Woman DIES After BUS ACCIDENT: SEES PAST LIVES with Her ABUSER with Anne Bayford

On today’s episode, we welcome Anne Bayford, a remarkable soul who has traversed the boundaries of life and death, bringing back with her a message that resonates with the very essence of our existence. Anne’s story is one of profound transformation, sparked by a tragic accident that left her physically broken but spiritually awakened. What unfolds in her narrative is a journey that not only challenges our understanding of life but also invites us to explore the deeper, often unseen layers of our being.

Anne’s life before the accident was much like many of ours—a busy, chaotic blur of responsibilities and deadlines, with little time for reflection. As a mother of two young children, she was caught in the whirlwind of daily life, juggling work and family, often neglecting the moments that truly mattered. “You think time’s always promised,” she reflects, “You think you’ll always have the next breath.” But fate had other plans for her. On a seemingly ordinary day in London, while crossing the street, Anne’s life took a dramatic turn. A van struck her, leaving her with multiple fractures, internal injuries, and an experience that would alter her perception of reality forever.

As Anne lay unconscious on the pavement, she found herself floating above her own body, observing the scene below with a detached calmness. There was no pain, only a profound sense of peace as she was enveloped in a warm, white light. “I felt like I was in a circular library,” she recalls, describing a place filled with books and scrolls that seemed to hold the knowledge of her soul’s journey. It was here that Anne encountered her guide, who revealed to her the blueprint of her life—past, present, and future. She saw her life as a tapestry, woven with lessons and experiences that were all part of a greater plan, one that she was destined to fulfill.

In this ethereal state, Anne was shown the interconnectedness of all things, the way in which every thought, emotion, and action is part of a larger, cosmic design. “It’s like our souls are on a recycle button,” she says, likening the process to a washing machine, where each lifetime we live is an opportunity to learn and grow. Her guide explained that the challenges she faced were not punishments, but rather opportunities for soul growth, each designed to help her become the person she was meant to be. Despite the overwhelming sense of belonging she felt in this otherworldly realm, Anne was told that her time was not yet up—she had a mission to fulfill on Earth.

When Anne returned to her body, the pain was excruciating, but the clarity she gained from her experience overshadowed it. She understood that her near-death experience was a wake-up call, a reminder to live more consciously and to embrace the spiritual dimensions of life. Her perspective shifted from one of mundane survival to one of spiritual exploration and teaching. “Before, it was seeing as believing,” she explains, “but now it’s believe and you shall see.” This profound shift in her worldview has guided her ever since, leading her to dedicate her life to helping others connect with their own spiritual paths.


  1. Life as a Spiritual Blueprint: Anne’s experience highlights the concept that our lives are carefully designed blueprints, where each challenge is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
  2. The Importance of Presence: Through her journey, Anne emphasizes the importance of being fully present in each moment, as time is not guaranteed and every interaction has the potential to be meaningful.
  3. Connecting with Inner Wisdom: Anne now teaches others to trust their intuition and connect with their higher selves, understanding that true wisdom lies within and can guide us through our life’s journey.

In this profound conversation, Anne Bayford shares her remarkable story of awakening, inviting us to look beyond the surface of our daily lives and connect with the deeper, spiritual truths that underpin our existence. Her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of near-death experiences, offering hope and insight to all who listen.

Please enjoy my conversation with Anne Bayford.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode DE024

Alex Ferrari 0:00
Tell me what your life was like before you died.

