Doctor EXPOSES SHOCKING Results from CHANNELING STUDY! Channels LIGHT LANGUAGE! with Siri Zemel Ph.D

On today’s episode, we welcome Dr. Siri Zemel, a doctor of mind-body medicine and a channeler of light language. This fascinating conversation invites us to explore the thin veil between the physical and spiritual worlds through Siri’s personal journey of awakening. She shares the unique story of how she first experienced channeling as a child, long before she even knew what it was. Growing up, she had conversations with what she thought were imaginary friends. But as she matured, those experiences were tucked away, buried under the demands and expectations of the everyday world.

As she journeyed through life, Siri followed a path that led her deep into the realms of academia. From studying nutrition to pursuing a Ph.D. in mind-body medicine, she spent nearly two decades working in behavioral healthcare and obesity research. Yet, as her life unfolded, there was always a lingering sense of something missing. That missing piece, it turns out, was the spiritual connection she had as a child—the very essence of her being, seeking expression once again. In her words, “When those words come across my lips, I feel a sense of connectedness, a sense of euphoria, a sense of oneness that is indescribable.”

It was during her time studying mind-body medicine that Siri found the space to normalize and explore her channeling experiences. She explains how channeling manifested through her as an unknown language—a light language—flowing through her. This experience brought forth both physical and spiritual challenges, as her body adapted to channeling immense energies from the spirit world. Siri describes the initial difficulty of allowing this energy to pass through her body, often resulting in headaches and exhaustion. Yet over time, she learned to manage and integrate these powerful experiences, allowing them to enhance both her life and her work.

In a time of global upheaval and personal transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, Siri felt a deep calling to step into her authenticity. She decided to embrace her spiritual gifts fully, no longer hiding the fact that she was a channeler. This act of coming out as a spiritual channel marked a turning point. She shifted from compartmentalizing her life to integrating her professional and spiritual selves. The skies did not fall, as she humorously reflects, and instead, she found herself more aligned with her true purpose. Dr. Siri Zemel reminds us that living authentically is a beautiful, albeit sometimes terrifying, process.

Her journey didn’t stop there. Realizing that many like her were having similar awakenings, Siri collaborated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences to research the ethical standards needed for mediums and channelers. Through a comprehensive study, they found overwhelming support from the spiritual community to formalize ethical practices and professional guidelines. As more people come into their spiritual gifts, this effort aims to ensure that the practice remains grounded in integrity and credibility.


  1. Channeling is a way to reconnect with a deeper, indescribable sense of oneness: Siri’s experiences remind us that spiritual practices can offer profound feelings of unity and connection with the divine. Her light language comes from a place beyond the known world, bridging the gap between the human experience and higher realms of consciousness.
  2. Spiritual authenticity often requires personal transformation: Like Siri, many of us may suppress or ignore our spiritual gifts to fit into societal norms. But stepping into our true selves, as terrifying as it may seem, can lead to greater fulfillment and a richer sense of purpose.
  3. Ethics and integrity are essential in spiritual practices: As the spiritual community grows, Siri’s work emphasizes the need for professional standards to protect both practitioners and those they serve. Her research into ethical standards for mediums and channelers reflects the growing demand for credibility and integrity in these fields.

In this profound conversation, Dr. Siri Zemel opens a door to the mystical dimensions of human existence. Her story reminds us that we are all on a journey of self-discovery, and sometimes, that journey takes us to places beyond the ordinary. Whether through channeling, meditation, or simple self-reflection, the search for deeper meaning is one that we all share.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Siri Zemel.

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Follow Along with the Transcript – Episode 498

Dr. Siri Zemel 0:00
For me, what how channeling has manifested is this other language that flows through me. It's not a known world. Language flows through me, and when those words come across my lips, I feel a sense of connectedness, a sense of euphoria, a sense of oneness that is indescribable. And when I started to do this. Alex, what happened was it was like opening up my, my psyche, to something like larger than life, this huge, indescribable energy, really, really rich source energy came into me. And basically what was happening is with this language coming out, taking all this energy, it was like it was being squeezed in through these tiny neuronal networks in my brain, out through The human language to interpret what it was saying.

