In the serene unfolding of today’s episode, we are honored to be joined by the enlightened Phillip Mountrose, a pioneer in the field of holistic healing and spiritual growth. Phillip’s journey, intertwined with his wife and partner Jane, is a testament to the power of love, creativity, and resilience in navigating the spiritual and physical realms. His insights into connecting with the higher self, the power of visualization, and the art of holistic healing offer profound guidance for those seeking deeper understanding and transformation.
Phillip Mountrose began his spiritual journey in his youth, feeling a sense of the bigger picture and a desire to connect with the world in a more profound way. He shared how early experiences of isolation and rejection during his adolescent years pushed him towards a deeper inquiry into life’s purpose and the illusions of societal norms. This quest led him to explore various spiritual teachings, eventually guiding him to the works of mystics like Gurdjieff and Uspensky, and to practices like hypnotherapy and holistic healing.
In this enlightening conversation, Phillip delves into the practice of tapping, a key aspect of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). By tapping on specific points on the body, one can balance the system and clear emotional and physical blockages. “Even though I have this irritation about my bill, anything is possible and miracles are happening now,” he explains, highlighting how affirmations can enhance the healing process. This simple yet profound practice aligns the body and mind, facilitating deep transformations.
- Connecting to Your Higher Self: Phillip emphasizes the importance of connecting to your higher self through practices like soul centering and visualization. By opening your heart and tuning into your inner guidance, you can access profound wisdom and clarity that transcend everyday challenges.
- Embracing Your Unique Genius: Discovering and embracing your unique gifts and talents is crucial for living a fulfilled life. Whether it’s through art, healing, or any other passion, your unique genius is a key to your life’s purpose and happiness.
- Healing Through Awareness: Awareness is the first step to healing. By recognizing and addressing emotional and physical traumas, often through practices like EFT and visualization, you can transform your life and align with your true self.
Phillip shares a compelling story of how he and Jane used their understanding of holistic healing to navigate life’s challenges. Moving from Sacramento to the Central Coast of California was a significant change that required patience and trust in the process. Despite a challenging real estate market, they remained open and ready for the right moment, which eventually came in the form of an unexpected buyer. This story illustrates the importance of being grounded and pragmatic while following your heart and intuition.
In the realm of spiritual kinesiology, Phillip discusses how muscle testing can reveal hidden issues and guide the healing process. This technique, combined with connecting to the soul, provides a powerful tool for transformation. By addressing deeper issues, whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual, one can achieve profound healing and alignment.
Phillip’s approach to overcoming fear is particularly insightful. He suggests that fear is a doorway to discovering and mastering important life lessons. By facing and understanding our fears, we can transform them into opportunities for growth and empowerment. His analogy of the cave, where the treasures we seek lie within our deepest fears, resonates deeply and encourages us to embrace challenges as paths to enlightenment.
In conclusion, Phillip Mountrose’s wisdom and practices offer a holistic approach to living a more conscious and fulfilling life. By connecting to our higher selves, embracing our unique genius, and using tools like EFT and spiritual kinesiology, we can navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. His journey and teachings remind us of the power of love, creativity, and self-awareness in achieving true happiness and spiritual fulfillment.
Please enjoy my conversation with Phillip Mountrose.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 108
Phillip Mountrose 0:00
Do the tapping the points the top of the head, the eyebrows by the nose, the side of the eye. These are the key points under the eye, either or both sides under the nose, the middle of the chin, you tap five to seven times firmly or you can just touch the point the collarbone either both sides and under the arms and you tab. And it's not real precise. It's not like surgery or even acupuncture. So that balances the system if you add affirmations if you add thoughts that you're targeting, it aligns the body to clear and that's where there can be some pretty miraculous deep things.
Alex Ferrari 0:49
I've been able to partner with Mindvalley to present you guys FREE Masterclass is between 60 and 90 minutes, covering Mind Body Soul Relationships, and Conscious Entrepreneurship, taught by spiritual masters, yogi's spiritual thought leaders and best selling authors. Just head over to I like to welcome the show Phillip Mountrose, how you doing Phillip?
Phillip Mountrose 1:21
Great, great being with you, Alex,
Alex Ferrari 1:23
Thank you so much for coming on the show my friend, I appreciate that you reached out and wanted to be on the show. And we're going to talk about your book the loving power of your soul and many other things. But first question I have for you, sir, is when did you start your spiritual journey?
Phillip Mountrose 1:41
Well, in this lifetime I think when I was young, I had a sense of the bigger picture and some sense that I wanted to connect with the world in a bigger way, as a child, and actually I did little plays and little presentations in my neighborhood. And that was kind of one part of my journey. And then on the other part, I started looking at Junior High in high school and realizing things were very superficial and cliquish as teenagers and adolescents are. But somehow it really took me for a nosedive. And I felt very kind of rejected and isolated. And kind of like what was I doing here. And not only in this society, like this doesn't make sense, like people are believing these sorts of lies and facades and artificial divisions. And although it was sort of my own teenage mind, perceiving it, there was something deeper, I was aware of that there's that there's this kind of False Divisions. And I know it's part of maturing and individuating. And I was actually voted the most sarcastic person in my school. And that's something I'm proud of, just as a defense mechanism really kind of coping with with that. And then I didn't know what to do with my life. So I said, maybe I'll be a filmmaker, something you can relate to what you excel in. I went to UCLA Film School. And that was a lot of fun. And maybe be a writer, director. And it also sent me on my spiritual career because you you screen your films there in front of the student audience, and my first one was, was pretty well attended, and the second received and the second one was really terrible. It's like a terrible film. And I kind of saw it in front of everyone. It's like doing a big belly flop in front of everyone. And that sent me on a little minor, depression, tailspin. And I started looking for spiritual things to awaken kind of studying Buddhism and psychologies and things. And it led me to a Gurdjieff Uspensky group, where I met my wife and partner Jane mom rose. And again, it was wondering, even though it was the best thing available, this was decades ago, was pre internet buy quite a few years. And again, sort of like in junior high school, Alex, it was everyone was believing that this was the Guru, the leader of the group, he was enlightened. That pattern and I said when I joined the group, I said, everyone doesn't really believe that do they? And an elder woman who was probably not my age and I was said, Well, you know, people just take what they want. And some people don't really believe all that but a lot of people do you know, it's the old paradigm, religion, leader, follow the leader has all the power all the knowledge and, and although I got a lot out of that group, but I still teach some of the that awakening what was called self remembering and that that that paradigm of awakening to your higher self or higher awareness, this idea of that you have to follow a leader led me away from the group say, Well, why can't we, my wife and I awaken ourselves. Why do we have to go through someone And that led us to things like hypnotherapy, holistic EFT, energy healing, we developed spiritual kinesiology and it was sort of based on connecting with the soul wareness a deeper awareness of who you are, and living by that. So I think I'll stop there. Like, you can kind of look at it from many different viewpoints, but there's, there's one narrative for it.
