In the dance of life, we sometimes encounter moments that stretch beyond the veil of ordinary perception, leading us into realms of profound insight and understanding. On today’s episode, we welcome Nanci L. Danison, a remarkable individual who has journeyed to the other side and returned with tales that challenge our understanding of life, death, and everything in between.
Nanci L. Danison shared an extraordinary narrative that began with a medical procedure, during which she experienced her first near-death experience (NDE). As she recounts, “I very, very, very slowly got out of my body. And then I popped out and I’m standing in front of it going, I didn’t know you could do this.” Her account transcends the mere physical act of dying, delving into the comforting darkness and the subsequent journey toward the light, where she feels waves of unconditional love and acceptance.
In her luminous state, Nanci L. Danison received what she describes as “knowings,” profound downloads of knowledge encompassing the entirety of existence. She explains, “Knowing is different than knowing in human life. Knowing that you receive in the afterlife is complete with every single piece of data that could exist about the topic, along with the sense that you have personally lived it firsthand.” This experience underscores the interconnectedness of all things, a recurring theme in Nanci’s revelations.
As she navigated through her near-death experience, Nanci encountered a life review unlike any other. Rather than merely observing past events, she relived them through the eyes of all involved, feeling their emotions and understanding their perspectives. This holistic understanding of life’s interactions and the ripple effects of our actions gave her profound insights into the nature of existence and the importance of empathy and compassion.
- Interconnectedness of All Life: Nanci’s experience emphasizes the deep connections between all beings. Every action thought, and emotion resonates far beyond its immediate context, affecting countless lives and the broader tapestry of existence.
- Unconditional Love and Acceptance: Her journey into the light revealed a realm of pure, unconditional love and acceptance. This serves as a powerful reminder of the love that underpins our existence and the importance of embracing ourselves and others with compassion.
- The Power of Thought and Manifestation: Nanci discovered that thoughts can shape reality, both in the afterlife and in our human experience. This highlights the importance of maintaining positive and constructive thoughts to manifest a fulfilling and harmonious life.
In this profound conversation, Nanci also touched upon the nature of reality and the fabric of our existence. She recounted how her questions about the universe were answered in the form of knowing, providing her with a comprehensive understanding of life’s purpose, the nature of God, and the essence of the afterlife. Her revelations about the true nature of reality and the illusion of separation offer a transformative perspective on life and death.
As our discussion drew close, Nanci shared her resolve to live her life with newfound clarity and purpose. Despite the suffering she foresaw upon returning to her body, she chose to return, driven by a mission to share her insights and help others awaken to their true nature. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring quest for truth and understanding.
Please enjoy my conversation with Nanci L. Danison.
Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE002
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what happened to you when you died.
Nanci L. Danison 0:08
I had the first one, right before the surgery to take out the three lumps in the right breast, the ones that turned out not to be cancer. You know, a lot of women don't understand that not all cancers form lumps. So you can always feel, you know, when you've got cancer, some of them leave calcium deposits behind when the cells die, and the calcium deposits can be picked up on mammogram. So it's really, really important to have a mammogram when there's no lump for the surgeon to feel a radiologist sticks a large bore needle with a wire inside of it into the breast using mammogram machine squishes after about eight squishes and two injections of the needle with a wire inside of it, the radiologist and the technician and left the room to go get the last set of films developed. And I left to
Alex Ferrari 1:01
You just pass right there. What happened?
Nanci L. Danison 1:05
As best we can reconstruct, I had an epileptic shock from the local anesthesia that had been injected into my skin combined with very, very low blood sugar. And so I very, very, very slowly got out on my body. And then I popped out and I'm standing in front of it going I didn't know you could do this. And then I saw blackness. But I wasn't afraid it was this comforting. It's comforting darkness. And then I saw a pinpoint of light. And I said myself Oh, I know what this is I'm supposed to go into the light did not have thought that I died. I just recognized but are supposed to be doing. So I went into the light and I spent a lot of time alone in the light feeling those wave after wave after wave of bliss, unconditional love and acceptance and joy. And it was like going through me and boomeranging back out and being sent back to wherever was coming from. And while I was in the light by myself, I was there for a long time, I started getting downloads, at the computer download directly into my mind of everything there was to know or could ever be No, on lots of different topics. A lot of them were things that I've always been curious about while I was living Nanci's life. And they were just there, I'm just like, bouncing back and forth, back and forth between all these when I call knowings. And knowing is different than knowing and human life. Knowing is that you receive in the afterlife, are complete with every single piece of data that could possibly exist about the topic, along with the sense that you have personally lived it firsthand. So it's got all the feelings and the emotions and experience and sensations and everything all in one bundle. And it's all at once. You don't have to learn. It's just who was there? I spent all the time doing that.