Alex Ferrari 1:06
I like to welcome to the show Dr Siri Zemel. How you doing Dr Siri?

Dr. Siri Zemel 1:10
Hi, I'm wonderful. Thanks for having me. Good to see you Alex.

Alex Ferrari 1:13
Good to see you as well. Thank you so much for coming on the show. You are an interesting you have an interesting story, from where you began to where you are now, is it's, it's, it's, I'm sure it's been bumpy, as they say for you. Can you tell us what your life was like before the insanity of channeling came into it?

Dr. Siri Zemel 1:35
Well, that's actually a really interesting question. And and, no, I can't, because really, from the time, time that I was a young child, I channeled. I didn't call it channeling. I didn't know what it was, but some of my earliest memories, you know, I don't know what I was, maybe four. I mean, certainly five, six, but in that age range, I played in my room by myself with all of my quote, unquote imaginary friends, having conversations, receiving information. And so to me, I know that those were the early experiences of being a channel. I didn't call it that no one called it that. No one knew that, but kind of looking back and connecting with that feeling that I get, that sensation that I get when I open myself up to commune with the other dimension. That's that's pretty much the same experience that I was having at a very, very young age. Now, what ended up happening is that, you know, as I got old, you know, six, seven years old, Oh, that's weird. Oh, we don't talk about that. We don't do that. None of my friends do that. None of my family does that. And so I suppressed it, and I shut it down. And I quote, unquote, was normal for a period of time. So certainly I can answer the question with regard to my life before I acknowledged, you know, with a cognitive mindset as an adult, that I was a channel and acknowledged this is what was happening in my life before that. Sure I can, I can certainly talk about that, that part of me was always in there, in the background, in my deepest core. But I just, you know, I pushed it away. I had disconnected from it.

Alex Ferrari 3:08
Now did you when you started to suppress it. This is, this is not a new story for me, because I've heard this a lot from channels and psychics and mediums, who when they're younger, early, when they're closer to source, meaning, 2 3 4, they kind of are cool with it, but as they start getting more programming communal, stuff gets tossed down, and depending on if you have a supportive family or not in it, they will start suppressing it. Did your your family? Did they think it was weird? Did they just not support you? They just nothing?

Dr. Siri Zemel 3:39
No, we just never talked about it. I mean, it just, it just never came up. This was not a topic of conversation. It was not out in the open as it was not acknowledged, right? So I don't know, honestly, what they thought about it, if they thought anything of it. We haven't had that conversation. Now that you bring that up, that would be a curious conversation to have. You know, I just kind of did my thing and then grew up. And, you know, when I came out later as an adult, they were very supportive at that time, but they never, yeah, have opened up to me conversations about what it was like for them raising me. I don't even know if they I'm curious to see if they noticed, or if I shared it kind of in open with them, or I did it more kind of when I was by myself in my room.

Alex Ferrari 4:22
Now did you know where? So when you suppress this and became, quote, unquote, a Normie, where did you you went down a very academic path, a pretty grounded path, if I'm not mistaken, can you talk to us a little bit about where you went through, you know, what's your background, your education? And the more interesting, this is the interesting part of the channeling story with you, is where you're coming from and where you are now.

