QUANTUM JUMPING: How KARMA & PAST LIVES Affect Shifting to PARALLEL VERSIONS of You! with Gaia Chinniah

On today’s episode, we welcome the wonderful Gaia Chinniah to dive into the mystery of past life soul progression and the interconnectedness of parallel lives. Imagine living multiple versions of your existence simultaneously, each influencing the other in ways both subtle and profound. Gaia takes us on a journey through these unseen dimensions, where memories, actions, and energies from other realms affect who we are in the here and now.

Gaia Chinniah, a gifted healer, shares her path from a life built on societal expectations to one of deep spiritual discovery. She reveals how, at the age of 33, her life took a dramatic turn when she stepped into her spiritual power, a shift guided by her connection with ancient knowledge and ancestral wisdom. Gaia candidly reflects, “I went 33 years pretending to be someone else, and I didn’t even know it.” Her awakening opened the doors to understanding the impact of past lives on the present and the role of parallel selves influencing the now.

In this profound conversation, Gaia explains that many of our challenges stem from unresolved energies in other lifetimes or dimensions. She describes working with clients whose current struggles are deeply tied to parallel versions of themselves. Gaia recounts a powerful experience of helping a woman who could not conceive a child because of trauma experienced by a parallel version of herself. By healing that trauma in one dimension, the woman was finally able to move forward in this life.


  • We are multidimensional beings: Our lives are interconnected across timelines, and our current experiences may be influenced by versions of ourselves living in other dimensions. Healing one life often heals others.
  • Energy is memory: The actions and energies we create affect not only ourselves but ripple through our relationships, businesses, and even other lifetimes.
  • Ancestral healing is key: Often, we are carrying the wounds of our ancestors. By addressing their unresolved energy, we not only free ourselves but also those who came before us.

Gaia emphasizes that “everything is a ceremony,” a reminder that we are constantly creating and concluding cycles. Our souls are always in progression, moving forward as we learn and heal from our past actions and the actions of our parallel selves. Gaia’s ability to channel between dimensions and help individuals access hidden parts of themselves is a testament to the power of inner work.

In closing, Gaia offers a glimpse into how we can each tap into this multidimensionality. By meditating and connecting with our higher selves, we can access the wisdom of our parallel lives, bringing their knowledge into the present to guide us. She invites us to ask, “Where is another version of me that needs the ability I have now to step into my power?”

Please enjoy my conversation with Gaia Chinniah.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 494

Gaia Chinniah 0:00
Ask yourself, where am I? Where is another version of me right now that needs the ability that you've got in order for me to be able to step into my power. Now we need to be prepared for this next level soul that is going to be coming to earth. Sure, there's no hell and there's none of that but our actions and who we are as people and what we do, they are creating a memory, and that memory is not just going to affect us, it's going to affect everybody around us. It's going to affect our businesses. It's going to affect our experiences, neither bad or good.

Alex Ferrari 0:37
I like to welcome to the show Gaia Chinniah. How you doing Gaia?

Gaia Chinniah 0:50
I'm really great. Alex, it's so nice to be here in Austin.

Alex Ferrari 0:53
Thank you so much for coming across the world.

Gaia Chinniah 0:57
I really did. I crossed several oceans, several timelines.

Alex Ferrari 1:01
I mean, it's actually you're in the you're from the future, because

Gaia Chinniah 1:04
I really am from the future. But no, it's a real pleasure to be here. It's been an amazing trip so far.

Alex Ferrari 1:11
Oh, thank you so much. I'm so honored that you made this trek to come down to next level soul studio. So I appreciate it. Your your story and the work that you do is so remarkable. I wanted to have you on the show, but before we get into the more mystical things that you do, what was your life like before this insanity is your life happened to you?

Gaia Chinniah 1:32
I went 33 years pretending to be somebody else, and I didn't even know that I was pretending to be somebody else. So I'm of Sri Lankan ethnicity. I was born in Malaysia. I've never been to Sri Lanka, not yet. And at the age of four, my parents decided to move to New Zealand, where I reside now. And I went to school. I went to university. I've got a master's degree. And I had this plan, Alex, of becoming someone that would be able to prove to society that she was worthy, that she was worthy of being here, that she was successful. Also as a woman with with skin color, with not more melanin in her skin, I was raised to believe that I had to prove to be loved, perform to be loved. And I'm not talking about love and relationships. I'm talking about societies, society's acceptance of who who I am. And so when I finished university, I had all these great plans. I always knew that I wanted to have my own business. I knew that I wanted to help. I worked for Greenpeace for a couple of years. I traveled to Europe, setting up fundraising programs, and I was very young woman at this time. Was in my early 20s, and then at about 25 I ended a relationship, and I started meditating at that time, and I wasn't meditating for any particular reason, except for I just wanted to know, who was I who? I didn't know what made me happy. I didn't know what I wanted, but I knew that I wanted autonomy and my sovereign power to be able to be who I really am. So meditation started, and then at around about 28 I found myself going to networking events. I was working then as a marketer for a product distribution company in New Zealand, and part of my job was as a TV presenter. So if I tried the product and I really liked it, I would go on television in Australia and New Zealand to talk about the product. And so I was doing that, and I found myself going to networking events, going I'm a consultant. I have my own business, because I was trying to manifest that into my own life, to bring this ability to be able to consult with people, but I just didn't think it would be what I'm doing now. And then I had this opportunity to start a distribution company myself, and the products were organic, skincare and makeup, which I absolutely loved, vegan and all of that. And so I started that in Malaysia, where my parents reside, because I wanted to excuse also to see them more often. And so as I was doing this business, I had a bit of a prophecy for myself, and I would say to my partner, I'd say to my friends, something amazing is going to happen to me when I turned 33 and I would say that a lot, where people would say to me, Well, what? Not people, but the people closest to me, they would say, Well, what do you think it's going to be and I'm like, I don't know, but something amazing is going to happen to me. Now, what I haven't mentioned Alex is that during this journey from 18 to my late 20s, I encountered my first psychic medium when I was 18. Now my friend who passed away last year at the age of 40, she actually was the first one to take me to see a medium when I was 18. So I moved to this new town called Hamilton in New Zealand, and I was starting university there, and my friend said, Come on, we're going to go see this. Kick. I'm like, Okay, let's go. And when I went to see that psychic who I still know now, it really opened my eyes to the level of information that was available to her about me that I didn't even know about myself. And she would say to me things like, you know, one day you're going to be internationally, very well known, and one day people are going to want to come and see you from all over the world, and oh, my goodness, you carry Christ consciousness. And I'm like an 18 year old girl. I wanted to know who I was going to marry, how many children I was going to have. What's the lottery? Yes, one of the lottery, one of the lottery numbers. I wasn't interested at that time, and I actually am glad that I wasn't, because it's given me a very naive perspective around spirituality, which I think is what has brought so many people to me, because I go in it with curiosity. So then, knowing all this, I'd met other mediums along the way, and everyone kind of gave me a little piece of the puzzle. I always seem to be sitting next to them in a bar or somewhere, gravitated towards people who had very deep knowing about things. And then, so, yeah, my career was varied, you know, from TV presenting to marketing, but I eventually ended up with my own product distribution company, and then I started seeing a Maori healer, indigenous Maori healer in New Zealand at about the age of 30 again, she came to me just the way people should in your life, when you meet people naturally. And she said to me, after I turned 33 something, something's changed about you, Gaia. And I said, Yeah, I've just had my 33rd birthday. She said, next time you come over. I want you to work on me. And from that moment, my whole life completely changed.

Alex Ferrari 6:46
So what does a work on me mean?

Gaia Chinniah 6:49
She meant that when I returned back to New Zealand, because I still had my product distribution company at that time, that when I was to come over to her place again, that she was going to lay on her massage table and I was going to then work on her, because she said I knew, but I didn't know what I knew. I still don't know what I know. But I went over to her after the age of 33 and she was on her massage table fully clothed. And bear in mind, when I was seeing her for a few years before she would say things to me that were about me, or things I needed to know about my body, because she did traditional Maori massage, but I never knew anything about her life. I knew she was married to somebody, and when I went to see her after 33 traveled back overseas, came back and then that was the day that I drove to see her, forgetting that this is what she had said. And found her lying on her massage table with her dog on top of her. She looked at me and she said, do what you know how to do.

Alex Ferrari 7:55
Very, very Yoda esque.

Gaia Chinniah 7:57
Very, I mean, I was telling you before my nickname is baby Yoda. So there we go. And and then the veil lifted, and I realized I could see things that I didn't know I could see, and I knew things that I didn't know that I know.

Alex Ferrari 8:14
So when you're saying this, like, What do you mean? You're seeing things. Are you seeing? Spirits? Are you see? What are you seeing?

Gaia Chinniah 8:19
Okay, so that first experience with her was I go into a trance state when I work and I don't remember very much of what I say to people. I really have to sit and extract things, or they have to be really amazingly mind opening and expansive for me to remember, is it channeling it? Is channeling it is 100% it's a form of channeling. It's just that my voice doesn't change, but my personality may change for who I'm seeing, because I am a reflection of who my client is at that time. So when people see me, they will see themselves. And it's very interesting for me, because my job is to help people remember. Therefore this Maori healer made me remember who I was, because that triggered the remembering in me for all the people that find me now. So in that state that I was in when I was working on her, was a trance like state, and I was sucked into a portal where I could see her in different lifetimes, and I could see all the cells in her body, and I could smell disease on her body, and I could tell her things like about her medical history that I didn't know, and I could and they weren't just random past lives, Alex, they never are with me, and this is where the conversation is going to get very interesting with us, because I've been learning a lot from spirit around what, what all this. Because, you know, every day I learn too. And they were telling me things about past, present and future, which affected her now. And when I said all this, I started crying, because I was really freaking out. There's the first one. This is the first time ever, because I didn't know.

Alex Ferrari 9:54
I was gonna ask you, so did you lose your mind like when this happened? It seems the same.

