Man CLINICALLY DEAD for 105 Mins; Lays at GOD’S FEET & BACK w/ MESSAGE from GOD (NDE) with Dean Braxton

On today’s episode, we welcome Dean Braxton, a man whose near-death experience is nothing short of transformative. Imagine dying and then finding yourself in a realm where everything is as it should be—where love, peace, and joy permeate every fiber of your being. Dean didn’t just imagine it; he lived it. For an hour and 45 minutes, Dean was medically dead, but during that time, he was very much alive, journeying through the afterlife in a way that only a handful of people ever describe.

Dean’s life before his near-death experience was filled with purpose and contentment. As a juvenile probation supervisor in Seattle, he worked passionately in drug and treatment courts, helping kids who were struggling with addiction and mental health issues. He often said that he would do the job until the day he died—and then, one day, he did. What began as a routine day ended in a battle for life after a kidney stone led to a severe infection that shut down his body. It was during this time, while his body lay lifeless on the hospital bed, that Dean Braxton began his extraordinary journey beyond.

As Dean described his experience, one of the most profound moments was his encounter with Jesus. “I was looking at his feet, and I just remember saying these words, ‘You did this for me,'” Dean recalled. It was a moment of overwhelming love and gratitude that transcended words, where even the feet of Jesus exuded a love so powerful that it filled Dean with a sense of belonging he had never known on Earth.

Dean’s description of Heaven was both vivid and awe-inspiring. He spoke of a realm where everything was alive and vibrant—the trees, the grass, the flowers—all welcoming him with joy. There was no sense of time, no fear, and no sorrow, only an ever-expanding love that filled him to his core. “Everything there was glad I showed up,” Dean said, describing how even the creation itself rejoiced in his presence.

But Dean’s journey wasn’t just about the beauty of Heaven; it was also a revelation of the depth of God’s love. When he asked Jesus about people he thought might not deserve to be in Heaven, like child molesters, Jesus responded with a truth that shook Dean to his core. “If they ask for forgiveness, I forgive them,” Jesus told him. It was a stark reminder of the boundless grace that is available to all, a grace that transcends human judgment and understanding.


  1. Boundless Love: Dean’s experience highlights the limitless nature of God’s love—a love that is ever-expanding and available to all, regardless of their past.
  2. The Joy of Belonging: In Heaven, there is no separation between us and the creation around us. Everything is interconnected in a way that brings profound joy and peace.
  3. Forgiveness Beyond Comprehension: The idea that even the most heinous of sinners can be forgiven if they truly seek it is a powerful testament to the depth of divine mercy.

In this profound conversation, Dean Braxton not only shares his incredible journey but also offers a glimpse into a realm where the love and peace we all seek are not just present—they are the very essence of existence. His story is a reminder that while we may face trials and suffering on this earth, there is a place where all is made right, where we are welcomed with open arms, and where love is the final word.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dean Braxton.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 485

Dean Braxton 0:00
Seeing Jesus and he was right to the left of me, about 10 or 11 o'clock. And so I went over to him, and he was, he was communicating to all these different beings, you know, and and he was, as he was talking to him, I went down on my hands and knees. I went down on my hands and knees, and I was just looking at his feet, and I just remember saying these words, you did this for me. You asked for forgiveness from him that he forgives you and forgets it.

Alex Ferrari 0:35
I like to welcome to the show Dean Braxton, how you doing Dean?

Dean Braxton 0:38
I am doing fantastic. Really fantastic.

Alex Ferrari 0:40
Thank you so much for coming out to and next level soul studios. I appreciate you making the trip out here and so excited to talk to you about your unique experiences that you've had. We're going to talk about your book in heaven and your near death experience, but before we get into your near death experience, what was your life like before your near death experience?

Dean Braxton 1:00
You know, my life was pretty I was pretty happy to be honest with you. Things seemed to be going right in the job I had at the time. I worked in Seattle, I worked in King County. I was a juvenile probation supervisor, so I had people that worked under me, and then I also ran specialty programs called some people out there will know us, drug court, treatment court, and Treatment Court was for mentally ill kids, and we would have special court for them. Then we had the court for the kids that were addicted to drugs or alcohol, and we had a court for them. And I loved it, man, I loved even when I think about it today, it brings a great smile on the inside of me, because I loved what I was doing. And I used to tell people. Alex, this way, used to tell people, needs to help you. I would do it until the day I died, and then I died.

Alex Ferrari 1:49
So you are, you were actually on on a good path. You were Yes, you were happy. Family was everything was good, because a lot of times it with near death experiences. For many people who have near death experiences, it's because their life has gone off the rails that they need a wake up call. Yeah, yeah, but you were in there. I've spoken to many near and the ears as well, who've Hey, man, life was good. I don't know why happened, but all of a sudden I'm here. So tell us what happened the day that you died.

Dean Braxton 2:16
You know, the day that I died was just as I was explaining to you, it was my court day. It was a special day. It was a Thursday. I woke up that morning with a kidney stone stuck on the right side, and it was a lot of pain. And I knew it was kidney stones because I had them once before. And so I tried to go to work. Work was about 42 minute drive, you know. And I got there, I usually try to get in early on that day, because I have to set up the court and everything and make sure everything is going great, because that's my responsibility. And I got there early, but the pain didn't go away. Thought I could still work through it, but I couldn't. So I left to go home. Stayed home for about five minutes and said, Hey, I got to go to the emergency room. Went to the emergency room, walked in there, said I got a kidney stone. And they said, Well, how do you know? I said I've had kidney stones before. I know what they feel like. And of course, they did everything they were supposed to do. They put me in a in a, you know, waiting room, and waited in there, and doctor came in, gave me morphine to take away the pain, because the pain was great. You know, that pain is so bad it makes you throw up. So I was throwing up all over the place, you know. And so trying to drive back to where I lived. I was throwing up in the car all the way back, you know? But, yeah, yeah. But the reality of it, they got a hold of my wife. She worked in the medical field. She was working at a different hospital. She came and we made a decision, because we were going to fly out that night on a red eye to Texas, to our son was going to school in Texas, and we were going to meet him. And then we were planning on looking at moving to Texas, Tyler, Texas area. And the doctor came in said, look, hey, this is a good they had a mobile machine that goes around, and it would go from different hospitals, different hospitals, small ones in the area. And it was called lipid trip. See it would break up the stone so you could pass it. And he said, Hey, this is good. We got to come in here tomorrow, if you could change your plans and and go maybe a couple of days later we could get this taken care of tomorrow morning. I thought, Oh, this is a break. This is really a break. So we did. We decided to do that, but I had an infection. Infection, kidney stone infection, and caused it caused a lot of issues. They gave me antibiotics for it, and they gave me the strongest at the time that I could take. And they just assumed it took care of the job. But that morning, when they did the operation and broke up the stones, what they also did was I still had the infection. Broke up the infection, and it went into my bloodstream, and I became what you call septic, septic, and everything started shutting down. The thing about it is they had no idea what was going on, because they thought everything was taken care of. And I was going down, down, down, and I finally ended up suffocating. My lungs stopped operating, and I suffocated. That's what really happened. It wow, you know. And my wife was shocked, you know, lots of friends were shocked, you know. And the time frame was about an hour and 45 minutes, you know, that's what they put on the records that literally, I didn't have any blood or oxygen going through my body for an hour and 45 minutes. All this document, all this is mine was in the hospital, so it was all documented.

Alex Ferrari 5:22
So it's documented or so you're talking that you were brain dead.

Dean Braxton 5:25
I would Yeah, you because they say, what, five to eight minutes in your brain,

Alex Ferrari 5:30
You're getting mishmash, and you're coming back and so, because you're so you have no oxygen running, so oxygen and the heart's done, yes, so everything shut down for an hour and 45 minutes. So you should be a vegetable.

Dean Braxton 5:42
I should be a vegetable.

Alex Ferrari 5:43
If you even came back,

Dean Braxton 5:44
If I came back, that's what the doctor said.

