On today’s episode, we welcome back the insightful Louise Kay. A returning guest whose work in embodied awareness continues to inspire and guide those on their spiritual journeys, Louise brings a fresh perspective on how we can navigate the complexities of life with grace and presence. As she delves into the essence of consciousness, she reminds us that everything in our lives is divinely orchestrated, tailored perfectly to help us fulfill our potential.

Our conversation begins with a profound question: How can we stop feeding our fear-based thoughts? Louise Kay eloquently explains that many of us are trapped by these thoughts, which imprison us in a state of perpetual fear. She likens it to being a prisoner of our own minds, unable to access the deeper peace that is available to everyone. The key, she says, lies in becoming aware of these thoughts and recognizing that they are not aligned with the truth of who we are. “You have to cut off the food supply,” she advises, meaning that we must focus our attention on pure being and the present moment, rather than on the thoughts themselves.

As the conversation unfolds, Louise offers valuable insights into the importance of embracing the present moment and surrendering to the reality of what is. She shares a powerful analogy about spilling milk, a metaphor for how we often react to life’s inevitable challenges. “The milk doesn’t care,” she says, reminding us that our reactions are within our control, even when life feels out of control. By practicing presence, we can eliminate drama and stress, replacing them with gratitude and a broader perspective.

One of the most enlightening moments comes when Louise discusses the divisiveness in our world today. Despite the apparent chaos, she believes we are living in the best times humanity has ever known. The internet and social media, while magnifying polarization, also offer opportunities for connection and growth. She suggests that the ego thrives on divisiveness, feeding on the sense of separation it creates. Yet, she encourages us to look beyond these surface-level conflicts and recognize the deeper truth: “Humans are like branches of the same tree,” she says. “Our essence is the same one consciousness, expressing itself in a multitude of forms.”


  1. Shift Your Attention: By focusing on the present moment and pure being, you can transcend fear-based thoughts and connect with your true self.
  2. Embrace Stillness: In a chaotic world, stillness is your refuge. Practice meditation and presence to stay centered, regardless of external circumstances.
  3. Recognize Unity: Despite apparent differences, we are all expressions of the same consciousness. Understanding this can bring peace and harmony into your life.

As we draw this conversation to a close, the wisdom shared by Louise Kay resonates deeply. Her message is clear: The path to peace lies within, and by shifting our focus from the external to the internal, we can transform our lives. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards—peace, love, and a deeper connection to the divine—are worth every step.

Please enjoy my conversation with Louise Kay.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 487

Louise Kay 0:00
Everything that's happening in your life is not by chance. It's like it's divinely orchestrated, specifically tailored to you, exactly what you need in order to fulfill your potential, to access the deeper dimension where right now, everything is perfect.

Alex Ferrari 0:35
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion, Louise Kay. How you doing Louise?

Louise Kay 0:40
Hi, thanks. I'm really happy to be back here on your show.

Alex Ferrari 0:44
Yeah, last time we spoke was a about two years ago, and I just remember I had such a pleasure. It was such a pleasure talking to you. You're such a you have such wonderful energy, and you have such a wonderful message to put onto the world. And I was thinking like, Hey, I'd like to, let's bring her back and and the audience has grown. The show's grown the show's grown a little bit since then as well. So hopefully more and more people could see this conversation and the work that you're doing. So I appreciate you coming back, my dear.

Louise Kay 1:09
Thank you.

Alex Ferrari 1:10
So I'm going to ask you, I wanted to dive in because you if you can tell everybody a little bit about yourself, just like a quick little one or two minute explanation of who you are and what kind of work you do.

Louise Kay 1:24
Well, my name is Louise Kay. I'm originally from the northwest of the United Kingdom, and I do work which I call embodied awareness. And a body, embodied awareness is a practice that I do with people, which is an invitation to recognize the truth of who they are, beyond the conceptual self and the awareness side of it is it's a word I use which is synonymous for consciousness. Many people refer to this as consciousness, the knowing that we are pure consciousness, and that's the deepest truth of who we are, the part that was never born, it will never die. It's beyond the personality. It's beyond the form. And I work with people to support them, not to understand this mentally, but to directly recognize through experience, so they have direct knowing of their true self and the embodied aspect of it is the practice to consciously include the experience of our body as energy, and that brings about a lot of healing, deep healing and transformation on the level of form, on the level of personality and how we express ourselves in the world, because it allows for the combination of these two. Allows for the falling away of unconscious patterns and conditionings that everybody took on from an early age, and when they fall away, we were free to express ourselves in the world, in alignment with higher consciousness, in alignment with the greatest truth.

Alex Ferrari 3:19
That's beautiful. Well, I wanted to dive in then with our first question is, how can we stop feeding our fear based thoughts?

