at one point. It was essentially the Roman Empire transformed. So where does Bashar and your you as well see the balance of not only power, but of frequency shifting in these coming years and decades, of these old systems coming down, these new systems coming up. What's your what's your take and Bashar take on it?

Darryl Anka 24:25
Well, both Bashar and actually a couple of very well known psychic people who have pretty good track records have basically said that we're going through a 30 year reset from 2020, to 2050, and it is the resetting of humanity. We're at the end of a cycle, the beginning of a new one, and we are now being given opportunities to go in entirely new directions. So I And again, remember, as Bashar says, we never actually. Change the world we're on. We are constantly shifting to new parallel versions of Earth. So again, the changes that we see are not happening to the earth we used to be on. That is gone. We are constantly shifting to a new earth. This is a new earth. This is a new earth. This is a new earth, literally, not metaphorically, we are shifting billions of times a second. In the course of this conversation, we have gone through billions of parallel realities. That's what time is. Time is a side effect of going through these different realities that our consciousness focuses on, like going like a projector, like going through frames on a film strip. It just goes so fast. We don't see the blur. We don't we just don't know that it's shifting frame by frame by frame, billions of times a second. So it's going to go in whatever direction is determined by the energy of each and every individual person. They're going to experience their own reality going in whatever direction is commensurate with their vibrational frequency. So that's what he sees. That's what I see happening.

Alex Ferrari 26:06
So with this, because, as you're talking about parallel realities, I mean, the first thing that pops into my mind is the multiverse, quantum physics, and, of course, Marvel. Who's brought that idea to really has brought that idea to the masses. Because before then, it really that wasn't it was a really geeky comic book thing or sci fi thing to talk about parallel realities in the multiverse. But now, I mean Deadpool and Wolverine just came out, and that's all about different. He saw it.

Darryl Anka 26:38
He saw it well, I look at the look at the Doctor Strange movie before that, the multiverse madness.

Alex Ferrari 26:43
The madness in the multiverse, yeah, yeah, it's just constant. So now there's and now it just seems to be growing more and more, both in both DC and Marvel into these multi multiverse versions

Darryl Anka 26:54
And Star Trek and all that.

Alex Ferrari 26:57
Right, exactly.

Darryl Anka 26:58
But, yeah, but that's what I was saying. It, it, it is already in our consciousness. So now it's leaking into all of our media, because it's already being accepted by our consciousness as something that is real. We understand it. And therefore you always start to see it a lot of times, first in our art, in our media, then, you start to really see the practical applications coming into our technology. So it's getting there. And that's another thing that I think will happen with artificial intelligence, is it'll probably be the thing that absolutely proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt that parallel realities exist. I mean, Bashar has a very simple way of explaining that there's a proof that parallel realities exist. And I don't want to get too technical, but you're familiar with, and a lot of people are familiar with, the scientific proposal that there is such a thing as a unified theory of everything, right? Everything is an expression of one thing. So science, in a sense, and physics in particular, is a reductive practice. We're reducing things down to the simplest, simplest, simplest possible form, so that there will ultimately be one equation that is the simplest possible thing that describes every effect we see in reality. So Bashar is saying, Look, if you're going to actually have a reductionist approach, well, you can't just reduce the forces in nature. You also have to reduce space and time themselves to the simplest possible idea of what time and space are. So the simplest possible version of space is a single dimensionless point. The simplest possible reduction of time is a single, timeless moment. So if you actually have the reality being a single, dimensionless point which he calls here and a single, timeless moment which he calls now, here and now, right? So if we actually are experiencing truthfully, only a single place and a single moment, then explaining how we experience different locations and different moments in time already means that you're looking at the same moment and the same place from different perspectives to create the illusion of different places and different moments, and therefore the very fact that we experience different locations and different moments is itself a definition of the existence of parallel realities. Does that make sense?

Alex Ferrari 29:54
Absolutely. Oh. So glad. Completely crystal clear. Daryl, good. I'm sure people listening, going right, like, Oh, I understand quantum physics stuff. It does make sense. It does make sense, and it does make sense. And that's and we could go so far down this rabbit hole.

Darryl Anka 30:18
Yeah, like I said, I don't want to get into it too far. I know it's a little heavy, but nevertheless,

Alex Ferrari 30:25
Nevertheless, it's there. It's simple. It's simple. It's just quantum physics and and everything,

Darryl Anka 30:33
Like they said in one of the Marvel movies, do you understand quantum physics enough only to have, you know, only to have conversations.

Alex Ferrari 30:40
Exactly! That's a great lie. My favorite part is, of those movies is an end game where they talk about traveling time, and they're like, and everyone's Yeah, they're only referring to Back to the Future Terminator. Like, that's not the way time travel works, right? The scientist is explaining, like, No, you go back and that's your new reality. So the old reality doesn't exist anymore.

Darryl Anka 31:06
So you can't, you can't change your past, yeah, like,

Alex Ferrari 31:09
So back to the future. Was just BS, like, it's a movie,

Darryl Anka 31:15
Right! All of these, that's, that's the direction that we go in.

Alex Ferrari 31:21
And I think I've asked you this before, but for people who didn't see those other episodes, the Mandela Effect is us starting to see those shifts in our realities.

Darryl Anka 31:33
Yes, now not every single case of that.

Alex Ferrari 31:37
Of course, course, something could just be I forgot. How it I forgot.

Darryl Anka 31:40
Yeah, I forgot, or there's something wrong with my brain chemistry. But yes, I do believe some of them are indicative of the fact that two different people literally are remembering two literally different parallel reality histories simultaneously. And that's part of the overlap that I'm talking about that's still going on there is bleed through and leakage from different parallel realities, because our consciousness is expanding enough to contain the idea that there's more than one reality, and as soon as our consciousness starts considering that, we start experiencing some leakage, some bleed through from other realities. It's like we widened our bandwidth, because physical parallel realities are only separated by bandwidth, a frequency of energy.