Dr. Siri Zemel 4:50
Yeah, absolutely. All right, so I went to Catholic schools growing up, graduated, you know, eighth grade from a Catholic school, then went to a public high school. Um. So in high school, of course, did all the things that high school people do, and got into psychedelics and exploring mind altering explorations, got into yoga meditation, and then in college, continued that path, but then got really into yoga and meditation, so much so to the point that I completely moved away from all mind altering substances. So I had this, you know, spiritual high, spiritual experience in this communal oneness and in that that was very grounded. In college. I completed my undergrad in nutrition science, minored in dance, just for fun. And then my graduate degree was also in nutrition science, and my minor was counseling psychology. So I knew I wanted to connect the physical realm, health, wholeness, well, being with sort of the mental, psychological, emotional piece too. So then when I graduated with my master's in nutrition, I went on to become a registered dietitian, which is sort of a two year internship, I mean, so I practiced as a dietitian for almost 20 years, so a little bit like, maybe, like 1718, years, I practiced a registered dietitian. And in that path, I worked in obesity clinical trials lab. I worked in weight management. I worked in eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, a binge eating disorder, and then from there, began to work in other layers of behavioral healthcare, so substance use, you know, drug and alcohol rehab, as it was going through all of that professionalism and raising my two beautiful children, I realized there's like, there's something missing, you know? I mean, my life is full and rich and, yes, grounded, and I'm a professional and, you know, but something was missing, and I can tell you, Alex and looking back, it was that piece that I had connected with deep in my core as a child, that part of me was not expressed right? There was something. I knew there was something missing, and I knew there was something in the spiritual realm, the ethereal realm, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, so I was looking for doctoral programs, because I didn't really have the knowledge or the understanding of what was missing in my life, something, something wasn't expressed. So I ended up finding this phenomenal PhD program in mind body medicine through Saybrook University in California, and it was founded by James Gordon, who, if you're not familiar with James Gordon, he established the Center for mind body medicine does lots of relief work all over the world. Really fantastic human being. So he founded that school, that college of mind body medicine at Saybrook. So I did that program, and it's sort of a distance program, online and in person, I'd go, you know, once a semester. And so I completed that program, graduated with a doctorate in mind body medicine, and my minor was healthcare systems. So really looking at, how do you bring the understanding of the mind body connection into mainstream healthcare? Essentially, it was working in behavioral healthcare. I had kind of you know, grown in my professional career, from working just one on one with patients to administrative, management, leadership, strategy, etc. I really love the organization piece. I love how energy flows and works through systems. I love how energy flows and works through the human body, through the psyche, through relationships, through, you know, group dynamics, but primarily, you know, companies, businesses, organizational systems. I love that, so that's what I ended up doing. And then, you know, at that point, I was directing residential drug and alcohol rehab center and a smaller integrative center and eating disorder treatment center, completing my doctorate. And it was kind of in that journey, it was somewhere in the middle of all of that that I was opening myself up, exploring, really trying to connect with that missing link inside me that I allowed this connection to flow back through. So if I back up a minute, I can articulate that it was probably early in college that this piece of me started to open up. And I'll use the word language because I'm not sure if you're aware, your listeners may not be aware, for me, what how channeling has manifested is this other language that flows through me so close my eyes down, open myself up, and a language that it's not English, it's not a known world. Language flows through me, and when those words come across my lips, I feel a sense of connectedness, a sense. Sense of euphoria, a sense of oneness that is indescribable. And when I enter into that state, we can call it a trance state, but I'm fully aware also, when I enter into that state, I receive information and messages, and I'm channeling another dimension.

Alex Ferrari 10:16
We are in a time of great change, and humanity is awakening more and more every day, mankind needs insights on what is happening to all of us. That is why I'm inviting you to Wisdom from Beyond. A six day virtual summit designed to awaken your soul. Experience over nine hours of soul expanding channeling sessions led by six of the world's most esteemed channelers, connect with the divine, receive sacred insights and transform your journey by asking questions directly to the channelers themselves. This is more than just a summit. It is your gateway to understanding the profound shifts happening within and around all of us, plus, when you sign up, you receive exclusive bonus content to deepen your spiritual exploration. Join us and step into the extraordinary.

