On today’s episode, we are gifted with the incredible story of Brian Hoyland, a man who has walked through unimaginable trials, only to emerge with profound spiritual wisdom. Brian Hoyland‘ journey is nothing short of remarkable, spanning from military service to near-death experiences and ultimately, a transformational encounter with the divine. As he recounts his extraordinary passage through life and death, the conversation takes us on a ride through love, hardship, and spiritual awakening that will leave you pondering the true nature of existence.

From his early years in the military, Brian was drawn by a deep desire to protect and serve. He worked as a military police officer, driven by a love for his country and its people. However, his service came at a cost. Exposure to toxic chemicals led to a slow decline in his health, with autoimmune diseases gradually eating away at his organs, particularly his heart. Despite his declining health, he remained active, working as a counselor for veterans and later with inmates, always searching for ways to help others.

In August 2016, he had his first heart failure event, and the following January, he died. What followed was not the end, but a beginning of an entirely different reality. As he recounts, “I felt my soul burst forth from my body, and I found myself in a dark void—a place without light or planets, but filled with a palpable, overwhelming love.” This void, vast and silent, was a place of profound peace, yet it was not the final destination. Turning toward an immense light, Brian Hoyland experienced a moment that felt like returning home, immersed in a love more powerful than anything he had ever known.

The conversation with Brian Hoyland takes a deeper dive into his encounter with the divine light, which he describes as “brighter than the sun” and infinite in its expanse. The light, he knew, was God, not through any audible words but by a deep, inner knowing. It was here that he felt fully seen, fully loved, not for the persona he had carried throughout life, but for the essence of who he truly was. This love was regenerating, continuously growing and never depleting—a love that felt eternal.

As he stepped into the light, Brian recalls a sense of complete surrender to God’s will. “I was completely submissive to God, not because He demanded it, but because His love made me want to give everything in return.” His encounter with the divine wasn’t just a moment of personal redemption; it was a moment of universal connection. In the divine presence, he was surrounded by other beings of light, each reflecting God’s infinite love. Among them, he recognized Jesus, and though their communication was beyond words, the depth of their exchange was unmistakable.


  1. Love is the foundation of everything. Brian learned that the love we experience here on Earth is but a shadow of the infinite love that awaits us in the divine presence. “God is love, and if I can return love by giving love here on Earth, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
  2. Challenges are spiritual workouts. Just as our muscles grow through resistance, our souls grow through the challenges we face. Brian emphasized, “Our soul has to be tested, has to have a workout, and we are that workout for each other.”
  3. Life is about giving preference to others. By allowing others to take precedence, we enhance relationships and grow spiritually. “If we don’t experience suffering for others, we don’t really know how to love them deeply.”

The story of Brian Hoyland reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we are never truly alone. The divine light is always present, waiting to embrace us with a love that is infinite and eternal. This conversation is a powerful reminder that our greatest challenges can lead to our deepest spiritual growth, and that love, in its purest form, is the essence of life and the universe itself.

Please enjoy my conversation with Brian Hoyland.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE031

