On today’s episode, we welcome the profoundly insightful Christina Lopes. She takes us on a journey through the intricate and often tumultuous path of spiritual awakening, sharing her own transformative experiences with a sincerity that is both moving and inspiring. Christina, a former clinician and physical therapist specializing in neuro-pediatrics, had a life that seemed ordinary on the surface. However, beneath this exterior, she harbored a profound spiritual sensitivity and a lineage of powerful healers, particularly from her maternal grandmother, who was known as the village witch in her hometown.

Christina’s spiritual journey began in earnest in 2013, triggered by a series of personal upheavals, including the end of her marriage. This period of crisis catalyzed her awakening, pushing her to confront deep-seated traumas and fears that had plagued her since childhood. As a child, Christina was extraordinarily sensitive to spiritual energies, often tormented by what she now identifies as shadow entities. These experiences, coupled with the traumatic environment due to her father’s illness, filled her early years with anxiety and fear, making her wary of her own spiritual gifts.

Why, one might ask, did Christina fear opening the door to her spiritual potential? The answer lies in the intense and often dark energies she encountered as a child. She describes these shadow entities as lower-level energies that feed off fear and thrive in environments of trauma and stress. Christina recounts how, even with the protective rituals performed by her grandmother, the fear and anxiety remained until she learned to harness her own power and light. “There is no energy stronger than me,” she would repeat, a mantra that became a cornerstone of her healing and empowerment.

In a profound conversation, Christina Lopes delves into the purpose of her experiences with these negative energies. She believes they served as a critical part of her soul’s journey, teaching her to stand in her power and reclaim her sovereignty. This journey, she emphasizes, is about recognizing the inherent strength within oneself and understanding that no external entity can truly have power over you unless you allow it. Christina’s path led her to a shamanic understanding of spiritual warfare, where the key to overcoming dark energies lies not in battling them but in transcending them through love and light.


  1. Embrace Your Power: Christina’s story is a testament to the power of self-realization. She learned that standing in her own power and recognizing her inherent strength was crucial in overcoming her fears and spiritual anxieties.
  2. Healing Through Love: Rather than battling negative energies, Christina advocates for a healing approach that involves love and compassion. She teaches that opening a light portal and sending shadow entities back to the source with love can transform and heal both the individual and the energy itself.
  3. Spiritual Awakening as a Journey: Christina’s journey highlights that spiritual awakening is often triggered by personal crises. These moments of upheaval can serve as catalysts for deep inner work, leading to profound transformations and a higher path in life.

Christina’s experiences underscore the importance of self-awareness and emotional maturity in navigating the spiritual path. The post-pandemic world, she notes, has amplified the collective need for healing, bringing to the surface unresolved traumas and emotions. This global shake-up mirrors the personal journey many individuals face, where hidden fears and anxieties are brought to light, demanding attention and healing.

Her insights into the interconnectedness of our personal and collective healing journeys are profound. As the planet itself ascends in vibration, so too must we, aligning our energies with this new frequency. This process, though chaotic, is ultimately about returning to a state of love and unity, both within ourselves and with the world around us.

Christina’s story is a powerful reminder that our spiritual paths are deeply personal yet universally connected. Her teachings encourage us to embrace our journeys with courage and compassion, recognizing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every fear a chance to reclaim our power.

Please enjoy my conversation with Christina Lopes.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 477

Christina Lopes 0:00
This tool of sin, it was needed in a time in order to reinforce the power structures of an emerging religion. Right. And so the moment that you say you're sinful, there is something wrong with you. Because sometimes we forget, we forget how far the human can fall from grace in the sense of forgetting who they are on a soul level. So even these figures that you're talking about, they have their place. And as long as you remember who you are, and you continue to wake up to that fact, pretty soon, those figures will not be necessary.

Alex Ferrari 0:31
I'd like to welcome to the show, Christina Lopes. How you doing Christina?

Christina Lopes 0:44
How are you? It's good to be here Alex.

Alex Ferrari 0:46
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited to talk to you, you have a pretty interesting journey to get to where you've been, where you've been and where you are right now. So before you before I get to your spiritual awakening, and the things that have kind of happened to you to get to where you are, what was life like prior to those events?

Christina Lopes 1:08
Well, to 2013, which is when I had that that spiritual awakening, prior to that I was living a pretty normal life in the sense that I was I was a clinician, I'm a physical therapist, by training with a specialty in neuro pediatrics. So I worked with children with disabilities. And so that was, that was my life I was I was married, I got married, bought a house, you know, bought a car, just living living a regular American life. But even in the years prior to my spiritual awakening, I knew that there was something profoundly wrong with me in the sense that I knew there was something deep down inside of me that you know, trauma to heal things that had to that really had to be worked through. I just at the time, didn't really feel like I had the tools to go that deep. And now I understand why, you know, not after my spiritual awakening, and all of the work that I've done, all of the healing work that I've done, things now make sense looking back, but at the time, I think for so many of us, you know, especially for people that come with from a lot of trauma, it's really hard sometimes to, to be able to know the depth of the trauma that you have. And also to have the tools to deal with them because we're not, we're not trained in our in our current, you know, cosmopolitan society to be able to heal trauma, to work with trauma to do that inner voyage. It's it's we're not taught this in school, we should be though. And so, so for me, life was regular before, but I knew that I had things to work through. I also I was spiritual. Even before my spiritual awakening, I come from a long line of women healers, so my grandmother was a very powerful healer. And she taught me a lot of things throughout life about the spirit, spirit world, and how to clear energies and all of that stuff. She was known in her village as kind of the village witch. And so I bring those gifts from from my mother's side. But I was really, I was really afraid of those gifts. And I was afraid of opening that door to spirituality. So I followed a clinical path, I followed a science path. And then in 2013, I decided, hey, you know, like my brain, my mind has taken me as far as it can go, really. And now it's time to open the door to other things that are really my destiny really, my my higher path, what I call now my higher path in life.

Alex Ferrari 3:26
Why were you afraid to open that door?

Christina Lopes 3:29
I was afraid because I really suffered as a child, I've been very, very sensitive, spiritually tuned, very, very, since a very young age. And there was a lot of trauma, there were a lot of painful experiences going on. In my childhood, my father was very, very sick. And so we had, there was a lot of drama in the family. In the core family, there was a lot of stuff that we were going through with my father's illness. And so I was in a state of huge amount of stress, and I had the spiritual gifts. So you know, when you when you have a lot of fear, when you have a lot of low vibration energies around you, you attract energies that are not always welcoming. And so I was really scared as a child I was visited by a lot of energies, I was constantly tortured by what I now know our shadow entities are darker entities, you know, energies that are darker. And so my childhood was not particularly comfortable. My grandmother, speaking of my maternal grandmother, she was the one that you know, she she lived in a different different place. So when she would come and visit us, one of the first things I would beg her to do is do her spiritual cleansings on me, and that would work for a little while and then I was back to feeling miserable. I suffered from a lot of anxiety that was spiritual anxiety, really, because it was energies that were interfering with my energy field. And so when you grow up, feeling like you're being tortured by the other side, you don't really want to open the door as an adult, you just want to close it. And you want to pretend that those things don't exist and and especially when you don't have the tools to really explore I think at the time I didn't, I didn't have the tools to fully explore the extent of the gifts that I was born with. And so it was just easier, it was just easier to close the door, and just try and live a normal life, but you just can't do it, you know, it's kind of like a, it's kind of like someone that's born with the gift of being a concert pianist, you can try not to play piano, but you're going to have a pretty miserable life if you don't dedicate yourself to the skills and to the, to the gifts that you were born with. And I think it's the same thing with regardless of what the gift is, you know,

Alex Ferrari 5:31
With, with the idea of the, the negative energies because a lot of people deal with this, obviously. What, on the on the part of the I'm gonna rephrase, when the soul is going through its journey. Why do you think that you had to go through that point, that experience in this lifetime? Because it seems pretty intense? What purpose was that? For your your overall soul's growth in this lifetime. I'd love to, if you if you figure that out?