Dr. Siri Zemel 11:11
So early in college that piece of me came back out, came through, and it was typically, you know, by myself doing laundry, floor drying Right, right, just when I'm feeling free to open myself up. And by the time I was exploring my doctorate and mind body medicine, I realized like I want to I want to explore this. I want to understand this. I want to figure out what this is. And I shared it with my cohort in my doctorate program. I shared it with my doctorate mentor, and really explored the idea of, maybe this is what I'll write my dissertation on. Because this is really weird. I mean, this is unusual. This is great. Like, what even is it? How do you explain it? How is it working? What's happening in the brain? What areas of the brain are being activated. What really am I connecting with, right? I mean, a million questions, right? Perfect thing to explore, write a dissertation on, but it was so sacred, so tentative and like raw, you know, it just didn't feel right to rake it over the coals of academia, right? Because, I mean, to complete a doctorate, I mean, you have to be willing to just rake it over the coals and have it broken apart. And, I mean, it's, you know, it's a brutal process, and it just felt too tender, too personal, too separate, so I kind of put it on a shelf and said, All right, I've got to explore this, and I've got to dig into it, but it's going to be after my doctorate, because this is not the place to do it. So I cleaned my doctorate and then continued to advance in my career in healthcare systems and strategy and leadership development and, you know, channeling, but not in a mystical way, more in a practical way, right? Just Sure, sure, sure, right? And so after completing my doctorate, continuing to work, need to raise my kiddos, continue to just live life, right? It was when covid hit that I said, I've got to, like, come out with this, right? But let me, let me backtrack and say, after I explain my doctorate is when I really started to dive into the experiences. Because what happened in that program is that I learned to normalize experiences, psychic experiences, phenomenon, sacred spiritual phenomenon. I learned to normalize all that it wasn't so scary anymore. It was this. This is part of the human experience, right? And so I opened myself up to it. And first, I wanted to make sure I really wasn't crazy and that there wasn't, like, a, you know, DSM psychiatric diagnosis around something like this. So I went to see a friend of mine's therapist and sat in her office and let the language come through and let her hear kind of this connection with another, like, Okay, I'm not. You have a mental health diagnosis. This is a beautiful spiritual experience. Just explore it. It's cool. Like that gave me the permission, right, the permission that I needed to explore it. So opened up and started to explore it. And in that I had a really good friend of mine, Annie. She's a psychologist as well, but we're really close. And I go to her house, or she'd come to my house, I go to the park or something. Just open up the language, let these messages come through. Ask all kinds of questions about our lives and our kids, you know, spirituality and other dimensions and and receive these phenomenal messages, and I'd record all of it, and then just kind of pack up and go back to work, oh, and finish out my day. And when I started to do this, Alex, what happened was it was like with opening up my. My psyche to something like larger than life, this huge, indescribable energy, really, really, really rich, rich source energy came into me, and basically what was happening is with this language coming out or taking all this energy, and it was like it was being squeezed in through these tiny neuronal networks in my brain out through the human language to interpret what it was saying, right? So, like learning how to interpret the language into English was really tough, and I would have huge headache and exhaustion and just feel wiped. I mean, totally wiped. Often I'd feel really nauseous, like it was going to throw up. I had a very strong physical reaction in doing the work. And slowly, slowly, slowly, over time, that physical reaction went away. But at first, like it was, it was like training. You know what? I mean? It was like opening myself up to that. I was like training my nervous system, training my body. But because of my background in the biological sciences and in mind body medicine, I got it like I, you know, I can talk all day about the vagus nerve and the nervous system and how it's connected and how it works, and it makes sense, right? So I opened myself up to do that. Did that over time, learned how to do it, and kind of slip in and out of trance state pretty easily, get a download and move on.

Alex Ferrari 16:29
So yeah, from what I understand, the channeler generally has to their nervous system has to be primed, has to be set up. And it takes a while, because it's so much energy coming through that I could blow a circuit, essentially. And it's very painful at the beginning sometimes, and you have to, kind of like slowly, slowly, build up the tolerance, if you will, and the muscles to be able to handle it, coming from academia, like you have. And, you know, being a doctor having a PhD, what happened when you came out of this spiritual closet when you said, Hey everyone? I know I've spent X amount of years doing this, but I'm going to pretty much walk away almost from it, even though you still have the degree, obviously. But I imagine this clears a room like I always say, it always say, it always clears a room when you say, hey, everyone on the channel now, and I'm talking a different language. That's not human. How did that work out for you?

