BANNED HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible! Genesis DECODED – Bible Code is REAL with Richard L. Haight

The dance of existence is often a balance between knowing and not knowing, between the seen and the unseen. On today’s episode, we are graced with the wisdom of Richard L. Haight, a spiritual teacher and author who delves into the depths of human consciousness and beyond. Richard’s journey into the mystical and his decoding of ancient texts provide us with profound insights into our own spiritual paths.

Richard Haight began his exploration of spiritual wisdom at a young age, driven by vivid dreams and mystical experiences that seemed to call him towards a higher purpose. “In the dream, lucid in the dream, lying on the floor, there’s this guy… I looked into his eyes and my whole body lit up,” Richard recounts. These experiences laid the foundation for his lifelong quest to uncover the lost teachings of spiritual traditions, particularly those of Jesus and the Bible.

In our conversation, Richard discusses his book, “The Genesis Code,” and the insights he gained while decoding the Bible. He describes a pivotal moment when he saw the text of Genesis illuminated, revealing deeper layers of meaning that had been overlooked or misunderstood for centuries. “I saw the Bible from the opening from the rear and flipping page by page to the front very rapidly… highlighted certain sentences that all from Genesis one through three,” he explains. This revelation led him to uncover what he calls the “Genesis Code,” a hidden layer of spiritual wisdom embedded within the biblical text.

Richard’s exploration of these texts challenges traditional interpretations and invites us to see beyond the literal. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the Bible not just as a historical document, but as a spiritual guide that speaks to our inner being. “The fundamental teaching of Genesis is don’t judge, don’t morally judge,” Richard states. This perspective shifts our focus from external validation to internal transformation, urging us to cultivate love and acceptance without conditions.

The concept of judgment and its impact on our lives is a recurring theme in Richard’s teachings. He explains that moral judgment creates a separation within ourselves and between us and the divine. “If you judge them, that there’s a calculation in your nervous system and your subconscious mind that recognizes you’re judging yourself,” he notes. This judgment not only disconnects us from others but also from our own spiritual essence.

Richard also addresses the misinterpretations of Jesus’s teachings, which he believes have been distorted over time. He highlights the core message of love and non-judgment that Jesus imparted, a message that has often been overshadowed by dogma and institutional agendas. “Stop moral judgment. As you judge, so you will be judged. Those who are judged cannot enter into life,” Richard emphasizes, pointing to the transformative power of living without judgment.


  1. Non-Judgment: Release moral judgment to connect deeply with yourself and others. This practice opens the door to unconditional love and acceptance.
  2. Inner Transformation: True spiritual growth comes from within. Focus on cultivating a loving and accepting attitude towards yourself and others.
  3. Curiosity and Presence: Embrace a state of innocent curiosity about yourself and the world. This presence brings life’s inherent magic and vibrancy into focus.

Richard’s insights remind us that spiritual teachings are not just ancient relics but living wisdom that can transform our lives. By moving beyond judgment and embracing our inherent divinity, we can reconnect with the magical essence of life.

Please enjoy my conversation with Richard L. Haight.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 270

Richard Haight 0:00
The only question is not knowing, which means the state of chaos, how can you still be loving and that requires a change in attitude. It means to be loving without condition

Alex Ferrari 0:11
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Richard Haight. How you doing Richard?

Richard Haight 0:26
Fantastic and happy to be returning champion, Alex!

Alex Ferrari 0:29
Yes. My friend you were on on the show early, early on when I was just a small little show, just talking about some deep stuff. And, and I wanted you to come back because I always love our conversations. You know, we had deep, long conversations about many deep things in the past. And I'll make sure to put those in the show notes so people can could go back and check those interviews out after this one. But I wanted to have you back man to talk about your book, The Genesis code, which we've never really done a deep dive into, about your decoding of the Bible, that of that book, The Lost teachings of Jesus, how that we can incorporate them into our daily lives, all that kind of stuff. So I appreciate you coming back, my friend.

Richard Haight 1:12
Appreciate you having me back. I mean, I'm just so amazed at what you've done the work you've done, the people you've had on you, you've gotten, you've done it so well. You've done so well. And it's so pleasant to speak to and very insightful. So I really appreciate your program.

Alex Ferrari 1:26
So my first question to you is, sir, how Have you decoded the book of Genesis in that book, The Genesis code, how did you begin the process?

Richard Haight 1:34
Yeah, so when I was a kid, my grandmother and grandfather would visit and they would take me to church and as a Christian church. And I remember the experience was rather shocking, because it was so negative was so negative, and it was all hellfire and damnation, if you don't believe like we believe you'll be, you'll be judged and thrown into hell, and all of that sort of thing. And it was, I was only maybe eight years old, but it was a real turnoff. And then I started to have a series of dreams. Actually, I think that dreams may have started before it was taken to church, but but were in the dream, Jesus would visit me if it's in the middle of my room, lying on the floor, there's this guy, and wake up and in the dream, lucid in the dream, or my bed. And there's this guy on my floor. I didn't know who he was. You think he'd be terrified? But there was this like light emanating within the room, and I felt totally safe. So I went over to, to talk to him and see who he was, and what was going on. I looked into his eyes and like, my whole body lit up. This is Jesus. Of course at the time I didn't, how would you know when you're eight who it is. But I wasn't even thinking on that level, just this beautiful depth in his eyes. And ultimately, he asked me through repeated dreams, will you find the teachings that have been lost? What he's saying was, what I tried to teach has been distorted has been so perverted, has been filtered through self observe the self absorption of humanity to kind of turn it into their own message, very little of that essential truth is still there in the text in the writing, there is some still there, will you find it and bring it to the world. And this read this dream exactly a moment for moment, would repeat, I don't know every couple of weeks or something like that. It was a very, very strange experience. And ultimately, I said yes to this, I would do it. Of course, being like eight years old, you have no idea even where to begin. And so when my grandmother and grandfather invited me to go to church, I thought, well, that'd be a great place to start. And it just wasn't. I was surprised. Now, in fairness, there may be some churches that don't do that at all. And so I don't want to be unfair, but I'm just saying that that was the experience that I had. And then of course, meeting highly religious people thereafter, the tendency was pretty similar. It was a lot of judgment, a lot of this idea that we know the truth and, and if you don't abide by what we know to be true, you're going to hell. And you know, you're you're, you're the son of Satan, or something, it's sort of that kind of that kind of concept, whether they actually think that we're not that sort of the feeling, they oftentimes comes across, and sometimes overtly comes across. And so that's kind of where I started. And then I would go through and read the Bible over and over and over again, and it was more confused than not by it, because there's so much conflicting information. I mean, if you if you read it, as you're kind of told to read it, and you take for granted that what your pastor Reverend or Rabbi is saying you just the truth, and you know, they're able to kind of pull things out of context and whatnot. Maybe it will seem like it makes sense to you but you need if you read it actually like contextually and you read it to see where things don't add up. It starts to be really confusing. And I couldn't understand how this book could be so respected how this book could be followed by so many people. But with all these inconsistencies that are self undermining, read a book of actually after I wrote the Genesis code. A few months after the Genesis code I wrote, read some books by Bart Ehrman. Are you familiar with him?

