On today’s episode, we welcome Timothy Hogan, a Grand Master of the Knights Templar, who brings to light centuries-old mysteries, including the Vatican’s secrets and the Holy Bloodline of Jesus. In our fascinating conversation, Hogan reveals deep connections between ancient orders, suppressed knowledge, and the role of the Templars in preserving sacred truths. Our exploration moves beyond historical timelines and into realms of spiritual wisdom that continue to resonate today.
Timothy Hogan opens by explaining the origin of Friday the 13th as unlucky, a date tied to the infamous rounding up of the Knights Templar in 1307 by the Roman Church. As Hogan notes, the Templar Order, rich in spiritual wisdom and guardians of sacred treasures like the Holy Grail, had long been perceived as a threat by the powers that sought to control religious narratives. They were not only warriors but also custodians of profound spiritual truths, including Gnostic and alchemical knowledge, which set them apart from the mainstream religious structures of the time.
He shares that the Templars viewed Christ as more than a religious figure confined to the Roman Church’s teachings. To the Templars, Jesus embodied universal consciousness—an idea closely linked to the wisdom of Eastern traditions, such as the teachings of Krishna and Buddha. Hogan highlights how the Templars understood the “Christos” as a cosmic principle that transcended physicality, merging esoteric Christian teachings with philosophies from ancient Egypt and India.
One of the most mind-opening parts of our dialogue was Hogan’s revelation of the Templars’ connection to the Holy Grail. As he explains, the Grail is not merely a physical cup but a symbol for something much more profound: the connection between individual consciousness and the universal divine mind. “The Grail represents that mystical union between the personal and the cosmic, the finite and the infinite,” says Hogan. The Templars understood this spiritual alchemy, embodying the idea that we are all walking temples, capable of connecting directly to the divine.
Our discussion then shifts to one of the greatest controversies in Christian history—the bloodline of Jesus. Hogan shares that, according to Templar tradition, Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, herself a high initiate in ancient mysteries. Together, they symbolized the union of wisdom (Sophia) and divine consciousness. Through this marriage, a sacred bloodline continued, one that the Templars were tasked to protect, not just physically but spiritually, ensuring that the deeper truths of Christ’s teachings endured despite attempts at suppression.
- Universal Consciousness: The Templars understood Christ as a symbol of universal consciousness, not a deity tied solely to religious dogma. This interpretation opens the door to a more inclusive spiritual understanding.
- The Holy Grail as Spiritual Alchemy: The Grail, far from being just a cup, symbolizes the union between personal and cosmic consciousness. This mystical union is a form of spiritual enlightenment accessible to all.
- Guardians of Hidden Knowledge: The Knights Templar were not just warriors but preservers of profound spiritual teachings, merging Christian Gnosticism with the wisdom of ancient Egypt, India, and even Atlantis.
In this profound conversation, Hogan invites us to look beyond history books and dogma to uncover the spiritual truths that still have relevance today. He encourages us to seek out the “Holy Grail” within ourselves, awakening to the divine consciousness that permeates all things. As humanity stands at the cusp of greater spiritual awareness, the Templars’ mission of preserving sacred wisdom becomes more relevant than ever.
Please enjoy my conversation with Timothy Hogan.
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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 496
Timothy Hogan 0:00
The Templar Order was able to go underground and survive in different means, October 13, 1307, is when that took place.
Alex Ferrari 0:08
And that's when they killed, they killed a whole bunch of them.
Timothy Hogan 0:11
Alex Ferrari 0:11
And point on Friday the 13th just became unlucky,
Timothy Hogan 0:13
Alex Ferrari 0:14
Definitely for the Templars.
Timothy Hogan 0:15
Templars are the guardians of the Holy Grail and some other things like this. But it also refers to the sacred kingdom in India.
Alex Ferrari 0:25
I like to welcome to the show. Timothy Hogan, how you doing Timothy?
Timothy Hogan 0:38
Great! Thank you for having me. I'm so happy to be here.
Alex Ferrari 0:41
Thank you so much for coming down to Next Level Soul Studios. I appreciate it, man. We were supposed to do this in zoom. We were on Zoom, and you're like, but I'm gonna be in Austin in a week or two. I'm like, why don't you just stop by? I think it'll be a lot better.
Timothy Hogan 0:52
It's much better. I think it's, you know, being in person, the energy is always better. And plus, I get to see your studio, which is amazing.
Alex Ferrari 1:02
Oh, I appreciate that.
Timothy Hogan 1:03
I love how you've decorated it, and it just, it's got the right energy to it. So
Alex Ferrari 1:07
Appreciate you, my friend. Appreciate you. So when I first, when you first came across my path, yeah, when I heard that you were a Knights Templar, yeah, I'm like, what? They're still around? Yeah, sure. Like, how is that? Are you waving the sword? Do you have the red Yeah, you have the red cross on your on your lapels, right?
Timothy Hogan 1:26
We're not doing the Crusades, you know,
Alex Ferrari 1:28
There's that whole, thank God, yeah. But, um, but how did you, you know you're it's a grand grand master, correct? Yeah, Grand Master the Knights. Templar, yeah. So, how does one the Grand Master of the Knights, Templar, and how did it get to where it is right now? Because all we remember is, you know, Indiana Jones and the Grail, which will get into all that stuff, and the story the Crusades and that historical thing. But how did it survive to where we're sitting right now?
Timothy Hogan 1:55
Yeah, so, you know, by 1307, the order was suppressed
Alex Ferrari 2:00
Timothy Hogan 2:02
Well, the Roman church, particularly Pope Clement, the fifth
Alex Ferrari 2:05
Stop it the church, did something like that?
Timothy Hogan 2:07
Yeah. I mean, there was some, I think some of it was jealousy, the the the order had grown in wealth and influence. It has set up the first modern banking system specifically to get power out of the hands of the monarch and the church back into the hands of the people, by the way. But of course, this went over great with everybody, except for the heads of you know, some of the monarchies in the church, in particular the French monarchy that was looked at the time, that was looking to start some new wars and and was out of money, and they saw the Templar Order as a easy means to usurp that. And so they did. They staged, they staged a roundup of Templars, most of them, most of the Templars. I mean, they knew ahead of time that this was going to happen. This would have been one of the great mysteries of history, is because was they went to round up the Templars. There should have been 1000s of them in Paris at the time, and there just weren't. There was maybe a few 100 and that was it. And all of their Paris hold all the holdings that should have been in the treasury, the Templar Treasury in Paris was all gone by the time they went to round them up. And the whole entire fleet of ships had disappeared, magically, magically. It's because it was known ahead of time this was going to going to happen. But as a result of that, the tempo order was able to go underground and survive in different means over the centuries, changing its name. You know, one of the things it was able to do was, back in those days, we don't think about it much today. Today, you could just travel wherever you want, pretty much. But back in those days, you had to have a, you know, some sort of a charter from the King giving you permission to even leave the kingdom and go anywhere else. The only people that were allowed to travel freely. Were different workers that would work in different kingdoms, particularly stonemasons. And since the Templar Order had a whole, you know, they had ship captains, they had farmers, they had clerics, they had stonemasons, they you know, they had all of these people that were working within the order, other than just the, you know, the knights on horseback that you think of, they were able to easily and quickly shift their identity and disguise themselves with other things. Things in order to hide and to travel to other kingdoms where they might have more safety.
Alex Ferrari 5:07
Now, when you were mentioning that they were going to be round up, is in that, is that Friday the 13th?
Timothy Hogan 5:12
Correct! Yes, the origin of Friday the 13th. You know, October 13, 1307, is when that took place. And that's
Alex Ferrari 5:19
when they killed, they killed a whole bunch of them. And correct point on Friday 13th, just became unlucky, correct? Definitely for the Templars, definitely for the Templars, right? I've always wanted to ask a Templar this, yeah, we kind of joked about the Crusades earlier. That is a very, that was a very tough time.
Timothy Hogan 5:37
It's a sensitive time. Yeah.
Alex Ferrari 5:38
It was a very tough time for the Templars and and the crusades in general. Yes, I always wanted to ask, you know, if you follow Christ crisis, true teachings, not the Roman Catholics, actually the truth teachings. He never once said, I need you to kill anybody who does it, rip ass, kill anybody who does not believe you and all that stuff. How did you how did that become? What it became?
Timothy Hogan 6:03
That's a great question, and I'm really glad you asked it, actually. So first of all, we have to set the side the stage where we put ourselves in the time of the people living there correct. And for almost 200 years, Europeans were being attacked by basically like terrorist organizations. You know, of the day Middle East of the day the Moors, the Moors and everything else. I mean, they're the the Barbary pirates, the there were different groups that were relentlessly attacking Europeans. And so people were tired of that, you know, after 200 years of that, and that's part of what led to the Crusades. Now, the Templars actually weren't involved in any of that at first. They when the temple order was founded, their only objective was their their they had a secret agenda, and they had a public agenda. The secret agenda was they knew that if the Crusades happened, they're going to get out of hand, and that there were, there were there were texts, and there were artifacts, and there were holy treasures that were in places like Jerusalem and other places around the Middle East, that would be the sacrifice of the Crusades that they would these things would be rounded up, they'd be given to the Roman church, and they would disappear because they didn't fit with the narrative that the Roman church was trying to do at the time. So part of the reason why the Templar was order was founded, was to convert, convertly, go into these areas and try to secure this stuff and hide it from the Roman Church itself to ensure that survived. These included things like apocryphal and Gnostic texts that painted a different picture of Christianity than what the Roman church was perpetuating at the time the outside. The official purpose of the founding of the Templar Order was to protect pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. And it's important to realize that the Templar Order wasn't just protecting Christian pilgrims on the way to the holy holy land. They were protecting Jewish pilgrims on the way to the Holy Land. They were protecting Muslims on their way to the Holy Land. It wasn't discriminatory. I mean, it was literally giving everybody the opportunity to worship as they chose in holy space, very Christ like, very Christ like, you know, that was the idea. Now, later on, they ended up having to get pulled into fighting along with some of the other knighthood orders at the time, and the big the big knighthood order was the Knights hospitalia At the time, which later became known as the Knights of Malta. And they were the but they were also like the Teutonic Knights. There were, there were all kinds of different knighthood orders that were fighting the crusade.
Alex Ferrari 9:11
But the Templars got a lot of press.
Timothy Hogan 9:13
They got a lot of press because they were good at fighting when they had it too, and they they truly believed that that the soul survived this body, and it didn't really matter so much if you ended up dying. What mattered is what you're living for. And so in their mind, they really believe that. Okay, look, if we're gonna be pulled into this, you know, we can defend people. If we die defending people, there's a good death. It's a good death.
