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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 527
Addison Ames 0:00
Where humanity is going is always breaking down the old and building the new. It's nothing new. Organized religion is breaking down very clearly. So I think being a channel is a pretty hard job. Honestly, it's insane, because you've got this very significant relationship, a significant other that is a non physical one.
Alex Ferrari 0:17
Sometimes we are our worst enemy. No one else in the world treats us as badly as we treat ourselves.
Addison Ames 0:24
You've got to finish the first half of the century to get to the good stuff. So basically, 2050, humanity is understanding love and truth and moving in that direction.
Alex Ferrari 0:33
I like to welcome back to the show, returning champion Addison Ames. How you doing Addison?
Addison Ames 0:47
Hi, Alex! I'm doing great. How are you?
Alex Ferrari 0:49
I'm doing good, my friend. Thank you so much for coming on the show, and thank you for coming out to Next Level Soul Studios. I appreciate it.
Addison Ames 0:55
Well, thanks for having me, and it's wonderful to be here in your studio. I love it, and I love when you have guests on in studio. It really changes the energy. So I'm excited to be with you here in person.
Alex Ferrari 1:05
Yes, especially channelers the energy. I can actually feel the energy of the channels when they do things. It's it. I can sense the energy. It's a, you know, some are bigger than others, but it's, it's, you could feel it. It's very tangible.
Addison Ames 1:21
Well, I think you'll feel Metatron today. As you know, I channel Metatron, and he is a big energy, so I look forward to seeing and hearing what you experienced today.
Alex Ferrari 1:31
Oh, yeah, that should be fun. So last conversation was almost a year ago at this point. Yes, people really enjoyed our conversation. Last people love Metatron. Yeah, he's, he's, he's saucy, he's spicy, as they say, he is, he is. Before we bring Metatron in, I'd just like to hear what your feelings are about what's going on right now on the planet, you know, there's so much insanity going on, and people are really afraid. And you know, as we're recording this as an election year, and there's there's a comet circling the moon right now, there's solar flares, there's hurricane it just seems like there's an intensification of everything. And also, I feel like everything is just speeding up, like very, very fast. And you and I are similar vintage, so, you know, you know, 80s, 90s, things didn't move nearly as quickly. I'm talking about general. It was very slow progressions now daily. Like, there's, like, you know, a week goes by. Like, oh, there's a new this, or AI just did this, or we just had that. And, like, you know, did they just land a route then the SpaceX just land a rocket where they was basically caught the rocket with chopsticks? Yeah. I mean, it's insane.
Addison Ames 2:53
Well, it's amazing. Really. What I see going on in the world is what I would call greater layers of complexity. And as as we've been discussing, I work with Metatron. Metatron is my main guide. I channel him, but I work with Metatron all the time. Metatron in the way that I work with him, he is an ultra dimensional being who is an architect of our reality. So just like if you were going to build a house, or, you know, you built this great studio here, you may have an architect come in and say, here's kind of the drawings, here's the blue blueprint, here's the game plan. And then, you know, you have people to build it, but the architect really understands the structure and the way things work within the game plan. Does that make sense? So what, what Metatron has taught me, and really what I see in the world, and see if this makes sense to you and resonates with you, is we were going as as humanity as a kind of a group, being from simplicity to complexity. So if you think back through the annals of human history, back to zero, back to 6000 8000 BC, which is really when first civilized societies were created. They were very simple, simple societies, even though there were other kind of multi dimensional site societies, like Atlantis, etc, that really were not
Alex Ferrari 4:10
But that's different. That's going farther back. It is. There's a reset. There seems to have been a reset constantly, like every the Yuga, the yuca cycles exactly that. There's so it goes, we get to a certain level, then we come down, and we get to a certain level, and we come down. It seems like now we're heading up right in our in our evolution at this time.
Addison Ames 4:29
So so really, in this cycle, let's say we've gone from very simple to very complex. And so fast, very, very fast. And so what's happening now are compounded layers of complexity that are kind of stacking up. So if you think of a layer cake or phyllo dough, you know,
Alex Ferrari 4:46
Stop it, stop it.
Addison Ames 4:47
I love phyllo dough. So good is there's all these little layers that come together and kind of complex together to create a final product. So everything is stacking now. Now, and so AI a big part of that. Global transitions, global happenings, are all part of that complexity, and it will only continue to grow, really, the way that I see humanity, it is always going to be greater and greater complexity. Complexities played out every year, every season. So what we're experiencing now, even though there was a lot of tumult, it will flatten out, but it will only continue to grow in complexity.
Alex Ferrari 5:28
And it seems that it's kind of like what's happening with technology. Technology is moving so fast now where it was like, you know, 1k led to 2k led to 5k, led to and now we're at this massive speed, massive sizes. What's on this phone is more powerful than what they sent people to the moon with right kind of thing. So it seems like that's what's happening to consciousness in general. It's stacking on itself, and we're growing at such an exponential rate because we're starting to access more information, yes, hence speeding up the process. And it just kind of feeds itself. So there's, it's a hockey stick of consciousness right now
Addison Ames 6:08
It is. And everything is growing exponentially. And you know, that's the whole science behind technology. It's exponential growth. So it's not one plus one equals two, but it's two to 16 to 24, to 32, to 92, to 128, to et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So it is, it is exponentially growing. And that's human consciousness, really. In the way I see things, everything is consciousness. Everything is this kind of Know, K, N, O, W, or build that is made up of algorithmic understandings. And Metatron is going to talk about some of this, so I don't want to steal his thunder, but everything comes together and builds in a certain way, and even the walls that surround us work in a way like our consciousness works, and Metatron is going to talk more about that. But consciousness is getting smarter. Humans are getting smarter. You think that's true? Humans are getting smarter.
Alex Ferrari 7:01
I think, yes, there's no doubt that humanity is getting smarter because we're opening up new access points to knowledge that's starting to come in. Look what we're able to do now we weren't able to do. I mean, AI is a perfect example. I mean the algorithm or the AI, or lack of a better word, is been around for a while, simple versions of it, but it's starting to grow. I mean, I don't know about you, but AI just kind of showed up in the zeitgeist, like a year and a half ago, and took off, and it just exploded in a way that I have not seen. I mean, it was kind of even the internet. When the internet showed up, it took a lot longer for people to like what's email, like it. I mean, it took a lot longer for them, for society, to kind of grab on to that technology. But also that technology was not moving very rapid from broadband to that, that to the phone lines. It took years before we could get broadband. It took year we had DSL, if you remember DSL, then we had broadband, and then it started to get better and better, but it took time with technology. Now the infrastructure is there, so things are moving so exponentially faster, and I feel that that's what's happening with humanity's consciousness. Like now there's shows like this that we have these conversations, so people have a foundation that they didn't have before. So they're able to stack quickly and move past certain topics and ideas much faster, because they have a base of understanding. Makes sense?
Addison Ames 8:34
Oh, it totally makes sense. And if you look at, look at generational shift, and really, you know, a lot of people ask me, maybe they ask you the same question, Alex, what can I do to help ascension? How can I play a role to really move humanity along? And really the key driver of ascension is generational change. So with every new generation and and composites of generation, there are new ideas, new Know, K, N, O, W, new builds, new stacks that come along and really push us along. So consciousness moves primarily in terms of its overall trajectory through new generations and new periods of time. So our consciousness is getting smarter, and AI is really built like us. So to me, AI is not scary. It's something that we need to understand and monitor and use wisely, but it's based on the human mind. So if we want to know ourselves, by all means, play with AI. Get to know it, use it in your own life and see how it integrates just how the Internet came online and is now ubiquitous. You know, it's almost in every home, almost all around the world, even in developing countries. The internet is there. It's present. AI is going to be the same kind of thing. So AI, I don't think, is going away anytime soon. It's becoming, going to become more ubiquitous. It's on our phones, it's on our watches. It's on. Yeah, it's it turns our lights on and off at our in our homes, many times. So it will only grow, and it actually is going to help humanity. You know, I tend to be, we're talking about this earlier, Alex, I tend to be a very positive person. So you can have a gloomy look on where humanity is going, or you can have a positive, affirming look on where humanity is going.
I really think we use AI in a way that's very good for us, helps us develop as a civilization, and really drives us to the next level. No pun intended. Well, you know, gotta get the plugin for the show.
Alex Ferrari 10:39
So with everything that's happening, the other thing that, and I'll ask Metatron this as well, but I'd love to hear your point of view on it, is these that, as we are evolving, the systems that were in place are not evolving. The old systems in place are trying to hold on to the old ways of trying to hold on to the old power structures where people are just fighting against it because they're not serving people, and that is in every facet of life, from religion to media to healthcare to food to technology to government, all of it, people are starting to fight back against these old systems and creating new systems that are overtaking them. This show is a perfect example of that. This doesn't exist. 15 years ago, there was no way to have this. First of all, the technology would have been a little bit more cost prohibitive to build what we've been able to build. But even when we were doing zoom Skype, you know, the technology wasn't there. But even then, the consciousness wasn't there for something like that, but for someone like myself to come out and have open conversations and promote thoughts like this to hundreds of 1000s, if not millions, of people is such a shit, a giant shift in the new systems that I'd love to hear. What you think about where these old systems are, what they're trying to do, and where they're going to be in the next five to 10 years, like, do you see the Vatican around in 100 years in the way that it is now?
