In the intricate dance of the cosmos, we find ourselves drawn to the mysteries of our existence and the realms beyond. On today’s episode, we welcome Nicola Light, a remarkable soul whose journey through near-death experiences (NDE), starseed activations, and light codes has unveiled profound insights into our multidimensional nature.

Nicola Light began her journey from an early age, marked by a near-death experience at just five years old. Though her memories of the event are fragmented, it planted the seed for a lifelong exploration of the spiritual and metaphysical realms. As a child, she was resuscitated on an English beach by a young man, sparking a series of spiritual awakenings that would unfold throughout her life.

“Within us, there is a seat that is placed there. That comes from different levels of consciousness, maybe from a Pleiades perspective or an Arcturian or Sirius B or wherever it may be,” Nicola explains. This inner wisdom, she believes, is part of our DNA structure, waiting to be activated as we align with our true selves.

Nicola’s journey of awakening intensified in her forties during a dark night of the soul. This pivotal period catalyzed her exploration into energy healing, Reiki, and ultimately, the reception of light codes. These codes, she describes, are encoded cryptic messages that can come through various senses—sight, sound, or inner knowing—helping her and others align with higher dimensions and integrate their starseed origins.

Through her experiences, Nicola has come to understand that many of us carry the potential for starseed activation, which she believes is a process where galactic beings merge with human consciousness to bring forth higher wisdom and healing. Her personal journey is a testament to this, as she continually receives upgrades and downloads of information that further her understanding and spiritual growth.


  1. Embrace Your Authentic Self: Nicola emphasizes the importance of expressing your true self without fear of judgment. This authenticity allows the dormant aspects of your multidimensional nature to awaken and flourish.
  2. Trust the Journey of Awakening: The path to spiritual enlightenment is often gradual and filled with moments of doubt and challenge. Trusting the process and remaining open to receiving higher wisdom can lead to profound personal transformation.
  3. Connect with Higher Consciousness: By engaging in practices like meditation, energy healing, and light code activation, you can open yourself to higher levels of consciousness and integrate the knowledge and wisdom of your starseed origins.

In this profound conversation, we have Nicola Light shedding light on the intricate web of our existence, reminding us that we are all connected to a vast and intelligent universe. Her experiences and insights serve as a guiding beacon for those on their own spiritual journeys, offering hope and understanding of the deeper truths of our being.

As we navigate the complexities of life and the mysteries beyond, let us embrace our true selves, trust the journey, and remain open to the higher wisdom that awaits us.

Please enjoy my conversation with Nicola Light.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 476

Nicola Light 0:00
Within us, there is a seat within us that is placed there. That comes from different levels of consciousness maybe from a Pleiades perspective or an Arterian or Sirius B or wherever it may be. There's a hybrid system within the DNA structure that lays dormant. It is about being able to express yourself and to be authentic within yourself without being shamed or blamed or judged. So the fulfillment of it is to step into what who you truly are as a being upon the planet. And I was brought back to life again, on the beach by a young guy that resuscitated me.

Alex Ferrari 0:43
I like to welcome to the show Nicola Light. How you doing Nicola?

Nicola Light 0:55
I'm really good. Thank you so much for inviting me on Alex, an absolute pleasure.

Alex Ferrari 1:01
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm looking forward to hearing your unique journey that you've been on this, this incarnation. So the first question I have for you is what was your life like, before you had a near death experience?

Nicola Light 1:16
Well, my near death experience was when I was five. So there was not much time beforehand. And to be your absolute honest with you, I really don't have much recollection of my early childhood. And most people maybe would say, Well, maybe you don't get an awful lot of time. Previous to that, but it really is, you know, when I sort of speak to other people about when they remember, as a child at this age, at this age, and I'm thinking, I don't have any recollection of any of it, then which is really very interesting. The near death experience itself was around about five. And I hear of a lot of people actually sort of moving through in and out of these experiences at sort of different stages of their life. But for myself, it was it was at that early age, it was at the beach, actually. So I went with my family would always go to the beach in England. And I don't know if any of your viewers would understand this, but the beaches in England, sometimes they would have sort of quite sort of big sort of, sort of, sort of loads that would go down, I don't know what they're called, but, and then there was the sort of like little gaps in between that you would jump off one side into the puddle, and then to the other. And I decided to go this way. And with jumping this way, it was very, very deep. And I was a very small child, and, and it was very, very deep water. And I was brought back to life again, on the beach by a young guy that resuscitated me. And I just remember sort of opening my eyes and seeing a big group of people around me wondering what, what went on. So my near death experience didn't really sort of hold an awful lot of remembrance with it. But I get sort of sparks of information that keeps coming back, the more that I move on with my journey. So the near death experience on came in and out. But there's different little sort of little entwine moments within it. With what I'm sort of starting to understand in this Now moment with what actually goes on with these sort of integrations of what what might we call sort of stasis and lightworkers. So we put these little labels on ourselves. And what happens sometimes what happens is and my understanding is that a child may come in into the embodied state so birthed with a physical body, and then there may be a bit of an intervention with a star seed, a galactic being that would then embrace it, and move into that incarnation and transfer the consciousness into into being a star seed upon the planet. So some stasis aren't actually birthed through the birthing canal, they come in and jump in at different phases. And I my belief system is that's when my download of data or galactic self came in.

