In the hushed whispers of the cosmic winds, we find ourselves immersed in today’s profound dialogue with Richard Martini. A filmmaker turned afterlife researcher, Richard brings to the table not just stories but encounters with the beyond that challenge our very understanding of existence. His journey is a testament to the seamless blend of artistry and spirituality, a voyage from the tangible frames of film to the ethereal frames of our souls.

Richard Martini’s odyssey into the afterlife began with a personal loss that transformed his path. The passing of his dear friend Luana Anders marked the beginning of his exploration into the unseen realms. Luana, an actress of over 300 TV shows and movies, began appearing in Richard’s dreams and later, more vividly, in his waking life. This wasn’t a figment of imagination but a profound connection that spurred him to dive deeper into understanding the afterlife. As Richard recounts, “When they started seeing her, I thought, well, that can’t be me making that up because they’re reporting the same things I’m seeing.”

In our conversation, Richard unveils his unique method of using hypnotherapy to explore past lives and the afterlife. He mentions working with Dr. Michael Newton, a pioneer in the field, and how these sessions revealed astonishing details about the continuity of the soul. Richard’s work, documented in films and books like “Flipside” and “Hacking the Afterlife,” provides a window into these otherworldly experiences. He emphasizes, “We are all just actors on a stage, and the real learning happens when we step off the stage and reflect on our performance.”

Richard shares an intriguing story about using a medium to communicate with Amelia Earhart. He describes how the medium, Jennifer Schaefer, accurately recounted details only known to Richard, proving the veracity of these spiritual encounters. Richard states, “Amelia told us that when they dug her up, they only found an arm,” a fact corroborated later by historical research. Such experiences underline the depth of Richard’s work and its potential to bridge the gap between the living and the departed.


  1. The Continuity of the Soul: Richard’s experiences and research suggest that our soul’s journey doesn’t end with death. Instead, we continue to learn, grow, and interact with the world from the other side. This continuity offers a comforting perspective on life and death.
  2. The Importance of Forgiveness and Healing: Through past life regressions and afterlife communications, Richard highlights the significance of resolving past traumas and embracing forgiveness. Understanding that we plan our lives, including the challenges, can help us navigate our current experiences with more compassion and wisdom.
  3. The Role of Spiritual Guides: Richard emphasizes the presence and assistance of spiritual guides throughout our lives. These guides, who have walked similar paths before, offer support and wisdom, helping us make sense of our earthly experiences and guiding us towards our spiritual goals.

In a particularly poignant part of our discussion, Richard shares a quote from one of his sessions: “Life continues. And it’s not about vanity or success. It’s about focusing your work on what will change the planet and heal people.” This insight resonates deeply, reminding us that our actions and intentions here and now can have far-reaching impacts beyond our immediate understanding.

Richard’s stories are not just tales of the afterlife; they are a call to live more fully, to embrace our spiritual journey with curiosity and openness. As we navigate our paths, his experiences encourage us to seek connections with our guides, heal from our past, and look beyond the veil with wonder.

Please enjoy my conversation with Richard Martini.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 472

Richard Martini 0:00
And I thought, Oh, well, this is where she's like a cell phone to the other side. So I started working with her as a cell phone. And for eight years, every week, we spend an hour together talking to people off planet. I went through all of my lifetimes. And when I graduated, I was given a graduation gift of a new soul. And that was you, Richard. So my guide, referred to me as his graduation gift, and now he watches over all of my lifetimes.

Alex Ferrari 0:41
I'd like to welcome to the show, Richard Martini. How you do Richard?

Richard Martini 0:44
I'm great, Alex, how are you?

Alex Ferrari 0:46
I'm doing great, my friend. Thank you so much for for doing this. And coming on the show.

Richard Martini 0:51
Can I just say this is such a treat for me. And I've had so many people reach out to me and say, well, you're too on his show. His show is the best show. And so when Bob Thurman gave me a shout out on your show, I was like people wrote to me were like, Oh, my God, anyway, so I'm honored to be here. You've had everybody and their brother on their show on your show. And you have an audience that we should all wish to have on our podcast

Alex Ferrari 1:19
Well, I appreciate that very, very much. It's been a humbling journey to say the least doing this show. As you can imagine, coming from filmmaking as you have, as well, you come from the same, you and I have walked over the same corpses. But you know, over the same battlefields, if we've had the shrapnel from working in Hollywood for many, many years, from there to the spiritual space is a large, large jump. And they're very large jump and from a filmmaking podcast to a spiritual podcast without having a spiritual awakening, near death experience gone to the top of the Himalayas. Just truly just curious about what we're talking about. It's been it's been a ride. And from what I understand.

Richard Martini 2:03
It's about your journey, of course, because whenever you people you have so many interesting people on and then they talk about themselves. May I say, where they're supposed, as opposed to but I mean, in my case, and of course, because I do a podcast hacking the afterlife where we talk to people, you know, quite a bit, I have publicist reach out to me, and they say, can I get my client on your show? And I say, I'm really sorry, but the only clients we talked to are off planet. So when your client is no longer here, we're happy to talk to him or her.

Alex Ferrari 2:35
Oh, my God.

Richard Martini 2:36
But I'm curious. I am curious about your journey. And I mean, I don't want to go down. I'm not deflecting, but I'm curious where you go from a filmmaker to a spiritual guy,

Alex Ferrari 2:45
I'll give you I'll give you the one minute like the 62nd. Go. Talk about that, because I've talked about it on the show before and I've had done done other interviews, I've gone deep into it. But basically, my spiritual guide here on Earth, she's been with me for 26 years, told me I had to do a spiritual podcast. And I said, you're insane. Why would I do something like that? She's like, No, it's time you need to do it. And I said, Okay. And she's like, you have three weeks to put it all together. I'm like, Why? Because that's Easter. And that's gonna be a good time for you to launch. So I was like, she, I guess you're insane. You're insane. Yeah, can never happen. And she's like, nobody could do that. She's like, Absolutely, you're right. No one could do that. But you can. And I said, Alright, so three weeks later, we had guests we had, we had a trademark. I mean, it was all done website, the whole thing. I did it all myself, and got the ball rolling. And that was April of will Easter of 2021.

Richard Martini 3:35
But let me, now hold on one sec. And this is a question I asked my film students, what was your first conscious thought that you would have some kind of a connection with spirituality, and then you can go back to when you were a kid? I mean, it's something

Alex Ferrari 3:50
I've always been interested in this. Richard, I've always been interested in this. I was raised. I'm a recovering Catholic. So I've, you know, I've, I started down that path didn't really make sense to me, with a lot of the dogma and stuff and the fear based stuff that I didn't like, but I liked a lot of the cool stuff like that Jesus guy seemed cool. He had some cool, add some cool stuff to talk about. But I just found my own path. And then I was introduced to Yogananda and then once I started going down more of the Eastern philosophies, Eastern teachings, and they started going deep down that road. And she and she, again, she would give me books to read that just, you know, had started exploding and books that were ahead of the time that I needed to read them, but started planting seeds.

Richard Martini 4:36
You probably I know this, you may have talked about it, but you know, Elvis was a Yogananda fan, and it changed his life.

Alex Ferrari 4:44
The Beatles as well. George Harrison. George Harrison was a big one as well with Yogananda is on Sergeant Pepper. The cover of Sergeant Pepper.

Richard Martini 4:52
Oh, I didn't realize of course, I live a few few miles from his center that he had here in Los Angeles. Oh yeah. too,

Alex Ferrari 5:01
So just so just so you know, on the cover of Sergeant Pepper's on the Sergeant Pepper album, we have Yogananda Baba Ji, lahir Maha che, and you have to schwa. All four of them are on the cover of very cool. And from what I understand each Beatle got to choose four icons to put on the cover. And those were all George Harrison's.

Richard Martini 5:24
Wow, that's good. Well, I you know, I gotta tell you in my journey, which is similar to yours, I grew up, I was an altar boy actually learned the maths and Latin and then they switched it over to English. And I was like, Oh, come on, really, I have to learn this again. And my uncle was a priest. But I had to tell you, when I had a question to the one of the nuns in my grade school, what up with this thing where Seth? And, you know, able go out and populate the world? Or cane? Sorry? Yeah. And how did that happen? They did many sisters court the girls come from, and the nun said, Richard, you know, you're asking too many questions. But that section of the Bible is metaphor. And I went, oh, oh, you mean, somebody wrote it to give you an example of Oh, and then suddenly, in my head, everything was metaphor, I realized. And at that moment, I turned to my parents, I said, you know, I don't think I have to go to church anymore. And they were like, they were really they were really,

Alex Ferrari 6:30
They were cool with it. Well, I mean, there's that whole you know, the Earth's only around 6000 years old, according to the Bible, and, and that's it, and then like, oh, but those dinosaur bones. Well, we don't like to talk about those.

