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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 545
Marie Diamond 0:00
In Feng Shui, we look also at greater periods of time. Yeah. So we just ended a period that started in February 2004 till February 2024, that was called a period of the number eight. People want to know information. They want to have access to knowledge, to wisdom. But the nine says it stands also for enlightenment.
Alex Ferrari 0:23
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion Marie Diamond, how you doing Marie?
Marie Diamond 0:38
I'm so good, Alex, and it's an honor to be back here with you.
Alex Ferrari 0:41
Oh, thank you so much. I had such a fun time when we spoke. The first time you were in France, we were on Zoom, and it was a very different energy. Now, being in the room is a little bit nicer.
Marie Diamond 0:52
Yeah, it's the first time that I'm in the room, the amazing place that you have here. So super excited to be here.
Alex Ferrari 1:00
Oh, I appreciate it. So you are an expert in the ancient art of Feng Shui, and we're gonna go deep down that rabbit hole. You also wrote a book your home, your newest book is your home, is your is a vision board, yes. So we're gonna dive in a little bit about that as well. But for people who don't understand what feng shui is, for someone who you know just never heard of it. How do you explain it?
Marie Diamond 1:28
So well, Feng Shui is really an ancient art of energy, and so you can compare it with like people that have been familiar with acupuncture, Tai Chi Qigong. It's all about the movement of energy and breath. And so what feng shui is is actually, I call it the Feng Shui, or the tai chi, of your space. So it's really looking how your environment is affecting your your being is affecting also how you attract success, money, health, relationship, and even inspires you. And so feng shui literally means wind and water, because the wind is the bread and the water is the movement. And so it's like, how do you feel in the space that you are living in? So for 1000s of years, about 4000 years, this art was practiced in China, and it's only since last century, the 1950s that that information started coming to the west. So I practiced this for 30 years. So I'm considered a Feng Shui master, and so it's very interesting for me, experiencing feng shui was like something I felt and connected with when I was young, like I could go to places. I'm like, Oh, I don't like it here. And like, something is off, right? And I think a lot of people have that sensitivity, like, for example, you were mentioning people come in the studio and they're like, Oh, it's beautiful energy, right? You don't know why sometimes, but it's perhaps, of the colors you chose, the images you put around you. So there's a vibe, right? And so, but that vibe is created. And sometimes you go to places where you're like, I'm never going back there. I mean, the food is great in that restaurant, but something is not well, something is off. It's something that they feel. They feel right? They feel. Some people feel it like, almost like goosebumps, right, or they will feel back in their stomach, or they feel like a headache coming up, like the energy is not positive and so. But what if you could rearrange the energy by placing the right colors and the images, the positioning of everything that you have around you to maximize the energy that is in that space. Yeah, so to make sure there's positive wind, positive water energy. Because ultimately wind and water is, when you look at it, these are the two elements in our own life that we cannot live long time without very much. So, right? Like, literally, wind is bred. Like, some people can hold their bread for five minutes, but most people a minute and they're like, I have not enough or water. You know? You can be like, apparently, five to seven days without water, but then you're totally dehydrated. You could die, right? So that's the whole point. These are two basic elements that we have in nature, yeah, but that we also as human beings need. And every human being, but also every plant, every animal, needs these two major elements. But what if you can activate the space that you have more a positive wind and a more positive water frequency, so you feel more vitalized, more energized, and you start attracting better energy. So this is actually how the feng shui masters, I would say, for 1000s of years, probably they were first shamans that kind of connect with the land, yeah, and they were looking. Or where's the best place to live. And so they would always look at, first of all, is there water nearby? Right? Literally, to have water to drink, but also to perhaps travel over, right with boats. The second thing is, they would look for positive wind. So what is positive wind? It would be warm wind, yeah, because their crops would do better when there's warmer wind from the south, from the West in the northern hemisphere, at least, and they would try to avoid the cold wind of the north and the east, because when the wind comes from this direction, it's colder and like, think about you live in a more southern state, right? So the wind is warmer, but I just came from Detroit is much colder, right? So people would look for that, and they would look and they were looking down to like, where do I place? I would say a home that they had, or a palace, if they want to build a palace like they would always try to protect the north and the east with they would build it where there were hills or mountains, so that the wind would not come in over the valleys of that direction. So because they saw that, they would live longer, they would have less issues with their health, and they would thrive more as a as a human being, literally. So in the beginning, it was very much focused first on landscape, yeah, and it's like, I would say something the farmers would know, right? Literally, if I tell that to farmers, they're like, Yeah, that makes total sense, right? I would make sure that high trees planted in the north, so my crop will do better, right? So they it's like, I would say something that is down to earth, yeah, literally. And then, of course, it was more advanced. In the last 2000 years, there were, like, more and more formulas that were found, first of all, also connected with your birthday, right? People would look at, where is the best wind for you based on your birthday? We're going to go deeper into that. And then people would also look at, okay, where is the windows? Where are the doors of the home? Where can I sleep the best to have the most energy? So it was all the time a more evolving energy system, right? But I think it's like, in the beginning, when you look at, for example, tai chi or yoga, it's kind of compared with it. It's like, Take deep breaths in and out, right when you're stressed, and then moving forward, hey, if you do this movement, if you do the breath like this, you have other results. So it was an evolving system, and I would say, after the 1950s that that information started coming more and more to the west, and now this is, you know, something that a lot of people are interested in. I have myself more than 2 million online students having taken this classes. So it's definitely something that people become more and more aware of.
Alex Ferrari 8:01
So let me ask you, from all the work that you've done in the last 30 years, we've all walked into a place like you were saying that the energy is weird. And anybody who has ever walked in, let's say, just as your parents finished an argument when you were a kid, and you walk into the room and you're like, they're quiet, but there's something to just went down in here. Yes, that kind of energy, that's a smaller example, but something like a place where there was a lot of death, a place there was a lot of tragedy or trauma. Have you ever walked into a place like that and switched the energy of like, a place that had a lot of death or a lot of trauma?
Marie Diamond 8:37
Yeah, I have been in places where murders happened and where a lot of trauma over the years, sometimes abuse that has been there. Yes, and you can change the energy around. I mean, it's not just only with Feng Shui. I'm also a dowsing master. So Dow sing is in an old way, people would look for water with they would stick right. But there's a whole system behind it, and I created a system called Diamond dowsing to find out where there are the the energies. And you can actually switch the energy with energy system and with energy clearing. So, so yeah, you can really change things around, because a home is like a skin, right? So, and it's the skin of a body, right? So think about your own body. It's possible your skin looks great, but interior, you know, you're not doing so well. Your gut is perhaps not healthy, or you don't feel so great at your mind, or you have depression, but doing the right things, you can feel different in the skin that you have, right in the body that you have. So it's the same thing. You can switch things around. And there have been some really interesting experiences that I had to go through, because when you as a Feng Shui master, it's not just that you learn how to change the energy to positive. Sometimes you come into houses that are very traumatic experiences happen that are haunted, you know? And so you need to know how to deal with that.
Alex Ferrari 10:11
So within the work you do, you've dealt with, like hauntings, let's say you can feel that when you walk in the room,
Marie Diamond 10:17
Yeah, it's, it's, it's a more than feeling, I see them. Really, yeah, it's something I've seen as a child already. Really, yeah, I always could see beyond the veil, and so I literally can see the presence of it. I interesting enough I can hear the conversations, so I can go deeper into what has happened? I remember was very interesting story, but I come in somebody's home and they're like, we're trying to sell this place. It doesn't work. And I'm sitting there in their kitchen and haven't even visited the rest of the home. And I said, oh, did this home was occupied by a general, like, you bought this place. And, yeah, we bought from a widow, from a general. And said, why? I said, Because I see him standing there, and he was giving all kind of information to me. And I said, he's telling me that you have to stay away from the orange couch that is in the living room, because that's his couch. And she said, like, what? You haven't even gone into the living room, right? You just have come into the kitchen. We have an orange couch that I took over from the widow because I thought it was so cool. But each time I'm sitting there, I feel like I'm getting pinched, like somebody doesn't like me. To sit there and say, well, he's very upset with you.
Alex Ferrari 11:37
So is this just a soul that just hasn't transitioned.
Marie Diamond 11:40
It hasn't transitioned. Yeah. So it was quite interesting. He gave me a lot of information, and so I said to you know, we need to help him go to another level. So I don't do work to clear that energy. And it's not something I talk too much about, but it's part of our diamond space clearing techniques that we help people to also go and help the souls that are lost to transition. And the moment we let him go, and the energy starts feeling immediately different, of course. And then she sold the week after, and she tried for three years to sold, to sell the space. Really, she was able to sell it right away, of course, because he didn't want her to sell because it was his home, so I had to kind of make him become aware that it was not longer his home.
Alex Ferrari 12:25
Marie, when you're seeing these, I've had a lot of mediums on the show and things like that. Do you is it like you see a person? Do you see an apparition? Do you see like, what do you see?
Marie Diamond 12:37
Well, I actually see a person. Okay, so it's like, like, yeah, me and you, me and you, but they're more transparent, yeah? So I can actually describe them. It's very interesting, like, and I remember this man was telling me my name is spitzberg again, right? And I said, is, is that?