Alex Ferrari 4:29
To me it makes sense. So with your near death experience, it seems it sounds like you've been getting a peppering of what that was over the course of your life like a little bit here a little bit there has come in what have you pieced together from that experience? Can you kind of walk us through whatever you've placed together.

Nicola Light 4:45
Okay. So, the main thing is the, the alliance with the aspects of myself which I would call a multi dimensional aspect, and these aspects set in the in the higher realms of understanding, so we could sort of perceive them to be in different dimensional time space. And with those aspects of ourselves, we will align to who we are through our structure of our DNA, and the availability to open ourselves up into the next level of evolution of humanity. So the availability to download the data has, has been experienced through the time of my awakening. So if you could imagine, then at the age of about 40, I had a big sort of life trauma. So we go into that wonderful dark night of the soul, when things start to light, this is this feels really strange. And then you start then into meditation and the journey sort of encroached into sort of awareness of energy healing, Reiki, healing, things like that. And then gradually, I was getting these upgrades of intelligence coming in, during a near to my sleep state and meditations. And the information that's sort of coming in is all coming in from an encoded, cryptic messages, whether it comes in from sight or through sound, or through verbal hearing, data download, some people might sort of, you might have heard that before, I'm sure on your channel, but we get downloads of data. Now with that all of this information starts to then sort of increase and ignite that inner light wisdom within me to then start to come online to those multi dimensional aspects. So from the very beginning, that stage of the seeding of the light seed, and then the DNA structure with my lineage enabled me to sort of tap into my mediumship and my psychic abilities. And then slowly, the next level came in and the next level came in the next level came in, where I started to sort of download. And once I reached a level of understanding, I had to push through the next level of my healing, and then go deeper into myself to create space. And within that space, I was then allowed to allow it allow to download more information about myself. So another aspect of my say, self came in. And then that enabled me to then remember an awful lot of stuff, which is slowly being drip fed to me. So it's not like a big bombardment of information, but it's me putting information together without me having prior knowledge of it, or studying any particular sort of religious context, or, you know, sort of Guru information that might come in through books and watching video content. It just sort of comes in, and then all of a sudden, I just know, and I'm like, oh, okay, so it's that that gradual process of this is sort of starting to increase, which is fabulous, because then you you understand it through experience, rather than knowledge of mind.

Alex Ferrari 8:17
With those downloads, the little drips of downloads, was there anything that you remember from that near death experience? Or was that near death experience a catalyst of any sort?

Nicola Light 8:25
It's more of a catalyst into the understanding of the origin of the souls journey. So my soul's journey was sort of has a incremental sort of, if you could imagine this, the brightest of light, and then the, the dissension into a physical form through galactic lineages. So the Palladian aspect of myself was downloaded from a star seed system. So that's my primary focus of origin. So when we say or where do we come from, where's my star seed origin from, we have a primary focus of descent. So that is my go to inner guidance. And so that came in at the near death experience and has increased as I've gone through different phases of the evolution of understanding and healing myself. And then different aspects of myself coming. So we're looking at a multi dimensionality here. Rather than just sort of thinking I'm just plugged into Pleadians. And that's it. There are many Starseeds on the planet that are able to connect to a multitude of star seed galactic families, so which is really exciting that more and more people are starting to come online, so we can hold more intelligence within us to be that pure conduit of light and then we can then shift humanity the collective field to assist more and more people to awaken which is another part of My journey, so it's terribly exciting to slowly uncover, who am I, you know?

Alex Ferrari 10:06
Oh, yeah, without question. But so let me ask you that with when you started gaining this understanding and knowledge of star seeds and you know, galactic at any point did you go? This is really strange. This is really crazy like am I like what is happening in my life? Like, your head is exploding me? Because I'm assuming that you know, at 10 You weren't going and someone wasn't telling you starseeds? Like it wasn't a it wasn't something new. So this new information that comes in? Do you question it within your own psyche? Of like, Am I losing my mind? I asked this to everybody. Am I losing? Am I losing my mind? Is this does this make any sense? I love to hear what you think.