Gaia Chinniah 9:58
Wait till the next bit. So. I'm standing there crying, and she's smiling and laughing, going, I knew you knew. I said, Okay. She said, You've got symbols on your body that only 1% of the population have, and I've been waiting to tell you this. She said, You are a healing symbol. And she said, everybody that finds you will have great shifts. And I was like, what does that mean? And she said, Look what you've told me. Because I said things to her like, so I see you walking through the woods and your wedding dress. I said, they're telling me it's going to be your 10th wedding anniversary and you need to have that ceremony. You need to renew your vows. I said, when's your 10th wedding anniversary? She's like, Friday. I was like, Okay. And I said, So when are you renewing your vows? Are you doing that? She said, Yep, in the woods on Friday. Because she said, when we got married 10 years ago, it wasn't the way that I intended. We were married in a way that was traditional, but not not who we were. And because I could smell disease on her body, that was the first time I smelt disease and it was cancer, and I didn't know, yeah, and I didn't know that. So when I said that, I got very upset, because I could feel and see the cells and where they were in the body that were being affected by this disease. And I could tell her all that. So after that, she was excited and happy, but I was literally like, you said, did I think I was going crazy? What would normally take me in half an hour trip to drive home? Took me about an hour because I kept stopping and starting the car, because I was like, oh my god, what is going on with me? Like, am I going psychotic? Because there's such a fine line between being psychic and psychotic, and that's something I've learned over the years. And so when I drove home, I rang my partner, I said, You need to come home now. This is like, three o'clock in the afternoon. I said, I think I'm actually going crazy. So I'm standing in the living room bawling my eyes out, going, I think I'm having some sort of psychotic break. And so I told him, and he was very grounded and calm, and he said, No. He said, I'm actually not surprised with you. And I said, Okay, and what I realized is that I couldn't even see myself, because when I told my friends, they were like the same reaction, we're not surprised with you. I found that through my career and even as a child, my parents friends would be telling me their deepest, darkest secrets about what was going on in their relationships. I was 21 and coaching people that were twice my age sent to Europe to build teams and things I didn't realize there was this preparation that was going on for me to bring me to that moment of 33 where Christ's energy came to me. Now, Alex, I was born into a Hindu family, and I was brought up believing that everything is one. My parents always told me that no one's better than one another, no religion is better than one another. Everything is one. We would be sitting in church with my friends for midnight mass. For Christmas, we would be going to gurdwaras and with our Punjabi friends, everything was open. My mum's altar at home has mother, Mary, Shiva, Krishna, everything, and that's how I was brought up. That's right, like your studio. But I had never experienced Christ consciousness in the way that I did in this moment. And then I started piecing things together. I was like, oh my god, awakening at 33 Christ, Christ, crucifix, crucifixion at 33 and then a few years ago, first time in hospital, the doctors are all flapping around me, the nurses like, when you get in there, you need to tell them that you've got the specific blood type you're going to need this thing. And blah, blah, blah. And then over then I figured out, when I went home and researched it, only 1% of people have my blood type, and it's connected to the same blood type as Jesus Christ. And I was thinking, Okay, this is giving me more understanding about what my purpose is. So yes, I did think I was going crazy, and I did question, but because people naturally started coming to me, I did not do anything, Alex, it's like a switch went off. And it's like source started bringing me people that I had to give up, and I wanted to give up my distribution company and went full time into soul progression therapy, which is what I do.

Alex Ferrari 13:56
Okay, from my understanding from channelers and psychics is that specifically, channelers, if you are just all of a sudden channeling an entity, your nervous system, if you've never done it before, your nervous system is going to explode because it's not prepared for that kind of energy source. So there's usually a gradual building up of like priming the nervous system to handle that kind of energy, because literally, if not, you will go you blow a circuit. So it seems like you just said you you hit a switch. Had you been unknowingly being prepared? Yep, for that moment. Because, if not, it seems like you would have just popped.

Gaia Chinniah 14:35
That's right, I had been unknowingly being prepared. It's just that I chose to ignore it, and I chose not to see myself in that way. Because who am I? I'm just a average woman. Went to university. What makes me special? I'm not I'm just an everyday person, but I've been chosen, and so that, that what you're talking about is that this is, you know, I'm still one. Nine years into doing this work now. So it's still relatively new to me. From what it was at 33 to what it is now in my early 40s. Is very, very different, very every year they give me more. Every year they bring me people that are going to teach me. Every client that comes to me, I'm not just the teacher. They are my teacher also. So that is also part of the preparation. It starts somewhere, but who knows where it's going to end up? And I think that's the thing at the moment, is that I'm seeing many people who are coming to me that are experiencing these ascension symptoms and are experiencing this dormant life force energy that is growing within them, but they don't know what to do with it. But the thing with my preparation is that I was meditating. I was being the best version of myself, and I still am every day, and I just started to pay attention to more of the signs and everything that all every medium and psychic and every intuitive person had told me prior to that, I started to remember what they were saying, and now it started to all make sense, but yes, you would blow a circuit if you're not prepared for it. You do have to have a very strong constitution within yourself in all ways, and be very balanced and grounded to be able to do work that isn't grounded. But I think that we're all, we all have this ability within us. And I think for some people who are ready to step into that and honor the responsibility and the gift people are more people are coming out with this ability to be able to do this.

Alex Ferrari 16:37
So you mentioned in that first interaction you had with that, with that Maui healing, that her past, her current and her future lives were affecting her, how it was affecting her now. Now this is not a concept I have not heard before, but I'd love to hear your point of view of it. Where from my understanding, there's no past, there's no future, there's no there's only all things are happening at the same time, which is very difficult for our heads to wrap around, to my understanding the oversoul, the soul who we are, fractals. Of us go out into different lifetimes, and all of them are happening right now. And it's instead of a linear time, it's more like a plate of a stack of records. And you can kind of just kind of go up and down. So when you're looking at a past life, you're actually just going up or going down. If that makes any sense, can you explain to the audience that concept that all lives are happening right now and they're affecting each other?

Gaia Chinniah 17:36
I honestly this, this work really has opened my eyes up to see what is going on in other dimensions and other realms, because we are living in multi dimensions. So there's versions of me and you elsewhere that are still affecting us now. So I'm going to give you a couple of examples, please. When I work with somebody, the work's changed. When I work with someone now there are a couple of portals that open up for me. The first portal is the invitation of spirit. And there are three categories of energies that come through initially, the first category are spirit guides that are connected to the individual soul who are seeing me. The second category are ancestors, ancestors within your bloodline. And the third category are past life connections, which we know are current life connections. And all these three categories are coming in to tell me who you are and why you are the way that you are. Now bear in mind, I don't let a client speak to me when they when they see me, it's all scheduled by somebody else. When these doors open, my room floods with the beings that are coming in to help me, help you. It's like a waiting room, and they're all excited sometimes before the client comes, they're all like running around my house, Whoopi Goldberg and ghost, yeah, pretty much. And then I start traveling through my crown chakra. So there's photos of me with like, blue lights coming in through my head, because for me, that channel is always very, very open, and I start traveling up into different dimensions, and the things that I see that are happening in other dimensions is what is happening now. But I don't know that, because I don't know anything about my client. So for example, I saw a client recently who had flown in from overseas to see me in New Zealand, and I put her on my table. Now I see people on Zoom too. This is just an example of a face to face person. And I start traveling. She hasn't spoken to me, and I go into a lifetime where she is being physically abused. She's being physically abused by a group of men, and I could feel in her body that her life force energy was very, very blocked up. And I said to her, I've got a baby boy here that wants to come through to you. I said, you've not had children yet, right? And she said, No, I haven't. And I said, but in this lifetime, this version of you is a 37 year old version of you. How old are you now? She said, 37 I said, Okay. I said everything. I say every detail means something, even though, if we don't understand now, it'll make sense to you when it needs to make sense to you. At the age of 37 she's been physically assaulted by this group of men, and she turns to me in this lifetime and said, I conceive a child during this this particular assault, and that is the boy that you're seeing standing next to this to the girl on your table. And then he tells me, he said, I'm not going to come through until we heal and resolve and reconcile this particular woman in this lifetime that is also her, a version of her. And so then I'm walking through this lifetime, with because, literally, I'm walking like, when I come down after work, I'm touring, and I, because I come down, I'm like, Oh, I'm back here again, but I'm I'm touring, walking with her, and she's showing me her life. She's like, you know, I conceived the child. I have this baby, and I'm very disassociated from this baby, because I know it's been conceived through assault, and I don't know who the father is, but I know that she on your table, really wants a child. And then I jumped to a future scene in this current life, and I said to her, Your brother has been assaulted. And she said, Gaia, she said, what you're telling me is something that's happened to my brother in this lifetime. He was walking home at the age of 37, years old and is physically assaulted by men, and it's like in this lifetime that I was in, and the current lifetime, this energy needed to be healed with that masculine child that wanted to come through because the sibling that she had also had that physical assault, and we needed to to transmute that karma. And so I have because I take in people's energy into my body. So I feel like, if I see someone with a disease, sometimes I can't work for weeks afterwards, because I'll be processing like I'll feel their symptoms. And so with this assault, I was feeling it in my body, and she was having almost, you know, energy convulsions on the table because it was coming out of her body. And so this child didn't want to come through until the mother had made amends with this lifetime, knowing that she didn't get the assault in this lifetime, because her brother took the karmic hit to protect her. And it was quite amazing how it was all happening, all at once, past, present and future merging. But it was the bridge for this child to come in, because she was bawling her eyes at going, I want nothing more to have a child. But she said, I physically also am unable to create a child right now. I'm actually having physical distance with my partner, and because I can feel in the body where, even if someone's in a relationship or not, I can feel the energy of, are they in in connection with their partner to bring in another soul? Are they in connection with themselves to be able to create life, whether it's a child or creating business or whatever it is. So when I go into these realms, I start talking to the being that they are there, and once that is healed, it completely disappears and goes, that energy is just gone. It's like, we can actually rewrite history being in the realms that we're that I'm able to see. But it's directly related. They're never random. Alex, it's not like, Oh, you were a warrior. It's something that's going on, or many things that are going on in that person's life. And so when I take it into my body, it's transmitted, but that client must understand what the lesson is and how the karma is being balanced in order for that bridge to be built for whatever else they're wanting to progress. This is why it's soul progression. It's not about soul tomorrow or Seoul yesterday. It's like we need to all keep moving forward by understanding what is happening on these other realms that are directly impacting us and being obstacles to us at this time.

Alex Ferrari 23:49
It's a ripple effect.

Gaia Chinniah 23:51
It is a ripple effect.

Alex Ferrari 23:52
But let me ask you, though. I mean, you seem like a very grounded person when we've spent some time together, we talked and before this moment when that light switch went on. You were, for all intensive purposes, pretty grounded person doing what you needed to do. Yeah, there was some woo, woo stuff in there, sure, but you were pretty grounded this. How did you wrap your head? Or did you need a time period to wrap your head around psychologically about like, I mean, look, because you and I, when you're talking to me about realms, I'm like, Uh huh, but you do talk to the another person like that, who's there, like, this person's insane. This is crazy. Did you how did you psychologically wrap your head around doing this work? Because it seems not only fantastical and mystical, but insane in such a and I say that with all the love and respect in the world from someone out, outside looking in, how that it could be like, how did you deal with it? Because if I look, if tomorrow, your powers, let's say your abilities, came to me, and all of a sudden, I'm flying around in different realms, even maybe not now, because I have, I've been down this road too long, but maybe, like 10 years ago, it would have taken me. Moment a while, just to reconcile this experience, it's a lot to take in, into this mind, into this vessel, into this very limited being that we are. Does that make sense?

Gaia Chinniah 25:16
The first couple of years I was I cried a lot, okay? So it was a real grief of of that old part of me dying, the pretend version.

Alex Ferrari 25:25
Oh, so you went through this sort of

Gaia Chinniah 25:27
Yeah, I did. I it was a real grief of like, Oh my God. I had all these plans in my life, and I thought that, I thought that this is how it was going to be, and this is what I was going to become, and, you know, and yeah, and I really had a lot of sadness, but it was also me picking up on the collective sadness, and that's part of the gift. Also, I think people see all the amazing or magical parts, but there's a lot that goes on of having to heal myself. And I love this work. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing, but yes, there is a psychological wrap around it took me. It still does, because sometimes I finish a session, I'll be like, Oh, my, I just spoke a different language to that person. That person understood what I said, and I just brought through that. You know, I've said to people before, you're going to have six miscarriages, before you, before you, before you get your baby. We recently just got a message from a person to my administrator, saying, Please let go know I did have my six miscarriages. And number seven, I got to take my son home. And it's like when you know these things and you know that you're helping people, it does help you get wrap around psychologically. But I've had many lifetimes to prepare for this too, like I've not had, like I've not had any spiritual teachers as such that I've gone to seek them out, the universe has just brought me people like I've walked past places in my spirit guides, which I didn't know at the time, go and talk to that lady, oh, okay, and that lady then will tell me something else that I needed, needed to know at that time. And so the psychological wraparound still happens every day, but I am a very grounded person. It's not a front. It's who I am. I literally finish my work. I get on with my life. I dance between the two realms really easily, and I think that's very important when you do this work, or that you're wanting to step into your gifts. Even more is that it does take time to adjust. Every time you do this work, your mind expands, your reality expands. But you need to come back to Earth and do what you're here to do, also, which is to love, be in relationships, do all the day to day things that we do. I think that gives this work a lot more credibility, also, because you are being grounded and I mean, I'd love to stay with my head in the clouds all day, because everything is one. It's beautiful. Everything is one. There's no judgment. I can see everything. I can see people for who they really are. But I reconcile. I reconciled this gift with you know the pain it does bring, physical pain, emotional, spiritual, all of that by the transformations that clients can have when they come open. And so, yeah, I see a lot of people suffering at the moment, opening up spiritual gifts, because there is a suffering process, and it doesn't stop. It's like you get used to it, but you learn your own rituals and ceremonies and releasing techniques to be able to come back to yourself again. And sometimes that takes a period of time.

