Psychic’s STUNNING Predictions for ELECTIONS, Economy & HUMANITY’S NEAR FUTURE! with Annette Bricca

On today’s episode, we welcome Annette Bricca, a psychic whose extraordinary life story is nothing short of a spiritual epic. From an early age, she knew she was different, but the world-changing events that followed made her deeply aware of the unseen forces at play in our lives. With an unwavering connection to her intuitive gifts, Annette shares insights that offer profound understanding about the human experience, the future, and our spiritual purpose.

Annette’s journey began with a near-death experience (NDE) at the age of seven. This life-altering moment set the stage for a lifelong connection to the spiritual realm. “Once it happens, it can never not happen,” she says, describing how the experience opened her up to a broader sense of existence. What started as a simple childhood game ended with Annette being pulled toward a tunnel of white light, enveloped by a sense of home and love. Although she was told it wasn’t her time to stay, the NDE granted her the gift of clarity and a profound sense that there is more to life than what meets the eye.

In the years that followed, Annette’s psychic abilities intensified. At the age of 12, she began doing readings and helping others by connecting with spirit guides and receiving visions of future events. However, one of her most harrowing experiences occurred when she was kidnapped for three days by strangers—a terrifying event she had foreseen two years earlier in a psychic vision. During this traumatic ordeal, Annette relied on her inner strength and intuitive guidance to escape, jumping from a second-story window and hobbling to safety. Her extraordinary story illustrates the resilience of the human spirit and the power of faith in the unseen.

Her path eventually led her to assisting law enforcement in solving cases involving missing persons. Although it wasn’t a career she sought, Annette felt a deep responsibility to help others after experiencing her own traumatic survival. Over the years, she has used her abilities to solve two cases for the FBI and has provided psychic readings for clients from all walks of life, from everyday people to high-profile celebrities.

In this profound conversation, Annette Bricca also discusses her predictions for the future, particularly regarding economic and political shifts. She believes that by 2050, humanity will face a complete reset, one where we will no longer live as we do today. “2050 is going to be the biggest game-changer,” Annette says, explaining that the way we use money and interact with the world will evolve dramatically, leading to a society that operates on a higher vibrational frequency.


  1. Near-death experiences can offer profound clarity. Annette’s NDE gave her a lifelong sense of connection to a greater reality, one that many people seek but never fully grasp until they have a life-altering experience.
  2. We are all part of a larger, interconnected consciousness. Throughout her journey, Annette has realized that humanity is deeply connected, not just to each other but to spiritual guides, higher beings, and universal energies.
  3. Adversity often sets the stage for spiritual growth. From her kidnapping to her work with law enforcement, Annette’s trials have led her to a greater understanding of life’s purpose, which she believes is to help others and raise human consciousness.

Annette’s story is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is a higher purpose guiding us. Her experiences have shaped her belief that we are all here to learn, to grow, and ultimately to evolve into higher beings. As we continue to face collective challenges, Annette’s predictions offer hope: that humanity is on a path toward spiritual awakening, where love and light will eventually prevail.

Please enjoy my conversation with Annette Bricca.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 505

Annette Bricca 0:00
How are you psychic? You know? What makes you so special? But I never wanted to tell my story. The prediction is more, not just that. It's a recession or a depression, it's the exchange of the currency. 2050 is going to be the biggest game changer, because, see these little things that we're talking about now, like the financial thing that's going to happen with the change of currency. There was a high level official connected to this intel on this assassination attempt.

Alex Ferrari 0:36
I like to welcome to the show Annette Bricca, how you doing Annette?

Annette Bricca 0:38
Hi. How are you? Thanks for having me.

Alex Ferrari 0:40
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited to talk to you about your incredible, mystical journeys that you've had in your life. So my first question before we get go down that rabbit hole of the near death experience you had. What was your life like before the near death experience?

Annette Bricca 0:59
So my near death experience happened when I was about seven or eight years old. So I was my parents were divorced. I lived with my mom, my brother, my sister and I would, you know, say that it was typical of in the 70s what a divorce family would have felt like. But I knew that I was psychic even at a really early age, but I didn't really care. I mean, I knew things that would happen. I would see my family members when they were going to pass over. I would see their faces melting, and a few people in my family and people I knew that were much older were psychics. I was familiar with it, but I was just a kid. I didn't really care about that necessarily. So when the near death experience happened at a very young age, I mean, I knew right away what it was, but at seven years old, it completely changed my life. Because even now I'm 57 years old, and what I think 50 years ago that this happened, once it happens. It can never not happen. You don't ever not remember it. I don't, you know, it's just like it happened yesterday even now. So it kind of set me up for living a life of really, of gratitude, of feeling grateful and thankful, even as a really young kid, and that there was a bigger picture of everything, so that the way that my life ended up evolving. There were a lot of really scary, terrifying things that happened, but I think that the near death experience happened so that I did get a big picture feeling at seven years old. So, you know, at that moment, I wasn't I knew it was profound. It did change the way I thought about things, but I didn't until about I was 10, and then 12 is when I really understood why it happened. But it was, it's transformative. You know, I've said to a couple people in the past that whether or not people have had near death experiences. It's like one of the greatest gifts you could ever have. I mean, I feel bad that people have to die for a period of time to have it, but, but having it, and especially the at a young age, it it. It changes everything that you think. It changes how you feel about the world. Because you know that there's more than this, I guess that that's the meaning, you know, that there is a higher being. So even if you're religious, even if you know, I was Catholic, going to church, and I knew about God, but no seven, I really care about God, but I I got it. I got it. There was a big picture. And I remember after the near death experience, like telling my family members about it, and they, you know, they were in their 50s and 90s and 70s, and they're like, Wait, what happened? And it's it. It's just a, a life changing, Game Changer event.

Alex Ferrari 3:29
So when you you work, when this happened to you, I mean, you're right, it actually gives you a gift of understanding that we're not, this is not it. And that's, that's a question mark that most human beings on the planet have. Like, what happens after we die? Yes, but you guys, you had the gift of clarity of truth given to you at a very, very young age. So right? What happened? How did, how did you have your nde?

Annette Bricca 3:54
So I was at school. I was in the hot lunch line. It was, you know, big, long line, but it was me and two of my friends. And there was a record, a free standing record player, like on a metal stand, and we were right next to it, and we were going to play a game that who could hold their breath the longest. And there was, like I said, three of us, I was going to go last. I told them, I know that I'm going to beat you too. And I did go last. I did beat them, because the next thing I knew, I was in the nurse's office. So I so I passed out. I hit my head on the on the metal stand. I was in the nurse's office. But before it came to I saw a white light, and I saw a tunnel. And kind of like the classic story on most of what you hear about a near death experience, but not a tunnel that was small, like big, but you could, you felt like you knew that you were surrounded by something. So I was in a tunnel, and I felt myself like going towards this white light, but not like I was walking. Like I was being, like, shuffled or scooted forward, like, like, just being pushed forward, but not me walking. And I saw this white light, but, but the thing that I that. Notable and noticeable to say it wasn't just a white light, it was, I could hear music, and it was also white light, but with colors as well. And it was almost like, you know, on Fourth of July when you have a sparkler, and it's, you know, sizzling and sparkling, like, like, crackling, like, kind of sparkling too, but it you just felt complete love, I mean, and I felt like I was embraced by it, and you felt like an enveloping of love, and you're not afraid. And you I was scooted towards this white light, and I just felt like I was home, you know, and at seven years old, I don't even think I know what I would even say the definition of home was, but I felt like I was home and I and then all of a sudden, I was told that I had to go and that I was being scooted back. But I did not want to go. I wanted to stay. And I and I also knew that it was not in the same realm. I knew that I wasn't like in the consciousness realm. I knew I was in a different realm. And I and I felt like I knew that I had passed away, or that I was passing or about to pass, but I was told that, no, now this was not your time. And then the next thing I know, I woke up. I was in the nurse's office. She was leaning over me, and, you know, just saying, what happened? And I did tell, like I said, my family members, till a day or two later. And then when I realized what that was, and, you know, I realized that. But once I had that conversation, I felt like I went from seven to like, 30 immediately I felt old, Herb. Even though I was still a kid and I was doing kid things, I didn't, I wasn't afraid of anything. I mean, I just it's, it's really such a gift. You know, that stupid holding my breath in the lunch line was one of the best things that's ever happened to me in my whole life. It was really fabulous. And even now, when I talk to people, and, you know, and like you said, many people, the big question they have is, you know, what is out it there? You know, what happens when we pass away? And I try to, always, when I do a reading, convey a little bit of that story, because I do feel like it's a game changer, because I can say it with such conviction, because I went through it. So, you know, sometimes they say, if 1000 people were to come in the room and they didn't believe it, or they questioned me on it, I would, I would be able to tell a story in such a way that would make everybody believe because it because it's like it just happened yesterday and it was, it was forever. It altered my life. But I believe that the reason why that happened in hindsight now is because all the things that were going to happen to me so that I was brave enough and courageous enough to get through what I needed to so I do think it happened for a real, particular reason.

Alex Ferrari 7:26
So it was a primer, if you will,

Annette Bricca 7:28

Alex Ferrari 7:28
For what was coming.