Alex Ferrari 9:52
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At that time, though, there were still a lot of conversations about the soul and the body completely. It's not like, yeah, there's still a lot of conversations today, sure, about the soul and the body and what happens and if we have multiple lives and all that kind of stuff. But it seemed like they were very, I mean, it sounds and not exactly like Samurai, yeah, very similar, very honorable. It's a good death to fight. I mean, even, even the Spartans like, it's a good death to fight,
Timothy Hogan 11:15
Yeah, they recognized your competitor as the True Word of the true meaning of the word competition, which is calm, as with, like you you are with the person you're fighting. You know, the idea that they are helping you become better.
Alex Ferrari 11:32
You know, that's very, it is a very spiritual way of looking at this,
Timothy Hogan 11:35
Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's how they had to look at it. You know,
Alex Ferrari 11:38
When did they actually start? What were the years that they after Christ?
Timothy Hogan 11:41
Well, So officially, the Templar Order was started as early as 1096,
Alex Ferrari 11:48
Okay, so it's a while after.
Timothy Hogan 11:49
Yes. Well, most, most, most historians put it at founding around 1118.
Alex Ferrari 11:55
Okay, but just generally, around that time, yeah, around that time, it's significantly a lot of time.
Timothy Hogan 12:00
Yeah. And one of the things that will surprise most people probably on this show, and and, and anyone who looks into it, is one of the things the spiritual doctrines that the Templar Order was perpetuating, is they set up relations with these different groups all throughout Europe, and they practiced something that was known as the consulmentum. And what is significant about this council momentum is it basically means that if you receive this right, it means you don't have to reincarnate anymore, unless you choose to. So they believed in reincarnation. They believed in reincarnation.
Alex Ferrari 12:42
Back then, yeah, in the in the West, correct? Yeah, not the east. The East was all over that.
Timothy Hogan 12:47
That's right, yeah. So in the heterman, so the temple order largely came out of a group known as the Albigensian.
Alex Ferrari 12:53
How old is that group?
Timothy Hogan 12:54
They go, they go back even further. They probably came out of manicheism, you know, which dates to around 150 to 300
Alex Ferrari 13:04
Closer to Christ. Right? Exactly is Christ a very, a central figure in the Knights Templar and all of those all the way through?
Timothy Hogan 13:11
In so much as the the Templar Order and the albigensians before them that they came out of recognized Christ, or the Christos as a universal consciousness. They saw Jesus as like their brother. So Jesus, Jesus, when Jesus was speaking as the Christ, he was speaking as the universal consciousness.
Alex Ferrari 13:36
So he was this. So they understood Christ consciousness, correct, which is or Buddha consciousness, or something like that. The same thing at a, at a, at a, at a time where that was not even on the radar of most, most people at that, especially in the 1000 year mark. Yeah. Well, Christ is the God. Christ, the Savior. Everything's they're looking at Christ as, no, he's our brother. He's here to teach us. That's right. But when he speaks, he speaks for conscious, Universal Consciousness.
Timothy Hogan 14:04
Correct, yeah, yeah. And otherwise, he's just Jesus. And even Jesus they recognized as an esoteric name or an initiation, yeah. So like Yeshua, you know, there were, there were even aspects to that name. For example, in Greek, Jesus, It's deuce, yeah. But if you apply Gematria to it, which is the science in which letters are a place with numbers, the sum total of that name is 888 or 888,
Alex Ferrari 14:40
You mean Jesus, right, okay,
Timothy Hogan 14:42
Which to the Templars, represented what was known as the agawad, which was the eight sphere of consciousness that transcends our physical form. So they recognized, they recognized the seven, what are known as the seven seals in Revelations. As the seven chakra. And so the opening of each seal represented the death of our old perception of the world and the awakening to a new state of universal consciousness. And so the eighth sphere then represented the Gnosis. It represented the divine experiential knowledge, enlightenment. Enlightenment, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 15:21
I mean, you're shocking me right now. You're like blowing my mind right now, because I did not think that the Knights Templar were that spiritually evolved to the point of, you're talking about 1000s of years of Eastern search. And thought the Vedic text, yeah, yogic philosophy, yeah. In fact, did they overlap? How did they
Timothy Hogan 15:39
They completely overlap. In fact, if you, if you read, there's a book that was published in The 1200s by the Templars in Spain, and it was known as parcival by Wolfram von Eschenbach. And in the story, it talks about how the Templars are the guardians of the Holy Grail and some other things like this. But it also refers to this sacred kingdom in India where the Grail King, where the Grail guardians end up going to and end up that's where they're living their life out of. And it's really what they were pointing to. Was this philosophy and knowledge from India. I mean, think about think about it. You know, one of the things that you'll see regularly in India is you'll see a three faced idol, you know, right? And then it represented, you know, the different aspects of Krishna. And it's right so. And one of the things that the Templars were accused of worshiping when they were persecuted in 1307 was a three faced idol that was referred to as Baphomet, you know, but, but it was, it's the same thing. It was the same thing. They were gaining lots of knowledge from India in Indian philosophy that matched and meshed perfectly with their version of Christian thought at the time.
Alex Ferrari 17:12
Now, I wanted to ask you, it's another question I've always wanted to find out about, is the cross? Yeah, the cross the young lapel, sure, that's a very famous cross bin, right? It's been taken by many, many different, sure cultures and things, yeah. But the first signs of it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is Sumerian, Sumerian, yeah, inside of, like, in engravings on walls, and then, yeah, tablets and things. So how did, how did that get from the Sumerians to the Templars, right?
Timothy Hogan 17:40
So, so yeah, oftentimes in Sumer, you'll see the gods known as the Anunnaki, sure, they they're wearing that same cross, and from a Templar standpoint, it's an equal armed cross. First of all, and people have associated with lots of things, including, in modern days, the photon under a microscope kind of looks like that, but the to the Templar, the vertical arm always represented spiritual ascent. And in spirituality, the horizontal arm always represented material things materiality. And so the combination of the two represented spiritualizing the material and materializing the spiritual. And the way you do that is through consciousness. Right? The medium that unites both the physical and the spiritual is consciousness. And so is understanding the nature of consciousness, really. And by doing that, we can understand how these two extremes unite, and, and, and it was red, and specifically because red, it was the color of blood, but it was also the color of transformation and action within the Templar tradition,
Alex Ferrari 19:09
Throughout history, it seems like the cross, specifically the original Cross, which is that sure has always played a part in humanity, whether It's that cross, whether it's Christ crisis cross, whether it's the Buddhist
Timothy Hogan 19:25
Wheel of Dharma,
Alex Ferrari 19:26
Dharma, which then got mutated into right, the Nazis took it into the right crosses seem to be a thing, even in Egypt, in every culture. Why is that? Why is it from you? If I don't you can answer this or not. But why is humanity always have that kind of cross? Is this the oldest to in existence is like this or close to
Timothy Hogan 19:48
One of the oldest. I mean, we find it in there's a there's a culture known as the Vinca, that have a writing system from Eastern Europe. It's just the old. List that we've been able to find, we just haven't been able to translate it yet, but it's full of crosses as part of the symbolism. But even on cave art, you find the cross is a simple. Cross is a symbol you know, being used, you know, to represent things. So there's something inherently about it in our nature, and from a from a symbolic standpoint, it's come to associate with everything from, obviously the things I just talked about, with the materialism and the spiritual combination. But it's also, you find it in in representing the quadrants of north, south, east and west. It's it. It has an element of as above, so below to it, you know, I mean, and it's so, it's, it works very well for a lot of things. Fair enough, yeah, fair enough. The elements, the classical elements of antiquity.
Alex Ferrari 21:03
Sure. Of course, um, so we're going to go a little farther back than, uh, than even Egypt, with the Templars. What is the Templars connection and understanding of Atlantis?
Timothy Hogan 21:14
Oh, yeah. So this is important. So one of the things that the Templar Order when it was founded, specifically, it was created, as I mentioned, to go find artifacts. I mean, for the first nine years, the Templars were founded, when they were in Jerusalem, all they were doing was digging under the Temple Mount, looking for things. And we know this because we found the tunnels and the where they were digging and everything else. And in fact, my great, great grand uncle, Charles Warren was later on, he was the police chief and the Jack the Ripper murders. But what he's also known for was doing all this digging under the Temple Mount. In fact, there's, if you go to Jerusalem today, you can go under the Temple Mount and see all the places he was digging. And there some of the there's a place called Warren's gate that's named after him. And but really going far back, what the temple order was trying to do was they were trying to find artifacts, and they knew enough to know that there were all these different cultures in Europe initially, and then as they spread out further, that they all had flood myths, right? They're noticing that, like all these cultures that weren't connected didn't appear to be connected. All had these same flood myths, and which they associated with, you know, Noah in the in the the Torah in the Old Testament. So they started looking for evidence of this flood and these flood myths. And they kept coming across more and more and more. And then as they went into the Middle East, they started associating with groups like the Druze and the sabeans and the even some Christian groups that were outside of the Catholic mainframe, like the Coptic Church and others and these people were all not only were they perpetuating different texts about the apocryphal texts about the flood and that type of thing, but They were also translating Greek texts that had never been seen the light of day, you know, in in 2000 years, including the works of Plato and these myths were also talking about a flood, right? And so, so they began to recognize that, yeah, there was probably some sort of a universal flood in antiquity. Plus Plato was talking about this, you know, this, this civilization known as Atlantis. And they quickly realized they were talking about the same thing, that the the flood myths of Noah were the same myths as the Atlantis myth of antiquity of right and so. So the artifacts that they began to look for then were evidence of this high technology and this high spiritual philosophy from this time of Atlantis now with further exploration, one of the things that against it's not standard history, but will become so, in my opinion, in the years ahead, with the proof that's adding up, is the Templars were also traveling over to the new world of the Americas. Hundreds of years before Columbus, really.
Alex Ferrari 25:02
So where do they? How did through, through the same thing, through ships, or did,
Timothy Hogan 25:07
Yeah, through ships and they, they and they were. They began meeting with different native tribes who had their own flood myths. They were trading silver with the Mayans down in Mexico, Mexico area, Central America area, and they and they had their own flood mist. And not only did they have their own flood mist, but like the Noah cultures of Mexico, they referred to their homeland as as Azlan, well, and it had been destroyed by a flood Well, it's not too much of a stretch to recognize that Aslan and aslantis are the same thing, right? So, you know, the Templar and not only that, but the Templar Order had a ritual that they performed, but they still perform to this day that includes several elements to it, but one of which is the candidate is presented with a handshake, a specific handshake, and they're told that this handshake was what was given to all of the cultures In antiquity, before they were separated right when everyone was still working together. At this time, it was referred to as Atlantis. They they had this hand grip to wreck the to recognize each other by. And then they went on their different ways, right? And to this day, there are several cultures that still perpetuate this secret handshake. And so when the Templars came over to the new world and they started giving this grip, it was recognized by by certain cultures, including the Mayans, who's still in the Hopi, and the Mandan and the mikma, and, you know, a number of different tribes, the Blackfeet, they perpetuate it. So they they all knew that they were perpetuating the ideas from the same root tradition, and, and, and by the way, they also shared this grip with certain groups in the Middle East. And this so how, this, how the Templars were able to get around and move around and put their ship in places with no problem, you know, at a time when, like certain Muslim factions were attacking everybody else, but they weren't attacking the Templars.