Alex Ferrari 28:27
It's interesting. I had doing the work that I do. I meet a lot of people in your in your line of work, not specifically what you do, but just in general, in the mystical and spiritual spaces. And every once in a while, I'll get a session from one of them, they'll offer me a session or something. And I did a I did a past life, not regression. It was a tour, yeah, and but I'm bringing this up because when I went into my parallel lives, two of them were really dark. One of them was the future where everything was beautiful, and the the person who was doing is, like, those two are doing the work they're they're doing so you can do the work that you're doing in this life. Yeah, I really never understood that until you explain kind of what you just went through, yeah, like they're, they're lifting the heavy blocks and fighting off things and doing things in order for me to be able to do whatever work or mission that I'm supposed to be doing in this life. And those are other versions of myself, that's right. Does that make sense?

Gaia Chinniah 29:31
100% and we are also liberating them, right? You know, they're all connected. They're all connected. We need to liberate that part of us that is still up there, doing, going through the suffering, going through the trauma. And once that's liberated, you can be free, because we don't want all of those lifetimes necessarily, especially in my experience, because this is my work. I go from past to present future, merging the timelines in order to progress a client's soul. And so when I'm bringing things up that is going on now for them. The same age, the same everything that they're enduring, but we can see why the block is happening there. It's like we're liberating them. And that's really important, because people think, you know, Earth is the main event, but we're just here, and we're especially, you know, I see a lot of people wanting to bring children in, but they don't realize that the the soul of that child has its own karma. The soul of that child has its own experiences to have. Why is that child not wanting to come through? It's because the mother is suffering from physical abuse in another lifetime, and then the uncle in this lifetime endure that the son's really frightened to come through, because what if that happens to me? But once we understood the lesson. It's and I take it into my body, which sometimes takes days, weeks, months, for me, to release it. For that client, that person, and the soul that they're wherever, that fragment of them elsewhere, is all liberated, and they can rise like the Phoenix and keep moving forward. But it's not an easy journey. It's like it requires dedication. You have to then, like you're honoring who you are, like those two that are there, enabling you to do what you do now, you're stepping into that. Some people don't they will come and get the energy shift, and they'll hear it, but they will still be too afraid to move. We have to have courage on this journey to be able to be who we really are, but people have forgotten, but they are starting to remember. You're starting to remember, and you're helping everyone watching this remember who they are. That is the part of my gift that I love. I will see you for who you are, and people will show me who they are in my presence. And you may or may not like those versions of you.

Alex Ferrari 31:39
Well, I gotta imagine that if there's multiple versions, or essentially almost infinite versions of ourselves in parallel experiences and in different realms, it's the good of bad and the ugly. It's not all peaches and unicorns, you know, rainbows and unicorns, it's it's all different versions of it. So there, there are lifetimes where we are possibly mass murderers, you know, we could be the Hitlers of that world, that's right, you know? And then the other ones, we could be the Gandhi of that world, or the Jesus of that world, and vice versa. So there just, there's every experience. Because this is the thing that people don't understand. And I'd love to hear your thoughts about the human experience. This three dimensional experience is that we want to avoid pain. There's good and there's evil that's very easy for us to handle, but even the people who do bad things in this world, I look upon those people as people who are very far from source. They've lost their way, but when they die, they don't first of all, there's no Hell, there's no punishment. Glad you clarify. I got it to everybody, please. There's no Hell, yeah, there's multiple episodes. I have one coming up there. We're talk. We'll talk all about that. There's no Hell, there's no punishment. There's no judgment, which is very difficult for us to do, because what we do as humans is throw human frailties and ideas onto our gods. I mean, the Greeks did that very, very, very well, right? But even in the Old Testament, you know, God is angry, and I found him insecure, jealous, wrathful, like, Would you do that to a child? No, of course, not. So that understanding, but there is, there's always a little bit of every part of us that we can go in or out of the positive or the negative, but it really is all just an experience. Correct? It's like the video game. You go and you could be the bad guy in the game, yeah, and do bad things. And there's a lot of video games that you could be the bad guy, and it's fun. I've worked with many actors who've played really bad guys in movies. I could tell you from firsthand experience, playing the bad guy so much more fun than playing the good guy, the hero it is. I mean, look, Hannibal Lecter. I mean, come on. Anthony Hopkins had a ball playing Hannibal Lecter, you know, because it's so evil and so much fun. So I'm not saying be the bad guy, but generally speaking, in the game, in the gamification of life, there's, there's both sides. That's right, so I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Gaia Chinniah 34:08
I mean, there is no good and bad experience. They are just experiences. And those of us, I mean, I'm a human too. I have my emotional days, and I, you know, have things that come up, but I find that when you're on the path and you have vision and you're able to see, you are able to understand what it's for. Like, I'll always ask, What is this for? And I'll find that through the darkness, through the suffering, we I think we need to have it in order to come out the other side, to know how we are to be of service. Like, for example, I had a client recently, and this was quite amazing. I loved the session. A coyote came through. So a coyote came through the portal, and I a girl. This girl was somewhere in Europe, so this was on Zoom, I believe on Zoom, and she was somewhere in Europe. I believe coyote came through, and this coyote looked at me. And said, this girl is a very, very powerful healer, but her life force energy is diminished. And I went into a realm where I was taken into the woods, and she was a shamanic healer working with plants. And so I looked at her, I said, you know, you're in this lifetime on whatever the fifth dimension, or whatever I was in. I would have told her at the time. I said to her, you're working with plants, and you're healing people through the plants. But this is where my mind starts to really look at how the actions of the people around us, our parents, for example, our siblings, we are still carrying their karmic energy, which needs to be healed. So a lot of the people I see are still healing the wounds of their mother and their father and their brother and their sister and whoever. And this was a really poignant case, because I had a beautiful young woman in front of me, and this coyote energy ended up in this fifth dimension, in this little shack that she was living in in the woods where she was people were coming to her for medicinal healing, and she'll do her shamanic work. And then she said, This is my mum in this lifetime. And she said, my mum has broken the whole family by having multiple infidelities, like she's had multiple affairs. And I said, okay, and then she looked at me, and she said, tell your client this version of me that I've got in front of me on my computer, that this is the reason why she's still single is because the wounds of your mother are still playing out in this dimension. And then I saw I'm saying all this to this client, and I said to her, you're single? And she said, Yes, I am. And I said, your mother had an affair and broke up the relationship family. And she said, Yep. And then I gave her a name, I'll say John, but it was a very obscure European name that I would have never used. And I said, Who's there? And she said, That's my mum's friend. I said, Oh, no, it's not. I said, That's not your mum's friend. And I said, it's really interesting that spirit is bringing this up because you are really wanting a partner, and you can't get one because you are stuck looking after your mum because she had broken the family with her multiple infidelities. But you're this powerful healer. It's all connected. So people are now coming to me, going, I'm having relationship issues, but I really want to be a healer. I want to step into my sound healing, or my channeling or whatever. We actually need to address what is going on in our relationship energy for us to be able to be free to be the healer that we want to be. It's not just about focusing on that part. We need to focus on what's going on. So then I asked this girl, I said, What is this about you being, you know, working with plant medicine? And she said, Well, that's what I do now. I said, fantastic. So I said, that energy is there, but she said, I'm just struggling to find clients. And I said, it's all connected to your mother wound. It's all connected to your mother wound. And so with her, we had to transmute the mother wound. So I had to speak to the mother in the lifetime before find out what was going on, and then speak to the higher self of the mother in this current lifetime, and for the daughter to understand. And so preparing her, for her to step into her healing abilities more and of course, preparing the person that she wants to meet and the child that was waiting there for her, but it's all connected like it was all blocked through the energy of the mother, because that's the mother that brought her into the world. So it's really interesting when you're seeing all these different layers that Sure, there's no hell and there's none of that, but our actions and who we are as people and what we do, they are creating a memory, and that memory is not just going to affect us, it's going to affect everybody around us. It's going to affect our businesses. It's going to affect our experiences, neither bad or good.

Alex Ferrari 38:35
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Gaia Chinniah 39:11
So what are you creating? Spirit told me recently to tell everybody, everything is a ceremony. The culture that I come from, there's a ceremony for everything, for everything to finish and to start again. And people are not completing the cycles. This is why, when I go into these different realms, for my soul progression, I'm completing that cycle. This girl didn't want to meet someone and marry someone, and for her to have that unconscious fear that I could break up the family, and then my child is going to feel this abandonment and rejection that I have. We were able to transmute that, and now that person needs to move forward with bravery and courage, knowing that that has been transmuted, but the power is now with you. You have that birthright, that spiritual decree, to decide, how am I going to live now? And that is, I'm not going to look after my. Mom anymore, and hold on to her words, this is me. This is who I really am. The mother and me is now liberated to bring in that energy, because she was a there was nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with people, people, we always think there's something wrong with me. I mean, how many years I went through that and like, there must be something wrong with me. I'm single. You know? It's like a society, yeah, society was like, you know, but the thing is, the timing and the age and the location and the opportunity was not aligned until the moment that it was and that is what everybody is waiting for. It's like, you know, before this whole 33 thing, one thing I omitted, I was around 30, and I had the distribution company already, I was literally yelling to the universe, going, what do you want me to do? But I didn't know I was doing that, because I was feeling kind of stuck. But my relationship energy was stuck at the moment at that time, and I didn't know until now that it's all connected. We have to be looking at our relationship energy now, I just want to say here, this doesn't mean that we all have to be in relationships. It's about being healthy and happy and happy in who you are, because sometimes I'll work on a client and I'll feel like you feel like you are protected and in a relationship, but you're single, aren't you? And they'll be like, Yeah, and I'm like, well, you're walking around with that vibration going, don't come near me. I'm not available. But then your mind's going, I really want someone, and then I'll look in another dimension, and there you are. You've been abandoned and rejected. And so we need to talk to that version, for me to take that energy into my body, to release, for you to be able I've number of clients. I had one that came and I said to her, you've been a nun. I said, I'm walked into the into the monastery. And I said, I'm sitting here in your room, and you're crying, going, Look, you know, I've got identity issues. I've got identity issues my fam. This is, you know, this is like the 1300s and I'm telling this person all of this, and I didn't know this person's story. And I said, you know, you went into into to the work of God because you felt like nobody would accept you, because you were confused about your identity. And many people are. We're getting so many emails. I'm confused. I am stuck. I don't know what I meant to be doing. You have got another version of you somewhere else that is directly affecting that. And so when, like this nun situation. I went in there and spoke to the nun in her, this version of her that was the same age as her, that was whatever, and liberated her. And then I think it was she, I think she sent an email saying, I met a person the day after I saw you, and we're getting married. Like, you know, this is a year later, or whatever, and it happens all the time, like people, you know, can't get pregnant. I'll go in and do the work. I've had people email going, I got pregnant two days after seeing you. I've been trying for 10 years, and it's because there was some version of them stuck in another realm with that same experience, deeming it as bad, deeming it as I'm not worthy. I'm going to be abandoned and rejected again. We are here to heal all that. We are here to experience more of who we are and remember that power that's lying dormant. That is all I have done. Alex is remembered who I am. I stopped pretending, and I started to become more of me, and that is what I do now. And so in these other dimensions, I call it multi dimensional living. I will go in and come back, and then it's on you. You have to take like, I'm healing myself all the time. I will go into, you know, other places, and come back and go, Okay, why am I having this issue? Like, what is it that I need to work out? And I think it's really important to know that we have the power to be able to do that. And there are people like me. There's so many gifted people in the world that can assist you to understand, why are you the way that you are? Are you in alignment with what you are wanting to experience here in this 3d here on Earth, because I want to have a good time. I came here to meet you. I came here for the adventure. I came here to provide this transmission to everybody that's watching this, to empower them to find themselves. And I think that is a gift that you and I are both doing in our own way.