Alex Ferrari 5:24
I'm not.

Richard Haight 5:26
Oh, Misquoting Jesus, it's a brilliant book. And he's a religious, you know, he went to seminary, he became a pastor, he, you know, he did the whole rigmarole. But then he got very interested in all the hypocrisy and all the inconsistencies and started researching it and getting into biblical archaeology and seeing that there are 1000s, it turns out 1000s and 1000s of manuscripts that go back to like, 70 add up to like, you know, 1600, or whatever, but lots of different manuscripts. And what's happening is, the people that were transcribing these manuscripts, they themselves nurses couldn't necessarily read. There's just copying the scribbles. Now, of course, some of them could, some of them, many of them would just insert in their own ideology, in various points. And you could you could find it in this version, it says this, and then the next version, you can see it's been crossed, erased off of the parchment, because it's not like that, a printing press back, then they had to reuse the same scrolls and parchment, they had scratch it off, and then write over it with something else, and change the text meaning entirely, and you can find this going throughout. So it's very difficult makes it very difficult to find out what did what did Jesus actually say? What were the original text, not just Jesus, but you know, in the 2500 years lead before Jesus, what we call the Old Testament, what was actually what was actually originally the text? We don't know, we don't know. But I didn't find out about that until after I wrote the Genesis code. What inspired the Genesis code was another I for some reason, I have a tendency for mystical experience, I have a tendency to have, like, maybe I might be walking somewhere I might stop and then, you know, go into this visionary state. Oftentimes, it will happen in dreams where it's like a lucid dream, but it's a mystical message. I don't know why that happens. But it does happen. One night, I was I hadn't even been thinking about the Bible. I hadn't been thinking about Christianity, you know, for months, maybe even years prior to that, because I, I kind of gotten disgusted with it. Because it was so confusing. And there's so much judgment, I don't necessarily think Christians kill Christians. This has happens, just like, you know, Buddhists kill Buddhists, and you know, Muslims killing Muslims, because I'm right, you're wrong. This is, this can't this can't be reflective of truth, as far as I'm concerned, that cannot be reflective of a healthy way of viewing things if something's gone astray. So I had kind of really given up on on the Bible. And mostly, I mean, like, even more so than than the New Testament, the Old Testament. Because you know, there, there are some horrific stories in there. If you really go through that book and read it. And I think most Christians haven't. You know, there's a there's an old guy who was bald, and kids are teasing him. And so he calls on God, he asked God to kill them. And God sends down a bear that that eats the kids.

Alex Ferrari 8:24
It's very godlike, sort of godlike,

Richard Haight 8:26
Godlike. And so there's something amiss, but one night, I just couldn't sleep. I don't know why I'm just, this often happens before mystical experience will start if it had if it's going to happen at night. The mystical experience for me usually happens between two and about 5am. I don't know why. And there are some years in my life where it's like every other night, that's what that's the case. But this on this particular night, I'm not thinking anything. There's no anxiety in my body. There's nothing you know, nothing disturbing me. I couldn't sleep. Surely I wanted to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. And I don't know, two, three o'clock in the morning, it started. I saw the Bible, from the opening from the rear and flipping page by page to the front very rapidly. And it got to the very first story of Genesis. I never liked the story of Genesis, mostly because it seemed like there are even within the story is different. There are different stories that are not necessarily in alignment. So it was very confusing for me, but I could see when reading the text, like certain sentences were highlighted almost like a goal up gold, took a yellow highlighter and highlighted certain senses that highlighted all from Genesis one through three. And I could see the fundamental meaning. I could see there was a layering within the story, or stories. There's there's a layering of like, maybe we might describe as mythology, a layer a layering of cultural values. Right on layers that that layer cultural values, for example, would put forward the patriarchal point of view. How Men should behave towards women, how we should behave towards our environment, those sorts of teachings are in there. But, but in between those teachings, there's something still deeper than it seems like everybody's missed. And that's what I call the code, the Genesis code. And it's right there in the text, when when you see it, once you see it, the beautiful part about is once you see it, you can't not see it. Have you ever had an experience like that where you didn't ever notice it before? And then suddenly, it occurs to you and they're like, holy crap, like, this is so obvious. It's so obvious that I can't see it. I can't unsee it

Alex Ferrari 10:46
It was like when you're watching a movie, and someone tells you Oh, you see that right there. There's a like, I can never unsee in diehard, the stunt man fighting the bad guys, like I can see the stunt man's face, it's so obvious, it's not Bruce Willis, I could never unsee that. But when I first saw it, I never saw it. But now, so everybody listening, go watch Die Hard. There's every time he's fighting, it's the stunt guys face, it was in the 80s, when they didn't care as much back then I'll never be able to unsee that. So there you go.

Richard Haight 10:52
The first time you watch it, you didn't notice though that that light that light clicks on and it just never turns back off. It's just like that. And so that's where the Genesis code book came from. Because I woke up from that vision, that vision. And I immediately went into my office and got a copy of my Bible and read through Genesis, and that text was there, I got a different version read through that got online and check Bible gateway, they got 1000 Different versions on there. It's in all of them. It was utterly astonishing. And so over the next period of the next year or two, I just the book started writing itself. I mean, basically, that's how most of my books are they just, they just, that's all my books are actually they just take on a life of their own. And I don't know where they're going. But that's that's where it began.

Alex Ferrari 12:05
So what So we're talking about these inner teachings are these these are in Genesis, but we're also talking about Jesus's lost, which is not which is not Genesis, that's New Testament as opposed to Old Testament. So first first question is how, what is the some of the big revelations you found within Genesis, and then we'll go into Jesus's lost teachings.

Richard Haight 12:30
So the first, the first most important thing is when we read Genesis, it's helpful to recognize that there are three Genesis stories, Genesis one Genesis to Genesis three, these are three different perspectives. The first perspective is a perspective of whatever we would call a non personalized God or the Creator God, the next perspective is the perspective of a human being in the garden, and the creator, within the creation, right. The next perspective is of what I will call a, an abstraction layer that develops, and now the abstraction layer is so I doubt you could argue with this point with me, but I encourage you if you can, there's reality. We don't understand what reality truly is. But the key point is, we are that whatever it is, whatever it is, but yeah, whatever it is, we're it. So there is no separation between the totality of being and the individual human being.

Alex Ferrari 13:36
Interesting. That's a super absolutely right. Whatever the tree, whatever the tree is made of, we are made of the same parent, whatever the air is made of, we are made of the same stuff, we are all made of the same quote unquote, code, or whatever you'd like to use

Richard Haight 13:48
Fundamentally the same spirit or being or whatever. Sure, whatever that is, people will say, Okay, well, the universe is unconscious, but I am and I would, I would say that back to them, when you speak and when you think, have you ever considered that it is the universe that is speaking and thinking through you? Because that is what's happening? Your bag of atoms? How is it a bag of atoms can self reflect? How's the bag? How is it that a bag of atoms can say I hate the universe? Well, if you're if a bag Adams is saying that's kind of funny, cuz you're saying hate yourself.

