(VERIFIED NDE) Woman in COMA Dies; Reveals WHY She SUFFERED & How She HEALED! with Anita Moorjani

In today’s profound episode, we welcome Anita Moorjani, a luminous soul who defied the odds and returned from the brink of death with a message that resonates with the essence of being alive. Diagnosed with terminal cancer, her journey through immense physical suffering led to a near-death experience (NDE) that not only healed her body but transformed her perspective on life, love, and the universe itself.

Anita’s story begins in a place of fear and hopelessness. Battling lymphoma for years, her body deteriorated to the point where even the doctors declared there was no way back. Tumors ravaged her, her organs began to fail, and yet, in her darkest hour, she found herself in a state of pure freedom and light—a realm where the physical ceased to matter, and clarity reigned supreme. As Anita recounted, “I felt better than I ever remember feeling in physical life. All fear was gone.”

In this episode, Anita dives into her miraculous recovery and the wisdom she brought back from the other side. Her realization that every choice she made from fear—fear of disapproval, failure, or rejection—had led her body into illness was groundbreaking. She learned that living authentically, with love and self-worth, was the ultimate act of healing. As she put it, “The NDE made me realize that everything I thought was a weakness was actually what made me unique.”

We also explore the interplay between energy and healing, a cornerstone of Anita’s philosophy. She views energy as the ultimate currency of life—our thoughts, emotions, and environment directly shaping our physical reality. When depleted by stress, fear, or anger, our energy spirals into deficit, leading to emotional and physical breakdowns. But Anita’s message is one of empowerment: even the smallest actions, like laughter, music, or moments of joy, can replenish our energy reserves and transform our lives.


  1. The Power of Choice: Every decision rooted in love rather than fear elevates your life force energy and paves the way for healing.
  2. Embrace Your Uniqueness: Your individuality, even what you perceive as flaws, is your strength. Living authentically is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
  3. Laughter Heals: Finding joy in small things, like laughter or chocolate, not only uplifts your spirit but nurtures your body’s innate ability to heal.

Anita also touched on her continuous connection with the spirit realm. Her heightened sensitivity, a gift from her NDE, allows her to feel what others feel and intuitively guide them toward their highest potential. This gift, she believes, is inherent in all of us—it’s merely a matter of unlearning societal conditioning and returning to our natural state of being.

In her words, “Raising your energy doesn’t just heal you; it attracts miracles, love, and joy into your life.” She urges us to reject fear-based programming and focus on nurturing what truly matters—our vibrational frequency and our connection to others.

As the conversation closed, Anita left us with a message that lingers: laughter and love are not luxuries but necessities for a life worth living. “If all else fails,” she quipped, “eat chocolate. That always works.”

Please enjoy my conversation with Anita Moorjani.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 526

Anita Moorjani 0:00
The first thing he said was, how do you know my name? And I said, didn't you come in this morning and take fluid out of my lungs? And he said, Yeah, but you were in a coma at that time. I had lymphoma, which is cancer of the lymph glands. I could see and hear and feel everything that was happening around my body. I could see everything the doctors were doing. So these tumors the size of golf balls I had them from the base of my skull. Do I regret having all that happen to me? Not at all. I started to understand that it wasn't my time yet, and I needed to go back the NDE made me realize.

Alex Ferrari 0:50
I like to welcome back to the show returning champion Anita Moorjani, how you doing Anita?

Anita Moorjani 0:54
I'm doing great. Thank you for inviting me back. I loved doing your show last time.

Alex Ferrari 0:58
Ohh thank you so much. Yeah, I loved our conversation. Did very well. Think over a million people watched that one, yeah, which was exciting, I think for both of us.

Anita Moorjani 1:07
It was because I had a ton of people saying, I saw you and Alex Ferrari.

Alex Ferrari 1:12
Next Level Soul, yeah, that was amazing. Well, I appreciate you coming down to next level soul studios and and and having this conversation with me I'm looking forward to it.

Anita Moorjani 1:21
Me too, and I just want to say it's a beautiful studio. You did such an amazing job.

Alex Ferrari 1:27
Oh, thank you so much. It's a labor of love putting this together. I wanted to put together a really peaceful and good energy place where we could have amazing conversations that can help people around the world. So,

Anita Moorjani 1:39
Yeah, you succeeded in that. You can tell it's a labor of love.

Alex Ferrari 1:43
So last time we spoke, we really focused a lot about your near death experience. So, I mean, we don't want to go too deep down that rabbit hole, because we have another hour on another show that we talked about. But can you give people a little bit of a kind of Reader's Digest of and I know that's a lot, because there's a lot of stuff that happened there. That's this could be a 10 minute answer, and I'm okay with that. Where, what, what was your journey from, from your illness that you got, how you died and came back, what you saw on the other side, and all the information and the knowledge that you brought back. So that's again, large question. Do the best you can.

Anita Moorjani 2:21
Okay. Thank you. I had lymphoma, which is cancer of the lymph glands, and it spread throughout my lymphatic system. So I was diagnosed in 2002 and over a period of four years, it spread and metastasized throughout my body. So I had these tumors the size of golf ball. And because it was my lymphatic system, your lymphatic system runs throughout your body, and it started on my neck. So these tumors the size of golf balls I had them from the base of my skull, all around my neck, under my arms in my chest and all the way down to my abdomen. And so also, by around the third or fourth year of dealing with this, my body had continued to deteriorate so much that my lungs were accumulating with fluid. And so when I would lie flat, I would choke on my own fluid. I couldn't even lay flat, and my body stopped absorbing nutrition, so my muscles started to deteriorate and atrophy. I weighed 85 pounds towards the end, yes, and I couldn't walk anymore because my muscles had atrophied. I didn't even have the strength in my legs to walk, so I was in a wheelchair. But even my neck didn't have the strength to hold my head up. My head would be hanging down like this if I would sit up, but if I, if I sat, if I sat up, I was always really comfortable, uncomfortable, because I'd have to use a lot of strength to keep my head, and if I lay down, I would choke on my own fluid. So I was in a tremendous amount of pain and discomfort, and I had these open skin lesions around my body where toxins were coming out. So I was in really, really bad shape.

Alex Ferrari 4:23
I mean, it sounds rough, Anita, I'm not gonna lie, it sounded rough.

Anita Moorjani 4:28
It was, yeah, I wouldn't wish this on anybody, and I don't think anybody should have to go through what I went through to learn what I did, which is why I make it my mission to share my message. So on February the second 2006 I went into a coma.

Alex Ferrari 4:49
So before you went to the four years of this,

Anita Moorjani 4:52
Well, it was gradual, it was progressive. It was progressive. So it wasn't like this, like the first two years. Nobody could even tell I was. Sick.

Alex Ferrari 5:00
Okay, it started. It ramped up.

Anita Moorjani 5:02
It ramped up.

Alex Ferrari 5:03
Oh my god.

Anita Moorjani 5:04
And, you know, and, and, like, a couple of months before it got to its worst, I was still functioning, but barely. But a doctor told my husband that I only had three months to live, and I heard him say that I wasn't meant to Well, that's not good. That's not good. And that really started like a real spiral for me.

Alex Ferrari 5:30
So let's dig into that for a second, because that's so powerful that that that idea is very powerful, that story is powerful because so many of us, when we're told something by a doctor, it is like the white the white coat. I don't know of my generation, not as much, but my parents generation, and definitely my grandparents generation, the white coat could do no wrong. The white coat would come in and whatever they said, it was it. That was the end of it. Where nowadays, my generation and the generation behind us, we question everything. There's a lot more information out there and so on. And they're human like anything else, and they have biases, and they're just like, Look, she's obviously not going to make it. But you heard that and you spiraled, because before that, did you have hope?

Anita Moorjani 6:13
I had hope. I lost hope. After hearing that, I had hope. I kept doing everything possible just thinking that I'm going to make it, I'm going to get through this, I'm going to get through this. And I was learning stuff and doing stuff and trying new food things. But I had hope. I had a lot of fear, but there was still this hope, but there was this huge fear, fear of dying, fear of cancer. But once I heard that even that little glimmer of hope was gone,

Alex Ferrari 6:43
He snuffed it out. It's basically the reverse placebo effect, exactly whatever you believe.

Anita Moorjani 6:49
Yes, this is why part of my mission today is to tell every doctor alive, don't let your patients lose hope. And if I can just take you on a little aside for a moment. Is that one time when I was speaking at an event with Hay House my publishers, and it was in Scotland or somewhere, and the next day, there was a newspaper article about the Hay House event, including about me. There was a journalist in the audience. And one of the things the journalist reported about me sharing my story, she said that. She said that stories like these are dangerous because they give people with cancer false hope. Wow. And when I read that, I thought, you have no idea how dangerous it was when I heard my doctor take away my hope. That is what's Dane, if I still had my hope, at least I would have had something to hold on to. And so I always tell doctors don't take away people's hope. That's the worst thing you can do.

Alex Ferrari 7:56
And when you hear someone like that journalist, that's their programming, that's their belief system, yes, that they can't be a miracle, or they can't be a way out of it unless it goes down a certain path, which obviously you didn't go down this path. So continue. You you died and then?

Anita Moorjani 8:17
So on that morning, on February the second, I went into a coma. I didn't wake up, basically. And that's when the doctors told my husband that I was not coming back and that now my organs had shut down. So I had told you I was skinny. I was 85 pounds. I looked like a skeleton. However, on that morning, I started to balloon like swell up in the coma. And they said this is the first sign of organ failure. The kidneys have now shut down. Yeah. So they said now the organs are shutting down one by one. And they told my husband and my family my mom was there that to inform anyone that they needed to inform about my demise. Yes, my demise, even though you're not demised yet. No, but, and it actually says that in my medical records that family has been informed inevitable, that I am dying. So of course, my family were distraught, and, you know, and they were there around my physical body. They were there in the hospital, but at this point, I had already left my body. So I was it was like I wasn't part of in my body. I found myself feeling absolutely no more pain, no more fear, no more discomfort. I was actually aware of everything that was happening in the room around my physical body, but I Freddie. I felt light. I felt free. I felt better than I ever remember feeling in physical life before all. Fear was gone, and I had been living in so much fear.