Alex Ferrari 44:12
No, there's no question about it. I wanted to ask you about the karmic aspect of things, because I'm trying to wrap my head around this, because I understand cause and effect, I understand the karma. I understand too, from, at least from my point of view and understanding. And please correct me if I'm wrong that people are like, Oh, you've got karma. You've got to deal with this. You've got to do this. It's kind of like this burden. But when you're on the other side, you know, wanting to come into another life. Let's say you want to come in and clear out that karma, absolutely part of it's not like you can't move anymore until you get rid of this baggage. Like no, no you choose. And it's not like, oh, you know what, in three lifetimes, I'll deal with this one. I got other things I want to deal with first. So it's, it's not like this burden. Because it says something. It's a thing that you you wanting to progress spiritually in your own evolution as a soul. It's it would be incomprehensible not to deal with this, because I can't move forward until that no one's putting a gun to your head, a spiritual gun to your head. On the other side, you gotta go back down now. Now you said something nasty to that little girl on the playground when you were five. You got to deal with that. Or as you can't move forward. That's not the way it works. You figure out a way to do it. But I'd love to hear how this idea of no past, no future, no, no, you know everything's all happening at once, and how karma. So let's say, right now I say something, and I hurt your feelings, and I can now feel the way you feel about you know, in my life, review, I feel the way you feel on that, and I've hurt you, and I've created some karma. Yeah,

Gaia Chinniah 45:50
I'd say, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 45:52
Well, how is that affecting Alex in Rome right now? Yeah, and Alex in Atlantis, and also Alex in the Crystal City somewhere in the future. How is that? How is that rippling? And how does that like, Can Alex in Rome handle that karma for me, because it's all me, and you're like, Oh, I see Alex did something over in 2000 or something. Let me help. Let me deal with that karma in this life. And clear for me, like, how does that work?

Gaia Chinniah 46:19
As we know, if we're bringing it back to a more grounded example, history repeats itself like, you know, it like I see versions of my parents and me and my grandparents and me, and some parts of it I love, and some parts I'm going hang on. We need to heal that, that aspect of it, it's just that we're taking it to a higher dimension now. So when there is an experience that you've had in a past life, which we know is a current life, because it's multi dimensional living existence. What we are doing here is affecting that person, because we're wanting to liberate that person as I or that version of us, which is what I said. So you gave the example of if you were to hurt my feelings here, and you feel that because you're an empath, and you feel that you've hurt me. But what are we going to learn from that? And how are you going to make amends with that? Like for me, it's like accounting. It's a reconciliation is happening at that time when I'm traveling to go and find out what it is that you're doing somewhere else. Because, you know, often people will come to me and they don't know what they're coming to me, for which is great, because we don't want anybody to come with expectations. You get what you need, because it's amazing the details that Spirit gives me, because that's what you need. And it might not be anything that you think is relevant, but it's relevant to the being that you are in the 12th dimension in Sweden, right? And while that person is living out that existence, it's somehow, if that person's still suffering, it's still causing you to be blocked here. So you have to then find out, and that's very hard to find out on your own, unless you're going to be deeply like for me, I will only see other existences when my Spirit Guides want me to see it.

Alex Ferrari 47:55
Yeah, you're not seeing all of them at the same

Gaia Chinniah 47:57

Alex Ferrari 47:57
Only things that are relevant.

Gaia Chinniah 47:58
Correct! And for myself I'm talking about because the gift is for other people, yeah, but also,

Alex Ferrari 47:58
But you're not seeing all of my life. Only seeing lives,

Gaia Chinniah 48:01
I'm seeing what is relevant for you right now. Because if we were seeing all your lives, Alex, we need the next couple of years to be sitting here to see what you're doing everywhere. But that's why it's sole progression, because we've got to work on it a little bit at a time. So if you are very self aware, and you know that you have the sovereign power to really understand who you are and what you're doing. That type of information is going to help you move forward, help you free the other people that are around you, the people that you've created a life with, or friendships with, or whatever, like the case of the sharmanic healer, who has the mother who, you know, was having multiple affairs in a lifetime before, but that was happening here. It's like that mother's karma, that experience was affecting the child as it would, because that child has experienced the family breaking down due to the mother, therefore she's afraid of being a mother and having a relationship.

Alex Ferrari 49:00
It's not the direct karma. It's the result of the res,

Gaia Chinniah 49:04
The residue of it. Okay? It's the residue.

Alex Ferrari 49:07
Clear on that. So, yeah, because if we're carrying each our parents karma, no, I got enough.

Gaia Chinniah 49:11
Yeah, it's the residue of it. Because what I find with the information that Spirit gives me, it's not, it's not random, it's not like the I've just seen some the most incredible things, and I'm going, oh my god, like that is happening in your life. Now, they're like, this is exactly what's going on in my life. Now, that's right. That's because we need to free that person, and once that person is free, then you can move forward, because it is a past life, but it's a present life. So it's a residual karma that I call like a synapsis. There's a transmission of light connected between the two of the two realms, and we need to cut that. But we can't just cut it without understanding and transmuting. We need to understand transmute and then move forward. Because it's like any lesson. We get tested when we go to university or college, like, you know, we have to undergo an exam. This is. Kind of like a spiritual test or an exam to make sure, you know, Alex said, you do really understand that lesson, and I'll be able to feel like, Yep, he's got it. He he now can move forward from this particular thing. So it's really important, like, we all make mistakes. Alex, I mean, we put our foot in our mouth and say the wrong thing, sometimes we but for me, I look at it like the cause and effect, and I look at it like a balance sheet. If I've done something here, how can I balance it on the other side? Now, I'm not talking about extreme things. I'm not talking about doing things that you hurt people in a really bad way or intentionally and then wanting to make up for it. I'm talking about when we are consciously aware that we've perhaps said the wrong thing or treated someone that a way that we shouldn't have, and then we can, you know, reconcile on the other to balance the balance sheet, but that will be going on somewhere else, so it's kind of like we need to discuss it with that person, because I will find myself talking directly to that version of you to ensure that you are now ready to let that go. You're now ready to let that go. So, yes, it's the residual effect. You're not holding the karma of everybody and everything, because that burden is just going to be so huge. But we have to be very mindful as to how we act.

Alex Ferrari 51:12
Well, let me ask you this then, so. So if Genghis Khan arguably killed, you know, or Stalin killed 20 million souls or more. I think Genghis Khan took off 10% of the population at the time. That's some karma. That is some stuff. What does a soul like that do on the other side? I mean, I actually had someone who spoke Channeler or a psychic who spoke to Genghis. And Genghis like, Man, this is exactly what he said, which is, I mean, I could say it now, time has passed, but still he's like, I didn't sleep for like, the last seven years of my life. So because I didn't sleep at all, pretty much I became paranoid. And instead, I just started killing everybody around me, right? Because I thought everyone was gonna kill me, so I just started killing and just killing and just got out of hand. Literally, that's what Genghis Khan said from the other side. Interesting. I was like, okay, so I mean, how do you wrap your head around that? But, I mean, I may, I'm not getting excuses, but I understand what he means. So how does a soul like that in your experience, if Genghis Khan, a version of Ken gets Khan is sitting in front of you, yeah? And you go in Oh, oh, yeah, that lifetime that you kill 20 million people, yeah, that's blocking you from having a relationship now, like, how does that? How do you reconcile that much karma?

Gaia Chinniah 52:36
Yeah, that's a lot. Like, I haven't, I haven't seen, like, hopefully you don't know. Fortunately, everyone that Spirit brings me are light beings who want to, want to move forward. But I would imagine in a situation like that, where someone's got some really heavy experiences, where they've taken the lights, and I've seen a few, not on that scale, but where we've

Alex Ferrari 52:56
Warriors just warriors, yeah, soldiers, yeah.

Gaia Chinniah 52:59
It's like the blockage that the person may be experiencing in this lifetime is again, people not seeing them for who they are, not being able to move forward in terms of bringing in the abundance and wealth that they're looking for because they've taken that from other people. But I find that anyone who's had a very, very heavy lifetime before, where they've been an abuser, or they've abused small children, or they've done something like which I see a lot, unfortunately, I see the abuse of children a lot, and it's a collective energy that's coming up. And there's a lot more of talk about that, yeah, yeah. And that's coming up to be healed in the individual those that are carrying that we need to, you know, my room will fill up with the people that have been the victims to that person, and we need to go through the energy of forgiveness for each person. So if it was Genghis Khan, and I, fortunately will not see someone like that, that's, you know, taken the lives of many, we would have to go through that self forgiveness is very, very important, and the forgiveness of the people's lives that we've taken, but I just think that the residue of the karma that we carry is able to be transmitted in the hands of the right person. And you are the person that has to take the responsibility to open your mind and find out what you're doing elsewhere in order for that to be cleared. But that will take a lot of work to heal somebody like that. I mean, many lifetimes, oh, many, many lifetimes, many, many lifetimes, to be able to come to that understanding. So obviously, through that channel, he came through and said what he said, but this takes me back like, you know, there is no hell, but we do create our own hell, correct? You know, it's like, if we do things like that, oh yeah, because often when I see, like a client, for example, I had one the other few weeks ago. I think it was and someone who had taken their own life came through. And when I see that, often and again, none of this is my opinion. In or criticism or judgment, this is what I see. They come through feeling the burden of everyone that they've left behind, the hurt, the hurt. That's my daughter on the table. And I said that to the client. I said, Did your father take his own life? She said he did. And he left mum with seven children that you know. And so all the versions, because I would, I would have seen that in a lifetime before, and then that soul and the ancestral line would have stepped in. Because we're looking at the layers, the spirit guides, the ancestors, the past life connections, which are current life connections. And we're addressing each and every person that that person wants to to acknowledge of the suffering that they have experienced due to their decision.