Louise Kay 3:28
It's very powerful, actually, to break this cycle, because if, if you're living identified with fear based thoughts, basically those patterns run your whole existence, and it keeps you trapped it you're you're not able to know that a deeper piece that's here, that's available, that's accessible to everyone, and you become a prisoner to your own Mind. So if, if someone, first of all, recognizes I'm I'm a prisoner in this way, I'm experiencing these fear based thoughts, and they're running the program. They're keeping me locked in that fear and not giving me space to follow my highest excitement, to to express myself in my most authentic way. First of all, acknowledging it is already brings more consciousness to the fact that is happening. And once it's acknowledged, it's actually not unconscious anymore because it's seen, and then we can investigate, well, what is seeing this phenomena? What's aware of it? Now, this investigation is an invitation to open to the deeper essence of who you are, to transcend the thought patterns and open to how. Your consciousness, and all that's required is simply to become aware of the thoughts. And every time a thought appears, to see it, to acknowledge that it's there and to recognize that's a thought born from the egoic construct. It's actually not a thought that's aligned with the truth of who I am. It's not me. And this allows you not to take the thought personally, not to identify with it, to see it as an appearance, and I'm the aware witness which perceives that thought now it's not personal to me anymore. I'm impersonal, and I'm seeing it just like if you're outside and you experience a bird flying through the sky, this bird comes, and then it goes. It's clear to us, the bird is not mine. It's a it's an appearance that I'm witnessing and perceiving it. So you start to relate to these fear based thoughts in the same way. Many times, the fear based thoughts are accompanied by unpleasant contractions in the body, because the body has been practicing listening to those thoughts, and the thoughts condition the body. The body doesn't know if the thought is real or not. It just responds to the vibration of the thought, the frequency of the thought. So if the thought is about fear, something bad's going to happen to me, or what if this happens, the body will contract to prepare you for that, even if it's totally imaginary and it's not part of your reality, the body doesn't know that. So it's important to bring your attention into the body and be present in the body and be able to consciously feel how the body feels. Now most people have practiced disassociating from their body unconsciously since a young age. So their attention is constantly out of the body, and they might not even be aware that the body's holding these contractions or these fear energies. So when you start to practice, very gently, bringing your attention into the body and just checking in, like you can start with, am I aware of the breath? And then, already you're more present in the moment you feel your body breathing, and you notice, well, actually, look, oh, that's interesting. The body is breathing by itself. I'm not doing it, and now I'm aware of it. I'm witnessing it. Okay? And now what else is the body doing? And then you start to feel the body as a life sensations, and when you're when you're fully present in the body, you can feel where the contractions are held, and you might start to notice, oh, there's like, it's tightness in my throat, or there's a heaviness in my chest, and often, the initial reaction is to move your attention away from it, like, oh, I don't want to feel that. That doesn't feel good. Let me just disassociate and distract myself by picking up my phone and checking my social media. That will distract me from it. But if you don't do that and instead, you gently take your attention closer to the contraction, and you get curious about it, like, what is this? What is this sensation? What if I let my body feel this? What if I gently open to it? Then you become more in tune with your body. And many times these contractions that are held actually are not connected to what's happening in the present moment. Many times they're old, unprocessed information that the body's holding from maybe years ago. And so as we start to stay present with it. Consistently, the body starts to open up. And as you have the willingness to feel these sensations, it relaxes deeper and deeper and deeper. And as it opens in this way, and at the same time, you're fully present in that opening higher consciousness can penetrate through the physical form, and it starts to affect your body, starts to bring healing, to bring alignment, to bring harmony in all the systems. And it's not even that you do it this higher intelligence that you can call the. Universe or God or unconditional love, whatever name you want to give, it that unified intelligent field that's underlying the whole of existence, the intelligence of that brings the physical and energetic body into harmony, into his natural state.

Alex Ferrari 10:22
How do you break because, I mean, if we've conditioned ourselves, and I think most of us have conditioned ourselves with these negative and fear based thoughts, as a general statement, we're always thinking about, Oh my God, what's going to happen? Oh my god, is the bill going to be paid? Oh my god, where am I going to get some money? Oh my god, does she love me, or does he love me? Oh my god, am I going to get this job? There's always this. It's just kind of, at least in the West, really kind of hardwired in us. What techniques can you give in in helping us literally break from that programming? I know you talked a little bit about it, but is there anything specific, anything else that you could do specifically? Because I think it's something that people really, really have a problem with.