Nicola Light 10:50
Yeah, absolutely. I say that, at the very beginning of my journey, when I started feeling that I was going crazy, was was quite a profound moment in my life, and my family really felt it as well, they thought I've gotten that's gonna get caught me off to the loony bin, you know, and it really was, it was the ego, it's the ego that always restricts us, you know, it's the, the understanding of trying to fit in, you know, and trying to be part of the herd mentality to you know, sort of be normal. And when you start then sort of meditating sort of four or five hours at the bottom of the garden and wanting everybody to be very quiet, and then starting getting this information and starting feeling Spirit coming in from the side and getting visitations from, you know, sort of ghosts and dark shadow beings, and you know, all that goes with it. And then these downloads and hearing comes in, and you're like, Oh, my God, I can completely bonkers. It really is quite crazy. But the ego, what it does is it keeps us anchored into being human. And the sentient is about, after all, the upgrade of human, that aspect of ourselves needs needs to consider it from an ego perspective of its fight or flight. So, you know, he's trying to keep us safe here. So we must have looked through the ego into a high perspective. But as soon as you start getting information that starts to be downloaded into into your field, and it starts becoming a normal process, then the equals ego starts to settle with it. I remember honestly, Alex, the very first time I sat in a big meditation with a group of people, and I felt a being behind Moon as this big angelic being. And I sat there and every time I moved to this meditation circle, I started to cry. I always cried, always was releasing, always releasing to make space. And then I felt this being behind me because this massive, great big angelic, and I thought they are you should show up. And then, and then others were speaking about it. And I was thinking, well, if they're feeling and I felt it, because I've experienced it, then. Well, so it intrigued me and it made me sort of feel like what's next, then, what's what's next real. And then when I did my Reiki courses, and I started directing, while I wanted to and started then sort of starting bringing in energy and awareness of that, my hands started moving about, like crazy. I was thinking that's a little bit with and then these codes started sort of formulating, so if anyone sort of done Reiki they would understand like, you know, the chakra raise, like a number seven, and then like, they're some of the say, a key and all of those symbols. And I was like, Well, okay, so there's the symbol for Reiki. And as I'm doing the energy healing, we're, you know, in beginning of my healing journey, healing others, I then started coding over the top, and I was thinking, well, that's cool. That's really good. And then, and then things like, you know, sort of little fairies came on board and sat on the shoulder and I'm like, No, that's really crazy. And then seeing visions or big dragons into my healing room. And honestly, Alex, I was like, Okay

Alex Ferrari 14:31
Before we before we bring any other creatures into this conversation,

Nicola Light 14:35
Yeah, sorry.

Alex Ferrari 14:35
You know, it's I you know, I, I'm fascinated by this, and I'm fascinated by your journey. But I always like to ask this question like, at some point, it's not all butterflies and dragons. You know, it's like at some point, I mean, if you if you're in right mind, and as a general statement and don't have mental illness issues, you have to question this and this happens with all spiritual awakenings in And many, you know, with, with the more mystical aspects of things, or more galactic aspects of things, or just more spiritual aspects of things, you know, just being able to see, you know, I know in mediums who, when they first see ghosts or, or they see a, you know, a person from the other side, I mean, oh, yeah, there's grandpa, like, it gets to you like it mentally. So that's why I wanted to kind of put that out there. So everyone listening understands that you and I both understand that this does sound out there. And there has to be an address addressing of it, but then to now accept it and move on. But I just wanted people to understand like, because this is what I do love to do in my show, is people when they watch these things, I was the guy watching a show like this going. But this sounds great. Ask or if it sounds crazy, ask her. I mean, it did this, this is insane. Like ask her that. So I always try to do that. So and I do it with all the love and respect that I just wanted to kind of bring it out there.

Nicola Light 15:55
Yeah, I speak a lot on my YouTube channel, about my ego. And when I bring forward like codes, which are like remembrance codes, I sort of bring the information in that way. And then my wisdom sparks up. And then the ego sort of sits on the shoulder and starts coming in and says, you know, like, I'm gonna mean it, that sounds a little bit weird. So I do sort of my ego comes in very nicely to, to settle within me that it does sound weird. And I totally get it. You know, and, you know, and it's wonderful when people do get it through their own experience. You know, it's, it's, it's one thing is the ego battling with the higher mind. But it's that sense of balance, that that does settle once you have experienced it. If you have an experience, then you probably think that I am completely bonkers. And if I was sort of 10 years ago, watching this, I was kind of like, Oh, she's really crazy. Do you get it? You know?

Alex Ferrari 16:56
Yeah, absolutely. So when you when you started to come out publicly, because it's one thing to do this in a private, or one thing to do this and you know, with your group of friends, but when you came out of the closet, and wave the freak flag, as I like to call you waving proudly for everyone to see. What did your friends, your family, your colleagues, people around you have known you throughout your life? I have to imagine, as I always say, it clears a room. So how did how did people react react to it? And how did you react to how they reacted?