Richard Martini 6:43
But listen, I want to tell you something. It's fascinating. And it's been in my bailiwick. And I don't know if we were going to talk about it, but I will just bring it up. Jesus shows up a lot in near death experiences. Now

Alex Ferrari 6:56
I say he's the hardest working man in show business. I always say that.

Richard Martini 7:01
I was just my friend, Dr. Bruce Grayson wrote a book called after which is really a fantastic, wonderful. Terrific,

Alex Ferrari 7:10
I did, yeah, Bruce's on.

Richard Martini 7:12
Sorry. there you go. I really read who's you know, I have to watch anyway. Recently, he gave a talk at the International Association of near death studies, which I've spoken out of quite a bit. And he revealed things that he left out of the book after. And some of the details he left out were like, 85% of the people have a near death experience, report meeting, source or God, and that they use the terms indescribable joy, unconditional love, or non judgmental acceptance. And it's those terms are show up a lot in the flip side research. But beyond that, he said that 15% of near death experiences, people report seeing Jesus, whether they believe in him or not. And in the past 15 years of me filming people, either under hypnosis during a guided meditation or with mediums. He's shown up more than that, let's just say and the former head of Paramount Studios, David Kirkpatrick reached out to me and said, You need to write a book about these interviews. And so I did and this book, the greatest story ever told that painting by my Great Uncle Pete siano, you should, it's stories of people who reported talking to him. And I found people talking to him live. Like, it's a guided meditation. It's very simple. And they say, I'm seeing Jesus and then I'll say, how do you know it's him? Is he wearing a nametag? And then they say, I just know it, I feel it. And a lot of times, they're not Christians. And they'll say to me, this is weird, because I don't believe in him. But here he is. And then I go on, I take that next step I do the podcasting thing that you do, which is I say, can I ask you a question? And if the answer is yes, then I asked the same questions. And it's something Dr. Grayson mentions in his book after you can get objective data from subjective experiences if you ask the same questions to people who are experiencing something identical questions, so I can say, based on the on that parameter, Jesus says, very often, the Bible is metaphor. When he said that I was like, oh, that's what I thought. That's funny. The Bible is metaphor. He said, All religions point to the same garden, which is pretty profound. Then he said, You don't have to follow me, but allow me to walk beside you as we walk each other home. You've heard that from rom Das, you know, we're just so here he is quoting up dos in this weird way. But he says it repeatedly. So I've asked him, me, him. I'm asking somebody who's seeing him. I can't see him. But they're saying, I'm seeing him here. And yes, he's answering your questions. And I've asked him, Why are you He gives an alternate story of his life of what happened of his journey. And it's ain't in the book, but it is in my book, but he gives an alternate story. And I've asked him, Why are you giving us this alternate story of your life? And his answer twice with different people was Richard, it's not alternative if it's true. And I went, Oh, my gosh, that's so deep. So you should be a philosopher. And he said, I was one once.

Alex Ferrari 10:52
So Richard, let me so let's start. Let's start. Because there's so much I would like to talk to you about. Can you tell people what drew you to the afterlife to doing this kind of work? Coming from a filmmaking background?

Richard Martini 11:06
Give a little context for that crazy Martini guy who just told a bizarre story. Oh, but one follow up to that is, recently, I was talking to a woman doing a guided meditation. She said she saw, I'm just scientists in Washington, DC. And I always asked sand quick, can he change into something more conducive to conversation? Because people when they see on there, they lose their breath, their faces turned beet red. And she said, Okay, he's changed into jeans and a T shirt, which is what he always changes into, no matter who sees him. And I think to myself, does a guy have no clothes in his closet? Like what's going on? But in this case, I asked the question, can you see anything on a t shirt? I'd never asked that before. Why not? She started to chuckle and she said, it says the Grateful Dead.

Alex Ferrari 11:59
Yeah. Sorry.

Richard Martini 12:00
So my journey to this unusual topic that brought us together, which I love. That's fantastic. Is that a very dear friend of mine, lawanna, Anders actress who had been in over 300 TV shows and movies we were, we met at USC film school. And we've been We were together for 20 years. When she passed away in my arms back in 1996. She started showing up in my dreams at first, and then I could hear her voice. And then two would appear I could see her clearly as a younger person. And then other members of my family saw her. And when they started seeing her, I thought, Well, that can't be me making that up because they're reporting the same things I'm seeing. And so I start, I thought, well, there's got to be if she can come and visit us, how do we go visit her. So she had been a Buddhist? So I started studying Buddhism, I thought maybe that's the key. And I ended up as we've mentioned, meeting Robert Terman. And I took his class audit his class at Columbia. And that led to trips to India, it led to a trip and into Tibet. There's a fun documentary, which is on YouTube for free journey into Tibet with Robert Thurman. I follow him around Mount Kailash. But all those things that for people familiar with Buddhism, they know that, you know, there's not a finite supposedly, there's not a finite person. However, my experience was different. I was talking to my friend and people were seeing the same person. So literally, that person still exists, not as a wisp of smoke, you see. And so I dove into this work. And I've ran into Michael Newton, who was a hypnotherapist in Los Angeles. And for 30 years, he had been doing these hypnotherapy sessions and gathered all of that into a book called Journey of souls. Subsequently, after talking to Grayson and the University of Virginia who was saying, Well, you know, hypnosis is not a valid tool of science. I found that Dr. Helen Wamba also did like 3000 clinical case studies where she eliminated bias in her work. You familiar with Dr. Brian Weiss. He's had 4000 cases. So I was able to gather data, which reflected what I was experiencing, and I began filming people. I asked Michael Newton, if I could film people under hypnosis to see if that process was okay. And at first they said, Well, he said, I'm retired. I don't really do that anymore. And then he met me. And he said, Okay, I'll give you my last interview, which is an odd thing to say, because he was 16 years still on the planet. But I found him for this documentary called Flip side. And it was somewhere during that week when I was filming people under hypnosis, saying the same things about you know, the afterlife that somebody suggested And Paul Orrin, the former president of that group said, rich, why don't you try one? And I thought, Oh, what a perfect way to prove it fake or false. I didn't think there was an afterlife. I didn't think I would be under I could do hypnosis. All misnomers. Listen, if you can talk to the dead somebody, Philip noise the film director introduced me to somebody said, Hey, this is Rich, he thinks he talks to the dead. I said, No, Philip, I talked to people who talked to the dead. So in my case, I'm now filming myself. It's in the documentary. I'm filming myself accessing previous lifetimes. Accessing my friend, who is on the flip side, looking at me, like, what are you doing here? How did you get here, she's surprised to see me. I try to focus on new information, stuff that I couldn't have made up, you know, whether it's something your grandmother is wearing, you know, and you see them in a dream or a vision, you can revisit that vision through guided meditation and take a look at their clothing, because it's something you know, if it's not where the clothes come from, you see, if you're making stuff up about a loved one, they should look the way they looked. But generally, most people when they see a loved one during hypnosis, or guided meditation, or even with mediumship, that when they show up, they usually show up younger and healthier and thinner. It's like they've gone through the CGI machine. But so in my case I've I focused on really since about 15 years now I've focused on first it was hypnotherapist and I was just filming them not asking questions. And some were five or six years going out and coming out with flip side and these documentaries. I got contacted by a medium Jennifer Schaefer, Manhattan Beach, worked with law enforcement. I was I didn't know what a medium was. And I asked her I said, so what is that you do? And she explained it to me. She had worked with Bill Bratton, the former head of LAPD and NYPD, in solving missing person cases. And I thought, Oh, well, this is where she's like a cell phone to the other side. So I started working with her as a cell phone. And for eight years, every week, we spend an hour together talking to people off planet. Sometimes our friends of mine, close friends, for example, I was at Carl Weathers Memorial, the Directors Guild two days ago, are a wonderful friend. We wrote a screenplay together. And two days after he passed, I said to her, I'd like to talk to my friend Carl. She only works with the first name. And she said, Okay, he's here. She didn't recognize him. So I'm going to look over on the screen because I put it up just in case we talked about Carl. Sure. I said Carl, and I told this to his family at the memorial. I said, Carl, what is it you want to say? And he said, I had a magnificent life. Jennifer then said, was he a director? I said, Yes, he was. I said, I want to ask you about Randall Randall, his friend Randall, who is Randal Kleiser, who directed Greece. Randall put Carl in his first television show. She said, Oh, okay. He's he wants to say thank you. And it feels like Rambo put him on the map, which was true. And then I to get into it, he just said that. He the most important thing he said is that life is like a blink. that had happened so fast. That people and I asked him specific questions about all of his friends from John fabro. Favreau to Adam Sandler, Arnold Schwarzenegger, sly. Each thing is like, each thing, I use their first name and Jennifer, for example, with Arnold, she said he's saying he could still beat them arm wrestling, which was in the movie Predator, which Jennifer didn't know until I mentioned slice name. And then she went, Oh my gosh, it's the boxer. You know, she then saw him clearly. Anyway, my point is this. Look, I'm not doing magic. This is anybody can do this. I'm just a filmmaker. I just happened to stumble upon the idea that people have filters on their brain when they're born. Some children don't have them until the age of eight. And they can remember past lifetimes and see people that others cannot my kids did that. I'm sure you've seen people have heard people say that, you know their kids are like telling me about my previous lifetime. But Grayson noted that elderly people lose the filters to study in the UK 70% of the people hospice care of people with dementia patients said their memory spontaneously came back. Then as Grayson noted, it's like the atrophied brain kills the filters, and they see people that others cannot see. And so I've realized that basically what I'm doing is filming people bypassing those filters. Grayson talks about him in his book after but there are filters that block information not conducive to survival that we shouldn't be looking at paying attention to. But sometimes we can. And sometimes we do you know, mediums are people who have got screwy filters, the filters just don't work properly. Then you have dreams with the filters are off, and you're seeing people that used to exist and hearing of course, everything said in a dream is telepathic. You're not hearing sound, but you are hearing sound. And then you have people who use hallucinogens, I'm sure you've heard that DMT studies like that, right, taken off the filters, meditate. And like I say, I've been filming for people for 15 years, using hypnotherapy, or guided meditation. And this is where it gets really interesting. The past, I don't know, maybe five or six years. I had a friend reach out to me who had done a hypnotherapy session. And she was, you know, she had six hours, these are six hour sessions, four to six hours. And during her session, she had an amazing journey. And the reason I noticed because she was a total skeptic, total atheist, she only agreed to do the session because her doctor said it would be good for her to relax. and film producer, you know, sort of worked at all. Yeah, a person a big personality. But there she was instantly talking to people on the other side meeting guides, talking to an Akashic librarian, who everybody, everything that she said was so interesting. But so now about eight years later, I'm having lunch with her. And I said, So do you recall, she's like, ag vaguely recall that stuff. I don't really remember it. And I said, Well, would you like to? And over coffee, I just said, well, let's picture yourself in a boat on a river. And we did the Beatles meditation, as I call it. And I asked her guide to come forward. And I had met them before you see, and plus I had transcribed the session. So I'm very familiar with what they said. And we brought them all back within a few seconds. Like they were waiting to talk to us. So the book, divine counsels in the afterlife. And this was with her help. She knew about 20 scientists, clergy, doctors who had all done guided meditation. None of them were aware of they had guides or counselors or teachers they could talk to, but they had all done guided meditation. So it was like they'd already already bypassed the filters, you see. And so I did a zoom session with each one Harvard neuroscientists a key era where a Secura or is it Akela? I forget. But anyway, he let me use his name. He didn't care. He was talking to his counsel, every person in the room and I thought it would be a percentage, like so many would be able to access this. No, all of them. And they all met guides, teachers, council members that they didn't know they could talk to and each council member has some quality that you've earned in a lifetime. So if you have like 15 council members, you've been around a lot. If you have like three or four, maybe not so much. But each one has a quality like courage, wisdom.

