EXCLUSIVE: KRYON’S MIND-BLOWING Predictions for 2024 & MANKIND’s Future with Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi

On today’s episode, we welcome back the dynamic duo of Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi. Together, they delve into the realms of spiritual enlightenment, the nature of the soul, and the profound teachings of Kryon, an entity that Lee has channeled for decades. Lee Carroll, a distinguished channeler, and Monika Muranyi, the archivist and “brain of Lee,” have spent years sharing Kryon’s messages, guiding us through the intricacies of human consciousness and our place in the universe.

From the very beginning of this conversation, we are invited to reconsider everything we think we know about the soul, heaven, and hell. Lee Carroll challenges the conventional narratives, stating, “There is no heaven, there is no hell. It is a human construct based upon patterning after human ideas.” This revelation turns our understanding on its head, suggesting that these concepts, so deeply embedded in religious doctrines, are mere reflections of our linear thinking, rather than absolute truths. The soul, according to Kryon, is not a separate entity that resides elsewhere; it is always with us, a magnificent part of our being that transcends the physical form.

Monika Muranyi adds depth to this discussion, illustrating the multi-dimensional nature of the soul with a powerful metaphor. She describes the soul as an ocean, and our human experience as an ice cube floating within it. When we die, the ice cube melts back into the ocean, becoming one with the vast, infinite body of water. “Where did it go? It didn’t go anywhere. It simply merged and blended back into that which it already was,” she explains. This visualization helps us grasp the idea that our soul is eternal, always present, and connected to the greater whole.

As the conversation unfolds, we are taken on a journey through the misconceptions that have shaped our understanding of the afterlife. The notion of heaven and hell, as Lee Carroll points out, is a simplistic interpretation of the soul’s journey. Kryon’s teachings emphasize that there is no judgment awaiting us after death—no punishment or reward. Instead, we return to a “beautiful source which is pure and complete, loving you.” This perspective shifts the focus from fear and judgment to love and unity, encouraging us to embrace our divine nature.


  1. The Soul is Ever-Present: The soul is not a distant or separate entity but an integral part of who we are, always with us and connected to the divine source.
  2. Transcendental Unity: Death is not an end but a transition, where the individual consciousness merges back into the universal consciousness, akin to an ice cube melting back into the ocean.
  3. Liberation from Fear: The concepts of heaven and hell are constructs of human imagination, rooted in fear and control. True spiritual understanding frees us from these fears and connects us to a more loving and compassionate reality.

In reflecting on these teachings, we are invited to consider a broader, more inclusive understanding of spirituality. The messages shared by Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi challenge us to move beyond the confines of traditional religious thought and embrace a more expansive view of our existence. By doing so, we can find peace in the knowledge that we are always connected to the divine, and that our journey, both in life and beyond, is one of love, unity, and eternal presence.

Please enjoy my conversation with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 492

Monika Muranyi 0:00
So how do you reconcile if heaven and hell doesn't exist?

Lee Carroll 0:05
The first organized system, a sacred system on Earth, the first thing that they gave us was reincarnation. There's going to be a younger candidate, or candidates, or even a party that's going to come along and not assassinate the other side. Where were we going? Would we keep if we keep it the same, it's not going to work.

Alex Ferrari 0:39
I like to welcome back to the show, returning champions, Lee Carol and Monika Moranyi, How you guys doing?

Monika Muranyi 0:46
Hey, we are so happy to get back.

Lee Carroll 0:49
Anybody has ever said that? Yes, no, is it having to Olympics? Probably, so?

Alex Ferrari 0:54
It does not. I've always, I just said that anytime I reach I have a returning guest. This is returning champions. So, all right,

Monika Muranyi 0:59
I love it.

Alex Ferrari 1:01
Our last conversation was very well received. People really loved when we all got together and had a great conversation. So I wanted to have you back to kind of do a little bit of a deep dive and see and maybe later in the conversation, Chiron can come out and play and answer a couple questions before we go. Kryon excuse me Kryon. Sorry before we go.

Lee Carroll 1:20
He'll respond in any name.

Alex Ferrari 1:23
Bob! So Bob. So my first question to you guys is this a question I get asked all of a ton, a ton. What? Where do souls go exactly after they pass in this lifetime, what happens on the other side?