Dr. Siri Zemel 17:28
Right! Right! So it was, it was during covid, you know, when covid hit, and we didn't know what was happening to the world or with the human race. And there was something inside of me, it's like, you know it's now or never to be honest with myself and to live authentically. Worst case scenario, our race is wiped out, and at least I die having been authentic, right? It just felt like something I needed to do to come out with it. So it was partially that, but partially, you know, in that time, I needed to work with the material. I needed to remember the messages that I was receiving. So what I had been doing in the 10 years prior was slipping in, opening myself up to receive messages, recording them and then shutting down and moving back throughout my day and being stressed and worried and and overworked and connected with my ego and caring what other people thought, and spending too much money on clothes and doing all the trappings, all the trappings, right? And so there was just like compartmentalized partners. I was very fractured, this incredibly rich, deep, beautiful, spiritual connection and gift. But because of, you know, my makeup, my God, I'm an Indian arm three, I don't know why. Like, I had this shame. I felt embarrassed. I'm embarrassed about it, like, what are the things I'm in the south, right? Okay, I'm in the Bible Belt. I was reading, right? I was just ashamed, embarrassed. I didn't know what to do with it, and so I hid it. And so I would get this incredible messages, and I would re listen to the recordings while I was exercising, walking, driving around, whatever, and kind of get a lot of but then I would just kind of slip back into old patterns and really integrating and making the changes in life that I was spiritually guided to make was a lot harder than just opening up and channeling and getting the information like, oh yeah, good idea, but to do it, to Follow to it was tough right to be authentic was scary. I was absolutely terrified, and it kind of just got to a point where I needed to live in that vibration of the information that I was receiving. I needed to let it wash over me, and I needed to be honest and authentic in my life. And so I. I did, I came out and it was fine. It was fine, like the sky didn't fall, the world didn't end. I mean, sure, it absolutely changed the identity that I had staked myself in the world. And I think that's a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing. We can just like, take ourselves, empty, ourselves completely, and say, I am raw. I am here, whatever that means. What I ended up doing at that point, Alex was once I came out and had the big, you know, okay, I had the big coming out. I did it. This guy didn't fall. The world didn't end. I'm a channel, and I'm the organizational leadership development person. Fine. I'm all these things. I'm weird, I'm unusual, and I'm just myself. What I started to do once I came out and I wasn't afraid anymore, like, okay, so I'm going to channel I'm going to connect with the other realm. I'm going to share information with other people, help further people's lives, in connection with themselves, connection with the other side. Let me kind of professionalize this, right? Let me kind of look to where are the professional standards, scope of practice, guidelines, ethical guidelines. Is there a professional association like, Okay, let me just kind of dig in fully. Wait. It doesn't exist. Hey, how can this not exist for channelers and mediums, there's no neutral nonprofit professional association, there's no published ethical standards. There's a practice guideline that's not cool, that's not cool. And furthermore, more and more people are having these coming out experiences. More and more people are realizing, Oh, wait, this is part of human design. This is This is beautiful. And as we're elevating as a human species, and as humanity is raising its vibration, this is becoming more of the norm in some circles, in some places, yeah, yeah. Still, still very, very taboo, and a lot of others, particularly here where I am. So Alex, what I ended up doing is I reached out to the Institute of nomadic sciences, the director of research, Dr. Helene Wabe, are you familiar with ions?