Alex Ferrari 55:43
There's so many questions, how do the ancestors play a part in that? Because I think at least here in the West, ancestors are not as important as in other cultures around the world. Yeah, they're not, as you know, you know, in the Latino culture, you know, they have a day of the dead all the all the ancestors get put up. We all saw Coco, all the ancestors get put up. And we visit them, and they come. So there's an ancestral line. Like, I understand I have, obviously an ancestral line. I did one of those 23 Oh, yes, fascinating. Yeah, how? And it was really accurate from my history, like from my history of what my grandparents told me, where they lived, and everything, that's exactly the area of world I was from. Yeah, I have parts of me. I had no idea it was hilarious. But what part to do ancestors play in us when we really again? Let's see, in the West, aren't as connected to our ancestors. You know, I could go only as far back as pretty much my grandparents. When I was born, it wasn't a time where great grandparents were still alive. I think that's going to change as we keep living longer and longer, but generally speaking, I don't have a lot of connection past. I might have heard stories of my great grandparents here and there, but I'm not really connected. So what part does that play in our evolution now, if you're not connected to them?

Gaia Chinniah 57:04
The thing is, Alex, like no one's taught me any of this, this. This is this. This is why I have a very naive perspective on spirituality, because I have not read up on things. I didn't ask for this. I didn't know anything about ancestors or spirit guides or past life connections, or anything. I've just figured this out as I go, from what I'm taught by my Spirit Guides and the clients that come to me when and so because they come through in different layers, we always spirit guides first, ancestors second, because we're looking from the soul perspective first, and then we're looking from Who are you in this role? When I can actually see the line of when we've healed something in another lifetime, which is healing you now, that whole connection and that bloodline change. Like, I know this sounds very weird, but I literally get younger every day. It's like my DNA is completely changing and reconfiguring to the energies that are available to me every single day. So I am at the highest frequency all the time, because this is my full time work I have to be in order to be able to handle all the people that are of a perhaps a lower frequency that I need to bring back up. So with the connection with the ancestors, my room can be filled up with a whole lot of them that you don't know. You may not even like them. I always tell a client, they're going to be people here that you don't know, that you don't like, but they know you. They have your blood particularly interesting when I have people who are adopted because I'm sometimes. I remember saying to a lady once, I said, Okay, I got two dads. Yeah. I said, What does that mean? I and she said, one's my biological dad, who I don't know, and one is my my adopted father. Even then, both ancestral lines are being healed because that child, that soul of that child, chose to be with the adopted parents. And it's like, it's like a domino effect, like, once we hit the nail on the head, and I've got, I've got it, I have understood that this person that's had this physical violation is actually carrying the violation of this second grandmother from two generations ago. We're clearing all of those women that is what's going to bring your daughter into this particular lifetime that you're waiting to bring in.

Alex Ferrari 59:24
So let me ask you. I've heard this before, and I want to hear what you have to say when a soul finds enlightenment, a an avatar, any of these, these, these souls that are on the wall here find enlightenment there, from what I understand, their ancestral lines. It's a giant ripple effect that clears karma for all of them, for I don't know how many generations back, but that is the gift of the one soul finding enlightenment. Is that true?

Gaia Chinniah 59:51
100% so the work that the client does for me is not with me, sorry, is not just for them. It is for. For everybody, and I can see it and I can feel it, because, literally, the ancestors would look at me and smile and go, yep, that's that's what I needed to be free over here. That's what I that's what I couldn't figure out for myself. But you two have just done that. You figured this, figured this out for me. It's amazing. It's amazing how the ancestors come in with this blockage, literally, in the DNA that, you know, there's so many fertility issues. Alex, people think, yes, sure, chemicals in our lifestyle, that's all part of it, but it's also this block of I've seen. Sometimes I look up and I'll see all the lights waiting to come and be allocated to parents, and a lot of those parents will be coming to see me go. I'm trying to have a child. I don't know why. And that child will come in with, sometimes an accurate name or an initial saying why they're not coming yet. And it's got to do with the ancestral line. It's got to do with because second cousin Bob had some physical violation when he was three, and we need to liberate him, because that masculine energy is going we want that to be cleared from all the bloodline, whether you're adopted or not, because you are, your soul is choosing to come into that family. So it's very fascinating when ancestors come through. Because, like, when I have, like, I had a lady. This was, this was really cool session again. Client didn't say anything to me. I said, Your son has the ability to astral travel. And I said, it's actually come from your great grandfather, who I've got here on your father's side. And the client sitting there looking at me, and I said, but you must remember and remind him to come back home, to come back because this is that fine line between psychic and psychotic. Because if we stay up there like I've predicted, yeah, I've predicted for clients, but I said, if you have to be very grounded with your spiritual journey, because I said, you will, unfortunately, the one particular client that I'm thinking about, I warned her for years. She's She hadn't had an awakening till six years after I predicted it, and then her daughters came to me saying, mom's lost it. She she has to, she has to be on antipsychotics now because she refuses to come back down. So in this other case, again, it's got to do with the ancestral thing that you're asking me this in another dimension, the sun is time traveling. And when I asked the client, I said, Do you know that your son time travels? And she said, yeah. I said, Well, he's telling me that he's a twin, and I've got his twin here. So I said, your son's an only child. She said, Yes, but she said, I'm a twin. I said, Okay. I said, Well, you may not have known, but you were actually pregnant with two children at that time, and you may have just lost one and not it didn't stay so that we were clearing the second cousin who was stuck because they traveled and didn't come back. But it's again, through the ancestral line for that child to safely travel and come back again, for the mother to safely travel and come back again. A lot of people are now starting to astral travel, but you must remember to come back again, but again. Where is it in the ancestral line that's enabling you to do that? What's happened to that person, wherever it is in that connection that's going to help you understand why you are astral traveling. What is the information that you're meant to derive to serve humanity or serve your family with that knowledge. In the case of this person, this person is very busy being a mom of young children right now, but it's really interesting. Out of all her children, they brought up the twin son that she's got, but he doesn't have the physical twin. The energy of the twin is in the DNA line, but the mother herself is an identical twin in this physical life. So it's all it's amazing how the higher self of the living and the higher self of those who are not in a physical body, in the ancestral line, will communicate with me in order to be able to relate to you why you're experiencing, why you're what you're experiencing. And it may have come from them. That's, again, that residue of the karma, that if we heal it within you, we're liberating second cousin Bob.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:05
So that's why, when an avatar comes and becomes and wipes it just like, literally, it's like a nuclear bomb, yeah, yeah, just, it just wipes everything off. That's right. Fine enlightenment. Have you heard of the term quantum jumping? I have. So this when you keep saying, Oh, you could talk to that version. Or you talk to that version, you explain to the audience what quantum jumping is, and can you explain it to me from your point of view of actually, how someone can do quantum jumping?

Gaia Chinniah 1:04:33
Like, for me it's a natural thing. Like, well, yeah, obviously, yeah, it's a natural thing. So it's really hard to explain how someone can do that. But what I'm finding is people are requesting it. What is it? So explain to people what it is? In my view, it's the ability to jump between timelines and dimensions. Is what I what is? What is what? Basically, I feel from

Alex Ferrari 1:04:57
My understanding quantum jumping is that, but then you're able. To talk to the they say, in one lifetime, you're very well off and a businessman, and you get to talk to that person, how'd you do it? Or another one's like a piano player. Yeah, that's right, I want to learn how to play piano. How do you do it? That can bring that information back into this? Does that make sense?

Gaia Chinniah 1:05:14
But that's again, the remembering, isn't it? Because we're awakening that within you anyway, because all of the gifts that I have, it's not that I'm magical and amazing, and it's because it's already there. So when I saw that Maori healer, she just helped me remember, because that's my job. So when we do go to the different timelines and the different dimensions and bring in the abilities, not just clearing the karma or the whatever that's experience that's happening there, you're able to awaken more of who you are. And so how you do that by talking to that version of you is that you might already at home watching this, the most powerful people, Alex will be the most unknown people you know, the people that are sitting in a village somewhere or sitting at home knowing that they have the ability to do and see things. But you want to bring it in further. You don't even have to see that. I often talk to, the versions of me that I know as a teacher somewhere in Jerusalem at this time that is needing, I needed to pull that version of me for the particular client that I have. So during your meditation, ask yourself, Where am I? Where is another version of me right now that needs the ability that you've got in order for me to be able to step into my power now. So as I said, my perspective on quantum jumping is everything that I'm able to do, but you doing it at home. You just need to trust that it's there and that you have the ability to draw in these gift as gifts as this piano player that you were somewhere else. If you know that, you've got that ability somewhere inside of you, you've got that interest, you've got that gravitational pull towards that start talking to that version of you. Like, if I questioned everything, like when I go and see when I see a client, I'm not. There's no preparation for that client, spiritual preparation for me, sure, but you've got to trust that what you are seeing and what you are feeling, even if you can't see it with your physical eyes, is there for you to draw from that that database of your soul. Because when I look at a client, okay, the physical everything starts going blurry. The physical body starts going blurry. My eyesight starts going blurry because I meant to focus on the light inside with which holds the information, and then I'm like a USB port that connects to you and to the universe. So start imagining that. Start imagining that you are the USB port that is connected to the universe, which you're requesting to quantum jump into other dimensions and other realms for you to find out how what you are doing over there and bring in that knowledge and that wisdom. You we can do that ourselves. It's just that you might not be able to see it immediately, but through commitment and dedication, you are able to bring in that knowledge. And that's what I do every day, it's just that I don't do it consciously. And I know more and more people do want to do it consciously. They're wanting to be able to go and get that knowledge of being able to speak Italian or whatever you know, and maybe for some you are able to, like, I found myself speaking ancient languages to people during a session, and then when I'm done, I'm like, What the heck just came out of my mouth? That person knew, but I didn't. But then I forget, because my job is to move on to the next person to serve, to serve them. But we all have the ability to travel, just come back. But it is for me, like all I've ever done was being dedicated to my meditation practice, like I have an app where I put on meditations for my clients and set homework for them and whatever, to make sure that they're able to be supported with my energy, because my energy holds that space for you to safely go and come back. Because when I have a client that's really open, they will travel with me. They will travel with me and come back there. So when it comes to quantum traveling and quantum jumping, it's knowing that you do have knowledge, trusting that and ask for it, even if you can't see the results immediately. Or these gifts that all of these amazing people that have sure some of them would be born with it. Some of them would have had them since a kid. I don't have recollection of anything really past 33 when I look back, yes, I think, yeah, I did know things. And my mum said to me the other day, she said, You did know things. I was like, okay. Did I okay? But there are certain times in your life where that portal, that veil, is going to just be like, This is your time, Alex, and everything is a preparation for that time. Yes, everything is a preparation for that time. If I wasn't yelling to the universe at 30 going, what am I meant to be doing? Like, I've got this distribution company, but I knew it wasn't what. It wasn't helping and serving in the way. And then at 33 boom, it's like it didn't happen immediately. But. Still continuously grows as I learn more and more through my own curiosity. So be curious about what is available to you to retrieve that information and harness it in this physical life.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:12
Now, when you, when you go to the quantum realm, it sounds so far that that you're going to Earth lifetimes I have to imagine, yes, I have to imagine that the more I deeper I get into quantum physics, the deeper I get into science. Sometimes what is out in the universe is so vast that it's incomprehensible to us to even wrap our minds around how large the Infinite is, because it's like we, I think we've only seen maybe a percent or 2% of the universe through what we can see so and there's multiple Earths, earth, earth, kind of light Earth's around. Let's not even get into the mystical side of like, parallel realities, yeah, just this reality right now. There is so many millions and millions of Earth, like planets in the universe and things like that. Have you in your travel, she's like, she's giddy everyone listening. She is a giddy right now, as in your travels, have you seen other versions of the soul that are not human.