Loyalty, creativity. Exactly. And so it's a fascinating journey. But And now here's where the weird weird so recently, I was at the contact in the desert. saying, you know, you've heard about that. That's where people talk about aliens and stuff. Oh, copy of my book. Oh, there's my piano. Sorry. Um, Close Encounters of the flipside guy. All right. How to phone home. I was an out when I was in seventh grade. I was doing a science project and my nun speaking to nuns. Gotta love the nuns, Sisters of St. Casimir. She assigned me a friend of hers who was a professor to help me with my science project which won the state fair. Back in seventh grade, his name was J. Allen Hynek, J. Allen Hynek was responsible for writing project Bluebook while he was at Northwestern University. He's the guy who invented the term Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It's all when I saw the movie. There he is in the movie, smoking his pipe, and I went, Oh my God, that's my seventh grade. So Science teacher. Well, his son is a scientist, teaches at Pepperdine. And he was a quite a big spokesperson at this contact in the desert conference. So I took the opportunity to not only interview Paul to do a guided meditation with Paul, I left it up to him who he wanted to talk to. You want her to talk to his father who was off the planet. We did an hour long conversation, where his father said the same said like things about me, called me persnickety. Weird word, because I asked too many questions. Now, I took that information to Jennifer Schaefer on our podcast, you can, you know, we can dial in his name, search his name, you'll find it. And I, I said, I wanted to speak to this person, she didn't know who it was, I said, you know, I, I'm familiar with your son, and I would like to talk to you. And we had an hour long conversation where he called me persnickety again, as well as confirmed all the details that his son had said, you know, the time when he came to, he felt him in the room when he was like playing with a puppy, you know, that sort of thing. So it's a anyway, and But back to the reason I mentioned this is because people talk into their councils, sometimes anywhere from five to 15 people. There's people who don't normally incarnate on the planet, sometimes that freaks people out there, they're going along a line, because I ask them to go along the line left to right, who's here, you know, oh, it's my grandfather, or it's this wise being or it's an angel. I mean, I can see, you know, they talk about what they can see, I can't see him, but they can. And then they go, Okay, this is where somebody's not from here. And I asked the same questions. Who are you? Are you a tourist? Are you just stopping by this council? Or have you been watching over this person's life for many lifetimes? And sometimes they say, well, this person and I are friends back on my planet. And that's where I know this person from.

Alex Ferrari 27:11
And that's, that's when the record strives to a halt.

Richard Martini 27:16
So I know that Michael Newton's Institute, which has been around and they've had 80,000 reports, that 30 Over 35% of them include memories of lifetimes, off planet on other planets. So your friend Rich, who is you know, a little bit crazy himself. I asked the same questions. And so I asked, you know, let's say I asked this one fella, clearly not from this universe or realm. I said, Have you ever incarnated as a human? Some people have? And he said, I wouldn't stoop so low. Now, the person I was talking to as a scientist, and they thought they were just, you know, it was disconcerting to hear that to them. I don't know why he said that. But you know, that's what he said. So anyway, I tried to focus on new information, that sentence itself is new information to most humans who would think really, like isn't this the greatest, you know, it's a difficult, dense place that has gravity, that that there's constant fighting, if you're a warrior, you can either the bench or you can be in the scrum, you can get out there. And you might like that, and that might be your choice. And this is the key element of what it is that I'm talking about in this or what I've discovered to myself, which is, incarnation is optional. I filmed enough people recalling their life planning process, and you can see them in the movies, flipside, and hacking the afterlife, where people recall the event of talking to their guides and having the guides pitch them pitch, you know, pitch them this idea, I think you should be this guy. And you say, Yeah, I did that in the Viking era. I don't want to be the drunk uncle again. I don't want to play that role. And the people who are asking you say, oh, but you're so good at it, you would really be at the eye, please help me. And yet this relativity thing is that 25 years on earth, for people on the flip side, they report it's like five or 10 minutes. So if you're asking someone to show up for five or 10 minutes to play this role that's going to teach you lessons or help you overcome actions or karma that you've had in previous good that can help you. You may say yes, but you can opt out, defer or say no. And that is, as you know, as you know, contrary to the whole idea of being trapped on a wheel, that we have to get out. have, because if you're, if it's optional to get off the wheel, or to get on the wheel, yes

Alex Ferrari 30:06
To my understanding, after all of my research of interviewing so many people in this space and and from all walks of life on the show, I understand that it isn't that you have to come back, that you eventually choose to come back to clear up karma because it's a debt that you have on you whether you want to deal with it now, 500 years, 1000 years, 20,000 years is up to you. There's no real time on the other side. So you choose but you eventually want to choose because you want to go to the next level you want to, you want to evolve, and you can't evolve without incarnation. Well, excuse me, rephrase that you can't evolve without incarnation. But it's a slower, slower like it this is like this is completely a PhD level experience where you're going to learn a lot very fast, very intense, where it might take you 10 to 20 times that time. On the other side. That's my general understanding, but you

Richard Martini 30:59
Let me give you a lovely quote on that which came from somebody saying, the earth experience is the show, it's like being in the major leagues. You can, you can spend 500 years on some boring planet where nothing happens. But you can learn more from tragedy in one day on Earth spiritually.