Alex Ferrari 10:04
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Anita Moorjani 11:00
Which had ramped up since the doctor had said I only had three months to live. So all of that was gone. It was just gone, and I just felt amazing and powerful. I was aware of my body lying on that hospital bed, and it looked so small and insignificant compared to how I was actually feeling. I could see and hear and feel everything that was happening around my body. I could see everything the doctors were doing. I could see them removing fluid from my lungs and connecting me to, you know, to different things, to IV to IV tubes. And I was connected to a heart rate monitor. I was connected to nutrition, piped nutrition. I could see all of that. I could see them changing the tubes, finding veins in my hands, in my arms, to poke them into. I was aware of everything they were saying. But more than that, I was aware of what they were feeling. I was aware I could feel what they were feeling like. There was no boundary between them and me, and I wanted them all to know that I'm okay, I'm okay, and I wanted my family to know you don't have to worry, you don't have to grieve for me, I actually feel incredible, but I couldn't communicate with them because I had no physical body or biology or vocal cords. And then I started to feel myself expanding, like, in other words, moving, kind of moving away from this physical scene. But I saw the doctor tell my husband that she's not going to make it through the night. I heard that. I saw that and, and, but I was also aware of another reality, if you will, opening up for me and I entered what I would call just a realm of clarity. I was aware that I was surrounded by other beings who were there to greet me and help me cross over. And I recognize some of them from this physical life, but there were many that I didn't recognize. I don't know if they I didn't know at that time if they had been in the physical before, or if they were just entities from the other side, maybe guides or higher beings, but there were a handful that I actually recognized, like my dad, who had crossed over 10 years prior, and my best friend and I was experiencing this incredible clarity, and I started to understand Why I had got so sick, I started to understand how it came to be that all the thoughts and decisions that I'd made throughout my life contributed to my condition. And I started to understand all kinds of different things. And understood, I started to even understand over as as things started to unfold, and my dad was communicating with me and the other beings and my best friend, I started to understand that it wasn't my time yet and I needed to go back. But no part of me wanted to go back. Right? No. And of course, I went into this a lot deeper in the first I remember in our first interview, and I'm conscious of wanting to keep this a little shorter so we can dive into all the other good stuff,

Alex Ferrari 14:31
All the other good stuff. Yeah, for everyone, everyone listening, if you want to go, it's linked in the bottom. It'll be linked at the end of the video to go into and go deeper into this conversation. But I wanted to ask you something before we continue. You said that everything you did in life contributed. Can you dive into that a little bit? Because that's very curious to me.

Anita Moorjani 14:51
Okay, absolutely. So first of all, I want to qualify this to say that if anybody is dealing with an. Illness, even if it's been diagnosed as terminal or whatever, don't let anybody tell you it's terminal. Nobody knows if you're dealing with an illness, it's not your fault. So even though I say that everything I did contributed to it, I understood that every thought and every decision and every choice I had made over my life contributes to where I am today to this point in my life, and I could, I was able to see that every thought and decision, major, major decisions I'd made in my life, and major choices I'd made in my life were made from a place of fear and not from a place of love. And so the fear accumulated over a lifetime caused my body to break down. And when I say that it was made from a place of fear, what I mean is that, for example, I was more scared people's disapproval, or of being shamed, or of I was it was more important to me to win other people's approval than to follow my own heart. I was afraid of being judged. I was so every choice I made was because I was afraid of the consequences, as opposed to doing what I was passionate about doing or what I love to do. It's kind of like even taking a job for the money because you're afraid a better one won't come along, or you're afraid of not having the money even though you hate the job, and then being afraid to quit a job you hate even though you hate it, and you're being bullied because you're afraid you won't have the money. So I realized I needed, I realized that I needed to make choices from a place of love, and I had never done that. And the big reason I had never done that is because I had never loved myself, so I never thought that I was worthy or deserving of love or doing things just because I'd love to do them.

Alex Ferrari 17:07
Let me ask you this Anita, what caused that lack of self love? Was it programming? Was it environment, community, religion? What was that thing that devalued you to yourself in your own eyes?

Anita Moorjani 17:20
It was absolutely programming, but it was programming from my community, from my culture. And it was, you see, I I'm ethnically Indian. My parents are Indian, and they did the best they could, but it's the culture that I grew up in, and

Alex Ferrari 17:41
Because females, from my understanding, females are not valued as much as males in that culture, correct?

Anita Moorjani 17:45
Correct. And more so in the era I grew up in, oh yeah. Now it's a little bit different. It's a little bit different now. And although in the lesser educated population in India, it's still the case. But in our case, we didn't even live in India. So I didn't even grow up in India. But my parents, before I was even born, had left India. And so I was born in Singapore. I grew up in Hong Kong. They sent me to a British school, and but my parents, as many people from different cultures do when they immigrate. They find people of their own culture because they want to hold on to that culture, and they instilled the cultural values into me. And what happens is that you hold on to the cultural values of your parents. It's not your own. So here, so I was going to a British school with British kids, and I learned a lot about British culture, and I was entrenched in British pop culture. I mean, I was a huge fan of Cyndi Lauper. Oh, yeah. I used to dress like her.

Alex Ferrari 18:56
Of course. Are there any images? Can we use them?

Anita Moorjani 19:00
I probably can.

Alex Ferrari 19:03
We have some cutaway now to this image of her address, and I'll cut away to one of my ridiculous images that I had in the 90s dressed like MC Hammer or something.

Anita Moorjani 19:13
And I'll show you one of mine. Yes, fair enough, and but my parents were grooming me to have an arranged marriage. Very cultural, very cultural. Yes, they wanted me to marry an Indian man who they chose. And it wasn't like I wouldn't get any say in the matter, but it was still very restricted. So as I grew up through my teen years, I was encouraged to learn all the all the things that are valued by the men in my culture of that time, essentially being groomed. I was being groomed and I was being groomed to be a homemaker, a housewife. I was being groomed to learn to cook and clean. I was not. Allowed to essentially, I was not allowed to have a higher education. I wanted to study. I wanted to go to university. I was not allowed to move out of my home, and that was a big reason why I wasn't allowed to go to college or university, because you had to leave home and live away from home, and you're not allowed to move out of your home until after you're married. And the other thing is, I was told that in terms of being able to work at a later date, like after marriage, it would depend on my husband. It's not up to me. It would depend on so basically, our value, our worth, was measured by how valuable we were to the men in our culture. Very much. 40s, 50s in America. Yes, 40s, 50s in America is 70s. 80s in India, yes, yes.

Alex Ferrari 20:52
So are so you're going so you're going through. I wanted to, I just wanted to point that out, because there's so many people watching that don't have self worth, and for you, it was cultural. I invite people watching to investigate. What is the reason why I don't love myself? Why do I hate myself? Why do I beat myself up? What is the because when you're a baby, yeah, you don't see a baby in the in the in the in the in the in the crate, in the in the cradle, just going, Ah, I didn't drink that milk properly. I pooped in my pants again. I can't even walk and I'm eight months you never that's not a thing, no. So what? Where did you learn that? Because it's a learned programming.

Anita Moorjani 21:31
It is a learned programming. But I'm gonna take it one step further, and I'm gonna trust that your audience is ready for it, please. It's a little bit more than learned. You see, babies are really, really sensitive. We're all sensitive to an extent. I told you when I was on in the coma, I was on the other side, I could feel what everybody was feeling. Even when you're a baby, you can feel what your parents are feeling, even more so, even more so,

Alex Ferrari 22:01
Except you're closer to source. Yes, you haven't been polluted yet with this stuff down here as much.

Anita Moorjani 22:07
Exactly. So if you are an Indian girl, baby born back in the 60s, they're disappointed. You're a girl, and you can feel it. So you come into this world as a disappointment, and you feel it because as a child, I was extremely shy, extremely and people used to ask me why I was so shy and reticent, and I didn't speak much, and because, at some level, energetically, I knew I wasn't welcomed, and it wasn't my mom, per se. My mom was amazing. She loved me unconditionally. It was more my dad and my dad and his side of the family. They were disappointed that I was a girl.

Alex Ferrari 22:54
A girl better luck next time. Yeah, that kind of thing. It was Yeah. And also in the in the Chinese and Asian culture as well. Yeah, boys are are prized, and girls are just like, Yeah, I guess kind of thing, it's, it's, it's, you know, it's very It's very sad. And there's so much of that going around in the world, I think things are changing.

Anita Moorjani 23:15
Oh, yeah, I know, like so many of my friends and, you know, even and people younger than me, they welcome girls like I know that. I knew that I would want a daughter so I could treat her the way I wished I was treated, right?

Alex Ferrari 23:31
Yeah, I've been, I've only been around women most of my life. So I have, I know way too much about women. I would like some testosterone in my life. Every once in a while, even my cats have their balls cut off. So I have no testosterone in my life whatsoever.

Anita Moorjani 23:46
That's why you're so sensitive and gentle and kind.

Alex Ferrari 23:49
It's, it's well, from a single mom to my wife to my my family, it's just I'm always been around my aunts growing up. I've always been around women constantly, constantly, constantly. So when I'm around guys, a lot of times I'm like, UFC. Let's go watch some UFC. Can we like? Can we like, you know, kind of like, do I need to do, man? I need to say raw meat. Um, I'm joking. I'm joking, but, but, but it's I'm so used to being around women that a lot of times when I'm around you know, dudes, yeah, I have to kick back into being a dude. You know what? I mean. It's very interesting. It's very interesting. But, yeah, I know way too much about women. I don't want to know as much as I know details that I wish I could forget, but so, so when you, when you came out of this, this coma, and we don't want to go too deep into that, what happened, and all that stuff when you came out. But as you were telling your story, and you decided to come out of the closet, if you will, your story is a very remarkable one, because you healed yourself and that. So can you just talk a little bit about the it's essentially a miraculous healing, because. Is, from what you're telling me, You're bloating. Your organs are falling. I mean, this body is a mess. It's a total mess. It's a total mess. I'm sure you had a conversation, but you want me to go back into that? Yeah, is there something else around? Can we jump into another another one going in? It's a newer model, maybe.

Anita Moorjani 25:16
Yeah, no part of me wanted to come back into this body, yeah, if you had seen it, wow, it was. I was in really, really bad shape. So first of all, I'd wanted to just add that my dad, who I met in spirit on the other side, was amazing. He loved me unconditionally, and wanted me to know he loved me unconditionally. So that relationship was completely repaired and healed,

Alex Ferrari 25:44
Yeah, because of all this stuff that he did down here,

Anita Moorjani 25:45
Yes, because he was the one that basically was disappointed that I was a girl.

Alex Ferrari 25:50
But before you continue, I want people to understand that when it comes to parents, because I'm a parent now, we're doing the best. Yes, we can with what we have been taught, what we have learned along the way, we're not perfect. And if you look back through the lens of how your parents were raised and what they went through, maybe that gives you a little bit more clarity on how they might have treated you differently. You know, my mom wanted to do like very much like you. I want to raise my kid the way I would wish I'd been raised. And she did a, I think she did a fantastic job, if I may say, if I'm so humbled to say, and she sent me, she gave me everything that she didn't get from her father. By the way, we come from Cuban descent, so very similar. You know, girls were not really prized as much, and it's men, men, men and all that kind of stuff. So I just wanted to kind of put that out there, because a lot of people beat their parents up, and, you know what, sometimes, maybe with good reason. But if you look through the eye of empathy, of what they dealt with, how they were raised, the time they were raised, the country, they were raised, the culture, it might give you a little bit more forgiveness for like, you know, they're just just kind of doing the best they can,

Anita Moorjani 27:04
100% Exactly. And that's what I was even able to see that be aware of that. And so there was, like, complete, I'm gonna say complete forgiveness for my dad. But even the word forgiveness is too small, because when you're in that state, in that realm, without your body, without any physical constrictions. It's like you realize, oh, there's nothing to forgive. He was doing the best he could, yeah, with what he had and so and what I realized about my mom, who was still alive at the time, but I realized that, considering cultural constraint constraints, what she did was above and beyond. She fought, she fought, fought for you, yeah, yeah. She fought for me. She fought with my dad. The problem with that when I was growing up, she wanted to give me what she didn't have, but it caused huge fights between my dad and her, and I always felt it was my fault they were fighting. So that caused a whole other thing, that I was the problem. I'm See, I'm the problem

Alex Ferrari 28:09
Because no one told you. It's not you, yeah, it's our crazy stuff.