Annette Bricca 7:29
For sure. Yeah, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 7:31
So when you when you came back, you said it took you a couple days to tell your parents. What did they say? As good Catholic parents, I'm a recovering Catholic myself. So,

Annette Bricca 7:40
Yeah, me too. I'm a recovering Catholic. Exactly what I say they, um, I think that they were kind of afraid for me. I think that they thought that it was too much and it was overwhelming, and they didn't want me to be afraid that I had maybe, you know, was about to die, but I wasn't afraid. I was the opposite of afraid I was, and I think that it only took a couple days to tell them, because, you know, I was living with my mom, and my mom was not the stable one my father was. So I didn't want to tell my mom right away, because she was unstable. So I waited a day to talk to my father, who lived out of state, to tell him. And, you know, he, he understood it, he, he, but I think he was afraid that I thought it was too much. I don't think I did a good enough job at the time of explaining, no, no, this was fabulous. It was a great gift. So, you know, he, he accepted that I went through it. But I think that he was trying to, trying to make me not afraid. But I wasn't afraid at all. I was the opposite of afraid

Alex Ferrari 8:37
Right. Now, how long did you did you keep this hidden to yourself, besides your parents for a long time? Or did you tell everybody?

Annette Bricca 8:45
No, I did tell everybody that I met because I was really trying to be a normal kid, you know, because I here, I was not really normal, but I was acting like I was normal. I knew things I shouldn't know, even though I knew a lot of people that were psychic, you know, a lot of my neighbors and the people I dealt with, my friends and their families, didn't really know about that, or care about that, so I didn't want to, I didn't really want anyone to know that I was psychic. I was, you know, and so now on top of it, telling them I had a near death experience, you know, now I'm like an alien, almost. So I didn't tell my outside circle, my inner circle knew, but not really, like my friends and stuff, not too much later,

Alex Ferrari 9:23
When did you decide to come out of the closet publicly?

Annette Bricca 9:27
Um, well, my whole story just a year ago, actually.

Alex Ferrari 9:32
Oh, really. So, so before then you weren't talking about it?

Annette Bricca 9:35
Well, I've been doing readings since I was 12, because once so I had the near death experience. And then after that, my spirit guide came to me, in a way that I actually saw my spirit guide in the room with my sister shared bedroom. And so my spirit guide came to both of us, and in a way that, I mean, there was no question. I mean, I knew it was my spirit guide. And then after that, then I saw a videotape of my life when I was. 10 years old of but I didn't know it was of my life, of a chain of events that were gonna happen. So I saw.

Alex Ferrari 10:06
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Annette Bricca 11:02
So one night, I was sleeping and in a state of so I wasn't really sleeping. My eyes were shut, but I was awake, and I saw videotape up here of all these different things that would happen to a person in many different stages of their life. So I was 10 at the time. I saw when, when this person was going to be 12, then 20, then 30, then 50, then even older than I am now, and at the time, I didn't see the person's face. And I actually didn't even know it was me, because I didn't see her face, but because I saw all these milestones of different major things, like I saw something that would happen when she was 12, that I saw that she would get divorced, that I saw these different things. So I thought it was just a series of events for other people. I thought it was like the same kind of thing that I see about psychic things with other people. Um, but when I turned 12, so one of the things that I did see when I was 10 was that at there was a girl that was about 12 years old that she would be abducted, and I saw that there was a period of three days that she would be kidnapped, and then she would, you know, be taken from her home, and that a lot of awful things would happen. And that I saw that it's like, almost like watching a movie where you're where you're rooting for the the main character, you want them to get out of a scary situation. So when I was seeing it, I mean, I saw this little girl, like, terrified, like, scared to death, and I could see what they were doing to this girl, and it was really her, like, horrific. And I was trying to cheer along, and I was trying to, like, give her hope, like, tell her you're going to get okay, you're going to be okay, you're going to get out, you know, somehow you're going to make it. And I was, you know, like, in real time, like, you know, because one of the things I tell people is that time is an illusion, and even that seems like so confusing and so broad, but it it was me cheering this 12 year old on in real time, saying, okay, just keep your wits about you. You know, stay above water, because you gotta, you gotta get out of this. So it ends up that two years later, that was me. I was abducted from my bedroom from two strangers. They kidnapped me in the middle of the night. It was over a three day period, and they put me in a car. They had duct tape in my eyes to my mouth, and I went in. So it ends up that it was four miles away from my home. The next day, when my mother realized that I wasn't home, she called the police and the FBI, and back then, it was 1979 as a child, is minor. They didn't tell your name on TV. They so they showed like, my face, but they blanked it out. They didn't say my name, and so they had said that, you know, here's this missing girl, and the the FBI was at my mom's house. So that happened for a three day period. So when this was happening, I was like, laying on a crack mattress, and so I was, I had duct tape on my mouth and my eyes, and there was a Christian radio station on in this room, this, this bedroom that I was stuck in with these two guys, but they were having parties, and they would have this music I love, but there was a Christian radio station on it. At one point. It kept saying, If you believe in God, you know, ask God for whatever you need. God is here. God will listen. And here I am. I'm, you know, I'm being, you know, beaten, raped, drugged. And at this time, I didn't even know how long I had been there. I it ended up that I was there for three days, but at that time, I didn't know. I had no concept at the time. And I thought, okay, if there's a God, yeah, God, I could use you. You know, if you're here. I need you right now. And so I got brave, and I took the duct tape off my eyes, and I saw that there was a window in the room and that the the and it was in September, and that the window was up and that the shears were like billowy. So I knew that the window was up, and I saw that there was a phone right next to the mattress that it was on. So I hurried up, I picked up the phone, and I called my mom, and the FBI got on the phone, and they said, Listen, you've been gone for a few days. Tell us, you know, look out the window, try to describe your surroundings. And so I did, but then I heard these, you know, bad guys come back up the stairs. I heard of hung up the phone, put my tape back on my eyes, and then, like, about an hour later, when ever whatever happened happened, they went back downstairs. I thought I got to get myself out of this. They're going to kill me if I don't, you know, I and then I realized that, you know, I was that girl that I saw two years ago. I was that girl. And even though, you know, sometimes when I tell people now, they're like, Well, okay, so you got kidnapped, and you didn't realize that you were that girl when you were 10. I said, Well, yeah, it's easy now to remember, but I had somebody said, you don't, you're not. You're connecting all of it. And I realized then that I was going to get away because I was going to get away, not because the FBI was going to charge to the door and save me. I had to save myself. So I hurry up, I got dressed, I jumped out of a second story window, and I broke my foot, but I hobbled over to the next door neighbor, and I remember like it happened yesterday. I mean, there was a young guy who was like in his 30s. He was lying underneath his Corvette, working on it so I can only see his legs. And I thought, oh, you know, I hope I can get his attention. So we, I guess I was crying, and he came out from underneath the car, and he said, Oh, are you the girl that's been on TV? And I said, Yes. And we hurried up, and we went into his house, and he called 911, and the police and the FBI came. And so it ends up that they were caught. I They did go to trial. Six months later, they were both sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison. Each they served 26 years in prison. But at the time, when I was getting ready for my trial, the FBI agents that were in my house that so there were two FBI agents on the case, and they said to me, when I explained that I kind of knew that this was going to happen, and that's why I had the the nerve to jump out of the second story window, and they're like, Well, what do you mean? How did you know? And I kind of told them, and they said, Listen, we actually have a couple other cases, like missing person cases we're working on. Can Can you help us? And at that point, I had never done anything psychically. I just knew things, but I never, like gave anybody information. I said, Well, I think I can, but I don't know how. And they said, Well, you know, we need help, so whatever you can do will be helpful. So then I said, All right, well, let's, let's try it. And so they gave me a little bit of information and and at the moment, I don't think we all thought that I would start solving cases necessarily? We just thought, Well, we'll see what happens. We'll see if I could help. And I actually, in that six month time, solved two cases for the FBI. So here I was preparing for my own trial, and then I was solving two cases for them. And that's just kind of how it evolved. And so from that point on, then we six months later, they got, you know, they went to jail, to prison, both of them. And so about a year later, I was 13 years old, so then I went and moved in with my father, and I said to him, Listen, I need to know why this happened. Because, even though, you know, I got away and they went to prison, and, you know, everything's kind of okay, why would they pick me, you know, like they and so my father showed me two New York Time articles. One, one of the kidnappers had escaped from a prison and Schenectady New York seven months prior, and drove to where I was living in Michigan to come and kidnap me in particular. So it was, it was the random, it was a setup. He was coming to get me. And so I said to my father, what he escaped from prison, because I didn't know that at the time of trial, when I was, you know, testifying, I didn't have to back then, I didn't have to be in the courtroom with them, so I got to testify. They were not in the courtroom. Then when they testified, I didn't have to be in there. So when my father told me a year later that, you know, one of them was a escape, escape convict from prison, and I then I got really, really afraid. I thought you got because thinking it was random was less scary than knowing that somebody escaped from prison and drove all this way for seven months and came and got me and, you know, and, and I was really, really terrified. So then here I was trying to live a normal kid life. I was 1314, 15 years old. I was, you know, a cheerleader. I was doing, you know, book reports, whatever normal kids do. But then I was the FBI were contacting me and asking me to help them solve cases. On the side, I wasn't getting paid for it. Then the local police, I was doing that for them as well, and even one of my best friends in high school. I remember I went over to her house one day. We were just hanging out, and her father, who was like the local police detective, who I didn't know, was my girlfriend's father. When we both saw each other in the kitchen, we had act like we didn't know each other, because I was helping him on local cases, but I didn't know that that was his daughter. So we, you know, had because nobody knew that I was doing that, except the people that knew. So when I graduated from high school, I thought, all right, I don't really want this life. You know, here I was like, solving all these cases. I was a psychic, but I didn't really want to do that. So I moved to California because I thought I'm going to reinvent myself. I'm going to just, I don't know, so do something else.