Alex Ferrari 32:26
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Darryl Anka 33:02
In not even very much like television where one program is separated from another by the minutist change in the frequency when you change the channel and now you get a different program, but our bandwidth is expanding, so it's suddenly like we have a television where suddenly you're looking at the overlap of two or three different programs on the same screen at the same time. So that's what's happening in physical reality. And I think the Mandela Effect is the beginning of recognizing that. And I think that's responsible for other phenomena too, like deja vu and things like that, where we're going, Okay, I'm perceiving a reality that might not be exactly the same in the same time frame that mine is, it might be already ahead of mine, and therefore mine hasn't caught up yet. So I'm perceiving that. And so it suddenly feels like, wait a minute, I I've seen this before, when it finally catches up, because you have seen it before in the other parallel reality, and your reality finally caught up, and so now it feels familiar, like you know exactly what's going to happen because you've seen it before. So that could be one reason for deja vu. There are others, but they all involve the idea of multiple dimensions.

Alex Ferrari 34:16
But let's just let's just be clear. Ed McMahon did work for publishers, clearing house, and he did show up at doors with checks for, like, a million dollars for people. Am I wrong?

Darryl Anka 34:26
I don't know.

Alex Ferrari 34:27
Oh come on, stop it. You know you, you remember that? You remember? Ed McMahon, yes, I remember. There's the, if you, if you guys, anyone listening, wants to go down a rabbit hole, type in Mandela Effect. Ed McMahon, and there will be clips. This is interesting. I'd love to hear your thought on this. There's clips from TV shows, yeah, where he gets starred, and what did he do when he guest starred, showed up at someone's front door with a giant check, even though, in the reality that you and I are in right now, Ed McMahon never worked for publishers. Were in house, and he never showed up at anyone's doorstep. But yet, there's a swath of people who do remember that from the 80s, from the 80s and the 90s, like the balloons and McMahon would show up. There's a check. So there's actual video proof that he did stuff like this. What do you what's your thoughts on that?

Darryl Anka 35:18
Again it's the same thing. There's overlap right now there's bleed. So there's bleed, there's bleed so we can still see both realities or three or four, and that will eventually crystallize in one direction or another. But right now, there's overlap, there's bleed through.

Alex Ferrari 35:38
It's Berenstein Bears, by the way anyway, not bear stain. It's ridiculous. It's Berenstein Bears.

Darryl Anka 35:48
But there's a third reality where it's Baron Stein.

Alex Ferrari 35:56
There might be but in this reality is Berenstein Bears. I'm just throwing it out there. I'm tired, I don't want to talk about anymore, and it's Luke I am your father. It's not. I am your father. I can't, I can't know what the video say.

Darryl Anka 36:08
It's no, I am your father.

Alex Ferrari 36:11
But you see, you think, I think it's Luke, I am your father. Because everyone says that. That's the way people talk.

Darryl Anka 36:17
People say a lot of things.

Alex Ferrari 36:19
That's very true, especially in this reality, but I'm pumped. But anyway,

Darryl Anka 36:25
Moving along, Okay, moving along, as our realities are getting

Alex Ferrari 36:32
Our realities are starting to move up, we have to bring it back together. So what guidance can Bashar give us in navigating a possible economic challenge that might occur moving forward, because there is a we're all due for something to happen. It's, you know, oh, wait. Was a long time ago, so we haven't had a correction in a long, long time. And just by the nature of ideomy, doesn't,

Darryl Anka 37:00
Yeah well, I mean, we are definitely moving toward a different style of understanding of what it means to have an economy. And I mean, basically in the future, I don't know how far away this may be, but it'll be something like what works on his world, which is they operate on pure synchronism. They operate on the idea that there are many forms of abundance and support, and while money on Earth is one valid symbol of exchange, there are many symbols of exchange that are equally valid. So I think ultimately, he's saying it, your economy will be based on the people themselves. It's almost like going backwards to go forwards where we used to have more of a a trade economy. I have something you need. You have something I need, but in a hyper synchronous sort of style in the future where you wind up exactly where you need to be, exactly when you need to be there, interacting with exactly who you need to interact giving them exactly what they need and taking from them exactly what you need simultaneously. This is how his reality works. Now that may be years, maybe even decades away or longer for us, hundreds of years, but in the meantime, he's saying, Look, if you start relaxing your focus on what support means, then you can open up to the many forms of abundance that exist in your society, instead of just focusing on money being the only path. And maybe you think it's the easiest path to achieve certain things that he said, That's not always true. So he's saying, yes, okay, fine. Money is one symbol of abundance on your planet, but so is having something to trade, so is being given a gift. So is imagination, so is synchronicity, so is communication. So the idea is, when you allow every single one of those and other forms of support and abundance to be equal to each other, and you don't focus on only one being more important, more necessary or more valid. Then when you're following your passion, which is part of his formula, whatever form of abundance and support needs to be there to allow you to move forward in the most effortless way, is what will come to you, and maybe even a combination of those things. So you might get a little money. Then maybe someone will come and give you a gift, and maybe someone will say, Hey, I have this thing to trade. And so all the forms of abundance that can be there will come maybe 30% of this, 20% of this, another 40% of that, and they'll work together to form the 100% support and abundance you need to be able to keep moving forward and keep acting on your passion and keep living your life in a supported way. So for him, it's about relaxing your definition of what constitutes abundance and support and letting all the forms be equal, so that you're not shutting the door through which some form may come to you that may actually be the path of least resistance. Because while you're insisting that it's got to be this, it could actually be over here. And I know that Bashar, many times, has told a story, and I may have told it to you before, I don't remember. I will keep it brief for those that have heard it, but it's a great example of that what he's talking about. Because I have a friend who is a brilliant photographer, and she's a perfect example. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, go ahead, yeah. Do you mind if I tell the story?