Anita Moorjani 28:12
Yeah, yeah. So, but my mom was amazing. She fought from every step of the way.

Alex Ferrari 28:17
So, so when you when you come out, and you start to publicly tell your story of this amazing healing. So talk about your healing. What actually happened?

Anita Moorjani 28:25
So I came out of the coma. I was in the coma for about 30 plus hours, and

Alex Ferrari 28:33
Anita the story as you continue to Good Lord, I'm glad we could laugh about it now, but I know. But jeez, girl. Okay, go ahead. 30 hours in a coma, 30 hours in a COVID being beat up, things are falling apart. Things are exploding and coming in and out and blowing up and like it's insane.

Anita Moorjani 28:53
Yes, it was insane. And then I started to open my eyes, and my family were around me, and they were and they were like, getting elated, oh, she's opening her eyes. And they call the doctor. Now the doctor they called was the doctor that had just come on duty, like Jan called the day the night before that morning, and he was the one that had come in and removed fluid from my lungs. And when he came in, and he had never tended to me before, that never and so when he came in, and I greeted him by name, and he the first thing he said was, how do you know my name? And I said, Didn't you come in this morning and take fluid out of my lungs? And he said, Yeah, but you were in a coma at that time. There's no way you could have known that. And after he left the room, I said to my husband, Danny, I said, why was he surprised? Isn't he the doctor that told you that I'm not even going to make it through the night? And Danny said, you couldn't possibly have heard that conversation, because it happened down the hallway about 40 feet. Away with the door closed between you and them. And so I started to say things like, you know, it's not my time. And guess what? Dad is here. Dad's right here, and he's telling me, it's not my time. And so my family thought that I was kind of delusional, and the doctor told my family, don't raise your hopes. She's still in critical condition, and it could be the drugs that are messing with her brain, and she's probably just going in and out of the coma. Wow. So what happened, though, is, over the next couple of days, I never went back into the coma. I just started to get more wake up. Yeah, more awake. And I started to say, you can take these tubes out. I'm ready to breathe. You can take the oxygen tube out. You can take out the Food Tube. I'm ready to eat real food. And so the doctors were really surprised, and they kept saying, No, we're going to keep the tubes in there, just in case. And, but I started eating real food, and I was just, I was euphoric, in a way. I was like, I know I'm going to be fine. I know I'm meant to come back and and what started to happen is that in about four days, the tumors, which were golf ball sized, tumors actually started to soften and dissolve. They just started to disappear. That swelling that all started to subside. And the doctors said, This is impossible. Your kidneys are functioning again. Like they thought the kidneys were just done gone, and they said, your kidneys have started to function. They're fine and and so my body just the all the fluid that was, the toxins that were building up, just started to drain out and and the tumor started to shrink. And they they said, we don't even know what to write in your medical report. And in three weeks, they were having trouble finding any trace of cancer in my body. I just had to get stronger, because I just had to build up my muscles Sure. Five weeks later, I was released to go home from the hospital to live my life

Alex Ferrari 32:15
That I mean, that's not only miraculous, but so I have to ask you, on the other side, did they mention you're gonna be fine. We're gonna take care of this body of yours, if you go back. Did they say things like that? Did you have a feeling or a knowing of that?

Anita Moorjani 32:29
I knew that, so they told me, when I say they it's like a collective of my dad and you know, it was, and also it also felt like I was accessing cumulative knowledge, and I knew, or I was told, or I knew that my body was going to be fine that literally, I can hear my dad saying this to me. I still hear it. My dad was saying, now that you know the truth, go back and live your life fearlessly, and your body will heal very, very quickly.

Alex Ferrari 33:05
So beautiful. So you come back, you're a miracle baby. Now, essentially, you've healed yourself. Did you have Did you bring anything back with you? A lot of people, when they have near death experiences, bring back a sensitivity. They have the ability to have afterlife communications. Some of them have psych I'm not saying that you have psychic powers, but some bring psychic powers back. Some channelings back, different abilities. Did anything come back? Did you have any difference in awareness or abilities or anything like that when you came back?

Anita Moorjani 33:36
Yes. So I continue to communicate with the people on the other side till today.

Alex Ferrari 33:43
So it's mostly just like, like a voice in the head?

Anita Moorjani 33:46
A voice in the head, a knowing, a voice in the head, like guidance that speaks to me all the time, okay, but I think the other piece I want to say is also, I noticed that I have heightened sensitivity, and I can feel what other people are feeling very easily. And there's a but here, because what I became aware of is that I am, possibly, we, maybe everybody. I was born with this, but it got conditioned out of me. So it wasn't so on the one hand, we can say a near death experience caused this to happen, but I would say you've always had it. You forgot. You conditioned it out of yourself to fit in. But then the Near Death Experience reminded you that this is who you truly are. This is what I so the NDE made me realize that I am somebody who is worthy, and we all need to realize this, but I am worthy. Everything about me that I used to be ashamed of is actually part of my uniqueness. It's something to embrace, and so I have. Been unapologetically, you know, intuitive, empathic, all the things that I thought were weaknesses, I now see it's what makes me me

Alex Ferrari 35:09
So being an empath, I'm assuming you're not going to clubs anymore, not dancing hard, not, you know, no, no dancing on the bars or anything like that anymore. Maybe a little, just a little bit. I've because as I've gotten older, and honestly, doing doing this kind of work, large crowds, I don't, I mean, I don't particularly enjoy them, you know, being a concert would drive me insane, or being at a, you know, event, I can handle it to a certain extent. But like old school club, like this thing, like with the music blaring, and back in the day, there was cigarette smoke.

Anita Moorjani 35:43
Oh god, I hate cigarette I've become so sensitive to cigarette smoke.

Alex Ferrari 35:46
Absolutely it was everywhere. But as an empath, it kind of feels that way. So I'm assuming that's similar for you,

Anita Moorjani 35:52
Definitely I've become more aware that. I've become aware that it's okay to be introverted in certain things, like not like crowds. And I used to feel that it was there was something wrong with me, and I had to adjust, and I had to be where everybody wanted to go. But no, I don't like large crowds. However, I'm going to admit something. Cyndi Lauper is playing in my town next month, and I'm

Alex Ferrari 36:22
And I'm going, I'm going,

Anita Moorjani 36:25
And I'm gonna dress like it's,

Alex Ferrari 36:26
It's a little, it's a little different. The Cyndi Lauper crowd now is a little different than it was in the 80s. Let's just put it that way. So I think you'll be okay. It's thing is an end off around nine and everyone's home. I don't,

Anita Moorjani 36:38
I think you're right.

Alex Ferrari 36:41
I don't think it's gonna go till midnight. Let's just put it that way.

Anita Moorjani 36:44
I think you're right.

Alex Ferrari 36:45
The crowd's not gonna be that wild. I think Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. But so as soon as you are coming out, the story that you have is amazing. You've been sent back to talk about this, to help people understand this information about themselves. But when you are coming out, what year is this now? 2006 so 2006 spirituality is, is definitely there. There are people doing it. There are, you know, the people you know that Deepak and so on, that were doing a lot of great work back then, but it wasn't, it was still pretty much of an outs, like, kind of on the outskirts kind of situation. So this is a, this is an uphill battle for you. Like, if you were coming out today with this story, the doors would be wide open. Yeah, there were cracks that you would have to kind of sneak in. And from my understanding, you had help getting through one of those doors by one of my favorite teachers of all time, who I had the pleasure of meeting once, and his energy was amazing. Mr. Wayne Dyer, yes, so can you tell us that I'm getting chills. Getting chills, Wayne. Wayne. Wayne is such an amazing soul. And what he did here, while he was here, he brought what I love about him, and I, I don't say I model myself after him, it's the way his approach is, but his humor, I love bringing humor into these deep conversations. As you can tell, yes, because it's needed, you know, it's, it's needed to kind of break down the it's so serious kind of thing, because humor is from what I understand. On the other side, people laugh all the time. Humor is a big deal. I know a lot of people who I knew Robin I didn't know Robin Williams. I met Robin Williams once, but I know a lot of people who knew him very well. And Robin just shows up constantly in channelings, constantly in like, you know, guided meditations in my world, but and also other people. He's a he's just a jokester, even on the other side. So humor is very powerful, powerful too. So I just wanted to bring that out. But I love what Wayne used to do is he would tell jokes constantly, one of my favorites, one of my favorite joke, like when I went to see him, he's like, um, how old? I'm 65 years old, and I have sex almost every day of the week, almost Monday, almost Tuesday, almost Wednesday, almost Thursday, yeah, doesn't quite get there, but almost every day I have that's the kind of brilliance that Wayne was. I absolutely loved Wayne.

Anita Moorjani 39:26
I know that's what I loved about him. That was one of the many things I loved about him. And spirituality is not supposed to be serious. It's absolutely not supposed to be in fact, I think humor is extremely spiritual. Laughter is probably the most spiritual thing you can do, and teaching people to laugh and being light for your family, it's probably the most spiritual thing you can do.

Alex Ferrari 39:52
I mean, the gurus, the Ascended Masters, were on the wall here. They all had humor, yeah, in their in their stories, they all. They all brought humor into their teachings because it's, it's needed, it's, this is a rough situation down here. Yes, this is, this is a harsh place. You know, this is not fun. No one gets out of here unscathed. Everyone has shrapnel. Of course, everyone, everyone has something. So humor is kind of like the numbing agent, it helps us deal with our day to day. So I think, you know, people who bring humor into the world are so, so, so important.

Anita Moorjani 40:30
I think so too. I really agree with you, and that's one of the things I really appreciate, even about my relationship with Danny. He is He likes to be funny all the time. And so when you know, people say to me, How come you got to come back? Why are you special? And my so and so didn't come back. I get that and I and I try and and I tell them, maybe they're the lucky ones, and they got to stay there, because it's amazing on that side. It's here where, you know, where we have the issues and where we suffer. You don't suffer on that side. But my my husband, Danny's response, whenever people say that to me, what he actually says Is he says that, you know, everybody says life is a school. Well, if life is a school, you must have flunked because they sent you back.

Alex Ferrari 41:23
Yes, so tell me, how did you meet Wayne? How did Wayne, kind of, like, usher you in? I've saw him do this with many authors and many people who he connected with, and I think he and I'm speaking out of turn, but I think I can speak for him, as I felt that he thought it was his responsibility, with his platform and his popularity, to shine lights on other people, to bring their stories into light. Yes, would you agree?

Anita Moorjani 41:53
I would agree. He was extremely good at that. He was extremely generous with with that, with sharing his light with other people. He was so good at identifying people who should get up and share their story. And so what happened, though, is that I had put my story on the internet and I didn't even put my full name on it, because I had been getting some negative feedback, as you say, at that time, you

Alex Ferrari 42:27
Comments, you negative comment. Trolls, trolls, trolls from the mid 2000s Oh, that's like rough, rough situation back then,

Anita Moorjani 42:36
Yes and and some of the comments were things like to do with what did you see on the other side? And if it wasn't, you know, certain religion, if it wasn't Jesus, then you've been duped by the devil.