So did they? Did they ever find any of the technology or anything, any proofs of the Atlantis?
Yes. So they definitely found, not only some of the philosophical ideas associated with with Atlantis, but they did find technology, in particular, in the form of what are known as, what we would refer to today, is like the Ark of the Covenant was a, actually a, an Atlantean technology power source. There's a power capacitor, and we found several of these, not just in Jerusalem, by the way, but a lot of them were found in Egypt. So there's not just one, there's not just one. There were probably hundreds at one point in time,
Alex Ferrari 28:16
Indiana Jones lied to us. Is what you say.
Timothy Hogan 28:20
It was a good approximation of the truth, yeah, but, you know, but there was some. So our order has found six. We know of where there's potentially four more, totaling 10, but they're, in all actuality, they're probably 100 at one point in time.
Alex Ferrari 28:40
So these, so these kind of, and I've heard that the that the ark was a power thing, yeah, uh, some sort of power generator of some sort, um, do you know what was inside that cause. Because I heard there's, like, there was the Ethiopian one, yeah, that got, apparently, took the second that documentary came out. They went in and took it, because it was, like, oral guys, right, right, right, right. Um, but anyone who got near it was, it's radiation poisoning.
Timothy Hogan 29:03
Yeah, they have radiation type of
Alex Ferrari 29:05
Symptoms and things like that. So what was inside of it? Do you know?
Timothy Hogan 29:09
Yeah, so what was put inside. So the ark was built with alternating layers of basically gold, and the Bible says acacia wood, which is probably pretty accurate. Case you Acacia has high concentrations of these platinum monoatomic elements in them. Well, the other thing you could put, you put in the arc is, is you can actually extract these and convert platinum metals into these monoatomic states. When you do that, first of all, it just appears as a white powder. Secondly, it becomes superconductive. And so when you put a superconductive substance in a two. Static capacitor. It just builds up a tremendous amount of electricity. You can also add a catalyst to it, like pomegranate juice or something like an acid and and it will, yeah, it'll just work as this giant battery. And just keeps generating. It just keeps generating itself. You know, it's free energy, essentially free energy, yeah. And if you put this in, like a desert condition or or in a tabernacle, like, like Moses did, which had wool curtains, you know, it just that all that would help to build up and generate the electricity, and then it would just discharge through the top. The belief was that these things were originally put in pyramids. You mean, like the pyramid, yeah, like the Great Pyramid, but, but other ones around the world specifically to the pyramids, the their their Pacio electric from the the granite and the silicon the granite, as they get pushed together with pressure, they generate electricity in itself. Fact, if you ever used one of those lighter things that have the long yeah thing that you know, barbecue lighter. Barbecue lighter. Most people think that there's, oh, there must be a battery or something. It's not, it's actually pays the electric, because the there's little stones in there, and as they get pushed together, that they produce the electricity, right? But works same way with the Great Pyramid. I mean, the the big, those heavy stones, as they're pressing against each other, they helped, just that helps to produce the electricity.
Alex Ferrari 31:43
And in the king's chamber, there's that the box, the box that they thought was a sarcophagus, right? There's no no writing anywhere in the Great Pyramid, right?
Timothy Hogan 31:51
But if you were to put one of these arcs on in that, it would just generate tremendous amount of electric
Alex Ferrari 31:58
And that room. Specifically, the King's Chamber specifically is designed in such a way. I mean, the sound there, yeah, incredible. It's, it's so precise, yeah, yeah, it can, I mean, it just, it's insane to think of it as,
Timothy Hogan 32:10
That's right, a place of and it used to be, too that the sarcophagus was in a different place in that King's Chamber, it was more centralized in it. They ended up moving it at one point in time. But it's, yeah, all this there was, there's just, like a world grid of these different temples all over the 33rd parallel, yeah, that had, that had these arcs in them, and then it would just, just generate the electricity for the world. And it was very you could just plug. And the other thing too is we think one of the other things we also see is, like temples around Egypt, they have these perimeters. Kom Ombo is a good example of this for anyone who's studies Egypt stuff, where they have these perimeter of stones. And the stones have what are called butterfly clamps between the stones. Well, those used to be filled with metal, like copper, and so you just have this, like, it's almost like a zipper of these metal holdings that went around the temple. And what that would do is that would just pick up on the electricity being broadcasted, and then you could just, literally, your temple could run itself, you know, off of whatever you put had in there that needed to use electricity for, including healing.
Alex Ferrari 33:35
So, so then let me ask you the six arcs that they've found, the Templars found, I assume, that they seem, they seem to be a little bit more evolved spiritually and consciously, to understand that you couldn't just let this fall into wrong hands. Because, yeah, Genghis Khan with this kind of power, Alexander the Great power, as examples, yeah, causes problems like giving them a news right? Like you can't do right? So they were protectors of this technology, making sure it didn't fall in the wrong hands,?
Timothy Hogan 34:06
Correct! Yeah, yeah, that was the main thing they Yeah, they didn't want to fall into the wrong hands. They also didn't want the symbolic value of the Ark or the arcs to be missed. And that is, you know, if you look at how a temple is built, and this is how the Templars would build temples. I mean, fact, the Templars helped to build the cathedrals, the initial, the initial cathedrals, they were the, you're the ones building those of Notre Dame and such,
Alex Ferrari 34:37
And the St Peter's Basilica.
Timothy Hogan 34:39
They didn't build St Peter's but, but they did. But St Peter's became was, was based on earlier temples that had been being built. But the science behind this building was, was basically like the the building was a Mac. CoSM of the human body, which was a microcosm, right? So, as you go into a building, the like a cathedral, the the baptismal fonts at the area of the belly button, the the choirs at the area of the lungs, the the priest speaks from the area of the heart in the sacrament is kept at the period, period of the third eye, you know, or the there was known as the Nazar in the ancient world. So the ark, being a communication device with God, was placed in the Sanctum Sanctorum of the tabernacle, right, the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle. And so, using the macrocosm of the building to the microcosm of the human form, the Ark actually represented as the communication device with God. It represented the area of the pineal gland, where the third eye, where that Ark was placed, and so symbolically speaking, it says that look where your third eye is. That's where your communication device is with God, right? It's implying that we are all walking temples. And literally, hence, hence, why that's right between that's at the area of your temple, right? It's not why they call it that. That's why it's called the Temple and and that each one of us, through our own divine connection, are tapped into that universal consciousness of the Creator, whatever you want to call it,
Alex Ferrari 36:52
What I find so fascinating about our conversation so far Tim is that the Templars, their, their their Public fame is not what we're having a conversation about. It's generally mostly about the Crusades, about the Grail, which we're going to get into, a second ark of a covenant. I am just I have so much more love now for the Templars, because they seem like the Guardians, the the other Jedi of their day. They were, they essentially were the Jedi of their way, they were defending honor, they were protecting their you know? And they, yeah, they got pulled into the Crusades a bit because they're, like, ah,
Timothy Hogan 37:28
Because everyone was pulled into, yeah,
Alex Ferrari 37:30
A certain point, like, either you come in with us or you were gonna, that's right, right, exactly, right. Um, but, but what you're talking about these your the order seems to be, and it's still even like a Jedi Order. It's called an order has this, this real deep connection to ideas that we're now truly exploring as a society, yeah, as as our society, ancient stuff. I mean, like we said, we're talking about six, 8000 years, maybe even older, ideas, which are now starting to bubble up into these kind of conversations that are publicly put out in the world, where, 15 years ago, yeah, not so much.
Timothy Hogan 38:08
Well, as soon as the, you know, assumes we had the internet where we could start talking, talking with people on other sides of the globe, you know, and sharing ideas and recognizing, like,
Alex Ferrari 38:18
Wait a minute.
Timothy Hogan 38:19
Yeah, there's wait. We have a lot. I mean, it used to be, right? The best way you could figure out what other cultures were doing is you took, what a pilgrimage, right? When you took a pilgrimage, it allowed you to see that like there are other cultures and other people out there that are practicing and doing the same thing that you're doing, and maybe labeled differently, but it's I mean, when, when a Christian from Europe who was practicing baptism first went to India and saw a bunch of people bathing in the Ganges River, right as a sacred form of cleansing. It's like, oh, it's baptism, right? It's just, it's just under a different name, under a different religion, but it's the same thing. And that's part of what a pilgrimage allowed you to do, and that's what the the Templars were protecting, was pilgrims, right?
Alex Ferrari 39:17
So they could go and grow their understanding of the world. It's exactly right. And that's, I think, one of the biggest problems we have here in America, specifically that most don't ever leave the country. Yeah, completely that they they're just so stuck in a myth. And, you know, I love America. I love being here. It's wonderful. But when you go out of the country and you go to Europe, and you go to other areas of the world, you start seeing things. You're like,
Timothy Hogan 39:45
That's exactly right.
Alex Ferrari 39:46
This is different. Oh, oh, the food's a bit different. Oh, this. And now, you know, we're in America's a melting pot. So we've had a lot of these cultures come here, sure, but when you go out to these other worlds and you start walking at the same place as you read about. For sure, you know, and you're like, oh, wow, this is different. It really does open you and educate you in a way that a university can't, that's true, and a book can't,
Timothy Hogan 40:10
Yeah, and you may even come across things. I have a it's so interesting. In my travels, I've encountered certain cultures that just aren't written about, right? Oh, yeah, the Western world. So like, you encounter them, you get to know them, you get to know their philosophies and so on and so forth. And then, you know, I came back to the US, and I started writing about them, and it was like, now we live in a world where they're trying to even censor what's going on digitally. They're trying online. They're trying so, like, you know, I'll get fact checked on this group that nobody knows about, you know, like, because it hasn't been written about in the Western world, and, like, in a large amount, you know, so, so it's a very interesting time, you know,
Alex Ferrari 41:07
It is, I think trying to do that is very difficult in the internet. It's just, it's right on both sides,
Timothy Hogan 41:16
Echo chamber, right?
Alex Ferrari 41:18
Try to try and erase, trying to erase anything off the internet. It's like trying to take the eggs out of the cake, yeah? Like it just
Timothy Hogan 41:26
Even with the Templar stuff, I can reveal documents from the 1200s that talk about, like the council momentum, for example, and the Internet will want to argue with me. Well, no, that's not true, because this is the box we want to keep the Templars in. You know, we're where they're just Roman Catholic guardians, you know? And it's like, but they never really were.