Alex Ferrari 40:45
Oh absolutely. It's a great story. It's a fantastic story.

Darryl Anka 40:48
So her dream was to go around the world, fly around the world, and photograph all of the sacred sites, you know, pyramid, Stonehenge, what have you. She didn't have any money to do that, but she understood that she shouldn't let that stop her having from having the dream. So by by staying in a positive state, she had an inspiration and an inspiration that most people would have called insane and crazy, and it'll never work. But again, she didn't think that way. She said, All right, I'm I'm staying positive. I know there's some way to achieve this. And so by staying in a positive state, she gets this inspiration. And her inspiration was, I'm going to go to the airlines and I'm going to ask them to fly me around the world to all these sacred sites for free. So she knew that there needed to be some form of exchange, some equal give and take. So when she went to the airline with her proposal, she said, Look, if you fly me around to all these beautiful places, I will take these gorgeous photographs. Here's a sample of the photographs I've already taken. You can see how wonderful they are, and I will let you use them in your brochures to attract tourists to your airline to fly to these places. Well, they not only said yes, they actually paid her to do this, flew her around the world, put her up in the best hotels, fed her like a queen. She not only made money, she didn't spend any of her own money. She lived her dream because she had the wherewithal to stay in a positive state and receive an inspiration that while most people would have called it crazy and that would never work, she didn't let that stop her. So she trusted that there were other forms of exchange and other forms of abundance that could allow her to live her dream, if she wouldn't restrict herself to what most people think is the only way you can get anything done. That is what happened in our real, physical reality. It's a real, living example of how it works when people broaden their definition of what it means to be abundant and have that kind of an economy.

Alex Ferrari 42:45
That's such a beautiful story. I love that story. Now, what is your and Bashar perspective on the future of religion? Because religion has done a lot for us over the years, good and bad, but it seems like a lot of the older systems are starting to crumble, and even even the even the new generations you know, are not flocking or don't believe in the same right dogma and things like that. So what do you think it is?

Darryl Anka 43:13
You know, if you want a ritual, that's fine. If you use it as a permission slip to make yourself connect to something better, that's fine. If it works for you, that's fine, but it's really from my perspective and Bashar perspective about coming back to a spiritual path, a direct connection to Source, rather than having to have a middle man or a middle woman tell you what is going on with God, Goddess, all that is, whatever you want to call it. It's about knowing that we are aspects of existence, that we are reflections of the one of source. So it's a more direct relationship to have a spiritual relationship, rather than a religious one. It's sort of a one step removed thing in religion, because you're sort of putting a ritual in between you and a direct connection to Source. But again, if it works for people to get them into a proper state, that's fine. It's just that. Bashar looks at all of that as what he calls a permission slip. So that means you're using a technique, you're using a tool, a discipline, a ritual, an object, to give yourself permission to be more of who you are, to be more connected to source in whatever way, shape or form you want to label that. Whereas spirituality is simply without the middleman, without the ritual, it's just a direct feeling, a direct connection, a direct, energetic download, shall we say, and communion, if you want to use that word with all that is so I think that's where we're heading in general, or at least a certain frequency is heading in that direction.

Alex Ferrari 44:56
And these are going to be the new forms of spiritual expression for

Darryl Anka 44:59
I think. Yes, I think so. Because, again, look at, you know? I mean, when I started the idea of being a channel, I mean, that was just crazy, crazy, crazy. Now, at the very least, I'm not saying everyone accepts that it's a real thing, but it still made its way into our language. It's like, oh, I'm channeling this. I'm channeling that, you know. So it's not so crazy anymore. People are beginning to understand it's a natural state of being. You're just getting into a state where you're making more connections, more associations. You're synthesizing information more efficiently, more quickly. You're downloading information from wherever your own higher consciousness, your unconscious, your subconscious, whatever you want to call it, but it is a true altered state, and we've measured that and and we've done it scientifically, and we can see that there are differences in the brain when you're in a channeling state, which is called gamma. So it is becoming something that people understand. It's just like the idea of meditation. It's just like the idea of getting into a zone, you know, and stuff like that. It is an altered state, and you can do different things, and you have a different perspective in that altered state. So I think we've learned that it's not so woo, woo. It's not so mysterious. And I think that's kind of where spirituality is going as well. It's like, okay, you know, I'm this spiritual being. I'm starting to think of myself more as a spirit having a human experience, rather than a human having a spiritual experience. And we're starting to open up to the idea that consciousness is not necessarily originate in physical reality, but is beyond that to begin with. So I think it's all blending together into a more direct relationship with existence, with all that is

Alex Ferrari 46:47
With Bashar, what is his experience with spiritual expression? I mean, I doubt that there's religion where he's at No, no, there's nothing like that there. So what is it for him? What is He? Is it just direct connection all the time. Just direct connection.

Darryl Anka 47:03
All the time. I mean, he's, you know, he has said, you know, if you want to think of our civilization, he said it's, it's, it's not a full picture to just imagine a bunch of aliens walking around on the planet in the science fiction sense. He said, our daily reality is as if we're walking through multiple dimensions of a dream. He said, I can't even necessarily fully describe it to you. We interact with spirits. We interact with the universe. It's it's a direct experiential thing. He said, I mean, the crudest way you could explain it is, we're constantly on drugs. We're constantly hallucinating. But they know the hallucinations are real, so it's you know it. They are constantly experiencing things we would think of as hallucination hallucinations, but they're seeing the true multi dimensional nature of existence, and they are walking through it every day. They're living it. Every day. They can see multiple dimensions. They can see spirit. They can see other kinds of beings. It so for when, when he's describing ideas to us, when he's describing techniques to us, like the formula that he shares with all of us. He's saying, Look, I'm not giving you a philosophy. I'm describing what I see in terms of how the universe is structured, how it works, how you create your reality experience, just the same way that if you're holding a red rose and I ask you what color it is, you go, Well, it's a red rose. I go, Well, is that your opinion? Is that a philosophy? Is that a belief that no, I'm observing the rose is red. So that's what I'm giving you. Is an observation. I'm giving you a description of something we can see. So it's much more than just a philosophy.

