On today’s episode, we welcome Sharon Milliman, a soul who has danced with the divine through a series of extraordinary encounters that defy the boundaries of the physical world. Sharon’s journey is not just a tale of survival but a profound exploration of what it means to truly live, to be touched by the infinite, and to return with a message of unconditional love that resonates with the deepest parts of our being.

Sharon’s life, even before her near-death experiences, was marked by a deep spiritual awareness. As a child, she saw the world through a lens that few others could comprehend, perceiving spirits and energies that were as real to her as the tangible world around her. “I saw God in everything,” she says, “even as a small child.” This sensitivity, however, made her an outcast among her peers, who couldn’t understand her connection to the unseen. Yet, these early experiences laid the foundation for the profound spiritual encounters that would later define her life.

Her first brush with death came at the age of thirteen when she drowned during a swimming lesson. Sharon vividly recalls the moment she found herself at the bottom of the pool, her lifeless body suspended in the water, while her consciousness floated above, observing everything with a serene detachment. It was then that she saw a brilliant light, growing ever larger and more inviting, until she was pulled back into her body by the lifeguard’s resuscitation efforts. This experience, though brief, opened the door to the spiritual realm, a door that would swing wide open again later in her life.

Lightning struck Sharon not once, but four times, each bolt a jolt from the heavens, a call to awaken. The most significant of these strikes peeled her out of her body and into a realm where the physical and spiritual worlds intertwined in ways that are both bewildering and beautiful. “It felt like I was in a circular library,” she recalls, describing a place where knowledge flowed like a living stream, where the past, present, and future coexisted in perfect harmony. It was in this space that Sharon met a formless, loving presence—a being she identifies as God—who guided her through a series of profound revelations about the nature of existence.

One of the most striking aspects of Sharon’s experiences is the absence of judgment. During her life review, she was shown the entirety of her life, not as a series of mistakes to be criticized, but as a tapestry of experiences woven with love and purpose. “I didn’t feel any judgment at all,” she reflects, “It was like I was watching it for information purposes only.” This perspective, free from the harsh self-criticism that plagues so many of us, offered Sharon a new way of understanding herself and her place in the universe.


  1. The Unconditional Nature of Divine Love: Sharon’s encounters with the divine emphasized that we are all deeply loved, just as we are. There is no need to change or be anything other than who we are, for in the eyes of the divine, we are already perfect.
  2. Life as a Continuous Flow of Learning: Her experiences suggest that life is not a series of isolated events but a continuous flow of learning and growth, where each moment is an opportunity to deepen our understanding and connection to the divine.
  3. The Power of Presence and Non-Judgment: Sharon’s life review taught her the importance of being present and observing life without judgment, allowing us to see the beauty and purpose in every experience, no matter how challenging.

In this profound conversation, Sharon Milliman invites us to step beyond the limitations of our physical world and explore the boundless realms of love and spirit that lie just beyond our perception. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of near-death experiences and the deep, abiding love that awaits us all when we open our hearts to the divine.

Please enjoy my conversation with Sharon Milliman.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE025