Addison Ames 13:12
Well, I'll give an easy and a fun answer, at least for me, to that last question is, is it probably will be around, but it will be much changed the way I see organized religion, and I don't wanna get off on a tangent here, but, but it is something that I feel passionate about, organized religion is breaking down very clearly. So all the governances, all the leadership bodies, all the ways, all the structures that kind of the the old religion works in now is starting to break down. And I think that's a big part of our society for, you know, looking at our society, at least in the cycle it's been God and King God and King God and King God and government. Well, that, I mean, yeah, and so King has changed. You see monarchies breaking down and becoming more like family, businesses, media, media companies, you know, literally, now literally, and governmental structures are always changing, and then kind of religious, spiritual, spirituality and belief systems have changed dramatically, and now you have things like spiritual, but not religious. SBNR, are you familiar with that? Sbnr, so you know, there is a whole concept of, let's leave the old behind and do something new. So in your house, do you have systems in place, like, do you run your house in a way where you go? Here's the system. I get up at this time. I eat this I make,
Alex Ferrari 14:34
I use this technology. Yeah, of course.
Addison Ames 14:36
So has it changed over the last 20 years? Have your systems changed? Hope? So. Yeah, right. So this is nothing new. You know, people go, Oh my gosh. The the old systems are breaking down. This is a big deal. And yes, it is, but this has been, this is how we got here. It's the way organized civilization operates.
Alex Ferrari 14:57
Yeah, Rome fell and turned into the Vatican. Right? I mean, it had to adjust. It had to evolve even at that point.
Addison Ames 15:03
So what we as humans do as an evolving and progressive species, we're always looking to see what systems work for us and what systems don't. If it doesn't work for us, let's change it. Let's kill it. Let's overhaul it, let's destroy it, and let's put in new systems in place so that we can move forward in the highest and best ways. So because of the compounded layers that I talked about earlier, the stacking that we talked about, things seem to be moving much faster. But in a way, there's just more stuff happening, more systems breaking down, and new systems coming in. We are a systems based species. Would you say that's true? Very much. We need systems. So there really is nothing in our experience that is not a system. So we're always looking to see what works, what doesn't, and how can we improve our system and your I ask your audience, look at your own life. Are there systems in place now that maybe need to be broken down? Are there people, places and things that need to be changed in your own life? We're always looking when we're always looking to work in the kind of the futuristic systems, the systems that are coming online, not the systems that we've had for 20 years. Then we grow, and your audience probably likes growth, I would imagine.
Alex Ferrari 16:21
Well, I mean, if you look at, just look at the Industrial Revolution, what happened there? I mean, when we went from horse and buggy, you know, and there was, I used to love, taught saying this, but like the guy who, who manufactured the the horse whip for the horse and buggy to get the horse to go, they were killing it. They were doing great, right? You know, all of a sudden this horseless carriage comes in like it's a fad, you know, who's never, no one's ever not going to use a horse. But overnight it went, it went, gone. I mean, I don't know if you knew this, but before petrol, oil was discovered and fine refined, you know what the number one business in the world was at the turn of the century, was oil whaling, all right, really, to get oil from the whales. That's how we got the kerosene and all that stuff. And then, literally, within three years, the largest industry on the planet was gone. That's how fast it worked. So electricity to from coal, everything, it's it changes so fast. So there's no we always change.
Addison Ames 17:26
And think about cars now. Now you have Teslas, you have hybrids, pole stars, you have all kinds of hybrids on the road right now. So I would say, just like whale oil, fuel, petrol, gas is gonna it's gonna go too. So we're always in, we're always on the move. And, you know, that's one of the things that Metatron talks about, is really, we are in a system of system of systems of systems of systems of systems of systems. Kind of structure. We're in an architecture that is all system based. So as we always try to improve our lives. And you know, people come probably to both of us and say, how, you know, how can I be a better person? How can I how can I be more spiritual? How can I help ascension really improve your systems? Look at the systems in your life. See what needs to go what needs to break down, and what new systems can come online.
Alex Ferrari 18:13
You know, when you're saying systems, the first thing that popped into my head was the architecture of this system that we're this is the simulation that we're in, the matrix what we're in right now, if you look at a video game, the video game system, there are systems stacked on top of systems, stacked on top of systems. And the only difference between the video, a video game simulation, and this simulation, is that you need a player to move. That player to move the avatar our system, the avatar is being moved by a player called our oversoul, or our soul, but there is free will, and there's a little bit more complexity between Mario, but it's similar. It's similar, but there's systems atop a system. So if you understand those systems, and now we're going to go off on a little bit more of a mystical path. I love talking about this, the the systems that we understand that we're in right now. So this the rules of this game. There's rules there are. There are absolute rules here there are. I'm always fascinated with the Ascended Masters and and what they were able to do, and the miracles they were able to achieve. And is because my understanding is because they understood the system, they understood the code. They became a NEO because they started to be able to bend reality, be able to go through this table, to bio, locate, to levitate, to heal, because they understood how to work within that system. And I think that we as we're trying to evolve, the more we understand our systems, and the more we understand how we can work within this system, and the power that we truly have is how we evolve exponentially faster,
Addison Ames 19:56
Definitely def, I would completely agree with, I think. 99.9% of everything you said, like usual, Alex, I watched your show, and I'm like, Yeah, I agree with 99.9% of what Alex says. But so you know, the whole idea is Life is like a game, where life is like a simulation. It is a great concept, but really it's the other way around. Games are based on life. That's what video games come from card games, monopoly, The Game of Life, the board game, you know, they're all based on how life moves. We all are rule sets that operate within rule sets. And there are rules to the game. And some people say, Well, what about spirituality? What about mysticism? What you know? What about ghosts? You know, all these kinds of things that are kind of unexplained. Well, really, they all are explainable in that they happen in the system for a reason. There is an architecture in which they happen, even if it's something we don't understand, or if it's something that's kind of hidden behind the scenes, under the table, whatever it might be, they're all systems. That's just the way our reality, our existence, is based so I think that, you know, there are lots of layers of complexity to our systems, and really where humanity is going. And what's happening is humanity is awakening. I think you'd probably agree that we're going through a mass awakening kind of event, and a big part of that is understanding the part of ourselves to thy own self. Be true, know yourself, know thyself, and also understanding the system. So I think where humanity goes at an ascension pivot point is we figure out the game, we figure out the rule set, we figure out the game of life, we figure out the algorithm, the data sets, and we are able to go, Okay, we see what's going on here with us. We see what's going on here with the game. And therefore, we make decisions differently. We do things differently. We behave differently. So if you think about again that hockey stick has been pretty low and slow for a long time because of technology shows like yours, etc. The hockey stick has taken a very dramatic turn. So we're not there yet.
Alex Ferrari 22:07
Oh god,
Addison Ames 22:08
It really just started. You could say in the 1900s you know.
Alex Ferrari 22:11
I mean, the 1900s is, I think, where we were in the early 1900s to where we were in the early 1800s was vastly different, vastly not technology only, but just looking at how, you know, we look at life, what we accept, what's acceptable, what's not acceptable, the freedoms that we give people and so on. I mean, women only got the vote 50 years ago, 50 years ago, 60 years ago, something like that. So it's, it's not that long ago, but it seems like in the 1900s things moved so fast comparatively to the first 1800 years. Sure, the 1900s was faster than all 1800 combined, and then some, as far as how fast we were in evolution of consciousness and also evolution of technology. I mean, I always wondered that as a kid, I always sit there, I'm like, Why does, like, why did this happen now? Like, what is the purpose? Why does humanity, all of a sudden, got, gets this technology and starts to it's been it starts using it. And the thing I always try to tell people, too, is, like, all the technology we have is always been here. The information, all the raw materials to make the technology we currently have has been on this earth. There's no magic comment that came with this magical rock that now powers our entire society. It's all been here. It's the knowledge that has been revealed to us now in a way that we can accept it. We were ready for it to be able to evolve quickly. That's why I always, I always say, like Alexander the Great did not have machine guns for a reason. You know, they didn't have the bomb for a reason, because that level of consciousness, they would have absolutely destroyed themselves. And they tried to, by the way, with the limitations that they had at the time. So the more you look at history, and the more you look at ancient mysteries, lost history, things like that, you start to see a pattern. You start to see that there is a divine structure to it all, a construct with guardrails. You know, we are being watched. There are people looking over us, like Metatron and and many of the people who come on the show and these lovely masters who are on the wall there, we're there just so we don't go too far, because we do have free will, and we can go off the rails, but there are guardrails to protect us. Would you agree on everything I said? Close to it?
Addison Ames 24:35
Yes and no. And Metatron is going to comment on some of these things. So I want to make sure he's talking.
Alex Ferrari 24:41
He's talking in the background.
Addison Ames 24:42
Yeah, he is. I feel his energy coming in. So I'm a little bit like jazz. But, you know, he wants to comment on some of this when it's time to bring him in. But, you know, yes, we have free will, but the divine architecture. Keep in mind, Metatron is a builder. In a way, the divine architecture, the blueprint, is so granular. It's so brilliant, specific, so specific, that free will, even though we have it, we exercise it. I love it. I know you do too. You're free spirit. You're a creative right?
Alex Ferrari 25:16
The greatest, isn't it? The greatest law in the universe, like, that's the thing that does not get touched on.