Alex Ferrari 41:51
So, yeah, it sounds like they Roman, the Roman Catholics, and the Templars didn't really see eye to eye.
Timothy Hogan 41:57
No, I mean, they had, they were, they, they received Roman Catholic patronage for a while, in exchange for the Templars would answer to the Pope and protection and protection, they would protect Roman Catholics. And they, you know that they would the the the Templars will come back and they help to do things like build cathedrals and such, you know, for the template for the Roman Catholic but it wasn't like so like the internet will tell you when the template order was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church. Well, then that was the end of the Templar Order, because the Roman Catholic power structure, power structure was the all dominant thing of the day, and there's no way you could exist without that, you know, which just isn't the truth. You know, it's just just not the truth. So
Alex Ferrari 42:48
Being a recovering Catholic myself, fair enough, I understand completely that that whole world, and on the show, we talk a lot about that, that that entity, specifically, sure, power structure and what it did and how it continues to do
Timothy Hogan 43:05
Largest land owner in the world,
Alex Ferrari 43:07
Largest landowner in the world, so much money, so much money. That's not even funny. And even though you know, and I'd love to hear your thoughts, though, at a certain point in time, even in our lifetime, yeah, the Roman Catholic Church was an impenetrable monolith,
Timothy Hogan 43:26
Alex Ferrari 43:27
Today, though, it's different. It's it's good. There's cracks. There's cracks now, and people are not buying, yeah, they're not buying what they're selling anymore.
Timothy Hogan 43:35
Yeah, yeah. And that's not to say, and I'll tell you, like, from a Templar perspective, we have Roman Catholic members who enjoy it all the time. No problem. We have no problem, absolutely because, because we recognize that the the seed of God, what we call the sacred flame, is within everybody
Alex Ferrari 43:57
And every culture and every religion.
Timothy Hogan 43:59
Within everybody culture, every religion, sure. So we have no problem. We have no problem with Roman Catholicism. And Roman Catholicism has done a lot of charity and good for the world, absolutely, you know. And that shouldn't be thrown out, absolutely. And they continue to do great work. The thing that's changing is that people are less likely to just be coming from a place where they just worship these things outside of themselves and follow these rules. Rules, yeah, that are being given to them through random people,
Alex Ferrari 44:38
Without real contemplation.
Timothy Hogan 44:40
Without real contemplation, yes, exactly. And you see that not only within Christianity, with all the religions. I mean, you see that within Buddhism, you see that within Islam. I mean, like Islam, for example, has, you know, it has the Quran, which was given. To the Prophet Muhammad through revelation, divine revelation, but then you have all these other things called Hadiths, which were supposed saying of Muhammad, peace be upon him. But who, you know they were created by his generals after he was dead and and if, if, if he had actually said everything that is said in all of the Hadith, Muhammad would have had to have lived, you know, 100 years longer than he actually did. So we know these were created by people trying to impose power, you know, their power and control on others and same script, different movies, same same script, different movies. So this happens everywhere. It falls upon each person to be able to look within themselves and determine what resonates with them and why and is it, is it kind is it hurting someone? Is it hurting someone else?
Alex Ferrari 46:07
Is it fear based?
Timothy Hogan 46:08
Is it fear based, exactly, and, and you have to sort those things out for yourself.
Alex Ferrari 46:13
Absolutely, absolutely. Now I want to go down the road of the Grail. Yeah, the Grail is one of the most famous artifacts in the world, sure, a Templar made a cameo in Last Crusade. Yep, that's right. That's right. And the Holy Grail, which is the cup of Christ at the Last Supper, for my understanding. Okay,
Timothy Hogan 46:33
That's it's one of the interpretations.
Alex Ferrari 46:36
Exactly. That's why I'm saying it to my understanding. So, again, I'm a filmmaker, so I'm sure most of my knowledge.
Timothy Hogan 46:41
It's all good.
Alex Ferrari 46:42
So what is in from the Templars point of view, what was the Grail? What was their what was their part in the Grail legend, the Grail myth, protecting the grill, hiding all of that? So let's go down the Grail rabbit hole.
Timothy Hogan 46:56
Okay, well, I'll tell you. So the first, the first place in history where the word Grail shows up is an ancient Sumer, and it was referred to as Graal, and it was G, R, A, dot, A, L, and this name for Graal was associated with the alchemical Science of ancient Sumer. And I say alchemical, science, Alchemy, the word alchemy actually comes from alchem, which was ancient name for Egypt. Kemet was, but it was alchemy was the science of transmutation. So how do you take something of lesser value and transmute it into something of greater value. And you know, that was the science of alchemy, of transmutation. The name of that in ancient Sumer was Graal, okay, so that's the earliest origin of that name, by the middle ages of Europe. European Middle Ages. So, you know, 1100s 1200s the Grail was still being associated on some level of transmutation. The myth of the Grail story is that there's this, there's this King who's in charge of the Grail. He ends up running off and leading a charge in the name of love. But it, but it was not love, it was, it was really lust, right? And he ends up, he ends up getting wounded in his some some legend say it was his thigh. Others say it was basically a genitals. But he ends up, he ended up getting wounded, and as a result, he gets very sick. The legends say that he can't, he can't sit, but he can't stand. He's, he's alive, but he's hardly alive, but he's also not dead. You know, he's, he's, he's in this torn between the state of dualities. By the way, he's known as The Fisher King because the name of them, right? Great movie, which is right, but it's really it's alluding to the Age of Pisces, which is torn between dualities, right? Everything's black and white, good or evil, like there's no middle ground. So according to these myths, The Fisher King can only be healed through the Holy Grail and and even though he was in charge of the Grail because he had led this charge in lust and lust and not in true love, he is now being denied the very thing. Thing that he is supposed to that could heal him, and it requires someone else to find that Grail and administer it to the The Fisher King in order to heal him. And there's an as above, slow, below, relationship between the king and the land, because as he gets sick, the land also gets sick, right? So crops start stop growing, disease and famine starts to spread across the planet. And so everyone's pretty miserable. And so this is the whole reason why the Knights have to go on this quest to find the Grail so they can heal the Fisher King, to therefore heal the land that's suffering. And so that's the the legend, as far as King Arthur goes.
Alex Ferrari 50:46
But, but is the grail in this legend associated to Christ? Or no?
Timothy Hogan 50:51
It is, sorta. So it's, it's, it says that the the Templars specifically, are the guardians of this grail, and that it is associated with the blood of Jesus. Right now, when we say the blood of Jesus, this is even more complicated, because in the Middle Ages, the blood of Christ represented not only Jesus's blood, but it also represented an alchemical substance that was could be extracted out of nature, which had These healing properties. And it just so happens that the same elixir, if you will, was described in ancient myths of ancient Sumer of ancient Egypt and Ancient Egypt. It was known as the blood of Osiris, but it was the same thing, same script, different names, script, different movie, you know, and, and, and even the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is one of the earliest flood myths, right on the planet.
Alex Ferrari 52:09
It's the earliest story that they have
Timothy Hogan 52:10
Correct, correct. But what is gilga? You know? What's he trying to do in this story? He's trying to find this elixir of immortality, fountain of youth, right? Fountain of Youth. So this was, it was the same thing. It was just applied to, you know, this thing called the Grail, later on,
Alex Ferrari 52:35
It is a cup.
Timothy Hogan 52:37
Well, that's the thing. It's sometimes depicted as a cup. Sometimes it's depicted as a as a bowl. Sometimes it's depicted as a emerald sometimes it's depicted as a Emerald Cup.
Alex Ferrari 52:53
So when, at what point in history did the Catholics, I'm assuming, yeah, pick up this story and say, No, this was actually the cup of Christ, yeah, at the Last Supper, right? And that's what this is. At what point did that myth or that story get taken over?
Timothy Hogan 53:09
So right around the By some estimates, you know, right around 1000 years after christ.
Alex Ferrari 53:20
So it's around when you guys were being formed,
Timothy Hogan 53:22
Correct! Because there was, there were earlier Celtic myths as well, talking about a sacred cauldron. Yeah, more the druid and more druid stuff, yeah, and then, and then, and then. Sometimes it's even depicted as a head, this every minute, like a severed head. So hence it became associated with John the baptist's head, you know, in certain myths as well. So it all these things have symbolic meaning behind them that all point to what it really is.
Alex Ferrari 53:52
But it just seems like throughout history, yeah, there's a group somewhere. It doesn't have to be the Catholics, but just in general, there's always a group that picks up on a storyline, yeah, and goes,
Timothy Hogan 54:02
Runs with it.
Alex Ferrari 54:03
And we're like, you know, we're gonna take that and we're gonna totally do and go with this, because the only grill that I know of, and of course, it probably has a lot to do with Indiana Jones, because that's in this Grail is right behind you, by the way. I don't know if you noticed that or not. That's the grill behind you. So that is the idea that most people in the West have. It's, oh, it's a cup of Christ.
Timothy Hogan 54:23
Right. It's a receptacle that contains the blood of Christ, right? But you have to ask yourself, well, what's the blood? Well, first of all, what's Christ, from a Templar perspective. Christ is a universal consciousness, not and the man. So what's the blood of the universal consciousness? What's the life force of the universal consciousness? And this is real the message where the real mystery is is, what is the connecting point between the universal consciousness of the Creator and our individual consciousness? And it's when you get to that point that meeting point between where the individual consciousness stops and the universal consciousness begins. That's the secret of the Grail. That's the point where, when you partake of that, you know you're opening yourself up to enlightenment or Gnosis, right? And so that was the real mystery of what was behind it. And they, they recognized that there were alchem, certain alchemical substances that could be created that helped to open your mind to that. I, you know, I would somewhat, some would say, you know, this is where you're getting into some, you know, psychedelic type of stuff, you know, but, I mean, are, but even, like, like, for example, someone takes DMT or,
Alex Ferrari 55:48
Oh, so you're talking so this alchemical idea, it could either, it could be psychedelics, it could be DMT, it could be toads, yeah, be mushrooms,
Timothy Hogan 55:57
Yeah, if you, if you take that, and you're open to your perception, to the other side, the other side, in this higher universal consciousness that could also be the Grail, that could also live on the grail, correct?
Alex Ferrari 56:09
So these stories of the Templars moving the Grail and protecting the Grail throughout history. How is that?