Alex Ferrari 12:56
Are you hearing this, or is this going through? You're not hearing it. It's in your in your mind, I hear it, oh, your artery,
Marie Diamond 13:01
Like, okay, okay. And so he's like, Oh, it's not his name. His name was Spitzbergen. I mean, that's close enough, right? So I was like, so yeah, I literally hear them like you are talking to me. But it's like, not something. I focus too much on it. But if it happens, you know? And I remember once I had this very interesting story. I come in a celebrity's home, and in that celebrity's home, I'm not going to give the name now, but I'm walking around and I see this, you know, very heavy lady with, like a kaftan wearing and she is swearing and swearing. And I'm like, do you recognize this? And I describe her, and that's what she's saying, and she's upset that you use her bedroom. And this man is like, well, we know we bought this house, and one of the previous owners was mama, cast from the Mamas and the Papas. And she was always known for wearing these long caftans, right? And she had, she had a really strong mouth personality, personality, and, and I was like, oh, and she's very upset, you know, you're using her bedroom. So he said, Yeah, we've been aware that, like, we have some visitors, sometimes reacting to that. So, you know, I had to talk to her in a very strong way to say it's time to go. And she left. Yeah, she definitely left.
Alex Ferrari 14:31
So, so this, all this work that you're doing, you know, the energy aspect of it I get because I understand the understanding of Tai Chi, Reiki, Qigong, I understand those concepts, but those are very earth bound things, literally, earth water,
Marie Diamond 14:48
Earth energy. Yeah, Feng Shui is an earth energy.
Alex Ferrari 14:51
It's an earth energy, but there seems to be a spiritual component, yes, and now you've actually opened the door to literally the spiritual aspect of it. Literally, how. How did
Marie Diamond 15:01
I didn't expect talking about that
Alex Ferrari 15:02
I didn't expect. I didn't I didn't ask you about it. It was just it just naturally the universe. And I don't want to dive in too deep to that. I understand that, but, but that not the spirit in the ghost aspect of it or the spirit aspect of it, but more of the spiritual of the soul and of the energy and evolution of our spirit, yeah, how does that incorporate this work? Because it seems like there's a spiritual component.
Marie Diamond 15:25
There is totally so when I, for the first time, really studied with my grand master in Malaysia, he was telling me that our soul, of course, has a plan, right? When we come, we have a purpose. We have some soul lessons to learn. And he said that is what we call and Feng Shui, the spiritual luck, is what we call your karma, your purpose in life. And he said some people think that's 100% of the time, but he said it's actually only 33.3% that we need to focus on that. The second part, he said, is like the soul, of course, comes into a human being, and is like a human experience, right? That it goes through a whole life, and, of course, that soul then works with mindset, with the behavior, with the actions of the body. So it's like the mind, body, spirit connection, right? And we can improve that, of course, with the right actions, the right exercise, the right mindset. He said that part we call that the human luck is responsible for 33.3% but he said What most people don't think about is that the soul also chooses a place to have that human experience. So like I chose to be born in Belgium, right? But so that was my starch point of my journey while now I live in the United States. So my soul made that plan to come here, but also every place where I live. The Soul, that space, that environment, can stimulate and support that soul to reach enlightenment. Because for me, Feng Shui is a method to help you to reach enlightenment, to create an enlightened home, so that your light of your soul can really expand and grow. And sometimes people live in spaces where it's the opposite, where the light of their soul is dimmed, is literally not able to grow. And so that is for me, Feng Shui is a way to create enlightened homes for your soul to really fulfill its lessons, learn its karma and experience dharma. So that is the last aspect that we call the environment, or the Earth. Luck is like when you work on that. And something my function master told me that really stuck to me. He said, like, if your home has a higher vibration, your soul will reach faster enlightenment.
Alex Ferrari 17:56
So it's kind of like when you are in a in a holy site, a sacred site. You walk into a church, let's say, like I walked into St Peter's Basilica. And you know, regardless of the religious aspect of it, the energy of the space, correct, is very powerful. When you go to Chichen Itza, the power of there you go to great pyramids, the power of those spaces energetically are very high. People say that they meditate inside the king's chamber, and they go to places that you couldn't because of the energy of the space, correct? So what you're saying is that if you can create a more enlightened, sacred space in your living then you're not being held back by negative energies or energies that are not helping you up. You're basically, I love what you said, lifting the frequency of the space, yeah, which just makes things a lot easier. You're lifting off weight, correct?
Marie Diamond 18:47
And so it's very beautiful what you shared about the sacred sites. So if you look, go to the sacred sites, you know, the shamans of these countries at that time, whatever you would call them, they would always look to places where there are crossing of ley lines. So St Peter's Basilica, if you go to the pyramids, they would always be placed in what we call positive vortexes. So it's actually where ley lines and there's like meridians, yeah, of the Earth, where the energy flows easily, where we have on our own body, by the way. But that's like Chinese acupuncture, yeah, acupuncture. We have meridians, and so if that meridian is not flowing easily, then it's blocked, and that's where you can start having pain. So what do you do with acupuncture? You put a needle on it, and you release the energy and or acupressure, and the energy starts flowing again. So but what if you know that there are sacred sites that in the ancient times, they would put temples, later on, cathedrals, even, for example, the Washington Monument, for example, is placed on a positive vortex. It's the Capitol Hill in America is placed on a positive vortex. So in the ancient traditions, the Masons, and later on, probably Freemasons knew that kind of information, and they would build places on top of it. So because when you're there and you would be in such a positive vortex, you would make different decisions. So literally, what you have and you're in such a place is that your brain waves will go easier into alpha, theta and delta state. So if you are in a home and your home has not such a positive energy, even if it's not on ley lines, you can actually through colors, through the way your position yourself and so on. Make sure that your brain waves will go into alpha frequency. So when you go into alpha right away, you have a different way of living, because when you're in alpha, you're more optimistic, positive, you see, you're more solution driven. You have an open view and open minds, yeah? Well, if you have a home that is not uplifting yourself, you will have what they call a beta home, yeah? And in a beta home, literally, you have a harder time to get out of debt. You will have a harder time to have harmony. You'll be living more in conflict. You're more anxious because you're connecting more with your past experiences, and you're not focusing so due to the future. So in the sacred sites, what they did is like they were made sure that the palaces where the king or the emperor would sit, if that was in China or it's in Versailles or Bucha Palace, they were all built on this ley lines, and where the king or the queen or the emperor would sit, they would sit on the strongest place because he or she had to lead to people. So if they don't make the best decisions with the best vision for the future, that would create problems for the rest of the people. But of course, it's not that we can all build our homes on ley lines, right? If you have that like I was just yesterday with a very wealthy man in Detroit. Of course, by coincidence, like his home is built on such a crossing of ley lines. And so he chose that home because he probably said, I fell in love with this home because it's such a high vibration. Since he moved in there, he 10 doubled his income, right? So it's actually a place of strength. Yeah. Now we cannot all create that, but we can come very close to it by seeing your home as a body and making sure there is nothing blocking the movement, the flow of the home.
Alex Ferrari 18:59
There are, there are homes and spaces that I've walked into that are you just go,
Marie Diamond 21:36
Yeah, right.
Alex Ferrari 21:36
Just, you just feel it. There's people too. I mean, there's people's energy that you run into, you just go, yeah, there's something. I need to take a shot talking to them. I need to take a shower. Well, you live in Los Angeles now, so you know the feeling.
Marie Diamond 22:55
Well, I live in a very beautiful area. I live in Bel Air, so it's a beautiful area. Yes, I'm fine,
Alex Ferrari 23:00
L.A, L.A is L.A, but Bel Air is stunning, a stunning place. But let me you were saying that this has been around for about 4000 years. Yeah. Do you know the origin of it? Like, is there? Is there such a thing? Is there some sort of record that says Bob started this? Bob Lee, because it was in China.
Marie Diamond 23:19
Well, it's written. Interesting, because there are legends, yeah, of course, right, that people say that a certain tortoise came out of the river and talked and shared information to the Emperor, and these are tortoises, tortoises and so, or that a dragon came and talked to the Emperor. There's always they talk by interesting enough to the Emperor, right? So they don't talk to a normal person. But if you look back at it more, the history of Feng Shui is that then the they had scholars, they had people, wise men, elders, and whatever the elder found was always dedicated then to the Emperor. So it was not the Emperor himself, right, that found the information. But I would say, No, there's not like a one point, but later on, the last 2000 years, there are some formulas that have been dedicated that they knew, like, for example, I would say, or Confucius contributed to Feng Shui. And so there are some that you know, we know, we don't know if it's exactly them. I mean, there's no records of it, but that they contributed in some way, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 23:38
So what part does the yin and yang play with balancing the energy of your homework?