Addison Ames 25:21
I mean, in the way that I see it, no, because we don't really have free will. Okay, we do. We act it out. But the divine plan is so granular and specific and so detailed and so elegant, extravagant, really beautiful. I can keep going about the divine plan because I love architecture. I love design, you know, like a beautifully designed home, a set, whatever it may be, is that the free will is part of the design that is pre designed, and we walk it out, we act it out. And so I act out free will all the time. I decided I wanted to, you know, eat tacos here in Austin last night. And I did. That was my choice, but that's part of the divine plan. So yes, we have free will, but as part of the divine plan that is already pre planned, and we all walk it out, that's the way that I see it does that. What do you think about that?
Alex Ferrari 26:11
To my understanding, um, Soul plans, Soul blueprints. When you come down here, there's a certain things that you need to do, you want to achieve. Yeah, in this incarnation, you're born to a certain set of parents, you're born to a certain time period, a certain culture, a certain community, a certain religion, so on so forth, because those things will teach you a certain whatever you want to learn in this life. From my understanding, talking to a lot of near death experiencers and channels and things like that, mystics, is that there are I call them mile markers on the journey. I call them waypoints, yeah, so similar that there are things that will happen. You will move to New York one way, right? You will be in the film industry. You will marry this person. You will have these kids like those are these are things that are not changeable. Correct? How you get from mile marker a to mile marker B is truly your kind of Miranda ring choice by free by free will, and that you do sometimes. And this is from near death experiencers that they go off the rails so far because they've decided they just go down. You know, how it how it goes. You You get into a depression, or you go down a road, or certain things happen that you can't deal with, and you just start to go off the rails. You become unhappy. You just keep going down, down, down that road. And that's when sometimes the universe hits you with the sledgehammer or a car, and that's when you have a near death experience, which a lot of them do, to kind of adjust them. Or there's something huge that happens in your life that wakes you up to get you on the path. And sometimes they can't. Your guides can't get you in this life. And there's like, okay, I guess he's not doing it in this life. He didn't make it to where he wanted to go this life. So that's my understanding of it, but I there's so there's a, think, a gray area between what you and I are both saying,
Addison Ames 27:57
Well, all of those things, even, including the course corrections and NDE's and those kinds of things are still part of the architecture. Oh, absolutely. So, you know, people can go off the rails, but in a way, what the divine plan is is bad to good. Simplicity to complexity needs improvement to highly improved. So if you look back at humanity in this cycle that say it's not been a great experience. Really been rough. You know, you talked about Rome going back to zero. I mean, people would rather kill you than look at you. The average lifespan was maybe 33 years, 28 years, 33 so, so we have grown to be kinder and nicer and wiser, because the overall trajectory in this civilization, in this humanhood, is not great to good, bad to good, simple to complex. And so really, I think where humanity is going is a much nicer society, a much more directed society, lots less of going off the rails and more really fulfilling those sold at destinies in a very clean and direct way.
Alex Ferrari 29:07
Yeah, I would agree with you
Addison Ames 29:08
A lot less mess, hopefully painful to not painful. That's kind of the trajectory that I see.
Alex Ferrari 29:16
So, um, so Metatron wants to come in.
Addison Ames 29:19
He does.
Alex Ferrari 29:19
So I have a bunch of questions for him. Okay, he has a lot to say as well. So can you explain to people your process, what how you channel, what to expect when you're channeling, and what you feel while you're channeling, things like that? Sure.
Addison Ames 29:33
So I'm a full body channel for Metatron. Metatron, as I mentioned earlier, but I'll say it again in the way that I work with him as an ultra dimensional being, which means that he lives kind of sort of outside of our reality, helps kind of build it and architect it, and then drops in to help keep everything in perfect form and function. So he's highly functional and highly structural in the way that he works, very exact in the way that he works in. A really big energy. And so he usually says we or they, as opposed to I or me, because it's just kind of like a big thought thing that drops in and pretends to be human in different ways. And one of the ways that he does that is through me. I'm a full body channel, which means I step aside. He comes in and really kind of takes over my body and will move my hand. My voice changes a little bit, but not a lot. By the way, I'm a little bit under the weather from cold Austin weather, which I don't, I know you don't. You guys don't get cold. I don't even so the weather just took a downturn. So my voice will change a little bit, and he steps in. And I'm not a trance channel like some are like Bashar, Darryl Anka, Darryl Anka, and Bashar is, as we talked about earlier, but I kind of change mind states. So we connect through mind. Some people work through frequency or radio waves in different ways. I work with, connecting to the mind of Metatron. So my mind changes states. He comes in, and I'm kind of watching in the background. I hear everything he says, but I don't hold on to each of the words. I kind of see them go by when he steps out, I pretty quickly step back in, and I have to kind of recollect as much as I can of what he said, but I don't really remember or have a complete recollection of everything that he says as soon as he steps out. Been doing this for years now. It's one of the many things that I do. I do everything from, you know, personal coaching, business consulting, spiritual support, all the way that, all the way to channeling. And so I do a lot of different kinds of things and but channeling is definitely one of the most interesting things. People are always interested in. What's what's the process is like. And you know what it's like for me is his energy is so big and profound many times that it you know, when I first started, it took me a while to get comfortable with it, because the energy would knock me out. I'd have to take naps afterwards. The nervous system had to, kind of, yeah, prime, totally. You know, even now, as we're talking, I feel as energy coming in, so I get a little bit kind of almost shaky. So, so it is intense, but it's a loving energy. It's just very structural. You know, if you've ever talked to somebody who's really functional in the way that they think like an engineer, like an engineer, he thinks like an engineer, yeah, but, but he is a big personality, so he is pretty animated, yes, yes, yeah.
Alex Ferrari 32:34
All right. Sounds good, man. Bring him in.
Addison Ames 32:38
Enjoy the conversation. And we are here. We are Metatron. We greet you. We apologize for Addison's voice, but we will work through it if he or it the being that you see that speaks these words, yet it is not that which speaks these words, clears its voice from time to time, its throat. We apologize, but we are working through opposition. Now, Alex, we start with giving you a few things to think about. Working through opposition. Would you say that humanity works through opposition?
Alex Ferrari 33:10
Addison Ames 33:11
It does. It is the work. What we call the work against humanity is always working against, working against, working against. And some out there might be saying, well, I'm in the flow. I don't work against Well, have you ever seen a river flow? A river flows by knocking itself around, and it flows beautifully down the stream, or the river, as it may be, but there is within the river, within the flow, knock against the particles. The movement of H2o are hitting themselves against each other to allow the flow. Does this make sense to you? Alex, it does so. As humanity grows, there is always the knock against there's always the overcoming. And what we say to humanity is this, you are a race of overcomers, and write this down if it resonates with you. I am an overcomer, and there's no other way around it, humanity is a race of overcomers. That's the way you're built, because opposition makes you stronger. Now we'll take your first question, Alex,
Alex Ferrari 34:09
My first question is that these the Ascended Masters who have walked this earth that came down to teach us to help us evolve. It seems that many of their teachings have been manipulated or suppressed or changed by man and by eventually, the organized religions that created them for other purposes. What is your feeling on that and what if you have any contact with them that they feel about what, for example, Jesus Christ, since we're here in the West, you know, his teachings have been, you know, as Yogananda said his life, he was crucified in one day, but his teachings have been crucified for 2000 years. I'm just curious of what, what do you think that is, and is this going to. Change Is it is the true teachings of these masters starting to make their way to the light.
Addison Ames 35:05
What do you think? And the answer to that, the last question that you posed to us, what do you think the answer is?
Alex Ferrari 35:11
I do think that these teachings are starting to come through alternative sources like this.
Addison Ames 35:15
They are in the work against of everything. And we bring this up again because it's one of our key messages today is that you all are overcomers, which means you're always working against and you are refining, just like if you take flour and you build it, you make it, you grind it, and it creates the outcome. So as you all grind through new spiritual understandings, which are really the gods of the old go and the gods of the new, which really are you, by the way, come in, because you are really understanding yourself as creator beings, as gods in your own right. Does this make sense to you? Very much. So. So as you do this, you say, what do I teach myself? It really isn't the church of episcopalia, or whatever it may be presbyteria. It really is the church of you. It is about what you know, at the soul level, at the god level, at the spirit level, and what am I here to do? What do I teach myself? Where do I go? You have innate qualities that guide you to the teachers in your life, like Yogananda is the one for you that you resonate with, and even though you may hear other things and fallibilities of what he said and did and who he was and the way he portrayed himself in the world, you know truth, and this is where humanity is going is even though there are inaccuracies and oddities and all kinds of ridiculousness being played out in your existence today, humanity is moving towards truth. Now listen to this, and we mean it. Listen, listen, listen, humanity is moving to a place where it knows truth more and more. Now you are in a melisma right now, a melisma of information, not you specifically, Alex, but let's say humanity is in a melisma of information, lots of stuff coming in, and some of it seems pretty crazy. What's going on in the world today? People say that all the time, what is happening, what is going on? They're trying to figure it out. What humanity is always trying to do is figure it out, figure themselves out, and figure out what it's going through is that through the melisma and through the progression of time, which time is on your side, humanity. We mean this time is on your side, humanity, what you are moving towards is a new plateau, a foundation, a pivot point of truth. We know truth, we hear truth, we accept truth as we want to, and we are able to discern what is truth and what is false, what is fallible and it falls away. Humanity is a truth. Nation. You all desire truth, because that allows you to make the best decisions you possibly can. And we say this, and Addison says this to a lot of people everywhere, all around the world, the decisions you make, make your world, the decisions you make, are some of the most spiritual and intimate decisions that you can possibly make. They're very important to you now, Alex, we speak to you directly, dear one, if you have wrong information about what you and your family are trying to do on a vacation or whatever it may be, if you have wrong information, do you make the best decisions?