Alex Ferrari 5:28
Now, how this is a question, I think a lot of people listening, like to know, how do you connect to your higher self, to your soul? Because it's, there's so much talk about that, in religious texts and, and, you know, philosophies and things throughout history, it's about the soul about connecting to it higher yourself, how do you do that?
Phillip Mountrose 5:51
Right! Well, we have, we have several different ways to do it. One of the ways that we met someone in around 1990, we had this way of what he called Soul centering. And we took that and adapted that of opening your heart area, sensing an opening in your heart, and connecting with that to your soul, it can be a presence or an energy. And you can use that for direction and guidance. And people do that Alex, every day. Usually, when we're we have an experience of beauty or even seeing a wonderful movie or work of art, where we just feel this all this surrender this deepness, this connection, this oneness. So everyone pretty much knows what I'm talking about. I think what most people don't realize, as your question suggested, is, it's something you can do at any moment, by being present and being aware of yourself. In this moment, the Gurdjieff Uspensky of the Gurdjieff was a mystic teacher from the 1900 people you may not know of him, but was that remembering like seeing yourself being present in this moment, almost like you're watching someone else. So you can do that intentionally. And there's different ways to do it. And that's one way. For many people, especially, people are sort of into opening up to their heart and soul and seeing a bigger sense of the world or not too restricted by their left brain. That they feel this oneness, the sense of everything, this connectedness and from there, you can start to heal, get guidance, just be in the now. And you're more softly present, then that can connect your life purpose and soul plan to.
Alex Ferrari 7:38
So if you said something I want to dive into a little bit when you watch a good movie or see some beautiful art. A lot of people feel this, this feel this way, this connection. Do you feel that it is? You know, because I mean, I've seen I've seen movies out of transit made me transcend. In many ways. I've read books that I've done that I've read, I've seen artwork that's done that listen to music that has done that, is it because the artists creating the art are connected to source in a way that's so authentic to their souls mission or their souls expression, that when we hear it, see it, experience it, we get a taste of that. And that's why we're drawn to certain artists throughout history, because they're able to tap into that thing that connects back to source.
Phillip Mountrose 8:29
And that's the question is actually a very good answer. To embedded in. It's I like the way you said that. Speaking, what was the Robin Williams, the movie about the dreams where they had our dreams, what dreams make dreams may come in. They're all those wonderful phantasmagorical, there's a word for you landscapes, and people from the other in the other side, when you're on the other side, view the world in sort of unearthly beautiful colors and sounds. So the most beautiful things on Earth are sort of a suggestion of what even is, it can be more, it's like, hearing the most beautiful note and then imagine a note that's more beautiful than the most beautiful note. So somehow capturing that letting it come in, and it's rendered in a work of art or a beautiful sunset or sunrise, something in nature, sparks us connects us with that oneness and wholeness. And that's part of why we're here is to be creative that some people with their gifts things are gifted into from their past experiences and born into our natural set that
Alex Ferrari 9:44
They can just automatically I mean, certain people could just pick up a guitar and you're like, oh, that's what they're supposed to be doing. Very easy. Unlike myself. Not so much.
Phillip Mountrose 9:53
Yeah. Right. Some people can't Yeah, and I couldn't do that. And that was for healing. It was interesting. You're good. Some things I am very good at healing and connecting people, we can even do a little mini sort of soul some soul connected healing or something if you want. And I just sort of when I started doing it, we just came naturally, which is very easy. It's something you do want to learn how to become better, because the best people or the best athletes are artists, they do work at it, but they're very good at it by nature.
Alex Ferrari 10:24
Know how, how can the soul or the higher self give us direction in this life?
Phillip Mountrose 10:30
Right. A lot of times people have very simple guidance. And there's a saying in the Vedic Hindu, ancient texts that the same thing from a different perspective is completely different. And that's rather profound. So many people just get a message, it may not be auditory, it might be word. So just relax. A word 1123 words, it can be quite extensive messages, but it could be just relaxed. Now, if you say that in your normal, everyday state that might be useful, that might be helpful. But from a deep, profound state, some people say we are relaxation, that is a way of almost describing the soul or being soulful. It's completely different. So we just open up to this energy, and it's there. And it's very mystical. And it's very, and it's goes beyond the linear logical mind, although it uses words and language, and imagery. And an analogy I use Alex is, and it helps kind of the left brain us deal with this is, say, you went you visited my house, and or I visited your house, and I'd say is there's something in the other room. I've never been in your house. There's something in your other room right in your bedroom, if I go there, I don't know what it is. I've never been there.
Alex Ferrari 11:59
There's something there. There's something.
Phillip Mountrose 12:01
There's something there. So the same thing with connecting with your guidance. It's just there. It's already there. It's a knowingness. And it's very profound. And it connects things at a quite a deep level. And it's a big picture thing. It may not give you all the linear things on how to build a website and 1234. But people like Einstein and other geniuses have used sort of their imagination to figure things out and get insights as well.
Alex Ferrari 12:29
Yeah, and that's something that a lot of people have heard that before, but a lot of people don't understand is that it's someone like Einstein, who's not known as a spiritual guru by any stretch in popular culture, but he relied on imagination. He relied on dreams. To speak to him he I think he got the equation for relativity over three dreams if I'm not mistaken, I was talking to a physicist the other day about that.
Phillip Mountrose 12:56
And he said something like your your linear mind, your logical mind will take you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere. The rest, of course, doesn't even go maybe beyond your imagination if you connect maybe at the highest realms.
Alex Ferrari 13:11
Now how can your higher self or your soul help you heal because we go through so much, right pain and trauma? Sometimes I don't think there's anyone alive almost like me, I can't say everybody but a birthmark a large portion of humanity that goes through some sort of trauma, when they're younger, something that could be light, it could be heavy. We all have something that happens to us through or else we wouldn't be here. Honestly, we have to go through stuff to learn and to grow. But generally speaking, how can the soul help us heal in this life?