Alex Ferrari 22:14
I am, of course,

Dr. Siri Zemel 22:15
Ions. Okay. Institute of Noetic Sciences is ions? Okay, yes. So I reached out to ions director of research, Dr Helene Wabe, and I said, Hey, what's up? Like, there's no ethical standards for this field. She wrote a book on channeling, the science of channeling, right around the same time that my book came out, so we've had that to kind of celebrate together. So she said, Oh, yeah, you're right. Let's you want to do a study. So, yeah, I really do I want to, like, wrap my head around this. And so she and I developed a study, and we reached out to mediums and channelers all over the US and asked, like, Hey, do you guys want ethical standards? Do you want, like, professional support, scope of practice? Like, is that something that you'd be into, open to whatever? And so it was the I don't know survey, open ended, qualitative and quantitative survey. We had about 200 respondent got that data back, qualitatively coded, quantitatively coded, and what we found from that research was that overwhelmingly, like 90% of the channelers and mediums in the US, said, Yes, please, we need ethical standards. Yes, please. We want to establish ourselves as a credible field, and this is really important to do so. And yes, consumer ethics is really, really important, because there are bad mediums and chambers out there. Humans are humans, right? Humans are humans, and there's a lot of fraud and there's a lot of deception. So just like any other field, Alex that has developed and established itself and professionalized itself over time is only done so through this formalization process and identifying like weeding out the true professionals from the charlatans. And so that's what we found. There's been like 70% of the respondents said, Yeah, formal structure is cool, but hold on, be careful, because, you know, you got to do it really, really right, because this is really sensitive, nuanced stuff. You know, it's very, very personal, and so that's a little trickier, but ethical standards, yes, we're in. So we took the results from that study and said, okay, and actually presented the results at the parapsychological Association International Conference in Oslo last summer. Super fun and and so to answer one of your previous questions about, you know, has the academic side of me get into all of this? Well, you know, para. Psychological Association is a phenomenal resource for people interested in psi and psychic phenomenon, spiritual, mystical phenomenon. From the scientific side, we're really, really looking at the research behind what's happening in the brain, what's happening in, you know, mind to mind communications, dreams, precognition, you know all of it right, and really understanding theoretical framework behind, you know, these, these very poorly understood mechanisms. So anyway, we presented the research at that conference. And then after we presented the research, like, okay, next step. Where do we go with this? Where do we take this information? And so what we decided to do is a follow up study in actually developing ethical standards for the field. And so, uh huh. And so we posed it as wrote the research proposal as sort of this consensus building process of isn't, I'm not going to write a for the field. She's not going to write for the field. We're not going to like take that on. What we're going to do is open up to the field and say what's important to you. What do you currently practice? What do you borrow from other professions? Because there's quite a few mediums and channelers, who you know used to be therapists or used to be professions that have transitioned over and then they borrow professional ethics. So anyway, we opened up and asked our participants, which is about 150 or so, what elements do you think are important? What elements do you think are not important? Think are not important? And then just finished a month ago, qualitatively coding that data and sending it back out to that group to rate. So the way that so we're committed process here. So the way that is, we're looking for 75% consensus. For and this is actually for English speaking mediums and channelers. 75% consensus from what does the field want, and what are the ethical standards that are most specifically relevant for this incredibly unique, incredibly nuanced work. And I have to say, what we have so far is so cool. It's just just, it's beautiful. The the standards that we have right now are beautiful. So we'll probably go through a couple other iterations before they're they're fully published so.

Alex Ferrari 27:34
Well that, first of all, I applaud you for doing that, because, you know, I've, I've now probably interviewed 80 to 100 or plus channels. And if you add in the psychic mediums, then that's that number doubles almost. So I've talked to a lot of them, and I've had a lot of experience with them, and it's something that is very, very needed, the ethical aspects of things, the professionalism of the things, not all are created equal by any stretch of the imagination. So I do applaud you on that. Now, when you channel, do you are you aware? Do you remember everything that's happening when you're channeling?

Dr. Siri Zemel 28:10
So, more or less, I always record just because there's so many little pieces of nuance that you know it's good to rewash. But yeah, I'm in an I'm in a in an aware state. What happens also is that I receive images too, and so sometimes at because there's there's a lot happening when I channel because there's this language that's the sound that's coming out, and then I'm having to put pull back and interpret it into English, and I'm getting these flashes, these images as well. And so then there's my own filter that's trying to interpret the images that I get while interpreting the the language in the sense. And so sometimes, after the fact, it's Oh yeah, and I should have said, Oh yeah, that's right, oh, that's in the the imagery pieces kind of sink in later sometimes, but yes, I am aware.

Alex Ferrari 29:04
You are and you remember, and you do remember most of it. Or, okay, great now, and are you energetic? Or does it wipe you out?

Dr. Siri Zemel 29:13
So now it does not wipe me out, but I also recognize the things that I need to do to prepare myself and my physical body and my psyche in my mind and beforehand, and the ways that I need to take care of myself after, and if I approach it in that way, then it's great. It's no big deal. You know, I can do two in a day and be okay if I don't take the steps to prepare my physical body or take care of myself after then, you know, like what used to happen nothing anymore, is like what it was at first. I mean, I don't instantly feel like I'm gonna pass out or throw up or have this just massive headache for the rest of the day. I mean, when I first started, it was it really. Really wiped me out. And I'm not invincible. I'm very, very thin, and the small, little thing, you know, in terms of sleep and hydration and nourishment, sunlight, I mean, all of these components really impact me. So I'm still learning, honestly, what

Alex Ferrari 30:21
Do you mind? Do you mind doing a little bit of a session?