Christina Lopes 6:03
Sure. Yeah. So today, the primary way in which I work with clients, even in healing trauma, and developing their spirit and spiritual abilities, it's really fundamentally a question of coming into your power. You know, and that that piece of understanding who you are on a soul level understanding that you can't really be messed with, unless there's some kind of belief or unless there's some kind of fear in you, unless there's some kind of seed inside of you, that sews that idea of self doubt the idea that you're small. And then when you pile on top of it, religious indoctrination, I was raised Catholic. So anyone that comes from a Christian upbringing, upbringing understands that, you know, we've heard so many times that, you know, if we open the spiritual door, if we connect with spirit, we're going to be connecting with the devil or god knows what. And so if you have those, if you have that religious templating, on top of it, you really feel small. And I think what I felt as a child was I didn't feel protected, I felt like the spirit world was not welcoming. I felt like the spirit world was all dark. And I felt like connecting with the spirit world was something very painful. And I didn't have the, the experience of having the the being able to interact with the spirit world on a light aspect. Or at least I didn't feel it at the time. And of course, all of this was happening. Because there was a lot of fear, there was a lot of Trump going on in my in my family life. And so I was just kind of attracting to me the energies that were vibrating at the same frequency of that fear, the smallness, you know, powerlessness. And so you really receive more of this energy interference when you are in a state of powerlessness, when you do not know who you are, the moment that you do know who you are. And one of one of the mantras that I use now that my clients repeat over and over, I think it's one of my favorite mantras that my clients use is the mantra that I repeat constantly with them. And that is, there is no energy stronger than me. And this is something that I've really trained in myself. I remember that even after my spiritual awakening, but before my spiritual awakening, this is very common. I've always been very sensitive. And I remember that I, I kind of made up certain protection or coping mechanisms. If I went to a bar, I would be looking for an exit in case I had a panic attack, aka in case energies, harsh energies started interfering with me, I would either look be looking for a bathroom or I'd be looking for an exit. And this is how I operated most of my life. I operated with the belief that the energies out there are stronger than me and that I am powerless against them. And so when I had my spiritual awakening I, I resonate very strongly I have a mixture of both stellar energy Crystaline you know, alien energy, if you want to call it that way pleadian energy, but also a very strong grounded shamanic energy. And I feel like that shamanic energy is really what got me through my spiritual awakening, because it was through what my guides continued to instill in me that I would continue to be visited by shadows. And by lower level energies, as long as I believed that I was powerless, and in the face of that energy. And I remember actually, the last time that I was ever truly bothered by a shadow energy, I used to get attacked at night. So that's usually when I was most vulnerable was at night. So it would get to a point where I felt like I was being thrown out of bed, I'd wake up at three o'clock in the morning, and there was an entity of really dark shadowy entity entity inside my mental, the mental plane of my aura, and it was tinkering with my thoughts. And I had been suicidal as a teenager. And so those shadow entities would always tinker with the parts of you that are most vulnerable, the parts of you that that are most wounded. And I remember they would start tinkering with my thoughts. And I would start thinking things oh, you know, like, I should I should just end it. I should just kill myself. What am I doing here? But I started to understand that that wasn't me. I wasn't thinking that I was not those thoughts weren't being provoked by me, they weren't being initiated by me. And I remember one of my guides said to me, you know, when you have these attacks, you're calling for Jesus for Archangel Michael, you're calling for all these different entities for your angels to come and help you because this, this energy feels horrible. But maybe it's time for you to stop calling for anyone to come and rescue you. And that was really my initiation. That was that was I remember this, that was kind of the the change point for me. That very night, I was visited again, by a really powerful Chateau into D threw me out of bed, again, three o'clock in the morning, threw me out of bed. And I remember I sat at the edge of the bed. And instinctively, I was going to call I've always, I've always had a really strong relationship with Master Yeshua, not not the Jesus of the Bible, but the Yeshua as he existed as a master. And I've always had a really close relationship with that energy with the energy of Mary Magdalene, and with the energy of Archangels. And I remember, I sat in my bed, and I don't know if you've ever been bothered by shadow entities, but it's horribly uncomfortable on your body. And, and I remember the first thought I had was call Yeshua, call angels. And I remembered what my guide had said, one of my guides, I have a team of guides that work with me. And I remember my guides saying, you know, like this, these, these shadow entities are coming to help you evolve, which is kind of a controversial thing to say, these days. But shadow entities really do help us evolve. They're here for push, they push us, they push and they push. And I remember thinking, No, I'm not going to call for your show, I'm not going to call for anyone. And I sat at the edge of my bed, and I said to the shadow entity, your your presence is not welcome. And please leave. And I just opened a light portal, and I sent it off. And that was the last time that I was ever truly bothered by a shadow entity. And that was a fundamental moment for me. Because that moment, when I didn't call for angels, I didn't call for anyone to come rescue me. I stood there and I said, this is me, I am powerful, that there's no energy stronger than me. You are not welcome, please leave you are not permitted to be in my presence, you are most certainly not permitted to be in my energy fields. I do not permit it, I revoke permission for you to interfere with me. May you go back to the light. And today I use the mantra, I teach my students to open light portals. There's no I always teach people. There's no war against shadow and light. There's no wars wars during the human mind. And so what I teach people to do is when you feel bothered by lower level energies, you simply open a portal. And you program that light portal to take whatever lower level energy back to God or back to source. And I some of my students sometimes laugh at me because I say, you know, I command this energy to go back to God to be recycled. People sometimes laugh because it's like, but but this is really how I feel because these energies, they have been polluting this plane for a really long time. But when you really, when you really feel into your heart, these energies suffer a lot lower level energies, Shadow energy suffer a lot, because they have forgotten who they are, we are all part of source energy, we all come from the same place. And so when you open your heart and you really understand how miserable it is to be a shadow entity, or to be a lower level, soul that is just kind of caught in this plane and just wants to go home, you open that portal and you send that entity with love and compassion back to God. And and that really changed everything for me when I learned how to do this. So now I would say it's it's really a place of being in your power, understanding who you are, and understanding the power that you have to really heal the planet, you know, and heal heal everything on this planet, not just not just what's seen, but what's unseen.

Alex Ferrari 13:59
Well, I am to a recovering Catholic. So I understand exactly where you're coming from. There's a lot of a lot of programming that that you have to deal with to get through that. Obviously this conversation alone, we're speaking to the devil, obviously, just even having this conversation. So, but the I just wanted to dig in just a little bit into these shadow entities because it is something that is not spoken about very often. Or it's spoken about incorrectly. You know that there's demons and there's this and there's that and I've heard about I've heard about these, these entities in near death experiences. People who have hellish near death experiences that have to kind of transcend it because of their own beliefs that go down into this hellish experience and then eventually you're saved in it or escape if you will, to, to the light, but can you explain just a little deeper about what but they are so people don't get confused and get scared because it's imminent. They can you know, when you talking about it because when you hear shadow entities first thing I thought of is those black things from Ghost the things that does that come out of the shadows and they pull your soul down or something like that. That was the very first thing that I thought of when when I heard that for the first time, like shadow went to be like, oh, yeah, and with the sound effects and everything. I mean, it's Hollywood. But, um, but can you explain to people so they're not, they have to understand what it is, and how to deal with it in their own life. But But what they are where they come from?