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Sharon Milliman 0:08
I was always a very spiritual child, not necessarily religious, but more spiritual. I saw God in everything, even as a small child, well, I saw things that other people didn't see. So I was a source of other kids making fun, but I was able to see people they couldn't see. Now, I didn't know they were spirits. I They look so solid to me. They just were people, even to this day, when someone shows up, it's like they're just as solid as you are. They're not transparent or shadow people or wispy whatever I'm like, Please don't come to me that way. But they just come to me as normal people, usually younger than younger versions of themselves. They're just people without physical bodies, and they still have their own identity and their own personalities and their own whatever. We had just moved to West Virginia, where we are now, 50 years later, and my parents wanted us to learn how to swim, so they took us to the Y down the road, and the teacher wanted I was in the older class, and he wanted us to dive in headfirst this way. And I saw the other kids doing it, and they came out just fine, but there was something in me that was like, I cannot do this. I just can't do it. And he told me, he said, You're either going to do this dive or I'm going to throw you in. He threw me in. I drowned. I'm laying on the bottom of a 10 foot in the 10 foot section, and I could see all the way around. I was dead on the bottom of the poles. And I was kind of, I could see myself on the bottom, I could see the water rippling on the top. I could see my mother. She was on the other side of the pool, and I could see her face, as if it was right here. I could hear people screaming. I could hear people talking. The lifeguard that was taking care of the little children and three foot section of the pool, she screamed at my teacher. She called him by name and said, Go in and get her. And then I could see his face, and he was frozen and he couldn't move. I saw my mom. She was screaming, and she was in the balcony where the parents were on the opposite side of the pool. I'm 13, and I have no idea what's going on. I'm seeing all of this. I'm hearing everything. Can see everybody all the way around, all at the same time. And at the same time, I'm seeing this light, and it looked like a light bulb in the pool, and the light kept getting bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter, and it was just a brilliant white, but yet it was soft on my eyes. It didn't hurt my eyes. It just kept getting I don't know if I was going up to it or it was coming down to me, but it was just huge. And it just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And it was about this close from touching me, when I heard what sounded like a metalwork slam, and it echoed. And the lifeguard, who had the middle aged kids, it was like in this five foot section of the pool, he had jumped in and was getting me out. He was doing CPR and getting me out of the water. Then I saw my mom. My mom and I never really talked about it before. The second experience, I had been hit by lightning several times. It was twice was ball lightning, and twice was the lightning bolts. And people are, are like, well, lightning comes from the ground. Well, there might be an arc from the ground, but if you look in the sky during a storm, you will see lightning bolts come out of the sky. Lightning Bolt came out of the sky and hit my arm, so twice was ball lightning, and then it's like a fireball like this. That'll just it can come through glass. It's kind of rare, but it can actually come right through the glass. It looked to me like it had come through the little space between the window sill and the window. That's how it looked like it had come through there. But it could have come through the glass. I don't know. We had a big Victorian house that had the curtains and, you know, the sheer and all that. Only thing I know is that I saw the ball coming through the window, and it rolled across the room. And I was on the computer at the time. Then we had the great big tower, and the, you know, the big monitor that weighed 5000 pounds, you couldn't pick it up and move it. I'm typing on the keyboard, and this ball, this big ball of fire, is rolling across the room, and it smacks my hands and it fries. I mean, it just shook me to the core. My hands just tangled all the way up to my shoulders. It fried the keyboard. I was sitting out on the back concrete steps, and there was a roof over top of where I was sitting, and I was talking on a cordless phone, and it had started to rain, and I knew not to be on a corded phone, but I didn't think that a cordless phone would be any big deal. But apparently, don't go outside on the cordless phone. So I'm sitting there talking to my friend on the phone, and the lightning bolt came out of the sky and it hit my. Arm, my right arm, and it went through my body and traveled underneath the house. And we had a transformer that was right in front of our house, and it blew that pieces. I felt this when it hit my arm. I felt this burning, searing, just horrific pain. And then I peeled up out of my body. I mean, I just, I'm down on the ground. I can see my body on the ground. Once I peeled up out on myself, I didn't feel any pain. There was it was wonderful. It was like, I love this. I can do this now. But it was very strange, because I didn't know I was dead, didn't it happened so quick that I didn't have time process in my own mind. I guess that I was dead. That crumpled body on the ground was me. And I walked into or floated or walked, or whatever it was, and I went into my kitchen. And as I got into my kitchen, everything had this burnt gold look to it. So I'm looking around at the curtains, and I mean, it was just very odd, and I noticed that the lace curtains on my windows were not my curtains. So I went into the dining room, which was just off the kitchen, and I noticed that none of that furniture was mine. It was my house, but it was not my furniture. And I'm walking through and I can get around. So I went from the dining room into the living room, and from the living room into the parlor. Nothing in that house was my stuff, and so I heard this old time radio show playing. Sounded like something from back in the Waltons, and I knew we didn't have a radio in the house, and I knew we had no electricity. So how could a radio be playing? I didn't know where that sound was coming from, and I was looking for this sound, and I couldn't find it anywhere. And just as I was about to freak out because I was it was so odd this huge, loving, formless presence, huge, huge presence came and got me, and as soon as that presence appeared, I felt this huge peace, this love like I've never felt in my life. And it just filled me, just totally filled me, and I was at peace, and I was calm, and I was okay at that point. And we started these beautiful pink and gold clouds appeared, and we, like part of the house, disappeared, and all I could see were the pink and gold clouds. And we started moving very quickly. We didn't move up, we didn't move down. We went lateral, side to side. And so we're moving really fast through these clouds, and we get to the end of the clouds, and there's this garden, and it was the most beautiful garden I'd ever seen. It was a beautiful sunny day. It felt like perfect day, you know, 75 degrees, zero humidity, bird flowers.