Louise Kay 11:00
And those thoughts, like the examples you gave, really classic, common examples, they it's it's like because they've been practiced for so long, and the attention is focused on them. When you focus your attention on them, what happens is you feed them, you give them food with your attention, and they gobble up that food, and they get bigger and stronger, and they produce more thoughts that are similar. So you have to cut off the food supply. Now, how do you cut off the food supply? You have to focus your attention on something else. Now, where? So, where do you focus your attention? You have to bring your attention back. You have to draw it back into pure being. What that means is it, it's the most effortless state of non doing. It means that you simply be, and you can only do this in the present moment. You You be the perceiver of the moment. And whenever a thought comes, you recognize that you are perceiving it, and you it comes, and then it goes. Now you don't even give effort to try to stop the thoughts or try to change the thoughts, even that's too much effort. You just stay abiding as pure consciousness, allowing perceiving to happen. And as you do this, your presence power increases. And your presence power starts to at some point it gets stronger than the energetic pull of those thoughts. The moment it tips past 50% and your presence power is you're anchored in the present moment. It's lost its grip on you, and then it's, it starts the starvation process. It's not getting its food anymore. You're not invested in it. You don't give any interest in what those thoughts say. You have to it. Some people almost have an addiction to it, and you, you have to stop feeding it. Don't even give it a crumb of your attention. So a nice analogy that I often talk about is if you imagine like you're the sky, and the clouds pass through the sky, and then you see a cloud come and it goes. It's like you consciousness are the space in which these thoughts are appearing, and you watch the thought come and go. And you don't take ownership of it. You don't believe anything it says. You remember that a fear based thought is coming from the ego. The ego is not me. I am the witness of it. I am pure consciousness. This is me. And as you do this constantly, every single day, this is your intention, to focus your attention like this, a shift in identity takes place where you believe yourself. To you. No longer believe yourself to be the I that the fear based thoughts center around. Now your identity is I consciousness. I the perceiver of the thoughts and they're not mine. They don't belong to me. I have no interest in that. My interest is communing with the divine. My interest is allowing my heart to be centered and open to unconditional love and to be fully present in the moment, every single moment, no matter where I am, no matter who I'm with, no matter what I'm doing. And you dedicate your whole life to that.

Alex Ferrari 15:00
Beautifully said. Beautifully said. Now another problem that I feel that we have is when things happen to us in life, negative things, a car accident, someone breaks up with you, you lose your job, these kind of monumental things, how can we surrender to the reality of what is, what is actually happening. Because so much you know, you the old, the old saying is, you drop the milk and you spill the milk on the floor, and you get upset, and you're yelling at the milk. And why did this happen to me? And the milk doesn't care. It just is what it is how you deal with it is what you are in control of. Can you give us any guidance on how to do that? Because it is also a very difficult thing, because sometimes it just feels good to yell at the milk, even as crazy as that sounds,

Louise Kay 15:56
Yeah, the moment that you understand that, complaining about things that you can't control in life actually is not bringing you true pleasure. It might bring a distorted feel good feeling, but if you really look and like when, when you yell at the milk, for example, if you're really honest with yourself, like, am I actually enjoying this, or would I prefer right now to be experiencing love? We always prefer love. We always prefer joy. So when you understand that, your interest starts to shift, and your interest is, how can I be more loving in this moment? How can I be at peace in this moment? How? How beautifully Can I meet this moment? My preference is actually to live in love. And then you can ask yourself, does arguing with reality change it? No, does arguing with reality make me feel more loving? Does it make me feel better in any way? Does it serve me in any way? No, once this becomes very clear, you can see it's the same as banging your head against the wall. You just you don't want to do that anymore. If you see that you're just hurting your own head in you're hurting yourself by by fueling these feelings of anger or frustration or hatred, and once you see this is not my preference, then you have the power to change it. If you're totally identified in the moment and totally unconscious, there's nothing you can do about it. But if you practice living in presence, then the moment that unconscious reaction rises up, probably you start to become aware, oh, wait a minute, this is an old pattern. I'm reacting in an unconscious way. This isn't my actually true expression. And if words are coming, they might not make it out of your mouth anymore. If an impulsive, reactive behavior is arising, you might stop before you cause some damage in your life, before you do something that after you regret, before you say something after you regret, so when you start to cultivate presence in your life, you actually are more in control by surrendering into the unknown than if you're trying to control reality from the egoic perspective. And what's the benefits of this? You're going to pretty much eliminate drama out of your life. Stress is just going to fall away. And what's going to be replaced by all that energy that you've been giving away to meaningless drama and and stress, gratitude, and you start to perceive reality from a different perspective, because you have more of a bigger picture. When you're recognizing yourself as pure consciousness from the bigger picture or the bigger perspective, you can ask yourself, Okay, this situation seems like it's something that's gone wrong. It seems like it's bad. But if I really look, is it possible that it's serving me in some way? Is it possible that there's an opportunity? Be hidden in this situation, which is an opportunity for me to grow, to grow spiritually, to grow emotionally, to grow on any level of my life, to to learn something, to become more present, to be more loving. When you ask this question, you always find there's something there for you. There's always a gift for you. And you'll start to notice that everything that's happening in your life is not by chance. It's like it's divinely orchestrated, specifically tailored to you, exactly what you need in order to fulfill your potential in this lifetime,

Alex Ferrari 20:49
Louise when, when all these things happening, the both the fear based thoughts and getting angry at reality, those both seem almost insane. Ideas to yell at milk is insane. It's an insane concept. What is it about us? What is causing us to do this? Because I don't know if that's programming from society or from family or from religion or what. I don't know if that's it. But there's something that causes us to go down these roads. Can you do you know? What can you identify? What that is? Is it ego? What is it?