Christina Lopes 15:36
Yeah. So everything comes from the same place, there's only one source, there's only one Creator, there's only one. That's that's the basis of all of reality. But there's also involved in that oneness. There's also a evolutionary path and an evolutionary path of it that many times involves separation from that source or the illusion of separation from that source. So it's almost like you know, God, creator, whatever word you want to use, that's most comfortable for you, the universe, that oneness, the Big Bang, some people call it, there's a lot of freedom in that. And there's unconditional love and unconditional love says, you can go on your path, whatever that path is, I love you the same way. And that's how I see Source Energy Source Energy says, Go forth from me. And you are free to evolve to explore, and to experience reality or realities. However you feel because you are free, and I love you unconditionally. And so if you think about it, that way, you can start to understand the diversity that exists in the spirit world is the same diversity that exists in human form. There's so many different aspects of us there's so many diversity, so much diversity down here and there is so in the spirit world also. So when you're connecting on the light side, we're used to diversity on the light side, there are angels there Archangels there are guides there are, you know, ancestors that we call on their various spirit guides that have so much diversity in them an archangel is very different from an angel, an elemental a guide of nature looks very different than you know, a Yeshua or a Mary Magdalene ascended masters that that that have that have just incarnated. So we know about the diversity when it comes to the light aspect. And we're comfortable with that diversity. But on the dark aspect, there's also diversity. And so I call shadow entities, anything that is vibrating at a fundamentally lower level than my inherent soul vibration. And these are entities are energy, that make us feel very uncomfortable, because they don't know how to interact with us through love. They interact with us through fear, that's their food. That's how they that's how they feed they feed off of fear. So when you are in a low level, not just fear, but every variation of those lower level spectrum emotions, once that entity feeds off of that, you're not going to feel love from them, but you're not going to feel love not because they are some aberration that's not under the control of creator, you're not going to feel love because these energies have experienced so so so much vastness away from the energy that they come from that they have forgotten who they are, and a saying you know, I still retain a lot of a lot of sayings from the Bible. But if if that that moment when Christ is crucified, and he looks down at the Roman soldiers, and he says, God forgive them for they know not Father forgive them for they know not what they do. This is a perfect description of shadow energy. It really is they have forgotten who they are. And and then of course, we have layered, you know, religion, we have Hollywood movies that come in and you know, the exorcism, and all of these different things. And it makes people afraid of this diversity on the shadow aspect or on the dark aspect. But we don't have to be afraid when you really think about the fact that these energies, they are only doing what they know how to do. But if we really step into our power, there is no shatter and shadow energy that can ever interfere with you ever again. And one of my guides was really I have this beautiful team of guys, thank God they were really helping me in my spiritual awakening because I had a really intense initiation when I first had a spiritual awakening. And my energy system opened up completely and I felt like I was being assaulted by everything on every every site. So thankfully, I was able to channel the guidance of these beautiful guides and they just guide I talk a lot about this in my second book, the guidance that I received throughout those initiation years. And one of the beautiful things that one of my guide said to me was that there is no war between light and dark, that everything is evolving toward love, and that at this moment, what we are doing and how we can help shadow entities how we can help the dark moving To the light is by providing a lot of love and understanding and compassion. And the example that one of my guides gave me was about, you know, a lion in the Serengeti. And and she talks about how a lion is used to feeding off of meat, you're not going to see a lion go into a pond fishing, because the lion is just used to doing something. But if that meat disappears, the lion is going to have to be resourceful and changing the way that they feed themselves the way that they nourish themselves. And it's the same thing with Shadow energies, the moment that fear, that shame, that guilt, that rage starts to disappear from the planet, these shadow energies will evolve into the light and into love. Because that's the only path of evolution there's no way around, there's no going back. And so we're all moving more towards the light and more towards the love, not just light beings, but dark beings. Also, it's inevitable. But there's a little bit of chaos being created on the planet while we're moving towards that light. Because shadow energy is going to continue to doing what it does best, which is interfere, it's going to amplify your more dense emotions, it's going to incentivize you to do things that are not of love. But this is changing, and this is going to change and eventually there will be no more darkness, there will be no shadow, Shadow Realm. We're all going towards the light. And that's, you know, it's a beautiful way of seeing things that is so different from the religious upbringing that I had. And it's so different from the disempowered way in which we are taught in society, when condemned to confront evil or to confront darkness, right? It's a completely different way. But it's a way that feels right, to me, it's a way that feels righteous to me. And it's a way that it feels more in alignment with the Creator of all you know it when I really go back to the origin of it, if we all come from the same place, then all the demons of the world are also as loved by God as any light being is, or as any one of us is, you know, in that I feel like that is a much more empowering and loving way of looking at the diversity in the spirit realm, in the same way that we can look at the diversity of people and and beings on the planet.

Alex Ferrari 22:23
That's a beautiful way of looking at it. And you're absolutely right. I mean, everything comes from source, regardless of if they've gone astray or not from their path. Which, which then rolls me into this next question in regards to what's going on on the planet today. Yeah, there's a lot of talk that, you know, things are insane. This has never been as bad as it's been. Now. That's not true. In my opinion, that's not true at all. It's been much worse. It's been much worse. We've had much harder lives on this planet than we have right now. As a complete species. Absolutely. But right now, there seems to be a tremendous amount of chaos. Even more. So even in my lifetime, from the 70s to where we are right now. There is seems to be a different kind of chaos. I mean, I was raised under the Cold War. So you know, at any moment like, oh, any day now, you know, you watch that movie The day after, and you're like, oh, good lord nucular. We're all gonna die at any second. So it was under that kind of constant. Fear of it's different now. But there seems to be a lot raised here. It seems to be a lot more chaotic, from, from wars going on to the politics, to the economy's to every major institution, medical, religious, all this there's just seems to be chaos everywhere in a Catholic church for God's sakes. That seems to be a little shaky. Not nearly as is. All in all, powerful as it was when you and I were children. When you and I are children. It was they was day to do no wrong as the Catholic church right now. A couple shaking, the couple of bricks have shaken out. But what is your feeling on what is happening today with a lot of the negativity a lot of the old energies of like wars that are going on? And to be honest people who are on the on the global stage who are really affecting, you know, billions, definitely millions, but some of them billions of other people, because of their they're really kind of low. Oh, low energy. So there's that aspect of it. But then there's also seems to be a lot of light going on, as well, because you and I are having a conversation like this in a very public forum. And our audiences are growing. So there seems to be more wanting for this. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on what's going on.

Christina Lopes 24:51
So I think the fundamental change, there are multiple things going on at the same time. It's not very It's not simple, but one of the core things happening and that a lot of people forget is that we are on top of sentient rock, barreling through space at 70,000 miles an hour. And this beautiful planet, she is sentient. And so in the same way that we are each evolving, so is the planet that we call home that we're literally our bodies are nourished by this planet and kept alive by this planet. And so if her energy ascends, our energy must ascend with her, we cannot stay on this planet, the vibrations will, will be off too much. And so some of the chaos that's happening on the planet right now, particularly after the COVID pandemic, the pandemic was really a turning point for the vibration of the planet. And I've talked about this a lot, and that that symbolism, that archetypal symbolism that where we were all forced to quarantine the planet herself, while we were all at home, she was changing, and she was changing really fast. And when we opened our doors to come out of quarantine, we were no longer standing on the same planet, from an energetic perspective, there was a huge shift in energy. And that energy was very, very quick. So after the COVID pandemic, we stepped out of our doors, and suddenly we're stepping on a land that no longer has the same energy it did before. And that new energy is starting to trickle up our feet up our legs into our energy system. And one of the things that that higher level energy does is it starts to shake, you know. So the example that I like to give is, if you think about a water tank that's been sitting for, let's say, a year, you have a tank full of water, and it's been sitting for a year motionless. You look at the water, and it may look like it's crystal clear. But all you have to do is just go to the tank and shake it and suddenly all of the sediment comes up, everything that was unseen comes up. And that's essentially what's happening inside of each and every one of us. This new vibration on the planet is shaking us. And it's really forcing us to have deep, deep existential conversations with ourselves. Am I happy? Am I happy in this relationship? And am I happy at my job and my happy at life? What am I doing with my life? And it doesn't even have to be in a deeply spiritual questions there are a lot of people going through awakenings, millions upon millions of people are going through spiritual awakenings. But many of us are going through awakenings that they wouldn't even call spiritual, they're just just an existential crisis, something is shaking inside of them. When all of that shakes, if you do not have the spiritual and emotional maturity, to be able to work through the material that's coming to the surface, you're just gonna round and you're just going to want to punch people in the face. You're gonna want