Timothy Hogan 56:16
Yeah, so, so that, then, then you gets tied into the fact that there's also a belief, a knowledge within the Templar tradition, that the templar tradition was passed down, that not only was there a great prophet, Who we now recognize as Jesus, and that he was a person just like any one of us, but he had access to this greater secrets of universal consciousness. But he was also, according to Templar tradition, he was also married to Mary Magdalene, who herself, was a great initiate. And according to Templar tradition, she was actually married to John the Baptist, who was meant to be the original Messiah figure, the dude, original the dude, but he died before he could complete that mission. So Jesus took the mission over from him, and that there are certain family lineages that came out of that who have protected that philosophy over the centuries, and that that philosophy was not always in line with what the power structures philosophies were at the time
Alex Ferrari 57:41
Generally always, has never, exactly, because truth never generally leans on where the power structure
Timothy Hogan 57:47
Correct, yeah, so, so, plus, places a different emphasis on some of the the meanings of the sacred texts, right? I mean, if, if you, if, for example, if you believe in reincarnation based on and you could back it up with things you're reading in the New Testament. Well, that's going to be very different than what the standard Christian power structure is of what they're saying the interpretation is,
Alex Ferrari 58:18
I mean, you could actually in the Bible, there is still remnants of reincarnation. A couple things here and there.
Timothy Hogan 58:25
Absolutely. I mean, there's a great passage where Christ actually the disciples go to Jesus, and they say, Jesus, the people are saying the Prophet Elias, has come back. And Jesus says, well, he has come back the it's just not everybody's recognized him yet. And it says, and then the disciples understood he was talking about John the Baptist. Well, we we know. We know who John the Baptist parents were. So if John the Baptist is the Prophet Elias has come back, the only way he could be coming back is through reincarnation, right?
Alex Ferrari 59:00
Just so. So when you said that Jesus is married in other shows, it might be a shock. It was we spoken about this, but I'm fascinated that the Templars have that same belief. So now it's another chip on that side of the story, because I've heard that from East for sure, hind the Hindus, course, the Tibetans, yes, have a long history of Jesus actually was married. That's right. And I'd love to ask you this and tell me, if I'm you, what the Templars think that he actually didn't die,
Timothy Hogan 59:34
Correct, yeah, yeah, he survived the crucifixion, and
Alex Ferrari 59:38
He went on, had kids. moved over to India.
Timothy Hogan 59:41
100% in fact, if you go to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, yeah, which was built by the Templars, and you go and you look at the crucifixion that's found near the front of the, you know, the Sanctum area of the chapel, go look behind. Find it. You'll see a guy on a ladder who's actually untying Jesus to let him down so he could, like, walk away.
Alex Ferrari 1:00:09
So what's but he was tied, not nailed.
Timothy Hogan 1:00:11
He was tied not now, the symbolism of the nail comes in from in Hebrew the Hebrew letter vow means nail, and it has a a a numeric value of six, right? So and the word, the letter that represents a cross in Hebrew is tau, which is the or Tav, which is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Well, Tav means cross, okay? And Tav is made up of three of the Hebrew letter vow. So at the end of the Hebrew alphabet, you have a cross and three nails, symbolically, right? And each one of those vows, which means nail, has a numeric value of six. So 666, the mark of the beast, right, which has nothing to do with the devil in the ancient world, had everything to do with transformation. Well, there was no devil in the Torah. There's no, there's no, there's no hell. There's no devil. Yeah, it represented 666, represented transformation. That was it. And so the fact that you find that in the Hebrew Aleph Bet or alphabet suggests that there's a symbolic language that was going on that was being passed down by what we would say would be the initiates of that tradition, the families of that tradition, and that's that philosophy is still passed down. So what matters is not about the bloodline. Is not so much that oh, Jesus and Mary Magdalene had magical powers, and they're passing on their magical powers through some sacred bloodline. Had nothing to do with that, had to do with the fact that their bloodline was passing down a different interpretation of the sacred texts than what is being perpetuated by the establishment.
Alex Ferrari 1:02:14
Now, Mary Magdalene, she's such an interesting figure in history, because the powers that be, could not have a female, right, with the kind of powers or enlightenment, or, you know, being an avatar, yeah, Ascended Master, that can't happen, right? Because if we did that, then there have to be female priests, and we can't do this, all that kind of stuff. So we can't do any of that. So she's literally thrown out as the whore, right, right? Of the town, and she just happens to hang around because she could, they couldn't get rid of her completely because she was too much in the historical text. That's right. So they like, okay, let's just change your character, right? Because, generally speaking, a man, a Jew like Jesus, sure, at that time period, they had to be would be married. They'd have to be married, right, right? Because he was a preacher, so, right? He had to part of a part of that culture.
Timothy Hogan 1:03:06
And not only that, but you have to remember too, that in that region at the time you had Jerusalem, which was largely, there were traditional Jewish elements there, right, that were practicing, which we know historically, but just outside of that, I mean, like you're talking less than 100 miles away, you have groups like the Canaanites that were, they were really the Descendants of the Phoenicians and the the the Canaanites had their own tradition that was 99% the same as the Jewish tradition, only, it had that 1% or that 2% difference that made them unique in their own thing and and part of what is included in that is the Canaanites. They they did have female priests. They were allowed to have female priests. So it wouldn't have been unusual at all for someone like Mary Magdalene to have come out of that tradition. And Jesus, by the way, and then by the time they go to Jerusalem, you know, you have the Jewish priests like a maze that here's this guy, Jesus, who they'd never encountered before, who knew all their mysteries, even though he didn't grow up with them. Well, of course he would, because he learned it all on the Phoenician side, you know, the Canaanite side, and where it wasn't an issue at all so and, and by the way, both those traditions came out of the Egyptian tradition mystery, the Mystery Schools of Egypt. So of course they're going to have similarities, and of course they're going to be all you have to do, all you have to do from a from. A linguistic standpoint, is look at the Egyptian hieroglyphs for each letter of the alphabet, right. Then look at the compare it to the Phoenician, and you'll see that the Phoenician is just a like a shorthand version of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. And then compare the Phoenician to the the the Hebrew, and you could see the Hebrew came out of it, right? So there's an exact correlation between the ancient Egyptian and the Hebrew via the Canaanite or the Phoenician. And so they, they, I am sure that Jesus and Mary Magdalene and and even John the Baptist were probably had been schooled in that Phoenician Canaanite tradition, and which was just so similar to the Jewish that it
Alex Ferrari 1:06:02
Was just it was,
Timothy Hogan 1:06:04
But it's just enough. You know what I mean to Yeah, it's like the difference between human and a chimpanzee those 2% it's a very interesting but it's a huge two trip 2%
Alex Ferrari 1:06:15
You know, still a 2% right now, going back because John the Baptist is also a very interesting character. I really haven't spoken a lot about John the Baptist, but in this show, but from the Templars point of view, what did, what was the position of John the Baptist in this narrative of Jesus, of Mary Magdalene? Was he, you know, essentially, kind of like as an avatar, or, yeah, he goes, and even in the Christian John the Baptist is still John the Baptist, right? But he's also John the Baptist at the same time. Yeah, it's very interesting.
Timothy Hogan 1:06:50
Well, you know, even Jesus said, of of men born of women, none is greater than John the Baptist. So he's, he's including himself in that, in that description, right? When he says that, from a from a Templar standpoint, John the Baptist was meant to be the leader of that whole thing that became Christianity, because he was killed early. And why was he killed again? Well, he, he was so basically, he had, he had, there was a woman by the name of Solon, who had, who had, who had solo, Solomon, but she had wanted him. It's, it's implied that that she wanted to sleep with him, and he wouldn't do it. And so she demanded his head
Alex Ferrari 1:07:43
And how she was that powerful.
Timothy Hogan 1:07:45
She was that powerful and and she so she got it, you know, he had his head cut off for her.
Alex Ferrari 1:07:51
It's a telenovela essentially, basically, well, the antiquity is a telenovela, right?
Timothy Hogan 1:07:57
Alex Ferrari 1:07:58
That's a general statement, yeah, and did, in from the Templars point of view, did Mary Magdalene also have power?
Timothy Hogan 1:08:06
Very powerful. She was very powerful, wealthy woman.
Alex Ferrari 1:08:10
Wealthy is another thing.
Timothy Hogan 1:08:11
I mean, the name mandala or magdale basically means tower, and implied that she had this property where she had a giant tower, you know, and that was really where she got her name from, and that she was the one financially supporting John the Baptist initially, and she was married to him and had Children with him, according to the Templar tradition and that. And then when he was killed, you know, Jesus was like, second in command, and so he, like, took over the role of John the Baptist. And as a result, Mary Magdalene also started supporting him, and then they ended up getting married too. And really the wedding of Cana, Cana Canaanite, right? Was really the wedding between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. And this is why Jesus's mother was the one who ordered him to go get more wine, right? Because she would have been the host of the wedding, right? So, but not only that, but more so, there was a there was a historical, physical aspect to these stories, but then there was also a mythological symbolic aspect to it. So the wedding of Cana represented not only Jesus and Mary Magdalene getting married, but Jesus and Mary Magdalene symbolically represented something else. And. And this is from a mythological standpoint. Jesus represented the Christos, the universal consciousness. Mary Magdalene represented the Sophia, which was the goddess of wisdom, right, who was the consort of the Christos, and who represented the human soul, and the idea that the human soul, as it goes through its incarnation, as it incarnates here on this planet, it gets lost in the dualities. It gets lost in the i Everything appears as separate, right and in pieces and separate from ourselves and how we have to work through that, and eventually, the universal soul weds with the universal consciousness.
Alex Ferrari 1:10:59
So she is, so is this in the which tradition?
Timothy Hogan 1:11:03
This would be the Gnostic tradition, the Gnostic tradition, yeah. And so the idea is, she represents that wisdom that you, that human soul that has to go through that hint, in a sense, becomes a prostitute, right? It has to copulate with everything right to understand it and to recognize that what it is is something bigger than all that, before it can unite with the universal consciousness and bring it all back into oneness.
Alex Ferrari 1:11:36
So she was essentially almost a great yogi as well.
Timothy Hogan 1:11:39
She was, yeah, she would, it's depicted based on the things she does with Jesus. It's assumed she was probably a High Priestess of the Egyptian tradition, because she anoints him with his with her hair, which is something that the the priestesses of Egypt would do. They would, they would actually anoint the Pharaoh with crocodile fat, and would in and frankincense, golden myrrh. That sounds familiar? Yeah, exactly, yeah. I mean, in fact, that's what, that's really reason why the pharaohs were buried with those things. But it was a they all had symbolic value and but it was based on this idea that in the story of Sophia, Sophia, that's what she does. She comes to the world, she gets lost in it. Eventually she finds her way back to the universal consciousness of the Christos, and she weds it. And that's that, that point where the universal that's the Grail, that's the point where the universal consciousness unites with the individual consciousness and and that's where enlightenment is achieved, or Gnosis is achieved. And so we find that in the story of Sophia, in the Christos, which is being emulated in the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. And so the wedding of Cana really represents our own individual soul, wedding with the universal consciousness.