Lee Carroll 1:43
Let me say, you know, the the question in the way it's phrased and way it's asked actually tells me a lot about the linearity of our training and what we know or don't know or think we know about souls. They don't go anywhere. They're always here. We we arrive with a soul. It's not somewhere else. Our training on almost all, for instance, religions tell us that the soul is over there, we're over here. Or if the soul is inside us, it's, it's, it goes to a place where maybe it gets trapped for a while, or whatever, all of those things that we are taught are very, very linear, like everything was under little box. The soul is you. It really is you. The human is I'll call it an extrapolation in a physical form of a piece, I would say, of that which is your soul you come in. Your soul is there. It never went anywhere. It just arrives with you, if you might say, rise on the planet and is always with you. The question is, where does the consciousness of you, the human go after you die, instead of the soul? Because the soul is always in that same place, if you want to call it a place, and it isn't a place. The reality of a soul is multi dimensional. We are not so you cannot even begin to say, where are we. It just doesn't matter the question, Where are we? We're in a little reality we call 4d and we're sitting here having a life as a human being on the planet, your soul is like enormous. It's in multi realities at the same time, but you're still with it. And here's what I would tell everybody who wants to know about this, and that is that the soul does not live over there. It lives within you. You can access some of the most beautiful parts of your soul, even as you sit there, this what we try to do, and we meditate. We're not going to the other side. We're going inside to that, which is your soul answering specifically your question. Soul doesn't go anywhere. Souls remains magnificent in place in the universe, wherever it was before it's what happens, perhaps to I will call the consciousness of the human being within the soul and where it goes. That's another story. It is magnificent in itself. It is preserved as a consciousness a lifetime you've had on the planet. It then melts again, even with your next life, because that's where this past, past life stuff comes in, where people will start remembering who they were, what they did, and it influences what they do. But the soul, this is one of my specialties. This is one of the things crying has tried to beat into me. He said, It's not linear. It's with you all the time. It's magnificent. It doesn't go anywhere. It's never stuck. It's a piece of God.

Monika Muranyi 4:43
Man, what a question to start with, Alex, it's like, Whoa! there's so much.

Alex Ferrari 4:50
The pool.

Monika Muranyi 4:51
Absolutely so much packed into that question. And I love Lee's answer. And then I want to share. Get a little piece from what I've picked up being with Lee in the work. Part of part of the equation. 2012 is when I released the guy effect, my first book. But I have been immersed in Kryon messages well before that. And the biggest thing, if I can impart to everyone listening, is exactly what Lee said. We are biased in linearity. We look in the mirror, we see one person. We identify one soul, as though it's the one entity that is us as human. And Kryon says that we are multi dimensional. And for spirit, for cry on trying to give messages that are multi dimensional. When you have linear thinking, it's tough. So often, when you hear the channels and you hear the messages, they're given in metaphors and they're given in parables to help our small linear bias extend, explain the bigger picture and expand out. And I am still learning about how to become more multi dimensional and less linear. And as Lee was giving that explanation, I was visualizing, how would I explain that we come and go as a human, from where our soul exists, everywhere, all at once, forever. So it's more about the question of the human has the experience of coming and going because the soul always is. And I'm thinking, how would I explain that visually? That you would really see it in understanding? And immediately, the image I got was a frozen ice cube that represents the soul in a human body. So we'll imagine that the water is the soul. It's in this massive ocean. And then it comes and has a human experience. And in that moment when it comes and is birthed onto the planet, into a human body, it becomes this ice cube, and it has this experience out on the ocean as this frozen ice cube. And then the moment we take our last breath corporeally, this is where Kryon says it takes three days for us to transition from this human experience and return back to our home, our original place of being, where we merge with the Creator, merge with the family of souls. We're no longer individual. So think of this ice cube from when it's past its last end days of being an ice cube, and then it takes three days to melt and dissolve. Where did it go? It didn't go anywhere. It simply merged and blended back into that which it already was. So I hope that visualization also helps explain the multi dimensionality of our true nature?

Alex Ferrari 8:25
Beautifully said. Beautifully said. So to follow up with that question, then we've been told by multiple different kinds of religions and and thought, thoughts and ideas about the concept of Heaven and Hell. Can you, from Kryon point of view, explain how accurate or inaccurate the concept of heaven and hell that we know classically is.

Lee Carroll 8:50
Classically. I can tell you this, I don't, I don't want to sit here and offend everyone. Fair enough, but, okay, it is fair enough, but I'm going to sit here and offend everyone.

Alex Ferrari 9:04
It's why I love you. Lee, this is why I love you. Lee, this is why I love you.

Lee Carroll 9:08
I want to do it in a very loving way. I was trained and programmed, just like so many of us in my culture, in my religion, to see the same paradigm, as you speak up, there's a heaven and a hell there has to be in this paradigm, because in our lifetime, we have a pattern, a template, if you want to call it, of parents. We have a father figure that, by the way, has become the the paradigm for God. We even call God he. It's a male. We even name our priests father, and then we go on to say that Father, he is going to judge us. And when we're done with everything else, it's the Father who loves us dearly, who is going to then say. Say you're going to go to the good place or the bad place. This is as linear as it gets. And when cryon came on the scene in my life, very, very slowly, he unprogrammed that, and he said, There is a parable in the Old Testament that gives away what really happens and what there is, and is there not? And this is when I said, What parable is that? It's the parable of the prodigal son. Now, if you take a look at the parable, I believe it's in the Old Testament as well, not even new the parable goes like this, you have two kids, one comes in, does everything right. Basically, one comes in does everything wrong. And when they go home. Now this the parable is also a metaphor. It doesn't have to do with Heaven and Hell or even the other side of the veil. It's a parable has to do with they, they live their lives, and they both come home, what does the father give them when they arrive home? Which means they're they're now died and they've gone back to the source. What happens here is the answer they get the same party that ought to tell you, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You mean there's no judgment that's correct. You mean there's there's no good place, bad place, that's correct. You mean the God who loves us forever and beyond measure and everything is not going to torture us forever, like we've been told, if we're bad, that's correct. There is no heaven. There is no hell. It is a human construct based upon patterning after human ideas. The Father God is not a father. God is the Creator who loves us dearly that soul has never had a situation where there's punishment or even reward for what happens here. Humans do whatever they do here with their own free choice. They have to live what whatever they do here. But when the lifetime is done, you go back to this, this beautiful source, which is pure and complete loving, you start to understand why you were here, what you did, and then when you come in again, there are things called Akashic, record, karma, all these things that may influence, things that would push you into doing other things. But there is no judgment, and there's more than one life, there's life and life and life and life and life. And we come and go, and come and go, these kinds of things, even the idea reincarnation was laughed at and pooh poohed until I did some studying and realized the first organized system, a sacred system, on Earth. The first thing that they gave us was reincarnation. It was like the intuitive talk when they when they arrived on the scene and gave it to us. There are more on this planet right now who believe in reincarnation than don't. I didn't know that. I didn't put that together. And so we are in this training if friends you were, you were born into the US or whatever, were minority. If you don't think that you did, you come around again. So that's all mixed in in your question. There is no heaven and hell. That's a construct of punishment and reward that we and our brains think must be there, because that's the way we handle it. Beautifully said,