Alex Ferrari 27:40
Happening in New York, it's later really,

Christina Lopes 27:42
Yeah, this the what I'm saying is not at least not an over the top example. These things are literally happening. Road rage is people screaming at you. And then out of nowhere, people having just like rage attacks, this is happening. But these are people that are having their tank shaken by the energy of Mother Gaia. And they do not have the emotional or spiritual understanding over the tools to work through all of the emotional baggage, all of the past trauma, all of the past experiences, all of the ancestral energy, everything that they have been carrying for generations that they carry in their bodies is coming up to be seen and to be healed. And imagine just that if we just talk about this aspect. Imagine how chaotic that the world is, right? All of this stuff is coming to the surface. I'm feeling angry, why am I angry? I have no idea why I'm angry. No idea. I don't know how to work with my emotions. Nobody's ever taught me to work with my emotions. So I'm just gonna get angry, and I'm gonna want to punch someone. And then here comes the shadow entities, Shadow entities amplify the worst in us. And so the shadow entities come in, they're like, Oh, look at that guy. He's really angry. Let's go stick on top of him and feed off of that energy. And what ends up happening is the anger amplifies and the anger amplifies and that eventually I'm going to kill someone or I'm going to punch someone in the face. Because the energy has been so amplified. Right? So that's one slice of what's happening. Another way of talking about this, too, is that the planet as she is ascending, there's a split and timelines, which I'm sure you've talked about on your show before, too. There's this 3d timeline, which is basically the continuation of separation consciousness. These are the people that are here that are so stuck in their ego, that they're not waking up, they're not waking up, they're just hey, you know, my life is just about making money and being successful. And it doesn't matter if I have to pillage the earth to do that. I don't care about the Earth. I don't care about anything except making money. me versus you. Let's go to war. This is all 3d timeline. But there's a very powerful five d timeline coming in and a lot of us are jumping on that boat on that five d boat, and these timelines are splitting and they are becoming more evident every single day. And so if you just think about this from that perspective, If Mother Earth, guess what timeline she is getting on, she's not getting on the third 3d timeline. And she is not allowing the 3d timeline to perpetuate on top of her. So you've got mother Gaia, and you've got millions of souls that are awakening and we're going on this five d timeline, we're starting to wake up, and we're starting to say, wait a minute, I'm not powerless. I don't care what my religion has told me, I am not powerless. I am not small. I am a sovereign sovereign being with a lot of power. And I'm going to work on myself, and I'm going to access levels of myself that I've never accessed before, I'm going to grow. And so we're going on this five d timeline. And the biggest chaos that you're seeing right now is in the 3d timeline, because it's falling out. But these things sometimes are hard to die. And so when we talk about 3d timelines, we're talking about everything. We're talking about separation consciousness, in medicine, separation, consciousness, and government separation consciousness in our oldest institutions. In religion, we're talking about every single corner of the planet, where power and corruption and greed have kind of filtered into those things are crumbling, and they're crumbling right in front of our eyes, everybody can see it. So even the people that you were talking about a little while ago, you know, you were saying that, it seems like the people with the lowest vibrations are the ones that are running countries or ruling the world or whatever, I believe that there's a purpose to that there's a purpose because we as human beings, we evolved through the contrast of mirrors. And so sometimes we need to see a really painful mirror, we need to be pushed to the to the extremes of polarization, in order to decide inside of us, I don't want that, that I don't want that. No more. And so sometimes these leaders that are lower vibration, they end up popping up on civilization to show us things that we do not want to repeat, you know, Hitler being a perfect example of one such figure that pops up and shows us the worst that exists inside of us. And that was embodied by this figure by this person. After this person exited the planet, we still have memory of how far down we can go in terms of separation consciousness. And so it's important for us to have these examples, it's important for us to hold these images in our minds. Because sometimes we forget, we forget how far the human can fall from grace in the sense of forgetting who they are on a soul level. So even these figures that you're talking about, they have their place. And as long as you remember who you are, and you continue to wake up to that fact, pretty soon, those figures will not be necessary. And we will be led by people that are also of the light by people that are also light beings by people that are also doing the inner work, right. But that shift is going to happen when there's a threshold of enough people that are doing their own inner work. And we're still going towards that. We're still working on that. Right? I would say there are millions of people truly awakening and doing the inner work that's necessary to get into a five day timeline. But there are 7.5 billion people on the planet. So there's, we still need a little bit more of awakening souls before that threshold can be met. And and we tip the scale into the 5D reality.

Alex Ferrari 33:26
So let's talk about your spiritual awakening. What can you explain exactly what happened during your awakening?

Christina Lopes 33:33
So I think my awakening is very similar to a lot of wounded healer paths. And to a lot of people that awaken really I've worked with 1000s of clients and a lot of us have the same story, which is I was living a regular life, and then something dramatic happened. And in that dramatic situation, my ego broke and I decided Wow, this ego has really been manifesting crap after crap in my life and I'm tired of letting my ego lead.

Alex Ferrari 34:01
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Christina Lopes 34:37
My mind has reached its limit. My mind does, there's a limit to my mind even though it thinks it knows everything. And now I am going to explore the part of me that is more powerful, that is connected to source and that has a higher vision of my life and that's what happened to me. I was living a regular life. My marriage ended very, very abruptly and the These things tend to happen in my life I have. I'm a double Sagittarius, so I have a lot of fire energy. So when my soul says, Okay, it's time to change your path, it's not a soft thing. It's just like, Hey, your wife is going to get home and she's going to ask for a divorce out of nowhere. That's literally what's going to happen to you. And so this is what happened to me. And I remember that I've been through a lot of trauma in my life. And so when I got to that point, and that happened to me, there was a part of me that felt so much of course, you know, so much loss, so much grief. So many things were happening in that moment, I was, I was finishing a very demanding degree at Johns Hopkins, I was a physical therapist, but then I went back to school, I also have a Master's of Public Health from Johns Hopkins, which is the the top public health institution in the world. And so I was going through a really rigorous master's degree at the time that my marriage fell apart. I was just starting my master's thesis. And so it was just absolute chaos to this day, I don't even know how I made it through that degree. But I did make it and I, I did graduate. But it was a really, really difficult period in my life. And although I was feeling all of this grief, and I was feeling like, you know, my life is literally falling apart. There was also another part of me my soul that I could hear very clearly, that said, No, there's a purpose to this. And I know there's a purpose to this and something is opening up, and I opened that door. That's really when I opened my door. When I opened that door, I remember I was lying on my bed, I had my beautiful, great dane in bed with me. And you know, my marriage had just fallen apart. And I remembered I looked up, I was in the darkness. And I just looked up to the ceiling. And I said, you know, my life has not been working out really well. This way. I am ready now to open the door to spirit. I'm ready. I'm ready. Just come and get me do it all what y'all want to do with me? I'm ready. I'm ready for this path. And that invitation, I think, is everything. When you invite spirit into your life, holy moly. You like everything, everything changes. And so that that, that open ended invitation, please open this door and show me what my path is what my highest path is what my soul path is, you know, I know I'm on this planet to follow that soul path. And I'm tired of playing around. And that was basically the energy. I'm tired of playing around. I'm ready for my highest soul path. Because there are various soul paths, right? Like your soul is non judgmental. So when you come down here, you forget, you have that veil of forgetfulness, you forget where you come from, you forget who you are. And so your soul allows for your human avatar to go down this road and go down that road and go down the other road. But there is a highest path. That's the path that your soul prefers for this lifetime. And there comes a point in your road where your soul will pull you towards that highest path sometimes against your human avatars will. And I don't know if that's ever happened to you, Alex, where it's like, there comes a point. This happened to you where it seems like through part of our lives, we were just doing crap after crap after crap. And the soul was like, You go ahead, you just keep doing that. No problem, I'm not going to interfere. But then there comes a point where your soul is like, Alright, enough horsing around this is it you're not doing Nope, you are going down this path. This is your path. And that's it. And I'm not going to hear any more of it. So why has this happened to you?

Alex Ferrari 38:16
Many times. Yeah, especially in my 20s 30s and even 40s. So yes, absolutely.

Christina Lopes 38:24
And so that was the moment that I said, Okay, I will, I will follow my soul, I will follow my soul. And I will turn this human avatar this mind, this, this meat suit of mine, I will teach it to follow my soul, I will heal this human avatar to the greatest extent possible, so that the vibration of my soul can enter my body fully. And I can connect with that highest path that my soul set out for me. And that's basically been my intention since 2013.

Alex Ferrari 38:58
So there's so there wasn't like, you know, Yeshua didn't show up and go okay, Christina, it's time. It wasn't anything like that. There was you didn't know Buddha's is in the corner.

Christina Lopes 39:08
Yeah, yeah, she would. Yeshua did show up because he was actually the first guy that I asked for. So when I was laying on that bed, I open that door. I remember it was the first guy that it's one of he's one of my greatest masters. And he was with me for a really long time, the master that I always called on in the initial years of my awakening, and I remember that that was the first time that I ever had an astral projection, what would be considered an astral projection? I didn't know what that was at the time. But I remember I was lying on the bed and I said, Okay, I'm opening this door. Please come and get me and it was Yeshua that came to get me was the first experience I had of having an out of body experience. And that was that was the trigger of my spiritual awakening. Followed by multiple years of a lot of difficulties. I really do have that wounded healers path of very shamanic path of I'm having to go down to the depths of my own underworld face, all of my demons turn over every rock of my inner world, so that I could bring love and light to it. And in that way, Ascend my vibration then help us help guide others through their own underworlds, which is what I do now.