Alex Ferrari 19:33
So, so before we go to California, I want to go back for a second, a couple questions. One, why did that man, why did that man escape and go after you. What was the purpose? Why?

Annette Bricca 19:44
So this, actually nobody knows, except, okay, you know a few people that know. So this is the first time I'm sharing this with you. Yeah, I and I appreciate you, because, I mean, there's and this is even why I came out with my story a year ago, because of all the chain of events that I'm going. To tell you. So okay, it ends up that my mom, once, my mom and dad got divorced, and like I said, my mom was the unstable one. We were living with, my mom, me, my brother and my sister, and we had, I'm from Chicago. My mom had a few boyfriends, so we went from Chicago. When they got divorced, we moved to Arizona, and then we ended up moving to Michigan. This is where it happened to me, in Michigan. My mom had a string of boyfriends and she had drug and alcohol problems, but one night, her and her boyfriend were in a bar and they were drunk or high or both, or whatever, and they made a $5 bet with with one of the other kidnappers, that if they lost the bet, that they could come and my mom would leave the back door open and he could kidnap me. So he contacted so for and my mom lost the $5 bet, so she she and he told her that one of his buddies had escaped from prison. He was on the way to Michigan. And so it ends up so this happened over Labor Day weekend, then on the Friday night that this happened to me. So I was going into seventh grade that night. I wanted to spend the night at my best friend's house who lived next door to me. And that was like a man. My mom really didn't care where I was at, you know? So that night, I said, you know, this is like my last hurrah before seventh grade. Can I spend the night at so and so's house that night? And she said no. And not only did she say no, she made me, my brother and my sister go to bed like, really early, like at eight o'clock at night, which is, again, not typical of her that night, my sister went to go shut the back door when my mom forced the three of us to go to bed at eight o'clock at night, and my my sister saw that the screen door and the and the lock on the door were were like broken. So my sister went to my mom and said, I can't lock the back door because it's broken. My mom's like, don't worry about it. My sister Barb said, No, we have to worry about it. What do you mean? And my mom's like, no, no, don't worry about it. So that's why it happened, because my mom made this bet.

Alex Ferrari 21:54
Wow. So okay, that's, that's a whole other, that's a whole other rabbit hole, right? Okay, so my next question is, you said that you saw a videotape of your life, or something equivalent to videotape of your life, when, and how did you see that?

Annette Bricca 22:09
So when I so my near death experience happened when I was seven, and again, it gave me this feeling of and at that point, I just thought, Okay, I'm a psychic kid. I'm like, a little bit weird. I didn't really want everyone to know that. And I had the near death experience. And at that moment, I just thought, well, maybe this is what happens to kids that are psychic, that you have like this near death experience, so you have a bigger idea of the world. So at that moment, that's what I thought. That's what what it was, and I did feel good about that. Then at a couple years later, is when my spirit guide came into the bedroom with me and my sister, my so my sister and I were sharing a bedroom. And I were sharing a bedroom. We had twin beds, and my sister was in the middle of the night, and she started crying, and she I woke up, and she pointed to the door, and in the doorway, like the whole size of the door frame was like a silhouette, or like a 3d figure, or like a hologram of what looked like, almost like a figure of like Abraham Lincoln. And when I say Abraham Lincoln, it was because he wore a really big tall hat. And at that time, yeah, I was, like, maybe nine years old, that's what I thought. And so I didn't know what this was. I didn't know this was my spirit guide. My sister was really afraid, and she was crying, and I said, just put the covers over and don't look. I could not not look. So I kept looking, and I wasn't afraid. I knew that this being was there for me and not for my sister. My sister was just unfortunately there. And so I kept looking at this being, and then the next thing I know, I woke up the next morning, and my sister and I were getting ready for school, and she was really upset, didn't want to go to school. And I said to her, Do you remember? Because I didn't at that point, I didn't know if I was dreaming. I said, Hey, Barb, I remember, do you? And then when we compare notes? And then I went to people that I knew in my family that were psychic and other psychics, and I said, you know, this being came. And they said, Oh, that's your spirit guide. And I said, Oh, my. Now what? What do I do? And so they said, Well, he's going to help you. They said, name him. So I named him David, because, I didn't name him something spiritual, because I was a kid, so I named him David. And they said, Well, he's here to help you when you need help. But I didn't want help. But, you know, I've still did was, didn't want people to know I was psychic. So I said to David, who kept showing up, listen, don't stop doing that. I'll let you know when I want to know something you just, you know, quit doing this to me. And I said, and by the way, could you quit? Stop making my family members face melts, because that's not helping either. I want to just ride my bike. I want to do normal things. So we kind of had this deal that when I wanted to know something, he would like put a message in my head, or I would put a message in his head, like saying, Can you help me out? A year later is when, when I was sleeping, I saw this videotape of, again, this person's life, but again, I didn't know it wasn't me, and I didn't know it was one person of all these things that were transpired. So when I ended up jumping out of the window, I realized then the near death experience helped me, because it helped me know that there is a bigger picture. There's not just me making all these. Visions, there is a higher being helping me, higher consciousness. And, you know, back then, I mean, you know, 45 years ago, because this is the 45th year of it happening. 45 years ago, I didn't think of higher consciousness. I didn't even know what higher consciousness meant, but I knew enough to know that there was a big picture. So I knew that the near death experience happened to set me up so that when my Spirit Guides showed up, I wouldn't be so freaked out, and then I could say, you know, hey, don't, don't show up, unless if I need you. And then to prepare me for the kidnapping and the rates that I went through. Because now what I realize, you know, I tell people all the time, I would never, even though I was psychic, I would never have done this professionally, for sure. I mean, there's no question. I mean, I mean, I don't even know, even sometimes I don't want to do it now, but I didn't have choice. And I and I always I realized now that I had to go through the events that I went through, because I had to go through really difficult things to understand how, how lucky we are to be alive and and and even though you can go through really horrible, terrible things. You can get through those. And I believe that we're here for two reasons. One is our human life that we're supposed to go through, to get through obstacles and experiences, to learn for our soul's perfection. But then once we can master that, if we can, then we go to what we call our soul purpose, life, which is us living at a higher vibration, where we are experiencing love and joy as much as we can, to the UMP degree, you know, for the rest of our journey. And I believe that that is about helping other people. So when I moved to California after high school again, thinking I was going to, you know, get out of this area, I didn't want people in Chicago, because I had moved back with my father at that time to know who I was, and then actually, the opposite happened, you know, I thought I was going to be a genius and reinvent myself, but then I started hanging out with celebrities. They knew who I was, and so here I was. I did the opposite of what I wanted to do. I was more in the limelight. I was not only doing readings for like, really big shots, you know. I mean, even people now, 40 years later, that I've been doing since I was a kid. I mean, really well known, very famous people, and then I was hanging out with them. And back then, there wasn't a lot of remote reading. So I would, you know, I was in my 20s, hanging out with these celebrities and producers and movie stars and athletes and and then I started, I did that for about four years, and then I got afraid. I thought, You know what? I didn't, I didn't really have a reference to when these guys would get out of jail, but I knew that they would. And it started to terrify me that here I am, like, you know, who do I think I am now I'm in California, hanging out with, like, celebrities, so it would be easy for these bad guys to find out who I was, and I knew. And again, because it wasn't random, I thought, when they get out of jail, they're going to come back for me. They're not. You know, this is not going to be one and done. So after about four years, I moved to New York, and I thought, okay, now I am going to do the opposite. I'm not going to, I'll be psychic. And I said to the universe and my spirit, I said, Listen, if you want me to do readings, I'll do them, but I'm I'm not advertising. I'm not going to, nobody's going to know who I am, and you better send me to people to me, because I nobody's going to know anything that I do. And so that's what happened. People would would come to me, they were referred, and I would like give them the third degree. I would say, Well, who referred you? And they'd say, Oh, my cousin Tommy. And I'd say, Who's Tommy, you know, and I, I was really, if you didn't tell me exactly who referred you, I would refuse to do the reading. And so that's how it just built. And so from the age of 12 until, you know, all these years later, I had this huge clientele, and I would do all these readings for all these people, and, you know, not just celebrities and wealthy people, but I mean everyday, average people, but it gave me a life of gratitude, because I felt that I was helping a tremendous amount of people, but I was also the entire time always helping the police in The FBI with missing children, because I always felt obligated to do that because of my own situation. I remember being in that situation like praying that somebody would save me, and, you know, not thinking that that would happen, and to a point where I thought, you know, they're going to kill me, you know, that's it. There's I'm not going to get out of this. And so now, you know, even though helping with missing children is really a hard thing to do and not something that I love doing, I never turn it down, because I want to always help whenever I can. So at this point, a year ago, I had an opportunity to be on somebody's podcast, and so I have throughout my career, had many opportunities to be on I was on TV a few times I was did many radio shows, and I at the time, throughout my career, I wasn't even doing it to promote myself. I was, you know, I would have a client that would say, let's say have a radio show and ask me to be on it. And I would say, alright, I'll do it, but I wouldn't really even give my contact information. And so the reason why I agreed to do this podcast a year ago is because I found out that that so one of the kidnappers is on death row. When they got out of prison after 26 years, he reoffended and murdered girls and raped them, and he's on death row. The other one that escaped from prison did reoffend. He went back to prison several times, but I found out that a year ago, he was going to be off parole for life. I found out. He also lives 30 minutes from where I live in New Jersey. So I live in New Jersey, but I but so, you know the thing is, is that when all this happened, what is supposed to happen is the courts are supposed to notify you as a minor when something to this degree happens, when somebody gets out of prison for your own safety. But because my parents were divorced, and then I moved with my father, I guess I fell through the cracks, and then I became an adult. So I was never notified that, you know, they had gotten out of prison. So even though I knew that it would happen one day, I was I didn't know a timeline, because they were sentenced from to 30 to 60 years, I didn't know what was happening. And so when I randomly found out a year ago from my attorney, by the way, on something else, she said, You know, I you know, she knew my maiden name, and she said, You know, I'm it's, it appears that there's this person on parole. And I was terrified, and I said, she was, is that you? And I said, Yeah. And she said, you know, he lives not too far away from you, and he was also trying to sue the state of New York, because once you are a sex offender to that degree with minors, and you get out of prison, you are forever banned from the internet, so you couldn't have Facebook. And by the way, I never had Facebook in my life either, because I never wanted them to find me. So I was the only person on this planet, even now I'm 57 I don't have Facebook. I'm the only person that doesn't have Facebook or any social media. I have Instagram. A few years ago, because my 28 year old daughter, when she moved out, I wanted to see what she was up to. So I, I did a an Instagram, you know, account. She realized what I was doing, and she blocked me. So then I, you know, then that was it. That was my whole thing with social media. So he tried to sue the state of New York to get access to Facebook, because he said that was like against his civil rights, he was declined, but my attorney said, I think he's looking for you. So I decided I was going to come out and I was going to say what happened. Because one of the things that I found out is that he in that seven months when he escaped from prison, he was doing terrible things to other girls and some in the process of working with the FBI. Now, in there are seven murders that took place. There's four girls that have been identified. We're trying to identify the other three that we believe that he's associated to. So here I was all these years living like this really private life, even though I was doing these readings, I didn't really want anyone to know who I was, or you know how to reach me. But when I realized that a year ago, that he was out there and he was trying to find me, and he was, you know, had the audacity to try to sue the state of New York to get the access to Facebook, which I don't even have, I thought, You know what, no, I'm not going to be private. I thought I'm going to tell the world, and I'm going to, you know, put him behind bars, and I and I want everyone to know. And then something unexpected happened that I didn't I didn't anticipate. So when I did the podcast first, I got tons of edible arrangements and flowers and candy and, you know, wine and from all these clients and people that didn't know my story and didn't know what happened. Because, you know, here I was like, for example, going to, you know, a famous musician's party when I was in the 20s, and they would ask me, How Are You Psychic? You know, what makes you so special? But I never wanted to tell my story. And even though there were a few people in Hollywood that didn't know my story, they kept it private. So I would just say, Well, I just Yeah, I don't know. I just know things, but I didn't want them to know. So when it finally came out a year ago, all these clients of mine reached out and you know, and you know, they were so gracious and so wonderful. But then I thought, because all these years when I would do a reading and I would tell people what I would predict, they I think they thought, you know, well, here you are. You have such a charmed life. You're a psychic, you know, what do you know? How do you you know? You don't really know what it's like to go through difficult things, because I never told people that part of it. And so now I was able to say, Listen, not only because when I do a reading, I do a few things, I don't just tell you what I predict, I tell you what I predict, but I also say it's going to be really hard or really sucky for a while, but this is what this is the light at the end of the tunnel. This is what you're working towards. You can get through this. And in the past, I think people you know, because, again, they just thought it was like me looking in my crystal ball, predicting it. But when I said, I know what you went through or are going through, because I went through this really terrible thing, it changed my readings. Because even though I was, you know, famous, without being famous, you know, I had this clientele, and I was making tons of money for 45 years, it was like a new level of respect, and I and I had and it what it did change things, because then people felt different about me. They felt like the message that I was giving them wasn't just a hopeful one, but one from, you know, a point of view that I understand the struggle, like a human struggle, of like what it's like going through and