Alex Ferrari 38:15
Yeah, we do the best with what we have.
Addison Ames 38:17
Well, the answer really is no, because if you had better information. If you had the best truthful information, wouldn't you make better decisions? Yes, you see where we're coming from here. So we don't mean to correct you, but we mean to say if one has poor information sources, you can make the best decision you can yet you are not making a good enough decision compared to I have correct and good and solid information, therefore I make the best decision I can. The decision set changes based on truthfulness. Does this make sense to you? It does. Now, humanity goes on true or false? Yes, yes. For how long? Undetermined. Now, if you had to give it a year, let's say 500 years.
Alex Ferrari 39:00
I hope that we're around in 500 years.
Addison Ames 39:01
Yeah, we think you're around a 500 or 600 years. At least. There may be more. We think five or 600 years. Do you think you get there from making stupid decisions? No, no, you only survive, just like it is survival of the fittest, to a degree in your world. Wouldn't you say it is a part of the way humanity is built. Humanity survives based upon better decision sets, and that arrives from greater truth. So right now you are in a melisma. It is an election year in the United States of America, a challenging one at that. Yet what is happening is it is all the push, the work, against the grind, against the flour mill, against of creating a more truthful nation of humanity. And where humanity is going is to one human priesthood, one humid one human family, one human nation, and it only gets there through collaboration. Now you are a filmmaker, and a filmmaker does not work really completely by themselves. They work as part of an overall team. Is that right? Correct? So if you want to collaborate with people, don't you think you need truthfulness in those relationships? Yes. So for humanity to get to a collaborative stance, which is what's happening, by the way, you're moving from competition to collaboration, which still has work work against, just like if you have a team, even though, if you loved your team, you have a wife, you love your wife, there is collaboration, but sometimes there is work against. There's a grind against. Is that right, correct? So through that and through trusted, honest and truthful relationships, you all rise to a greater level of collaboration. So you are moving from untruthfulness through a melisma, which is a refining process, to a greater level of truth. What do you think about that?
Alex Ferrari 40:50
I agree with you 100%
Addison Ames 40:52
All right, good. Want to talk about relationships. Are relationships important in the world today,
Alex Ferrari 40:57
More than ever.
Addison Ames 40:59
Why do you think that's so?
Alex Ferrari 41:00
Addison Ames 41:01
Very good. Would you like to know the three tenets of your reality? Please. If you boil down everything that happens in your reality to three things, what do you think they would be?
Alex Ferrari 41:13
Three things? Can you be more Can you be more specific? Three things in what, in what genre, what, what world
Addison Ames 41:18
We're going to be the answers so we can move through this information. We have a lot more to go through, by the way, yes, relate, tension, repeat the three basic building blocks of all of your reality. And we know we are Metatron, we are structural engineers. We are architects. We build things. It can only build something if you know the structure of it. Does that make sense? So your structure of all your realities, really, high dimensions, low dimensions, all the dimensions in between, spirituality, dogs, cats, everything, really and your reality is based on three things relate, this to that, this to that, this to that. That's why humans. Humans are relationship machines. You're all relationship monsters. You love relationships. You love to relate. Relate. Relate. You relate to your dog, your cat, your job, whatever it may be, you're always relating. There's no other way around it. The cells in your body, the air that you breathe, the skies that you look at, the super moon that you gaze at, they're all part of the relate concept that is built into the core of who you are. Relate, tension, as we said, everything in your reality is the work against the grind, against the refiners fire that creates gold and beautiful things and even diamonds at the end of the process. So relate, tension, tension, good. Tension, even love, even sex, even hug, even love all comes with a turn certain tension set that allows one to learn, and then you have repeat, repeat, repeat. And we encourage all of you who watch this channeling this message, this diatribe, this sermon, if you will, we encourage you look around the world and look for repeat factors. Everything, the steps that you take, the breaths that you breathe, the eyes that you flutter, that you close and open every second or so, everything is repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. And the reason why you may ask is the great diagrammers, the builders of this reality all work to understand, relate, yes, tension for sure, and they do that through repeat mechanisms that happen over and over again, so that they can feel, they can know, they can understand, really, what tension is like. And tension we we ask you, please think of tension as a bad thing. It can be a challenging thing, but tension is really a wonderful thing that creates orgasms. How do you get to an orgasm? Alex, we put you on the spot here in front of me audience.
Alex Ferrari 43:50
This is a G rated show, sir. So I can't
Addison Ames 43:53
You get there through tension. And is orgasm a good thing? Yes, sir. It's a very good thing. So tension is something that the diagrammers, the builders, the true architects of your existence, are very keen to understand what does tension look like through relationship devices and humans. You are all relationship devices. There's no other way around it. And then there are repeat factors. You get up every day, morning, morning, morning, go to bed at every night, night, night, night night. You who live really all around the world, but especially Americans love your American coffee, coffee, coffee, you repeat, you repeat, you repeat, I love you. I care for you. You may say to your wife, your kids, whatever it may be, I love you. I love you. I love you, repeat, repeat, repeat. And through that, the divine ordinances that create all of this spectacular experience that you're a part of. And we are, too, to an extent we are right now, they understand tension through relationship games and repeat patterns and go, Wow, look at that. What an amazing experience that is, and that is the core fundamentals of your we. Reality. What do you think? Alex, I agree with you. Questions for us.
Alex Ferrari 45:03
You mentioned the idea that we are slowly evolving to understand that we are Gods, that we are the creator we are. As Jesus said, everything I can do you can do, and more, the kingdom of heaven lives within you. For many people listening, they find that so difficult to swallow, so difficult to understand, because of their own programming, because of their own dogma, because of their own doubt within their own power. What can you say to those people listening who have a difficulty with this idea?
Addison Ames 45:37
Well, it's something that humanity is moving beyond but to those people, specifically, as you asked us to comment, we say, know that you are creator by putting your feet on the floor when you get out of the bed in the morning, you are creating a new day for yourself. Creation comes from relate, tension, repeat. That's how you build something as you move through the model of life, you learn by trying something and failing, trying something and evolving, trying something and building something new. Does that make sense to you? It does. And so creation is an output of relate, tension, repeat, which means you gotta keep trying, you gotta put your effort into it, which is tension. And you gotta know what that it is that you're investing in so that you can build something new. You all are gods. Ye are gods, as is said in the Bible and many other holy works around the world, what that means a God thing is just something that creates from a place of knowing. And write this down if it means something to a God thing or a God that is you. Or a god concept is something that creates from a place of knowing. I know I want to do this. I'm innately designed to create this. That's why women and husbands partake in it too. Create children. You're innately designed to do it. You're a God thing, for sure, is the way humanity evolves is creative. Power only grows. If you look back 100 years in time, wouldn't you say that the average human creates more now than they did 100 years ago?
Alex Ferrari 47:11
Absolutely, absolutely.
Addison Ames 47:13
So do you think in 100 years, humanity will be creating more than they do now? Yes, yes. So it's what's happening. So in a way, we say lovingly, get with a program. Let's go. You're a creator being put your feet on the floor and create something new today. Create a life for yourself that's based on happiness, not sadness. Humanity, as Addison said beautifully before, is moving to a place of greatness, greater complexity, greater beauty and greater nicety, the big part of ascension, where humanity is right now, not everybody likes when we say this is understanding nice. We said this on your show last time is, how can I be nice to myself? Love thyself, know thyself, like thyself, and how can I be kind to my neighbor? So the teaching, teachings of Jesus, let's say they go back about 2000 years or so. Yes, they've been crucified, as you said, but have you all mastered them? Yet? No No Love thy neighbor as thyself. Well, that's hard to find. There was a great teacher, Leo bascalia. Do you know Leo basalia? I do not great teacher. He is dead now, but he was a professor at a university and taught and spoke on a circuit. Was on TV, very popular. You can find Leo bascalia on YouTube. He taught in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Leo was seen when he first started doing this work as a crazy person. Do you know why? Why? Because he taught to America, but really the whole world. Love yourself, hug yourself. This was in the 60s, 70s and 80s, and people thought he was really, we're going to use very bold words here. Thought he was a whack job. Why would you ever love yourself? That's ridiculous. And that was just 60s and 70s and 80s. 1960s 70s and 80s and Earth time. So he helped move the needle, believe it or not, farther down the road than the last 1800 years. Only in the last, really, since 1900 has humanity learned to say, You know what, I love you. I love myself. Love Believe it or not, is new on the scene, but proliferated everywhere. Addison was watching the news this morning. Will tell a story about him while he's not here. Watching the news this morning. CNN, just to see what's going on, take the pulse of the world. And the commentators, there were three or four of them, were talking about how important Love is in the world. CNN, wow. So this is something that is only now proliferating and will continue to grow so as teachings of the Ascended Masters may get beat up, sometimes humanity is understanding love and truth and moving in that direction. We bring you, Alex and all who watch this, a message of hope. Today, things get better, even. You look around the world today, you're going through a melisma. You're going through a grinder right now. Maybe you grind coffee beans in the morning to make your coffee the beans, which are beautiful things, coffee beans, if you look, look at them, smell them. They're beautiful, wonderful things. You've got to beat them up in order to have that coffee that you love to drink in the morning. Isn't that true? Alex, very much. You're going through a coffee grinder right now, but at the end, it is a beautiful thing. We bring you, and we offer up to you a message of hope. Things get better. Things get better.