Louise Kay 21:30
Yes, it's unconsciousness. It's identification with a conceptual self. So what's a conceptual self. A conceptual self is a sense of a me and me who I am. My worth, for most people, is tied in to ideas, beliefs and concepts, and it starts with maybe, oh, my name, this is who I am. I'm Louise, my nationality, my my memories, my experiences, my religion, met the things I like, the things I don't like, the things I support, the things I'm against, the things I believe in I don't believe in, and all of this, yes, it's this, it's this conceptual construct, and it's me, and when there's total identification with that construct, there's unconsciousness. It's just unconsciousness like, almost like a robotic zombie acting out. There's no space there for the truth of the actual expression of that soul to to emanate through is pure conditioning, pure impulsive reactions, similar to how an animal might might behave. Now, when a shift takes place from unconsciousness to higher consciousness and that no longer identified with the system opens up then that all these unconscious, reactive patterns are seen by higher consciousness, by me, awareness, the awareness, when I see it, I recognize, ah, that's all. That's an old program that's running the system, and it's obsolete now. It's not necessary anymore.

Alex Ferrari 23:43
Now Louise, with with all the things we're talking about and and I love that definition of the unconscious and connecting to the conceptual construct of who we are, which is essentially just ideas and thoughts and concepts of what we've picked up along the way to kind of build this version of ourselves, and if anything threatens that version of ourselves, that's when we attack, that's when we defend. That's when we go after things and so on. It seems that the world as of as of right now is more polarized than I've ever seen it, at least in my lifetime, that I can remember, in a way that these, these ideas we're talking about, are playing out in a much larger scale of groups of people who identify with certain ideas or certain concepts. And there is such a split now where it's not even you know you and I might have different beliefs in certain things, but I accept, what if you want to believe the sky is purple, God, go for it. This guy is purple. I believe the sky is blue. You believe this the earth is flat. I believe this earth is round. You know, you live and let live kind of thing. But where we are now, it seems like, Well, wait, and if you believe the sky is purple, you're evil. You are a. Threat to the world, to our country, to our religion, to our economy, to my family, it becomes so much more divisive. What is your take on what is happening now and why is it happening?

Louise Kay 25:17
Despite this divisiveness that we're seeing we it's, it seems to me that we are actually living in the best times that there have ever been, if you look back, sure, of course, in our history, my partner is reading a book at the moment, and he was telling me about it, and what used to happen is they used to castrate people without anesthesia for all kinds of crazy reasons. We were just talking about like, wow, what. What a great time we live in today, where all this we know we have all these advancements. We're not being castrated, and really we're in the best times. So if you look at the bigger picture of how things used to be, even just, let's take the religion Christianity, few 100 years ago, and what they believed in and how people were treated. You're gay, okay, you're gonna be killed. You can see, yeah, you're you're a witch. You were gonna burn you. So you can see how we are actually evolving and becoming more conscious, yeah, and it's like the in the introduction of the internet and social media is, I think, magnifying the polarization so it giving opportunity to connect people that identify with the same belief systems, and then to spread that and show that around the world so everybody can see it. It's just that, in the past, before we had the internet, these people had no ways to connect. They had no ways to express their voice to so many people. So I think it's because of the internet that it's we're seeing groups of people unite in their conceptual identities and get a sense of self from this and the ego loves nothing more than divisiveness, to feel a sense of separation.