Alex Ferrari 34:37
Annette I have to ask you this question, why with all your abilities and all your your understanding of why things are in the word, the way the world works and everything, why do you believe this happened to you in this life? Is this something that you and I say this very I'm asking this question for a very specific reason, because so many people go, poor me, poor me. poor me,

Annette Bricca 35:00
It's a great question,

Alex Ferrari 35:02
And I want, I want you to tell them, yeah.

Annette Bricca 35:04
So, okay, so this is my 57 year old self right now, you and I, me 57 going to give you this grand answer. And I have known from the age of 13 when i So, after the trial, my dad said that your mom is the one that did the $5 but that's why it happened. The guy escaped from prison, and this wasn't random. I'm like, holy, you know, because that's a whole different level of all. I realized from 13 to now that it had to happen, and it was going to happen, but what I did realize was that I designed this so I believe what happens is when, before we incarnate, before we're here and we're, you know, when I was my spiritual self on the other side, you know, hanging out with my other spiritual self buddies. I said, Listen, I'm going to go back in, I'm going to go back in, I'm going to go be human again. And they're like, Oh, you're crazy. Why would you do that? I'm like, Well, you know what I need to learn for my soul's perfection. And I believe what happens it's like when you go to high school and you pick your classes, and, you know, sometimes you put give yourself really difficult classes, and even your guidance counselor may say that's too much. You're you're you're putting too much on your plate. So here I was my spiritual self, knowing that I had to learn for my soul's perfection. And I believe that I chose it, and that's why I believe we all do. I don't think that anything is random. I think that we choose, you know, because, again, you know, we're brave when we're spiritual, you know, before we come back in, I'm like, Oh, I got this. I can handle this without knowing that I chose this. So it is not for me. It is for me, you know, I think when I I'm on the other side again, I'm going to have a talk with like, I'm going to be a Karen and talk to the manager and be like, You should have let me do that. That was too much. But I do realize that we all do choose what we are going to go through for our soul's perfection, and the goal, I believe, is to to go through it, to learn from it, to master our human life so we can get to the spiritual side of it. So that's why I you know, I was able to embrace doing readings, and I just wanted to be safe while I was doing it, but I know that I was the one that did it, which sounds crazy,

Alex Ferrari 37:07
Yeah, no, I listen crazy is relative in this in the show, yeah, yeah. Many people think I'm crazy. So it's a very it's a very relative in this show, without question. Well, before we continue, I want to thank you for sharing your story with us and saying it so yeah, and saying so publicly this because it, I feel it's going to help a lot of people listening, help them heal and also let them process things that happen to them. Because, like I said there, I don't think there's a soul that comes down here, maybe with a few exceptions of a couple of avatars, but other than that, that doesn't escape without any negative things or any trials or tribulations or any struggles, because that's why we're here. It's the point.

Annette Bricca 37:54
That's the whole reason, right? And I actually believe that, you know, I don't want to say that I'm this brave warrior, because, you know, I mean, it is horrific, what I went through even now. I mean, I'm triggered all the time, like I said, you know, you know, this is the 45th year of when it happened to me. And so I think about all these things that have happened in my life, and all these opportunities I've had, and all these people I know, but, I mean, I but I also am just like a normal person, you know, I hear I do readings all day long from my home. And, I mean, even my neighbor doesn't even think I have a job, like, make sarcastic remarks to me when I get the mail. And he's like, you know, women in 2024 work. And I'm like, okay, and I said to my husband, I have a job, and a year I'm like, solving, you know, cases for the police, and then, you know, the FBI and, you know, and all these, like, high level things I'm doing. And he thinks I'm like, you know, day, drinking and watching Netflix all day. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 38:46
Well, I mean, but Annette, who does what? Does he really think? No, I mean, listen, when people ask me what I do, I'm like, I talk to people on YouTube. It's insane. It's insane.

Annette Bricca 38:59
No, yeah. And I have, you know, I have an annual party every year where it's about 200 people, and even a couple years ago. So there's a couple cops on my street, and one of the cops is like, what do you do for a living? And I go, Well, what do you think I do? And he says, well, a lot of people come in and out of your house. So I said to my husband, he probably thinks I'm either a prostitute or a drug dealer. I go, I'm a psychic. And he goes, Okay, I would never have guessed that. But, you know, I'm glad to hear you know that was what you were doing. But So now everybody knows. I mean, you know, before I was in advertising, but it was for my own safety, because I had a young daughter at the time, and I wanted to have a normal life, and I was really afraid, you know? I mean, I can't even emphasize that enough, I mean, right now. I mean, and I'm still not, not afraid, by the way, I am afraid, but I I'm not, I'm I feel like I'm going to take over my story because I now have a new so an article is going to come out in the New York Times as a follow up to what happened that he is off parole and he lives down the street from any there is a

Alex Ferrari 39:57
Down the street, down the street, or, 30 minutes?