Alex Ferrari 1:13:14
When does in from the Templars point of view, when does Christ? You know, I always joke like, you know, he's 12 years old. Last time we see him, yada yada yada, he goes it on a donkey, right? I'm very interested in yadda yadda, right, right? From the, from the Templars point of view, when does he lose Jesus? Well, yeah. And from my understanding, yeah, he went. He studied in Egypt, in the mystery school. I studied in Tibet, India, India heavily as well, right? Wherever he went, he got kicked out because he's a troublemaker, right? Because calling all the, all the the priest of the area, at first, they're like, Oh, this guy is cool. Wait a minute. They're like, No, no, no, he's a troublemaker,
Timothy Hogan 1:13:52
Calling him out on their hypocrisy, exactly.
Alex Ferrari 1:13:55
But he learned from wherever he he went, and then eventually brought back. Is that what the Templars believe as well?
Timothy Hogan 1:14:01
Yes, absolutely. We know, at least according to Templar records, which came from other cultures, records that he definitely studied in Egypt. In fact, we even acknowledged he was initiated in the Great Pyramid itself, and that, which is what during a ceremony that the temple order continues to do to this day. And that, and that the Egyptian civilization was in pretty close contact with the Indian civilization, and it's in and they were practicing similar ideas. I mean, there's a reason why. For example, in the Vedic tradition that you find in in India, you find emphasis on things like Rama. For example, and the kingdom of Rama. What is Rama? Well, so, so Rama was, was one, a great leader in the Vedic tradition, who was perpetuating the spiritual ideas of what was to become the entire Vedic system
Alex Ferrari 1:15:21
And how that goes back 1000s, 1000s, pre Egypt,
Timothy Hogan 1:15:24
Correct, correct. But at the same time in Egypt, you find the god Ra and Mot, which were what established universal order and power within Egypt. You know, same idea, same names, same script, different same script, different movie, right? So there was, there was a lot of that crossover. So there wasn't a, there wasn't a problem between and so really, all that early Christianity was, is it was and early Judaism, for that matter, I mean, Abraham or Abram. So in the Old Testament, Abraham became Abraham right after he was initiated by Melchizedek, well, and he had his his sister, wife, Sarah, right? Well, that just comes from, probably comes from Abraham or, or Abraham probably comes from Brahma stretch, right, and, and Sister White, Sara Vita, right, which is it's just, it's just transferred over into a new, new vehicle.
Alex Ferrari 1:16:43
I mean, if you look at Buddha's, look at Buddha's life, there's a lot of early parts of his life that that can translate ran to Jesus's same myth, yeah, or myth, myth, right, if you will, right? And that was hundreds of years, yeah, but hundreds of years before, right in the in the mythos that was created, it seems like there's so much proof outside, yeah, of the narrative, right, that we've all been sold, yeah, like in the Templars. Look Templar, Templar, ancient artifacts and ancient text. I mean, we're not talking about 100 years ago. I mean, we're talking about, right, a long time ago. So it's, it's as significant as any, any, any Texan and antiquity, sure, but yet, the narrative that has been continuously perpetrated is what we hear now, correct, but I think that is changing. People are starting to discover the Gnostics, yeah, the Rubik's, the Gnostics, the Templars, and other stories that are going, Well, wait a minute, maybe there's a little more to it. There's a little bit more than what they told us, right? Which I think is one of the reasons why there's so many people who are having trouble believing anything anymore.
Timothy Hogan 1:17:57
It's true. It's true well, and I think, I think part of it, what it comes down to, is people have received conditioning, of course, programming, growing up programming, another name for brainwashing, you know, of a of a of a certain way of looking at things, a certain way of looking at these texts, and a certain way of looking at these rituals that have been passed down through whatever religious establishment they're raised in. From a Templar perspective, we recognize that is all cultural tied into places and territories, but that the real essence of it transcends all that, and that there's, there's, there's usually a deeper meaning going on there and there's, it was usually a deeper thing that was implied when it was set up, that's just kind of being lost now, and that actually these different religions have more in common with each other than they realize correct and that and that the myths and that the symbolism behind them tell a deeper story. I mean, let me give you an example. So we talked about revelations earlier. We talked about the seven seals, right, or the seven chakra of the the Eastern tradition. To bring that back even further, within the Eastern tradition, each of the seal, each of the chakra, have a certain number of petals, right? And so the total number of petals from the first chakra to the sixth chakra is 144 right. The last chakra, which. Is the 1000 petal chakra, right? The Crown Chakra, if you times that last seventh chakra towards the other seven, you get a total of 144,000 Well, this is really why, in Revelations, it talks about 144,000 are saved, right? It's alluding to the number of petals or the extensions out of each chakra. That's not how people in the Western world are used to looking at it. They look at it as, oh, it's 144,000 people. No, it's talking about 144,000 possibilities, you know, that came out of those seven chakra and and and to reemphasize that, even further in the the Western alchemical tradition, one of the things that you learn how to produce within the the alchemy, the science of alchemy is you produce a substance that's known as mana, right? And this mana is what was said to be the powerhouse behind any elixir. It was the in in in the Bible, it was talks referred to as mana from heaven, or it was considered the sacred bread. It was the origin of the bread and the communion. It was the buddy. But you find it in ancient Egypt, as well being being alluded to of what goes in their ARKS, right? And this mana is there's also called the white stone, and it was given to he who overcometh. The fact in Revelations, it says To he who overcometh, he'll be given the hidden mana and the sacred white stone. Well, in the Eastern traditions, they have the same thing. It's just referred to as Mani, right? So instead of Manas Mani, but it's the same thing. And so when, when in Tibetan mantra, when you, when you say Om, Mani, Padme, hum, OM is the word of creation. Mani is the precious white stone of illumination. Pad me is the the crown Lotus opening up, and whom is the completion, right? So say the same thing to who you overcometh is given the the money stone, right? The chinchamani is another name for it, but it's the same thing as the mana. You know? It's just we're not used to looking at it that way.
Alex Ferrari 1:22:39
So you mentioned Abraham, and, yeah, I know very little about Abraham, so I'm just gonna ask you, yeah, a simple question from the Templars point of view. The I've heard of the Abrahamic accordions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, yeah. How is that? How is that connection made? Because those three are two are somewhat close. Yeah, there's another one that's very far off. And there's many wars between all of them at this point, right? How did one man, you know, support or create, or help create these three, three of the major religions on the planet?
Timothy Hogan 1:23:15
Yeah. Well, they're based on the idea that so when, when Abraham? So when Abram was initiated by Melchizedek, he then became Abraham and Malthus, who Melchizedek was the king of priests, the the king of peace from Salem.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:33
And what years are we talking about here?
Timothy Hogan 1:23:36
Oh, we're talking pre Christ, obviously, pre Christ. But, but after Noah, shall we say.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:42
Yeah. Because Noah was way, way back, right back. So we're talking about probably 1000
Timothy Hogan 1:23:48
1000 years, yeah, about 1000 years before Christ, according to the standard, because
Alex Ferrari 1:23:52
Is there Judaism at that point?
Timothy Hogan 1:23:54
There is. There's no Judaism. There's no pre, pre, Judaism.
Alex Ferrari 1:23:59
This is all of that, right?
Timothy Hogan 1:24:00
So here's pre all that so. But the idea is that, of course, the story is that Abraham went to sacrifice his son Isaac, he ended up sacrificing a ram instead, which just symbolically represented the end of the age of Aries, which was, which was the RAM, you know? So you had to symbolically sacrifice the age of Aries in order to come into the next stage, just like Moses had to, had to burn the golden calf, which represented the age of Taurus, in order to bring about the age of Aries
Alex Ferrari 1:24:39
Is the age of Christ, and all of these religions, Pisces,
Timothy Hogan 1:24:43
Christ, yeah, so Christianity started right at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.
Alex Ferrari 1:24:48
And now which? And we're going into the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius, right?
Timothy Hogan 1:24:51
Which is the chalice bear the Grail, right?
Alex Ferrari 1:24:55
And we're going towards a better consciousness, right? Exactly, which makes sense.
Timothy Hogan 1:24:58
Right. And this is why. Even, even in Christianity, it talks about how Jesus says, For the Last Supper, he says, look for the person carrying the water jug and follow them into that house. Well, a house was the name of a zodiacal age, and so that represented the water bearer, the chalice bear, the the the vase bear, was the Age of Aquarius, or is the Age of Aquarius that we're going into? So each, each age has these symbolic elements to it. So, back to Abraham. So, back to Abraham. So Abraham, he's sacrifice, you know, he sacrifices the the RAM, ending the age of Aries, symbolically So, but out of him and out of his sons, basically came all three faiths of specifically Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And so the whole reason why these peace projects, and it was like the Abrahamic accords and things of that nature, is it's basically saying, Okay, what's the origin of these three religions, and how do we get them to get along? I like to say that Christianity, Islam and Judaism are like three teenage girls showing up to high school wearing the same dress, right? I mean, they're so similar, but they're gonna fight like hell against each other ever dare you there you wear my dress, you know? I mean, I mean, they just call it different names, but it's the same. It's the same stuff, you know? And so and in Islam will take even a step further. They refer to the Quran talks about the people. It's referred to as the people of the book. And these are the people that are accepted in God's eyes. Problem is it includes Jews, Christians, Muslims and Sabaeans, sabeans. So Sabaeans. This is great. So, so the Sabaeans originally were a group that was found in Haran, which is more northern Turkey, and they they worshiped the god Hermes. As, here are we talking about here? Oh, we're talking as late as around 500 of our of our current era. Wow. And so what happened is, when the Muslims came across the Sabaeans, they were like, you know, when Muhammad came across the Sabaeans and they were worshiping the god Hermes, they said. He basically said, Well, excuse me. He said, Well, we can't have you worshiping a pagan god. So, so change changes names to Idris, and we're all good. So, so, so the so the Sabaeans were like, cool, we're worshiping Idris now, and which was Hermes. And so they were accepted so but it suggests that hermetic Hermes and hermetic writings were considered part of that tradition, because that's what who Idris really was, was Hermes. And that's also why, interestingly, if we look at like the nachamundi library, which were the apocryphal texts found in Egypt, in these clay jars, not unlike the Dead Sea Scrolls, we found a bunch of Old Testament writings. We found New Testament writings, and we also found hermetic writings in there.
Alex Ferrari 1:29:09
The New Testaments were non Paul, or were Paul.
Timothy Hogan 1:29:12
They were they No, they were non Paul. There was no, there were no Paul letters in those
Alex Ferrari 1:29:18
So that was a little a little cleaner, little right, a little bit closer to the source.