Monika Muranyi 13:25
I think, think it also opens up, at least for me and my background, raised as Roman Catholic that definitely was taught about heaven, hell and a place called purgatory. If you didn't behave, this is where you would go. And then you have Kryon coming along to help us with this programming, to say there is no heaven and hell. Please understand, all of you are born magnificent. All of you come back to as we just explained, with the ice cube melting back to home, back to source, back to the Creator. And I think it was challenging to reconcile this program, because in this program of heaven and hell, you have this kind of sense of justice, that if someone has done horrible things, they are going to be punished as they deserve. And so we know that our brain wants to reconcile, and that's why this conversation, I don't think could happen with my mother, because it truly helps define her world and gives her the reasons to do everything that she does. So how do you reconcile if heaven and hell doesn't exist? What is this all about? And how should we even treat. And those that should be should be judged and punished. And this is where crying really helped me to see things, as Lee said, from the mind of God, even though God does not have a mind, but once you're in the mind of God, we are here through free choice to choose where we decide to take our consciousness as a collective but the free choice is whether you find the divinity within or not. It's as simple as that. We come here to find divinity within or not. You are not given free choice and then judged upon the choice you made. So this is how we reconcile. You do not have heaven and hell because you can't be judged on a choice that's given to you freely to choose. And then the other part that really helped me understand this was when you go to a play and you see the actors come and perform Shakespeare or some other kind of tragedy where you have a villain, you have a hero, and you really want to judge and punish the villain. That's what makes a good story. But when the play is finished and the actors come off stage and you meet them behind the scenes or even an interview, you don't judge the role of the actor that they played. That would be ludicrous to us, and so this is ludicrous to Spirit, God, creator, whatever word you have to judge us for the role we chose to play on Earth. So hopefully, for those who are listening to this that are potentially deeply offended by Lee and his statement of the conditioning, it's not our purpose to offend. It's merely to convey the loving messages we've had from Kryon and to hopefully help you reconcile that a little better.

Alex Ferrari 17:29
Beautifully said. Beautifully said. Now has Kryon ever discussed the Anunnaki? Is that it's a topic that he's ever discussed in the past?

Lee Carroll 17:39
Only briefly, and to say that we want to make the we want to make all the visitations on this planet evil, we look at the movies, there's only two, I think, that are that are benevolent. And so what we expect from aliens here is what we have done and what we who we are. We are a conquering race. We still are. We're fighting with each other over whatever. We fight with each other. And so the Anunnaki have become the ones who have come to steal our gold and do this and that and whatever. There may be something completely and totally different. Kryon has gone on to say, there's a lot of there's the universe is teeming with life. Our galaxy knows us. And there, there are those who have come and gone for eons, and the anaki is one of them. He doesn't dwell in any of that, because he says, this is not, we're going to say this is not the place of divinity that you want to study. But human beings want to because it's just fascinating. I want to know all about all the aliens who were ever here, and what they said and what they did, and what they looked like, and what they wanted, and all and crying says, relax. You look. How come a time when they're going to meet you and you'll realize that why they were here and what they did, regardless of what they said they did or what your history said they did, and you'll go, oh, they didn't. They don't have, they don't have the same kind of agenda we would, if like, when we when we were young on the planet and discovered on other countries and immediately wanted to steal their gold and kill their people and take over. This is what humans do, that we've just assumed that everyone does that from outer space. That's not correct.