Dr. Siri Zemel 30:24
I would be happy to

Alex Ferrari 30:26
Yeah, that would be awesome. So and who are you channeling? What? What, what? What beings from the other dimensions? Are you? Are you General?

Dr. Siri Zemel 30:35
I don't have names, and I have not, I have not tried to pin down names. I know that it is a council energies which have identified to me as my Spirit Guides. I know that I've connected with angels and guides. I know that I've connected in the past with other great masters and great beings, but

Alex Ferrari 31:03
Oh, Sunday masters and things like that, for sure. For sure. Okay, and do they announce themselves if they come through? Or do you it's kind of like pot luck. You really don't know what's coming through or.

Dr. Siri Zemel 31:12
I often don't know. I often. So for me, the way that it works is and close my eyes down, I let the language flow. Typically, the language has to flow for a couple of minutes. I mean, it has to that kind of and then as it's flowing, there's like, this download. And then once I'm kind of clear on the download, then I can start to start to interpret a little bit. And in that sometimes I'll have an awareness of who's there. Sometimes I don't have an awareness of who's speaking. Yeah, so I Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 31:47
And is this a question answer scenario, or is it just a stream of consciousness?

Dr. Siri Zemel 31:51
Both, both. So typically, the way that it works for me is take a couple of deep breaths, let the language come out. Once the language comes out, there's typically a message behind it, and the message can take anywhere from five to 25 minutes, depending, you know, I know this situation, okay, it would probably be relatively quick. And then from that point, there's a Okay, we're here. What questions do you have? Fair enough? Also, I will say this, I always start with a prayer just for protection for myself. So just let you know that. And I can't ever predict what's going to I can't control what's, you know, coming through, what's not coming through. And sometimes in situations like this, people ask really big, important life question. You know that sometimes my ego gets in the way. It's like I'm not getting it because my my filter is too strong, right?

Alex Ferrari 32:51
So very so no lottery ticket numbers got it,

Dr. Siri Zemel 32:54
No, and I'm not a psychic. I don't claim

Alex Ferrari 32:59
Joking. I'm joking. We've done a couple of these on this show, so I'm aware. I just wanted to get the kind of the the rules of the of the field before we walk in, because everyone's different, and everyone responds differently and and how they deal with it. So begin winning. You would like my dear.

Dr. Siri Zemel 33:16
Okay, yep, and I will let you know that for me, typically, I do keep my eyes closed. Sometimes I might open them and close them, but just so that, you know, and, but yes, I'll be speaking in English. It'll be broken English tongue speak, so you'll kind of, you'll be able to follow, but you'll hear the language and the English you can study. And then there's, there's always, typically, a clear and you know, and then it'll just take me a few deep breaths to return.

Alex Ferrari 33:45
Okay, sounds good. Let's get started.

Dr. Siri Zemel 33:47
All right. Well, I will start with a prayer, as I always do, opening ourselves up. Want to thank God and guides and universe for this time together so that we can connect. I also want to ask for guidance and protection that we're opening ourselves up only to the light, only for healing, only for goodness, only to advance our own, our own health and well being, and health and well being of all of those who are listening and all of those whose lives that we impact. So we're opening ourselves up only to the light, only for healing, and we ask for that protection as we traverse dimensions. Also we ask to help remove any ecos and anxieties that might interfere with our ability to receive and perceive the energy and information that's being given to us today okay.

Okay. Now, Alex will open up to you for your questions.

Alex Ferrari 41:00
Yes, thank you. Why is there an increased global turmoil in division right now?

Thank you so much for for coming on to the show and answering my questions. I appreciate you.

Dr. Siri Zemel 44:29
Thank you Alex. Thank you guys. Thank you for the time. Thank you for the connection.

Alex Ferrari 44:44
And she's back.

Dr. Siri Zemel 44:46
Yes, there, wow, did not expect all that. So, yeah, Can't. Can't control what comes through. Hopefully some of that was helpful to you and useful.

Alex Ferrari 44:57
Yeah, absolutely, yeah. It was an is probably one of the most interesting channeling sessions I've seen, and I've seen a lot because of the language, because of the the the language jumping back and forth, is, is, is intense.