Alex Ferrari 40:18
It seems that, you know, Yeshua was teachings, true teachings are making a comeback, if you will, where it's starting to be dislodged from religion, and dogma and fear. And it's starting to come up people are saying Yeshua now not just Jesus, you know, and, and a pulling away from the the ideas that the Catholic Church put out, and other sects put out of his teachings, and his true teaching seem to be coming back more where people are going, you know, I gotta separate Yeshua from this institution of fear and dogma, and other things that he never met, like I, I've said this on the show many times I was I was, I was blessed to be able to go to Italy, and I went to visit Vatican City. And when I went to the Vatican, I just, you know, so I don't know if you've been or not, but when you walk around, I'm like, this has nothing to do with Jesus. It's nothing to do with him. His teachings, not like absolutely nothing. It's a pretty, it was pretty eye opening to me. I was like, ah, but what I'd love to hear your thoughts on where his teachings are going, and why people are starting to reach out and look for his ideas in a more clean, non heavy way.

Christina Lopes 41:50
Yeah. Well, yes, she was teachings, I always say his name. His name was Yeshua, Ben Joseph. And I like to say his actual real name, because to me, that connects to the purity of his energy as a master. And, and his teachings were absolutely revolutionary for the time. He literally, I mean, they were revolutionary, because they were anti institutional, they were anti religious, in many ways. He was known to confront Jewish high priests, he was known to confront authority, he was known to confront power, trauma. So his teachings were absolutely revolutionary. But you also have to think about the master that exists in within the collective consciousness of the time, right? So we're talking about a time of immense turmoil. We're talking about a time of immense power struggles, wars, just I mean, if we think the energy is dense right now talk about when Yeshua was alive. I mean, it was horribly violent. I mean, it was just chaos. And so if you imagine that this great master comes, this great masters, anti religious, anti institutional, this this great master is talking about how the Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you. This is revolutionary, because this master is saying, you don't need an intermediary. You don't need anyone else talking to God for you, you have a direct connection, you are a child of that source. You don't need any intermediaries, you have power, you have sovereignty, you are an eternal being the kingdom that you are seeking is inside of you. This is his fundamental message. This is revolutionary for the time, and to revolutionary for power structures that wanted to control and oppress people. And so if you grab Yeshua was original teachings, you can understand that there was no way that these original teachings could survive at the time, because of where are we work collectively. So Yeshua came down and he planted a seed, and he's planted a seed that's taken 1000s of years to develop, but he planted the seed at the right time, it takes a really takes many, many, many generations for us to change collective consciousness. That's just how humans operate in this plane. And so he came down, he planted the seed and he said, he whispered in our ears, you do not need a church, you do not need a temple, you do not need anything to collect to connect to your Creator, your Creator is within you, you come from that energy, and you can have a conversation with that energy directly. This is very, very jarring for structures that want to control and oppress a certain level of the population. And so in comes this religious movement that says it is speaking for this master, yet it does everything opposite of what the master taught. It's a system of controlling it's a system of instilling fear. It's a system of instilling an intermediary. So now suddenly, I can't talk to God directly. I have to go to a priest and I have to confess to a priest, and then a priest tells me what God is saying. What No, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, no, you know. And so all of these things start to happen. These are all forms of control. And if you look around the world, I love to visit Catholic sites. But I'd love to visit Catholic sites not because of the energy of the building that was built on top on that site. But because Catholic sites, some of the holiest Catholic sites on Earth, were constructed on top of previously existing powerful energy spots on the planet, usually pagan in nature, or non Christian, they would go in, they would pillage everything that was non Christian, and then they would build their, their churches on top of these sacred spots. So yeah, you can go into a church, and it's so powerful, but it's really powerful because it was built on sacred land that had been existing for 1000s of years prior to these institutions coming in. And so the Catholic Church had its time all and not just the Catholic Church, any institution that involves having power over others, is dissolving. It's not just the Catholic Church, but any institution really. And so now what's happening is, we are now embodying the teachings of Yeshua, the kingdom of heaven is within me, I am a sovereign being, I make decisions for myself, I am powerful. I do not need an intermediary intermediary to connect to my source. And so it's like we're, we're reviving. We're coming into that Christ energy but Christ energy not in a religious sense, Christ energy, almost like Buddha energy, where you're connecting to the teachings of the master more in its purity. But it's because we're ready now. Because we're waking up. It's really hard, right? Like, we wouldn't have been ready to listen to truly listen to the revolutionary teachings of Yeshua 2030 years ago, because we ourselves were in a disempowered state, you can't hear yes, she was messages. If you feel powerless, you can't hear it. If you think you are small. If you think you don't matter, if you think you have no way of changing the world or yourself that yes, she was messages just go right over your head, you can't hear. So what you're going to end up hearing is you're going to end up hearing a distorted interpretation of Yeshua his teachings through a pastor through a priest. And then you're going to absorb that and you're going to think that's true. And then you're going to be stuck, because it's not true. And so now I feel like there's a revival, not just of Yeshua, his teachings, but always also really important. What was his wife and sacred partner, Mary Magdalene, you cannot talk about Yeshua without talking about his wife, that he didn't deny

Alex Ferrari 47:36
What? What? Stop you.

Christina Lopes 47:41
You can't

Alex Ferrari 47:43
He, is not married. That's impossible.

Christina Lopes 47:46
Exactly. Exactly. How what a Jewish man married to a woman what?

Alex Ferrari 47:53
Her no less wasn't she the town? I mean,

Christina Lopes 47:57
Exactly, exactly. Lies, right?

Alex Ferrari 48:01
You hear these stories. And it's so I mean, you start going into historical facts, and you go, Well, he was a Jewish, Jewish man. In that time period, he would be married, he wouldn't have just walked around as a bachelor with the 12 other dudes, like he's not there.

Christina Lopes 48:18
Well, not to mention, not yet. Not to mention even even the details are even within the New Testament. It's like they tried very, very, very hard to erase Mary Magdalene from the historical records, but she can't be erased. And so you have to start even if you are a Christian, and you just follow the New Testament, let's not even talk about how the New Testament was formed, because that's a really long conversation. But let's say yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Let's just say that you absolutely believe that the New Testament was handed down right from God and written and that's the law. Even if you believe that within the New Testament, there are plenty of details of who Mary Magdalene was. Mary Magdalene was the woman standing at the foot of the cross when He was dying. A prostitute would not that she was not a prostitute. The the idea that she was a prostitute wasn't even invented. It was not in the it's not in the New Testament. It was invented by a pope centuries later. But that's a whole other conversation. She was not a prostitute. She was present at the foot of the cross. She was the first person to witness Yes, she was resurrection, which Egyptian Egyptian alchemy would call that she saw his call body. I don't know if you've talked a lot about Egyptian alchemy on your show. But he appeared to Mary Magdalene before any of his disciples. This is telling why would he appear to random woman before his most trusted disciples including the one that would then come to found the Catholic Church. The thing the information is contained in the New Testament if you just see it with different eyes and if you start thinking thinking for yourself and not from the interpretations of pastors and priests, you will start to see that that the truth is already there so and that information is coming back also, you cannot talk about Yeshua without talking about his wife, because his wife was fundamental in him being able to fulfill His mission on earth. And part of the reason why she was raised was, you know, all of these patriarchal models that then took over and repressed women for 1000s of years. And so the rise of that of that feminine energy that it could be in a woman or in a man, the rise of that feminine energy, because feminine energy is not gendered masculine energy isn't gendered. But there's a rise of that feminine in all of us, that's being asked to be recognized. And it's been banished for 1000s of years. And so now we are recognizing that energy, and we're recognizing it a lot through even the bringing back the knowledge, bringing back the truth that he had a wife, and that she was fundamental, that she was a very, very powerful spiritual teacher that went to the south of France after his death, and literally converted the entire South of France. In a short amount of time. I've been to the south of France, and it's absolutely incredible the veneration that they have for Mary Magdalene, you don't hear about these things a lot. But if you go to the south of France, you certainly know who Mary Magdalene was. And you know, her story. And so all of these things are starting to come up. Because this knowledge, this truth was concealed for a long time, but it is not concealed anymore. And part of the reason why that's happening is because we are awakening to our power. We are awakening to our own discernment. We're not taking, I don't I don't want to swear on your show. But we're not believing BS. We're not believing the BS that we've been fed for a long time we used to be able to we used to believe BS, oh, look, this authority figure up here is telling me something, it must be true. No, I don't accept that anymore. I don't care if it's an authority figure. I don't care if it's the Pope, I don't care if it's the President of the United States, I don't care if it's a king or queen. I am going to experience truth inside of me and I will be able to discern what is right for me. And that's what's happening on the planet. And that's why the teachings of Yeshua are coming back.