Alex Ferrari 5:46
Yeah. So, okay, so when you're going down, what are you seeing?

Dean Braxton 5:50
You know, one of the things that that that really got me, first of all, I didn't know, know why I was dying. And when I first came to that, what do you call realization that I was dying, it was suffocation. I almost drowned as a little kid. And I had the fear of suffocating, of course, a terrible fear more people, you know, I wouldn't let nobody know, because I'm supposed to be strong and everything, but the reality of it, I fear dying by suffocation as the number one way of dying. You know, I believed in God. I believed in Jesus Christ, and I used to pray. My prayers used to be, God, if I'm going to die, don't let it be suffocation.

Alex Ferrari 6:24
Oh, suffocation. You say, order, orders, orders, acceptable. We'll send that right down

Dean Braxton 6:29
So what really got me was when I finally figured out I was dying and I couldn't get good breath, you know, into my lungs, I all of a sudden, what rose up on the inside of me were these words, I'm going home. Joy, peace, comfort came all over me. I had no fear at all. You know, I believe this. Is this. This is what I believe in in because I read the Bible, and there's a part in the Bible that says that when Jesus Christ died on that cross, he died my death. I didn't know that before this happened, but when it came time to really experience that death, I didn't experience it. What I experienced was joy, peace and comfort all over me as I was suffocating

Alex Ferrari 7:06
Now, before we continue, when, before, before you passed, you were religious?

Dean Braxton 7:12
Yeah, very much. Christian all the way. Okay, you know what I mean? And enjoyed my life. You know everybody around me knew it. It wasn't something I hid, and it's not something I beat everybody over the head with, either, sure, but I just lived it.

Alex Ferrari 7:24
Okay! So I always like to ask that, because depending on the belief systems that you had prior kind of affects than your death experiences. Sometimes I was just curious. Okay, so after so you're feeling like you're going home, what are you seeing? What are you feeling?

Dean Braxton 7:37
Well, the first thing that really got me is, is when I left my body, you know, I told my friends, I've a lot of friends you have this experience. You you kind of attract those that have the experience, if you know what

Alex Ferrari 7:47
I mean, yeah, you're talking to your preacher to the choir, sir.

Dean Braxton 7:51
So, but the first thing I experienced was that I was leaving my body, and I was headed toward this light that was ahead of me. I always tell people it looked like a window. It was so bright. It was so bright, you know, and it looked like a window and I and it was like I left the hospital room. I remember leaving it going through the floors. I remember going out into the atmosphere, and it was a blue sky that day, yet that light was brighter than the blue sky. I remember going through what we call The Universe, and even though it was dark, and I remember going by all these planets, but that light before me looked like a window, was brighter. And then I entered into this really dark area. I think that's where most people say they see the light at the end of the tunnel. You know what I mean, but it looked like a window. I always say it wasn't a window. That's the best way I could describe it. And I knew that's where Jesus and the Father is and I wanted to be with them, and I was headed there. That whole trip was a joyful trip. No fear, no fear at all. You know, even when I'm talking to people now, and I said, Yeah, I died. I got a big smile on my face.

Alex Ferrari 8:53
Seems like a fun time.

Dean Braxton 8:54
I suffocated. And I'm I'm smiling about it. You understand, on me, because I didn't have any fear. I didn't have all I had was joy. And the closer I got to to that window, the greater the joy was. So so the journey was really something, you know, one of the things got to tell you, this was unique, and it as I was, as I was leaving and going to that realm. I remember all of a sudden seeing these other lights pass me by. And they were passing me by, like I was standing still. You know what? I mean, they were going fast, and I was moving faster than speed of light, faster than speed of sound, and yet, it's, it looked like these lights were looking going past me, and all I really saw was the end of the light, you know, the solid part of the light. I really didn't see the end of the light. Tails were, you know, like shooting stars.

Alex Ferrari 9:40
Did you ever see the movie? Contact, no, with Jodie Foster

Dean Braxton 9:43
No, no. I've never been

Alex Ferrari 9:44
Well. That movie is a movie where she goes to meet another species outside. But it was very similar, wow, that there was like, there was, they were. It was very spiritual, yeah, it was, it was written by Carl Sagan. And there were, like, she was. Was watching just lights passing by, and they were all different souls going through this portal that were taking you to the different parts of the universe. It's very similar.

Dean Braxton 10:07
Yeah. But I found out mine weren't souls. You know what they were? They were prayers, really, yeah, the actual prayers that people were praying for me and others. It seemed like I was in a stream of prayers that people were praying for me and but on this side of me there was a bunch of prayers. On that side of me was a bunch of prayers, and they were headed for that window, and they were moving faster than I was, you know. And they were solid, and they were substance to them interesting, you know. And now I believe when people pray, we even though we don't see it, there's a light that leaves our body, literally and and that light is more more real than what we see around us,

Alex Ferrari 10:44
Beautiful. All right, sorry, so you're going, so you're going to the light? Yeah, the window,

Dean Braxton 10:49
The window.

Alex Ferrari 10:49
Lights of flying bodies. Yes. So what's next?

Dean Braxton 10:51
Next thing is, I entered in, and when I entered in, everything was right. There was nothing wrong. I always tell people it was past peace. People say, What do you mean by that? There was nothing to be peaceful from, you know, here on the planet, we got all kinds of things. We got to be peaceful from me. And you here in this area, you know, it's real hot outside. We're inside because it's cooler, you understand, I mean, but we're trying to get peace from the heat. And in that realm in heaven where I was at, there was nothing to be peaceful from. And this is what really got me more than anything else, and I fit. It was like I was created for that realm, and I finally came to the realm where I was supposed to be in, and I fit the closest I can come to describing that x would be like a fish out of water. I feel like, here, maybe some people don't believe I feel like we're a fish out of water. Okay, in this in this realm, but that realm, everything is right, and I just fit so perfectly. The other thing that got me is everything is alive there. There's nothing did you probably heard this before. The grass is alive, the trees alive. And when I say alive, everything's alive, you can, you can sense it, not just you sense it, but you're part of it. You know, no one. It's not like you're separated from it at all. And so what, one of the things that really got me was everything there, I knew was glad I showed up. I could, I could feel, you know, how you walk in like you have children, and you show up and they you don't have they glad you showed up. That's the feeling I had, that everything there was glad I showed up and was happy I came. It wasn't like, you know, any anything like, what are you doing here? That type of thing. So that was the first thing that really hit me, is everything was right. There was nothing wrong, everything there was glad I showed up. Everything welcomed me. And I, I'll be honest with you, I didn't go there to make a U turn,

Alex Ferrari 12:43
Right, exactly. I mean, it sounds fantastic. I wouldn't want to come back either. Yeah, at that point you're like, Oh, I feel great. This is awesome. There's no, there's nothing beyond peace. I fit, yeah, you know. But so are. So now you're in this, this area. What's What do you see?