Annette Bricca 40:00
Yeah, 30 minutes. But to me, it's down the street, you know, so he's 30 minutes away. So, um, there's going to be a documentary that comes out, and there's also an opportunity for a TV show that's going to come out based on me and a few other sidekicks. And at the time when this this opportunity came, I said, I don't want to do that. I mean, I take selfies. I don't want to be on a reality show. And they came to me, and I kept at first, one of my clients of many years said, you know, this, this big shot wants to do the show about you. And I said, I'm not interested. And I wouldn't even take the Zoom calls. I would just not even go on. And he's like, What are you doing? And I'm like, Oh, I because I didn't want that. But then when I realized this gives me a platform to do what I want to do, as far as my story, because that's the reason. It's not for my it's not for more readings, because I don't need more readings. I don't need more people, but it's because I want people to know when we go through really terrible things, we are the ones that design it. We did it for a reason, but if you're brave enough to get through it and understand that you'll have to learn for your soul's perfection, there's really fabulous things waiting for you. Because every day I can tell you that I live with such gratitude. I feel like every day I won the lottery, and sometimes I have really difficult days. I was working on a missing child case last week, and I found the child, but the child was not alive, and that that most of the time is the case that they're not alive. So it's not always a happy story, but it gives the family closure and it gives them peace, because we all want to be found, and we all want to be, you know, you know, put to rest and and giving closure. So I realized that is what I was here for. I realize now, in hindsight, why I then, you know, when I made up my my classes for this lifetime, why I had to go through all this? And I'm grateful for it, even though it sounds crazy, because, yeah, I had to go through something so terrible to be able to identify and to deal with these 1000s of people that I deal with and to help with missing children. Or because I don't think we always want to help people, and I don't think I would do it. I don't think because after you make a certain amount of money, I think I'd be like, alright, you know what? I'm going to go on vacation, I'm going to live it up, I'm going to go shopping. I I wouldn't always be answering the calls, I wouldn't always be doing readings. But I want to give people hope, because I remember what it was like not feeling hopeful, not feeling like I could go on. You know, I sometimes give people the analogy of like, Wizard of Oz. Remember when Dorothy was, you know, up in the tornado and the houseland and she, you know, she opened the door and all she saw the Munchkins and the different colors and everything was it wasn't in black and white anymore. And I feel like that's what happened to me. Once all this happened, it was like I was able to see life differently, differently than everybody else, and even though, yeah, your life does feel black and white, and it is really difficult, and a lot of bad things happen to us, if we can just plow through them and know that we're going to get to the other side, and it's okay that we're going through that and and, you know, be excited about what's happening. I believe that not only does it change us in our experience, but it's a ripple effect to all the people that we deal with. Because if I do a reading for you, and I help you, and I give you hope, I don't just give you hope, but everybody you deal with now, you're you act different, you vibrate different. So it is a ripple effect, and I believe that it's it helps our us at a higher level, our higher consciousness, but I think it helps humanity. So I don't think that I'm so special that I myself. Because I tell people all the time, if I lose my car keys, I can't even find them. My husband says, sometimes, says, you can find a body, but you can't find your car keys, you know. Or I constantly tell him, call my phone. He's like, can't you just the same way you helped the police last week find your own phone, you know? I can't, sometimes even do that for myself, but I realized the big picture of it and and it's a miracle. It's, it's, it's a, it's a, it's a great life. It's a great life to have. And I, I'm, I'm happy to be able to share it to to help people get through all the hard things they have to get through.

Alex Ferrari 43:56
Now Annette you mentioned that you know that sometimes there's a struggle, and that we have to plow through it to get to the other side of it. There seems to be a collective struggle that the planet is going through, that humanity is going through, and our consciousness is going through, as as as a psychic What do you see as this whole kind of stuff that we're going through, and to give people hope, and also to give people the truth of what's coming.

Annette Bricca 44:25
Well, I think it's good actually, because think about this. So So I, I actually, when I did the original so I've done a couple podcasts now. And, like I said, years ago, I was on other things, but I then, for you know, like, 30 years, didn't want to be on TV, didn't want to do radio shows, so I was, you know, kind of just doing my own thing. Then a year ago, I did this one podcast, and I made a prediction on the podcast that freaked a lot of people out they were, you know, and even freaked out the person I did the podcast for, you know, you know that everybody was all nervous. I said, Listen, you don't have to even look at me, because if you look at the history books, you know, we've always from the beginning of time, there's always. Been a lot of heartache for everybody. There's always been wars, there's always been a depression. There's always been right? There's always disease. You know, this is not a new thing. 2024 and what we're going through is not new. But I believe that we have to go through it because we as because I think two things happen. I think that as we go through our own personal struggles, and we raise our our consciousness to a higher level of consciousness, and we and we do plow through it, and we do master our human life. So it doesn't mean that we never have struggles, but we can get through them, and then we can vibrate higher and have the best life we can then it's a ripple effect to other people, which helps connect to humanity, that then the higher consciousness is more and I do believe that we do, as time goes on, collectively, get to get this higher vibrational level. Because even now, in 2024 I remember 30 years ago, it didn't feel like the the universe was vibrating high. I mean, I felt like I was but I didn't know a lot of people that were. I know a lot of people that are it's humanities, because we're getting smarter, like, even with AI, you know, I know, you know, AI is so interesting. You're either you love it or you hate it, depending on how you feel about it. But I say, well, it's just like a microwave. I remember in high school, we were like, the last one on the block to get a microwave, and I thought, Oh, this is kind of crazy. But now, when you think of a microwave, that's nothing. Pretty soon, 20 years from now, we'll think AI is nothing, that it's just an evolution the way that it's supposed to go. So I don't think that anything that goes on in the world that is difficult is a bad thing, because that is the other thing that all these experiences have given me. I see things as events. I don't think of them as positive or negative. And even though I know, and sometimes they use the analogy of like the lottery or breaking your leg, I know from a human perspective, if you win the lottery, that feels great, and if you break your leg, that doesn't feel great, but breaking your leg, from a spiritual standpoint, might be better than winning lottery, because usually we, you know, the most change happens when we go through difficult times and we do have a better life. So you know, in in that moment, you think, Oh, it was an accident that I broke my leg, but it's not really an accident. You were meant to break your leg. You just it's an inconvenience. You don't want to break your leg, but you were supposed to. So when wars go on, when there's diseases, when, when all these terrible things happen and and they are terrible to some degree, I don't think it's like the world is under attack. I just believe it's the way it's supposed to be, because that is the whole point. That is how we learn.

Alex Ferrari 47:26
If you don't mind me asking, What was that prediction that you made on that other show that got everybody all wild up?

Annette Bricca 47:31
Well, here we go. So let's get well, we can get everyone riled up. It was about the financial, you know, future.

Alex Ferrari 47:39
So before so before you continue, I want to preface this. We are due economic ups and downs. There's always the the boom and the bust. We haven't had anything since 2008 we are Thank you, about a decade overdue for something to happen economically. You could just look out throughout the history every every eight to 10 years, something happens. So without that, I just wanted to preface that for everybody to know that's not the same.

Annette Bricca 48:05
Thank you. Thank you. And so actually, when I did the first podcast, you know, I did it, and it was taped. So after it was over, my husband said, How'd it go? And I go, Oh, it went so fast. I don't even remember what I said. And so when that part came out, and I heard about that prediction, and then, you know, a lot of backlash. My husband said, Well, that's barely a prediction, because everybody knows that, because that's just the way life works. You're right. We are due. So what I said that was the controversial part was not that we would just go through this financial hardship, but I said that the way that we use money, you know, currency was going to change. And I said on the at that moment, it wasn't even about Bitcoin at that time. And because I think even the person asked me, Well, do you mean Bitcoin or whatever cryptocurrency? And I go, well, kind of, but not even really, not that. Not like what you would think I said. So what I believe will happen with our financial, money, it's going to collapse. So I think the word collapses, what makes people sink, but you know, you know. But like covid, when covid happened, even though many people knew that covid was going to happen, and they didn't have a name for it, but they knew, because, again, like even like Bill Gates, knew from 10 years prior that that something like a pandemic was going to happen, and was trying to tell everybody that this was going to happen. It happened to us, and it changed the world. I believe that the financial crisis that will happen will change the way that we barter and use money. We will use a different exchange. And it's not good or bad, it's just different. It's just because something will happen that attacks our financial system. So it's not just like we go through a depression or a recession. That's one thing. It's the actual currency that changes. So it would be more like, you know, think about it. Now, nowadays I can go out to lunch with my daughter, and I can, you know, sell her the money. But, you know, 30 years from ago, that sound crazy. You couldn't even imagine that that would happen. So we will no longer have dollar bills or euros or that. It will be more of a, you know, like a transactional computer wire system, not actual, you know, give me change for my dollar here. So I think that what makes people nervous is so I had a lot of people that contacted me that were senior citizens that said, I don't even use the computer. I don't have online banking. How am I going to manage? I said, Listen, I say this to make anybody panic. I just made a prediction that, you know, and you don't and you could just see what happens. You don't have to even believe what I have to say. But that is just, just like covid. Nobody would have believed that we would have all been walking around in masks, that everybody would die.

Alex Ferrari 48:27
The world was shut down for three months. Yeah,

Annette Bricca 49:12
Right, that we would be sitting in, you know, working from home with our, you know, pajamas on, you know, we underwear on the bottom, and, you know, a tie in a sport coat on top on Zoom. Nobody would ever imagine that happened. But I say to people, as awful as it was, it kind of reset the world, because think about how we weren't in the rat race anymore. We got to eat dinner with our family, do puzzles. You know, it felt like 30 years ago to me. So even though a lot of bad things happen, I think a lot of good things came out of covid. And I think the same thing with the financial crisis. So the prediction is more, not just that it's a recession or a depression, it's the exchange of the currency. But again, I don't even know that that's so much of a prediction prediction, because I think that anybody, if you really think about it, should know that that's where we're headed anyways,

Alex Ferrari 51:25
Yeah, there's, that's, that's not a question. And I've heard about the currency as well, and that also makes sense, because of the way we've been inflating our currency and cropping it up and and constantly printing money. And we're our the US alone? Is like, what, 30 trillion in the hole or something, something inside?

