In the grand tapestry of existence, moments arise that stretch beyond the ordinary, guiding us towards an understanding of realms unseen and energies profound. On today’s episode, we welcome Ken Leth, whose extraordinary journey to the edge of life and back unravels the mysteries that lie beyond our earthly experience.
From the tender age of eight, Ken Leth found himself at the threshold of death, ensnared in a fierce battle with a relentless appendicitis. His tale begins with the agony of a misdiagnosed illness, where his body rebelled against itself, leading to days of harrowing pain and relentless vomiting. Ken’s vivid recollection of his childhood ordeal paints a picture of vulnerability and tenacity, a prelude to the transcendental adventure that awaited him.
As his body succumbed to the ravages of his illness, Ken’s consciousness embarked on a journey that defies the confines of the physical world. “I remember laying there on the floor looking straight up, and all the color in my vision just faded to white,” he recalls. This transition marks the beginning of an otherworldly experience where Ken’s awareness floated free from his corporeal form, tethered by a tenuous cord, an ethereal connection to his earthly existence.
In the void, Ken encountered entities that reflected the duality of the universe—spirits soaring upwards in joy and those mired in darkness. He describes seeing spirits ascend, liberated and jubilant, while he remained ensnared by malevolent forces. These dark entities, sensing his fear, intensified their assaults, embodying the shadows of our own fears and uncertainties. Ken’s desperate plea, “Please, God, make them stop,” echoed in the void, summoning a beacon of hope and light.
An angelic presence emerged, radiating a brilliance that dispelled the darkness. This celestial being, emanating compassion and strength, rescued Ken from his tormentors. The angel’s light was not just a beacon but a shield, protecting Ken and guiding him towards understanding and peace. This moment underscores a profound truth: in our darkest hours, the light of love and divine intervention can illuminate the path to salvation.
- Embrace Vulnerability: Ken’s experience teaches us that acknowledging our vulnerability can be the first step towards profound transformation. In moments of utter helplessness, we open ourselves to divine intervention and the healing power of love.
- The Power of Faith: Ken’s plea to God in his moment of desperation is a testament to the strength of faith. Believing in a higher power can summon forces of light and protection, guiding us through our darkest trials.
- Universal Love and Equality: The angel’s message of universal love and equality reminds us that every soul, regardless of earthly distinctions, is cherished and valued in the eyes of the divine. We are all interconnected, part of a grander cosmic family.
In the presence of the angel, Ken experienced an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance. The angel’s light not only shielded him but nourished his spirit, a radiant reminder of the sustenance that divine love provides. This nourishment transcends physical needs, feeding the soul and affirming our inherent worth.
Ken’s journey did not end with the angel’s protection. He was enveloped in a protective bubble, ascending towards a celestial realm where further revelations awaited. The angel’s parting words and actions were imbued with a gentle wisdom, guiding Ken towards an understanding of his place in the cosmos and the unconditional love that binds us all.
As Ken’s experience illustrates, near-death encounters can offer profound insights into the nature of existence and the boundless love that awaits beyond the veil. These glimpses into the afterlife challenge us to reevaluate our lives, to seek deeper connections, and to embrace the divine light within ourselves and others.
Please enjoy my conversation with Ken Leth.
Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE004
Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.