It was just the most beautiful place. The colors were just so rich and vibrant. And there were colors that there weren't even words for. I could hear music. And it was like everything has a vibrational sound. The leaves on the trees, the flowers, each color the water, there was a stream. Looked like there was a bazillion diamond sparkling in this water. It was going over some rock. So I noticed that the rocks had a sound. The water had a different sound. Each individual blade of grass had a different sound. Colors. Everything had a sound. And when you put all those sounds together, you hear this magnificent orchestra. It's like everything was singing praises to God, everything. And it was just it was so beautiful. I call it big music because there were lots of instruments and lots of intricate pieces all put together to make this melody. And there were two young men that stepped forward to greet me, and they were wearing it as ivory, very intricate linen clothing. And I noticed that the clothing was a herringbone weave. They literally took that a snapshot of the weave pattern, stuck it in my face for future reverence, which I found out years later what that was, but at the time, I didn't know it was sort of an instant. Sometimes it takes me being hit over the head with the two by four. Sometimes it takes being hit by lightning for me to understand what's going on. And at that point, I was just floating along. Everything was so magnificent, and I was in that awe factor. And the two young men were my two brothers, who had died when they were babies. It was Michael and Steven, and they were a year apart, and they were younger. I was older than them, and when they smiled at me is when I realized who they were. I was like, Oh my gosh, you look just like dad, you know. And I we had our family reunion, and the hugs and the tears and that, you know, so happy to see you. Dad would be so proud of you. You're so beautiful. In fact, they looked exactly like my dad when my dad was a young man, except that they had longer, curlier hair than he did. Their hair was a darker blonde with this color blonde running through it, and they glowed when my two brothers actually had to tell me that I died, because I at that point, I didn't know that I was and they actually had to tell me that I had died. And I was like, Okay, if this is that, I can do this. This is not bad. Now, when they told me that I had died, I looked. Down the front of me to see if I still had a body, because I felt like I did. I still felt like me. I could feel that cool grass on my feet so I could feel and I could smell and I could touch, and it was like I could see 360 degrees all the way around, so I could see even the most minute detail about even turning my head. I felt loved and accepted, and I had never felt loved and accepted in this lifetime. I'd always been told you're fat, you're ugly, you're stupid. I've never felt the love that I felt there. And so a screen comes down, and I'm watching this screen, and it was like watching an old fashioned black and white movie on an old fashioned movie reel. So I'm watching my life review, and it was from the moment I was born all the way until that day that I died. And I didn't know I was supposed to judge me, you know, I didn't. Nobody else seemed to be judging me, and I didn't realize I was supposed to be doing that, and so I didn't. And the life review was just over like that. And it was, I kind of thought that was quick. You know, life must have been pretty boring, because that was over really fast. And I asked my brothers, did I miss something? What have I what am I missing? And they just kind of grinned, and they didn't really answer me. And I thought, ah, that's not fair. You're playing a brother card on me here. But I realized that nobody else was judging me. I didn't judge me. And so it was over, and there wasn't the judgment that not to say there isn't judgment, but I mean for me, there wasn't any judgment. I did not feel judgment at all. I felt love from the being the one I call God, the big, huge, formless and nobody at my brothers didn't judge me. The other people around me didn't judge me, so I didn't feel judged at all. And I started thinking to myself, well, maybe judgment is when we judge ourselves in front of God, who is perfect. If we feel that we need to be punished, then we get