Nicola Light 17:33
Yeah, it was really interesting, actually, because my I, I had a very working class background, and, you know, sort of working class family. And we had all the trauma of the family split and all that went on. So I really don't know too much about that side of things. Because I'm a little bit sort of separate from the the absolute family unit. But the friendship thing was really very interesting. We had a sort of a journey of sort of movement through a lot of parties, and my children to private school education. And you get that sort of, you know, that clique of, you know, sort of party relationships with other couples. So you'd go along to these different things, and I was slowly losing my mind, in my spare in my reality. And so we we sort of go along to all the sort of dinner parties and you know, everything. Honestly, Alex, I had everything that ever I decided my part from a working class background into having absolutely everything, okay, so I've got this sort of this persona of, you know, the handbags and the high heel shoes and the tottering around to the balls or the, you know, the school, and I never felt that I was part of it. So they always saw me a little bit slightly to the side. So I always had that a little feeling about myself, and they felt a little bit that way about my family as well. But as soon as I started sort of talking to them about sort of raking, I had and crystals. I had one particular friend, he was absolutely very beautiful. But the Dean her name was and she she said, Nicola, but, but but stones don't have consciousness, but they hold energy. So you're having this battle with people about talking about crystals, and energy, and then we're like, not, you know, and, and so it basically sort of made the relationship sort of slight to stumble, because I stopped drinking. I stopped going to the parties, my ex husband noticed I said ex husband, he's sort of like sort of started to sort of like, you know, sort of drop away from those relationships as well. And, you know, my eating started to change so he saw the change in me, you know, and the Nicola a doting mother sort of shifted our relationship, which was really sort of, you know, very, you know, very sad because we was married for a very long time I was married for over 30 years, got married very young. So there's this nurturing mother, to pampering everybody puffing up the pillows, you know, tottering around in my high heeled shoes, all of a sudden, just wanted to sit at the bottom of the garden and meditate. So in my mind, bless their hearts, honestly, because that sheer, within somebody that you knew all of those years, to shift into the person that I am now has is just, you know, is, is yeah, it's, it's crazy for them. This, my ex husband still really doesn't understand it, which is blessing was his, his, his, his journey, my children are starting to accept me a little bit more. With, you know, the separation, which has now been, you know, four or five years now. So it's been a, you know, it's been a while, but I must say, actually, that that insula, that moment of hermit mode that I went and turned to was so beautiful to me, when I literally left all of the friendships, all that I owned, deconstructed, everything lived on my own, literally just lived on my own with my little dog at the time, and when total hermit mode, so I had no friends, to per se to say, but then gradually, I started to align to people that understood, or would come to me for some healing. And then gradually, now, my beautiful star family, brothers and sisters are all coming in into row. And the connections that I'm having now with people, it's just, you know, you, you have to sort of let go of the old structure, or the old persona, to bring in all these beautiful alignments to all the people that actually do get you. So if anyone's going through that deconstruction, honestly, hand on heart, that is a really hard transition. And, you know, to to move through it, once you're through the other side. It's so much easier, but at the time of really getting

Alex Ferrari 22:26
Not so much. You mentioned the term star seed, and that is a term that's thrown around a lot. A lot. Can you explain to me what a star seed is, for people who, who've never heard of the concept, and who might not believe in a lot of the deeper aspects of what you're saying, to kind of bring it down to a level where people can kind of really grasp it, if that makes sense.

Nicola Light 22:54
Keep keep pulling me down on it. Because I do go off.

Alex Ferrari 22:59
I want to break, I want to keep you because we could go here, and that's fine. We've been there. I've lived up there many times. But I'd like to stay here because I always like to try to reach people who have never heard of this concept who are not, it's not the lowest hanging fruit, if you will, I want I want this to be introduced to people who've never, you know, who are not going to walk or run away from an idea like this. And I just and I'm truly curious, because I really don't know a whole heck of a lot about that other than whatever. I've the little bit I've heard on the internet here and there.

Nicola Light 23:31
Yeah, yeah. So the seed is an analogy, okay. It's not a literal thing. It's stuff like anything that we get in scriptures is not necessarily word for word. And the way that high levels of consciousness can correspond with us communicate with us is very much in an analogy or a vision or an interpretation of the linear word. So, the language that we speak in English to be used, so that we can have a an understanding of it. And if we look at the Bible, we would actually say You know, we sort of they scattered the seeds, you know, and then some fall to the side and some grow really strong. So, that sort of seed word is is beautiful, because from a seed grows something that starts to bring in shoots. And if we then say that there is something with in our, that is a seed waiting to be sparked, into a sense of growth. So that seed within us is always planted within sight of ourselves. Okay. So, our perceived idea of who we are is from our family, our culture, the media, friends, you know, this is who Nicola is. This is who Alex is. This is who anyone else is. We have a lot of stand and of ourselves with an identification of self. But as we're going through the journey, a seed within us that is from a DNA structure, it is an integration within us a lineage and ancestral line that comes right back to the very beginnings of humanity. And that seed within us is coming from more of a cosmic perspective, rather than just purely being an earthbound being. There has been many forces of high levels of consciousness is upon the planet. And within us, there is a seat within us that is placed there that comes from different levels of consciousness, maybe from a Pleiades perspective, or an arcturion or Sirius B or wherever it may be. There's a hybrid system within the DNA structure that lays dormant.

Alex Ferrari 25:58
If you're enjoying this conversation, I invite you to go deeper down the rabbit hole with me on next level soul TV. It's packed with exclusive content like live special guests Q and A's daily podcast commercial free access to the entire next level soul catalog early access to episodes before they air and special meditations you won't find anywhere else, we will be adding new exclusive content every month. Plus, you can connect with me during my monthly live streams, just go to nextlevelsoul.com/subscribe and join our soulful community today, I'll see you on the inside.

Nicola Light 26:35
As we have 12 strands, but two are active. Now as the human starts to evolve through their journey of awareness, self awareness, we start to spark within us the seeding. And the seed comes from that the star seed so star galactic from the DNA structure, or the infrastructure of the beingness of the makeup of physicality. And that seed within us starts the inner light wisdom, that spark within us starts to ignite. And that's the growth of humanity. This is what we're going through the ascension journey, we're starting to remember who we are far more from the mind perspective, through the two eyes and the five senses, we're moving deeper, deeper into who am I, which is holding so many different layers and seedings seedlings, to start to grow within our and this is very beautiful to start to see that, you know, these terminologies they're very loose with this, you know, there's interpretation that I might see, which will be different from other people. But if you've not heard of any of it, we know from science that there is cells within the body, we know that there is a DNA structure, we know there is the missing link in history. And within that, so where did that evolution sit within history, his story, his story, you know, someone else's story. Humanity is here to grow and to assist. This is the Starseed evolution of the movement forward to enable us to start to remember again, deepening into ourselves.