Alex Ferrari 14:20
Right! And it also and the other thing is, too, that a lot of people argue that human beings are the only thing that have consciousness, but that's absolutely a distortion because does the blade of grass that turns to the sun, there's a form of consciousness there. Animals have a form of consciousness. Trees have a form of consciousness. Even land has a form of consciousness. Yes, that's all I perceive it as well, right? It's not us. We have a completely different level of consciousness, as the planet itself has, I believe has a consciousness, galaxies have consciousness, universes have consciousness and so on.

Richard Haight 14:55
I believe that in fact, I was actually just watching I've been recently watching some physicists and some of the more prominent physicists are starting to actually entertain this idea that the whole thing may be conscious because our current equations, our current ideas are not working. Correct. And so that we have something wrong in the equation is something wrong in our perceptions, which is, which is fine. But we talk about the universe is being made up of forces. So there's the, the strong forces, the weak force, there's electromagnetism, and then there's gravity, which technically they don't, is not technically a force, but more like the the the shape of space itself,

Alex Ferrari 15:35
It holds, it's a force that holds it together, like we're being held together.

Richard Haight 15:40
It draws to center, right? Yeah, yeah. So the human intuition is that gravity pulls down, but actually a correct way of viewing it is gravity is, is driving towards center. So you're not falling down, you're falling towards center, right, you're falling towards the center of the Earth, but the matter of the earth prevent you from actually getting to that center, the Earth is falling towards the center of the Sun, the Sun is falling towards the center of the galaxy, the galaxy is falling towards the center of the universe, the universe, who knows what's going on there. But I suspect it's falling towards something still deeper. But we're gravitating towards the central truth, physically, physically, what we think of as physically. But in any case, if this is not different than reality, which means it is reality, this conversation right now is the universe talking to itself. Now, some of the things he's saying may sound ridiculous, but maybe what's happening is just the universe is exploring itself. And we're, we're like the, you know, tentacles of a certain type of exploration.

Alex Ferrari 16:43
I call it God's algorithm, we are the algorithms of God,

Richard Haight 16:47
God's algorithm, there we go. Genesis three is, is basically where within the human being the that abstraction layer, the ability to so we talked about levels of consciousness, right? The type of intellectual cognitive intelligence emerges, which in itself is just, it's a higher level, it's an extension of consciousness, where consciousness now can reflect upon itself. And talk about itself essentially, doesn't matter what I'm talking about, I could be talking about this thermos, I'm still talking about myself, this is reality. Reality, right? On a fun at a fundamental level, we just don't often see the connection. One of the interesting aspects of that abstraction layer is it is a mapping mechanism. When you're, when you're walking through yourself, which says reality, when you're walking through the universe, walking on the planet, you're walking through yourself, in a certain sense, right? But you're in order to see your mind has to anticipate what's coming. And your mind is constant trying to map out what is what is there. You ever if you ever wore braces, you'll know this phenomenon very well. Or if you break a tooth or anything like that, when the braces are taken off, your tongue will start, you know, it'll do that for weeks. Like, even if you don't want it to, it'll do that unconsciously. What's happening. The nervous system is remapping your mouth because it's fundamentally changed. From your tongues perspective, it's got a very dangerous job, it's got to you know, move food around in the mouth. And it doesn't courageously you know what, these chompers that can bite it at any time. That was your job.

Alex Ferrari 18:36
It has, by the way.

Richard Haight 18:40
Even after being bitten, that stung tongue will still do its job. It's if we live our lives by the the teachings of the tongue, we'd be all awake, we'd all be awake.

Alex Ferrari 18:49
So it's a great that your next book that your next book,

Richard Haight 18:54
Gonna come up with a good title for it

Alex Ferrari 18:56
The teachings of the tongue, I think would be great.

Richard Haight 18:59
That's, that's actually, because what the tongue is doing is it's one it's doing this job to move food from side to side, to taste, to move saliva around as well, in that very danger of that high danger zone that it's in. But same time, it's taking responsibility to constantly map it out and make sure that it's as clear as possible. When we go wrong in life we don't get the mapping Right. Or when we make a mistake, or we get bit because going to happen even if the mappings correct you know, we we pull away we get neurotic or we get really angry or judgmental towards it. None of those things are helpful to do your your job and none of these things are helpful in your life. How does that relate back to the Genesis code? So perspective one is that overall, like you know, the overall master consciousness perspective too is boots on the ground consciousness with we have the individual persona in their added in their right relationship between the individuals and that universal on boot with a boots on the ground circumstance. And level three is where the individual has matured beyond the innocence and has developed a strong enough abstraction layer to be able to say I'm separate from it. I'm separate from my environment. And now that comes in this feeling of meaninglessness, this feeling of unworthiness, like, Eve eats of Apple, because she, the serpent comes to her, which is the abstraction layer and says, Hey, you know, God's laughing at you, because, you know, you're, you're, you're kind of under him, you're not really worthy. If you were equal to God, that would mean that you would you understood good and evil. Right? So that Apple there you see that shiny fruit that quince, whatever it is, that will give you the ability to no good and evil, like God knows the good and evil and you'll be equal to God, which means you will have meaning, because only God is good. Right? All right, well, who wouldn't do that?

Alex Ferrari 21:09
Sales pitch, sales pitch,

Richard Haight 21:11
That's a good sales pitch. But fundamentally, what that fruit means is the ability to judge good and evil, to condemn to morally judge. Now, if I call you, if I say you're a liar, you're probably not going to feel that happy toward me that pleasant toward you're probably not going to want to open your heart to me anymore. That cannot be a teaching of a universal God. That recognizes that everything that is in the manifestation is also it. Because the judge any of those manifestations, the judge itself, it's insane. And it creates separation. The fundamental teaching of Genesis is don't judge don't morally judge, and we've misinterpreted it to know do more of that. Oh, God, do we ever. And the church is the center of that. That's what they teach at least everyone that I've ever seen or heard, we need to judge more. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to separate out discernment from judgment, moral judgment and discernment, like discernment is, I'm not going to put my hand over that flame, because there isn't any benefit to it. Unless I want to heat my hand. Right? If I were an octopus, that might be a that might work. Generate my hand. Right? Right. Right. But we're not octuplet. octopi. And so the interesting thing is, is we, if through meditation, or whatever other means, we're able to shut off our sense of identity and go deep into the nervous system, what we find is there's a sense of connectedness to the totality of being. And through that sense of connectedness, there's an inherent meaningfulness. It's only when we're disconnected from that fountain of being, that connectedness that that that what I call, it's called the nexus point, this nexus of the totality of being, it's only when we're disconnected from that, that we start spiraling out, our ego starts to seek, like, ever wonder why there's this strong correlation between saying somebody's name like Alex Wright, thinks somebody's name, and then liking you, the more you say their name, the more they'll like you. Why is that? Because the name gives them a sense of individual importance. And we're seeking the sense of being seen, ever wonder why young, you know, like teenagers who start driving they, they might take the muffler off their vehicle and drive around. Like, they're saying, Look, I exist, I exist. I'm gonna make you acknowledge me.

Alex Ferrari 23:36
So that explains the neon underneath the cars and the big giant rims, and the hydraulics and all of that stuff.