Alex Ferrari 31:20
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Richard Martini 31:56
Then you can in 500 years on some boring planet where nothing happens. Now, you know, our experiences like give me the boring, I really, I just want to chill, like no more drama. Okay, that's optional, but all your friends and this is the other part, which is when you choose to come on stage. You aren't by yourself, you have a whole theater of people actors who are volunteering and saying I want to play your grandfather. Really? Yeah, I want to play play your best friend, I'm going to play that role that's going to hit you in the car that makes you get out of your journey and does do something else. So can I play that role? Or you cast them? And you're like, Yeah, you and you and you You're great. I anything you want to do is great with me? Like what do you want to learn? And your counsel is in front of you while you're pitching your life. I mean, I have one guy in hacking afterlife. He saw the journey as he said it was like being in the Akashic library in the microfiche section. And he was scanning through all of his lifetimes stopping and going, Oh, I screwed that up. Yeah, I want to learn that karma. I want to fix that. Yeah. And then he went out and pitched and he said it was like standing in the Hollywood Bowl. And he was pitching to this front row of counselors, who are all kind of, you know, doing doing that thing of like, I'm not so sure that you said that the last time and then everyone in the auditorium volunteering to participate. And him.

Alex Ferrari 33:26
Is that is that the soul group though? Or is that something

Richard Martini 33:29
Counseling on the front. Yeah, well, I you know, I try not to use that term. I know Michael Newton use it a lot. So group problem with it is being a musician. Soul is a great word for music and a great word for food, you know, of the heart. But I prefer the term conscious energy because we only bring a portion of who we are to the play that the rest so that everyone reports that the rest of us is back home gotten the job or No, not that person. You know, pig rooting for us and Christian wonder like, why are they not here when I really need them? Or why am I not here, but still, so soul groups are really like these different I call it a classroom. So for example, you remember going to grade school, you had homeroom, and everybody took attendance, you know, and I know where you were in the alphabet. And I know where I was in the alphabet, you know, and you got on the thing. And now those people in that classroom, some of them your friends, some are not. And then you might wind up you know, being in another class or them during the day, you might play sports with them. You might become best friends with them, but they are just your classroom associates. And those guys may all girls and guys they may all be learned signing up to learn lessons that you're learning as well and loyalty or courage, whatever. And people talk about the themes of the classroom. But you know, in Michael Newton's terms he used the word soul group, but it got people Crazy because they would see like people that hate in their soul group, and they'd see their family like somewhere else, like an affiliated group. But think of it as a home room. In the home room, you got all these people. And then and then when you go home, you got the family and the remote control and you know, playing basketball with your brothers.

Alex Ferrari 35:19
That makes a lot more sense. A great analogy. That's a great, great analogy. It makes a lot more sense than that. Because yeah, there's a lot of people who are like, Okay, I'm going to be your abusive uncle this year, this, this this lifetime, or you're, I'm going to, I'm going to abandon you as your mom, because you need to learn this lesson. And it's hard for people to wrap their heads around that.

Richard Martini 35:38
Oh, absolutely. Especially when it comes to I'll give you an example. I mean, this is the tough topic. I have a friend who said, I want to do one of these sessions. And so we drove out to Claremont at Scott detachables. A friend of mine, he, like between lives, this is placed anyway. And so on the way there, she said, Richard, you know, I never told you this. But I was molested as a kid. And I was like, what, you know, I knew her family. I was like, wait a minute, why, how come I didn't? And she said, Well, we're gonna be doing this six hour thing. And it might come up. I went, okay. So she put it on a list of questions. Like, she didn't specifically say that. She just said, what's up with this relationship? And so now here we are four hours into it. And she in Scott says, Okay, what's up with this relationship? And she said, oh, oh, I see. I'm a teacher of a classroom on the other side. And this person was one of my students who came to me and said, I really need to learn this lesson in negativity. Would you help me to learn that lesson. And so I agreed that this would be a way for him to learn those the trauma that he caused, because you experience all the trauma that you cause when you're in your life review. And, and then afterwards, you're driving home and she said, Oh, my gosh, I have spent the 100 1000s of dollars on psychotherapy over this. And in the moment that I realized that I planned that play, it all disappeared, it dissolved. And so I've heard that so often in the research, which is we're playing a play a character on a stage, nobody can hurt you on stage or in a movie. A lot of people get shot up and whatever, in a movie, but then they you know, cut it up, and they get off the makeup. And then they see the person who shot them. And they're like, Hey, you want to go get a beer together? And then they'll say, oh, you know, you overreacted on that. I thought that was really kind of creepy. What you did. You're like, wait a minute, you asked me to play this role? I mean, you're the one. Yeah, you know, you're upset. You know, Romeo doesn't say to Juliet offstage. Like why did you drink the poison? You know, or Othello or Iago or all those characters? And that's it does bug people when I say it, because my wife included, you know, like, it's it's not just a play. Try not to just say that. It's like, like

Alex Ferrari 38:08
I say, it's a game. I say it's a play. I say it's a movie. I mean, Yogananda says, I see all the all I see in life is movies. That's all it is. That's all this life is for me isn't that his is my favorite. One of his favorite. My favorite quotes is like people get so caught up with what they see in a movie theater, what they see on the screen, they get emotional, they get tore up by the action and the horrors they see or the heartbreak or this thing and they get caught into it. He goes, but what you need to do is change the focus from the screen to where the light is coming from. And look at the projector and and look that way and see whether.

Richard Martini 38:43
Oh, that's brilliant. Yeah, because what are the ones and zeros? Here? We are ones and zeros on a monitor, talking about these things. I'll tell you I went to see Westwater West Side, West Side Story revival in Broadway. And somewhere in the middle of I don't know the second act. I've found myself crying, you know, tears coming on my cheeks here. And I thought, What am I doing? I have seen this a million times I know what's happening. But I realized in that moment, I was involved with the human drama, and it caught my emotions, and then the actors and the writers. And all of that is in that emotion creation so that we can share that moment of catharsis that we can go through it. And so you know, it. This is this all applies to you in a small way, which is when I did my first hypnotherapy session, like I said, I didn't think I was gonna get anywhere but here, I was talking to my counsel. And so one of the questions I had asked in case I got anywhere, why did I choose me? And suddenly I was saying, Oh, they're telling me that, that I said that I thought that I could help people heal people with film. I said, The tears require catharsis but then inevitably change the disposition of a person, but you can heal a person faster with comedy, because they'll change their disposition instantly. And Robin Williams, of course, has proven that many, many, many times, you know, to heal people. But I, and then I said, I just wish I had chosen somebody more successful at it. And the hypnotherapist left, and my counsel laughed. And I could hear laughter on both sides of the veil. What after I said that, which was so strange, you know, there was laughing, and you know, my counsel, laughing, but I now I realize, and that was about 12 years ago. And now I realize, oh, it's not about that bottom Populum. It's not about the vanity of the success. It's about focusing your work, like what you're doing now. Like you were born to do this. And before you even got on stage you went, I can do that. Alex, I'm going to do that.

Alex Ferrari 41:07
I mean, I'll tell you what, Richard, it's so fun talking to another filmmaker, because both of you, you and I can like we've walked on similar paths. Is that as a filmmaker, you know, I always wondered why I got so close. I was in the room multiple times. I was talking to the biggest movie stars in the world, the projects were going to go. And I kept going, why did the stick always fall short? Like why? I mean, I had chances to direct big things, big TV shows. And I'm like, it just always fell through. I'm like, I have more than enough talent. I have more than enough experience to do this. And I'm not being cocky. I'm just being realistic. And I know what you're talking about course, you know what I mean. I'm like, why is that schmo getting it? You know, or like, in the worst, because I had a post company. So I would have, you know, a 23 year old filmmaker who that got 3 million bucks to make their first film, and I'm fixing it for them in post because they had no idea what the hell they were doing. So frustrating. And I was wondering, why would the universe or God, give me this, I want this, this, this urge to do this stuff, this love to do this, because it's a love. I mean, it's something it's you're infected with when you were when I first saw ETS when I got it. And that was the first time I was able to like, oh, I need to be a filmmaker, I want to be a filmmaker. I want to tell stories, all that stuff. Why would they give it to me? And get me so close so many goddamn times? And not give it to me? What's the purpose is it's just a life of abuse. Because as you know, as a filmmaker, we're one of the most abused creatives out there.

Richard Martini 42:38
I can, I can say it's this I've had, of course, the same experience. I mean, I was fortunate enough to direct write and direct but nine feature films, all of which you've never heard of. But some of them some had, like that moment, that window of like, oh my gosh, it's gonna go here. And it's going to be this it's going to Okay. And I had the same thought many times, which was like, Okay, this is strange. Plus, I mean, there were films that I made that went on a shelf because somebody forgot to sign the contract. Oh, yes, you know, and so you kind of go through that. But listen, once you step off the stage, once you get into the balcony, and when you can do it through hypnotherapy. And you can do it through guided meditation. But once you get on the balcony and look at the actor, you're as you onstage going through that stuff, you realize that your guides, your teachers, and yourself, who had a hand and saying, Listen, I want you to learn these things, I want you to have the ability to tell a story in this way. But I need you to focus on this because it's going to change the planet. It's going to change consciousness, it's going to heal people. So So I applaud you for doing it.