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Brian Hoyland 0:08
I joined the military right out of high school because I care about people. I want to have a safe world. I wanted to protect people, particularly Americans. I you know, I love Americans. So that really was a strong draw for me. And as I went in the military, I was a military police officer, because I thought, well, I can do even more good by by being a protector of the protectors. So that was something that really appealed to me after, you know, the military I got, I got hurt when I was in the military. It was exposed to toxic chemicals, and that exposure caused me to develop autoimmune diseases. And those autoimmune diseases over time, and I'll kind of get to that as we go, but they ate away my organs, particularly my heart. So it was, yeah, it was tough. It was really, it just, but it was a slow decline. I had a very high level physical fitness and ability. So, you know, I was able to excel while I was in the service, until I got hurt. And then there was some deficiencies that were starting to become noticed, that I'd have neurological and circulatory issues. They started to detect some of those things in my physicals. And then I got out of the military and decided, well, I have to figure something else out. I couldn't go on into law enforcement, on the private sector. So I decided to go back to school, and I got a degree and master's degree in psychology, and started working in the field of psychology and counseling. And, you know, I really loved it. I worked at the VA, worked with combat veterans, and specifically at the Vet Center. So it was a it was a great fit for me. But, you know, politically, I had some issues the way that they were running things that weren't really helping vets, particularly vets with suicide. The suicide rate was astronomical. Then still was pretty astronomical, if you ask me. But they put a lot of limitations on what we're able to do to help other vets. And you know that it was heartbreaking, so it caused me to look for other options. And you know, I, I do like to help people. So I, I took a job as a Program Director at the Department of Corrections, and I was able to help inmates. You know, that's, that's something that really appealed to me. I was able to do a lot of good there. And then I started working also in in the private sector with recently released offenders. And then I went into my my first heart failure event. When I had that first heart failure, it was about 300 beats per minute, and I would shoot up pretty close to that on a regular basis in between the the first heart event, and then when I actually died in January. So this was August 26 of 2016 that I had that first one. And I ended up dying in January, January 16 of 2017 and so I was in and out of the hospital. I mean, I was like a frequent flyer on the ambulance. They the fire department paramedics. They knew who knew me by name. And, you know, they were great. They came in the cracks and jokes with me and tried to keep me calm. You know, while this was going on, and it was getting to the point where it was getting so bad that I knew I wasn't going to make it very long. So on the January on the January 16 one, I I had just gotten out of the hospital in December, spent a little, you know, little about about a week, I think, that time in the hospital, and I told him, I said, I'm not going to die here in the hospital. I want to go home and spend Christmas with my family. So I did, and I started to feel a little better. And then January 16 happened. They made a diagnosis of what was really going on. They knew I had what's called sarcoidosis, and so that was eating away at my heart, and, you know, all my other organs. Then on January 16, I started going to the ventricular tachycardia again, except this time it was just below the threshold for my device, so it wasn't shocking me. They brought me into the hospital, and for seven hours, they were trying to get me stabilized and trying to bring my heart rate down enough to where they could control but they couldn't do anything. Nothing was working. They ended up feeling like they could move me to the ICU from the ER. They had a lot of people in there, so it was time to get me moving on. Once they transferred me from the ER bed to the ICU bed, I went into really high ventricular tachycardia. And so they were brought in the crash team. They knew it was, you know, getting close to the time. So they had 20 people in this little ICU room, and they were, they were shocking me. They so they had me strapped down to the bed so they could, you know, shock me when they needed but they were working on me. And kind of felt like the, you know, the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz, when those flying monkeys come in, in there, in that dark woods, you know, because everything got real dark. And just I had tunnel vision when I was really kind of just focused on, okay, I got to pray, I'm going to die here anytime I could tell my body was given out. There was nothing I had left to fight with. And so they were pulling my arms all over the place and doing different things, sticking me with IVs, and it was really tough to even concentrate, but I had this crucifix sitting on the wall in the hospital room, and that was happened to be where my face was pointed, so I was able to focus on that. And I just said, Jesus, you know I need your help, because I'm not. Strong enough to get through this. This is where the mortality really came forefront for me, that I realized this, this was it, and there was nothing I had left to be able to get through it. And so they started asking me a lot of questions about, you know, my family, my profession, things that I knew, that they already had known, because they had been asking me for the last seven hours, but they were really intent on it, and I knew that what they were trying to do is trying to keep me present with them. And I just told them I took everything in my in my being to be able to say, I don't want to talk. I just wanted them to be quiet, do their thing, but let me just focus on on getting right with God, because I was about to meet them. And so I closed my eyes, and then I just said, God, I'm ready to go. And, you know, take me whenever you want. And it wasn't long after that that I felt my body like a shake and a pop in my body, as if my soul burst forth from my body. And that's when I found myself in this dark tunnel or like a, kind of, like a, maybe a portal or something. But it was, I was looking off into space, but it wasn't space. It was like this big dark void, like a real fast empty space, like outer space, you know, in its vastness, but without the planets, or, you know, any kind of light that that you know, like beams or anything like that. But I felt this rush of love come over me, and it was powerful. I mean, it was penetrating into my soul. It was palpable. It was something that I could actually feel entering into my soul. And you know, as I'm staring at this dark void, it was really easy, I think, for for me to been content to just stay there and experience that, that love and do nothing the Dark Void really wanted me to do, that it felt like it had its own presence, like its own type of personality or being. To it, I didn't hear anything audible, like when I came into this place, every every sound went off. So all that chaos in the hospital room immediately was dead silent. So this was more of like an intellectual conversations, you know, like an imprinting in my in my soul, if you will. And so I'm looking at it. I said, Well, this can't be it. This can't not be all there is I feel in this love. I knew that this, this wasn't all that there was just to sit there and just feel love from nothing and just go into oblivion. I realized as soon as I said that I was actually seeing into the dark, so there was light, and that's when I knew I could see in all directions. So I had three, 360 degree vision. I could see the dark void, and I could see a light behind me, and this light was immense. It was so powerful, it was way brighter than the sun. I turned towards the light, and I actually made a real motion to turn. So I turned to the right, and I turned around, but I was still seeing the dark void. So it wasn't like I lost vision of that. I really took a real turn, which was interesting. And as soon as I was looking at the light, I said, I want to be with that light. And I was there, and I didn't feel any wind or inertia or anything to give me the impression that I was, I was moving as quickly as I was, but I knew I had taken every step along the way. And imagine being able to see an indefinite arm. I don't even know how to put a label on how far this, this light was from where I was at. It was an immense amount of space in between us, and it felt like it was no time at all to get there. But yet, I had this vast memory of time that, because that just doesn't really exist there, the time was so bizarre. It was so hard to wrap my head around that I couldn't tell if it was a second or 1000 years. You know, I just really didn't have a grass boat, but it could have been both at the same time. And what's really crazy is that as soon as I had died, my intelligence grew vastly. So, I mean, it was just like I was instantaneously flooded with this vast knowledge, like all my memories that I had throughout my life, honestly, I felt like every memory of every one or everything that ever existed was there at once, so like I had this vast knowledge of things that I had never even participated in. But as I'm looking at this light, I'm realizing that, you know, this thing is huge. This light was bigger than the vast darkness that I had originally seen, and it went on, you know, to the left and to the right, and it went up and down, and it was just vast. And I I'm looking at and what's cool about my vision was that I was able to see my vision as it was kind of growing. So I'm watching as I'm traveling, you know, a mile, two miles, 10 100 miles, just keep going, right? But I'm also seeing what where I'm at at that point,

