IT HAS BEGUN! CHANNELED Message WARNS Humanity is at a MAJOR CROSSROADS! with Christy Whitman

On today’s episode, we welcome back Christy Whitman, a dear friend and recurring guest who always brings profound wisdom to our conversations. Her insights into the quantum field and our connection to something greater than ourselves are truly inspiring. We delve deep into the topic of success, but not in the traditional sense—it’s about alignment, energy, and our role as vessels for universal forces.

Christy begins by sharing her thoughts on what she calls “quantum success.” She describes it as a process of connecting to something beyond ourselves, something bigger that guides our actions. “That’s quantum success,” she says. “You hook up to something bigger than yourself, receive that vibration, and give it your all.” Her journey into understanding this started years ago, with spiritual teachings and a desire to heal herself, and now, she teaches these principles to others through her books and coaching.

In this conversation, Christy reflects on the essence of success, pointing out that it isn’t just about working hard or planning meticulously. While those things are necessary, she emphasizes the importance of surrendering control and trusting the larger, unseen forces at play. She recalls moments in her own life where success appeared when she let go of her rigid expectations and allowed the universe to guide her path. For Christy, this wasn’t just a business model; it was a spiritual awakening.


Christy talks about how this same principle can be applied to every aspect of our lives. She shares a personal story about feeling overwhelmed by outside judgment and how she moved through it by tapping into her deeper alignment. A simple but impactful lesson she offers is this: we are the vessels, and our role is to align, take action, and trust the process. We don’t have to control every outcome. She reminds us, “In order for something to live, something has to die,” illustrating how transformation often requires us to let go of old ideas, habits, or identities that no longer serve us.

Throughout our discussion, Christy emphasizes the importance of staying true to your own energy. When we get too caught up in external validation or societal pressures, we lose sight of our purpose. But when we maintain our alignment and listen to the guidance coming through us, we are always on the right path, no matter how chaotic things may seem on the surface.

  1. Focus on alignment over hard work: Christy teaches that while effort is important, true success comes when we align with something greater than ourselves. When we tune into that energy, our actions become more meaningful and impactful.
  2. Release control and trust: By letting go of the need to control every detail, we open ourselves to greater possibilities. The universe works in ways we can’t always foresee, and trusting that process is key to living a fulfilled life.
  3. You create your own reality: In Christy’s view, everything begins within us. The thoughts we think, the energy we hold, and the actions we take all contribute to the reality we experience. We are not passive participants in life; we are powerful creators.

As we wrap up the episode, Christy leaves us with a final reflection on the significance of staying open to the flow of life. She describes life as a collaboration between us and the universe—a dance between effort and surrender, between action and trust. It’s a beautiful reminder that we are all part of something much larger than ourselves, and when we stay aligned with that energy, the possibilities are limitless.

Please enjoy my conversation with Christy Whitman.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 510

Christy Whitman 0:00
Oh, no, an asteroid is coming, and it's there, and what are we going to do? There's a resistance and a fear base now. It's happening on a global wave. What if this asteroid that is circling the moon right now, and it's going to stick around for a while? What if that is creating a vibrational wave of Moon energy that is creating more enlightenment. It's a breaking point. It's a birthing point, it's a breakthrough point. In 100 years. Will this even matter? It will not. In order for something to live, something has to die.

Alex Ferrari 0:47
I like to welcome back to the show, returning champion Christy Whitman.

Christy Whitman 0:50
Thanks so much. I'm a three peat.

Alex Ferrari 0:51
Yes, you are. How are you doing, darling?

Christy Whitman 0:53
I'm great. So good to be here. Congratulations on your studio. This is just amazing to see where I was on those, what was like

Alex Ferrari 1:01
The early, I think the early, I think you might have been in like the early hundreds. So I think that's, yeah, the show was a bit different back then, yeah, size wise. I mean, the show is pretty much still the same as far as the the interactions with guests. But it was on Zoom, obviously. But yeah, it was early on. I think, I think when you came on it, I don't even know how many subscribers I had, I don't think I had a whole lot at that point.

Christy Whitman 1:23
Maybe 20,000

Alex Ferrari 1:24
Yes. Maybe it was like a 20,000 Yeah. It was, yeah. I was,

Christy Whitman 1:27
You were just a perfect example of quantum success, you know, going into that quantum field and then bringing that in and having it be manifested in the physical third dimension. I mean, you really are just, I keep getting teary eyed, because it's just, I, when I see that level of success, it just, you know, it, it just opens my heart. It really does, because it couldn't happen to a nicer, more hardworking person. So, you know, it's true.

Alex Ferrari 1:54
I appreciate this. I wish, I wish I could tell you was all planned, that I had dates involved, right? And like, Okay, on this day, this is gonna happen. On this day, this has happened, but it's,

Christy Whitman 2:03
It's more fun that way, when it doesn't. Because what you imagine this level of success?

Alex Ferrari 2:09
No, I think you know, and the success of the show has had, has been, you know, very overwhelming, but I've been prepped for 30 years working in the film industry, working around, you know, high profile people and and seeing what happens to them when they have a lot of attention on them, and going through my own levels of that throughout my career as a director, having a little fame there, and having a little fame from my other shows as well, and certain niches, I was being prepared for whatever this is, and even then, it's still very, I'm still very, kind of uncomfortable with it. I just like, You know what? I'm just I'm doing the show I'm gonna do. I'm doing the mission that we're here to do. But, you know, a couple dates wouldn't have been that, you know, if you could have told me a few things, that would have been a little bit easier on the planning. I don't need all the surprises. But it's amazing. It's been, it's been, it's been humbling to say,

Christy Whitman 2:29
I'm like, literally tearing it's so it's just, it's really cool, and you're so humble. Oh, that's what I love, too, is that, you know, it's just you, you're going with it, and you're doing your thing. And,

Alex Ferrari 3:17
Well, Christy and I know you know this for a fact, that I'm not doing anything. It's coming through. Yes, I'm being I'm being helped, because it's no logic. I haven't physically, like when you build a house, there is a piece of wood, there's some nails, there's a and you can physically see yourself doing something, yeah, to get an outcome, where everything I was doing on this show, I did on my other shows, nothing changed. It was like, the same grind, the same this, the same that, but the output, the out, the outcome has been very, very different. So that told me when that started happening, yeah, when it took off in October. Like, oh my god, it's almost going to be a two years. October 2022. Is when it actually took off. That's when the rocket ship took off. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't happen. I didn't have any idea. I had no idea what was happening. And then as it continued, I'm like, I really gotta figure this out, because I can't help it. I can't know anything about like, I had no idea. But at that point, I was humbled to the point like, Oh, this is I mean, I have to work. I have to do the work, yes, and I have to show up, no question. And I have to, I work hard, and I grind every day. And I'm, I'm here, you know, doing my work, but you're, you know, there's people out there working hard. And there I worked hard for 30 years, bumping my head against the wall so I saw, I understood very, very early on in the success of whatever success we've had on this show is that I'm not in control. I'm just, I gotta, I gotta put the coal in that train. Well, you're the vessel. Yeah, I gotta put the coal in the train. Got to keep the end and I keep the engine flowing and keep that engine moving. But where the engine goes, where the train goes, is really not to a certain extent, not to my control it really isn't.

Christy Whitman 5:02
That's that's quantum success, though, is finding that alignment, knowing that there's something bigger than you that called you to do this. There's something bigger than you that's happening, and yet you are the one taking the action. You're taking that momentum. So it's all about that Alignment and momentum, and that's what you're doing. That's why I say quantum success is all about that you hook up to something bigger than yourself, and you receive that information, that vibration, and then you take it, you know you you give your absolute you're not holding anything back. You're giving everything you got. And that's just it. It's like you have access to this unlimited stream of energy, and you're not like, I'm gonna phone it in today. You're fully there every single episode, all the things that you're doing behind the scenes. And that is quantum success, because it's not just the, you know, you talk a lot of Woo, woo, right? And you have a lot of people that come in here, including myself, that it's all about energy, and it's about, you know, spirit, and it's about channeling and all that, that quantum field, but that also needs a vessel, and those that are just kind of Ooh, to do you know, it's like you're full in, you're 100% committed, whether it's to a marriage, a business, a show, it's like you're in and life gets you're using life, and life is using you. It's a collaborative experience every day, all day. And that's, I mean, that's quantum success.

Alex Ferrari 6:28
I the one thing, the one thing I found in all of my talking with, like very highly successful people in the film industry, specifically Oscar winners and things like that, is that most of them, not all, but most of them understand that, that what made them successful didn't particularly come from them. They worked. Yes, no question. They showed up every day. But when I talked to, you know, Oscar winning screenwriters about movies that you and I love, I go, so did. How'd you come up with that? Like I just sat down and I just started writing this thing, and then I would look at the page and go, who wrote that? If and people who are really, really successful, and again, not all, but a lot of people who are really, really successful in any area of their life understand that that's not them. And it takes a certain level of being humbled to to do that, by the way, I was humbled, having not been this person my entire life. I've had ego. I've had, you know, I was like, this is all me. I wanted to control everything. I was a director by nature, you know, I filmed. I'm a filmmaker. So I was like, I need to control every aspect of things. And only when I decided once, I was humbled, again and then again and again, very stubborn, when I finally just got to a point where it was just, like, completely humbled, to a point where, like, I was brought down to the lowest I could go, and then I was slowly brought back up. I was like, Okay, on the way back up this time, I'm not I'm just gonna let this go, and I'm just gonna just trust where this whole thing is going. But this show specifically was a giant leap of faith, because it makes no sense. This show makes no sense whatsoever. It makes sense for you as a channeler, grateful Yeah, and a near death experiencer or a psychic medium or a mystic who's been studying for I'm a filmmaker, pot slash podcaster who just asks weird questions and intriguing questions to people, because I'm just curious, and that's how I came in. On paper, it makes no sense for any of this to be happening. So that's when I understand, and I believe in miracles.

Christy Whitman 8:33
Yes, absolutely, absolutely. You know, it's true. It's like, whether it's a songwriter or even that's what happened. That's what got me into this whole experience. Is my first book. And all of my books come through me like that. And so I was, I was awakened, and, you know, 1:04 in the morning, seven days in a row with this first book coming through me called Perfect pictures. And it was, it was just a clear that I was the vessel, because when I would read what I wrote, it was like, I that's, that's the information I need for what I'm going through right now. Because I didn't, my mind didn't come up with it, right? It was like, I was just open for that information to come through. And every single book, I have a new book next year coming out, called the flow factor. And same thing, it's being in the flow of what's beyond you. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 9:24
So, so before, before we continue. I mean, we're talking like everybody, and everybody watching knows who you are or what you do. So like, Who is this lady? She's been on the show. Should I look these other episodes up? Can you explain to people who you are and what you do as a channeler?

Christy Whitman 9:41
Yes, so I have been a coach. I first became an author, just like I talked about, I was really just a seeker myself. You know, I had my sister, or I didn't have but my sister had committed suicide, and she was 11 years older than me, but we were very tight, very close. US, and during that transition for her and my own healing process,

Alex Ferrari 10:05
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening more and more every day. Mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us. That is why I'm inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond a six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration. Join us and step into the extraordinary.