Marie Diamond 24:39
So when you look at yin yang, Ying is literally means the female energy, and Yang means the male energy. So we have that in ourselves. You can think about everything is has two polarities, you know, positive, negative, winter, summer, or left and right brain, or left and right hand, right. So we actually are created in polar. Variety, but the whole point is that we're trying to find a balance between these two. So the Yin Yang, it's very interesting. When you look at the Yin Yang there is in the white part is a little black dot, and then the black part is little white dot, right? So it says that even if you think you're completely male, there's always a spot of female energy in yours. And if you think you're completely female, this little spot still from the male energy in you. So that's actually what I think is one of the most beautiful things showing there's an ongoing change happening. So for me, ying yang is a balance, but it also tells you, because if it's a circle, that is, if you turn it around, there's an ongoing like everything is stagnant and moves again. Everything is female becomes male again. If summer is past, winter will come, right? So it's all about the law that we know is always existing and everything is the law of change. Yeah, right. So nothing is stagnant. But for example, if your home is stagnant because you have created Clutter and chaos around it, then your mind and your body and your life will become stagnant. So for you to create a change, and I love the word change because it has two words in it, has the word Chi in it and the word angle, yeah. So it's like, if you change your angle, if you look differently, like, if I look this way, or I look this way, I have a different energy, yeah, so there's a different energy in myself, right? A different energy in the environment. So change is literally saying, if you change your angle, you have different energy, right? So if you focus on something positive, that's what the law of attraction talks about, right? Then, yeah, you will have more of the positive energy, right? If you look at something negative and you talk about fear and sadness and your anger, you will have more of that attracting in your life. So, but what if you can create a balance between everything. Ultimately, we want a home to be balanced, so that harmony is the strongest aspect. So when people come in a space where they're like, I love it here. I could stay here. That means the house is yin yang. It's balanced.
Alex Ferrari 27:15
It's balanced. There's a story that you said, I forgot where it was, but you said a story of a client of yours that you walked into, and he's like, I can't find love. I can't find love anywhere. It's just keeps avoiding me. And you walked in, and you look, and all he had was paintings of women with her back to them and kind of like giving their back that. And I know that image, because that's a very those are very famous paintings, yeah. And he, she's you just said, What are you doing? Yeah, get rid of this. Tell that story.
Marie Diamond 27:46
Well, it was actually a story from the secret,
Alex Ferrari 27:48
Okay, oh, that's where it was, yeah, that's where I remember. That's right, you were in the secret.
Marie Diamond 27:52
Yeah, it wasn't the secret. So, so yeah, there was this man and a good looking guy. I mean, to be honest, if I would not have been married, I would have been interested in the guy, but he was so good looking. He was working a film producer, and I mean, surround with the most beautiful women, right? And he's like, I can't find love. And that even set me up with a blind date today. It was that bad. And he said, I want you to look what is going on. And I was like, I have to tell you everything around you is affecting you subconsciously. That's why, in my new book, I talk about your home as a vision board. Yeah. So everything gives a message to your subconscious mind. So when I looked around, I saw that in every room that he was in his office, he had an atelier, because he was also a painter, family room, living room, bedroom. He had an image of a woman that he painted himself, by the way, like literally looking away, and she had, like this clot to kind of cover her breasts, you know? And she was like, I'm not interested, right? And, but on top of it, and that's something I didn't mention in the in the secret based on his birthday, he actually placed it each time coincidentally in his relationship direction. So when you have done based on your birthday, you have a relationship energy, like for him, there was Northwest. When you have done this image of a single person in that exact place of wind, because it's a wind direction, your compass direction, it actually will activate it even stronger. So I said to him, Look, you know, is that what you want? I mean, it could be, right? And he said, No, no, I want, I said. I said, Actually, I want a dry spell. I really want a lot of women like I said, Okay, well, paint it, right? So draw the painting. See yourself with different women. So he started painting it, put it in the directions. So then six months later, I meet him up in Paris, and I said, How's it going? I said, Oh, I have three days a week. Women are, like, all drawn to me. They ask me out. Like. I'm like, Wow, nice difference. And so is that what you still want? He said, No, I want really marriage and kids. And say, well, paint it, right. So change it. Not everybody can paint it like it, right? Yeah, you can find something, a statue or an image, that kind of represents that, right? And so he did that, and then six months later, he found his love, and they have three kids now. So very happy. That's beautiful.
Alex Ferrari 30:24
So it's, it's that powerful, because I love what you just said, the subconscious, yeah? So that is, it has to do with energy, but it also has to do with just the subconscious mind, yeah, of what it's seeing. So if you're constantly seeing failure around you, yeah, even, like, you have paintings of failures, yeah, everywhere around Yeah, even if you don't even pay attention to it, you see it. And you're
Marie Diamond 30:47
Because we see much more subconscious than we see conscious. Oh, of course, right. We can't process it. We can't process it. So I remember this woman in New York, and so I come in and she had this, like, very chaotic abstract and there was one word on it, and the Word was victim, and it was small, right? And she probably never paid attention to it, but it was like, I come into her apartment, and that was the first visual that you see really says the word victim, right? And as and she was like, whining over her life, and I have, don't have money, and I don't have this,
Alex Ferrari 31:22
So she's playing the victim.
Marie Diamond 31:24
And I said to her, I asked you something, do you feel like a victim in your life? She said, Oh, totally. And I said, Can I ask you to come to the front door and look at this painting? She looked like, yeah, I bought this, this, and I paid a lot of money for it. And I said, I keep looking, and she's like suddenly for the first time, and it hang there for five years. Oh, my God. She saw the word victim. I said, each time you come in to this apartment, she said, I really am always whining and always upset in this apartment. Said, Yeah, because you have told yourself each time you come in, I'm a victim. Let's take that out. She said, Where can I place it? Well, you can do it in the hallway. I mean, it's not like something you you're just passing by. It's It's okay, so be careful about what is at your entrance. Yeah, because that's the first thing you open. It's one of the reasons say to people, don't walk into your garage, into your home, use your front door. Make sure your front door is beautiful, right? Family picture, a beautiful candle, a beautiful orchid, something, Wow, it's beautiful. It's your palace. Don't think about as an apartment. It's your palace. But if you would walk in through your garage, what do you see? The first thing you see is clutter, or like, things. Perhaps they're organized, but still it's your bench is like, you know, whatever, right before you go in, then they go into the laundry room and they go into the home. I'm like, What are you telling right? So that the entrance is very important, the bedroom, of course, especially if you want love and romance, what is there? I mean, I was just in some of his bedroom, and so they had an image of, they just bought it, of a woman with a leopard, a snow leopard, okay, beautiful, beautiful, right? And I said, So, how is love going? And she said, like, oh, I always feel that we're not really matching, like, and they're together, they have kids, and like, he's always so angry at me, like, I'm like, well, he's like, the leopard. It's like, why this? Would you sleep with the leopard? I mean, let's be honest. She said, like, intimate level is really down. I said, since you placed that above your headboard? She said, Oh yeah. I said, take it out, right? So what is around you, even at night, when you're sleeping, right? So put the right things around you, right? So your office, yeah, what do you place in your office? Yeah, if it's like, I was in somebody's office last week, and it was like, everywhere, images of his children, you know, and designs like the young kids, so they are for daddy, right? And they hang them over and said, You're running a multi dollar business, multi million dollar business, multi million dollar business, right? So do you think that is appropriate? What you should hang around you, right? Your Awards, the Logos, the products, like inspire yourself, right? Instead of he said, Yeah, but I want more family and business coming together. Said, there are places for that. Your office is your business. Your family is your family room, and so give it space, give it the right intention, yeah. And so it's interesting, since I started hanging that out, my kids are all the time wanting to draw in my office said, Yeah, because you invited him or them already, yeah. So every place needs to have a dedication. You. Right, and so and what you have there around you is inspiring you. So I remember this family room, and she said, like, woman, you have three kids. And she said, Yeah, we're like, the youngest is not feeling very welcome in the family. He's like, always, like, upset with everybody. And I look around and there were only images of, literally, the parents and the two girls and the boy was not in the image, right? She said, Yeah, we let that be painted by some famous painter. And all said, Yeah, but you have already five years a boy, right? Update that picture, yeah, so add him to it or something, or get a new one, right? And they did, and she could see a huge shift in that boy, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 35:46
Yeah. Because every time you walk by it, he's like, I'm not part of this family.
Marie Diamond 35:49
I'm not part of this family. It's a subconscious message, yeah. So that's why, when I come in somebody's home, of course, I do feng shui. I look at the formulas, I look at the numerology. I really use it. I'm a classically trained function. But I also look at that aspect of like, what is there? Is, what is the message you have been giving yourself? Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 36:08
But Marie, this, this sounds it's very interesting the way you're explaining it, because it's not just, you know, the woo, woo energy. And I like to use the woo woo like, because a lot of people looking at this, you know, this is nuts. This is crazy. What are you talking about? Putting a plant in a corner is going to break the energy, or something along those lines. But what you're presenting, as well is the psychological and the subconscious messages of your environment, which I really have never because when feng shui, it's all about energy, energy, energy, balancing energy. But there's also just like, like, when you walk into this room, yeah, having these, these Ascended Masters on the wall, send a very specific energy correct to this space. If I would have, you know, rock stars of death metal, or, like, cars, or cars, if we just have cars up there, something that's the energy would be astronomically, completely different. Yeah. So on a subconscious level, when someone walks into this space, the first thing they see when you walked in a little bit ago, the first thing you saw was this right this wall with these masters, and that just brought you to a certain energy level. But the subconscious avenue of like, that, boy, I'm not part of the family. Yeah, that's very powerful, and you have to be very conscious of that.