Timothy Hogan 1:29:21
Yeah, the Templars act. So the from a Templar perspective, with Paul, they actually looked at him as a potential gnostic, yeah, but who then later got he was on his road to Damascus, he was taken up to the third heaven, where he experienced Christ as a vision of light. Well, what's the third heaven? Most both Roman Catholics, they've done what, there's just heaven. What's What are you talking about? Third Heaven? Well, from a Gnostic standpoint, third heaven was like the third level of initiation. So they had. It made total sense to them. But what happened was there was a bishop by the name of Arrhenius who wrote a book called against the heritage heresies, and it was a book written by the Roman church designed to specifically persecute Gnostics, which was deemed as a competing religion. So they turned Paul, you know, Paul, which they viewed as a Gnostic. They tried to turn them into, rewrite his character, so to speak, and turn them into a a more in line with Roman Catholic doctrine. And so right at the same time that bishop Arrhenius wrote against the heritage heresies, he also discovered these new letters of Paul that had never existed before. Where, where Paul is condemning Gnostics and stuff, you know. So it's, it was like a revisionist, you know, control the past, you can control the future.
Alex Ferrari 1:31:05
The Romans have, right? So, yeah, they're good at that, right? Exactly the question. Now I'm going to go a little farther, a little farther down the line with the Templars, yeah, who were the presiding brethren that counted Benjamin Franklin as one of their own?
Timothy Hogan 1:31:21
Oh, sure. So by so we're moving forward quite a bit in history. We jumped back. We've been in the back. So now. So keep in mind, 13 14, Templar orders completely suppressed. Move forward to the 1700s you know, the order has remained largely underground. It is. It is taken on new expressions in the form of Freemasonry, which which has come from the Templar? Correct? Yeah. So by 1717, the Grand Lodge of England is formed out of other bodies, underground Templar bodies, including a group known as the Kabbalah club and and other other groups. The Society of unknown philosophers, is another group that contributed to the Kabbalah Club, which became standard Freemasonry, but so so Freemasonry, then is, becomes this Templar expression, and it becomes very big, especially here in the forming United States with with people like, well, Like my, my great grandfather, seven generations back, was was physician and General Joseph Warren, who fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and he's the one who also planned the Boston Tea Party. He initiated Paul Revere he was a and he was a past grand commander of the Templar Order.
Alex Ferrari 1:33:03
It's like, and that, it's like, one of the national treasures,
Timothy Hogan 1:33:06
Yeah, very similar. Very similar. His son Joseph Warren Jr, ended up marrying Elizabeth Burns, who was Robert Burns, the poet of Scotland. His daughter. And Robert Burns was, you know, he was a very famous Freemason as well. He wrote all enzyme that we that we sing during New Year's, amongst other things. But so, but there was so, but Freemasonry became one of these expressions. I mean, the two big expressions that came out of the temple order were Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. The Rosicrucians, yes, right. So, by the way, Rosicrucian was to symbol as rose cross. Where that came from originally is when the Templars went down into Egypt. They were trying to find this place known as Rostow, which was deemed to be where all the Atlantean records and everything were kept. And it's actually this region between Giza and Saqqara in ancient Egypt, which is about this 20 mile pier area where there's all these tunnel networks underneath the ground, but in the Egyptian language, Ross Tao, if we translate that into Latin, Ros becomes rose and Tao becomes cross. So Rostow of ancient Egypt became symbolized by a rose Cross, which is why the Templars made all of the cathedrals in the shape of crosses, but they put rose windows in them to make them rose crosses right to symbolize the technology and the knowledge of ancient Egypt, which they were trying to replicate on these cathedrals. So. A little sideshow. But then that became this whole Rosicrucian movement,
Alex Ferrari 1:35:04
Which, now, by the way, makes sense, because I've discovered the, I started discovering the recitations recently, yeah. And a lot of the ideas that they come up with that they talk about is essentially what you're talking about, right? Exactly, the consciousness, all this stuff to Christ everything,
Timothy Hogan 1:35:19
All of it, yeah, yeah. And alchemy and everything.
Alex Ferrari 1:35:21
All of these things have come from that. So now I didn't know that there's their oranges, yeah.
Timothy Hogan 1:35:25
So their origin is Templar and Freemasonry too. So the two big expressions by the 1600s are Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, so. So by the time of Benjamin Franklin, Freemasonry is very public, right? Oh, yeah, big time, you know, I mean, it's, it is? It has become the secret glue of the new founding Republic. And, you know, most of the founding fathers were Freemasons, or Rosa and, or Rosicrucians. And so the knowledge, and some of the secrets that had been preserved over the centuries, over the centuries, they became custodians of and, and Benjamin Franklin was right in there with it. And he's, he's, he's, he becomes a grand master of Freemasonry. He is, and his influence on the founding of the Republic is huge. So much so the one of the things that the Templars had done previously is they had secured all these artifacts, including these arcs, as well as ossuaries that contain the bones fragments of important people and as well as texts, they secured all this stuff in it to hide it from the powers that be in Europe. At the time, they brought it all over here to the Americas to hide it. And specifically, this is the really, the reason why Columbus went to Spain to get funding to come to the new world, because he knew that the Templars were already coming over here. That's the whole reason why he he flew the Templar cross on his boats. You're right. They
Alex Ferrari 1:37:30
You're right. They did. They're always depicted with the right lacrosse on
Timothy Hogan 1:37:32
Correct because he was trying to fool the natives and make them think that he was a Templar so that he could try to get because he knew that the Templars are working with the natives, so he so he was trying to fool them into thinking he was a Templar, so that he could get those secrets of where these treasure are, to bring them back to Spain. And that's the whole reason why Spain funded him to do it.
Alex Ferrari 1:37:56
So, so technically, we should be having Templar Day sales instead of Columbus Day.
Timothy Hogan 1:38:01
Totally, yeah, totally, completely. 100% 100% even, Columbus, even, you know, he even pulled one of the Grand Masters daughters out of a convent and married her to try to get this, the secrets of how to, how to get to the new world and be prior to Spain. He went to Portugal, yeah, and he tried to get Portugal to fund them, and they wouldn't fund them, because Portugal was funded. Was was started as a Templar state, and the in the king of Portugal was when the temple order was suppressed. One of the places they went to was Portugal to they just changed their name to the Knights of Christ and kept operating. So the king of the king of Portugal, already knew there was land on the other side of it,
Alex Ferrari 1:38:47
But let me ask you this. Then, why has the narrative been that Christopher Columbus, there's there's rhymes about it. It's the
Timothy Hogan 1:38:55
Alex Ferrari 1:38:58
All that stuff. Why? Why is that narrative been completely upheld? If everybody knew the template? I mean, when, even when I went, Yeah, they said there's chances the Vikings right came over, right, right, actually discovered so they at least mentioned that. But right, Chris is the one that gets all the attention.
Timothy Hogan 1:39:17
Gets all the attention.
Alex Ferrari 1:39:17
Why is that?
Timothy Hogan 1:39:18
Ironically, it was from a political move. Shocking in the it was the which I could put the date, and I don't the details are kind of fuzzy, so bear with me. But basically what happened was there was a an instance. I want to say it was in I can't remember what state it was, but there was a an instance in which there were Italian there was an issue between the Italians and the Irish at the time. Him right where, where there was these Italian gangs that had killed this, this Irish police commissioner, and I want to say it was in New York, or someplace like that, and as a result.
Alex Ferrari 1:40:14
But this is 14, so this is going into the 1492
Timothy Hogan 1:40:17
No, no, no. This is like in the early 1900s
Alex Ferrari 1:40:20
No, no, I understand. So is that where the this is where the origin
Timothy Hogan 1:40:23
I'm telling you where Columbus Day came from. Okay, right, so, so what happened was this police commissioner had been killed by these Italians, and it led to this reaction by the population who's then started persecuting anyone who is Italian, right to the point where, I mean, it was really bad. It was really bad. We're talking like gangs in New York, type of deal. So there and to the point where there were all these Italian families that had been prosecuted or persecuted by by the the larger population in the area and the it just so happened at the same Time, the ambassador from Italy was visiting the United States, and United States almost went to war with Italy over it, right? I mean, it was, it got that bad, and
Alex Ferrari 1:41:33
Italy had nothing to do with it. Was just these guys, right, right?
Timothy Hogan 1:41:36
That happened to be Italian, right? So, I mean, but it was really bad. I can't remember who the President was at the time. You know, people have to look this up. So I'm just giving you the broad strokes, the broad strokes. So I apologize. But what happened then was the the Italian Ambassador said to the President of the United States, he said, you know, you need to make this right. I We need reparations for the the Italian families that have been, you know, hurt through all of this. And the President United States at the time said, okay, yeah, we'll get it straightened out. I'm sorry. What else can we do? And the ambassador of Italy at the time said, and we want Columbus to be celebrated within the United States. And the President of the United States this time said, no problem. He created Columbus Day and the narrative, and then that was the narrative, yeah, right, and it's been going ever since. But it's not that long ago. It's not that long ago. So like, like, over the maybe 100 years, 150 years at most.
Alex Ferrari 1:42:45
So that, but so then. But was it very public knowledge that the Templars were on the other side, on the other side of the world, or is it more?
Timothy Hogan 1:42:55
No, I don't think, I don't think it was super public knowledge. It's become so more over the years, okay, but, I mean, there's always that knowledge the Vikings, yeah, the Vikings, yeah. But the Viking you know, there were, the thing that, the truth of the matter is, there were a lot of different groups coming over here to the Americas long before Columbus, including the Egyptians,
Alex Ferrari 1:43:16
The across the bridge of the Vikings. At that point that bridge was open,
Timothy Hogan 1:43:21
The Phoenicians. There were even Celtic travelers. You know, I live in Colorado, and in Colorado there are, there are probably 30 different archeological sites that have Celtic algam writing on them, which makes no sense, which makes no sense from a standard narrative, but like but the reality is, there were all these groups that were coming over here, and this is part of where the Templars learned about it. The Templars had associations with the Vikings, by the way, Viking just means pirate, yeah, you know, that's because that's really what they were. They were just pirates, and that's really how the Templars started out too. They were seafaring. When they were suppressed, they became a first pirates, you know, attacking back at the at the establishment, the establishment that did suppress them. They were rebels, great. So of course, they were associated with Viking lineages, you know, and and, and they gained that knowledge in Egypt. They were even Jewish travelers that had come here to the Americas. So, so learning all of this, that's how the Templars learned of it, and then they just took advantage of it, and they came over here and established great relations with the different tribes. And yeah, so Columbus was like, way later, like, way later, you know, so
Alex Ferrari 1:44:45
I'll go back a few 100 years back now, yeah, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte, you know, when he took over, he took over a lot of stuff, lot of stuff. Yeah, when he was scour, what did. He find when he got into the Vatican archives, yeah, so, so what is the Templar part in that?