Ken Leth 0:08
Okay, well off from school really sick one day. And I didn't know I was hungry though, we sat down to the dinner table, but I couldn't eat my stomach to wear so it resembled the flu. And I remember a lot of vomiting, a lot of vomiting. I couldn't hold down water, choose nothing. For several days. I remember the vomiting at one point guts so violent that I was my stomach was empty, and I was vomiting bile. There's nothing else there and bile burns, so terrible, and then I couldn't drink water to get rid of it the burning because if I did, it just made me vomit more. So it was it was awful. So my parents, they call a local doctor, mom always did kind of blame him for my getting sick. Not realizing that I had an appendicitis. But I also know my mother, she had this thing about when she called somebody like a doctor or a priest or somebody, she might have a problem. But she would make it sound like oh, it's not so bad. You know, she didn't want to bother people. So my son is sick. But we think it's the flu and the doctor went with it. So that kept me at home. I know that was home for at least a week if not longer. I'm so sick though I'm not really sure I have a good gauge of time I woke up so Thursday, I couldn't stand it. It was like dehydration kicked in what once she was gone. So I somehow got to the kitchen sink, it was too far away. And I took a drink of water. And I didn't get the whole thing down and I passed out and fell down on the floor and the whole room just went white. I remember laying there on the floor looking straight up and all the color and my vision just faded to white but it faded real slow. And then I felt this fuzzy, hazy feeling come over me but I was conscious. And I just lay there and just you know, watched it happen. And then eventually the color came back and I was like well, can't stay on this floor. I better get up but I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to the couch where I had been sleeping. And when I got to the couch, there's something in my gut kind of went blank. And I felt it but you know that instant that help happened. I felt better because I was ready to get up and play. I felt so good. Mom came home and I told her about the whole incident, you know, passing out and everything she got more worried than ever. I guess I didn't look very good look really, really wait. I don't know why. But she kind of hesitated. She kept me home. And I slept one more night in the house. And then the next morning, she took one look at me. And she's like, that's it. We're taking you to the doctor. You know, I don't even think she had an appointment. She just put me in the car and took me I guess she told me that I was so pale that I looked like like white paper or like almost clear she could see through me it was that bad to me up to the doctor. He immediately knew that something serious was going on. And I remember a lot of fast talking going back and forth between my mother and the doctor. The doctor kept insisting I go immediately to the hospital. And mom wanted to wait until my Dad She kind of really relied on him for decisions, you know, something like an operation. She wanted him involved. But he was out of town and there was no cell phones. This happened in 1963. So they get me into the hospital nurses really nice nurses put me in a room. And I remember they started shaving my my belly was shaving cream and man's razor, which I thought was really weird because at eight years old, I didn't have any hair on my chest. But they explained to me that there's a little bit of fuzz on your skin. So that has to go. And that's when I realized somebody then said something about, well, this is how we get ready for an operation. They're gonna cut you up and then it hit something real serious is going to happen here. And I started to get scared. My mother was going back and forth in the hospital to the front office and back to the room to check on me back to the front office trying to get on the phone and call my dad somehow what it came down to was they were on there. My dad was on the road with his boss. She knew what town they're expected to go to. And she I think she knew what motel they were going to check into the she wanted to get a hold of him sooner. So she was working with a telephone operator and the operator said you know, do you know where they might stop for a cup of coffee, you could leave a message there and that's what she wound up doing. And so she finally reached my dad. So there was a message left with a at a cafe for me so dad came home as quick as he could. Well the first thing is when they strapped me down to the operating table it scared me because I was so strapped down so tight and that little hospital in 63 they didn't have injections, you know, knock people out. So they use dethrone me either is a nasty way to have to go under so it made me really dizzy. I felt like my body was stationary and my head detached started orbiting my body like a planet. I remember the spinning and just you know and then it was out I was in black Notice and I don't know how long I was in that blackness, but I suddenly realized that I could still think and then I was still me. I was no longer in my body. I didn't know where it was, it was like somebody locked me in a dark closet. It was quiet, it's comfortable. I felt no pain. But I got curious. And I kept looking around, like, What is this place? Why can't I hear anything? Why can't I see anything. And the more I struggled with all that, the more it all came back. And then eventually I did started hearing things. And then I did start seeing things. And one of the first things I saw was spirits rising up, somehow I understood it was rising up off the earth, and it was people that were passing away on Earth, and I saw like four or five different people at different times go up, and then passed me. They left their bodies, they looked like they were grandparents, to me with gray hair, you know, they looked old, they were very happy. They were smiling because they left their bodies, they probably weren't feeling very good when they died. And then they just kept going up. And they were smiling, and they're happy and zoom. And then off they went. And as I remember wondering where they went. So my eyes worked well enough to see that. But then eventually, I started noticing that I wasn't alone. And I started seeing like sets of eyes way off in the distance. And it was like they were behind a barrier and it was blacker than black blacker than where I was, I took it like they were deeper into the darkness than I was a suddenly realized they could understand my thoughts. While you're in the spirit form, your thoughts are not private, you can sense what they're thinking. And they in return consensus here as well, being a little kid and being scared anyway, before I went under, I didn't know where it was I entertained to fear. And to me, those sets of eyes look like eyes hiding in a deep forest, you know, like animals, and they started coming closer and closer. And then they get really scared. When they realize they're scared, they attacked, and they could fly. And I couldn't. The reason I could not fly is because I had a cord coming out of my belly, my spiritual belly, a cord that went down to my body on the operating table. I followed it traced it, I looked down, I can see my body on the operating table. And I had the soul record holding me there. And that's the reason why I didn't go up. Like those spirits that were dying on the planet. On the earth. It helped me there in this darkness. So these spirits that came after me, they were angry, mean, bitter, hateful, they just they hated me. And they wanted to kill me. So they came after me, they attacked, they knew I was trapped. And I couldn't leave and they loved it. And the more scared I got, the more happy they got, because they kept laughing and they would like hit me like in a body slam. And I'd be suspended by the court and just spin in circles, which didn't help. They were beating me down pretty good. And I finally got to the point, I guess the tired of it, I started asking them to leave me alone. And that made it worse. They attack me harder. And then finally somewhere from deep down inside me.