Richard Haight 23:44
Sure. And, you know, becoming, you know, famous, and, you know, being seen and you know, all it's all the same thing. It's, it's essentially, I don't feel a connection within me. So I'm going to get, I'm going to outsource my sense of connection. I want to feel that I'm meaningful, I want to feel that invaluable. I want to feel that I'm good, that I'm loved, that I'm worthy, and all of that, but fundamentally, what it means is we don't believe we are and we don't believe we're worthy.

Alex Ferrari 24:11
And the thing I wanted to dig into here because that's basically the fundamental thing that advertising does in everything. So when people have to wear brands or have to because the brand has recognition, so if I were the brand and I will associate myself with that brand. Yes. And if I have to drive a fancy car or have the fancy this or that or being famous on TikTok, or being famous on Instagram, and it's all look at me look at because I don't and as opposed to you don't see a lot of you know, spiritual masters generally speaking, do things like that because they don't don't dressed in Gucci. They don't have Rolls Royces. Generally speaking, some do and they are who they are. But others don't. So that makes a lot of sense. Like for me I could care less what clothes I wear. I'm like looking at a black shirt. I'm like, oh, that fit great. Let's get 10 of those. I'm good. Because I just don't even it doesn't it means nothing to me. My kids are like, What are you doing? I'm like, I just don't

Richard Haight 25:13
Hilarious. What you just said to me as a conversation I had just before I met with you today, I went out and I had like a purple t shirt on my waist. Like, you're not gonna wear that on the podcast, or you know, my closet pulls this out is where this

Alex Ferrari 25:28
Thank god for wives, because I would be the same way as you like, sometimes she's like, you're walking out of this house, like, people are gonna think that no one loves you.

Richard Haight 25:38
Okay, rather like this shirt, I think it's a handsome shirt, but

Alex Ferrari 25:41
It's a fantastic shirt. But that's the thing. It's just like, that's not you know, fancy cars that I'm at a past that stage in my life anymore.

Richard Haight 25:50
The more we ground with the center of the beam, the less and less we have a tendency to seek Meaning seek value, or, or try to project our identity onto the world.

Alex Ferrari 26:01
It's fascinating. And it's such a powerful teaching that one teaching is so powerful, because it's you know, you so many people go after brands, that consumerism, all of that kind of stuff is based around the law, not only is Victor on fear as well, but also based around the fact that you want to be seen,

Richard Haight 26:20
Yes, you want to be seen, and that becomes your highest value, right. And that becomes very, very dangerous. Because once that happens, see that abstraction layer, what we call the mind as this ability to see itself as a subject, and everything else is an object. So we have a subject object relationship with reality. The problem is, you are reality, there isn't actually a true subject and object relationship. There is on one level, but at a deeper level, it's actually one seamless field of energy, we might describe it as, right. And if we only see one layer of being, which is the subject object relationship, we're now essentially walking alone in an alien world. And we feel very, very separated. And we feel alone fundamentally, even if we have lots of friends. And what that does is it distorts our logic and reason. This is why even scientists these days, are oftentimes not able to speak the truth when it's obvious. And we've been through that over the last year, even though it's obvious, they won't speak the truth. They themselves may be confused on the matter, because their sense of self worth is still coming from an outside source, and they have to abide by that outside source, or lose their funding, lose their reputation lose their right then you're you're not a scientist anymore soon as that happens. Soon as you've divested yourself from what is factually objectively true. I mean, if you're a scientist, that's their definition, you can't claim to be a scientist anymore. I guess you could, but it's fraudulent, right? And even if technically speaking, you know that, you know, the lingo. And you know, the techniques.

Alex Ferrari 27:53
And, and based on everything, we're just saying here in this teaching, if you look at the credit card debt, that we in the United States alone, or under, which is billions upon billions, excuse me, trillions, I think we're close to over 1,000,000,000,002 trillion, we're, we're in an obscene invaded. That is this, that is the status of where we are as a society, because we have now had to purchase and have been sold all of these goods, to give ourselves meaning, because we have a lack of meaning within ourselves. And that one teaching, if anyone listening can take that away from this conversation. That idea could change the world in many ways, because it is one of the biggest causes even war is caused by like, look at me, look at me, I want to dominate you, because I need to be I need to show that I have purpose I have, that I exist, that I and that's ego, that's ego coming out.

Richard Haight 28:55
And a lot of it is you know, we looked down on the size, we're gonna save them. Right? That's also basically it has to come from within United States gained its freedom, because within it, the people said, Look, we want this and we're gonna fight for it. Right? highest value, if it's not the highest value of any people they won't have, it doesn't mean you can't give it to them. That's just simply not how it works. People have to find it within themselves and be willing to fight and die for it, which is simply not going to happen or it will be unsustainable. And so you know, I like the Star Trek idea of not interfering with another race until they've reached a certain technological level and can basically travel through space on their own. Otherwise you don't you don't interfere with them. You let them develop on their own. Maybe we need to have this idea that everybody needs to actually find the value of freedom on their own first.

Alex Ferrari 29:49
In that's what I think one of the reasons why the show is becoming more popular and more popular because people are searching for this information. Yes, people really are hungry because they They've gone down out of the road. And all they have is debt. They don't feel any better. They they still have no meaning. And we've been, we've been programmed to believe that meaning is outside of ourselves.

Richard Haight 30:13
Yes. But the only problem with that is it goes right back to what was his name? The book, wherever you go, there you are.

Alex Ferrari 30:22
Yeah, I remember that. Okay, yeah, I forgot the name of the author,

Richard Haight 30:25
But a great car, and you're still the one driving it, you're still there. And if you're not happy with yourself, doesn't matter what you're driving doesn't matter what kind of boat you have, what kind of house you have, what neighborhood you live in, you're still there. And if you're at war with yourself, on a subconscious level, if you don't respect yourself on a subconscious level, which means you don't respect reality. It's gonna be rough

Alex Ferrari 30:44
Coming from the world. I come from Hollywood, I can attest to all of that. I mean, you can be the richest most famous people in the world I've met and they some are really well put together. Others are not.

Richard Haight 30:57
It's probably pretty refreshingly rare, but probably refreshing when you meet some that are pretty well put together.

Alex Ferrari 31:04
Yeah. And it's, it takes time to get there, you know, like Matthew McConaughey, who I have not met, but from what he's doing publicly, you could see. He's starting to figure things out for himself and his own journey, looking at things. Yeah. And trying to improve trying to help others think about things differently as well with his book and, and his seminars now that he's putting together it's pretty fascinating. I hope to have him on the show one day.

Richard Haight 31:30
I thought you got my vote.

Alex Ferrari 31:32
I appreciate that. So that's a really go ahead.

Richard Haight 31:36
As I say, how do we tie this into the Jesus's teachings? I mean, to me, it's just obvious, but I'm not sure if it is obvious.

Alex Ferrari 31:44
Okay. So yeah, so we've kind of dug into the Genesis. So those are the those are some of the major ideas in the Genesis in the Genesis code. Did you go past anything else in Genesis? Or was only Genesis? Did you go into other areas of the Bible to try to find?