Alex Ferrari 28:26
Yeah, that sounds that is a great different it's a great explanation of it. What you when you when you were talking about the DNA and the structures, the first that one of the first things that popped into my head is the story of the Anunnaki. From from ancient Sumeria, what do you what is your understanding of that story? Can you tell the story from the point of view of the Sumerians and this is historical, like they wrote this on? Tablets, they put it on stone? This is to them that this was something this wasn't I always tell people I'm like, Look, it's not like they were there was a Stephen King, Sumerian, who would just like writing stories, because they wanted to write stories, it was a lot harder to write stories back then. And to chisel it into the, to the rock and everything. So it seems like this, this story comes from something, whether it's an interpretation or something, but can you explain to people what that Anunnaki story is, and then how does that mix in with starseeds?

Nicola Light 29:27
It's a very interesting subject, indeed. And I've had data so when I talk about data, it means in light wisdom within it, working with and through experience, I have an understanding of it. And it's from my own perspective, so I hold my truth within it. So it's not learned information. So I don't know any information outside of the wisdom that I've allotted inside of myself. Okay. So the information that came through was during a session that I was working with a party A lady. And it was very interesting that when we, when I was connecting to her energy, we had a transference of inner wisdom igniting. So that seed within us started this inner light wisdom. And the wisdom within it was from a seed of the Anunnaki lineage within me. And the information that was coming through from a channeled state through the experience, and it was a two way conversation that I in this particular lady call Patricia was having. And that actual, I've actually still got the recording of that particular healing. So there's a there's a point of reference that I can sort of go to from that perspective. But the the information was coming in was that basically it was a group of souls so we pay souls which would be in a form. So an Anunnaki race was coming in, because there was a planetary galactic war that was moving through the cosmos. The the Anunnaki had several layers of let me just get one minute, I'm just getting a bit of a downer. So I'll bring forward some code. Okay, if you don't mind if that's okay. And I hope we won't have too many people that are my see killer took out a pie kind of took me skier to cool Nokia Tada passim Nokia. So there was a Great Galactic War that occurred within the star system that created a sense of locker assume medical base to make that easier, like Judo sort of, what's the word? Get on a resume? Makia Tada Massimo cush Makita, like you the planet is exploded, and you've got to find somewhere to go. So there are people, refugees, refugees, thank you, Nikki Dahlia Makia. So my wife was can't come through. So clearly when the codes come in. So there was refugees that come in, but you had different hierarchies, the hydrograph to call Illuminati, you had the people at the base here, okay. And then you had the apex of just like we would have in this system. So you have the elites within the Anunnaki, that were the people that would be a little bit more, say, of seen as being of darker forks. But the people were just like you and I, you know, these people, and this was part of my lineage was from the yearning narky. But it held this sort of sense of community. So they settled upon the planet. But there was this big sort of rift that came through from the sources, which held duality, just like we have, in our planetary system, here, we have the duality of the light and the dark. And so then there's this warring that went on with this sort of civilization, warring with each other and the manipulation of humans and things like that, but we're going on, the only the only site that I see from my mind is the people of the Anunnaki, from the ground up, the beautiful people, the Annunaki, that was of heart. And we need to see that aspect of the Anunnaki. Other than just sort of like, you know, the, the, you know, the stories that might come in from from different perspectives of it. So the seeding of it sort of came in through this beautiful families that were suppressed within their life, because if you can imagine they're coming from a higher level of consciousness, and there's a planet that they can go to. But this planet wasn't able to hold their level consciously. So there was a hardship. And there's a story that then unfold as the evolution sort of moves through the whole journey of humanity through different epochs of growth and learning. But it comes from that place of duality that still sits within the system, which is now time for the rights, it's now time for the seeding of the the aspects of ourselves to arise within us so that we can then rejoin our star galactic alliances, that we can have connections far beyond this planetary system. So the trapped souls that are have been incarnation, the looping into the system, have been held in a lower vibration, but star seeds coming in to assist from other star systems to allow the sparking of the DNA structure and the remembrance of the souls journey will enable you do to then start to remember who you are far from the suppression of the mind. And that's the whole evolution of humanity is that yes, it started with an influx have high levels of consciousness, but they they had to they had to come, you know, is any refugee would be, I can't stay here, you know, my planets been blown up, you know where to go. So they had to had to come.

Alex Ferrari 35:15
So well, you were just speaking another language there. Can you explain to everybody what you were doing there and when you were getting the quote unquote download. Can you explain that to everybody please?

Nicola Light 35:27
Yeah. So when I come forward with code through the voice, it's, it's bypassing my mind. So if we could see Nicola as being a little bit of a, you know, sort of like a not so bright person that's not belittling Nicola. Okay, so, ego. An avatar yeah, so the high level will consciousness moves through me, and it downloads through into my central column of light. But it bypasses my mind, which is, is aligning to a linear language. So I went to school spoke English, learn English, this is a pen, this is a bodice of the dress. But with light codes, what it is, it's a higher level of consciousness that comes down into the embodied state. And it literally just expresses itself through the breath, and the voice box. So it comes through, when it downloads into my system, I have a support system with higher levels of consciousness, that enables me to interpret from my mind what it is that needs to be said, from a co creative perspective. So Nicola, ego, or No, I haven't studied the Annunaki. I don't know anything about the Anunnaki. Download information. And from a point of reference, I can go into mind from the experience that I had with Patricia. So the data the information comes through in code, as everything is code. And so with all of that, I'm able to remember and to spark within me to then create what the answer to the question that you just asked me, from my perspective of experience, does that make sense?