Gaia Chinniah 1:11:25
Oh, my God, Alex. As you could see, I was like bursting, hurry up and finish so I can say something. Okay, I don't know any you'll have some alien expert on that will be able to give you all of the No, who's an expert? I don't know. It's not me, but in the last year, I have never seen so many extraterrestrial energies coming in, and never in a session, they come in when I invite the guide, the guides and to hold the space for the client, I will see extraterrestrial beings coming in who are all benevolent, coming in to assist the client in their ascension, coming to upgrade their DNA, including mine. Like I honestly. I know this sounds so weird. If it didn't happen to me, I would be like, Gaia, you are insane. I literally feel extraterrestrials taking my blood sometimes, you know. And I don't say it's because, it's because of the uniqueness of me and my blood type. So often, if I'm under the weather, I'll be like, I'll be eating lunch, and I'll say to my partner here, here we go. There's like, there's something going on,

Alex Ferrari 1:12:35
Just like a giant alien mosquito just sucking the light.

Gaia Chinniah 1:12:38
Yeah, for their testing and whatever. And I know it sounds so weird, but then I started seeing them. It's like they were preparing me by doing that to me to start seeing them for client sessions. So yes, I do travel to other planets where there are non earthly lifetimes going on for a client at the same time as this at the same time as this one, and it's usually the type of client that is going to be moving in and again, this quantum jumping, going and getting that knowledge and that information. It's usually a client that's going to be stepping into their power as a healer to do something more on a bigger scale.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:17
In the other in the other realms that these other planets and realms that you visit. Are they as dense, or does that even feel days dances this one? Are they just like a different environment, a different kind of learning? Because, from my understand, this is, this is a master level. There's a PhD level school here on Earth, yeah, or this kind of earth, for sure. And other ones. They're just different. Like, even when I spoke, when I have Daryl on and we speak about Bashar, who's an entity from another, another world that he explains his his world is not fully light, but not fully so there he's in, like this, halfway, half, half material, half spiritual. They're definitely much more evolved spiritually than we are, and much higher. The frequency is much higher. But that's one world, one idea. So I love to hear what you've come across.

Gaia Chinniah 1:14:08
I'm glad you told me that. That's what Bashar has said, because that is how I experience it. Because, like I said, I don't have any education around all of this. It's the realms are much lighter. They are much more evolved. And this is another part of the puzzle in terms of the hybrid children that we're going to be getting.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:28
Oh, you mean, like the star seeds and that kind of stuff.

Gaia Chinniah 1:14:31
And I was thinking, Gosh, this is all so weird for me, but Okay, let's go with it. Let's go with it.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:36
The whole thing is weird. It is. So this is just like, Okay,

Gaia Chinniah 1:14:40
We just add to the weird. But it's so fascinating, because when I am on these other planets, and I because I, I will see myself as me, because that's how I know, like, Oh, I'm on this movie set now, and I'm looking around, but when I go into a diff on a different planet, I will see my energy, not Gaia, because it's like, it's. A different thing. It's a different thing. Like, I can't see my physical body, earthly realms, earthly lifetimes. It's me standing there with what I'm wearing, and I'm going, okay, yeah, this is what's going on. But yes, it's, it's definitely not as light, not as dark, but it's this, this middle ground, and they're just so advanced in a way of knowledge with simplicity. And I feel like that's why those children are wanting us to clear all our stuff before they're coming in. Because they're coming in with, like, Spirit said to me that I know this is a big thing to say, you the youths are going to save us. Oh, still question. You know the youths are going to save us, but they're confused right now,

Alex Ferrari 1:15:42
My kids are, I mean, they can, they're coming in. They're just these generations that are coming in now are not falling for the traps that my generation, your generation, our parents generation, for short, fell into. They're not falling into like, Oh, you have to follow this dogmatic religion because of this, this and this, if not, you go to hell. That's they're like, What? They literally are just like, are you what? No, like, I would tell my children about like that, the baptism story I told you, like, just in case, yeah. And they're just like, what? And they've been in St Peter's Basilica. They've been, I mean, they've been in major, you know, Catholic churches in Italy and in France, and they're, I mean, it's gorgeous, it's stunning. So they were there, they see, but they're just like looking at it much more like as an oddity than anything else, not to discourage or make light of other people's belief systems. But it's just not ours anymore. I'm a recovering Catholic, so as I like to call myself so, but they're not buying into that. They're not buying into like you want me to go to a four year school and get 100 to $200,000 in debt to prepare for a job that doesn't exist. And even if I got that job, it's not going to pay me anywhere near what I need to to pay this thing off. Oh, and I can never get rid of this loan. That's where it is here that makes no sense, you know. And they're being raised on on, like, my kids watch YouTube. Yeah, they movie theaters are not like a once in a while thing, where, for me, it was like, every weekend, every weekend. What's going in the movies? Yeah, you know. And watching movies in general, they're just like, every once in a while, they'll sit there for hours and just watch their favorite YouTube. So it's just such a different energy coming in. And they're kinder,

Gaia Chinniah 1:17:29

Alex Ferrari 1:17:30
Much less judgmental, the racism and all that they just like, look at, you know, they make fun of it like all their peers. They're brutal, yeah, brutal with each other, but in the most loving fashion, not in, like, a 1980s way, yeah, but very, like, light, funny way, you know, making fun of it because, like, it's ridiculous. Let's all just get along kind of thing. It's fascinating. But yeah, absolutely, this new generation coming up is not buying the old bs.

Gaia Chinniah 1:17:58
And they're coming with that, that extra terrestrial knowledge that we're going to need to be able to change to the world, and it's, it's amazing how advanced they're going to come with. How we're going to be educated, how are we all going to be working. Everything is going to change based on these souls that are waiting to come. But this is why the work that all the healers are doing and the work that I do with soul progression therapy is so important, because we need to be prepared for this next level soul that is going to be coming to earth like they're choosing the parents very wisely. Are you prepared for me? Are you going to be clearing up all of the stuff, healing all of the stuff, before I get here? Because I'm going to be someone that's going to be able to save humanity. And so this is why more and more people are waking up, and more and more people are seeing that, where they're being controlled in some way, and coming back to that sovereign power of their birthright of remembering who they are. But this coming back to the other planets when, when I traveled there, because, you know, it's something that I've not ever experienced until very recently, when this has been coming in so much more that I'm going, I'm going to the client. Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm actually on another planet with a version of you that is not human. And I then I'll talk about, you know, and then I'll jump to a human life saying, you know, you were taken, which, what would have felt like days to you, but it was actually three minutes and brought back. And I'll see certain things that have been placed in certain places in a person's body that is going to be activated through me traveling to another planet in order for them to be able to open up their gifts even more, open up that knowledge from that planet that they're on now, but the children coming in are going to be born with this knowledge, right? We're quantum jumping to go and get it, yeah, but the kids coming in, they'll already have it. We're just clearing ourselves up and clear. Airing the space.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:01
It's like, you know, you and I were both around before the internet? Yep, we remember what it was like before the internet. Yeah, our children, my children, have no idea. They have no they. We tell them the stories. And I'm like, what with dial up. Like, what? Like, there was only three channels. Oh, can you pause? No. Pause.

Gaia Chinniah 1:20:19
You have to run get snacks.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:20
That's it. You have to run between commercials and get stacks. That was it. And if you missed it, can't wait till next Saturday before those cartoons come back on. That's right, it was, it was a different world. So they just are wired completely, completely different. And as we're talking about, like, you know, you visiting other planets in the quantum realm and all this kind of stuff. You know, to me, it's a lunacy to believe that we are the only thing

Gaia Chinniah 1:20:43
Absolutely in this universe. It's our ego, isn't it?

Alex Ferrari 1:20:45
It's absolutely, it's just on a scientific just, just on an odds. There's, there's no way our ego believes. I mean, our ego is the only thing that says we're special. It's really the only ones that's impossible. Scientifically, when there's billions of other planets that are earth like not just billions of planets, billion of earth like planets, correct in our own gal, in our own galaxy, in the Milky Way Galaxy, we're not talking about the billions of other galaxies and trillions of other galaxies that are just like ours, and we're not, apparently not, a very large one, compared to lead to other things out there. So just with that knowledge alone, the odds are that we can't be alone. It's just if we believe in a creator that created this planet. Did he just create all this? As I say, he did it create? Yeah, all of this, this universe for us to look at through a telescope, that there's nothing else going on anywhere in the in the universe, and that we it just doesn't make any logical sense,

Gaia Chinniah 1:21:51
And look like I wouldn't have even considered it if I didn't start seeing it, and if I didn't start seeing it and relaying it to my client and my client go, I knew it. I this. This has been something that I thought that I was taken as a three year old and given some information. And I do have, you know, a feeling in the wherever they've activated, whatever they've inserted into the back of the person, and I see it and feel it energetically, right? But because of like, if it wasn't happening to me and it wasn't landing with the client. I would think I was crazy.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:25
When you saw the first one, what happened? Like when you first saw that first thing coming into one of

Gaia Chinniah 1:22:28
These actually quite funny,

Alex Ferrari 1:22:30
I'm sure,

Gaia Chinniah 1:22:31
Because I had a guy had flown in from somewhere, and I think he the type of people that come to see me, amazed me. I'm getting a lot of medical professionals because they're also very, very interested. They're starting to integrate and awaken to this, which is amazing. Yeah, this, this person was a tradie, like he, I think he was a plumber, and he and so amazing. Quite a young man, and he'd flown in from somewhere. And I just remember giggling and laughing because these tiny little aliens had come through the portal and they were climbing they were very joyful and very curious. But as soon as I said that, he said, I know. And he said, I feel them too. And I was like, I'm glad you do because I said, I'm just like looking at these little gremlin typing, running around you, and he's a plumber, right?

Alex Ferrari 1:23:24
He's not a yogi,

Gaia Chinniah 1:23:26
No, he's a plumber. He said, I know. He said, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't insane. He said, I knew this was going to come up. And then I was taken to where these little guys were from. I'm saying guys again. I don't they. They usually, for me, come in as neutral, ambivalent creatures. And then they were, I was taken to another planet where they're from, and shown the aspect of this, this person that I had in front of me, because he wants to step it. He's so curious. He said, This is why I'm here. He said, Because I know I've got he said, I can't say anything to my wife. She'll think I'm insane. And I said, Well, you're not, because if I'm seeing them or then there we go, you know, and then they were giving me the frequency upgrade for him so that he could get that knowledge from that particular planet to be able to fulfill what he wants to do. But I did see him working with people later on, but it's going to take that courage and that bravery, like you said in the beginning. I think we were talking earlier, like, you know, are you crazy? Like, did you go crazy? And it's a that bridge now is becoming shorter. It's a much smaller bridge now where people like the medical professionals coming to see me, like the plumbers, like the every accountants seem to attract a lot of accountants.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:35
So that makes sense. So in this, and you've been doing this nine years, yeah, in these nine years, I mean, I've basically you started when I started in podcasting. 2015 Yeah, would have been, well, 2015 is when I started podcasting. Now, not this podcast, but just podcasting in general. So even in the time period that I've been doing my shows, I've seen a shift. It in humanity. No question where a show like this and this kind of conversation would have not worked 15 years ago. It just wouldn't. We would have been on the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. There probably wouldn't been as many people flying to you. You probably wouldn't have been able to do the same kind of work. My show would not be as popular as it is back then, because there wasn't as much of a hunger and a curiosity into this stuff. There was always fringe. There's those people who are, you know, the weirdos like us that we're always interested in this kind of go to the metaphysical side of the bookstore, yeah, kind of stuff. But now it's getting more and more and more mainstream. What have you seen in Europe? Because you're doing it from a different point of view. I am from you, from when you started to where you are now, the kinds of clients you bringing, what they're working, what you're seeing is happening through these nine years. And I love to hear what you think these next, this next decade, is going to go bring.