Alex Ferrari 42:50
Absolutely, this is the devil's work. Oh, I get that all the time, yeah, devil's work obviously.

Anita Moorjani 42:53
I was getting that all the time. That what I, you know, don't be fooled by the devil. I pray for you. I hope you can find the light one day. So,

Alex Ferrari 43:02
But you're preaching a story of hope and love. I know you're a horrible devil. That's horrible devil. You're not doing a good job as a demon. Horrible, horrible. Have you not read what demons are supposed to do? This is not it. They don't speak of love and hope.

Anita Moorjani 43:16
I know I totally failed

Alex Ferrari 43:18
As a devil and a demon. Absolutely no question. So you're getting all this negative comments.

Anita Moorjani 43:22
So I decided I'm just going to set the story free, because that was what I I felt called to do. I felt that this happened to me for a reason, and so I wrote very detailed. I wrote the entire near death experience, the healing, what the doctors had said, all, all of it. And if you were to print it out single line spacing, it would be 20 pages long. What I wrote and I submitted it, and I submitted it to an NDE website called NDERF, Near Death Experience Research Foundation. Oh, yeah, that's Dr Long, right? Yes, Jeffrey Long, he's great. So Jeffrey long is an oncologist, and as soon as I submitted it, he reached out to me and he asked me some questions, some medical questions about my medical report. I showed him some pages, I told him, gave him some detailed information, and he said, Wow, you really should be dead, because he was looking at it from an oncological view, and so he published it. He said, Do you mind if I put it on the home page of my website? I said, Absolutely. And he said, but I'm not going to put your full name. So he puts it on the home page of my website, and I just let it go. I let it go viral. He told me that there is a forum where they discuss nd ease, and he told me, mine has gained a lot of traction. There's a lot of discussion. That's where all these comments were that I'm talking about devil's work. Yeah, I'm the devil. And then different people were saying different things. Some were really debunking it at every level. And I thought that's interesting. This is an NDE forum, but people that come here are not believers. They're debunkers, and

Alex Ferrari 45:05
To put that clearly, is their belief system doesn't allow for this kind of story to work, because if they believe your story, then the foundation that they've built their life on gets shaken, and they don't want that, so they'll defend it to the umph degree. Hence, politics, yes, religion, yes. Mac versus PC, all of it, they defend their point because of their fountain, their their programming has to be right. If it isn't, they'll defend it. So that's what's happening. That was what's happening to you.

Anita Moorjani 45:33
Yes, that is exactly what was happening. And so I thought, I'm just going to let this go, please, and let it you know, I'm going to just free my story, and I started to look for other kinds of work and just live my life like a normal person. And it didn't last very long, because after I started to do that for a little bit, I mean, I I found it difficult, first of all, to integrate back into the world, of course, and I found it hard like I had to, I had to find work that I felt passionate about, where I felt I was doing something that helped people or elevated the planet. I couldn't just go back to work just to earn money anymore. It just wasn't appealing. It felt like a wasted life to do that. And luckily, I didn't have to do that for very long, because out of the blue, on my birthday, one birthday, I got an email from Hay House, the publishers, and in this email, it said, Hi, I'm the chief editor of Hay House, and Wayne Dyer has discovered your story on the internet, and would like to invite you to write a book which we would publish. Now bear in mind, I had never communicated with Hay House in my life before. I didn't even know Wayne Dyer would know who I am, but you knew who I knew who he was. I knew who he was. I grew up when His books were really, really popular, like the PBS specials. Let's not forget those. Yes, they were PBS specials. My brother was a huge fan of Wayne Dyer, and so I showed my email to my brother. My brother was said, wow, you're kidding. Wayne Dyer knows who you are. Now bear in mind, I'm just this Indian girl living in Hong Kong, and I'm getting this email out of the blue, and it was on my birthday. I wrote back immediately to the chief editor. I hit reply, and I said, I said, Wow, is this for real? Or is this a scam? And by the way, it's my birthday. And she wrote back almost right away, and she said, No, this is for real and happy birthday.

Alex Ferrari 47:46
Oh so sweet.

Anita Moorjani 47:48
Yeah. So then it happened very quickly. After that, they sent me a book contract, and they said that they wanted me to use the story I had on NDERF as a springboard. Anyway, the next thing that happened is that, so I'm living in Hong Kong, and I thought, I need to communicate with Wayne. I was just really wanted to talk to him, of course, you know, and I didn't know how to do that. And then I realized he has this Hay House Radio show that accepts callers you didn't I did. So I'm still writing the book with an editor that Hay House had assigned me, and I'm still writing it. And I've not ever spoken to Wayne Dyer in my life, but I'm starting to hear from people that Wayne Dyer is talking about me on his radio show, on podcasts, on he's just talking about me and and so people, other people, are telling me that that, hey, you know, I'm a fan of Wayne Dyer, and I just heard his talk, and he mentioned, you mentioned this woman, Anita m from Hong Kong, who had this near death experience. And so, so I thought, wow, this is really weird. I need to talk to him. So I stayed up one night because in Hong Kong, it was 4am to be on this call. That was like at 1pm Pacific time. I stayed up and I phoned and and I got through. So his producer, Diane Ray, at that time, she picks up the phone, and she doesn't know who I am. She says, you know. And she just asks me and who's speaking? And I say, this is Anita. And she goes, where are you calling from? I said, from Hong Kong. She goes, Hong Kong. Wow, that's cool. You've called all the way from Hong Kong. I said, Yes. So what she does is she decides to, because she picks up, I think, three or four lines at a time, but she decides to put the Hong Kong one through first, because it's unique. It's unique. So she then says, Wayne, we've got a call from an Anita from Hong Kong. And Wayne goes, I bet I know who that is. And needs are from Hong Kong. He goes, Diane, hold all my other calls. I'm gonna take the rest of the show with this call. Wow. And I was blown away by him saying that. And then he said, he said, Are you who I think I am? And I said, I think I'm who you think. And then we talked, and it was, it was the first time I spoke to him, and it was incredible. And then he said to me, stay on the line after the show is over. After the show was over, he gave me his personal phone number, his cell number, and he said, Call me anytime. And I gave him mine. And he said, and so now my book is not even complete yet. So this was in around March or April or May, or something of 2011 so he said, I am doing an event, Hay House event in Pasadena in October, and I am going to ask Hay House to fly you there so that I can introduce you to my audience? And I was just blown away. I thought, Wow. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. And so, yeah, after we hung up, and then it just all started to unfold from there.

Alex Ferrari 51:15
That's beautiful. That's such a great story. Wayne. Wayne is missed. I really miss Wayne.

Anita Moorjani 51:19
Oh, gosh, I do too. It was so sudden, like,

Alex Ferrari 51:23
Yeah, he would be, he would be doing some good work nowadays. I think we would need. But the good thing is that

Anita Moorjani 51:30
He's doing it from the other side, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 51:32
Yeah, there's that. And he left such a volume of work

Anita Moorjani 51:36
He did. You know, I feel that he honestly believed that he could do more from the other side. That's why he chose that time to go. But he he is really missed. It was so sudden.

Alex Ferrari 51:48
Now I wanted to ask you your opinion on this, because this is a question I get asked all the time, is, why do bad things happen to good people? And you know, you, you know, essentially, from the story you've told you're a good person, and yet this cancer showed up, and it was pretty violent, yes, and it was pretty rough, and it was a long time, and organs were falling into coma, all of this stuff. A lot of that was a lot of negative stuff. Why do you think? What do you want? What's your understanding of why negative things happen to good people?

Anita Moorjani 52:19
So interestingly, from the other realm, the things that happen to me and a lot of the negative things that happen aren't seen as negative in the big picture, in the grand scheme of things, one of the analogies that I use when I'm describing this because words are very limiting in describing the experience and the the magnificence or the magnitude of the experience, or of what we feel on the other side and the time that we are here in this physical time and space is a real it's just a tiny not even a blink, not even A blink. If you ask me now to look back on my life, Do I regret having all that happen to me? Not at all. I wouldn't be where I am today if it didn't happen. So I saw my life kind of like, if you imagine a tapestry, a huge tapestry, like, really huge, maybe 50 foot by 100 foot or something. And from a distance, you have to stand really far back to see the whole tapestry. It's so big and you see that it's a beautiful picture. It's a mural of a mural of, you know, maybe nature and trees and meadows and Brooks and sky and the sunshine and fields. But when you get really close, you can see that the tapestry is made up of of woven silk threads just woven all the different colored threads woven together to create this beautiful picture. Imagine if one of those threads is you, and it's the trajectory of your life. And that's kind of how it looked to me. I saw my life as a trajectory, as part of a perfect picture, and I could see that in that moment that I had traveled along the length of this thread, but I could see where I still was yet to go. So I could see where I had touched all these other threads, like which were other lives, and where I still had to go if I chose to come back, and what other threads I was yet to touch. You saw this on the other side. This was on the other side. This was my understanding. I'm using the tapestry as an analogy, but it was more like a clarity and understanding of seeing me and all my lives, all my lives together, it's like, wow. So this is part of a total experience, so even the negative things that happen, we we feel it. Something huge, but it is actually just one little sector of a total experience which is part of our own evolution, our soul's evolution.

Alex Ferrari 55:11
So that sounds amazing, by the way, and it's a beautifully, beautiful description of that. But for someone who's going into the crapper right now,

Anita Moorjani 55:20
Oh yes, it's, it's hard.

Alex Ferrari 55:22
Who's In Who's in the shite, as they say, in it right now. What advice do you have for them?

Anita Moorjani 55:28
So I've been through that. Yes, you have. I've been through that when I was dying. I mean, I had people telling me that, oh, this is your karma. And it made me feel even worse,

Alex Ferrari 55:40
These people were great around you. My God, you picked the budget with winners, didn't you? Jeez, it's your karma. You deserve this. This is what it is. Sorry.

Anita Moorjani 55:49
You have to. I was told you have to do more good work to to to erase your karma. And I was like, huh, I've already been a doormat my entire life. How much more can I do?

Alex Ferrari 56:01
Come back as a cow? They get more respect. I mean, in India, at least in India, they get more respect, not here in America, but

Anita Moorjani 56:08
In India, in India they do now here they slaughter you.

Alex Ferrari 56:11
Yes, exactly, very much. So, very much. So, yeah, so.