Richard Haight 31:59
Oh, yes, I did. Like for example. Are you familiar with the character Job? Yeah. So the interesting thing about So going back to Genesis in Genesis is the serpent. But the serpent nowhere in the Bible is the serpent, obviously mapped on to the idea of the Satan. Right? Right. No, where's it mapped onto? But we associate that to why do we associate the two, it's because the serpent played a trickster character. But there's an angel in God's hierarchy. So we can look at the we can look at the angels as if facets are expressions of God. They are servants of God, they don't do what God doesn't want him to do. One of this angels is called thus Satan, in Jesus, in Hebrew, and blessing. The Satan was scouring the earth. God calls upon him and says, Where were us as I was, you know, scouring the earth and I've got this guy that I found that you think he's great, he's got a job, you think he's great, but I think he's gonna betray you, you just need the right stimulus. So, you know, I want to test them out. Because you say this whole thing is good, but I'm looking at this guy, that guy, he was like, the best of the humans. And you know, I think if I could tempt him, he would he would betray. God has betrayed us. So God's like, Okay, go ahead, take anything away from anyone, but on the person himself, Don't lay a hand don't harm him. But you know, take away all as well take away those things. And we'll see how he does. And so the Satan goes to job and kicks his children, takes his livestock takes his house and all the while hoping that job is gonna prove right. But Job never cursed God. Job, never cursed reality. Job never judged himself. Which means he was following the law. And that's fundamentally that's it's like, it's, of course, it's an objectification of God in the sense that it's an allegorical story. It's like, it's hard to understand. People don't understand. I found this when I went to Japan, a lot of the old plays and stuff like that. They're Ridiculous. Ridiculous, they take these basic ideas, and they turn them into characters. Right? God is representing reality, in this case, when you stub your toe, Mother, do you do and why does this always happen to me and you know, all of that start going into this very negative, judgmental state against reality? As if you know, we're victims, we self victims victimize, right? That's fundamentally simply stopping doing that will change the quality of your life tremendously. The next time someone lies to you, instead of saying they're a liar, which doesn't endear anybody to you. And instead of thinking that just you might just think that might not be the truth, right. Instead of labeling each other You're this you are that which is like RAM pencils society now. Right? We might remove the labels, and just recognize that whatever it is, is looking out their eyes is the same thing that's looking at your eyes. That's reality exploring itself. You're them. They're you fundamentally. And if you judge them, that there's a calculation in your, in your nervous system and your subconscious mind, that recognizes you're judging yourself, you don't love you. That's what it means. You don't accept you, you don't appreciate you, there's no way you can be happy under that circumstance, there's no way you can feel inner peace, your nervous system will be disturbed. And the problem is that doesn't just go away. It like stays in the body. And and you experience it as inflammation, you experience it as uncertain you experiences feeling alone, you experience it as insecurity. And all the solutions we have for that are be more recognized out there be more seen as important out there. And it's insane making, because if you can't get it out there, you'll create it in here, you'll go insane visions of grandeur, and all that sort of stuff. This is a holistic system that encompasses the body, and the psychology and the environment.

Alex Ferrari 36:06
So if someone's listening right now, and they said, that sounds great, I want to find value inside of me. I want to find that meaning inside of me, what do I do?

Richard Haight 36:19
The first step is to recognize that you are reality, and that you don't know what that is. The second step is to realize that reality is reality. And reality itself doesn't know what that is. The question is not knowing the only question is not knowing, which means the state of chaos, how can you still be loving, and that requires a change in attitude. It means to be loving, without condition to be accepting without condition. You don't have to earn it. But it is a practice because we have habit. Like since you were a child, since you were, since you were born, maybe even before for some people, we've been told you're a good boy, you're a bad boy, you're a good girl, bad girl, if you don't do this, you're bad. If you do that, you're good. what that's done is it's actually changed our neurology, our sense of identity is tied up in being good or bad. And now I know the equation to get good is to get approval from my mother, then it becomes the approval from society, then it becomes to get approval from God, approval from all of these external ideas. But the one place, the one thing that will never go away, you might get Alzheimer's, forget that you even have a month you might lose everything and never have anybody's approval. But there's one area that you can look to. And that will be required that you get calm, grounded and centered. Open awareness in all directions, which is what the Warriors meditation that I teach is about calm, grounded, centered awareness comes from samurai training, where you will find the unconditioned way of being the unconditioned love the unconditioned acceptance, the unconditioned appreciation, the unconditioned respect, that ultimately will lead to a trust that will develop between the abstraction layer, which we call the mind, and the body itself, which has its own intelligence, a communication between the two will start to happen. And then that will start to open up a communication between the environment and the body and the mind, and they will all start to unify. And then you will feel meaning you won't have to create it. Meaning is a revelation when you're tapped into the spirit of truth, and the Spirit of Truth is a recognition of the embodiment of oneness of being.

Alex Ferrari 38:40
Well. That was excellent, by the way. Thank you so much for that, that hopefully that helps somebody listening. So let's get into the last teachings of Jesus because I'd like to quote this constantly on the show. Yogananda said Paramahansa Yogananda said, Jesus was crucified in a day, but his teachings were crucified for the for the next 2500 years. It's, it's so true. So what are some of these lost teachings? Where did you discover them? Did you discover them within the Bible? Did you discover them outside of the Bible? In the Bible, okay, so tell me.

Richard Haight 39:14
Most fundamental of the last teachings, and the one that that will be directly is directly mappable. And it's such an obvious way on to the teachings of Genesis, which is, stop moral judgment. Because in the, in this third story of Genesis, God warns, if you eat of the knowledge of good and evil, which is the apple, you will cert surely die. What does that mean? You might have had the experience when you were a child, up to a certain age where you felt like everything, somehow was magical, like the world felt alive and vibrant and magical. And then at some point, that just stopped later on in your life for whatever reasons. Sometimes this happens to people. It's oftentimes as a result of Having a mystical experience or a near death experience, they come out of it and suddenly everything feels vibrant like that again. Right? childlike. Yes, childlike, vibrant, clear, everything feels magical, mystical, amazing, you feel alive. But even for people with near death experiences, a few months later things normalize again. And you're back into this mundane world. And that's the separation we're talking about. The brain has this normalizing process. The process, it makes sense, biologically, he wants to map reality, you wants to feel like I understand what's going on. Because it takes effort to constantly update the map, it takes effort to actually see things as they are. It's, it's easier just to access the memory, project that memory onto reality, like the first time you ever see something, you're actually vibrantly seeing it, right? You mentioned the natives on the coast back in, you know, 1600s when the ships came, they're like they were really alive in that moment. They're paying attention in that moment. That's what the hell is that thing? Right? What is it that feeds our sense of the mundane and the dullness? Of course it is the judgment, it is the judgment, because basically, you're saying you've you've reduced this other person down to this little box label that you've given them. That's a that's a leftist? That's right, we call it that way. right winger. And, you know, there's so many of these types of things that are going on, we've reduced them no longer seeing them as is even connected to us. We've objectified them, and now we just throw darts at them, right? But we're doing that to ourselves. And it is a very, very jaded way of moving through life. You're not really alive at that point, you've lost the innocence. You've lost the connectedness, you've lost the magic of life. And you're just projecting so that you feel self important. It makes you feel like you know, something to be able to label something. It's a dominance move. That's what it is the dominance, put somebody down so you feel better, right? I'm not sure that that's helpful. But how does that relate onto the New Testament, Thou shalt not judge, as you judge, so you will be judged. Those who are judged, cannot enter into life. If you judge you cannot enter into life. Now we view this life as like the afterlife. No, right here right now. You are disconnecting from reality. The judgment is a moral judgment. I don't mean discernment, the moral judgment labeling somebody yourself and others I'm such an idiot, you know that all the thoughts foggy, your mind, fog, your nervous system, and create this sense of aloneness. And that aloneness was leads to suicide, it leads to all forms of addictions that leads to compulsions that leads to inflammation that leads to lack of clarity, at least self defensiveness that leads to self absorption that leads to because we need to get a sense of importance. Look at Al Capone, he considered what he was doing a service to society. He thought he was an important man. Look at look at Adolf Hitler, he thought what he was doing was this great service to the society. He thought he wasn't he was seeking apart now we're going to find important one or two ways one that's healthy for you, me we and or and or one that's not. But it's unlikely that we're going to say to ourselves, yeah, none of that was really good. So very few people can do that. Right.