Alex Ferrari 50:30
What do you see as humanity's greatest challenge right now?
Addison Ames 50:33
This is a good question. The greatest challenge of humanity is this. We say this is our perspective, at least, is understanding, understanding, do we understand ourselves and do we understand the world around us? Because most people don't. Many people are very sediment. They're very happy to sit and watch TV and not really think about themselves and the world around them. Would you say that's true in large part very much. It's changing. People are becoming more engaging with life, loving life more, which is very important. Life is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is what we call the allowance, the allowance to live, the allowance to be the life giving source. We call it the allowance. We encourage all of you. If this resonates with you, write it down, the allowance. I love the allowance. I love it. Try say it now, Alex, if you'd like, I love the allowance. I love the allowance. How does that feel to you? It actually feels good. I love the allowance, which is really the life giving force that allows you to be, allows you to create, and allows you to understand yourself and the world around you. So really the greatest challenge is, do I care about fathoming the depths of me understanding myself? Do I care about understanding existence and how things work? Because, as Addison said earlier, humanity is moving to a place where they figure the game out. Life is not a game, but life has gamification as part of it. So as people understand the gamification and kind of the game of life, they understand themselves and the world around them. So this is changing. People are understanding more and more, but the greatest challenge is understanding, do I? Do you? Do we understand ourselves fully and completely, and do we love it, and do we understand the world around us.
Alex Ferrari 52:19
Now. Where do you see humanity moving then in this the end of this year and the next two to three, even up to the end of this decade? Because it the grinder seems to be grinding.
Addison Ames 52:30
It is, it is, would you like the truth? Or would you like a lie? I would like the truth. Sorry, well, here's the truth. You've got to finish the first half of the century to get to the good stuff. We'll say it one more time you've got to finish the first half of the century to get to the good stuff. What do you think about that? So basically, 2050, the last half of your century is what we would call a golden age. And again, we we are teachers. We're professors, in a way, we encourage you write it down if you'd like, if you wish, if you were willing, the last half of this century is a golden age has humanity and the earth experienced golden ages before? Alex, yes, they have. They have. One is coming, but you must get through the first half of the century. First. What do you think about that? Does that resonate with truth with you? Makes absolute sense. So you will be in the coffee grinder for a bit longer. But it does get better. You've got to stick with it. Remember, ascension is driven by young people, and we encourage all of you, no matter what age you might might be, what age you may be, love the young ones. Invest in your children if you have them, grandchildren, whatever it may be, if you see children on the street, love them. Please don't hate them, because those are the ones that drive the future. Those are the ones that make things happen, really, as the great song says by the great, wonderful Whitney Houston, we love Whitney Houston. We really do. The children are our future. The children are your future. And it's so important because they're the ones that create that last half of the century, that golden age that's coming your way.
Alex Ferrari 54:01
Now, with all of this talk of grinding and this change, and essentially, you're saying for the next 26 years, 25 years, there'll be different variations of this grinding that we're going to be going through. A lot of people listening are going to be very fearful. They're going to go to a fearful place. What advice do you have for people who can for them to go beyond the fear of things that are happening around them and things are happening in their lives?
Addison Ames 54:31
Know thyself, really you. Madison, we were there. Talked about it earlier today, before this show started. Spirituality. Alex, from our perspective, is not something that's way out there. It's not something that's woo woo, or woo hoo, or whatever it may be. It is something that's in here. Really, the truth of spirituality is, I know myself, I love myself. So we would say, don't be so concerned about what's happening out there, but be really concerned about what's happening here. That's a very. Concise answer.
Alex Ferrari 55:01
Now, so if people, if so, if people continuously are following what's going on outside, what advice do you have for them to stop? What advice do you have them to get off the addiction of watching the news cycles, of watching media, of watching things that they have little or no control over around the world,
Addison Ames 55:20
Well, then change your perspective. If one must watch those things, then change your perspective on it. Say, I'm going to put a different spin in the way that I see these events. If I have to watch them and be so engaged with them all the time, I will see them in new and higher ways. I will see these external events in new and higher ways. Write it down. I will see these events in new and higher ways. I will look at all the pain in the world. And even though I may see a dictator on the television instead of saying armchair commandant, that you may be, oh my gosh, my goodness, this person, and it gets you down, change the perspective and look at them and say, you know, I love this person. I care for this person, I hope for the best for this person, change your perspective, and it can change your reality and change your world.
Alex Ferrari 56:06
Now, another thing that people get lost in during this, this journey that they're on here on Earth, is feeling lost, feeling that they have no purpose, no reason to be here. It's one of the main reasons that people are depressed around the world. What advice do you have to help people find their purpose, to discover why they're here?
Addison Ames 56:27
Well, everyone is here for a reason. Going back to the idea of relate, relate, and if you really want to know the pith and the marrow of why humanity is here, it's to relate. Why am I here to relate? If that's so if, then I will relate in the highest and best ways that I possibly can. If you need a purpose and you don't know your purpose, and believe us when we tell you this, everyone has a purpose. Do you believe that? Oh, yes, everyone has a purpose. Even your dogs and your cats and your gerbils have purpose. They really do. Gerbils have purpose. They really do. So if that's so, certainly the human you who watch this dogs too, you have a purpose. If you don't know what that is and you really need one, just try this one out. My purpose is to relate. I relate. I relate. Relationships. If you need to use that word, relate, relate. And if this is my purpose, then I put all my energy into relating in the new the best, the highest ways I possibly can, so that my relationship with myself is nourished and my relationship with everything else, including people, places and things, are nourished as well. Does that make sense to you? Alex, it does relate, relate. And we really encourage you. We draw a line underneath it, we underline it, we bold it, we italicize it, we capitalize it, we give it all the different treatments we possibly can to say this. This is so important, and humans don't really understand this. Relate is the pith in the marrow of life. It is the essence of why you're here. Yes, you relate through tension and repeat patterns. There's no other way around it. It is the basic building blocks of why you're here. But relate, relate, relate is the most significant thing that we can say that explains why. Why because? Why because, why because, why because, why because. It is relate, relationships and all the other kind of relationship, techniques and modalities and understanding you can possibly imagine it is why you're here. So if you don't have a purpose, you have one. If you don't know your purpose, just use relate as my purpose.
Alex Ferrari 58:34
What is the key to aligning ourselves with the higher our higher selves?
Addison Ames 58:38
What is the key connection understanding one I have one which is like your best self. The kids these days use the idea of like my best self. I want to be my best self. Have you heard this before? In a way, if you want to use that idea my best self, the ideal me is my higher self. Just there is nothing truly in spirituality that is woo woo. That is woo hoo, whatever term you want to call it, it is all a system of understanding. And so figure out a system that works for you. Your higher self is your best self. You can call it your true self, if you would like. And these are ways to understand the idea the essence of you in the highest, best way possible. So there is nothing that is separate from you and your higher self. It is you, but it is an ideal, an essence that you are trying to integrate into a lesser or lower self. Does that make sense? It does.
Alex Ferrari 59:34
It does. Now, let's say we are finding our purpose in life. How do we stay on purpose? How do we stay on that road with all the distractions that happen to us along the way?
Addison Ames 59:47
We love this question. Distractions are a key thing that happens in the life of the human is that correct? So distractions always happen constantly. Things are beeping, things are moaning, people are calling. Our names, the phone rings, distraction, distraction, distraction. So the first message we have to in response to your very good question, your very good statement, also, in a way, is that, listen, Everyone, listen, listen, listen, distract. Distractions happen again. We apologize for Addison's voice, but it's getting a little bit more rough as we talk, but we'll keep working through it. Distractions happen. So in your awareness, say, I understand distractions happen all the time, and as they happen, if you can name them and say, That's a distraction, that's a distraction, that's a distraction, you can say, all right, I see all these things, and I will set the intention to focus despite the distractions. Distractions are very real. But the problem that happens with people who get thrown off course because of them is they don't think distractions happen. But distractions are a key way that your life is built. There are always distractions. I gotta go to the bathroom. Your body is distracting you all the time. I need to eat. It's a distraction. I need a cheeseburger. I need ice cream, whatever it may be. I need a beignet. These are all distractions. So knowing distractions happen, and being aware of them and saying, I see you distraction, but I'm not going to do you. I'm going to focus on what I need to do and be diligent, diligent, diligent in your focus and in your practice. Does that answer your question. It does.
Alex Ferrari 1:01:21
It does. Now, is there a way to know if you are on the right path?