Alex Ferrari 19:22
Beautifully, beautifully said. Now there seems to be a lot of insanity happening in the world today, like you were just saying, We're conquering there's wars, there's more division that there has ever been. What does Kryon and both of you say about why this is happening now, because we seem to be more divided than we've ever been, or at least it's again, seems that we are more maybe you're just more aware of the divisions because we have social media and the internet. But why is this happening, and what do you foresee happening in the near in the near future? As long as we continue to go down this path, we're talking about political divisions, we're talking about economic divisions, we're talking about countries. We're talking about all, all sorts of like camps. We're all getting very tribal, and not only tribal in the way that we used to be, where I could believe this guy is blue. You could believe this guy is purple, but we could still go out and have fun and just have different belief systems, where now, if you believe this guy is purple, you're evil and you are a threat to the world, to my culture, to my family, to my economics, to my country. That is the division I haven't really seen before, like even in the political system here in the in the US, in the 80s, there was a lot of division, you know, and in the 90s, there were a lot of division, but people still worked together. Now you can't even be seen talking, or at least even cooperating with the other side. So this is where I'm like, How can, how are we? Are we going to continue to move forward? I'd love to hear you guys thoughts.

Lee Carroll 21:00
Yeah, there's two. There's two things you could say why I wanted to ask you to define divisions, division. That's, to me, that's the best one to talk about. The other one is the wars on the planet and all of that that was fully expected. Brian talked about it, and then the ones who were involved, other ones crying, talked about would be involved. That is not even as a world and countries were probably more alive now than we ever were. And I can give you chapter and verse if you ask that one, but the divisions that we're seeing that I agree with you absolutely, totally, especially that when you're saying back in the 80s, there was, I think Congressman's were talking about they used to have a baseball game on the regular basis, yeah, where they had the both sides of the aisle would come and play. They can't do that anymore. They probably throw rocks at each other instead. So where has that been? Crying actually defined that as well. And he said, there'll come a day when you turn on the light and the dirt will show, and when the dirt starts to show, you won't be able to believe it, that it's been there all the time, and that dirt has to do with so many things that are wrong and always have been wrong, and whether it's the biases we were taught, whether it's the I would say, all of the stuff that we spend money on, all of the greed that's there. It all has shaped us into wanting to do certain kinds of things because we're told they're right or wrong. But if you take a look at the basis for them, it usually comes down to money and greed that drives hate, it drives dissension, all of these kinds of things. Cry and said, are going to be solved when you finally understand that the answer is just the opposite. There's going to be and cry and said, eventually there's going to be a younger candidate, or candidates, or even a party that's going to come along and not assassinate the other side or assassinate those they're running with, and have compassion for them, congratulate them. You're going to see a whole different kind of politics. And the people are going to go, oh, it's about time I'm voting for this person, whether it's a man or a woman, right? Now we're still trying to assassinate each other, right? You know, verbally, even before we have the debates. And that cannot last that long. A country cannot last with that going on. And so we are starting to get into this fight, if you want to call it the crime said to would take place. It is a battle of dark consciousness and light consciousness, and crying says the light will eventually win when the public sees just how dark it can be. So it's almost like in the movies, where you're tired of it, and everybody stands up and goes, enough, give us somebody who's going to run this country, or give us some candidates who have compassion and care and don't want to assassinate each other, please, and that's going to going to be so different that the political parties are going to have to do it or they want to survive. So look for a ground, I would say, kind of uprising for compassion at some level, at some time, where people say enough. That is what our country does well, because we can turn on a dime. That makes a difference between what I have seen in the USA before and some of the other countries who take their ingrained in hundreds of years, more than we are in certain paradigms of the way government changes, and we're not we can still change things really quickly and right away. And so I think it will fall on us to make that change, and it's coming. I have felt that for some time only because of these difference. Is that you're seeing and that you have told us about between the 80s and now, and you go, what has happened? What has happened is what crying said would happen when the light is starting to be turned on, and everybody's looking around and they're starting to fight with each other, and they see the dirt, and they see the greed, and they see the what perhaps inappropriate far Big Pharma is doing, and all the things that have happened, even what happened during covid, and they're going, Wait a minute, what? It just doesn't look right. And that's when it all starts. And you'll see it, it's going to be coming, and you'll call it. Are we going to have a revolution, kind of it's going to be a revolution of consciousness, and it's going to be ground roots, and you'll see it. It's going to come right from moms and dads, and especially younger people who said, why do we continually, continually elect, or want to elect people from three or four generations ago? It seems, with the old ideas that they have that don't reflect what we believe. Now, I've gotten perhaps a little too political, but I didn't get political. Get political. Did I or did I get real?

Alex Ferrari 26:06
Yeah, I would agree with you. I would I would agree with everything you're saying there, because it's when and when do you say it's coming soon. When do you when do you foresee that? I'm not looking for a date, but are we talking in our lifetime? Are we talking?

Lee Carroll 26:20
Your your lifetime. And what I want to say is what, what you look for is it's going to happen soon when somebody looks around and says, We need a different pool to draw for our leader, a different pool, and that pool will not be from the old guys, the old energies that are there, the the ones who are always either attorneys or wealthy or it's going to be a different pool. It's going to be more of a the kind of a pool that we wanted originally, that we saw in the Founding Fathers, even where it doesn't, you don't have to be part of an elite group to then even run or or have the billion dollars to even run. There's going to be some changes that allow a younger set. If you take a look at some of the things that happened just in my lifetime with Young Presidents, and it doesn't matter what party they were or whatever, they had better ideas. They were thought to be a little more savvy. They ran things perhaps a little better without the the hatred that's there. Now that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. We we need to get out of the pool that we are currently in that selects leadership, and that pool is not a good one. I knew I'd offend everybody.