Alex Ferrari 3:02
So similar to the matrix, like you were literally downloading, they were downloading you.
Nanci L. Danison 3:06
And I saw that movie, I was like, Oh my God, you know. And it's kind of similar because, you know, in comparison to the afterlife, human life does kind of look like that, you know, planet Earth that they showed in the matrix. I mean, it doesn't really look like that. But it's the differences.
Alex Ferrari 3:21
It's Stark. It's Stark the differences. Okay, so, at this point, have you figured out that you're, you're dead?
Nanci L. Danison 3:29
Not yet. I was doing because I was health lawyer I did a the way a physician would analyze a patient you know, I started gathering the facts. And I did a review of systems you know, no breathing, no heartbeat. No, this no that I'm going but I can still breathe and I could still see and and so then I was like looking. And I realized I could see through the back of my anocracy 360 degrees. I didn't really have a head like it had 360 vision. And while I was looking through the back of my head, I saw Nancy's body down to the mammography room, and I saw that she was on earth. But I knew I was in the light. And that's when I started kind of suspecting and I said to myself, nah, I couldn't have died. I always heard you go through a tunnel, you know, under the light and I'm already in the line. I go through the tunnel and then boom, I'm in a tunnel. And you know how near death experiences get these glorious tunnels of beautiful colors and lights and you travel through the universe and their friends and loved ones are there to welcome them. Are they bad angels, I get dirt. I get a dirt floor with stone walls with moss growing on them. And it looked to me like it was a railroad trestle from like maybe the 1920s Because there's you know, there was a passenger overhead which I think was the railroad tracks. And it was a very narrow passage but I got the sense it was wide enough for like a Model T Ford to go through. I could smell the moss. I could smell the dirt. I could feel them humidity on my skin. Here, the insects. I mean, it's absolutely completely real. But I wasn't fooled by it. So I said to myself, fooled by it when you fall, because I fall by Earth. And so I did a couple more experiments to see, and to prove to myself that just thinking a word manifested that environment. And it's true, I learned, after doing it three times, I got a download of information about manifesting, there were very, very few English words used in my whole experience manifesting was one of them. And it was explained to me that wave souls inside human bodies manifest what the body experiences as physical reality, it's all thoughts projected into physical matter. After that I, you know, I realized I had died. And then that seemed to be kind of a gateway, I saw five beautiful colored lights that I knew the names of while I was there, but they would all look white to humans, because we have very narrow Color Range. And as I was looking at the spotlights, I'm thinking, Oh, this is a typical day I was in the moment, I'm supposed to go into the light, like a five alarm, I'm supposed to pick the right one. And a voice not my own comes into my head and says, It doesn't matter. Just pick one. And the five lights turned into five blowing beings that I recognized as my dears, deepest, most beloved friends, and loved ones from all eternity. None of whom I've ever known in human life, or in any incarnated life, but they were my eternal friends, I was home is the first, first time in answers I ever really felt home. And those remind people. So I spent some time with them. And I had a life review. And unlike the life review that most near death experiencers describe, when you go farther into the afterlife than 99% of nders go, you get a life review, that includes not only saying everything from the life that you just lived, but also you get inside the other people who were in those various events, and you get to watch it, and feel their emotions and hear their thoughts and be them participating in the same event. So that you're saying your perspective and their perspective and somebody else's perspective, it's all at once. And you get to feel the ripple effect of you know, like you said something, and here's how it impacted these people. And here's how they change their lives and how it impacted other people, you know, way down the street. And you also get the answers to your questions. And like all those times you ask yourself, well, why did so many? So do this? Why did I do that? And you know, what would have happened had? Well, you get the answers to those questions, you get to see why so and so did something because you get inside their heads, and you get to hear their thinking. And then you also get to see if you'd made different choices, how they would have turned out.