Anita Moorjani 56:15
So what I would say to people who are going through stuff, I what I do is I help people to shift what they're focusing on, because and I hope this helps people, but I empathize with people who are going through something really awful, like an illness or grief. With an illness, particularly a big part of the suffering, and I know this was the case for me, is the hopelessness and the belief that this is my life now, or this is going to lead to my death and and then it leads to a fear of death. But what I tell people is to shift their focus, and I ask them questions like, if you got your health back, if you were 100% Well, if a doctor gave you a clean bill of health right now, what would you do with the rest of your life? What would you do first, to celebrate and now, what do you want to do with the rest of your life? Start planning that now. So we shift the focus from one of from from one of dying or from one of your illness getting getting worse and worse. We shift it to one of wellness and hope. So you bring hope back to the person. Do you know that if you are living in a state where you feel more hope and you have hope for the future, and you can create a passion for the future, you're more likely to heal from your illness anyway, and if you're talking about people that are just going through awful times, whether it's financial or family relationships, all of it, I still suggest to them, start focusing as hard it is as it is, But when your mind is able to start focusing on what it is you want to see in your life. Instead focus on what is the kind of relationship you would love to have, or what is the kind of financial situation you would love to see yourself in, or if you feeling lost and hopeless and purposeless, what is the purpose you would like? What if you could be doing anything you want? What is it that you want to be doing? Because I speak a lot in my workshops and in my videos, and all about energy, our own energy, and it's important for us to uplift our energy. And in when we uplift our energy, that's when we actually start to feel better. But not only feel better, but you know how I said that we are all and we're all very sensitive, and we are made up of energy. Energy is a limiting word, but we are basically souls or spirit. And what is spirit made of? It's not physical. It's non physical. And the more that you can magnify this energy, the more that you actually magnify your life, and the more you actually bring to yourself things that match your energy. Now sometimes I feel the term Law of Attraction is too simplistic, right? Because it's a lot more than that. It's not about it's not about vision boards. I have no problem with vision boards. They're great because they help you to think of a future. But what I'm talking about goes way beyond that. It's about realizing that you are life force energy, and when you are entrenched in fear, depression, feeling sorry for yourself, hopelessness, no hope for the future, your life force energy goes down. It just keeps going down that. What happened to me, and as your life force energy goes down for long periods of time, that's when your physical body eventually starts to break down.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:09
But Anita, the ego, loves the drama. It loves to get in there and like, no but she broke my heart, or I lost my jaw, or like I got sick, like it loves to live in, wallow in that darkness or in that negativeness. What you're talking about is because where we focus we go, yes, where our where our intention is, is where we go. So if you're sticking in the drama, you're just gonna stay in the drama. And from my understanding, will attract more drama, because that's exactly right, because you're feeding that energy, yes, whereas if you go, Okay, let's just pull back here for a second. Why is this happening to me? What can I learn from this? Okay, great, let's do that. But let's where do I want to go? Let's focus on that. And your whole everything just changes your perception, your your target, of where you go and then things start opening up in that direction. Is that correct?

Anita Moorjani 1:01:04
That's correct. You've worked you have articulated it very well. Thank you. That is exactly correct. Yeah, it's about shifting the focus,

Alex Ferrari 1:01:13
Because that's the way you get out of the ego's necessity to live in the drama. Because I don't know about you, there's moments in our life. I'm not perfect everyone. I'm sure you are not perfect either. That there might be something that happens in our life where we want to wallow in it, you know, someone did us wrong. Yes, we got cut off in traffic, yeah, before, when I was in my 20s, that traffic cutting off, that lasted the day. It ruined the day. Yeah, someone did me wrong. That could, that could run months, if not years, sometimes, depending on how deep it went, where nowadays, I'll feel it in the moment, and I hopefully, hopefully will be able to pull out of it very quickly. And that's, I think, the key, because you can't deny that feeling. Yes, when it comes because someone hurts you, you're going to be angry, you're going to be sad. You have to let that in, but how long you live in that is the key. Would you agree?

Anita Moorjani 1:02:09
I would 100% agree, because it's important to allow the feeling, because there are a lot of people who believe it's not even spiritual to be angry, to be angry exactly, or to be irritated, or to or to feel grief and so on, but it's important to allow the feeling, because one of the things that that I know helped heal me was realizing that the most important thing is to allow yourself to be authentic, just to be who you are.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:40
That's scary Anita, it's terrifying to be ourselves. We need to conform with the group, because we're afraid if we don't, we'll get ousted from the tribe and the lions will eat us. That's literally what's going on.

Anita Moorjani 1:02:53
Exactly. I do agree.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:56
So the weird ones, the the weird one, the weirdo that's like, I'm going to be who I am. I'm going to, you know, wave my freak flag out and about there, everyone's like, Oh my God, look at them. But those are the people that change the world.

Anita Moorjani 1:03:09
They are. They're the ones that change the world, and they're the ones that that live life with passion. Yeah, I know, and it's not easy, because I came back knowing that I just have to be authentic. And so I'm sharing my story and doing my thing, and then you get all the debunkers, and you get controls, and you're like, and so you start to cut back and you and you understand how people lose their authenticity, absolutely, because it's very hurtful. It can be very hurtful.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:40
Oh, yeah. I mean, I, when I started this show, I was terrified. I'll bet, coming from the filmmaking world, you know, you can't even say the word God. Oh, you can't even say the, you say the word God in LA, you know, just, just thought you're done. I know you're done. Like, if you, if you notice that when any of these Oscars and like Matthew McConaughey comes up, and it's like, I want to thank God. And you see everyone like, like, they're terrified. They're terrified of being That's the weirdest thing that that whole town. And you're from LA or from LA adjacent,

Anita Moorjani 1:04:12
Yes, in recent years,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:14
In recent years LA adjacent that they're terrified of being who they are, because they're afraid of the collective knocking them out, you know, the tribe kicking you off for the Lions to eat you. It's It's fascinating, but being authentic is a skill that needs to be honed, and you have to be brave to do it. I think as you get older, you become a little bit more authentic, especially if you ask a neighbor who's wearing no shirt on at four o'clock in the morning, six o'clock in the morning, coming out to get his paper or take the garbage out. And like, I don't care what I'm wearing. And like, that's his authenticity. Yeah, I should get colder. You really just give less of a crap.

Anita Moorjani 1:04:51
And sometimes you see people and you're like, I wish they were less

Alex Ferrari 1:04:55
I think they should be a little bit more conforming. I think a shirt would be nice. A shirt, just a shirt, that's all

Anita Moorjani 1:05:03
But you never really lose that fear. Well, maybe people do lose that fear of the crowd. So I want to share a little story about Wayne Dyer to do that. So, you know, I told you that back then in 2011 I had never written a book. I had never been on stage before, I had no idea this life would unfold for me, and Wayne flies me to Pasadena, as I told you. And he is on the stage, standing in front of a crowd of 3000 people and a whole bunch more watching live stream. And I'm sitting in the audience in the front row, and he starts to share like after he's speaking to the audience, and then he says, and I want to share with you a story about a woman who lives in Hong Kong who had cancer. And he goes on, he tells my story, and he goes and then she came out of the coma, and the tumors just melted away. Anyway, I think she tells the story better than I do, so I have flown her here so she can share it with you. So the audience like, gosh, like, what? So he says, I need to come up on stage now.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:09
And you were sitting in there, in the front row,

Anita Moorjani 1:06:10
I was sitting the front row. So I'm, like,

Alex Ferrari 1:06:13
Such a showman.

Anita Moorjani 1:06:15
So I get up on stage, and I'm looking out at this audience, and he gives me the mic, and I'm holding the mic shaking, and I'm holding the mic and shaking and looking at this audience of 3000 people, and Wayne goes say hello to this audience of over 3000 people, and the other 6000 watching at home online, stopping Wayne, that didn't help me at all. And so I was stammering, and he looks at me, and he goes, Are you scared? Like, what are you scared? I said, Yeah, I've never spoken in front of so many people before. I've never been on stage before. And he said, You've been dead and back. What have you got to be scared about? Wow. And then I said to him, I said, it's scarier. Public speaking is scarier than being dead. Dead, being dead is easy, and he cracked up, but it's true,

Alex Ferrari 1:07:12
Yeah, oh yeah, that's number two, by the way, people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. Yeah, it's crazy.

Anita Moorjani 1:07:18
So being authentic is one thing, but being authentic in front of a large audience or with a large following is harder.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:29
Yeah, you know, I would agree with you. I think one of the reasons why the show reaches as many people as it does is because of my authenticity and what and hopefully the authenticity I bring out of my guests. Yes, you do because it's, it's just the way I do things. Now, if this was a 20 year old version of me, this would be a very, very different show. I'm assuming, if it was a 20 year version of you as well, this be a very different conversation.

Anita Moorjani 1:07:51
Oh yes, if it was pre NDE, oh my gosh. Of course, it would be very different.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:55
Just we talked about Cindy Lauper. I mean, it'd be, that would be kind of cool. We could have, I have the Cindy. I gotta get Cindy on the show. She would be,

Anita Moorjani 1:08:02
Oh my god. I would love that. I would watch that show.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:05
Amazing, if I can get Cindy on the show. Yeah, I have spoken to some rock stars before, and it's, it's an interesting journey, yeah, for people, I've been fascinated with fame, because we lived in Hollywood and working Hollywood for so long, and fascinated with not the being famous, because I've seen it, I've been next to it, I've worked with it. I'm not a fan of it. Personally. I don't like it. I think it's I just don't want it. I don't I'd rather not. I don't know about you how you feel about being famous, or being being, you know, recognized, or things like that. But what I was fascinated about is how they dealt with the fame, what did it crush them? Or did they grow out of it? And that's where you see all these Hollywood stories that just it destroys it's not easy. Yeah, famous, famous. And someone like Wayne, you know, who was so I mean, he was very, very famous. He was very he was one of the first kind of people to come out, and he was a very palatable version for mainstream America, mainstream world, to talk about spiritual woo, woo stuff, yes, from a doctor's point of view, yes. And he had the credentials. He was a very palpable way of doing it. So he kind of opened the door for a lot of us. He did to walk through because, but he did it. You couldn't have come out like, you know, I'm channeling Buddha today like never. No, it wouldn't have worked back then. You really needed to come in through the way he did him, and Deepak and and many of those guys of that generation, they just swung the doors open for a lot of people to follow him

Anita Moorjani 1:09:34
They did. And what I loved about guys like that, what Wayne did for me, he gave me a lot of credibility, because, of course, until then, most of the people I attracted before Wayne, most of the people I attracted were mostly people who were looking at it from more a medical perspective, and it was very, very hard to speak about my story. Without crossing the line into the spiritual and the Woo. Woo very hard, because I've had medical doctors and scientists and researchers questioning me for years, and they'll say and they'll say, so what do you attribute it to? What flicked the switch from your cancer cells, from your cells dying to suddenly healing, or from your body replicating more cancer cells to suddenly shifting to replicating more healthy cells. Because I've always said the doctors can't explain it, but I know inside what happens. So they say, so what do you attribute it to? And I said, I attribute it to me actually, finally understanding who I truly am and how loved I am, and that the whole, my whole life of thinking that I was unworthy and unlovable was an illusion. It was a lie

Alex Ferrari 1:10:54
That worked well for them. Yeah, it I'm sure they were like, so, love, okay, love of self. Got it. God will put this in the medical book

Anita Moorjani 1:11:04
Yeah! And some of them, some people can be a little bit mean stuff. They want to

Alex Ferrari 1:11:10
Stop it. Anita, stop it. Yeah. They're like, this is crazy, yeah,

Anita Moorjani 1:11:16
I know, yeah. They would. They would actually say something along the lines of, yeah, right. Go on. Tell that to someone who's dying of cancer right now.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:26
Let me ask you something, because you have so much experience with cancer, and I think this is something important for people to understand, and I'd love to hear your perspective on this. You know, cancer is not a funny thing. No, it's not. It's a very it is debilitating and it destroys lives around the world, from what I've heard through my studies and through my conversations, and even in the mystical, you know, ancient teachings in Vedic, Vedic texts and things like that, when they talk about those kind of diseases, they say that that is, And I'm not gonna say karma, because that's different, but a lot of the times is like, Okay, well, I held on to something so much I held on to a hate. I had a something I wouldn't let go of, and it transforms into a disease of some sort. Yes, and it could be cancer, it could be something else. Does that ring true to you in your experience. So

Anita Moorjani 1:12:22
I it does ring true to me that people who can hold on to things the anger or the anger, the trauma, the anger, the hatred, the hatred could even be self hatred, yeah, exactly, yes, absolutely, absolutely yes. It absolutely rings true to me 100% so I actually believe that there are very few causes for cancer. One of them could be like, let's say, through toxins, radiation, radiation, toxins and things like that, that could be a cause of cancer. But I think that one of the major causes of cancer is through our own emotions, our trauma, our own energy, turning our own energy inward against us. So you know, if all holes are barred and we're being truly authentic, I could go, I would, I would really talk about what I truly believe that about cancer. I believe cancer is very, very, very healable, very but I think that the way we are going about it, and the trillions of dollars that we're spending on medical research is not the right way,

Alex Ferrari 1:13:38
Right because they're trying to they're trying to treat the cause, not the cause, but the symptoms.