Phillip Mountrose 13:45
That was actually a good explanation of why one of the reasons we're here is to heal and everyone has trauma. I mean, it's kind of awe inspiring in a way that everyone has trauma, we have 8 billion people who are traumatized and everything, more or less and have multiple traumas. And they've studied that. So there's something about that it's in some ways the elephant in the room. And so it's there to address him to teach us and heal us. And it often starts in sort of a spiritual, spiritual, non physical realm of separation of something that is fractured or disconnected here, or at some earlier point in our history or elsewhere in our timeline, and other dimensions. And it's fractured. So the soul can bring it together by love and healing and awareness. And once you become aware of it, sometimes that's the healing that just needs to be done to see it's sort of from that higher perspective. One time, one of the healing modalities we use is connecting with the soul. Such as that opening the heart that I mentioned that soul centering way, that's one of the ways and she she was a meditator meditation is can be good in mindfulness. So Although it can be limited as well, and sometimes she meditated for years on this, this betrayal by her girlfriend, she went into business, a spiritual business and the girlfriend, embezzled the funds. That was seven years prior to when I met her. And it was just a demonstration conference demonstration of how this spiritual Kinesiology is the healing modality, we develop my wife and partner GMAT resume. So I said, Well, let me say, because I'm sort of in awe of this myself, Alex, even though I've done it for many years now, just because the power of the soul is very transcendent. Let's see if this could help. I'm thinking while she's meditating daily, for seven years, could I really help her quickly on this thing? In this feeling of hurt, and in a couple rounds, with just a few minutes, she just had forgiven her girlfriend felt the love felt a deeper awareness of how things were connected. Kind of that Aha, that seeing the connection and that breakthrough moment.
Alex Ferrari 16:02
So you were talking about doing the healing? What kind of like doing the soul healing session, a little, a little mini session or something? Can you walk us through what's something like that?
Phillip Mountrose 16:10
Let's do another one. There's the opening the heart one, and that can be good. Let's do a second one was we call going mud the mountain top using the mountain top as a metaphor. We call it the apex, sometimes the apex approach. And so you start with something you want to resolve a little stressor. And is there a little stressor in your life that you care to mention, or I have children?
Alex Ferrari 16:37
Of course there is.
Phillip Mountrose 16:41
What do you know? I'm psychic. Stress. Boy, this guy really knows what
Alex Ferrari 16:47
Stress. Yeah, I'm sure I could find something I could think of
Phillip Mountrose 16:51
The way the way you do this, and this is kind of a way to know that it really worked or really helped you. Pick a specific stress or maybe even a little incident like when such happened. I felt frustrated, angry, irritated, whatever.
Alex Ferrari 17:06
You know, the water bills too high. Too damn hot outside.
Phillip Mountrose 17:12
I can't relate to that
Alex Ferrari 17:13
Every every day every month. I'm like, because I live in Austin. So it's pretty darn hot right now during the summer. And like, if I got to keep that grass green, it's gonna keep
Phillip Mountrose 17:22
The weather was high here in California too, by the way.
Alex Ferrari 17:26
Yes. I'm very well aware.
Phillip Mountrose 17:30
Yes, we're aware of it. So and that's something which we may not be able to change the externals and sometimes they do we can change the externals but maybe we can't change the weather in this one. But but your response your reaction to it, perhaps we can. Okay, so it's a stressor, we sometimes measure that stressor, and it's a stressful is it irritation, annoyance, fear angers at any particular
Alex Ferrari 17:54
I would say it's more, more irritation,
Phillip Mountrose 17:57
Irritation. So if 10 is total Alex and 1 to 10. How high would you give it
Alex Ferrari 18:02
I'd say like a three maybe?
Phillip Mountrose 18:04
Yeah, so this is and the this approach can be done on something big, but we're on to something kind of, we can quickly demonstrate here. Okay, so and if we imagined it, and people can have a visual or just as sensitive if they're not real visually oriented internally, modality. So there. So if you imagine sort of being in the mud, you're sort of at the bottom of those big, maybe mountain and you're in a muddy kind of thing with this irritation. How would it represent itself to you this irritation
Alex Ferrari 18:38
And that flying around, maybe multiple gnats flying around my face that are just kind of annoying. It doesn't stop you from moving, but it's just irritating.
Phillip Mountrose 18:48
It's there. It's just kind of always in the way and how is your movement affected or just sort of
Alex Ferrari 18:54
Kind of arrived. It makes the walking a little bit more erratic. Because you're dealing with the annoyance but you're still moving forward.
Phillip Mountrose 19:01
It's not distracting.
Alex Ferrari 19:02
It's distracting. Yeah,
Phillip Mountrose 19:03
Gotcha. Okay, well, this is a good little small example of something. Maybe we'll take care of those nets in Agana. Can't wait. Okay, so the next part is to just imagine yourself lifting up now going to like a different place in your mind and in different reality at the top of the mountain and it could be a purcha Hi, wonderful place. Very beautiful, where you feel very relaxed and expansive. It's panoramic, the temperatures just right the air the sun. There is a great so you're there right away. Tell me about your where you are now.
Alex Ferrari 19:42
Oh, I'm in. I'm inside of a cave. With right on the edge where I can see all of the mountain range. The weather's fine, very clear, very peaceful. Doesn't seem to have a worry in the world up there.
Phillip Mountrose 19:59
Okay. So you're, you're high up in a cave, but you're at the edge of the cave where you can look out, right,
Alex Ferrari 20:06
I can see, I can see the pair the panorama of the entire mountain range. And I'm there in a meditative, almost a meditative state. So I'm not just in the physical, I'm also connected to a deeper connection to Source.
Phillip Mountrose 20:21
Oh, great. Okay, like those words, deeper connection, the source. So when you're in a deeper connection of source, if there was an image or a symbol or something that just immediately connect to it. What would that be? It could be a color to or
Alex Ferrari 20:36
Just what you mean? What do you mean exactly?
Phillip Mountrose 20:39
Like, you're there, if you let it be a sound a color an image is a snapshot, something that just represents it, that you can just take with you? What would it be?
Alex Ferrari 20:49
Let's say a, the sound of a Tibetan bowl.