Anne Bayford 0:08
I had two children, or I still got two children. When I say they're adults, they're adults now they're like 27, 29 it's like they're, you know, they're your children forever, but you know, it's now they tell me what to do. So it's a bit different. But at the time, they were seven and five, and I it's just like, it's like all of us, you know, when we're rushing the nine to five job, you got to pay bills, and things are going on in your relationship, you're unhappy, and, you know, there's so much going on, and you just feel torn and pulled in different directions. And I remember that morning that I was rushing to get the children ready for school, and I had to go to work because obviously had to make ends meet and pay the bills and everything. And it's like all of us. You then get caught up in the detail of like you. You think that you think that time's always promised. You always think that you're always guaranteed the next breath, yeah, and you just think you'll put things off, or you think you do things later. And if I'd known that was that day when the day before that, I would never, or wouldn't be able to put my son to bed or my daughter to bed for about four years because I couldn't walk, then I would have done things differently. So the night before the accident, he's got a bunk bed, my son and my daughter had her bedroom, and I go up and I read them a story. And I think even the night before, I was upset about my job, and I don't think I was fully present in the moment when I was reading them their stories, which pains me even today, that experience, that emotion I still hold. And then the day that it happened, I was rushing them, getting them into the car, and I got them to school. So they're five and seven years old, and I remember, I did kiss them on the forehead, but I was in a rush, so I didn't fully embody that. I wasn't in that emotion. I was rushing. So, you know, my lips were just kissing their forehead, bye, bye. Gotta go see you later. And that was it. And diving off. So I wasn't fully in that emotion. I wasn't that eye contact with them. I didn't hold them or anything. And that really pains me today. I remember I got to the zebra crossing, the pedestrian crossing in the UK, in London, busy Central. It was the Essex Road in Islington, part of London. I remember getting there and I thought, Okay, someone had pressed the button. And I thought, if they press the button to say, okay, then it's gonna go green man, and you can cross it. I'll do this. Now it made my mind up. I'm gonna do this. So I was like, okay, walking across, there was a middle Island, and I remember that there were some people by the side of me, behind me. I think there's about five of us in total. And then I hadn't been practicing meditation at time. I hadn't really been connecting to my guides. I'd been hearing information. Didn't even realize we had guides, but I just thought somebody was always there to go after me, like my Nan, who died when I was younger. And at the time, when I was standing on this crossing in the middle of the road, I heard my nan's voice, and she looked after me till 15 because I was taking out my home environment. She looked after me because there's difficult times at home. So I was 37 or something like that at the time, and I heard a voice, and everything's going to be okay. And I was like, what? What's going on, you know? And I remember thinking, look, I've got to cross the road. Shall I post the letter or buy the newspaper? If I post the letter, means I walk straight across the road. If I buy the newspaper, I've got to go an angle, whatever. So there was this gun in my head, and I still could hear her, and that was it, the human that was it. I didn't hear or see anything. That was it. What happened was she said, buy the newspaper now. Because she had said, Go get the newspaper, I changed direction slightly. I was an angle, so I was off to my right, and luckily, I had crossed the road at a right angle and didn't go straight across. Later, the police said, if I'd gone straight across, my head would have gone through the windscreen of this van. There was no coming back. I mean, it would have been severed off. I mean, knowing me, I would have put the head under my arm. I said, I'm ready. Let's get on with it. Go back to life. So on the crossing, I crossed at the right angle, and the the van had hit me on my left hand side. I didn't feel it at all. I didn't feel anything when she said, everything's going to be okay. Go get the newspaper. That was it. And that must have been when the van had impacted me on my left hand side, and I bounced. It threw me across the ground, I don't know, about 30 feet or whatever it was, and I bounced off the ground. And then I had broken. I fractured my pelvis. I had broken my knee. I torn the cartilage in my knee. Had seven breaks in my foot. I'd ripped my ankle. The Achilles was damaged. I had operations on that. My kidneys were damaged. They were bleeding internally. My spleen was damaged. My kidneys were bleeding. My ribs on both sides were fractured, but I didn't hit my head. That was good, and but I was out. I was just out. I didn't know that had happened to me. I didn't know what had happened, and all I know is the next minute, I was aware was that I was looking down at something, but I didn't know it was my body. I was looking down and I could see and. Feel everybody's emotions, all their energy. I could feel it all, and I could see that they were worried and panicking. At no point did I feel any pain at all. And then, while this was going on, I remember I felt that I just I felt this light around me, this white light, and I felt very warm, because this was in March, 2002, 11th of March. And it was quite cold in the UK then, but I felt warm and I had no pain. And for me, it felt as if I was in sort of like a circular library and and I remember being there, and I remember they were current, like, like long corridors or long passages where there was loads of books and scrolls. It was like, what my I think you I just heard, sorry. They just came in. It was a bit like what felt safe for my brain to handle. So they showed me this, the books and stuff. And I remember the book sales has been open. I remember I had a guide. I didn't know it was called a guide at the time, but the work I do now, my guide was standing by my side, sort of as the book opened. It was like magical. There was like things coming out of it and showing me my my life, my journey, of my soul, scrolls being pulled out. And I was it was like this large blueprint of like, not paper, but this something that pulled out. They like, I think they said it was the, like an architect of my life. So it was the blueprint of where I've come from. Okay, can keep sorry I'm they're here as well into it coming in. They know I'm a bit nervous, so they're prompting me. So it was like a scroll, like a blueprint of my soul, of the journey I'd been on. And they were showing me some past life stuff too, and I ended up becoming a past life practitioner. Now, learning about that, I understand now that our souls on a recycle button, you know, like a washing machine. It's going round around, they just said, and it's about our soul mission that each lifetime we're here, it's for us to look at the lessons of why we've come here, who were meant to me, and why they trigger off certain things in our lifetime. So I remember being there and this light, and also remember feeling my my nan was there as well. Now I'm not really mentioned this before, but I remember feeling that there were angels there as well, because I knew they were there protecting me and arc angels and stuff that are there. I obviously wasn't meant to die. It was meant to come in to protect me, that I was here for a great purpose, a great mission. And I remember feeling that everything I'd ever been through, or the work that I'd done, all the work that I'd done, that it was meant to help me to become the person that I'm becoming now, and the person going to be in the future. And they said Not that there is such thing as past present and future. It's what the human likes to see as past, present and future. So on that day, I was shown all this information, and I could feel into everything, feeling to all the energy became very powerful and very strong. But I remember looking down and I didn't even realize it was me, Alex.