Gaia Chinniah 1:25:58
I'm being guided to tell everybody that everything that we have going, we have been and are going through as an initiation for us. And so when I first started doing this work at 33 spirit had said to me, see everybody, welcome everybody, because you're going to be learning. And so what I found, initially, nine years ago, with the clients that were coming in. They were coming in not as serious as the clients now.

Alex Ferrari 1:26:26
And let me ask you, were they asking about things that were much more Earthbound, correct? Like, what my girlfriend am I going to get a guy? Am I going to get rich? What's my career gonna be? It was all that kind of stuff.

Gaia Chinniah 1:26:36
It was all that kind of stuff. And if you started going into frequencies or anything. They would just be looking at you like, yeah, I don't understand what you're talking about. And this is not what I came here for. Give me the lottery ticket versus now Alex, because, as I said, I'm a reflection of every client that I see. Sometimes my voice will be very firm, sometimes I'll be very gentle. Sometimes I'll be bringing up parts of them that they don't like, and I'll be like, well, what are you seeing in me? Because I'm just a version of you. And so when the clients come now, I'm getting people who are so open that I am able to quantum jump and time travel and go to different layers of who they are in different existences, because they're coming for the deep stuff. They're really ready to face their fears head on, to free themselves and liberate themselves so that they can move forward. So it's very different from the everyday people are now realizing that the questions they were asking are not actually getting the fulfillment that they want. I see people all the time, Alex, who have all the human things, they've got money, they've got children, they've got all the things that people generally want, and they are so deeply unfulfilled. I worked in Hollywood, yeah. And so now they're coming going. There must be more. Where am I? Who am I? Why am I like this? Why have I got everything I've ever asked well, so I'm not getting questions like that anymore. I'm getting the why, where? Where am I? And I think the caliber of clients that are coming now are very, very different. They're understanding there's a reason for everything. And while, you know, we don't want to overthink everything, life's not about sitting here and, you know, analyzing everything and getting ourselves into a state, a mental state, but it is important. Now, what I've been noticing, especially with people coming and seeing me, and I'm seeing extraterrestrial which, again, like I said, you never, ever paid attention, attention to or knew anything about. It's because of how open people are becoming, and then professionals, medical professionals, doctors, lawyers, everyone I'm getting people in careers that I wasn't seeing nine years ago, because everyone's becoming more and more open to how can I be more of myself? How can I remember who I am? And I just think that's going to just keep growing. And I'm really excited to see where spirit takes me in the next 10 years, because there's going to be so much more advancement with everybody and how they operate and how they think, like we know we've had more changes in the last 100 years than we have in the last 100,000 years, and the next 10 years, I feel like is going to be accelerated crash course.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:25
It's, it seems like, well, this decade's been pretty, pretty hectic. It has, I think, pretty much since 2012 the whole mind calendar thing, things have started to shift. It's been but the speed that things are changing is so fast

Gaia Chinniah 1:29:39
It's really interesting. Like how I've been experiencing time. It's like there's a push and a pull with time. It's like it's fast, but it's slow. And I feel like that's because people are wanting to slow time down, to be able to discover more of themselves, but also wanting to speed it up, because everybody thinks there's some destination there is. And because we're just going to lose our body one day, and then we're going, we're going to be someone's going to be communicating with them wherever they are doing whatever they're doing. But I just feel like people are really opening their eyes, and they're coming with their guards completely down, with no expectation. And that's how I live my life. Even my trip to Austin, I just came gonna meet Alex. I'm going to go on an adventure. And the things that you experience when you are in the flow, when you trust the flow of life, and you're just moving with it, I think more like the kids coming in, they already have that, knowing they already have that, knowing that the path is there. I just need to walk on it. We're all falling off the path and grazing our knees and breaking an arm and twisting an ankle and and I just think that this next next 10 years, our knowing is going to become a lot clearer, and we don't even need to know how yet I don't know how all of this happens to me every day. I just go along with it. The trust is going to be there.

Alex Ferrari 1:30:59
Now I wanted to ask you, because this is a question I get asked by people. And I wanted to clarify when you're doing these kind this kind of work and this kind of virtual healing, almost, yeah, people in the people find it very difficult to kind of grab, wrap their heads around virtual like, how can you heal somebody in the zoom? I used to think that too, exactly like, how do you do that through a zoom? Or, how do you do that through a phone call? Or, you know, I've been dealing with my my spiritual guide. I've been on the phone with her for years, yeah, and she would tell me things and help me do things. So I understood that concept decades ago. But can you explain to people how you know you do what you do on a virtual stand. So like, if you and me are here in the room, it's a little bit more palatable for people to go, okay, she's in the room. I healed him. Oh, he touched her. She touched him. Like, oh, something happened. But on Zoom or on a phone, or just across the world. How does that work? If Can you explain it to people a little bit more? And I know we're like, we're dealing in the quantum realm. There's no distance. But can you explain it a little bit to people with that question?

Gaia Chinniah 1:32:06
I actually find for me, Alex, it's more powerful when I don't physically touch someone, even when I have them in person, I very rarely will physically touch somebody, because I'm working on all the layers above. So when I work on someone virtually, I'm using a proxy, and I, with my abilities, transfer that energy into the proxy, and I can actually see all the cells in the body in front of me, even. And I'm not actually looking at the person. I'm looking at whatever I've nominated as the proxy at the time. And so when I'm clearing energy, well, it's anything, isn't it? It's visual. I think anybody, because there's going to be so many healers that are watching this or wanting to step into that power you need to believe like you have to come with that like, I can always tell, and this is a funny thing. I'm going to say, I can always tell if someone's got their ego and their guards up, and I'll have to say, you have to let you you have to let your guard down if you want me in, because you have to trust that I'm able to actually transfer your energy into whatever I'm using to be able to work on you. But in this realm, you don't actually need to be physically touched to be receiving a form of healing, because I actually feel pain sometimes, like I will be working on a person's body, and that person will electrocute me because there's a blockage somewhere in their body. And I'm like, oh my god, please tell yourself that you trust me and that you're going to let me in, because that's where the blockage is. It's like, was she going to see something? So I use a proxy, I transfer it into a whatever I'm using, and then I'll be working along the body. If I have a very highly sensitive client, they will be able to feel me. They're like, Oh, okay, I feel you. I feel you in there. I feel you working on that area. You have to trust that's going on. So it's very hard to explain in human terms how that is done. But again, it's all in the magic and the miracle of this realm that all the healers are working in, it's that we need to trust, that we this is just here for now. The energy can move and flow like water into everything, and all I do is bring that flow into where I am, because I always will tell my clients that, like what you said, there is no time, there is no space. There is no distance between us. We are in the same space at the moment. And so with that, I draw that person in and work on them that way. But it's amazing. Like, yeah, when I touch someone, for me, it's when I work above, because everything is from above. When I'm working on somebody, that's when I feel what is actually stuck that is causing the density in the body that's needing to be moved aside,

Alex Ferrari 1:34:45
Beautiful. Now let's talk about spirit guides, because we've mentioned spirit guides a bunch before, and spirit guides old hat for you and me, we understand it, but I'll share something with you. I went through a recession or some sort of. Past life regression, but a regression, if you will, to go into and meet my divine Council, to go on the other side and meet the body Council, spirit guides, yeah. And as I was going through, I was literally meeting, there was, like a bunch of them on the table. I was meeting each one, and they were very different, and they had very different energies. But one was not, not earthly.

Gaia Chinniah 1:35:22
I can see it in your eyes.

Alex Ferrari 1:35:24
It was not earthly. And and the person who's guided me, it's like, ask him if he's ever incarnated in earth, and he goes, I would never go down to that level. Yeah,

Gaia Chinniah 1:35:34

Alex Ferrari 1:35:35
This is a rough situation.

Gaia Chinniah 1:35:36
It is a rough

Alex Ferrari 1:35:39
It's like sticking yourself in mud almost. So can you explain to people who these spirit guides are? Because there's a lot of people are listening for the first time and haven't listened to the other 400 episodes I've done yeah or so to explain what a spirit guide is, yeah. So can you talk a little bit about what a spirit guide is and what their job is for us and what they do for you in your work.

Gaia Chinniah 1:36:03
Sure, when I see spirit guides come in as the initial energies when I work on somebody, I've been seeing the forms of spirit animals. That's why a coyote came in. I've been seeing snake energy. I've been seeing peacock. This is really fascinating for me, because I've not seen it as much as I have been recently. It's very totem, very totem like but these animals come in with their representation for that person. Then I will get, sometimes angelic beings, extraterrestrial beings, especially of recent I will get, I will get warriors that have come from different lifetimes, that may have incarnated a couple of times, but then decided to support you from being a spirit guide. I personally think we get hung up on needing to know who they are, because for me, half the time I don't know who's communicating with me, but I were like, 21st of July. I'm walking on the beach, just a general beach walk, and I get sucked into a portal, which was a vine on the wall, a vine growing on a white wall. And I saw a peacock feather, and I heard Lord Krishna, who I don't know, logically, anything much about Lord Krishna saying it's my birthday today and you need my energy? And I said, Okay, so I finished my beach walk, went home and Googled, and it was Krishnas birthday. And I was like, okay, even when I ordered this dress, I ordered it because I wanted to wear it here today, and I didn't know that the design on it was peacocks. I just saw the color online. I was like this color. I like this color, and when I got it, and that's how you know, because the deity, the spirit guides, will come to you when you need to know who they are. So I think a lot of people will ask me, who are my Spirit Guides? I'm like, I'm seeing these three, and there's another couple of beings here. I don't know who they are just yet, because you're not meant to know. But my understanding is their involvement with us is to call upon them when we're needing guidance, when we're needing support, but they have a lot of information about us that we can retrieve from them when we are ready, and that is beyond the ego's readiness. This is again, Krishna coming to me. I sometimes say Jesus came to me at 33 this wasn't I wasn't going who's there? It's like you're ready to see now. And so when these spirit guides come in, they come in first. Because I always tell a client, don't talk to me. I don't want to know your personality. I don't want to know what you think. I want to know what your soul's going to tell me. So the spirit guides enable open the door to that soul information. And so we all have them. Some of us will know who exactly they are, but like me, I actually like having them pop in and tell me who they are when they want to tell me who it's fun that way. And it's also, again, not forcing things to happen, just being in the flow of like I trust this work. I trust there are beings that are communicating with me that's bringing so many people from around the world to see me, because they want to know what their soul, soul blueprint analysis is, and where they are on these other dimensions. But the Spirit guides are actually the door for the ancestors to come in and for the past, past life connections to come. And it's like they set everything up for your soul's journey.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:22
And they're also working behind the scenes 100% they're like, they're setting things up for you. They're opening doors for you. They're like, okay, they need, he needs to meet his wife and three two and go, Yeah, and he's and they're working with their spirit, her spirit guides, let's say, and orchestrating. They are part of your synchronicity.