Alex Ferrari 43:55
Well, I appreciate that. I appreciate that. But then looking back, and that only happens when you have been on the planet a few years. But you can look back and just look at it all and being being in the film industry for close to 30 years at this point. And then then becoming a podcaster in that space. I'm like, oh, wait a minute, my podcast would have never been my filmmaking, podcast, and screenwriting podcasts would have never been successful if I hadn't gone through all of that, because I was talking like a veteran who's got trapped Nolan. And I could talk to anybody Oscar winners, because we all do the same thing. I don't care how big you are. There's a camera, there's an actor, there's a script, we all go through the same problems. It's about I don't care if it's $200 million, or $2. It's all the same. I worked without that. Right. So all of that, that prepped me for that show. And then based on those 750 episodes, or 800 episodes, I did 1000 episodes I did of those shows, prepped me for this. And then now as I'm moving for, you know, going down because I wouldn't have been able to do this show with Natacha just getting it backwards. Now all of that starts to make more sense. And you're like, Oh, but I also kind of needed the background of a post guy of a Director of Media, understanding all that, because that's what we're all going. And without that information, and that knowledge, I wouldn't have been able to do start to show in three weeks, with other technical knowledge I picked up along the way. So that it's all seems so when I look back at it, I go, Oh, this was all perfectly orchestrated, I might have not been happy with the way it turned out. But if at 26, I would have gotten that big job. That was a $20 million movie working, we wouldn't be talking we wouldn't have been talking about would have self destructed there's no question 26 year old me would have never been able to handle the success of like i That's why an off sometimes when you see these young directors who have these monster hits, I'm like, how do they handle it? Like it's so much energy. But anyway, that's that's the way it's all perfectly structured that way. So an understanding now, obviously, having all these conversations over the years, with with people on the show, explaining to me the other side, explaining to me the divine counsel, the soul blueprint, why we're here, all that kind of stuff, it all starts to make perfect.

Richard Martini 46:15
So let me ask you if if, and I'm the same way. I of course, you know, I have projects that are still out there still knocking on doors. Now, let's pretend they offer you a picture, which now puts you and would you just walk away from all of this work?

Alex Ferrari 46:34
No. Because there's a different thing now because I don't need that anymore in the way that I needed it before. So in other words, if tomorrow someone Hollywood knocks on my door and goes, Hey, I have $100 million dollar project. You could do whatever you want. You have car but you're Chris Nolan. You're Chris Nolan right now, you've got a blank check. And you make a movie about Oppenheimer. Which makes no sense whatsoever that that's, but that's, that's the genius of Chris Nolan. But if they gave me that, I know from my experience that that isn't what I'm gonna get. You know, there's going to be strings attached. You know, there's gonna be people on top $100 million, and you don't have the juice, or the clout that Chris Nolan does, you know, and everybody, no matter how big you are, unless you're James Cameron, maybe, Yeah, whatever, who could ever do it?

Richard Martini 47:29
Let's talk about those two guys for a second, which is one is Interstellar, which, of course is based on science. As you know, of course. It's spiritual, very much so. And you know, the whole thing of the Tesseract and coming back and, you know, it requires you to realize that he was the angel, the ghost that his daughter was seeing. And so once you allow that that's possible, then that takes you over to Jim Cameron, which is, if I know people work with them, and I've heard it many times, you know, Terminator was a dream that he had the aspects, but the avatar and the world of the Navi is all part of something that he's aware of that he's had multiple dreams, where they've taken him to other dimensions to show him this material. Now, I'll just give you one unusual. So I would just like when Jennifer Schaefer reached out to me this medium who works in Manhattan Beach, Jennifer, she, I were taught, she calls me up and I say, Well, what is a medium and I didn't know what that is. And she said, I help find missing people. And I went, Wait a minute, do you want to work on the most famous missing person case in history? And she went, I'm in didn't even ask me what it was. So I took my camera over to her office. I thought it was a great way to prove whether she is accurate or not. And for three hours, I talked to Amelia Earhart, who I'd spent 30 years working on her story. She was telling me things. Not only that I knew that no one knew I just come back from Saipan where she had been incarcerated. Those details, she told me things I couldn't know. For example, I asked her so how did you die, Amelia? And Jennifer said, she says dysentery and I said, Oh, okay. And then she said without me asking those two g eyes who dug me up, only found an arm. Now I knew that there was an obscure book in 1963 by Fred Gerner, which said these two GIZ Duggar up inside pan during World War Two at the request of their CEO, nobody really knows that. It's just not common knowledge. But I said what Wait a second. They only found an arm. I get off this meeting. I'm driving away from her office. My head is swimming did I just talked to him earlier or for three hours. phone rings is An NTSB investigator from Seattle who says Rich, I just spent five hours with this top secret material, everything you've told me about Earhart is accurate. It's in there, he said, except when they dug her up, they only found an arm, which is literally what I had just heard from Amelia herself. And about six months later, I found an article in the Chicago Tribune 1977, these two guys said, you know, when we dug her up, we only found a partial ribcage and an arm. Anyway, my point is, you can hear new information from people off planet, if you ask the questions, if you focus on that material.

Alex Ferrari 50:42
So one thing I wanted to so we were talking about James Cameron, who's one of my favorite filmmakers of all time. And I always tell people, like there's when Avatar was created, and it's gonna go into what we were talking about on the other side in a second, when he created avatar, and he walked into the studio and said, Hey, I need 300 million 400 million to build this take this risk on building this new technology, all this stuff. I go, there's no other human being on the planet. Literally. No one not Spielberg, not Nolan, not Peter Jackson, not George Lucas, nobody who could have gotten that deal. There's just nobody, nobody on the planet who could have been given a blank cheque essentially, to develop, develop a new IP to develop all this stuff, to do what he was supposed to do. And I would, and I would say that there's no other human being that could bring that story to the world, the way he has brought it, because there's nobody else who has the wealth of technical knowledge, and heart and writing capable, all the things that his counsel probably has to create that so he that idea was given to him and brought to him because he was no, there's literally, you always tell people like you. Could Martin Scorsese have made avatar, he would have made a pretty interesting one. Good. Spielberg made an avatar probably make a

Richard Martini 52:04
Story of how Jim got the film Titanic, he brought a 40 foot model into the board. He said, Romeo and Juliet on that ship, and that was the pitch. That's all why they went for it based on that, but he they saw the thing. Well, I was gonna mention this thing about Jim, which is he was good friends with my friend Bill packs. And Billy and I knew each other in our careers began, and his rocket it off and mine, whatever. But we stayed friends. And at some point, while I was filming, Jennifer talking to Amelia Earhart, she said, somebody's here named Bill, and he wants to talk to you. He had passed away a few days earlier. My head was spinning. But I asked him about 20 Questions Only he could answer. Where did we meet? What were you doing when we met? He was doing aliens? You know, what's it like over there? And he she said this, he's showing me he's in a bathysphere. And we're traveling down in the ocean. And we're going to you know, he was we're going somewhere, and I'm seeing a ship, you know, and Bill took that trip with Jim down to the bottom of the ocean many, many times to go see the Titanic. I mean, of course, he filmed it once at one point. But so I took that, and I had two other mediums. And one time I wasn't even there. I just add, had them ask the same questions. I wasn't in the room, asking bill the same things. And so there's a movie called talking to Bill packs that it's on Amazon. And it's unfortunately shot in cafes and restaurants. And wherever I was because I ran into these people and they go, your friend Bill is here. And I'd be like, Oh, wait, we turn on my camera. What does he want to say? Can I ask him some questions? So, you know, it's interesting, because Jim and Bill were very close. And initially, when Bill came through, he was saying to me, you know, you need to reach out to Jim, you need to talk to him. There's a project that he wants to do. And I want to tell him, he needs to vote, you know, blah, blah, blah. He had all these things for him. And I was like, Dude, I am. Have no idea how to reach Him. So who knows? Maybe he's a fan of your podcast. So all they got to do is watch talking to Bill Paxton on Amazon. And you'll hear what Billy had to say.

Alex Ferrari 54:22
You know, I'll tell you something I've had I've had people reach out to me or tell me that they're fans of the show that my mouth dropped to the floor. Like I can't believe that person watches me. And that happened in the filmmaking space for sure. I would have filmmakers who would reach out to me like I've been watching you for years now. Like are you? What? Like, what? You're watching it mind blowing mind blowing stuff, but on this show. I have friends of mine who are like, oh, yeah, I was just talking to this person and this person. She was telling me that she saw me on your show. I'm like, what? I grew up with her. Are you kidding me? Like what is it? It happens all all the time. So there's I doubt and there's no, I completely have the belief that Jim, or his wife, or someone who'd watch this Stephens, people will watch it when they someone will watch these shows and the Reach out, I think that will happen. I hope so stay.