Christy Whitman 11:01
Thankfully, I had started meditating and I had started working with energy before that, and so that helped me go through the healing process with her. But for me, it was like I didn't want to end up like her, and so I really became very dedicated to healing my own negative thoughts and my lack perspective, and that's where the journey took me. So I was just hungry, I was hurt, I was thirsty, I, you know, anybody I could learn from. And back then, it wasn't like we had the internet, you know. It was like, if, if I wanted to learn about spirituality. It was like, you go into a metaphysical bookstore and there wasn't very many or, like, you know, or the metaphysical section, Oh, yeah. And it was hidden in the back, you know, or it was just, wasn't, you know, it wasn't cool to be there, right? It wasn't commonplace. And so I just started applying what I was reading through channels like Oren and da Ben. And I had a beautiful meditation teacher that saw me, and she said to me back then, you're a channeler. And I was like, Okay, I don't know what that means, but you know, so I just kept meditating, and that's where about five years into learning about law of attraction, learning about the law of sufficiency and abundance, which now I call the seven essential laws, and I've been teaching those for 25 years, but I just started downloading this information that I then started applying, and I was seeing massive results, like, there would be I was back in the day, I was a pharmaceutical sales rep, and I would apply what I was learning, and my team would get, like, just nauseated with me, because the our area manager would be like, Okay, we're doing awards, and this one goes to Christy, and this one goes to Christy, and they're like, just give it to her. And finally, a couple of them said, All right, what are you doing? Right, right? Like, what are you doing that is making you so successful. And so I started coaching them, and they were actually my first coaching clients. And then I saw them go from the bottom to the top, and they were applying universal principles. And so what they were doing was changing their thoughts, right? Changing them to more positive thoughts, working with their emotions, you know, really visualizing, you know, the things working with Affirmations, Visualization, the basic stuff, contemplation, meditation, and it was amazing to see them change, and I just loved it so much. But when my book got published, I went into a bookstore to do, like a workshop on it, and people were asking me, do you coach? And I had, again, this was like, I didn't coach like a cheerleading coach. I mean, I had no idea what a life coach was, but I love the feeling of it, so I actually went and got certified. And about couple years into coaching myself, I literally got like a surround sound effect from four different clients who didn't know each other within four days, saying, I want you to certify me. I'm like, why I don't do that? I could tell you where I got certified. No, no, I want you to certify me. And so after the third time it happened, after the third day, I'm like, Okay, I'm listening. If I was to create a certification program for Law of Attraction coaches, what would I do? Put pen to paper. I was there for a couple hours. The whole entire thing literally just downloaded modules, classes, what I would teach, what they need to know. And couple months later, I launched the Quantum Success Coaching Academy. And this was in 2008 I had exactly 50. I said, I want 50 students, 25 in the morning, 25 at night, had the exact number. It kept going. And then in 2011 it was like, it just, you know, we had 300 students a semester, 350 students a semester. And it was, it was exciting and amazing. And all along, I was still, you know, writing books and and that sort of thing. Wrote The Art of Having it All, which hit the New York Times. And. Uh, tame your alpha bitch hit the New York Times So, but then I started feeling a split. This wasn't doing it for me anymore, right? And something else was starting to come through. And for that time, it was like, all of a sudden, I was on a call, because we had instant teleseminar back then, we didn't have, like, zoom and all that. And I was in Montreal, and this woman was in Seattle, Washington, and I had a phone, you know, headset on, and all of a sudden I could see her, and my hands went up, and it was like they went, like, around her neck, and she goes, Did you just put your hands around my neck, and I said, Yeah, and I could Alex, I couldn't put my hands down. I was like, you know, almost fighting with it, and it was like they were just stuck, and I could feel this energy coming from my hands. And she goes. I woke up with a really sore neck today, and it has been killing me, and I'm literally working on her. And then all of a sudden, my hands just started to drop, and she goes, Oh my God. I feel so my God. You know, I feel so much better. And the very next woman that I did like a checkout, she was again, living on the, I think, in Portland, and her name was Barbara, and all of a sudden, I hear them. I didn't know who they were, but it was clear it wasn't just one singular, it was them. And they started saying to me, tell her to go get her hips checked. Okay? And I'm not a run to the doctor kind of a person, right? And so I'm kind of arguing with I'm not gonna tell her that, right? And they're like, tell her to go get her hips checked. And I'm like, Barbara, don't kill the messenger. But for some reason, I'm being guided to tell you to go get your hips checked. The next day, made a doctor's appointment. That week, she was in her doctor's office, she had cancer in her hips. It saved her life, because they caught it so early on. And so that was like, Okay, I think I'm an energy healer, right? So that was like another iteration of me, kind of opening up to what was happening. And then, as we were just talking about, in what was it? 2008 2018 It was September 17. 2018 all of a sudden, I'm with a group of women, you know, on a call. It just happened to be women. I also coach men, and all of a sudden this woman started talking, and I was hearing like multiple voices. It wasn't as clear as tell Barbara to go get her hips checked, right? It was like my kids and my husband and the dog all talking to me at the same time. It was just like, what is happening? And my consciousness went like over. I could feel as if, and I thought my body went over the chair, and I could feel that my body was, you know, channeling someone or something, and I could hear them. And I was like, Whoa, this is not me, right? And they left, and I came back in. I was crying. I'm like, Oh, my God, that's never happened. The ladies on the call were like, holy, you know? And it was the council who I started channeling, and that was just a moment that everything pivoted, everything changed, and even what I did in my business changed, and now what I offer change. So

Alex Ferrari 18:17
It's and we've talked in our other episodes, like, did you think you were going crazy when you heard these voices? All these voices, all that stuff? So anyone who wants to listen to please check out the other episodes. They'll probably be in the show notes. One thing I heard the other day was, you're talking about connecting to the other side, and it always sounds very woo woo when we hear things like that. But I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, Greg Braden, who's this wonderful. Greg is amazing, amazing, amazing. And Greg told me about this, this experiment that I forgot what college and what scientists did. But these are serious people. They took some neurons, raw neurons, away from everything else, put them in the dish and connected them to a circuit board. Now, what was on the circuit board was Pong, the old video, my gosh. And what they found fascinating is the neurons started to play Pong, wait, and then they got better. So they were learning how to play Pong and actually getting better at it. These are neurons. Now, Pong is, that's basic of a video game that has ever been invented. For all you kids, look it up and you're gonna go, what is this? I'm like, it's, it's, it was, it was the back in the day,

Christy Whitman 19:33
Right! The reason you have what you have now is because of Paul.

Alex Ferrari 19:36
Exactly. And the neuron was doing that. So then he was, he was formulating this hypothesis. Was like, well, there is no information in the neuron. The neuron has no brain. It has no history of Pong, how to play it, how to get better at it. So where was it getting the information? It was obviously connecting to a higher. Higher place. And I always call that connecting to the cloud for people doing like, yeah, because our our computers are very small, right? Can't really do we could do a lot. We can't do everything, but when you connect to the cloud, you have infinite amount of information, infinite amount of everything. It's a rudimentary example of what the other side is like. And it was connecting so and then we, then we go deeper into the rabbit hole. I'm like, well, then our bodies are the antenna. Our bodies are the vessel. So if our bodies are the vessel, the higher the vibration or frequency of that vessel, the easier it is to connect to that other side. And then I was going deeper. Like, well, then Yogi's. I always use Yogi's as an example, or a master's. And ascended masters, or walking masters, they lift their their frequency to a certain level that it's a lot easier to come in and out of that. Now, even channelers are able to do that in one station, meaning that with you, like say, with the council, you can turn on that. But maybe other areas of your life aren't at that same frequency all the time, right? Like an Ascended Master or a yogi would be, does that? Is that fair statement? Absolutely, yeah. But the channels have an ability to get to tune into 95.9 and that's where the channel comes in every time where the yogi or the master would have all the channels of the radio station at that high level, so they can tune in whenever they want and go wherever they want, essentially. So then I went deeper, deeper, deeper, and this is a long question, so please. I want to hear your thoughts. The foods that we put into ourselves will also affect our frequency. So we put in chemicals, we put in processed foods, we put in dead food, as opposed to live food, things like that will affect our frequencies and ability to really ascend to really to raise our frequency. What do you think of that? Everything I've just said,

Christy Whitman 21:47
I 100, 100% agree with you. It's interesting, because I haven't. I used to love to drink alcohol, and about a month before I started channeling the council, I would be at dinner, and I'd be like, you know, I don't feel like having a drink. Normally. I'd have, like, a cocktail, you know, I'd have, like, a Cosmo, or maybe a glass of wine. All of a sudden, I'd be at dinner with normal friends, and no, you know, I don't I think we're just gonna have water. Maybe I'll get, you know, Perrier with little like, splash of cranberry juice or something. I just didn't have the desire. And ever since, I haven't had a sip of champagne anything for at least six years, over six years now, and I credit that to I became or more open. Because when I would drink, whether it was a glass of wine here or there, it would lower my vibration. And right before that, I started, you know, I used to love to drink. I loved to party, and I just couldn't handle it. If I'd have a glass of wine, I'd be up all night. My body couldn't process it, or I'd get sick just off a glass of wine. Wasn't like I was drinking the whole bottle. And so that was changing my frequency. And the same can be said about, you know, the lower frequencies when we stress and ruminate on something. I mean, so it's not just what we put into our bodies, but it's also our mind, our emotions. You know, we actually have four bodies. So we have the mental body, which is like, what, you know, what happens between our ears? Like, what are our beliefs? What are our perceptions? What words do we say? What thoughts do we allow? You know, that's a big part of it. Then there's the emotional body, and all that affects the physical body. And then you have what you put in, you know, are you drinking water or caffeine all day long? Are you mixing it with you know? Are you getting the proper we all need water, and water helps to release the toxicities in our body. Are we working out? Are we allowing our bodies to sweat, you know, to do something? Where something physical? Because we are physical, you know, where it's whether you take a Pilates class or you go hike a mountain, to be able to move our physical bodies, those that are very sedentary, and they don't do any type of physical exercise that lowers the vibration. I mean, so these are all things that, you know, weight loss and eat well, and sleep well, and, you know, work out. And it's not just for to look good, it's to feel good and to be able to connect with higher consciousness. You know, there's, there's a lot of people that do drugs, right? And, I mean, if drugs and alcohol were a way to ascend and to, you know, state, there wouldn't be alcoholics. I mean, it would be the answer for enlightenment. So, you know, I'm not against, and I'm not saying everybody has their own process, and you shouldn't do it, however, but I do know that stress lowers the vibration, you know, drugs, alcohol, foods that are, you know, processed sugar, you know, these are things that actually lower the vibration and have a harder we have a harder time processing in our bodies. It takes more energy to process those than if you were to eat, say, chicken rice. Broccoli, or, if someone's vegetarian, broccoli and rice, right? And be able to process that easier in our body, our body's not working as hard if you eat a chocolate piece of chocolate cake,

Alex Ferrari 25:11
Oh, it's chocolate cake is tasty.

Christy Whitman 25:13
Oh it is, oh it is, you know,

Alex Ferrari 25:17
And that's the other thing too, for everyone listening, it's not just, I mean, look, if you want to have a glass of wine, have a glass more, right? Do you want a piece of cake? You have a piece of cake, exactly. But at a certain level, I think Yogananda, a student of Yogananda, said this, it was so beautiful. He walked up to Yogananda, he said, You know, I don't know about all of this, you know, but I, I don't know if I could give up a lot of the stuff I'm doing. He goes, Do you Do you drink? He goes, Yeah. He goes, You may continue. He goes, Do you smoke? He goes, Yeah, you may continue. He goes, Are you promiscuous with women? And he goes, Yes. And he goes, You may continue. And he's like, how is how am I going to be enlightened if I keep doing all this? And he goes, and he says, very frankly, he goes, You may continue doing all those things, but I cannot guarantee you will want to continue doing all these things after you do after you start learning these, these lessons and this, these teachings, that's it, and that's the key. Is like, at a certain point it's not like, oh, I have to stop that. I tried, believe it or not, to drink. I've never drank. I physically tried to go to wine country and do the sippings. And I'm like, I need to find a wine. I really wanted it. My body always rejected it since I was a kid, you know, I was given a beer at five, you know, just to try it, yeah? And it was, you know, yeah, the normal reaction every human being has when they have beer for the first time, generally speaking, right?

Christy Whitman 26:34
Yeah. Or any alcohol, or any alcohol, it doesn't taste very heavy, or a cigarette, you're, you know

Alex Ferrari 26:39
I had that at seven. I think I was someone was giving me like, yeah, just so you know, this is not a good situation. Have you ever done the the muscle test with alcohol? Yes, just if anyone listening out there, all you gotta do is take a bottle of whiskey, a rum, any Alka, vodka, whatever it, just put it to your chest. Have to hold it to your chest and put your arm out, and then just have someone with one finger push down on it, and you will go, yeah. And then you take the bottle away from you, and you do the same thing, and they won't be able to move it. It's fascinating.