Marie Diamond 37:27
You do and that's one of the reasons I always say to people like, if you have children, always update the pictures, right? Don't keep them having like, pictures of of you with them when they were babies. And I have been in families that people like, yeah, we have not really good communication with our grown up kids and said, but let's be honest, they are not here. And they're like, yeah, they're there when there are five, when they're one, said, but they're not five and one anymore, right? You don't communicate with them anymore. And then when you talk to the kids, they're like, my parents still treat me as a baby. Hey, right? You have only baby pictures around you, right? Always update. Always make it current. Even in a relationship, like people put a wedding picture up. Hey, that's great. But what about your 20 years together? Celebrate time with a picture and put it in the right place.
Alex Ferrari 38:18
That's very I'm just going through my house right now. Pictures? Okay, I gotta remove that picture. So one thing I wanted to ask is about the, you know, the energy of Feng Shui in general, comes from nature. Essentially, you're trying to connect all the balance of nature. Is there feng shui? Natural? Feng Shui, just within the design of nature, in a space. So let's say you walk into an area of a forest or of a mountain or of a range, and do you kind of sense how energy is flowing through that just by natural selection?
Marie Diamond 38:55
Yeah. And I think also people that were closer to nature, they would feel that energy flow better. Like, for example, when you would go in a forest, you will not find a lot of pathways, natural pathways that are straight never you will always see that they're meandering, right? Because that is actually when you are close to nature. The energy is never straight. It's always moving. So energy is moving like, like the Yin Yang right. Energy always ups and downs. There's no right angles in nature. There's no right angles right. So it's always oval. Think about the tree hide everything flowers. It's not like everything is creating that oval, that yin yang energy trying to move into that so there are five elements that we work with in nature, right? So one is water. And of course, if you are living, for example, next to a waterfall, that will be too much water, right? Because then the water is too intense for us to to acclimate to it. But. If you would live next to a spring or a fountain or a creek or a river. So it's much more nicer, and you will see a lot of cities are actually set up close to a river, right? Because it creates that positive energy. For example, London is a really good Feng Shui place, because if you look at the tames from an aerial view, you will see it's literally that it moves meandering to Paris. Is also, Paris is also, yeah, because of the districts, it's the districts, right? So it's very interesting to look at it. So we look at Earth. And earth is mountains, rocks, crystals, for example, that also we want to activate that we want fire because we want sunshine. But, of course, we don't want so hard that it becomes a desert, right? But something nice. We want metal, but metal is considered wind, so we want to have a little breeze, not a tornado, right?
Alex Ferrari 40:54
And how is metal considered when explaining
Marie Diamond 40:56
Because metal is considered the element of the sky where the wind energy is so but we kind of share that with like wind chime. So you think about the wind chime. That's the wind energy. It's the moving of the metal. And then we also have wood, the plants, yeah, the forest, everything around. So the best seeing Yang places is if we have these five elements present, yeah, that can be with colors, that can be with using the elements itself. For example, it can be bit forms, because every element has a form, like wood has like a longer energy, while metal is round, like a coin, a metal coin. So using this techniques and the design creates a harmony for you. But definitely nature has that out of itself, and I think that's one of the reasons when people are living, for example, in apartment buildings, right, where everything is very square, everything is very rectangular that they need in the weekends, or if they can during the day, walk in a park or walk go to the beach just to have that flowing energy again.
Alex Ferrari 42:13
What can someone do right now to change the energy of their home?
Marie Diamond 42:16
Well, the first step, I always say, is look at your home from more unaware perspective. And like, walk through a home. And always say, walk through home as if you would be the universe. If you would be God. The God universe within you is like, what have I been looking at for all these years? Right? What is above my headboard? What is in my office? What is up my entrance? What do I see like? How do I feel here? Become aware of your home. That's the first thing. The second thing is start organizing your home. Because the more you organize your home, the more you declutter, the more you are creating harmony by not having mess around you or chaos around you. The better it will be for your mind to move forward, the more you will feel at home, right? So, and sometimes it's also letting go of things. You know, we have always a lot of things. Could be books, could be shoes, could be so creating space, literally in our closets, in our drawers, each time we open it up, and it's like a huge mess and you can't find anything. You're losing time. You're losing your energy. So organize things and let go of things that are too much less is more in that way, right? And then the third step, what I always say is like, you know, download my app, get my book. Your home is a vision board. And when people download my app, it's available for free. They can start for free. So they literally will put in their birthday, yeah, and they will put in their birth gender. It's connected with your original DNA, so it calculates, and it's not typical numerology, it's a different system, and then you come up with a number. And so my number is five, yeah, so it actually tells me I'm a connector. I love to connecting. So like, even in my teachings, I connect east and west. I connect Law of Attraction manifestation with Feng Shui and dousing meditation. So it's like I connect a lot of things, but what is the most important is your directions. So based on my birthday, I have four wind directions that are giving me the most positive outcome. So one is for success, and success is health and relationships. So this is actually my compass. It actually compasses. It out it's a compass, right? So mine is southwest, yeah. So my health is Northwest, my relationship is West and my wisdom is northeast. So these are the four pillars. So if you have a good home, you have four pillars. So it's stay, sure, right? But what we're using it for is we use this we use the compass. We stand in the center of a room, so let's say the center of this office here, right? So what is there? Is that I'm done looking what is in my success direction? So right now, in my success direction, in this space is a camera right now, this is not my office, so I don't need to focus so much on it. But if that would be my space, I would have placed a table with all my books, all my products, my awards, so I would actually activate and that's where feng shui acupuncture comes in, right? So once we know the directions that are good for us, we then activate it. So it's like we create flow by placing the right subconscious messages there. Yeah, could be your vision board could be a journal. So anything you want to create a positive success and money flow for
Alex Ferrari 45:46
So Marie, let me ask you, though it sounds to me that that space itself is just a space correct, but it only gets activated when a human comes in, because they are the ones, it seems to me, please correct. They're the ones that are bringing the intention, the energy, everything. So everything you just said, like you could put that into activate it. I'm like, But if there's no one there to activate it, it's just a bunch of books on a table. But if you're sitting there in that space all the time, you're feeding that energy. So feng shui only works with a human involved, right? Or am I wrong?
Marie Diamond 46:23
It is and it's not. So let me put it this way. So there are places even we can calculate and we can check with our big compasses to see like even if there's nobody there, we can say this home or this space will be successful or will not be successful just purely based on the front door direction. And it's not about it's north, it's literally to a half a degree we can measure and calculate and then based on the floor plan of the space, like, where are the where's the office? Where is the living room, where is the laundry? We can already say this home will be successful for the people living in it, or they will be having problems with their relationship. So we can already predict, yeah, based on when they move in. That's very important. It's the direction of the front door, the layout of the floor plan and when they move in. So that's where the human aspect comes in. It's like an amplifier. It's an amplifier, okay? Because it's literally we can already tell if a home is successful or not, yeah. But we also know, even if it's not that successful, we can shift it around. We can repolarize it, and then if we know the person that comes in, we can say, okay, based on your birthday, do this activations, do this colors, this will work better for you. And so what happens based on that is that the human and environment becomes a unity in a way, right? So the energy of the home, it's already energy. There's something going on, there's something going on, and then the person together creates a unity of energy, a dance, a dance. I love that word. It's a dance, right? So sometimes I have to say to people, look, I was, for example, in somebody's home and they have their dining room in red, right?
Alex Ferrari 48:24
Looks gorgeous. It's gorgeous, but that's a rough that's a rough color,
Marie Diamond 48:28
But it's a rough color, right? And so it's too much fire. And I said, you know, this person of your family has a lot of inflammation and probably on the airways, because where the dining room was placed, and that color said, Yeah, that's exactly what happens. So even if that child was not sleeping in that dining room, it was still affecting so holistic field. That's why I call it feng shui. It's like the quantum physics of the environment, yeah. So we can actually, if you place something, even if you're not there at that moment, like I'm traveling right now, but even the setup of my office and how I sit at my home, even if I'm not there, it's still my residency, right? It still affects me, because there's a holistic and a quantum connection. We're all connected. We're all connected, right? But if you then can activate your space right, based on the floor plan, based on you personally, based on your partner, based on your children, and you can activate that space. Then it's like the dance is not a slow dance, but it's a beautiful walls, right? It's a beautiful energy that you feel. You come home, you feel so inspired. You go outside, people recognize you. They love you. So there's like, it's not only what happens inside of you, right when you're there, but also the reaction of the people towards you. And I'm telling you, I could have never become so successful, from being a lawyer in Belgium to be one of the top speakers on transformation and manifestation. Shin if I would not have done the feng shui of every home along the way, because there's an ease that comes because a home is so in harmony. There's an ease and an effortless energy that happens that what other people sometimes have to do. I don't know how much effort for things. Things come easily to me because I'm aligned, and that's the key word between my spirit, my soul, my human experience, and my environment. And if your environment can support that, then you will just expand and and live a happy life. Yeah, and so I was just having conversation earlier on today, with somebody that started doing this work for four years. She said, like, if I look where I was then and where I am now, I am happy, yeah, because my life is flowing. Everything is great. I feel good. But her home is set up to support her enlightened space and her enlightened journey. And that's, I think, what feng shui is about.