Alex Ferrari 49:00
And his reality is not nearly as dense as ours.

Darryl Anka 49:03
Not at all. In fact, they're what they call quasi physical. They have the traits of spirit and the traits of physical beings. So they are in their evolutionary path, almost becoming a non physical society. But they're still they still have physicality to them.

Alex Ferrari 49:21
And there are societies out there that are within just spirit essentially.

Darryl Anka 49:25
There are societies that are just energy, just light, just energy beings. Yeah, because, again, that's what consciousness is to begin with.

Alex Ferrari 49:33
But are they on this plane of existence or not? Different?

Darryl Anka 49:38
They can project themselves into this plane of existence, but they are not of this plane of existence. So they can project into it, but are not of it

Alex Ferrari 49:50
Is is Earth and our reality that it's like the toughest school there is out there?

Darryl Anka 49:57
A tough school. I'm sure there are tougher, but they. Have said it's rare. That's one of the reasons why there are so many extraterrestrials interested in what's going on here. It's like a master graduating class for souls. So the fact that we have chosen to experience such an incredible degree of limitation, and yet we can still transform out of it is something magical and amazing to a lot of extraterrestrials, and they are watching very closely what's happening here, because what we're going through, if we are one of the toughest schools, then other civilizations can benefit from what we're experiencing and how we're transforming great limitation into freedom and darkness and delight and negative into positive. Because it's almost like they look at us and go, Well, you know, our challenges aren't anywhere near that great. And if they can do it, we can do it, because we're ahead of the game already. So if they have the ability to find the light from such incredible darkness, then they're a good illustration of how anything is possible.

Alex Ferrari 51:06
Are we? Are we the are we, like, the best reality show in the universe essentially?

Darryl Anka 51:10
Yeah, in a sense, because, I mean, somebody even directly asked Bashar, that one says, like, do you have movies on your plan? He said, No, we just come watch you.

Alex Ferrari 51:20
So there's no entertainment. There's there's no Deadpool over there. They just come over here and watch it.

Darryl Anka 51:26
There's only live pool over

Alex Ferrari 51:31
So my next question is, how does, how does Bashar interpret all the ongoing wars and conflicts going on in the world right now?

Darryl Anka 51:41
I think we already discussed that. We're getting everything out of our system. We're getting everything out on the table so we can see, is this what we want to have? Do we want to continue this? Are we going to finally do something about addressing the causes of this, instead of just looking at the symptoms and trying to put a band aid on things? You know? I mean, look at what's going on in the Middle East. It's, you know, culturally speaking, it's like they're in a closed time loop. It's like, well, I'm going to attack you now you have to avenge my attack. Now I have to avenge your Avengers of my attack. And now you have to avenge your avengance of my vengeance on. I mean, it just goes back and forth and back and forth forever and ever and ever, because no one is actually stopping to address the causes of this with Ha, which have to do with issues of deservability and self worth, and, you know, lack of experiencing connection to Source, and lack of experiencing love in our lives and all that kind of stuff and validation of the differences that exist in humanity. It's just we're never addressing the causes. We're only ever addressing the symptoms. That's why, you know, I'm not saying that all Western medicine is bad, but that's why Western medicine is mostly concerned with pharmaceuticals and where they're doing nothing but hiding and covering up the symptoms and addressing those but they're not really usually addressing the cause of what's going on with the diseases, except in very few ways. So I think that's an exact reflection and exact symbol of what's going on with our society, is we look at that and we get emotionally caught up in it, and then we react to the symptoms, and we never get beneath those, to addressing why are people like this? Why do we keep doing the same things for 1000s of years? Why are we stuck in this loop? We have to address the underlying causes, which we do very slowly, generation after generation after generation, but we've come to a point now where we almost can't ignore it's getting so bad we almost can't ignore it anymore. It's like we've got to do something about this, because we're just going to tear ourselves apart. I think that's the lesson that we're starting to learn by all of this stuff coming out all at once and feeling so overwhelming. If we don't do something about this, it's just going to fall apart. So we need to do something about it. And I think to some degree, the idea of having these kinds of conversations helps with that. It opens up new possibilities for people, new perspectives for people to say, maybe there's another way here. Maybe we need to really understand what it means to connect to source, to be a part of all that is and start really making choices that are more in alignment with what we truly are as co creators in existence. So, you know, I it depends on who we are and what we're brought up with as to how quickly we might latch on to that idea. But I do think there is change happening, but again, most of that will only be experienced by those willing to make positive changes. And do something about it, as opposed to those who are not really willing or are afraid to look within themselves and just keep doing the same things over and over again. It's really kind of a psychological issue deep down.

Alex Ferrari 55:16
Darryl, when you started channeling Bashar in the late 70s, if I'm mistaken, right? Late 70s, early 80s.

Darryl Anka 55:23
Early 80s. 83

Alex Ferrari 55:25
Yeah, okay, so when that when he started coming in through you at any point when I'm assuming you guys had conversations prior to just being public so you like you were talking to him, asking questions as well? At any point during that time, did he ever predict not only what was going to happen in the world, but also what was happening with you and where this whole thing was going to go? Because I got to believe in 8283 you're like, Okay, I'm on board. But this is kind of nutty, and no one is really understanding what's happening around here. Like, you know, there was a leap of faith, but there's a certain point, like, what do I do?