Christy Whitman 27:11
Do that at a grocery store,

Alex Ferrari 27:13
Oh yeah, with food, oh yeah, oh yeah. Put it. Put some processed stuff on your chest. You look weird, but and you could see it, and then take an apple, and maybe even an organic apple or an organic banana, right there, and see if you have the strength afterwards. It is, it is, it's pretty fascinating.

Christy Whitman 27:29
Well, you know, it's interesting. Let's talk about this really quick, because it's the whole idea of, well, the alcohol or the the weed or the, you know, the sugar that gives me pleasure, like it's the food and life that gives me pleasure, right? And but it's going beyond that, that it's not just these things that can give you pleasure. It's also connection to our source. And that's what we're talking about, is that most people are seeking something outside of themselves, whether it's if I just have more success than I would feel purposeful. I would feel successful. Or if I, you know, if I just eat this or drink this or smoke this or take this, then I'm going to be okay. And it's that place within us where we're feeling the lack, where we feel like I'm not okay. And it, I mean, I've coached people for 25 years, and now with counsel, you know, coming through and helping people, it's it. There's everybody always has something that they think, Oh, I don't have this, but if I had it, then I'd be okay. Whether it's like, you could be a gazillionaire, but you don't have a partner and you feel lonely, or you could have a partner, but you're totally dissatisfied, and you want to get out of the marriage. And you feel like, if I just get out of the marriage, then I'll be okay. Or if I just lose the weight, you know, I just had the perfect body, or if I just had the kids, or if I just whatever it is, then I'd be okay. But we have to understand that our minds create that as a go get this, and then I'll be okay. But what's cool is that the essence, the very essence of energy, and we're talking the next level soul, right? Our soul is with us always. And I from the council, I like to think of it as our soul is like five feet above us, five feet below us, in front of us, behind us. It's with us all around. It's our energy field. If we're not aware of it, if we're not in tune with it, we feel like a small, you know, person that needs something else to feel okay. But when you're connecting with your soul, and you understand that your soul has all of the frequencies that you could ever want, and more, it's like imagining you got just this treasure chest around you. And if you feel like, you know, I don't feel connected, you can bring in that feeling of connection.

Alex Ferrari 29:51
But it's because we get caught up in this game, yes, this game that we're in, the video game that we're all in the matrix. If you. Will. It is very intoxicating. Oh yeah, it's extremely intoxicating. That's why we come down here,

Christy Whitman 30:05
Right! So we have the experience, we want to experience.

Alex Ferrari 30:08
This experience is so dense and so intoxicating, because these are things that cannot be experienced on the other side, this physical reality that we're in, and it's, and when you are looking and I've been that person I need, if I could just get this job, like, if I could just work with that person, if I could just get this guest on the show for my older shows, not this one, this kind of stuff, then I'll be okay. And I think the, I think there was a moment that I and it wasn't a conscious thing, I just stopped that. Yeah, I just let go of it. I think is, you know, in many ways, the show helped me do that, because I just like, I'm nobody in this space. I can't sure I would love to have that person or that person on the show, but I'll just keep grinding. And that's what I did. And had no attachment to outcome. And I think that kind of spilled over to other aspects of my life. You know, there's nothing physical out there that really has anything of any meaning to me, like, you know, I could have $100 million in the bank right now. My life really wouldn't change. A whole hell of a lot. I'd still probably drive the same, you know, basic car that I drive. Nothing fancy. My clothes, as you can see, are not designer. I could care less about any of that stuff. It doesn't those things I'm not intoxicated with. You know, in other aspects of my life, food has always been a thing that I've, you know, fallen but now that's starting to, starting to pull away from that, as much as I used to, because it was, it's something that you hold on to. And it could be anything for everybody. Could be collecting stuff, it could be food, it could be sex, it could be women, anything in the physical space, yeah. But it's not easy to let go of those things when you are not looking inward for the answers. I think that's the key. Is, once you start connecting inward, you start realizing, like Yogananda says, I'm not, I'm not sure you're gonna want to continue right these things.

Christy Whitman 32:00
Well, here's the here's why, because the law of sufficiency and abundance, this is what we're talking about here. When someone notices I'm in the physical world and I don't have this, right? That's where our desires, that's the whole desire factor, right? My book, the desire factor. I want that. I don't have this, I want this, but there's this gap, so I'm not going to feel okay until I get this. So there's this perspective, which we're not. I don't have the man in my bed. I don't have the million dollars in my I'm not driving the car, and I don't have the whatever it is, right? So we notice that, and then we go, oh, but if I did have it, that's the key to happiness, and so then we pursue it, right? But understanding that the perspective of lack always feels bad. It doesn't matter what it is like cliff note version. If you're lacking something and you have awareness that you don't have something, you're gonna feel bad. But the difference is coming to a place where it's like, sufficiency, it's like, I like to think of it as three different buckets, right? There's lack, which always feels bad, sufficiency, which feels okay. You don't feel bad, you feel good, you're at peace, right? You're content. And then there's abundance, where it's like, the good, higher feelings are, right? When someone's in lack, I don't have this, and I'm not enough, and I'm not going to be enough until I have that. We come from a place or the universe, there's no way for me to get enough. You know, there's not enough out. There is not enough good men, not enough good women, whatever that is, that perspective feels bad when we come from a place of who I am, where I'm at, right now, it's good. My grandmother used to, used to say she cries with a loaf of bread under her arm, meaning, meaning, like, she's got a loaf of she's got her daily bread, but she's still crying because she doesn't have, what, something else, right? Of course. So being able to, I just get that image of, you know, having your loaf of bread. What's your loaf of bread today? You know, do you have a roof over your head? Do you have someone that loves you? Do you have opportunities? Are you breathing? I mean, Hello, we're here. We have breath. If we have breath, we have connection. If we have connection, we have connection to our abundance, our success, our love, our support, our Well, being, our wholeness and shift, shifting that understanding that where I am in this moment, maybe it's not everything I've ever dreamed about, but it's it's enough right now, and that level of appreciation and gratitude, that level of presence, gets us out of lack because then from that place we can go, This is good. And you know what's going to be great when I get that, like, that'll be fun. Ooh, I want to experience that. This is good. I'm not in the Oh, My life sucks. This is good. But what? Oh, what I dream about, what I vision, that's got legs too.

Alex Ferrari 34:57
And the thing you just said, they're so important, is that. Yeah, it's difficult to do that very it is something that I struggled with a lot of times, because I would be like, I look around, I'm like, I got all this stuff, but I really want that person, or I really want that person to be on the on the on the show, or I really want that job, or that gig, or something like that, where now it's much easier for me, where I say like, I'm so every day I'm so grateful. I just I I lose gratefulness every day for my family, for this, for what I'm doing, for the mission that I'm on with this show, and everything else we're doing. You know, sure, I have the reason, one of the reasons why I'm doing I get, I guess one of the reasons why this was put in my path to do is because I have a tremendous amount of ambition, and that doesn't, it doesn't stop, like a lot of people, be like, I'm solid. I don't need to go anywhere else. I'm like, no, no, we gotta do this. We gotta do that. We gotta do this. And I can see what, what's coming in my in my mind's eye, but it's not, and it's a driving factor to do the work that have to do. But it's not, I'm not attaching my happiness to it. That's it, and that's the key. Yes. He's like, Yeah. What we all have, like, aspirations to be like, oh, I want to do this. I want to have this. I want to have 11 million people listening to my show like Joe Rogan every week. You know, that kind I would love that, yeah. But I'm really happy with where I'm at right now.

Christy Whitman 36:18
And that's the perfect place to be, yeah? Because if you're in the place of, Oh, why does Joe Rogan have that? And I only have this, that's perspective of lack, because that's the key, Alex, it doesn't matter actually what you have, I've coached celebrities, millionaires, top athletes, and they still can have moments of that, right? So it's, it's, you know, this is still not enough, and it's coming and catching yourself whenever you feel down, whenever you're off, you know, you're wanting something that you don't have. And it's coming from the place of getting out of that bucket, finding compassion that you had, that thought or that you were, you know, reeling in that kind of perspective, giving yourself compassion. Compassion feels like a really beautiful, warm hug, or someone you know, when you're cold, wrapping you in a warm blanket, or giving you a hot cup of cocoa when it's cold outside, it's like that, or getting into a warm bed with the comfort you're like, ah, you know that moment of petting a puppy, whatever it is that brings you to that place of this is good. I'm okay, because that that right there. If we're coming from lack, if we're thinking that there's never enough, that's one thing. If we're not ever satisfied, we want more, more, more, more, more, more. Here's the difference. You can want more and have that aspiration, but you're not coming from that I got to have more, because this isn't enough, right?

Alex Ferrari 37:43
And that's definitely not where I'm coming from, right? This is more than enough, yes, because it's dreamlike for me. Still, this is all very dreamlike for me, so for me, because I've been at that place where I was just, I need this, yeah, all this kind of stuff. And now it's not that. And I think if we just get out of our own way, yes, everything has to do with our own programming in our minds, of what we believe the world is, what it owes us, what it doesn't owe us, how to deal what we're entitled to. These kind of things are what get in the way. I think with meditation, it does kind of calm a lot of that down over the years, because it just you start to connect to that deeper place in meditations where that stuff is ridiculous. And maybe because I've spoken to so many people who've died and come back and near death experiencers, that perspective has changed so dramatically. Nothing we do here in general, you know, while we're here, the things we do affect people, yes, for a select few, the things that we do now will affect generations. There are people we still talk about, Jesus, Buddha, many others who who drop a stone so big that the ripples ripple through time. But I think I forgot who said this? But it was so it just, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. He goes, in 100 years, there'll be strangers living in your house, and no one will remember you. In three generations, if anyone even says your name, you'll be it'll be a miracle. And you, and you start thinking about that, you go, who? So why do I care about what anyone thinks. Yeah, why do I care about what anybody says about me? It doesn't matter. It really does.

Christy Whitman 39:27
But while we're here, because we are matter, it matters.

Alex Ferrari 39:31
It does. It does. It does affect us, yes, but to have the to have the perspective of, like, that's that, you know, look, someone's gonna throw a punch in your face. That's you. It matters. Oh, yeah, that's right in front you.

Christy Whitman 39:42
It's gonna hurt you.

Alex Ferrari 39:42
Yes, yeah, it's the it's in the now, yeah. But generally speaking, a lot of these things that we worry about, oh yeah, it doesn't.

Christy Whitman 39:49
We think it does, but it does it

Alex Ferrari 39:51
Because of the programming, because what we see in the media, we because all this kind of stuff, it doesn't really matter. And I think that's also age, as you get older. Yeah, hopefully you're you look back at the things you worried about when you were 20, and things that were and what, let's go back to our teens. Everything was the end of the world. Oh my God. Everything was the end of the world back then. I have young I have young kids now, and I see it, I'm like, Oh my It's like, every everything was like, Oh my God. Like, you need to calm down, right? And we always said, like, two years, you're not even gonna remember who these people are. Stop it. Yeah, you know, because you know, how many friends we still have from high school, zero. You How many friends I have from middle school? Absolutely zero. Do you no one know it's very rare to keep those kind of friendships for long, long, long periods of time. So like, stop it. Just enjoy the ride. Yes, and go through it, but it's

Christy Whitman 40:41
Well, it's interesting. You say that, because some don't ever get it. My dad just passed. My dad just passed less than six months ago, and he was ruminating at night, couldn't sleep at night, was thinking rolling the tapes of all the wrongs he did and all the you know, ways he messed up just with a big old stick, you know. And the minute now, I have different perspective, and I know this, right, but the minute he transitioned, it was like, this is a party. Oh, my God, you know, it was like all and I even felt it and saw it. When he he passed, I felt my sister come in the room. His mom and dad is, you know, his best friend that passed on. It was like, it was a very full room, and they were all celebrating him. And it was like this, just, you know, yay. And he was almost like, oh my gosh, worried about what's gonna happen on the other end to my soul. To me, am I going to purgatory? Am I going to be in hell, you know, that whole thing, and just to the minute, just to last minute that he took his last breath, you know, in his head worrying when on the other side, there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

Alex Ferrari 41:54
It's a game.

Christy Whitman 41:55
It is.