Alex Ferrari 51:02
So when you're when you're in your home and, you know, people watching right now, yeah, might have they might be depressed, they might be super angry all the time. They might be frustrated with life. They might be all these kind of negative emotions and energies, the adjustment of the environment can help them adjust out of those specific areas, all of those things, yeah? Because I have to imagine, like, it's like people, like, when you go to Hawaii, I mean, you're in Hawaii, it's very difficult to to work hard, yeah, in Hawaii,
Marie Diamond 51:39
Or to be angry,
Alex Ferrari 51:40
Or it's just like, it's like, I told people, it's like, when you walk off the plane, it's like a wall of relaxation hits you, like, you just like, oh. And then everything Island time you slow down to match the energy of
Marie Diamond 51:52
I was there two weeks ago, so I can tell you, that's exactly what I experienced.
Alex Ferrari 51:56
What island? Yeah. What island? Oh, beautiful. Yeah. So those kind of spaces you walk in, and it's just this, this energy, and then you go to New York, and the second you walk, I still remember this so vividly. I was a kid walking up out of the subway into from Queens into Manhattan, and literally feeling the energy lift me off like I was like, Whoa, yeah. Because that, that the energy
Marie Diamond 52:21
I will feel that tonight, when I come into New York,
Alex Ferrari 52:25
That's right, you're flying into New York, so you feel that, that that chaotic energy. How can you protect yourself, like because there, there are monks who live in in Manhattan, who teach meditation, and are spiritual leaders that are there. How do they kind of shield themselves? Because that's a tremendous amount of it is chaotic energy.
Marie Diamond 52:46
It is so well, first of all, these monks probably live in a space that is in harmony. Okay? First of all, so even if you live in, and I have a lot of people live in Manhattan, students, but they have a home set up totally based on my principles and what I share. So at least there's a peaceful, harmonious place inside where they live, so that already gives them some extra energy to counter right, that chaotic energy that is out there. Now we also have another part of what I'm teaching is called the inner diamonds, and I teach people in our feng shui principles where, and it's actually also on the app, there's a tubes of light meditation, and all my students do that meditation every morning. What it does working with colors and frequencies, is that you are not having all this chaos coming into your aura field, yeah? So you'll actually uplifting your vibration. You're getting into an alpha state the whole day, right? So when you're in that alpha state frequency, you literally, or even theta, you can bring it to a Delta level. Actually, you come in and you're like, it's not affecting you, like, you stay literally in that sacred space that you're connected with at home. Yeah, you you have it with you, right? So it's totally possible. And I have lived in very intense cities in my life, and I lived in London, I lived in LA I lived in San Francisco, I lived in very intense places, but it's all if your home is definitely a support, a foundation, that at least at night or when you are there, let's say perhaps 10 hours a day right after COVID. A lot of people were there all the time. Are there all the time? So if that space is not supporting you, yeah? Then it will be even harder when you come into chaotic space, because the scales everywhere,
Alex Ferrari 54:48
And you're just being drained, and you're totally drained, so your home should be a recharging station, ideally, ideally, energetically,
Marie Diamond 54:54
Yeah, and that's what I have always been focusing on for people, not just to create an. Light and space for them, but because, when I started feng shui for the first time, I was 15, and I had a near death experience at 15, and then when I came back, I was very depressed because I couldn't study anymore. I got way back in my school studies because of the accident, and speaking about the standard masters, you know, the Senate Master I connect with Saint Germain. He actually told me the first time about Feng Shui. So I asked him, like, Master, what do I do wrong? Why? Why is it I attract three accidents in a row? Like, why do I feel so depressed? And said, you have bad Feng Shui, Marie, that's what he told me.
Alex Ferrari 55:45
So is this? Is this in one of your near death experiences?
Marie Diamond 55:48
Yeah, that was after my near death experience. It was after, yeah, after.
Alex Ferrari 55:51
So it wasn't during the near death experience? No. So afterwards he connected to you. How did he connect through you? Meditation?
Marie Diamond 55:56
He would appear,
Alex Ferrari 55:58
Oh, he would just show up. Was he was he wearing purple?
Marie Diamond 56:01
He always but when I was in the near death experience, I was in front of all Ascended Masters, that's when they told me, you have to go back. You're here to enlighten more than 500 million people. And so when I came back, you know, Saint Germain sometimes appeared to me like, like when I see other souls, like standing there. But of course, then in soul of light, he would, he would come to me, and from a young age on, actually, he would come so show up,
Alex Ferrari 56:31
So in your, in your near death experience, which we don't have to go deep into, but we you were introduced to all the Ascended many of the Ascended Masters.
Marie Diamond 56:38
There were nine, I remember there were nine of them,
Alex Ferrari 56:41
And they some of the some, some of the gentlemen here. Probably, yes, yes, well, was probably there, and yeah, and so on. So then, did you know who they were, or did you have a knowing
Marie Diamond 56:51
I, I recognized Saint Germain. He was the one talking to me. And there were others. Later on, I started understanding also could to me. Was there? I I'm just thinking about his name. Okay, that's good, many, many, but as Maria was there, right? So lady nada was there. So there were a few that I later on understood who they were, right? You the researcher. You're like, oh, that's who I saw. No later on, that information came to me and I know like, Oh, now I remember who they were, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 57:26
And they're the ones that said, this is your mission in life.
Marie Diamond 57:28
That's my mission in life, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 57:30
What did your parents think when you're like, Hey, I'm gonna be a Feng Shui master?
Marie Diamond 57:34
Well, my father never knew that, because he passed on when I was 25 my mother was very big into all this. Oh, so she was like, go for it. Still. I was, she was 95 when she passed on and she loved it, you know, she took my classes. Very big support for me.
Alex Ferrari 57:52
Yeah. So I wanted to talk about colors, because you've mentioned colors a few times, and, you know, a lot of people will say, Ah, it doesn't really matter. And I always tell people it's like, well, go to bed in a red bedroom. All the walls are red. The carpet is red. Bed sheets are red. Will you sleep? Let me know how you sleep in that environment. It's insane. I remember once I was in a Airbnb. Oh, my God, years ago, and it was like, oh, it's kind of like an antique shop exploded inside everywhere, like there was a life size guy on a horse. There were these dolls, you know, the dolls, oh, life size, this big, all sitting on a chip.
Marie Diamond 58:38
Oh, not Yodas.
Alex Ferrari 58:39
No, they were not cool. Yodas. They were like, these little porcelain all over the place. And I could, like, we went to the bedroom. They're like, anything you want is a for sale. Just let us know. And I'm what? And it was like, I think Al Capone used that place at one point. It was three stories, and I walked I'm like, the energy was so chaotic. Yeah, so old. Like, how can anyone sleep? I couldn't sleep that night,
Marie Diamond 59:02
Yeah, but they didn't want you to sleep. They want you to buy it.
Alex Ferrari 59:05
That's, that's the point. That's, that's not a place for to sleep. Even the rooms were as chaotic as the outside. Yeah. So, so that's on the on the chaos side. But can you talk a little bit about the power of colors and what each color, you know, major color, uh, primary colorline does to you.
Marie Diamond 59:20
Well, going back to the red, first of all, you know, red stands for fire, right? And so literally, you stop for red lights, yeah. So your energy cannot move right now doesn't mean you cannot add red, because red concern also for passion, yeah? So if there's a lack of passion the bedroom, I sometimes will say to people, add some red objects, like red pillows, red carpets. But painting everything in a color is definitely a no, no fire. You have to always be very careful. Put candles, put a fireplace, put some pillows. Uplift the energy with red is always nice. Red Carpet, not so much. Much red carpet. Red carpet is great because you just walk over it, yeah, because it stands for, you know, showing your passion and showing who you are. That's intense the red carpet intense. It is like if you walk the red carpet for but that's a different thing totally. But you're moving over it, yeah, as opposed to sleeping in it, right? So the same with blue, right? So blue is water, so blue are Blacks, yeah, so, of course, in the studio, that's something different. But if you would, for example, sleep here with black walls,
Alex Ferrari 1:00:32
Yeah. Well, that's some, though, some of the darker colors. It's not a bedroom. This is not built.
Marie Diamond 1:00:36
It's a studio, yeah, it's a studio. It's normal that you do that. So what you have, if you would have all blues and blacks in the bedroom, it actually is the element water, and our subconscious mind knows that. And so I always say, would you sleep next to water? You probably wouldn't, because you don't know if you're drowning the next day, right? So it actually creates a lot of depression for a lot of people, a lot of emotions. People have conflicts. They don't talk well, there's less less communication. So doesn't mean that we cannot add water elements, or we can do blues, for example, in places where or blacks where we are active, because blacks is already very Yin energy. And so you like, if you move there and you talk there, it's all fine, but just being Yin, because when you sleep, you're Yin, and when you're awake you're Yang, right? Then it's too much Yin energy. People get depressed, so don't do that. The same with water images in a bedroom. Always take that out. People sleep so much better, and they have a better communication as couple so. But then there are colors that can stimulate you, like certain blues I love, for example, in an office, blue can be showing leadership, but again, we're not going into painting everything in these colors. Yes, I balance. It must be balanced. So the best colors for a house to be surrounded with are walls would be earth tones, yeah? So beige is light. Browns could be kind of a yellow could be a peach. Pink is okay, also
Alex Ferrari 1:02:16
Light, not neon pink,
Marie Diamond 1:02:18
Yeah, not neon pink, right? But, for example, I have peach colored office. I love it, because peach stands for joy. Yeah, some in peach. So that are really good colors to wear. You know, gold stands for abundance and money always. So next level, soul, it's all gold. I love it, making some money and abundance for yourself. So that's a good thing, because it always shows I'm the best. Because if you think about the gold medal in the Olympic Games, you're the best, yeah, if you get a gold award, you're the best, yeah. So I always say to people, add some gold objects, like you have some gold objects, gold looking objects around you, it always shows, subconsciously to the people, I am really good in what I do. I'm perhaps the best in what I do, right? And it's not from an ego perspective, it's just from value level. So that is something you can bring around you. Of course, we would love to have some greens, like plants and flowers, but again, where you're active, like in living room, not so much in a bedroom, because in a bedroom you can put some images of flowers or something, but if you do green walls, then subconsciously we're thinking, I'm in nature. When you sleep in nature, you would not feel so safe.