Anita Moorjani 1:13:45
And in some cases, people are getting more they're getting worse, because you're actually adding toxins and toxins. And I'm hesitant also to say that, because there are people who are having treatments right now, and I don't want them to fear and treatment.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:03
And look, it's a case by case basis, yes, and I don't want to get too deep in the weeds, and I understand what your hesitation is, truly, I get it. But there's story after story of people who have healed themselves through diet. But again, it's a case by case idea. Yes, placebo, yes is cured, yes for different diseases. So the power of the mind. There's so much research out there. Someone said once that if tomorrow there was an invention that a bowl, there was a research that said a bowl of water, of warm water. You stick your finger in it, and that will cure cancer. Will never make it to the market. No, it won't. It will. It will never make it to the market. It will be snuffed out so quick that it's it make your head spin, yeah? And you kind of think about things like that, and you're like, yeah, that kind of makes sense, because there's a huge

Anita Moorjani 1:14:57
It would be completely rejected. Of course. You. Even though, if there's proof, even though it's true and there's proof, it would be rejected.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:04
I know there's exactly, there's one story. I think her name was Kris Carr,

Anita Moorjani 1:15:04
Yes, Kris Carr, I know her.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:09
Yeah, Kris Carr Yes. She, she, you know, a crazy, sexy cancer. Yeah. What a great name. I love her.

Anita Moorjani 1:15:15
I love that as well. She's great, she's

Alex Ferrari 1:15:17
She's wonderful. But that was a story I was like, one of my first stories I heard of a young person at the time when she when she had it, that just started to drink green juices and things like that, and started to heal herself again. Not everybody's gonna have those, those those benefits or those reactions to their diseases, but it was just interesting that there are other options out there,

Anita Moorjani 1:15:41
Lots of options. See, that's that's my point. So one of the big issues I have with the current system and the way we treat it is that the word cancer holds a lot of fear. Of course it does, huge fear. Fear is part of the contributing factor towards the cancer that's the fear. Now I know from having the n, d, e, because I reverse engineered everything in that state of clarity, the fear actually fed the cancer. The fear of the cancer makes it worse. So even if you are given hope, even if you're given a placebo, even if what you're actually physically doing makes no difference whatsoever. Condition that you're in, the mental, emotional, psychological condition that you're in when you have hope, when you have passion, when you have love, laughter, and when you have laughter, and when you think, Oh, this is not serious, I can get through this that, in itself, is a better environment for your cells to heal, for your cells to kick into healing.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:52
So how can you tell somebody right now who's living in fear of their disease or of their situation to get out of that and to change the mind when everything around them, everybody around them, their doctors, their families, like it's karma, all this kindness, all this all this stuff, how can you because it takes a strong person.

Anita Moorjani 1:17:12
It does, and it takes a little bit of work now, it really takes a complete shift in the way you view life. And I'll admit, for me, I had to literally die to view life in this and I don't recommend it for everyone, not for everybody, so it's a rough trip, but that's why I share what I share. And so I'm gonna give you, I'm gonna actually tell you how I view life, and if people can view life in this way, I think it will help them. But again, this is worded and framed in the way that feels really right for me. If it works for me, it's authentic. So one of the things that I learned when I was on that side is that our physical bodies, we think the physical body is real, physical, and we poo, poo, anything that's non physical, anything that's beyond the five senses, three dimensional that we can see here, feel touch, but it's actually the other way around, our soul, or our energy, whatever we want to call it, that is actually the driving force. So that is actually what matters, and that is actually what determines the condition of your physical body and your physical life. So to simplify this, so you're so let's say it's you're a ball of energy. What you really are is a ball of energy, and this ball of energy is what drives your life, but the only part you can see here is your physical body. When you're not in your physical body, you can see your whole self and everybody's whole selves. So let's say this ball of energy, let's give it a currency, and let's say that every and this energy, this ball of energy has to be nurtured and fed, and a good night's sleep gives you 12 units of energy, which feeds your life force, energy, your soul, your energy, 12 units of energy. You wake up in the morning you have 12 units of energy that you've fed your soul. Now let's say you go to you wake up in the morning, and you go to a job you hate, where your boss is a bully. Don't forget the traffic. Oh, okay, don't forget. Let's say you're driving through traffic and you get cut off, and you've already lost two, three units of energy just driving through LA traffic, and somebody you know swears at you, and you lose three units of energy. You get to a you get your job. You're late. Your boss gets mad at you. You lose another unit or two. Your boss is a bully. You hate your job. You lose eight units of energy in your work. So that's like 11 units. Of energy gone, and you go home. Now let's make it even worse. Let's say you're in a relationship that you're not happy in, and you lose another three or four units of energy in that relationship.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:11
The bills are piling up too, and you're not making enough money.

Anita Moorjani 1:20:13
Yes, the bills are piling up. So you've lost three or four units of energy in that relationship, so you're now down like you're negative two, the bills are piling up. Because you get home, you see the bills on your desk, stress, stress. So now let's say you're at a negative 50. Yeah, negative five, okay, negative five. Sorry, I miscalculated. You're at a negative even if it's a negative five, six, yeah, you try to go to sleep. You have a restless sleep, sleep because you've had a really bad day. So instead of 12 units, you only get eight the next day. So you're still at a negative like so you get eight units, you're only at a positive three. Now, Lord, now you go through that whole cycle again. So now it just keeps going down and down and down. And I see people living like that. I watch them living like that, and they say, What can I do? My life is really miserable. And so I try to tell them, you've really got to change your lifestyle. And they say, I can't. I can't quit my job or it'll kill me, because then I can't put food on the table. What they don't realize is they're killing themselves already. Now, think of the opposite scenario. Imagine you get 12 units of sleep, you wake up 12 units of energy, and your energy is, is it's revived, it's revitalized. And you meditate, and you meditate, you get another three or four. Yeah, you're at like 15 healthy, healthy breakfast, healthy breakfast. You're listening to music. Let's say you have kids that want to play with you, or you have a pet. You go off to work at like 18 units of energy. You love your job. You're passionate about it. You get to do what you're doing. Alex, and so you meet people, and you're doing something fun, and your job gives you energy, instead of depleting energy. At the end of the day, you're at 22 units of energy. And then you're with your partner, who you love. You have a great relationship. So you're like at 26 units of energy, and you go to sleep, and you get another 12, because you sleep well. And so what happens, interesting is your you've got, now got, you've got life force, energy equity instead of deficit. When you have equity, your energy gets bigger and bigger and bigger. As it gets bigger, you actually attract things that match that energy. But when you are in energy deficit, you attract that too. You attract that too. And fear puts you in deficit. Anger puts you in deficit, depression, grief, all these things put you in deficit. Being in a job you hate, where you're being bullied, thinking that you're not loved, all these things put you in energy deficit, and that's what you end up attracting. But eventually, that deficit, that's energy, that's life force, energy that you're preventing from coursing through your body, eventually it leads to sickness and your body breaking down. So I tell people, look at what you do every day, and are you living in energy deficit every single day, and then ask yourself, why is my life so crappy, or why is my life so amazing?

Alex Ferrari 1:23:39
So with that analogy. Then if things are, because I could see how difficult it is if you've built up this kind of negative equity inside of you, yeah, deficit, yeah, that you owe. You know you're in debt. If you Yeah, you're in energy you're in energy debt, it's tough to kind of pull yourself out of that. But it's small, little things like, Okay, let me just start a meditation practice. Yes, let me while I'm right now, while I'm driving to this job I hate, instead of listening to news or listening to that stuff, let me put on some positive put on a podcast, maybe next level, soul, uh, put on a positive podcast. Put on a book, an audio book. Listen to music that relaxes you or takes you to another place. Put some Cyndi Lauper on. Yep, it's really fun music, and it gets your energy. So even though you're going to a job you hate right now, you've already lifted up your energy from the meditation. Yeah, and the drive is not sucking three or four out of you. You might be able to gain one or two exactly because your perspective, you're not attracting that guy who's gonna cut you off. Yeah, anymore, you're gonna attract the person who goes, go right on and yeah, because your energy is different. Then when you get to work, you start working. It's just these little baby steps and slowly, but. Surely you'll start to pull yourself out of debt. It's very similar to like, I owe $100,000 how am I gonna pay this debt off? Slowly, 50 bucks a day. Yeah, 50 bucks a month, or whatever it is. Little by little, you just start chipping away at it, Till one day you wake up and you go, Oh, I'm I'm in a job. I love I have a great relationship. I have, I have enough money to do what I need to do, and I have a great have a pet that loves me, and all all these things, and all of a sudden it starts to bring you up, but it's those little things that you need to do, because if you look at it like, how am I going to clown? My clown, my own effort, ever, Everest, it's you. You won't, you won't even get out of the car. Exactly. You won't even get out. You have to just take those baby steps, little by little.

Anita Moorjani 1:25:46
You've put that really well. That is absolutely true. And so, you know, when I have people telling me that, oh, but you know, I I have to expend energy every day because I have aging parents that I have to look after or I have a I have a special needs child who's dependent on me. And I say, yes, but if you do those little things, then you build up energy equity with which you have the equity to spend on the the people who you care for. And the second thing that that also happens is, when you're in a space of energy equity, the people around you feel it. So when you're with a special needs child or aging parents or a sick partner, they are uplifted by your very presence. But when your energy depleted and you're in deficit, you're actually not helping by being around them, you're hurting them. You're hurting them. Yeah, if you're fearful or this or that, yeah, you're bringing that energy with you wherever you go. So the way that I view life now is the greatest currency we have is our energy, not our money. The money comes later, but if you put money before energy, you're always going to be running after money money and going into energy deficit. But if you put energy before money, and you do all you can to build up energy, you will have an amazing life

Alex Ferrari 1:27:17
That's so beautifully said. I really never thought of it that way before, but you're absolutely right, because if you're building out your energy and your another word for energy would be frequency, yes, vibration, if you will, frequency, you're raising the frequency. As you raise your frequency, you are evolving to a higher level than where you were before, when you're going into fear, and your frequency goes lower and lower, and you attract so someone like, that's why I always tell people I say the joke and like, you don't hear about yogis getting mugged? Like, that's not a thing. Yeah, you know, you don't that's never heard Yogi got mugged today for what their energy is at such a frequency, when they are evolved at that level, that they only attract people of similar levels or close to it, or something that's positive for everybody involved. They're not attracted to, no, a mugger. They're not. They just wouldn't. It wouldn't be a thing that would happen.