Annette Bricca 51:45
I mean, there's a better way to do it. I mean, right? And I think that we realize that in a few years, yes,

Alex Ferrari 51:51
So, so let me ask you this. When you said there's a better way of doing it, I've been saying, and many of my guests have said, that the old systems need to come down older systems that are not serving us anymore. Need to come down to make Ray for these new systems, and that's in every avenue of life, from religion to economic to health care to education to media, all of it, these older systems need to be brought down so these new systems can come up. Is that what you're seeing as well?

Annette Bricca 52:22
Yeah, because think of it. You know, it's almost like you have to make space for the news. You got to get rid of the old. The old has to break down. Most people are not forward thinking enough or brave enough to to to meet things head out there. You know, a lot of people are afraid of change and how it's going to affect them. So it has to almost break down. Because we're not, we're not even we're so primal, so primitive, actually, when I when you think about it, that you know, we think we're so smart in such higher beings and higher consciousness, but we're not, because when something new, we all freak out. I mean, I've had so many AI conversations, and I say people. I mean, it's helpful. I mean, I think AI has helped me with several things recently. I thought, Oh, this is freaking fantastic. Why would you not want this so it almost has to come down to a screeching cult. Things have to break down completely till so that we can evolve. But that's just the natural way of things, and it's not a scary thing at all.

Alex Ferrari 53:14
Now. What other? What other Is there anything else that you can tell people in regards to the rest of this year and in the coming decade that we have, besides economic that you would like to share with the audience.

Annette Bricca 53:25
So, you know, you're a great interviewer. Because I didn't know what we were going to talk about. I was thinking, right? Should I say this? This is this. I'm going to say a few things that. So prior to the assassination attempt with Trump, uh, you know, July 13. I'll never forget it. I was, I actually had that weekend off. I was not going to work that weekend, so I was, I said to my husband, let's do what normal people do. Let's go out to dinner, and then the next day we were going to go to a movie like that matinee, like two old people. I said, let's just do normal things. Okay, so I was out to dinner, and I had my cell phone on the table out to dinner, and he's like, Why do you have yourself? And I go, a client's gonna reach me. They're just gonna text me whatever. My phone started blowing up, and I answered it, and it ended up that there was a high level official connected to this intel on this assassination attempt, but it was the day before, and they said to me, and he's a client of mine, and this person said to me, you know, do Can you, where are you? And I said, I'm out to dinner. And they because they could hear that I wasn't, like, at home or whatever. And they're like, Well, you know, I need to ask you some questions about the President if you think that's not just like, hey, are you going to meet your boy for next week? I said, I'm I need to, like, go home and meditate. I said, Can I get back to you? And they go, No, this is, you know, we have intel on this. We need an answer. And I said, All right, well, I'll leave dinner, I'll go home, I'll call you back, like in an hour. So I went home, I did a meditation, and I saw it in real time, things that were going to unfold. I called them back, and it was, you know, many people involved in this. And I. Said what I thought would happen? And I and they said to me, Well, do you believe that it can be stopped? And I said, No, I No, it won't. I said, but the thing is, is, and they sing the word assassination. No assassination. I said, but because the intel that we have is about a president is going to die, but I said, Biden? And they said, No, it's not Biden. And I said, Oh, because I originally thought when they said, Is the President going to be assassinated? And I said, no, no. I said, No, no, no, he's not going to be assassinated. I said, so when they asked me, Well, do we you believe you could it could be stopped? I said, not only do I think it cannot be stopped, I said it's already in motion. I said, it'll happen really soon. And they said, Well, how? How soon? I said, well, and I knew it was Trump, because it was invited, and at that time, Biden was running still. And so I said, What if you looked at his schedule and you looked at whatever he has scheduled for the next full weeks, it will be one of these events that are already scheduled. It's not like a future event, so I knew it was going to happen soon. And so I, you know, said the chain of events that I thought that took place, and then the next day, I was at the movies, you know, again during the day, and my daughter texted me, my 28 year old daughter, and said, Trump just got shot. I'm like, so I go to the lobby, and my phone blew up, and the people that contacted me the night before. And so I've been involved in that since that took place and and that is not something that I would have wanted to be involved in. Because, you know, unlike helping children and doing that, I mean, I because it's kind of a catch 22 you know, you help, I help in some but other people got hurt and other people, people were killed. And it wasn't I predicted the presidential elections like, since I have a kid, been a kid, and I've never been wrong. And so about a year ago, a bunch of people that, even when Trump won, I said that Trump was going to win way before he won. And then when he did win, I was on a radio show, and you know, that person, you know, made a big deal that I had predicted. I was, like, one of the only people that predicted that he would win, whatever. So then I predicted he wouldn't win. And so this time around, I kept saying that I don't believe that Trump will win, but I said, But Biden's not going to win either, and at the time, people can go to so what do you mean? And I go, Well, I don't know what I mean. I don't even know. I just know it's not either one of them. And I have a lot of clients now, like, you know, high level politicians that who asking me for months, who, at the time, didn't realize, and so when all this stuff with Biden happened, then that's when I realized, that's why I was being shown, that it would be neither one of them. So I can see the election. I see also that for us, sorry, the financial crisis that will take place. So I believe that in the next two years, like crazy, people are going to go towards spirituality like your neighbor, your best friend, people who don't talk about it much, all of a sudden become spiritual beings. They they kind of get the big picture. Because I do believe that there's a shift with the world that makes us all like when I was a kid and I had this near death experience that I had my spirit guide. Then I saw that video of my life, and I got the bigger meaning. I feel like we all just kind of start to get it within the next two years. And I don't think that's accidentally happening. I think collectively, humanity is about to march in a different direction. So all of a sudden we get to this level with with, again, doesn't matter who you are or what age you are, you just feel spiritual, and you kind of understand, you kind of get this that changes us as a whole, and that changes our species and our race. Because I do believe that there are major changes with when you think about it, you know, we were, we were cavemen, and then, you know, we've evolved over all the year these years. And I think that there's a major evolution that's taking place now, but it can't just be like it is now. It can't just be you and I living the way we are. So I think that everybody has to get on board. And I do think that part of what covid was, which is, I know sounds terrible, and I lost a lot of people in covid. So I don't want to say this lightly, but I think that it was a reboot. I think that it was, you know, the universe saying, in a very big way, we need to reset. We need, you know, things are not going the right way, or this is a rat race. Everyone's, you know, not thinking correctly. Because not only did a lot of people pass away, and that was terrible, but it changed the way we thought. It changed the way we process life and the way that we we interacted with one another. And so I believe that when we go towards this idea of spirituality, whatever your beliefs are, it is because our, our consciousness raises, and we we become smarter, because one of the things also that, you know, during my teenage years, so again, I wasn't just like a normal teenager. There was a period of time that I felt like I knew really like, what, what a UFO would be, or an alien would be, but I really care about it. I wasn't studying it, and I wasn't trying to know, and I just would know. I would just have this feeling like I knew. And then there was a period of about a several months where I would actually, like, No, I would I would just have a thought and and I would go to bed, and it would. Feel like I was having a dream of like an experience, like being on a UFO or with aliens. And then couple months later, I realized, like, okay, these are not experiences like I'm I'm having where I'm dreaming. I'm actually, you know, I'm think I'm sleeping, but I'm actually experiencing this because I knew it just like that near death experience. I knew that I was, it was real, but I wasn't telling everybody, because it felt foreign. It was again. So many years ago, not a lot of people were open to it. And even now, I don't tell many people about it. But one of the things that is notable about that is I remember being like, around these aliens, let's say that were so high tech, were so like, vibrating very, very high, and vibrating to a point where, like it was like, so when I vibrate high, I tell people that I can see a color, but also is music, which is also a language. So it's not just like a vibration, it's like everything mixed together. These aliens were all those things back when I even knew what that was and we were. So, you know, we're so primitive, I feel like we become more like they are, that we that, but we have to have a higher conscious, yeah, we evolve to that level. So that's why, in two years, that'll happen.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:11
So what I'm hearing is also from different channelers and other sidekicks I've been on the show, is that we're going to have a major encounter in the next two years with with beings from an, you know, being. I don't want to put the tinfoil hat on. I try to keep this house as ground. I try to keep the show as grounded as it can be. But the facts are that there's probably some life out there. There's just, just by logic, by numbers,

Annette Bricca 1:01:39
Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:40
So is it possible? Sure, and I keep hearing it from a multiple things, but when I hear it's not going to be Independence Day or aliens like, you know, the movie Predator, or something like that. It's going to be something that's going to help evolve and lift us to a to a higher and higher place. That's that's very, very very fascinating. I appreciate you giving me all that insight in regards to the political stuff. So you're saying that you're predicting that Harris is going to win at this because they're the only two in there. Yes. Okay, yes. And now,

Annette Bricca 1:02:11
By the way, for everybody listening or watching, I that's not even who I want to necessarily, and not who I don't want to. So I'm not making, you know, it's not what I want personal. My prediction, yes, exactly,

Alex Ferrari 1:02:25
Well, so, so what I heard as well is that if either of them win, there's going to be some sort of chaos, there's going to be some sort of upheaval, there's going to be some sort of something that happens. So, if Harris wins, you know, are we going to have another January 6? Are we is there some other stuff that's going to bubble up because of that?