Dean Braxton 12:57
Well, what I see at first is, uh, like, before me, of these trees, beautiful trees. They they wear every color you could imagine. The closest I can come is like a fall day when you get, you know, in like a New England area, you know, the fall the trees beautiful, but those are the colors of the trees. So the leaves are never falling. You know what I mean? That's the color the trees I saw that there were flowers around. They were beautiful flowers. It almost feels like I didn't it wasn't this way, but it almost feel like I came off the ocean on onto a beach and into a like an island Allen somewhere. But it wasn't that way, because there was no ocean behind me. But that that's the closest I can come to. The feeling is you come off this ocean and all of a sudden you're in this paradise, in that area. And I just remember thinking, this is wonderful. This is marvelous, but I want to see Jesus. That was the first thing that hit me. I want to see Jesus, you know, and, and I just wanted to see him. So I started moving through the forest. And as I moving through the forest, you know, I told you, everything's alive. There's nothing, nothing wrong. I can remember everything around me starting to say something, and this is what it said, he's going to see the King. He's going to see the King. He's going to see the King. Now, they weren't speaking in English, but I understood every word that was being said, you know, and they were celebrating because I was heading in that direction. Now, this may sound a little bit out there, but I'm just going to share with you what I experienced, please. Okay, all of a sudden the trees open up, they move to one side, and the other side, a path rises up. I get on the path to go there. I feel like I was in the airport on one of those people mover shield. I was walking, but every step I took was like way over there. And so I remember doing that, and then I came out into this open metal area. And it was all these other creations of God. I call them, you know, some had come from the planet Earth, beings, yeah, and some had been there already. They've been there for a while. And so I remember coming out and seeing Jesus, and he was right to the left of me about 10. And. Seven o'clock. And so I went over to him, and he was, he was communicating to all these different beings, you know. And, and he was, as he was talking to him, I went down on my hands and knees. I went down on my hands and knees, and, and I was just looking at his feet, and I just remember saying these words, you did this for me, you know what I mean. And the next thing that came out of my mouth was, thank you. Think, you think, you think you know so that that was the scene to get through there. I kind of went quick because, you know, I did experience things as I was moving in that direction. But when I saw him, all I could do was bow before his feet, and I looked at his feet for a long time. The uniqueness of the feet was this, the feet loved me. I didn't need to see another portion of what he looked like. His feet. Loved me. You know, every toe, every ankle, every every arch, everything about his feet, loved me. And I just wanted to look at his feet. That's all.

Alex Ferrari 15:55
What and what else did you see while you were going towards that tree? You said you saw some other things there?,

Dean Braxton 16:00
The trees and how they moved out away from the water. There's rivers there. There were some mountains that were moving off in the distance. They looked like, I always tell them they they moved like ocean waves coming off the ocean. They didn't press over, but they moved into that direct fluid. They fluid. Yeah, they were very, very fluid. I saw, I saw other creations of God redeem. I call them redeemed people that have been on the planet, that were there. And then there were those that had never been on the planet, but they were created, and they were there. Saw lots of animals, really, lots of animals. I, and I, you know, came back. I remember thinking about that later on in my hospital room that man, there's a lot of animals.

Alex Ferrari 16:44
Now we're talking about all sorts of, not just dogs and cats.

Dean Braxton 16:46
No, no, all kinds of animals, really, yeah, everything you could imagine. Animals I've never seen before. And I remember coming back to the planet and trying to watch those underwater scenes, you know, yeah, and seeing, Oh, I saw that creature there. Oh, I saw that creature there. You know, all those elusive things that you see way down the deep, deep water, one, and they produced their own light. I saw all that. And it was I haven't seen anything yet that I didn't see in heaven that has not been on this that's not on this planet.

Alex Ferrari 17:18
That's what they say. They say that that's just an ex that this realm is an expression of things that exist there, yes, but just in different form.

Dean Braxton 17:25
In different form. And I came to understand that that was really something that really I didn't believe that before, but I I feel like we were modeled after God, and everything else was modeled after everything else there. That's what I felt like. And there's still creatures that I saw there that I haven't seen here, you know. People always say, like unicorns, you know. And people always think, well, no, unicorns are mystic animals. Well, I saw a lot of unicorns in heaven. They're not mystic animals. And even people like me that read the Bible, I tell them, you can go to your Bible. You can Google it, you can find all kind of unicorns mentioned in the Bible. They're either going to say unicorn or unicorn, but it's unicorns. They were lots of there.

Alex Ferrari 18:06
And there's from, from my understanding as well. There's so many different creatures that are in myth and lore, like fairies and gnomes and those kind of things that seem, you know, pagan as you know, that kind of stuff. But from near, from nd ears, I hear that. No, we see them. There, and they're there, they're there, they're up there, up there. There may be in different realms that jump back in. Now, it's really fascinating to hear. So okay, so you, so you're in this, this area, there's many other souls there. Souls have been there for a while, and then souls that are just coming, yeah, off planet, if you will. What do you have a life review next?

Dean Braxton 18:45
I didn't ever have a life review. So people say they have a life okay, you know, I really believe that when God died on the cross, Jesus died on the cross, He took my life review. You know, he took it upon itself, okay? And he and so when I got there, it was like it was taken care of. You know, maybe somebody else want to say that, but mine was taken care of, fair enough. Okay? You know, I always say that I was right, not because of my rightness, because of his rightness. You know what I mean? It's like, it's like you took on the responsibility of your kids. So if they're gonna get punished, you got punished for it, so they don't get punished for it. And that's what it was for me, you know, when I got there, you know, I entered into that realm, and I just, I just knew, and when he looked at me, I remember when he looked at me, when Jesus looked at me, it was like I never, ever, ever disobeyed Him or sinned in my entire existence, like there was no judgment. There was no judgment, like people always think it's got to be that judgment. But for me, he had taken my judgment.

Alex Ferrari 19:40
But let me ask you something, because, you know, I was raised Catholic as well, and there's a lot of judgment. Yeah, lot of judgment in the Christian faith. In the end, Catholicism and the Bible talks about judgment as well, but that kind of counteracts with what you experience. How do you kind of balance that?

Dean Braxton 19:57
Well, the judgment I'm talking about is my judgment for me okay when I got there, personally, very much, because I believed in him. He took my judgment and I didn't have to go through it. Now, that was outside of my theological belief at the time, correct? I'm gonna be honest with you, Sherman, but I'm a Bible reader, and I was reading in the Bible, and there's a, there's a chapter in in the eighth chapter of Hebrews in the ninth chapter that literally says that when you ask for forgiveness from him, that he forgives you and forgets it. So I always thought, Well, if he forgets it, how can he bring it up again? There's a lot of people that say, well, he's going to bring it up. And so many people are going to listen to this, and I don't agree with that. That's okay, but the reality of it, I believe they always think of books. You know this, if you were raised Catholic, they got a book up there your names.

Alex Ferrari 20:41
Oh yeah, oh no, no, no. I don't think you're gonna make it in this time. Yeah. All right, send them down. All right. Like that kind of that. You know.

Dean Braxton 20:50
Well, what I found out, if there is a book like that where your name should have been, is his name now, he took it. He literally took He paid the price for it. Sure. So I didn't have to have that experience like people have. And I still have people today that say that, and that's okay, because I know when they get there, they're not going to have to have it and, and, and I always tell people, you know, it isn't that people are going to come to me say, Dean, you were right. What they're going to say is, you were way short in describing this place.

Alex Ferrari 21:20
All right, so, so, so Jesus is there. I always say Jesus the hardest working man in show business, because he's always in everybody's near death experience. He's always showing up. My favorite one of all of them. I've heard that there was an atheist who died, yeah, showed up, and Jesus showed up for him, but he was dressed in a three piece suit, and his hair pulled back. He goes, Why are you dressed in a suit? He goes, Well, you're a businessman. It's the only way you take me seriously. It's not a humor up there. There's a lot of humor.

Dean Braxton 21:47
There is a lot. That's the one thing, you know. I get to talk to kids a lot, you know, and mostly the ones I like as a little kids. You know what I mean? Because they asked the best, they asked the best, best questions ever. And they always want they're coming from. Is it going to be fun there, you know? And I think most of us don't realize how much fun we were created for.

Alex Ferrari 22:08
Well, when we're born, I mean, we're born, we're so close to creation, yes, that, you know, we're pure joy. Yeah, we're pure love, baby. Look at baby. And then as you start growing up, we start getting programmed with the world, yeah, with the world in general. And we start to forget. We forget the funny, the happiness, the joy, the joy of it all. And then when you get back up there, you're like, Oh, it's just so much childlike,

Dean Braxton 22:32
Yeah, so much child like. And so you probably heard this simple, yeah, we make it more complicated on this side, and it's more simpler than we think it is. You know,

Alex Ferrari 22:43
We love to complicate things. Yeah, all right, so you're in the room. You see Jesus. What are in the space? What's next?