Alex Ferrari 52:11
Now, the other thing about Yeshua and Christians in general, there, they seem to be obsessed with sin. It is an obsession with Catholics with Christians of this sin or that sin and dissolving sin. Original Sin, I mean, it's everywhere. But yet, Yeshua never really spoke about sin. It's not a thing that he was like talking about all the time. I forgot him. I think he mentioned the heathen who has never sinned throw the first stone. I think that's one of the few mentions of him talking about sin and, and judgment in that and that way. Can you kind of delve in a little bit to this obsession of sin, and how its how its kind of polluted Yeshua's teachings?

Christina Lopes 53:01
Yeah. So if you if you think about it's really simple how sin comes in, sin comes in as a tool of control. That's, that's really it. Sin comes in as a tool of control being used to retain power, sin, the way that Yeshua talked about it, and you can you can learn about the teachings of Yeshua also in the agnostic, Gospels a lot. But sin is in the way Yeshua talked about it. Sins simply meant, I do something from my forgetfulness. So I do something. From my ego, I do something from separation consciousness. And if I do something from separation consciousness, it's bound to cause pain, it's bound to cause hurt, because I am operating, I am behaving outside of my sole truth. I am behaving from a place where I have forgotten who I am and where I come from. That's what sin meant for Yeshua. The word sin was then used as a tool of control, because I cannot control someone unless I have something on them, right? Like, I have to have something on you. Right? Like it's if you think about, you know, someone that's blackmailing another person, how are they blackmailing another person, because they've got juicy information that that person doesn't want the world to know. And so that sort of blackmail is I'm going to threaten you. Sin being used by authorities is the same thing. There's this belief that is instilled in us from when we are born. I mean, imagine how horribly traumatizing it is to instill in a newborn child that they have sin, meaning that they are not good enough. They're not good enough as they are that they come out of their mother's womb with something wrong with them. This is horribly traumatizing. And so we traumatize our children, we've been traumatizing this entire society's making them believe that they are not good enough that there is something wrong fundamentally wrong with them. And they need to go to church every Sunday to fix what's wrong with them, you know, you need. Exactly, exactly, exactly. I mean, but it could be Jesus or it could be any other religion. Christianity is not the only religion that uses the idea of sin in order to go, right. And so, so this this tool of sin, it was needed at a time in order to reinforce the power structures of an emerging religion, right. And so the moment that you say you're sinful, there is something wrong with you, come to Jesus come to this church, Oh, and look, here's the basket, give your money and all of your possessions and you will be delivered. People are starting to see this BS, there has never been anything wrong with you, there is absolutely no such thing as original sin. You were born of love, you were born perfect from your creator, you were born out of your beautiful mother's womb with absolutely nothing wrong with you, you know, and if you still have these templates today, if you were brought up religious, or even non religious, because this disbelief in sin has permeated every level of our society, even in people who consider themselves atheists, they are still templated, to believe that there's something wrong with them. And they always have to be chasing something, you've got to be chasing something because you're not good enough, there's something wrong with you. So this idea of sin is so pervasive that it has penetrated literally every inch of our society, even in areas that are non religious. And so this, we need to be delivered from this and we're going to be delivered from this through ourselves by no longer accepting this BS is true, you know. And so sin to me was very simply just an instrument of control. But if you follow Yeshua is teachings, if you go back to the purity of his teachings, I don't need an intermediary. And if I have done anything, if I have acted in a way that has been hurtful towards someone, because I acted in a way through my forgetfulness, I acted through my ego, that conversation has been between me and my source and between me and the person that I have harmed or that I have hurt. You see, still, I don't need a priest, I don't need to go to church, I don't need to give my my fortune to the church, I don't need to give all my life savings to the church, the conversation is between me and my source. I'm very sorry that I hurt that person. I have behaved from a place of forgetfulness. But you see, this conversation is different. I'm sorry that I hurt that person because I behaved from a place of forgetfulness is very different from oh my god, I hurt that person. There's something wrong with me, I'm a horrible human being I'm a piece of crap. You see a very different conversation, inherent in me understanding that maybe I have sinned in the sense that I have behaved in a way that's hurtful. Through my forgetfulness. I'm having a conversation that I beg forgiveness, I ask for forgiveness, I, I say I'm sorry, I have no problem saying I'm sorry. And I have no problem going and working on amending that. But always from a position that there's nothing fundamentally wrong with me and my value has not been touched. Whether I sin or not. That's That's powerful. When you really when you when you take that in, and when you understand sin in that way.

Alex Ferrari 58:20
Now, the one of my other favorite things to talk about, about the dogma of, of the Catholic religion is hell, I absolutely love talking about hell. I think it's fascinating. And my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that there is no hell in the Old Testament. That was not a concept. It's not in the Torah. Judaism did not create it at all. It's a New Testament situation. And from my understanding, it was a misinterpretation of luck and I lecture but a sermon that Jesus gave, saying that there was a lake where they threw the garbage in and they burned the garbage in that lake. And if you don't get your act together, you're gonna go over there and burn or something along those lines. And they took that and that either in the Council of Nicaea, or wherever they said, Hell Oh, that's a good show. Yeah. Hey, how about the fallen angel thing? Let's throw that in there too. That'd be a nice little mix and Okay, great. Great. Yeah, we'll do that. And then Dante showed up, and they're like, Yeah, this Dante thing, ooh, we could take some of this imagery and like mix it in. And that concept of hell that we have is truly a mixture of the original stories that we're just talking about, and Dante because there is no seven levels of hell in the Bible or any of that stuff. That's a Dante thing. From what I understand, also, Dante is not about hell, it's about an it's a it's not even about oil. It's an interpretation as a metaphor for it, but they took it as an inferno and and hell all that stuff. I'd love to hear your point of view on this.

Christina Lopes 59:58
So hell to me is Also another piece of the puzzle of control, right? I use the word sin, and I've got to have a destination, right? If I'm trying to control the masses, I have to have a destination, I have to have a consequence for when a person misbehaves, or when the person does the wrong thing. If there's no consequence, if the person sins, and they go right back to source when they die, then what's the point people are going to be like? What's the point of me following your advice? Rabbi, your priest or imam or whatever? What's the point? Why should I listen to you if in the end, when I die, I'm just going back to God, I'm going back to source because there's only one place to go. So why should I listen to you. So there has to be a consequence added to that, in order to put fire under a person's feet so they can do exactly what power structures wanted them to do, right. And so that's where the concept of hell comes in. Now, I'm not saying it doesn't exist, hell does exist, but it exists in completely different way of what the interpretations were, to me, hell is a state of consciousness that one resides in, right? So you can create your own hell, it's not up there. It's not over there. It's right here. Like you can create your hell on earth. We are creating little Hell's on Earth right now, when we're bombing countries, when we're killing children, when we're when we're just doing obscenities on this planet. To me, that's hell, that is literally hell, you don't have to die and go to hell, hell is happening in pockets of this world right now. And hell happens inside of many people's heads and inside of their hearts. Hell happens when someone wants to murder someone else, when someone hits someone else, when someone has envy of someone else that's held to me. Because you are vibrating in a fundamentally different state of consciousness than your source and your soul. And anytime you depart from how your soul and how God sees things, you're in a state of hell, the more that you depart from how your soul sees, the more hellish your life becomes. And so held to me exists, but it exists at a state of consciousness, that is really, really lower level painful, where a lot of suffering occurs. So that's, that's how I see hell. But hell, of course, is a place that was formed through interpretation. And I have a lot of compassion. I know that sometimes we dish on on, you know, people that lived 1000s of years ago, and they were interpreting certain things. But you have to remember that people that lived 2000 3000 years ago, they were interpreting or trying to interpret. And I have no doubt that a lot of these people, and I'm gonna say a lot of men, because it was mostly men in power structures, at that time, they were interpreting Yeshua as teachings are, they were interpreting any spiritual teaching at the time, through the lens of their beliefs, of their religion, of their society, through the beliefs of gender, they were interpreting everything through all of these lenses. And so you, you're trying to interpret something as pure but then as soon as that purity passes through the various human lenses that you have, the interpretation comes out, distorted, of course, it comes out distorted, right? So I don't hate or you know, dish, all these people that tried to interpret, you know, like, they interpreted the teachings of Yeshua the best that they could at the level of consciousness that they were at 2000 years ago, but we're in a different level of consciousness now. And we can now reinterpret, yes, she was teachings, we can re interpret all the spiritual traditions of truth that was already on this planet through the lens of a more purified lens, right, a more of a scented lens that we are in now,