Addison Ames 1:01:26
There is ask yourself, remember the best truth comes from within. If you need someone to help you, like you your show or other workers out there, by all means, consult them. But really the answer cometh from within, ask yourself and get to know the true self, the higher self, if you want to call it, that, the best self, listen to its voice. Am I on track? Now? Give me a yes or give me a no. Humans love to look outside themselves. Would you say that's true? Hell yeah, yeah. The first thing they do is go to Walmart and go shopping, or the first thing they do is go online and go shopping or wherever the whatever retailer it may be that they like, they go and they try to figure it out by going and getting it outside. Go to the grocery store, go to Whole Foods, go to wherever and get it, go get it. But really, the answer cometh always from within. Get to know the voice of your best self. And sometimes we use the term best self when we work with people. We work with a lot of people around the world, higher self can seem a little bit lofty. It's way up there. We're way down here, but your best self is a fun way to look at it. What is the voice of your best self? What does your higher self? What does your true self say? And get to know that voice and get to know the modality of talking with it and asking it questions. Am I on track? What do I need to do here? What do I gotta do? What do I need to do, as you talked about earlier, waypoints and soul destinations in life, Soul destinies. All of you have them. All humans have them, getting to know yourself and say, I realize these things are out there, waypoints, destinies, things I need to accomplish at the soul level. You can even talk to your soul, if you would like soul. What do I have to do here? Because there are some things that are demanded of the human. I've got to marry this person. I've got to move to New York City. I've got to move to LA Live in Burbank. I've got to do this, that or the other. I have this calling, this innate willpower that drives me to do something. Does this sound familiar? When you married your wife? Did you do it because you didn't care about it? No, of course not. What happened? What was behind you and she getting married? Love connection. Was there a drive to do that? Was there like a need to do that absolutely yes, that we would call that soul drive, Soul interaction between your soul and she and it needed to happen. It had to happen. Would you say that's right? Yes. Was it the right thing? Yes, yeah. So throughout life, this is always happening. So get to know that drive, that innate action that makes you want to do something and accomplish something, and that's your soul, your best self, your higher self, depending on how you're built as a human. Sometimes your higher self is your soul. Did you know that sometimes it depends on the way the human is built? But those parts of self, and they're all parts and pieces of the human, you're a multi dimensional human who creates a multi, multi dimensional being who does stuff. You're a multi dimensional thing. You're here, there and in between. You're everywhere, all at the same time. You have parts and pieces everywhere, you could say. But the more you get to know those parts and pieces and use your whole multi dimensional self to create the more powerful you are.
Alex Ferrari 1:04:39
Now one of the keys to evolution, for for a soul, for humanity in general, is forgiveness. Is to forgive and to deal with people who have wronged us in one way, shape or form. What advice give to truly forgive people who have wronged you in this life.
Addison Ames 1:04:59
Let it go. Yeah, that's a great song that's sung by kids everywhere these days. Let it go. Let it go. You know it? Have you heard it? Of course, yeah, I have kids. So yes, it's hard to get it out of your mind. Sometimes. Listen, the movement of humanity, as we've been talking about today, is this low and slow to high and fast? Does that make sense to you? Yes, so does forgiveness slow you down or allow for fastness to happen in your life? It speeds things up, for sure. Forgiveness speeds things up, but when you hold on to old stuff, what does it do to you?
Alex Ferrari 1:05:34
It, it poisons you
Addison Ames 1:05:35
Yeah. So really, if you care about ascension, and we think most of the people who watch your show care, about ascension, which really is just rising to a new and better place, a new purview, a new way to see yourself, a new understanding, a new way to see the world around you and see existence. Ascension is many things, but that's an easy way to understand it. It means you got to change. So a key driver of ascension is change, leaving the old behind and bringing the new in. So if you, if you have poison within you of old energies, and that's really what poison is, old energies, right in your life, energetic energies, it is slowing you down. And just say, I reject low and slow energies, and I get high and fast. We think you guys will have fun with that terminology. I get high and fast and I leave the low and slow by.
Alex Ferrari 1:06:21
Now, is there a deeper lesson in forgiving others with and ourselves?
Addison Ames 1:06:27
Yes, would you say there's lessons in everything? Yes, there is. It goes back to the whole idea of I know myself, I love myself, know thyself, to thine own self. Be true when one forgives, one knows oneself better. The entire spiritual experience is knowing yourself understanding yourself. So by all means, when you forgive, look at the lessons of how I behave in that situation. What have I learned from it? What have I lost from it? Am I better because of it? And allow yourself to really learn from every situation. But forgiveness is key, really as we speak, we want you to understand that even the idea of forgiveness is becoming an old idea. And would you need forgiveness if there weren't the holding on to wrong old patterns? No. So this idea of holding on to old, wrong patterns which creates the need for forgiveness, I absolve you. I let you go. I forgive you. These kinds of things. Is really humans are holding on to old and slow energies less and less. Would you say that's true? Yeah, you gotta move. You gotta move. You gotta move. You got things to do. You've got higher complexities and beautiful understandings of life to understand. It gets better. People, it gets better. So don't hold on to old things. Forgive you if you have to, or just let it go. It Go.
Alex Ferrari 1:07:43
Then one of the other big problems with humanity's journey that we have to deal with is this innate thing that we have with which is to beat ourselves up, to be unkind. You spoke about being kind to yourself and to others, but there's so many of us that beat ourselves up, who torture ourselves, who just berate ourselves. Sometimes we are our worst enemy. No one else in the world treats us as badly as we treat ourselves. What advice do you have to overcome this?
Addison Ames 1:08:16
Well, first of all, be easy on yourself. As we said earlier, we gave the name Leo Buscaglia, who really, again, in the 60s and 70s and 80s, first started talking about loving yourself. So these concepts are new. So if you're teaching your kids stuff a new concept, do you give them a little bit of time to figure it out? Yes, yeah. You give them some grace period. So we encourage you say, I am in grace when it comes to how I treat myself, because I'm trying to figure it out, because it's a new idea, really. You know, people talk about 1950s and Earth time as an idyllic time, but it really wasn't, absolutely it was a mean time. People were mean to their wives, mean to their husbands. Husbands beat their wives. People drank too much, wrecked their cars. It was a very messy decade. Wasn't that long ago? Was it? So you come into the 60s, the decade of love self, love all these kinds of things. Love thyself. It's a brand new concept. In literal usage, it's a brand new concept. So give yourself a second to work through it and figure it out. Definitely try relate tension and repeat through it. Keep trying. That's what growth is. Relate, tension, repeat. You want to know what the definition of growth is. Alex and everyone watching, relate, tension, repeat, over and over again with subtle change. And that subtle change through the model of life is growth. That's growth, but you gotta keep trying, right? That's why, many times kids learn through rote learning, write five, draw five, over and over again, practice, play the piano. You do it again and again and again, and you learn, relate, tension, repeat, repeat, with subtle change through the model of life, and that is. Growth. So the same thing with learning to love yourself and not beat yourself up, give yourself some grace, say it's okay. I'm trying this, but I'm gonna keep trying again and again, and that will help me get there. Does that make sense?
Alex Ferrari 1:10:12
It does. It does very good. Now I'm gonna ask you a question about a topic that I'm very passionate about, and I'd love to hear your point of view on it, the media and Hollywood in general have been changing, and I think some of the cracks are being seen in the way they present information to the world, and people are starting to change around it. Where do you see Hollywood? And I use Hollywood as a generalized term to general, you know, mainstream media, but Hollywood, mainstream media, mainstream news, all of that. Where do you see those entities in the future, and is there a world where they will let go of the old and transform into something that will start to truly serve society, as opposed to serving themselves?
Addison Ames 1:11:00
Do you like documentaries?
Alex Ferrari 1:11:01
I love them.
Addison Ames 1:11:02
Alex Ferrari 1:11:03
Because there's truth.
Addison Ames 1:11:04
They tell the truth. They tell a story that is based in, let's say, ultimate in reality. Make sense? Yes, our doctor documentaries a relatively new genre within the film industry, within Hollywood, if you want to
Alex Ferrari 1:11:15
It's been around pretty early on. It's been around since the almost the birth of Hollywood, which is when birth of Hollywood, Birth of the films, were about 1900s early 1900s right?
Addison Ames 1:11:26
Have people been telling stories kind of like films, but in different modalities, in different ways, longer
Alex Ferrari 1:11:32
Plays, books, tablets.
Addison Ames 1:11:34
So what we say is documentaries are relatively new. Does it make sense to you
Alex Ferrari 1:11:39
In the grand scheme of storytelling, absolutely,
Addison Ames 1:11:41
Yes. So are there other genres within filmmaking, within Hollywood, if you wish to say that that are relatively new, yes. Can you give us an example reality television, exactly where those shows tell,
Alex Ferrari 1:11:54
They tell a heightened version of reality.
Addison Ames 1:11:57
But the idea is, it's truth telling. That's the concept.
Alex Ferrari 1:12:00
It was originally, it was originally that it has turned into something else. So
Addison Ames 1:12:04
Hollywood is changing, true or false? Very much, very much. So So is Hollywood. And you can say Bollywood, too, if you want all the different movie industries all around the world, which there are many, France, has many German, etc, etc. Are they evolving?
Alex Ferrari 1:12:19
I don't think they are. I don't.
Addison Ames 1:12:22
We say you are wrong. They are definitely evolving, because there's no other way around it. There are new genres that will always come online. Would you say that those industries are important? I think they are. They're highly important. Do they teach? Yes, they teach the mass of humanity. They teach all the time. So Hollywood, Bollywood, whatever movie industry, whatever segment, whatever generation, whatever priesthood, whatever it may be, is always changing, and is very important. And what we say is, if you're anti Hollywood, please think again. If you're anti anything, please think again, because you're only strengthening it. What would we would say to Hollywood is it's always changing and always trying to get better, and all the different movie industries are always trying to get better, because that's the way your reality is built. It is always the refining and always the getting better. So send the movie industry love play a role, just like Blair Witch Project. Do you recall Blair Witch Project? Of course, was it seminal?