Phillip Mountrose 20:54
Okay, so you're hearing that bowl?
Alex Ferrari 20:57
The ring gear, the ringing of one of those
Phillip Mountrose 20:59
Rings on the bowl So would you like to send that down to the this the former self walking with the NATs like that old image?
Alex Ferrari 21:08
I'll send it right now. Hey, have you heard that or not? But
Phillip Mountrose 21:14
I've got one here
Alex Ferrari 21:18
Those will work, those will work. There you go.
Phillip Mountrose 21:28
So the sound is reverberating down to your older self were walking down and earlier. So what's it like now back to your old self?
Alex Ferrari 21:38
Well, when you in the old self, the one that was walking in the mud with the mats, the it seems unimportant, almost. And it seems like the knots are not there anymore. They're kind of just kind of, you know, they're just not there. Or if they are there, they're not relevant, and you just keep moving and keep walking. Mm hmm. I love. Okay, I'll tell you what I think about this when we're done. I don't want to stop you go ahead.
Phillip Mountrose 22:11
Well, we're just about concluded that would be one example of using imagery and soul connection, for healing and transformation. That'd be sort of a little sampling of it.
Alex Ferrari 22:24
What I love about this technique is that if you're able to, if you're able to create visuals are extremely powerful. Both you and I know that from you know, working in the film industry, a bit visuals are extremely powerful, especially once you have in your mind, and that I was able to instantly put myself in a place of absolute peace. Many other times in my life, I wouldn't have been able to do that. I would have been so inundated with not just gnats, but fire and brimstone and arrows and things flying in at you.
Phillip Mountrose 22:58
Yes, lights, flashing
Alex Ferrari 23:01
Cannons, firing cannons, I mean, it would have been a whole thing. But But I was able to elevate myself above that noise so quickly. And then it kind of puts everything in perspective. So something is irritating as the water bill going up in the grand scheme of things, means nothing. Unless it's, it's like you have no money to pay the water bill, then it's not nats anymore, it's a different thing. For me, it's not. But for someone who can't afford the water bill, it becomes instead of a three or a two, it becomes an eight or a nine. And it's a different conversation. But so using it as an example of where I was at with that specific irritation. It is it was easy for me to be able to transcend that pretty quickly. Once you get focus of what's really important. And once you that's why I love meditation so much as you're able to connect to source. Certain things just kind of fall away things that you worry about or worried about. You realize aren't that really that important? And most things that we worry about are either things that have happened in the past, which is are our memories, or things that haven't happened yet in our future, which is our imagination. And generally speaking, when we're here at this moment, most of this stuff doesn't matter. And I always tell people in 100 years, does it matter? If it's going to matter in 100 years, maybe worry about but until then, right? In 500 years, is it going to or is it going to matter? So how much are you beating yourself up over things that you have no control over? And if you do have control over start taking steps and actions to change the situation that you're in?
Phillip Mountrose 24:50
Right. So circling back to our earlier discussion and tying this in. If we started off and saying Oh, you know, your if I if I said do I quoted yourself ahead of time if I said, Hey, that's not that big a deal the money in the scheme of things the money but I mean that would almost be insulting
Alex Ferrari 25:11
Depending on how I perceive information. Yeah, it depends on how I perceive that because that could be really irritating thing to me. What if you certainly wouldn't be healing? Correct if you said something like that would not be healing like that doesn't seem like a big deal grow up, stop it
Phillip Mountrose 25:26
Right and be present defying you've meant being your parents. And so and that's a different perspective or saying the Vegas now that you see it from that and you're starting to live it and be it. And then even you say the words to me the way you say the words, it's coming from a very profound place when someone says I'm really feeling what Alex is saying and describing that that feels right, rather than just sort of saying stuff that sounds right or is good or is even accurate, or quoting a profound text without much behind it.
Alex Ferrari 25:57
It's about connecting. Whatever is said not only on the show, but when you hear things that are supposed to be profound. If they're not profound to you. It's nothing that's wrong. It's you're not connecting to it. It's just like someone watching the movie. Some people absolutely love Shawshank Redemption like I do. Other people gave it bad reviews, I've actually looked the mind. So you know, some people love the Godfather, some people think it's horrible. It's all about what connects to you on a vibrational standpoint or on a deep, profound standpoint. And that goes with what we're saying. So if what we're saying connects to you, all the better. If it doesn't, then this might not be the vehicle to get the message to that specific person. Like I always tell people, I don't have any competition in the world. Because there's no other one like me, I can't compete with somebody else, because there's no other person like them. And right, we might be saying the exact same thing, right, but we're connecting at a different level.
Phillip Mountrose 26:58
Right, you might not be the right podcast, or I might not be the right healer or coach and someone else. And that's why in our book, The loving power of your soul, we have six ways to connect with the soul, the one I mentioned, opening the heart, and feeling the soul connection that for some people that might be a little far out, or they might not relate to that. I think even more people would relate to the mountaintop, because that's a pretty common thing. We all have that experience of being in a mountain tap, and it's very accessible. And it does connect with that soulful experience of being in nature.
Alex Ferrari 27:32
Now, thank you, by the way for that, that was really wonderful example of what you guys do. And it really does kind of put things into perspective, when you start to think about it if you can transcend yourself to another place or place yourself in a higher place and truly connect to to not only your higher self, but to connect back to source. Even on a visual standpoint, you know, like you're a yogi and the top of the Himalayas somewhere. What I've used that imagery throughout my life, oddly enough, when I was very stressed out, I would pretend that I was meditating and levitating in the Himalayas. That was just before I knew anything about anything. I used that imagery to calm myself on an instinctual level, which is very odd, even when I was in my 20s. And stressed out, I knew just enough that there was a yogi, they can meditate. And maybe they can levitate, and they could be peaceful there. And I would put my mind there and it would work. It really does change wherever the mind goes is where the body follows no question.
Phillip Mountrose 28:38
Which is reason why when we've so many people are traumatized on the one hand, and then on the other hand, you can use the mind in the body and the soul to heal you.
Alex Ferrari 28:48
Absolutely. Now there's there's another trauma that we all deal with, I think on almost daily basis, depending on the person is fear, the fear of life, the fear of moving forward, and like I always tell people, not the fear of the Tiger around the corner. That's a healthy fear bears coming at you. I don't want you to start to meditate. That's at that point, you should be very fearful and use fear for what it's good for. But we're talking about things that stop us in life are obstacles that we throw in front of ourselves, the fear of success, the fear of failure, fear of what people think all these different fears that stop us from our souls mission, our life's mission, how can we overcome that?