Alex Ferrari 1:03:40
I have to ask you, another one of my favorite topics, when it comes to Yeshua is the yada yada yada. Now, there's a yada yada yada and Joshua's story. He is born at 13, we there's a story in the Bible, yada yada yada, I show up on a donkey at 30, the yada yada yada is my fascination. And I've studied and looked into what that time period happened. And even when I was a kid, I asked the nuns this at my Catholic school, and they're like, stop asking questions. And I'm like, Okay, this seems to be suspect. If they can't even ask a question about this. They just blank out this time period. I'm like, what was teenage Jesus or you know, Yeshua, like, you know, was he a troublemaker, you know, was he dating? Like, it's just curious, like what he's doing at that time? To my understanding that there is and I want to hear what you're, I'm sure you've gone down this road. I'm sure you have, to my understanding. He was trained. He did travel. He went to Tibet, he went to India, he went to the mystery schools in Egypt. There is some sort of historical proof of that of these things. In one way, shape, or form in the, in the archaeology of things. From my understanding, I'd love to hear where you thought what you think because I've always looked at as soon as I started going down the the yogi path, the yogic path, and studying those masters like Yogananda or Baba Ji or these, these these lineages in the, in the East. I just started looking back at yesterday. I'm like, Oh, he's he's a he's a yogi. Yes, she was a great yogi because a lot of the miracles in the Bible, those are yogic powers that they've been talking about in the East forever. And in the east. He's revered. I mean, in India, he is revered as a great and powerful yogi, a very Ascended Master in the east. So I'd love to hear what you have to say about this.

Christina Lopes 1:05:45
Again, it's very interesting. That and telling that Yeshua disappears from historical evidence for the formative years of his life. If you look at what the agenda was behind that, Yeshua was meant to be this pure vessel, the only son of God, right? And so you have to maintain the image of purity. He was born that way he was born all knowing he was, you know, he was just born this way. This is not true. Yeshua was an Ascended Master. He was extremely gifted as a child. Of course, he was we already have we have written record of him being you know, challenging Jewish High Priests when he was a child, right? So we know that, but then when he disappears, he's doing what all Ascended Masters do on their path and journey in life. He was learning. This is a word that Catholics and Christians and the power structures of Christianity hate to give to Jesus. Because supposedly this is the only son of God, this is the Savior. He doesn't need to learn anything. Yes, he does. And he learns a lot in those formative years. Like you said, he was in India, he went to Egypt, Tom Kenyon does a great job. I don't know if you've ever read Tom Kenyon. Marry them. The Magdalene manuscript, I think it's called it's one of the videos book, Tom Kenyon talks a lot about Egyptian alchemy and talking about how Yeshua was trained in Egyptian alchemy in the Egyptian schools. Yeshua went to places where there was traditionally enormous amount of spiritual knowledge, and he learned from those traditions. Yeah, she was also famed to have gone I don't know if you've ever been to Glastonbury, but I loved going to Glastonbury. I loved tapping into the energy of Avalon, within folkloric tradition in Glastonbury is the idea that Yeshua had traveled more than once to Glastonbury with his uncle, Joseph Aerith and Nea, who was a very, very wealthy merchant. So this idea of Yeshua coming from a poor family is thrown out the window, if you really start to study the master, he also studied with the scenes I don't know if you mentioned that already. But these scenes were very, very kind of they were relegated they weren't part of regular society. And the scenes did have some funky customs. But the scenes were also esteemed spiritual leaders. And he studied with the scenes, some of his teachings coincide with the teachings of his scenes. And so yes, you will went around the world he traveled, he was not poor. He came from very, very spiritual and powerful people, especially on his mother's line. His mother also studied in the temples of Egypt, his grandmother, Anna was a very, very powerful woman. And so if you really study Yeshua, the man, you realize that he was an extraordinary master. But he was an extraordinary master that also learned and he learned from many traditions, and he learned from the spiritual traditions that came before him. And then he interpreted those traditions, he embodied those traditions. And then he taught a version of those traditions, in the same way that Buddha did. You know, Buddha was a pre prince, he walked out of his castle, he had to learn what poverty was, he had to learn what famine was, he had to learn what death was, he learned, and he only became enlightened after learning, you see. And so yes, all went through the same path. And this doesn't denigrate his path. It makes it more beautiful, because it makes it more human. He was a human, contrary to what Christian power structures want you to believe. He was a very, very powerful master, but he was also a human. He was also a human with fears. He was also a human that had his own contradictions. He was a human like all of us, an Ascended Master, but a human also. And that part is left out in a lot of teachings of Christianity. But when I went to Glastonbury, I just love you know, I love how traditions that are 1000s of years old, they are kept, no matter how much these power structures try to erase them. The stories are told, and they are told, and they're told, and they're told generation after generation and this knowledge is retained, regardless of if the books are burned, because that's what the Catholic Church did. That's what Christianity did. It went through every place where there were spiritual traditions on the planet, wherever it touched, it burned things. It burned women, it burned things, it killed people it is there was just an enormous amount of destruction. And the destruction was done on purpose to erase the spiritual traditions and the knowledge that were already exists in the various spiritual traditions that Yeshua himself learned from. So, you know, when you really start to see the whole complexity of the story, there's I want to give a little bit of a detail. There's a cathedral in, in tickets in Glastonbury, yes, it's in Glastonbury. I don't remember the name of the cathedral, but it burned. There's only ruins. And I went to look at it. And it was amazing, because on one of the doorways, there is the depicted the life of Yeshua. Throughout the various scenes, it's a Protestant and early Protestant church, but in Glastonbury, and if you look at the scenes depicting the life of Jesus, there's one interesting image that I took a picture of, because I just had to look at it. It was a picture of his birth, he was not depicted as being born in a manger. In, you know, this poor poor thing. No, he was depicted being born to marry on top of a four post bed. And our guide, when we did that, that trip, she was really astute because she said, you know, look at this image here, and I was like, I'm looking at it. And I'm like, What is this? This is yeah, she was birth seen. He's Do you see what this is? It's a bed. It's a four post bed for post peds, at that time only existed to really rich people in royalty. And so it's really interesting that in every corner of the planet, you can find the true story of Yeshua his life, even in institutions, like the church, for example, you know, like they weren't able to bury everything, they weren't able to bury the whole story. And you can find those clues if you just look for them. And so I thought that image of Yeshua was birth, instead of being in a manger with animals. It was he was he was born basically in a bed that was fit for a royal. It just it's very telling to me, but But yeah, going back to your question, he traveled a lot. And he learned a lot. And that's what made him the master that he was.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:22
And the thing from my understanding is that all these Ascended Masters are examples of what we can do. That's what they're here to do. They're here to show everybody else that this is possible. And they come in different flavors. because not everyone's gonna want to follow Buddha or want to follow Jesus who want to follow, you know, Yogananda want to follow Baba Ji want to follow, you know, qua jin or any of these masters or Vishnu or whoever they are, they all have a place in what we're trying to show humanity to wake humanity up to understand that the powers within you to give you the power that like, no inertia was said, everything I can do you can do and more. Yeah. And yeah, it is. And that is such a powerful statement that if you can get through your own programming, and your own stuff that you've been kind of tampered with throughout your life. Yeah, then you start to awaken in a big way.