Alex Ferrari 27:38
It's it's completely fine. It's a completely fine. We look if you're not offending somebody, then you're not telling the truth. Because.

Lee Carroll 27:45
You know, this is really, truly not what I want to do. I am in love with humanity. I am truly a compassionate man, and my my passion is for people to understand that there's compassion in all things, if you want to get, if you, if you want to get an exercise in compassion, what? What is your political leaning right now? Okay, I want you to start listening to the other side, and I want you to relax and listen. Do they have any good ideas? Any good ideas? Or are you going to shut them off because they're the other side? You see what I'm saying. So a good, compassionate exercise in mastery is for us to look at the things we don't agree with and say, What can I look at here and be understanding and compassionate. I'll never vote for that, but what could I do? Then I say, make me more compassionate and understand them a little more. And then you start relaxing in that which crying calls mastery. Now, one of the aspects of mastery, according to crime, mastery doesn't react, it observes. And so there, there you're getting. Are you reacting? Are you observing? And so these are the exercises that we're asked to go through. And so I think this kind of thing is going to happen in your lifetime, and it's going to happen when I say soon, I think it's going to be a couple of cycles yet of Congress and presidential elections, but it's coming.

Alex Ferrari 29:25
Beautifully, beautifully said, uh, Does, does Kryon have any prophecies that he's talked about about humanity and what we're going to be going through in the next decade, this year, the decade, two decades down, Has he said anything publicly about that?

Lee Carroll 29:41
The it's not exactly a prophecy. It's a well known thing. It's the ancients talked about it too. It's a cycle we're in called the shift, and it is based upon the precession of the equinoxes, which is a real thing. It's not a metaphysical thing. Monica can tell you more about that as well, but, but it is a cycle. We all, we all were really brought home with it to some degree, by all the fuss about 2012 which most people didn't even realize was a fuss. It's, it's the midpoint in this shift, this 36 year window that was prophesied by the Mayan is prophesied by the Hopi. And it's there to look at where there would come a time where we would have to make a decision, and humanity, if it hadn't destroyed itself by this shift, and we're right in the middle of it now, actually, beyond that, this would be perhaps a time of decision, a decide, deciding what the consciousness would be for humanity. Where were we going? Would we keep if we keep it the same, it's not gonna work.

Alex Ferrari 30:43
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Lee Carroll 31:19
And you and I just discussed that, Alex, we can't keep it the same, and it is changing greatly. So we are in the middle of what I would say, something that was expected. Now your question is, what's next and where we are? There are still some time. There's some time left in that period of shift. In that time, people would say was going to get worse. Others will say it's going to get better. Take a look at some of the things that have happened in these last years that your grandfather would tell you is impossible. Take, for instance, the abuse of women in the workplace, or what's expected of them from men, and what the scenarios and the paradigms were for you to to be a star, or whatever, that has crumbled, and those who who are just doing what everybody else did are now being held accountable. My father, my grandfather, would have said, No, that will never change. Well, it did. If you are appalled by priests abusing children, how long let me ask you, how long do you think that's been going on? Oh, wait now, are you aware that in the last years with this pope, that he's actually called him on it, trying his best to change, to move that ship that has been plowing that ocean in a certain way, with a certain consciousness that said, oh, let's just move them around, or bury the whole idea that this father would do that. He's called him on it. I would tell you this, this is new. This is really new. So what is that an example of this example of exactly what crime has said you're going to see integrity and compassion and another kind of reality start to be commonplace. Here's something else I'm going to give you. Excuse me if I gave you this this before, but this is one of my favorite examples of consciousness changing on the planet, it was only maybe 250 years ago. It's like when our when our nation started that it was commonplace in another country for you to pack your picnic and take your kids for for this great time you were going to have on the lawn with everybody else watching a beheading. Yeah, you don't. If you told parents that today, they go, Oh, you really. You did that. Everybody did it. Yes, that's what you did for fun. So has that changed, and why? So you see that there has been an increase, you would say, in common sense, in integrity, in caring about life in general, and it's starting to raise itself in a humanity that wouldn't even cooperate with an old energy war that started in Europe. And you know what I'm talking about, where all the countries went. No, we're not going to do this east west thing you want us to do anymore? We want it stopped. So we're looking at things much, much differently today. That is going to continue to answer your question. Things the light is going to start showing more why you don't see it. And this is the other one. And I said this before, and I said it on the last program, is because the only thing you really get to see is the mass media, which is not invested in showing you good things. It's only invested in showing you things that are making going, huh, and buy their products, which are also showing at the same time. So the media, as you see it, and I'm talking about. The news in general is invested. It's an entertainment. It's not news. And I would say stop watching things that are you aware discord with music? I mean, you haven't looking at this. You know, you're watching a bad movie every time you turn into the news and you and it makes you want to return and see more bad things. It also makes you feel horrible about the Earth, because they're only showing bad things. There is a lot more than that to show on this planet, a lot more than that. And if you want to get your news, then read it. Find places online that you can trust with real journalists and read it at your own pace. The articles you want to see that are not scored with music and have advertising around them, and then you're going to get a better sense. But even then, there isn't a lot of good things that are happening. Believe me, there's so much that is going on in this planet that'll touch your heart and you'll say humanity really, truly is coming into the light. So that will also change look for someday a good news channel, I'm going to think they're going to be real popular, because they're not going to try to frighten you scary and sell you stuff.