Alex Ferrari 1:03:41
You read my mind, yeah, right. If you have plants hanging all over the place, yeah, in your bedroom, yeah, it's it's too much. It's, you don't feel safe, that's not a safe thing.
Marie Diamond 1:03:51
That's why I always say to people, if you have plants in your bedroom, I rather have them where you're more in a yang environment. Perhaps a fake plant is fine, or image of plants, that's fine, but be careful with that. Yeah, so there are certain calls we work with 24 colors that work for everyone, and then where you place them. And that's also in the book your home is a vision board. Now we focus on these colors,
Alex Ferrari 1:04:15
Umm, what are some of the common mistakes that people make when they go down this, this feng shui path, and what should they avoid doing?
Marie Diamond 1:04:24
Well, I think one of the common mistakes that people do is that they over. I would say they see too much in certain things, like, like, oh, I have, for example, 20 images of single people all have to go like, yeah, once black or gray, it's black or white. There's no I don't overdo things either, right? There's always place for things in a home. Sometimes people one of the known. I would say in Feng Shui, is mirrors. You have to be very careful for
Alex Ferrari 1:05:03
Yeah, waking up you, I remember you saying waking up to a mirror is a bad thing, bad energy. Why is that?
Marie Diamond 1:05:08
Because a mirror is reflecting you, right? So when you go to bed and the mirror is also considered a yang energy, an active energy, yeah? So, for example, in a restaurant, great to have mirrors, because you're doubling the food, you're doubling the people. So in your dining room you can place that, but in a bedroom, you're actually doubling the reflection of you. And it can be you're doubling your health issues. Yeah, you could double your loneliness when you're by yourself. So if you have a mirror on the side of you or in front of you or the mirror sees you somehow, right? Even if you don't see the mirror, it really creates a lot of sleepless nights sometimes, and there have been some studies done in the University of Beijing where they have seen that there's a higher level of inflammation in the body and higher blood pressure when people have mirrors reflecting their bed. And I've seen this over and over again that people tell me, since I moved the mirrors away, we do better. We have We sleep better, we feel better. You know, it's like the stress level is lower. So it's just a simple thing, to cover them at night or to if there's like your closet, just open the closet, right? Better than to have a mirror reflecting you.
Alex Ferrari 1:06:31
Um, does feng shui work with other spiritual practices and other energy systems?
Marie Diamond 1:06:36
Yeah, totally. I mean, Feng Shui is its own energy system. But, you know, I have people that have done all kinds of energy systems for their body, for their mind, and Feng Shui is so typically for the environment. Yeah, there is another energy system that we call Fauci, who is an Indian system. There are some similarities, but there's also a lot of difference.
Alex Ferrari 1:07:02
Is that? But is that like function, like an Indian feng shui, or is it different?
Marie Diamond 1:07:06
Well, it's very interesting. In feng shui, we always talk there's a yin Feng Shui and a Yang Feng Shui system. So the Yin feng shui is for temples and for symmetries, for burial grounds, and there's a Yang Feng Shui for businesses and family homes. And it's very interesting. When you go deeper into it, a lot of the Vastu information is connected with temple feng shui, right? And not so much with the family and business. And it's not so personal. Also in Feng Shui, you really focus on your birthday. We focus on when you moved in right while in Vastu, will more look at the landscape, Feng Shui and certain directions, but more in a different way, not so personal. So it has some aspects of it, but it's not the same.
Alex Ferrari 1:07:56
Is there? It sounds like there's almost an astrology aspect to this with the birthday and the numerology aspect to it with the numbers, is that, is that a newer thing, or is that, was that there from as far back as we go?
Marie Diamond 1:08:10
Well, the flying star system, as we call that, is to work with the numbers. It's about 2000 years old. Okay, so it came in a little bit later, came in, later evolved. And I think it's also because first I had to have a compass first. They have to be able to calculate everything. And people at the beginning did not even know when there was a birthday, right? There's only the ones that were in power, like the emperors and their court, that would know their birthday, actually. So that's why, also, Feng Shui was in the beginning very much focused on the few ones in China, right? Well, now it's, you know, accessible to everybody. So once I knew this information, I thought, like, everybody know needs to know that. That's why the calculation of the birthday and the numbers is available, you know, starting in the app for free. It's also in the book explained what to do, what are the directions you have to activate? And then there's also something we call the yearly flying energy, flying star. So flying star means that you're moving the Chi every year. So we coming, we are now in still the wooden dragon here. We're coming into a wooden snake here. So every year there's a new flow coming in based on that year, and there are certain directions that will be stronger than other directions. And then we again, look at your birth year and your energy number, and then see how that new year that's coming in, how that's going to affect you. So it's not astrology, it's not numerology, but we're using a number system. But then we not just look at the numbers. We can also predict, kind of like, this will be a yin year. This will be a young year. This is a year where you need to activate, for example, I give you an example next year, in 2025 we need to, if you want cash flow for everyone, putting a bubbling fountain. Yeah. In the south east of their office will create more water energy. So the numbers are connected with the five elements, and then we place certain things certain way. Again, it's to create acupuncture activation based on your birthday and based on the year. So there is a movement. And I actually can look back in people's homes or in their birthdays, like that year, that month, you probably had a huge shift happening. So we can calculate. So feng shui, in a way, there's a science behind it, even we call it an art. So there's a number aspect to it.
Alex Ferrari 1:10:35
Is, as we move forward with with humanity's evolution, in general. There seems to be a lot of chaos going on right now spiritually as well. I'd love to hear how Feng Shui and this energy system can help us deal with what is happening right now, this kind of chaotic world that we're living in right now and we're going which could end up being a bit rockier than where we are right now.
Marie Diamond 1:11:03
So it's interesting. In feng shui, we look also at greater periods of time. Yeah. So we just ended a period that started in February 2004 till February 2024. There was called a period of the number eight. Number eight was all about wisdom. People wanted to find answers to their questions. It was an area where people were looking for knowledge. So think about since 2004 till 2024 we had like search engines that started happening, right? So people want to know information. They want to have access to knowledge, to wisdom. So even you, for example, what you bringing forward? You start in that period sharing knowledge, bringing in teachers and speakers that could share of their knowledge. So that's the period eight that has stopped, that has ended. And we start now in the period nine. Period nine started February 2024 and ends in February 2044 the period nine is a the period eight is an earth bound energy, and a period nine is fire, right? So it's a fire element. So what does fire really means? Well, fire means, first of all, it's a completion of an 180 year cycle. So there was like nine. There nine numbers, nine times 20. So 180 year cycle. So if you look back 180 years ago, it was the start of the evolution of think about the industrial, industrial revolution, right? We started with the technical there was a whole new energy. Do the last 100 year, 80 years, how we evolved as a human species, species, right? And the technology we had is amazing. So nine is actually ending it. So it's an ending of 180 year cycle. But the nine says it stands also for enlightenment. So people now have researched. They have all the information. Now they have to practice the light. They have to connect in with their purpose. The nine stands for your purpose. Yeah. So if in this 180 years, we as a species have not found our purpose yet, or as a human being, we start all over for the next 180 years, again, right? But the nine also stands for speed, so everything will speed up because it's fire, right? When there's fire, think about, if you lit fire, it's gone. It's gone, right? So think about, since 2023 we had artificial artificial intelligence. Ai, everything is with speed. Now we speeded everything up, right? So you will see, as species, we're going to go faster and faster energetically, but also anything that is old, right? Everything that is based on the old systems, yeah, the fire will be coming in and burning them down and burning them down, yeah, but it's the ninth stance, also as a symbol for the Phoenix. So it's, there will be ashes, but the Phoenix will rise again from it, yeah, that's why so many people are seeing it as a transformational time, right? And so it's really interesting, because I was telling that in 2018 to people and said, look, the nine is coming in. But the last four years, between the eight and the 9 2020 to 2024, these two numbers are clashing. When the eight and the nine clashes, you come to a still stand, a standstill, yeah? And I said, in 2020 you will have a standstill literally. And we did literally, literally, right? Because when the eight or nine clashes, that's what happens, the earth ish is on fire, like literally, where we cannot go anywhere, right? So, but now more and. More in this last four years to see the speed of energy that is happening, right? So I'm actually very excited about a fire period, because it is going to be a lot of transformation. But when things burn down, I mean, it's not literally burning down, I hope so the planet itself, but it's like it also means faster solutions. Yeah. So solutions in the period 80 will come, but they will be slower. And a period nine is like a speed of light, like a new idea will come, and everything changes from it, yeah. So think about AI, how much change in the last two years, how many new methods, new technologies, have come from the fact that we have AI, right? So I am very excited for it, because we need to fire, right? We need to fire, to change the energy. And that's why people, now, more and more, are looking, first of all for their soul purpose. So next level, so next level soul, right? So your you will grow tremendously with your work here, right? But also, people are looking for their passions. It's perhaps not a purpose, but they were looking like, what's my passion? So a lot of people right now, and you see that in the last four years already, because the eight and the nine comes together is that people were looking after COVID and they were like, Oh, I'm not following my passion. That job is not my passion. I want to start a podcast. I want to start this kind of job, or they change their mind because they had to look within themselves. What gives me fire? What brings me happiness, and that's the next 20 years.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:44
So this is so fascinating, Marie, because, you know, I was that someone, something, told me to ask you that question, because that question is a question I ask a lot on the show, because I'm not concerned. I feel it's my job to let people know what's coming in a good way, to be prepared for it, and everything you've said aligns almost to the T with multiple different schools of thought, whether it's a medium or a psychic, whether it's ancient yogi or A Swami or a yogi that's here, ancient prophecies from yoga or Vedic texts. This all sounds very similar. What is that system? Because that's not feng shui, the eight and the nine. Or is it function? It is Feng Shui. So, so there's so feng shui is not just, you know, let's place a plant in the corner. It's a that's the micro, but it also looks at the macro of the whole
Marie Diamond 1:17:39
It's a major macro feng shui, yeah. And that's why, for example, the families that were ruling China, their feng shui masters, would really look at these cycles, yeah. And they would change, sometimes, their outfit. They would change their place. What was the best, what they had to focus on in their community, what to what would thrive in in the land, if they would focus on these 20 year cycles? And they even, if you, you look at it, there sometimes families that ruled for 180 years, like son after son, right? And then after 180 years, a new family would come in, because there was such a big shift? Yeah. So 2044 will be a big shift, because we go and start all over again.