Christina Lopes 1:13:27
Absolutely. And I absolutely agree with you. You don't have to, you know, follow Yeshua or there are so many different masters on this planet. But they all come with the same fundamental if you look at all the Ascended Masters, the truly Ascended Masters, not the ones that pretend to be Ascended Masters. I'm talking about truly pure ascended masters, they all have the same message. They are all living examples of the potential of humans, the potential of consciousness, and they're all just showing the way they're leading the path. They're like 10 steps ahead of us, leading us down a path of something that we ourselves can do. And this is this is the hallmark of great masters. The hallmark of great masters is showing you the potential that you have inside of you helping you uncover that potential, right? This is very different from like guru culture or any type of Guru culture where the master exists. And then there's all these people below that master and they have to worship the master and cater to the master. This is not guru culture, ascended masters are not a part of Guru culture. They are part of a different understanding. Right? Right.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:33
Yeah, the idea of Guru like you that you use the term guru culture, because every at least every is any every master that I've studied in that in that Guru line that he's the guru. The true ones all say, no child, you, you are you this is what your problem is. This is where you need to adjust. You can get here You're too, they might be born with a higher level of abilities than we are just like you. And I could both play basketball but neither you or I are Michael Jordan, there's, there's an inherent talent that he was born with. But we're all capable of doing the same motions, but not at the level that he was able to do it. Yeah. And same thing goes with Ascended Masters, a spiritual masters who are walking, if you if you're following someone who is a master, quote, unquote, a guru, and they are the only you can never achieve what they have achieved, you should probably look into that.

Christina Lopes 1:15:41
Oh, yeah. And that's, that's really, really important. And this is why, you know, I like to kind of differentiate between guru culture and true gurus or masters. I don't even like to call them gurus because I think the word has been so distorted, so distorted. And especially now, you know, talking about all the institutions that are crumbling, Guru culture is crumbling, too. And it's because there are many gurus around the world that were never gurus to begin with. They were they were mostly not not all men, but there has been a lot of men, masters that have been falling and have been jailed for, you know, sexual predation on their followers, all kinds of immoral things. And this was happening, because they were never true masters to begin with, they were just in that position trying to feed their egos. And so I love the distinction that you're making here. This is very true. And I say this always to my clients and my audience all the time. If you see a master or a guru, that is kind of incentivizing dependency on them, that is in any way shape, or form talking to you as if you were powerless, and you can only be saved through them run the other way, you literally run the other way. Because that that's not the type of master that is meant to teach in these energies. That's just not the type of and we've seen this all over the world, you know, from the stories of you know, John of God being in jail, and you know, Bikram yoga, the whole shenanigans with Vikram and all, I mean, there are example after example, after example, of of really corrupted people that were in power, and that just abused their followers. And guess what all that's coming to the light and all that's been disintegrated, because that was not of the light either. So it that is an important distinction to make. There are Ascended Masters on this planet, for sure. But those Ascended Masters, the true ones will always be teaching you that you could get that same level, you can go through that evolution, you can walk this path, you can find the Kingdom of Heaven within you. And so it's a very different talk to the guru culture of, you know, kind of cultivating dependency. And that's important

Alex Ferrari 1:17:59
Yeah, not a Netflix documentary, essentially.

Christina Lopes 1:18:01

Alex Ferrari 1:18:04
The other Guru's are Netflix documentaries. They're fascinating to watch. I watch all of them.

Christina Lopes 1:18:09
They are amazing to watch. But yeah, but it's hard.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:13
There's these. Yeah, you look at them. And just like, why didn't you see it? Why didn't you see it? And I'm not sure about you, but even even what I do, there's people who, you know, are starting to put that energy onto me, and I'm sure they do it to you as well. And I'm the first to go, no, no, no. That is not what we're doing. Here. You are the way you have the responsibility to find your path. If whatever I am doing can help you find your you know, great because I'm still on the path as well. I'm still trying to learn myself by we're all we're all walking the path. There's no one comes into this planet perfect. And we're all learning even to the day we die. You know, you might be a master. And I use Michael Jordan all the time as an example. But like he was learning to the day he stopped playing basketball, about the game. No matter how amazing he was, no matter how perfect he understood the game. He was still learning because the game changes constantly. You know, because the game at 23 is a lot different at 37 for him physically, so we had to change you have to learn a couple of things up. Christina, I'm gonna ask you a few questions I asked all my guests. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Christina Lopes 1:19:35
I think the quickest answer to that is for me, fulfilling it living a fulfilled life is really connecting to that highest path of my soul, living that highest path of my soul, whatever that is, whatever, whatever that is, like, I'm in that energy of whatever the highest path of my soul is, I will align to that path. Whether that path takes me through pain, whether that path takes me through through you know, twists and turns that the Man avatar doesn't want to go on. I'm gonna go on that path, you know. And again, I use the example of Yeshua, you know, like, people don't talk about this a lot. But when Yeshua was going towards Jerusalem, he knew exactly what was going to happen to him. And he kept walking, he kept going, because that was his highest path. And he knew it, even though he could have doubts, he could have fears, but that was his highest. And he went towards his destiny. And I want to do the same thing, I don't care where my highest path goes, I just want to make sure that my that my avatar that my human self, and that my mind is aligned with that soul and aligned with that highest path. And it just leads me there. That's, that's what I would consider a fulfilling life.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:38
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to a little Christina, what advice would you give her?

Christina Lopes 1:20:42
I'd probably just say to her very, very early that, that there's nothing wrong with her. And that's good. It's all good. There's nothing wrong with her that she could be free and that she could play. And that she doesn't have to take on the responsibilities that she thinks she does. Because I think a lot of us that come from trauma, we take on that those adult responsibilities when we're really, really children. And then we assume those responsibilities for the rest of our lives and kind of lose our childhood a little bit. So I would go back and I would say, hey, you know, like, I've got this, you can go play. You can go relax, you can go have fun, you can go giggle. You don't need to do adult things. You don't need to take responsibility, you don't need to, you know, like reassure her reassure her take that, like I'm connecting to her now. And there was just a lot of us just have that our child selves are so loaded. They're carrying so much weight when they should be free. So I take that weight off, and I'd let her go play.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:42
How did you define God or Source energy?

Christina Lopes 1:21:44
I can't really define it. So hard. This is a hard question. It's where I come from. It's who I am. It's at the core of everything. It's it. It's everything. It's literally everything and the space between everything. Right, what is literally, to me, love and source are the same thing. So that's those are those are synonyms. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:11
Fair enough. And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Christina Lopes 1:22:15
This is just such a, this plane of existence there, there's a waiting list to come here. Because this is a prized, prized way for the soul to evolve. It's a very rare type of reality being incarnated and physical matter. And so it's very prized by the soul. And so the purpose of life to me is just to come down here and experience life experience, evolution, your experience your soul, through a different way of evolving through a different prism. And sometimes it involves pain. And sometimes it involves happiness, it involves complex things. But it's all worth it at the end is all worth it at the end. And our purpose to me is only found usually at the end of life when you can look back and you could say, oh, that's why I came down here. I can now see, you know, I can now see, I don't know what it is right now. But I'm going to know when I'm about ready to transition. And I know it's going to be amazing. So for right now I just, I just you know, have fun while I'm down here and I continue to evolve and I continue to enjoy and I continue to experience experience.

Alex Ferrari 1:23:22
Beautiful, and where can people find out more about you and everything you and what you're doing in the world?

Christina Lopes 1:23:27
Yeah, so usually people find me on my YouTube channel, I have a large YouTube channel with hundreds of videos. That's usually where people find me. So you can just look up Christina Lopes on YouTube, you can easily find me, you can also look me up on my website, Or You can find me there too. You can find me on social media. Yeah, I work with a lot of clients, I have a private community. So a lot of people reach me also and go into the private community. It's the only place where I do live coaching. So got a lot going on retreats, I do retreats also. So once people get introduced to the videos, once they come on the website, they join our email list, they they start to kind of you know, absorb all of the stuff that we're doing. They'll usually either want to join our community or maybe come on and retreat with us. So that's that's what, that's what we've been up to.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:16
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Christina Lopes 1:24:18
Ah, I think we had a long conversation, right, Alex? I feel like you know, I feel like the parting words maybe that I always have for people is, you know, like, even if you're feeling like life is really challenging, or you're really feeling uneasy with all that's happening in the world. Just always remember that this is temporary, and that there is a new reality emerging on this planet. And that you can choose to be a part of that reality you can choose to leave behind the drama you can choose to leave behind the suffering. You can choose to leave that behind and and kind of go on a different get on a different boat, right. And everybody has the capacity to do that. And even if you feel like you don't have the tools right now there's always help available you know There's Alex out there with all these videos you can look me up. There's all my videos and there's so many people out there who are assisting you to, you know, help you heal your trauma and help you awaken and help you just live a more fulfilling life. So, you know, keep going.

Alex Ferrari 1:25:17
Christina, it's been such a pleasure and honor speaking to you today. Thank you so much for being on the show and for all the work you're doing to awaken the planet. So I appreciate you.

Christina Lopes 1:25:25
Thank you so much, Alex, appreciate it.

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