Alex Ferrari 41:56
It's a game. It is a game. And I don't want to dismiss it as a game only, but this is a simulation. We go through all these things here to experience them, yeah, but I think we are our worst enemy. I really, truly believe that if you're worried about what somebody else is thinking about you right now, I promise you, they're probably not thinking about you because they've got their own crap to deal. They're thinking about themselves, because that's humanity, yeah, as a general statement. But we're like, what do you think she thinks about me? Or what do you think she doesn't think about she's not, it's not thinking about you right now? Yeah, I promise you, it's, it's, it's that thing. But I think that we're, I think everyone's kind of elevating a little bit more nowadays, but with conversations like this and books and, I mean, it's, it's getting better than it was, but I think it's generational too. It is. I think our generation is a transition generation, because we had one foot in the old, and we have one foot in the new. We understand what it was before the internet. We also understand what it is after the internet. You know, I remember no remote control and bunny ears, oh yeah, with aluminum foil, and then I would have to sit down and hold it sometimes for my parents to watch their show, or where we are, where we are now, where everything is is on our phone, and we have instant access to everything.

Christy Whitman 43:08
But what's interesting is more people now are uncertain, and they don't know what to do with that uncertainty, correct, and with everything you know happening in the political climate, and you know, different things that are happening to the planet. So many people are scared and uncertain. And what we have to understand is that, you know, the President of the United States doesn't create your own reality. You do? You know we, we have our life, what's in front of us in this present moment. I mean, people have talked about this, leaders and, you know, spiritual teachers have talked about this forever. All you have is the now, and yet at the same time, all time is simultaneous, because you have the past affecting you and you're affecting the future, but our future thoughts are affecting us now, and that's the key, is that when we are so out of the now, when we're worrying about what's going to be happening, that we don't have control in and there's always going to be uncertainty, because the future is never set in stone. We could visualize it, we could connect with our future self, you know. But still there's a gap. And if we're in our now worried about what's going to be happening in the future and what we here's the thing, what we think we're going to feel when we're not feeling now, we're not living now. We're not connected now.

Alex Ferrari 44:36
Well, we're worried about what has happened and we're worried about what is going to happen, correct? But we don't never worry about what is happening right at this moment, unless there's a tiger literally gonna eat you, which there usually isn't, generally speaking, usually isn't. But we create our own tigers, yeah, to worry about as well. So we're in constant state of worry. Then the media what? What's going on. We have access to things that you know, if you lived in a farm. Or in the middle of Kansas, somewhere in the 30s or 40s, you had no idea there was a World War going on, right? No, no idea. No, no idea. I mean, unless you turned on the news, right, and there was one, there was three channels, and that was all the information. You know, you there could be a war 50 miles away, like a full blown war, yeah, people dying by hundreds of 1000s you wouldn't have known about Yeah, but now we know everything that's happening everywhere around the world instantly. So when we start worrying about things that we have absolutely no control, right? We have no control over all of the insanity that is happening around

Christy Whitman 45:37
All we have control over is the words that we speak. That's why I always tell people, go to because it tells you what not to say. Why? What to say instead? Because when you're like, Oh, I can't, I can't seem to do this, stop saying can't, because that blocks your energy, right there, right? Oh, I should have and now you're beating yourself up for something that you should have done when you cannot change the past, right? It's like we have our our words, that we say which are powerful. We have our thoughts, we have our beliefs or perspectives, we have our emotions and we have our actions. That's all we have influence on. And I don't know about you but your wife, your kids, the president, whoever can't get inside my head and choose my thoughts for me. They can't speak the words that are coming out of my mouth. That's all up to me, and the higher I go with my higher mind, and like I was saying, having that perspective of my soul, I mean, just doesn't that come for you to know that your soul is all around you and is always, never goes below that space of compassion is an absolute love for you and absolutely adores you. I have a story. My son was turning 14, right? And so he manifested, it was incredible. He manifested a half a day of school. Because I'm like, whatever the whole school year, school year, they've never done a half a day, right? So I was like, good for you for manifesting. So I drop him off, and I've got, all right, I got three hours to, you know, go get the balloons and the cake and the food for tonight and all that, and to have the house decorated for him, because I still like to do surprises. So I'm running around. I was at four, three different grocery stores, Target, the whole thing, and I put my card away. Three out of the four times I had a small little cart and there was cake in the car, balloons. It was hot. I live in Arizona, so I, instead of going and putting the cart away, like I did, you know, other times, I put the cart on top of a curb, away from the cars, you know, so people could park. So I'm in my car, and I see this woman walking across the parking lot with this eye. You know, she's like, giving me that just evil eye. She walks over to the cart that I just put and deliberately is staring at me and is walking the cart. So I roll, I know, I roll down the window, and I go, thank you. And she goes, You're the lazy. And I was like, I'm lazy, and if anybody knows me, I am so not lazy, right? So, but I'm in my head the whole time driving home, arguing with this woman. I am not lazy, and I'm a hard worker. And you know, the whole thing? Because here's the thing, this is the whole new book. It's the flow factor. We as human beings, when something bushwhacks us like that, or, you know, something rug gets pulled out, or someone that we don't even know judges us, or says something like that, or has their own persecution of us, we go either into fight mode, flight mode or freeze mode, and it's like, what do I do? So I'm a feisty one, right? So I go, I usually do the fight mode, and I'll fight with myself and some stranger that is not even who I don't know, you know. And I'm doing this, and I'm like, What am I doing? I you know what? I know? I It doesn't matter. Compassion to me. I'm a hard worker. And then I heard the council come in, what if you were lazy? What if you were lazy? No, well, I'm not lazy, right? That's the defense part of it. I'm not though I'm a hard worker. I grind I you know, but what if you were? We still love you. Your soul still loves you. Can you love yourself? And as soon as I was like, Huh? You know, sometimes I am lazy when I like to get massages every week that's lazy, that's not lazy. But see, here's the here's the thing, right? Oh, when I lay on the couch after a hard days of work, you know, sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything. Sometimes I have lazy moments. But why is that bad, right? It's that word lazy. And so what's really interesting is that that night, right? That night, I was bringing my mom to dinner so she could celebrate with us, and I told her this story, and she goes, Oh, your father hated that. He would get so mad when someone wouldn't put their card away, and he would just be like, they're lazy late, you know? And there was this judgment. And I went, Uh. Whoa, there's the imprint from young age. I cannot be lazy, because lazy is bad. So here's the thing, we observe something, whatever we're observing, and then our minds either judge it to be bad or to be good. If it's like I'm observing something, and hey, that's good. Okay, we continue on and we feel good about it. But what if we observe something and then we judge ourselves or someone else, like that woman was judging me the card is the card. I didn't put the card away, so in that observative moment, right, observing that she judged me for being bad or wrong. And then I then took it to be bad and wrong too, because that's what I heard all my life. You don't want to be lazy, and she's right. So that's the programming. And then, but you give yourself compassion and go,

You know what?

Alex Ferrari 50:56
It's all good.

Christy Whitman 50:57
It's all good. Well, the thing, does it really matter?

Alex Ferrari 51:01
Well, first of all, it doesn't matter. In the least 100 years from now, there'll be strangers in your house just throwing that out there, but, but the thing is that that has much more to say about her than it does about you, right? I mean, anytime I don't know about you, but I love to read my comments, and so does my wife. They're beautiful, and I get a lot of love, but every once in a while we'll get people, they'll say negative things, and I was and I find them hilarious. Now, I used to be the fighter. I used to be like, Oh hell no, you go in at us. Years ago, when I released my first movie, people gave me a bad review. Oh no, you didn't like and I would go after them. And I'm like, You're not gonna go after every single bad, bad comment. I am, like, Yes, I am. I have nothing to do, and I would just sit there for hours doing it. So I burned that out. But now I look at it and I find it hilarious, like when they'll say something that's so blatantly, so blatantly disconnected from what I'm doing, who I am, I'm like, well, that that person's going through some stuff, or they really have because for you to sit down and start writing and posting like there's something Yeah, because I would think these things yes, but to say it, you know, or email even even better. The emails are even the better when they go emailing it and I'm like, wow, you spent you decided to take time out of your day to do this. This says volumes about you. Has it has nothing to do with me. Yes, has nothing to do with if it's not meet somebody else, right? Oh, that's it. They're working they're working their own stuff out.

Christy Whitman 52:27
Well, that's being part of the Drama Triangle is that if someone needs to persecute and that's where I got I'm like, wow, she probably feels better about herself because she rescued the parking lot and a cart and got to persecute me for her own, her own, you know,

Alex Ferrari 52:42
Let me ask you this. I don't know if anyone's ever said this before, but I think this is a term. If I haven't, if it has, it hasn't been coined. I'm gonna coin it. Karen culture. The Karen culture, yes, here in the States, is a thing, and it's not only states. I've seen Karen's and you poor woman whose name I know, I

Christy Whitman 53:02
Lovely Karen

Alex Ferrari 53:04
But unfortunately, that is the name that has been correct, that has been the label that's been created for these ladies. And it's not only ladies, it's guys too. Now they're like, Oh, it's a male Karen. It's hilarious. Watch. Why do you think now there is so much more of this entitlement or this kind of Karen culture that is, it's, it's infesting the I mean, it's insane, and you watch them, and sometimes it's race related, or sometimes it's bigotry or but sometimes it's just straight up, how dare you right kind of culture, there was nothing like this when we were growing up, right? I mean, there really wasn't you never

Christy Whitman 53:42
It was in your family.

Alex Ferrari 53:44
Obviously, there were parents constantly in our families, berating, yeah? Like that cart story, yeah, that would have never happened in the 80s, no, or 90s. Like, can you imagine? But now it's very common, and it's older folk too sometimes, but it's also some people in our generation, younger, younger generations, Gen Z and so on, millennials. So I'm just curious, why is it? What's the energy that's causing that now

Christy Whitman 54:10
It's so much anger and you know it I talk about the Drama Triangle, and let's just break that down. The Drama Triangle is something that Stephen Cartman, a psychologist, created in the 60s. It was like 1967 or something, and it's the way that we relate with each other. And so you have three aspects. You have the rescuer, who is kind of like the good guy. You have the persecutor, who is, you know, the bad guy. And then you have the victim, right? So a lot of people, we will change between those roles within the Drama Triangle. And so someone that's like, I've done everything, I'm going to do everything, and I'm overdoing and, you know, a lot of light workers and people that are in service work, they're they want to rescue, they want to save everybody. I used to do that with my ex husband, right? I want to tell him I'm. To teach him. I want to teach him all the stuff I know. And he'd be like, I could care less, you know. And I'd be like, I've given you all the books I've yelled at you dad. But, you know, he didn't want to change. He wanted to just complain about his situation. He wanted to play a victim. But when I was trying to save him, and I wouldn't, I couldn't save him, then I would become a victim. I've done everything, and you don't care, right? It's like this whole and it's an entrapment, but, and there's an angry victim, which a lot of people, if they're just angry about where they are, nothing ever works for me, and it doesn't matter. And they're just feeling this sense of entitlement, but this anger. And then there's the persecutor who wants to blame everybody else sees something the way that should be done, in their opinion, in their opinion, that's it. And so this woman, perfect example, I should have, in her mind, put the cart back, and if I didn't, it meant I'm lazy, right? And so she had to, you know, show her disapproval. And by doing that, and making it a very public thing, that she's stuck in the Drama Triangle, and guess what? I got right in there with her. Because I was like, what neat. I had a reaction to it as soon as I got myself out of it, which is that, because Drama Triangle is lack if we're in the Drama Triangle, if you're in anger, if you're in resentment, all of that is just harboring and the minute, it's like it's an opportunity for someone like on social media, someone doesn't feel good about themselves, or they're angry someone else. I had a wonderful story about meeting John Stamos, who was I got to tell you the story. It was so much fun, but I had a crush on him since I was like, a young kid. He was blacky on General Hospital. That's how far back I go deep. Oh, yeah, and I happened to be at the beach and in Huntington Beach, and his son thinking that I was his his wife runs up to me, and we're both, like, shocked, because my kids weren't there and they're not little anymore, and his his wife was over there, and she's like, over here, right? So his son did that again. He wasn't there. His son like, rent to the beach and was collecting crabs. And he runs back up to me again, and we're both like, nope, not me, right? So he runs over to his mom, and his mom and I were giggling and laughing about this. So I'm on the phone with my editor, and I'm talking looking at the ocean, and all of a sudden I noticed there's a man sitting with this woman now, so I jokingly said, Hey, sir, you're gonna have to leave, otherwise your son won't run up to me. And he turns around and he smiles. And I'm like, you know, I'm like, I gotta go. John Stamos is literally on the beach next to me, so I just kind of look over at him, and he looks over at me, and I go, I go, I just realized who you are. And I go, I used to have a poster of you when I was in eighth grade. He's like, Yeah, that was, like, 45 years ago. I'm like, thanks. So he goes, You know, I didn't want to bother him, as with his family, you know, the whole thing. And so all of a sudden, I hear him go, you want to take a picture? And I'm like, okay, so I go over and we started getting in this conversation blew me away. He's known he knows my books and he knows my and then he asked me for my phone number. And I'm like, if my my 13 year old self is behind me, I'm acting all stone, right? My 13 year old self is like, you know, freaking out. But the whole thing, was my point of all

Alex Ferrari 58:21
John Stamos it's John Stamos.