Phillip Mountrose 29:25
Well, one, one way of approaching it, Alex is to say that fear is actually a doorway of something I'm here to discover and find out and perhaps master. So whatever that fear is about talking to someone, doing some creative project, being lonely, not having enough money for your bills, whatever those fears are. That's something we're, we're being presented with, to deal with, to learn about, because that sort of takes As to the basic beginning of why we incarnated? Why did we incarnate what are we doing here? Hopefully, I know it, hopefully it's more than just surviving and propagating. And you know, that's part of it. But there's more than that. Why are we here? We're here to learn from those things. So we part of it is having fears everyone has fears. And I don't know, maybe a few people get beyond fears completely. But it keeps coming up in different ways in different forms. And sometimes reminders like oh, yeah, you know, that's the part that makes me afraid of being poor or lonely. So you go back to address in nurturing, it's like a young child, like, oh, thing, that thunderstorm? Oh, yeah, that's understand you're still safe, you have to sometimes nurture yourself.
Alex Ferrari 30:46
I love that concept that you said that, in regards to fear being the reason one of the reasons we're here is because the fear is, in many ways, teaching us that if we're afraid of a certain area of thing in our lives, that's kind of where we have to go in order to grow. So Joseph Campbell, the famous mythologist, and teacher said, a very profound quote, it's like the treasures that you seek, are in the cave that you're afraid to walk into. And it is so true. It is such a true thing. As I've gone through my life, things that I have been afraid of when I've conquered those fears. I've been able to get the riches out of it. So when I first started the podcast, seven years ago, I was terrified, I didn't know if anyone's gonna listen, I didn't know if I was any good at it. It took me a while before, if I go back and listen to those first episodes I did years ago, I'd be like, Oh, my God, that's horrible. You could hear the fear in my voice, you'd almost you could hear the concert, you know, now like now, it just, I, it's secondhand to me. And I'm much more enjoyable, and I love it. But if I wasn't able to break through that fear, I wouldn't be able to be where I am today. So using fear is a cue on things that you need to learn in this life is a very profound statement. And I've never actually had it be brought up like that before. So I was fantastic.
Phillip Mountrose 32:17
II and gray. And it isn't great, profound teacher, it's something we're here to learn. Because you don't really want to die at the end of your life at this life. And say, Well, you know, I had these fears, and I just kind of ran away from them. They conquered me, you know, they paralyzed me, they kept me in the mud. You've dealt with them, you dress with them. And you have to do it many, many times. I mean, I still have fears and stuff. And I have to be kind of look at what's going on here. You know, am I you know, is it something? Did I eat the wrong food? And did? Did I not address something that I should have said that? Did I forget to do something? You know, do I have to do some soul centering? You know, what is it that's being called forth in this moment.
Alex Ferrari 32:59
And I've come to understand, at least in my journey, that if you don't address certain fears, and if you don't address certain lessons, specifically in life, they start off slow and small. And then the more that you don't learn that lesson, or don't face that fear, it becomes bigger, and bigger and bigger to the point where initially, it's kind of like someone tapping you on the shoulder by the end, it's someone slapping you across the head with a baseball bat. Right? So you like oh, he, he or she is not listening, we're going to have to do something drastic here for them to learn that lesson. So it's an art form to learn when to start.
Phillip Mountrose 33:43
Can be and that's a motivation for me is also of dealing with my fear because I know if I keep ignoring it that leads to injury and illness and all these more physical and chronic chronic problems chronic because we let it build up. Yeah, you don't hear the whispers You have to hear the shouts. It's sometimes described that way.
Alex Ferrari 34:07
Sometimes they sent in an MMA fighter and just you know, starts punching you what's going on? Because, I mean, it's happened to me so so many times, and it was scary or something is the more you have to walk through that fire. When you realize that once you walk through that fire, that it wasn't that big of a deal, right? It's almost like that. It's almost like the Wizard of Oz. It's almost like oz oz looks like the Great and Powerful Oz. But when you pull the curtain back, it's just, you know,
Phillip Mountrose 34:43
Losing so much energy, putting so much attention being so drained by this fear sort of imaginary. A quick story here I feel might be a good one to tell. I have many fear stories myself. But this I'm going to share about my wife Dean, Mount rose when we first started teaching she's He was very shy. And she was a person who's very shy because of her upbringing. And so, teaching and being in public, that was much more of a big thing. I've been a school teacher and educator and things like that's very natural to me anyway. So we taught a class or first class together was actually an inner child work. Your This was many years ago, decades ago. And so she led this visualization for someone finding their inner child and healing. And so she asked the person, you know, what did you you know, what was it like for you? The person said, I didn't get anything. So you can imagine for my wife, Jane, like that would be like her worst fear realized, like, she's afraid to do all this. And this, like, it was a complete sort of the belly flop when I did the film, they paid, right. And there was a pause there. And I just said, Well, okay, that's good. So this is a teachable moment, let's see what went on there. You know, and we kind of use this at her experience and went into it, so we could help her in different ways. And so when she realized that, like, it's not the end of the world, and something good can come out of it, that was very helpful to her.
Alex Ferrari 36:06
Yeah, and that's the thing is, we have to realize that that is, it's okay. And it's, it's not, it's not as big of a deal as we make it out in our heads to be. And, like, the one of the main things we worry about are things are gonna happen the future. And I don't know about you, but things never end generally end up as bad as I think they're gonna end up. They're never as bad they never are as apocalyptic as my mind, because I have a very meditative mind of how things are going to end up. And a lot of times, it's something as simple as, oh, she's not calling me back, or he's not calling me back. And that could be a friend. I'm like, oh, did I piss them off? Oh, did I? Maybe I say that thing I said to them in our last conversation, Oh, I lost the client. Because in realize years ago, that people really don't think too much about you. They have their own stories and dramas that they're dealing with. Generally speaking, they're not sitting there going, Oh, Alex, that one word really pissed me off. Like, generally that doesn't happen.
Phillip Mountrose 37:12
No, it doesn't. Mark Twain, there's a famous quote goes something like I spent most of my life worrying about things that never happened.