Richard Martini 55:16
It's insane as I'm, as I find him saying with Jennifer, because you know, my audience is a lot smaller than your audience. But I tried to say to Jennifer, we're working for 100 years from now. So 100 years from now, people will dig up our podcasts and go, Oh, my gosh, these people had it right. You can talk to people off camera off stage. And you can ask them questions and learn new information from scientists, who have now a perspective of how to heal the planet that they didn't have when they were on the planet. That's what makes this worth doing. Though,

Alex Ferrari 55:54
Richard, let me ask you, I want to dig into the divine counsel a little bit, because the divine counsel is something that I've talked about a lot on the show, because of the near near death experiences, we talk about them. But I'm familiar with the divine counsel, I'm familiar with the life review or anything that near death, I've done like 110 Near Death interviews. So I've, I've done plenty. But with the divine counsel, we've really haven't dug into them really deeply. It's always just like, you know, wise figures or light beings or something. Yeah. Can you dig in a little bit on? I mean, we have talked a bit about the purpose of them, and where they come from, but what other insights can you give us on the divine Council, in a souls in a souls journey here, what they do specifically? And the other characters, by the way, we'd love to talk about the spirit. What's the difference between the spirit guide and the divine council member? What is the difference between angels, angels, and then just other souls that hang out?

Richard Martini 56:47
All right, well, let me just give you a really quick like, would you say a one minute overview,

Alex Ferrari 56:52
60 seconds.

Richard Martini 56:54
So people come into existence somewhere off this universe. That's what people say like one guy described it as two photons come together. And then we watch over them a little bit like the movie Pixar soul, the soul. And and watch over the souls but which of the wit but by the way, was inspired by Joe Rance, who had passed away of Pixar founder. And he's told us on our podcasts that he was instrumental in that film. But so until now, you go through those classes, we talked about him where you go through your university, and you incarnate and you learn things, and you overcome, and eventually you graduate. And I asked a guide. So what is that about? And he said, Well, I went through all of my lifetimes. And when I graduated, I was given a graduation gift of a new soul. And that was you, Richard. So my guide, referred to me as his graduation gift. And now he watches over all of my lifetimes. And I can ask him to join and show up. And again, because time is so different over there. It's not like a big deal member. 25 years is like five or 10 minutes. So we can talk about all of my journeys, let's say. And then you graduate from being a journeyman to being perhaps a guide, or a teacher, or a council member. And now remember, each guide, teacher council member has their own guide, they have their own teachers, they have their own council. So it goes on and on, and on and up, councils have councils. It's very strange, but you can ask these questions to counselors. So when I saw that, and Michael Newton's work, he talked about these wisdom makers, and then they started showing up as they have in your work. And, and I thought, Well, why don't we ask some questions. And so I sort of honed it down and in the book, divine counsels, now afterlife, I give a very simple guided meditation where I ask a guide, is it okay to talk to the council? And then I ask, are we inside or outside? That's the next question. And people will sometimes say, I'm going to grow, or I'm in a, I'm in a cathedral, or I'm on outer space, but it's like a place. And then I'll say how many people are here. And the average is between five and 15. If somebody says there's like, 1000 people here, I'll say, Okay, well, can we talk to your counsel? Your guide knows what I'm talking about? What is it okay for you to talk to your gut to your counsel, sometimes rarely, people say they're telling me no, it's not information I'm supposed to know. Rarely. But like I said, in the book, divine counsel, they have to live everybody. And then I say, Okay, let's start with A, how many are here? And they'll say, oh, there are so many are sitting in chairs. Sometimes they're in a circle. Sometimes they're sitting at different rocks, whatever, by a tree. I'll say go to the person on your far left. Let's ask them. Now is that a male or female, a light? Sometimes I'll see a light and then I'll say okay, it's hard to talk to a light. So I'll say can you manifests as a person or Some kind of Avatar so we can have a conversation. And they do. And then I can say, So what's a name you can I can use for you or a letter. Because sometimes they'll say my name is too hard for you to comprehend. So a letter, okay, X, my name is x, and then I can refer to them. And now we go down the row and each person, each council member, I say, How did you earn this role on this person's Council, because that's how they got there. Each one represents a different quality, like the seven muses. Each one represents a different quality of your journey. Not everybody's journey, but then

Alex Ferrari 1:00:38
I kind of ask, kind of like inside out,

Richard Martini 1:00:42
like inside out, except those are emotion, those are stage experiences, right, as opposed to like courage. But let's say so let's say the first person I talked to his courage represent courage. And then I can ask, so how did you earn that role? Did this person have a courageous lifetime? And they'll say, yeah, as a matter of fact, and then I'll say, can you show it to them. And now the guide, or the council member is showing them a lifetime back in the 15th century, when they like one over the cliff, and, you know, save the whatever. And the person gets to see that and experience that. And then I go, let's go to the person on your left. Now, listen, some count, people have retained a certain amount of their ego. So some council members find this inappropriate to hear me rich, come up and ask these goofy questions. So I always start with, can I ask you a question? And then I, the answer, lets me know what kind of questions says, you know, really? Yeah, I'm busy. Do you really have to ask me a question, you know, and then the next person goes, then I kid you not. I always ask, are you familiar with me? Or my work? And most often, they say, Yes, Richard, we are. And I go, how do you know about me? Because this person I'm talking to is never heard of me. Never read any of my books. How do you know? And they go, and I go, is it like, around the cooler? You know, the council? Cooler? Are they talking about? And, and I've heard this more than once, which is we've heard that you go around and ask him a lot of questions. We're talking about it. And sometimes on a council, somebody will say, Richard, I talked to you a year ago, you know, in your world. I talked to you before, when you were talking to somebody else, I'm the same person, but on a different Council. You see, and so the other thing is, council members can so let's say they represent courage. I'll ask, do you represent courage on other councils? Sometimes they say, yes, a few. Sometimes they say, you know, 510 20, sometimes they say 10,000. Sometimes they say more than you can imagine.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:51
So these are the answers. So they moonlight on other councils as what yours?

Richard Martini 1:02:55
Absolutely, they moonlight. And sometimes they don't represent the same thing on other councils. They just show up. And they're like, really wise people. So look, when how often do you see a council? Well, anybody can see their council today. Now, if they want to general processes, before you before you incarnate? They go. So tell us what's it going to be? How's it going to work? What are you going to accomplish, and you swear that you're going to accomplish what you set out to do. And now, for them? It's 1520 minutes later, for you. It's 75 years on earth. And now you go back. So you you beat them before you show up and you beat them when you leave. And they go, so how'd you do? And you now go oh my gosh, I was so great. I've donated money to people. One guy said, they asked me like, Who did I help? And I said, Oh, I gave a percentage of my bank account to like charity. And they said, no, no, no. Who did you help? And he was like, I don't know what you're asking. And they showed him. He was on a bus and a woman was crying and suicidal and he put his arm around her and said, everything's gonna be okay. And that moment changed her life changed her family changed her trajectory. So you don't really get to see the good that you do until they show it to you. David Bennett, terrific book, voyage of purpose about his near death experience University of Virginia's studied, you probably had him on the show. And he talks in hacking the afterlife, that journey but if you remember in his his, whatever. afterlife review is Life Review. He had two experiences. One was a really happy one where this cranky lady constantly was bugging him. And he really determined I'm going to make her laugh and I'm going to make her smile. And he did that and they showed him how that changed her family and their children. So that reflective like, almost like a wave that went out. But they also showed him when he got in a bar fight in Texas with some guy who would come on to him. And he'd say to the bartender, like, you let these guys and, and that caused a terrible fight. And he had the experience of, you know, a First Person A being the guy beaten up and experiences that humiliation, and that trauma, which is what people report in their near death and their life review. So if you've been a rotten person, you're gonna see that in your life for you, but, and I feel it firsthand. So think about how difficult like Kenneth ring, Dr. Katherine talks about a guy who saw himself in one of those accidents, where the guy got out of his car and sort of beaten the heck out of somebody. But in the life review, he was the guy being beaten, and he could see himself looking down, you know, he could taste the blood, and humiliation and the broken teeth. And that trauma. It's not like people get off scot free. People all do go home, but you will experience all the negativity that you've caused. So no time like the president to go, Hey, let me fix that.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:14
Right. So then with with guys, like, you know, getting gets con or Alexander the Great. These I mean, what is that life?

Richard Martini 1:06:21
Why would you mention Genghis Khan?