Alex Ferrari 37:26
Yeah, it does. It sounds a bit like channeling, you're channeling you're opening up a channel to Yeah, information coming through? Is that make sense?

Nicola Light 37:35
Yes, it is. So it's not in a trance state is nothing outside of myself, is information that flows through me is something that I have such a passion about, which many, many people have misconceptions, because because it because you can't understand it, unless you're experiencing it. So there's a lot of fear around light language, there'll be a lot of criticism and judgment of light language, because it's like, well, that doesn't make sense. So therefore it doesn't, it doesn't exist you from making it up. But trust me, when you actually sparked that in light, then that expression starts to converge, and there's no stopping it, it just literally just has to, it just has to project outwardly. So it's it is it is crazy for the mind, even now, and experiencing light pose for those sort of six years or so. You know, it really, it still gets to me because some of the codes that come forward hold a really sort of strange, sort of kind of kin or a funny noise to it. And sometimes it's a bit weird sounding, you know, my plating is really nice, softly sort of quite a nice Humanoid Type of vibration to it. So it's pretty, pretty nice to listen to. Some of them I'll say some of them makes me laugh when I do bring those codes in. So

Alex Ferrari 39:02
Well, I mean, how did you deal with it when that started happening? Like did you give it so let's for for channeling I understand that there's a there's always a choice, you have free will to either allow an entity to come through or if you're a medium to connect or if you're a psychic to you there's always choice you have complete domain your sovereign. Is it the same thing with like, are you choosing and who or what is sending the information.

Nicola Light 39:30
So my template meaning my blueprint, my journey of experience, holds the template and experience of downloading the information so that I spark up so that I can then help people on their journey with spark in their light language. That's my ultimate blueprint is like coding. So I hold a different sort of template to most people on their journey so most people wouldn't necessarily sort of spot their light language. Okay. But the coast that sort of came on, they came in sort of quite automatically and it felt perfect. So as I said, when I started doing the Reiki, my hands started moving. So when it did, it started moving about and I have that sort of understanding from my mind to have a sense of discernment about what's coming forward. And the discernment was, okay, so Reiki symbols, these are different symbols that I'm signing over somebody. And it was making a big difference with my healing, making a massive difference. So I saw that there was an outcome, there's a cause and effect to me coding. The six weeks on, I then started coding with both hands into a lot of more movements. And so I started to sort of understand what it is what I was doing, because remember, I'm trying to unpack from my mind keeping me safe because I'm, you know, I'm using my sermon here. Okay. Then one particular day, when my husband is on a business trip, luckily, you know, I think it was all divinely orchestrated in the middle of the night is probably about two, three o'clock in the morning, as they normally do come in and brings sort of downloads in, I all of a sudden just sat up in bed and just started speaking code.

Alex Ferrari 41:18
That must have been fun for him. Oh, there must have been. He wasn't. Yeah, I was gonna say that would have been. Yeah.

Nicola Light 41:29
But, yeah, so yeah, so I set up and also. Okay, so I've got my hands moving around about a bit. I'm starting to see spirit. I started to feel angels come in. And now I'm starting to sweet this time. Good. Oh, wow,

Alex Ferrari 41:45
This must be fun. Yeah, yeah.

Nicola Light 41:49
I was like, okay, so that is staying under the radar. You don't speak about this, do you? You know, you're like what's going on. So. So when I used to run the children to school all at once I dropped them off at school was about half our journey, when I was coming back, I just got these codes coming forward. And that was coming out in droves just kept on coming forward. And also, that she had made me feel really good. It made me feel sort of lighter within myself, it made me sort of start to feel more peaceful. It was moving all the energy all heard the sort of puffiness, and all this sort of anger within me was fear within me started to dissipate. And I was like, another minute, these codes of doing this to me, and my, my clients are feeling this way. My discernment says, like, cope, you know, my heart's filtering their energy moving through me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm like, this is beautiful. Because if I then bring in an intention from my mind, to then bring in a code, I can then bring the code in to allow me to then start to adjust the code. So we've playing about with the remembrance of what what I used to when I started to see what the codes were doing. And then the incremental sort of like shifts within me started to sort of bring these inner wisdoms within me. And then different codes were coming in different dialects are coming in different experiences, different visions, different geometric shapes, there's flashing past my mind in meditation, and all the vessels like if you're used to starting to remember, and this sort of sense of remembrance was coming in, and this wisdom was coming on board, and the coast was starting to flow through through me. And so the pure column of light started to sort of move the energy out of my physical body, starting to heal the physical body starting to get more fluid within my practice of yoga, my breath work, my intuitive breath work started to come in. So you might say like, language is not right, Kay. But in my experience, and with the people that I work with that have started to ignite their lie codes, it's transformational. It truly is. So if you're not quite sure of it, just park it on the show without judgment. But the light codes are here to spark because everything is code, everything is frequency. So if these codes are coming in an operating arts, then that can only my mind from my perspective only can be a good thing.