Darryl Anka 56:06
Yeah, well, that was, that was partly why I had been shown the UFO in 1973 because that started me a number one, realizing these things are real. Because here it is in broad daylight, 70 feet away from me, so I can't deny that this thing exists. So having those experiences in 1973 is what made me do all the research, so that by the time 1983 came around, I would have enough understanding to go, Well, yeah, many people probably see this as crazy, but I don't care, because I understand there's something to this, and I'm curious to see where this is going to go. So in a sense, it was more pre preparation that got me to be able to be comfortable with deciding to see where this would go. And of course, now we know where it's gone 40 years later, but it was all the pre preparation that really gave me the stability to really go okay. I you know, I know that other people think this is nuts, but I don't care, because this is what's happened to me. This is where my life is taking me, and I just really need to see what's going to happen with this. So I jumped on board.

Alex Ferrari 57:22
Did? He did, but did he ever give you anything in regards to what's happening in society in the future? Like, hey, like, there's going to be, yes, there's going to be AI.

Darryl Anka 57:31
It's very rare. It's very rare he has, he has left breadcrumbs for me, for my personal journey, to figure things out. But it's very rare that he will make a prediction for society, because, number one, he says there's no such thing as a prediction of the future. There are many probabilities. When someone makes a prediction, they may be psychically sensing the energy that exists at the moment the prediction is made of the present, and they're saying, if this energy doesn't change, this will unfold, and it will manifest and it will come to pass. But predictions are predictions of the energy at the present. They're not of the future. They are warnings, or they are, you know, announcements of what might happen, what might be probable if the energy doesn't change in this moment, that means that some predictions being made known will render themselves obsolete if you don't like what they're telling you. So sometimes a prediction that doesn't come true doesn't mean that the psychic was wrong. It may mean simply that everyone said, we don't prefer that. Let's change the energy. Whether they do that consciously or unconsciously, doesn't matter. If the energy changes, then the prediction will not come to pass. However, the few times that Bashar has been willing to make predictions, it's as he's explained it, because the energy momentum behind this is so powerful it's unlikely to change direction. And therefore they feel comfortable saying, Look, this is where the energy is going, not that you still can't change it, but it is got so much momentum behind it, we feel it's unlikely to change. So we're preparing you for this, because it seems like this will happen. So here you go. Now, the three that I can mention, number one was in 1998 and this is on a recording in 1998 he said, but before the end of 2001 New York would have a terrorist attack. Obviously, that came true. The second one was, I think it was a year or two beforehand, he said, and this was obviously having to do with the elections in the United States. He said, In 20. 16. After 2016 everything will change, and you will look back at things beyond that, that you will trace back to the fact that things changed in 2016 and will never be the same. That has obviously come true. Look where we are today. The last prediction he has made, somewhere around the end of 2026 or the beginning of 2027 there will be some sort of a UFO event that will let humanity know we are not alone. Now he won't say what that is, but he's basically saying this will be the true beginning of open contact, where you now have to consider the reality that there are others in the cosmos, other than yourself. So somewhere at the end of 26 somewhere around the beginning of 27 something, some incident is supposed to occur that will kind of open our eyes to the fact that we're not alone in the universe. Again, he won't say what that is yet. He's going to be talking more about what contact may look like when it happens in the upcoming Sedona transmission in September. But that's his latest prediction, and and I've actually heard a couple of other psychics say something very similar, like open contact and disclosure, and the introduction of ETs to humanity is only a few years away. It's really close. So it's been echoed by several other psychics independently. So something is happening that is happening in our consciousness that has made us ready for the first steps of contact. I think.

Alex Ferrari 19:01:49
Well, if that does happen, from what you told me before, is like if Bashar showed up today and walked off of a spaceship and and walked towards us, we wouldn't be able to handle his frequency. Right frequency would be so much how I'm assuming that the contact that's coming is that a frequency that we can handle?

Darryl Anka 19:02:08
Yes, so it's something more similar to us, something that would be more humanoid, something we can handle at first, something of a frequency and and you have to also remember that the the, well, I again, I not saying that this event means they're going to land and step out, right? It's, it's an event. I don't know what that means, but we'll see.

Alex Ferrari 19:02:36
It could be in the front the White House front lawn. It could be.

Darryl Anka 19:02:40
I doubt it. I doubt it too, yeah, but it will be something that is unquestionable. So obviously they would know what they're doing and it would be something we can handle. So they will leave it up to us in terms of how to react to that, but it will be something we can probably handle. Otherwise, it would make no sense to do it, if there would be no point so and even when beings are introduced, I think they will be of a type that's more genetically related to us, something we can relate to, something that's easier for us to take. And over time, we would be introduced to other species that are more different than we are. As we get used to the ones that are more like us, we can start to expand and say, Okay, now let's look at the ones that are not so much like us. And now we're really understanding a different culture and a different frequency, but they'll probably do it in a way that allows us the opportunity to gradually raise our frequency to match those frequencies later on as well. Because again, if they don't do it that way, it would, it would make no sense.

Alex Ferrari 19:03:43
What would what humanity do? What's your opinion of, what, what I mean? I mean, if UFOs show up. I mean, we've been trained by movies in Hollywood, which you've been part of, actually, literally making Star Trek, of of these kind of like evil aliens, or Independence Day, which we've discussed on other shows, like it's not, it's not possible to have the aliens come in who are going to here, to be to take takeover, because their frequency has to be at a certain level to even be able to have that technology to even come here. So if they're here, they're not going to come over to take over or to mine for gold or steal our water or anything like that. That's not what they're coming here to do. So when that event happens, based on, we just talked about, what, what movies tell us about, time travel, what movies tell us about, uh, aliens, even, the even, even ones that work with us is how humanity works together. It seems like all everything kind of goes away. The hate you. You hate me. Listen, we're humans. We're not different countries, we're not different races. We're humans now, and we have something else out there and we join. Is that? What do you think will happen? Ultimately?