Monika Muranyi 36:13
Now, speaking of prophecies, yes, there's a bit. There's a big one that cry on gay. And it's very esoteric, but you did ask, and as the Kryon archivist and brain of Lee, there was a channel given on March 6 of this year. You can find it on YouTube if you Google Kryon, and we had a special guest with us on that program, Anita morjani, and this is where Kryon gave a prophecy, and it was for the old souls, which is probably why Lee isn't necessarily going there, but I will, and it's on the premise of an old soul. What is an old soul? We talked about reincarnation, and those that have been reincarnating on the planet for 1000s and 1000s of lifetimes, is what cryon calls an old soul. And isn't it interesting? We have this expression sometimes when we see a newborn baby or a young child, we'll look at that child and say, Wow, that child is an old soul. So the definition, according to Kryon, is someone that's been on our planet many times and has gathered a vast experience of what it is like to be human. And many of those have had an awakening to the God within. So now we have our dish and definition of old soul. Those who have been on the planet for a long time. Many are watching this program right now because you are interested in this very topic. So here is the prophecy for you. The system that has driven spiritual enlightenment and change is moving to a new paradigm because of the shift that Lee just explained. So that means the new system for the old souls, the light workers, the ones watching this program, is that in our next lives to come, we are no longer part of the old energy, Akash, system of reincarnation, where you are being pushed experiences from your Akash, but you are part of a wisdom school where you are pushed information directly from your soul. So the karma and the Akash, it's almost like it is packing its suitcase, getting on the train station and leaving, and you are saying goodbye to all of those thorn in your shoe experiences, the ones that drag you down with All this old energy, war, conquering and fighting, and instead, you receive your instructions for life, your default guide for being here on the planet, directly from your soul, which means you are accessing wisdom and mastery like you never have before. This is the prophecy from Kryon. So those who say, Oh, I'm never coming back. My gosh, everything you just mentioned, Alex, about the division, how it's even worse than it used to be. Tired of always being the light, carrying the peace, doing all this compassion, and it seems. Like it's falling on deaf ears. I'm not coming back crying. Says yes, you are. And the feeling you have of why you're not coming back, it's because you're not coming back with those same issues pressing on you. You are coming back refreshed, renewed, filled with wisdom and mastery. Doesn't that make a difference in how you're coming back? And this is also, by the way, when Kryon says light is winning, you cannot stop it. Picture in your mind, generations coming in, where their instructions are coming straight from the soul, and they are in every place on the earth, in different organizations, whether it's political, religious, school teachers, any demographic you give, you're going to have individuals that are not sitting there with Akash and baggage and bad experiences and those negative things that they have to work through in this lifetime. They are sitting there with the wise divine mastery, and they are going to ripple out and impact everyone around them, because awakening happens individually, one by one. And so this is the prophecy that I'm really excited about. You are part of it, those watching it, part of it that we've turned the page

Lee Carroll 41:40
Now that you decided to open a bag, did that? Alex did not open. But it's probably going to be a question you're going to have, I'm going to continue it.

Alex Ferrari 41:51
Go for it.

Lee Carroll 41:52
I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to put you on the spot as well, in a good way, always in a good way. Okay, what happened 25 years ago that most people are not aware of who are watching this program and are seeing you know, Lee the senior sitting in this chair the channeler. I wrote a book. It was the best selling book of Hay House in 1999 and the title of the book was the indigo children. I introduced the term Indigo to the planet, and at that point in time, this was all from cryon, who said, It's time for everybody to know that there is a new consciousness of child coming into this planet that is different. And a lot of them are already here. Some of them are 10 years old already. They're called the indigo children. Now they're never gonna tell you why, or whatever. Nothing to do with auras or really energies. It has something to do completely with the one who saw them as indigo color. The question is, who are they, and why would they be here? Or what is the difference? That is what that book was about, and that's why so many people wanted to see it, because they were experiencing kids like this. That's who you are, my friend, and what kind of said it is. It's a it's a child who comes in with the consciousness that is going to question what they're told, not only that, they're going to come in with the wisdom of knowing better when they're told things that don't make sense. And this particular child is is going to upset culture. It's going to upset paradigms. The first thing we did with them is drug them. And I mean, still today, and it's a name for it, if you're a little too active, if you're if you're a troublemaker, you don't behave. You know, you go to the doctor, you get medicine for that is hopefully starting to subside as well. We saw that right away, too, and so people were starting to see it experiencing and that's why that book was so well received. We did two more books after that, but they weren't anything like that one. It's time maybe to trot that subject out, because now the reason is, why are they here and crying? Is saying, because of the shift, they need to be the ones that make the difference. This is the generation. It's actually Indigo. Children will span three generations, starting one and a half ago, 25 years ago. It's interesting. 25 years is seen as a generation. I'm talking about it now, but this is because of the people like you. I have to ask you. This is where I'm asking you, what made you believe you could ever put a program on the air, I'll say it that deals with these subjects from various age groups or whatever, and expect to have an audience at all.