Alex Ferrari 44:34
Interesting. Very, very interesting. i How did you how did you deal with this? This seems like a lot. This is like a lot of stuff coming down. I know what it did not happen in one day, but it just seems like a lot to me. Again, to dive into a channel. They have a lot to deal with when it's just channeling or when it's just being a medium or when it's just being a psychic or when it's you know, dealing with a new day. experience, you seem to be doing a lot? How do you deal with this all? How did you deal with it? And how do you? How do you deal with it now, on a daily basis, because you know, when you when we were logged in, you were downloading, when we logged into the Zoom before we started recording, you were like, Oh, I'm the I'm like, Okay, wait a minute. I mean, this is, how do you deal with it? How do you juggle this and maintain a normal life in this reality? You have kids? I mean, you have an ex husband, you have a new boyfriend, like you're trying to live in this world, and yet you're connected to the other side at a very elite level? How do you balance this all?

Nicola Light 45:37
Yeah, it's, it's, it's part of the journey of of who is Nicola. It feels like it's a little bit inverted, in a way. It's like, it's like my soul's journey and purpose for being here is to be an apex, okay, is to pierce the bow of downloading information into the system. If you can imagine, if you'd like to look at the top there is like sunlight, workers will be at the top of the apex, that would be more next level evolutionary humans upon the planet. And I know that that's part of my journey, is that I pierce through the next level of understanding of humanity. So I'm going to hold that little bit of about people that might see it from this perspective, spirituality sort of runs on different sort of levels of understanding. And so when I sort of joined in with this sort of meditation, and then I went to breath and the room to energy awareness, then I went into sort of the physical body, and, and the movement of body and the release of the emotions within the body. And all of this came in very, very gradually. So it's been a beautiful seeding journey along the way. So like you say, it's not like I would straightaway, because if it would have been like that, in the very beginning, I would have, I would have just shut me down. So it's very normal to me, it's very, very normal. But I must say that people around me are starting to actually do the same. So it's not so bad, because you know, because I've got people that I can start brothers and sisters that are on the same sort of apex. And so I aligned with all these different people. And we can then work through all of this together so that our minds or egos can accept it. So your question then is that how does Nicola the ego cope with it, and it's because it's, it's so engrained into who is the new Nicola that it is just who I am now. So it doesn't feel crazy. And it and the experience just allows me just to receive the next level of information, and the next data and the next download and the next, pushing through the information because it's just feels so driven within me to to move this out to be part of this new wave of experiences, spirituality, which the next level, we're calling for the next level of the evolution of humanity to rights, and spiritual lateral spirituality will keep us kept to this degree, we must push through to the next level wisdom within ourselves. So we can ascend as masters, or sovereign beings of light to awaken within us who am I? Because that's the question that we all hold is why am I here? What is my mission? What am I supposed to be doing here. And if I can download that information through me as a pure column column of light, anchor it down into this grid work system, into the matrix, then that's my job. That's my mission. I'm doing what I came here to do. Now as a part of my mission in assisting others facilitating others into that understanding. Then I'm also here to assist others are showing everybody how I've done it, I can then assist others to amplify and quicken their process into remembering why they are here. But you're always going to have those people that are the sort of the Wayshowers into this new reality that we started to create.

Alex Ferrari 49:28
You mentioned the term but lightworker which is another word that's thrown around. What exactly is a light worker? Can you explain that to people?

Nicola Light 49:38
Okay, if we look at energy, energy is light, okay. Energy is frequency, energy is breath. So somebody that works with light that is moving density, that is a lower vibration light out of the system, they work the energy They entwined energy they work in grid works, meaning the energy around the Earth can be upgraded. So we have our meridian lines, we have our, our beautiful chakra systems in on guy on Earth. And so a light worker would be would be like a light Weaver, somebody that would move energy through them. Be honest, like I see it and I get, I have sort of an understanding of it being almost like a pin. Like you need to be in Glastonbury Nicola. So I go to Glastonbury, your lead, you are very much led and guided through the journey. So a light worker to me would be somebody that would be working the light through more consciously as well. More connected to higher levels of consciousness, consciousness. So it's a descriptive word again, I think it's a nice way of describing it. And I sort of adopted the word light in my name, and, and that sort of frequency of light will help people remember

Alex Ferrari 51:12
Beautiful. Now Nicola, I'm gonna ask you a few questions, ask all of my guests. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Nicola Light 51:21
It is about being able to express yourself and to be authentic within yourself without being shamed or blamed or judged. So the fulfillment of it is to step into what who you truly are as a being upon the planet. And the balance of it, how you go beautifully asked me before, is how do you balance that with your ego. So you've got your mission work, which is all about Starseeds, lightworkers, galactic stuff, all that beautiful woowoo stuff up here. But how do you ground that into being human, and that that is where I am at, it is having that balance between the two. And being with my new partner here in Sweden, He rounds me very beautifully. Because I can drift off up in this room in this space, and just carry myself and go into hermit mode. So if anything, allow yourself to have this sense of balance across all of it, that you are, if you're more human, just just inviting a little bit of meditation, a little bit of breathwork a bit of this information that might might spark or trigger you just have that sense of balance within yourself to enable you to sort of move forward. So I would love that sense of balance for everybody.