I'm still looking at the light here. I'm looking in that direction, so I'm able to go in all the directions and watch my vision growing as it's going. So again, there was nothing that was limited in that ability. And I'm looking at this light, and I I said, you know, because I knew it was God, I didn't. I didn't have to have God say, hey Brian. You know, this is me. You know, I didn't, I didn't see a body, though, or a face, but it so, I mean, it could have been just his love or his being or his light. That was that what I was seeing. But I knew it was him as a representation of him, in some way, he was actually interacting with me, and he said that I could come into the light. So of course, you know, I'm, I'm gonna definitely go into. Light. It was, it was like I felt home for once, to be there in front of that light with that love, I would have stayed in there for eternity. That love was so powerful. I've never felt anything like that, where I had this actual love for who I am, not not what I present to the world, not not anything else. It was that he loved me the way that he made me the person that I really am, and I didn't lose all that. Even though I was I was completely submitted to God. I've never been one to bow and knee to anybody. I'm a very strong willed person, but I was completely submissive to God. And it wasn't even like he was making me be it was that I was looking at him and realizing that he loved me, and just because of that love, I wanted to give love back as much as I could, and I felt like I was home, like I really belonged here. And so I'm in going into light. It felt like his love was rushing into me even more like a straw. You know, you drink from a straw, and you're taking in the fluid, and the straw is full. It's full never, never goes empty. And that's how I felt. But like that love was coming out, back back into heaven. So it was regenerating, but I was never being depleted of that love. It was only growing. So the whole time I was in heaven, this was a consistent fact that I kept feeling more intensity of that love. I believe that that's probably how it's going to be for eternity, because it felt like God really was infinite, and that his love is infinite. So that was going to be something that we're going to constantly feel at a new higher level throughout eternity, that I just I it overwhelmed me with just this feeling of love back. All my other emotions were gone. That fear that I had in the hospital gone. It was gone in a heartbeat as soon as so I'm walking through that light, and I came, I said, I want to see Jesus. You know, I could feel that he was there. I was still. It was this feeling like what I had when I was praying at that to that crucifix. And I had this, this intense feeling that he was there with me. I said I wanted, I wanted to see Jesus. And as soon as I said that, the light opened up into this other room. And this room was so big. It was much bigger than that dark void it was, it was huge, and it was encompassed by the light. And there was, like a green, pinkish, kind of not really green and pink, like we would see, but it was. Those were the closest kind of examples I can come up with, but it was just really intense color of the atmosphere. And it was alive. It was moving. And it was, you know, that's where that was, the love was transporting into me through this, this atmosphere. But there were a ton of beings in this room, and all these beings were bright and shiny. They were just beautiful, sparkling light. And there was one in the middle that was obviously it was Jesus. I could feel his beauty and his love, which was reflecting that of God. And so I looked at him, and I said, I want to see your face, because it was just this bright light, and it was as bright as the light that I had seen, and that was covering all of this room that we were in. And so as soon as I said that, his face came together. But what's interesting is that while I was seeing his face, I could only see, like, lay down in my memory, that bright light, and it was like flashing this light into my eye or into my memory, but I could see his face with my eyes, or whatever I had for eyes. I didn't look at my body, so I didn't have, like a physical body, but I did have some sort of a containment of my soul. It wasn't like my soul wasn't oozing out all over the place. The other beings that were there, they were all communicating too. It wasn't, you know, distracting in any way. It was as if it was an open share of intellect that we just knew what everybody else was thinking. But it was all connected to Jesus. It was incredible to have that, you know, I can't take anything else with me other than love. Honestly, God is love. If I can return love to the ultimate love by giving love here on earth, then I'm going to do that. That's, that's ultimately what I want to do. I just want to live my life full of love. And I found that doing those little things, they're a sort of a suffering in and of itself, because I'm, allowing somebody else to have preference over me. But what I found is it really enhances relationships with people, because people feel good like you value my opinion that much that you're going to let me take this this precedence, and it changes things. I've had an enriching relationship with just about everybody I come in contact with. That's the way we know we're growing. I think if everything was always easy and contentment was was what reigned in our life, we would never go anywhere. We would never grow and become a better person. Like with working out, if you don't do a few push ups and feel that muscle strain, your muscles aren't going to get bigger and stronger. Same thing with our with our soul. Our soul has to be tested. It has to have a workout, and we're that workout for each other. Often use that to our advantage, if nothing else, if we're going to be selfish in life, be selfish in that way that I'm going to grow by every interaction I come in contact with other people, that I'm going to let them help me grow into a better person, because I'm going to treat them right? I'm going to treat them with love no matter what they give me. And honestly, you're gonna find that life is better that way.

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