Alex Ferrari 44:45
I for me to put the show on. It was a leap of faith, because at the time, this is only a three year old show, so it's not it's not been around very long, and even in the short three years, a lot of things have changed in our space. 90s, but and you guys have been around long enough in this space to understand that in 99 there wasn't a lot of appetite for this. It was still on the fringe, where now it is becoming much more mainstream. Concepts like channeling are in the zeitgeist. Psychic and mediums have television shows, you know, in mainstream media, and then shows like mine. I mean, I never expected this kind of reaction to it. You know, what we've been able to do with this show in the in the short three years that we've been I mean, when you came on last time, I think we were in the early, like, the low one hundreds. We're closing in on 500 episodes now, and we're reaching hundreds of millions of people. We've reached, oh, 100, over 100 million people, closing on 200 million people around the world in multiple languages. That's insane. Just like you say, like, would you say? It's just like you're saying, like, grandpa would look back and go, that's crazy. If you would have told me three years ago when I started this, this is what would have happened. I'm like, You're smoking something. There's something. This doesn't make a lot of sense, but now, yeah, but now there is more appetite for this, because people

Lee Carroll 46:20
I look at you and I say, case closed light is winning. These are the kinds of things we're talking about. We never had before. People are listening that's not on the news, you know, like news flash. A couple of million people are watching Alex show, and they never had before, but they are and you're just one of many who are your age and younger, who are putting these things together that nobody would in their right mind ever have listened to 25 years ago. When I started 35 years ago, I had to be very careful. I had to be careful because they were branding a cult. Oh, yeah, stay away from him. He's the devil. There were people who called me the cosmic evil of the century, and today I'm on your show.

Alex Ferrari 47:12

Lee Carroll 47:14
Things Exactly, yeah, and they're can do,

Alex Ferrari 47:19
And they're going to continue to change what I always say to people, like, in 100 years, they'll look back at this show and shows like it almost quaint, like, wow, they had to, they had to talk about this stuff back then.

Monika Muranyi 47:33
It's instead of just doing it Yes,

Alex Ferrari 47:36
Or just or having a clear understanding that frequency is everything, you know, that's the basis of things and and these kind of truths that we talk about, they'll look back at us going, it would be the equivalent of us looking back at Romans, you know, or, you know, when Alexander the Great roamed and going, Wow, really, you don't know about that, like, that kind of pointness. And I think that's where we'll be at as well.

Monika Muranyi 47:59
I think you're right. And what's beautiful about this explosion of awakening to these understandings and these truths. It's a word that mediums like to use, and I love it, those who do mediumship, where they're able to communicate with the essence, the soul, essence of someone that has been dearly loved on Earth and has gone back to source, back to the family of souls. They use a word in describing it, and I love it. It's called Evidence Based mediumship. And that word, evidence, to me, is the most important part of why we do what we do. The evidence of listening to crayons messages for so many years is that my life is enhanced and enriched in ways that I could never even dream or believe would be possible. So that is my little kind of fleece to you out there watching what is the evidence for you in your life, as to are you more peaceful? Are you a victim, or are you here knowing, absolutely, knowing that you can choose your own reality, because you can, because your thoughts are powerful, the words you speak are powerful. Your consciousness is energy, and your consciousness can change physics, therefore it can change your reality. Whatever it is in life that you want put into practice, what is it you want? What's the reality you choose? And start to look at. Of evidence about just how powerful you are. Sorry. I'll get off my little passion box right now so that we could continue to show

Alex Ferrari 50:18
Now Lee, is there a chance that we can bring cry on in real quick. Just to have a couple

Lee Carroll 50:23
I would be happy how to tell you you're not going to you're either going to receive this energy right away. You're not crying normally, it's going to channel a little longer than that. I would do for you now, but I'm happy to sure come in and just give you, not necessarily a message, but a hug. And this is what Kryon does. But

Alex Ferrari 50:39
I would, I would expect, yeah, yeah, something. I'm not going to ask him 40 questions. I'm going to say whatever he wants to say, coming through whatever needs to come through this conversation and get to people out there. That's what I'm asking for.