I didn't know that I died. I didn't know what I was experiencing was what I was experiencing. I had no idea at all. And then, literally, I heard the ambulances come in, and they had cut my clothes, and they had paddled my chest with electric. I didn't feel it at first. I was seeing all this happening. I saw the paramedic, the bike arrive. I could see that from where I was, I was being shown that I was being shown the ambulance, but I didn't feel anything. Could Talk. It was only when they paddled my chest, the electric my heart sort of jumped back. But then I felt so much pain now, the process of me not feeling that in my body, I was still shown and told so much information, so much I was happy to be where I was. I felt I felt I belonged. I didn't feel abnormal or crazy like I did in the 3d world. I felt I wanted to stay there, but I was being told constantly, you have a mission. You have to go back. I was constantly told this. I didn't want to go back. And then when I came back into my body, it was like, you know, the water slide that you get a theme park. It felt like I was washing all the way around and down, and I landed back in my body, and then I felt the pain. I was screaming in pain, and the from the ambulance taking me to the hospital, I literally lost consciousness. I was in and out, and I could see the top of the ambulance I saw when I was taken to the Crash Team had three sets of teams working on me, you know, they and if I was fully there, I'd be going, oh my god, they're cutting my bra off. I'm naked at this point. I would have been embarrassed, you know, the normal human thing, right? But I was above my body looking down, and I was like, I could feel the tension. It was an out of body experience. So, you know, the heart was still going, but it was like an out of body experience at that point. So I could look down at the team, and then I could feel into all the team members, what they were feeling. They were anxious. They were like they were thought that they were going to lose me. So the whole eye body was scanned, and there were so many breakages, and at one point the split, I mean, 40 miles per hour, I was quite fast to hit the body. So the organs were still moving about. So they had to wait until the. All good and settled down. And they couldn't go in to fix anything. It was just literally battered and bruised. And so they cut everything off. And then I was taken to intensive care. Was there for some time, and I remember the nurse who looked after me. She said, There were moments she said, I could see your hand squeezing. I said, Where's my Nan? And she said, there's nobody here. And my Nan, who died when I was 15, in spirit form, she was by my side the whole time. So yeah, it was a good experience, Alex. It made me see life really differently. It made me think that before it was seeing as believe, and now it's believe and you shall see. Okay, now I feel more connected as one with the universe. So I know there's more to this. I know now it's not necessarily about individuals religions. Is that if that's how you connect, that's absolutely brilliant. If you connect with whatever religion is absolutely fine. It's more about that spiritual soul message interning within you, and it's non judgmental, and it's is it's like endless, boundless knowledge out there that I've always had this burst for learning so much. And this is about us learning and getting as much out of this as we can. And it's about us being present in the moment, to absorb everything as we can any particular moment, enjoy your life as it is now. And if it's hard, just means you're learning something for it's one of those lessons. It's soul growth. And you'll get through it. You will get through it. But I think it's more important. Like, now what I do with people, it's more important about teaching people to be intuitive so that they can help themselves. So like, now, what I do, like through my own platform, is teach people to become more intuitive, so that it helps them to understand their journey of who they are, so they can work with it. They can have their guides and say, Oh, should I do that or connect to the higher self? So it's more now that I look at the soul wisdom and teach people through my new platform about connecting to their soul progression and helping them to understand who they are, what's their journey.

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