Alex Ferrari 1:06:23
Because he was one of the greatest mass murderers of all time.

Richard Martini 1:06:26
Okay, so I get to the Hitler question quite a bit. I'm sure you do, too. What about insurance? So I always say, look, I wouldn't want to talk to him in life. Well, I want to spend five minutes interviewing on the flip side. So during one of our podcasts, and you can search for it hacking afterlife gig as con. Jennifer said, Genghis Khan is here. I'm like, Do you know who that is? She's like, No, but he introduced himself. And I said, Okay, I know. I said, What are you doing here? And he came to tell us about the process. He said that. I said, you know, so why did you Why are you so nutty? He said, he had a mental illness. And the last seven years of his life, he didn't sleep. So he was so paranoid constantly of being attacked, that he just murdered everybody that came near him. He's and I said, so what was what was your life review, like, and he said, it was awful. And then I've had many lifetimes since trying to recover from it. He said, I even tried to be a monk in one life. That didn't work. And then he had other lifetimes. And I've heard this from another person who caused a lot of mayhem, that he wound up in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War Two and all the terrible things that he had done to other people happened to him. So that doesn't mitigate that he killed 40 million people in Asia in 1277. But what's fascinating about this tale is that I asked him where he was buried. People don't know. And he told us, he said, I'm not, they cut off my head and threw it in a lake, and they buried my body in the sand, so that no one could find him. And it is a mystery, like, where's Genghis Khan buried? You know, it's just one of those goofy things. According to him, you know, from the source. I listened, it was a mind bending thing. I knew enough about him to ask those questions about his journey and his life. And you know that 1/5 of Asians are blood related. Yeah. And he said, Well, let's hope they have the good qualities of mine, as opposed to the bad ones. That was his joke. So even gangs can tell jokes on the flipside.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:39
I want to ask you something, Richard, from your point of view, because you have so much you have such a depth in, in this space. I've been told multiple times about this concept that took me a while to figure it to wrap my head around, that there is no past life or future life, that all lives are happening at the exact same time.

Richard Martini 1:08:59
And I know I've heard that too.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:00
Let me know. It's not linear linear. It's kind of like a plate system records going up and down. Well take on that.

Richard Martini 1:09:10
Let me let me clarify that because I've asked the question many times, including to people who said that while they were on the planet, and to say, okay, is that your experience, and Dr. Grayson pointed out that even people who have near death experience who say everything was simultaneous, there is no time. They had sequential events that happen, like first I saw my mother and then I saw my father and then my pets came to see me. Things happen in sequence. So I asked the guy to explain it to me. He said, well think of a string, in front of you, and on that string are all your lifetimes, and they go from left to write, because otherwise you wouldn't learn anything. It would be like Groundhog Day. You wouldn't learn anything. It would just continually go over and over but they're in sequence and they are linear. However, when you turn the string to your eye, it looks like they're all simultaneously. And it's like a 3d chess game where you see Oh, in that lifetime, and gang is Khan land that influenced who I am now are these acts influences other lifetimes. So the real thing is, is that people experience as if there's no time. And what they're really saying is I had this experience where it felt like, time doesn't exist. I've heard it many, many times, for many different people. This idea, this rubric of 25 years on earth is five or 10 minutes to them. Because I was talking about somebody who had died 160 years ago, and they had come forth and said, You know, I think people should investigate this. And I was saying, why, you know, it's ancient history. And they said, you know, to you, it's ancient history taught us it happened last week. And we don't feel as they put it, truth sets people free on both sides of the veil. So but the time element I know, that's what people say, all I can say is, it's consistent in the data in the research in people who you can talk to, and say, this time exists. And they'll say, Well, it does exist, but so relatively different from what your experiences, it's impossible to explain it, as one person said, you step off stage, and suddenly you're traveling at a frequency that's, let's say, 1000 times different than where we're at. And if you want to communicate with someone, it's almost like slowing your supersonic jet down to talk to somebody in a VW van that has a windows rolled up on a bumpy road. You're trying to impart something using maybe a word, but for you on the other side, it's slowing, way, way, way, way, way, way down. My wife had a dream where she saw lawanna Anders, the actress I mentioned while ago, who came to her in a dream, and my wife said you died 20 years ago, how can you do that? And she said, think of 1111. I slow my frequency down from where I'm at, to one side of offense, that's 111. And you because you're asleep are speeding your frequency up so that you can communicate with me, and we meet over the decimals. We like the the fence that's in between us. That's where we meet and can have a conversation. That's why people, the filters are off when you're sleeping. When you're taking hallucinogens. When you're doing hypnotherapy, you're elevating your frequency so that you can communicate with people on the other side. And they listen for centuries, people tried to communicate. And we've been saying, No, we can't, you're dead. I can't talk to you. Even when you're having a dream. It's if you say something like, but you're dead, they'll disappear. It's because your frequency is not matching there's so that's the key is to allow that it's possible. And I'll give you one quote from Harry Dean Stanton, remember him the great actor errs great skeptic. I knew Harry very well, when he passed. I had a session with him and Jennifer Schaefer. And I said, So Harry, what was it like, as an atheist to realize life goes on? He said, tell people that that life continues. And I said, Harry, no one's going to believe that I talked to all your friends are atheists and skeptics. It's going into his memorial. So he gave me three private messages, health related issues. And I he had me go and tell these people stuff that only Harry could know. So they were flabbergasted. He also described his death scene, how many people were there, and how he was greeted by a child that he was supposed to have in the 60s, but didn't. And the child showed him unconditional love. When I'm at his memorial, I said, How did Harry die? And this woman said, well, there were five women in the room, which he had said, and I said, Did he say anything weird? She said, Yeah, he looked at me and said, hand me the baby. But there was no baby in the room. But what Harry told me to tell people, and I'm repeating it now, believe in the possibility of an afterlife, so then you won't waste your energy arguing about it like I did. It's great advice. But anyway, that thing about time on this I know, it's a conundrum. I know, people say time doesn't exist. If you wanted to reincarnate, and go back and go back to the 1500s. You'd have to ask everybody involved, your guides, your teachers, your council members, your classmates, to take a page out of your life to go back and redo it. And all of them are like, Oh, well imagine hurting all those cats. Then I know you you're always asked to go back here. And but you can go visit. You can go visit your previous site, you can go visit that era, you can actually go and step into it. You can do that in guided meditation, just walk right back Get into that era, but you can't alter things. However, this is the kind of an usual conundrum. You're altering your reality by visiting your past because when you visit the past, you see how things are not that important that you're worried about now. So visiting the past alters your present. And by altering your present, you change your future, because you're no longer worried about death. You're no longer worried about anything in terms of the props on stage. Because when we leave the stage, we drop the props and costumes, and go back home, that percentage of your conscious energy that you bring to the stage, it's between 20 and 40%. Generally, pack it up in your suitcase and take it home.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:49
Richard, what about the concept of the ascended masters that Jesus is the Buddha's the yoga non does? The St. Germain ins, what are their Have you spoken to any of them? Other than Jesus? Let's say, because I'm gonna have you I'm gonna have you back to talk about Jesus and a whole episode because that's gonna be fun.

Richard Martini 1:16:07
Yeah, no. I just wanted to squeeze him in there. Because he's a funny guy.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:12
But generally, the Ascended Masters I mean, from my understanding, they all have the same thing we do. They're just souls that are in love to hear what you think that they've broken. The cycle, let's say or they decided, I've learned everything I've learned at this university. I don't need to come back anymore. If I don't want to I can go to the next place. Yeah, above this. Oh, all right. love it so much here that I'm going to come back and help. Like the Jesus is like the Buddha's