Annette Bricca 1:02:43
Yeah, so, so I'm going, so I'm going to tell you, like I would tell other people, because sometimes, you know, when I do a reading, because it's not always unicorns and rainbows, and when I do a reading, it's not happy things, and they're not, I get cursed out a lot. People are, you know, not always happy. And then they eventually call me back or come back and apologize, because things came true. But, you know, it's not all great. So I even hate to say that I do feel like something like that will happen, because then people say, well, then you're putting it in everyone's mind. Well, that's nonsense, you know, I mean, but I do believe something like that will happen, because I do feel like there's such unrest in this world that think about it, it yes, it matters who wins a presidential election for for anybody in any country and and those things do matter, but, but if we all take our own personal responsibility and know that we all have a choice in this, we can all, you know, go and vote, we can all fight for what we believe is right. Because, like, even when I was a 12 year old girl, I could have died, or I could have been, you know, brave and jumped out of that window and just did what I had to do. So sometimes we do have to do the hard things to make our lives better. So if you really have strong convictions and you believe that so and so should be the president, or you want laws to be changed, well then fight for those things to happen. But I do believe that there will be a a big part of the world of this country that are not going to like the results, and I do believe that they will retaliate. And I, and I don't think that's a great thing to do, you know, and I don't want to, you know, make that prediction. And again, people are going to say, Oh, you put that in their minds, but that's crazy, because I'm not, because, you know, because people know right from wrong, but I do believe that that will happen. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:20
Interesting, um,

Annette Bricca 1:04:21
And I think it's terrible, you know, it's terrible that that will,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:25
No, of course, but we've gone through it before, and it's, again, not, it's not as much of a prediction as this is a logical stance on something like that, because you're looking at it, I mean, you're not talking about, like, you know, I believe that the moon is going to crash into the earth in a year and a half, like it's something that's so you saying that goes that makes sense. It happened already. It literally, it literally happened already.

Annette Bricca 1:04:48
Yes, yeah. So yes,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:50
Only logic would dictate that there would be some sort of response regarding that. You know. So and like you said before, I think some of these things. Might need to happen in order for us to wake up to like, you know, these wars are happening around around the world, yeah, you have to go, No, that's not what we want to be. And that's not what we want to be. Is there? Is there an event that's going to you say, in the next two years, we're going to wake up? And I agree with you. I think this decade is a very pivotal decade, and there's going to be many more things coming in the decades to come, but this decade, specifically, since 2020 we came in hot. We came in very hot. There hasn't been a decade like this in my lifetime, nor in yours. I think that so much has transpired already, and we still have six years left.

Annette Bricca 1:05:42
I will tell you this. So I believe in so this is 2024 and I'm 57 now, so I can't do the quick math in my head, but when i i believe around 2050 and now, when I was a kid, and again, I think it was like 13 or 14, 2050 I saw that year, and that seemed like, you know, really far off. I mean, now it even seems far off now, but, you know, 40 years ago was even really far off. 2050 is going to be the biggest game changer. Because, see these little things that we're talking about now, like the financial thing that's going to happen with the change of currency, presidential election, you know, again, kind of the same thing. No big deal. These are minor steps, but in 2050 I think there's a total reset. I think what happens is that we are vibrating at a very high level. I do not believe that we are living like human beings, like we live now, like we're we're getting in our car. I feel like it is very space. He very much so. And I don't think, because when you think about 10 years ago, well, you're, you know, you might be driving a nicer car than you were 10 years ago, but you still were driving a car you weren't, you know, you weren't in, you know, you weren't hovering over some, you know, like the Jetsons. You weren't doing that. So it wasn't that big of a deal. But I think in 2050 everything changes. And I think that human beings look different. I think that medicine is different. I don't think that you have to take medicine anymore. I believe that you will be healed by light, like colored light. I believe that you don't like even years ago, you can't imagine having anything done laparoscopically. You would have to be invasively cut, and now lots of things are, you know, laparoscopic. I don't believe even that will happen. I believe it'll be like light therapy will that will change. So in the year of 2050 I think is the biggest reset that, you know, some of us will be alive for. But I think that the world is completely different, because in the last few decades, it's been the same, which is became more. You know, we have cell phones and microwaves,

Alex Ferrari 1:07:40
Yeah, but, but it, but it seems that the speed of everything is growing so much more exponentially from one 2000 I mean, I had a website in 1997 I had a bit I went online business in 9798 Wow. And from that, I know exactly right. And I was one of the first people on YouTube in 2005 2006 so I from that time to where we are right now. That's 2025, years at this point. It is night and day from where we were. But every year that's gone by. I mean, AI showed up a year ago, a year and a half ago, really, really in the zeitgeist. You know, when chat GPT hit, I still remember, like, people going, Oh, what's this AI thing? And, oh, what's this thing? It was this. It was the exact same thing that happened in 96 when I was in college, going, what's this internet thing? Where do I get that AOL, floppy disk so I can log into flop? And it was that thing. Oh, what's this new? This new streaming. What's this net Netflix? What's it called? Like, it's, I remember all and now it's just like, oh, yeah, of course. Now it's, it's, so it's moving exponentially fast, right? You know, we have rockets that land themselves. You know, we're taking tourists up into space for very expensive tours. But tourists Nevertheless, you know, so

Annette Bricca 1:09:01
Pretty soon that'll be nothing. That'll be like, going to Central Park.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:05
Yeah, you and I will jump on, just like going on a plane,

Annette Bricca 1:09:09
Not around tomorrow, I'm going to the moon. Yeah, see, yes, Thursday, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:13
And that's, that's what we were promised, by the way, when we were growing up. This space age flying car stuff. I'm still waiting, but it hasn't come up. That's right, right, right, right, but that's all very fascinating. And also that the this, everything you're talking about, there is hope for all of this. It's and I've been saying this for to people for a while, it's going to be bumpy, it's going to be challenging, but we will be better on the other side of this. We are getting to a place where, hopefully, by 2020, 2100, our species, in our our consciousness, is raising to a much, much, much, much, much higher level.

Annette Bricca 1:09:51
I believe it will. And I think, and I and again, you know, knowing that I don't think one event is better than the other, I think there are two different experiences. And I And again, you know, I. I can say this from my own life, because I've had a horrific, really horrific, I've had really great things, but really, really terrible, horrific things. So they have to happen. Good and bad have to happen, or what we perceive to be good and bad, so that you can value things. So things have a meaning, they have a purpose. They're they're worth fighting for, because I have such a fabulous life. And I mean, again, I do, you know, I do tons of work with missing children, and it's really sad and terrible and a lot of evil people. But I every day I feel grateful. I feel thankful for my life. I feel thankful for my neighbor who, you know, says smart ass things to me out at the mailbox, who doesn't think I have a job. You know? I think that's funny, you know? I think, you know, because it's not just the big, major things in life, it's, it's every little detail of your life, and that, because it's the totality of everything that makes us have a great life and know the meaning of it. And I tell people, it doesn't matter if you're going through a challenging time, because you're not always going to and you should actually be glad that you are, because now something's going to change. There's change on the other side for you, and that, you know, it was just going to be better and bigger. And I do feel like we are supposed to help each other, and I do believe that that's why I do this work. But I do believe that humanity has to change, and I think about it now, you know, I mean, when my daughter was in elementary school and I was doing readings, and when I was in California, I was known for, like, being a famous medium, and I didn't even want to be a medium, actually, at all. I it kind of scared me, and for some reason, I was really known for that. And so my daughter went to school, elementary school, and said that my mother talks to deaf people. The school called me, and I had to go to school and talk to them, and they, you know, and they said, Well, what are you doing? I said, Well, I actually, I, you know, she's right. And they thought it was great. But, you know, now, in 2024 nobody even thinks it's a big deal. But back then, it was a big deal. Oh, it was a huge deal. Oh, I mean, they, they, you know, I, I thought child protection services was going to get involved, and, you know, she was going to have to go to special counseling, and so would I and, and, you know, but now you know, everybody that you know, you know vibrates higher and they believe in higher consciousness, but not to the degree that we're going to. So I think that I'm really excited about two years from now, you know, I don't think I don't care about the election, you know, I do care for personal reasons, about certain things, but I know that those little things just get us to that bigger picture of the two years, because that's when I feel like humanity really does change on a grand, grand scale, and I think it's an exciting time to be around.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:27
Is there going to be a catalyst for that change, or is it just going to happen?

Annette Bricca 1:12:30
There will there will be a catalyst and

Alex Ferrari 1:12:36
So every So, everybody, so everyone watching and listening, when she's pausing, and I'm just gonna and please correct me if I'm wrong. You're hearing the answers coming in from the other side, and you're

Annette Bricca 1:12:46
And I'm also, I'm also trying to word it to not make you know, the average person freak out or collapse with panic, because I never want to do that. And again, I don't think that that's what it's going to be. So I believe that there's a few things that happen. We do have the financial crisis that, again, it's not in the long run, we're better off, but a lot of people don't meet it like that. So there'll be a lot of panic. There will be something similar to covid, but different that makes us panic. And there will be more beings. And again, this is where you know a lot of people that know what I do for a living. You know I am a medium and I am a psychic, but I don't talk about aliens often and hardly ever. But I believe that there's going to be a lot of, I don't want to say alien invasion, because that sounds, you know, not right,

Alex Ferrari 1:13:31
Very Hollywood,

Annette Bricca 1:13:32
Yeah, right. But I do believe, you know, kind of the the idea that that regular people will have interactions with aliens or or higher beings from other galaxies that there's no question that happened, not just like, you know, oh, I think it might have happened. They're like, No, no, no. Last Tuesday at three o'clock, this happened, you know, and people from all across the world. Because I think that that invasion, which, again, it's not a scary thing, it's not an invasion, but that, like, we need beings that are higher than us to kind of, you know, remind us that you guys are still not where you need to be. We're a light years, no pun intended, ahead of you guys. So I do believe that you're going to hear a lot more of that. And I do think that people, kind of mainstream people, try to steer away from that idea of, like, what we think an alien is, because it seems so foreign. And even myself, I mean, I even I'm imagining a month from now, and, you know, my neighbor who's going to get the mail, is going to see me, he's going to be like, what is going to happen with these aliens or all these other people that are going to say this? But it should just kind of be, I don't want to say obvious, but it feels really obvious to me that that would be the next step. And I think that is the catalyst that part.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:37
And I have a dream that one day, people in the future will look back on the show as an oddity, that they're like, they really needed to talk about this kind of stuff, about frequency and vibration and like, it's just so rudimentary. It's a It's the equivalent of you and I looking back and in 2000 you know, 2000 Years ago, and going, don't you guys get that? That's not No, and that's, do you not hear what Jesus is saying? I mean, he has got some good ideas here. Guys like, what's going on? That kind of I somewhere there'll be a computer and some kid will log in and go next level. So who is this mom? What's a psychic? Aren't we psychic every one second?