Alex Ferrari 52:45
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak a little Nicola, what advice would you give?

Nicola Light 52:49
Hmm, interesting. When I was little Nicola, I was very scared of the dark and being seen. And that was for a reason. And I see this within many children and people I work with, is that they really don't want to be seen, because their light is very bright. And if we have darker shades of light, wanting to dampen our light to stop us from shine, then that space has a sense of fear about it. So I would say to little Nicola is all right, it all works out, it all gets to a space where you are saying, and just know that you are saying, you know, and know that, to speak your truth and to be authentic. So I would sort of shine a little bit of light in a potentiality of her journey into knowing that it all is well. You know, it all works through because little Nicola was very shy, very sensitive, and very afraid of many many things. So I would give her a hug and just tell her that it all works through and it's all, it's all okay.

Alex Ferrari 54:05
How do you define God or Source energy?

Nicola Light 54:08
To me God, mother, father, God, energy, I like to put the sense of Mother Father God within it because God energy just feels very masculine and very sort of enriched in religion. And I found it very difficult to sort of speak about the word God for many many years and then I brought into phase of just sort of just coming in with Mother Father God and it's settled my heart a little bit to Mother Father God is that spark of wisdom within ourselves is that breath within ourselves, it's it's that in a light wisdom that runs through our all of us, and we're all fractals of the sense one source of light, that if you imagine like an egg, in the fertilization process or creation of a human being, you have a source Suppose light, and then another brings in a sense of duality into the experience. So it's that fractionalization of that oneness, that is mother, father, God all sorts. It, it's, it's within all of us. It's, it's the life for its breath. Ultimately, it's the light that flows through us, which is energy. And all of that is expressed from different perspectives within all of us. So that we can then fully see, from all perspectives who we are. So mother, father, God is us basically, it's that beautiful energy that moves through. So it's nothing outside of ourselves. It's all here. It's all here.

Alex Ferrari 55:46
Beautifully said, What is love?

Nicola Light 55:49
And sort of love has different phases of evolution. Now, I love a cup of tea. But I also love my work, my mission, my beingness, my authenticity, and I love my new partner, I love my children. So there are different sort of varying degrees of just that one word, and which is very sort of reminiscent of what I've just spoken about with sort of some Mother, Father God, is that just different levels of vibrations of love. But that ultimate sense of love is that pure light within ourselves in that sense of that light spark within we must, we must love ourselves first. Because nothing outside of ourselves is going to complete us, you know, not the big farmhouse in the country, and all the handbags and all of that, you know, I love my shoes, and I love this, and I love my house, and I love my clothes, all of that is outside of ourselves, loving yourself internally, sparking that with inside of yourself, assist you to sort of really get to remember who you are, to see who you're not. And then allow yourself to start to love others in the way that you love yourself. And that ultimately, is our is that our goal on the planet, isn't it?

Alex Ferrari 57:08
It is very much is and what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Nicola Light 57:17
It is the expression of who we are as a true being of light. It is that expression, that is why we are here, isn't it. Is to be and to do what we create joy with inside of ourselves. And that emulation of that beautiful light that then will help and seed others to assist others to be of service to others to be a light so that others can then see their way back into remembrance. So the purpose, the purpose for all of us is to remember is to remember who we are?

Alex Ferrari 58:02
And where can people find out more about you and the work that you're doing in the world?

Nicola Light 58:05
Okay, so my website is nicolalight.com. And I hold a little scheduling system on there where I offer things like mentoring in their light language codecs and their spiritual journey and also offer their healing so to take them to the next level of their availability or connection to the high levels of consciousness, and also have a YouTube channel which is growing gradually throughout the years, that pulls an awful lot of information and the data that I speak off on offer light language activations, and healings and wisdom ignition codes within that and that's usually sort of sparkled up with a little bit of humor because the ego comes in an awful lot. So I do like to keep things sort of grounded within the egoic point of view. And also I also offer on Udemy light language, online courses which are available is the best seller on Udemy little bit of ego coming in there so um, it's helped many many people so so there's many ways that I can be of service.

Alex Ferrari 59:18
And you have any parting messages for the audience.

Nicola Light 59:20
Do you mind if I just offer some codes?

Alex Ferrari 59:23
Absolutely go for it.

Nicola Light 59:33
It is the movement from the ego mind into the heart that we need to really focus upon here. There are many reasons why we forget who we are, mainly because we've been mind washed into a controlling system. So we need to question within our minds who are we what is being presented if you got to the end of this particular video To hear, why is it that you listen to the very end of the video to question everything to use your discernment. So the parting message would be is just to push through the mind, or what you perceive to be the reality of all things, and to open up into the understanding of something far more than what you perceive yourself to be, which is mind and body. So just be open to receive that next level, to you to then grow in and evolve within your soul's journey. So that's soul growth. Learning is what I would say is just keep pushing through. Just keep remembering who you are.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:42
Thank you so, so much for this conversation. It's been quite enlightening. And I really hope it helps people around the world. So thank you, and thank you for the work that you're doing the work and the planet. Thank you so much, my dear.

Nicola Light 1:00:53
Thank you so much. Thank you.

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