Christy Whitman 58:25
So I posted, I posted a picture on Facebook, right? And this is, like, literally, my last week of being on Facebook. I posted a picture. I said, if anybody knows me, and this was my personal page, if anybody knows me, you know that this a big deal. And so my girlfriends from like, eighth grade. We're like, oh my god, your eighth grade self is freaking out right now, you know? And there's all these positive comments, like you said. One woman's like, oh my god, you guys are all acting like he's the second coming of Christ, and what's the big deal? And get over yourself. And I'm like,

Alex Ferrari 58:56
Can you just let the people enjoy themselves?

Christy Whitman 58:58
Exactly! But this is an opportunity for someone that's unhappy that correct right to be able to it's like a, it's like a, like a release, a little release felt for them because they don't know how to let go of their anger or their resentment or their jealousy or their envy.

Alex Ferrari 59:15
So I'll tell you my story. My John Stamos. It's not John Stamos. I don't think I've ever said this on the show before. So this is a fun show. This is a fun, fun deal. A lot of people know I'm a big Star Wars fan. Yoda is behind me right now. He's always near, near me. And, and that was honestly the first real connection to spirituality. Was the Star Wars films with Yes, concepts of for the force and, oh yeah, you know, I mean, I was a recovering Catholic, but that that, but the spirituality, not religion, but the spirituality aspect was really the first introduction to Eastern thought, Eastern philosophies, with Star Wars and, you know, every guy my age, you know, would love to meet George Lucas. And, you know, it's impossible, you know, how could I meet George Lucas? And one. Day, I'm editing in my office, in in my my suite that I had in Toluca Lake, in in LA and my buddy goes, Hey, man, George Lucas having lunch next door. I'm like, shut up. No. And then he's like, No, go next door. And I, I walk over, and there's George Lucas eating lunch with his daughter. And I know it's his daughter because I've seen every behind the scenes footage of the making of Star Wars since the beginning, right of so I knew who they were. And I'm like, I just walked in real chilled, and I like, looked like I was going to buy something, and then I might walk back out. I'm like, Oh my God. I was like 30 something at the time. This is years ago. There's like 30 something at the time. And then then i The funny thing is, is how the universe is so beautiful. I've always wanted to have a Star Wars lunchbox. Just always wanted a Star Wars like metal, old metal lunchbox. So I bought a replica, one, nothing old, nothing classic, but just, you know, a nice little replica. It arrived that morning at nine o'clock, and then at 12 o'clock I would have left for go to go home for lunch, where I would have taken that lunch box to my home office, and that's where I would live. Wouldn't have lived at my studio office. He was eating lunch around 11. So that lunch box was in the three hour window, wow, or four hour window that I would have that had to be in order to get it signed. Now the fun part about this story is then I all of a sudden turned into like a Taylor Swift Fan. It starts like, oh my god, oh my god. And then every other grown ass man in the entire place was like, Oh my gosh. Look at Oh my gosh. We're all sitting there like Tay Tay fans, just sitting there waiting. And I'm like, okay, okay. And we're planning on, how am I gonna go do this? You know, I had an autograph pen for my get for my clients who proposed her, so I had everything here. And I'm like, Okay, I can't walk up to him because I don't want to interrupt him with his daughter, right? And I don't, and he'll see me coming, because I'm at that age when I was 3839 year old man with a Star Wars he'd see me coming from a mile away. So I was like, This is my whole plan. I was like, okay, okay, so I there was a limo out front Park, which is his limo, I guess that is, like, I'll just wait out here, and when he hits the sidewalk, that's when I'll hit him, because he's, that's, that's fair game, right? He's done, and I can hit him there. And and George doesn't sign. He doesn't, hasn't signed in years, you know, because he's doesn't have to, and doesn't particularly want to. So his autographs are very rare. And I'm sitting there, like, okay, okay, okay. And I'm like, really did Jasmine, the other guy, the whole it was, it was ridiculous. It was absolutely ridiculous. And then the the 65 year old receptionist, she turns to me, she goes, What are you guys doing? I'm like, Oh, George Lucas is next door. We're gonna get his autograph. And why you guys freaking out? It's just George. It's just just a guy. Don't you understand? And then she's like, do you want me to go get it?

Christy Whitman 1:03:02
It got me crying.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:05
Do you want me to go get it? I go, he'll never see you coming. He'll never see a 65 year old woman coming. Oh, my God, that'd be amazing. She's like, give me skinny the thing, because you buy me lunch. I'm like, Oh, I'll buy you lunch, don't you? I'll buy you lunch for a week if you get me this autograph. So I told her, I go, just tell him to make it out to Alex, because I'll never sell it. Let him know that, because it's worth it probably be worth a couple 1000 bucks, to be honest with you, on eBay, I go, just tell him to make it out to Alex and tell him I'll never sell it. So she walks over there and she sees George, and she goes, Mr. Lucas, I have a friend of mine next door. He really wants to get an autograph. And you know, it would mean the world to him. He says to make it out to Alex, because he's never going to sell it. And his daughter turns to him and goes, Dad, just sign it. And George signed it, and he brought it back, and it's still in my home office, under under glass, and it's one of my prized possessions in the world. It means a lot to me because of the influence and the what that man did for me in my journey, yeah, and I'm not the only one, by the way, that star was affected, but that was just an example of kind of putting that out there in the world. Because I always mean, the universe knew, yeah, that I wanted an autograph with George Lucas, yeah. And I knew, and they just kind of waited for the moments to be because it just was magical. It was, yeah, absolutely magical. And it got to a place where everything was aligned. And if I wouldn't have taken action, we would have just drove by. I've had many of those, by the way, yeah, opportunities that just flew right by because I didn't take action, even though the universe put it right in front of me because I was scared or whatever.

Christy Whitman 1:04:36
That's what I'm talking about. Like, you know, you are taking actions. That whole quantum success, it's alignment, and then the momentum you got to take the action, and that's where, if you're afraid, or you've got the doubt, or, or, who am I, or I don't want to bother him, or any of that other you know?

Alex Ferrari 1:04:53
No, I knew this was, this was once in a lifetime, and I always wondered. I was like, why is George Lucas in Burbank? Like, what's. The point of this. Three weeks later, he sold Lucasfilm to Disney. That's what he was doing. He was doing meetings at Disney, which I would live. I lived right down the street from and I was like, Oh, that makes sense, because he's from San Francisco. There's no reason for him to be down, right? And that was and that was my, that's my George Lucas story. So when he sits in this room one day, I'm putting it out there to do an interview about the spirituality of Star Wars.

Christy Whitman 1:05:25
Oh, that would be so good. Because it's true.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:28
I'm putting it out there. He's had he did one with Bill Moore a while ago. Bill Moyer about the spirituality of Star Wars. So he did, like, a long special about that once I'm geeking out, and I apologize, I'm super geeking out right now, but it is like the matrix is another film like that that opened up a lot of things, not only me, but in the world. Yeah, there are certain films that come out that throw concepts out into the world that really shapes the zeitgeist. Star Wars, The Matrix, even the Marvel films, with the multiverse and parallel realities, is putting it in a way that everybody mainstream. It's mainstream people are talking about and things like that. So anyway, you just inspired me with your story of John Stamos. I thought I'd share my George Lucas story. I love it's one of my favorite story. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't meet people in my other show, my other show that would go, I've been watching you for years. I'm like, you've been watching like, yeah, I read your book. You read my book. Like, it's humbling and it's weird. It is like I idolized you for what you did and studied your path. And wow, that's kind of,

Christy Whitman 1:06:29
Yeah, that was that moment for me where he goes, Well, what's your name, and because I said, I'm a New York Times best selling author, he goes, What's your name? I go, Christy Whitman. He goes, I know quantum success. I'm like John Stamos. She wrote, quantum success. She's like, Oh yeah. I'm like, You know

Alex Ferrari 1:06:46
What is happening? What is happening right now?

Christy Whitman 1:06:50
My 13 year old self staring at that poster of Blackie, you know,

Alex Ferrari 1:06:54
You know. And it's, this is something very interesting, and then we'll move on, because we think I can geek out all day, me too. But the thing is that there are things that we thought that would never be happen when we were younger in life, that you would never be able to do this, you never be able to do that and again, because of the age that I am and how many, how many circles around the Sun we've gone through. I look back and I think, oh, you know, I remember working at a video store, and when I was in high school and picking up the box of this movie. And then I become friends with who made that movie, or, you know, or they asked me for advice, or things like that. And I'm like, this is surreal. Yeah, it's absolutely surreal. So it proves to me that not only is anything possible in this reality, almost, I mean literally almost anything, as long as it's within the path of what you want to do, meaning, if I want to become an astronaut right now or an NBA player, probably not gonna happen. It's a general statement. I'll give it a good show. But I think after the first practice, my knees would be like, nah, nah. We're gonna we're gonna slow you down, brother.

Christy Whitman 1:08:11

Alex Ferrari 1:08:13
Maybe, maybe the water boy, but, but within the realm of your path and what you're supposed to do even, even giving it some leeway. Nothing is really impossible. This is impossible. This is impossible. What you've accomplished in your career is impossible. Most people look at you and they'll go, Oh my God, look at this. Look what they she's done, and this and that, and it's possible and then. And I think maybe that perspective has changed, because I've spoken, you know, I've done 1500 interviews at this point in my career, and I've spoken to a lot of high profile people, people I never thought I would sit down for an hour and talk to. But then also looking at their their own journeys and their journeys, they're just human beings who got lucky, worked hard. Luck is, yeah, yeah. But they just figured things out, got opportunities, took action, so on and so forth. It's, it kind of humbles you to the sense that you're like, Oh, we're all just human beings. You know, they put their pants on the same way I do, right? And so when people are looking at other people as, like idols and things like that. You know, of course, I analyze, you know, not George Lucas for the same reason. So you analyze John Samuels, though he's a very attractive man, but, but they're just, they're just people, yeah, trying to do things and trying to figure things out. And it as this life continues to go, the miracles that happen on a daily basis in my life are pretty remarkable, and they're miracles that I have little to do with.

Christy Whitman 1:09:51
Well, that's why I love your show. I love what you do. I love that you give a platform for people like me that are it's. Where we considered Woo, woo, because most of the rest of media and social media and all the stuff that's going on, it's feeding into people's insecurity. It's feeding into people's uncertainty. And what you're doing is you're elevating the consciousness of the planet by gathering all these people to have these conversations, to make this more mainstream, to be able to ask the questions, like, did you think you were going crazy when you heard the voices? Right? Because that's what other people that aren't necessarily in this space are feeling. Because there was a time when this wasn't my normal reality. You know, I remember walking into my meditation teacher's house, and she had clinky, clinky music, and, you know, candles and crystals and, oh yeah, the whole thing. And I was like, where? And then she brought me into her living room. There's no couch, it was a cushion. And go ahead and sit down. And I was thinking, What in the world am I doing? And she looked right into my eyes. It was like she first time ever someone looked deep into my soul and she said, you create your own reality. And when she said that, it was like, Yes, I do. I don't know how I know that, because I never heard that before, but it was like something just opened up in me, and that's what your show is doing. It's opening up those moments for people, and that's huge, because that you those aha moments, as Oprah would call it, or those those shifting moments, or when you have a different perspective, where it's like, wow, could that be true? That creates a whole it's like getting out of limitation and creating a whole new awareness and a new alignment.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:40
Without question. So speaking of Woo, woo, I think it's time to bring in the council. Okay, can you explain to people how you channel? What's your process? Because everyone channels a little bit differently, and what happens to you and all that kind of stuff.