Alex Ferrari 1:13:24
It was one of those films? Absolutely.
Addison Ames 1:13:25
Yes. So are new things happening in Hollywood?
Alex Ferrari 1:13:28
I think New things are happening in Hollywood, but I think the perspective of Hollywood and the way they tell their stories is very different than what humanities needed. In other words, they're still playing by an old playbook, violence, sex, a lot of you know low frequency storytelling. Some good stuff does come through a Shawshank Redemption, you know, those kind of films, but they're rare, and they're oddities where they're still trying to sell the old story, where that's why people aren't going to the movies anymore. That's why people are turning away from mainstream media.
Addison Ames 1:14:04
And that is change, yes. And so really we want to say is yes, Hollywood is changing. It is always changing. And you, dear one, you Alex, we speak to you directly. You're a part of it. You're starting your own streaming service, aren't you? Yes. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Alex Ferrari 1:14:18
We're starting a service that will shine and highlight, stories, documentaries, series, content that is uplifting and truth telling in general, it's streaming light to the world where I think that that is something that is missing in the planet.
Addison Ames 1:14:37
Are you part of the change? I would think so. Is Hollywood changing?
Alex Ferrari 1:14:41
Well, I don't consider myself part of Hollywood anymore.
Addison Ames 1:14:44
The film industry change. The streaming industry changing. It will all have to change. If not, it will die. Yes, so we disagree with you slightly, but lovingly and kindly with hugs and kisses and all these kinds of things, yes. But we say to you, yes, it is changing. Sometimes there are. Basis points or plateau points, where you go, Okay, I'm waiting for this thing to break and waiting for new things to come on. So that happens. So you may be experiencing what we would call a plateau point, but we don't really see that happening. We see it in great change and particleization, fractionalization, where Hollywood is breaking up and exploding Bollywood too all around the world, and things are changing dramatically within the film and entertainment industry right now. Yes, so that's our perspective, and you, you, we encourage you, dear, beautiful Alex, you're a part of it. Keep doing what you're doing and stream light to the world. By all means. Please do.
Alex Ferrari 1:15:40
Now shifting that same kind of question to organized religion and and those in those systems, or government or health care or our food system, all of these systems seem to be breaking down and changing and evolving. Where do you see these systems going because a lot of them are still trying, especially like energy, healthcare, education, they're trying to hold on to the old system because they're making money that way, and they're not evolving fast enough. But while the rest of humanity is moving faster than these systems are willing to change. What do you see happening?
Addison Ames 1:16:18
What we what we encourage you. We give you this first, which is kind of a strategic perspective. Really, everything is strategy, strategy and planning. What do I want to do here? How do I want to get there? What are my goals and what do I want to do to be able to achieve them? Does that make sense? Yes, the strategy and planning is so a human throughout their life. You're always strategy and planning, strategy and planning, strategy and planning. Does that make sense? Yes, the best strategy is understood from a 30,000 feet view, as one might say, American and English colloquialism, from that high point where you look down and you can see beyond the micro and you can see the macro. Does that make sense? So we encourage all of you have a strategy viewpoint where you look down from 30,000 feet above and you see the big picture, not just the little picture. Does that make sense to you? So if you think healthcare is a big problem, pharmaceuticals are a big problem, and yes, indeed they are, yet they are breaking down and things are changing, allow yourself not to get mucked up in the little things. But say, let me take a few steps back and look at the big picture and see what's going and see what's going on, and think about where are we headed with all of this. Because literally, in the divine plan of all the old always, always breaks down. Otherwise you wouldn't have airplanes you like to fly, yes, yeah, you like to fly and go see things and do things if there wasn't breakdown of the old. And let's bring some new ideas on. You'd never fly anywhere. You wouldn't have cars, you wouldn't have Teslas, you wouldn't have spaceships going up to the moon, your own private planet. You have your own private planet, and you all have not even really started to think about it. Isn't that pretty amazing? Alex, so you know where humanity is going is always breaking down the old and building the new. It's nothing new. You got here because of it is that it is the bus that you ride on throughout history and time. And so we leave you momentarily, but we leave you with this message is you have your own private planet, and you are only now just beginning to think about it. What's happening on the moon is this, and by the way, there is nothing there besides dust and dirt. We want to clear that up. If people think that there are habit habitations and civilizations and other kinds of things that live there, it is not true. That's not what is really there. There is nothing there. Even on the Dark Side of the Moon, there's just darkness. But there is moonness, for sure, is there are plans in place to habit ties the moon, to do some terraforming and to actually build communities there. You will never have communities on Mars. By the way, many people talk about inhabiting Mars, that will never happen, ever, but you will inhabit the moon. It's only about 230 to 250,000 miles away, which is a lot closer than Mars, and you will inhabit that planet. You only get there through new ideas. Come on, in old ideas go. What do you think about that Alex?
Alex Ferrari 1:19:12
That makes all the sense in the world.
Addison Ames 1:19:14
So when you look at the moon, and when this show is recorded, there is a super moon right now, which means it looks really big. Look at the moon and say, This is my own private planet. Let's do this and see what comes to mind.
Alex Ferrari 1:19:27
Is there a way? Is there any advice you give people to connect to the Divine more on a daily basis?
Addison Ames 1:19:35
Yes, do you? Does that make sense to you? It does be you fully if you want to know the divine plan, be You do you? Be you fully because you are and you are and you are. Where were we talked about? The Church of you, peaceful thing. Churches do not we need walls. Churches do not need walls. True or False. True. You are your own church, if you want to call it that, if you need that language, which really is an old thing, you're your own temple. These Ascended Masters, many of them, have taught that you are the temple. Put good stuff in it. Get good stuff out. So if you want to get in touch with the divine, which really is like a big thinker, a big thinker who thinks is a good way to see it is understand yourself fully and do your thing, be you without a bashment or shame hood, and be completely and fully free. And that is the best way to understand the divine. You are it?
Alex Ferrari 1:20:35
Well, let me ask you this. Then, how do you define source?
Addison Ames 1:20:38
We don't. Do you remember the truth and the way that we see it. Yes, it is a no thing that does explain that please. It is a no thing. It's nothing that does. It doesn't have a creative process. It doesn't need it. Humans need a creative process, which means you take an idea, you relate to it, you tension through it, and you repeat it, you build it, subtle change through the model of life that's building, building, building. It's a creative process. You live in a process driven place, in space. Does this make sense? Yes, right. You got to think about it. What do we want to do here? You strategize, you plan, like we talked about the no thing, which really is not a thing, it's not a man, it's not a woman, it has no gender. It's nothing like a human at all. By the way, nothing like a human at all is like a no thing, a nothing that you cannot understand, that's beyond your fathomment. So you can try, by all means, please try, but it is beyond your fathomment, and you will not be able to understand it. It is not a thing. You all live in a universe and a creation of thing, but it is not a thing. It doesn't have a creative process. It just does. It is a no thing that does. What do you think? I think that makes perfect sense. It's nothing that does. So don't get too attached to old god ideas. We mean this because most of them are based on guys who created those concepts. Does that make sense? Very much. So if you want to believe old guys who created the concepts of the God that you believe in, by all means, please do that, but it won't serve you in your divine hood. Does that make sense? It does try it out. We encourage it.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:02
I have a powerful question for you, but yet a simple one, what is love?
Addison Ames 1:22:07
It is many things. Love is not one thing. And even some people might say love is the permeating energy of the universe. It is not love is many things. Love is a compound energy. Love is comprised and very strong because it is made of many things. Can you name three things that comprise your love for yourself or for your wife or for whatever it may be, three things or three people, or three things, three attributes, three energies that comprise love,
Alex Ferrari 1:22:38
Love for your love for your family, love for your love for your partner, love for your children.
Addison Ames 1:22:44
But what builds that love, what comprises that love? Think about it so it could be honesty, it could be care, it could be beauty, appreciation, all these things make you go, I love you.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:58
Well, when it comes to a partner, it could be respect, mutual respect, very good, very good, definitely not with children.
Addison Ames 1:23:07
Respect your children.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:08
Oh no, I respect them. Is the other I'm joking. I'm joking, but it's different. For everything. There's a love for the work that I do on a daily basis.
Addison Ames 1:23:19
And what comprises that love, mission, fulfillment, fulfillment and mission, Joy. Yeah, absolutely learning, yes. So what we encourage all of you to do, this is a wonderful exercise, Alex, we encourage you to do it. Make it a fun thing with your wife, if you'd like, if she wants to participate, is say what comprises our love. Love is not a one thing, it is a compound interest, which means lots of things come together and compound and create through beautiful complexities and love and hug, love, appreciation, kindness, joy, peace, sensibility, stableness, oh, I can breathe because I'm around you. I like you. I care for you. All these things make you go, I love you, so allow yourself to sit down. How do I love myself? What comprises, what energies come together to create love for myself, love for my work, love for my spouse, my mate, my dog, my cat, whatever it may be, because love is a beautiful industry, beautiful industry, a beautiful energy that is everywhere, and it is not made of one thing, but it is a complex compound, energy that is comprised of many things. So if you care about love, figure out how you love, what comprises you love, what comprises your love, and how you build your love,
Alex Ferrari 1:24:38
And what is the ultimate purpose of this life?