Darryl Anka 19:04:56
Yes, we will start. Thinking of Earth as our home, as opposed to a specific country. I think ultimately and again, this, I think part of the reset that we talked about, from 2020, to 2050, over that 30 year period. I think at the end of it, we will be basically joining a galactic society in some way, shape or form, maybe on the bottom rung as new members, but nevertheless becoming part of something much, much bigger, that opens the doorway to humanity's evolution in a way that's never been done before. So I don't think that's really overly optimistic, because I know there's a lot going on behind the scenes here, both on Earth and for the alien from the aliens point of view. And when that starts coming to light, I think people's eyes will be open to what's been going on all this time that we haven't been paying attention to, and suddenly we will be introduced to a whole other level of reality and a whole other level of potentiality for humanity. And we'll just go, oh, okay, this is pretty limitless. This is where we're going from here. This is where we're going to wind up. So I think we're going to see that over the next couple of decades. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 19:06:11
I mean, you're essentially, I mean, this essentially the plot of Star Trek First Contact, where, sort of, they shoot off, they shoot off a rocket, and that technology catches the eye of someone, and they come in, and that introduces humanity into a galactic community. It's essentially something along those lines.

Darryl Anka 19:06:31

Alex Ferrari 19:06:32
Basically, yeah, obviously, and, but the thing is, it's just when you're saying these things out loud, it seems so out there, sure, and I mean, I I'm on board. I'm on board. I believe, I think this was, I think this is something that's going to happen in one way, shape or form, but it just seems so far removed from where we are right now as a society.

Darryl Anka 19:06:58
Here's the thing about that. We're talking about a fragment of society that feels this way, which there are culture that is going to be surprised by this, okay, as as if it hasn't existed before. There are cultures on the earth that have been having contact for 1000s of years, like Native Americans and Hindus, they've been talking about this in their culture for 1000s of years, but Western society has said these are just myths. This is people are just making crazy stuff up. I think it's just the Western culture that is going to be the ones that are sort of taken by surprise. So the I think this the biggest shock is going to be, yeah, this has actually been happening for a long time, and you're just becoming aware of it, that they've been here all along, coming and going, interacting with different cultures, different people in different ways, throughout history. So one of the things that Bashar has said, and this was interestingly, just confirmed independent by a completely different psychic that I just watched recently. Then it's the only other person I've heard say. This is Bashar said, one of the gifts that you're going to be given as humanity when you do have open contact is your complete history of the things that you know nothing about that have happened on this planet for 1000s of years, and you're going to be given the recordings of all of that stuff so that you know what your history is and what our relationship is. So that's going to be interesting to have that kind of information that goes back, who knows how far, to show us what's actually been happening on the planet all this time, and what was real, what we'd be considered a myth, actually did exist, and all this kind of stuff, like Atlantis and all that. So it's going to be interesting to see what is contained in those historical documents.

Alex Ferrari 19:09:05
What is Bashar take? Has he ever spoken about the Anunnaki? The Yeah, the Sumerian Yeah, in the Sumerian texts that the people don't understand, can you explain to who the Anunnaki is, really quickly, and what they've said,

Darryl Anka 19:09:20
The basic story is that hundreds of 1000s of years ago, an extraterrestrial species came to Earth that we refer to as the ANU, or the Anunnaki, in ancient Sumerian language, and basically they were mining for gold for a particular reason that had to do with something of using it to balance out the climate or some situation on their planet that had gotten out of balance, and it was a very large scale task, they found that the group that came here wasn't necessarily sizable enough to achieve the task. In the time frame they needed to so they needed help, and they used their genetic and very advanced genetic technology to infuse their genes into the natural hominid that existed on the earth at the time, Homo erectus, or what have you, and basically created Homo sapiens. And Homo sapiens were used as workers to help them mine the gold and all this. Now, a lot of this is supposedly what's couched in biblical phrases of you know, man being made in the image of God, because these ETS were looked at as Gods because of their abilities and all this. But from what I understand, this group was not supposed to have done that, and that was kind of outside of their laws, to have created use their genes to create Homo sapiens as a new species that we were supposed to be left to evolve on our own. And they accelerated all of that and changed all of that. And so they were recalled, because, again, they had done something they weren't supposed to do. And from that point forward, the rest of the ANU society realized, okay, well now that this group of beings, Homo sapiens, has been created. We're kind of responsible for them, so we're going to have to guide them for a while. We're going to have to see what they can do. We're going to have to help them a little bit, but then eventually, we're going to have to kind of pull back, remain in the background, and see if they can make it on their own. So again, I think, in a nutshell, that is the story of the ANU as that relates to the creation of Homo sapiens, and why there are such stories in ancient texts like the Bible, of people being, you know, cultures being led through the desert by the pillar of fire and cloud and And Ezekiel seeing these, you know, this ring within rings coming down on a mountaintop and interactions between humans and extraterrestrials as guides to help us build a culture that we would ultimately be able to sustain and take our place among, you know, the sentient beings of The galaxy. So, long story short.

Alex Ferrari 19:12:21
Has Bashar ever spoken about them?

Darryl Anka 19:12:23
What I just told you is what he said.

Alex Ferrari 19:12:26
Oh, that's all his stuff that that's basically, so that's basically.

Darryl Anka 19:12:28
That's, that's not everything he said, that's, that's the nutshell Readers Digest version.

