Woman DIES & Is Shown the TRUTH of WHY We Come to Earth to BE HUMAN! with Jane Thompson

In the vast tapestry of human experiences, few threads are as illuminating as those woven by the hands of death and rebirth. Today, we are graced by the profound presence of Jane Thompson, a real estate agent whose near-death experience (NDE) has left an indelible mark on her understanding of life, love, and the interconnectedness of all souls.

Jane Thompson was once deeply engrossed in the bustling world of real estate, a career that consumed her days and nights. Life was a whirlwind of responsibilities and aspirations, grounded by the love of a significant other. But on August 22, 2008, everything changed. Jane found herself in the emergency room, battling a severe illness that escalated into an extraordinary journey beyond the physical realm. As she recounts, “I could feel myself trying to leave my body, and it was a sensation unlike any other.”

The morning of her NDE began with an ominous sense of malaise. Jane was feverish and in excruciating pain, her body refusing to respond to her commands. Despite the agony, she managed to call for help, which led her to a series of medical tests that ultimately culminated in a profound out-of-body experience. As she lay on the hospital bed, her consciousness began to detach from the corporeal shell that had housed her essence for 34 years.

Floating above her body, Jane Thompson observed the scene below with a detached serenity. The harsh hospital lights, the concerned faces of loved ones, and the frenetic energy of the medical staff all seemed distant, like echoes from another world. She saw not just the physical forms, but the souls of those around her, connected by ethereal threads that shimmered like a spider’s web in the sunlight. It was a vision of unity and profound interconnectedness.

Her journey then took her through a tunnel, a swift and exhilarating passage that ended in a realm of brilliant white light. In this space, Jane experienced an overwhelming sense of peace and unconditional love, feelings so deep and encompassing that they defy earthly description. “I felt almost as if I was blending with the white light,” she recalls, “but I was still my own unique vibration, my own unique self.” It was here, amidst this divine brilliance, that Jane understood her oneness with the universe.

Yet, as is often the case with near-death experiences, this blissful state was not her final destination. An inaudible voice, carrying an undeniable authority, informed her that she had to return to her earthly existence. Despite her protests, Jane was drawn back through the tunnel and re-entered her body, a momentary flash of pain marking her reawakening in the physical world. Her journey was far from over, but the insights she gained would forever alter her perception of life and its purpose.


1. The Interconnectedness of Souls: Jane’s experience highlights the profound truth that we are all connected by invisible threads of energy, each of us a unique vibration within the grand tapestry of existence.

2. The Illusion of Separation: Her journey into the white light revealed that what we perceive as separateness is merely an illusion. We are all part of the same divine essence, interconnected and interdependent.

3. The Power of Unconditional Love: The overwhelming sense of peace and love that Jane felt in the light serves as a reminder that unconditional love is the ultimate truth and the highest state of being.

In conclusion, Jane Thompson’s near-death experience serves as a beacon of light in the often shadowy realm of human existence. It reminds us that beyond the physical and the mundane, there lies a reality of profound peace, unity, and unconditional love. Her story encourages us to embrace our spiritual journeys with open hearts and minds, knowing that we are all part of something infinitely greater than ourselves.

Please enjoy my conversation with Jane Thompson.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE007