Anita Moorjani 1:28:16
Yes, it wouldn't. So when I was in that, in that near death experience state I was vibing so high in that state,

Alex Ferrari 1:28:26
I assume. So. Yeah,

Anita Moorjani 1:28:27
You know that when I came out of the coma, my body healed because I knew my body was healed because of where I felt my life force energy, my life force energy was out there,

Alex Ferrari 1:28:40
But, Anita you also had a belief.

Anita Moorjani 1:28:42
It's more than a belief. It was a knowing you. It was a knowing.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:46
You had a knowing of what the other side was, yeah, so when you came in, you already knew there was not even an ounce of doubt that you were gonna heal. Yes, you knew this. This was gonna happen

Anita Moorjani 1:28:56
Yes. So this is what people need to know and learn. Like if I if it were up to me, and if I was given the job to help people heal from disease or live a better life, I would focus on raising their energy. I would do everything I could, and that's all you have to do. I would show them how to love themselves. I would tell them, Listen to music, you love, dance, laugh, raise your energy. All you have to do is even just do little things every day. Raise your energy. Raise your energy, and as you raise your energy. Here's another piece. I told you, we're connected all the time. They communicate with me all the time. You get more communication, the higher your energy. I always use hear them clearer.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:44
I use the analogy a lot of times of of we're deep in the Mariana Trench right now. Yeah, here, it's very difficult to move a lot of pressure. It's, you know, it's hard to even do anything down here. But as you raise your frequency, the pressure. It gets lighter and lighter, so you start to just ever so slightly, start moving a little bit better. It's still you're still in the water. Though, you're still in the water. As you get closer to the surface, things become a lot easier to move. You're starting to see light. Mariana Trench. You don't see any light, no. And as you get closer to the surface, you're still in this but you broke the surface and you went above in the air. Now the air, even an inch off the surface, is very different than an inch under the surface. That's correct, true. Yeah. So you are out and about, and that's the freedom you felt. And when you came back down here, you're like, oh, but there's, there's air, guys, there's, there's freedom. I can move. I can do things. I can, oh, my God, there's sunlight hitting me. Was completely different where you're down here in the ocean, that sunlight is being filtered by the muck of the of the water, if you will. Yes, and some people's water is a lot muckier than others. Yes, that makes sense?

Anita Moorjani 1:31:01
It does. It does. And a sure fire way we are bringing everybody's energy down is through the news media.

Alex Ferrari 1:31:10
Oh God, please,

Anita Moorjani 1:31:11
You know, and that disturbs me a lot, because it's like, you know, I'm out there trying to uplift people's energy. That's why I share what I share, because I want to see a higher energy world, so that it becomes easier for us to stay in a higher vibe. But, but what you see as mainstream media, it's just this machine that just keeps putting out fear, yeah, just fear based messages, and it is keeping everybody in fear. It's telling everybody to be afraid of everybody else.

Alex Ferrari 1:31:48
The thing that really I remember during COVID, I thought even then, I was like, This is insane. During on the news, they had a death count running of how many people were dying. Isn't that crazy from COVID Every day was there, and I'm going, but there's more people dying of cancer. Yes, more people dying of car accidents. There's more people dying of, you know, everything. I mean, it was a medical malpractice more people are dying than this. And it was, but it was so this, and that was the first time I really saw the cracks Oh in the media, I really did. And from someone who worked in the media on the works of Hollywood and and TV shows and things like that, I started to see Oh, and it's not just the news, Hollywood television shows, the violence, the fear, all those kind of stories people are starting not to want I mean, look at the box office. People are not vibing anymore with that stuff.

Anita Moorjani 1:32:45
I'm so glad it is changing. It is changing. I've noticed it.

Alex Ferrari 1:32:49
Yeah, people are not connecting with these stories anymore. What worked in the 80s and the 90s doesn't work. It does. People don't. You know, where are our Star Wars? You know, where is our Shawshank Redemption? Yeah, you know, where are these kind of uplifting movies stories that bring us up? Yes, if you remember Star Wars, I do. When Star Wars hit in 77 I was a baby. I didn't I saw Star Wars on the black and white screen about this big first time I saw Star Wars. I did see empire in the theater, though, from what I saw was the 70s were a very difficult decade, economically, uh, politically, you know, the War, Vietnam, all this stuff, yeah, and Star Wars was a beacon of light for the world. And they just went into it. It's so hard. They watched it a million times. It was the first blockbuster real, true, worldwide blockbuster.

Anita Moorjani 1:33:44
It was huge.

Alex Ferrari 1:33:45
It was monsters, but it was the hope, and the movie was originally called A New Hope. Oh, I didn't Star Wars was episode four, so that's episode I'm gonna have Yoda right behind me, so I'm a geek, but episode four, it's because George wrote one, two and three later. So we saw four, five and six, these episodes. So Star Wars, Empire and Return of the Jedi. It was called A New Hope. That's the actual title, and it's now referred to as that. But then it didn't have it. But the on the screenplay, it said, Star Wars A New Hope, which was Luke Skywalker, was the New Hope, yeah, for this whole the Empire and all the negative so it was really, you know, it was really a movie that brought us out of the darkness, yes, of the 70s. And I think we're gonna start needing that again.

Anita Moorjani 1:34:30
Oh, definitely. Very soon. We do need that. Oh, for sure.

Alex Ferrari 1:34:34
Now, let me ask you. Said things are changing. Where do you see humanity moving towards in these next 10 years, let's say to the end of this decade, because I don't know about you, the 2020s have been rough, you know, since, literally, since we jumped into 2020 Oh, COVID, and it just like it was. It's been a rough ride. This is the weirdest decade I've ever seen in history. Yeah, of. For at least in my lifetime, for sure,

Anita Moorjani 1:35:01
And I think I've lived a little longer than you, so it's the weirdest decade I've seen exactly.

Alex Ferrari 1:35:06
It's just been so insane. It's been insane of a decade, and I don't foresee it changing any calmer right now. I think there are hope. There's going to be ups and downs, but from what I understand it, from who I've talked to on the show and everything, we're in for a little bit of a bumpy ride, but it's something that humanity needs to go through, very much like the negative things or the harsh things that we go through in life. Humanity as a whole seems to have to be going through a little bit of a bumpy ride, not to be fearful about it, yeah, but to look at it differently. What's your thoughts on it?

Anita Moorjani 1:35:37
So I do see us going through a little bit of a bumpy ride. But again, I implore people not to be fearful, because if you can still do what you need to do, to find your own to find your own joy and your own passion and raise your own vibe, it is actually very, very important, now more than ever, for people to actually choose what makes them happy and joyful. It's actually more important that they do that than to buy into all the fear to and if they do that, they'll actually be able to ride through what's actually happening. Because the way I see it is that the people who are, let's say, you know, the world is very divided right now, very divided, very polarized, very polarized. So the people who stand to gain from the fear they're going to be pushing harder, because they can see people are moving away from that, and the more that we raise our vibe, the more that they're going to push back to become it's going to get rougher. They're going to be louder. They're going to be louder, the more that we go

Alex Ferrari 1:36:55
Now already political. You know, election is a few weeks away from this recording, so it's insane.

Anita Moorjani 1:37:01
It's going to get a little worse. And I don't see things as being resolved from this election regardless

Alex Ferrari 1:37:10
Stop it you mean, on November 6, we're not gonna just all sing, all right, we got it. It's all good.

Anita Moorjani 1:37:16
I know

Alex Ferrari 1:37:18
Iit's all done now. Okay, who is it? All right, we're all on your it's funny to listen to, but it's not just

Anita Moorjani 1:37:24
Gonna get worse. Regardless, in America, it's around the world. It's around the world. There's so many elections right now, it's actually going to get worse. And I don't see this election for anybody as being the one that resolves the device in this I see this upcoming time as one that's going to break it down completely so that it can be built up again from the ground up. That's what I say.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:50
And that's and you're not, you're not the first to say that to me. I agree with you 100% I think that you're starting to see and we're just talking about politics for a second, but in religion, yes, healthcare. Healthcare is education, in the media, all of it. Yes, all these other institutions. They're all all cracks everywhere. There's cracks in all of these major institutions who have served humanity, you know, for a long time, but they no longer serve humanity in the way that they need to serve them. Yes, and they need to make room for this new energy that's coming up, this new this new institutions that are going to rise, yes, like Phoenix is out of their ashes, or they have to change. And they're going to be forced to change, you know, we we started to go here in the States, our food system is just dismal. Yeah. I mean, when I was in Europe, I was like, why can't we do this? Like, not that Europe is perfect, but, yeah, it's a lot better, you know, no GMOs, no corn syrup, you know, I it was insane, but we demanded organic food, and now organic food is a thing. It, you know, wasn't a thing before, but now people are asking for it, like, no, no, no. We want clean food, and the more we keep asking for it, the dollars will follow. Yes, bottom line, so that's one. That's just one example.

Anita Moorjani 1:39:10
Yeah, exactly. I am also seeing it hugely in the medical system, tell me. And so I'm actually seeing doctors, oncologists. What shocks me is oncologists are saying they're getting their patients to read my book that I wouldn't have seen that 20 years I mean, 18 years ago, 16 years ago, 10 years ago, no, yeah, they and they are introducing more integrative healing. So when I was going through the illness, and I would talk to my oncologist about also having an naturopathic treatment or Chinese medicine, they would say, Absolutely not. We cannot have anything interfere with what we're doing. So they would and even when I was in. The hospital one time, my Chinese medical doctor, Chinese medicine doctor, came in to see me at the hospital and brought me a few things. My oncologist walked in and told him to get out that do not interfere with my patient. So

Alex Ferrari 1:40:17
You mean that Chinese doctor who's been practicing a form of medicine that's about 6000 years old. That one, that one, yeah, that one, okay, yeah. Sorry,

Anita Moorjani 1:40:25
But today it's very I'm starting to see all the differences. And doctors, oncologists are really open, and so I believe it's because they're they've been forced to, in a sense, because patients now have access to information and the internet, and they're able to argue back, and they're able to and Joe Dispenza has paved the way as well with his placebo effect and his books and his work. So I'm seeing a lot of changes, but yet at the same time, you're seeing the trillion dollar pharmaceutical business pushing back even more. So this is why you have this polarization. But I do see that, you know, in every area, as you said, in education and medicine, in politics, particularly, I think the Phoenix will rise out of the ashes.