Alex Ferrari 1:17:39
What's the next one? Number one. So what is number one?
Marie Diamond 1:18:30
Number one stands really for the vibration of total new beginnings. Yeah. So, a new future. So, and of course, a lot of people are thinking, Oh, will we have a future in 2044 right? Yes, we will have a future, but the future will be or we learn all the lessons from the last 180 years, and we accomplish them and make it a new society and a new level of humanity, right? Or, if not, then we will have 20 years that will be very hard for us, yeah, because we haven't learned our lessons, but we still have the time to again, learn our lessons and start all over and start a new beginning. So in the last 20 years of the cycle, what we see, and I've studied this for you know, in history, because I'm history stuff, and so you will see that in the last 20 years, there's always a big shift in who dominates the world.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:30
Yeah, interesting. Country wise, or
Marie Diamond 1:19:33
Country wise, leadership wise, financial, financially, there's a huge shift happening so, and that is, for example, if we think about the Chinese are very aware of that, by the way, yeah. So they, you know, Feng Shui masters are also working with the leaders of countries, right? And so they know the, this is actually the year the 20 years at the. Coming now is the strongest for the East and less for the West. Yeah. So I do believe the Chinese energy right will, whatever is politically, economically, will thrive tremendously, and will be, probably become the most and I'm sure many doesn't want to hear that the most dominant force in humanity,
Alex Ferrari 1:20:23
And also, India is not too far behind.
Marie Diamond 1:20:25
And India is the same, yeah, it's all that east side,
Alex Ferrari 1:20:27
Because those two have the largest populations, yeah, in the planet. So that's where that's going, yeah. I mean, there's, there's been talks of that. I mean, I don't think the US is going to go completely away,
Marie Diamond 1:20:38
Alex Ferrari 1:20:39
But, but the power and the influence is not going to be influenced that we had since World War Two, correct, essentially.
Marie Diamond 1:20:46
And if you look at it, was actually in period five, that was World War Two, period six and period seven, where the West was the strongest, yeah, so, and that started shifting in period eight already, yeah, yeah, over the last 20 years, would that spiritate? Yeah, start changing, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 1:21:04
So that's So historically, that's where we're going. That's where we're going. And generally, nine is a those are 20 years of transformation.
Marie Diamond 1:21:13
There are total transformation
Alex Ferrari 1:21:15
And fire. So that's, it's gonna go fast. It's gonna happen quick, but it's going to be rocky. Well, can it be can it be smooth?
Marie Diamond 1:21:24
It's all how you are looking at things, right? So you can sit on the fireplace and have the most amazing time, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:21:30
It's all relative, because even during the Great Depression, there was people who thrived.
Marie Diamond 1:21:35
That's it, right? So, but the nine also stands for the billionaires, right? The most wealth? Yeah. So there's now, today, more billionaires been made every year. Oh God, right. And there will be, like, we're speaking already about trillionaires
Alex Ferrari 1:21:53
In my lifetime, I think, I think Elon, or next 10 years, yeah, Elon or Jeff Bezos, or somebody's going to get to a trillion, which is absolutely insane, like, for one human being to control that kind of
Marie Diamond 1:22:08
It's an interesting experience, for sure, like, and think about, first of all, that soul has probably chosen to experience that. Oh, of course, right? Of course. And then the always the question is, what is the soul that owns that energy? What do they do with it? Right?
Alex Ferrari 1:22:26
Right! Because if you look at I mean,
Marie Diamond 1:22:29
I don't want to judge it, because it's all about, what do you ultimately do with the gift that is given to you,
Alex Ferrari 1:22:36
Right! Because at a certain point, you know, I don't know about you, but after the first couple billion, I'm good, I don't know, but when I hit my first billion, I was just kind of coasting. I do this for fun. No, but there's a point where it's, it's a disease after a while, because, like, literally, after $100 million like, Okay, what else can you what can you buy? What? Like, it's certain point it gets to so at a trillion, it's just yeah, mind,
Marie Diamond 1:23:02
Well, I have worked with many billionaires I can imagine. So it's one of the things that I've always seen that a lot of the first of all, if they start working with me, you know, or if it's through meditation or clearing or feng shui, they're already more aware. And they always do a lot of charity work, a lot of giving back to humanity. And there is, there is something we call the $1 billion club, where people that already have made a decision that when they have more than a billion, that whatever is above a billion will not go to their family, will go to their charities, or the charities, right? That they only will leave a billion to their family.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:44
And I don't, I don't know how they're going to survive,
Marie Diamond 1:23:47
Just on the interest of
Alex Ferrari 1:23:49
Interest that takes care of multiple generations.
Marie Diamond 1:23:53
But the whole point is, I mean, it is, it's probably something they had to experience in their journey, right, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:24:01
And but to wield. And I'm not judging, yeah, I'm not judging. I truly don't, because I do believe that the more wealth you you have, the more you could do. Yeah, good. That's the way I look at it. Yeah. So I, and I also heard from friends of mine who know billionaires, yeah, that there are, there's a consciousness shift. There is happening. It's not all just, you know, certain people who just want to build rockets, not that guy, the other guy, you know, but he's, let's Elon, for example. He's doing a lot to change this planet, yeah? Love or hate him, the man has done something that's amazing,
Marie Diamond 1:24:36
Yeah! And that's, you know, he, I always say people that reach that level. First of all, their soul chose that experience, right? What do they do with that experience? Right? That's the second that's a decision they are making at that point. And but all of them that I have met, they were very conscious about how they could contribute to humanity. And. Their own way. And sometimes they do it through environments. Sometimes they do it through charities or whatever is possible. And they know with me that when I come in and say, Oh, Marie, we made so much more because of you or I've helped a few to become billionaires, and they know it's like my first question is always like, show me the check. And so they know they have to give 10% from the surplus that I helped them to create to a charity, and I don't continue working with them till they show me the check. That's beautiful, right? And it's not a check to me, so it's a check to because I always believe, and I try to, you know, teach them to like, Hey, you have more, but it's also because you have now more means you can give more,
Alex Ferrari 1:25:45
Right! Exactly. I don't know how much information you know about this Chinese mysticism. Is that part of Feng Shui, or is that the core of a lot of the old we're talking about 4000 5000 years back, kind of like when the Vedic experiences are about five, 6000 if not older. Is is Chinese mysticism kind of core of this?