Christy Whitman 1:11:57
Well, first of all, they're always around me, so it's not like I have to go get them, you know, like, council already, yo, bring it in. Bring it in. Yeah, they're, they're a bit, they've been with us in this entire conversation. They're never far, like our souls, you know, we everything looks very physical, right? And it's like that. What we can't see is the non physical, but just as real as this energy, right here is the council or this, or this, you know, this is a desk. This is a waters, a microphone, you know, we can see that and go, This is real because I can see it to, you know, touch it kind of thing when you start to meditate more, when you start to, and I've been doing this for, you know, for personally, 30 years. But when you start to know the feeling and the essence of energy around you, right there's, there's a lot between my nose and your nose right now, a lot of support, lot of love, lot of all that. That's the council. It's energy, it's consciousness. And so the council itself, they're a group of consciousness. It's a group of Ascended Masters. And you know, they channel through others. You've had Sarah on your show, and you know they they're always different, though, because they take a different vessel. So what they and you'll find that in different shows like Sarah and I might say, when I'm channeling the council, it might say similar things. It's different. The language might be different the way we say it the examples, but it's her vessel. It's my vessel. It's my consciousness. That filter, yeah, it's a filter, yeah. So I bring in that energy, and then I let my own consciousness go, and that block of energy that comes in, it gets interpreted through me and what I know. And so that's kind of what happens in that scenario.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:46
Got it but and by Are you and you are here, but you're off the side,

Christy Whitman 1:13:50
Not anymore. When I I've given myself to just fully be, it's like I'm taking a nap, and you don't remember any nothing here. Here's the difference. And I think we've talked about that before, where, if you were to then afterwards, go, hey, the council talked about this. It's almost like, Oh, yeah. Like, it's a dream. I don't know the details of it.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:11
Sounds familiar, yeah. That's why a lot of a lot of people would say with it, which, and again, some people remember everything, yeah, and some people remember absolutely nothing. And some people have this dream like thing, you know, it's I have a unique perspective, yes. So talking to so many Yes, of you weirdos, to be honest, so we have to wave that weirdo flag. So all right, whenever you're ready. I have a handful of questions I'd like to ask.

Christy Whitman 1:14:37
Okay, awesome. Let me go get them. We are here. Hello Alex! We are delighted to be in your presence.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:47
Thank you so much for being here.

Christy Whitman 1:14:48
Thank you for having us.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:50
So my first question to you is, the biggest question I get from people is, what is happening to the world today and how can we what can we do about. It individually for our own lives.

Christy Whitman 1:15:02
Well, much like you were talking with Christy, all of you have your own consciousness and where you all you were all talking about food and alcohol and things, but what you the input that you bring into your mind, like if someone we collect to call that the hypnotic Scroll of social media, for example, if you're seeing all this polarization, all of this hate and all of this against them, this is feeding consciousness. And so a person that is not involved in a conversation like this, or doesn't meditate, or even if they do, if they're feeding more of their mind with negativity, of the doom and gloom of what can be, this is filling up their consciousness. And all of you create from your consciousness. You create by what you think about and what you visualize, what you focus on. And so by focusing on the things that scare you and the things that are out there in the world that are horrific, you're filling your mind up with that, and that's of course, then affecting your vibration. However, if you are focusing, and this is what Christy said to you when you're watching your show and you are having channelers like us, it gives a different perspective. You are helping human beings right now have a different level of input, and that input then creates an output, because you are all energy receivers, and you are all energy containers. And what people talk about law of attraction, what you're sending out, then you attract to you, and when you are inputting on even books that are scary and about history and about what went wrong versus learning about your mind and how it's mind over matter, and how it really is about your energy and mastering your energy, This is what's happening, and it's creating a split it's, it's, it's a time of rebirthing, really, where the old is breaking down and the new is beginning. And it's thought leaders like yourself and those guests that you have on this show that are creating this new world, that are creating this new, higher understanding of really what Earth is. It is a playground, and if you start to look for here's the big difference, Alex, is, are you moving towards and focusing on the pleasures of life, or are you pushing against and avoiding the pain. Because all of you have brains that do that, we've been helping people Ignite and reactivate their pleasure centers. Because most people, by living life, have wanted to, oh, I don't want that experience again. I don't want to lose money. I don't want to have my heart broken. I don't want to not have things work out. I don't want to have someone yell at me in the middle of a parking lot, then I'm lazy, right? So those kind of push against that resistance creates more of an avoidance of pain than a turning and focusing on the pleasures of what is good, what is right, not right or wrong, but right alignment, where you find and feel guidance that is there, tuning into what you've either known or what you're projecting in your future versus being in the now With your soul that loves you unconditionally. We always say you are infinitely loved, and it doesn't matter if you are going out and busting it or you're being on the couch and watching a movie, you're loved either way.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:14
Makes perfect sense. Now another another concern that a lot of people are having is this asteroid that is coming towards our planet. It's a small little guy, but apparently he's gonna stick around for a little while and circle our moon. Does that have any significance for because I've in my lifetime, I've never heard anything like that. I haven't heard about anything like that in the history of the cosmos, within movies, movies, of course, but not in, you know, when movies is a big asteroid that's gonna destroy us, right, but a small, little asteroid that kind of comes and just circles the moon for a while. That's, I've never heard of that before. What does this have any significance to our, our, you know, change, our evolution, our awakening, anything that has any kind of. Have anything to do with what's happening with our planet and with us,

Christy Whitman 1:20:03
It's all in the perspective. So if you are, oh no, an asteroid is coming and it's there, and what are we going to do? There's a resistance and a fear base, right? This is not mean be Pollyanna and stick your head in the sand and that bad things can't happen. But it is the focus on, what if this asteroid that is circling the moon right now and it's going to stick around for a while, what if that is creating a vibrational wave of Moon energy that is creating more enlightenment? What if this is going to create more balance and stability in your world. What if it awakens more people to their human power? Because all that is possible too. So it really is every single one of you, because you have your own free will and choice. You have your own consciousness, will interpret it differently. And so looking at it as a cosmic event, the cosmos are for you, the moon, the sky, the stars, even asteroids, all of it is here for you, for growth, for expansion, for pleasure. So this happening will have a positive effect, as long as you are focused on the positive outcome and future.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:28
So then my next question will go to,

Christy Whitman 1:21:30
We always love it. You ask the tough question.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:33
I try, yes, I try. I want to I like to go deep. I like to go deep.

Christy Whitman 1:21:37
We do too.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:39
So the solar flares that are happening, uh, currently, right now, a lot of people are fearful of what's going to happen, and there's going to be this big blackout and all these kind of things. But there is technically solar flares always happening, but they've but they're bigger now, and I think our magnetic, our magnetic field, is either thinner or something along those lines, something that would be there to protect us from this, it's going to affect us in a way. What? What is this energy? What is this purpose for, again, our planet and for our awakening?

Christy Whitman 1:22:11
This is a really good question. Solar flares, when you think about it, they are like vortexes of energy, and you can tap into all of that. You can get energized by them. See, most people look at it as, oh, that's a negative. And this is again, these times of Lion's Gate and these times of the equinox and the all these different portals. And you have portals of energy all the time. As Christy was saying, your soul is like a portal of high vibrational vortextual light. But when you have these, these are moments of calling in energies that have not been on the planet yet. And it's interesting, because the news and Lord and the media will say, Oh, these are the worst of times. And if you look at history, when you were a kid in the 70s, people that were older would say, What has the world come to? And this is the worst of times. Go back and research Time Magazine from the 50s, 60s, 70s, you will see it's the same propaganda. So it's just other things that now you have more technology that can go, oh god, there's an asteroid going around the moon, oh god, there's solar flares. And it's one more thing of focus on what the doom and the gloom, something to fear and worry about. So you can spend and we like that, in 100 years, there's going to be strangers living in your house in 100 years. Will this even matter? It will not. But what does matter is that you are in a physical matter, body. You are in a physical time where you are breathing full Universal Consciousness is available to each and every one of you. And so do you look at here's here it is like the cross that Christ was nailed to. You have this dimension will that is multi dimensional, and there's so divine design is support and love and abundance and success and wholeness and oneness. This dimension is available to you, but most are focused on this dimension, and most in this third dimension. We're talking fourth, fifth, sixth dimension, right? Most that are focused on this one are in doom and gloom, are in fear and worry, and the mind projects into the future what it knows to be true of the past. So you take your now moment and you squander it by worrying about this or that or that. Yes, it really is. Will this asteroid affect me personally? Like Kristy was saying she just did a video on her YouTube channel, the President in the United States, is he gonna really or she gonna really affect your daily life? She? Is she or he will if you allow, if you worry about it, then it is affecting your daily life. It's like watching someone on social media and you all were talking about that, and if you feel negatively about it, and then you feel you need to then tell everybody your negative opinion, so that you feel heard. It's really coming because someone's lonely, they are not being validated, they're not being heard, they're not being understood, they don't feel loved, they don't feel that they have what they want. And so they need to make themselves known, whether it's negative or not, to be able to state their opinion, and a lot of times, it's an avenue through which they release what they're feeling inside, and so they spew it on somebody else. And that's like we were talking about, that's within their own consciousness, but that is affected you have an energetic, mass consciousness vibration. Think of it. You used to live in LA that that haze, the haze, but it's like when you fly in an airplane, and it could be cloudy, and you go in the airplane and you live and you go above the clouds. You can see down below there's clouds, but now you're above it, and when you're identified in this third dimension, and you're picking up on all the worries that everything is happening in this third dimension, you're not connected. And we want you to connect to your stream of energy, bring it into your own vessel, your own mind, your own emotions, your own energy field, because then you are affecting the waves in this third dimension.

Alex Ferrari 1:27:10
Makes perfect sense, yes. So you mentioned the Lion's Gate. What is that? Can you explain to the audience what the Lion's Gate is?

Christy Whitman 1:27:18
Yes, it's, again, from a portal perspective, it is a time when more energy they the planets align and things. There's a transition of old and new. It's a it's an opening. And in these different times, you have different periods. You might have your eclipses and all these different things that happen on your planet. From a general perspective, look at it as an opportunity to declare and intend what you want to hold, not necessarily and yet, you could what you want to create or do, but more importantly, what you want to be in this next iteration of your human experience. Because all of you here, you've never been here before. It's never been like this before. Those will have you believe, Oh, the doom and the gloom and all that. They'll even tell you it's never been this bad. It's never been this don't listen to it, because you all individually create your own reality. And so moments like Lion's Gate or Equinox or eclipses and these type of things, this is a moment to stop, pull your energy from the third dimension, allow yourself to feel and connect inward and allow yourself to receive the support that you have from all the dimensions of light, because that's always positive. So it's a vortex. It's a vortex of opening for light.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:52
Now, we've kind of mentioned this in our conversation with Christy, that you know, the politics are pretty heavy this year. They've always been heavy, but it seems like amplified, amplified. Think that's a much better word. Thank you. It's an amplified. It's it's definitely amplified, because not just here in the United States, but around the world, there's over 50% of the countries in the world having elections this year. So there seems to be a great shift in energy. What is the spiritual purpose of these, these kind of divided times, especially here in the States. But we're not exclusive. There's a lot of division around the world, but in the state specifically, everything seems to be really amplified. Everything's being cranked up to 11 on the rhetoric and the splits, and you know, the world's coming to an end, and what is the spiritual purpose for us as as a people? Because, again, whatever happens here kind of ripples throughout the rest of the world.