Annette Bricca 1:15:22
Yeah, right, exactly, because they'll already be at their highest level, vibrating high on a regular basis, not, you know, us getting to that point. I 100% agree. And to me it feels like that just seems like the natural stuff for everybody. But, I mean, I think that, you know, the big message is, is that we live our daily life, a lot of people in fear. Because most people, you know, I tell people we are supposed to enjoy the whole thing. We don't just enjoy it when we get to the point we think we're supposed to get to, but along the way, you know, even during the trials and tribulations, because if you don't enjoy all of it, you know, I mean, sometimes I'll do a reading for a person and a young person, and it'll be a young woman, let's say 30 years old, and I'll, you know, tell her who she's going to marry. And I can't tell you how many times they'll say to me that that bride to be will say, well, will I be happy? And I said, What? That's what you're hoping for. I said, You know what, you might not be happy. Because, if you're happy now, you know, just because you get to that point, you you meet Prince Charming, maybe you won't be happy, because happiness is a state of mind. It's, it's, it's being in the moment and living your best life, feeling hopeful, feeling positive, knowing that you can get through all this. It's not that you know when you get to this end road that all these great things happen. That's not really the idea. And I think that that's kind of what motivates me to do readings. I mean, because I don't know that I would always want to do this. It doesn't always feel great doing it, you know, on a daily basis, giving individual readings day after day after day, but every time I do a reading, I feel joyful, I feel hopeful, because it does change people's lives. Because even though I feel like, Alright, I know this. I know this because of everything I've gone through. But that doesn't mean that the person next to me knows it and and I do believe that it it helps everybody and changes your life.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:08
Now Annette I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all of my questions by all my guests. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Annette Bricca 1:17:15
Living a fulfilled life? Well, I feel like I live one now, and I think that it is living in the moment and not being afraid. And when I say not being afraid, I don't mean like of the boogeyman, but like not being afraid of, Oh, next week I might not have enough money, or next week it might get cancer, because maybe I will get cancer, or maybe I will lose my job, but that's okay. I'm I can those things can happen, and I can be prepared, because I'm going to, you know, take it one day at a time. So living a fulfilled life for me is just living for this moment, not freaking out about the future, because I'm worried about next Tuesday, next Tuesday. And I do live a fulfilled life. And I have lived a fulfilled life for a long time. And I, you know, I was a single parent for many, many years, and I, you know, didn't always have a lot of money. I mean, I always made a lot of money, but I was, like, hustling. I I raised my daughter in Long Island, and we lived in a really great neighborhood, but I was a single parent, and I was like, you know, doing reading after reading after reading, and it took all the money that I made to raise her. So wasn't like we were rolling in money. So I've gone through a lot of really difficult things, but even back then, when I was, you know, struggling in a single parent and hustling, I felt like my life was fulfilled because I felt like I understood the meaning of life, and I understood that that's okay, that I'm going through all that, because I still can live for this moment. So that's what I believe. Living in the moment is fulfilling.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:35
Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Annette, what advice would you give her?

Annette Bricca 1:18:40
Oh, it's gonna make me cry. I would say, well, done,

Alex Ferrari 1:18:44
Beautiful. How do you define God or Source?

Annette Bricca 1:18:47
I think God is us all. I think that we're bits and pieces of God. But you know, humanity is God. So you know we're all, you know, you and I, and you know the other billions of people are God. And I believe that when we get to when we're able to reach our higher consciousness, we're like, oh, I didn't know I was always God. I didn't know I was Jesus. But we are and I think that that's what it is. I think it's higher consciousness I and I think, you know, one thing I do have to say that feels important is I do feel like time is an illusion and and even that feels confusing to say, even I'm kind of confused, but I know that so like I know that my 57 year old self, who is talking to my 12 year old self, to say, jump out of the window. Because even though you talked to the FBI two hours ago, and they know that you're missing and you've been on the TV, they're not going to save you. So you have to jump out of the window to get out. You have to save yourself. It's all happening right now. I don't believe there's past, present and future. I believe it's all now, which is so confusing. People are like, what? So that's why I would say to my younger self, well done. Because, you know, it brings us all to this full circle moment.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:56
What is love?

Annette Bricca 1:19:57
I think life is, is all of us interact. Things, so that we can build our higher consciousness, so that as humanity, we can work together. We can be one. You know, we can, you know, how you feel connected to one person. You meet somebody, you can meet somebody at a party, and you just naturally gravitate towards them, and you're like, oh my god, it feels like we've known each other forever. I think that that is when we feel like that, mostly about everybody, and that it's just the big picture of us all coming together, that it's not, you know, I could want a certain president to win, and you could want somebody else, and I could, you know, to have a different career than you do. We can all have differences, but we're vibrating the same way, because we're vibrating high, because I think that when we go through wars or disease or famine or or kidnappings or whatever. That's us vibrating very low, our lower consciousness. That's not our higher being. So that's, you know, that's here. We're supposed to be here.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:49
So the question was, what is love?

Annette Bricca 1:20:51
Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I think love is, is that? I think love is, is everything. I think it's us being collectively together. I think it's a state of being. I feel like it's it's hopefulness. I feel like it's me, feeling like I feel connected to you. I feel that love is everything. I think that love is the bottom line, that because if love wasn't the basis of the foundation, you wouldn't go forward you. It almost keeps you going, but it's easy to recognize love when everything's great, when you have enough money, when you're married to the right person, when your kids are great. You know when life is good. Oh, it's easy to define love. It's really, really hard to define love when you don't know where your next paycheck is coming from, or if you are you even going to have one, when you have terminal cancer, when your kids are missing, when you know when really awful things are happening, but that is love too. Because you have to, you have to go through both to experience both the light and the dark.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:48
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Annette Bricca 1:21:51
I think, to to go through our human existence, our human experience, for souls perfection, to learn, to grow, to become higher beings. Because I feel like when we are no longer here, and we are on the other side, which is just right in front of me, you know, vibrating at a different it's not heaven, you know, 3000 miles in a cloud somewhere. It's just, you know, somebody passed away is, you know, eight inches away from me, or a foot away from me, and they're vibrating at a very high speed. So I think that ask the question again, so I can answer that correctly.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:23
What is the ultimate purpose of life?

Annette Bricca 1:22:25
Yeah, I think it's to live our our human experience, for souls perfection, to learn to be the highest, elevated spiritual being that we can be. So it's like going through school, you know, you go through first grade through 10th grade to learn same thing with this.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:38
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work that you're doing in the world?

Annette Bricca 1:22:42
So just like I was not on Facebook, and I still am not, I do have a website that I started a year ago so that that just started, and that's my name,, um, and that's, that's how to find me.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:56
And I will put that link in the show notes and in the description. And Annette, do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Annette Bricca 1:23:02
Yeah, you know, I would say to anybody who is watching or listening to not. And you know, again, we all feel different about different things, and some things may come across as scary, but that is never my intention. Because I mean really, truly living a life of many different things happening to me, I know that there is a greater purpose for all of us. I know that to live a hopeful, joyful life again, despite what's going on, is the meaning of life, and that, you know, we can get to the other side and to try to vibrate as high as we can, to get through it. And I think that that is, you know, my message for everybody when I do a reading for anybody, it always is to, you know, I do a meditation before I do a reading. And I always say, because I'm always worried it's not going to work. Even though I've done, you know, hundreds of 1000s of readings since I was a kid, I still am nervous every time I just say, please tell me something that I can help this person. And so I just want everyone to know that whatever you get from this today, it's not meant to be scary. It is actually the opposite, that there is, you know, something more for you waiting, that you can get through it, that there is a reason to get through it, that you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, for sure,

Alex Ferrari 1:24:06
Annette it has been absolutely a pleasure talking to you today. Thank you so much for being so raw and honest and sharing your your journey with all of us. I hope it really does help a lot of people watching, and I look forward to our next conversation in studio.

Annette Bricca 1:24:26
Yes. I cannot wait, and I want to thank you for this opportunity, because, like I said, there's things I've shared today that I didn't plan on sharing. I didn't think I actually, if you would have asked me three hours ago, I said I would have said, There's no way I'm going to say that, and it just felt right and perfect. And I appreciate the opportunity to even have said that, because I do think it makes a difference. So thank you.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:46
And I appreciate you. Thank you again.

Annette Bricca 1:24:47
Thank you. Have a great day.

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