Alex Ferrari 43:19
So let me ask you, then why is there such a need by a human being to find important to find to be seen, to find important and so why is that such a core, like tigers and lions and elephants don't have that, you know, other parts other species in this on this planet? Don't have that. Why are we so specific? That it is almost in? It is like one of the great barriers or great challenges to be a human is to deal with this thing? Why is it so inherent in us?

Richard Haight 43:56
Yes, there are there are fundamentally two layers to to the answer. First is that comes from the abstraction layer, that layer that says I am separate from reality, the layer, it doesn't even necessarily say that it's just sort of intuits that. Right? Because it is a it is a mapping mechanism that is capable of seeing things that are not part of reality. Ie planning. You know, on the next week, I want to go to such and such a place well, that's not the current reality. We're projecting into a possibility in the future to plan but but that ability to project into a reality that isn't, comes with it. Also the ability to spin reality to manipulate reality to lie. You know, you're not actually changing reality with a lie. Not directly, but you are brainwashing yourself to see it in a way that it isn't. Which means you're brainwashing yourself to see yourself in a way that you aren't. The reason we are seeking a sense of Important is we've, every time we shame, blame, guilt, do arrogance, games, we've put ourselves up or other people up, put other people down, that sort of thing ourselves down, victimize ourselves or others. Every time that we play these games, it's like we've just folded, like imagine your being as a paper, we folded that paper on that paper is written, you need we won, right? You folded it, you can't see you mean the first fold, you can no longer see you mean we. And every time that you believe you are your name, you are your job, you are this, that of the other thing. And your sense of identity is dependent upon that information, you folded that paper again, and just folds and folds and folds and folds and folds, and it gets so small, and so dense. And within ourselves, we become further and further from that fundamental awareness of truth. The Spirit of Truth, it's at the very core of that paper, the way forward isn't to acquire more identity. The way forward is to unfold the paper and go I wait, fundamentally, I'm really not a father, I'm really not a mother, I'm playing that role. I love my son. But truly, he's not even really my son. He's me and another body. Right? This is the universe it's expressing. And so I respect this one. My job isn't to make him me in the external sense. But that allow him to express himself in the fullness of being because his body is different than this body different set of filters, you're not going to necessarily want to do the same things I want to do. That's a revelation for him, which means the revelation for me through his body,

Alex Ferrari 46:44
One of the big concepts here, and I want to just really highlight this, because it's so important. So many of us, like we've been talking about feel disconnected in the the illusion that we are not all one. And that's a bit of an abstract concept. It's an abstract concept. But what we've been able to do here, and what you've been able to say so beautifully and elegantly, is that what makes up the tree, what makes up the leaves, what makes up the animals, what makes up the air, what makes up the planet is the same stuff that makes us up, we are all part of the same code, the same makeup, this just expressed in different ways. That is such a powerful teaching because it is an in arguable, you cannot argue against that. You truly can't. And if you can't argue against that, then you have to accept the idea that we are all part of the same stuff expressed in different ways. And if you can do that, then the delusion of separation could begin to crack and fall down. Is that fair to say?

Richard Haight 47:57
Yes, that's where it begins. It begins by fundamentally being very, very honest. Now that the beginning of it is to be very, very honest. The second part of it is to recognize that we're that that that observation itself is coming from the abstraction layer. It's like the abstraction layers become honest and okay. Yeah, if I'm going to be really, really honest, I don't, I am reality, everything's reality. And I don't really know what reality is, that's the beginning. The next part is to actually get really, really deeply in touch with the body itself. And to respect the body because it has its own intelligence. Most people don't know this never experienced, because the abstraction layer is so dominated the body, it's in a passive mode. It's like if you take your dog 1000 times, eventually it stops expressing, you know, it's in the shivering, disrespected state. It has an intelligence that may profoundly outmatch the abstraction layers intelligence in certain ways, and to get in touch with the body, which is why meditation is extremely important, especially if it's done with the right attitude, with practices that are less and less dependent upon being sedentary. Because we want to be aware of the connection of that we are so many teachings say you need to be more present right? Now. That's itself an absurd statement. You are presence, you are reality, reality cannot be more reality. Right?

Alex Ferrari 49:19
But your mind is the delusional

Richard Haight 49:20
Mind is playing this game, right? And so if we were to, if we're going to be really honest with the terminologies, let's just acknowledge we are reality, we are presence, and no matter what we do, we can't be any less of that. Nor can we be any more of that which is why I cannot be more spiritual than you. You cannot be more spiritual than me and I cannot become more spiritual than I already am. Spirituality is is essentially the acknowledgement of the totality of being Do you see it, but for this to be embodied, such that our mind can't just run away with us at any moment? It requires an awakening of the body itself, not just a an awakening of a philosophy but In an awakening of the body itself, and this is why I teach what I teach is called the total embodiment method that backs back to the forces of science, the forces of physics, we look at that right now we're looking at them as forces goes back to something. We talked about the very beginning of this conversation. We talked about the strong force, and these atomic forces, the strong force, the weak force, then we've got electromagnetic magnetism, and then we've got gravity. Well, what if they're not just forces? What if their senses, I view the senses, as well as the senses of the universe? They're the census, upon which the normal five senses that we think of as long as the abstraction layer are built, there's no difference. We're just an abstract, we're just an extension of those four fundamental forces, there may be even more that we don't know of, but they're not just forces. It's disrespectful to think of them in that way. From my perspective,

Alex Ferrari 50:51
Right! I mean, if you look at gravity, it can't explain it. They can say it exists, but they truly don't know how it works in the scope of the universe. Why is there what creates it, what starts it, and then the whole concept of black holes start saying where their gravity and it can go on for days?

Richard Haight 51:12
It can and will go on for the rest of your life? You know, that's fine. It's the fundamental thing is to recognize that we don't really know what reality is. That's, that's, that's the basis of science actually, is to first say, I don't know. But I'm interested to explore. Right? That's right. Science is one of the one of the most important aspects of what I see of realities. In the Genesis code. I describe the Creator God essentially, as a conscious zero isn't, you might have seen the statement, I Am that I Am. Moses goes up to the mountain, finds the burning bush reaches out to him. Moses says, you know, who are you so that can give you your message to my people and let them know who it came from? They say it says I Am that I Am. What does that mean? People don't tend to take it for granted. What does that mean? What it means is I am in reality, I don't know what I am. I just am what I am. Reality doesn't know what it is. It's a conscious zero effectively. And so in it search for what it is, is the development of what I call universal mind. Universal Mind is like a mathematical algorithm. It will project a positive statement about myself I am and a negative sense statement about itself. But I have no evidence of that case. Maybe I'm not.