Richard Martini 1:16:37
Yeah, yeah. Well, the bodhisattva vow, as you know, I will return, however, yes. Have I talked to the avatars? I've talked to so many. I mean, it sounds silly to say, but yes, we've talked to quite a few. And sometimes their avatars. I didn't even know there were an avatar. We were in a astrophysics class. On the flip side, Jennifer shaver father, who had passed away was saying, you know, I'm taking this class, and I said, Oh, show it to us. And when we go to the class, and there's a teacher there, and he says, not open to his daughter, don't be freaked out by the teacher. And so now we get up to the teacher and I I'm the gadfly, I asked questions. Who are you? What's your story? As she reveals herself takes off her cape? You realize Irish? She's telling me Scott eight arms. And I'm, I'm like, Oh, you have eight arms? What? What? How do people refer to you? And she said, they call me ma. And so now I take that research back to my Hindu philosophy people and I say, who was an eight arm teacher named Ma? Well, that's my Durga. So now I go back to Jennifer, who doesn't know what I'm researching. And I say now Can Can I have your whole name? And Jennifer says her name is Ma Durga. That's what people refer to her as now. Are you referring to somebody who lived on the earth with eight arms? Or are you referring to a teacher that you've met on the flip side who has eight arms, you see? So I've met Krishna? I've met people who say, Well, there's this blue person standing in front of me and I go, what's the name? He goes by? He's saying Krishna. Vishnu. Shiva. Yogananda. I, you know, Jennifer didn't know Yogananda but I wanted to ask him questions about his autobiography, like, how did he manifest his teacher when he went in back to his hotel in Mumbai, and saw his teacher sitting there in his bed, like what happened? He described it in great detail. We've interviewed some copper, who was the Tibetan who's considered a Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism. We've interviewed the 13th Dalai Lama, mainly because I've traveled extensively in Lhasa, Tibet. And I'm very familiar with Charles Bell, who was the guy who befriended the 1330 Lama. And so I wanted to interview Charles Bell. And during that interview, I said, Can we interview the 13th? Because you see, you only bring a portion of your conscious energy here. So if you can access the timeframe, or the floppy disk, as Stephen Hawking called it, of when I existed, all the information is in that disk, all the ones and zeros, all the math, so you can access that conscious energy. So same goes with anyone who's ever been on the planet. So why are avatars different? Well, the first time that we interviewed Jesus, I was saying, I'd never asked him a question before, and this was the third medium I was talking to said, you know, he's in the room, and she was crying and couldn't breathe. And so I just, I thought, well, this is strange. I don't sense Him. I don't see him. I said, can he come closer to you? And she was like, gasping for breath. And I said, Can I ask him a question? And she said, he says, Yes. And I said, Dude, what's the matter with you? Why are you causing this reaction of people they they can't breathe, their faces turn red, they start crying. Now I asked it that way to challenge like, is this a believe that they're tossing at me, or what is it? And his answer was, I brought more of source with me to this lifetime. And when people are close to me, they feel that unconditional love of source, which is a nondenominational answer. If I've ever heard one, he didn't use any of that language, you see. And since then he's repeating himself. But you know, when he said that I said, not so much with the Romans. And he laughed, and Jennifer said, Oh, my gosh, I don't know what that means. Not totally wrong, but he's laughing. My mind was blown. I not only was able to ask him a question, but also to get him to laugh. And so since then, and this is true. I just want to say it all avatars, they're not that serious of people. They know who they are.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:55
Oh, yeah.

Richard Martini 1:20:55
Oh, no, I, you know, Buddha was probably the the one who was the most unusual interview. And we did an interview with both Buddha and Jesus in the same podcast. And that's in the book, the greatest story never told. And so by Jesus knows, it's called Buddha and Jesus walked into a bar. And the idea is, you can ask questions to anybody that's been on the planet. And you try to set aside all of the dogma. And all of what you've been told about who you can ask and what you can ask Yogananda or your shoulder. I'm sure he's been to visit you. And if you do a guided meditation, we can ask him, what's up and what are the lottery numbers for this Friday?

Alex Ferrari 1:21:37
Well, without the lottery numbers, I actually be I think you and I have been doing similar work. But I use channels. So channels channel I've had Buddha on the show, I've had Jesus multiple times. I have a Yogananda show. I've had Baba Ji show up, which was mind blowing when I had Baba Ji show up the energy and you could feel the room change. When Sir, certainly I've had St. Germain on the show, multiple and I asked them quite just like you. I mean, wasn't a tough walking around 2500 years ago, Buddha and you're trying to talk to people who just don't even understand what one plus one is two. And you're trying to teach them about these higher level teachings. And they're just like, This is ridiculous. Same thing for Jesus. And they'll go Yeah, it was tough. It wasn't easy. It was a rough, it was a rough go of it. You know, it's really,

Richard Martini 1:22:30
I think it's fascinating to ask the question, we asked Padma Sun bhava what it was like for him to go to Tibet, and he said, It was wild. So, you know, and I know what he's talking about. Because I've been to like the caves that you know, he went to visit and you think, oh, man, that must have been, you know, the year whatever was 800 when he was there, 600. I don't know anyway, just mind bending stuff. But the good news is, the really cool thing is that there's no one that we can't communicate with. I mean, you know, there are people who don't want to talk, right? They're busy. Or they find this level of conversation, like, you know, like a sandbox, like kids in a sandbox, ask them questions like enough already. Stop bothering me. However, those ones that, like you mentioned, are who care about humanity and care about the planet or whatever care about answering questions I found. I mean, I really have never had somebody say, I won't answer a question. They may they'll say, I, if I answer that question, you won't understand the answer. I'll tell you the best question and I heard was, my friend the skeptics asked. She said, I don't believe any of this stuff. I said, Okay, well, you're going to a hypnotherapy session and ask the question, she said, All right, what are who is God? I? That's a good question. So she got to a point she was talking to a guide. And the guide said, Look, God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend. It's not physically possible for the brain for the human brain to understand too many levels, too many dimensions. He said, however, you can experience God by opening your heart to everyone into all things. And I realized that was a oceanic experience comment, like a mathematical formula. It's almost impossible to comprehend. How do you open your heart empathy, compassion to everyone? But he also didn't say just everyone, he said all things and why would he include things? It's because everything is a construction of consciousness. So if you're open your heart to everything you see, that's when you can experience that oceanic epiphany, etc.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:52
Richard, we're definitely going to talk again in the future that I that I can see already, but to ask if I love I'm gonna ask you if you can I just ask all my guests kind of like a rapid fire. Please do questions go, what is your what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Richard Martini 1:25:07
Living a fulfilled life. Doing what you said you came here to do.

Alex Ferrari 1:25:11
If you had a chance to go back in time, and speak to Little Richard, not little Richard, but little rich. What would what would you tell him? What advice would you give him?

Richard Martini 1:25:22
What would I tell Little Richard? I would say, oh my god, he played with the Beatles and Billy Preston. Little Richard, I would say, you know, of course now in retrospect, I see all of the things that happened to Little Richard are totally related directly to this right now. Where we are. Yeah, okay. Oh, but yes, I understand the question, but Little Richard, who would be, you know, love is all there is? I mean, that's what I've heard so many times. You've heard it, I'm sure. You know, it is true. It is. That's the engine of the frickin planet. So if that's love, then whatever. What more do you need to know?

Alex Ferrari 1:26:04
How did you find God or Source energy?

Richard Martini 1:26:06
That's the best definition I got. And I'm glad I was able to say it. Open your heart to everyone and all things now we've talked to Robin Williams a number of times. I had met him in life. I had dinner with him. And so I was finishing the book, Hackney afterlife, and I cut out the chapter about him because it was all about me meeting him and me and Robin, me and Robin. And I met with Jennifer the next day. And she said Robin Williams is here. I was like, Oh, really like, where? And she said he's here because he wants you to put his chapter back in your book. I had not told anyone I'd push delete. He was there in the restaurant telling her to tell me to put his chapter back in my book. So I did and now when the book was finished, I said, Well, let's ask Robin for a blurb for the cover. You know, a sentence like you know, I love this book, anyway. And what did he say? He said two words. Love, love. Meaning love yourself. Love what love is love who you are. Love is the only reason to be on the planet of love. Love is so brilliant. Love, love.

Alex Ferrari 1:27:20
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Richard Martini 1:27:22
Robin Williams I'll give him that last say which is to love love to find love to give love to understand what love is its interconnectivity. Its openness, its empathy. You know, we people describe an incredible afterlife of creating any object that you can imagine traveling to other universes, any food, any taste, any imaginable CGI avatar experience, you can do that on your own. We had Carl Lumley show up, and tell us that. And I said, so why do you? Why do you come back? Why do people come back? He said, Yeah, when you when you're bored, that's when you decide to come back. So when you're bored with creating everything on the flip side, we come back here to do what? To give love, to share love to be loved.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:14
And Richard, where can people find out more about you and the work that you're doing in the world?

Richard Martini 1:28:17 Our podcast is hacking the afterlife, if we could just get a fraction of your viewers to come over. It's on YouTube as Martini zone, man. Or, and you know, I've got 12 books out there best seller and their Kindle categories, but you can find them all. And the movies are flipside, hacking the afterlife and talking to build packs.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:42
Beautiful, beautiful, and you have a party to any party messages for the audience.

Richard Martini 1:28:46
What a what a treat, and what a delight to have someone like Alex be awake in his lifetime to find the way to do this. And if for that people out there struggling and having a hard time at trying to figure it out. Just try to be open because Alex found his way to doing the thing that he was born to do. And you too can find the thing that you were born to be.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:14
I couldn't have said it better myself, my friend. Thank you so much for coming on the show Richard. It's been such a pleasure talking to you. I look forward to our next conversation my friend. Thank you for helping awaken the planet my friend. Thank you.

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