punished. But if we don't need to be punished, then we don't I mean, I don't know, but that's how I felt. I didn't feel anything at all. I didn't it just was like It felt like I was watching it for information purposes only, and that's why I thought maybe my life was boring. Well, we my brothers were showing me around, and I was able to see buildings. I saw this beautiful, what I call the glorious city, and it was behind a wall, a big fake golden wall, and in the center of the city was a round building that had a dome. And I didn't, I don't know what that building was, but I noticed how beautiful the dome was. And I saw other buildings like on the outskirts of the city, and there was this one beautiful castle wall. It was like a field stone wall, and it was like falling down, and it had pink roses growing up and over it. And I was just enamored by this beautiful wall, because it was a castle wall, you know, it had fallen down, and it was just beautiful, breathtaking. And there was a log laying there, and I sat down on the log. There's a man sitting on the end of the log, and that man was gone. We had started talking. It was kind of chit chat at first, until God asked me, What would you do if it was just me and you? And I'm like, I had no idea what. And so he said it again, what would you do if it was just me and you? And I didn't understand. It made no sense to me, and I was like, I don't understand you. What do you want me to say? I don't have a clue what you're what you're looking for. He said, Well, come with me. So we go through the woods, and there's a clearing, and he shows me, he waves his hand, and he shows me the vastness of the universe, the stars, the planet, the multicolored gasses, all of that. But there's no trees, no people, no cars, no houses, no animals, nothing, just all of that. So I looked at God, and I said, he just threw his head back, and he started laughing. And then when I realized what I said, I was like, who does that? So I'm looking at this beautiful tree. In this beautiful tree, I could see all the detail, the bark, the roots beneath the ground, and just everything is connected to everything. The trees clean the air we breathe. I said, God, your 100th name is, God is everywhere, God is nowhere, and God is in me. And he said, Yes, that's right. And I said, God, you made this tree. You are in this tree. So when I see this tree, I see you. He said, Yes, that's right. And he started telling me, I love you and with you, you are not everything that everybody tells you, you are. You are not what the world makes you to be. You are what I make you to be. I don't make mistakes. I don't make jobs. You have a purpose, just like everybody has a purpose, and that's important, and you need to start seeing yourself that way. It was shortly after that that I came back to my body. I don't remember having any of those questions asked. If there was a conversation between me and God about me coming back, it was not a good one. And I don't remember I found death to be very seamless and very flawless. One minute I was here, and then I was there, and I was blown away, because I had no idea what was going doing out of love for others, don't. Listen to the world. God is that huge, formless, loving spirit that was with me. God is Spirit. But I also define God as He is love, pure, pure, pure love. And the other part of my definition is that he's not limited. He is so huge and so beyond any little box we might put him in, that he can talk to us in many multiple ways. It took him four times of hitting me with lightning before I was smart enough to listen. And he kept turning up the volume each time until I was in front of him and he could say, Hey, I didn't make you to do this kind of stuff. Don't listen to all those people. Listen to me for us to love, to love each other. And there are many kinds of love. So it's not just the physical love, but it's the I would die for you kind of love. I love you with no strings attached, and I love you exactly the way you are. You don't have to change and be anything other than who you are. It's that kind of love. And if we can do that, if I can do that, you can do that the next person. We're all changing our own little part of the world, and I think that's what we're here for, is to learn how to love and be loved.

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