Alex Ferrari 8:06
Also you do get like alternative, you know, timelines, if you will.
Nanci L. Danison 8:10
No they're not really alternative timelines. They're just projections of thought about what would have happened, had you done something different. But while that was going on, I'm saying to myself, been there done that. So I wasn't really interested in watching that other than to see that every single bit of sensory data that Nancy had ever taken in was all there, every sky, every sound, every thought, every hope, every dream there, everything was all there. But I started getting a download of all these hundreds and hundreds or maybe even 1000s of other lifetimes, I had lived throughout the universe as all kinds of creatures and things. That was a lot more interesting than Nanci's. As they were downloading, I remembered every single moment of every single one of them. I was just flabbergasted that I could possibly have ever thought I was dancing. I mean, it was just ridiculous that I could conceive of an idea that I'm just this little human being. Well, I have lived these eons and eons of other lifetimes. And I remember every single moment of every single one. It sounds like sampling them Yeah, remembering all the data is like trip down memory lane. It was my memory lane was the entire universe. After that, I realized that I could get knowings on particular topics like if I focused my attention and intention to know the answer. I could get specific topics instead of just random things dropping in my head. So and I didn't know how long I was going to be there. So I thought what better ask the big questions. So I asked, what is god what am I What's the purpose of life? What does God expect me? Where's heaven? Where's hell? And what's the one true religion? I asked the last one because I was reared as a Catholic. And I don't even tell him that was the one true religion, which I do couldn't possibly be true.
Alex Ferrari 10:14
As all of them do.
Nanci L. Danison 10:16
Yes, yes. So I got the answers to all these questions downloaded, you know, in the form of knowings. And after getting all those nice, I was angry. I'm surprised that you can be angry actually, that I was angry. I am. I felt betrayed. You know, I felt like everybody knew this. But me. I must be stupid on dirt. If I didn't know this, everybody's got to know this. And they wouldn't tell me. My parents wouldn't tell me the truth. My Church wouldn't tell them the truth. My school would Catholic school wouldn't tell me the truth. Why weren't they telling me this stuff? Did they think are stupid? Did they think I couldn't handle? Yeah, I mean, I just I couldn't imagine why anybody would have taught me this intricate religion, when there wasn't a part of it. That was true. And I had just gotten the truths directly from the source. Literally, the source. I think kind of calmed me down from that. I was shown like a documentary history of planet Earth, and how religions developed, and how they got to be the way they were, when I died, and what they were going to be like in the future, so that I could see it was a good faith attempt by souls that knew there was something more, but they couldn't figure out what it was. So they were like, projecting human life and human thoughts and human speculation and what they knew about humans as a species, onto God and onto the afterlife, assuming must be the same. And so that that did come. When I came back into the body enough that I could see through Nancy's eyes. I saw the radiologists and radiology technician at the back of the room and radiologists was drawing a little map on the envelope that the mammogram films went in. It felt like I was talking through a megaphone from way inside the body out to the lips. And I said, I passed out. And then the doctor turned around and came over to me and so did the red tech. And the Rad Tech went out in the hall and yelled for a nurse to come in. And the radiologist looks at me, she goes, Do you know who you are? Do you know who I am, you know, gave me medicines to try to get my blood pressure stable and keep my heart rate stable. I went through a whole bunch of stuff. Then I died again. This time, I went back I met a different group of beings that they were the council that were monitoring my mission. And they said, You're not working your mission. We won't hold it against you, you can come home or you can go back into Nancy, if you choose to go back, you will suffer for the rest of her life. And I felt a lot of different things. One was I didn't want to be a failure. And source gives you a mission. I got to do it. And I also real still felt really strongly seminar tell those people then I was somebody and then part of me just wanted to see what was gonna happen because he had seen the future. And I wanted to see how much of it was going to happen. And part of me just felt rotten for leaving Nancy so many times. So I came back in the body knowing we were going to suffer which we have made her promise I will not leave her again until she's ready.
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- Full NDE Interview: Episode 130: My Religion Lied to Me: NDE Showed No Religion & No Hell with Nanci L. Danison
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