Dean Braxton 22:50
The next thing that happens is, I just experienced His love, and I experienced it through just looking at his body. He never said to me, I love you. But everything about him said, I love you, his feet, his hands, his arms, everything about him. You know, said that I love you. You know, you've grown up in the Catholic community. I've done lots of Catholic churches and things, and they always ask me, do you see the nail prints? You know, they always want to know if I see, of course. And I always say, no one's up there, trying to prove it's Jesus.

Alex Ferrari 23:21
Let me see your ID, Sir, I don't really, yeah,

Dean Braxton 23:23
I said, I tell him all the time that love that He has for you, no one can love you like that.

Alex Ferrari 23:28
Isn't it interesting how we hear only look through the lens of our reality? Yes, yes, that we need proof. Like here we would need proof, yeah, but there it's almost an understanding, a knowing that's beyond Yeah, it's beyond description. You know, I've experienced very small things like that in meditations and things that I've seen and from people who I've spoken to, all say the same thing. I didn't speak. We never spoke, yeah, but I understood. Yes. You see a scene, you know exactly what's happening, yes, in people's life reviews, they just look at a scene and they just know everything that's happened in detail, without a word. Yeah. So the communication, the knowledge that's passed back and forth, is instantaneous, and it's larger than our little CPUs here can process, but it's fascinating how we you know, first, so did you see, did you see the nail? Did you see the nail? Like, you really think Jesus is walking up in heaven with nail, like, with scars and stuff like, that's not the way that works. But that makes sense here.

Dean Braxton 24:33
Yeah, that that makes sense here. So people always ask those questions, sure, sure. And I, and I tell them, It's the love. No one can love you like that, of course, and so you even coming back to the planet and being on the planet, I have to move past that to be able to talk to people. I can go even now talking to you. I have to block the the experience to a certain extent so that I can communicate with you. Because I can, right here, right now, melt in this chair. Her thinking about how much that love and the same that got me, Alex, more than anything else. I didn't know this. It grows every moment. It's never expanding. It's ever expanded the love for God that God has for you. By the time I say, He loves you, He loves you more than that, by the time you're hearing it in your ears, he's loved you more than that, you know. And then this was also, you know, how you have this whole place wired, and it's wired for what we're doing. You're wired for his love, of course. So, so sometimes I think we come to the realization we're not lovable people. Oh, this is something we do, but God always loves us any old way, and it's hard for us to accept he's gonna love you anyway, you know.

Alex Ferrari 25:41
So can you explain to people who are listening, who who don't believe, because the worthiness is such a, it's it's such a, it's such a calamity of the human existence, that we believe that we're worthless, or we don't have worth, or we're not worthy of love from a creator of whatever you want to call them, that that you can explain to them that no matter really what they do here, and we don't want anyone to do anything but negative. But if you feel like, Oh, I've done so many bad things in my life, Oh, I've done this, or I've done that, or I've done this, but you're truly looking for forgiveness. You're truly looking for salvation, that that that love. It's like, like you were saying, you know, we're both parents. Is there anything our children could do really, that's going to push up, push us to to damn them forever? Yeah, in hell or never forgive them. I don't, I can't foresee anything like that. I mean, even if they take my life, which, by the way, they try daily, daily, I fight them off, I would still love them. Yeah, no matter what, can you explain that to people, from your point of view, that that are looking for that love to reassure them that that's there.

Dean Braxton 27:00
One of the things I always say in the foundation of love is choice, you know. And most people, they say, Well, if God loves loves me, why is he let this happen? This because he gave us choice. Correct? That's number one. Number two, I always tell him, he's chosen you. He just wants you to choose him. That's how simple it really is. We make it more complicated and what we say and how we say, we've got to do it. But in reality, if I chose you, all you have to do is say, I accept that and I choose you. And that's how simple it really is. Some people right now hearing this are not going to like that, because they want to work for it. Do you understand? I mean, we do have a mindset. I think that's training that child that first is born in the program the world. When you held your baby, I'd say one of the greatest joys you could ever have is holding your baby in your arms. You can't describe that. And there's nothing there that says to you, as you're holding that baby, well, I got to wait for them to do this before I could love them.

Alex Ferrari 27:55
Right if don't walk in about a minute and a half, no more love for you,

Dean Braxton 28:02
No more love. But there's nothing there. But you chose that child as that child grows now the child has a is going to come to whether they choose you or not, you know. And as you being a father, you could see that they choose you. They don't care what you do. You know, I remember my dad. He was a navigator in the Air Force, but he was African American. And back in those days, African Americans were rare as officers, and to be a navigator on a he used to fly a B 52 bomber. It was rare than rare could be. But it didn't matter to me. I didn't even care. People used to say, what did your dad do? I said, Well, he's in the Air Force. You know, my brother went to city, well, he works on the field. And the guy said, Well, you mean he works in the field? They thought he worked in the cotton field, and, but the reality it was, he was my dad, sure, and, and, and so as time gone, we chose him just because he was our dad. And that's all I always tell people, that's all God wants you to do is choose him. That's the process. We make it more complicated.

Alex Ferrari 29:05
What was before we forget who we are, yeah. That's it. That's the point of this whole experiment here. Is to to learn and to grow here as a soul. But we forget that we are all part of God. We are all one, yeah. And that forgetfulness is where a lot of the evils happen because the darker things you do in this or on this plane and this, you're farther from, yes, from that love, from that love, and you keep getting farther and farther, but he still loves you. No, no, he does, but you're just so you're getting farther and farther and farther from it, until you start to open yourself back up and come back. And that door is always open.

Dean Braxton 29:41
It's always open. Closes. That road is always open. I always tell be it's open all the way up to your last breath. Most people don't realize that. You know he's gonna get I don't think a person leaves this planet without the choice before they leave the planet. Someone else said, What do you mean? I don't have to see it. I looked into God Almighty's eyes. I know how much he wants you there. I know so he will do everything that he can, short of evil. I always say short of evil, to get you there everything. But it is your choice. I always tell people is, he's not gonna, he's not going to override your choice.

Alex Ferrari 30:15
Right! That is, from what I understand, is the most sacred thing.

Dean Braxton 30:18
It is the most sacred in the universe. In the universe. It's free choice. It's free choice.

Alex Ferrari 30:22
Because, if not, what's the point of this whole thing?

Dean Braxton 30:24
That's right. I mean, yeah, it's and then some people want us to be like a robot, you know, press a button and we do this, and we do that. He's not going to do that.

Alex Ferrari 30:31
I always, I always, I use the example of, like we are God's algorithm. Yes, we kind of go off, and then the algorithm does what it wants, but it has no real control. Once the once the algorithm goes it's learning, it's growing. Yeah, the creator just sits back and watches and watches. So we're kind of God's algorithm in many ways,

Dean Braxton 30:49
In that way. So, and going back to, you know, people out there listening to me, just know he's chosen you. He just wants you to choose him. You know how I came to know God, how I came to know Jesus? I was in a bedroom, and someone had given me a Bible to read. Now it wasn't just any type of Bible. It was an easy to read Bible. Okay, now you could say that was a coincidence. I had an easy to read Bible. I'm gonna tell you why I had to have an easy to read Bible I couldn't read. Fair enough. I was I was 16 years old. I had Alexa delexia. I can't even say the word now, dyslexia, yeah, and I had a hard time grabbing words. They were floating all around. You know, it took me a it took me a while to be able to grab the words. And then I and then I was always, you know, how you're supposed to read from left to right. I was always reading from right to left. My mind would go that way. So someone gives me an easy to read Bible. In that Bible, it comes to a part where it says we can learn of God. And I just remember reading that part and saying and looking up at the ceiling, because I was stuck in this room for three weeks. I don't know it's going to be three weeks, you know, and I stuck in this room, I looked up and said, If this is true, I want it. And that's what my life change.