Marie Diamond 1:26:08
Yeah, it is a part of the basis of it. I'm not saying it's everything from it, yeah. But if you look at some of the principles, you will see, yes, they are interwoven in Feng Shui. Feng Shui, in a way, I always try to make it so clear that it's very practical principles, practical experience, so that everybody can do it. I mean, that was part of what I always brought, even if I know the mystical part of it, being trained by Saint Germain. I mean, this is like part of my my life, right? But for people to to understand that they all can start with it wherever they are, right, even if it's a small studio, if it's a one bedroom that you have, I had a person that was living in a tent and practiced what I was teaching him, just with post it notes everywhere on his tent, right? I was living in tent camp, and now here's an amazing life. So it doesn't matter. Ultimately, there are so many backgrounds of mystic sin that you see, it's actually what it says is understanding the mystery of life. Yeah. And so if there's a Chinese background, if it's a Indian background, or if it's shamans that see the mystery of nature, it's all understanding the mystery. And that's definitely part of the nine, by the way, the period nine is to understand the mystery of life. So I do believe that in the next 20 years, also, a huge focus will be on finding the mysteries of life itself, like how life exists, asking the question, asking the questions and but also the mystery of science. So I do feel that we will get to a whole new level of understanding energy itself, and because the nine stands also for the sun, I think we'll also see a lot of understanding about how the sun will work, how the mystery of the planets, that level will open up for us, and perhaps, you know, other life forms in the universe.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:13
It sounds like that. That's where this is all going, that there is an in a enlightenment era. Yeah, that's coming to humanity.
Marie Diamond 1:28:21
And you and I have done the work for it already, right? We are trying and and now the nine also will tell you that it becomes public,
Alex Ferrari 1:28:31
Yeah, yeah. Because before it was
Marie Diamond 1:28:33
Yeah, quieter, it was quiet. So because the eight is still the Yin, is still going inwards, and to a few people, right, the people that are on the mountain, because the symbol of the eight is the mountain, but the nine says it's fire. It's it's on fire. Everybody will know now it's the nine also stands for entertainment, television, making things public. So now this information that you and I know for many years that, of course, you and I bring it more public already that will be literally become common ground for everyone.
Alex Ferrari 1:29:11
So do you see, and I know you have clients in Hollywood, and you live in LA, but there has been a shift in media. There has been a shift in Hollywood. There has been a shift in news, there's been television. Streaming services are really hurting, because people are just not buying what they're selling anymore. Not nearly as much. Yeah. So what you were just saying is, like, this enlightenment, this asking the deeper questions, yeah, that doesn't exist in Hollywood. It's very over, you know, and I could say this, I've been, I worked in there for 25 years that it's, it's very different. The energy is extremely different. What worked in 1900 when chaplain was coming up, yes, does not work today. Oh, yeah, but, but, as we all know, that these large organizations take forever to change,
Marie Diamond 1:29:59
Yeah. But. You also have, and that's probably where it will speed up also, I do the change will start speed up faster. And so, because, if you think in Hollywood, so many, if there are musicians or producers or actors, they are very, I mean, I have many clients that very aware people, very conscious. They do practices and spiritual practices, if that's from hip hop to film producers or whatever. So I do that, and believe the individuals have already started to shift in the last 20 years. Of course, organizations are always little slower, like countries are slower. Everything that is a massive you know, organization will be slower, but I do believe that what was the speed like 20-30, years ago, what would take 10 years will now take two, three years. It's gonna speed up. So the nine always said things speeds up with like entries, right? So it's like three times faster, right? Each and three times faster, all right? So that's kind of because nine is three times three.
Alex Ferrari 1:31:02
So then the the the year of the time of the fire, and the burning down of the old Yeah, that will also speed up. Yeah. So in other words, older organizations, older ideas, older institutions, which we all see, it's happening. It's changing. But it's not going to take a decade. It's going to it's going to go like this,
Marie Diamond 1:31:24
Yeah, because you can even see it now in some nations recently, right? Like in Syria, where things that were there for like 50 years suddenly, overnight, something shifted, right? So, and you like, why is that happening? Well, it's, I do believe the fire has been burning already, right? And so the change already is there, but it's like, still under the veil, still, you know, not visible. It's in hiding. And then suddenly things come forward, and we, we must create change, yeah, because we cannot continue the way we are treating the planet, the way we're treating each other, right? We cannot continue this way. Now there's more and more a level of kindness, and there's more and more level of growth, but there's still, you know, two, I would say, two speeds right? Now, there's a speed of people that are staying in the old system, right, and then people are in the new system, right? And so it's, it's like finding the bridge and listening to each other, right? And having a communication bridge between the two speeds. And if we think the ones that are aware and awake. Hey, we just go with our speed and we left others behind. Then it's not happening. So it's one of the reasons, like, I have a TV show feng shui live on to be right? Who is several people like re Why would you be on? To be I'm like, Yes, I want to bring this information everywhere, right tomorrow I'm on a fox Good morning show like I want everybody to feel in harmony and happiness in their family and and thrive in their business. I mean, it is possible with some very sometimes small practical steps. Yeah, because, of course, I can teach them the highest level of meditation and reach them enlightenment. But if they don't have a home that supports that, you know, how can they thrive? How can they be better human beings? The space needs to be organized and harmonized and energized to make that happen.
Alex Ferrari 1:33:38
Marie, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, yeah, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Marie Diamond 1:33:43
Well, for me, it's actually, when I look at my life, I live a complete fulfilled life. Yeah, we can always improve, right? But I go back to the four pillars. And so first of all, I have a happy marriage for 34 years. I have a wonderful family. So that's my relationship energy. I am honored that I have so many students worldwide, some of them I know very personal. Just being with them, inspiring them that just is like the most amazing thing, sharing my wisdom. That's my work. That's my mission, right? Anything I know as much as I can share fulfilling life is for me that I can share my knowledge. Yeah, then having a healthy body, you know, I'm 61 being good in my body and my mind, that's a fulfilled life, but also that I have the abundance and the success based on the many years of work that also have the possibility to reach millions of people having a positive reputation. I think we. Really changing people's life. I mean, that gives me so much fulfillment. And sometimes I don't even know who these people are, right? Sometimes I meet them like, you know, this week I met somebody and she's like, Oh my god, she just heard my voice and tears. Like, oh my God, I've been following you for so long. I'm sure you have the same happens every once in a while, yeah, and so then that reminds you at that moment, how much fulfillment you have brought for others. Yeah. I think a fulfilled life is if you have brought fulfillment for others.
Alex Ferrari 1:35:32
Yeah, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Marie, what advice would you give her?
Marie Diamond 1:35:37
Oh, well, little Marie was not a very happy camper.
Alex Ferrari 1:35:42
She didn't have feng shui.
Marie Diamond 1:35:43
She had bad Feng Shui. I would definitely tell her that all the things she was doing at that time, if it was meditation or like being in nature, that ultimately that would help her one day, finding love, finding happiness in her life, little Maria was very lonely, and so I would say, you know, you will have so many amazing experiences with a happy family and a wonderful children grandchild, and you know, so many friends and people that love you, you'll be fine, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 1:36:23
How do you define God or Source?
Marie Diamond 1:36:25
You know, it has many, many images for me, I do have to be honest, for me, everyone is God or source for me. You know, life is God or source for me. I am race Catholic from background. So of course, you have a certain concept that you're learning as a child what that is. But for me, every conversation like you, from this moment your garden source. For me, like just asking questions, having wonderful, deep conversation. It can be sitting next to somebody. Can be walking in nature and feeling the sun on me. For me, it's all you know, that experience.
Alex Ferrari 1:37:08
What is love?
Marie Diamond 1:37:09
What is love? Well, it's my first question every morning, right? So I always ask the universe every morning, please show me. How can I love more? Yeah, that's beautiful. And so, how can I love more myself, you know? And what is love? It's appreciation. It is feeling good about things. But I also ask always, how can I love more, my my family, my students, the people I meet? How can I express more love? I don't think every day, how can I make more money, right? I never think about that, right, of course, but I do believe if you're in that frequency of love, it's a frequency of love is balance and harmony and peace in yourself, that then you will attract all the abundance you need.
Alex Ferrari 1:37:57
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Marie Diamond 1:37:59
What's the ultimate purpose of life. I would really say it's, it's feeling that light that we have in ourselves, yeah, being that light that we have, right? I would definitely say little Marie did not get that, but now I get that. It's just like being that light, radiating that light, sharing that light, I think that's the ultimate purpose.
Alex Ferrari 1:38:26
And where can people find out more about you, the amazing work you're doing, and pick up your newest book your home is a vision board?
Marie Diamond 1:38:34
Well, they can definitely find a book on Amazon and good bookstores. I would say they can also check out my website, I also restarted my podcast and YouTube channel so they can get some more information there. I have a great Instagram with a lot of amazing tutorials, so they can go to Marie Diamond official and, of course, download the Marie Diamond app, so you just put in Marie diamond in the app stores, and you can start right away for free.
Alex Ferrari 1:39:03
And do you have any parting messages for the author?
Marie Diamond 1:39:05
Well, first of all, I want to thank you, Alex, for the work you do, right? Because I know you always thank everybody else, but you followed your guidance and your purpose in life and to bring to you know, millions of people, your your insights and your deep questions, not just to us, but to everyone that listens. So please accept my gratitude for that. Thank you so much for that. And so I would say to everybody you know, it's important for you to listen to what your soul is calling you for right? Follow that intuition to your gut feeling. But everything is part of your journey, and so don't judge yourself. Don't judge others. Don't judge the journey. Just enjoy it.
Alex Ferrari 1:39:57
Marie, it has been such a pleasure having you here. And thank you so much for everything you're doing to help awaken this planet. I appreciate you, my dear.
Marie Diamond 1:40:03
Thank you so much.
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