Alex Ferrari 19:12:32
Because, because, and for people understand, this is in in stone. It's Sumerian texts and play tablets and things like that. This is, yeah, this is an old, I mean, it's up there with the with the Epic of Gilgamesh and that time period. So it's, it's ancient history, and so I always find it fascinating. I'm like, why would they sit down and write a story? It was tough writing back then

Darryl Anka 19:13:00
They're recording what happened. Basically now there's a lot of misinterpretations and misunderstandings and things that have been lost over time due to a variety of destructions on Earth and natural disasters and all that. So we don't necessarily have the whole story. It's not necessarily clear. It's, you know, the ancient idea of the game of telephone, one person says something, and by the time, it's completely different. So that's another reason why I think it's going to be so important that one of the gifts the ETs are actually going to give us is, here's the actual we're going to fill those gaps for you. Here's the history. Now you have your entire history going back hundreds of 1000s of years, and now you know where you came from, so now you know where you're going, kind of thing, but you know.

Alex Ferrari 19:13:44
But there I have to ask you, because you and I are both human, at least I think so. Are we? Are we, though I don't know, no that we're both. We're both of this time in this place, right? And we understand the realities of this, reality of human nature, of also the power

Darryl Anka 19:14:03
Of human learning.

Alex Ferrari 19:14:05
When I say human nature is the nature that human beings tend the traits that human beings tend to put out there. So ego power hungry,

Darryl Anka 19:14:15
Much of which is learning, not nature, right?

Alex Ferrari 19:14:19
Okay, so human learning. Got it human programming. So human programming, that's even better. I like that. So we both understand human programming in the sense of ego, power, hungry, scarcity. I doubt that this is all going to be wiped away the second they show up, because if they provide new technology or they provide this information, I can't believe our leaders are going to go, Oh, thank God. Let's just give you know. Let's everyone Kumbaya and get together. How long is this going to take for this transition?

Darryl Anka 19:14:54
A few decades, at least a few decades, if not longer. But again, that's the thing I. Was mentioning about the behind the scenes. There have been things going on for a while that people are not talking about. We're already more used to this than we think. So. I think there already has been an exchange of technology. I think there's already been guidance to some of this. So I think when the rest of humanity sort of joins the club, I think one of the things we're going to be understanding is, yeah, we've been at this for a little while, and so we are now at a place where we feel comfortable telling you that we've already been ramping up for decades, and now we're letting you in on the fact that we've been ramping up for decades. So it's not such a big transition to assume that in another few decades we could really all have, you know, be on the same page at that point. But yes, it will take some time. Not everyone is going to jump on board. Not everyone, and a lot of people will probably freak out and all that kind of stuff, but a lot of people won't. And again, this is goes back to the thing about the splitting prism into different parallel realities. Those that just can't handle it, they'll go into a different reality where contact doesn't occur. Those that can handle it will stay in the realities where contact does occur. So we all have the ability to go into whatever parallel version of Earth suits us and suits our soul's path. At this moment, we don't all have to be subjected to the same thing.

Alex Ferrari 19:16:42
Let's, let's say that ET's show up and they knock on our door, and everyone's, everyone's on CNN, it's on Fox, it's everywhere, and all of a sudden we have proof of there's something else out there. I gotta believe that's gonna throw a couple of ripples into religion.

Darryl Anka 19:17:02
Sure, there'll be ripples in every aspect of society. Of course, there will be, of course there will be.

Alex Ferrari 19:17:08
But a lot of truths, but a lot of truths that we've been taught and programmed to believe are going to be thrown out the window. And that's a fairly jarring scenario.

Darryl Anka 19:17:17
For people that are willing to throw them out. Yes, for people that are not now, we go back again to the parallel versions of Earth. I refuse to believe this. I refuse it's not true. I'm going to stay in the direction of an Earth where it's not true. They will experience that. They will not have that exposure. They will not see those things. It will not happen in their version of Earth. If they are really in that much denial that it would really destroy their worldview, they'll create a worldview where they live in it, and it has nothing to do with the worldview of other people who accept it, and it is literally a different world, literally a different world.

Alex Ferrari 19:17:59
So it's very similar to the souls who believe in the flat earth concept, that believe it wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly believe that the earth is flat, even though science completely just basic math.

Darryl Anka 19:18:14
Yeah, actually, Bashar has explained the reason for that, psychically, psychologically, when consciousness expands to the point where you start to realize that physical reality is a projection of consciousness, you are sensing that physical reality isn't real. You're sensing that physical reality is flat, and they're interpreting the idea that physical reality is flat as a projection into the idea of how physical reality actually is represented in 3d space. That's the misunderstanding. They think that they're sensing that physical reality is flat is actually the way physical reality in 3d space presents itself and it's not so they're interpreting the non reality, the non realness of physical reality, in a literal context, instead of a metaphorical context, or an energetic context, or a consciousness context. They're just translating it into well, if physical reality is flat, that must mean the physical earth is flat. No, in 3d space, it's not it's a ball, but it is flat as a projection, because it's on the inside of our consciousness. It's on the screen, on the inside of our soul, so to speak. You know,

Alex Ferrari 19:19:36
There is a there's a concept that's been tossed around a bunch by people, and people ask me this question. I'd love to hear you and Bashar as I take on it, is that that there's a spiritual battle happening right now for Humanity's quote, unquote, soul and consciousness as it's going forward, the dark and the light and that kind of stuff on that?