Alex Ferrari 32:01
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Dean Braxton 32:32
I know that doesn't go with traditions. Do you understand? But my life changed in that moment by making that statement. You know, I had people come around me and guide me in one way or another. And I always tell people when I got to heaven, many of my boxes that I had built for God were blown apart. Okay, but I can't tell you this, whether someone agrees me or not, I would read it in the Bible. I looked at the Bible different because of having the experience, sure, you know? And I said to people, I started looking at the Bible from a heavenly point of view instead of an earthly point of view.

Alex Ferrari 33:10
And you find what you're looking for, and it's different all the way. So once you so once you're in the that space, what happens after? After that? What happens after?

Dean Braxton 33:20
Well, you know, after I get there and he and I feel experienced that love, I make statements, you know, to him, I didn't think child molesters would ever make it into heaven working in the juvenile system, sure, so many kids that have been molested. And I, and I literally said to him, you know, first I said, you really do want everybody here. That what I said. I didn't laugh about it, but I was came to a realization. He really wanted everybody there. Secondly, I said to him, I said, even child molesters, and he lets me, he lets me know that if they ask Him to forgive him them, he's going to forgive them, and they get to go. That's what he said to me, and that really got me. But he said, Who? He literally said, Who? You didn't die on this cross for them. You didn't go through all this pain for them. You didn't pay the price for them. I did, you know, and if they ask for forgiveness, I'm forgiving them. Now, some people out there are going to say, Ah, no, we got to let them suffer. We got but I'm not the one that he did. You know, that was really got me that the other thing is, then he looked at me and he said, No, it's not your time. Go back all right.

Alex Ferrari 34:28
Now, did you fight him on this?

Dean Braxton 34:29
No, I didn't fight him

Alex Ferrari 34:31
Because I've heard a few that say, Oh, I ain't going, yeah.

Dean Braxton 34:34
What I did was I said, Okay, I'm here. I hadn't I hadn't been there that long. I thought I may have been there a long time, but I didn't think I was there that long. And I remember leaving the leave, and I got to a point where I when I was giving her the leave, and I knew if I took one more step, I'd be out of that realm. And my body wasn't ready. And I knew it wasn't ready. I don't know what was going on with them down there. I don't know how they were dealing with it, but I knew my body wasn't ready. And when that happened, I turned. Around, I probably had the biggest smile on my face that you could ever have, because I'm thinking, I am staying and that's when I started exploring certain parts of heaven. I start going all over the place.

Alex Ferrari 35:10
Okay, so, so you so, so God says, Hey, you got to go back. Yeah. And you're like, I you start walking back. Oh, nope. The Uber isn't there yet. For me, whoever hasn't gotten there yet, I get to hang out for a little bit longer. So then you start exploring,

Dean Braxton 35:24
Yeah, and I had to say, it wasn't so I get to hang out. I didn't think I was leaving.

Alex Ferrari 35:29
Well, now you like, Oh, good, I don't have to go. That's right, that's more like what I said, got it? Alright? So what do you see?

Dean Braxton 35:35
I see the mountains. I spend time with the mountains, you know, and and everything's communicating to me, sharing things with me. So what are they sharing this? One of the things they shared was like, how all this began.

Alex Ferrari 35:46
Okay, well, that would be a good that's a good thing to explore here. Dean, stop holding back. Dean, we'll read the book, but tell us.

Dean Braxton 35:56
Well, it just tells me how everything got chaotic and and why it got chaotic, okay, this, this, this, and the amount lets me know, literally, that it was the first thing that God created. Was chaos. It wasn't chaos. No, no, it wasn't chaos. Everything was perfect, okay, okay, but that creature that we call Lucifer, you've heard of, or Satan, he decided that he wanted to be God, and that's what caused the chaos. He remembers free choice is still free choice, sure. And they had free choice there. So he chose. He thought, well, he was right close to God. You know what I mean? They literally said. He moved among the admiral stones, and I saw where the Emerald stones were. They were like a crown on top of God's heads. So he moved around. The thoughts of God, I always tell people, and in that he thought, well, I got this power. I got this so he let everything else. There you when communication is giving out, there's thought to thought, and you communicate to everything. And most people say, the Bible says 1/3 of the angels. Most people don't realize it was really one thought, 1/3 of heaven. Okay, because everything is alive, there's nothing dead. And so 1/3 of Heaven decided to go with Lucifer, okay, and be on in his realm. And the rest of them stayed. And so the bottom line is I came to understand that whole process and why we're where we're at now, and how the chaos, chaos came in and the darkness, because there's no darkness in heaven, and we're really created, as God said, Children of Light, you flourish in light. Okay? And most people don't realize how they flourish in light. I didn't know it until I got there, but that's one of the things that was really communicated, is the reason I'm shortening it up, because it's a long

Alex Ferrari 37:35
We can go down the road,

Dean Braxton 37:38
It'd be a long, long term. And I'm trying to pull out the highlights of fair enough. And that was really good to hear that information. But again, I'm thinking, I'm staying so it's not information. I think I'm gonna come back to the planet and tell people about I remember the flowers and being a part of them dancing, and how beautiful that was. And it was interesting that I came to understand, and you probably are going to touch on this, I came to understand there's an outward eternity, and there's an inward internity.

Alex Ferrari 38:09
Can you expand on that?

Dean Braxton 38:11
We always think of things eternally this way outward of us, but there's also inside of us that's internal.

Alex Ferrari 38:19
Well, if just look at it from the quantum physics standpoint, the universe, as we see it is ever expanding, yes, but the inner aspect of us, the quantum aspect of us, goes almost as infinite, yes. It just keeps going deeper and deeper, until you finally get to a place where there's nothing but space between the atoms.

Dean Braxton 38:38
What I came to understand is God lives on the inside of me, of course. So when it touches that, it's eternal, either way. It's going both ways. And I learned that from the flowers there, interesting. You know, there's more flowers, the flowers, beautiful flowers. I learned that part of it. So there were so many things that. And the thing about it, it wasn't like I was amazed or surprised at what I was learning, it was more these are things that were inside of me, but I never, ever explored before, interesting, and that was really something. A lot of this, what I'm telling you, I had to process in the hospital room after I came back. You know, I spent the next nine days in the hospital room just sitting there thinking about things.

Alex Ferrari 39:20
We'll get, we'll get to we'll get to the hospital room. Let's hang out with the flowers for a minute more. So after the flowers, where else did you Did you see your relatives? Where any relatives there?

Dean Braxton 39:27
Yeah, that was my relatives came to greet me.

Alex Ferrari 39:32
I thought was just all mountains and streams in the middle. So your relatives came. Now, is this pre meeting of God or this was after, after? Okay, so they show up and now is it all relatives you recognize from?

Dean Braxton 39:45
Oh, this is, this is good. I'm glad it was anybody that was a part of my family. Now, there's three parts I got. There were those that were what we would call the DNA part. Then there were those that were grafted into the family. Mm. They weren't DNA chosen. They might have been adopted into the family, or they could have been like step parents into the family. So and then there was the other part, that were friends that were so close they became family. So you had all three of those parts come in there, and no one said, this is the friend part of the family. This is the adopted part of family are, you know, step parent part of family, and this, no, it was family, and I knew them all. Now my grandmother Mary was out front of them, and as she was out front, the only reason I could think of that she was out front is because I believe she prayed me into the kingdom of God. I really do. My grandmother Mary, she my mother's mother, and I believe she prayed me into the Kingdom God, because we didn't grow up in any what you call spiritual home, or a Christian home at all. You know, had no concept of it, to be honest with you, except for that book I told you about I read, and that's really what Jade

Alex Ferrari 40:51
So your so your grandma, your grandparents were not.

Dean Braxton 40:54
My grandparents were but we, we weren't my mom, my dad. They didn't teach us any of that stuff. Got it. They didn't talk negative about anything just then they it was not a part of our lives and so. But I knew my grandmother was because then, whenever she lived in Houston, Texas, you know what I mean, and we were growing up in California, but whenever we went and visited her, we always went to church.

Alex Ferrari 41:14
Oh, you're heathens California. Yeah, I could say this because I lived in California for many years, so hippies and heathens out there.