Alex Ferrari 37:20
Right. Exactly, exactly. And that's exactly most of us do. Most of us go through life worrying about things that never happen ever, ever happened because our imaginations are,
Phillip Mountrose 37:30
There's a good psychology term, which you may have heard of called catastrophizing, making catastrophe that's not there, the mountain out of the molehill idea, the negative mountain in this case. So that's kind of a good term. You're like, Am I really exaggerating this? Am I inflating? Am I and of course, if you keep thinking about negative thoughts that's unhealthy to you. So what can you replace it with? Well, why don't you meditate, go to the mountaintop. Remember? Instead of worrying catastrophizing,
Alex Ferrari 38:02
You go back there, exactly. Well, I mean, it's kind of like when you're a parent, and your kids are out in their mind, and you're in the parents mind, oh, they're, they're dead in a ditch. That's the cost and they're dead in a ditch. You know, I was so funny. I was, I was visiting my mom, a year or so ago. And I happened to go out with a friend of mine, I'm a grown man, by the way, I'm now a grown man. And I'm like, Hey, I'm gonna go out, you know, and, you know, go out to dinner with a friend of mine. And I went to his house, and we hadn't seen each other for a few years. So we were just talking and hanging out their house. She couldn't go to sleep. until like, until I came home. And I'm like, I go, What? What do you think happens to me on a daily basis, you don't know where I am? Every day of every every moment. It's just like, that's because you don't live in the same city anymore. If you live in the same city, I couldn't even sleep any. Like, you gotta live. So that's what parents do. You know, that's an extreme version of it. But that's what parents do. They make it it's good to worry. In that sense. You want to make sure you're healthy. Some of it's healthy, but when
Phillip Mountrose 39:10
Safety you know, a school teacher for years and you know you're continually monitoring and looking at everyone's safety is everyone all right?
Alex Ferrari 39:20
But she literally said I thought you were dead
Phillip Mountrose 39:26
No, no here.
Alex Ferrari 39:28
I don't even drink mom. I don't I don't there's not a I just thought that was a great example of where our minds can go. Now you also talk about something called EFT what is EFT?
Phillip Mountrose 39:42
EFT it's not electric fund transfer. That's another EFT we're talking about the energy healing Emotional Freedom Techniques and we have our own brand here at awakenings Institute. That's a nonprofit organization called holistic EFT and you Have tea, which was discovered really 9090. It's based on Eastern acupuncture, key pressure points on the body, seven of them they use. And these are meridians of the body is energy, right, or essentially energy. And some of it were either overexcited or under excited by our thoughts and our thinking and feeling, it puts us out of balance. So by not with needles, this time with touching or tapping with your fingers, these seven key pressure points, it resets or balances or rewires the body. So that's the basic tapping, and we added a few other tapping points, the top of the head, the balance the left and right brain, tapping across it, and breathing and tapping across your heart, and breathing and integrating, and that seems to put calmness and relaxation and you can address all kinds of issues. And people had some pretty miraculous healings emotionally, even physically, with this emotional freedom technique, which was started in the 1990s by Gary Craig, an engineer.
Alex Ferrari 41:05
Now how, how does it what is the science behind it? Because I mean, there is acupuncture in general is, you know, it's been around for 3000 years. And I was talking to a, a physicist the other day about how they were doing some testing on it was fascinating. They're doing some testing on where energy flows in the body. And they were doing some sort of sensor that would go over different parts of your body. And it was so interesting that the places that were the most conductive were the meridians instead of an actual puncture map. And he was like, how did they know this 3000 years ago, and we were just discovering it
Phillip Mountrose 41:42
That the brilliance of meditation and who knows what influences those seers and sages of 1000s of years ago, another way of talking about those meridian points are sort of like entrances or exits. And the freeways, you know, they're like, key places where if they get congested, if they're not flowing, things get, there's a problem. So you want to get that clear and flowing.
Alex Ferrari 42:07
So when you're tapping, it kind of just opens up those, those pathways, if you will,
Phillip Mountrose 42:12
It does some of just the tapping by itself as an energy healing, body balancing. And you can just do the tapping the points, the top of the head, the eyebrows, by the nose, the side of the eye, these are the key points under the eye, either or both sides, under the nose, the middle of the chin, you tap five to seven times firmly, or you can just touch the point the collarbone either both sides, and under the arms, and you tap. And it's not real precise. It's not like surgery, or even acupuncture. So that balances the system. If you add affirmations, if you add thoughts that you're targeting, it aligns the body to clear and that's where there can be some pretty miraculous deep things. We like to say a phrase. So even though I have like going back to your issue, the irritation for to have done it and the irritation on the bill. Even though I have this irritation about my bill, this would be the phrase you'd say before tapping. Anything is possible and miracles are happening. Now. We like that little download phrase. Anything is and then you do some tapping. And some remarkable things can happen just changing your state. It's another approach. In balancing,
Alex Ferrari 43:30
Yeah, it's really interesting. I actually had a couple of other people who have had, you have to do FTS on the show. And I started just testing it out just to see what would happen. It's it's pretty remote. It's it's something that's so low cost. It's nearly instantaneous. So if it's going to work, it's going to work pretty quickly. And you can feel the benefits of it. Within a few minutes, at least my experience, you could if
Phillip Mountrose 43:56
I wanted to give a caveat to that is on some things, just the tapping is a great energy hygiene balancing approach and it can make all the difference. And it might have even made a difference on the little irritation and the bill on the smaller thing for deeper things. Like as I mentioned, that lady was betrayed by a friend just doing the tapping would not work.
Alex Ferrari 44:18
Well that's a bigger, but that's a bigger thing that you have to deal once
Phillip Mountrose 44:22
Identity profound. issue.
Alex Ferrari 44:25
Right, exactly. So again, if my water bill happened to be $1,000, and I only had $950 left, do 1000 And I only had $950 left in my life, that tapping probably not going to help the situation at that point might help a little bit but it's not going to solve the situation. As far as where we're at. There's it's a much bigger problem. It's not an irritation. It's a life altering, adapt right where I am in that example.
Phillip Mountrose 44:53
Yes, and I want to this is reminding me that the bigger picture here Alex, the one of the The reasons why we discovered and pursued the energy healing after the awakening, what was my spiritual journey earlier? Was that was a key part of awakening that we talked about healing the traumas. So you need to be sort of this empty vessel right to be free and open and heart centered, and to do what you're here to do, to do your purpose. And that includes the healing part. That's one of the things you're here so you can help other people and you have all these gifts and talents. But if the gnats are flying around you it's very hard to be the best podcaster
Alex Ferrari 45:34
Exactly, without Without question, so to speak. Now, what is spiritual Kinesiology? I can never say that word.