Darryl Anka 19:19:56
Yeah, I don't want to see it that way. I don't think Bashar sees it that way. I. He understands, again, like we've been talking about, that there are people who are giving over to fear as opposed to love. And therefore, you can say it's more of an internal battle rather than an external one. Everyone is playing a part. Everyone is on a path. Everyone is a path, and you know, as a lot of ancient wisdom states, sometimes you need the darkness to see the light more clearly. So I wouldn't call it a battle. I would call it a play, a scenario that by having negativity and having what appears to be darkness based in fear, it gives others an opportunity to see the light more clearly and head in that direction. I don't want to frame it or define it as a battle, because that, in and of itself, implies negative energy. So I'd see it simply more as the opportunities that soul has for growth using fear in a positive way to move forward.

Alex Ferrari 19:21:08
And Darryl, what advice do you and Bashar have for for people that are struggling with all these changes that are happening in the world today?

Darryl Anka 19:21:16
I want to remind everyone, whether you know it or not, that we chose to be here because this is an exciting time of transformation and change. You are capable of experiencing great change in your life in a positive way. Being familiar with Bashar formula does help, but there are many ways in which to do it, but not to in any way, shape or form, give up hope to see what's going on again as a choice, to see more clearly what you do and don't prefer, and to move in the direction of what you really do, truly prefer, and to understand that our greatest power is the freedom to choose. We have free will choose what you really prefer, and your life will follow suit. Life is our projection. How we define it is how we experience it. The universe doesn't contradict us. Creation and existence doesn't have a mind of its own. In that context, it is unconditionally supportive. If you say, I'm going to define this thing negatively, creation says, Okay, I support you unconditionally in your negative experience, but at the same time, if you say, I'm going to define it in a positive way that can help me and be of service to me and be of service to humanity, creation says, Okay, I will unconditionally support you in that knowledge and in that belief and in that experience. It doesn't care. You're in charge.

Alex Ferrari 19:22:39
Now I haven't asked you these questions in a long time. They're the questions I ask all my guests, and I think, I think I only asked you the first one, and that was a couple years ago at this point, so I'm curious to see how you answer them this time. Okay, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Darryl Anka 19:22:55
Living your truth. For me, it's following the formula that Bashar gives, but it's being true to yourself and really understanding how things work, and knowing that you you are deserving. You're a part of creation. You know that you're not judging except you're judging yourself. You're not being judged. So it's like, live who you are, be your true self, validate yourself, be of service to humanity that, to me, is living a fulfilled life.

Alex Ferrari 19:23:22
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Darryl, what advice would you give him?

Darryl Anka 19:23:27
Don't worry, you're not crazy. There's going to be some strange stuff happening to you in your life. But don't worry, it's all going to work. Okay, you're going to be talking to Alex on his on his podcast.

Alex Ferrari 19:23:41
What's a podcast? Listen podcast is the least your problem. You're going to be channeling. And that's a whole other conversation. What's channeling? Yeah, exactly. Just watch Star Wars. You'll enjoy it. Exactly. That's what you should tell them. How do you define God or Source energy?

Darryl Anka 19:24:00
All that is. I think it literally is everything that is. I think everything is made of it. There's no outside to it. It is everything that is, and we are part of it.

Alex Ferrari 19:24:10
What is love?

Darryl Anka 19:24:10
Love is, and especially unconditional love is the frequency of existence itself. That's our translation, our bodily translation of the frequency of existence itself is what we call unconditional love.

Alex Ferrari 19:24:26
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Darryl Anka 19:24:28
To be all the ways that all that is has of experiencing itself as you and to understand that We are all different aspects of the same thing, to grow, to discover, to play, to enrich, to serve, to enlarge. You know, somebody once asked me, What what are you? Not Who are you, but what are you? And also. Ultimately the answer that Bashar gave is the one I give now, I am you from another point of view. You are me from another point of view. That's what we are. We are all that is from all these different points of view. That's what we are. So be what you are. Be yourself. Be Your true self. The hardest thing in the world, is to try and be someone you're not, be yourself.

Alex Ferrari 19:25:25
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work that you and Bashar are doing in the world?

Darryl Anka 19:25:29
They can go to,, if they want to know what I'm doing specifically with my passion in life, they can go to,, or they can see what I'm doing with my danger rooms, my escape room, by going to B, O, G, G, L, E, D,

Alex Ferrari 19:25:58
And for anybody who hasn't gone to, if you're in the LA area, that is where they are. There's going to be, well, there's one right now, second one coming soon, and God knows how many more you insane you and your insane wife are putting together. I'm assuming you're the insane one. She's just like,

Darryl Anka 19:26:21
That's close enough to the truth.

Alex Ferrari 19:26:25
Fair enough. Fair enough. Uh, Darryl, do you have any party messages for the audience,

Darryl Anka 19:26:29
Just what I've already said. You know, this is a journey we all chose to be here. You know, maybe hell, it helps sometimes to think of it like going to a theme park, and you're saying, I'm going to go on this roller coaster, and it's going to be scary for a while, but ultimately, I know that it's going to be an interesting ride, and I'm going to grow through this process. So face challenges by defining them as fun. They don't have to be a struggle. They don't have you don't have to suffer through it. Watch your definitions. Watch what comes out of your mouth, watch what goes through your head. Define things in a way. I'm not saying that you start calling negative things positive things, but stay in a positive state, because then you can get a benefit from it, even if it began in a negative way. So just stay in that positive state, everything will fall into place. It does work. It really does work.

Alex Ferrari 19:27:17
Darryl, it is a pleasure and honor as always talking to you, my friend. I'm looking forward to our next conversation. Hopefully we could, hopefully we can get you down to Austin one of these days.

Darryl Anka 19:27:29
Not impossible.

Alex Ferrari 19:27:31
It's not impossible. One of these days, we'll do it. But man, I appreciate your time, and thank you so much for everything you're doing in the world, trying to help awaken the planet, my friend. So I appreciate you.

Darryl Anka 19:27:40
You as well. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share all this with you and with the public listening in Take care. Thanks.

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