Timothy Hogan 1:45:05
Yeah, so, part of what he was looking for. So, Napoleon, first of all, was he? He was the illegitimate grandson of Bonnie Prince Charlie, who was the Scottish King in exile in France. Okay, so when Bonnie Prince and he was a steward and they had been perpetuating some of this knowledge from this bloodline, quote, unquote, from Jesus and Mary Magdalene that was passing on knowledge of the Egyptian mysteries and everything else and some of these Gnostic ideas. So. So even though he was outwardly a Roman Catholic, he was secretly practicing this knowledge, the sacred knowledge that was being passed on. He had a bastard son who had a son who was Napoleon, right hence Bonaparte, which means of good blood, basically, right? So, Napoleon was raised in this. He was, he had been aware of many of these mysteries. This is also why he married Josephine, who was a Merovingian princess. The merovingians were also part of this bloodline, right? And by the way, they had a myth who, who also pointed to Atlantis. They talk about how there was us, this almost like sea monster that came out of the ocean and that gave birth to the merovingians. And it was, it was really, it was alluding to the myths of Alanis, who was a, according to the Sumerian traditions, was a, this God who came out of the sea, who wore fish skins, and who baptized priest kings and set up civilization? Right? I use one of the seven gods or immortals, or, you know, they were described as different ways, who came out of the sea to set up the civilization. So, so Napoleon had not only that Stuart line, but the Merovingian line and and then Napoleon's personal physician was Bernard Raymond Fabra palabrat, who was the Grand Master of the temple order, right? So he had all of these influences very early on, when he became emperor, he declared himself the head of all Masonic lodges and in France. And he took all this knowledge with him, and he went on his campaigns, including raiding the Vatican, bringing all the Vatican archives back to France, where they were at stored at St Sulpice cathedral, and where people like Eliphas Levi, also known as Alfonso Constance. He was put in charge of sifting through and Charles notier and others, they were all. They were all put in charge of sifting through all of these Vatican documents from the Vatican archives, specifically looking for Templar information.
Alex Ferrari 1:49:03
But this is, I mean, did they take all of it or most of it?
Timothy Hogan 1:49:06
Yeah, they took most of it. It's hard to say, Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:49:10
But a lot of it. Did a lot of it. How did it get back to the Vatican?
Timothy Hogan 1:49:13
They gave it back afterwards, after they would slip through it all, yeah? So he was, he was just looking for certain information, you know. And so it cataloged it all, sent it back. And this part of the reason why there's a there's a document known as the Sheena apartment, which was just been revealed in the last 20 years, which is supposedly this document that the Vatican happened to find in their archives, which just happens to exonerate them from having anything to do with the Templar persecution, right? Saying, Oh no, we forgave them, but they got, you know, they got burned to the stake anyways, that
Alex Ferrari 1:49:53
Friday, the 13th thing. Yeah,
Timothy Hogan 1:49:54
Right. So, but the but the to me. Me as looking at that objectively, not as a Templar Grand Master, but just objectively if, if Napoleon had already captured all the Vatican archives, was specifically looking for Templar documents and brought them back to France, and never found the Chinon parchment, but it just happened to be found a couple years ago. That suggests to me that that's a later forgery, probably
Alex Ferrari 1:50:25
More unlikely. But let me ask you, when they were going through all of the archives, which I have to imagine, was that
Timothy Hogan 1:50:31
Extensive and vast. Yeah,
Alex Ferrari 1:50:33
Alexandrea, all that comes sure that they had, is there any? Because that's the only time I understand, to my understanding, that there is anyone else but the Vatican in control of the archives,
Timothy Hogan 1:50:44
That's correct. Yes.
Alex Ferrari 1:50:45
Is there any records that they kept in France? Is there anyone that wrote down some stuff like, oh, so this is the meaning of life.
Timothy Hogan 1:50:53
Yeah. Well, I think some of it so, like, if you read the writings of Eliphas Levi, who, he has a book on transcendental magic and but I think he was a priest, but he wrote all this weird, esoteric stuff. I think where, I think what he was writing was largely based on what he was finding within those archives and and by the way, Albert Pike, who became one of the leading lights in Freemasonry, he wrote his book Morals and Dogma, Which is like, almost like if, if, if the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry had a Bible, it would almost be Albert Pike's work. This is Morals and Dogma. It used to be presented to every member who went through the Scottish Rite, but 85% of Morals and Dogma, I would say this is my estimate. Is actually just a a complete copy of the writings of Eliphas Levi. They just changed the word anytime the elfest Levi used the term magic. Albert Pike changed it to reason, but, but aside from that, it's plagiarism. It's complete. You know, like 85% of Morals and Dogma comes directly from Eliphas Levi. So that's amazing. But, I mean, I think pike probably also knew and recognized why he was doing that, and it was because alpha Levi was one of the people in charge of sifting through those Vatican documents.
Alex Ferrari 1:52:47
What is, let me ask you, before we finish up, Tim, because I could keep days and days, what is the purpose and what is the mission now of the Knights Templar, since we're not crusading anymore, yeah, you know, and doing all that stuff. What are you What is the order doing correct now? And what's
Timothy Hogan 1:53:05
Yeah, well, for you know, first of all, we have to understand what a Templar is. A Templar is a warrior monk,
Alex Ferrari 1:53:11
A Jedi.
Timothy Hogan 1:53:12
A Jedi, in fact, in the original Star Wars script, the the Jedi referred to as temp Templar Jedi Knights is what they were referred to as, yeah. And even the word Jedi comes from the Jed, which is the backbone of Osiris, the background pillar of Osiris, you know it was, how do you how do you build up the energy along the spinal column? Hence, hence the chakra system and everything else Kundalini energy, you know, that's found in ancient Egypt to utilize it. So that's kind of the esoteric backstory of that. But from a modern standpoint, what is a warrior monk? Well, it doesn't mean in ancient times, we might say, Oh, it was someone who studied scripture, but who could also kick ass, right? But really, what it's about is, how do you engage in the spiritual practice, on the one hand, well, also doing your work in the world, right? You know? How do you unite those two things. How do you go to your nine to five job, or you're an accountant or whatever, or you're, you're a mechanic, auto mechanic, or you're whatever you do, while still engaging in the spiritual practice. So it's, it's, how do we unite those things. And that's still the that's still the mission of the Templars today. How do we do the inner work, the inner reflective work in the in the spiritual practice, while still engaging in the world? You know. And so, yeah, that's it. Mean, what you're doing right now with the show, that's Templar work, right? I mean, you are looking at these deeper spiritual truths while still paying your taxes. You know what I mean?
Alex Ferrari 1:55:19
Well, I've been associated with worse groups there, so I appreciate, yeah,
Timothy Hogan 1:55:24
So ultimately, that's the Templar work. Now how that's applied in other ways is as Templars. One of the things we do modern Templars is the quest is still the same. We are still exploring the different spiritual truths out there, the different cultures, the recognizing the their contribution to the greater unfoldment of consciousness of humanity, and how do we celebrate that? And how do we, how do we try to wake up other people to that as well, so we can recognize we are one human family. And you know, on the on the Great Seal the United States, it says, e pluribus unum, many out of one. Well, that's who we are. I mean, not only symbolically as a nation, but as people, we appear as separate, right. But in reality, we're one mind,
Alex Ferrari 1:56:29
Which is what so many right religions and ideas and philosophies and right and masters have said, we are all one,
Timothy Hogan 1:56:37
And as soon as we recognize that, that's how we can come to living in harmony with this universal order each other. Beautifully said, right. So that's the work the Templar.
Alex Ferrari 1:56:48
So I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my all my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?
Timothy Hogan 1:56:55
In my opinion, living a fulfilled life is living in harmony with that Universal Consciousness, because the more we're in tune with that, the more everything else falls into place.
Alex Ferrari 1:57:05
Now, if you had a chance to go back in time and speak to little Timothy, what Yes, would you give him?
Timothy Hogan 1:57:09
I would, I would tell him to to, you know, stay focused on on the spiritual path, and don't get too caught up in this. Yeah, the BS Don't be good, and you can't save everybody. All you can do is provide opportunities for new ways of reflection, personal reflection, but you can't do it for people.
Alex Ferrari 1:57:48
How do you define God or Source?
Timothy Hogan 1:57:51
To me, Source or God, or whatever you want to call it is the the it is the pure light of and life of realized consciousness that in that it is beyond the human, some of the petty human traits you have to be careful as however you define God gives you permission to be the way you are. Oh, my God, right? So if you believe in a jealous God, well that allows you to be jealous, right? Wrathful. Wanna be wrathful, but God, yeah, loves you be wrathful. So prideful now. So we have to get beyond all that. And I'm not trying to to criticize followers of the Old Testament. I'm just saying that we need to be able to be better than that, agreed, and, and I think that's, that's the reason why, in my opinion, the true God is a God of light and love and and that's and that's our destiny of who we're becoming, it is right, and we are getting better, right? We're getting better. It's gonna long way to go. But what is love? Love is the conscious connection that unites everything, but it's realized, right? Right? You can't, you can't have love and without it being realized as as a connection and so.
Alex Ferrari 1:59:50
And what is the ultimate purpose of life?
Timothy Hogan 1:59:53
The ultimate purpose, purpose of life is. Embodying that, that universal consciousness, that love, that's that's where we're heading. We're all striving towards that as we incarnate into this world, you know, we get distracted and we take on all kinds of Bs, and it buries who we really are. But the purpose of life is unburying all that in aligning more with that source.
Alex Ferrari 2:00:36
And where can people find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing with the Templars.
Timothy Hogan 2:00:40
Oh, thanks, yeah. People find me on Facebook, Timothy W Hogan, or you just Google, Timothy Hogan, you'll find me. But I do. I can be found. You know, giving presentations like this, you can find me on Gaia. I have a series mysteries of the Knights Templar, fantastic, which is thank you and, but, yeah, this is the best way to find me. Find me on Facebook is the best way to find me, probably.
Alex Ferrari 2:01:14
And do you have any parting messages for the audience?
Timothy Hogan 2:01:17
Yeah, I would just encourage. I mean, obviously anyone who watches listens to this or watches
Alex Ferrari 2:01:25
This point of this conversation.
Timothy Hogan 2:01:27
Yeah, exactly. I mean, they're already tuned into wanting to know more about themselves, their place in the universe and their their spiritual practice is already being called into question. And I would just encourage people to continue with that, continue following that. It from a Tumblr perspective, that's the quest, that's the quest for the Holy Grail, right? Is is going out into the world, or going within yourself and encountering those dragons, encountering those those challenges that are out there, and then figuring out what you need to learn from them, and that's going to ultimately lead you to your true self, which is ultimately connected with The great mystery of of who we really are, where we really come from, and where we're really going and and that's what the spiritual quest is all about.
Alex Ferrari 2:02:34
So very well, said my friend. Very well said, Timothy, it's been such a pleasure and honor talking to you today. I appreciate you and everything you're doing to help awaken the planet, my friend.
Timothy Hogan 2:02:44
Well, likewise, thank you so much for having me on and and I'm so happy about everything you do, all your interviews that you're doing for everybody you care about, what it's really about. And, yeah, it's such an honor to be on here. Thank you.
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