Phillip Mountrose 45:41
Kinesiology. Kinesiology is a big term for muscle testing, meaning your body by nature has, it wants to survive, it wants to go toward things it thinks is helpful and go away from things that it thinks is unhelpful or harmful. And it can be quite subjective too. So muscle testing, which some people know about, another person may be pressing down your on your arm or wrist, and there's dozens and dozens of ways as a way of testing a statement. So if you say focus on your mother, if you're going to go strong or weak and subjective, and you might basically love your mother, but if you have this problem, that sort of hanging around, you're going to go weak. It's not an objective statement. Remember, a muscle test is a guy who was very fit very fuzzy and young guy, and I said, focus on your body just you know, that idea. muscle test, how are you? How is your body reacting to the focus of your body? You could do it on many things, the sound of your voice your house anything. And he went weak. And I was very surprised. You know, why is this guy is so buff. And you know, it seems so healthy young guy, be, you know, have a week have a bed to turn his body and this is a body and people would probably really want to have. And he said he his training was pushing him and he hurt his ankle. And he felt like he wasn't enough. You know, that's when we started going deeper into it.
Alex Ferrari 47:06
It's, it's fascinating, because I've done I've done some muscle testing myself. And it's, I love doing that this is a it's almost a parlor trick at this point. When I go to a party. Sometimes people ask me about it, and I go, Does anyone here have a Splenda, a packet of Splenda or equal? And they go Yeah, we have something that in the cupboard I might bring? Bring one out? And do you have a packet of sugar? Just pure sugar? Yes, we have one of those as well. So I'll take the biggest buffest guy in the room. And I go, Okay, now, I'm going to take two envelopes, and I'm going to put them both in and you're not going to know which ones which. And I want you to grab this envelope and put it towards your chest, put your arm out. And then I'm just going to take with one finger. I'm going to try to bend a hole, I want you to stop my finger from moving you. And I'm not a tremendously buff dude. So it's not like I'm I if I was on older, you know if I was, yeah, if I was if I was the rock, then it would be a little bit different. But since I'm not that imposing physically, I just one finger and I push down at one point when he's holding the envelope. It's strong as a rock, it can't move. He goes, alright, I'll take the other envelope. And he puts the other envelope in and with the same thing, right? He has no power whatsoever. And when they open that envelope, it's the Splenda. It's always a Splenda. Because it's a chemical that's weakening our body and it freaks people out. And I've had people deny it, they're like, No, you've done some sort of trick. This makes no sense. I've done it, the doctors and doctors freak the hell out when they say because it there's no logical,
Phillip Mountrose 48:36
Right! Logical. In fact, it's not testing your rational mind, which may or may not agree it's testing how your body is reacting to it. And they have a problem having any kind of scientific experiments to validate muscle testing. And that's partly because of the tests, I think, and you have to be trained on how to do it and not have an agenda. There's a bunch of things that we teach to make it more reliable. That being said, I mean, doctor's tests are not necessarily reliable either. So there is an element of air and there's so it's not cut and dry. So the spiritual kinesiology uses the muscle testing, but that actually is a secondary part of it. That's sort of an optional part. It's a useful tool. And it's a good way of analyzing things. But the kidney, the connecting with the soul, like I did earlier is that healing from the soul part because once you have identified what needs healing, maybe the source of it, then you connect to the mountaintop or opening your heart. And that's where the transformation comes in. The healing the energy healing and the awareness often there's often guidance on what's going on there on a deeper level.
Alex Ferrari 49:46
And you can use muscle testing to kind of diagnose maybe some more deeper issues that you're dealing with like the mother issue or like the Body Issue of that that person you did like, if you're like thinking of your mother and you go A week you're like, oh, there's something there with your mom you got to deal with or something with your dad or something with your spouse or with the body, specifically with that big buff guy who had body issues
Phillip Mountrose 50:12
You might not in your mind, my logical mind would wouldn't said, Hey, this guy, buff guy, I'm sure he has a problem with his body mean, that's the last thing I would have thought of. So it reveals hidden things. And we try not to use the word diagnose not because it's actually inaccurate just because of all this territorial things with medicine,
Alex Ferrari 50:29
Fair enough
Phillip Mountrose 50:34
Use other terms that describe it.
Alex Ferrari 50:37
Fair enough. Fair enough. Now, there's something you talk about in your book about the unique genius. How can we discover our unique genius,
Phillip Mountrose 50:48
Right! Some of it is actually hidden in front of your eyes. It's things that you are good at, that you enjoy doing that thing, only things you're good at, but you might be good at something you don't enjoy doing. My wife is good at accounting, she doesn't enjoy doing it. Some people do. And so these are gifts. And it took me a while to realize I was good at healing and energy work. I hadn't really been exposed to that when I was younger. But life just led me in that direction by opening my heart. So things that you're good at, you may take it for granted, you start to follow that and with your experience previously, and then at least this life, if not before you use that. And you use that intentionally to help the world. And that's where the purpose and soul plan comes in? How could I use my coaching? How could I use my podcasting? How could I use my researching ability? How could I use my nurturing ability? How could I use whatever I really enjoyed doing? And that's the beauty of it, you actually enjoy it. It's timeless, it puts you in the zone, where you're very engaged, and you have you transcend time you're in a timeless place. And you use that to develop your genius. And that's what you're very good at.
Alex Ferrari 52:04
Now, what would you say to somebody who's like, Well, my genius doesn't pay me. And I need to pay the bill. So I have to do the accounting, even though I might be good at math, I don't truly enjoy it. How can I decide? How can I turn my genius into something that supports me in this life? And what if financially in some way, shape or form? Or is there even? Is that even a possibility for everybody?