Dean Braxton 41:22
Oh, yeah, so so that. But grandma, Mary, and she was out front of this huge group of, you know, relatives, and that was huge. It was bigger than I thought it would ever be, you know, and she was out front, and she was shiny, she had a big smile and pure joy. It's hard for me to describe her. I knew who she was from my heart. You know what I mean. It wasn't like so it'd be like me calling you up on the phone, and you're used to my voice. I don't have to have caller ID for you to know who I am. So same thing when you get there. You don't have to have the visual appearance to know who someone is. You know it from there, from your heart. And I knew she was grandmother, Mary, and then behind her were other relatives, and I knew that first role of kind of behind her were relatives that I had been on the planet with, either either as a little boy or older. But they all went on and they were on and then behind them, that's what got me it was the next generation and the next generation back and the next generation back. And it was generation after generation after generation after generation after generation of all those who were part of my family, they came to greet me in.

Alex Ferrari 42:24
Now, were they, I mean, for lack of a better word, where they just dressed like, you know, one was, here's one from the Civil War. Here's one from great Rome, here's one from Egypt. Like, how are they just energy souls?

Dean Braxton 42:37
They were they lights. You could say they were lights, but their body, their bodies would like, it's like, mean, you have a body right now, and this flesh wasn't there. So it was, I came to understand, your Spirit fills your entire being, of course, you know, and and so and so they had a body, and it was more solid than this body, because this body is deteriorating. Their body never deteriorates. Matter of fact, I always say, when you get there, you look good, and the next moment, you look better than that. And then it's moving. So it's moving so it's moving in an opposite direction. You're not getting younger. I don't even have anything on the planet to describe what's going on, because on the planet, we don't have nothing to give that example. But there it was, like they were moving in a whole different direction. You know what? I mean? My Bible says it's like moving from glory to glory, you know. I mean, how do you describe glory? You know? So in that sense of things, I knew who they were. I could tell you who they were, you know, when I got back to the planet, I could say, well, so and so was there. So now there was one person that was there that I didn't think would be there,

Alex Ferrari 43:38
Uncle Bob. I understand Uncle Bob was there

Dean Braxton 43:41
For me i was Aunt Barbara. And Barbara, yeah, and so I always tell people, they say, well, when did she make a decision to go in that direction or accept Jesus? I said, I don't know. Doesn't matter if I knew he knew. That's what mattered,

Alex Ferrari 43:56
Dean, I have to ask you, you know, as a, as a, I call myself a reformed Catholic, yeah, because of a lot of the dogma that was attached to that religion. I love Jesus, and I love his teachings and things like that. But a lot of the dogma that was created, I didn't, I really didn't, you know, vibe with there is, you know, there's many, many Christians, billions of Christians, yeah, in this world, but there's also billions of other faiths. What do you say about those, those other faith, the the Hindus, the Muslims, the Jews, all these other major religions and a lot of minor religions. You know what would happen to them? In your experience,

Dean Braxton 44:35
This is what I'm gonna tell you. And it may seem and having no one's tagged like that exactly. That makes sense. So you can't go around and say, Were you a Muslim, or were you a hit? Oh, you can't get in. You know. All you know is, they accepted Jesus. They made that decision when they did it. I don't know how they did it. I don't know. Okay, and guess what? I found out. I don't need to know. He needs to know. I can tell you before anyone. Leave the planet, he gives them the opportunity, you know what I mean, and more people than you would have realized, take on that opportunity. Now the legacy they leave here may be a whole different legacy than we think, you know, we see, but that doesn't mean they didn't have that choice. I've heard story after story of people that leave the planet of different religions and made that or atheist, yeah, and made that choice at the last moment. He's not looking for I use this story. It's in the Bible. You've heard it be thief on the cross. There he is on the cross with Jesus, and he looks at him, he says, Hey, remember me when you get into your kingdom? And Jesus says to him, this day, you will be with Me in Paradise.

Alex Ferrari 45:38
So what are so? So you see your relatives, what other? What other Do you see? Your pets? Do you see?

Dean Braxton 45:44
Oh, that's good. I'm glad you brought that up. You know, there's really four groups that came to greet you, in those that were your relatives, that came any friend you ever had before, they come to greet you, in any body that you helped to move in that direction, where they made that decision, okay to accept Christ or not accept Christ? Well, in this case, accept Christ. They they come to greet you, and then your pets, every pet that you've ever had, they all show up. They all show up.

Alex Ferrari 46:10
Now, do you have like a conversation in

Dean Braxton 46:13
You can't communicate when they talk. You know, most of the communication, as you said earlier, was thought to thought you could open up your mouth and say whatever you want. No one had to, you know what I mean, the only time I really heard anyone really open up their mouth is when they were singing. You know, they're singing to God.

Alex Ferrari 46:28
Was there a lot of singing up there music? Because I hear, music is a big thing.

Dean Braxton 46:31
It is a big thing. It everything, you know, this, you know, even every sound has a color to it, you know, a frequency, a sound, that type of thing. And so, yeah, music is a big thing, but it's not, I hate to it's hard to say, you know, I could distract you. It's never distraction. No, it's just there. It's just there. You're just there. And it's every type of music you can think of.

Alex Ferrari 46:54
I mean, because you got Prince, you got Michael Jackson, you got Elvis, you got two Beatles. I mean, there's a, I mean, there must be a heck of a David Bowie just left.

Dean Braxton 47:05
And there's people that you never, you know, you think about people in China and their music, sure, we're not geared toward that music. Because we're geared we're raising a different culture. Well, that music's there, of course, you know, you got people in India and their music. So every culture of music is there. It's all worshiping God. I'll tell you that off the bat, but no one, no one. It's not like I hear people say, I don't like the way that sounds, that music. I'm thinking, well, you get to heaven, you ain't gotta worry about because it's gonna be there anyway. Every sound you can think of is there, plus interesting, you know. And you gotta think about birds and how they sound, you know. Last night, me and me and my son went to see the bats come up. Oh, how was that? It was pretty interesting. That fun, yeah, and they're squeaking, you know, and all that's the noise, but that sound is there, and so, but none of it's clashing. That was the one thing I none of it's fighting like on the planet, we'll, we'll sing and something to go against something else, and then clash. But there there was no clashing at all, you know. So it's hard to come back here and share with people this, because we have our prejudice. And I know talking about people, I'm talking about things, you know, what? You like them you don't like, Yeah, well, you don't but there none of that exists.

Alex Ferrari 48:15
It sounds like we here on this realm have a lot of judgment on anything and everything, from music to food to people to religions to anything. It seems like there is no judgment. There is no any at all.

Dean Braxton 48:29
It's not, it's not just there. Isn't, it doesn't exist. It's just not there. It's, it's not like, oh, I used to judge it when I was on the planet that thought doesn't exist. No longer it. So it's almost like it was erased from you. Do you understand? I mean, it no longer is a part of you, so it doesn't even exist. And it's hard to explain that to people, because even we're still living in that atmosphere on this planet, you know? But when I was there, that doesn't exist.

Alex Ferrari 48:57
So alright, so you're walking around thinking you're hanging out, this is your new home, you're staying here. What's the point where you realize, oh no, I gotta come back?