Christy Whitman 1:29:47
Yes, it's a tipping point. Because as something is, let's just say this, there's a there's a old story about a man that would sit on his porch and his dog would. Sit there. And every day the dog would and a neighbor would watch this happening, because they would go on their walk every day, and they'd say, Sir, what's wrong with your dog and the dog? The man said, Well, he's sitting on a nail, and it's uncomfortable, but it's not uncomfortable enough that he gets up and moves. So when you create this uncomfortableness, when you have this absolute, oh, what is the word, frustration and fear, it's like the pandemic. When this all happened, Christy said counsel. She's funny. What's the deal? What is why is this happening? And we said it is an amplification time. Everything will be amplified. And so this amplification time is still continuing. It's being amplified in solar flares, in asteroids, in and in presidential candidate elections. It is amplified within the human minds, because it is that terrorized fear and worry that has you either break down or break through. You know, as they call it, The Dark Night of the Soul, there really is no dark night of the soul. The soul is always in pure positive energy. It's the it's the person that is feeling the split it's that split energy. Imagine you had two a foot in two different boats, and the boats are splitting apart. At some point, you need to choose a different boat, because you're going to go right in the water or hurt yourself in the process. So this split energy is going to create more of a coming together in less of the third dimensional negativity of what is so wrong and bad and blame and all this. This has to happen because there is some that are so terror tired of it that they're going, I'm not even in. Like Christie after that comment about John Stamos, right? She's like, this is how could someone just be negative about something like this? I'm done. She got off social media that was the straw that broke the camel's back for her, and she's been happier that ever since she's noticed she's got more of her control of her own endpoint input and isn't doing the hypnotic scroll seeing things in images that she didn't choose to see, that just happened to Be on her feed, even though she was very selective of what she and who she was with, right? So that's a moment of, I'm done with that. I'm done with I'm done with that this does not serve me. I'm done with it. And that's where the Empowered ones of you will get to a point in saying I'm done with this old thinking. I want something new. I'm done with this, pushing against this. I am here for a short time, and this doesn't matter. What does matter is this, it's a breaking point, it's a birthing point, it's a breakthrough point.

Alex Ferrari 1:33:16
So this amplification that's happening, it seems to be happening everywhere. It is on all aspects, in every avenue. It is so religion, politics, finance, economy, health care, media. There seems to be an amplification or a rising of the gunk inside the toxins, if you will. Yes, and being brought out into the light to be dealt with. You know, there's a reckoning, if you will, yes, with all of this, what do you see happening in these next five or 10 years? Because there's things have been happening over the last basically 2020. Started off with the bank Yes, and has been constantly elevating and amplifying ever since is there going to be a crescendo? Oh, there, of course. When will that crescendo happen?

Christy Whitman 1:34:08
It will be happening within the next five years. There will be a lot of shake up and shake down and break down within the next five years, for sure. And what we want to say, it might not be a pleasant experience, but either is what most humans going through right now, is when you think about it, the micro is also the macro. If you have toxicity in your body, one of the ways that it comes out is through, say, a pimple, right? And the pimple has to come out, it creates and then it, you know, it's not pretty, but it's that's how it happens. It needs to come out the what is not needed, or the toxicity will come out in some way, in your human bodies, if you're not focusing on the negativity or the emotional distress the physical body. Creates some kind of misalignment or disease. So it's happening all the time. Now it's happening on a global way, and some will like when they find that they are not well, they die off and new is born. There's always a releasing and an end, a birthing. It is the cosmic way there is always like a very breath. You breathe in and you breathe out. You breathe in what's needed. You breathe out what is not needed. So as the older generations, like even Christy's father, who just passed, and people like that, as that old way of thinking and that very concrete can't change, gotta be this way. There's no other way. As that is releasing and more is coming in that is more open and focused on love and focused on support and focused on wholeness and oneness. This will create a rebalancing within the world. You think about it, in human history, there was the plague, where it killed off a lot of people. But what happened after that time is the Renaissance period, where there was great creation of paintings and music and people started allowing themselves to get into alignment in a very different way they did before the plague. So it's going to all rebalance itself out. And when you are an individual that is allowing light to spread throughout your own life, and not only for yourself, but letting those waves like you are, Alex, by what you're doing, just with this podcast, more and more people are going to start hearing that spiritual truth, because we will say to you, what's on the third dimension is, And many try to spew it. It's lack, it's limitation, it's not enoughness, and that's not the spiritual truth. Light is oh, it's everything. Light is everywhere. Light is accessible to everyone. Light creates miracles. Light is that love that connects light is that that unending forever, no death, pure possibilities, pure potential, that is spiritual truth. And so the minute someone is focusing on the doom and gloom or what's not right or good, they are constricting their own connection to light, and light is the miracle maker.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:46
Now we mentioned media a lot, social media and mainstream media. I come from Hollywood, and I've studied it and been in it for many, many years, decades now, but I've also seen an amplification in media, not just Hollywood, but in all media. But let's focus on traditional media, movies, TV, news, that kind of stuff. What is your opinion of where that old system is going to go and what will come to replace that system?

Christy Whitman 1:38:21
Well, what you see it happening now, where you have YouTube, for example, where someone like yourself doesn't have to wait for one of the three major film companies or even the beyond the news. Back when Christie was started as an author, there wasn't all of this and to get her say book out there, she had to go on the Today Show or to write those were those places where, and it was very limited, where only select few, and they were you went through a process where you were vetted, and all of that. Now, anybody with a microphone can spread their message, and some messages like yours are filled with light and are creating a new type of consciousness, and some are negative. But again, it's what each individual will go towards. Everything is changing. We see it happening for the better, there will be breakdown before there is breakthrough, but there are more like the George Lucas's that create these type of movies to enlighten, to to appeal to someone's entertainment, but not have to be. Christy was getting so irritated she won't want trying to watch movies on Netflix and choosing something in the first scene is everybody is getting shot. And really, why? What is that? What? What is uplifting about that your consciousness, each individual will demand what you want to see and your. The streaming services and what you choose as more are choosing to be inspired more directors need to get into that like a George Lucas or the other big director, Steven. Thank you. These men created from a higher perspective to put in like and even Ron Howard, those type of, that type of director, where he is creating, you leave out of the movie theater. You stop your your your movie on your your streaming device, and you, ah, you feel good. And it's not a everybody, the prince comes and yes, and that type of world, but there's a storyline, there's a lesson to it. There's something that someone can learn and and grasp and understand and then be able to be a better human for it. It's moving towards that, but you always will we. We were telling a group of transformational leaders, and there's this one man that said, Listen, I live on this side of the spectrum where I feel like my life is rainbows and unicorns and lollipops and and I want the rest of the world to be like that too. And we said, but if you're focusing on those over here that are not there, it lowers your vibration. The best type of leader you could be is focusing on your own alignment. Because as you are focusing on someone's misalignment, you're out of your own alignment. So that is what we need. More on all of you desire is more people in their alignment that is spreading more messages. It's not just for it used to be religious leaders or someone that was had their big rate TV show like a Joel Osteen, right, more and more of that, of people that have experienced miracles and then report about it, write about it, create movies with it. We're working with directly, a woman that is a actress, producer, director, and as we are helping her reach more light in her life, her projects that she's working on are changing. It's like exactly what you were talking about. You can drink and you can smoke and you can eat the cake, and that's great. Enjoy that there's no judgment, but there'll be a point when you start to get higher in your vibration that those things will not bring you the type of pleasure that other things connection true, listening to your show, for example, having connection of deeper soul connection, not just personality to personality connection.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:51
And just like in other industries, I see that Hollywood's industry specifically, it seems to be eating itself alive. Yes, it seems to be consuming itself in a way that I've never. May have studied Hollywood since it's Earth, and I've never seen it the way it is today. It's literally just destroying itself from the inside. There's no one outside, no doing anything, no. It's it's coming from the inside. Do you see that happening, not only in Hollywood, but do you see that happening in all these other industries?

Christy Whitman 1:43:21
Indeed, when you look at just even producers that were accused of sexually harassing women, for example, that all came like a beautiful pimple to the surface that needed to come out, and now there is justification and justice being done to those that have tried to, you know, exert their power on those that did not have any. It started with Anita Hill. I mean, look at all of these different things that have happened within your time of being on the planet. If you really look at you can look at both. It's like the song from sticks, right? These are the best of times, but the newspaper said these are the worst of times. It's what you choose to focus on and what influence you in your own life, in your own now moment, choose to make of it. Because if you're thinking, Oh, this is the worst of times, then you're not going to feel good. You're going to be in lack if you're thinking, these are the best of times you're gonna feel good and you're gonna feel expanded, it's all in your perspective. Christy was having lunch with her uncle, who's in his 70s. Her cool uncle, she's always thought he was really cool, and all of a sudden he goes, Well, we're in a crazy time right now, and everything's going to hell in a hand basket and blah, blah, blah. And she said, Gosh, you sound like a grumpy old man. And, and. And he said, I guess I do. And she said, Well, what's positive in your life? You like pickleball, you know? And, yeah, pickleball, Pickleball is good, right? The minute, she shifted that conversation and started talking. About what was a pleasure in his life. The whole conversation shifted, and they were talking about their his father, her mother's father, her grandfather, and stories about him. And they were laughing and giggling. But the conversation started with all the hell in the hand that it's where you focus. Where are you choosing to take your precious moments you this is a temporary passport that all of you have. As you said many times, there's, in 100 years, there's going to be strangers living in your house. You're here now. Your power is now. The energy is supporting you now. But what you all have in ways that you focus that's going to be what you create.

Alex Ferrari 1:45:46
Now, as far as another, another institution that I want to touch upon is the religious institutions. I pick a lot on the Vatican and the Roman Catholics as being a former member of that religion, but there are many established religions around the world. The cracks are showing in all of them, and there's a lot of pimples popping off. Yes, with What place does these institutions have in 50 or 100 years from now,

Christy Whitman 1:46:18
They will not be like they are today that because when more people start taking their power back, and that's what we're really talking about. Christy, too, was raised in the Catholic Roman Catholic religion, and did all the things except for get married and in the Catholic Church. And she never felt she felt moments of the Light of Light truth that carried her in her faith, but the restrictions of don't do this and can't do this and can't eat meat on Friday. And all Christy would say to her dad, what is me not eating meat on Friday? Have to do with me being connected or loved or anything, or driving into the the church parking lot, and everybody's, oh, peace, be with you and blessings and all that. And then they get into the parking lot and they're yelling at each other because they can't get out. And they're, they're they're right that she would say, That's so hypocritical. It's about individual power, and like we said earlier, those constrictions and those restrictions, many people have grown up with them. Chris's mother is one who never questioned authority, never questioned it, never questioned her mother and her father never questioned the authority of the Catholic Church. But Christy is one that did that doesn't make sense. Why do I have to take a wafer in order to receive God? Isn't God or Christ? Isn't Christ everywhere, doesn't it? Does Christ not love me? Or Christ consciousness, the energy of Christ consciousness, is it not available for me if I don't choose to take a wafer or not. And that kind of questioning and that kind of awareness is coming more and more, even those that have been following and they have a certain faith, if it works for them, but a lot of them, you'll see there's a lot less people going to these churches and finding fulfillment. They might do it because it's an obligation, but they're not finding that deeper connection. And there's more, like Christy, like yourself, that are wanting to go deeper, that are wanting to understand, and this old story of what's been sold for 1000s of years, it really doesn't, it doesn't sink, it doesn't go deep, because the truth is Jesus, Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, he was the first Energy Master. He knew it's not just me that has these powers. All of you have these powers. I am not the only one that can turn water into wine or heal someone. Look what's happening now. There's more and more healers that are able to take someone from where they are not to where they want to be and help heal them. It wasn't just him. He wanted to. He was the first influencer. He wanted to influence everybody to know that they, too, are a child of God, not just he wasn't, hey, I'm the special one. He every single one of you have the power that he had, because consciousness is what Christ is. It's that a light consciousness, and all of you have access to that. You don't have to, you don't have to go through a middleman like a priest or a nun or a monk, to be able to go direct.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:47
Now, another area that people are really concerned about, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on, is the economy, is our monetary system. There seems to be a lot of pimples coming out. Well, I love that term, by the way. I'm going to use that perfect. There's a lot of pimples. It's not sexy, but it works. It's not sexy, but boy, it's a visual. There seems to be a lot of pimples coming out from that industry as well. As far as our money, our government's money, manipulation of currency, all this kind of stuff. It doesn't seem to be serving us the way it once did. I don't know how much farther it can go before it pops. No pun intended, yes, and when it pops this time, we've had a lot of pops over the years, that great depression, you know, 87 2008 there's been many 70s and so on. But we are so overdue for a pop, because it's usually a cycle of eight to 10 to 12 years tops, but it's been a lot longer than that, because it's been artificial. It seems to me, at least, to be artificially propped up, artificially manipulated. But the game, the music's going to stop and there's not going to be any chairs for anyone to sit in. I'd love to hear your thoughts of what do you see happening for our economy, and how can we manage through what's going to be coming down the line?