Alex Ferrari 27:50
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Louise Kay 28:26
To feel there's me, either me, this individual or me, part of this group, and the other individual and the other group. That's how it feels its sense of individuality. And when you perceive through the filter. When you perceive reality through the filter of that individual, me, or my belief system with this group is the right one, and that's wrong. That's what feeds into the sense of worth, the sense of value, the sense of me. I exist. This is me, and so if somebody threatens the belief system, I have to fight for it, because it feels like without that, I will die. Right now, this is the root cause of basically all the troubles that humanity has, and the medicine for this is to bring higher consciousness to humanity by inviting people to recognize that that egoic structure is actually not the Truth of who they are, who they are is a deeper. It is transcendent of that. It's it's pure consciousness. And pure consciousness is not divisive at all. There is only one consciousness. So the essence of this form is. Pure consciousness. The essence of that, or what we call Alex, is pure consciousness, and that on the level of the formless, is the same warm consciousness. Now when I understand this, not as a mental idea, but through direct understanding, direct knowing, by living in presence. How can I have any desire or any harm to come to you when I see you're an extension of me, like if I if there's a tree with many different branches, and this branch can it's got eyes here, and then this branch has got eyes here, and they look back at each other. They could believe, from that perspective that they are separate. But if their attention can come deeper and recognize the bigger picture, they'll see, oh, we're the same tree. It's just there's different expressions of this tree different forms, and maybe this branch is a different color. This one's a bit longer, but it's the same tree. Now, humans are like this. Our essence is the same one, consciousness, and it's expressing itself simultaneously in a multitude of forms. So we're just looking back at ourself through from a different angle, and understanding this will bring about peace on earth, I believe. But you can't rush this process, just like you can't rush the process of a caterpillar as it transforms into a butterfly, it has its timing, and part of that process is it becomes mush, basically, when it goes into its cocoon. And it's a very dark time. And if, if you could speak to it, it might say things are terrible right now, I lost my Caterpillar body. I can't crawl about and eat anymore. Everything looks very dark, like it's fallen apart, but it doesn't know that. What's coming next is the emergence of this immensely beautiful being that can fly. So when humanity goes through dark times from the bigger picture, it's necessary in order for our growth. Now, one of the traps that many people fall into when they become interested in higher consciousness and spirituality is the the ego. It starts to take on these teachings as its new identity. So it says, Yeah, I'm not the ego. Now I'm spiritual. But it's sneaky, because it's just a new costume for the ego, and then it identifies with all the spiritual beliefs, and then it feels a sense of superiority by judging other people that don't believe the same thing and seeing them as less than and it's the same divisiveness. So that's I just wanted to mention one sneaky little way that y'all can comment

Alex Ferrari 33:24
So, So in your opinion, though, where are we going to be going towards? What is this all leading to? Because so many people are in that dark part of the cocoon right now, feeling like the entire thing, oh, I'm mush. I said, I love that analogy, by the way, that we're mush and we are and if you look only from that point of view, at that time in in the transition, it's horrible. It's horrible. I've lost my old body. I have no idea that I'm going to become this flying, beautiful, flying creature. I just feel like the whole world, my whole world, has come to an end. How can, how can people dealing with this understand that this is going to change. And where do you think? Where do you think, and when do you think this is, when are we turning into butterflies? Louise, this is my question. When are we turning into butterflies? We're tired of the mush. I butterfly.

Louise Kay 34:26
You can only be a butterfly now then the moment that you fully open to the present moment you recognize that you already are the butterfly that you long to be, that which believes itself to be much is not the truth of who you are. If you if you shift from the level of form, some people call this like the third dimension reality. If you shift from that, you. Are transcendent to the absolute reality, then All there is is divine perfection, and everything is divine in every single moment. And all that's required is to shift your attention to that. It's not like if you're if you perceiving reality on the level of form, you could call it the surface level, in time, in space, and you want to then get from here to here, then you can't nothing's gonna change, because you're still on that same level, you have to transcend that to access the deeper dimension. And it's that's transcended only in now. So you have to step out of the thinking mind, step out of the perception of time and space to access the deeper dimension where, right now, everything is perfect. Now, this sounds confusing, I know, because people was, how can you say it's perfect? There's worry right now. How can you say this is perfect? But that's on the surface level, the surf, the nature of the surface level, the nature of the reality of forms, is is there's polarities, there's darkness and there's light, there's black and there's white, there's good and there's bad. It's not about trying to make that reality all good, and eliminating 50% of it you can't it would be like trying to take away the night time and only having daytime all the time, or taking away winter and only having summer. The nature of that reality is the polarities, and once you understand that and you can accept it, it's not a problem anymore. But when you transcend it and you open to a deeper dimension that's beyond the good and the bad, it's beyond spiritual and unspiritual. It's beyond evil and love it. It's the ultimate reality of truth, the Absolute Truth. It's pure consciousness. And that is, that is God, and that is the butterfly that everything and everyone is. That's the true butterfly. Everything else is like the dream or the nightmare of the butterfly.

Alex Ferrari 37:45
So that sounds beautiful, and I love that explanation. But for those who are in the mush right now, for those who are going through a difficult time throws, who are suffering or or in our a war zone right now, or in poverty right now, or going through that negative aspect of the polarities. What can What advice do you have for them to help them transcend where they are right now? And we've all gone through negative things in our life. That's part of being a human being. We have. We go from back and forth the good and the bad, the good and the bad. When you're on a high, you think it'll never end, but it always does. It's just the way the nature, the nature of reality, is that, and when you're low, you feel it's never going to get better, but it eventually does. It might take years, it might take months, it might take minutes. But what advice do you have for these people who are in these more difficult sides of the polarity right now.