Alex Ferrari 52:36
Where a lot of people lean towards,

Richard Haight 52:38
You get the light, we get the darkness we get up we get down we get all dressed. It's well it does that create our sense of duality, which is what we call reality. But it's coming from a conscious zero, it's not coming from an unconscious zero. Now, when I see it, it's actually coming in in this this, the consciousness or conscious awareness of being comes in and out of existence. At that, that's unbelievable speed. This is the vibration of the universe. The truth is you are and are not simultaneous. As the universe is and is not simultaneous. The question is, how do we live? Because all you really care about is how you feel in a way that you actually can get through being, which is what your day by day means to be. That's the tetragrammaton that's the that's the Lord God in the Lord God statement in the Bible that goes all the way back to the second chapter of Genesis to be how can we be and be miserable? Yep. And the way to do that is to decouple to get rid of judgment, get rid of moral judgment, toss it up, no longer judge yourself. Don't make don't self measure anymore. You measure skills. I can run a mile and 5.5 seconds. Five minutes.

Alex Ferrari 53:55
God, God bless you, sir. I have let me be your manager. Let me be your manager will make millions.

Richard Haight 54:04
In fairness, I can no longer do that. But someone else can run a quicker model. But that doesn't make them fundamentally better than me. Know, the expression in the expression of the body. We are not created equal. Maybe we're not created. We're a revelation. We're an extension of being we're a revelation. And look at Hugh Jackman. He made his will be a god on earth. That's not fair. We don't live in a fair reality. That's not fair. What's happening is the universal mind is exploring all potentials of beings. Some of them are super intelligent. Some of them are super handsome, tall and strong and healthy and kind. They can sing, they can dance, they can act. It is just unfair. And then you got me. I mean,

Alex Ferrari 54:53
I feel this is turning into a therapy session, Richard and if you need to talk about things with you, I can call them for you and And we can work some things out.

Richard Haight 55:04
But you get the idea, right? And that's basically what's happening. Right?

Alex Ferrari 55:07
But real quick that when you when you compare yourself to others, that's where a lot of pain and suffering and delusion come into play. Because I always say to people, like, look, I can play basketball, you can play basketball, we're not gonna play like Michael Jordan or LeBron James. Like these are not that's not what we are, we're not here to be expressed in that manner. You know, you and I could right now work really hard for the next year train. And the chances of us getting into the NFL, Richard are really low, no matter how hard is number? Is there a negative, I can train as hard have the best professionals in the world, eat everything right. And I promise you, you and I will probably be in pretty decent shape at the end of that, but we're not going to probably get into the NFL, and that's

Richard Haight 55:54
Probably the weakest player on the NFL on a sick day would still beat us.

Alex Ferrari 55:59
Absolutely. There's no question. You could play tennis, and then you can play Serena Williams tennis. Like there's just a different level, that that that's just the way she was she brought into it. And the same way you and I are expressing our superpower our mission in life in the way that we are, I challenge Michael Jordan to do what you do are to do what I do, they don't have the same skill set, just as I don't have his skill set, or you don't have his skill set. And if you understand that, that's the joy of life is to figure out what that superpower is, and then dive into it.

Richard Haight 56:36
It's interesting. I'm not even sure we all have a superpower, I don't even have that much faith or purpose or purpose, whatever that purpose is. And I found what I found is that it kind of goes to what you're describing its purpose. We're alive when we're curious. Yes. And when you're curious whether you're skilled or not scaled, whether you're strong and strong, you feel alive. But you know, the five year old or four year old me that felt alive and vibrant, magical in this world had no skills of note was a feeble little body, not too bright. The curiosity that gives your life life remain in that innocent curiosity as much as possible. And as spirit as soon as you label something, you've actually diverted them from your realm of curiosity. You think you know them already. So you're not curious. And that's what you're done with yourself, you think you know yourself, so you're not paying attention. The reality is, this is to anybody who's listening, you're the most amazing thing that could ever be just as everything else is. And you've got all these nuances and flavors and perceptions that you yourself may not be aware of. But if you become curious, if you become curious about your own nature, and the nature of other people, when you have a conversation and you really just like actually interested in what the other person is saying, really want to hear what their point of view even if you don't agree with it, you just like a Herat to feel it to like almost see out their eyes, life will become magic again. And then you'll realize that it never wasn't that it's just that you've been fogged. You've been fogged by this idea that you know, and Socrates was right maybe we don't know what Delphi said you are the wisest person, because you say you don't know.

Alex Ferrari 58:24
Correct. And if we've learned anything throughout history is wherever we are, whatever point in time we are, man, and humanity has it all figured out. Every stage from that, like I made fire, there's nothing else when I created the wheel. We're done here. There's nothing else to learn every step every day that goes by we have it all figured out. And if you will understand that how lunacy hallelujah, like a lunatic thinks this way to understand that we truly don't know. And the reason I do this show is because there's so many mysteries and ideas and thoughts about reality about what we're here to do about the other side about what's inside of us every as our history, our future, all of it. I'm endlessly curious. Yes, I can never stop doing this show. I could keep talking about all of these things. Infinity, it literally for an infinite it just goes and on and on infinitely, because there's no answer to it all. There's just different points of view. As, as the old as the old proverb says, We're just all looking at different parts of the elephant. Yeah, and this elephant's massive, and we're constantly it said this is a massive elephant that I will never all see in this life. And that's the beauty of it, because I'm not looking for a destination. I'm enjoying the journey, sir.

Richard Haight 59:52
That's right. That's an excellent place. You think you just put a perfect spot on it. So let's Are there any other important questions we haven't covered? Isn't it? There's a lot

Alex Ferrari 1:00:02
Well, yeah, there's, there's a tremendous amount we could cover. So just to touch on, you know, finally, with Jesus, what was one of his most misinterpreted teachings that you would like to form your research set straight for poor Jesus, who has been misquoted quite often throughout history?