Phillip Mountrose 52:26
I think that's a great question. So the big question is, what is my genius? What is it I'm good at? What do I really enjoy what's fulfilling, what's hearing the music and following the music, beating the beat of your drum, you're on drum, right? All of that. So you do that and see where it takes you. And it may or may not pay the bills, you want to definitely have the bills paid. And people run into trouble and say, I'm going to I really love doing this, I love being you know, this artist, or maybe this alternative something or other which they're really good at, and they're wonderful and the world needs them and people value them. But it's not enough to pay the bills. So your your pragmatic, you're grounded, our missions here at awakenings Institute is bringing heaven down to earth making it practical. So maybe you are going to do work. I was an educator, a school teacher for many years more years, then I kind of burnt out at it. But I needed to pay the bills. And so at a certain point, it was time to fly. And I could I could be full time in the coaching and healing writing with my wife and partner. But if I did it too early, I think I would have been so stressed out, it would have would have muddied up the words.
Alex Ferrari 53:42
Yeah. And, you know, even when I started, I'll use the show the shows that I do. As an example, when I first started out, you know, it's not that I was making enough money to support me and my family through podcasts. And because as we all know, that's where the money is. It's the money. It's that's it's obviously that's where all the money is this podcasting is this, that's where the all the millionaires are made is in podcasting nowadays, or on YouTube for, for lack of a better term. But it takes a lot of work and time to build something like that up. So if I would have just said, Hey, I'm going to be a podcaster. And that's all I'm going to do now. At the beginning, it would have been a little bit would have been a little bit rough, to say the least. But after a few years, I'd looked at my wife and I said, Hey, how much money did we make last month? I think I think I don't have to do my day job anymore. Exactly. Which was called which was color grading and editing and doing things like that in the film industry. And she said, Yeah, you're good now and I've I've been quote unquote, retired now for well over four years. I love saying that word out loud. I love saying that word out loud retired. From my former I did that 20
Phillip Mountrose 54:56
You're retired from what you didn't like and now you're energized by what you do like And the thing
Alex Ferrari 55:00
That's dangerous about this is this is the thing that's so dangerous about doing something that you're good at. But don't 100% like is my skill set in the editing and the color grading space, right? I enjoyed myself, to a certain extent, right, there were moments of real happiness. And I could count them and want to hand it over 25 years, how many times I really enjoyed doing that kind of work with clients and working on projects and things. But the majority of the time I was upset, I was angry, I was bitter, I was jealous of people in the room, things like that. So it's a dangerous thing. Because just because you're good at something doesn't mean that it is your calling. I have many skill sets that I could do, I could build websites professionally, if I wanted to, I would never in a million years for anybody else other than myself. Because I would, it would. So just because you're good at something doesn't mean it's your calling. It's what makes you happy is the key thing that you should be looking out and feeling.
Phillip Mountrose 56:06
Right. So. So if you're paying the bills, you're doing that until you don't have to do that anymore, I'm really foul, you can go full time into it. A parallel story for us is simply the fact that following the heart following the the trial and doing doing that years ago, when we're living in Sacramento, California, we wanted to move didn't really agree with us. And we said I think we'll just go to the Central Coast, California really enjoyed that on a vacation. And that was seemed to be just what we're looking for. But we didn't needed to sell our house at the time. And it was a bad real estate market. And we were kind of trapped in there. And we tried to put it on the market and really wanted to get out of there. And we were trying to do everything and it wouldn't sell. And so we had to take it off the market. Because if you keep a house on the market too long, it makes it look like a desirable property. So okay, and so we were going to put it back on the market. So let's try again. And you know, things were kind of coming together for us. And a person knocked on our door one Sunday and said, Hey, are you? Is your house still for sale? And we said yes to it. Yes, it is. Because it's great, I want to buy it. And when in the backroom, talk with my wife set a price in the next couple of days, it was sold just instantly. So we were ready. The time was right, we didn't push it, we didn't, you know, go into huge debt and try to do something abruptly and move before we were ready. Even though quote we wanted to.
Alex Ferrari 57:34
It's about balance, it is about balance. Because look, if you want to sing, and you want to be a singer, or you want to be a painter, and you're like, I'm just gonna give everything up to do that, when you're younger, it's easier to do because you don't have to start with, you can live on ramen noodles, and sleep on people's couches and things like that. But it's not necessary, took me a lot I was able to always in the pursuit of my art, being an artist, I always had a foundational thing that was able to pay the bills within the industry that I wanted to grow up to grow in. So that was a that's what I always always suggest to people like if you want to be a singer, great, get a job at a studio, work, learn the business, learn all other aspects of what you're trying to do while you're perfecting your craft. Because just because you want to do something right now, doesn't mean that you're ready to do something right now, if you want to teach, if you would have said at 22 I want to do what I'm doing right now you wouldn't have the skill set, or you wouldn't be ready, you wouldn't be ready. So there is there is a time. There's some time you need to learn what you're doing even if you're good at something. Look, Michael Jordan greatest one of the greatest basketball players of all time, cut from his high school basketball team. He needed to practice he needed to build up his skill set, even though he was obviously gifted in that skill sets. And that's something that people listening should know if they're following a dream or following a passion or following their mission in life. Just know that it's going to take time it taken me a long time to get to where I am right now in the podcasting space. First few podcasts horrible, horrible, took me a year before I really found my groove. And then you're like okay, and now it just it now it's a much easier thing, but it took time to do so that's something that we should all think
Phillip Mountrose 59:27
Like that beautiful advice by the poet Rainer Maria Rilke Ah, you just asked the questions, you know, you're not ready you don't have the answers yet. You're not ready for them in one day, you will live the answers.
Alex Ferrari 59:39
Very true. Very, very true. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions ask all of my guests What is your mission in this life?
Phillip Mountrose 59:48
My mission is to use my gifts and talents coaching, healing, communicating, or to make the world a more loving, creative, prosperous place.
Alex Ferrari 59:58
What is the ultimate purpose of Life?
Phillip Mountrose 1:00:01
The purpose of life is to find your purpose and to live your purpose.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:06
Simple is a beautiful answer. And where can people find your new book and find out more about what you and your wife are doing?
Phillip Mountrose 1:00:14
A good free gift for people we have an excerpt from the book and an EFT or holistic EFT tapping video and some resources for coaches healers and holistic people. It's a tiny It's an abbreviated URL
Alex Ferrari 1:00:38
Phillip, it has been a pleasure talking to you my friend thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your knowledge and wisdom with with my tribe and and I appreciate the work that you're doing in the world, my friend that is much needed. So thank you so much, sir.
Phillip Mountrose 1:00:50
Great being with you Alex!
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- The Loving Power of Your Soul: A Guidebook for Realizing Your True Potential
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