Lee Carroll 50:50
That's great. That's wonderful. I'll do it right now, and let me do I'm going to take off my glasses. And the reason I take off my glasses is because sometimes crying emotes with my hands, and I don't know it, and we've had a situation where he's throwing my glasses across stage. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah, so this is why I do what I do. So, okay, just a moment here, and we'll get right into it. Greetings, dear ones. I'm Kryon of Magnetic Service. Oh, the dimension that you are in, the paradigm that you feel is the reality that you exist in right now is a fraction of what is there. Can you sit and be still for a moment and watch this with with me here speaking to you. I know who you are now that itself may frighten you, it shouldn't, because the assembly of souls, which you call that which is the essence of Spirit of God, of the creative source, knows all of you. Can God listen to a billion prayers all at once? Of course, that's what you've been told, and it's true. How could that be? And the answer is, Because dimensionality is lost on you. You are in for God is in all. Therefore I know your eyes, your consciousness. I know of your magnificence. As you watch this, I have a message for you. I want you to relax and drop into your heart for just a moment. You the creator of this planet, of this galaxy, of this universe, which you call spirit, others call God, knows your name, knows your name, has sat with you in your most joyful moments laughing hysterically, has sat with you in the most grief you've ever had, has watched you cry and all of this time, that creator and and the assemblage of angels or guides or whatever you choose to use in your dimension, has had a handout for you to say, take this hand for a moment. There's no prerequisites. There's no have tos. It's just that you will take that other part of you, the free choice has said you're here to find that part of you which is divine, if you choose. Can you imagine the creator of the universe sitting next to you in some form, knowing who you were, loving you the whole time, watching you go through all these gyrations with its hand out asking you to take it. What if you had a child, and it was separated by by a veil, a wall, and you watched that child grow up, and you were part of all that it did. And and there was some rule that said that you couldn't talk to the child. They couldn't talk to you, but you could put your hand out and the child might feel it. And then someday, the child might say, who are you? I feel something there. And with that is the permission for you to reach through that veil and for that hand to come to say, I am part of you, if it's your child, I am your DNA. I am that which has loved you from afar. I think those of you who are parents can relate to that scenario, a lost child who finds you, one who has its. Hand out stress and say, are you there? Are you there? Dad, Mom, are you there? What would you say? Well, I've just given you a four dimensional idea of how God sees you, not of punishing God, but a God that says, Did you know there's a piece of the Creator in you, and that's called your soul. Almost all human beings now believe in one monotheistic creator, a soul. It's on its way to a bigger truth. The planet has light that is starting to appear. A partner said it the one in a chair. Why are you watching something that 25 years ago would almost be laughable or taboo even, and now it isn't. The planet is starting to awaken to larger truths about themselves, but most of all, a chance to get rid of the mythology that you have been taught and into the pure idea that you are the love of God and that you are powerful, and it will give you longer life. It will give will he? It will give healing that you don't know you can even have or do for yourself. And it's always been there. The masters of the earth, all of them, showed it to you, and when they did the message was, you can do this. You can do this. Now you know why they came. I want you to know about this love. If nobody ever told you it's not an evangelistic thing. There's nothing to join something for you to understand. It's a revelation of joy and beauty. For you, that's what I wanted to tell you, there's someone always sitting at your side with his hand out, her hand out. It is that which is the beauty of the universe embodied in you. And so it is.

Alex Ferrari 57:17
Beautifully, beautifully said and done. Thank you so much for that, Lee, I appreciate that. That's the first time. I don't think you did that last time. So it's the first time Kryon has been on the show. So I it's about time. It's about time. And finally, do you guys have any party messages for the audience?

Monika Muranyi 57:38
My message is mostly the same is to find your joy. Sometimes, when we're on a spiritual path, we can take very seriously, and I think it is because it's so sacred that we feel we get into that seriousness of this sacredness, but at the same time, it is so important to not take yourself seriously and just laugh, have fun, have joy. Find something in the day, at least one time, where you can just sit and laugh outrageously. Laughter changes the chemistry in your body laughter will if you can laugh every day, you will live a longer life because of it. And the other thing about laughing, and why I emphasize it so much, and the joy is that it is contagious. When you laugh and have joy, it ripples out, and it's contagious, and you affect all of those around you. So that's my parting words.

Lee Carroll 58:51
And mine are similar. We love the laughter idea, because it really is the answer. People say, I'm in depression. I'm having trouble understanding this. I'm going whatever. What can I do? What is the magic? What course can I take? And the answer is, always, find something to laugh at, because it changes the chemistry. All of us have had that situation where we go through something that is uproarious and laughter, we have fun, and then we start talking to others we didn't talk to before. It changes everything about you. That is what the balance of the body wants, a self balancing body. The message that I want to give everybody is, there's hope for the planet. Don't despair. No matter what the news says or what your friends are telling you, they're as worried, perhaps, as anyone. So there's no conspiracy here to take you on some kind of a dark journey. It's it's basically greed, it's commercialism, and so there's this planet is not in the despair that you think it is as you watch the news. There's so much going on, as I said, that you will not see. Can you have hope? Can you feel in the air or what we have said to you? You, I've been here channeling Kryon with one basic message for 35 years. I didn't change entities, I didn't change messages, and it's always been the slogan, you are dearly loved, and a message that says Change is coming. The shift is upon you, and this planet will be different because of you being here. It's happening. It's tough to go through it, because we are in the middle of paradigm shift. That is really a tough call. So have hope.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:33
Guys, where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing with Kryon?

Lee Carroll 1:00:37
We have a website, kryonmasters.com, it tells it all. There's courses there, there's channelings there, there's also our YouTube channel is the one. There's a channel every single week for those who are members, we've got lots of people subscribing, and that's why lots of love there.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:55
I appreciate you guys be back on the show, and I appreciate all the amazing work you're doing to help awaken the planet. So thank you so so much for what you both do. I appreciate you so much.

Monika Muranyi 1:01:06
We love and appreciate you, Alex. And a big shout out to everybody watching this. You are all so amazing, yay!

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