Christy Whitman 1:51:10
So this is not a pimple, this is a zit. This is a boil, right, right? So if we're really going to get gross, let's get gross, but this is what we're talking about. It's a bigger one in lot of those other ones also contribute. Everything is interconnected, and that's the thing to understand, is the idea that there's not going to be any chairs, that's a perspective of lack and that there's, there's not going to be anything for anybody, and it's going to collapse, and all that you all create your individual economy. You you and for example, just the success of your show and where you are, the lack in the limitation that you experienced before, and the wrestling and the driving and the striving and the hard work you released that you still work hard, but what you're now experiencing, instead of that push, that drive is more effortlessness, right? That needs to break down in order for people to understand, I create my own wealth. I create my own abundance, and it starts with inside of me. So even in those times of the Depression, and even in those times of that you mentioned, there were great millionaires that were made billionaires, even there were there were great opportunities. And so it's those that are aligned, that are open, that are not looking for what you can't have, but are looking for curiosity and and what is going to be next. The world is not going to come to an end, and the the world is not going to collapse, from a financial or economic perspective in the way that you all think it is. It's all in what you make it in. In 2008 Christie took a group of 10 people through an abundance principle coaching program, and nine out of those 10 people were in the housing industry, and it was not a good time for them, and that's why they invested. One of them was a hairdresser, and all of them during this time by focusing on their true abundance, because this is something your third dimension is just a reflection of what is focused on. And when you focus on that the universe is abundant, you see evidence of it. So after just a couple of weeks, and they were all terrified in the start of this, there was construction workers, there was interior designers, all facets of housing, right, real estate market, mortgage broker, all that. All of them were thriving in their industry when the rest were couldn't even pay their bills and were losing their own homes, and the hairdresser was all excited, because she was getting perms and extensions were not just haircuts, so she was making more money. And so you all have to know from a absolute spiritual principle, the law of sufficiency and abundance. When those pimples pop, that still applies the universal laws. Christy's been talking about the seven essential laws forever, and they are universal principles. What you send out comes back. That's law of attraction. She would like to say it's like a boomerang. You send a boomerang out, it comes back to you, right? The law of sufficiency and abundance. This universe is sufficient. This universe is abundant. And if you think about and start looking for evidence of your abundance, it's like her ground. Emma would say she cries with a loaf of bread under her arm. It means, be grateful for your daily bread, because this bread you have more than you even know about. And so even those shifts and changes as you are focusing on the energy of abundance, the energy of success, the energy of wholeness, oneness, that you are universally loved, you are then bringing that in, and that becomes your unique life experience. Even if the west of the world feels like it's crumbling, you get to stay solid in your alignment, because first it's here and then it's here.

Alex Ferrari 1:55:39
So everything that we've spoken about in our conversation today Council is that we are truly in control of our perspective, our lens, that we look at the and no matter what is happening. And you're and I'm so glad you brought that up. It's like anytime there has been an economic downturn, billionaires are made, indeed, businesses are started all the time, all the time, while people are, you know, on bread lines. Yes, there were others who perspective was completely different, and they built huge companies and built and did a lot of good for the world and so on and so forth. So it truly is about your perspective on all aspects of your life is to be in line with your own, your own story that you're telling yourself. Yes, and what story are you going to tell yourself, the story that they're feeding you, or the story that you're in control of? Does that make sense?

Christy Whitman 1:56:33
It 100% what conversations are you engaging with other people or even with yourself? Because oh, I can't do this. This is, they're excuses of, well, this is going to happen, and that can happen, and that, yes, all of these things are possibilities on the lack side or over here. But what if you're telling yourself, wow, what if this happened in a good way, right? What if the world gets better? What if the pimples pop and then the skin gets cleared again, right? There's always healing when there's a fire, a forest fire, what happens after the fire? New growth. Life grows.

Alex Ferrari 1:57:16
And without the fire, the new growth can't happen

Christy Whitman 1:57:18

Alex Ferrari 1:57:18
You know you can't have life without death.

Christy Whitman 1:57:19

Alex Ferrari 1:57:23
In all aspects of life,

Christy Whitman 1:57:25

Alex Ferrari 1:57:25
It is a cycle. And every aspect economic cycle, your physical body, everything has to die, even your even your own, even your own perspective, which is that thing that you were talking about, the dark night of the soul, that's the death of the old ideas and the beginning of these new ideas, but you need to they need to die first.

Christy Whitman 1:57:46
Something needs to die in order for something to live. Even Frederick would say that that when no matter what animal in order for something to live, something has to die. Christy lives in a desert area, and she saw a bobcat chase a bunny, and she loves having the bunnies all around. Well, the kitty cat needed to eat too. So something had to die. Whether you're a vegetarian, that stalk of broccoli had to die in order to feed you. There is always death. There is always rebirth. But when you're in the space of living. There's there's life, and then there's living. And both are very, very different. There's the having and then the not having. So when you realize that you have life, that's when you have access to all that life wants to give you. Jesus, for example, didn't say, take a little bit of the kingdom. He said, Seek the kingdom, the kingdom of love, the kingdom of light, the kingdom of abundance, which is within you, which is absolutely within you, dear one,

Alex Ferrari 1:58:53
I could keep talking for at least another two or three hours with you. Counsel. Do you have any parting messages for the audience after this amazing conversation?

Christy Whitman 1:59:01
Yes, it what it really dials down to is that each of you do have power. You have power of choice. It's why it's called free will and choice. You all have freedom. It's all what you all seek is you want freedom from the worry. You want freedom from the stress you want, freedom from the outer pressures. And you have that by focusing on what power you have. And the power that all of you have is you have your spiritual power, which feeds into your personal power. You have universal love, which you can then bring into and then express. It's like a breath. Express that love out and bring that love in, where you focus creates your reality every single time. And if you're in a space where you're in doom and gloom, or you're worried about your life right now, or something somewhere, doesn't feel good to you, you and only. You have that power to change.

Alex Ferrari 2:00:02
I appreciate you coming on the show again, and thank you for all your wisdom today. I appreciate you.

Christy Whitman 2:00:07
We are very grateful, and we are very delighted to be here, and we are so happy for the impact you are making on this planet, dear one, we applaud you for your light service. Thank you indeed. Wanted to say, and this is truth, and we want all of you to feel this. You are infinitely love. Be Well, allow yourselves to receive. Just imagine a beautiful downpouring of light just filling up your body, filling up all of your cells, like all of your cells, are little, tiny cups of light. Just breathe in light,

Alex Ferrari 2:00:46
And we're back

Christy Whitman 2:00:46
And we're back.

Alex Ferrari 2:00:48
How do you feel?

Christy Whitman 2:00:49
Good! Yeah, really good.

Alex Ferrari 2:00:50
You don't get drained

Christy Whitman 2:00:51
Not right now. No, sometimes I do after working with clients sometimes, but I'm feel good, right now.

Alex Ferrari 2:00:56
Yeah, that's awesome. And you remember nothing? Girl, we were talking about you, I mean, girl, you got some stuff to work about you.

Christy Whitman 2:01:04
See, that's one thing I know, is that they'll, they might share my dirty laundry. They dished on you. They'll spin it in a way that's good, though.

Alex Ferrari 2:01:14
No, that was beautiful. That was a beautiful conversation. It is. It's a needed conversation. And I think once you watch this back, you'll understand what we meant, but we touched upon a lot of things, and it's a lot of concerns that people have, but it ends up always coming back to just being in your own perspective, listening to the story that hopefully the positive story that you're creating for yourself, yeah, and not to Listen to the outside, as much

Christy Whitman 2:01:41
They just said conversations. What conversations are you engaging in, even in your own mind?

Alex Ferrari 2:01:46
Correct, yeah, correct, yeah. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guest. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Christy Whitman 2:01:54
Understanding that there will be contrast meaning things that you don't want, but knowing that by focusing on what you want and why you want it, and how you want to proceed, how you want to feel, that were the ones in the power so something might manifest that doesn't feel good, right, like the lady with the cart, for example. But then it's like, do we stay stuck on that? Because I could have ruminated on that for another 20 30, years, right?

Alex Ferrari 2:02:22
Oh, absolutely. I do it all the time with what our parents might have said, or what that kid said on the schoolyard.

Christy Whitman 2:02:27
Oh, yeah. So it's like, What conversation am I allowing in my head? What am I going to focus on? Do I? Do I accept that, or do I? And that's the the whole flow factor is, is, am I letting that back part of my brain? Because here's the here's the part that amygdala, part of our brain, that animalistic part of our brain that has our normal coping mechanism, we can free that up, let that energy go, because if it's stuck here in the brain, then we can't have the energy flow to our third eye, which is our vision. And so when we notice that we're fighting or fighting someone or something, or we're like, I'm out of here, which is that flight, you know, or some people just get, like, frozen in time. I don't want anything, I don't want to do anything. I'm just going to stay here. These are indications that were in that coping mechanism. And when we can release that, the energy can flow forward, and then we can have more insight, we can have more deeper connection, we can see a brighter future. And so, you know, that's that's important. So I'm excited for that new book to come out, but it's not coming back to out till next year.

Alex Ferrari 2:03:33
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Christy, what advice would you give her?

Christy Whitman 2:03:37
John Stables asked for your phone number. No, that's I did a tele telepathic thing. I'm like, someday, as you're looking at that poster, he's gonna ask for your photo. No, I, you know, I have gone back. That's part of my healing work that I do with people, is to go back and to look at those places where I didn't feel loved, or I felt rejected or I felt abandoned, and to let her know, it's all BS, it's just perspective and the the little parts of us, you know, we have concrete thinking it's this way or that way, I'm loved or I'm not, you know, there's no spectrum. And so many times I have gone back to her and said, this wasn't your fault. So don't have that perspective. Change your perspective, because you are loved, and the council says you are infinitely loved, whatever you get judged for, whether you're lazy or not, you know, whatever you get judged for, that's other people's judgments. And you don't have to judge yourself the same way.

Alex Ferrari 2:04:33
How do you define God or Source?

Christy Whitman 2:04:35
Everything. All that is, I mean, it's energy, it's all around us. It's infinite, you know, it's, it's our support, it's, it's our life. I mean, we're breathing in life, and we're breathing in God, we're breathing in source. We are fully sourced. So it's all that is, it's all that is seen. You know, God's, God's in everything. Life is in everything. It's everything that's manifested. And. It's everything that's not and when we can really feel that source that's true happiness, because when we're disconnected from it and we feel like we're all alone, that's when we feel that's when we feel bad, that's when we're in terror. What is love? It's the most pure positive energy. It's flow. It feels good, it feels expansive. Love is an energy. And it's, it's, you know, it's a way of being, it's a state of mind. Love is everything loves. Love is the power that creates all universes.

Alex Ferrari 2:05:31
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Christy Whitman 2:05:33
To have fun, to enjoy, to have pleasure, to, you know, to to to grow, to to create, you know,

Alex Ferrari 2:05:41
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Christy Whitman 2:05:45
Thank you, Alex. You can go to I also have a YouTube channel Christy Whitman. Or you can go to which is a free program on helping you change your conversations that you have inside your head, because it starts with your words.

Alex Ferrari 2:05:58
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Christy Whitman 2:06:01
Just thank you for listening. Thank you for listening to the show. Thank you for watching. Because the more that you watch next level soul, the more that you listen to the different amazing guests that Alex has on this show, the more you become more positive, and you change your perspective, and that just adds more light to the world. So thank you for what you do.

Alex Ferrari 2:06:22
I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken the planet, my dear. So thank you again.

Christy Whitman 2:06:26
Back at you.

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