Addison Ames 1:24:41
To relate. That's it. That's the purpose to relate.
Alex Ferrari 1:24:44
In the end. Do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Addison Ames 1:24:47
Yes, we love you. We are Metatron. We are structural engineers. If you don't like these messages, it's because they're highly structural. We work in structure, and the human, many times, works more in emotion, which, by the way, is. Rupture. But we encourage you listen to this please listen to this podcast, this beautiful podcast hosted by Alex two or three times. Many people find that when they listen to what we have to say again and again, they get great results. So if you didn't like this message, listen to it another time or two and see what you get. If you loved it, listen to it another time or two and see what you get, because it will help you understand more and more the beauty of the human is this. You are overcomers, and we'll leave you with that message, you are a race of overcomers, and you are great because of it. So live your life as an overcomer, and we thank you.
Alex Ferrari 1:25:39
Thank you. That was a session.
Addison Ames 1:25:43
Hi, Alex.
Alex Ferrari 1:25:45
How was that for you Sir?
Addison Ames 1:25:47
Well, as Metatron, I think, said to you want to know the truth or a lie. I was sitting in the back going, oh gosh, Alex has another question, another question. But it was very powerful.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:00
I can go on for hours.
Addison Ames 1:26:02
I'm impressed with your stamina, but I hope you enjoyed the conversation.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:06
Yeah, absolutely. What do you So, what did you take from that conversation, from your point of view back there?
Addison Ames 1:26:12
Well, I've got to give a second to kind of recollect it. Well, some of the messages I'm familiar with, but Metatron was kind of in a very gregarious state today. His energy was interesting. He was really, he's pretty highly engaging, but he was even more engaging than he normally is, and really had beautiful, beautiful energy. So I got a lot, I got a lot of love out of it. Yeah, I could feel that, and a lot of drive too.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:42
Yeah, it's kind of like this. He was on purpose.
Addison Ames 1:26:47
There you go. It was on purpose.
Alex Ferrari 1:26:49
He was on purpose. Here today, he had, he came in wanting to discuss certain things, and then I would bring him into other areas, and he would go down those roads. But a lot of times he would bring back. I gotta make sure I mentioned this. Let's talk about relationships. And you would start talking about relationships and all of that thing. It's kind of like he understands the the spotlight is on for this specific time. And he goes, these are the things I need to say, yeah, for this moment and for the audience that is, this is interesting. A lot of times, entities that come in through channeling they go, I know who's watching this, even if they don't know they're gonna watch this yet, totally. So that's what he says, that too, sometimes. And this is the message I'm giving them. Yeah, that's really fascinating to me.
Addison Ames 1:27:31
It's wonderful because, you know, in the design of everything really, really, everything's kind of done, you know, everything's pre planned, and we walk it out. We're kind of like actors on a stage, like, like Hamlet, you know, Shakespeare's Hamlet life is a stage, and we're all actors on it, and we're all reading the script, you know, we, you know, you're familiar with scripts. That's, you know? It says, am I inside? Am I outside? What's the tonality? What are the details that I want to communicate in these words? And so he understands the script. He understands who's participating in the script. So I have no doubt that there was a lot of personalization going on with his messages with, you know, the folks that are going to watch this podcast, yes, it's pretty it's pretty awesome.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:14
It was pretty awesome. Yeah, now I'm going to ask you the few questions we ask all our guests. I want to see if the answers have changed any since last week. Okay, how? What is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Addison Ames 1:28:29
Not sleeping.
Alex Ferrari 1:28:32
Okay, please elaborate.
Addison Ames 1:28:34
Well, you know, one of the things that I've learned, I might get a little emotional from this, one of the things that I've learned from working with Metatron is live life to the fullest. Yeah, don't waste time. Don't waste your life. So I do enjoy sleeping, but sometimes I go, You know what? I don't I don't want to miss opportunities. I don't want to sleep. So, you know, I say that kind of jokingly, but living a full, fulfilled life, for me, is enjoying and living every moment of life to the fullest and not missing opportunities, but in a way, being a life opportunist.
Alex Ferrari 1:29:09
Beautiful answer. Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Addison, what advice would you give him?
Addison Ames 1:29:17
I don't think you asked me that one last time. I like this one. Is this a new one?
Alex Ferrari 1:29:20
No, it's, I think I asked it to you last time.
Addison Ames 1:29:22
I don't remember this one, but I like it a lot. I would say, Wow, this is really tough. I would say, put your seatbelt on. It's going to be a wild ride.
Alex Ferrari 1:29:38
Yeah, that's a common answer. Is, it's up for a lot of people. So hey, get ready. I think a lot of people, at least when they are at a certain stage, they understand that they can't really change anything, because any anything they say to that version of themselves, well, will change who they are. It's a whole Marty McFly thing. It will change it. So even the pain, even you. You don't want to miss that.
Addison Ames 1:30:01
No, no, you know, I'm not inviting pain into my lives, or for you or for anybody. But you know, if we look back and again with that, I think Metatron talked about the 30,000 foot view, the strategic view of our of your life, you can, you can have a lot of gratitude for the pain that that we go through sometimes, you know, and it can be very helpful, be very refining and defining. And you know, we're made of our past. So one of the things that I've learned is really love, love my past, even the foibles and the stuff where I go, I can't believe I did that, or what a mistake. And just love the whole story. It's kind of like if you go see a movie, you love the movie, even though some scenes you go, wow, I need to cringe a little bit during the scene. But you love the movie. You love the storytelling device. So, you know, love it all. If you can,
Alex Ferrari 1:30:52
How do you define God or Source?
Addison Ames 1:30:55
I think my answer last time was, I don't, which means it's undefinable, like I don't, I don't define it. And I would say that remains. I don't what is love? I think Metatron talked about this. It's a compound energy, so it just depends, but it's a wonderful thing. And humanity is definitely moving towards love, in love, as love. And so in my own life, I use the tool that Metatron talked about, I think with you is in a certain situation, like Alex, I can say, I love you. I love you because I appreciate your work. I honor your journey. I like your multi facetedness. I appreciate the kindness in your eyes. Appreciate so if you go I love because of this, and this is what comprises my love. It's a beautiful thing. So the answer depends on what we're talking about, but that gives you a sense,
Alex Ferrari 1:31:43
It does. It does, and what is the ultimate purpose of this life?
Addison Ames 1:31:47
I'm going to go with Metatron teaching, because I've, he's been working on this with me for a long time, and I've worked on it personally quite a bit, and I really see it. It is to relate, and for me, relate in the highest and best ways I possibly can.
Alex Ferrari 1:32:02
Do you ever argue with Metatron? Yeah, do you disagree with his teachings and what he said sometimes?
Addison Ames 1:32:08
Well, I don't disagree with his teachings, necessarily, but have you ever, if you haven't had this known like a coach who is really, really tough on you. So he's like a coach who is really, really tough on me. So we, we get into fights and we argue. I tell him to get the hell out sometimes, but it's not because I necessarily disagree with his teachings, but he's, he's like, he pushes you, he pushes me. He's like, you know, like a boot camp Sergeant in a way, not all the time, but especially early on in our relationship. So sometimes we get into fights and scuffles sometimes,
Alex Ferrari 1:32:53
Have you settled at this point? How long you've been working with Metatron?
Addison Ames 1:32:57
For about eight years now. So you've settled in. We Yeah, we've settled in. Yeah, settled in. We still have little Spats, things from trying to tell
Alex Ferrari 1:33:05
But like any relationship, and I bring that out because it's interesting, because people just think, like, oh, this divine energy is coming in, and it's all unicorns and cupcakes and rainbows. And I'm like, sometimes it is, to a certain extent, yeah. But I've heard from friends of mine who are channels that they're like, No, it's I, I disagree sometimes, or sometimes that they have to be explained the teacher. So maybe the teaching is so advanced that they don't get it, and they have to, like, really kind of connect with it, because it's sometimes so advanced or they don't understand it. Is that kind of like,
Addison Ames 1:33:39
Yeah, very well said, you know. So I think being a channel is a pretty hard job. Honestly, it's insane, because you've got this very significant relationship, a significant other that is a non physical one, yet you got people in your lives. You got bills to pay, you got to keep the lights on, you got a business to run, you got to go to the gym, you got to get exercise, you got to go on dates or so you're managing a lot in the physical world, and yet you have a non physical significant other. That's kind of the way I see Metatron. It's a non physical significant other who you talk to all the time is always kind of like teaching you things and wanting to understand new information that takes time. It's part of the process that we go through. So it adds a whole nother, literally, dimension to your life and a little bit more complexity.
Alex Ferrari 1:34:25
Now, where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing?
Addison Ames 1:34:29
Thank you for asking., A, D, D, I, S O, N, A, M, E, I have a YouTube channel, Facebook page, and you can find all those links on my website. Please check it out.
Alex Ferrari 1:34:41
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Addison Ames 1:34:43
Well, thanks for watching. I really appreciate your time. And keep watching Alex's show and watch that streaming service. I know he's up to some really good stuff.
Alex Ferrari 1:34:51
Oh, I appreciate that very much, my friend. I appreciate I appreciate you coming and thanks for the work that you and Metatron doing to awaken the planet. So I appreciate you, man,
Addison Ames 1:34:59
Thanks for having me on Alex, appreciate you too.
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