Louise Kay 38:46
Suffering is actually humanity's greatest teacher, because it's suffering that gives rise to a seeking to for the end of suffering. Now, when that arises, that movement arises, it it can look in the wrong places, like alcohol. Maybe alcohol will bring an end to this pain, or drugs or pornography or addicted to my phone. These are ways that humans seek an end to their suffering. And there's another direction that you can seek the end to suffering, and if, if this information has crossed your path, then you've been blessed by grace, because this information that can bring an end to suffering is the greatest gift that any human could receive. And you. It's information that can end all suffering in an instant, if the teaching is applied. Now, it doesn't mean that your life circumstance might change instantly, but it means that you will access a peace that's not dependent on the circum external circumstances. It means you can access a peace that's inside of you. And that peace that's inside of you is actually you, connecting to God, to the Divine, to the universe, the universal wisdom inside of you. And many, many people that find themselves on the path of spiritual awakening actually end up here because of suffering. So suffering was the greatest gift that ever came to them in their life. And if someone is suffering and they come across these teachings, and they're ready for it, they're ready for awakening, something in their heart, something deep inside of them, will resonate when hear the teaching, something will feel there's truth in this. It's like I know in my being, this path is calling me. There's some intelligence that's calling me, and they might not understand it fully, but if they open to it even just a tiny, tiny bit, and they get interested and they investigate and they question, life will start to support them in the flowering of your consciousness, because life's here, ready to support all humans in this awakening process. That's just as soon as they're ready.

Alex Ferrari 41:52
That's beautiful. And I'll have to agree with everything you've said in regards to suffering. When you go through the dark times, that's when you grow the most, that's when you learn the most. That's what you are being forged in the fire of life, and that's where we are. I mean, I look back in my life and I'm like, I went through some difficult times. I'm like, but if I haven't gone through those difficult times, I wouldn't be who I am, like, that, that, that. And it's not fun being in the fire, but it's a necessity. You can't harden steel unless you forge it in high temperatures and intense environments, or else it won't get stronger. And it's, yes, not pleasurable many times, but it is part of the process. So I just had to follow up with that that was beautifully where you said it. Now I've heard you talk about the we've started speaking a little bit about awakening. You've spoken about the three stages of awakening. What are those?

Louise Kay 42:51
The three stages of awakening? Well, the first stage is total and complete identification with the conceptual self, and probably the majority of humans on Earth right now are in that stage, which is an unconscious stage where there's just conditioning acting out. So if you're born in one particular country, then you just take on the conditionings and the religious beliefs of that society, and that's what acts out. That's what forms the personality. There's no questioning of it. It's just on automatically come up. The second stage is when the questions start to arise. Who am I? What is the meaning of all this? What is the purpose of my life? What happens after I die? Is there a god? These questions, when contemplated, start to work so magic inside and something starts to open up. Now in that opening, there's the capacity then to observe one's thoughts. A thought appears, and I can witness the thought. Now in this stage, usually it's actually the mind observing its own thoughts. It splits into two, but part of the mind becomes more conscious, right? And that conscious mind is able to witness and observe the unconscious mind, and it can even the unconscious part can even act out. So maybe you're, you're saying something mean to your partner, or you're triggered about something. And at the same time, while you're saying these things, you're aware, oh, wow, I'm triggered right now. I'm I'm saying things that I don't mean. I'm having these negative thoughts, my pain, body is activated. There's more. Consciousness there. Now, when the teachings are applied, the teaching what I call embodied awareness. But there's many, many people sharing basically the same teaching, to live in presence. One of these teachings that's incredibly powerful is the is the practice of self inquiry, which means to investigate the nature of a true self, to contemplate the question, Who or what is aware that I'm aware, and to not think about it, but to really look and a contemplation of the nature of the true self can bring about transcendence of the conceptual self, both the unconscious and the conscious part of it, so that there's a recognition through direct experience of the Self as the one consciousness,

Alex Ferrari 46:08
Beautiful, it's, it's, it's a lot. It's a lot to take in at this at the same time. Now there's you also spoken about the three stages of consciousness. What are those three stages?

Louise Kay 46:21
Well, consciousness itself doesn't have stages, and it never changes. It's it's more like

Alex Ferrari 46:28
Our awareness of consciousness, yeah,

Louise Kay 46:31
Yes, yes, yeah, the three human stages of awakening in consciousness.

Alex Ferrari 46:39
Got it, okay. Now, in this insane world that we live in, this very busy, very kind of hectic and crazy world that that many of us live in, how can we open ourselves up to stillness, to just being in stillness? There's a tremendous power in stillness. Anyone who meditates understands the power of stillness, of quiet. How can you any advice on how we can embrace stillness in sometimes our chaotic world that we live in?