Alex Ferrari 1:41:18
I think so too. I mean, just the whole concept of like, Hey, you're gonna cost you $150,000 for this four year education, for a job that doesn't exist. Yeah, that kind of thing. I think kids nowadays are like, are you insane? Oh, and then we have to take out student loans that we can never, yeah, never get rid of. Thank you George W Bush, because he wrote that, that he signed that, that law, and which I was like, Why? Why you're getting all this debt when you're like, 1890 you don't even know what you're doing yet. I know. And you're now, and now you basically have a mortgage for a house that you've never are going to live in for the rest of your life, holding you down. Yeah, chains like Marley and Christmas carol like, you know you have, you know you have these chains that you can't get rid of that doesn't make any sense.

Anita Moorjani 1:42:05
None, none.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:07
I know it doesn't make any and I think that that comment right there, it doesn't make sense anymore, can be applied to all of these institutions, yes, from media to religion to the medical field to food, to the all of it,

Anita Moorjani 1:42:23
Yeah, the education, it does.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:25
It doesn't make sense anymore. It just doesn't it did a while ago, in the 50s, yeah, yeah. And educ, you needed a four year college, a degree, if not a if not a master's, to get a good paying job. Those days are gone.

Anita Moorjani 1:42:38
They are gone when families of four could live on one income,

Alex Ferrari 1:42:43
Right! And buy a house, yeah? And it have vacations, you know? Like it was that world doesn't exist anymore. No, it doesn't exist anymore. And you know, when you're in religion where you're like, Oh, you've been divorced, you can't come in now, sorry, like you can't what's what? Yeah, because that's very Jesus like. But anyway, that's exactly what Jesus would have done. Don't get me started, but all of these institutions are falling so I do agree with you, and I think when we say that it's going to get rough, I really want people to understand that it is going to get rough and it's okay. We will make it through at the other end, just like any negative or harsh thing that happens in our life, hopefully we can make it through and get to the other end. Most things we can, yes, most things we can. And I think your your idea and your theory of the energy is so beautiful. It's so beautiful. It's so simple, and it really is the cure for all that ails you in every way. Thank you, not only just physical, but in in your in your life. Like you. Like it gives you a it gives you a road map on how to get out of of a pit. That's what I love about this idea that you've presented here. Because if you're in this dark, dark, dark place. All you need to do is do one thing that lifts you up. Yes, read a book, meditate, watch a funny movie. Yes, there was there some, I don't know if you ever heard of this study where there was a guy. I don't know where I heard this. He had cancer. He just went and just rented every funny movie he ever wanted. He just sat there and watched funny movies eight hours a day and just laughed and laughed and laughed. And when you went in to get checked, he's like, what's going on with your tumors? Why are they going down?

Anita Moorjani 1:44:29
Yes, I remember that story.

Alex Ferrari 1:44:31
It's not it's not just me making it up. There's a story out there is, and there's actually science behind it, because the court is it cortisol?

Anita Moorjani 1:44:37
Yes, the cortisol levels go down. So basically, whenever you give your body optimum conditions, it heals. Your body goes, tends to lean towards healing. It's your natural state, but you have to give it the optimum conditions. And so when we are in stress, when we're in fear, when we're in depression, i. Um, when, when we're constantly fighting for something, when we're angry, we are not giving our body optimum conditions. We're actually adding the stress hormones.

Alex Ferrari 1:45:11
And that's what Kris Carr kind of figured out with her purely organic green juices. She alkaline, she alkaline her whole body,

Anita Moorjani 1:45:19
Her whole body, yes, and she's she's done a great job with doing that, and has brought so much to the world. And the other thing I wanted to mention, also about the the energy, is that one of the ways that people can actually snap you out of that this happens to me, because I know that in order to get through these times, in order for me to be able to still do what I do and still uplift people, I have to keep feeding my energy. I have to keep feeding my energy, because if I don't feed my energy, and I'm in that state of low energy, I won't be any good for anyone else. So it's important to keep feeding your energy. I do run into people who say to me, oh, but you're in denial. Why aren't you angry about this? It's because I see differently. I see that the bigger contributor to the world is our state of energy. Now, if fighting for a cause uplifts your energy, do it? We need you to do that. We need you to fight for that. But if you're the type of person that fighting for a cause actually stresses you out and makes you angry, we don't need that energy. You don't need that energy because that'll just make you feel worse and sicker and deplete you. So you have to ask yourself, what is this doing to me? If it's making me feel more empowered than all power to you, but if it's making me feel like a victim, disempowered, angry, resentful, then you need to do something else that uplifts your energy.

Alex Ferrari 1:46:59
You just have to ask yourself the question, if you're angry or bitter or resentful, how does that make you feel exactly? It makes you feel terrible. It just makes you feel like when you're laughing, when you're peaceful, when you're walking on the beach, somewhere where you're in nature, how does that make you I mean, unless a bear is chasing you. But other than that, how does that make you feel exactly? So just ask that question of yourself, like, you're like, Oh, you're just in denial. No, I'm not in denial.

Anita Moorjani 1:47:24
Yeah, or, or they'll say, why aren't you using your platform to rant about this? It's like, I don't rant.

Alex Ferrari 1:47:30
I don't you've been ranting this entire interview. I'm just throwing that damn joke. No, because people want to project their stuff on us. Yes, yes. You know people who have platforms, you know, I get called, I guess, all that all the time. Yeah, why aren't you saying something about this or something? I say things a lot about a lot of stuff. Yeah, I say a lot of stuff about a lot of things. And I try to shine spotlights. But there's things that, you know, my my job is to uplift, is to shine light into this world and it's because there's plenty of the other stuff.

Anita Moorjani 1:48:02
There is exactly.

Alex Ferrari 1:48:05
There's a lack of what I'm doing and what other shows like mine are doing, and what you're doing and things like that. But this is our job, and it's, you know, just because people are upset about not seeing what they want to say, oh, you should be emails. I'm sure you get emails too. Oh, my God, emails I get sometimes people like, why? Okay, I'm sorry. It can't be everything for everybody. Yeah, you know, so and that's that's that authentic thing is to do what rings true to you, yes. And, you know, listen to others, yes, especially when we have platforms, yes, because you want to hear and how can I be of more service and things like that, but you've got to listen to you first.

Anita Moorjani 1:48:47
Yes. And we love the people that follow us, so we absolutely love them, and and, and, and count on them, but at the same time, they follow us because our energies are big and high and authentic, and we're authentic.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:03
Yeah, yeah. By the way, everyone watching, she's exactly who she is on. She's exactly this person. She's not gonna turn when the camera turns off, she's like, oh, all that talk about near death. Whoosh. Good lord, I can't believe people buying this crap. Like, no, that's not the case at all. She is very, very, very much. The people are surprised, like when they meet me, they're like, you just like you are in the show. I'm like, How else should I?

Anita Moorjani 1:49:25
I know that's what I was gonna say as well. Alex is exactly who he is as well. You, yes, you come across as kind and nice and yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:49:36
I appreciate. I put on a good face. I'm horrible human being, but

Anita Moorjani 1:49:41
Surrounded by estrogen,

Alex Ferrari 1:49:43
Surrounded by horrible estrogen constantly. I need a dog with his balls intact. But anyway, this is this has been such a great conversation. Anita, I'm gonna ask you a few questions I ask all my guests. Sure. What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Anita Moorjani 1:50:02
Eating chocolate

Alex Ferrari 1:50:04
You're not too far away, dark, dark, dark, with a little bit of sea salt, yes, and some almonds. That's just me, oh, or that crunchy rice thing.

Anita Moorjani 1:50:13
Oh, that's kind of nice. No, I've made a new discovery. Tell me. So I, I like, you know, chocolate with soft, soft jelly ish fillings, but they have too much sugar in it. So I do the dark chocolate and I eat it with a grape. Each piece of chocolate with a grape, it's so good. But yes, fulfilling life is just living life to the fullest and being truly in the physical. And if I can elaborate just a little, yes, go for it. I used to think that I had to work hard at being spiritual, but after

Alex Ferrari 1:50:50
I'm sorry, I'm laughing because it's it sounds ridiculous for people like for me, I'm like, you don't have to work hard at being spiritual. That's probably the easier thing. It should be. It should be the easiest thing to do

Anita Moorjani 1:51:01
That was my belief system before I died

Alex Ferrari 1:51:05
Again, you don't have to go through what Anita went through. Don't just watch this show. It'll be fine.

Anita Moorjani 1:51:10
And death taught me that you don't have to work at being spiritual. You already are. You're a spirit incarnate into a body. So, so the reason I'm here is just to live life fully as a physical being, and that's what I do. That's a fulfilling life beautiful.

Alex Ferrari 1:51:27
If you had a chance to go back in time and speak to a little Anita, what advice would you give her?

Anita Moorjani 1:51:32
I would tell her that she is very loved and worthy. I would want her to know that she has an amazing future ahead of her, and that a lot of people love her and see, I'm getting teary eyed just thinking of of talking to her, Oh, talking to her because she didn't know she was loved. She was so reticent and scared like a mouse.

Alex Ferrari 1:51:55
Oh, my God, that's so beautiful. And tell her, in 2002 it's gonna get rough. You. Don't say that. Don't say that, but 2000 2004 really gonna get rough. So, but then you meet Wayne Dyer, it'll be fine. How do you define God or source? Since you were closer to him than most of us have been, so

Anita Moorjani 1:52:18
I don't define God as a being. God is a state of being to me, and we all have access to that state. Yes, every single one of us, God is a state of being that comes through us, never separate from us.

Alex Ferrari 1:52:35
Beautifully said, What is love?

Anita Moorjani 1:52:37
Wow. Love is the absence of fear and love. When there is no fear or anger, then love is inevitable. It just is.

Alex Ferrari 1:52:47
It's the it's the default, it's the default that's, that's, it's the default play, that's the default chord in the universe. Yes, is love,

Anita Moorjani 1:52:56
And that's what unconditional love means. Because technically, the word unconditional in love, unconditional love, unconditional is redundant, because if it's not unconditional, then it's not love.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:11
Went deep down that one that's a whole lot, that's a whole podcast episode alone. And what is the ultimate purpose of this life?

Anita Moorjani 1:53:20
Experience and just getting a full rounded experience for your soul. And I like to think that we do evolve, so it's just part of our evolution as individuals and as a collective.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:34
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing.

Anita Moorjani 1:53:38
Thank you. My website, anitamoorjani.com and I'm on social media, all the usual social media, and I've got a few books out that I would love people to read.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:50
Yes, and do you have any parting messages for the audience?

Anita Moorjani 1:53:54
Well, the number one, most important thing is to laugh. Just laugh. Find things to laugh at, find things to laugh about. And the more you can laugh, the longer you live, and the more your life will be worth living. That's the biggest thing. And if all else fails, as I always say, eat chocolate. That always works.

Alex Ferrari 1:54:16
Anita, this has been one of the most beautiful conversations we've had on the show. I think it's going to help a lot a lot of people. I appreciate you your bravery for being authentic, waving your freak flag out so beautifully, we have laughed a lot in this conversation, and hopefully it can bring some joy and and peace to people around the world. So I appreciate you and everything you're doing to awaken this planet.

Anita Moorjani 1:54:37
Oh, wow, thank you, Alex. I really appreciate you, and I, your work is so important, I just can't say it enough. Thank you. Thank you, and you deserve all the success that's been coming your way.

Alex Ferrari 1:54:50
Appreciate you.

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