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Jane Thompson 0:08
Well, my NDE, I had just turned 34. So I had logged in some time as an adult, I was very much into career. That was my main focus. I was a real estate agent, which is a seven day a week job. It's you know, from the minute you wake up to the minute you go to bed, and you're on all the time, and I enjoyed it. I liked the challenges of it. I liked the movement of it. And this was in 2008. So the market was not great. So it was a very competitive environment, which I liked. And it was cutthroat, which I didn't like. But I felt like I was willing to put in whatever effort I needed to move forward in a really ethical way. But work got most of my attention. And I had a really serious boyfriend. And we were, you know, talking about marriage and getting closer and closer to that. So relationship wise things were good. I was happy with him. And he was very into work. It was August 22 2008. My near death experience happened in the emergency room. So we've got the exact time. It was at 1:20pm that day, the night before, I hadn't been feeling really well. And I went to bed early. When I woke up. The next morning, I was hot, I was sweating. I was burning up hot, but I still had the comforter that covers over me. And when I moved to try to take the blankets off, I couldn't move my body. And when I would try to I was experiencing excruciating pain. It was the type of pain that you get those all over body aches that you get when you have the flu. Except it was like 1000 times worse, more intense than that I was fading in and out. It was very early in the morning, the sun was just starting to come up. So my bedroom was just starting to light up each time I would open my eyes, I could see that it was brighter. So I knew that a certain amount of time had gone by and I had the phone next to me my cell phone, which is so interesting, looking back because my habit at that time was to plug my phone in before bed in the living room. But something that night before I just brought it into my room and thank goodness that I did. Because I finally got enough energy or strength to get the blankets off of me. I reached for the phone. And I called a family member and I said something's wrong. I feel awful. I'm in pain and burning up. I need to go to the doctor. And she said, Okay, let me get dressed. I'll be right over. The first hospital that I went to was the one closest to my house. And they did an MRI but it came back inconclusive. So they sent me to a different hospital. By the time I got there I was I was hurting, I couldn't hold up my head. They had me in a wheelchair to get into the ER, my head was just hanging. And I was really I mean, I could feel myself dying. At that point. I knew my body was quitting. And as I was waiting for the CT scan there, everything around me became very amplified. The the lights in the hospital are pretty harsh anyway, those fluorescent lights, but boy, were they beating down on me at that point. There were kids that I could hear in the waiting room down the hall. And it sounded like they were screaming as the kids were so loud. And she said they're really actually being pretty good. And it just everything was so amplified, even the clock that was on the wall. The second hand as it was ticking, I could hear it loudly. And they came and got me for the CT scan. At this point, they suspected kidney stones. So they needed to get the IV in before they could do the scan or special type of scan that they wanted to do. By this point. I was so dehydrated from that fever and they weren't letting me drink or eat anything. And I was lying there and I remember that's when I started trying to leave my body that's when it wasn't just lacking out because I was sick or in pain. I was I could feel myself trying to leave my body and I was completely really worn out, my temperature was 106 degrees. And I was fading really fast. I remember having this thought of, I can't take this pain anymore. I can't take any more of this pain. And right at that moment, I close my eyes, and I was burning up from the fever. And I started getting very cold all at the same time. And I started convulsing, I could feel my body shaking all over my head. And it was right at that moment that I completely disconnected from the external world in a way disconnected from my body. I definitely disconnected from the pain at that point, the sensations. And the more that I realized that the real me, I was up on the ceiling, I looked down at that body, and I realized that that's the shell of me, I didn't see any life in in that body anymore. And I saw the scene around me, doctors, nurses, the couple of people there that I knew that were watching everything that was happening. And I was just taking it all in, I was just looking around, observing. And all of a sudden, I began very gently, very slowly floating up, the walls of the hospital started to disappear. The machines that I was hooked up to were disappearing, the bodies were no longer visible. What I was now looking down at were these little balls of white light, which that was everybody's soul, I was seeing everybody's soul. And I saw how everybody was connected by this really thin, iridescent line that looks exactly the way a spider web looks if you catch it just right in the sunlight. From my perspective, I didn't understand that busyness and what looked like frantic energy. So I kept floating backwards. And then I was really in what I think was the in between space for a little while the void, it was very black was very quick, I got the feeling I wouldn't have wanted to have stayed there for a long time. And then I very quickly got sucked into a tunnel. And the tunnel was very black, but not scary at all. And I was moving through it, like I was on a ride at the amusement park having the time of my life. It was fast. It was fun. It was thrilling. It was exciting. And that was also very quick moving through the tunnel. And then I immediately locked right out of the tunnel. And I was in this beautiful, brilliant, clear white light. And there was such a contrast from the tunnel, the tunnel was black and fast. And the white light was bright. And it was very calm. And so I needed a second there to orient to this change as well. And as soon as I settled in there, the first thing I immediately felt was the deepest peace that I've ever felt in my life. Just an overwhelming sense of peace, and it felt safe and warm. And I felt very loved. I felt very comfortable. I felt very cared for in that space. And as I was feeling the peace, then I started really feeling the love that really started getting soaked up. And it was, you know, truly unconditional love. I felt almost as if I was blending with the white light. But I was still also my own unique vibration, my own unique self. And then with that blending, then I started to realize that this white light, this beautiful white light, it's also me, I just had that understanding that I'm not separate from it. It's me, I'm part of all this vastness, this beauty that I'm taking in, and I was loving every minute of it. And I then at that point started to notice that it wasn't just me that was there. I felt almost like a crowd around me.

But a really comfortable crowd, and I realized it was other souls that were there with me. And I didn't have really a lot of time to understand that because right at that moment, I heard it was an inaudible voice that I heard. You have to go back. And that was I mean, that's like a it was like a gut punch. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. Because I was so much in that moment. I was so present for that moment. And it felt so good that I wasn't thinking about anything else but that and so to hear you have to go back. I did not want to hear that. I'm at all. And I started to protest. I said, No, no, no, no, no, I don't want to go back, please don't make me go back. And then I heard it again, you need to go back. And I knew, I knew that's what was going to happen. I protested a little more, though. And right, then I felt myself go backwards into the tunnel quickly. And then quickly, right back into my body in through the top of my head. It was like I got sucked back into my body, I had a little bit of the pain come back, I experienced the pain just for a brief second. And it was enough for me to know, Okay, I'm back in my body. I'm back in this world, here I am. And then it was total blackout until much later that evening, when I went into pre op to prepare for what would be my first surgery to get well again, as you evolve, and you go on this spiritual journey, your habits change, and your way of healing changes. And when you first start out, we're like these kids in a candy shop. And we want to read this and gather that info and try this. And, you know, you're gathering all the tools, and you're doing the research and you're learning, and you're seeing what resonates with you, and what doesn't, what works for you and what doesn't. And then there does come a point where you don't have to keep doing that there is a time where you can relax and all of that. And you don't have to keep filling your brain with all these things. There is a time where you just, you know, pick up your toolbox of everything you've collected. And then you move on to what's next. And I think if we stay in research mode for a long time, we don't get to experience the beauty of flow. And then sometimes you go back to research mode, it's just, it's a cycle, but I want people to know they can take those breaks, especially if you feel like you're spinning your wheels. That's an indicator. It's time to take a little bit of a breather.

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