Louise Kay 47:15
Yeah, it's very beneficial to practice meditation and to practice presence when you're in a space that's supportive of that, or when your life is calm and there's not a lot of drama or chaos happening, and when you practice during those times when thing when The big challenges come, or when things get really chaotic, you won't be pulled into you unconsciousness. You won't collapse in back into identification with the conceptual self, because you've been building up your presence power to be able to stay centered in the stillness, and that means that you don't react to life anymore, but you respond to life. And the way that you can live like this is by bringing your attention fully present into this moment and just notice the body as it breathes. So you can just start by staying with the breath and really be present with the chest as you feel it gently rise and fall. And then you can start to feel your abdomen breathing with the chest, so the abdomen rises and falls, and now it's like your body's breathing, and you stay here, and you Notice the sound of my voice or sound outside, you notice the sensation of your clothing touching your skin, and start to gently land in the body. You start to feel the sensation of your feet touching the ground, your body touching the chair, and then you start to notice there's there's a stillness here that's underlying experiences. There's something here that's never moving. It's never changing. It's witnessing the movements. It's witnessing a sound coming and going, a thought coming and going, a sensation coming and going. These movements are happening, but That which is aware is not coming or going. Going, it's always here aware, and it's stillness that's pure consciousness, that's the truth of who you are. And it's simply matter of shifting the focus of your attention and allowing it to rest as the aware witness, and then you're the space and all of the sense perceptions, all the experiences, all the thoughts coming and going, it's like when you go to the movie theater and you see the screen, the screen it it, the screen itself never actually changes, but the imagery when you play the movie changes, and it looks like there's a story happening through time that's like the level of the the conceptual self and the human experience, the forms. But what allows that to be shown. It couldn't be shown without the actual screen. And consciousness is the space the stillness is the space in which the appearances appear. So rather than focusing the attention on the appearances, on the thoughts, you look what is here which allows the thought to appear like if you have a piece of paper and there's writing on the paper, who could write down your thoughts, the writing can't exist without the paper. So what is the background where the appearances that background is stillness. It's pure consciousness. And so your attention shifts from the foreground to the background, from the forms to the formless, from doing to being. When you surrender fully and you live with your attention resting in this way, you're connected to higher intelligence, and that allows for harmonization on the level of form, The Form Reality starts to reflect the higher consciousness. So most people perceive reality backwards. They think, I have to change the forms to make it better. But it's like looking in the mirror and then trying to change your reflection. You can't. You have to turn around and look here and change this. If I change my hair here, then it will change in a reflection. So you have to turn around and change your inner state of being. And that means that you become very present, and you open up to the formless dimension of stillness. And for the mind, it's really boring. It's really uninteresting because there's absolutely nothing there to feed the mind. The mind's interest is getting more and more to enhance itself, to build upon its sense of self, more information getting more more beliefs about something. It wants to feel bigger and stronger and better, and this is about stripping away all that, and it freaks the mind out. It sounds scary to the mind. Why would I want that become nothing? This whole identity is me. I don't want to let go of this. So sometimes it will fight and resist, but you have to allow that and stay present with it, and then, as it fights, and you allow it to fight and resist, the process, at some point, a shift takes place, where it surrenders to the greater power and higher consciousness, then takes this driving seat, and that's what, that's what then moves you through life.

Alex Ferrari 54:12
Beautiful. You have such amazing analogies. By the way, your analogies are wonderful. I love that. Well, I'm a filmmaker, so the movie analogy as the screen is, stillness is it makes all the sense in the world. And to take that analogy to the next level, next step, if I may, quote Yogananda, there's, there's so much stuff happening on the screen, and we're so focused on the screen. But what really should do is turn around and see where the light is coming from. Yes, projecting it. That's where we should be focusing. Is where is the light coming from? And so it's a it's a combination of both your analogies. I thought was nice.

Louise Kay 54:47
Yeah, I can't take ownership for that analogy. But, you know, people have been using these classic analogies for way before my time.

Alex Ferrari 54:56
Sure. But, but beautiful nevertheless. Thank you for bringing it up. To us one thing before, one thing I wanted to ask you as well is that we've talked a little bit about our conceptual self, our programming things like that. But the one thing that we and the suffering that we go through in life, but the one thing that we do, I think, as a species, is that we hold on to old pain. We hold on to these old stories that are not serving us in any way, shape or form, that are actually poison. They're cancers inside of us that you know you hate somebody else for something that they did to you or or a situation or things like that. What advice do you have for processing this, this old pain and old suffering, without becoming overwhelmed, without just, you know, stirring up the pot and everything just come back to you. How can you do that, that balancing act?

