Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE016
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like, before you died.
Margot McKinnon 0:08
My near death experiences happened when I was 18 and about 37-38. So I had to and if we go back in my life, I always had this deep voice that would speak to me as a child, I saw spirits I could hear voices. And it wasn't till I got older, I realized these voices were telling me what was going to happen giving me premonitions and and showing me like a vision moving forward. You know, I always say the very first time I remember that voice coming in, I was about four years old. And we used to have this house on the beach in Cocoa Beach, Florida, and we were little kids, I was surfing. Okay, so I was about three or four. And I was surfing, and I fell off my surfboard. And because of my height, I kind of fell off, but the waves were coming over my head, and I didn't have the strength. In the end, the tide was taking me back out or whatever, you know, and I was going this way, and I was drowning. And I could see my parents, like the water was just up to their knees. But for me, it was like up here, and I was drowning. And then suddenly, I heard this voice that said, with the neck, it was always this deep voice with the next wave that comes over, let it push you down, then dig your toes into the sand and push yourself back onto the shore and let the wave carry you back onto the shore. And I got onto the shore, it really did work. I sort of looked with my little scrunched up face to my parenting. You see, I was drowning over there. But I realized that this voice has always been there protecting me in my life. And now even when I feel like I'm drowning, like Metaphorically speaking, I say no, just stick your toes in and let it bring you on to the shore. Don't fight it, just let it guide you onto the shore. So my parents were very good. My mom saw my grandmother on my mom's side. And my dad is an engineer. So we always took a little more like but he was always really open to my dad was an incredible father. And my mom was so supportive. So she really helped me and you know, I have my PhD in from Oxford on the idea of we brought spirituality into public education, what would a model look like? And in my research, my lit review when they talk about children, how important it is not to dismiss their experiences, because then the child because that experience is more real to them than anything physical and tangible. So they children grow up not knowing what is real and not real. So it's important not to necessarily explain it to your child, but just to ask a lot of questions. And as we move along, I'd like to introduce some of the stories from my knee raising my own kids, because my kids, you know, it's showing up in them as well. Now they're adults now, but it showed up in them as well. Now I'm four, I've moved to Quebec City. I'm Canadian, I moved to Quebec City, I'm putting my little doll Michael to bed, I have his crib in the living room. I'm about four, I'm tucking his little blanket up. And I hear just out of nowhere in the dark. I hear you all to beauty teacher. And I my little kid self said, Okay, I will. And I became a high school teacher. And I could see some of the high school kids really struggling with they were having spiritual experiences. But there wasn't a place in our school system for them to understand their experiences. I did it because I was a high school English teacher. And because we talked about Macbeth Hamlet, you know, Hamlet sees a ghost on the his father's spirit on the top, we would have conversations about that in the classroom. But invariably, they would say, Are we allowed to have these conversations here? But because they think about these things, they wonder about them, but where do they have a chance to explore them? How do they get the tools and it shows like yours now that's giving people tools to navigate their own spiritual experience of life by 18. I'm at university I have my first near death experience, which to me, I think it because I didn't have a near death and it became my big opening into the it was just another one of many of my life. So I was very sick. I had strep throat and apparently I'd had mono from kissing too many people but anyway, when I went off to university, so anyway, I ended up with this strip, and I had such a high fever and they put me down in this dorm. It was called an infirmary at the bottom of my residence and the student nurse was supposed to be looking after me. Well, anyway, she said to me, hey Margo, listen, I was I had this date tonight with his thigh. I just wanted to go out with him forever. And he asked me out for tonight and you Here I am having to look after you. Well, sorry about that. Well, just go out on your date. Don't worry about me. I'm just here. I can't even get out of bed. I'm that sick. And she said, Well, you have a phone here. I'm going to call you at like nine o'clock. Okay, so way she goes, I have a green. So I'm going out. And I'm heading to this beautiful orange tree. Wha Yeah, freedom, loving it. You know, your typical. And then I thought, oh, I need to say goodbye to my roommate. So I thought I better so I'm in the basement. So I'm coming up. I'm on the ceiling. I'm coming up through the staircase. And I see all the girls lined up and they're in ballgowns, and they're waiting for taxi. So I'm on the ceiling, and I'm looking down. I said, Oh, girls, all beautiful. You're heading out somewhere. And then this one girl looked at me. And I did a little somersault in the air. And I said, you've seen your first ghost. And then I came went up, and I went through the door and my roommate wasn't there. And so I said, Sorry, gotta go. And then I woke up. And then soon after my nurse arrived on the scene from her date, and she said, I called you over and over and you didn't pick up I thought you were dead. And I said, I think I was like, were the girls going somewhere? Yeah, they were going over to the military college for a ball tonight. And I said, I saw them. And she said, You couldn't have seen them because you're