Dr. Siri Zemel 45:12
Were you able to follow

Alex Ferrari 45:15
A bit, a bit, yeah. I mean, it's, it's a little bit more complicated to to grasp onto these ideas when you're talking two languages, which, if you were, let's say, and I always tell people, I'm like, I would show you. I would show them this episode. If they're like, Oh, this is just faking. I'm like, good luck faking that. Like I that takes a I mean, the kind of mental ability to do something like that is, it's uncomprehensible at this point to be able to talk a foreign language that no one's ever heard of, and then jumping back and forth and thought and keeping it all together. It's, it's a lot. Is a lot so, but it was, it was really beautiful to watch. So thank you so much for doing that. Thanks for having me. Now I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all my guests, what is your definition of living a fulfilled life?

Dr. Siri Zemel 46:10
Well, I guess I'll tackle tag on to what was just expressed. And I would say living a fulfilled life is living one's unique, authentic destiny, whatever that path is, because it's something that can only be felt and experienced inside. So that's something personal for me, and it changes, right? I think staying connected to the idea of peace and fulfillment, as opposed to connecting with an outer layer, an identity, a way of being in the world, but to always be nimble enough to stay connected to peace and fulfillment in whatever way that manifests. I think that's the trick. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 46:57
If you had a chance to go back in time and talk to little Siri, what advice would you give her?

Dr. Siri Zemel 47:01
Ah, little Siri, I would say, I'm here with you, and stay connected and keep listening. And I would say your your spiritual connection is your guiding light. So never let it go out.

Alex Ferrari 47:31
How do you define God or Source?

Dr. Siri Zemel 47:34
Undefinable, incomprehensible present in every element of life, known or unknown, perceptible and imperceptible, and a whole lot of other words that never be enough.

Alex Ferrari 47:55
What is love?

Dr. Siri Zemel 47:59
I'm not sure how to put this into words, Alex, but when I channel often, not always, but particularly in my morning meditation. You know, I did Reiki training years ago, and I've had many energy healers and all of that. In my own experience of healing energy and in my communication, my classroom, sessions with my guides, I've been shown so and I'm holding my hands like this, because often I feel this energy in the palms of my hand, and this, and what I've seen, not when my eyes open, you know, but in My mind's eye and holding space in prayer is this whiteish golden light, but it's not just light. There's, it's a substance. And so this substance of love, it's, it's a thing. It's really hard to describe. So bear with me for a moment, because it's more than just light. You know, we perceive light as, you know, an energy frequency on a you know, energy on a frequency we it's, it's an illuminary, it provides warmth and all of that. But what I've seen in healing energies is this very alive substance that is self organizing and healing at the smallest, imperceptible level and the macro imperceptible level, there's something to it, and I don't have the vocabulary to describe it better than that, just that, the substance of of love, of source of healing energy, there's more to it than just a light vibration. There's, there's, there's, there's an alive it's like little micro back, little bacteria or something that are a lot. I That's not it. That's not it at all. And it's not just like sparkly and golden, it's, it's something in there that is, it's a living entity, really hard to describe. So,

Alex Ferrari 50:14
Fair enough. Fair enough. And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Dr. Siri Zemel 50:18
I have my own beliefs. I have the information I've received from guides in the past.

Alex Ferrari 50:29
So which one would you like to say?

Dr. Siri Zemel 50:32
I don't have the full answer, but the piece that I know is that we are here to grow and to learn and to fulfill some very unique purpose and mission that is individual to each of us that often we ourselves don't even fully know or comprehend, because it's more just like one thing at one time With one per it's like this very complex path that is both in some ways predestined, because there is no time, but in so many other ways, is this constant choice? Just constant choice points of growing spiritually or not, but with these like recurring opportunities to continue to make a different choice, but that this world and this life and this body is just one very, very, very small chapter in the soul's journey,

Alex Ferrari 51:38
And where can people find out more about you and The work that you're doing in the world?

Dr. Siri Zemel 51:42

Alex Ferrari 51:43
Very simple. Siri, thank you so much for coming on the show. It has been a pleasure, and definitely just a wonderful experience talking to you and to the guides that have spoken through you today. So thank you so much.

Dr. Siri Zemel 51:56
Thanks for having me, Alex.

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