Richard Haight 1:00:27
In fact, I won't share any particular quote, sure, just teaching is an attitude that shows up later in the Bible, later in the stories, so as first, it's important to recognize and this is something that oftentimes it's really hard to wrap our minds around because we've been told, if we're going to church, that the Bible's are infallible. The exact word of God. And, you know, just he just infested somebody. And, and they wrote down his his ideas. That's probably not correct. And there's so much evidence to show that that's not correct. It is to be bewildering, bewildering, and utterly astonishing. And I understand because when I was young, I tried to talk to people about things that might disprove it doesn't work, you know? How am I to save them? Who might have saved them? And maybe they don't need saving? Maybe that maybe you're the one that needs savings? Or who knows? Maybe I'm the one that needs saving. But what I can say is that first, what is it that beliefs do for us? There are certain there's a certain like, I have to believe we can never divorce yourself from like, I have to believe that the water in here is going to nourish my body or I won't reach out to grab it and drink it. Correct. There's no getting around that there's some certain amount of belief that's necessary in this life. The but the blind belief is where things get very, very dangerous. Yes, because what's happening is we're giving we're creating an image of God in our minds, which is an idol, because actually, you don't know. You don't know it's an idol. And you're worshipping this idol. Now, idol worship in the Old Testament was actually they created a little statue or something. But that statue is in your own mind. Right? That statue is in your own mind. That's the first step. So basically, you don't believe believe believe is what is quoted as Jesus saying over and over and over again? The question is what to believe. Now, if he scolded his students, if you don't do as I teach you, if you don't do if you don't follow these teachings, you can't possibly benefit. It's not going to work. You have to actually do this and go, What are these things that you have to do stop judging, to be perfected by love, you must cease the moral judgment. That's the fundamental teaching. But later in the Bible, when he's kind of when he goes to Jerusalem, and he's confronting the scribes and the Pharisees and the leaders, he labels them You hypocrites, you liars, You serpents. He's breaking the universal law is breaking the law of reality, the law of God. Nobody gets away with that. That I believe, is a false teaching. And it is utterly pervaded the religious establishments around the world. Finger, that finger wagging, you know, that religious finger wag and that's what that is. Nobody likes it's ugly. It's ugly. And that's not what what reality is about. That's coming from the abstraction layer, that's the serpent. That's the Satan in your own heart. That's the confusion. The problem is that those stories weren't written by one people, they were written by somebody that came 70 years after the fact of the existence of Jesus is not like everybody could read back then, almost nobody could. So this is word of mouth spreading these Bibles that we call these books were written in Greece, they weren't written. They were written in Greek, most of them. So that's, and then they were rewritten and rewritten and rewritten and rewritten and rewritten and modified and shaped and turned into what we see now that may bear very little reflection upon what the man actually said. Now, we don't know did Jesus say, Thou shalt not judge as you judge, so you will be judged? If you live in judgment, you cannot enter life, those statements, we don't even know if he said those. But what I can say is if you actually follow the statements, your life will change. All of your life will skyrocket. You will feel so much better about life and yourself. And it will be the most challenging adventure you will ever enter into. Because every moment of your life is inundated with conscious or unconscious judgments as a result of the brainwashing that you've received since you were born, and the genetic, when we might say the genetic momentum that began to roll forward at the moment when the first human being developed a sufficient degree of that abstraction layer to be able to self judge

Alex Ferrari 1:05:00
You know, it's really interesting because you know, I do truly try to read the comments that come in and a lot of the negative ones always are. This doesn't match up with like from near death experiences. This doesn't match up with scripture. This is not the word of God you know enough obviously you and I are both demons. I'm not sure if you're aware of that or not. But you and I are both demons.

Richard Haight 1:05:21
I shaved my head I couldn't find the horns but haven't seen Ira you've been hiding the horns very nice leather. Probably other dimensional horns is what it obviously obviously I army on other dimensions.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:32
So but no, no. But in all seriousness, though, the the this idea that a book that's been written, rewritten, rewritten, rewritten that this one book, all altex Not to be curious not to question not to investigate. I find it so odd.

Richard Haight 1:05:55
It's not odd at all, it actually makes total sense. Because if they get excluded from the church, I mean, even if not physically, yeah, occationally, you know, they're considered outsiders. And that goes to, you know, we're outsourcing our sense of importance to our community. Yeah. So I need the respect of my church members to feel I'm worthy. And if I question their teachings, they're going to be angry at me. And now I'm no longer worthy. So it all, every all the issues we suffering from in the planet right now, all of them religious, political, it doesn't matter. Every single one comes back to the same point. Jesus, if he said this was an absolute, he was correct. He was just correct.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:36
And it but then it's it's tribalism, but it's tribalism. That's why one of the biggest fears if not the number one fear above death, is speaking in public because of our being outcasted. From the tribe, because if you're thrown out of the tribe, you won't survive in on a on a on that level of existence back then. So now it's out.

Richard Haight 1:06:57
It's tough. Right, you know? Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:00
Well, yeah. I mean, if you're thrown out of your family, because of your beliefs, it's difficult is extremely difficult, if not, you know, very hard emotionally. And you're gonna have to deal with that baggage and thrown out of your, your profession thrown out of wherever, friends, groups of friends, it is it is very powerful thing that people who want to manipulate you do manipulate you with and go if the point is manipulation. Yeah, it's a manipulation, like, well, if you don't do this, then you're going to be thrown out. And if you're thrown out, you're just going to be out there by the Woods by yourself. Where again, that's the delusion of separation. Because if you understand that, like, well, if I'm out there I am God, I am part of God, I am reality, I am connected to that at a deeper sense, with or without my community, I can do that. And hopefully the rest of us can, if you understand that, it is such a powerful teaching. And if I could make if I may end it with a quote, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm paraphrasing here. But Jesus said, The kingdom of God is within you. Anything I can do, you can do that. And greater something along those lines. That's exactly what we've been talking about here. So I'm going to ask you,

Richard Haight 1:08:19
Those two quotes are ones that you very rarely hear stated in churches.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:25
Of course, yeah. Doesn't go along with it doesn't go along with

Richard Haight 1:08:29
But yeah, it doesn't. was interested, just look it up right there in the Bible.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:33
Right, exactly. That it's piecemealed, if you will, teaching

Richard Haight 1:08:37
Even more important than the Bible. If you just research this on your own. Just watch your own heart. Watch how you feel about yourself in your own body, when you morally judge or when you're morally judged. And you'll see how ugly it is. And you'll probably stop doing it.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:52
Richard, I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guest. Your What is your definition of living a fulfilling life? If you can go back in time and give your younger self some advice? What would that be?

Richard Haight 1:09:05
I wouldn't be wouldn't give myself any advice. I feel like every moment was really, really necessary. I had to have bumps and bruises I had.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:15
How do you define God?

Richard Haight 1:09:16
Reality. You, me, me.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:21
What is the ultimate purpose of life?

Richard Haight 1:09:24
That's an interesting one. I mean, it is the same. I wouldn't call it a purpose. It is what is happening, the universe is exploring itself. I don't want to state that it is actually intending to do that. Like it's a purpose that a human being it is simply what is doing by its nature. And that to me, is that ultimate purpose. So as humans do that, we reflect reality more accurately.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:46
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing sir?

Richard Haight 1:09:49 That's Got everything we've got. I've got a free 30 days meditation training there that'll teach you the Warriors man. dictation. It's that calm, grounded centered, open awareness, you're able to move it you will have your eyes open, able to talk, walk and chew gum at the same time. Ultimately coming towards that center of love and awareness and curiosity that we've been talking about 30 days of that. And after that, we'll see where it takes you.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:17
And do you have any parting messages for our audience? To some of y'all, Richard, it's been a pleasure having you back, my friend. We will definitely I have a feeling that we'll be you'll be back again, to have another deep conversation with me, my friend. I appreciate you and all the work you're doing my friend. Thank you.

Richard Haight 1:10:31
All right. Thank you, Alex. My pleasure!

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