Dean Braxton 49:05
Well, what I did is I walked around this that was the first time walking around. I came back to Jesus. And I'm learning some things. He's teaching me some things. I call him downloading inside of me like a computer. But you remember it? Oh yeah, I remember a whole bunch of stuff. And he puts it down inside me, and then he looks at me again. Says, No, it's not your time. Go back. So I go back to the edge. I get to the edge, and my body's not ready. And I think, Oh, for sure, I'm staying now, almost like the three strikes you out. That was their third time. That's the last day of they had choice. And I think I'm staying for good. And I walked what the first time I went to the left of the forest and walked among that. The second time, when I went to the right of the forest, the difference for me was this was more like mountain range and metals and all that stuff. This was more like water. You understand, I mean all kinds of liquids and all kinds enjoying that came. To understand the water there. You know, in the Bible calls it living water. It is living it's got a personality. It's, to me, from an earthly point of view, it was how there was more fun here than they were on this side. Okay, the party's over on the other side, yeah. But I it's not that way. But that's I get you from this point of view, from this point of view, yeah. And so I walked around and thing, and then I went back to Jesus again, and he looked at me, said, No, it's not your time. Go back now the way the scene is. Let me give you the whole scene. I'm standing with the crowd. I'm mingling in the crowd. Now I'm not, you know, by myself with him. You know, I'm mingling. I'm thinking, this is where I'm going to stay. I'm not going anywhere. And he was looking this way. He turns around, and he said, No, it's not your time go back and everything like a great wall, you know, just opened up in front of me, and I'm singled out. It's just me and him. Now you understand, I mean, oh yeah, and the words come to me. They're moving the atmosphere. It's coming to me like a ripple coming to me. And I remember being in the hospital room later on and saying, Man, I should have been blown apart. I should have disintegrated something. I should not even the power of His Word. It was coming. And I remember coming inside me, and I feel in comfort so much covered. And I used to be in the military, and this is the best way I could describe it, I felt like a soldier that was given an order, and like I raised my hand to salute and say, Yes, sir, you know, heart Yes, ma'am. And then, and then I left and came back. And once I left that realm, once I got out of that realm, I felt like I was crying like a baby because I didn't want to come back here at all.

Alex Ferrari 51:38
You're being pulled away from that, that love.

Dean Braxton 51:40
Yeah! Was just, it was just not Yeah, you say the love, but the the joy, the peace, the comfort, you know, even being on the planet still, I have never felt this, the fullness from every because all around you, you know, I may feel okay, this is coming this way. My wife is a great wife. She's she's loving me, and she's coming this way, but what's going behind me? I'm not getting that same thing behind me, right? Do you understand? I mean, so it was really something to leave that realm, to come back here, and I felt like I cried the whole way back here, the whole way back here. And I remember entering it, back in that room, going back in the hospital, seeing my body. They were cleaning up at the time they were they were filling out the death certificate and all those type of things and calling it

Alex Ferrari 52:27
So what? What's the what's the trip back? Yeah, like, once you, once you pass that point, what do you see? Or are you just back?

Dean Braxton 52:34
I see the remember I told you about those lights, those prayers. I see them going that way every moment Saturn, as I'm getting back to the planet, I remember coming back to through the universe. I remember coming into the blue sky, and I remember seeing the hospital room. I didn't hover over anything, but I could remember this. I remember going through the floors, and there's my body sitting on the table, you know what I mean. And I remember kind of hovering over my body like this, just like this, and then, and then flipping over. I don't know why I flipped over. I tell people, baby, because I didn't want my eyes in the back of my head or something. But I flipped over, and then I hit and then the the monitor goes, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, and they rush over there, put the tube down my throat because, you know, I wasn't breathing, and get her and yeah, and that's the 15 minutes, the what they do. And so that's what the doctor said.

Alex Ferrari 53:25
And it was, it was an hour and 45, hour and 45 minutes, you just happen to still be on the table. They would have taken your body.

Dean Braxton 53:31
Yeah, doctor, the doctor rigged. The doctor worked with me. Said he usually calls it after 30 minutes. But for he said, for some reason I knew I had to do this, you know. And I did, they keep working on you for now, they kept on working on me. He said there was a sign that something might take place, you know. And he's, if you ever go on on, you see it on YouTube, you know, his side of the story, you did, Braxton, you know. And you pulled up and you he's got his story on there, too, a little bit of it, you know. And he says, I just knew something. He didn't. He can't tell you why he did it, because he said, I usually stop after 30 minutes. I That's the norm. I don't go past 30 minutes. But he would another 30 minutes, another 30 minutes, in another 15 minutes. You know, we would pass that

Alex Ferrari 54:14
So he was, he would. They were continuing work. They were for an hour and 45 minutes,

Dean Braxton 54:17
Hour, well, hour and probably 45 minutes, probably an hour and 30 minutes,

Alex Ferrari 54:25
About 90 minutes. They worked on you, then they just left you

Dean Braxton 54:27
Fr 15 minutes. They didn't work on me until I came back. And not 15 minutes, they started cleaning up. He said, That's what I was told. Sure started cleaning up, and then I showed up, and then that's where the hour and 45 minutes came in.

Alex Ferrari 54:40
So when you come back, how soon before you're speaking again?

Dean Braxton 54:44
Well, they put a tube down my throat because, sure my body still has that poison in it. My kidneys had shut down, so I was on dialysis. 24/7, but then about the third day, everything started improving really quick, and that's in that way. There a woman stand Marilyn, gets more detail of what took place because she's on this side, so she could describe it better. You know, they said sedated me to keep me under for a while. I think it's the second day that I started peeing again. You know, my wife, this is a funny one. Listen,

Alex Ferrari 55:17
But before you get to that, Didn't the doctor say, look, he's he's back, but he's more likely a vegetable.

Dean Braxton 55:24
That's what she that's what they were told.

Alex Ferrari 55:26
I mean, because that's, that's what you would say.

Dean Braxton 55:28
That's what they said with complete understanding, yeah, that's what they told her, okay, it's in their book. She tells you they came and said, I probably, because I lost auction to my brain, that that probably would be brain damaged and there would be nothing there. My toes had died because no auction in it. So they were planning on bringing me back in and zipping off all 10 of my toes. They didn't do that. So not only did I have the experience of dying and going to be with well, then the miracle took place afterward, where this body was restored. Do you understand? I mean the heart and everything like that? I had a heart person to work on me, but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. They had done chest compressions on me, and usually that cracks ribs. They couldn't find that. So here this body comes back and it has nothing wrong with it.

Alex Ferrari 56:14
How did the doctor deal with this?

Dean Braxton 56:16
He called it a miracle right off the bat, you know, he said, This is a miracle. You know, the people in the hospital room were very happy. It was Nurses Week during that time frame, so they looked at it as a very, very big plus for them. They were happy about it. It impacted a lot of people. You know, I don't have probably the details how much it impacted people. Alex, as much of my wife did, you know, I'm still trying to deal with

Alex Ferrari 56:42
Alright, so so you come back, Dean, so now you're back, your your body's up and running. You're speaking. Everyone's like, this is a miracle. How are you processing this? And do you automatically start talking about what you see? Or did you keep it quiet at first? Because look like I always tell people this kind of story clears a room if the room is not ready for it, friends family, like, look, I believe you, but like you're talking about stuff that goes against my religion or goes against my theology, or you just sound crazy. How did you deal with it?

Dean Braxton 57:14
Well, when I first came back and I was and I well, I had the tube on my mouth, so I couldn't but after that, and after that, once they took the tube out, the first thing I said to the first person, I said, you know, you know, you know, you don't have to, I hope there's a Jesus, you don't have to wish it. There's, Oh, you were just right about right, right off the bat. Because I was, I gotta say, I was so amazed. I really was too even though I walked, supposed to walked it. This was like, This was amazing to me so and so. So I started sharing with people right off the bat, but I also said to myself later on that I knew something great had happened to me, and I and I use a word you may know it because your background, I said, I don't want to use it for filthy lucre, you know what I mean, which is just get a whole bunch of money and things like, sure, sure, sure. And so I wanted I knew I had give, been given something as a gift, and I wanted to make sure I handled it right. That was and then I said to myself that I would not talk about anything unless it first comes out in the question, once it comes down to question that gives me permission to talk about it. So what's in the book, and what people I've done over the years is usually someone's talked about or asked me questions. That's why we were talking about kids. They asked the best questions, because they opened up more of that realm than anybody for me to talk about.

Alex Ferrari 58:33
And you remember it? It comes back to you right away.

Dean Braxton 58:35
Wow, yeah, I'm surprised how detailed and how I remember it.