I said Please, God, make them stop. Then they were furious. They told me to shut up. I wouldn't. I just kept calling out for help. And then I heard another voice. At first it was way off in the distance. And it kept coming closer. And it was calling out to me. And somehow I just knew I could trust this other voice. It sounded like it was concerned and I cared. I heard you calling. Where are you? I'll find you but call out again. You know, that kind of stuff. And I kept calling on him. I'm down here. I'm down here. Can you hear me? Can you see me? Well, when it finally got up to me, those bad children, those bad spirits that were attacking me, they took off. They were scared now it changed everything. And what I realized later in life, when I had some time to analyze all of that, what came to me was an angel. And that angel glowed with light so I could see again. And those things that attacked me could not tolerate that light. It was like it burned them. So when that Angel got close, those spirits took off, they had to hide back in the depths. So this angel he understood, I was very frightened. He came to save me. So I think in churches and stuff. When I see pictures of angels with wings, I get the feeling that whoever whoever is drawing is just trying to depict that they have heard but of course in the early days, no human could fly. They can't hover. So they had to have wings. So there they are. There they are. And this halo business now you know, you don't actually see a halo but you can see people glowing light. So yeah, he just glowed very nice man. Very pleasant looking, said a long flowing white robe, but it was cinched around the waist with a belt and he had a sword attached to the one sword and he also had a strap over his shoulder and it was worn a long horn. We talked and he asked me You call that forgotten us. I think I asked him Where are you here? This is what you call that forgot. Didn't you go? Well, yeah. But see my concept at eight years old wasn't very good. I didn't understand. So I'm talking to the St. George, he mentioned God. And I said, Yes, I did call out to God. And he asked me if I understood who God was somewhere in that conversation. I mentioned that I had been going to church with my family in Sunday school. And then he had the ability to look into my life and pull out my history, my all my past experiences. And so he pulled that out. He was looking for proof that I had gone to church, and he found it. And he found an incident where I was singing with a bunch of other kids in the front of the church was really little. And we were singing Jesus loves me. And it was a fun moment because I was screwing up and wasn't singing it right. And I was next to a little kid that I went to grade school with. He just couldn't stand it that I wasn't singing it right. And he stopped me in front of the whole congregation and told me the right words. Now, this is what you're saying. He was correcting me and the congregation was laughing. Oh, the old people, they got a big kick out of that. But the angel he kind of liked it, too. He was like, he liked it. He thought it was pretty good. But eventually, we got serious again. And he told me that he was going to have to leave me and then I got scared again. And he said, Well, I can't leave you like this. I'll have to protect you. So he took out his sword. And he cut my cord. And they put me in a plastic bubble like it almost felt like plastic. It even kind of squeaked. But it was big. I could roll around in it. It's very comfortable. And he told me this will take you up to where all the others went. But before he sent me up, he was talking up to others above me, he would look up and there'd be like a yellow glow light up there. And he would talk up there and he was using the language I didn't understand. I'd never heard before and then given an answer, then he talked to me a little bit. And I asked him, What are they saying? Or what are you doing? And he told me that they up there, wherever they is, they're looking for your family up in heaven. They're trying to figure out who you are and where you should go. Jesus is this ultimate powerful God. And if you ever meet issues, just throw yourself on the ground and beg for mercy because we're nothing but worthless centers. Now, it's not the way it was at all. I think if I'd done that he would have laughed, he would have said get up because he loved me. And he was giving me love. And it was because I was treated like a member of the family, which we are all of us are every single one of us. I don't care what religion you are, what nationality you are, you can be born with all kinds of defects, it doesn't matter. You can be the most beautiful person on the planet doesn't matter. We're all equal in the eyes of God. Mother told me that Jesus needed to spend some time alone with me. So he did. He took me away from her for a little bit, but he was like, he was playing with me. He's gone. Like he said, I have to show you something. And he made it sound like a game and he goes, watch this, you know, and he just whoom he turns to a brilliant light again, and I'm just standing there. Oh, wow, this is so cool. But what's so cool about it was his love and his the light radiated through me. So when you're in the spirit form and you're in heaven, you have no need for food, you have no need for oxygen. You have a need for love because it feeds your soul and the light that God Jesus radiates is like food and it goes through you. It purifies you it feeds you and it builds you up. That's your food in heaven and it is wonderful.
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