Gaia Chinniah 1:39:42
That's right. They're part of those divine encounters, of when you met your wife, and when I met my partner and turned around and go, and I knew immediately, okay, that's the person. Yeah, they're putting you at the right place at the right time. That's why, when I say that's why, it fascinates me that spirit goes in this order of the spirit guides come in first when. I open the door to heaven, skate and invite and beings and send them all a way after so that my house is clear again. But the spirit, your device, your spirit Council, comes in first. And the number of them can vary, and also they can come in at different times of your life. So you might have one for five years, and then one might come in when you I don't know when you turn 35 or whenever there's a significant time in your life,

Alex Ferrari 1:40:23
That's something that's another another guy told me on the show is, like, there might be a spirit guide that's just from one to five, because they like that portion of the evolution of the soul. They're like, I just want to deal with the toddler. And then there's someone like, well, I love teenager years. Let's just hang out for the teenage years. There's some that go through the entire, the entire spectrum of your life, but there are ones that come in and out to help you at certain times, and they're there all the time, where ancestors come and go, Yeah, you know, your your favorite actor who wants to maybe come in or out? Yeah, all that. They come in and out. Angels come in and out, but they're, they're but the Spirit guides are there all the time, like, this is their full time job? Yeah, they're not part time in this scenario, right?

Gaia Chinniah 1:41:06
Because part of my gift is I see souls coming in when people are going to conceive, and I see souls leaving when people are going to die. And I watched my mother in law take her last breath, and I saw her spirit guides there to take her, and it gives me and my clients a lot of comfort to know that even there's a lot of people feeling alone in the world, a lot.

Alex Ferrari 1:41:35
More so than ever before.

Gaia Chinniah 1:41:36
Yeah, but there's, there are, there are beings there for you, because there's a difference between lonely and alone. And you're not alone. We're not alone. And it's really important that you don't need to know who they are. They will. They will come to you when it's the time for you to know who they are, whether you are seeking out a regression or whether, like me, I've never done a regression myself before, ever they come to me, Jesus at 33 I have had mahabhata Babaji come to me. I have had Lord Krishna come to me. And they come to me at very poignant times where they'll say things like, you're 33 now, and me not knowing anything, never read the Bible. Jesus could Christ consciousness, Krishna coming to me. I've had so many come at different times, or I will be seeing some form of totem animal, like the peacock or whatever, like I went to visit the peacock sanctuary yesterday morning. Yeah, beautiful. It would be very beautiful, because I knew I had to go and be around them, because Krishna is energy with the peacock energy.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:36
Can I? Can I ask you, this is a question I get asked all the time, especially near death experiences. Yeah, I always say Jesus is the hardest working man in show business, because he constantly is in a lot of people's and I'm assuming in the east, it would be Krishna, or it'd be Buddha, Shiva, or Shiva, or someone working in those, in those in those near death experiences. But people are like, well, how can because this is the way they think. How can Jesus be in all these near death experiences? You know, he's only one dude. I'm like, that's not the way it works. On the other side, we're limiting that to like, Jesus, like, Oh, I got like, that's not the way that works. He can project himself infinitely as we correct. Can go infinite. Hence, we have all of these lifetimes going on right now, yeah, so we can also infinitely be there, and also a lot of times they're like, someone like, I always bring Robin Williams up, because I adore Robin Williams, his energy, and he's been on the show, and he, when he comes in, people are asking, like, or If anyone like, say, famous comes in into a session, or someone coming in, people are like, Oh, it's, it always Robin Williams. Well, no, it's that soul is projecting what that person remembers of that entity. Yeah, he's there's not a literal Robin Williams running around on the other side. He comes in and puts on the suit of Robin Williams to play the part of Robin Williams in that scenario that we're having a conversation in, just like Genghis Khan would, or, or, you know, Gandhi would, or any of these historical figures, they will put on that that, and that goes for your ancestors, absolutely, your grandma, your grandpa, they're not your grandma and grandpa are just not chilling up there sipping tea. You know, that's not the way that works up. They're not retired, yeah, up there. They're living in exploring and evolving in different ways, but they will put those masks on to speak to us when a medium brings in your grandmother, that's that portion. Does that make sense?

Gaia Chinniah 1:44:40
Absolutely, because the mind wants to know and be able to resonate with what the healer or the medium or the channeler is seeing. And we are human too. I think people forget like we're not super human people, we are human also that need to have symbols and something tangible to community. Kate, to you to be able to say, This is who I've got here. Do you know a person who's looking like this, or whoever? And so with the spirit guides everywhere, all at once? It's exactly what you've said. We are. We are just a fragment of me is here. Many of my clients will message going, Gaia, you came to me in a dream the other night and were healing me. So many of them will say you were healing me. And like, you know, I'm traveling in dreams. Other healers are traveling in dreams also, because that's a version of us that's required by you at that time. But you'll see me just like, you know, someone said to me, how do you know what Jesus looks like? I know what he looks like to me. I know how he feels. And that's that's how I know how when I see a person and I see them for who they are, I'm not talking about physical sight, like I don't I can't even see properly when I see a client, and Gaia has 2020, vision, I don't have wear glasses. I am seeing your light. I am seeing your vibration. And as we know that can be scattered everywhere, all at once, all over time, all over the universe. And I think that that's what we have to remember, is that, you know, we always, people are always wanting predictions for the future and what's going to happen. On a macro level, we need to know what our influence is on a micro level. Well, because we are the ones that are going to be able to assist the macro level. And that is because, like we've discussed, everything we heal in ourself is healing everybody before us and everybody after us, and everyone all around us. The number of people that you touch that are going to be watching this transmission of you and I doing this, they're going to be awakened into something else. There's going to be like, I know, with me, anyone who's around me, my spirit guides are going to be working on you watching this anyway. And I just think it's important that we start to realize that we can be everywhere all at once, all the time. There is no time. And this is why I always say I just get younger, and we do because it's only the body that is, you know, moving with time, light inside is just building up more memories, building up more information and experiences that we can use to help ourselves and help others. But the call for people to help others. More and more people are astral traveling. More and more people are quantum jumping. They just don't know how to use that yet. And that will come like me. I had no choice but to do this work because people were just coming. I wasn't asking for this. That's how you know you'll find yourself in places like this talking to you here in Austin, because your message needs to get out so that people know that I am just an everyday person, I cook, I clean, I have a partner, I listen to music, but we all have the ability to look above. We just have to see ourselves outside of this body.

Alex Ferrari 1:48:00
So you have to become the director, looking on a set

Gaia Chinniah 1:48:03
Correct and an observer

Alex Ferrari 1:48:04
And observing the characters that are

Gaia Chinniah 1:48:06
Yeah. Because all it is is, you know, Gaia has got her personality flaws and her character flaws, and I can be very fiery, although my mom told me recently that you've mallowed out, mellowed out a lot. Well, that's through this. It really does happen.

Alex Ferrari 1:48:18
I know my family said the same thing. Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are moments, Oh, absolutely. And they can put and they know the buttons, yeah, yeah, they know the buttons. But that's the thing much more. I mean, where I was five years ago, 10 years ago, it's a completely different human being. Like, I can't even

Gaia Chinniah 1:48:34
I feel, I feel the same way. And because, like, you know, as we know the universe expands, the frequencies change every day, and we need to keep up. We need to be empowered to live for who we are meant to be and who's inside us. That dormant energy is waking up in everybody. People are starting to remember they're starting to remember their sovereign power. They're starting to remember their gifts to humanity. And that requires you to know where you are, what you're doing, and know that you can be everywhere all at once, like like me, traveling in dreams to clients and all of these amazing avatars, avatars that have come before us and that are still with us. There's fragments of them and all of us. No question. You know, that's how we can do what we do.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:21
Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Gaia Chinniah 1:49:28
For me, living a fulfilled life means being completely, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally and balanced with my purpose. Now we all have multiple purposes, because as a parent, for you, as a husband, as a podcast host, as a creator, artist, when I work on someone, the reason why they're unfulfilled is because their mind might want something, but the body hasn't caught up yet because it is so dense. So for me, living a fulfilled life isn't sure. That you're fully in alignment, and you will know that, because you'll be saying more yeses than you will be saying nos. And I'm not talking about physical yes or no. I'm talking about you'll be feeling an expansion of that I don't have any restrictions in my life. That's when you know you are living a fulfilled life.

Alex Ferrari 1:50:20
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Gaia, what advice would you give her?

Gaia Chinniah 1:50:25
I would have told her that you're more powerful than you know. And this goes to everybody we think we don't have power. I would have never, ever thought that my life would be as amazing like makes me really emotional. I have an amazing life, and I'm so grateful for all the people all over the world that find me, that travel 1000s of miles to see what the spirit guides have to say, to remember who you are. And I want it's not even just for that little guy. I want everyone to know that you have a power inside of you that is being restricted and depleted, but it's really starting to bloom and blossom. It is. It really is. And so I would have told little guy that you've got more power than you think you have. And that goes to everybody

Alex Ferrari 1:51:18
How do you define God or Source?

Gaia Chinniah 1:51:22
I don't think. I don't think God and Source is outside of us. I feel like we are connected through umbilical cords of light, and I feel like we are all connected to the motherboard of the universe. And so God and source is everything, everywhere, all at once, all at once, good movie, and your children and the animals around us and everything, it's gods and everything, gods and the flowers, gods and the trees. Like before I did this work, I never really thought much about animals or plants, but I see the aura of plants and animals, and I just think, wow, God is in everything, sources in everything. Like, I'm not hung up on what terms people use, because for me, like I said, the way I was raised is everything is all one, and that's just how I see it, I just feel like you are God. We're all a part of that.

Alex Ferrari 1:52:25
What is love?

Gaia Chinniah 1:52:27
Love for me has, you know, we all have expectations about love. That's not love fair enough, you know? I just think that we all do I do too, right? Partner cheats on you probably not going to be in love anymore, you know, but I just feel like when it comes to this is why I love being up in the clouds when I do this work, because you feel that essence of love, which is no judgment, no boundaries, no restrictions. And I feel like love is an expansion and a connection, like Spirit said to me, are you going to choose chaos, or are you going to choose connection? And I feel like connection is love, connecting to everybody, connecting seeing us all as we're all having this shared experience here on Earth. We're all here to support and help each other. So I think that love, without restrictions and boundaries, is the connection that we make to one another, and that is love.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:21
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Gaia Chinniah 1:53:24
To remember who we are.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:26
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Gaia Chinniah 1:53:30
You can find me. I have an app. So if you go to your app stores, you can just search soul 33 the numerals and a website. Dub, dub, dub, soul33.com

Alex Ferrari 1:53:45
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Gaia Chinniah 1:53:48
Step into your power. Step into your power. This is the time as healers. We can't do all the work ourselves. This is why there's so many of us, and some of them are very, very afraid of showing people who they are like before I came here, my friends like you're so brave, because I'm naturally quite introverted and and I think that if this message and this podcast helps you to realize that you can have it all. You can be a plumber and want to connect with extraterrestrials. You can be a doctor and want to use regression techniques. It's like we're all coming back to that state of balance, and I feel like that is your spiritual and your birthright is to find that balance and that power within you. Remember who you are.

Alex Ferrari 1:54:38
Gaia it has been such a pleasure having you here at the studios and and talking to you in this conversation. And I know this conversation is going to ripple throughout the universe and multiple, multiple realities, helping many, many souls. So I appreciate you helping awaken the planet. So thank you.

Gaia Chinniah 1:54:56
Thank you, Alex.

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