you can't even get out of bed. So anyway, that was my first one. I don't remember my dreams, maybe three a year. But I'm listening to people's near death experiences. And I'm going by had, that's my dream. That was my dream. And you know what you're supposed to come in, and you're supposed to have forgotten your blueprint. But now I realize those are my dreams. I'm going over there. I'm going over to the other dimension. In my dreams. I used to have a recurring dream when I lived in Cocoa Beach, Florida, that I was like, in the water. And I was like a fish and I could breathe the water. And if somebody was talking about their near death, but they were in water, and they were breathe, and I thought I was my recurring dream exactly that I think I'm having these I'm going over to the other dimension. In my dreams. I was doing an indigenous ceremony. I don't want to go into the ceremony because we're not supposed to talk about these ceremonies. But I had one in here. So anyway, I'm in there. It's like a fasting one. I'm on my third day, no food or water. So I'm there. And then suddenly, I just draw, and it was like this. I can't, my spirit came right up. And I could feel I went up and I saw the pure white light. And then my mum came down. And my mum had this smile, because you know, she passed breast cancer like two years prior to that she had this smile that went like this. And her smile was like this. And she was there. And I could see these other spirits. They look great to me. But they were on their way up. And I was on my way up like this. And I met my mom. She said, I love to see you. But you can't come any farther than this. And so I was like, I need to know, typical, but I had kids, little kids, I had to come back down, but the experience of that absolute unconditional love and joy and freedom. And then my friend said Margo, which is how you call a spirit back in by the way, if they go that way, you just call their name real hard like that. And chances are their spirit will come back in. And then I kind of looked around I had to Oh yeah, who am I? I'm a person. Like I had to settle my spirit back in I'm a person, what's mine, mine. And then I hear that voice kind of your Margo, you're the teacher. So my purpose in life has always like been my anchor to keep me here. So I had that one. So then I decided after that one, okay, because you see, or you hear people with their near death experience. And they take on whatever they learned as their kind of mission moving forward. And I learned it really showed me about this unconditional love and peacefulness. And I thought I am going to construct my entire life around unconditional love and peacefulness. So I'm going to go back into my classroom. And this is going to be a space where young adolescents can learn in absolute unconditional love and peacefulness. And I used to get some real hardcore behavioral kids into my class because I was good working with them. Like they came from really, really tough circumstances, right? So they didn't really know how to behave, but they'd be dropped into my class because even my school knew about all my experiences. And you know, being an educator and I speak to teachers across the country, like a PhD is a valued thing. And my my soul feels right to be able, like when I when I came up with this book, I was speaking at like to medical doctors and psychiatrists, I didn't want to get up there and say, Hi, I'm Margot McKinnon, high school English teacher. as proud as I was of that, I wanted to say I'm Dr. Margo McKinnon. And I really do look at the whole scientific part of this. I mean, there's so many brains, you had a neurologist on like 18 scans, genetic studies, you know, like all of that. out. It's it's sitting right there. And some people say to me,
Well, have you proven scientifically your theory Margo?Can you be out there? So I and I said, You know what, here's the thing. I'm not out here to convince anybody of anything. I'm here to support people who are having spiritual experience, I'm here to support them, so that they want to stay here, because I've worked with too many people who want to go home now. And this model really helps unlock, I'll say, You know what, let's work on your oneness, your sense of connection and belonging, and you are connected to something bigger, don't check out early. Stay, stay, stay with us. And my job as your high school English teacher, is I'm going to help you explore all of this so that you find a real meaning. And once we did that, it's about getting their voice and where they are in their life, oh, their marks just went skyrocketed, and the light was in their eyes. So you know, and we are eternal beings, if your life here is, is about enjoying the whole physical, tangible part, go for it. When I wrote my first book, which was this one, my dad said, You better not tell you about your experiences, because you will commit academic or career suicide, but you can't know me for five minutes that you know, notice about me. So everybody at school knew this. And you know, and they knew, like, because I could help kids in the classroom. So I'd get these kids and it was almost for them. Like, I love them so much. And I said, I don't care what you did. What I want to know, is what you learned. Tell me what you learned. So it was like for them. Now I realize is kind of like a really nice life review. What have you learned doesn't matter good or bad? Right? It's what you learned, and wouldn't and you talked about high school being a hard place for adolescents. And I wanted because of my near death experience. I wanted it a space where they could grow into the people they want to be no matter where they came from. If you know of anyone who's struggling, being human, if you can just hold their hand and if you can get them a copy of this and just say, I just hold their hand and life will get better if they just understand that there's such an exquisite pneus about staying here because I think that's really why I'm down here is to help people understand this is a wonderful place to live.
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