Alex Ferrari 58:40
So what is that you saying that Jesus was giving you or God was giving you downloads? Yeah, what are a couple of these downloads that you would like to share with the audience?

Dean Braxton 58:49
You know, one of the, you know, I'll go with one of the biggest things that happen. I get to share schools. I do this event in public schools. I usually show a video, and then I get up and I take questions from the kids. I always say you get to talk to someone that died, you know what I mean. How often do you get to do that, you know? So they asked question. But one of the one of the questions that I got that I thought was really something, was a kid stood up and he said, What race are we in heaven? Oh, man, you know I mean. And the answer that just popped up, and I didn't, I couldn't say I was ready for that. I couldn't say I practiced for it. All of it, what popped up and I knew it was put in there was this where there's no race, we're just sons and daughters. And I didn't know the impact it was going to have on those kids. They stood up and cheered. Oh yeah. They stood up and cheered. You know, I can't say I had the wisdom here in the head and the cages came out. It just came up with me. That was something was downloaded in me. You understand? I mean, so that was really something that that, you know, really hit the animal thing. Yeah, I didn't believe animals went to heaven before then. Yeah. And here I am, and animals are coming in on this side of me, all kinds of animals coming in outside of me. And so that's one of the questions that are down inside of me. God created animals to live forever. What changed? I always ask that question. You know, if you believe in the Bible, you believe in Genesis, that's when God made animals, and he didn't create them to kill each other. What changed? Did you hear what I'm saying? So, so in the sense of some of those things that people download, you know, there's other things that he downloaded inside of me. You know, we're really we don't look at ourselves as his son or his daughter. We look at ourselves as separate, but he still looks as his sons and daughters.

Alex Ferrari 19:00:39
When did you decide to go out publicly? Because there's one thing, talking with your friends and family, but when you're like, I'm gonna write a book, I'm gonna go out talk about this, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hang my hat on this experience and share this experience with the world. Was it a difficult choice, or was it an easy choice for you? And when did you do it?

Dean Braxton 19:00:56
It was, it was a survival choice,

Alex Ferrari 19:00:58
Really how come?

Dean Braxton 19:00:59
Yeah, because number one, I had this all inside of me. I never thought I would relate to anybody again on the planet. I never thought I would fit here. I you know, I tell people that go through this, you gotta grieve your own death. One moment I'm like this, in the next moment, I'm completely different. So I have to grieve this person over here. And for the first year and a half, I wouldn't even tell people I didn't want to be here, because I knew I'd go into a deep depression. So I, you know, took me a year and a half to verbalize it to that now, people would ask me questions and I would answer but because I made that statement, I wouldn't talk about anything unless someone asked me. So you got about a year, or almost a year and a half before I really started sharing things, okay? And people would ask me to come and share, and they would ask questions. And that's how it started. I never went out. I thought it was going to be a five year thing. And then I was going back to doing what I was used to do, because I loved working with kids, and I loved working in the juvenile justice system, you know? That's where I believe my calling was for God was in that area, you know, and then I came to realize this is what he's called me to do now. And I try to make myself as available as possible wherever someone wants me to go. Usually I'm booked out about a year ahead of time, and I could be two years ahead of time. So when you say, When did I it just started going that way, you know what? I mean. I never worried about how I was going to get there, what the money was going to be, or any of that stuff. I was in a place where nothing deteriorated, nothing fell apart. So anything I do get, you know, is still less than that. And I make one statement that helps me more than any state. I'm on my way home. This is the pathway My father says I need to go as I'm going home, but I'm on my way home. And then everyone I come in contact with, even you. I believe when Jesus said, No, it's not your time. Go back, he already saw me coming in contact with you, of course. So I don't look at it as this is accident or anything. This is a pathway I'm on. You know what I'm talking? Oh yeah, it's a pathway. It's a journey. And I and because of that, what happens behind me? If you look, you're not going to hear me brag about a whole bunch of stuff that happened behind me, because it's behind me. Do you understand that me? I'll talk about a little bit here and there, but I'm looking forward, because I know where I'm headed, and so that that's, it's a journey. I'm just on my journey. That's, if you ask me, if you ask me, I never, ever really looked at this as this, okay, this is a career, or this is what do you call it, something I gotta specialize in. No, I'm on my way home. This is just a journey, and I'm taking steps to go in that direction.

Alex Ferrari 19:03:36
And a lot of times, a lot of people, you know, I think, will understand that statement, that journey is not always easy. No, it's not. It's not. I mean, it might be the path you're supposed to be on, but just because you're supposed to be on, it doesn't mean it's going to be paved all the way beautiful. He wrote, there's going to be little stumbling blocks along the way, and that's where you grow, yeah, and that's where you become stronger because of it. Dean, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, how do you define a fulfilling life?

Dean Braxton 19:04:03
For me is I define it one way, the smile I see on the other person's face.

Alex Ferrari 19:04:09
Beautiful, beautiful answer. Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Dean, what advice would you give him?

Dean Braxton 19:04:15
If I went back to little Dean and told him anything? You know, I really don't have anything. I enjoyed my little Dean's life. Yeah, there's, there's, you know, my little Dean's life was really free, freer than my big Dean's life.

Alex Ferrari 19:04:32
Amen. All I got to do is watch some transformers, eat some honey comb, and life was good.

Dean Braxton 19:04:41
You know, where some people had terrible lives, you know, and I've worked with a lot of those kids. My life was really nice. I had three brothers. We enjoyed each other. We were three, four kids that were boys. We grew up in in the central part of California. Oh, you know what I mean, out in the almond orchards. As I say, you know, yeah, and so I don't if I go back, my memories of my life were really, really fun. We had fun as kids. We played, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 19:05:11
How do you define God or Source?

Dean Braxton 19:05:14
Well, I define God in a sense, as a father and not as a mean father, a terrible father, most people would probably think about their father because people have terrible experiences with fathers. Sometimes. I am moms, but I, you know, I don't even equate them to my own father, but I look at him as father, father, period and and when I say that it's broad in the sense that he's outside of my definition, but he's also inside my definition.

Alex Ferrari 19:05:46
Fair enough. What is love?

Dean Braxton 19:05:49
Oh, wow, there's the love that I show toward my kids and my wife. I choose to love them. I want to be kind to them. I want to be gentle to them. I want to be patient with them. You know what? I mean? Yeah, there's things that I just want to be and I and I and be honest with you. I do everything I can. I can say I'm going to keep myself pure, you know, myself not because of him, but for myself, so that I can literally sit in front of you and there's nothing inside of me that stopped me from showing that love to you. Does that make sense? I don't. It's hard to say, because I think people had come with so many agendas, you know, and they and they, they want their agenda to get across. It gets in way of the love they could show somebody. If, if nothing happens, and I've been there, nothing happens with this, and you don't do anything. I'm okay with it, because I did exactly what I was supposed to do, sure to share what I have with you, which is love, you know, but my I just want to be kind to people, more than more than anything else, I just want to be kind, even if they're not kind to me.

Alex Ferrari 19:06:55
Beautifully said, What is the ultimate purpose of life?

Dean Braxton 19:06:58
The ultimate purpose of life I was given life to give life. That's the ultimate purpose.

Alex Ferrari 19:07:07
Fair enough. And where can people find out more about you? Pick up your book In Heaven and your wife's book A Woman's Stand. Where can they pick up all the stuff that you do?

Dean Braxton 19:07:16
They could go to it's that easy

Alex Ferrari 19:07:16
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Dean Braxton 19:07:17
The parting message that I would say to people is that God wants you to be with Him for eternity. This is the He created you just because he wants to be with you. That's the only reason. It's not for all the other things we think sometimes he just created you because he but he wants you to choose him because he's already chose you.

Alex Ferrari 19:07:48
Dean, it has been such a pleasure and honor speaking to you today. Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us, and I hope it helps people listening, and I appreciate you helping awaken the planet with your story and your life. Thank you, my friend.

Dean Braxton 19:08:00
Thank you for having me.

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