Louise Kay 55:56
It happens on two levels. It happens on the level of the mind and the level of the emotional body. So on the level of the mind, there's a recognition that, okay, this person did something bad to me, this person hurt me, and we can acknowledge that it's true, it was wrong. They shouldn't have done it, and I'm right to feel upset about that, because that that upset I'm feeling is it's a feeling that saying this is not okay, that they did that. Yeah, we can acknowledge it. But if we look deeper and we ask, was that person able to do any differently with a level of consciousness that they have, the answer is always no, and it doesn't make it right. It doesn't make it okay, but it allows us to understand that what's happening is that person is in pain, actually, and their pain is so great that it's overflowing from their system and just spilling out onto everyone and everything. And so it's not personal to me. It's actually that this being is suffering, and that opens up our hearts of compassion to the person to see nobody would choose to live in that way causing pain to others. They're not choosing it. It's just because of their life experiences. Maybe they grew up in a very difficult environment, and their parents didn't mean things to them, or their society did mean things to them, and it's created a trauma inside of them that now is acting out. Now, if I hold on to anger, I think it's the Buddha that said holding on to anger is like carrying a hot stone waiting to throw it at your enemy. What happens is your hand gets burnt. So the anger is damaging me. So what do I want? I want the best thing for me is to feel peace and unconditional love. So it's not serving me to hold on to this anger, to this grudges, to this resentment. And Jesus was one of the greatest examples of this when they nailed Him to the cross. And can you imagine somebody putting nails in your hands and in your feet and this crown of thorns on your head? And what did he do? He looked at the people, and he said, Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. And that was basically him saying, I'm forgiving them because they they don't understand that this is not the best path. They they don't have a higher understanding that this is all they're capable of right now. So forgive them. So we can take that example from from Jesus, the beautiful example of forgiveness, knowing that it's the most healing thing for me is to forgive. Do I really want to spend the rest of my life holding on to this anger? And maybe there's a part of the ego that gets a distorted pleasure from making someone else wrong from feeling that anger. But if we ask like, is it really pleasure complaining about it and talking about how this person shouldn't have done that, and telling everyone I know about it? No, it's just spreading toxicity. Is this really what I want? Yeah. Or do I want to align with the highest teachings of truth, the teach the highest teachings of wisdom? And do I want to live my life as an embodiment of that? Because that's the potential for every human to live in unconditional love, and if we, if we have our intention, right, then it's so much more accessible to us. If we have clarity like this is how I want to live. I want to live to my potential.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:31
That's beautiful. Now, Luis, I'm going to ask you a few questions. I ask all my guests. It's been a couple years since you've answered these questions, so I want to see how you answer them.

Louise Kay 1:00:39
I don't remember any of them.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:41
So that's great. That's good. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Louise Kay 1:00:48
Living a fulfilled life means that you know inside of you a peace and a joy that's not dependent on external circumstances. So whatever happens in life, you're not pulled this way and that you're stabilized and you're centered in a deep peace that's derived from within your own being, and then your external expression will arise from that and be in alignment with that so beautiful relationships and friendships will come your way. Abundance will come your way. If it's relevant for you to experience these things, your creative expression will open up, and the level of form will reflect your inner state of being, of connectedness. I'm actually curious to now watch the last interview we did, and I'll see if I give the same answer.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:46
Fair enough. Fair enough. Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Louise, what advice would you give her?

Louise Kay 1:01:52
I don't know if I'd give her advice, but I would want to tell her that your life is going to unfold in the most amazing, magical way that you you will never believe is possible. You're going to be blessed beyond belief. Because when I was in school in particular, was very challenging time for me. It was basically like being sent to prison every single day. And I think if she could have heard those words and known that like in the future, this is gonna this, this is gonna happen, I think it would have helped her to get through that.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:35
How do you define God or Source energy?

Louise Kay 1:02:38
All that is the formless and the forms.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:42
What is love?

Louise Kay 1:02:43
Love is the well, there's different kinds of love. There's the Greeks have all these different words for Eros and sexual love or romantic. But yeah, so the true, what I like to call true love is unconditional love, and that's that's what God is, that's what we all are, that's what consciousness is. It's unconditional love, and we can open up to that by transcending the conceptual self, by allowing our heart to open up to the Divine and surrendering our whole life to that, and allowing that unconditional love to consume every cell of our being, so that we live in that love and as that love.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:38
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Louise Kay 1:03:41
To be happy.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:44
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing in the world?

Louise Kay 1:03:48
They can visit my website,

Alex Ferrari 1:03:56
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Louise Kay 1:03:59
I would like everybody to know that no matter what's happening in your life right now, it is the best thing that could be happening. And it might not always seem that way, but if it's challenging, ask yourself if this were happening for a good reason, if this were happening because it were supposed to be happening, if this were happening because it's here to serve me, what would that reason be? Why would this be happening? How? How could this be good for me? And if you feel a resonance in your heart with the teachings of truth. If you feel a calling or a longing in your heart to to know a deeper truth in life, to to know yourself as that which is beyond the thought. It's the past and the future and the body to really know who you are. Then dedicate everything to that, and life will support you.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:13
Louise, it has been such a pleasure and honor talking to you today. I am so happy that we had this conversation. I look forward to our next one, and I do appreciate everything you're doing to awaken the planet. So I appreciate you, my dear. Thank you!

Louise Kay 1:05:27
Likewise, Alex. I really appreciate you and everything you're doing. And thank you so much.

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